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Posts posted by John_Anderson

  1. ::waives franticly::


    Sell!  Sell!!

    Bah, don't you know that thing to invest in is ::Gets whacked in the head by a golf ball:: Waffles, yummy tasty waffles, with syrup...


    If anyone gets the reference, then good for you, you deserve a cookie. :P


    Welcome to the forum Locutus, hope to see you around in the Academies, even though I haven't been to one in the longest time...


    Well, I'll just see you around, and wish you the best. :P

  2. I feel bad for other states (except NY).  Virginia's voting system is so easy.  You walk up to the machine, pull a handle to close the curtain (and set up the ballot), then use little switches to make your choices.  You can change anything around all you want to.. and when you're satisfied with your final decisions, you pull the handle the other way to open the curtain - and pulling the handle records your vote.  It's a shame more states don't have this ... especially, say, FLORIDA.

    I resent that! ;)


    Besides, all I had to do was draw a little line, which would complete an arrow, to show who I voted for. So I know nothing about these hanging and dangling chads.


    And no, my lines weren't crooked, I actually made sure that the lines completed the arrows, just so that my votes WOULD count. :P


    And just to prove my point, I got an image of sample ballot for you all to see what I'm talking about.



  3. I found this article, thanks to people at IGN, that just made me go for a loop! I am a tremendous fan of the first Spaceballs and I know any other fans out there would enjoy this prospect.


    Spaceballs II: Jar-Jar Strikes Back

    The Winnebago may fly again...


    September 30, 2004 - The Schwartz is still with comedic filmmaker Mel Brooks, who is reportedly considering a sequel to his hit Star Wars parody, Spaceballs. Brooks told Playbill magazine that he was currently writing a screenplay for a Spaceballs II.


    "Why another Spaceballs? ...the first one was the best experience I've had making a movie since Blazing Saddles," said Brooks, whose more recent parody films include Robin Hood: Men in Tights and Dracula: Dead and Loving It.


    The original Spaceballs, which came out in 1987, starred Canadian comedian Rick Moranis as Dark Helmet, Bill Pullman as the Han Solo-type Lone Starr, the late John Candy as Barf the Mawg, and Brooks himself as both President Skroob and Yogurt. Brooks intends to play Yogurt in the new film; perhaps it will be a prequel to the original Spaceballs.


    Brooks intends to capitalize on the release of Lucas's third Star Wars prequel by getting his parody out at about the same time – a deadline that could be tough to make. "Best-case scenario: [spaceballs II opens] a week before the new Star Wars opens. Worst-case scenario: a year after the new Star Wars opens."


    The title is not set in stone either. Brooks has mentioned in the past that he'd like make a sequel called Spaceballs III: The Search for Spaceballs II. One pithy fan suggested the new movie be called "Spaceballs I", and the original one renamed Spaceballs It-Was-Always-Episode-IV. We'll let you know what Brooks decides on.

    -- Paul Davidson


    So exciting! I hope Brooks shows Lucas how's it's really done. :P

  4. John couldn't help but wonder what he had gotten himself into. From the moment he heard about the pink Klingon vessel, he knew that something was not right. When he saw these alternate dimension Klingon's he lost almost all of his self control and broke out laughing on the bridge. Luckily he was wise enough to duck off the screen as to not offend the Klingons, cause heaven knows what they could be capable of, especially with the whip that they were waving around; they could poke someone's eye out and that would just be damaging. But still, John was dignified enough to dodge into the conference room to collect his thoughts and calm down a bit.


    As he stepped back out onto the bridge, he couldn't help but wonder how this dimension differed from the Arcadia's. If the Klingons were so loose and easy going, he couldn't even imagine what the Vulcans were like. The Vulcans in this dimension were probably just like a college frat house, filled with a bunch of drunks and womanizers, all passed out in their neighbors lawns. And what about some of the other major powers on this side of the galaxy? Communist Ferengis? It would be logical in this mirror universe for them to leave there capitalistic beliefs for one of everyone is the same and equal. The Romulans were probably like the Martha Stewarts of this universe, inviting everyone in for cookies with there own little ulterior motives. All of this probably wouldn't surprise John, if it was true.


    John didn't know what could be done, could these Klingons actually be the key to the Arcadia's return? That remained to be seen. When Captain Moose ordered John to join the away team that was headed over to the Klingon vessel, John probably looked like a deer caught in the headlights of a car, he had no idea what to expect over there, but he grinned and bared it. Perhaps it was a rare chance for him to test out his theories on all the alien races in this universe to see if they were true or not.


    As he stood in the shag room, as it would probably be called since it was very reminiscent of Earth in the 1970's, he could not help but feel slightly engrossed by the Klingon females. They were very attractive, for Klingons, and it was as if they gave off these pheromones in the air to lure males to them for who knows what. John knew that the whip they kept waving around and the fishnet stockings was obviously not a good sign. He'd have to exercise some self control, cause he was not planning on being a Klingon's little slave, that's for sure. He planned on keeping his eye on the ball, no matter how often they stroked his ears and teased him.


    "Just say no," he thought "I can't let them have control, I wo-- oh wow the neckline on her uniform is really low...you could just look right down her shir-- is that her...NO! Avert your eyes, we have a mission to do..." and that was what John continued to repeat himself, there really was a mission to do, and some sense of control was the only way they would all get through this.

  5. eNTj: Fieldmarshal


    You share a basic personality configuration with Q and Quark. <Don't know about Quark...I do like Q though. :( >


    People like you are generally creative with a global perspective, full of energy and ready to take charge. You're friendly, but strong-willed and driven to show your skills and expertise to others. You enjoy praise, but only when it's honest. You're more interested in a direct and fair appraisal of your work. You admire others for their competence, consistency, and honesty. You are sometimes a little too outspoken in your opinions of others, but you return consideration for kindness. <All very true strangely enough>


    You're very organized, quick, and productive. You're a confident stategic thinker and work best when you're full of purpose. <True, but my system of organization make it seems as if I'm not organized, but really I am very organized! :D>


    You can't stand wasting time with people who won't get to the point, but you respond instantly to creative thinking and logical explanations. <LOL, Something else that is very true...>


    Good careers for your type include being a chief executive officer, network integration specialist, all-being master of time/space/dimention <I knew I should have listened to my high school counselor!>, management consultant politician, real estate developer, marketing executive, and judge.


    <Very interesting stuff...>

  6. Your Type is


    Extroverted Intuitive Thinking Judging

    Strength of the preferences %

    33 67 33 44


    U.S. Presidents:

    Franklin D. Roosevelt

    Richard M. Nixon

    Alexander Hamilton, first US Secretary of the Treasury

    Benny Goodman, "Big Band" leader

    General Norman Schwarzkopf

    Harrison Ford

    Steve Martin

    Whoopi Goldberg

    Sigourney Weaver

    Margaret Thatcher

    Al Gore (U.S Vice President, 1993- )

    Lamar Alexander (former governor, US Secretary of Education)

    Les Aspen, former U.S. Secretary of Defense

    Candace Bergen (Murphy Brown)

    Dave Letterman

    Patrick Stewart (STNG: Jean Luc Picard)

    Robert James Waller (author: The Bridges of Madison County)

    Jim Carrey (Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, The Mask)


    Hm. I'm not in the bad of company...Go me! :(

  7. That's excellent to hear, A9.


    Also tell her to turn off her circuit breaker, cause if the power comes back on with the generator on, she could fry the ciruits in her house. And that is not fun. No fun at all.


    It's good to see that everything is okay. :(

  8. I'm sorry, but I must agree with Blu. That is absolutely unbelievable the insensitivity that has been going on. To say "It's no big deal"??? Absolutely disturbing in my opinion.


    I myself am someone who has gone through some of the worse Hurricanes that has passed through the state of Florida. Andrew in 92, when I lived only 30 miles away from Homestead where people lost everything and had almost no hope to return to there regular lives, and the recent Charley and Frances. Charley, who the center of rotation passed over not only my parents house, which is where I weathered the storm out, but also my own house.


    Nobody can imagine how worried and scared I was that everything that *I* myself acquired in the four years I've been living relatively on my own could be taken away at the whim of a storm. Where I live now, I'm surrounded by tremendous tree's that luckily managed to weather the storm, but if just one gust was strong enough, it could have easily taken everything that is to my name in a second. To tell me that is "It's no big deal"?? Shameful, just shameful.


    I'm sorry, but that really is not cool, and shame on those that would say such things. When you have friends who have nothing to return to, who have lost everything to there name and all they have is there family, I'd like for you to tell them "It's no big deal" to there face. I'm sure that there reaction wouldn't surprise you.


    ::Rant over::

  9. Oh yea, and about my names. My original name 'Veg' was created from when I first joined.


    I use to sim under the name "SSJVeggeto0203" I think, I don't remember. I was a huge DBZ fan (The Japanese version :lol:). So when I got promoted I changed the name to Ens Veggeto or something like that and I didn't like it so I just changed it to Ens Veg, and from the I created my characters name "Vincent Edmund Godchild". The Vincent was from the movie Gattaca, a good movie, and the rest I think I got from a computer game. I don't remember which one though...


    This name I just came up with one night after watching Minority Report and The Matrix. You know John Anderton and Thomas Anderson( Neo's real name). Very simple and no time wasted.


    So that's how I cooked up my characters names, I little bland I know, but all the more interesting.

  10. but then I thought of using words that ment something so I worked in the name Cosmo and gave him the last name Rex. Cosmo Rex means roughly in Latin  Star King :D.

    I do hope that you've read Oedipus Rex, Dak :lol:


    Cause I sure wouldn't want to have any relation to him...It wouldn't be very flattering.


    For those who might not have have heard or read of Oedipus Rex it pretty much, in sum, is a story about a King in Ancient Greece that met an oracle that prophecies that Oedipus will kill his father and sleep with his mother, and he tries to escape his fate, but in the end...He winds up killing his father and sleeps with his mother. It really is a good story and a must read.


    So yes...I'm sure you all see what I mean; not a good person to share a last name with :lol:

  11. All right,


    Star Trek Voyager : Future's End Part II



    While this is the thing. We really don't see the Relativity in Future Ends from my recollection, Braxton comes back in his little time ship thingy that's the size of a shuttle, but can obliterate Voyager in just a few shots...


    Relativity was the epsiode that Seven was going through time to save Voyager from being destroyed by a person from the future, who in the end wound up being Braxton himself he was suffering from some sort of Psychosis and blah blah blah...I find the Time travel episodes to be just a bit too confusing...


    Although it probably wouldnt' be a bad idea to have multiple versions of Jeri Ryan working for you :P