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Cmdr JFarrington

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Posts posted by Cmdr JFarrington

  1. The USS Billy Mitchell is repaired by gnomes. ::shakes head:: Time for Muon to get a new ship.


    Game Master (GM) - STSF Muon

    Game Master (GM) - Cmdr JFarrington


    Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - STSF Muon

    Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Vidian Gallant

    Tactical Officer (TAC) - Cuda

    Helm (Helm) - Eagle

    Operations Officer (OPS) - Lisanna


    Chief Engineer (CENG) - Kirkriker

    Assistant Engineer (AENG) - Karrigan

    Assistant Engineer (AENG) - Emerald


    Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Annabelle O'Halloran


    Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Professor Galen


    Random Cadet - Cmdr JFarrington


    Chat log will be posted when available.

  2. The Manticore has left Negen Prime, following the warp trail of the ship that attacked that undefended pre-warp Federation world. Science and Tactical confirm the weapons were of Federation make and medical reports that wounds are consistent with Federation weapons attack. Still, there are too many questions to be answered, chief among them being was it a Federation attack or was it someone posing as the Federation? That, and the ever-present question why have us in a quandary.


  3. Counselor’s Log, Stardate 5108062.8

    Cmdr J. Farrington, MD

    USS Manticore


    The Legacy of Negen Prime


    She couldn’t have been more than five standard years old. Auburn ringlets framed her tiny face, giving it an angelic quality. The curls cascaded to her shoulders where a plain blue cotton dress hung to drape loosely about her knees. The child’s face reminded Jami of early 20th century photos advertising talcum powder or Camay soap, except that the child sat motionless on the edge of her bunk and her piercing blue eyes didn’t fit the picture. No joy, no delight, no childhood fantasy lay within. She stared blankly ahead, transfixed on some long-gone terror she must have witnessed on Negen Prime. And she looked oddly familiar.


    A young woman lay in the bunk next to her, a victim of 3rd degree burns over 35% of her body, much of that on her face, back, and arms. The woman, also, looked familiar and a glance at the woman’s chart confirmed Jami’s suspicion. She was Runa deNeren, wife of Regent Eber deNeren, Chief Consul of Negen Prime. That’s when Jami recognized the child. She wondered what had happened to Runa’s husband.


    Had it not been for the quick action of Manticore’s medical teams Runa probably would have died shielding her daughter from debris and secondary fires that erupted after the initial attack on Negen Prime. She and a few others had been kept aboard Manticore as the ship followed a weakening warp trail in pursuit of Negen Prime’s attackers.


    “Only the most critical,” Dr. Mele had said, and Jami had taken this to mean not only critical in body but in mind and spirit. A few others who were critical, but not in need of intensive care, remained in Manticore’s initial triage area, cargo bay three, where Jami was now. They would soon be moved to more comfortable quarters until other arrangements could be made – either transfer to the McCoy or to a starbase with advanced medical facilities.


    “Her name is Narek.” Runa’s voice was weak and hoarse, but her grief was evident though she tried to hide it.


    Jami returned the chart to its hook and smiled at Runa. “Narek. What a beautiful name.”


    “It was my mother’s.” Runa attempted a smile, though the skin grafts distorted it. Jami pretended not to notice. She remembered Runa as beautiful – some would say stunning, a body and a face you would see on billboards or in fashion magazines. Hopefully she would be like that again when the grafts completely healed. “We named her after Mother; she died in the plague.”


    “The plague of ’97.”


    “Yes. But how did you….” Her face lit up with recognition. “You were there.” She checked Jami’s medical badge. “Dr. Farrington. You were part of the Federation team that helped us.”


    “Yes.” How could Jami forget? How could anyone forget that horror? And now the people had a new horror to try to forget.


    “Narek,” Runa repeated, giving a slight gesture with her one free hand towards her daughter. “Eleb . . . . is gone. He was her twin. And my husband, Eb….” She choked on his name and turned away.


    Jami shifted her attention to Narek and sat on the bunk next to her. She’d lost a twin. And her father. And nearly lost her mother. More than any child should have to endure.


    “Hello, Narek. My name is Jami. Do you remember me?” She paused a moment, looking for any signs of recognition, any reaction whatsoever – a twitch, a blink, a shift of her eyes, anything. But there was nothing. “You brought me flowers last year, when I was here for the conference. They were beautiful. I remember you picked them yourself.”


    Narek continued to stare, frozen in time, caught in that last dreadful moment.


    Jami signaled a nearby med tech who brought her a doll similar to those of Negen Prime. They had treated many children, though even one was too many. The medical teams had been supplied with assorted toys to help alleviate the children’s anguish. It had worked for some; hopefully it would work for Narek.


    Jami held the doll close, as a mother would a child. “Narek, this is Erin.” She gave it a little hug, patted its back then stroked its hair. “She’s very sad, Narek. She needs someone to talk to.”


    Narek blinked. Jami continued to rock the doll, humming a lullaby. After a few minutes Narek snatched it from Jami, pressed it into her tiny chest, buried her face in its hair and began to rock. It wasn’t much, but it was a beginning.


    “Please.” Jami felt a hand on her arm. It was Runa, struggling into a half-sitting position on her cot. “Please, Dr. Farrington. Find whoever did this. Promise me you’ll find them.”


    “We’ll find them.”


    “Promise.” Runa’s eyes pleaded as she sank back to her pillow. “Please . . . . promise.”


    “I promise.”

  4. Hoooray!


    Thought I wasn't going to be able to make this, for reasons of money and transportation, but I figure one day's admission won't kill me too much, and my mother (who has just won the awesomeness competition for the day) has agreed to drive me down in the early AM and pick me up in the late PM. So...I'll be there Saturday, fighting for my at-door registration! ::dances::


    Very cool, Sam!


    And for those of you who still wonder, yes I am still accepting PMs for name tags.


    Meet 'n' Greet - 5PM Friday & Saturday, Marriott Lobby.

  5. The Manticore was called to Negen Prime, a peaceful pre-warp Federation world, after they were brutally attacked by forces unknown. We were too late to engage the enemy, but not to help with recovery. After extensive analysis of the damage to the planet we suspect Federation weapons were used. Whether they were used by Federation forces or by pirates remains to be discovered. We have found a trace warp trail and have begun the hunt.


  6. The USS Billy Mitchell is on routine patrol when it is sent on a mission by a discarded check that bounced 30 seconds after delivering the message.


    Game Master (GM) - STSF Muon

    Game Master (GM) - Cmdr JFarrington


    Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - STSF Muon

    Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Will Marx

    Tactical Officer (TAC) - knlwtchr

    Helm (Helm) - Arch Angel

    Operations Officer (OPS) - Lisanna


    Chief Engineer (CENG) - Karrigan

    Assistant Engineer (AENG) - Emerald


    Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Nicolas Lepage

    Assistant Medical Officer (AMO) - TKAR


    Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Vidian Gallant


    Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Professor Galen


  7. After having received a distress call from Negen Prime, a space-faring but pre-warp world, the Manticore arrived in time to help the planet recover from an orbital attack by unknown assailants for reasons unknown. Triage was set up on the surface and help given to the natives to assist their own while we try to find traces of the enemy to begin the chase. We don't know where the attackers have gone, but some of our evidence is now pointing to an attack using Federation weapons.


  8. Hi, Reid! I was looking forward to meeting you Sunday night, but you didn't come. We always have a debrief after the sim and I'm generally around for questions even after the debrief is over. Also, you can check out the academy sim logs in the Academy Sims Log folder. There you can read at your leisure and perhaps pick up on some of the things others did that might help you next time.

  9. The USS Billy Mitchell (Defiant Class) is on routine patrol conducting ship drills.


    Game Master (GM) - STSF Muon

    Game Master (GM) - Cmdr JFarrington


    Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - STSF Muon

    Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Nicolas Lepage

    Chief of Security/ Tactical Officer (CS-TAC) - Vidian Gallant

    Helm (Helm) - Emerald

    Operations Officer (OPS) - Tia


    Chief Engineer (CENG) - Simon St-Hilaire

    Assistant Engineer (AENG) - Cuda


    Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Annabelle O'Halloran

    Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - TKAR


    Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Vidian Gallant


  10. Novel Bacterial Species Found Trapped in Greenland's Ice


    Scientists have discovered a new ultra-small species of bacteria that has survived for more than 120,000 years within a Greenland glacier at a depth of nearly two miles. It is among the type of ultra-small bacteria that can pass through microbiological filters, including those used to prepare ultra-purified water for dialysis. Its study may help to reveal how life, in general, can exist in a variety of extreme environments on Earth and elsewhere.


    The discovery will be presented at a meeting of the American Society for Microbiology in Boston.


    Read the full story on Live: http://live.psu.edu/story/31052/nw1


    Don't know about you, but does this sound creepy? I'm half expecting everyone at the Boston meeting to come down with a strange unstoppable illness.



  11. The USS Billy Mitchell is on routine patrol when it is accosted by a Romulan Warbird that gives chase, opens fire, then mysteriously disappears.


    Game Master (GM) - STSF Muon

    Game Master (GM) - Cmdr JFarrington


    Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - STSF Muon

    Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Nicolas Lepage

    Tactical Officer (TAC) - STSF Jumper

    Helm (Helm) - The Strategy Expert

    Operations Officer (OPS) - Cuda


    Chief Engineer (CENG) - Vidian Gallant

    Assistant Engineer (AENG) - Emerald

    Assistant Engineer (AENG) - Eagle


    Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Annabelle O'Halloran

    Assistant Medical Officer (AMO) - TKAR


    Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Vilanne

    Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - Samantha Kent


    Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Simon St-Hilaire

    Assistant Security Officer (ASEC) - Rza


  12. Children of the Federation


    The last time Jami Farrington set foot on Negen Prime it was a beautiful spring day that promised an even more beautiful and very prosperous summer. The Bota were in full bloom, reminding her of the cherry blossoms back on Earth; they filled the air with just as heady a fragrance. New plants sprung enthusiastically through the fertile ground of neatly furrowed fields, defying weeds and drought. Negen Prime was the breadbasket of the Negen System; every moon, every settled planet depended on them for sustenance. They were a peaceful people, a simple people – space-faring but pre-warp. Their only desire was to spread the peace and harmony that existed in their system throughout the galaxy. They were, in essence, an innocent world, one that some had nicknamed Eden.


    On that particular occasion, Jami was a representative from the United Federation of Planets, one of the few chosen from the Council on Cultural Diversity to attend Negen Prime’s official welcome into the United Federation of Planets.


    That was two years ago, nearly to the day, thought Jami as she stood at the edge of a crater in the midst of Nove, the major industrial city of Negen Prime. The planet had been ruthlessly assaulted by forces unknown for reasons unknown, and the damage had been considerable – no surprise given their inability to defend themselves.


    During their approach in the Manticore’s runabout, Cerebus, Jami had noticed that the once-fertile fields were bare, and that the topsoil had turned to powdery dust that swept in great clouds into the atmosphere by the barest breath of wind. The Bota trees, the people’s fruitful symbol of peace, were no more, shriveled beyond recognition. Magnificent monuments had been flattened, and most of the buildings in the midst of their major industrial complex, disintegrated.


    Jami knew the smell of death, but the smell at the top of the crater bore no resemblance. Thick dust filled with residual chemicals and heavy metals clouded her vision, and though she knew the breathing mask was securely sealed around her face, she instinctively pressed it tighter. Dense smoke, presumably from smoldering ruins, hung over the city. If any life had existed in this area before the orbital attack there would be no evidence of it now. From where she stood, the bedrock of the planet was clearly visible thousands of meters below. Had she not known better, she would have thought she was standing atop a volcano after its eruption, but even a volcano would have left some evidence of former lives. Along the edges of the crater people wandered, disoriented, unable to fathom the situation, half-heartedly searching for loved ones, posting their images, calling their names as if the voicing would resurrect someone they knew would never appear.


    She stood there, heartsick and nauseated, faced away from her team in the pretext of taking stock of the situation to hide her inner turmoil. How could this have happened?


    A year ago, in his address to the 145th Symposium on Cultural Diversity, Socio-Psychologist Therman Mier had proposed that the Federation Council may have made one of the most ill wrought decisions in history. Recalling recent highly-contested events when discussion among members of the Federation Council and the United Federation Delegates had resulted in admitting space-faring but pre-warp civilizations into full membership, he said, “Every civilization is as discrete in character as it is in appearance, language, and culture; that fact no one denies. The very premise of Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations recognizes this, and we as a Federation do not deny any aspect of it. We welcome diversity. We welcome worlds who seek to blend their cultures with ours.


    “Where we as a Federation falter, what the Federation’s leaders have failed to fully understand in all its implications, is that many pre-warp worlds – especially Negen Prime – while space-faring, are pristine in nature. They are the extreme youth of the Federation, and because of their youth we are responsible for their welfare. We have a responsibility to protect them not only from industrial predators, but also from their own naïveté. We, as mature civilizations, have a duty to nurture and guide these youth, to guard their innocence, and to insure that their futures are healthy.”


    That day, Meir had called for a moratorium on pre-warp admission to the Federation, effectively curtailing the admittance of pre-warp civilizations into full membership until those who had already been admitted could be fully studied, the evidence weighed, and the matter approached in a more informed manner. For the most part his words fell on deaf ears. Only a few, including Jami Farrington, had listened closely and fully agreed.


    These wandering people whom she now watched as they hopelessly searched for loved ones, helpless in the face of disaster, were children of the Federation. Their world had been admitted without reservation, and Jami, among others, fully believed it was because of their vast dilithium reserves and their naive willingness to be exploited for material gain. The recent discovery of high iron and nickel deposits in their moons had drawn questionable individuals to the planet, industrial development had taken on immense proportions, pollution proliferated, the population suffered, the rich grew richer and the poor….


    She turned away, unable to bear the sight any longer. What perversion could have led them down this path? What insanity had allowed this to happen?


    She returned to the medical area determined to find out who was responsible and why. She would use every resource at her disposal – every scan, every observation, every recollection of the survivors, all she could learn from what few Council connections she had, and maybe some probing from Colonel Eason, Manticore’s Intel officer. Of course there would be an investigation, and she was sure that Manticore would conduct their own. But to her, this attack was personal. They were children of the Federation, and she would not allow this atrocity to go unpunished.

  13. The U.S.S. Richmond, an Excelsior Class starship, has been ordered on a routine patrol of a popular civilian shipping lane near Andoria.

    The ship's orders are to monitor the space and ensure general prosperity.


    Game Master (GM) - STSF GromVik

    Game Master (GM) - STSF Jami

    Special Guest Game Master (GM) - FredM

    Special Guest (SG) - Kitchen Officer Dante


    Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - STSF GromVik

    Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Nicolas Lepage

    Helm/ Tactical Officer (H/TAC) - V'Roy

    Operations Officer (OPS) - Eibbor


    Chief Engineer (CENG) - Abe Kas


    Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Annabelle O'Halloran

    Assistant Medical Officer (AMO) - Vilanne


    Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - STSF Jami

    Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - TKAR


    Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Katherine Swan

    Assistant Security Officer (ASEC) - Rza

    Assistant Security Officer (ASEC) - Dot506


  14. I'll be driving down Thursday morning to arrive mid-afternoon and leaving Sunday or Monday - haven't decided yet.


    As for getting together - how about a Friday night meet-and-greet in the lobby of the Marriott (it's a small lobby) at about 5pm? We can do a Saturday one as well for those who will be arriving later than that.


    If there are quite a few arriving on Thursday we can do one that evening as well. I'll be hanging around with an STSF tag on.


    Remember to send me a PM if you would like a STSF name tag (free), with the name you would like on it.

  15. MISSION BRIEF: The USS Georgetown (Excelsior-class) has been on a rather uninteresting patrol of the Nallum Cluster. The crew is finishing the last leg of the patrol before heading off to another patrol along the Garous Rift.


    Game Master (GM) - STSF NDak

    Game Master (GM) - Cmdr JFarrington


    Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - STSF NDak

    Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Laarell

    Tactical Officer (TAC) - Karrigan

    Helm (Helm) - Dot 506

    Operations Officer (OPS) - Cuda


    Chief Engineer (CENG) - Aliana Lucindak


    Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Schawnsee


    Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Lisanna

    Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - TKAR


    Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Samantha Kent


  16. Just five minutes ago, the USS Pinafore (Re-fitted Norway Class) was surrounded by three Cardassian Galor class vessels and one Dreadnaught. The Pinafore was patrolling the old Demilitarized Zone prior to being abruptly intercepted. The ship is currently at red alert with shields raised in response to the aggressive posture of the Cardassians.


    Game Master (GM) - STSF GromVik

    Game Master (GM) - STSF Jami


    Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - Caelan Fletcher

    Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Arch Angel

    Tactical Officer (TAC) - LtCdr Faldek

    Helm/Operations Officer (HOPS) - Joy


    Chief Engineer (CENG) - Professor Galen


    Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Annabelle O'Halloran

    Assistant Medical Officer (AMO) - TKAR


    Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Nicolas LePage

    Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - Zella


    Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - STSF Jami


  17. Duty Log, Stardate 5108052.6

    USS Manticore en route to Negen Prime

    Cmdr JFarrington, MD


    Call to Duty


    Two days out from Starbase 90, a delayed rendezvous with Chimera, and the first readiness drill a dismal failure. Things could only get better, or so she thought.


    As Second Officer, the crew’s records were Jami’s responsibility, and as Counselor she monitored their emotional and psychological stability, which made her position – at the very least – interesting. Add to that her status as an emergency physician, surgeon, and deep-space trauma specialist and you had a totally over-qualified Starfleet officer who could either become overwhelmed with responsibility and lose focus completely or learn to deal with it by quickly shedding one role to assume another without batting an eye. Fortunately for Jami – and for the crew – she fell into the latter category.


    Having taken second chair on the bridge she had spent the last few uneventful days catching up on paddwork, especially reviewing new crew personnel files and getting up to speed on psychological profiles. Covert Ops was not the place to have loose cannon, though they had seen their share in the last ten years. Jami’s standard procedure was to throw formal evaluation forms out the proverbial window. She preferred, instead, a more informal evaluation. Watching the crew during daily activities gave more information regarding interpersonal relationships, personal preferences, and possible future difficulties than any formal eval sheet.


    So far she had seen nothing but good. She was especially thankful that the medical team had been bolstered with seasoned physicians because, as Jami finished her notes, word came that Negen Prime, a space faring pre-warp Federation world, had come under attack. The doctors would be in the fray immediately.


    It was time for her to change.


    Entering medical came naturally. It was like riding a bicycle – once you get the hang of it you don’t have to concentrate on the mechanics, only the consequences. Unlike riding a bicycle, the consequences were usually more than a knot on the head or a scraped knee. With another's life in the balance the consequences of one’s actions could run the gamut from rewarding to disastrous, and with the personal nature of medical care it cut deep into the psyche. It is hard to forget the look in the eyes of the dying, their last words that may or may not be voiced, the death grip, or the slow wane of a life moving from injury, to surgery, to coma, to flatline.


    But all those thoughts were pushed aside to focus on the moment. With one swift motion she shed her command garb for the coat of a physician, equal in medical rank to all who worked beside her. Dr. Chalice would be her partner in triage. Together with Drs Stone and Karr they made their way to the shuttle bay for the first day of what could be a very demanding mission.

  18. I was going to post the bit, but it's pretty long. Basically it's about M/AM drives.




    Neat stuff, Cori. And I love that first line: "No engine is likely to generate superluminal speeds; the laws of physics prevent us from doing that."


    Kinda reminds me of "We'll never get to the moon. The radiation belt around the earth will fry us." Also, "We'll never get anything past the asteroid belt."


    Am I dating myself? ::chuckle::