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Everything posted by ens_tino

  1. It's a bad thing when its the middle of November and its been snowing for two days straight. And its a bad thing when the winds are bad enough to make my mom make me go outside in the stuff to retrieve our garbage can that just flew twenty feet. It only proves one thing. Old man winters back and hes not taking prisoner. Bum bum buummmmmmm
  2. Crushing dead parrots. They should be alive so it gives ya some fun tryin to catch them.
  3. Why must you people torment me like that. Its 49F here and I dont have a pool anymore.
  4. The snow finally melted here. Hopefully it will stay that way for a while. I regret not going outside as much in the summer though.
  5. But as they said though he wasnt goin to survive the operation so that gave some of the episode away.
  6. Happy Birthday Moose.
  7. I could see that now. They would be in engineering hitting eachother with anything they could find.
  8. Ive always wanted to go to the StarTrek Experience. But that picture just made me loose all interest. Well if I do go sometime I'll remember that picture and think I'm sitting in the chair that Fred sat in dressed up in a grass skirt and a coconut bra.
  9. I thought it was the best episode yet. But the previews made it look like the actual Trip had been killed.
  10. That would explain the placement of its rings. Well we'll no more when the Voyager crafts keep going farther into the galaxy.
  11. Well since Columbus Day is coming up and we have been learning more about him in school I just thought about bringing this up. As we all know Columbus discovered America and is now known as a hero. But when he got here there Indians here that havent even seen another person before. As he set foot on the newly discovered land or rediscovered land he set a flag in the ground and just took over. After a while he brutely murdered some of the natives just to take over. So should Columbus be an actual hero or not. He mudered hundreds of Indians then we honor him for that. So what do you think.
  12. But he killed over 6 million people as you said yourself. And everything he did was under his command. How cant that make a person evil? He was power hungry but he cause a huge genocide that almost wiped out the Jewish population. Though anyone is capable of the same thing. It isnt really evil though. Its just hate for different people. Us hating Hitler makes us as bad as the Natzi soilders and Hitler. I do not agree with what he did but hating somone makes us as bad as him.
  13. Power hungry is putting it mild. He killed over 1000 Jews and so on. I wouldnt say it was him that got us involved with WWII because the Japanise thought it would scare us and cause us not to join the war. But that was a mistake because in the end we dropped two atomic bombs on them.
  14. Because you had no clue what we would bring up.
  15. Yup. And after today I've found out how crazy we all are.
  16. Darn. ::walks away:: I wonder if Webby is working to see if he can get that picture to the front page.
  17. You too Nem. Poor Fred, cant go anywhere without someone watching him.
  18. Thats true. If the guys from Italy we're going to get that Columbus is a good guy and never harmed anyone or anything story.
  19. I just have one question for Van Roy. How did you get that picture?
  20. ::shakes head:: That would be really scary.
  21. Thats true too. We sometimes have to forget the past and move on. Especially when it happened 500 years ago.
  22. Yeah he would. But he scared me on my first day of duty on S.H.
  23. Well, I think I've seen enough things that have scared me today. Fred in a coconut bra and a grass skirt. Now Nem doing a Vulcan rap. What could happen next?
  24. ::starts chanting:: Do it! Do it!
  25. I wouldnt say that. Half the site gets to see it now.