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Everything posted by ens_tino

  1. Very. Since its how the whole thing started in the first place. They should have made it first though.
  2. Thats true. But they always skip huge battles. They didnt do anything for the Dominion War. At least I dont think they did.
  3. Im suprised they didnt make a movie on the Hobbit.
  4. They do show some of it in the first episode of DS9.
  5. I give it a 10. It changed my whole view on what Picard was.
  6. Those movies are extremely long. I ended up falling asleep during the TT and had to finish the rest of it in the morning.
  7. 1992 was the year Paramount started making models of the Enterprise-D. Which I have.
  8. Happy birthday Blu!!!
  9. No wonder why I wasnt having to much luck finding any others. Ill probaly have to special order one on the internet from som book place.
  10. A very good author indeed. Im trying to find more of his books.
  11. Sci-fi junk is awsome. I used to watch a lot of those shows before they took them off the air or messed them up.
  12. Ive read the Hobbit. After my moms friend borrowed it and finally returned it after a month.
  13. Darn. It was going to be a good test for my bomb shelter.
  14. Ill here all about it. My brother is obbesed with the series and so is my mom. So we'll probaly be going to see it the first day it comes out.
  15. The episode had a lot of suspense. Picard practically trying to fight his own mind. Then destroying a whole fleet at Wolf 359. There will never be another episode as good as it.
  16. I havent seem it but the commercials looked pretty good.
  17. If simming stops I'll have a mental break down.
  18. The series is very good. I have only read the second book but have seen all the movies. My favorite movie would be the Two Towers. A lot of good battle scenes and a lot of action.
  19. I wouldnt mind a series on the Enterprise-E. That would be pretty interesting. Especially with some of the plot lines from the books they have made. That should be the next series they make. And Captain Calhoun has the same last name as my ancestors. Weird.
  20. I'm in on hot wiring the Mercdes and the BMW. But can we keep the cars?
  21. Welcome to STSF Graham.
  22. As long as they dont take to series off T.V I will be happy. But if they dont make another series I will miss it.
  23. But if they are wrong about the radiation thing they will kill a bunch of people. Speaking of that, I never knew Mars had a radiation level on it.
  24. My New Years consists of probaly going to a friends for his birthday and watching the ball drop on T.V.
  25. That would probaly be the better way to end it.