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Everything posted by ens_tino

  1. ::backs away from everybody:: Its gettin way to strange. And that pictures worth more than 1000 words.
  2. I should read it then. Maybe he wasnt what I said but there is little proof on each side of the spectrum.
  3. Yeah but they have those good cameras and they develop the film themselves. So they take time on it unlike people that work in those departments. Well cant say that because some of them do.
  4. Better go digital next time. Comes out better.
  5. I thought it was an excelent episode. Even though it was like something out of the holodeck.
  6. Oh yeah. Now I remember that one.
  7. And heres another reas You have yet to pay off your car and house bill but your internet and elctricity bills are paid off as soon as they hit the mailbox.
  8. Nem da monkey.
  9. Each time we have a meteor shower its been really cloudy where I live.
  10. Now I got that munchkin song in my head.
  11. And usually it goes way off. And sometimes it doesnt.
  12. The Happy Vulcan Dance? That would be scary. ::slowly sneaks away to hide::
  13. Brent Spiner didnt do a bad job singing in ST Nemesis. Unless that wasnt him singing. And niether did Patrick Stewart. But I've never heard Micheal Dorn sing in any of them.
  14. NO FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your lucky.
  15. But now they're going to kill him off Enterprise :-( . Its just not fair! ::falls to ground crying:: And I liked him too. At least thats what I saw on the previews for the next episode.
  16. Is it a bad thing when you have dreams of your character becoming a captain and winning battles because I've had those types of dreams. And they're weird.
  17. Thats true too. All of them have died at some point. Like Picard in that one episode where he gets shot on that planet and Q gives him his life back.
  18. You know what it is. It's.............. Bond,Bond. That has a catchy ring to it.
  19. Is it Nem. Cause he's a monkey. I think?
  20. But what happens when you attach C-3PO'S head to one of the Trade Federations's battle droids. Then who would win?
  21. It did get way to borgy. I mean how many times could they possibly kill the Borg Queen and somehow a replacement always shows up.
  22. I live on pizza,chips,and coke anyways.
  23. I thought it was kind of weird at the beginning of the episode because who would know that with an energy burst he could change time and save earth.
  24. I voted for A9. The leader of this site and the creator.