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Cmdr JFarrington

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Posts posted by Cmdr JFarrington

  1. Imaj of Kirok

    ISS Manticore

    Stardate 5108033.1


    Alas Atragon


    Her rage had not yet subsided when the time came to review the records from security’s ever-present watchful eyes. The record of Atragon’s death at the hands of Kansas Kenickie, the worthless, sniveling security officer recruited by her husband to protect him, had been viewed multiple times, and each time Imaj imagined a different punishment. Perhaps burying her alive, next to him?


    Imaj immediately dismissed the thought. It would desecrate his grave and tarnish the memory of Atragon’s Imperial funeral. Dr. Mele had duly prepared the body. His care and attention to detail had impressed Imaj. It would also impress both families and the Emperor. No doubt a position of greater importance would be given him, one more fitting than his ministrations aboard ISS Manticore. As for Atragon, all that remained was the ceremony, then interment befitting his station, his standing in the Empire, his cherished position as her bond-mate.


    Commander Mitar Precip sat beside Imaj as they personally reviewed every minute of the last few days. A more loyal Security Chief she could not ask for, nor a more loyal Imperial subject. She never said as much, of course, but she made sure he knew. Precip had received his share of favors and then some. Unspoken gestures made alliances obvious – or not as obvious as the occasion demanded. In Precip’s case she made them very obvious. Security was not to be toyed with. Establishing rapport and loyalty from that department was essential to survival, especially for those in command.


    And yet protection had fallen woefully short this time. Kansas Kenickie, recruited by Atragon as a confident, had betrayed him in what should have been his finest hour. Hers would be a slow and painful death. Her sniveling worthless hide, along with that of SubCommander McFly, would undoubtedly be the charge of Commander Precip.


    She contemplated the others; what should be done to them? Were it up to her, she would give Doug T to engineer Hilee; he was unflinchingly loyal and seemed to have a way with prisoners.


    Keb? She considered giving her to Escher, perhaps throwing the young science officer into total confusion. Confusion had its merits. Though she despised them both, Escher had unwittingly played an important role in her plan.


    And Faldek? He would be released, but not without a test of his loyalty. After all, anyone could declare his allegiance when mutiny is unmasked. A more thorough analysis, a more irrevocable sign was needed from the Cardassian Beran Faldek.


    However, she knew the ultimate fate of all the prisoners rested in the hands of Captain Sovak.


    Sovak. Yes. With Atragon in final rest she would need another consort, and Sovak had already proven himself more than worthy.

  2. Mission Brief:

    The retro-fitted (to carry more cargo and crew) Runabout DeForest Kelley is en route back to the USS Greenleaf after completing a planetary survey of Sigma Krax 4. Planetary specimens are being hauled back, and much data has been collected. The Greenleaf is still two hours away at the maximum warp capacity of the Kelley.


    Game Master (GM) - STSF Jumper

    Game Master (GM) - STSF Jami


    Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - STSF Jumper

    Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Joy

    Tactical/ Chief Security Officer (TAC/CSEC) - Kathryn Janeway


    Helm/Operations Officer (HOPS) - Vidian Gallant


    Chief Engineer (CENG) - Razor Angel

    Assistant Engineer (AENG) - Dusty506


    Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Arch Angel

    Assistant Medical Officer (AMO) - Siri Benica


    Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Shane

    Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - TKAR

    Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - Sulu


    Assistant Security Officer (ASEC) - Caelan Fletcher


  3. Imaj of Kirok

    ISS Manticore 5108032.4




    "It doesn't take a majority to make a rebellion;

    it takes only a few determined leaders and a sound cause."

    --H. L. Mencken



    The Empire fed him, clothed him, gave him everything he could possibly need, defended him against Imperial enemies. And for him to rebel, and to endanger the lives of his family with such aberrant behavior? It defied reason. His very existence reeked of contempt; he had no right to live. That he had even been born defiled the gods.


    Yet, there was something about his eyes. The rebel, though bloodied and swollen from battle and interrogation, opened his eyelids enough to reveal defiance such as Imaj had never seen. It darted from his soul to hers, a piercing barb that cut her to the quick.


    She was not in the room, but watching from the bridge, and yet the rebel seemed to sense her. Surely it was her imagination.


    Moments before, she had been stroking Captain Sovak’s arm in eager anticipation of the interrogation about to unfold on the main viewscreen. A good interrogation never failed to excite her. And it would be intense. Stimulating. Those on the bridge would bear witness, thereby reinforcing their loyalty to command, and therefore to the Empire.


    “’Tis a dangerous game you play.” Sovak whispered in her ear.


    The rebel’s eyes had, at that very moment, opened. A groan and a glance toward Dr. Mele must have awakened in him the realization of what was about to unfold, and his body stiffened. He turned his head and, for a split second, he glanced towards the video feed to the bridge. The camera was hidden. The rebel could not possibly have known he was staring directly at the bridge crew. But he was. And his eyes met hers.


    “Life . . . is a dangerous game,” she said, unable to look away.


    The rebel, though barely conscious, his body battered and swollen, the bone of one leg protruding through the skin in several places, boldly set his jaw. He had no avenue of escape, and with the prospect of coming chemically-induced agony apparent, still he refused to comply. Had this senseless beast any idea, any inkling of what Dr. Mele was capable?


    Then came her bond-mate. Alone. Sickbay had been cleared leaving none to witness but the bridge crew. With slow, contemplative pace he approached the rebel, released the restraints and pulled up a chair, taking the rebel completely by surprise. And yet, the man seemed to sense the deception.


    “So,” Atragon began, “we have you caught in your rebellious activities against our glorious Empire. Do you want to help us and spare your life?”


    “Spare my life? To serve the Empire? I would gladly give my life to destroy it.”


    “And how about the rest of your friends down there? What if you could spare their lives, too?”


    “They, too, would gladly give their lives to destroy the Empire. We shall live in freedom or not at all.”


    Such resolve. Such strength. Imaj sat, transfixed by the exchange between the two. The rebel’s spittle dripped down the Admiral’s face as Atragon pressed the man’s broken knee unmercifully, then pinned him to the wall to choke him senseless. Still he remained adamant. Even with the Admiral’s crude ministration of drugs, directly into his jugular, an instantaneous shock to every synapse and nerve ending in his body, effectively setting them afire, he did not yield. He lay there writhing in agony, his primal scream reaching even those outside sick bay.


    The rebel’s behavior was beyond comprehension. They were indeed a strange breed, these rebels. And yet….


    It suddenly occurred to Imaj that the very thing she despised in the rebel, the very thing that separated them, was what they held in common: strength beyond mortality, intensity of will that would not die no matter what the consequences. She found herself admiring this loathsome, contemptible subhuman creature.


    It struck her to the core.


    Perhaps she had been in space too long. Perhaps she was consumed with an undiagnosed malady that stripped her of reasonable distance from her adversary. Yes, that must be it. She should see Dr. Mele at her first opportunity.


    After he finished with the rebel.

  4. USS Billy Mitchell is on routine patrol.


    Game Master (GM) - STSF Muon

    Game Master (GM) - Cmdr JFarrington


    Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - STSF Muon

    Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Nick Lepage

    Helm (Helm) - Siri Benica

    Tactical/Operations Officer (TOPS) - Sulu


    Chief Engineer (CENG) - Samantha Kent


    Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - TKAR


    Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Tia


  5. Star Trek has always been a groundbreaking show, dealing with issues that had never before been dealt with on Television.


    For instance, Lieutenant Uhura was the first black woman shown in a position of authority on TV in a decade when Martin Luther King, Jr. lead a march on Washington for equal treatment of African Americans.


    Star Trek has continually shown the "disadvantaged" of our society achieving great things in a brighter future. Geordi LaForge, a black man, was the chief engineer of a starship. And despite being blind, he was one of the smartest and most accomplished people on the fleet's flagship.


    All the time we are seeing more and more dreams of Star Trek becoming reality as society slowly catches up with Roddenberry's vision.


    On March 17, David Patterson became the first African American governor of New York, and the first blind person to ever become Governor of any state.


    Next we'll have an android appointed to the Cabinet :lol:


    ::glance aside:: Joy, you busy?

  6. The Shuttle Columbia has been dispatched from the USS JGoldstein (Nova Class) to investigate rumors of a rare species of hominid on SGA2166, a previously unexplored planet in the Endymion system.

    The planet is unusual in that there is only one habitable area within a permanent terminus where deep rivers, high mountains, and lush dense forests make landing and navigation difficult.

    After careful planning, the Away Team has landed on a plateau/ledge clearing deep in the terminus jungle.

    They have rappelled to the forest floor and are using their equipment to explore the flora and fauna in the hopes of finding this illusive species.



    The sentience of the hominid has yet to be determined.

    Starfleet's interest in this species is veiled in secrecy.

    Tricorders work, sensors and communications work within a 2km (1 mile) radius.

    Ship's command is tense, having lost contact with the crew, which was expected; hence, the careful planning.

    The AT is due to report after 24 standard hours.



    Game Master (GM) - STSF GromVik

    Game Master (GM) - STSF Jami


    Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - STSF Jami

    Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Joy


    Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - TKAR

    Assistant Medical Officer (AMO) - STSF GromVik


    Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Shane

    Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - Caelan Fletcher


    Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Arch Angel


  7. Last week, the USS Billy Mitchel (Defiant Class) was on routine patrol when it discovered an unknown object. This object turned out to possibly be a very old probe. Strange markings were found on the probe that the database is checking/

    Initial scans have told us it's at least 1000 years old, and the metal is of an unknown type. Further runs thru Codis indicates it is indeed an older version of Andorian and Vulcan.

    A message from Starfleet read:

    Information on probe classified. Contact Andorian Government for further instructions.

    Cease all investigation and forward all data to Andorian Government.


    Game Master (GM) - STSF Muon

    Game Master (GM) - Cmdr JFarrington


    Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - STSF Muon

    Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Nicolas Lepage

    Tactical Officer (TAC) - hii

    Helm/Operations Officer (HOPS) - Joy


    Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Cmdr JFarrington


    Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Aidyn Gallagher

    Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - TKAR

    Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - Vidian Gallant - linguistic specialist


  8. =/\= Starfleet Academy Mission Brief =/\=

    =/\= 3/11/2008 =/\=

    Last week, the Shuttle Columbia was dispatched from the science starship USS JGoldstein to investigate rumors of a rare species of hominid on SGA2166, a previously unexplored planet in the Endymion system.

    The planet is unusual in that there is only one habitable area within a permanent terminus where deep rivers, high mountains, and lush dense forests make landing and navigation difficult.

    After a valiant try, the AT returned to the ship because the sensors don't work very well. The unusual planetary alignment and axis tilt create a heavy natural dampening field.

    On the positive side, a possible landing area was found in a clearing on a plateau about half-way down a mountainside.

    The JGoldstein is in synchronous orbit around the planet.

    The Away Team is in the Conference Room planning their investigation.


    Game Master (GM) - STSF Jami


    Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - STSF Jami

    Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Joy

    Helm/Operations Officer (HOPS) - TKAR


    Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Nicolas Lepage

    Assistant Medical Officer (AMO) - Hii

    Assistant Medical Officer (AMO) - Samantha Kent


    Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Damian Porter

    Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - Atrian Waterford

    Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - Dot506


    Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Princess T'lak

    Assistant Security Officer (ASEC) - Shane


  9. Background Information:


    Two weeks ago, Cmdr Precip’s security team was dispatched to Colony 252 from ISS Manticore. They came upon a rebel force hiding in a building, SubCommander McFly threw in a flash grenade and a massive explosion ensued, one that continued deep underground. This log begins just after the grenade set off those explosions.


    The log is based upon information from the excavations in Cappadocia, Turkey, where one of many underground cities that could accommodate up to 50,000 people was carved into the mountains approximately 1500 years ago. They were so well hidden the first of these cities was not discovered until 1965 and many more are believed to exist throughout the mountains of Turkey and adjacent countries.

    For images of the caves and more information see: www.lalesaray.com/kapadokya.html

  10. The Web


    A blinding flash, explosions, flying debris, and a searing inferno billowed down the narrow tunnel towards the fleeing Gerrar. “Jinn!” he screamed a split second before realizing it was too late for his companion and ally, just a few feet behind him. With a quickness that came from years of evading the Empire’s implacable storm troopers he careened down the tunnel, turned a corner, and dived down a shaft, sliding fifty meters before plunging into their water source, the mountain’s subterranean stream. Its frigid water, just a few degrees above freezing, momentarily paralyzed him and he had to force a gasp for air as his head bobbed just above the surface. The caverns’ ancient dwellers had carved ample space between the stream’s surface and the ceiling, but spring rains and glacial runoff had narrowed the space to a few inches, just enough to catch a breath then dive to look for one of the many exit holes, also carved by the ancients to assist the occasional blundering fool.


    But Gerrar was no blundering fool. He and his band of resistance fighters had found these caves by chance several years ago. They were the stuff of local legend, and all legends have some basis in fact. Locals called the complex the web because in legend it provided an ironic twist to reality: refuge for the prey and a trap for the predator. According to the stories, those who knew the labyrinth enough to navigate it – those who were given the divine empowerment to decipher the illusive messages carved into its walls – survived. Those who did not – usually the evil un-empowered pursuers – became the victims, trapped in the maze to die a slow, painful death.


    It was an ideal hiding place, the perfect planet to establish a base, to unite the small bands of resistance that had sprung up around the galaxy since the ascension of Emperor Ja’affe. Until now, until the arrival of the Empire’s ship, it afforded not only a safe place to hide and plan, but to raise a family and continue life as they believed it should be – in freedom and in peace – free to worship as they believed, to pursue a chosen profession, to determine their own destinies.


    But their base had been found, the seeds of their destruction sown.


    Gerrar bobbed along the surface, gasping for air, his body numb, his legs cramped and his lungs screaming. The exit hole! Where is the exit hole?? Fighting panic, he glided along the wall, running his hands along its rocky surface, desperately groping for the ledge, the handhold, that indicated an exit beneath. Again he dived, believing the ledge might be lower than his first estimate, only to emerge again and run his now-unfeeling hands along the rocky wall. A few more minutes, perhaps less than a minute and his body would be so anesthetized by hypothermia that he would no longer be able to function. He had to find that hole!


    Suddenly a stabbing pain hit his chest and he reached down, trembling, fumbling for what might be….Yes! The ledge! One more dive and he was into the exit hole, hauling his frozen body, shivering uncontrollably, up the first step, then the next, and the next. He sat there for a minute to get his bearings, slapping his hands together, forcing his legs to move, his lungs to breathe, willing his body back to life.


    Somewhere along the wall would be a carving in the rock that would tell him where he was. Finding it, he traced the image with one finger, but its insensitivity failed him so he used his tongue – the only part of his body that could still feel. Zeta. Sixth letter of the alphabet. I’m in access hole six. Water level – level eight. He began to lift himself step by agonizing step, and as feeling returned to his limbs, he crawled, then forced himself to a stand, working his way up the long, narrow, dark passageway towards the first room where, hopefully, he would find at least a light.


    His body had begun to thaw, and with the thawing came pain previously numbed by icy waters. Injuries he had not noticed in his scramble to survive the savage blast had begun to bleed. Blistered flesh began to peel, torn clothes stuck to gashes in his chest, on his arms, his legs. And still he pressed on.



    Several levels above Gerrar, a small group huddled, wondering what exactly had happened on the surface. They had not only heard, but felt the powerful explosion. Immediately all lights were doused, all activity ceased, and they waited in silence, the first step in their emergency protocol.


    Terin, Gerrar’s wife and second-in-command, pressed herself against the wall as a whiff of sulfur and burnt almonds reached her nose. She gasped.


    “Move!” she whispered into the dark. “Level five.” Now Terin was certain that whoever had attacked them had reached their weapons cache, or at least discharged the plastique they had amassed at level one. It was a primitive explosive, but effective, affordable, and easily made from planetary resources.


    But her concern was not so much for the weapons as it was for the team. Her husband, Gerrar, along with Jinn, Ma’el, Barem, and their son Micah had gone to reinforce the local resistance in the town above. If they had followed protocol they would have split and taken groups of locals to various areas of the town and countryside, forming defenses against whatever troops the Empire sent down.


    If they had followed protocol. They may not have had time.


    The group crept towards the rear exit accompanied by the sound of two or three small chemical lights flicking on, just enough to illuminate their way, not enough to be detected by powerful sensors above. As soon as the Empire ship was detected in orbit, the families had been evacuated far into the mountains where a less accessible part of the underground complex had been found. That, and the silicon-rich sedimentary layers that confused long-range sensor systems, protected a good deal of the underground city from detection.


    Air in the underground tunnels was surprisingly clear and fresh. The ancients, expert stone masons and architects, knew how and where to place air vents and how to hide them from man and beast. The walls, though, had a slick feel from spring seepage. As Terin and her group descended from level to level they passed deep hollows, cisterns filled with groundwater, and other holding areas for preserved foods, emergency supplies, and the like. Occasionally they passed through rooms, some large enough for tribal meetings, some smaller for individual families with various sized beds chiseled into the walls. Most of these rooms had been deserted for over a thousand years. The resistance was small and needed only a portion of the vast underground complex.


    At level four Terin came to an abrupt stop, holding her fist high. The group froze, slowed their breathing, and doused the lights to watch, listen, and wait. A dull scraping came from below, a dragging, then a cough and a scent….


    Terin signaled Ezer, the youngest and most agile of their group, to take point with his stunner. Quickly, quietly, he slipped past Terin, down a few steps, and rounded a corner. A few words drifted up the tunnel and Terin gave the rest of the group a puzzled look. Finally, “Gerrar! Terin, it’s Gerrar!” Ezer called. Lights were lit and the rest scrambled down towards their battered leader.


    Gerrar lay shivering on the steps. What was left of his clothes hung from a burned, lacerated body. His normal ruddy complexion had turned pasty white and his eyes sunk into deep hollows.


    Off came jackets, vests, and scarves; warm bodies pressed against the wounded man, wrapped him, then lifted him gently and securely, carrying him to the closest safe room. An alcove-bed was covered with anything that would cushion Gerrar from the bedrock, then strewn with thin emergency blankets. Izim and b’Tai lifted Gerrar into it while t’Ama, their medic, pulled out what supplies she had and began to tend his wounds, blotting here and pressing there, then wrapping. Lieb removed a rock from one section of the wall, exposing a vent that brought warm air from a thermal fissure deep within the planet. Lights appeared on ledges. Within minutes Gerrar was comfortable and what had been a dark deserted hole in the ground became a warm, glowing habitat.


    Their tasks finished, all sat in silence staring at Gerrar, at the ceiling, at the floor. No one moved; everyone listened, sniffed the air, pressed their hands against sensor stones for the slightest vibrations that would signal a perimeter breach. Ezer emerged from scouting adjacent branching tunnels to be sure they were secure. He nodded to Terin, who stood by her husband waiting for his first words, possibly the only information they would get from the surface until they could rendezvous with the others – if there still were others.


    Finally, “Psi ship,” Gerrar whispered, his voice raspy, his lungs and larynx having been seared by the intense heat of the explosion’s back-draft.


    Terin glanced in horror at the others, whose faces mirrored her own.


    “They . . . sent a team. Small. Heavily armed. They . . . knew where we were.”


    “But how?”


    Gerrar shook his head. “Intercepted transmission? Code break?” He paused, barely able to utter the word, “Traitor?” He coughed and stopped talking for a long while to catch his breath, then looked around. “Where are we?”


    Ezer came close. “Level six, area 49.”


    Area 49. Beneath the sensor-block layer. “Good.” There was a long pause while he thought. His eyes seemed to scan the light patterns on the ceiling. When he finally spoke it came out choked, almost a sob. “Jinn . . . is dead.”


    Feeling Terin’s hand close on his he added quickly. “Micah . . . I sent . . . with the north team. They climbed the hills to the promontory and entered the caves there. Barem . . . took the west . . . to Crater Point. Ma’el, I . . . I don’t know. He was in the building . . . with Jinn.”


    Silence. Then a few stifled sobs.


    “The transmitter,” said Terin suddenly. “Where is the transmitter?”


    Gerrar finally turned his eyes to meet Terin’s. He blinked in confusion, then frowned. It was the one piece of equipment they could not afford to lose, the one piece that contained the codes, the encryptions, the locations of every rebel base they contacted. Try as he might, he couldn’t remember where he had last seen it, except, “I gave it to Ma’el.”


    Terin glanced at Ezer, then back to Gerrar, who had closed his eyes. T’Ama checked his pulse, then his breathing, and nodded. He would live to see another day, to fight the Empire one more time. Terin gathered the group to plan their next move. They would let him sleep, they would all rest, and when t’Ama thought Gerrar was ready they would move deeper into the mountain, perhaps to the area they had found only a moon-cycle ago. Nearly three kilometers beneath the crust, surrounded by heavy silica and lead intrusions, a large room of worship had been excavated, the oldest of the ancient city. There they would gather their groups, reorganize, combine recon information, and plan their next move. Hopefully the Psi ship would find little and leave. And if it didn’t?


    Surrender was not an option.

  11. Synopsis:


    The USS Billy Mitchell (Defiant Class) was headed towards Cygna Gamma III when sensors picked up an unidentified long rectangular object. Initial scans indicated an undetermined type of metal, very weak power signatures, a transmitter, and no lifesigns as it is not a ship. Indepth scans revealed no radiation and the insides were consistent with a probe. We have determined that the probe is at least 1000 years old and that the metal is one not used anymore. More scans indicated markings that have not been seen before in an unknown language. Though the markings are foreign, continual scans and analysis will assist with deciphering them.



    Game Master (GM) - STSF Muon

    Game Master (GM) - Cmdr JFarrington


    Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - STSF Muon

    Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Atrian Waterford

    Tactical Officer (TAC) - Dot506

    Helm/Operations Officer (HOPS) - Tia


    Chief Engineer (CENG) - Ian Syndrx


    Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - TKAR


    Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Damian Porter

    Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - Princess T'lak


    Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - EJ Pilot

    Assistant Security Officer (ASEC) - hii


  12. The Shuttle Columbia has been dispatched from the science ship USS JGoldstein to investigate rumors of a rare species of hominid on SGA2166, a previously unexplored planet in the Endymion system.

    The planet is unusual in that there is only one habitable area within a permanent terminus where deep rivers, high mountains, and lush dense forests make landing and navigation difficult.

    The JGoldstein is in synchronous orbit around the planet and the Away Team (everyone) is due to leave in 10 minutes.


    Game Master (GM) - STSF Jami


    Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - STSF Jami

    Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Joy

    Helm/Operations Officer (HOPS) - TKAR


    Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Will Marx


    Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Arch Angel

    Assistant Science Officer (ASCI1) - Dot506

    Assistant Science Officer (ASCI2) - Shane


    Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Kathryn Janeway


  13. Imaj of Kirok

    ISS Manticore

    Stardate 510803.02


    For we by conquest, of our soveraine might,

    And by eternall doome of Fate’s decree,

    Have wonne the Empire of the Heavens bright.

    ~Edmund Spenser, The Fairie Queene


    Colony 252

    ISS Manticore hovered in synchronous orbit above Colony 252, a seemingly quiet agrarian community which, according to Starfleet Intel, held the possible key to the heart of the rebellion. She was a raptor, paused over its prey, watching for the slightest hint that it might attempt escape, or, better still, betray its true purpose and prove itself a worthy opponent.


    For Imaj, conquest was a passion, one that aroused more intimate passions, those best left for private times of triumph, of victorious celebration followed by the ultimate consummation of success. And it was for these moments that Imaj Kirok lived: the thrill of the hunt, the pitting of prey against predator, especially when the quarry, the condemned, realized their ultimate demise and faced in terror their inevitable doom.


    Be careful, Imaj, that your passions do not overcome reason, your lusts do not dull your vigilance.


    The Commander pushed her father’s warning from her mind as she watched the viewscreen feed data and images from their assault force, perhaps the greatest in the Empire, while they slipped unnoticed down hedge-rowed rural lanes, through pastures and into the simple village – deceptively simple, too simple . . . too quiet . . . too peaceful.


    Yes, Father. It is a passion, but one of which I am well aware. Tell me those of which I am not aware and you will have done your daughter a greater service.


    She spoke to him as though he were beside her, a habit she had learned from childhood, because her father did, indeed, hear her. Though their family was not telepathic per se they shared a familial bond that went beyond ordinary human bonds to include the ability to communicate over great distances, to feel each other’s emotions, to sense their presence especially in times such as these, in times of great emotion – positive or negative – and in times of zeal, of ardent purpose.


    Those are not for me to know, Imaj. Only you know the secrets of your inmost self, the deepest desires of your heart and mind.


    She could see him standing on the marble balcony half a galaxy away, sipping an evening libation. Imaj smiled, not only at her father’s image, but at the image on the viewscreen as Subcommander McFly prepared to enter a building clearly occupied with an armed resistance force. Perhaps this will be his time, she thought. Just as well; it will save many from having to deal with him later. But for him to die in combat? A hero? Such thoughts pained her.


    And what of the colony? If it were truly a hub of rebel activity, though the Empire glean information and possibly capture leaders or others who could be tortured into revealing the leaders’ lair . . . with the colony destroyed with some tortured beyond the limits of endurance,, would they become a greater enemy to the Empire? Would they possibly become an enemy the Empire could not eradicate?


    Imaj shuddered at the thought, the word martyr gagging her throat.


    Take care, my daughter.


    Yes, Father. I take great care. None must escape to tell.

    Death makes no conquest of this conqueror,

    For now he lives in fame though not in life.

    ~Wm Shakespeare, Richard III

  14. The continuing mission of the USS Billy Mitchell, Defiant Class.


    Two weeks ago the USS Billy Mitchell (Defiant Class) had come upon the 100-year-old Vulcan shuttle Stonn, registered to the USS Intrepid, NCC 1631. Intrepid reported the shuttle lost in an ion storm on Stardate 4390.3. Three weeks later the Intrepid itself was destroyed along with its Vulcan crew. The shuttle itself is in surprisingly good shape. Initial medical scans indicated two mummified Vulcan bodies aboard the shuttle, the shuttle's atmosphere was devoid of oxygen, and the atmosphere did not contain anything harmful. The bodies have been transferred to sick bay and are currently being examined by medical personnel.


    During last week's academy simulation, the Billy Mitchell came upon a dark zone similar to the one encountered by the Intrepid. However, this dark zone pulled the ship into it, and tonight we find ourselves somewhere else. Where has yet to be determined.


    ~OPS reported that quasar scans, which would have given us an exact position, refused to lock;

    ~Located quasars do not match known frequencies of known Milky Way quasars;

    ~Science reported no familiar star systems;

    ~Medical reported only minor injuries; they continue to autopsy the mummified Vulcans from the shuttle Stonn;

    ~Subspace comm is getting no response from anyone - not even SF Command;

    ~Engineering reports the core is stable with minor damage to a few relays;


    ~ The ship is currently on red alert as unidentifiable translucent purple orbs have appeared around the ship.




    Game Master (GM) - STSF Muon

    Game Master (GM) - Cmdr JFarrington


    Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - STSF Muon

    Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Samantha Kent

    Tactical Officer (TAC) - Ens Ian Syndrx

    Helm/Operations Officer (HOPS) - Tia


    Chief Engineer (CENG) - Princess T'lak


    Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Hilee


    Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Damian Porter

    Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - TKAR


    Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Nicolas Lepage

    Assistant Security Officer (ASEC) - Dot506


  15. Last week, our intrepid cadets aboard the USS Akagi (Rigel Class), traveled through deep space in response to a request for help from the planet Waku. The Wakians inhabit a class M planet that is 97% covered by water. In their request for help, the Wakians hinted at some problems with their crops, which they rely upon greatly.


    Upon beaming to the planet, the crew found themselves in a settlement built among vines several KM above ground. Their host, Alicia, Chief Consul of Waku, invited them into her dwelling for refreshment and discussion of the problems with their crops on the surface.



    Select A shift personnel (that’s you) are currently attending a banquet/briefing inside an organic structure on a vine several kilometers in the air.

    Your Wakian host, Alicia, is explaining their plight and how the Federation can help.



    Game Master (GM) - STSF GromVik

    Game Master (GM) - STSF Jami


    Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - Joy

    Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - R'Tor Bat'ok

    Consul Alicia - STSF GromVik


    Chief Engineer (CENG) - Kathryn Janeway


    Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Arch Angel

    Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - Dot506

    Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - Mallamun


    Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - V'Roy



  16. I think I agree with Will on this one. I first tried reading through the Fellowship when I was in middle school (Around 12 or so) but found the style and the story too damn confusing. After seeing the movies however it was much easier, having a pretty good understanding of what was going on, along with a little more maturity and patience.


    Don't get me wrong, I find the stories in the Silmarillion to be interesting, but reading through them to gain the knowledge is almost painful. I appreciated Tolkiens style in telling a story like LoTR, but for compressed history of Middle Earth it just doesn't work. Although the explanation about the dwarves creation, and why they don't get along with Elfs was good.


    If anyone has happened to read the Unfinished Tales, and could get me a brief review would be much appreciated as well, since it's the next book in my queue list, but if it's anything like the Silmarillion I'll just move on to something else.


    The unfinished tales are just that - unfinished tales. If you did not appreciate Silmarillion, you will not appreciate the unfinished tales, since they are more information/background on the characters in Silmarillion.

  17. Mission Brief Continued from 2.17.2008:

    The USS Billy Mitchell (Defiant Class) has come upon the 100-year-old Vulcan shuttle Stonn, registered to the USS Intrepid, NCC 1631. Intrepid reported the shuttle lost in an ion storm on Stardate 4390.3. Three weeks later the Intrepid itself was destroyed along with its Vulcan crew. The shuttle itself is in surprisingly good shape. Initial medical scans indicated two mummified Vulcan bodies aboard the shuttle, the shuttle's atmosphere was devoid of oxygen, and the atmosphere did not contain anything harmful. The bodies have been transferred to sick bay and are currently being examined by medical personnel.


    We begin this academy sim with Captain Muon staring in horror at a dark "something" that fills the viewscreen.

    Please note that this is not necessarily something similar to that encountered by the Intrepid and the Enterprise 1701.



    The Intrepid had been working in conjunction with Starbase 6, conducting a mission to investigate the loss of contact with solar system Gamma 7A in Sector 39J. While traversing that sector of space, the Intrepid encountered an unknown dark zone which was slowly killing the ship's crew. On stardate 4307.1, Starbase 6 lost contact with the Intrepid. A rescue priority was issued to the USS Enterprise, NCC 1701, to investigate the loss of the Intrepid in an unknown dark zone. En route, Commander Spock telepathically sensed the crew of 400 Vulcans die.


    On stardate 4309.2, the Enterprise established that the thing which destroyed the Intrepid and the Gamma 7A system was an incredibly huge but simple cellular being whose energies are totally destructive to all known life. The crew of the Enterprise destroyed the form, which was determined to be nourishing itself for reproduction.[source: Memory Alpha]


    As expected, the unexpected happened. The anomaly pulled the ship into another area of space and we are presently surrounded by translucent purple spherical life forms.


    Academy Roster:

    Game Master (GM) - STSF Muon

    Game Master (GM) - Cmdr JFarrington


    Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - STSF Muon

    Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Will Marx

    Tactical Officer (TAC) - Cdt Ian Syndrx

    Helm/Operations Officer (HOPS) - Tia


    Chief Engineering Officer (CENG) - TKAR

    Assistant Engineer (AENG) - Schawnsee


    Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Nick Lepage

    Assistant Medical Officer (AMO) - Archie Phoenex


    Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Samantha Kent

    Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - Dot506


    Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Vidian Gallant


  18. As for my new book....could some one tell me when the Silmarillion gets interesting, cause I'm about to put it down for good.


    The Silmarillion is the British epic that never was, Tolkien's answer to the Arthurian Legends (which never were British). It gets interesting towards the end when the background and characters of Lord of the Rings becomes clear. It explains the origins of Middle Earth, who Gandalf and Sauron really are, why the Elves must leave Middle Earth, and why the Dwarfs are so misshapen. Read the beginning for its language, tone, and rhythm. Pick out the best pieces and don't obsess over who belongs to whom. If you must, skip to the end to get the background of Middle Earth. Certainly, Silmarillion is not light reading. It is for those of us who enjoy the likes of Chaucer read in its original form.

  19. The USS Greenleaf (Steamrunner class) is participating in piloting maneuvers, training the new flight squad. All of the cadet pilots are out in thier own fighter. We feel the need for speed.


    Game Master (GM) - STSF Sundown

    Game Master (GM) - Cmdr JFarrington


    Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - STSF Sundown


    Fighter One (F1) - Archie Phoenix

    Fighter Two (F2) - Cdt Ian Syndrx

    Fighter Three (F3) - Joy

    Fighter Four (F4) - Princess T'lak

    Fighter Five (F5) - Shane

    Fighter Six (F6) - TKAR

    Fighter Seven (F7) - Simon Ljungberg

    Fighter Eight (F8) - Vidian Gallant

    Fighter Nine (F9) - Kathryn Janeway


    Chat log will be posted when available.


  20. The USS Akagi (Rigel Class), traveling on a deep space exploration, has responded to a request for help from a planet called "Waku." The Wakians inhabit a class M planet that is 97% covered by water. In their request for help, the Wakians have hinted at some problems with their crops, which they rely upon greatly.


    Upon beaming to the planet, the crew found themselves in a settlement built among vines several KM above ground. Their host, Alicia, Chief Consul of Waku, invited them in to her dwelling for refreshment and discussion of the problems with their crops on the surface.


    To be continued 2.26.08


    Game Master (GM) - STSF GromVik

    Game Master (GM) - STSF Jami


    Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - STSF GromVik

    Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Nicolas Lepage

    Tactical Officer (TAC) - SirCharles

    Helm/Operations Officer (HOPS) - the doctor


    Chief Engineer (CENG) - Kathryn Janeway


    Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Princess T'lak


    Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Joy

    Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - TKAR


    Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Shane


  21. Last Friday the USS Billy Mitchell (Defiant Class) came upon a 100 year old Vulcan shuttle with two mummified bodies aboard. Tonight we discovered that the registry number showed it was the Shuttle Stonn, registration NCC-1631/8, lost in an ion storm on Stardate 4390.3. Its mother ship, the Vulcan-crewed USS Intrepid, NCC-1631, was destroyed three weeks later in System Gamma 7A, Sector 39J.


    The Intrepid had been working in conjunction with Starbase 6, conducting a mission to investigate the loss of contact with solar system Gamma 7A in Sector 39J. While traversing that sector of space, the Intrepid encountered an unknown dark zone which was slowly killing the ship's crew. On stardate 4307.1, Starbase 6 lost contact with the Intrepid. A rescue priority was issued to the USS Enterprise, NCC 1701, to investigate the loss of the Intrepid in an unknown dark zone. En route, Commander Spock telepathically sensed the crew of 400 Vulcans die.


    On stardate 4309.2, the Enterprise established that the thing which destroyed the Intrepid and the Gamma 7A system was an incredibly huge but simple cellular being whose energies are totally destructive to all known life. The crew of the Enterprise destroyed the form, which was determined to be nourishing itself for reproduction.[source: Memory Alpha]


    Game Master (GM) - STSF Muon

    Game Master (GM) - Cmdr JFarrington


    Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - STSF Muon

    Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Joy

    Tactical Officer (TAC) - Will Marx

    Operations Officer/ Helm (HOPS) - Baraqha


    Chief Engineer (CENG) - V'Roy

    Assistant Engineer (AENG) - Shane


    Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Aidan Driscol

    Assistant Medical Officer (AMO) - Archie Phoenix


    Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Nicolas Lepage

    Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - TKAR


  22. Brief: USS Billy Mitchell (Defiant Class) is on routine patrol along the Romulan NZ.


    Game Master (GM) - Cmdr JFarrington


    Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - Joy

    Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Ronin Shepherd


    Chief Security Officer / Tactical Officer (CSEC/TAC) - Shane

    Helm/Operations Officer (HOPS) - Cdt Ian Syndrix

    Chief Engineer (CENG) - V'Roy

    Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Princess T'lak

    Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Professor Galen

    Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - TKAR
