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Posts posted by STSF Jami

  1. Roster:



    Commanding Officer (CO) ----- STSF Kent


    Bridge Crew:

    Tactical/Helm/Ops Manager (OPS) ----- V'Roy



    Chief Engineering Officer (CENG) ----- Vilanne



    Chief Science Officer (CSCI) ----- Drayvend T. McKenna

    Asst Science Officer (ASCI) ----- Robert Long



    Chief Medical Officer (CMO) ----- Tkar


    Mission Brief:

    The USS Caliban's crew, after recently suffering through major damage in a skirmish with pirates, are performing a scientific survey of a nebular cluster on the edge of the Feros system while doing a shakedown on their recent system repairs.


  2. The USS Stonington (Norway Class) has been dispatched to Archanis III. During the Second Federation-Klingon War (2372-73), a division of Klingon Warships attacked a pre-warp coastal populace, firing more than 160 photon torpedoes on the area. Despite such an attack, less than a dozen casualties were reported, and damage to the populace's structures was minimal. At the request of the Federation Council, Starfleet has ordered the Stonington to investigate this mystery in hopes of understanding what prompted the actions of the Klingons.



    Commanding Officer (CO): STSF GromVik

    Executive Officer (XO): STSF Jami

    Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Nicolas Lepage

    Tactical Officer (TAC) - Mreh K'hal

    Operations Officer (OPS) - Joy

    Helm (Helm) - adm-travis

    Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Ens Rhod

    Assistant Security Officer (ASEC) - Eagle


    Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Atrian Waterford

    Assistant Medical Officer (AMO) - STSF Jami


    Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Eva Jaz

    Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - Kevin Anderson


  3. 21:09:00 STSF Mary -> =/\=ATTENTION TO THE SCREEN=/\=

    21:09:01 STSF Mary -> =/\=ATTENTION TO THE SCREEN=/\=

    21:09:02 STSF Mary -> =/\= ROSTER =/\=

    21:09:02 STSF Mary -> =/\=ATTENTION TO THE SCREEN=/\=

    21:09:03 STSF Mary -> =/\=March 13, 2007=/\=

    21:09:03 STSF Mary -> Command:

    21:09:04 STSF Mary -> Commanding Officer (CO) ----- STSF Mary

    21:09:07 STSF Mary -> Operations Officer (OPS) - Nicolas Lepage

    21:09:07 STSF Mary -> Bridge Crew:

    21:09:07 STSF Mary -> Executive Officer (XO) ----- Will Marx

    21:09:08 STSF Mary -> Tactical Officer (TAC) - Dr Taurek

    21:09:09 STSF Mary -> Helm (HELM) ----------- mtporter

    21:09:10 STSF Mary -> Security:

    21:09:11 STSF Mary -> Chief Security Officer (CSEC) -Dox Maturin

    21:09:12 STSF Mary -> Engineering:

    21:09:12 STSF Mary -> Ast Security Officer (ASEC1) -

    21:09:13 STSF Mary -> Chief Engineer Officer (CENG) - Terry Riker

    21:09:14 STSF Mary -> Science:

    21:09:15 STSF Mary -> Chief Science Officer (CSCI) -- Kevin Anderson

    21:09:17 STSF Mary -> Assistant Science Officer [ASCI1] - Eva Jaz

    21:09:18 STSF Mary -> Medical:

    21:09:18 STSF Mary -> Assistant Science Officer [ASCI2] - Joy

    21:09:19 STSF Mary -> Chief Medical Officer (CMO) --- Atrian Waterford

    21:09:20 STSF Mary -> Assistant Medical Officer (AMO) -

    21:09:23 STSF Mary -> NOTE: If you didn't receive a post and would like to play, please send me a PRIVATE MESSAGE now.

    21:09:24 STSF Mary -> =/\= END ROSTER =/\=

    21:11:11 STSF Mary -> =/\=ATTENTION TO THE SCREEN=/\=

    21:11:12 STSF Mary -> =/\= MISSION BRIEFING =/\=

    21:11:14 STSF Mary -> =/\=Tuesday, March 13, 2007=/\=

    21:11:18 STSF Mary -> The USS Washington (Galaxy class starship) has just set to out to the planet Arduous. We are currently at warp speed heading in that direction.

    21:11:19 STSF Mary -> =/\= End Briefing=/\=

    21:11:20 STSF Mary -> =/\= End Briefing=/\=

    21:11:26 STSF Mary -> =/\= BEGIN SIM =/\=

    21:11:27 STSF Mary -> =/\= BEGIN SIM =/\=

    21:12:03 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> ::on the bridge, at a multipurpose station reviewing several security officer evaluations::

    21:12:29 Dr. Taurek -> <Tac> :: at the tactical station on the bridge, standing up, using the optional mobile stool so he doesn't have to stand, monitoring the sensors while running a weapons diagnostic ::

    21:12:30 mtporter -> <HELM>::monitoring their present course::

    21:12:44 will_marx -> XO> ::sitting in the semi-comfy chair, watching the stars streak by, and reviewing Officer Performance Reports on his aux screen::

    21:12:48 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS> ::on the bridge doing OPS stuff::

    21:12:56 Atrian Waterford -> <CMO> ::sitting at his desk in sickbay, watching a genetic analysis take place on the console in front of him::

    21:13:00 Joy -> <Asci2> :: Steps onto the bridge, and heads towards the science section. ::

    21:13:08 Terry Riker -> <CENG>::Sitting in engineering running a performance check on the impulse engines::

    21:13:11 will_marx -> XO> Helm> ETA to the Arduous system?

    21:13:17 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> ::wonders if he reviews officer evaluations far too often::

    21:13:18 Dr. Taurek -> <Tac> :: is confused about things, is definitely now using the stool and not standing (doh!) ::

    21:13:23 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> ::probably needs a hobby::

    21:13:41 Eva Jaz -> in science section reading

    21:14:01 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS>+Dept Heads+ All department heads report your status please.

    21:14:10 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI> ::in the science labs checking on science things::

    21:14:12 Joy -> <Asci2> <CSCI> Good evening, Chief.

    21:14:13 STSF Mary -> <CO>::sitting in the bridge, watching the viewscreen::

    21:14:14 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> ::glances around the bridge, noticing a confused look on Taureks face...wonders how he can be so confused so early in the morning::

    21:14:24 mtporter -> <HELM><XO>about 40 mins sir

    21:14:27 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> +OPS+ Security, nothing to report.

    21:14:31 Terry Riker -> <CENG>+OPS+Nic all systems running purrrrrfect.

    21:14:42 will_marx -> XO> Helm> Very good.

    21:14:50 Atrian Waterford -> <CMO> +OPS+ Nothing but an upset stomach to report. ::glances at a queezy ensign lying on a nearby biobed::

    21:14:55 will_marx -> XO> CO> Captain, we're not in a rush to get there are we?

    21:14:57 Joy -> <Asci2> <Asci1> Or.. good evening, Eva.

    21:14:59 Dr. Taurek -> <Tac> [Ops] Tactical systems nomial.

    21:15:11 Eva Jaz -> <Asci1>Good evening

    21:15:16 will_marx -> XO> ::sipping his cup of coffee::

    21:15:23 STSF Mary -> <CO><XO> Not at all.

    21:15:39 Joy -> <Asci2> <Asci1> Any excitement at this point?

    21:15:47 mtporter -> <HELM><XO>we are traveling at warp 7 sir, if we are not in a ruch I can slow us down a bit

    21:15:55 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS> ::acknowledges all the reports wondering if Anderson fell asleep down in science::

    21:16:05 will_marx -> XO> CO> Fine by me, then. I have no desire to become a Labor of Herakles.

    21:16:05 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI>+ASCI2+ please keep me informed on any new developments up there, anything you need me to take care of down here?

    21:16:23 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> ::casually closes out the evaluations and looks up some information on Arduous::

    21:16:26 will_marx -> XO> Helm> Maintain course and speed. We're not in a rush, but no sense in dawdling.

    21:16:32 STSF Mary -> <CO> Nor do I.

    21:16:40 Dr. Taurek -> <Tac> :: files his diagnostic results away for the record, continues monitoring LRS ::

    21:16:41 mtporter -> <HELM><XO>aye sir

    21:17:03 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> ::notices the people of Arduous are quite the workaholics::

    21:17:06 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS>+CSCI+ Lepage to Mr Anderson.

    21:17:07 will_marx -> XO> Tac> Anything on the threat board?

    21:17:14 mtporter -> <HELM>::taps a few buttons on her pannel::

    21:17:16 Joy -> <Asci2> +CSCI+ Acknowledged, Chief. Still in transit. The XO and CO are debating whether we are in a hurry or not. I would say, if we don't know, we aren't? That is the issue of the moment.

    21:17:19 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI>+OPS+ go ahead

    21:17:29 Terry Riker -> <CENG>::Makes a note the engines could use a little tweaking, taps comm badge:: Riker to Bridge

    21:17:37 Joy -> <Asci2> +CSCI+ That and the CSCI was late in reporting his status.

    21:17:43 Dr. Taurek -> <Tac> [XO] No contacts other than the usual freighter traffic and a few Federation starships at this time, sir.

    21:17:43 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS>+CSCI+ Pklease report your status, chief.

    21:17:53 STSF Mary -> <CO>+Ceng+ Bridge here, go ahead.

    21:17:55 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI>+ASCI2+ I was late?

    21:18:17 Joy -> <Asci2> +CSCI+ Just a wee little bit.

    21:18:17 will_marx -> XO> Tac> Very good.

    21:18:26 Atrian Waterford -> <CMO> ::steps outside of his office, moving toward the ensign, he administers a hypospray:: This should clear up the nausea. ::he nods to the ensign as he leaves sickbay::

    21:18:30 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS> ::turns around in his chair and grins at Joy::

    21:18:31 Eva Jaz -> <Asci1>+Csci we'll forgive you sir

    21:18:35 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI>+OPS+ everything right as rain down here, and up there too as I am to understand

    21:18:44 Joy -> <Asci2> :: Smiles at Nick ::

    21:18:49 Terry Riker -> <CENG>+CO+Captain if possible can we slow to warp 5? One of the warp inducers needs to be adjusted but i carn't do it unless we are at warp 5 or less.

    21:19:07 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI>+ASCI2+ I apologise, what can I say, I'm a busy bee down here

    21:19:13 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> ::ear perks, listening in on the captain's conversation with engineering::

    21:19:14 will_marx -> XO> ::sips his coffee, noting that Chief Anderson's always a bit tardy for his duty shifts::

    21:19:16 STSF Mary -> <CO>+Ceng+ Very well, Chief. Mr Porter, please slow to warp 5.

    21:19:17 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS>+CSCI+ Nothing out of the ordinary up here.

    21:19:58 mtporter -> <HELM>::nods::<CO> aye sir ::taps a few buttons and brings the ship to warp 5::

    21:20:00 Joy -> <Asci2> +CSCI+ I wouldn't worry about it. Me, I think I'll play stellar cartologist until we get arduous.

    21:20:02 Terry Riker -> <CENG>+CO+ Aye captain, thankyou.

    21:20:05 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> ::huffs, wondering why those silly engineers can't wait until we arrive:: <m> Warp 5...how slow.

    21:20:10 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI>+OPS+ as I'm not on the bridge I suggest you check the current status with the bridge personnel for now, will keep you informed faster

    21:20:11 will_marx -> XO> ::tsk's into his coffee cup::

    21:20:33 Atrian Waterford -> <CMO> ::cleans off the biobed with a sanitizing wipe::

    21:20:36 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> ::continues reading up on Arduous::

    21:20:43 Dr. Taurek -> <Tac> :: barely hears CSec, smiles slightly ::

    21:20:56 Joy -> <Asci2> :: Starts bringing up stellar survey software, checking stellar status against the expected states stored in the computer. ::

    21:21:08 will_marx -> XO> ::continues flipping through the OPRs::

    21:21:10 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> ::briefing through some of the general personality profiles of the populace, wondering if there might be any security concerns::

    21:21:10 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS>+CSCI+ Well, since I was checking the status of all depatrments I was asking the department chiefs.

    21:21:16 Terry Riker -> <CENG>::Heads to the port warp inducer:: Computer shunt all power from port warp inducer to starboard and shut down the port nacelle.

    21:21:24 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI> ::walks over to astrometics and goes through data of the planet::

    21:21:29 mtporter -> <HELM>::smiles to herself::(q) I love she sound of a ship in warp 5

    21:21:47 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI>+OPS+ I understand that, I meant for future reference

    21:21:56 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> ::perks at an entry that mentions the Arduans brew 5,495 different kinds of beer::

    21:22:07 Joy -> <Asci2> <ASCI1> Well, with luck, late status will do for the excitement of the day.

    21:22:36 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI>+XO+ Mr Marx, any idea on what we're to expect?

    21:22:38 Dr. Taurek -> <Tac> :: runs a simulated shield phasing sequence to check the reaction times ::

    21:22:48 Atrian Waterford -> <CMO> ::returns to his office, and picks up where he left off with the genetic analysis::

    21:22:53 will_marx -> XO> CO> Why exactly did Starfleet divert us from the Typhon Expanse to Arduous? Granted, I'm probably not the only one on here who wasn't looking forward to cataloging every bit of stellar dust.

    21:22:57 STSF Mary -> ACTION: Sensors read patches of debris just a short distance off to our port forward position.

    21:23:14 STSF Mary -> <CO> <XO>I really have no idea.

    21:23:18 will_marx -> XO> -=CSCI=- An arduous mission, Mr. Anderson. But better than hitting the Typhon Expanse.

    21:23:21 STSF Mary -> <CO>They havent told me much.

    21:23:25 Dr. Taurek -> <Tac> [XO] :: frowns :: Debris to port up ahead...

    21:23:25 Joy -> <Asci2> <XO> I've got a spot of debries off forward port.

    21:23:32 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS> ::doublechecks his sensor readings::

    21:23:37 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> ::figures if the planet brews that much beer, they must know how to have a good time::

    21:23:41 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI>+ASCI1+ Miss Jaz, please send me all the newest data down to astrometics

    21:23:42 Terry Riker -> <CENG>:: Notes the ship gives a little lurch at the work load is shifted:: <Computer> PORT NACELLE IS NOW OFF LINE

    21:23:46 Joy -> <Asci2> :: Starts an analysis of the debries ::

    21:23:50 mtporter -> <HELM>::looks down at her console::<HELM> adjusting course to compensate for debris

    21:23:54 will_marx -> XO> Tac/ASCI2> What type, and how far out?

    21:23:55 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> ::glances over at TAC::

    21:23:56 Dr. Taurek -> <Tac> <ASci2> :: smiles back :: Four eyes are better than two, I guess.

    21:24:01 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS><XO> I confirm. Hmm....

    21:24:29 will_marx -> XO> Ops> Any recorded distress calls or log buoys?

    21:24:39 Dr. Taurek -> <Tac> [XO] A few patches, hard to identify at these speeds.

    21:24:39 STSF Mary -> <CO><HELM> Slow and bring our speed down to a safe distance to observe the debris.

    21:24:43 Joy -> <Asci2> <XO> .3 light years forward, 12 degrees to starboard.

    21:24:52 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS><XO> ::quickly scrolls through the comm logs:: Nothing, sir.

    21:24:54 will_marx -> XO> ::leaning forward, slightly::

    21:25:04 Joy -> <Asci2> <XO> Metalic primarily. Cold. Not brand new.

    21:25:10 Terry Riker -> <CENG>::Scans the inducer and grabs a few tools and makes some adjustments::

    21:25:18 mtporter -> <HELM>::taps a few buttons and slows the ship moving her slightly away from the debris::

    21:25:36 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> ::listens to the activity on the bridge::

    21:25:45 will_marx -> XO> Helm> Take your course and heading from Sciences.

    21:25:50 Dr. Taurek -> <Tac> <XO> Not detecting any ion trails in the vicinity, area's cold.

    21:25:50 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI>+ASCI2+ Miss Joy, do you think you can spare Miss Jaz?

    21:26:04 will_marx -> XO> CO> Shall we slow to sublight and investigate, Captain?

    21:26:06 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS><XO> I'll keep checking all wavelengths...maybe I can pick something up.

    21:26:10 Joy -> <Asci2> <XO> Consistent with a medium small ship that broke up.

    21:26:15 STSF Mary -> <CO><XO> Indeed.

    21:26:30 will_marx -> XO> Helm> Slow to 1/2 impulse.

    21:26:38 Joy -> <Asci2> +CSCI+ We are looking at some old debries, but I can likely handle it.

    21:26:41 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> ::idly checks the duty roster for security::

    21:26:41 mtporter -> <HELM>::nods and continues to tap buttons::

    21:27:11 Dr. Taurek -> <Tac> :: frowns some more, tries to find some pieces to ID ::

    21:27:14 will_marx -> XO> ASCI> Any lifepods or lifepod exhaust trails?

    21:27:14 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> ::taps a few commands into the multipurpose console, sending orders to restaff a few areas of the ship...just to be safe:

    21:27:24 STSF Mary -> ACTION: On our approach, we come upon the first of the debris. It appears to be rather square, painted form of metal

    21:27:26 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> ::calls up another shift and gives them a standby notice::

    21:27:44 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI>+ASCI1+ would you mind joining me in astrometrics, we'll be able to get a better look at the data down here, I could use a hand

    21:27:50 Terry Riker -> <CENG><COMPUTER>Computer disengage safety's to the port inducer relays

    21:27:52 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS> ::taps away on his console, seeing if he can pick up anything that might be out there::

    21:27:53 Joy -> <Asci2> <XO> None that I have picked up. One moment.

    21:27:56 Atrian Waterford -> <CMO> ::notices that his analysis is complete, and begins to read the computer's report::

    21:28:04 Dr. Taurek -> <Tac> :: looks over the scans ::

    21:28:15 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> ::looks at view screen...squints at the little square::

    21:28:17 Joy -> <Asci2> :: Checks for ion trails, any item warmer than the rest, or active power supplies ::

    21:28:19 mtporter -> <HELM>::looks at the configuration of the debris::

    21:28:30 Joy -> <Asci2> :: Adds life signs to the list of scan-fors. ::

    21:28:54 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS><HELM> ::whispers:: I've nevers een aynthing like this.

    21:28:56 will_marx -> XO> ::leaning forward, looking like Captain Kirk in his seat::

    21:29:15 STSF Mary -> <CO>What in Heavens name?

    21:29:19 mtporter -> <HELM>::staring at the view screen::<OPS> me either, wonder what it is

    21:29:28 Joy -> <Asci2> <XO> So far, no life signs, no active power supplies, nothing really hot.

    21:29:40 STSF Mary -> <CO><OPS> Lets bring it into the cargo bay.

    21:29:44 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI>+ASCI2+ please keep me supplied with up to date sensor readings, and whatever else might be important

    21:29:46 Eva Jaz -> <Asci1> :: heads to astrometrics

    21:29:46 Eva Jaz -> <Asci1> Xo I don,t pick up any trails

    21:29:53 Dr. Taurek -> <Tac> [XO] No contacts within 42 light years, permission to begin a tachyon sweep?


    21:30:04 Atrian Waterford -> <CMO> ::glances at the bridge status, realizing we've entered a patch of debris:: +CSCI+ Waterford to Anderson, has your department detected any radiations or energy emissions I should be aware of?

    21:30:05 will_marx -> XO> ASCI2> Understood. Keep a look anything peculiar.

    21:30:08 Joy -> <Asci2> :: Starts just eyeballing the pieces to see if she can inutit what might have been. ::

    21:30:15 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS><CO> Aye, sir. Do you want me to erect a containment field around it?

    21:30:16 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> ::raises a brow at the CO, wondering if she's never seen a square painted piece of metal before::

    21:30:19 will_marx -> XO> Tac> Permission granted, Mr. Taurek.

    21:30:39 Terry Riker -> <COMPUTER><CENG> SAFETY'S DISENGAGED

    21:30:39 Dr. Taurek -> <Tac> :: nods, quickly sets up the sweep, and then initiates it ::

    21:30:42 STSF Mary -> <CO><OPS> Does it have dangerous readings about which we should be concerned?

    21:30:49 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI>+CMO+ not that I am aware of

    21:30:53 will_marx -> ((mmm, pie....::homerdrool::rolleyes:)

    21:30:56 STSF Mary -> Action: The item is not dangerous

    21:31:01 mtporter -> <HELM>::looks down at her screen then at Nick::

    21:31:02 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS> <CO> no, sir. I just thought we'd better be careful...just in case, sir.

    21:31:13 Joy -> <Asci2> +CSci+ Acknowledged. I'm forwarding the primary sensor feeds to your lab. They are considering bringing some bits aboard.

    21:31:18 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS> ::looks at miranda and shrugs::

    21:31:22 STSF Mary -> <CO><OPS> NOted, I believe we are safe.

    21:31:29 Dr. Taurek -> <Tac> :: looks over the data as it comes in ::

    21:31:30 Terry Riker -> <CENG>::Scans the relays and checks::

    21:31:51 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS> ::enters the square's coordinates:: <CO> Ready to beam, sir.

    21:31:56 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI>+ASCI2+ I was expecting that, I'll go there with Miss Jaz is they do, keep me posted

    21:31:58 STSF Mary -> <CO><OPS> Please, do.

    21:32:02 Atrian Waterford -> <CMO> +CSCI+ ::nods:: Well, if you detect anything hazardous in the debris, let me know.

    21:32:16 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> ::decides to reroute one security officer to the deck where the metal is being transported to, just in case the object decides to attack someone::

    21:32:16 Eva Jaz -> <Asci 1>:: enters astrometrics

    21:32:18 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS> ::energizes:: <CO> I'll inform science.

    21:32:23 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI>+CMO+ you'll be the first to know Mr Waterford

    21:32:28 Terry Riker -> <CENG>::Happy with the readings makes my way back to the ladder::

    21:32:33 Atrian Waterford -> <CMO> +CSCI+ Thanks Chief.

    21:32:34 Joy -> <Asci2> : Looks to the CO ::

    21:32:35 STSF Mary -> <CO>+CSCI+ Mr Anderson, please take your teams to the cargo bay to study the object we have taken on.

    21:32:42 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS><ASCI2> ::turns in his chair:: It's down in cargo bay two Joy. ::Grins::

    21:32:45 mtporter -> <HELM>::wonders where the debris came from::

    21:32:55 Dr. Taurek -> <Tac> :: watches the 360Â̊ sweep come to an end, does a quick clean-up of the data ::

    21:32:55 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI><ASCI1> ::looks up:: ahh it looks like we're off to cargo bay

    21:32:55 will_marx -> XO> ASCI2> Anything else of possible interest, Ms. Joy?

    21:33:17 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI>+CO+ understood, we're on our way

    21:33:20 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> ::sighs, knowing he'll probably never have a chance to try the super beer sampler at Arduous now::

    21:33:22 Eva Jaz -> <Asci1>:: heads to cargo bay to to analyze the debris

    21:33:28 Joy -> <Asci2> +CSCI+ Debries in cargo bay two. Do you want me there as well, or shall I keep an eye on the rest of the debries field?

    21:33:31 Terry Riker -> <CENG><COMPUTER>Computer reengage safety's on the port inducer relays.

    21:33:32 Dr. Taurek -> <Tac> [XO] Tachyon sweep comes up clean, no signs of unusual activity. Whatever happened here, must have been some time ago.

    21:33:34 STSF Mary -> Action: No sooner than we get this item into the bay that another is detected

    21:33:57 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI>+ASCI2+ if you don't mind, we'll need someone on the bridge, Miss Jaz and I have if covered

    21:34:00 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS> ::mumbles:: weird::

    21:34:05 will_marx -> XO> Tac> Keep an eye out then.

    21:34:09 Joy -> <Asci2> +CSCI+ Understood.

    21:34:23 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS><XO> Sir, there's another one out there.

    21:34:23 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI> ::grabs a tricorder and other instruments and follows Eva to Cargobay 2::

    21:34:29 Eva Jaz -> <Asci1> ::starts scanning the debris for traces

    21:34:30 mtporter -> <<crud guys gotta go, I think my sister just went into labor, have fun>>

    21:34:37 Atrian Waterford -> <CMO> ::Continues to monitor the bridge's progress from sickbay::

    21:34:39 Joy -> <Asci2> :: Locks sensors at another large piece, and eyeballs it. ::

    21:34:42 STSF Mary -> (Good luck, Porter)

    21:34:47 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> ::hears ops:: <w> Those painted shards of square metal...always travel in packs.

    21:34:52 will_marx -> XO> ::upon hearing Nick:: (m) What is this, some kind of computer game?

    21:34:59 Nicolas Lepage -> <<I'll just take over if that's ok>>

    21:35:09 STSF Mary -> (That is fine, thank you )

    21:35:13 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI><ASCI1> ::looks at Eva:: what do you think

    21:35:14 Joy -> <Asci2> :: tries to get an approximate count ::

    21:35:14 will_marx -> XO> HOps> Very well, lock on and beam in.

    21:35:15 STSF Mary -> <CO> Another?

    21:35:29 Dox Maturin -> <Can't you tell her to wait, porter?>

    21:35:34 Eva Jaz -> <Asci1> Csci I'm picking up some unknown trace in the debris sir , you want to take a look ?

    21:35:37 Terry Riker -> <CENG><COMPUTER>shunt the work load back to normal operation.

    21:35:37 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS><XO> You mean pick up as many squares as you can, sir? Negative. I think it'd have been there, too had we not picked up the first one.

    21:35:38 STSF Mary -> Action: This item looks like metal attached to glass. Indeed, a door panel.

    21:35:47 Dr. Taurek -> <Tac> [ASci2] :: after a quick check of the sensors :: I'm plotting the debris as carefully as I can, maybe the scatter pattern can tell us something.

    21:36:03 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI>+CMO+ Mr Waterford, we just beamed some debris aboard, maybe you want to come down and analyse it for possible medical threats

    21:36:04 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS> ::keys in some controls to take over helm::

    21:36:04 Terry Riker -> <CENG>::Taps comm badge:: Riker to bridge

    21:36:07 will_marx -> XO> CO> Another. Could be cargo pods, could be chunks of whatever ship this was.

    21:36:20 will_marx -> XO> -=CENG=- Yes Chief?

    21:36:32 STSF Mary -> <CO><XO>Perhaps.

    21:36:39 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI> ::walks over to Eva and looks at her tricorder while doing scans of his own::

    21:36:43 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS><XO> Sir, this one has a different configuration.

    21:36:44 Atrian Waterford -> <CMO> +CSCI+ I'll be right down.

    21:37:01 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> ::checks the location of a few of the security patrols::

    21:37:08 will_marx -> XO> Tac> Mr. Taurek, query Starfleet Traffic Control, and pull up the traffic database for this sector for the past week.

    21:37:14 STSF Mary -> Action: This item looks more like that which would be identified from the 21st century.

    21:37:27 Terry Riker -> <CENG>+XO+COmmander warp drive is back to full operation but i suggest we take it easy until warp nine

    21:37:28 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI><ASCI1> it looks like... some sort of panel, a door panel by the looks of it, but an old one

    21:37:28 will_marx -> XO> Ops> What exactly does it look like?

    21:37:35 will_marx -> ((Beer mug?))

    21:37:44 Dr. Taurek -> <Tac> [XO] Aye, sir. :: engages the nearest STC buoy, inputs request ::

    21:37:49 will_marx -> XO>-=CENG=- Understood.

    21:38:00 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS><XO> A metal thingy with a glass thingy...maybe a door panel.

    21:38:03 Atrian Waterford -> <CMO> ::Grabs a tricorder and a medical kit, just in case, from behind his desk - he heads for the turbolift:: +Cargo Bay 2+

    21:38:08 Eva Jaz -> <Asci1> Csci you think it was floating there for a long time ??

    21:38:10 Joy -> <Asci2> :: Continues to scan and ponder ::

    21:38:13 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> ::satisfied the guard has been posted outside the cargo bay...after all, you never know::

    21:38:20 will_marx -> XO> Ops> Does it have a door opening doohickey?

    21:38:27 STSF Mary -> Action: The metal formed square shaped item has a very distinct emblem on it

    21:38:35 Dr. Taurek -> <Tac> :: watches the download complete, pulls up the data ::

    21:38:44 Dr. Taurek -> <Tac> [XO] Query complete, I have the data.

    21:38:44 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS><XO> Negative, sir. Sensors do not detect any doohickey.

    21:38:55 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI><ASCI1> let's scan for chronitons

    21:39:11 Eva Jaz -> <Asci1> :: Scanning

    21:39:13 doug.t -> <mary pm please>

    21:39:24 will_marx -> XO> OPS> Beam the door and glass thingy to Cargo Bay 2

    21:39:32 will_marx -> XO> Tac> And?

    21:39:33 Terry Riker -> <CENG>::Goes into my nice cosy office and sits and put my feet up.

    21:39:36 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS><XO> Aye, sir.

    21:39:41 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI><ASCI1> ::looks at his tricorder:: no chroniton particles, so it's not been travelling through time, it's been there for a while

    21:39:44 Joy -> <Asci2> +CSCI+ Another piece incoming....

    21:39:56 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS>+CSCI+ I'm sending you another piece of debris, chief.

    21:39:57 will_marx -> XO> Ops> And keep an eye for any more debris.

    21:39:59 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> ::stands, stepping a bit towards TAC just to look over his shoulder::

    21:40:16 Atrian Waterford -> <CMO> ::enters the cargo bay:: <SCIs> So what is it? ::smirks slightly::

    21:40:24 Dr. Taurek -> <Tac> [XO] Quite a bit of traffic through defined corridor 2C7, but not so much here. Twelve ships passing through this area. Three unregistered contacts.

    21:40:24 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI>+XO/ASCI2+ this piece has been out there for a while, looks like 21st century, no indication of time travel

    21:40:27 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS><XO> ::keys in the commandes to beam the door into CB2 and energizes:: Aye sir.

    21:40:34 Terry Riker -> <CENG>::Files a report on the inducer::

    21:40:35 STSF Mary -> =/\= ROSTER UPDATE =/\=

    21:40:36 STSF Mary -> =/\= ROSTER UPDATE =/\=

    21:40:37 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS> ::watches sensor readings closely::

    21:40:37 STSF Mary -> Asst Engineer Officer (ASEC1) - Doug t

    21:40:39 STSF Mary -> Asst Engineer Officer (ASEC1) - Doug t

    21:40:54 will_marx -> XO> -=CSCI=- Understood. So what is it?

    21:40:59 STSF Mary -> (That should read, AENG1)

    21:41:00 Nicolas Lepage -> <<talk about confusing messages>>

    21:41:02 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI><CMO> ::looks up:: well it's debris, 21st centry

    21:41:12 doug.t -> <aeng1>::walks into engineering:: <ceng> sorry i'm late

    21:41:27 Eva Jaz -> <Asci1> Xo we're still analyzing

    21:41:29 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI>+XO+ sir, we're working on that, maybe an engineer could help us down here

    21:41:33 will_marx -> XO> ::wondering if he should pull on his classic 1930's vintage brown fedora::

    21:41:40 Terry Riker -> <CENG>::Jumps out of the chair at the voice::

    21:41:44 will_marx -> XO> -=CSCI=- I was thinking the same thing.

    21:41:45 Atrian Waterford -> <CMO> ::nods:: <CSCIs> I see...vintage. ::pulls out his tricorder and runs a biometric scan of the debris::

    21:41:47 Joy -> <Asci2> :: Looks up who was desining square ships back in the 21st century... ::

    21:41:54 STSF Mary -> <CO>><OPS> Are our sensors picking up any other components in this vacinity?

    21:42:06 Terry Riker -> <CENG>::Turns around to see Doug there:: My god where did you spring from

    21:42:14 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI>+XO+ I'll ask Mr Riker for help then

    21:42:15 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> ::pulls a PADD from his pocket::

    21:42:15 will_marx -> XO> -=CENG=- Mr. Riker, could you send an engineer to Cargo Bay 2 to assist with analysis of recovered debris.

    21:42:24 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> ::taps in a few notes about the mission::

    21:42:29 will_marx -> XO> -=CSCI=- Already on it.

    21:42:44 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS><CO> Well, there's quite some debris floating out there. Nothing unusual so far, though.

    21:42:47 doug.t -> <aeng1><ceng> i used the transporters because i was late

    21:42:51 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI>+XO+ sorry sir, just wanted to spare you the work

    21:42:55 Dr. Taurek -> <Tac> [XO] :: hums as he continues to peruse the data :: The bouys in other sectors show all the registered contacts passed through the sector, as well as two of the unregistered. The neighboring bouys did not mark the lone contact transiting.

    21:43:14 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI><ASCI1/CMO> so ladies and gentlemen, what do we think?

    21:43:18 Terry Riker -> <CENG><AENG>Don't scare me like that ::Gives a laugh::

    21:43:26 will_marx -> XO> Tac> So it wasn't recording.

    21:43:36 will_marx -> XO> Tac> Whatever this was at one point.

    21:43:46 doug.t -> <aeng><ceng> sorry cheif so whats on the list for today

    21:43:49 Terry Riker -> <CENG><AENG>Thats ok, grab a kitt and follow me.

    21:43:49 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> ::to tac:: I'm no engineer...but it sounds like someone just dumped some trash.

    21:43:50 STSF Mary -> Action: The emblem looks like a collection of leaves in a U shape framed in metal

    21:43:56 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI>+ASCI2+ Miss Joy, anything new up there?

    21:44:11 doug.t -> <aeng><ceng> aye sir ::grabs kit::

    21:44:13 Terry Riker -> <CENG>+XO+Aye commander im on my way

    21:44:15 Eva Jaz -> <Asci1> Csci - maybe it drifted here overtime

    21:44:22 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> Old pieces of metal in the middle of nowhere, no sign of a conflict, no battle...maybe a garbage tug lost a bit of cargo.

    21:44:34 doug.t -> <aeng>::follows <ceng>::

    21:44:34 Atrian Waterford -> <CMO> <CSCI> I'm picking up residual tannic acids. It might indicate bacteria life...though I don't think there's anything harmful...or even alive on the debris. It's probably just the trace amounts left from when this was in use.

    21:44:50 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS> ::keeps monitoring the readouts::

    21:44:52 Joy -> <Asci2> +ASCI22+ Negative. I'm just trying to find a scatter pattern. Looks fairly random. Must have been a very low power dispersal as they are still close together after a long time.

    21:44:53 will_marx -> ((Hm...Stick a polar view map between the leaves, maybe?))

    21:44:55 Terry Riker -> <CENG><AENG>Actually head to cargo bay 2 and assist with the discovery's, I'll be on the bridge.

    21:45:09 STSF Mary -> ACTION: Our sensors now pick up a leather bound bench seat

    21:45:11 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI><ASCI> well, an engineer could surely help us down here

    21:45:11 Joy -> (( Sorry, that should have been to csci ))

    21:45:13 Dr. Taurek -> <Tac> [CSec] :: shrugs :: We'll find out, I imagine.

    21:45:21 Kevin Anderson -> <<got that Joy, thanks>>

    21:45:26 doug.t -> <aeng><ceng> aye sir whos in charge down their

    21:45:42 Terry Riker -> <CENG><AENG>Not sure but head on down and see what yoiu can do.

    21:45:49 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS><XO> I'm picking up animal skin, sir.

    21:45:54 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> Might be something of historical value, though. One mans trash is another's treasure, as they say.

    21:46:02 Terry Riker -> <CENG>::Enters the nearest TL:: Bridge

    21:46:12 will_marx -> XO> Ops> Animal skin? What, is there a dead cow out there somewhere?

    21:46:16 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI><ASCI> so we agree it's from some old ship, we best find out whose ship this was

    21:46:22 doug.t -> <aeng><ceng> yes sir ::enters TL:: *computer* cargo bay 2

    21:46:25 Terry Riker -> <CENG>::Taps comm badge:: Riker to Cargo bay 2

    21:46:35 STSF Mary -> <CO> Dead cow?

    21:46:36 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> <tac> Did you see that marking on the second piece? Must mean something. I can't wait to read the report.

    21:46:39 Dr. Taurek -> <Tac> [XO] Perhaps part of one.

    21:46:51 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI>+CENG+ go ahead Mr Riker

    21:46:51 STSF Mary -> <CO> <OPS> Can you bring it up on the screen?

    21:46:57 Dr. Taurek -> <Tac> [CSec] :: nods :: Looked familiar, but history isn't my strong suit.

    21:46:57 will_marx -> XO> Mmm, freeze-dried steaks...

    21:47:14 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS><XO> The DNA structure has collapsed but it could have been a cow... looks like regular leather to me.

    21:47:25 will_marx -> XO> CO> Cows do tend to be picked up on sensors, Captain. They are large enough.

    21:47:28 Terry Riker -> <CENG>+CSCI+ Ahh Mr. Anderson Doug is on his way down to help you.

    21:47:30 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS><CO> ::keys in a few commands:: Aye, sir.

    21:47:30 doug.t -> <aeng>::enters cargo bay 2::

    21:47:35 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> It looked familiar, something I might have seen back in school.

    21:47:39 Terry Riker -> <CENG>::Arrives on the bridge::

    21:47:40 STSF Mary -> <CO><XO> Most certainly.

    21:47:49 will_marx -> XO> Ops> Add it to our collection then, Mr. LePage.

    21:47:55 Dr. Taurek -> <Tac> [CSec] I'm sure someone's running it through the computer by now.

    21:47:58 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI>+CENG+ thank you Mr Riker, his help will be greatly appreciated

    21:48:06 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> Yes.

    21:48:07 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS> <XO> ::nods:: Aye, sir.

    21:48:09 Eva Jaz -> <Asci1> Csci - Sir, according to the latest readings it seems to be an old transportation vehicule called a car

    21:48:11 doug.t -> <aeng>::looks around::

    21:48:11 STSF Mary -> >CO>::looking befuddled at this object as well::

    21:48:21 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS> ::enters the coordinates into his console and energizes::

    21:48:27 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI><ASCI> a car?

    21:48:30 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> ::looks at the viewscreen at the couch:: Well...that looks comfortable.

    21:49:08 Atrian Waterford -> <CMO> ::is surprised by the ASCI's statement:: Just floating...in space?

    21:49:16 doug.t -> <aeng> anyone here

    21:49:17 will_marx -> XO> CO> Maybe someone shot down a flying Winnebago out here before Starfleet surveyed the sector?

    21:49:17 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI><AENG> doug, good to see you down here, maybe you can help us with that debris there, all we know so far is that it's old... Miss Jaz here has just suggested to me it's a car, what are your thoughts?

    21:49:24 Eva Jaz -> <Asci1> Csci yes, but It was never suppose to leave earth , we have to find out how it enede up in orbit in the first place

    21:49:32 STSF Mary -> <CO><XO> Ha ha! Could be

    21:49:36 doug.t -> <aeng><csc1> hi cheif

    21:49:36 Dr. Taurek -> <Tac> :: snickers ::

    21:49:53 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI><ASCI> a car from earth? ::looks astounded::

    21:50:00 doug.t -> <aeng>::walks over with enginering kit::

    21:50:05 will_marx -> ((Out of NBC's transportation pool maybe?))

    21:50:07 Eva Jaz -> <Asci1> Csci- maybe some ship transporting antiques

    21:50:15 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI><AENG> take a good look, the doc says it's not dangerous

    21:50:17 Terry Riker -> <CENG>::Heads over to the engineering panel:: Computer transfer engineering to the bridge

    21:50:24 Atrian Waterford -> <CMO> It obviously good pretty mileage... :more to himself::

    21:50:37 doug.t -> <aeng><csc1> hey i reconize this

    21:50:46 Atrian Waterford -> <<got pretty good*>>

    21:50:57 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI>+XO+ Sir, we have a... rather weird finding to report

    21:50:59 will_marx -> XO> CO> I've seen some stranger things in my time, Captain. Definitely wouldn't surprise me if someone figured out a way to make a Winnebago space-worthy.

    21:51:06 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI><AENG> yes?

    21:51:07 will_marx -> XO> -=CSCI=- Go ahead.

    21:51:20 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> ::looks at XO, wondering what the heck a Winnebago is::

    21:51:21 Eva Jaz -> <Asci1> <aeng> what is it ? Mr Doug

    21:51:22 Nicolas Lepage -> <<this so reminds me of spaceballs>>

    21:51:27 doug.t -> <aeng><csc1> its a 1969 camero

    21:51:35 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI>+XO+ well, it appears to be... an old fashioned vehicle sir, a car

    21:51:39 STSF Mary -> <CO><XO> I would be surprised. I find it hard to believe gasoline is still available in such large supply.

    21:51:48 will_marx -> XO> -=CSCI=- A car?

    21:51:58 doug.t -> <aeng>::opens door::

    21:51:58 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> ::wonders what a car is::

    21:52:08 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI>+XO+ believe me, I'm just as surprised as you are

    21:52:19 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS> ::keeps monitoring the sensors wondering what'll be next:: <m> Maybe some chicken....

    21:52:24 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI><AENG> where are you going?

    21:52:27 will_marx -> XO> CO> Swap out the gas engine for a fusion reactor. The chassis doesn't care where the power comes from.

    21:52:41 will_marx -> XO> -=CSCI=- Are you sure?

    21:52:47 doug.t -> <aeng><csc1> i was working on one in the holodeck

    21:52:54 will_marx -> XO> Ops> Any more debris out there, Mr. LePage?

    21:52:59 Eva Jaz -> <Asci1> < Csec> It's a primitive mean of transportation human use until the late 21 st century

    21:53:01 STSF Mary -> <CO> True enough. With our engineers today, modifications would be childs play.

    21:53:03 Dox Maturin -> <What's the stress level of Warp 4 on a 6mm frame bolt? :-D>

    21:53:17 Atrian Waterford -> <CMO> ::watches, arms crossed::

    21:53:22 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI>+XO+ the Aeng tells me it's a 1969 Camaro, it seems to be a hobby of his

    21:53:23 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS><XO> Lots and lots of thingies but nothing interesting, sir.

    21:53:31 STSF Mary -> (One minute to pause One minute to pause)

    21:53:44 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> ::peers at ASCI...must be a betazed:: Oh, thank you.

    21:53:49 doug.t -> <aeng> <all> uhh thats wird the battery is still charged turns over key::

    21:53:52 Terry Riker -> <CENG>::Work on something::

    21:54:15 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI><to staff at Cargo Bay 2> so, erm... where did it come from?

    21:54:24 doug.t -> <aeng>::turning over key gives it gas::

    21:54:45 will_marx -> XO> ::drumming his fingers on his arm rest::

    21:54:54 STSF Mary -> (We dont have quite that much of the automobile yet, Doug)

    21:55:05 STSF Mary -> =/\= PAUSE SIM =/\=

    21:55:07 STSF Mary -> =/\= PAUSE SIM =/\=

  4. 2007-02-20

    Commanding Officer (CO): STSF Loami

    Executive Officer (XO): STSF Jami

    Tactical Officer (TAC) - Arch Angel

    Operations Officer (OPS) - Dominic Martin

    Helm (Helm) - Cdt Perry

    Chief Engineer (CENG) - Tom

    Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Doug T


    STSF Jami : Mission Briefing: USS Pioneer (Galaxy class) arrives at the Delta Beta system, on a mapping and survey mission.


  5. 2007-02-13 21:11:17 STSF Jami BRIDGE

    21:11:19 STSF Jami Commanding Officer (CO): STSF Lebowski

    21:11:20 STSF Jami Executive Officer (XO): STSF Jami

    21:11:20 STSF Lebowski ::cracks knuckles::

    21:11:23 STSF Jami Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - X'aedell

    21:11:24 STSF Jami Helm (Helm) - Arch Angel

    21:11:24 STSF Jami Operations Officer (OPS) - Luc Daren

    21:11:24 STSF Jami Tactical Officer (TAC) - ESN Enrique

    21:11:25 STSF Jami SECURITY

    21:11:26 STSF Jami Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Will Marx

    21:11:27 STSF Jami Assistant Security Officer (ASEC) - Nicolas Lepage

    21:11:28 STSF Jami MEDICAL

    21:11:29 STSF Jami Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Kevin Anderson

    21:11:30 STSF Jami Assistant Medical Officer (AMO) - Jaden

    21:11:35 STSF Jami =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\=

    21:11:45 STSF Lebowski Mission Briefing, STSF Academy Stardate 0702.13

    21:13:28 STSF Lebowski The training vessel USS Reluctant, while running tests near the neutral zone, has picked up a faint Romulan distress signal from a planet inside the neutral zone. In hopes of improving relations, Starfleet has authorized the closest vessel, the Reluctant, to enter the neutral zone to investigate.

    21:13:52 STSF Lebowski BEGIN SIM

    21:13:54 STSF Lebowski BEGIN SIM

    21:13:55 STSF Lebowski BEGIN SIM

    21:14:00 Luc Daren <Ops> :: feeling about the same as the name of the ship ::

    21:14:01 will_marx ((::makes sure his life insurance is up to date::()

    21:14:13 Arch Angel <HELM>::at station::

    21:14:24 STSF Jami ROSTER UPDATE - Assistant Security Officer (ASEC) - Marsh

    21:14:26 STSF Jami Assistant Security Officer (ASEC) - Marsh

    21:14:27 STSF Jami Assistant Security Officer (ASEC) - Marsh

    21:14:37 ESN Enrique <TAC>::Enters bridge and sits at tac station::

    21:14:42 Jaden <AMO>::refilling hypospray tubes in sickbay::

    21:14:47 will_marx CSEC> ::sitting in the Security office, reviewing last night's police blotter; mug o' coffee sitting on the desk steaming away::

    21:14:50 STSF Lebowski ACTION: The USS Reluctant is currently en route to the source of the signal.

    21:14:55 Luc Daren <Ops> :: sitting at the operations console on the bridge, wondering what the Romulans have in store for today ::

    21:14:59 Marsh <ASEC>::in security checking his phaser rifle::

    21:15:04 Nicolas Lepage <ASEC1> ::in security looking busy::

    21:15:07 Kevin Anderson <CMO> ::in sickbay at his desk flipping through Starfleet Medical Today::

    21:15:30 Arch Angel <HELM><XO>steadying as she goes sir

    21:15:36 X'aedell <MXO>HELM> what is out ETA

    21:15:41 will_marx CSEC> ::noting that Marsh was the apprehending officer on Ens. N'Dak's Drunk and Disorderly::

    21:15:52 Kevin Anderson <CMO><AMO> ::looking up from the magazine:: need a hand?

    21:15:56 STSF Lebowski <CO>::opens his mouth to ask the ETA, nods approvingly when his MXO beats him to it::

    21:16:17 will_marx CSEC> ASEC> Mr. Marsh, what exactly was Ensign N'Dak doing that required sticking him the brig to dry out?

    21:16:26 Arch Angel <HELM><MXO>ETA,current speed and heading 10 mins.sir

    21:16:34 Jaden <AMO><CMO> Very funny chief, how's the autopsy coming along?

    21:16:55 Luc Daren <Ops> :: running through some diagnostics on the processing systems ::

    21:17:10 Marsh <ASEC><CSEC>He was lude and disorderly, he was umm...nude next to a plasma relay, sir

    21:17:18 Kevin Anderson <CMO><AMO> ::chuckles:: just fine

    21:17:24 X'aedell <MXO>Helm>thank you, let me know when we get close

    21:17:52 will_marx CSEC> ::raises an eyebrow:: ASEC2> Had he been drinking again?

    21:17:56 Jaden <AMO>+Computer+ Please increase ventilation ::taps the environmental controls adjusting the atmosphere::

    21:18:08 X'aedell <MXO>OPS> please get us status reports from the department heads

    21:18:17 STSF Lebowski <CO> ::looking concernedly at the viewscreen::

    21:18:26 Arch Angel <<helm prev.post was in response to xo,sorry>>

    21:18:26 Luc Daren <Ops> [MXO] Aye, sir.

    21:18:44 Luc Daren <Ops> +ALL STATIONS+ Transmit departmental status to operations, please.

    21:18:46 Kevin Anderson <CMO><AMO> but jokes aside, we should get sickbay ready for emergencies, just in case, never know what's behind the distress signal

    21:18:48 Marsh <ASEC2><CSEC> His blood alcohol level was 5 times the normal amount, I'm surprised he WAS standing next to the relay, the nudeness doesn't surprise me though

    21:19:09 will_marx CSEC> -=Ops=- We're here.

    21:19:20 Arch Angel <HELM>::nods at ops.officer,ready here

    21:19:22 X'aedell <MXO>CO>I don't really like this

    21:19:26 Kevin Anderson <CMO>+OPS+ all systems go down here, we're preparing for emergencies

    21:19:28 Jaden <AMO><CMO> Agreed, I'll take care of this. ::zips up the "patient" and moves the guerny to the morgue::

    21:19:34 STSF Lebowski <CO><MXO> What's not to like?

    21:19:34 Luc Daren <Ops> :: takes notes ::

    21:19:37 ESN Enrique <TAC><OPS> Phaser array and torpedo tubes are fully functional

    21:19:39 will_marx CSEC> ::raises the eyebrow even higher:: 5 times?

    21:19:48 STSF Jami ROSTER UPDATE - SGV = Schawnsee

    21:19:49 STSF Jami ROSTER UPDATE - SGV = Schawnsee

    21:19:50 STSF Jami ROSTER UPDATE - SGV = Schawnsee

    21:20:10 Nicolas Lepage <ASEC1> ::finished looking busy::

    21:20:14 STSF Lebowski <CO><MXO> Going into enemy territory... possibly encountering something so horrible that it has the Romulans distressed.

    21:20:17 Marsh <ASEC2>::nods::<CSEC>5 times, screaming something I couldn't understand

    21:20:30 STSF Lebowski <CO><MXO> ::dry:: Sounds like a vacation...

    21:20:33 X'aedell <MXO>CO> ::smiling::Exactly

    21:20:33 Luc Daren <Ops> [MXO] Engineering and science reporting ready, as is medical. Security says it's "here," which I will assume for the sake of argument means they're okay down there.

    21:20:41 ESN Enrique <TAC><CO> Captain should I bring the ship to yellow alert?

    21:20:41 Jaden <AMO>::sighs and talking to himself:: Accidents Accidents Accidents ::snaps the locker shut and returns to sickbay for a scrub up::

    21:20:49 Luc Daren <Ops> [MXO] All bridge stations also report ready.

    21:20:51 will_marx CSEC> Probably threatening to feed the crew to the Pandarians. He does that when drunk.

    21:21:13 Marsh <ASEC2>::nods and chuckles:: He does that a lot.....

    21:21:23 X'aedell <XMO>OPS> thank you

    21:21:23 Nicolas Lepage <ASEC1> ::walks up to the sec office and knocks::

    21:21:46 Kevin Anderson <CMO><AMO> as you've just been checking on the hyposprays, do we have a sufficient amount of those?

    21:21:56 Luc Daren <Ops> [MXO] Recommend we go in with full power standard sensor sweeps, as well as a tachyon sweep, sir. Might as well get the lay of the vacuum before we park.

    21:22:11 Marsh <ASEC2>::grabs a rag and starts cleaning his rifle::

    21:22:15 X'aedell <MXO>Do it

    21:22:22 STSF Jami ROSTER UPDATE - Assistant Medical Officer (AMO) - STSF Jami

    21:22:23 STSF Jami Assistant Medical Officer (AMO) - STSF Jami

    21:22:25 STSF Jami Assistant Medical Officer (AMO) - STSF Jami

    21:22:26 will_marx CSEC> Computer, append Ensign N'Dak's arrest report to his personnel file, and flag for Captain's review. Attach my recommendation that he ::nods to Nick:: speak with the counselor about his drinking problem.

    21:22:26 Luc Daren <Ops> [MXO] Aye sir.

    21:22:38 STSF Lebowski ACTION: The Reluctant approaches the system that is the source of the distress call.

    21:22:39 Luc Daren <Ops> [Tac] I'll get the scans set up and forward the data to your console as well.

    21:22:45 Luc Daren <Ops> :: sets up the scan ::

    21:22:53 Jaden <AMO><CMO> Well we can never get enough cordrazine, the hyronalin supply is somewhat low otherwise the proteaze and saccilaptics are fairly well stocked.

    21:23:00 Nicolas Lepage <ASEC1> ::takes the nod as a sign to enter and steps in::

    21:23:07 X'aedell <MXO>TAC> go to yellow alert

    21:23:09 Arch Angel <HELM><XO>sir,closing to within 50,000 km

    21:23:09 Luc Daren <Ops> :: activates, then pumps over the data feed to Tac ::

    21:23:16 STSF Jami <AMO> ::enters sick bay for her shift::: Morning,Doctors.

    21:23:29 STSF Jami <AMO> ::looks around:: Or is it afternoon? Hard to tell.

    21:23:34 ESN Enrique <TAC><MXO> Bringing ship to Yellow Alert Status ::Sweeps hands around counsel::

    21:23:45 Arch Angel <HELM><XO> preapproach scans sir??

    21:23:48 Luc Daren <Ops> :: takes a peekaboo at the sensor data coming in ::

    21:23:49 Jaden <AMO><AMO> Good morning Nursy.

    21:23:50 Kevin Anderson <CMO><AMO2> good morning doc, we're about to get sickbay ready for emergencies because of that distress signal

    21:24:02 STSF Jami <AMO> :;): Nursey?

    21:24:08 STSF Lebowski ACTION: Ominous music plays that the characters can't hear but the audience can.

    21:24:19 Luc Daren <Ops> [MXO] Data coming in, processing.

    21:24:25 X'aedell <MXO>Go ahead

    21:24:25 Marsh << LOL ominous music>>

    21:24:39 will_marx CSEC> ::hears the alert klaxon:: Ah, joy. Mr. Marsh, secure Engineering; Mr. Lepage, secure Sickbay. I'll be on the bridge.

    21:24:50 STSF Jami <AMO> ::hears yellow alert and ignores Jaden's rudeness to take her duty station:::

    21:24:58 Jaden <AMO1><AMO2> Pardon me Ms. Jami you look like someone very familiar.

    21:24:58 STSF Lebowski <CO><HELM> Take us out of warp when we reach the system.

    21:25:04 Marsh <ASEC2><CSEC>Aye::throws his rifle over his shoulder and heads to engineering::

    21:25:15 Nicolas Lepage <ASEC1><CSEC> ::nods:: Aye, sir.

    21:25:17 Arch Angel <HELM><CO>aye sir,

    21:25:25 STSF Jami <AMO> :::pulling up the mission:: <AMO1> I'll forgive you. This time.

    21:25:32 Luc Daren <Ops> :: looks for something that would cause ominous music to play were a soundtrack scored for this. though why anyone would want to make a show about a bunch of Starfleet officers was well beyond his ken ::

    21:25:34 STSF Jami <AMO> ::wry grin::

    21:25:53 Kevin Anderson <CMO><AMO1/2> we'd better check the equipment and get it ready, is any of you a specialist in Romulan physiology?

    21:26:10 Arch Angel <HELM>::retards the joy stick,slowing the ship ,and enters into sub light speed::

    21:26:11 will_marx CSEC> ::withdraws a classic Type II phaser from his desk drawer, and heads to the bridge::

    21:26:20 STSF Jami <AMO> ::frowns at the console:: Romulan neutral zone? ::looks up to Kevin:: <CMO> I think I know my way around it, sir.

    21:26:25 X'aedell <MXO>+CSEC+ have a security team in the transporter room just in case

    21:26:27 Jaden <AMO1><CMO> I minored in the Romulan Circulatory system at the Academy.

    21:26:28 Luc Daren <Ops> :: turns down the volume for his console buttons, they're starting to give him a headache ::

    21:26:30 Marsh <ASEC2>::to save time uses the magic of simming to arrive in engineering, taking a position just outside the entrance::

    21:26:50 Nicolas Lepage <ASEC1> ::sighs and exits the office, making his way down the corridor to a TL::

    21:26:52 STSF Lebowski ACTION: We arrive at the Tnelyos system, where the signal is coming from.

    21:27:05 STSF Jami <AMO> <AMO1> That's a step beyond me. Glad you're here, Dr. Jaden.

    21:27:06 Jaden <AMO1>::shuffling around sickbay preparing all the biobeds with needed supplies::

    21:27:09 will_marx CSEC> :;alsos ensuring his authentic reproduction red shirt is on straight::

    21:27:10 Nicolas Lepage <ASEC1> ::enters TL:: Sickbay.

    21:27:14 STSF Lebowski ACTION: The distress signal is now very weak and intermittent, coming from the third planet.

    21:27:24 Luc Daren <Ops> [Tac] How's your feed? Need a boost to the sensors?

    21:27:33 ESN Enrique <TAC>::Presses buttons on counsel and looks at main viewing screen::

    21:27:58 Kevin Anderson <CMO><AMO1/2> ::nods:: let's hope there won't be too many casualties or we'll have to turn a shuttle bay into a triage ::walks over to check on the hyposprays::

    21:28:03 Arch Angel <HELM><XO>sir at impulse ,approx 10,000 km out

    21:28:03 X'aedell <MXO>HELM> take us in

    21:28:06 Nicolas Lepage <ASEC1> ::exist TL as it comes to a halt and walks down the corridor toward sickbay::

    21:28:19 ESN Enrique <TAC><OPS> No sensors are fine, we are picking up the distress from the third planet

    21:28:29 Arch Angel <HELM><MXO>aye sir,standard orbit??

    21:28:31 will_marx CSEC> ::arrives on the bridge, moving to hover near the Tactical station::

    21:28:35 Luc Daren <Ops> [MXO] Aye, third planet. Signal is degrading.

    21:28:45 Kevin Anderson <CMO><AMO2> would you please check if we have enough emergency kits?

    21:28:45 STSF Jami <AMO2> ::moving around sick bay, readying things::

    21:28:49 Nicolas Lepage <ASEC1> ::enters sickbay and looks around::

    21:28:55 Jaden <AMO1><AMO2> So what's your specialty Doc?

    21:29:02 STSF Jami <AMO2> <CMO> Aye, Doctor. ::moves to the emergency locker:::

    21:29:05 X'aedell <MXO>HELM> standard ordit

    21:29:06 Luc Daren <Ops> :: narrows focus to the sensors ::

    21:29:26 STSF Jami <AMO2> <AMO1> Wilderness survival medicine. Yours?

    21:29:28 Marsh <ASEC2>::Looks around engineering, waving to the various people there, then goes back to standing at the entrance::

    21:29:41 Nicolas Lepage <ASEC1> ::tries to stay out of the way of the docs and nurses::

    21:29:43 Kevin Anderson <CMO><ASEC1> welcome to sickbay Mr Lepage, I trust you didn't come here because of an injury?

    21:29:44 Arch Angel <HELM><MXO>aye sir..::slows the ship to orbital velocity,and locks in orbital profile::

    21:30:05 STSF Jami <AMO2> ::notes Nick's arrival:::

    21:30:18 Nicolas Lepage <ASEC1> ::shakes head:: No, sir. We're at yellow alert and I was told to secure sickbay.

    21:30:21 will_marx CSEC> ::being a wallflower on the bridge::

    21:30:23 STSF Lebowski ACTION: The surface of the third planet is a very volitile class M. Liveable, but with much chemical and electrical interference. Sensors are having a tough time, and beaming down will be impossible. A crashed Romulan shuttle is detected on the planet, however.

    21:30:28 Nicolas Lepage <ASEC1> ::nods to Jami::

    21:30:31 STSF Jami <AMO2> ::pulling out emergency kits, giving them a thorough going over::

    21:30:43 Jaden <AMO1><AMO2> Ooh including arctic climates? How interesting. I'm actually a podiatric specialist. You know, physical therapy circulation and the like. +Computer+ Please switch the main wall console to a Romulan physiology.

    21:30:47 Luc Daren <Ops> [MXO] Signal strength down to 14 MJ... bloody inhospitable locale...

    21:30:49 STSF Lebowski <CO> ::peers dramatically at the swirling planet::

    21:31:03 Marsh <ASEC2>::pulls and apple from an unseen pocket and begins to munch on it::Good....

    21:31:03 STSF Jami <AMO2> <AMO1> Interesting.

    21:31:08 X'aedell <MXO>OPS>on screen

    21:31:30 Arch Angel <HELM>::engages orbital attitude insertion...+<MXO>sir orbital insertion achieved,at nominal

    21:31:38 Luc Daren <Ops> [MXO] :: puts it up :: On screen, aye. Looks like a standard Romulan personnel shuttle. Can't get a clear view of the shuttle because of interference.

    21:31:46 Kevin Anderson <CMO><ASEC1> ::nods:: always good to have someone of sec around under these circumstances ::rushes through sickbay readying the hyposprays going over everything twice::

    21:32:06 X'aedell <MXO>CSEC>Have you someone in TR?

    21:32:21 Luc Daren <Ops> [MXO] Wouldn't recommend a transport, the interference again.

    21:32:27 Jaden <AMO1><ASEC> ::notices the security guard:: What are you doing here Lepage?

    21:32:30 X'aedell <MXO>CO>shall we get down there?

    21:32:38 Kevin Anderson <CMO><AMO1/2> of course we're going to be the last to know what's going on, again

    21:32:45 Luc Daren <Ops> [MXO] Not that I'd necessarily recommend a shuttlecraft, either. :: points to the crashed one ::

    21:32:47 STSF Lebowski <CO> ::thinks a moment::

    21:32:48 will_marx CSEC> MXO> Negative, but I can get two there within five minutes.

    21:32:54 STSF Jami <AMO2> ::changes out a hypospray for one that has expired:::replacing medications:::

    21:33:03 STSF Lebowski <CO><MXO> ::nods:: That's why we're here.. to help them if we can.

    21:33:11 Nicolas Lepage <ASEC1> ::takes in the activities around him and is glad he doesn't usually work here:: <CMO> ::smiles:: I'll just stay here right next to the door.

    21:33:17 Jaden <AMO1>::polishes the surgical instruments with a look of annoyance on his face::

    21:33:21 Arch Angel <HELM><MXO>sir,suggest geo sync. orbit due to the nature of the interference

    21:33:23 X'aedell <XMO>CSEC> good

    21:33:28 Nicolas Lepage <ASEC1> ::watches Jami with interest::

    21:33:29 STSF Lebowski <CO><MXO> Take a shuttle down and see what you can do. Take doctors in case they're hurt, and security in case they're not.

    21:34:03 Kevin Anderson <CMO> ::checks medical tricorders on Lepage and places some at strategically convenient places::

    21:34:04 X'aedell <MXO>CO> very well sir

    21:34:20 STSF Jami <AMO2> ::having finished checkign them, places all the emergency kits in an accessible area::

    21:34:31 Nicolas Lepage <ASEC1> ::Frowns as Anderson uses him as a guinea pig::

    21:34:40 Jaden <AMO1><CMO> I'll be ready for the Romulans sir, doubly ready. ::smiles and holds up a razor sharp laser scalpel::

    21:34:58 STSF Jami <AMO2> :::turns just in time to see Nick being used as a Guinea pig:::grins:::

    21:34:58 Luc Daren <Ops> :: looks at the planet and frowns :: Nasty place for a vacation, wonder how they ended up down there.

    21:35:14 ESN Enrique <TAC><OPS> I am wondering that as well

    21:35:18 will_marx CSEC> ::having overheard the Skipper give X'ae her orders..::-=ASEC1 &2=- Mr. Lepage, Mr. Marsh, Shuttlebay 1, on the double.

    21:35:42 Marsh <ASEC2>::has a mouth full of apple::+CSEC+ Understood::starts heading toward SB1::

    21:35:46 Nicolas Lepage <ASEC1>+CSEC+ On my way.

    21:35:50 will_marx CSEC> ::enters the lift:: Shuttlebay 1.

    21:35:58 STSF Jami <AMO2> <AMO1> Planning on action, Dr. Jaden? ::grin::

    21:36:07 Marsh <ASEC2>::Enters the TL down the hall:: SHuttlebay one

    21:36:10 Nicolas Lepage <ASEC1><CMO> You'll need a new guinea pig I'm afraid, sir.

    21:36:12 X'aedell <MXO>+CMO+report to shuttle bay one, we need a med team for a little ride

    21:36:16 Luc Daren <Ops> [Tac] Scans inconclusive for ion trails, can't tell if they went there on purpose or because they had to.

    21:36:22 Kevin Anderson <CMO><AMO1/2> ::looks around sickbay and grins at Jaden:: very well, we're pretty much ready for emergencies then... but our guinea pig left, I wanted to check the dermal regenerators on him too

    21:36:28 Nicolas Lepage <ASEC1> ::Exits sickbay and walks to the neares TL:: Shuttle bay 1

    21:36:35 Marsh <asec2>::the lift comes to a stop, readjusts the rifle slung over his shoulder as he walks into the shuttlebay::

    21:36:36 Jaden <AMO1><AMO2> The Romulans are a special breed Ms. Jami. A very special breed. ::snickers menacingly::

    21:36:37 will_marx CSEC> ::folds arms, suffering the Muzak in the lift::

    21:36:42 Luc Daren <Ops> [CO] Should we try ringing the doorbell first, sir?

    21:36:53 Arch Angel <HELM><OPS> either way, heck of a spot to be in

    21:37:05 Marsh <ASEC2>::leans against the waiting shuttle as he finishes his apple::

    21:37:22 Kevin Anderson <CMO><AMO1> and they never say thank you either

    21:37:23 Nicolas Lepage <ASEC1> ::exits TL and walks into the shuttle bay::

    21:37:26 will_marx CSEC> ::arrives at the appropriate deck, and heads for the shuttlebay::

    21:37:37 ESN Enrique <TAC><Helm> Hopefully that wont happen to us

    21:37:47 X'aedell <MXO>HELM> You're with me

    21:37:57 Marsh <ASEC2>::nods to Lepage::

    21:38:04 Jaden <AMO1><CMO> Now worries we'll patch them up enough so they can crawl back home if need be. ::checks the hyperspanner powerpacks::

    21:38:06 STSF Lebowski <SEC> Cadet Deadmeat> ::shows up in the shuttle bay to report for away duty::

    21:38:16 Kevin Anderson <CMO>+OPS+ we're on standby for emergencies down here, let us know if you need us

    21:38:16 will_marx CSEC> ::walks in::

    21:38:19 Schawnsee @<Romulan>::laying in the crashed shuttle:

    21:38:20 Nicolas Lepage <ASEC1><ASEC2> We're really going down there eh?

    21:38:23 Luc Daren <Ops> :: transfers helm to his console for the time being ::

    21:38:28 X'aedell <MXO> ::nods to tac:: don't just sit there!

    21:38:29 Marsh <ASEC2><CSEC>Hiya Boss

    21:38:31 Arch Angel <HELM><MXO>aye sir

    21:38:35 STSF Lebowski <CO><TAC> Keep an eye on long range snsors... if the Romulans come to help their people, we want to make sure we get things sorted out before anything bad happens

    21:38:36 Luc Daren <Ops> +CMO+ Will do, doc.

    21:38:49 Nicolas Lepage <ASEC1> ::turns around:: Sir.

    21:38:53 ESN Enrique <TAC><CO> Aye Captain

    21:38:56 Kevin Anderson <CMO><AMO1> well now that lepage is gone it might be a good idea to have a scalpel at hand ::grins::

    21:38:58 will_marx CSEC> ASEC2> Mr. Marsh, Mr. Lepage, Mr. Deadmeat...

    21:38:59 Luc Daren <Ops> [CO] Shall I try hailing the shuttle in case they have comm ability, sir?

    21:39:09 Jaden <AMO1><CMO> Chief are we going somewhere today?

    21:39:11 Arch Angel <HELM>::calls for back up helms man::

    21:39:12 STSF Jami <AMO2> :;raises an eyebrow::

    21:39:16 Marsh <ASEC2>::Looks at Deadmeat:: You won't last long in security

    21:39:55 will_marx CSEC> Deadmeat> Especially with a name like that, son. Just why did you get involved in Security?

    21:40:08 Nicolas Lepage <ASEC1> ::grins::

    21:40:08 Arch Angel <HELM><MXO>shall i be piloting the shuttle sir??

    21:40:12 Luc Daren <Ops> :: transfers helm back to the station as AA's replacement arrives ::

    21:40:19 will_marx CSEC> ::Picard manuever on his antique red shirt::

    21:40:40 will_marx CSEC> I swear, this shirt keeps riding up.

    21:40:44 Jaden lol

    21:40:53 Marsh <ASEC2><Deadmeat>Where did you get those blood stains already?::looks at the man's shirt::

    21:40:58 Luc Daren <Ops> :: frowns back at the Captain ::

    21:41:11 X'aedell <MXO>Tac and OPS> transfer your statons to helm, you're with me

    21:41:16 STSF Lebowski <SEC>Deadmeat> <CSEC> I like to tempt fate, sir.

    21:41:36 STSF Lebowski <ASEC3>Deadmeat> <ASEC2> Oh, uh.. had spaghetti for lunch.

    21:41:43 Luc Daren <Ops> :: blinks :: Aye, sir... Hope we have the big shuttle... :: transfers console ::

    21:41:43 Jaden <AMO1>::slaps a medical tricorder to his waistband and runs a quick diagnostic on the external scanning attachments::

    21:41:51 Arch Angel <HELM>::enters the tl,waiting on the mxo,tac,ops::

    21:41:58 Marsh <Asec2>::whipes some of the sauce off and licks it:: Ohh, garlicy

    21:42:03 Luc Daren <Ops> :: enters the lift ::

    21:42:23 ESN Enrique <TAC>::Transfers control to helm and enters TL::

    21:42:28 STSF Jami Lt Fabio> :::takes HOPS::

    21:42:28 X'aedell <MXO>::enters tl, holding door open::

    21:42:55 STSF Jami Lt Fabio> <CO> Steady as she goes, Sir. Standard orbit. ::flex::

    21:43:03 Nicolas Lepage <ASEC1> You lick the sauce off someone else's shirt?

    21:43:06 Jaden <AMO1><CMO> Chief Anderson Sir am I going on the Away Team?

    21:43:06 Marsh <ASEC2>::wonders what's taking the rest of the team so long::<Anyone>Anyone got the keys to this thing::points to the shuttle::

    21:43:13 Kevin Anderson <CMO><AMO1> Mr Jaden, would you like to join the away team?

    21:43:15 Luc Daren <Ops> :: not sure why he's on an AT mission, being a glorified button pusher ::

    21:43:19 Arch Angel <HELM><MXO>will the sec be issuing standard side arms sir??

    21:43:19 will_marx CSEC> ASECs> When we get down there, I want a perimeter around our shuttle. No one gets in it unless they're wearing this uniform. Phasers on stun, and we'll ask questions later.

    21:43:20 Jaden <AMO1><CMO> With pleasure!

    21:43:27 Marsh <ASEC2><ASEC1>I ate an apple that came out of a pocket I didn't know I had

    21:43:39 will_marx CSEC> ASEC2> Down to the planet, Mr. Marsh. We get to play medevac.

    21:43:41 STSF Lebowski <ASEC3> Deadmeat> ::raises an eyebrow::

    21:43:45 Kevin Anderson <CMO><AMO1> return in one piece, we're short on qualified staff

    21:43:47 X'aedell <MXO>COMP>shuttle bay one

    21:43:48 Jaden <AMO1>+OPS+ Bridge could you beam me into the shuttle, I'm running a bit late. ::grabs a med kit on the way out::

    21:44:10 STSF Jami Lt Fabio> +AMO1+ Roger that. Hold on.

    21:44:14 Nicolas Lepage <ASEC1><CSEC> Don't we need a doc for a medevac?

    21:44:17 Luc Daren <Ops> [MXO] What exactly do you need me to do down there, sir?

    21:44:21 STSF Jami Lt Fabio> ::beams Jaden:::

    21:44:23 Jaden <AMO1>::squints and shimmers::

    21:44:30 X'aedell <MXO> ::arrives at shuttle bay one::

    21:44:44 Jaden <AMO1><Shuttle> Doctor Jaden reporting for duty.

    21:44:46 will_marx CSEC> ASEC1> Yep. And they should be coming shortly. But you know how our doctors are.

    21:44:53 Arch Angel <HELM><MXO>i'll get us preflighted sir,with your permission

    21:45:04 STSF Jami Lt Fabio> ::monitoring internal, external, and helm:::

    21:45:12 Nicolas Lepage <ASEC1> ::points to where Jaden just appeared:: <CSEC> Guess that's him.

    21:45:12 Kevin Anderson <CMO><AMO2> ::looks around:: just the two of us now

    21:45:20 Schawnsee @<Romulan>::laying in the crashed shuttle.... seeming to be injured::

    21:45:29 Luc Daren <Ops> :: exits the lift, with the MXO ::

    21:45:32 ESN Enrique <TAC>::Exits turbo lift::

    21:45:33 will_marx CSEC> ::notes the transporter whine as well:: I guess so. Dr. Jaden.

    21:45:37 Jaden <AMO1>+CMO+ Don't worry chief, at least I will survive. ::rummages through his medkit::

    21:45:53 STSF Jami Lt Fabio> <CO> Sir, I'm reading one life sign in the debris. Very faint. Looks Romulan.

    21:45:57 Arch Angel <HELM>::performs pre flight sys.check,and begins powering up seq.::

    21:46:14 X'aedell <MXO>OPS>I need you to assist tactical

    21:46:16 Kevin Anderson <CMO>+AMO1+ I take your word for it, good luck

    21:46:17 will_marx ((::grabs his "@"::blink:)

    21:46:18 STSF Jami Lt Fabio> ::turns to Lebowski:: <CO> Doesn't look like it will last much longer, Sir.

    21:46:26 STSF Lebowski <CO><Fabio> Hmm.....

    21:46:32 Luc Daren <Ops> :: enters shuttle, nods, then wonders what tac's doing on the mission ::

    21:46:36 will_marx CSEC> ::boards the shuttle::

    21:46:48 X'aedell <MXO> AWAY team> lets go

    21:46:52 ESN Enrique <TAC>::Enters shuttle after Ops and sits down::

    21:46:57 STSF Lebowski <CO>+MXO+ Let's get this show on the road, Mr X'aedell. We're getting some faint readings of a survivor.. but they won't last much longer.

    21:47:02 Jaden @<AMO1>::runs his Romulan physiology courses through his mind::

    21:47:04 Nicolas Lepage <ASEC1><CSEC> ::grabs his @ as he boards the shuttle:: I just hope we'll be back before dinner.

    21:47:10 Luc Daren <Ops> :: grabs a seat ::

    21:47:11 Kevin Anderson <CMO> ::running out of guineapigs tries the dermal regenerators on himself::

    21:47:13 will_marx ((We can always do the autopsy later, Lebow))

    21:47:28 Arch Angel @<HELM>+<OPS>+shuttle ready and req.take off clearance

    21:47:30 X'aedell <MXO> +CO+ show is on the road sir

    21:47:34 STSF Jami Stage Hand> ::tosses @ to the Away Team:::

    21:47:53 will_marx @ CSEC> ::settles into a semi-comfy chair::

    21:47:55 STSF Jami Stage Hand> :::superglues @ to the forehead of those who forgot them::::

    21:47:59 STSF Lebowski <CO><Fabio> Thank you, Lieutenant. Think, if we could save some stranded Romulans.. maybe the Romulans would pay us a tiny bit more respect.

    21:48:00 Nicolas Lepage <<::holds up his @:: already got one, thanks.>>

    21:48:09 X'aedell @MXO>@helm> get going>

    21:48:16 STSF Jami Lt Fabio> <CO> Hopefully, Sir.

    21:48:19 Jaden @<AMO1>::considers for a moment the political implications of the medical protocols he is about to embark upon::

    21:48:20 Luc Daren <Ops> :: doesn't put on his @ until the shuttle is techinically off the ship ::

    21:48:34 STSF Jami Lt Fabio> +Shuttle+ Launch when ready.

    21:48:52 Arch Angel @<HELM><MXO>aye sir,just waiting for clearance,and bay doors to open

    21:49:02 STSF Jami Bay Doors> OPEN

    21:49:10 Nicolas Lepage @<ASEC1> ::sits down::

    21:49:15 will_marx @CSEC> Ops> Excuse me, Stewardess. Is there a meal and movie on this flight?

    21:49:26 Arch Angel @<HELM>+<FABIO>+aye sir,launching

    21:49:52 Kevin Anderson <CMO> ::readjusts some biobed configurations to Romulan physiology::

    21:49:56 Nicolas Lepage @<ASEC1> ::chuckles:: I'll take beef.

    21:49:58 X'aedell @MXO>@TAC> let Ops assist you, i want to know exactly what's going on down there

    21:50:13 Jaden @<AMO1>::rubs sterilization cream over his hands and slips on a fancy medical smock for appearance purposes::

    21:50:13 Arch Angel <HELM><MXO>sir,suggest we hold on tight,may get a bit rough when we hit atmosphere

    21:50:15 ESN Enrique @<TAC><@MXO> Aye Commander

    21:50:19 Luc Daren @<Ops> :: feels lost without buttons to push, pulls out a PADD and does some paperwork on the flight to keep himself satisfied ::

    21:50:41 ESN Enrique @<TAC>@<OPS> Looks like were stuck together...

    21:50:57 STSF Jami <AMO2> :::fidgets at her post:: <CMO> The worst thing is the waiting, Sir.

    21:51:03 Nicolas Lepage @<ASEC1> ::grabs a PADD and pulls up some data on the planet::

    21:51:26 STSF Jami <AMO2> :::stands and begins to pace, picking up a few things and checking them a third time:::

    21:51:27 Kevin Anderson <CMO><AMO2> you reckon? ::looks worried::

    21:51:34 Arch Angel @<HELM>::engages inertial dampners to full,enters the atmosphere at optimum angle::

    21:51:38 Jaden @<AMO1>::grabs a stick of mint chewing gum from his case and watches the helmsman pilot the shuttle::

    21:51:39 X'aedell <MXO>::bracing herself for the ride

    21:51:40 will_marx @ CSEC> ASEC1> See what you can find out about this planet. Especially threats.

    21:51:48 ESN Enrique @<TAC>::Starts humming a random tune::

    21:51:49 STSF Jami Lt Fabio> <CO> Shuttle away. Entering the atmosphere.

    21:52:11 will_marx @ CSEC> ::ensures his tray table and seatback are in their upright and locked positions, and that his seatbelt is securely fastened::

    21:52:18 STSF Jami Stage Hand> :::slaps a @ on X'aedell's forehead:::

    21:52:20 X'aedell @MXO>@TAC> report please

    21:52:21 Arch Angel @<HELM><MXO>here we go sir,hold on all

    21:52:28 Jaden @<AMO1>::puts on his sunglasses as the shuttle enters the atmosphere::

    21:52:35 Kevin Anderson <CMO><AMO2> not being on away teams is always tough, staying on board always gets me worried more than going out there

    21:52:43 Nicolas Lepage @<ASEC1><CSEC> Already on it, sir. The only threat I've detected so far are the Romulans but I'd be prepared for surprises.

    21:52:43 STSF Lebowski <CO>::wishes the away team luck under his breath::

    21:52:57 ESN Enrique @<TAC>@<MXO> We are entering the atmosphere of the planet we will be arriving at the shuttle in a few minutes

    21:53:19 Arch Angel @<HELM>::increasing speed ,and shallows angle to reduce rough air

    21:53:20 X'aedell @MXO>::feeling thoroughly @ed

    21:53:22 Arch Angel ::

    21:53:24 Kevin Anderson <CMO><AMO2> but you have a point, we can't prepare well enough ::quickly but calmly starts checking everything again::

    21:53:37 STSF Jami <AMO2> ::sigh:: <CMO> It's the waiting. Always the waiting, then the chaos of emergency. ::shakes head:: I'd give anything for a good old fashioned steady stream.

    21:53:44 will_marx @ CSEC> ASEC1> Any indigenous species that might be hostile? Or we don't have that information?

    21:53:59 STSF Jami <AMO2> ::checking a fourth and fifth time, more from nerves than from need:::

    21:54:08 Jaden @<AMO1>::rolling up his sleeves and leaning against the bulkhead confidently::<ASEC> Ever been captured by the Rommies before?

    21:54:23 STSF Lebowski ACTION: The shuttle arrives at the plants surface, at a good landing spot a hundred yards from the downed Romulan shuttle.

    21:54:48 Arch Angel @<HELM>@<MXO>sir at destination,setting us down

    21:54:50 Kevin Anderson <CMO><AMO2> ::nods understandingly:: the calm before the storm ::consolingly places a hand on Jami's shoulder:: but don't worry, all we can do is make sure everything's ready and then do what we were trained to do

    21:54:50 X'aedell @XMO>@ops> scan for life signs

    21:54:54 STSF Jami Lt Fabio> <CO> Shuttle has landed, Captain. Looks to be about 100 clicks from the shuttle.

    21:54:56 Nicolas Lepage @<ASEC1><CSEC> Well, it's the neutral zone, it's not like we're sending people out here to map the area and research planet life very often. The data is...well old.

    21:55:06 Jaden @<AMO1><ASEC> I tell you one thing, they wont be taking me alive.

    21:55:15 STSF Jami <AMO2> ::appreciates the calming hand:::

    21:55:17 will_marx @ CSEC> ASEC> I could only hope, Mr. LePage.

    21:55:28 ESN Enrique @<TAC>@<MXO> Shuttle has landed we are a couple of yards away from the Romulan shuttle, I am decting one life sign, Romulan from the shuttle

    21:55:32 Arch Angel @<HELM>::powers down the landing seq.,and places drive on standby::

    21:55:40 STSF Lebowski @SEC Deadmeat> ::wakes up and gets ready to leave the shuttle::

    21:55:44 STSF Jami Lt Fabio> <CO> Life sign is very faint. Would you like an open channel to the AT, sir?

    21:55:45 Nicolas Lepage @<ASEC1><AMO1> Relax, we've only just arrived.

    21:55:46 will_marx @ CSEC> ::releases his seatbelt:: ASECs> Secure the perimeter.

    21:55:53 X'aedell @XMO>@all> lets do and see

    21:55:57 STSF Lebowski ACTION: Sensors are still being wonky. Hard to tell if there are other life signs.

    21:56:01 Jaden @<AMO1>::stands up business-like and prepares to exit the shuttle::

    21:56:14 Kevin Anderson <CMO><AMO2> ::smiles encouragingly:: and you have indeed been trained well, nothing to worry about

    21:56:20 will_marx @ CSEC> ::hands phasers out, before leaving the shuttle::

    21:56:25 Nicolas Lepage @<ASEC1> ::gets up and readies his phaser:: <CSEC> Aye, sir.

    21:56:31 STSF Jami <Lt Fabio> <CO> Hm.....sensors are wonky. I thought there was one, but . . . hard to tell.

    21:56:36 X'aedell @XMO>@OPS>stay here and continue to scan

    21:56:49 ESN Enrique @<TAC>@<CSEC> Do we have the standard amount of red shirts for this mission?

    21:57:09 ESN Enrique @<TAC>::Grabs phaser::

    21:57:09 Arch Angel @<HELM>@<MXO>aye sir..::engages lock out protocols on helm controls,and locks them,grabs a phaser::

    21:57:14 STSF Lebowski ACTION: Just outside the shuttle is the remains of a Romulan.. or so it kindof looks.

    21:57:30 will_marx @CSEC> ::raises an eyebrow at at Ensign Enrique at the term "redshirts"::

    21:57:36 X'aedell @XMO>@OPS> keep me informed of anything you pick up, I do not want surprises, if I can help it

    21:57:42 STSF Lebowski ACTION: The body is more like a skeleton.. most of the flesh is gone.

    21:57:51 Jaden @<AMO><Shuttle> Come on open the door!

    21:57:58 ESN Enrique @<TAC>::Looks at shirt to see its red::

    21:58:05 will_marx @ CSEC> TAC> No. But then we never have enough Security personnel assigned.

    21:58:17 STSF Lebowski @Deadmeat> Oh yuck!!

    21:58:21 ESN Enrique @<TAC>@<CSEC> Thats great to know

    21:58:40 Arch Angel @<HELM>@<MXO>after you sir

    21:58:43 STSF Jami <AMO2> :::sighs:: <CMO> You know, I tried planetside duty. Didn't work. Then when I get aboard a starship I wish I were planetside. Fickle, I know, but I just can't seem to settle on one place or the other. ::looks up to Kevin:: Did you ever try planetside?

    21:58:44 will_marx @ CSEC> Deadmeat> It's only a skeleton. It's not like it's a zombie or anything.

    21:59:04 STSF Jami (two minute warning)

    21:59:05 ESN Enrique @<TAC>::Looks at Romulan skeleton::@<ALL> That looks tasty, some one must like their Romulans raw

    21:59:08 STSF Lebowski @Deadmeat> It smells..

    21:59:14 Schawnsee @<Romulan>;;springs up and grabs Deadhead and starts eating at his arm::

    21:59:16 Nicolas Lepage @<ASEC1> ::secures the perimeter, scanning with a tricorder::

    21:59:18 Jaden @<AMO>::gets his bearings, sniffs the wind:: This way gentlemen!

    21:59:29 STSF Jami (ewwww)

    21:59:33 Arch Angel <<with fry bread on the side>>

    21:59:40 Kevin Anderson <CMO><AMO2> ::shakes head:: I just can't see myself doing that, this ::looks around sickbay:: is what I joined starfleet for

    21:59:41 will_marx @ CSEC> Damn it! ::draws and fires at the Romulan::

    21:59:48 X'aedell @XMO>CMO> scan the remains of the body

    21:59:48 Nicolas Lepage @<ASEC> ::turbns around and points his phaser at the Romulan::

    21:59:49 Jaden @<AMO>::opens his medical tricorder and is fascinated by the remains::

    21:59:51 STSF Lebowski Deadmeat> AAAAAAAAH!

    21:59:52 ESN Enrique @<TAC>::sees Deadmeat under attack and fires at the Romulan::

    22:00:13 Nicolas Lepage @<ASEC> ::also fires his phaser which is set on stun::

    22:00:17 Jaden @<AMO>::kneels low over the corpse and makes careful observations calmly::

    22:00:30 STSF Jami ( SF has granted us a few more minutes of tortu . . . uh . . . fun :) )

    22:00:41 STSF Lebowski @Deadmeat> ::flails around, gets in the way of the phaser blast, gets stunned::

    22:00:56 Schawnsee @<Romulan>:: moves up his arm to his neck::

    22:01:01 Jaden @<AMO>::taking samples and ducking the phaser fire::

    22:01:06 X'aedell @MXO>What on earth? anymore life signs?

    22:01:11 will_marx @ CSEC> ::reaims and fires again at the Romulan::

    22:01:13 ESN Enrique @<TAC>::sets phaser to kill and shoots at the Romulan again::

    22:01:19 Schawnsee @<Romulan>::eating everything leaving only the bone::

    22:01:33 Arch Angel @<HELM>@<MXO>sir...just an idea, shoot to kill sir,or at least vaporise

    22:02:02 Jaden @<AMO1><MXO> Sir, eaters of the dead! Have you heard the legend?

    22:02:07 STSF Jami <lol Angel . . . what's the difference between kill and vaporize?>

    22:02:26 Nicolas Lepage @<ASEC> ::fires again, hoping this time noone will get in the way::

    22:02:30 will_marx @ CSEC> ::adjusts his power setting to heavy stun::

    22:02:31 STSF Lebowski ACTION: The cannibalistic Romulan is hit and killed.

    22:02:36 X'aedell @MXO>AMO1> no

    22:02:37 Kevin Anderson <<the remains I'd say;)>>

    22:02:46 Arch Angel <<well they are dead,so vaporise should do it>>

    22:02:48 STSF Lebowski ACTION: AND vaporized.

    22:02:57 Jaden @<AMO1>::flails his tricorder in every direction, medkit still in other hand::

    22:02:57 ESN Enrique @<TAC>@<CSEC> What was that!

    22:03:02 Schawnsee <<LOL>

    22:03:03 Kevin Anderson <CMO><AMO2> ::looks at Jami:: you gonna be okay?

    22:03:08 Nicolas Lepage @<ASEC> ::mutters:: so much for an autopsy.

    22:03:11 will_marx @ CSEC> ASEC> Keep an eye out, just in case.

    22:03:30 STSF Jami <AMO2> ::looks up:: <CMO> Oh, yes, sir. Just . .. wondering why we haven't heard anything from the AT.

    22:03:34 X'aedell @MXO> @ALL>let's look for more life signs and get the scans we need so we can get out of here

    22:03:38 Arch Angel @<HELM>::sets phaser to max setting::

    22:03:52 will_marx @ CSEC> ::spares a momentary glance at Deadmeat:: He tempted fate once to often.

    22:03:55 Jaden @<AMO>::laughs at Lepage's remark:: <MXO> Sort of like well say earth's zombies, eaters of the dead are a Norse legend.

    22:04:10 ESN Enrique @<TAC><MXO> Is that such a good idea look at the bones! ::Points at deadmeat::

    22:04:10 STSF Lebowski ACTION: Two famished looking Romulans suddenly pop out of a rock enclave and grab AMO1, running away dragging him toward a cave.

    22:04:11 will_marx @ CSEC> ::makes mental note to write his parents::

    22:04:12 Nicolas Lepage @<ASEC><CSEC> I'll keep scanning. At least our own guy is still alive.

    22:04:22 Kevin Anderson <CMO><AMO2> ::shrugs:: you know how it is, time flies down there while it passes very slowly up here

    22:04:35 Jaden @<AMO1>::gulps audibly for a breath but is dragged into the shadows::

    22:04:52 Schawnsee @<Romulan2> :: runs in behind the crew and jumps on AMO1 and starts eating his neck::

    22:05:12 will_marx @ CSEC> ::looking around for the quack:: Where's Jaden?

    22:05:14 Jaden @<AMO1>::lets out a blood curddling yelp from the echo of the cave::

    22:05:23 Nicolas Lepage @<ASEC><CSEC> The doc found two more. ::point his phaser at the Romulan grabbing jaden and tries to get a clear shot::

    22:05:27 Arch Angel @<HELM>@<MXO>ummm..sir,is someone missing from the party??

    22:05:28 STSF Lebowski @Romulan3> ::pulls a knife and starts cutting off AMO's arm::

    22:05:35 X'aedell @XMO>::hears and turns around , shooting at the Romulan::

    22:05:39 will_marx @ CSEC> ::opens fire::

    22:05:47 Nicolas Lepage @<ASEC> ::fires::

    22:05:47 ESN Enrique @<TAC>::opens fire::

    22:05:54 Kevin Anderson <<so much for coming back in one piece, I jinxed it, sorry, mate>>

    22:05:59 X'aedell @XMAO@ALL retreat to the shuttle, now

    22:06:02 Arch Angel @<HELM>::aims and fires at the Romulan::

    22:06:23 will_marx @ CSEC> ASEC> LePage, we're going to cover the withdrawl.

    22:06:30 STSF Lebowski @Romulan3> ::takes the arm and runs off munching it::

    22:06:36 will_marx @CSEC> MXO> Go! We'll cover you.

    22:06:40 STSF Lebowski PAUSE SIM

    22:06:42 STSF Lebowski PAUSE SIM

    22:06:43 Arch Angel @<HELM>@<MXO>waiting on me sir,your backing up::sprinting for the shuttle::

    22:06:45 STSF Lebowski PAUSE SIM

    22:07:20 STSF Jami Goodness....::whew:::

    22:07:39 Nicolas Lepage Looks like those guys were really into arms

    22:07:52 STSF Jami Attention for Debriefing.

    22:07:54 STSF Lebowski Heh.. well Jaden.. it seems your crewmates were only slightly interested in making sure you weren't eaten alive.

    STSF Jami First of all, thank you STSF Lebowski for helping out tonight. Captain, any thoughts?

    22:09:05 STSF Lebowski Hmm..

    22:09:38 STSF Lebowski I'm kind of hungry.

    22:09:46 STSF Jami Well, other than that.

    22:09:55 Jaden lol

    22:10:23 STSF Lebowski Oh... I guess I'll just give a general reminder..

    22:11:08 STSF Lebowski That you should always keep in mind that you're playing the part of a Starfleet officer.. so you should try to think about what your characters role would do in a situation. Think about what your post does and doesn't do.

    22:11:24 STSF Lebowski Other than that, though, some good solid simming all around.

    22:11:39 STSF Jami ::nods agreement:::

    22:11:55 STSF Jami X'aedell, thoughts on your MXO mission?

    22:13:19 X'aedell was a bit taken aback with the responsibility of the part, but i enjoyed it

    22:13:42 STSF Jami I was wondering if you might feel overwhelmed. You did well. Was it your first?

    22:14:03 X'aedell In that position, yes!

    22:14:13 STSF Jami A daunting task, to say the least.

    22:14:35 X'aedell It's different than being a dept head

    22:15:00 X'aedell But thanx

    22:15:16 STSF Jami Thank you for stepping up to the plate. Hang on a minute.

    22:15:36 STSF Jami Step forward, please, Cadet X'aedell.

    22:15:48 X'aedell ::stepping forward::

    22:15:55 STSF Jami First of all . . . .

    22:16:05 STSF Jami You only lost two crew....not bad.

    22:16:20 Jaden ::moans::

    22:16:30 STSF Jami And you forgot your @ only . . . once I think. ::checks the cheat sheet:::

    22:16:41 X'aedell ::nodding sadly::

    22:16:44 will_marx Alas poor Deadmeat. I knew him Horatio

    22:16:55 STSF Lebowski I think I forgot my @ once :P

    22:17:09 STSF Jami :::checking through her notes::: I think you did, too, Captain. ::shakes head:::

    22:17:42 STSF Jami :::sigh:: I guess it's only fitting then, Cadet X'aedell, that we give you the punishment you deserve....

    22:18:10 STSF Lebowski ::cracks knuckles::

    22:18:16 X'aedell :?

    22:18:45 STSF Jami :::pulls out a box:::takes out a pip::: By the authority vested in me by STSF and all those other nerds around here, I hereby promote you to the rank of Ensign, with all the responsibilities and privileges (are there any?).

    22:19:01 STSF Lebowski ::gets out the pressurized pip gun, hands it to Jami::

    22:19:09 Arch Angel ::throws salmon,fires the SS2000,and deploys his umbrella:: :)

    22:19:12 STSF Jami :::steps forward and pins the pip neatly to X'aedell's collar::: Congratulations, Ensign X'aedell.

    22:19:14 Kevin Anderson ::ducks::

    22:19:22 Schawnsee Congrats X'aedell

    22:19:25 STSF Jami ::takes the pip gun:: Oh. sorry. :::fires:::

    22:19:33 STSF Lebowski Awe. Congrats, Ensign.

    22:19:34 will_marx ((Cleaning heads, Jami))

    22:19:35 Kevin Anderson ::applauds:: congrats

    22:19:39 Jaden Ouch! Felicitations!

    22:19:39 will_marx Congrats X'ae

    22:19:41 Nicolas Lepage congrats

    22:19:49 STSF Jami Stick around for a PM from me, please. All others dismissed. *dismiss*

  6. [sTSF Jami] The Runabout Tiberius has crashed on a remote desert planet and the crew must plan survival.

    [sTSF Jami] Doug is CENG

    [sTSF Jami] Dremix is AENG

    [sTSF Jami] I am AENG

    [sTSF Jami] Sarvek is CO

    [sTSF Jami] =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=

    [sTSF Jami] =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=

    [sarvek] ((If I happen to drop, it's because my lappy dies. Feel free to kill the character if I disappear -- shouldn't, though.))

    [Dremixturel] <Aeng2><CENG>sir what should we do for shelter?

    [sTSF Jami] <AENG> ::coughcough::: <cool>

    [cdt.doug.t] <ceng> ::inspecting the outter hull of the ship::

    [sTSF Jami] <AENG> :::stepping out of the ship to take a look around::: <CENG> Where's the captain, Sir?

    [cdt.doug.t] <ceng><aeng> the shuttle will heat up with the day time heating are their and caves near by

    [sTSF Jami] <AENG2> ::hearing the CENG::looks around:::

    [sTSF Jami] <AENG2> ::calling out::: <CO> Captain?

    [Dremixturel] <AENG2>::Looks around :: I don't see any sir

    [sTSF Jami] <AENG2> ::walks around the ship checking for damage and the captain:::

    [cdt.doug.t] <ceng><all> lets get what survival euipment we can we need to look shelter and the captian

    [Dremixturel] <AENG><CENG>sir there seems to be something leaking back here::points::

    [sTSF Jami] <AENG2> ::comes around the other side:: <CENG> Yes, Sir.

    [cdt.doug.t] <ceng>::pulls out tricorder::

    [cdt.doug.t] <ceng>::scan::

    [sTSF Jami] ACTION> Minor leak. No problem.

    [Dremixturel] <AENG>aye aye sir

    [cdt.doug.t] <ceng><aeng> just a minor leak plasma leak

    [Dremixturel] <AENG>::helps pull out the survival equipment

    [sTSF Jami] <AENG2> ::Nods:: <CENG> Should I <lol> Get the equipment from the ship, sir, or leave it inside to use as shelter?

    [Dremixturel] <AENG>::spots the captain on the ground:: You ok sir?

    [cdt.doug.t] <ceng><aeng2> what is the temp inside the shuttle

    [sTSF Jami] <AENG2> ::moves over to check it out:: <CENG> A little hot, Sir, but bearable.

    [sarvek] <CO> <AENG> ::wakes from unconsciousness:: Getting better. ::smile::

    [sTSF Jami] <AENG2> <CENG> I guess it might be too hot when the sun rises.

    [Dremixturel] <AENG>::smiles back and helps the captain up::

    [cdt.doug.t] <ceng>::scans the captain:: <co> sir you alright

    [Dremixturel] <<been long time since I done academy I almost forgot how >>

    [sTSF Jami] <med tricorders and engineering tricorders are a bit different, Doug>

    [cdt.doug.t] <ceng><aeng2> grab me a med tricorder

    [sTSF Jami] <AENG2> <CENG> Yes, SIr. ::enters the ship and scrounges around for an emergency medical kit:::

    [sarvek] <CO> ::leans on her elbows, smiling:: <CENG> Thanks Doug.

    [sTSF Jami] <AENG2> :::finds one in the emergency locker, pulls it out and brings it outside::: <CENG> Should be one in here, sir.

    [Dremixturel] <AENG>::starts setting up a tent and scanning the horizion for signs of life::

    [sTSF Jami] Action> Barren. Nothing for miles and miles (or kilometers and kilometers)

    [sarvek] <CO> ::shivers:: Why is it that the coldest planets will always be the hottest come daytime?

    [Dremixturel] <AENG>::face drops as he sees nothing::

    [sTSF Jami] Action> But there does seem to be something on the horizon that looks like a mountain range.

    [cdt.doug.t] <ceng><aeng2> where is that tricorder

    [sTSF Jami] <AENG2> ::digs in the medical kit and pulls it out:: <CENG> Here, sir

    [cdt.doug.t] <ceng><aeng2> thanks ::scans::

    [Dremixturel] <AENG><AENG2>you think we will ever get home or that anyone will find us?

    [cdt.doug.t] <ceng><co> how do you feel

    [sTSF Jami] <AENG2> <AENG> ::looks at him a long minute::: I hope so.

    [sTSF Jami] <AENG2> <AENG> I actually never thought about not being found. But with the ship a few light years away I guess it might be too much to hope for anytime soon.

    [Dremixturel] <AENG>::points to the horizon::<AENG2>does that look like mountains to you?

    [sTSF Jami] <AENG2> ::glances in the direction of his pointing:: <AENG> Hey...it sure does. How far away do you think?

    [cdt.doug.t] <ceng><all> some one check the communication array

    [sTSF Jami] <AENG2> ::swings around:: <CENG> Aye, sir.

    [sTSF Jami] <AENG2> ::looks at Dremix hoping he'll help:::

    [Dremixturel] <AENG>::looks :: maybe sixty kilometers sorry to say

    [sTSF Jami] <AENG2> ::cringe:: Not promising.

    [sTSF Jami] <AENG2> <AENG> Help me with the comm array?

    [Dremixturel] <AENG>::goes to help check the array::

    [sTSF Jami] <AENG2> ::follows along:::

    [cdt.doug.t] <ceng>::treats the captians engeries::

    [cdt.doug.t] <ceng><co> how are you now sir

    [sarvek] <CO> <CENG> ::smiles:: You're a good doctor, too. Good field medical technique.

    [sarvek] <CO> ::moves arm, feeling the joint stiff::

    [cdt.doug.t] <ceng>::grabs germal regenerator::

    [Dremixturel] <AENG>::Looks over the array:: it looks ok but the only to truely be sure is to try it and you::ppointing to AENG2:: are the operator of it

    [cdt.doug.t] <ceng>::moves the device a long the captian arm::

    [sarvek] <CO> <CENG> Anything?

    [sTSF Jami] <AENG2> :::slips in next to Dremix::: <AENG> Here goes nothing...

    [sTSF Jami] <AENG2> ::taps the comm panel:::

    [Dremixturel] <AENG>::moves back and watches::

    [cdt.doug.t] <ceng><co> you had a broken arm i repaird it

    [sTSF Jami] <AENG2> ::flips a switch:: <if they still have them in the 24th century>

    [sarvek] <CO> ::tests arm:: Feels better already.

    [sTSF Jami] <AENG2> ::power comes on::: Well, we still have power.

    [cdt.doug.t] <ceng><co> i have a team working on the communications array

    [sTSF Jami] <AENG2> ::turns to Dremix:: That's a plus. Now for the comm. ::taps the panel again:::

    [Dremixturel] <AENG>::crosses his fingers and hopes for the best::

    [sTSF Jami] ACTION> A faint beacon begins beeping that it is operational.

    [Dremixturel] <<I don't think switches will ever go away>>

    [sTSF Jami] <AENG2> +CENG+ Checking comm. One, two, three...

    [sarvek] <CO> <CENG> Good. Hopefully we'll get something back from Fleet Command.

    [sTSF Jami] <AENG2> ::waiting for response:::

    [cdt.doug.t] <ceng>+<aeng2>+ i read you over

    [Dremixturel] <AENG>yes

    [sTSF Jami] <AENG2> ::Rocky pose:: Yes!

    [sTSF Jami] <AENG2> +CENG+ We have power, sir, and the comm seems to be working. Beacon is going.

    [cdt.doug.t] <ceng>+<aeng2>+ the captian is stable i'm going to come out and help you

    [sTSF Jami] <we're in. You're out >

    [cdt.doug.t] oops

    [Dremixturel] <AENG>::sweating:: Its getting hot in here don't you think?

    [sTSF Jami] <AENG2> :::whew:: <AENG> Yeah.

    [cdt.doug.t] <ceng>+<aeng2>+ i be in an a minute ::lifts up the captain helps the captian in the shuttle::

    [Dremixturel] <AENG><AENG2>maybe we should go outside and see if we can at least find a breeze

    [sTSF Jami] <AENG2> <AENG> Maybe.

    [sTSF Jami] =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=

  7. [sTSF Seiben] STSF Academy Roster, SD 10611.21

    [sTSF Seiben] COMMAND:

    [sTSF Seiben] Commanding Officer (CO): STSF Seiben

    [sTSF Seiben] Executive Office (XO): STSF Jami

    [sTSF Seiben] BRIDGE CREW:

    [sTSF Seiben] Tactical Officer (TAC): Mirak

    [sTSF Seiben] Helm /Operations (HOPS): Luc Daren

    [sTSF Seiben] ENGINEERING:

    [sTSF Seiben] Chief Engineering Officer (CENG): earl watkins

    [sTSF Seiben] MEDICAL

    [sTSF Seiben] Chief Medical Officer (CMO): mtporter

    [sTSF Seiben] =/\= END ROSTER=/\=

    [sTSF Seiben] MISSION BRIEF: SD 10611.21

    [sTSF Seiben] The USS Raleigh has been invited to a dinner by the people of the planet Bogan for their annual harvest feast.

    [sTSF Seiben] BEGIN SIM

    [mtporter] <<hey this sounds familiar>>

    [Luc_Daren] <HOps> :: at his dual console on the bridge, having a flashback of red eyes for some reason ::

    [earl_watkins] <<hopefully no giant turkeys>>

    [sTSF Seiben] <<lolz.. all I could do last minute >>

    [Mirak] <TAC>::standing at his post scanning on the long range::

    [Mirak] <TAC>::standing at his post scanning on the long range::

    [sTSF Seiben] ACTION: We are orbitting Bogan, BTW

    [mtporter] <CMO>::casually walking through the halls of the raleigh::

    [Mirak] <TAC>::his chronometer beeps and he steps off the bridge to his quarters to change::

    [earl_watkins] <ceng> ::sits in his quarters enjoying some off duty time::

    [sTSF Jami] <XO> ::orbiting Bogan with the crew::

    [Luc_Daren] <HOps> [CO] In standard orbit of Bogan, sir.

    [sTSF Seiben] ROSTER UPDATE: Knoll - CSEC

    [sTSF Seiben] ROSTER UPDATE: Knoll - CSEC

    [DrAndreaKnollwatcher] <<::Looks around for Knoll:: OH! Thats me! =0]>>

    [mtporter] <CMO>::walks into sickbay and surveys the scene::

    [Mirak] <TAC>::humming a tune:: +Computer+ Lights!

    [sTSF Seiben] <CO><HOPS> Sweet. Set up a standard orbit \

    doctor, not a security officer.

    [mtporter] <CMO>::she hands a padd to a nearby nurse:: rotations for the feast, please pass them out

    [Mirak] <TAC>::washes his hands and face at the sink::

    [earl_watkins] <ceng> ::leaves his quarters after smelling a strang odor. follows his nose to the closest gally:: hey chef whats cooking

    [Luc_Daren] <HOps> [XO} Is this a ... formal function?

    [sTSF Seiben] <CO><HOPS> ALright, inform the crew that we are to disembark to the surface. They are expecting us.

    [Luc_Daren] <HOps> [CO] Aye, sir.

    [mtporter] <CMO>::nods, takes another glance around and then decideds to leave::

    [Mirak] <TAC>::combing his hair carefully::

    [earl_watkins] <chef> <ceng> nothing speacial just something that my mother taught me.

    [earl_watkins] <ceng><chef> can i have a bite?

    [Luc_Daren] <HOps> +Shipwide+ Attention, we are in orbit of Bogan. We are expected on the surface immediately. Begin disembarkation procedures.

    [sTSF Jami] <XO> <XO> ::glance at Seiben:: Dress whites, Sir, or as we are?

    [sTSF Seiben] ACTION: Galley is closed since we're gonna head down to the surface toeat anyways.

    [DrAndreaKnollwatcher] <CSEC>::keying console, checking out the grounds on Bogan::

    [earl_watkins] <chef> <ceng> here is a cup now go ::hands cup::

    [DrAndreaKnollwatcher] <<Bogania?>>

    [mtporter] <CMO>::she begins to roam the halls of the ship again. perks up when she hears the announcement:: oh boy I do love a party

    [Mirak] <TAC>::patting himself with cologne, whistling, hears the comm beep, zips up his attire::

    [sTSF Seiben] <co> They didn't really care what we wore.

    [sTSF Seiben] <CO> So we'll go as we are.

    [earl_watkins] <ceng> ::walks down hall sipping the soup till he arrives at a tr and throws the empty cup out::

    [sTSF Jami] <XO> ::contemplates a bikini::: Aye, sir.

    [Luc_Daren] <HOps> :: overhears Seiben, lets out a happy sigh ::

    [Luc_Daren] <HOps> :: secures console ::

    [mtporter] <CMO>::begins to walk towards the TR::

    [Mirak] <TAC>::walks down the corridor in something stylish from Vulcan, slips into the turbolift:: +TL+ Transporter Room

    [earl_watkins] <ceng> +xo+ are street cloths ok?

    [Luc_Daren] <HOps> [CO] Communication from the surface sir, we are cleared to head down at our leisure.

    [DrAndreaKnollwatcher] <CSEC>::closes down screen, returns it to security screen saver::

    [sTSF Seiben] <CO><HOPS> We'll do that

    [sTSF Jami] <CXO> +CENG+ It's a come as you are, Chief. Within reason, of course.

    [mtporter] <CMO>::she smiles to herself as she enters the TR and looks around::

    [sTSF Seiben] <CO> ::heads to the lift::

    [sTSF Jami] <seem to have split personality tonight. sorry>

    [Luc_Daren] <HOps> :: rises from the seat, follows the Cap'n ::

    [Mirak] <<come as you are, ::snickers::>>

    [sTSF Seiben] brb

    [sTSF Jami] <XO> ::hopefully:: <CO> Uh...Captain. Why don't I just stay here and guard the ship?

    [earl_watkins] <ceng> ::straightens his tie and brushes dust of his suit::

    [DrAndreaKnollwatcher] <CSEC>::turns towards the bridge exit::

    [mtporter] <CMO>::she smooths out her dress as she leans against the wall and waits for the rest of the crew::

    [Luc_Daren] <HOps> [XO] Don't want to be wined and dined, Commander?

    [Mirak] <TAC>::leaning back against the outside of the transporter room arms folded, still humming, waiting for the others::

    [sTSF Jami] <XO> ::deep breath:: <HOPS> I've been at some of their . . . festivals before. Didn't quite appreciate the fare, I'm afraid.

    [Mirak] <TAC>::notices the Doctor and gives her a furtive glance:: <CMO> Hi there Doc. ::smiles::

    [DrAndreaKnollwatcher] <CSEC>::enters lift::

    [Luc_Daren] <HOps> [XO] Well, I suppose it would be within Starfleet procedure to leave one of the command staff on board... :: wink ::

    [Luc_Daren] <HOps> [XO] Hopefully the captain will agree.

    [mtporter] <CMO><TAC>oh hello there Mirak, ready for some fun

    [sTSF Jami] <XO> ::;taking Seiben's lack of response as a "you're coming" she sighs and follows along:: <HOps> In my dreams, I guess.

    [Mirak] <TAC><CMO> You bet, where are we going this time? Bogan is it? I wonder...

    [earl_watkins] <ceng> ::runs into mirak:: <tac> how is it goin homie. like the suit. ::decided to pull his purple ower suit out of storage::

    [Luc_Daren] <HOps> [XO] Can't have it all, I suppose. :: enters the lift ::

    [sTSF Seiben] bak

    [sTSF Jami] <XO> ::enters with Luc:::

    [sTSF Jami] <XO> <CO> ::practicing her best smile:::

    [sTSF Seiben] <CO> ::didn't hear what the XO said back there. Shrugs::

    [mtporter] <CMO><TAC>Yes I believe that is the name. Word is they throw quite a party...that is if we ever get the rest of the crew here ::winks::

    [sTSF Jami] <XO> ::sigh::

    [Luc_Daren] <HOps> :: rides the lift with the O's ::

    [Mirak] <TAC>::looks at earl and laughs:: <CENG> You dog! I'm sure they'll get a kick out of that number. ::walks through the transporter room doors::

    [DrAndreaKnollwatcher] <CSEC::>>::riding lift towards transporter room::

    [earl_watkins] ((ever seen hitch. its like that one))

    [Luc_Daren] <HOps> [CO, XO] Anything I should know about the Bogans?

    [earl_watkins] <ceng> ::walks into tr and waits for fellow officers::

    [Mirak] <TAC>::steps up onto the padd and appreciates the doctor's wink with a raised eyebrow::

    [mtporter] <CMO>:smiles as she looks at earl::

    [sTSF Seiben] <CO> I hear they are a friendly, laid back kind of people.

    [Luc_Daren] <HOps> [CO,XO] Or is it Boganites?

    [Luc_Daren] <HOps> [CO] That's a relief, sir.

    [sTSF Seiben] <CO> I think they prefer the term 'bogans'

    [sTSF Jami] <XO> ::nods to Seiben's assessment::

    [Luc_Daren] <HOps> :: nods, watches the lift doors slide open ::

    [mtporter] <CMO>::follows the group onto the padd::

    [sTSF Seiben] <CO> ::heads to the pods::

    [Mirak] <TAC>::checks his pocket for a cricket-type phaser and ensures his comm badge is securely fastened to his ultra modern Vulcan silk shirt::

    [mtporter] <CMO>::more to herself than anyone else:: I hope there is dancing. I do love dancing

    [Luc_Daren] <HOps> :: walks ::

    [mtporter] <CMO>::looks at Mirak and earl:: do you, like dancing that is?

    [Mirak] <TAC>::checks his hair in the reflecting transporter panel::

    [earl_watkins] <ceng> <cmo> dancing? i dont dance

    [Luc_Daren] <HOps> :: arrives wherever it is they were heading ::

    [Mirak] <TAC><CMO> Only if it has a quick tempo and if I've had some wine before hand. I wouldn't want to be embarassed sober.

    [mtporter] <CMO>::nods::<CENG>oh well, your loose

    [sTSF Seiben] ACTION: Oh yeah.. there's dancing afterwards. Then kareoke.

    [sTSF Jami] <XO> ::sighs yet again::

    [Luc_Daren] <HOps> [XO] Something wrong, Commander?

    [sTSF Seiben] <CO> ::Steps onto the PADD::

    [earl_watkins] <ceng> <cmo> then again... well, nevermind

    [Mirak] <TAC>::notices the Captain and stiffens a bit, a natural reflex::

    [mtporter] <CMO>::smiles and nods to seiben and the rest of the crew::

    [sTSF Jami] <XO> <HOps> Wrong? ::innocently:: No. Should there be something wrong?

    [Luc_Daren] <HOps> :: gets on the pad as well ::

    [earl_watkins] <ceng> ::yawns and waits for tranporting to begin::

    [Mirak] <TAC><XO> ::whispers to Jami:: Karaoke? ::rolls his eyes::

    [Luc_Daren] <HOps> [XO] You keep sighing, I was just wondering.

    [sTSF Seiben] TR Chief> ::nods to the crews:: Have a good time. ::Smiles innocently, and energises::

    [sTSF Jami] <XO> ::dutifully steps on the padd:: wry grin at Mirak::

    [Luc_Daren] <HOps> :: does the whole shimmer routine ::

    [mtporter] <CMO>::does a little shimmer number::

    [Mirak] <TAC><XO> I hope they have some good Gin. ::snickers::

    [sTSF Seiben] <CO> ::Shimmers onto Bogan::

    [earl_watkins] *shimmer*

    [sTSF Jami] <XO> ::shimmers::

    [Mirak] <TAC>::shimmers to the surface::

    [Luc_Daren] <HOps> :: rematerializes, looks around ::

    [mtporter] <CMO>::quickly glances around the area::

    [Mirak] <TAC>::sniffs the air with interest::

    [Luc_Daren] <HOps> :: looks for the welcoming committee ::

    [earl_watkins] <ceng> :: looks at shoes:: DANG IT... transporter scuffed my shoes

    [mtporter] <CMO>::looks at Jamie::<XO>you can't honestly tell me you don't like a good party?

    [Mirak] <TAC><CENG> Too much polish earl. ::chuckles::

    [sTSF Jami] <XO> :::as she looks around for the party also:: <CMO> Oh, I love a *good* party.

    [mtporter] <CMO>::chuckles::

    [Luc_Daren] <HOps> [XO] I guess this is a seat yourself affair?

    [earl_watkins] <ceng> <tac> no man these cloths are my only nice offduty cloths

    [Mirak] <TAC><CENG> Did you use a bowling ball waxer on those shoes?

    [earl_watkins] <ceng> <tac> ...

    [sTSF Jami] <XO> <HOps> They usually are. Careful where you sit, too.

    [Luc_Daren] <HOps> :: raises his eyebrows at Jami in a questioning look ::

    [Mirak] <TAC><CENG>::looks down:: I think I can see the Raleigh's reflection from orbit. ::guffaws::

    [earl_watkins] <ceng> ::pulls out some polish and fixes shoes:: better

    [sTSF Jami] <XO> ::chuckles at Mirak's comment:: <CENG> They are perfect, Chief. I admire your attention to detail.

    [Mirak] <TAC><CENG>Tres Chic

    [sTSF Seiben] Bogans> ::Approach the Raleigh crew:: Welcome to the planet Bogan.

    [sTSF Seiben] <CO> Thank you.

    [Luc_Daren] <HOps> :: nods regally toward the Bogans ::

    [mtporter] <CMO>::watches the approaching bogan and smiles::

    [sTSF Seiben] Bogans> Please... follow us.

    [Mirak] <TAC>::walks behind the CO casually::

    [mtporter] <CMO>::begins to walk casually taking in the planet::

    [Luc_Daren] <HOps> :: follows them ::

    [sTSF Seiben] ACTION: The Bogans are a tallish race, about 2 metres in height with red skin, but very friendly::

    [earl_watkins] <ceng> <xo> thank you maam. thats how i d things

    [Luc_Daren] <HOps> :: looks up at their Bogan escorts :: <m> I always wanted to hit 2 m.

    [Mirak] <TAC><XO> I think I'm going to have fun afterall. ::raises and eyebrow::

    [sTSF Jami] <XO> <TAC> I certainly hope so.

    [sTSF Seiben] <2 metres ~ 6'6" >

    [sTSF Jami] <thank you, Hans >

    [mtporter] <CMO>::feels rather short as she looks up at the bogan walking next to her::

    [Mirak] <<merci S'Bien>>

    [earl_watkins] <ceng> ::remains serious, and follows the group::

    [Mirak] <TAC>::admires the Bogans, perhaps a bit too much::

    [sTSF Seiben] ACTION: The Bogans lead the Raleigh crew to a large banquet table by a big fire

    [Luc_Daren] <HOps> :: admires spread ::

    [Mirak] <TAC>::his mouth is agape at the banquet area::

    [mtporter] <CMO>::moves a litle closer to Jamie:: so if I may ask what makes a *good* party?

    [mtporter] <<oops that was to the xo>>

    [sTSF Jami] <XO> ::blinks:::<NIP> Looks like they've learned a few things since I was here last.

    [Luc_Daren] <HOps> [Tac] I can tuck in to that without much effort.

    [Mirak] <TAC><CO> Sir, what level of advancement are the Bogans on the Federation's scale?

    [sTSF Seiben] <CO><XO> You've been here before?

    [sTSF Jami] <XO> <CMO> I would say that maybe this one would.

    [mtporter] <CMO>::nods::<XO> change of heart it seems

    [sTSF Seiben] <CO><Tac> uhh.. 7? They have warp power, but like to perform traditional ceremonies on special occaisons

    [Mirak] <TAC><CO> Looks cozy sir.

    [sTSF Jami] <XO> <CO> Aye, Sir. About five years ago. At that time they were just getting used to interstellar travel and not really cognizant of other species.

    [sTSF Seiben] <CO><TAC> Indeed it does

    [earl_watkins] <ceng> ::looks around and waits till the co has set to take a seat

    [sTSF Jami] <XO><CO> Looks like they've learned a thing or two since then, Sir.

    [Mirak] <TAC><XO> Do we have any Bogans in Starfleet? ::thinking of a transfer::

    [sTSF Seiben] <CO><XO> Well, that's nice to know

    [Luc_Daren] <HOps> [XO] Glad you came along, yet Commander? :: grin ::

    [sTSF Jami] <XO> <HOps> I reserve judgement until it's over. ::small grin::

    [sTSF Seiben] ACTION: The crew are all seated in a very long rectangular table filled with a wide array of local cuisine.

    [Luc_Daren] <HOps> [XO] Ah, very cautious of you.

    [Mirak] <TAC>::observing the Bogans carefully, not all that hungry::

    [earl_watkins] <ceng> ::runs hand down tie, then places a napken in his lap::

    [mtporter] <CMO>::takes a seat at the table::

    [sTSF Seiben] ACTION: Including something that looks alot like a large turkey

    [Mirak] <TAC><CMO> Hey Doc, where's the wine?! ::looks about the table::

    [sTSF Jami] <XO> Um....turkey. Looks real.

    [Luc_Daren] <HOps> :: is vegetarian, looks for the non-meat items ::

    [sTSF Seiben] Bogan> ::passes the wine to Mirak, a nice Italian wine wine::

    [mtporter] <CMO>::looks at mirak::<Tac>so you have the courage to dance? its over there

    [sTSF Seiben] white wine*

    [earl_watkins] (wine wine my fav kind))

    [sTSF Jami] <g>

    [Mirak] <TAC><Bogan> Ah thank you my good man. ::checks the dishes for cleanliness first::

    [Luc_Daren] <at least he wasn't whining about the wine>

    [sTSF Jami] afk

    [Mirak] <<oooh boxed wine! yipee!! >>

    [sTSF Seiben] Bogan> We are honoured to have our guests from Starfleet over for our annual harvest feast. Please help yourselves and enjoy the food.

    [sTSF Seiben] <<hey box wine is cool >>

    [mtporter] <CMO>::looks at the table and sees something that looks like a jello mold infront of her::

    [Luc_Daren] <HOps> :: grabs something that looks eerily like sweet potatoes ::

    [Mirak] <TAC>::rubs his hands together:: Hmmm, let me see now, what to try first...

    [mtporter] <CMO>::picks it up and then quickly puts it down::<TAC>(q)there is something moving in that jello

    [Luc_Daren] <HOps> [CMO] It's amazing how similar the evolution of edible food matches the similar evolution of many sentient species, eh doc?

    [Mirak] <TAC>::peeks under a cloth napkin and reaches for a hot buttered roll::

    [sTSF Seiben] <CO> ::eats some of the turkey.. it is quite good::

    [sTSF Jami] bak

    [mtporter] <CMO>::nods::<HOPS>yes although I never develooped a taste for klingon food

    [earl_watkins] <ceng> ::grabs a plate of something unlike anything from earth and puts on plate, passing it to mirak and grabs a few more plates of exotic foods putting them on his plate and placing them back on table::

    [Luc_Daren] <HOps> [CMO] Yeah, :: nods :: it takes some getting used to.

    [Mirak] <TAC><CMO> It's probably just inertia. Have you been using the calistenics program on the holodeck? ::chuckles sarcastically::

    User OdileCondacin has logged out.

    [sTSF Jami] <XO> ::almost afraid to try anything, but finally does::

    [sTSF Seiben] <CBogan><CEng> Careful! That's spicy.

    [Luc_Daren] <HOps> :: has a plate with a few dollops of various veggie items ::

    Mirak] <TAC>::passes the dishes down the line, taking a small spoonful of each::<CENG>Much obliged Earl.

    [earl_watkins] <ceng> ::for the first time smiles, grew up on hot sauce that could strip chrome of an old car::

    [Luc_Daren] <HOps> :: takes a bite of the yammish thing ::

    [mtporter] <CMO>::smirks::<TAC>yes I have thank you ver much. But that is not inertia

    [sTSF Jami] <XO> ::small bite::

    [Mirak] <TAC>::proudly takes two helpings of the spicy dish::

    [Luc_Daren] <HOps> Hmm, looks like a yam, tastes like butternut squash.

    [sTSF Jami] <XO> ::chews slowly::

    [sTSF Jami] <XO> <w> Tastes like chicken.

    [Mirak] <TAC><XO> ::clears his throat:: Jami, ::coughs:: Would you please pass the jelly?

    [mtporter] <CMO>::takes a small helping of a potato like dish::

    [mtporter] <CMO>::takes a small helping of a potato like dish::

    [Luc_Daren] afk

    [earl_watkins] <ceng> ::in a proper way takes a bite. and dabs mouth. then eats some more in same fashion::

    [sTSF Jami] <XO> ::passes the jelly to Mirak::

    [Mirak] <TAC>::does a double take::<XO> Uh, thanks! First time for everything. ::smiles::

    [mtporter] <CMO>::she hands the odd Jello mold to the co::<CO>would you care for some of this?

    [Mirak] <TAC>::glazes his turkey with jelly::

    [sTSF Seiben] ACTION: When they mean spicy, they mean spicy, at around 10 000 000 SHU (Scouville units).

    [sTSF Jami] <XO> :;can smell the hot over here::

    [Luc_Daren] <HOps> :: eats the Bogan version of green bean casserole ::

    [Mirak] <TAC>::breathes fire:: Whoooo doggie!

    [earl_watkins] <ceng> ::always drinks a few cups of scalding water before eating offship and cant taste anything::

    [mtporter] <CMO>::looks at the super hot stuff on Mirak's plate::

    [Luc_Daren] <HOps> [Tac] Need a fire suppressant?

    [sTSF Seiben] ACTION: The spicy dish seems to have an adverse effect on Mirak

    [Mirak] <TAC><HOPS> I need an antacid. ::punches his chest:: Gulp!

    [Mirak] <TAC>::gets all burpy::

    [Luc_Daren] <HOps> [CMO] Doc?

    [sTSF Jami] <XO> ::glances over at Mirak:: Mirak? You ok?

    [Mirak] <TAC>::belches loudly and gets dizzy::

    [earl_watkins] <ceng> ::grins kind of:: com on mirak. ::slaps on back:: not that hot

    [mtporter] <CMO><HOPS> I didn't bring a med kit. I didn't intend to have to cure heartburn

    [sTSF Seiben] ACTION: As everyone huddle around Mirak, who's stomach and intestines feel as if they are on fire, don't hear some rusting coming in the bushes behind them..

    [Mirak] <TAC>Glory be!!! that's hot stuff! ::passes into and out of consciousness::

    [Luc_Daren] <HOps> [CMO] Seems a bit worse than heartburn.

    [Luc_Daren] <rustling, not rusting, right?>


    [sTSF Seiben] <CO><HOPS> Do we not have any Pepcid AC?

    [mtporter] <CMO>::quickly scans the table and grabs some bread::<TAC>here try and eat this, hopefully it will soak up some of whatever it is you ate

    [sTSF Seiben] <Yes, rustling.. sorry >

    [earl_watkins] <ceng> ::pulls a tricorter out of pocket and hands it to <cmo>:: never leave home without it

    [sTSF Jami] <XO> :::doesn't hear the rustling::worried about Mirak::

    [Luc_Daren] <HOps> [CO] Can't say we do, sir.

    [Mirak] <TAC><CMO> Where'd they train you? Cardassia Prime? Milk, I need a glass of milk!

    [sTSF Seiben] ACTION: Several figures sneak up to the party at the table.

    [Luc_Daren] <HOps> :: doesn't hear any rustling, because of the oxidizing iron over in the corner ::

    [Mirak] <TAC>::stomach begins oxidizing, and passes out, slumps over his mashed potatoes::

    [mtporter] <CMO><TAC>bread works as well but, I will look for some milk. Beggers can't be choosers

    [Luc_Daren] <HOps> :: grabs Mirak's head and pulls it out of his meal ::

    [sTSF Jami] Figures> ::tippytoeytippytoeytippytoey:::

    [mtporter] <CMO>::she tosses him the bread and quickly stand up to look for some milk::

    [earl_watkins] <ceng> ::notices figures but is busy with mirak:: Mirak sorry, didnt know it was that hot

    [Mirak] <TAC>::gasps with blocked nostrils::

    [mtporter] <CMO>::turns and looks around for and of the natives::

    [Luc_Daren] <HOps> :: grabs his napkin, wipes off his face ::

    [sTSF Seiben] ACTION: The men, who's height are a bit taller than the Bogans at 3 metres are wearing cammo paint and feathered hats.. they aim a cross-bow like weapon and fire it at the CO shooting him thru the chest::

    [Luc_Daren] <HOps> [Tac] Can't help but make a mess at table, eh?

    [Mirak] <TAC>::eyes rolling, getting woozy::

    [sTSF Jami] <owie>

    thru the chest::

    [Luc_Daren] <HOps> [Tac] Can't help but make a mess at table, eh?

    [Mirak] <TAC>::eyes rolling, getting woozy::

    [sTSF Jami] <owie>

    [sTSF Seiben] <CO> ::Falls over dead::

    [mtporter] <CMO>::startled as she suddenly sees the captain get shot::

    [sTSF Jami] <XO> <CO> Captain!

    [Luc_Daren] <HOps> :: hears thunk of the fired bolt, looks, sees the CO's condition, or lack thereof ::

    [Luc_Daren] <HOps> :: turns, letting go of Mirak ::

    [mtporter] <CMO><TAC>it seems Mirak is now the least of our problems

    [earl_watkins] <ceng> ::spins around and sees the figure. stepping into like of fire between them and xo::<xo> what can we do for you

    [Mirak] <TAC>::picks up a butter knife and falls over lunging towards the feathered Bogans::

    [sTSF Seiben] ACTION: The figures storm the table and have the crew an Bogans surrounded.

    [sTSF Jami] <XO> ::grabs for her phaser, which she left aboard the ship because it was supposed to be a friendly-type dinner:::

    [sTSF Jami] <XO> ::surrounded:: <Bogans> What is the meaning of this?

    [earl_watkins] <ceng> ::has hands up in sign of submission::

    [Luc_Daren] <HOps> :: hands up, looks over at the rest of the crew ::

    [sTSF Seiben] <Bogan> Uh oh.. I didn't think they'd show up. They are our arch-enemies the Dunnies

    [Luc_Daren] <Dunnies? You're really grasping tonight, Seiben >

    [mtporter] <CMO>::hurries over towards the captain and tries to see what she can do::

    [sTSF Jami] <XO> ::looks from Bogan to Dunnie:: What?

    [Mirak] <TAC>::stabs the butterknife into the foot of a Dunnie under the table::

    [earl_watkins] <ceng> :stays between xo and dunnies::

    [Luc_Daren] <HOps> [Lead Bogan] Thanks for the heads up.

    [mtporter] <CMO>::begins to look over the captain trying to determin his condidtion:: my kingdom for a med kit

    [sTSF Jami] <XO> <HOps> Heads up? He didn't give any heads-up. ::doubletake:: Oh. I see what you mean.

    [Luc_Daren] <HOps> :: slowly reaches hand over to communicator ::

    [Mirak] <TAC>::passes out under the table, drooling::

    [sTSF Jami] <XO> <Bogan> Yeah. Thanks for the heads up.

    [sTSF Seiben] Dunny> ::Yelps and stabs Mirak with a spear::

    [earl_watkins] <ceng> ::takes of suit jacket and hands to cmo:: do it oldschool if u can.

    [Mirak] <TAC>::expires::

    [sTSF Jami] <XO> ::jumps back::

    [Luc_Daren] <HOps> :: taps comm :: +Raleigh+ Emergency beamout!

    [sTSF Jami] <XO> ::shimmers:::

    [sTSF Seiben] ACTION: The Dunnies have set up a jammer in the area which prevents comm from going thru

    [mtporter] <CMO>::grabs the jacket out of the ceng's hands and mutters to herself::

    [earl_watkins] <ceng> ::moves again to cover the xo... his life being worth less::

    [Luc_Daren] < :: thwaps Seiben :: >

    [sTSF Seiben] ACTION: XO makes it out, but that's it.

    [sTSF Jami] <XO> ::doesn't shimmer:::

    [sTSF Jami] <XO> :;shimmers;::


    [sTSF Jami] <lol>

    [Luc_Daren] < :: double thwaps Sebien :: >

    [sTSF Seiben] <I'll let you have that one >

    [sTSF Jami] <awww....sweet>

    [mtporter] <CMO>::to herself angrily:: trained on cardassia I can do my job...but its hard witha jacket and a dinner roll


    [sTSF Seiben] Dunnies> ::Shoot their cross bows and starts picking off the Bogans::

    [Luc_Daren] <HOps> [Dunnies] We mean you no harm, we were not aware of any... problems between you and the others.

    [earl_watkins] <cmo> +xo+ ::in a cool fashion so as not to raise suspition:: god i wish i was in engineering, maybe my crew could find a way around this

    [earl_watkins] (ceng*)

    [sTSF Jami] @<XO> ::keeps pressing the beamout button to no avail:::

    [sTSF Seiben] Dunny> <HOPS> HOw's this for harm? ::Smiles and shoots Daren in the head with an arrow::

    [earl_watkins] <ceng> ::could have sworn that the xo made it out::

    [Luc_Daren] <HOps> :: dies, searches for Seiben in the afterlife to thwap him ::

    [sTSF Seiben] ACTION: The Bogans kill off everyone else. It's not such a Happy Thanksgiving afterall.

    [sTSF Seiben] PAUSE SIM


  8. [sTSF_Jami] Commanding Officer (CO): STSF Seiben

    [sTSF_Jami] Executive Officer (XO): STSF Jami

    [sTSF_Jami] Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Luc Daren

    [sTSF_Jami] Tactical Officer (TAC) - Cdt Doug T

    [sTSF_Jami] Operations Officer (OPS) - Mirak

    [sTSF_Jami] Helm (Helm) - Chuwy 5_19

    [sTSF_Seiben] MISSION BRIEF: SD 10610.25

    [sTSF_Seiben] The USS Trudeau has been sent to sector 66, in the Beta Quadrant to do a supply delivery to the planet Yobbo and its inhabitants.

    [sTSF_Seiben] BEGIN SIM..

    [cdt.doug.t] <tac>:: on the bridge at tactical::

    [cdt.doug.t] <tac>::starts security sweep::

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: on the bridge, walking around and looking over everything ::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::Looking at his PADD::

    [Mirak] <OPS>::taps his console bringing up the EM spectrum::

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: stops at the tactical station, and then looks at the console ::

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: nods slightly, and then moves on ::

    [cdt.doug.t] <tac>::hmm nothing interesting on long range::

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: ETA is about 50 minutes

    [sTSF_Jami] <Yeoman> ::enters the bridge with the Captain's favorite drink, crosses quickly and quietly to his console and slips it into the cupholder::

    [Mirak] <OPS>::watches the screen for spikes in the frequencies::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><Yeoman> Ahh, thank you

    [sTSF_Jami] <Yeoman> ::smiles:: <CO> Anything else for you, Sir?

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><Yeoman> No, that's it for now. Thanks

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: stops at the operations console, appraises ::

    [Mirak] <OPS>+Crewman Tate+ Please begin inventories in Cargo Bays 4 & 5

    [sTSF_Jami] <Yeoman> :::crosses to Luc and waits for his attention, not wanting to disturb his thoughts::

    [Mirak] <OPS><MXO> ::looks up with a smile:: Hello Commander

    [cdt.doug.t] <tac>::starts a weapons array diagnostic::

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: nods at Mirak, begins to move on, and then notices the yeoman :: Yes, Yeoman?

    [sTSF_Jami] <Yeoman> <XO> Anything for you, Sir?

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::sips drink::

    [cdt.doug.t] <tac><co> would you like me to send my report to your coomputer sir.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [Yeoman] Hm... Rigellian tea, please, with honey.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><TAC> Go ahead

    [Mirak] <OPS>::taps up another display and begins a level 3 diagnostic on the EPS flow regulators::

    [sTSF_Jami] <Yeoman> <XO> ::nods:: Right away, Sir. Rigellian tea - honey.

    [cdt.doug.t] <tac>::taps some bottens DL::

    [sTSF_Jami] <Yeoman> ::exits to the bridge galley, specially installed recently::

    [chuwy5_19] (helm)(co)eta is 50 minietes sir.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><HELM> Thanks

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: moves over to the helm, looks over the console and the operator after he reported ::

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: nods once again, and then moves over to his seat ::

    [cdt.doug.t] <tac><co> did you get it sir?

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><HELM> Increase speed a bit.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [CO] Everything is most definitely in good order today, Captain.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><TAC> Yes, thanks.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><XO> Superb

    [Mirak] <OPS><MXO> Commander we'll have a partial list of supplies for you in 10 minutes.

    [chuwy5_19] (helm)(co) i sir

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [Ops] Excellent, thank you.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: pulls up the crew rotation on the side-console ::

    [sTSF_Jami] <Yeoman> ::enters the bridge with a steaming cup of Rigellian tea with honey, crosses quietly and quickly to the XO station and places it in the specially modified teacup holder:::

    [chuwy5_19] (helm)( co) speed as increased to wop factor 2

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [Yeoman] Very much obliged, Yeoman, thank you.

    [Mirak] <OPS>::engages one ear with the comm traffic from Sector 66, listening to the proverbial ferengi trader::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><HELM> Increase it a little faster than that. Say Warp 9.5?

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: raises eyebrow a bit ::

    [sTSF_Jami] <Yeoman> ::smiles:: <XO> Very welcome, Sir. ::exits::

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [CO] Eager to reach our destination, Captain?

    [chuwy5_19] (helm)(co) i sir worp facter 9.5 ingaged

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><XO> Yeah. Sooner we get it done, the better.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: grabs the teacup, takes a sip, nods ::

    [Mirak] <OPS>::zoning in on the impulse drive, can make it out to be a Lissepian transport::

    [cdt.doug.t] <tac><co> i have a ship on long rang ferngi ship

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: reviews the crew rotation ::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><TAC> I see. Read your report too.

    [cdt.doug.t] <tac><co> in sector 66

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTiON: The Ferengi ship is on its way to the Gamma Quadrant, and poses no threat

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [CO] The Ferengi do get around, don't they?

    [cdt.doug.t] <tac>::looks at report::

    [Mirak] <OPS><TAC> It's just your routine traffic Doug, nothing to write home about.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><XO> YEah, they certainly do.

    [cdt.doug.t] <tac><ops> they have been known to attack federation ships tho

    [Mirak] <OPS>::reallocates power to the warp propulsion systems and notifies Crewman Tate to send her report text readout::

    [sTSF_Jami] Ferengi Captain> ::eyes the Federation ship as they pass by, momentarily thinking of the price it would fetch, then weighs that against the problems of disposing of a cadet crew and dismisses the thought::they travel on::

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [CO] After looking at the crew rotation, I'm considering trying out a new shift schedule, sir.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><XO> Oh?

    [cdt.doug.t] <tac><co> sir the ferengi ship is changing course

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><TAC> Where are they heading

    [Mirak] <OPS><MXO> Shall I assume the Helm sir?

    [cdt.doug.t] <tac><co> right for us

    [Mirak] <OPS>::brings up the starfield on the viewscreen::

    [sTSF_Jami] Ferengi Captain> ::has not changed course::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><TAC> Check your scaner again. Are you sure?

    [sTSF_Jami] Ferengi Captain> ::has decided a cadet crew is not worth the bother::

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: Ferengi ship is long gone

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [CO] :: waits for Tac to finish :: Yes. Our department chiefs have noted a significant drop-off in productivity during the last hours of the shift. I think we need to break things apart a bit, keep it fresh.

    [sTSF_Jami] Ferengi Captain> ::long gone::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><XO> I see. MAke it so, then

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [CO] Aye sir. I'll have the modified rotation and schedule on your desk by tomorrow morning.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><XO> Thanks, I look forard to reading it

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::enters the bridge, looking rather bored::

    [cdt.doug.t] <tac>::checks:: <co> sorry sir hes just turned 3.4 degress i thought he was heaing right for us

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><TAC> Ah

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::takes a place at the med/sci console:::

    [Mirak] <OPS>::confers with an AENG about Operations maintenance::

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: begins making the changes on the side-console ::

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: ETA is 15 minutes, givrn the speed increase

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: seeks the doc out of the corner of his eye ::

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [CMO] Greetings, Doctor.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::looks over:: Oh, hello, Commander. How are things today?

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [CMO] Nice and tidy, just how I like it. How're things going down in sickbay?

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: takes another sip from his tea, now that it's cooled down a bit ::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> <XO> ::sighs:: Very slow. I suppose I should be thankful.

    [cdt.doug.t] <tac>::checks the status of the shields::

    [Mirak] <OPS>::begins his daily report on the transporters, removes a padd from his console::

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [CMO] :: chuckles :: Don't tempt fate, doctor.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::small grin:: <XO> No, Sir. Wouldn't think of it.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: returns to the schedule, smiling ::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::returns to her work:::checking the status of Yobbo's medical systems::

    [Mirak] <OPS>::combines and summarizes the transporter chiefs records::

    [sTSF_Jami] ROSTER UPDATE - until Chuwy returns, HOPS = Mirak

    [Mirak] <HOPS><CO> Contiuing on course Captain at warp 9.5

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: begins figuratively plucking crewman from their current slots and dropping them into their new rotation ::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::nods::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><HOPS> HOw're the engines holding up?

    [Mirak ] <HOPS><CO>We have sufficient -resources to run at our current speed for 20 hours 47 minutes.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [Tac] While we've got a quiet moment, would you run a level three diagnostic on the firing computer?

    [cdt.doug.t] <tac><mxo> aye sir ::taps some bottens ::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><HOPS> MOst excellent

    [cdt.doug.t] <tac><mxo> level three under the way

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [Tac] Excellent, thank you.

    [Mirak] <HOPS><CO> Do we have a specific destination sir, I may be able to alter course and arrive there sooner.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: finishes the alpha shift crews, the easy part, moves on to beta ::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> The planet Yobbo. The place we are to deliver our supplies that are in our cargobay to

    [Mirak] <HOPS><CO> If we bypass that pesky Marisaki Quasar we may be able to shave off an hour or two sir.

    [cdt.doug.t] <tac><mxo> 5 mins to completed

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><HOPS> Great, do it

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::finishing a review of Yobbo and its inhabitants, checking the medical supplies on the manifest::

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [Tac] Aknowledged. When it's finsished, file it and cc: me a copy.

    [Mirak] <HOPS><CO> Aye sir. ::adjusting the star chart plot points::

    [cdt.doug.t] <tac><mxo> aye sir

    [Mirak] <HOPS><MXO> Commander Daren a complete inventory is piping through to your console now from Cargo Bays 4 & 5. We have Crewman Tate to thank.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [HOps] Acknowledged. :: sends Crewman Tate a textual thumbs up from the console ::

    [cdt.doug.t] <tac><mxo> its ready download to a padd now ::taps bottens::

    [Mirak] <OPS>::is quite proud of his staff and thinks of a suitable reward::

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: pulls up the inventory, reviews ::

    [Mirak] <OPS>::asks for a little more and orders a level 2 manual diagnostic of all cargo transporters::

    [cdt.doug.t] <tac>::walks over to the <mxo>:: here you go sir

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [Tac] :: nods, accepts the diagnostic results ::

    [Mirak] <OPS>::as we get further into deep space towards Yobbo, marvels at all the aliens sounds coming from the radio antennae pickups::

    [cdt.doug.t] <tac>::walks back over to tactical::

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [CMO] I assume there are no issues in regards to our cargo?

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: 10 minutes to destination

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::swivels her chair:: <XO> No, Sir. I did note they asked for a refill of the vaccines they received last time, but other than that the medications and supplies are routine.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [CMO] Excellent. Nothing more troublesome, cargo-wise, than finicky medical supplies. :: grin ::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> <XO> Don't we know it, Sir.

    [Mirak] <OPS>::gets fidgety, tries to relax with a deep breath::

    [chuwy5_19] <helm><co> sir eta is now 10 minutes

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [Ops] You'll have everything ready to go by the time we arrive?

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO>::nods to Helm::

    [chuwy5_19] <helm><co> should i slow to worp 5 sir

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><HELM> Yea, pelase

    [Mirak ] <OPS><MXO> We'll have to coordinate with Medical sir but I think I can come up with an most efficient beaming pattern, unless of course we're using the shuttle pods.

    [chuwy5_19] <helm> worp 5 has been established

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: The ship slows down, as we approach the Yobban system

    [cdt.doug.t] <tac>:: continous to monitor long range sensors::

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [Ops] Superb.

    [Mirak] <OPS>::updates the system on the main computer:: <CMO> Doctor...

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [CO] Looks like there's a fair chance we can dump and run on our end. Let's hope the Yobbans are as efficient as our crew.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> <OPS> Yes?

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><XO> I hope so too.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::in lala land:: <OPS> Oh. Coordinate. OF course.

    [Mirak] <OPS><CMO> We're going to put a strain on the pattern buffers if we do it all at once, is there a specific priority of supplies they might want first?

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: The ship enters the Yobbo system. The planet proper can be seen now on scanners

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> <OPS> Routine supplies. No rush, they said, so whatever works best.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: settles back into working the shift rotation while listening to the coordination and constant humming and beeping on the bridge ::

    [chuwy5_19] <helm><co>showed I slowed to 1/4 inpules sir

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><HELM> Sweet

    [Mirak] <OPS><Bridge> Yobbo 9 onscreen sir, shall I attempt contact with Yobbo Prime?

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><OPS> Mr. Mirak, please to stand by haiing to Yobbo

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: completes the beta shift, moves to gamma ::

    [chuwy5_19] <helm><co> i sir 1/4 impules

    [Mirak] <OPS>::accesses the subspace communications array and selects the appropriate frequency and protocols::

    [chuwy5_19] <helm>engaged

    [Mirak] <OPS><CMO> Alright we'll take it step by step.

    [Mirak] <OPS><CO> First Minister of Yobbo on line one sir.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: waits to hear the Yobbonite ::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::looks to the screen:::

    [sTSF_Seiben] CO> +Yobbo+ This is the Trudeau. We have the supplies you need

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::stands to face the screen and the First Minister:::

    [cdt.doug.t] <tac>::checks the status of the shields and deflector::

    [sTSF_Seiben] Yobbo> +Trudeau+ Excellent. We thank you. Please initiate a standard orbit with our planet, and beam it down to the co-ordinates I am forwarding to you now.

    [sTSF_Seiben] Yobban > ::forards the co-ordinates to OPS' console::

    [Mirak] <OPS>::downloads a snippet of planetary comm traffic and updates the universal translation matrix::

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: nods, admiring the efficiency and lack of useless chatter ::

    [Mirak] <OPS><CO> Captain we've got the surface locations. Cargo Bays are ready.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><OPS> Initiate transport

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::wondering if Mirak is snooping on their comm traffic again:::

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: pulls up the overview of the proceedings on the console to monitor them ::

    [Mirak] <OPS>::begins dematerialization of medical supplies, targetting scanners pinpoint the planet::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::glances at her console, thinking that if she listens in it might pass the time:::nah..::::

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: The supplies are successfully transported to the planet

    [cdt.doug.t] <tac>:: monitors progress::

    [chuwy5_19] <helm>::checks the helm controls for any errors

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: smiles ::

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [Ops] Very well done.

    [Mirak] <OPS>::notices the old transporter wheezing, gives it a boost of juice::

    [sTSF_Seiben] Yobbo> +Trudeau+ We have our supplies transported to us now. Thanks much for to delivering our supplies

    [Mirak] <OPS><MXO> Thank you Commander.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [CMO] You as well, Doctor. Everything went like clockwork, as the old saying goes.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> <XO> Thank you, Commander. ::smiles::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> +Yobbo+ No problem.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> <OPS> Cut channel

    [Mirak] <OPS><CO> Frequency closed.

    [cdt.doug.t] <tac><mxo> everything is alright on my front

    [Mirak] <OPS>::recommends the CSCI take a gander at the system while we're here::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::desperate for excitement, she concentrates on Risa, hoping the Captain will pick up on it::: {{Risa. Risa. Risa.}}

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [Tac] Excellent! I'm sure someone will shoot at us sooner or later, it's nice to know that our systems are functioning as they should.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> Alright. That's that. Good job everyone. And since we're early..<HELM> Set a course for Risa (CMO read my mind)

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::perks up::

    [sTSF_Seiben] PAUSE SIM

  9. [sTSF_Jami] Commanding Officer (CO): STSF Seiben

    [sTSF_Jami] Executive Officer (XO): STSF Jami

    [sTSF_Jami] Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - will marx

    [sTSF_Jami] Tactical Officer (TAC) - Dumbass

    [sTSF_Jami] Operations Officer (OPS) - EngineeringOfficerAlex

    [sTSF_Jami] Helm (Helm) - Mitch Rallo

    [sTSF_Jami] Chief Engineer (CENG) - Kansas Jones

    [sTSF_Jami] Assistant Engineer (AENG) - Cdt Doug T

    [sTSF_Jami] Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Mirak

    [sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\=

    [Cptn_Corizon] Mission Brief: The USS Northwestern (Excelsior-class) has been dispatched to investigate a possible new wormhole in the Akarin system.

    [Cptn_Corizon] BEGIN SIM

    [cdt.doug.t] <aeng>::in enginering waiting for the chief to arrive::

    [Kansas_Jones] <CENG> ::walks into main engineering::

    [Mirak] <CSCI>::seated at science station 1, calling up a star chart::

    [will_marx] MXO> ::standing next to the center seat::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <HELM><CO> Sir.

    [EngineerOfficerAlex] *alex looked to his computer console and orders the anti matter valves to open and enter into the warp enigness

    [cdt.doug.t] <aeng><ceng> hi sir any orders for me today.

    [Dumbass] <TAC>::looks at tactical scan reports::

    [Kansas_Jones] <CENG> Cadet Doug, greetings. Ready for another fun filled day? And yes, I do have orders. ::makes a few notations on a pad::

    [EngineerOfficerAlex] <OPS. Alex taps his communicator captain wapr enginees should be fueld and ready for warp.

    [will_marx] MXO> Mr. Mirak, report.

    [Mirak] <CSCI><HELM> Mr. Rallo, do you have the Akarin System on file?

    [cdt.doug.t] <aeng><ceng> yes sir i am ready

    [Mirak] <CSCI><MXO> Astrophysics is preparing for scans sir the lateral sensor array will be fully operational in 15 minutes sir.

    [will_marx] MXO> CSCI>> Very good, Mr. Mirax.

    [EngineerOfficerAlex] <OPS> Captain warp enginees are fueld and ready I am awating orders Sir.

    [Kansas_Jones] <CENG> <AENG> cdt.doug.t ::points toward a nearby console:: That console kept acting up yesterday. I'd like you to take it apart, replace whatever parts you think you can replace, and then do a ful diagnostic

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::in the CO's seat::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <HELM><CSCI> No. That file was deleted over 5 years ago. I should be able to get it back though.

    [EngineerOfficerAlex] <OPS. yessir

    [Dumbass] <TAC><CO>Sir, I recommend red alert.

    [cdt.doug.t] <aeng><ceng> aye, sir anything else.

    [Mirak] <CSCI><HELM> If you find it on the navigational charts I'd like a gander over here at the science station if you please.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><TAC> ::Nods::

    [EngineerOfficerAlex] <OPS> Sending energy to sheild generator

    [Kansas_Jones] <CENG> I will be checking our other systems down here just in case, but that one needs special care, so I want you to handle that.

    [Dumbass] <TAC><CO>I don't know why, it is just something TAC is supposed to recommend.

    [EngineerOfficerAlex] <ops> energey sent sheilds are ready to go.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><TAC> But.. I think it's a little too early right now,

    [Kansas_Jones] <CENG> <AENG> for right now no. Lets get the systems checked out here and then go from there.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <HELM><CSCI> ::Sends some photos of the system:: This is all I have..

    [EngineerOfficerAlex] <Mirak> The Panel is fixed the circuits were messed up i re wired the,

    [Mirak] <CSCI>::gets updates from his staff::

    [cdt.doug.t] <aeng>::makes at note in note padd:: <Ceng> aye sir.

    [Mirak] <CSCI><OPS> Which panel Alex?

    [EngineerOfficerAlex] <OPS> Wait, Somthings wrong with the generaotr, Captain delay the Sheilds until I can fix the problem

    [Dumbass] <TAC><CO>OK, but Red Alert is standing by.

    [will_marx] MXO> ::rubs his hand down his face::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <HELM><XO> Should I stop the ship?

    [Kansas_Jones] <Ceng> ::moves off toward her own console:: Just be sure to scan prior to taking apart; dont want any energy surprises.

    [Kansas_Jones] <AENG>

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><TAC> Very good.

    [will_marx] MXO> HELM> Access the nearest Federation navigational database and pull down the latest charts from Fleet Navigation, Mr. Rallo.

    [cdt.doug.t] <aeng><ceng> aye sir, ::moves away to the broken consel::

    [Mirak] <CSCI>::snears at the TAC and OPS officers:: A little jumpy today Mr. Dumbass, Mr. Alex?

    [Kansas_Jones] <cENG> and with this wormhole thing we are investigating, we dont want any systems havoc. <AENG>

    [Mitch_Rallo] <HELM>::Quickly finds some charts:: <MXO> There are several.

    [will_marx] MXO> CO>> (q) And they gave us this mission, Captain? I swear the ship has more problems than Enterprise A did after her shakedown.

    [cdt.doug.t] <aeng>::makes at note in padd:: aye sir

    [Dumbass] <TAC><CSCI>Jumpy? I am siting right here in my chair.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><XO> Telling me..

    [will_marx] MXO> HELM>> Download them all, the crossreference the coordinates we need from Fleet Science Command.

    [EngineerOfficerAlex] <OPS> <Mirak> Im running a scan everything is fine execpt that damn console

    [cdt.doug.t] <aeng>computer> cut power to consel AD29

    [will_marx] MXO> HELM>> At which point, we'll have the charts that we need.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <HELM>::Sends what he can find to Science::

    [Mirak] <OPS><CSCI> Perhaps you might contact the CENG for repairs, I assume you mean the communications panel?

    [Mitch_Rallo] <HELM> <MXO> All done.

    [Kansas_Jones] <CENG> How did the on line engineering course you had taken work out? ::calls out across Main engineering:: <AENG>

    [Mitch_Rallo] <HELM> I wonder why our ship's files on it were deleted?

    [EngineerOfficerAlex] <OPS> <Mirak> No need I can do repairs myself

    [Mirak] <CSCI><HELM> There we are, thank you Helm.

    [EngineerOfficerAlex] <OPS> *Alex finds some tool laying around and goes to work* [will_marx] MXO> CO>> (q) Can we just set the self-destruct charges, and evacuate just the command staff off?

    [cdt.doug.t] <aeng><ceng> i worked out good sir ive learned lots so far

    [Mirak] <CSCI>::stretches at his post and begins cycling through the Akarin Chart:: <MXO> Commander...

    [will_marx] MXO> ::turns>> CSCI> Mr. Mirak?

    [Kansas_Jones] <CENG> ::starts a diagnostic on a auxilliary systems console:: <AENG> good to hear.

    [cdt.doug.t] <aeng>::pulls off pannel::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::chuckles:: Not just yet..

    [Mirak] <CSCI><MXO> This system we're approaching hasn't been charted in 40 years. It's going to take a few updates. The anomalies were logged but never catalogued either, so it's a bit of a clean slate here.

    [will_marx] MXO> CO>> I will consider that request belayed then, Captain.

    [cdt.doug.t] <aeng>::pulls out tricorder:: <ceng> looks like few ESP conuite blew out of this consel.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::smirks::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <HELM><CSCI> There's a document on strange activites in the system you want 'em?

    [Mirak] <CSCI><HELM> Only the scientific oddities if you have any Mitch.

    [will_marx] MXO> CSCI>> Understood, Mr. Mirak. See if you can locate our new wormhole.

    [Kansas_Jones] <CENG> ::looks up:: <AENG> that may be why the console was giving us such a hard time yesterday.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <HELM><CSCI> Of course! ::Sends science section::

    [Mirak] <CSCI><MXO> Aye sir. ::calls up another display accessing the graviton detectors::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <HELM><MXO> ::sends whole document:: Just in case.

    [cdt.doug.t] <aeng><ceng> i'm going to put new EPS conuites in the consel now

    [Mirak] <CSCI>::begins plotting out the coordinates of all occurrences and deep gravity pockets on the map::

    [Kansas_Jones] <CENG> Sounds good. <AENG> The EPS's in this one seem fine, but looks as if a couple of the iso chips need to be replaced or upgraded...

    [Mitch_Rallo] <HELM><MXO> Orders..

    [cdt.doug.t] <aeng><ceng> ive taken it offline

    [cdt.doug.t] <aeng><ceng> aye sir

    [will_marx] MXO> HELM>>Stand by for your course from Science, Mr. Rallo.

    [Mirak] <CSCI>::orders his staff in astrometrics to take standard survey readings of the system, notices something that looks like a small nebula, brings up the telescopic viewer::

    [cdt.doug.t] <aeng><ceng> that also looks like that is what happend here to

    [Mitch_Rallo] <HELM><CSCI> Well then..looks like im taking orders from you.

    [Dumbass] <TAC><CO>Sir, just a reminder that red alert is standing by.

    [cdt.doug.t] <aeng><ceng> they will have to be replaced

    [Mirak] <CSCI><HELM> Mr. Rallo I'm going to pinpoint the exact location of this anomaly, could you please fly us within a couple hundred thousand kilometers for a better look.

    [will_marx] MXO> TAC>> Understood.

    [Kansas_Jones] <CENG> :: double checks a Padd with some backup data ::

    [cdt.doug.t] <aeng>::starts riping out the EPS conduites::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><TAC> Thank you. Initiate red alert.

    [Mirak] <CSCI><MXO> Commander if you turn on the viewscreen we are in visual range. There is a deep gravity pocket in the center of this gaseous anomaly. It may well be the entrance to a wormhole.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <HELM<CSCI We'll be in a few minutes.

    [cdt.doug.t] <aeng>::heres the redalert::

    [Dumbass] *redalert*

    [will_marx] MXO> ::leans over to the Operations console, bringing up the anomaly on the viewscreen::

    [cdt.doug.t] <aeng>::starts puting the new conuites in quickly::

    [Mirak] <CSCI>::reconfigures his console to red alert mode, eyes flashing with the red klaxons::

    [Kansas_Jones] <CENG> Uh oh. ::hears the red alert::

    [Dumbass] <TAC>::raises shields, charges weapons::

    [cdt.doug.t] <aeng>::grabs a few isochips::

    [Kansas_Jones] <CENG> stay with that job for now, at least until I see if they need us <AENG> +OPS+ this is JoNs. You folks having some issues up there?

    [Mirak] <CSCI><MXO> Sir with all the radiogenic particles circling in that nebula, a slight tachyon pulse may be enough to trigger an opening.

    [Dumbass] <TAC><CO>Shields at maximum, phasers and torpedos ready.

    [will_marx] MXO> ::nods:: CO>> Captain, shall we activate the wormhole?

    [Mirak] <CSCI>::begins a visual scan for precise 3D rendering::

    [cdt.doug.t] <aeng>::keeps working on consel:: but wonders whats going on on the bridge

    [Kansas_Jones] <CENG> ::glances toward Doug::

    [cdt.doug.t] <aeng><ceng> consel is just about ready sir

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><TAC> Excellent..

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><XO> PLease..

    [will_marx] MXO> CSCI>> Mr. Mirak, you may fire your tachyon pulse when ready.

    [Mirak] <CSCI><CENG>::transmits a text message to Kansas, wondering why we are at battlestations and urges caution::

    [will_marx] MXO> (q) And may the Kami have mercy on our souls.

    [Mirak] <CSCI><HELM> Mr. Rallo please use the navigational deflector dish to emit a low intensity tachyon pulse.

    [cdt.doug.t] <aeng>::puts the last chip in and puts the door back on::<computer> reastore power to AD29

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::Watches the3 viewscreen::

    [Kansas_Jones] <CENG> ::Padd blips with Miraks message:: ::sends back:: Mr Mirak, Id hope you'd know more so then I would about whats going on considering you are on the bridge. At first guess Id think it has to do with the wormhole we were sent to investigate.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <HELM> ::Stops ship::

    [Kansas_Jones] Caution noted. Jones out. <CSCI>

    [Mitch_Rallo] <HELM>::Resumes aslower speed::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <<much SLOWER

    [cdt.doug.t] <aeng><ceng> the consel is back online i'm going to check and make sure its working.

    [Kansas_Jones] <CENG> +OPS+ this is Jones. what is going on and do you require any more power or systems? <AENG> Oh, if the ship implodes dont tell me until after :;wane smile::

    [Mirak] <CSCI>::stands up to watch the viewscreen, leaning over Dumbass' console taking a peak::

    [Kansas_Jones] <CENG> <AENG> sounds good

    [cdt.doug.t] <aeng>::runs a systems check:: mm it seems to be runing faster

    [Mitch_Rallo] <HELM>ÇSCI> Orders?

    [Kansas_Jones] <CENG> ::moves back to original console to finish up programming:: ::Calls out to backup teams to remain on standby::

    [Mirak] <CSCI><HELM> reconfigure the deflector dish so tactical can fire a small tachyon burst

    [Mirak] <CSCI><TAC> It looks like you're ready to fire something, how about that burst?

    [Mitch_Rallo] <HELM><CSCI> Done..

    [cdt.doug.t] <aeng>::moves towards the <ceng> sir ive completed the consel repairs its working bettern the before.

    [Dumbass] <TAC><CO>Sir?

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><TAC> YEs?

    [Mitch_Rallo] <HELM><CSCI> Give it a few though.

    [Mirak] <CSCI><HELM> ::nods to Rallo with a smile::

    [Dumbass] <TAC><CO> hould I fire the burst that the CSCI requested?

    [sTSF_Seiben] <COP><TAC> Proceed with the firing, Mr. Dumbass.

    [Dumbass] <TAC>::fires::

    [will_marx] MXO> ::eyes on the screen::

    [Kansas_Jones] <CENG> Okay plan B +<MXO>+ Mr Marx, Ops seems to have engineering on permanent hold. Do you all require any additional power or systems up there due to the alert?

    [Mitch_Rallo] <HELM><TAC> Give it about 4 minutes.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::Eyes turn to the screen::

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: Well, it fires alright.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <HELM> Or not.'

    [sTSF_Jami] ROSTER UPDATE - Dumbass = TAC/OPS

    [will_marx] MXO> CENG> Not at this time, Chief. But keep the kettle on, just in case.

    [Mirak] <CSCI>::sits back down to record the event::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <HELM><MXO> Should I resume normal speed?

    [Dumbass] <TOPS>::moves to the slightly more comfortable OPS seat::

    [cdt.doug.t] <aeng><ceng> anything else you want me to work on.

    [Kansas_Jones] <CENG> +MXO+ Aye sir. Jones out. <AENG> Doug, have repair teams four and six on standby just in case.

    [Mirak] <CSCI><CO> Captain, I'd recommend a probe if we can get it open?

    [will_marx] MXO> HELM>> Hold this position, Mr. Rallo. I don't want to get the ship sucked in, if it isn't stable.

    [cdt.doug.t] <aeng><ceng> aye sir you want me to lead any of these teams.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> <CSCI> Work with Mr. Dumbass to prepare a probe. Hopefully, we can get it open. I'm counting on you lot to accomplish this

    [Mitch_Rallo] <HELM><CSCI> I'll set up a location for the probe.

    [Mirak] <CSCI><TAC> Well Mr. Dumbass how about a class 5 in case we lose her, eh?

    [Kansas_Jones] <CENG> Not right now; I'd like you to maintain post here. But if the time comes then yes, Id very much like having you in charge of those repair teams.

    [Kansas_Jones] <AENG>

    [cdt.doug.t] <aeng><ceng> aye sir, ::moves back to consel::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <5 minutes>

    [Mitch_Rallo] <HELM><CSCI> How's this? ::Points to location about 400 km away from the opening.

    [Mirak] <CSCI><HELM> Thank you for your assistance but at this time please report to MXO.

    [will_marx] MXO> ::tapping on the rail of the command pit::

    [Kansas_Jones] <CENG> we'll wait and see what the bridge wants to do <AENG>

    [Dumbass] <TOPS>::begins preparing class 5 probe:: <CSCI>My 5th grade class did a time capsule once, is that the same thing?

    [Mirak] <CSCI>::orders a science staff member to place a subspace beacon on the probe::

    [cdt.doug.t] <aeng>::starts a systems check::<ceng> aye sir.

    [Mirak] <CSCI><TOPS> Exactly, we'll be ready for launch at your convenience.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <HELM><MXO> Very well. How about that location? I need to set up the port for the probe.

    [will_marx] MXO> HELM>> Very good, Mr. Rallo. Proceed cautiously.

    [Kansas_Jones] <CENG> ::moves over toward Doug:: Good. Now lets hope most of the systems behave during whatever crisis the bridge team has managed to sniff out. <AENG>

    [Mirak] <CSCI><TOPS> We are ready to launch sir.

    [cdt.doug.t] <aeng><ceng> ya lets hope none of these system go crazy on us.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <helm>::Opens port.::

    [Dumbass] <TOPS><CSCI>OK, we will launch and then lunch.

    [will_marx] MXO> CO>> Probe ready, Captain.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> Launch the probe

    [Dumbass] <TOPS>::launches probe::

    [Mirak] <CSCI><CO> Captain I am detecting a slight increase in the gravity ratios but I can't be ceratin the wormhole is actually open. This probe will test our assumption.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><CSCI> Superb

    [will_marx] MXO> CSCI/TOPS>> You may fire when ready.

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: The probe launches

    [will_marx] MXO> ::puts his hands behind his back::

    [sTSF_Seiben] PAUSE SIM

  10. :unsure: ;) :P


    You make it sound like collaboration with the Germans is a perverted thing, lad.


    Of course, you realize this may be the can of worms needed to open up Euro-STSF.


    And then we could let it wander further into the future, and eventually add a Hong Kong or Tokyo-STSF.


    Hm....and a London or Frankfurt Shoreleave? Ohhhh.....

  11. [sTSF_Jami] Commanding Officer (CO): STSF Seiben

    [sTSF_Jami] Executive Officer (XO): STSF Jami

    [sTSF_Jami] Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Luc Daren

    [sTSF_Jami] Tactical Officer (TAC) - Cdt Amerth

    [sTSF_Jami] Operations Officer (OPS) - Mitch Rallo

    [sTSF_Jami] Helm (Helm) - Cdt Doug T

    [sTSF_Jami] Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Sarvek

    [sTSF_Jami] Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - Windraker 007

    [sTSF_Jami] If you are not on the roster and wish to have a post, please send me one PM now.

    [sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\=

    [sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\=

    [sTSF_Seiben] MISSION BRIEF: SD 10610.10

    [sTSF_Seiben] The Defiant Class USS Crusader has been sent to the Beta Quadrant to record a supernova about to go off.

    [sTSF_Seiben] BEGIN SIM..

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm>::sits on bridge at conn::

    [windraker007] <ASCI><CSCI>-Reporting for duty, sir.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS><XO> Morning, sir.

    [Cdt_Amerth] <tac> ::running sensor sweep::

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: standing on the bridge, wondering why they couldn't even find an itty bitty seat for the XO ::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::in the Captain's chair::

    [Cdt_Amerth] <tac> ::looking over incom ing data::

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> Mr. Rallo. :: nods ::

    [sTSF_Jami] Stage Hand> ::slips from behind the curtains and puts a stool out for Luc::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS>::Begins scans:: <XO> Any orders.

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm><co> ::layin course for beta quadrant warp5:: sir waits for command to engage

    [Cdt_Amerth] <tac> <xo> getting readings from the star Sir.

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: Already there at the Beta Quadrant

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [Ops] Coordinate with science on the sensor priorities.

    [Cdt_Amerth] <tac><XO> Sir, i recomend that we raise shields.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [Tac] Thank you.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS><CSCI I'm taking orders from you.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [CO] I'd agree with tac, sir. I'd recommend yellow alert with full shields.

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: With the supernova, the space is quite bright.

    [ng_fan] enegering

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm>::laysin course for supernova taps a few bottens and changes course::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> <XO> Make it so

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [CO] Aye, sir.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [Tac] Yellow alert, shields to maximum.

    [windraker007] <ASCI><CSCI> I have been doing some computations on the star output, they look a bit disturbing. :: Hands the CSCI the tricorder with the output curves of the estimated power release ::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><HELM> Stop about 100 000 km from the supernova.

    [Cdt_Amerth] <tac> ::taps on the console, bringing up yellow alert and raiseing shields::

    [Cdt_Amerth] <tac><MXO> Aye Sir

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS.<CSCI> I'm going to do a scan on most of the stAR'S AREA.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [Ops] Could you turn down the brightness on the viewscreen, please, Mr. Rallo. It's a bit bright. :: squinting ::

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm><co> aye sir

    [sTSF_Jami] ROSTER UPDATE - STSF Jami = Chief Engineer (CENG)

    [sTSF_Jami] ROSTER UPDATE - NG Fan = Assistant Engineer (AENG)

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: moves over to the science station ::

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm><co> we are 80,000 km from supernova and closing

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> +CSCI+ Chief, are you ready to record the supernova?

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><HELM> We're too close! I said 100,000 kms

    [sTSF_Jami] <CENG> ::in engineering of the Defiant class, such as it is:::

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm>::backs us off::

    [windraker007] <ASCI><MXO> What do you think? ::shows some power output curves:: looks like it's going to be a huge explosion.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <ops><MXO> I'm going to suggest stopping the ship about 800,000 km away from the star.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS>::Tones down screen::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> <CSCI> Chief, prepare to record the thing.

    [cdt.doug.t] <<sorry my keeys stick>>

    [Cdt_Amerth] <tac> ::taps on the console running another sensor sweep:: <TAC><MXO> Sir, the readings are not looking good sir, she is bigger than starfleet predicted.. I recomend backing the ship off another 100,000 kms.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [ASCI] :: looks over the chart :: Indeed.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CENG> ::looks around for NG Fan::

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm><co> we are at full stop sir::taps controlls::

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [Tac] Acknowledged.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [CSci] What do you think, should we err on the side of caution?

    [Cdt_Amerth] <tac> ::looks over the data, frowns::

    [windraker007] <ASCI>::walks over to tac::<Tac> Can you confirm my extrapolations? ::brings over some extrapolation curves::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CENG> ::stands:: Mr. NG Fan?

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS><ENG> Please send me all the data about you're new Assistant.

    [Cdt_Amerth] <tac><ASCI> ::looks over the data:: Yes, the same as the sensor sweeps i ran, she will be a big one.

    [windraker007] <ASCI><Tac> it looks like it's going to be more explosive than normal supernovae. Thanks.

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm>::holds course::

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [Ops] Can you get a department status report for us, please, Mr. Rallo.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> <CSCI> Chief, prepare to record the supernova.. feel free to launch a probe if needed

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: listens to the discourse between tac and asci ::

    [windraker007] <ASCI> ::prepares a class 3 probe:: <CO> I'll get it.

    [sTSF_Jami] ROSTER UPDATE - Windraker 007 = CSCI

    [sTSF_Seiben] <Ok, assume that's to the ASCI then>

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm>::monitors the nova continuously::

    [Cdt_Amerth] <tac><MXO> Sir, i am showing some power fluctuations in the forward shield emitter. ::looks over data again to verify:: Sir, we should notify engineering imediatly.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [Tac] Do so.

    [windraker007] <CSCI><CO> Permission to launch the probe, sir?

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> Granted.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS>+ALL CHEIFS+ Please send in your status report via OPS computer.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [Helm] Keep engines at the ready. Have an escape course at warp 2.1 ready, please.

    [Cdt_Amerth] <TAC> <CENG> Sir, there are some fluctuations in the forward emiter, can you see what's going on please?

    [cdt.doug.t] <<lol>> startrek directtv commercail on>>

    [sTSF_Jami] <CENG> :::working diligently:: +OPS+ Engineering ready. Experiencing some unexplained power fluctuations. I'm on it now.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [CO] These supernovae can be so unpredictable, don't want to take any chances.

    [sTSF_Jami] <Doug, kindly stick to the mission. Thanks ;) >

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><XO> Good thinking. One can never be too safe.

    [windraker007] <CSCI>::transmits a record of the extrapolated power output and information concerning how bad it could get::

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm><co> holding our position sir

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><HELM> Actually, back us off another 100 k

    [windraker007] <CSCI><CO> I think we should back off a bit more, and launch another probe... probes are semi-expendable, we arent. This looks really bad; there's some wierd readings i'm getting from the center of the star.

    [Cdt_Amerth] <tac> ::looking over sensor sweeps again:: <CSCI> There is an unusaual reading here... please check your data pad again, and look at this. It may explain the power flucuations.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><CSCI> Really/ What kind? Is it about to explode?

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS><XO> All stations good sir.

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm><co> aye sir backing us off

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm>::taps controlls::

    [windraker007] <CSCI><Tac> what are you getting? i'm reading a buildup in the center of the star, but it's not like a normal supernovae.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [Ops] Thank you Mr. Rallo. Keep an eye on sensor status, want to keep our eyes wide open here. :: grin ::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><CSCI> Would you care to ellaborate?

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: listens ::

    [Cdt_Amerth] <Tac> <CSCI> a subspace anomaly to be sure Sir.. this is odd though, it is like nothing i have ever read in any manual....

    [windraker007] <CSCI><CO> possibly, but it seems as though the heavier elements in the center of the star aren't combining normally, they're forming transient elements only found in subspace.

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm><co> i'm holding position sir

    [windraker007] <CSCI><TAC> Yup, that's about it then.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><CSCI> Fascinating.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <brb>

    [sTSF_Jami] <CENG> ::station sparks and goes into temporary overload shutdown::: Darn.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [Helm] Very good.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CENG> ::watching readings as they come back up.

    [windraker007] <CSCI><TAC> Are you reading that the anomaly is 'in' the star itself?

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm>::runs a quick system check::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CENG> ::whew:: +OPS+ Having problems down here with overloads. Are we in the midst of some kind of energy field?

    [windraker007] <CSCI>::Reruns the scan again to make sure::

    [Cdt_Amerth] <Tac><CSCI> yes and no Sir, i am also getting readings from about 20,000 kms away from the star, this is odd

    [windraker007] <CSCI><Tac> Yeah, unless there's a really bad interference wave coming off of the star, it's showing up in the center of the star.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS>+CENG+ No..it's probably over-heating. I'm adding cooling fluids to your station. And I'm still waiting for Mr. Fan's information.

    [Cdt_Amerth] <TAC><MXO> Sir, the forward shields are down to 83 percent.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CENG> +OPS+ What information are you looking for?

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [Tac] Understood.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [Helm] Back us off another 100,000 km.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CENG> +OPS+ NG is on a repair.

    [windraker007] <CSCI> ::walks up to Tac's station:: <Tac> where is the reading you noticed?

    [Mitch_Rallo] <ops>+ceng+ His records.

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm><mxo> aye sir ::backs the ship off::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CENG> :working while speaking::under a console:: +OPS+ Records on?

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS>+CENG+ What do you mean..repair?

    [Cdt_Amerth] <TAC> ::shows CSCI the reading from the forward sensors::

    [windraker007] <CSCI><MXO> Permission to launch another probe to keep the scans at as high a quality as possible?

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [CSci/Tac] Let us know if the ship is any danger as soon as you have the slightest inclination that there might be some.

    [Cdt_Amerth] <TAC>CSCI> see?

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [CSci] Permission granted.

    [windraker007] <CSCI><tac> yes... but that doesn't look like a subspace anomaly.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CENG> +OPS+ Fixing something. I can get what you need.

    [windraker007] <CSCI>::launches the probe towards the anomaly::

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm><mxo> holding postsion sir

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS>+CENG+ Explain his name..and his academy status.

    [windraker007] <CSCI><Tac> let's see if the probe can show any information from that.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [Helm] Acknowledged, thank you.

    [Cdt_Amerth] <TAC><CSCI> Sir, the reading here... ::points:: can only be subspace.. but it is contradicted by this one ::points again:: see?

    [sTSF_Jami] <CENG> ::looks up:: +OPS+ And you want that because?

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS>+CENG+ Because he's never been here before.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CENG> +OPS+ That's a matter for the XO and personnel. Farrington out.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [Ops] Perhaps that can wait for another time, Mr. Rallo. At the moment we have a malfunctioning supernova to worry about.

    [windraker007] <CSCI><Tac> But that contradiction is anti space..... anti-space? it's not subspace yet it's not real space or subspace... this reminds me of a time-antitime paradox....

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS><MXO> Explain the Nova's status.

    [windraker007] <CSCI><Tac> Ever read Captain Picard's logs about the anti-time anomaly that he went through?

    [Cdt_Amerth] <TAC><CSCI> Aye sir, it is standard reading in the academy.

    [windraker007] <CSCI><Tac> This is seeming to be in the same boat, yet for space, not time.

    [Cdt_Amerth] <tac><MXO> forward shields holding at 80 percent now sir.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [Ops] Amerth and windraker can do that better than I can, Mr. Rallo. Listen in on them for a while. Hopefully you won't get any more confused than I am. :: grin ::

    [windraker007] <CSCI> :: Checks telemetry from the probe:: <MXO> sir?

    [Cdt_Amerth] <tac><csci> But if that is the case, then are we not still too close?

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm><mxo> should i back us off a nother 100k sir

    [windraker007] <CSCI><MXO> I have something here you really need to see.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS><CSCI> Explain the nova's satus.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [Tac] Acknowledged. [CSci] What've you got?

    [windraker007] <CSCI><TAC> Yes, we should move off a some more.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: walks over ::

    [Cdt_Amerth] <tac><mxo> Sir i recomend another 200,000 km's

    [windraker007] <CSCI><OPS> it's close, but the odd thing i see here is seeming to hold it in check... it's not getting closer to exploding yet, and it's burning and fusing even heavier transient elements.

    [windraker007] <CSCI><MXO> here, sir. This is what i'm starting to be concerned about.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: nods :: [Helm] Remove us another 200,000 km. You'll have to compensate the ship's attitude to keep sensor efficiency up.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS><MXO> Should I add cooling fluids to the ship?

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm><mxo> aye sir backing us off

    [windraker007] <CSCI><MXO> There is a... let's just say, a Anti-Spacial anomaly holding the supernovae from exploding. It's not stopping the reaction though, it should have gone nova by now but it hasn't.

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm>::taps bottens::

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [Ops] Negative, that's the Cheng's perogative. Thank you, though.

    [Cdt_Amerth] <tac><mxo> Apperantly we were to close to a time-space anomaly, which was causeing problems with our engineering and shields, at a distance of 400,000 km's our problems should be fixed, and we should be out of harms way if a worm hole like item appears...

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [CSci] Leaving the why of it aside, what're the repercussions?

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm>::continuously monitors the warp field

    [Cdt_Amerth] <tac> ::mumbles:: i think <CSCI> can you confirm my theory?

    [windraker007] <CSCI><MXO> It's causing the nova to keep fusing heavier elements together... it would not normally keep going like this. Reprucussions would include a black hole...

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS><MXO> I will transport as much cooling air into the air supply as possible.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [Ops] Belay that.

    [windraker007] <CSCI><MXO> or even something worse... a space-time rip whose proportions could even engulf us at 1,000,000km.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [CSci/Tac] Options?

    [sTSF_Jami] <CENG> +OPS+ Things seem to have calmed down in engineering. Thanks for the assist.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS><MXO> Sir?

    [Cdt_Amerth] <tac> runs a long range sensor sweep:: <CSCI> it's changeing... the star is going i think...

    [windraker007] <CSCI><TAC> No it isn't, the star is imploding on itself

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [Ops] We're okay right now, Mr. Rallo.

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm>::standsby for warp::

    [windraker007] <CSCI><TAC & MXO> I'm reading Very dense elements now, its going to implode forcefully... very forcefully.

    [sTSF_Jami] <<Captain is called away. Follow Luc's lead, everyone. Thanks.>>

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [CSci/Tac] Any way to stop this?

    [windraker007] <CSCI><MXO> Yes, we need to stop the anomaly now. I suggest a phased neutrino beam to try to disperse the anti-space anomaly.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <<back>>

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [Helm] :: looks over at helm, smiles :: Good thinking, Doug, keep that warp button close to hand.

    [sTSF_Jami] <wb Skipper>

    [cdt.doug.t] <<wb>>

    [windraker007] <<wb>>

    [Cdt_Amerth] <TAC><Mxo> I concur Sir.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [CSci] That's not something a starship does everyday. What are the dangers of activating the beam, and what do we need to do to implement?

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm>::toisis a drop in the warp field::

    [Cdt_Amerth] <tac> ::watches his readings closely...::

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm><mxo> i have a drop in the warp field sir

    [sTSF_Jami] ACTION: Warp field is fine

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [Ops] Keep an ear open on what Tac and CSci need and coordinate with the rest of the ship please, Mr. Rallo.

    [windraker007] <CSCI><CO&MXO> It's to try and de-polarise it. we may very well damage our particle emitter and some of the decks may need to be evacuated for possible contamination.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><CSCI> I see

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [CSci] That's our best option?

    [windraker007] <CSCI><MXO> Best one that I can think of that won't take another week or so. we don't have the time.

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm><mxo> sorry sir get confused readings from the nova

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: nods :: [CO] I guess it's the best we have, sir.

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: Meanwhile, our star grows ever more brighter, as it progresses closer and closer from going nova

    [Cdt_Amerth] <tac><MXO> Sir i would recomened evacing the decks closeset to the emiter, We may also need to reduce our shields to help power the emiter...

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [Helm] No problem, hiccups are part of Starfleet service.

    [windraker007] <CSCI><CENG> I need you to reroute as much power that isn't going to shields and use it to power the array.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS><CSCI> Orders?

    [sTSF_Jami] <<Remember, if there is someone who is confusing you, there is an ignore button you can use. :P >>

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: holds a "wait a sec" finger at tac :: [CO] Are we go on this, sir?

    [sTSF_Seiben] <MCO> WE are. Proceed with plan

    [Cdt_Amerth] <tac><CSCI><OPS> If there was ever a time to do this, it is now Sirs... this star is going to go in :looks at readings: 10 minutes.

    [windraker007] <CSCI><OPS> We need to almost overload the particle emmiter with power to make this work.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: nods :: [Tac/CSci] Proceed. Use whatever resources you need.

    [sTSF_Jami] <<To ignore someone's chat, right-click on the name in the right-hand window and select "ignore">>

    [windraker007] <CSCI><Tac> Yeah, i'd venture that.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <<Jami will be ignored>>

    [Mitch_Rallo] jk

    [sTSF_Seiben] <<Why would you want to ignore Jami?>>

    [sTSF_Jami] ROSTER UPDATE - Sarvek = ASCI

    [Mitch_Rallo] <<JK>>

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS><ENG> Whats going on.

    [Cdt_Amerth] <tac> +all hands+ All hands to battle stations, All hands to battle stations. This is not a drill, All Persons on decks 27 through 14 evack to emergancy stations.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> +CEng+ We've got a major, in a hurry project, Chief, do what you can.

    [sarvek] <ASCI> ::at her post in the Lab::

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [CO] And now we wait. :: grim smile ::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <<It's a Defiant.. tehere isn't 27 decks :unsure: >>

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm>+<ceng>+ i"m not geting thoes reading up here everything is fine

    [sTSF_Jami] <CENG> +MXO+ Roger that.

    [Cdt_Amerth] (welp, looks like i did not know which class she was)

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> <XO> Are we atlleast recording the star?

    [sTSF_Seiben] <it's ok. I mentioned it in the beginning :P >

    [Mitch_Rallo] <ops>+CENG+ Forward emitter.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [CSci] You have had the "Record" button on, chief?

    [sarvek] <ASCI> ::keeping an eye on the radiation output of the nova:;

    [windraker007] <CSCI><MXO> Of course, Sir. We have all this backed up for future reference.

    [Cdt_Amerth] <tac><CSCI> she is yours Sir... do what you need to do... all decks report clear, stations to ready.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CENG> +CSCI+ Shunting power where you need it.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: nods ::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CENG> +OPS+ Might want to shut down all nonessential systems while we do this.

    [windraker007] <CSCI>+CENG+ Great, Thanks.

    [windraker007] <CSCI><MXO> Permission to activate the emitter?

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm>::coninously monitors the nova and engines::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CENG> +CSCI+ Ready when you are. Everyone cross your fingers.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [CSci] You've dotted all of the i's and crossed all of your t's?

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS>::Shuts systems down::

    [windraker007] <CSCI><MXO> Yes.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [CO] All ready, sir.

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: Star about to explode.. bright red and white..

    [sTSF_Jami] <CENG> ::shifting power::watching the readings carefully, as are a few other engineers::

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm><mxo> paperaring for warp sir

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS>+CENG+ Systems cant stay down for long.

    [windraker007] <CSCI>+CENG+ Shunt power to the forward particle emmiter and activate the Phased Neutrino Beam.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CENG> +OPS+ Roger that.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CENG> +CSCI+ You got it.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: figuratively holds onto his hat ::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CENG> ::activates the beam:::

    [Cdt_Amerth] <tac> <csci> it is working, the readings are going to normal, the star shows she is going supernova.... there she goes ::looks up at the view screen:: Beautiful!

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> +Shipwide+ All hands, brace.

    [sarvek] <ASCI> ::grabs onto the nearest console::

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: The beam is activated and hits its mark. There is a small shudder as this happens.

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm>:: prepares for warp::

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: experiences a small shudder ::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS>::Quickly gets all systems online::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CENG> +CSCI+ That's all she's got. Shutting off emitter, all power to the shields.

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: The star now goes nova. Cue special effects.

    [Cdt_Amerth] <tac>::holds on to the console as the ships rocks in space::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS>+CENG+ Please check all systems. I've restarted them.

    [sTSF_Jami] Stage Hand> ::flashes lights, sounds, etc::

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm><co> jumping into warp sir

    [sTSF_Jami] <CENG> +OPS+ All systems go.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO>< HELM> Take us back to base

    [Cdt_Amerth] <tac> <to noone> That was close.

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm>::jumps in to warp::

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [Ops] Another shipwide status report, please.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><TAC> It sure was. <SCI> You get everything?

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS>::Reads computer status reports::<MXO> All clear.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [Ops] Acknowledged, thank you.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [CO] I think "phew" comes to mind.

    [sarvek] <ASCI> +CO+ ::grins:: Several layered scans -- should be good reading in the department for some time.

    [Cdt_Amerth] <tac> +ship wide+ All hands, stand down from battle stations, repeat, All hands, stand down from battle stations. We are clear.

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm><co> layin course for star base SIR

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> +ASCI+ Great

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><XO> Agreed. A little too close for comfort there

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [All] Excellently done, folks.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS>::Pulls some main systems offline to reboot them::

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: sits on the stool, wipes sweat off forehead ::

    [Cdt_Amerth] <tac> <mxo> permission to lower the shields sir?

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [Tac] Are we clear from the radiation effects?

    [sarvek] <ASCI> ::notes radiation levels are still holding at normal::

    [sTSF_Jami] Stage Hand> ::replaces stool with cushy recliner-lounger::

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: suddenly much more comfortable ::

    [Cdt_Amerth] <tac><mxo> aye sir, sensors show clean

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm><co> we are in course for starbase the closes one is five minuites away

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS><CO> I've transported several pieces of debree to the science labs.

    [sTSF_Seiben] And with that...

    [sTSF_Seiben] PAUSE SIM..

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [Tac] Then return to situation green.

    [sTSF_Seiben] PAUSE SIM....

    [sTSF_Seiben] PAUSE SIM.......

  12. 061003


    [sTSF_Jami] Commanding Officer (CO): STSF Seiben

    [sTSF_Jami] Executive Officer (XO): STSF Jami

    [sTSF_Jami] Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Luc Daren

    [sTSF_Jami] Tactical Officer (TAC) - windraker007

    [sTSF_Jami] Operations Officer (OPS) - Mitch Rallo

    [sTSF_Jami] Helm (Helm) - Cdt Doug T

    [sTSF_Jami] Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - STSF Jami

    [sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\=

    [sTSF_Seiben] MISSION BRIEF: SD 10610.03

    [sTSF_Seiben] The crew of the USS Iroquois have travelled back in time to the year 1956 to prevent the handover of Federation technology to the Soviets, which will have untold re-procussions on the future timeline. The handover is set to take place at the home of a known supporter of the Communist party in Southern California, about 20 minutes south of Los Angeles. The crew have been ordered to stop the hand over, and apprehend one Ralph Jenkins, the man that is to perform the handover.

    [sTSF_Seiben] BEGIN SIM..

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm>::sits at conn on the bridge::

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm>::checks course and speed::

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: The Iroquois is currently cloaked in orbit around 1956 Earth, the AT (that's everyone) is set to transport down.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: magic edit to transporter room 1 ::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::enters the TR dressed in 1956 garb::

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: Y'all should be wearing 1950's era clothing, and hairstyles.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: wearing mid 20th Century garb, looking smashing ::

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm><co> we are 5 minutes away sir

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: hair slicked back ::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::Walks in in his fonzie style hair:: Eh!

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS><CMO> Bah. This is a foolish mission.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [CO] Very nice, sir.

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm><co> course is 204 mark 15 warp 2

    [windraker007] <tac> :: has a dapper suit on with nice cufflinks :: Always gotta have the cufflinks...

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::feeling quite awkward, but trying hard to get over it::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS><CMO> I'm actually quite the Commie m'self.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [CO] So who's involved in this besides the communists?

    [windraker007] <tac> <MXO> What should we use as armament; considering phasers aren't standard 50's weapons...

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::manages a smile at Mitch::

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm><co> we are approching earth sir.

    [windraker007] <tac> <ops> You commie, you.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [Tac] See that violin case? There's a tommy gun in there. A little old for 56, but it'll do.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS><CO> Commies are cool Cpatain.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> <MXO> Thanks.. anyways.. before we go, I'll explain the details of the mission. The only way we can get in the estate is to pose as the guests of one Connor Malkovich, the Communist supporter. Hence our fancy threads.

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm><co>:: bringing us out of warp

    [windraker007] <tac> :: opens the violin case while looking over ::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS>::Dances:: I always did like 50's tunes. ::Inserts embarassing holodeck accident here::

    [windraker007] <tac> <MXO> this does seem a bit old fashioned... didn't they have pistols too?

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [CO] :: shakes head :: Do we know who's handing the technology over?

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm><co> puting us in standerd orbit. ::taps cxontrolls::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><All> We shall beam down in a park in Los Angels. Its morning, so noone should be there at this time to see us beam down

    [windraker007] <tac> <mxo> this seems a bit consipicuous. Shouldn't we downsize our weapons to make them more concealed?

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::has no weapons::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS><CO> Should I time the transporter?

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm>::pulls out a 50 cal machine gun::

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [Tac] Indeed. That's just our heavy option, which we'll hide outside, we won't be able to bring it in. :: hands out small pistols :: If possible, we're to avoid violence, right Captain?

    [windraker007] <tac> <mxo> last thing we want is to make ourselves the center of attention with big honkin' gunz... eh?

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> <OPS> PLease..<HELM> And no large weapons , please. Pistols will suffice

    [windraker007] <tac> <mxo> understood. ::takes the pistol and puts it into his pants::

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: hops up on pad ::

    [windraker007] <tac> <ops> Who do you think you are, Rambo?

    [windraker007] <tac> ::laughs::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><OPS> Have it set for 0600 at these co-ordines.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS>::Heads over to transporter and times transport for 1 minute::

    [windraker007] <tac> ::takes point behind the mxo:: <mxo> I've got your back if anyone randomly is down there.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [CO] Are we certain /we/ aren't the ones that inadvertantly allowed access to the technology?

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> <XO> From what I was told.. no.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [Tac] And conversely, I have your front.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: nods at the CO ::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> <OPS> Can you patch into the telecommunications system for the city of LA?

    [windraker007] <tac> <mxo> Sure. I'll take that the way I believe you want me to take it. :: grins ::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS> ::Makes it so::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><All> Menwhile, the rest of you head down to the TR

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::adjusting her halter dress, checking her red lipstick::

    [windraker007] <tac> ::looks at the pistol and polishes it with a cloth::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS><CO> There's a small forest outside of the estate..no gaurds and stuff.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::makes a call to arrange some transportation::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS><CO> Should I set transport there?

    [windraker007] <tac> <CMO> Nice dress, toots

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> <OPS> Yes

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS><CO> Very well.

    [windraker007] <tac> <cmo> What do you think?

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> <TAC> ::gives him the once-over:: We're not gangsters. We're operatives.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS>::Gets up and heads down to TR..

    [windraker007] <tac> <cmo> You're no fun. ::grins::

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: Operatives posting as social elite from the era.. thusly, gangster speak is not needed

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::struggling with the heels, not quite getting the hang of it::marches off to the TR:::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::follows everyone down::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::disgusted:: <nip> How the heck did they *ever* come up with this garb? Masochism?

    [windraker007] <tac> <cmo> I'll second that.

    [windraker007] <tac> :: tugs on his shirt ::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::this a Defiant class, his trip doesn't take long::

    [windraker007] <tac> it keeps hiking up.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS><CMO> I like this tuxedo thing..I wore one at my first Academy dance..

    [windraker007] <tac> <ops> You look good.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> <OPS> Dashing. ::Mumbles:: Wish I could wear one.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::walks in to the TR::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS><TAC> But my first academy was in a holodeck..I'm such a nerd they wont even let me in the star trek conventions!

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: on the transporter pad, hopefully ::

    [windraker007] <tac><ops> star trek conventions?

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> What's Startrek?

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS> <CO> ::Shrugs::

    [windraker007] <tac> ::hums "another one bites the dust by queen" ::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> <CO> Sounds interesting.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> <all> Anyways.. let;s get down.

    [windraker007] <tac> good song, I wish that they were around nowadays...

    [Mitch_Rallo] ,OPS><TAC+CO> I think I heared about it in an alternate time line if there were no other races and stuff..

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: pats jacket, making sure everything's in place ::

    [windraker007] <Tac> <Ops> what? Star Trek?

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS> <TAC> Yes.

    [windraker007] <tac> :: tugs on his shirt again :: Darn shirt.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> :: on the pad waiting for transport::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS> Computer..insert time transport

    [windraker007] <tac> Now I know how Captain picard feels

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [ALL] All right, time to act like 1950's Americans, folks.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::somewhat selfconscious, hoping her full skirt doesn't fly up in the wind::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS> ::One minute later::

    [windraker007] <tac> <mxo> Yessir.

    [windraker007] <tac> <mxo> eebob.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <<Its time to beam down..

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: looks over at Tac, nods :: [CO] I think we're ready.

    [ki_rok] <Ralphie>::sweating profusely::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> <MXO> That would be sophisticated, very high-society, especially in LA.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> Ok.. energise.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <<We energized 30 seconds ago..oh well>>

    [windraker007] <tac> :: burps accidently ::

    [windraker007] <tac> excuse me.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS>::Sprinkles::

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: The team materializes in LA, about 50 km away from the estate.

    [windraker007] ::shimmers::

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: shimmers, re-materializes in the park ::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS> ::Sprinkles::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::in the park::

    [windraker007] <Tac> ::Looks around::

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: True to our assumptions, the place is empty

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::cough:: <all> I'm assuming this is what they referred to as "smog."

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS> ::Lands on a tree:: Hey! I think this is made out of plastic..

    [windraker007] <Tac> <CMO> The immediate area is empty, sir.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [CMO] Indeed, madam

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS>::Hops down::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> <CMO> Indeed.

    [windraker007] <Tac> ::looks down:: This must be... ohh... asphalt.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [CO] I assume you procured an automobile?

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: The park may be empty, but the general sounds of 50s city life can be heard

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><XO> Yes.. it's 50 clicks away, and we can't exactly take the bus

    [ki_rok] <cab>:::HONK!!::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::covers ears::

    [windraker007] <tac> <CMO> so, sir... how are we gonna get to.... ohh, look a yellow transport.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [CP] I don't think the threads are up to the walk, either.

    [sTSF_Seiben] Truck> HONK!!!

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS><CO> I think my scans claim thatthere are 2 gaurds about 1/2 km from here.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><OPS> I think they call them "police"

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> <TAC> I think we should probably stop calling each other "sir."

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS><OPS> Hmm..an interesting place.

    [windraker007] <tac><cmo> good idea.

    [cdt.doug.t] <<sorry about the i had computer problems>>

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> <CO> Wouldn't that be a good idea, Capt . . . Hans?

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::bats eyelashes::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> I ordered a vehicle from a local dealership. Luckilly, our replicators can make money which the people of the time can't tell it's fake

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm><ops> indeed

    [windraker007] <tac><mxo> Can I call you Bob?

    [ki_rok] <cabbie>><trucker>>"Hey buddie..move your........"

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS><CO>Since my name is Betazed please call me Bert Ernie.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> <OPS> Yes.. please call each other by name only

    [windraker007] <Tac> what crude language.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [CO] Wonderful idea, I suppose we should make our way to this dealership, then.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> <TAC> I think it will take some getting used to.

    [sTSF_Seiben] Trucker> You move! You ran the red! Stupid <bleep>!

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: tries to remember the map of LA he pored over for hours ::

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm><tac> no kidding i'm gald we don't talk like that in our time

    [windraker007] <Tac><CMO> hmm.... I bet, but really... they're so angry...

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS> Heh..whats <BEEP> mean?

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> <OPS> You don't want to know.

    [windraker007] <Tac> Just think about us being like that vs the romulans..

    [ki_rok] <<cabbie>> Who you calling a <bleep> you <bleepin> <bleep>...

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [Ops] You can check the computer when we get back.

    [windraker007] <tac> ::laughs::

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: Across the street is a local GM dealer.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [CO] Is that it over there? :: points across the street ::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS>::Checks tricorder:: Hmm..to have sexual..Oh dear!

    [sTSF_Seiben] Trucker> Ah shaddup, ya <bleep, bleep, BLEEP>!

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::following along with whomever::

    [windraker007] <Tac><MXO> hey, GM.... isn't that like from an old style RPG game based on a "D20 system"?

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><XO> Yes. ::crosses the street, moving around the cab::

    [ki_rok] <cabbie> ::indicates the trucker is number 1 and speeds off::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS> <Trucker> Go [...edited...]

    [windraker007] <Tac>::notices an odd amount of "cars?" and shakes his head:: so much odd stuff...

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm><co> these people sure did dress wird don't they sir

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: crosses as well ::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><OPS> Mr. RaLLO< I wouldn't antagonize the locals

    [windraker007] <Tac><ops> Uhh, you don't say that usually that way...

    [windraker007] <Tac><Ops> ::stifles a snort of laughter::

    [ki_rok] <plaid jacket salesman> ::sees fresh meat::

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [ALL] <q> Keep in mind, we're supposed to belong here. Keep the wondrous comments quiet while we're around the natives.

    [sTSF_Seiben] Trucker> Huh? Tell your friend to lay off the hooch ::to XO::

    [sTSF_Seiben] Trucker> ::Gets in his truck and speeds off::

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: browses while the CO goes shopping ::

    [windraker007] <Tac> :: Notices someone else coming towards us :: <MXO> hey, we have someone inbound, Bob.

    [windraker007] <Tac> ::reaches for his pistol::

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm>::follows the group::

    [windraker007] <Tac><MXO> Bob?

    [ki_rok] <plaid jacket salesman> ::slithering up to the group:: HI THERE!!! BEAUTIFUL DAY isnt it..

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [Tac] Probably a salesman, to sell us an automobile.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::walks over a bright red Cadillac:: This is our conveyance.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> <Salesman> Indeed, I called earlier about the Caddie?

    [windraker007] <Tac><mxo> Do you think he's safe?

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm> follows the (co)

    [windraker007] <tac> ::whispers the comment to bob::

    [ki_rok] <plaid jacket salesman> <CO> OH YES......conveyance indeed....

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [Tac] Assume yes until you get evidence to the contrary. :: smiles ::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::impressed with the captain's knowledge::runs her hand over the Caddie as if to appraise it:::looking like a poster girl doing a commercial:::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> Yeah.. so.. $3995?

    [windraker007] <Tac><Mxo> of course, si... I mean Bob.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: looks over at the doc :: I've seen something like that before... :: thinks ::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS><PJS> I'd like to buy a hover-craft full of eels please. ::Puts away slang hand-guide::

    [ki_rok] <plaid jacket salesman> <CO> AS is sure..but are you sure you dont want the rag top?

    [windraker007] <Tac><Ops> A hover craft? what is this hover craft? and Eels?

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS><TAC> ::Points to hand-guide::

    [ki_rok] <plaid jacket salesman><CO> I mean come on, pal...you gotta love california sun, am I right, eh eh eh ...

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::Looks over at it:: Eh..

    [windraker007] <Tac><ops> ::whispers:: Where'd you get that book?

    [Mitch_Rallo] <<Thats a monty python refference btw>>

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::Shrugs:: OK..

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm> ::whispers to the (co) sir i replicated my own clothng for this trip is that ok

    [windraker007] <Tac><ops> Can I see that? ::points to the book::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS><TAC> The holodeck

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: admiring the shiny chrome ::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS>::Hands it over::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> $5000, eh?

    [windraker007] <Tac><Ops> Shhh... ::takes the book and flips through it::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS><PJS> So yo dawg? Been chilling in the hood?

    [ki_rok] <plaid jacket salesman>::cheesing like crazy::<CO> UM..yeah..that should just about cover it....

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::takes out a wad of money:: <OPS> <w> Wrong era

    [windraker007] <Tac><Ops> Shiny Kettles?

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> 100..200..300.. ... 4990..5000.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: moves over to Mitch :: [Ops] You're so into this futuristic science-fiction stuff, eh Bert? Maybe later you can talk about it, but now may not be the best time. :: hint ::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> <CO> ::whispers:: Kinda steep, isn't he?

    [windraker007] <Tac> And now for something completely different?... <Ops> This is... odd.

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm>:: walks over to <tac> i will stay with the captian for security season

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS><PJS> Where can I buy comic pooks?

    [windraker007] <Tac><helm> I'd be a bit more safe knowing I was with Jim...

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::takes out her compact to fix her lipstick:::

    [ki_rok] <plaid jacket salesman>::salivating:: <CO> THank you sir..you are gonna love this baby....and I'll even throw in this book on European and African swallows....

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::primps her hair as well:::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> Thanks.. <All> Get in.. I'll drive.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS><PJS> Ahem?

    [windraker007] <Tac><PJS> A book on swallows? Ok.... ::Takes book::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::Takes book::

    [ki_rok] <plaid jacket salesman> <CO> and these fuzzy coconuts for the rear view...

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: walks over to Jami :: Looking beautiful today, as always, Jami. :: opens the door, motions others in ::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::Puts it on the mirror::

    [windraker007] <Tac> <CO> sorry, Jim. ::hands book to CO::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> <MXO> ::smiles sweetly:: Thank you, Dear. ::slips into the car:::

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm>::walks back over to the (co)::

    [windraker007] <Tac> :: Gets into back seat ::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS><PJS> Sir? Where can I find some comic books?

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::tosses it in the glovebox, starts ignition::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS>::Doesnt enter car::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::startled by the loud sound of a combustion engine::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> <OPS> Get in..

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> Bert, we're leaving! :: motions into car once again ::

    [windraker007] <Tac><MXO> :: Taps you on the shoulder :: We got to get moving.

    [Luc_Daren] <Ops>*

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm>:: looks strangly at the car::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS> ::Gives finger to PJS::

    [ki_rok] <plaid jacket salesman> <OPS> what kid....oh..down the stret 2 blocks..

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS>::Hops in:: <CO> A common gesture in the era..

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: frowns mightily, gets in :: Clear for... you can go, Hans.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><OPS> From what I heard, it wasn't.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS> <PJS> ::Hands over 5 bucks.

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm>::gets in the back::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::puts her in D and sets off::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS> <CO> Can I go buy some comics? They'd be worth tons back in..Canada.

    [ki_rok] <plaid jacket salesman> ::frowns at OPS returns gesture behind back....::

    [windraker007] <Tac> <Ops> Uhh, I don't think you should be giving the locals that gesture. It seems as though you annoyed him with it.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::trying to look comfortable:::

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [CO] Have you taken driving lessons in the holodeck? :: hopes ::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> <OPS> You're welcome to.. if you wish to stay in this timeline foreber

    [windraker007] <Tac><Ops> None of that... it'd mess up the... your brain...

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> I read about it.

    [windraker007] <Tac><CO> read about it?

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: holds on a bit tighter ::

    [windraker007] <Tac><CO> You're gonna get us killed... aren't you?

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm><mxo> sir i have driven before

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> You move this big wheel here left and right and turns in that direction. It's not hard

    [windraker007] <TAC><CO> Let me drive. i think I may know how it works.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: pulls map out of inside breast pocket, folds it all the way open as it flaps in the breeze ::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS><CMO> ::Hugs:: You can be my "gal".

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::stomps on the accelerator, pushing the vehicle to 70::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> I;'ve got it.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> <MXO> Maybe you shouldn't have asked.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [NIP] People actually had to navigate this way? :: tries to read flapping map ::

    [windraker007] <Tac> :: Screams ::

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm>::ahhhh::

    [windraker007] <Tac> <CO> Slow down! My god you're gonna get us dead.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> Everybody else is travelling at this speed

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS><TAC>::Snatches back hand-guide:: That means parter in this era..

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: checks street signs :: Ah, a right coming up... no wait! :: turns map around :: That'd be a left.

    [windraker007] <Tac><CO> They know what they're doing, you on the other hand.....

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> <CO> All due respect, Captain. They know how to drive.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> <TAC> Besides, we spent too much time at the car shop. We need to make up time

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm><co> we are doing to die arnt we sir ::ahhhh::

    [ki_rok] <ralphie>::slamming back a shot of <insert alcohol here>::

    [sTSF_Seiben] MCO> ::at 140 km/h::

    [windraker007] <Tac><CO> Pull over.. Let me drive.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::raises eyebrow at TAC:::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS><CO> Sir..they have limits on speed. ::Kicks off foot from pedal and puts his own foot on::

    [Luc_Daren] << that's 86 mph for the Americans >>

    [sTSF_Seiben] <C> ::indicates calmly and makes the lane change when traffic is clear:: <TAC> Relax!

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: They are not far from the estate

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS> :Goes down to about 43 MPH:

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm>::leans foward whats this ::runs on radio::

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [Ops] Back in your seat! [All] Everyone just stay calm, Hans hasn't killed us... yet.

    [windraker007] <Tac><CO> Relax? ::Twitches:: i have the feeling we're not gonna make it there in one piece.

    [windraker007] <Tac><mxo> alright... but...

    [windraker007] <Tac><helm> what are you doing?

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS><CMO> ::Realizes he's still hugging::

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm>:: ears gets blasted by the radio::

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: 50s rock music blares out.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS>::Dances::

    [windraker007] <Tac> ::Screams again:: AGH turn that off!

    [windraker007] <Tac> :: Grips his ears in pain::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS><TAC> I'm pimping out..as the african americans would say.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: reaches over, turns volume down ::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::Slows down and turns into a secluded community::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> <OPS> Not in the 50's they wouldn't.

    [ki_rok] <ralphie>::looks to his fonzie companions:: is it time?

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm>::leans back::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <Guy 1> Almost.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: figures out how to shut it off, does so ::

    [windraker007] <Tac><ops> ::pokes you:: stop using the slang. it's odd.

    [cdt.doug.t] <<have i missed lots seence i loged off>>

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><OPS> Yes, plase just taknormally

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS><CO> Speak betazed?

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [All] Remember, sophisticated, well-to-do. Slang is out, proper grammar in.

    [windraker007] <Tac><MXO> is that it? :: points at a huge manor on a hill to the left::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO>< PS> Speak like you would on the ship

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS> <CO> Kro wal fil oktul wang.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [Tac] I do believe it is.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <OPS> Oh! I see..

    [ki_rok] <ralphie>::sweats worse.....fidgets with a cigarette::<G1> Gimme a light, will ya..

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [CO] I do believe a valet will take the vehicle, just park out front.

    [cdt.doug.t] <<<like kirk did in the one movie>>

    [windraker007] <Tac> ::sighs::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <G1> ::flicks on a lighter:: Don't worry.

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm> :: pulls off seat belt::

    [windraker007] <Tac> ::Gets out of the car::

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: Seiben pulls into a drive-way.

    [ki_rok] <ralphie><G1> dont worry...pfft...these guys are bigtime..what was that?

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::lets out a breath she was holding as the vehicle comes to a stop::

    [windraker007] <Tac> ::stumbles out and hits the ground:: Hmm.. should have waited till it stopped...

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm>::stands up gets out of the car::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> Everyone out.

    [windraker007] <Tac> ::gets off and brushes himself off::

    [windraker007] <Tac> :: walks up to the group::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::assumes her high-society 50's persona and steps gracefully from the auto::

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: exits vehicle, puts on the haughty smile of a Hollywood elitist ::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::Exits from the car:: Let's go. They're expecting us.

    [windraker007] <tac> <All> for future reference, remember to wait until the car is stopped to get out.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::checks her skirt and hair:::stands demurely by Luc:::

    [windraker007] <Tac> ::walks up to the door::

    [windraker007] <Tac>::knocks on the door::

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [CMO] Ready for a lovely evening, my dear?

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm> follows <tac>

    [windraker007] <Tac> ::puts an ear to the door to hear for footsteps::

    [ki_rok] <ralphie>::checks pistol and puts in waistband..grabs briefcase::<G1> check the window....

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: A butler lets them in, and leads them to a patio

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm>:: reloads pistol::

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: on the patio ::

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: A tall man in a smart black suit enters. Welcome everyone says he.

    [windraker007] <Tac> <Black Suit> Hello there.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::gracious smile:::

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: head nod ::

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm><a tall man> hi sir

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> <Team> This I believe is the Communist Partty supporter. ::Very quietly::

    [windraker007] <Tac> <Black suit> ::extends his hand for a "handshake"::

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: nods slightly, assesses ::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::discrete nod to CO::takes Luc's arm and stays by him:::

    [windraker007] <Tac> <Black Suit> My name is Martin.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <Blacksuit> Please enjoy yourselves..

    [windraker007] <Tac><Blacksuit> Thank you.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [CMO] Such lovely architecture, so many places to go, don't you think, my dear?

    [sTSF_Seiben] Blacksuit> :;leaves the AT and heads off into the atrium::

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm><blacksuite> doug.t is my name sir :: holds out hand::

    [windraker007] <Tac> ::withdraws my hand and starts walking into the room:: Wow... so regal.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::smoothly:: <MXO> Oh, yes. Very chic.

    [ki_rok] <ralphie> ::pacing::

    [windraker007] <Tac><helm> he's gone.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [CMO] Perhaps you can charm a tour out of our hosts?

    [sTSF_Seiben] Blacksuit> ::sees Ralphie:: Ahh.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> <MXO> ::winks::

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm>::follows the group in::

    [windraker007] <Tac> <MXO> So... we need to stop the transfer now?

    [windraker007] <Tac> <MXO> Should we follow that blacksuited man?

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: Two more of Blacksuit's guards stand near the two of them.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::gives BlackSuit the eye:: <lol..you know that shortens to BS>

    [windraker007] <<::sighs::>>

    [ki_rok] <ralphie>::raises a brow toward bS man::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <BS> ::Moves away from the sight of the AT, closes a door::

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: white, toothy smile :: [Tac] You heard Martin, enjoy yourselves. Move around, see what you can see.

    [windraker007] <Tac> <Mxo> But the mission...

    [sTSF_Seiben] <BS> So, you have something that might be an interest to my friends in Moscow, from what I am told?

    [windraker007] <Tac><mxo> they could be making the exchange now for all we know...

    [sTSF_Seiben] :;to Ralphie::

    [windraker007] <Tac><Mxo> we should bust down and take the federation secrets now.

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm>:: realines his comm badge::

    [ki_rok] <ralphie> <BS> you better belive it...do they have something green that might be of interest to my retirement??

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> We should bust anything. We need the element of suprise in our side

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [Tac] Mission? We're guests at a lavish party, remember? Have to do what we need to do. :: slight nod in the direction of other eavesdropping guests ::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <BS> Of course they do. The Soviet Union rewards those loyal to her causes

    [windraker007] <Tac><Mxo> Ahh...ok. ;; walks over to the buffet and takes some food and promptly eats it:: Yummy

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> <MXO> I think I'll start at the bar.

    [windraker007] <Tac><helm> get over here, this is some good stuff.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::looks up to him:: <MXO> The most talkative people are always at the bar.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <Bs> ::motions a guard over, who places a large briefcaseon a table, full of money::

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [CMO] I'm sure the drinks are lovely, as are the sights. :: smiles ::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <BS> ::opens the case:: Will this be enough?

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm>::follows<tac>::

    [windraker007] <Tac><Helm> Look at this, it looks like... pizza?

    [ki_rok] <ralphie><BS> then I have a motherload for the motherland..::motions for G! to bring the merchandise over::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <BS> Excellent!

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::discrete wink as she walks with Luc towards the bar:::

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: moves over nearer the door, guaging ::

    [Luc_Daren] <<cancel>>

    [windraker007] <Tac><Helm> and... steak?

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::which just happens to be near the door that BS walked into:::

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: moves with Jami, listening ::

    [sTSF_Jami] <g>

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: There is a wide variety of teak, lobster and caviar

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm><tac> pizza i'm not fimuallar with it

    [windraker007] <Tac><helm> this looks like heart of targ... what is it?

    [sTSF_Seiben] steak

    [ki_rok] <<yum teak>>

    [sTSF_Seiben] <lol>

    [ki_rok] <<lol....hansie STILL cant spell...>>>

    [sTSF_Jami] <teak - good fiber>

    [Luc_Daren] << must have some termite guests too >>

    [sTSF_Seiben] <Nope. That didn't change>

    [windraker007] <Tac><helm> Pizza is a crust covered with cheese and meat, mostly pepperoni.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: takes some steak off of the teak table ::

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm>::sneekly scans it::

    [windraker007] <Tac><Helm> ::grabs a plate and shoves it into doug's hands:; just eat some, doug.

    [sTSF_Seiben] BS> ::accepts the technology from G1:: Thank you bothgentlemen

    [[ki_rok] <ralphie> ::slides the case with the tech in it over to BS::

    [windraker007] <Tac><Helm> It's not like it's poisoned or anything. ::Takes some pizza and shoves it into his mouth::

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm><tac> uh thanks ::takes a bite::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <Bs> ::Slides the money to Ralphie:: My friends in the Kremlin will be most pleased

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::moves around the bar towards the door:::

    [windraker007] <Tac>::finishes the pizza and looks at the CMO::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::chatting with a few others at the bar, sipping her martini:::

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: escorts Jami, making sure her grace and beuaty are fully diplayed to distract and charm everyone ::

    [ki_rok] <ralphie>::grabs the cash::<BS> you better believe it...always a pleasure..but my boys and I should be going....

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm>::walk over to the bar::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::toying with the olive in the glass::

    [windraker007] <Tac><helm> Look at her, talking with those people... hehe. And we used to be like this.. ::laughs::

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: With that, the transaction is completed. BS hands the teachnology case to his guards. Before long, the warp technology is on it's way to Moscow.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: looks around hawkishly, at odds with his haughty "Lookie at what I've got on my arm" smile ::

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm> :: turnes look:: <tac ya no kidding lol

    [sTSF_Seiben] I hope you all know Russian.

    [sTSF_Seiben] PAUSE SIM..

  13. [sTSF_Jami] Commanding Officer (CO): STSF Seiben

    [sTSF_Jami] Executive Officer (XO): STSF Jami.

    [sTSF_Jami] Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Sarvek

    [sTSF_Jami] Tactical Officer (TAC) - Luc Daren

    [sTSF_Jami] Operations Officer (OPS) - Jaden

    [sTSF_Jami] Helm (Helm) - Cdt Doug T

    [sTSF_Jami] Chief Engineer (CENG) - Windraker 007

    [sTSF_Jami] Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Ronin Shephard

    [sTSF_Jami] Assistant Security Officer (ASEC) - Mitch Rallo

    [sTSF_Jami] Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Dumbass

    [sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\=

    [sTSF_Jami] ::steps aside::

    [sTSF_Seiben] MISSION BRIEF: SD 10609.25

    [sTSF_Seiben] The USS Piddington has been dispatched to assist the peoples of the planet Hilux due to violent earthquakes, of which are also causing the already active volcanoes to become unstable. The crew must do what they can for the populace, and help them safe guard their cities and villages from harm.

    [sTSF_Seiben] BEGIN SIM..

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm>::heads for TL:: deck one bridge

    [Luc_Daren] <Tac> :: on the bridge at tactical, mulling over how the ship's weapons could be used to help ::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <ASEC><CSEC> Sir? Orders for today?

    [sarvek] <MXO> ::in the chair off to the right -- the "invisible chair"::

    [windraker007] <Eng> ::Takes turbolift from Engineering to the Bridge::

    [Dumbass] <CMO>::inspects tongue depressors, thermometers of all kinds, lollipops, etc.::

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm>::steps off of TL:: cdt.doug.t reporting for duty captian

    [sTSF_Jami] Stage Hand> ::slips a chair onto the stage for Sarvek::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><HELM> Continue onto Hilux, and establish a standard orbit when you get there.

    [windraker007] <Eng> ::Steps out of the engineering turbolift:: Afternoon, Captain. Engineering reports all green.

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm>::takes conn::(co) aye captian

    [Luc_Daren] <Tac> [MXO] I think our major worry is going to be ash fall from any erupting volcanos.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><CENG> Good.. good.

    [Jaden] <OPS>::brings up the EM spectrum and runs a level 5 diagnostic on all antennae::

    [windraker007] <CEng> <CO> Any problems on your end?

    [sarvek] <MXO> ::nods:: <TAC> Can you get any special thermo-environmental suits prepped?

    [Ronin_Shephard] <csec><asec> anything you can do with out breaking protacal

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm><co> we are on a course of 207 mark 15 warp 5

    [Luc_Daren] <Tac> :: thinks ::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <ASEC><CSEC> So I have premission to contact bridge for my tactics report?

    [Luc_Daren] <Tac> [MXO] I think standard EVA suits treated with a thermal-insulating liqui-polymer would be sufficient.

    [Jaden] <OPS>::schedules resource allocation on the lateral sensor arrays for the planetary sciences::

    [sarvek] <MXO> ::nod:: I concur.

    [Dumbass] <CMO>+CO+Sir, what types of casualties are we expecting?

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><CENG> No. Our concerns on assisting the people of Hilux

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: Hilux comes into range..

    [sarvek] <MXO> ::looks up at the planet on the screen::

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm><co> we are reaching the planet now captian

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm>::drops out of warp::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><HELM> Decrease velocity, and establish standard orbital circulation as previously ordered.

    [Ronin_Shephard] <csec><asec>if there not busy

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><OPS> Hail the planet.

    [Ronin_Shephard] <csec>::heads to the bridge and goes to a security console wondering what role security is going to have in this

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm><co> entering standerd orbit now captian.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <ASEC><MXO> Sir? We have a security report for the situation. We'd like orders.

    [windraker007] <CENG> :: walks to the remote engineering console in the back of the bridge and activates it::

    [Dumbass] <CMO>Heck with this. ::enters TL:: Bridge.

    [Jaden] <OPS><CO> Aye sir. ::initiates frequency:: +Hilux+ USS Paddington to the Planet Hilux, come in please.

    [windraker007] <CENG> <CO> Orders Captain?

    [Luc_Daren] <Tac> :: sends an order down maintenance to begin treating EVA suits with the thermal-insulating liqui-polymer and having them ready for away teams ::

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm>:: lowers speed some more::

    [Jaden] <OPS>::sends a text readout to Chief Tate to begin Transporter diagnostics::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><MXO> Alright, you know the drillk; form up an away team to assist. Security is to organize evacuations to shelters, and enure the general safety, Medical is to tend to the sick and injured, and Science and Engineering, is to try to come up with a solution for the earthquakes and volcanoes not destroying their cities and well.. them and .. you. Goodluck then, I'll leave you to it.

    [windraker007] <CENG> <CO> Understood, sir.

    [Dumbass] <CMO>::TL arrives on bridge, just after Seiben's speech::

    [sarvek] <MXO> <CO> ::nods:: Understood, Sir.

    [windraker007] <CENG> ::Hops back into the TL:: Deck 4.

    [Dumbass] <CMO><CO>Did I miss anything?

    [sTSF_Seiben] Hilux> +Piddington+ This is Governor Hammond of the planet Hilux. We've been expecting you. ::smiles with his bright white teeth:: You're clear to transport down anytime.

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm>::runs a system diadgostic::

    [Jaden] <OPS><CO> Captain sir, should I arrange a suitable transport site for the Away Team, the First Minister's office is responding to our hail.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><OPS> Please do.

    [sarvek] <MXO> ::looks at the Dumbass:: <CMO> You're with me. +CSEC, ASEC, CENG+ Please report to transporter room one for away team duty.

    [Dumbass] <CMO>::follows Sarvek::

    [windraker007] <CENG> +CMO+ On my way.

    [windraker007] <CENG> :: Turns around and hops back in the TL :: Transporter Room 1.

    [Jaden] <OPS>+TR+ Away Teams will be arriving shortly. ::coordinates with science to find the best beam down locations, brings the lateral sensors to bear and sets up a database at the Mission Ops console::

    [Dumbass] <CMO>+CENG+ Uh... very well, I guess.

    [Luc_Daren] <Tac> [CO] I've also considered rigging some sort of deflector system for the major population centers using the planet's weather control satellites. Obviously structural stability will be dependent on the intitial construction... So there's little we could do about that, but we can try to keep their air clear.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><TAC> Excellent.

    [Luc_Daren] <Tac> [CO] Hopping to it, sir.

    [sarvek] <MXO> ::looks back at CMO, smirks, before stepping into the lift::

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm>::downloads weekly conn report into main enginering computer core::

    [Dumbass] <CMO><MXO>Hey, if he wants to report to me who am I to argue?

    [Luc_Daren] <Tac> :: begins setting up parameters ::

    [Jaden] <OPS>::sets up a translation matrix and uploads Hilux's scientific data, continues to scan the planet's geology with the sensor pallets::

    [sarvek] <MXO> <CMO> I suppose no one, really.

    [Ronin_Shephard] <csec><xo> ::heads to the tr::

    [sarvek] <MXO> ::steps into TR1::

    [iswindraker007 ] <CENG> :: Gets out of the TL and stops by an engineering locker

    and grabs an engineering kit for the away mission::

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm>+<ceng>+ my weekly conn report is is the main enginering computer core under file weekly conn report

    [Dumbass] <CMO>::enters TR1 wearing lab coat, stethescope, etc. looking every bit the doctor::

    [Jaden] <OPS>+TR+ Surface coordinates should be filtering through now, I'll give you some choices. ::transmits data::

    [windraker007] <CENG> +Helm+ Thanks. I'll take a look at it.

    [Luc_Daren] <Tac> +Hilux Weather Control+ This is Luc Daren aboard the Piddington, I shall require your assistance. :: goes over basics of plan ::

    [Jaden] <OPS>+CENG+ Ops to Chief Windraker come in please.

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm>+<ceng>+ acknolged conn out

    [windraker007] <CENG> +ops+ Yes Ops?

    [sarvek] <MXO> ::looks around for everyone::

    [Jaden] <OPS>+CENG+ We've got the Mission Ops console on the bridge with all geographic and planetary information, you can remote access with your tricorder.

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm>::makes a minor course adjustment::

    [Luc_Daren] <Tac> :: converses with HWC ::

    [Ronin_Shephard] <csec>::looks at the tr:: sorry im late

    [windraker007] <CENG> :: pulls out his tricorder and taps a few keys:: +OPS+ Thank you, This should be helpful. Windraker out.

    [windraker007] <CENG> :: Walks into Trasporter Room 1 ::

    [Luc_Daren] <Tac> :: begins setting up remote link-up with HWC satellites ::

    [Jaden] <OPS><HELM> Doug, would the tractor beam be of any help to stabilization of the planet's crustal plates?

    [sarvek] <MXO> ::steps onto the pad:: Looks like about everyone...

    [Dumbass] <CMO>::steps onto pad::

    [Jaden] <OPS>+MXO+ Commander Sarvek, this is the bridge...

    [sarvek] <MXO>< AT> Hurry; hurry, we have people to help.

    [windraker007] <CENG> :: steps onto the pad and puts away the tricorder ::

    [Luc_Daren] <Tac> [CO] Once the emergency deflectors are activated over the afflicted population centers, transport will be difficult next to impossible, sir. However, interference from the ash would cause another kind of interference alltogether.

    [sarvek] <MXO> +OPS+ Sarvek here.

    [Jaden] <OPS>+MXO+ Sir, how many will be transporting to the surface?

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm><ops> it will be fine

    [Ronin_Shephard] <csec>::steps on a tr pad::

    [sarvek] <MXO> +OPS+ Five.

    [Luc_Daren] <Tac> :: continues coordinating with HWC to set up the alterations to the grid ::

    [Dumbass] <CMO><MXO>Exactly as many as step onto the pads, we hope.

    [Jaden] <OPS>+MXO+ I'll keep a solid lock on your team, enjoy your visit.

    [sarvek] (Er, four -- no Mitch.)

    [Luc_Daren] <Tac> [CO] Another FYI, sir. Our major problem lies in the fact that many of the satellites have to gang up on a single area to be effective, so the number of sites that we can protect is limited, both in number and size.

    [sarvek] <MXO> +OPS+ Thank you. Energize.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <AT use @>

    [Jaden] <OPS><TAC> Mr. Daren, may I suggest using the Tractor Beam to increase the sattelite's power?

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm><ops> the tractor beam will work


    [Ronin_Shephard] @<csec>::shimmers::

    [Jaden] <OPS>::intiatlizes the patter buffers::

    [sarvek] (Wb, Mitch... you're beaming down to the planet now.)

    [Dumbass] @<CMO> *shimmer*

    [sarvek] <MXO> ::shimmers::

    [Mitch_Rallo] ::Shinies::

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm>+<ops>+ the tractor beam will work

    [Mitch_Rallo] <ASEC><CSEC> Sir? What are my orders?

    [windraker007] <CENG> :: Shimmers ::

    [Luc_Daren] <Tac> <Ops> Aye, that's the backup plan in case we get stretched thin. [CO/Ops] I'd also like to deploy some tractor capable shuttles to augment.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><TAC> Make it so..

    [sarvek] @ <MXO><AT> All right -- let's get to work.

    [Jaden] <OPS>::readies the cargo bays for pertinent supplies::

    [Ronin_Shephard] @<csec><asec> ::pins an @ on him:: secure the area

    [Luc_Daren] <Tac> [CO] Aye, sir.

    [Luc_Daren] <Tac> +Shuttlebay+ :: rattles off deployment orders ::

    [sarvek] @ <MXO> <CMO> I'd say maybe go for a field triage...

    [Jaden] <OPS><TAC> Shuttles? Engineering is really going to thank you. Are you sure their structural integrity fields are strong enough?

    [Dumbass] @<CMO>Field triage?

    [windraker007] <CENG> :: Pulls out his tricorder and looks up the tectonic activity in the area ::

    [Dumbass] @<CMO><MXO>Sir, this might not be the best time, but my specialty is plastic surgery.

    [Ronin_Shephard] <<just make sure the at has room to work without people crowding them

    [Jaden] <OPS>::stands up and moves to the Mission Ops console to double check the scientific data::

    [sarvek] @ <MXO> ::blinks:: [<CMO> ... your point?

    [Luc_Daren] <Tac> [Ops] The shuttle crews will be informed not to disengage once readings approach critical.

    [windraker007] <CENG> +OPS+ Windraker to ops.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <ASEC> ::looks around:: The area seems empty.

    [Luc_Daren] to disengage*

    [Dumbass] @<CMO>No point, just wanted to see your reaction.

    [sarvek] @ <MXO> <CMO> You're all we have, Dumbass. I hope we can count on you.

    [Jaden] <OPS><TAC> Ok I can see the sattelite system, how did you plan on using them. Aren't they set up for weather modification?

    [Luc_Daren] <Tac> +shuttlebay+ :: rattles off more instructions, sends mission parameters ::

    [Ronin_Shephard] @<csec>::looks around:: oh um right stay here

    [sarvek] (There's something about a doctor named Dumbass...)

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm>:: continously monitors the away teams progress::

    [Ronin_Shephard] @<csec><mxo> orders sir?

    [Luc_Daren] <Tac> :: waits for Jaden to take CEng's call before responding ::

    [Dumbass] @<CMO><MXO>OK, that field over there looks good for a triage center. Enough space and relatively clean. I'll need Security to clear it.

    [Jaden] <OPS>+CENG+ Go ahead Chief.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <ASEC><MXO> Sir? Can I use a communication tower to warn the residents?

    [windraker007] <CENG> +OPS+ Can you access the lateral sensor array?

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: The ground shakes from underneath, 6.0 in magnitude..

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm>::open up's a comm channel to lisen to the conn trafic

    [sarvek] @ <MXO> <ASEC> ::shrug:: I'd ask your chief -- he's the one who'd know.

    [sarvek] @ <MXO> ::shakes, knocked to ground::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <ASEC>::Falls over::

    [Jaden] <OPS>+CENG+ Yep, i'm sitting at the console, what did you need?

    [sTSF_Seiben] <remember your @>

    [windraker007] <CENG> +OPS+ I could use a tectonic s...... :: communication interupted, lands on the hard ground::

    [Ronin_Shephard] @<csec>::gets on his knees as it shakes::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <ASEC><CSEC> Can I warn the residents?

    [Dumbass] @<CMO>::grew up in California, used to earthquakes::

    [Jaden] <OPS>::the display goes fuzzy and warped for a second as the earthquake hits::

    [sTSF_Seiben] @Residents> Know about the earthquakes.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <afk..>

    [Dumbass] @<CMO>Oh come on, a ship entering warp shakes more than that.

    [sarvek ] @ <MXO>::rights self, looks at CSEC:: <CSEC> Can you spare someone to

    help CMO clear that field over there?

    [windraker007] @<CENG> ::Taps his communicator:: +OPS+ You there? ::Shakes off a headache from the fall::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <ASEC><CSEC> Me?

    [Ronin_Shephard] @<csec><asec> go

    [Jaden] <OPS>+CENG+ Aye Chief, we're pretty busy up here. You have full access to the science stations through the tricorder remote uplinks. ::moves back to his regular station::

    [Luc_Daren] <Tac> :: continues setting up the satellites, working more quickly after the latest quake ::

    [sarvek] @ <MXO> <CMO> Mitch here will help you with the triage center.

    [Luc_Daren] <Tac> [Ops] Yes. But WC Sats use tractor beams and various focused EM pulses to change heat and moisture to alter the weather. We're ganging up the sats to provide a low-intensity deflector to push the ash aside.

    [windraker007] @<CENG>+OPS+ Thanks ops. Windraker out.

    [sarvek] @ <MXO> <CENG> How far are we from the epicenter of these things?

    [Jaden] << WC? >>

    [Mitch_Rallo] @<ASEC> ::Runs over to feild.:: <CMO> I have been asked to supply security help.

    [Luc_Daren] <<weather control>>

    [Jaden] << I hate acronyms lol >>

    [windraker007] @<CENG><MXO> Running a tectonic sweep of the area now. :: Taps a few buttons into his tricorder::

    [Dumbass] @<CMO><ASEC>OK, Mitch, lets go. We need to make sure there aren't any rodents, etc. Should be easy duty.

    [sTSF_Jami] <Hm...WC means something totally different in UK>

    [Jaden] <OPS><TAC> Excellent Mr. Daren, so you're channeling the lava flows as well?

    [Dumbass] <What does WC mean then?>

    [windraker007] @<CENG> :: Studies the results from the scan :: <CMO> We have a problem... a big... BIG problem.

    [Luc_Daren] <Tac> [Ops] Unfortunately, not with this system. I'm thinking of using the phasers to try that. I only wish I had a CSci to coordinate with.

    [Ronin_Shephard] @<csec><mxo> anything else security can do?

    [sarvek] @ <MXO> ::eyebrow raise:: <CENG> Yes?

    [sarvek] @ <MXO> <CSEC> We've got to get these people to safety.

    [Jaden] <<the trough V'Roy, the trough>>

    [Luc_Daren] <Tac> +HWC+ :: goes over deployment protocols ::

    [Dumbass] << I learned a new word today! <_<>>

    [Ronin_Shephard] @<csec><mxo> what people?

    [windraker007] @<CENG> :: flips the tricorder around to show the MXO the results of the scan:: <MXO> There's a huge fault line forming about 5 miles underneath this location. We need to evacuate the area now.... It's growing.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <<back>>

    [Luc_Daren] <Tac> :: taps a button on the console with relish ::

    [sarvek] @ <MXO> <CSEC> Planetary residents in the immediate vicinity.

    [windraker007] @<CENG>+CO+ Sir? We have a problem.

    [Luc_Daren] <Tac> [CO] Emergency deflector system ready for activation, sir.

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm><co>ive been monitoring the away team they are making progress

    [sTSF_Seiben] CO>+CENG+ What kind of problem?

    [Jaden] <OPS>::links the governor's office to the Mission Ops console for updates and summaries as well as two way communications::

    [sTSF_Jami] @ <Resident> ::emerges from the haze, covered in dust::coughcough::

    [Dumbass] @<CMO><ASEC>Oh yeah, we can't put any patients near any water closets.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><TAC> Activate them

    [Jaden] <OPS>::allocates the full resources of the ship to the mission objective stations::

    [Luc_Daren] <Tac> [CO] Aye, sir. :: activates :: Satellites moving into position for the worst affected population centers...

    [sTSF_Jami] @ <Resident> ::stumbles towards the AT:::

    [windraker007] @<CENG>+CO+ We have about 2 hours until a large fault line about 5 miles starts to act up again.

    [sarvek] @ <MXO> <CMO> Dumbass! <Resident> Are you all right?

    [sTSF_Jami] @ <Resident> ::coughing so hard can't talk:::

    [Luc_Daren] <Tac> :: watches system ::

    [sTSF_Seiben] @ACTION: Earthquakes grow worse, and become more frequent. GRound cracks.

    [sTSF_Jami] @ <Resident> ::gasp::weakly:: Help....gas ::points::

    [Dumbass] @<CMO><Resident>Are you choking?

    [sarvek] @ <MXO> <CSEC> We need to get those people out. Now.

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm>::checks the systems::

    [sTSF_Jami] @ <Resident> ::struggles for breath::nods vigorously::

    [Ronin_Shephard] @<csec>::walks over to the man and helps him over to the cmo::

    [windraker007] @<CENG><MXO> The fault line is speeding up it's growth.

    [sTSF_Jami] @ <Resident> ::pointing towards a hill:: gas....

    [sTSF_Seiben] @Meanwhile, the volano near the city is smoking like an outdoor bar at Friday

    [Luc_Daren] <Tac> :: watches satellites begin creating some wind, then starts to form the mini-deflector ::

    [sarvek] @ <MXO> <CENG> Not good. +CO+ Can we organize an emergency beamout through the noxious gases?

    [cdt.doug.t] <<<lol>>

    [Dumbass] @<CMO>::injects resident with a triox compound:: <Resident>This will do until we can get you away from this smoke.

    [sTSF_Seiben] CO>+XO+ We can try. <OPS> Get on it

    [Jaden] <OPS><CO> Captain, fissures are beginning to open the magma flow is increasing.

    [Luc_Daren] <Tac> [NIP] Come on... work! :: watches ::

    [Jaden] <OPS>::slips a stabilization algorithm into the Mission Ops programming::

    [Ronin_Shephard] @<csec>

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm>::continously obits aound the plant::

    [sTSF_Seiben] @ACTION: Several of the buildings collapse.

    [Jaden] <OPS><CO> Yes sir!

    [Luc_Daren] <Tac> [CO] While that's going, sir, I've also thought about using phasers to create five meter deep trenches to control the lava flows.

    [windraker007] @<CENG> :: Uses the tricorder to scan the fumes :: <MXO> I ran a scan of the fumes, they're obscuring our beam out somewhat.... :: looks over towards the buildings ::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <ASEC>::Sets phaser to Stun2.8 and follows into the feild. He shoots a crow.::

    [sTSF_Jami] @ <Resident> ::mouths "thanks" to Dumbass::begins to breathe somewhat easier::

    [Jaden] <OPS>::acesses the transporter controls and adjusts the targetting scanners::

    [sarvek] @ <MXO> +OPS+ Mass transport -- any lifeforms in the immediate vicinity.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><TAC> Can the phasers generate that much power?

    [Mitch_Rallo] <ASEC>::Helps some residents to CMO:: <CMO> Still needed here?

    [Dumbass] @<CMO><Resident>By the way, if you are ever in need of a plastic surgeon, here is my card.

    [Jaden] <OPS><TAC> You've got control of the weather modification network, can you blow that foul wind away from the away team so I can get a clear lock?

    [windraker007] @<CENG> <MXO> There's something in the fumes... :: starts to cough from the smoke::

    [Luc_Daren] <Tac> [CO] I could drill you a three kilomter well if you need it sir, so a trench won't be difficult, so long as people stay out of the way.

    [sTSF_Seiben] @Resildent Hilton> ::takes the card.. she might need it in the future::

    [Jaden] <OPS><CO> Captain, they are reqeusting evacuation. Recommend Yellow Alert

    [sarvek] (LOL, Cappy.)

    [Luc_Daren] <Tac> [Ops] One moment... :: inputs parameters, executes ::

    [Luc_Daren] <Tac> [Ops] Best I can do without creating a hurricane.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><OPS> Proceed with evac and Yellow Alert

    [Jaden] <OPS>::starts beaming up people to the transporter rooms at random:: +ALL STATIONS+ Yellow Alert

    [Mitch_Rallo] <ASEC><CMO> Sir? May I join my cheif?

    [sTSF_Seiben] Try to break thru all the smoke

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm>::puts on blue tooth continous to monitor comm::

    [Dumbass] @<CMO>::injects CENG with triox and gives him business card::

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: Some of the residents, that are huddled together get pick up.

    [sTSF_Jami] @ <Resident> ::beamed up::

    [Dumbass] @<CMO><ASEC>I think so.

    [sarvek] @ <MXO> <CMO> Enough with the business cards. We have serious work, Doc!

    [Jaden] <OPS>::bringing all transporters online, and begins the modifications to the cargo transporters, people start filling up the ship::

    [windraker007] <CENG> <CMO> thanks, doc. :: coughs a bit and takes the card:: hehe

    [sTSF_Seiben] @ACTION: But.. still alot remain... as the earthquakes exceed 7.5

    [Luc_Daren] <Tac> :: watches wind velocity indicator increase, directs a shuttle to augment Sat XVII-C ::

    [Jaden] <OPS><TAC> I'm getting strong signals, thanks so much Luc.

    [Ronin_Shephard] @<csec><asec> get over here we got a job to do

    [Mitch_Rallo] @<ASEC><CSEC> Premission to beam up ship? I need to help the residents there.

    [Dumbass] @<CMO><MXO>You're right, I'll just E-mail them.

    [windraker007] <CENG> :: starts to scan the fault line and earthquake patterns ::

    [Luc_Daren] <Tac> [Ops] Just call me the Weather Man. :: directs another shuttle ::

    [sTSF_Seiben] @ACTION: The ground splits in half.

    [sarvek] @ <MXO> ::abstract motion with hand:: Email later. ::looks at the rest of the assembled people:: Let's see if we can't get in there with these suits.

    [Jaden] <OPS>::taps the console and beams another set of six:: +MXO+ Commander Sarvek did I get everyone from the Piddington?

    [sarvek] @ <MXO> +OPS+ Still more, Jaden, keep working.

    [windraker007] @<CENG> :: falls towards the ground and hits his head hard this time ::

    [Luc_Daren] <Tac> :: fingers get sore trying to keep up with the quickly changing situation ::

    [Mitch_Rallo] @<ASEC><CSEC> Sir?

    [Mitch_Rallo] <ASEC>::Falls into hole.::

    [Luc_Daren] <Tac> +Computer+ Augment processing, authorization Daren Beta 12.

    [Jaden] <OPS>::continues evacuating hoards of people from the planet surface as the operations officers bring the cargo transporters online and masses of citizens starts beaming in::

    [windraker007] @<CENG> :: reaches towards the CMO then loses consiousness ::

    [Dumbass] @<CMO><MXO>Sir, the smoke is spreading, and we don't have enough triox. We're going to have to start beaming up groups.

    [sTSF_Seiben] @ACTION: No dice.. the earthquakes set off the volanoes which errupt and engulf the city with lava, and you all die.

    [sTSF_Seiben] PAUSE SIM..

  14. [sTSF_Jami] Commanding Officer (CO): STSF Jami

    [sTSF_Jami] Tactical Officer (TAC) - Luc Daren

    [sTSF_Jami] Helm & Operations Officer (HOPS) - Nicolas Lepage

    [sTSF_Jami] Swashbuckling Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Jaden

    [sTSF_Jami] Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Joy

    [sTSF_Jami] Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - Mitch Rallo

    [sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\=

    [sTSF_Jami] Mission Brief - Starfleet Academy - 9/19/06

    [sTSF_Jami] The USS Robert Major (Oberth Class) is en route to a remote area of Sector 919 to investigate an apparent supernova that refuses to go nova.

    [sTSF_Jami] BEGIN SIM

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> :: on the bridge, taking stock of the ship and her mission:::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <<You mean a star thats ready to die but wont>>

    [Luc_Daren] <TAC> :: standing at the itty bitty, superfluous tactical console ::

    [sTSF_Jami] <right, Mitch>

    [Joy] :: At science 1 ::

    [Jaden] <CSEC>::with a patch over his eye and a padd under his arm, pacing the corridor waiting for a turbolift::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HOPS> ::at his station tapping buttons to keep the ship on course::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <ASCI> <CSCI> Hello Cheif

    [Joy] :: Looking at image of a non-supernova ::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::deep breath:: <HOPS> ETA to the star, Mr. Lepage?

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::puts the padd she was reading on an adjacent console::

    [Joy] <CSCI> <ASCI>Good evening, Mitch.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <ASCI> <CSCI> I think I might have came up with a theory about this..Nega Nova/

    [Jaden] <CSEC>+TL+ Armory

    [Mitch_Rallo] .*

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HOPS> ::looks up from his console:: ETA to the star is 10 minutes, captain.

    [Joy] <CSCI><ASCI> Let's hear it, then.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::nods:: <HOPS> Steady as she goes, Nic.

    [Luc_Daren] <TAC> :: looks at the viewscreen, gets hypnotized by the rushing stars ::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HOPS> Aye, Captain. How close do you want me to get, ma'am?

    [Jaden] <CSEC>::rubs his hands together:: +Computer+ Door Access Jaden 62UpsilonBeta ::enters the armory looking for something on his PADD::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::looks over at Joy for that answer:: <CSCI> How close should we get, Joy - without getting toasted, that is.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <ASCI><CSCI> I belive that the gravity is creating a feild around the star..it might have already blown up. It just wont expand. This is a great discovery if that is the case. We could put show.. the star on Earth if it would fit! A star

    [Luc_Daren] <TAC> :: thinks: "Mmm, toast" ::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HOPS> ::looks questioningly at Joy::

    [Joy] <CSCI><CO> Two Light days, if you assume engines are going to fail. It seems they always do.

    [Jaden] <CSEC>::taps the wall panels one by one as they twist open to display their contents::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HOPS><CSCI> Now that might offend some engineers, chief.

    [Luc_Daren] CEng> :: scowling ::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <ASCI><CSCI> There might even be a black hole in the center. Gravity is merely holding it in.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::mutters something under her breath about SF budgets::: <HOPS> Two light days should do it, Mr. Lepage.

    [Jaden] <CSEC>Ahh... there we are. ::removes an inconspicuous black and yellow belt from it's stand::

    [Joy] <CSCI><HOPS> I don't know what it is about novas, but they must give off some sort of radiation we're not protected against. Every single nova mission.... :: mutters ::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <HOPS> And send a message to Engineering to be sure everything is in good order.

    [Luc_Daren] <TAC> :: readies probes, the only tube like things an Oberth class ever fires, unless it's seconds away from destruction ::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <TAC> Mr Daren - anything on sensors?

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HOPS><CO> Aye, Captain.

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HOPS> ::taps on his console::

    [Jaden] <CSEC>+Computer+ Prepare the Holodeck Firing Range, Standard Simulation Mode, Starfleet Academy

    [Mitch_Rallo] <ASCI><CSCI> If my theory is correct we could easily apporach the star..up the feild that the gravity has created.

    [Luc_Daren] <TAC> [CO] A lot of space, our sci target, some dust. Quiet... Too quiet.

    [Joy] <CSCI><ASCI> But wouldn't a black hole absorb the star?

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::nods to Luc:: <TAC> We'll just say that the gods smile on us today.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <ASCI><CSCI> If I'm correct supernovas create black holes.

    [Luc_Daren] <TAC> [CO] Unless they're smiling because they're hiding something behind door number three.

    [Jaden] <CSEC>+Computer+ Outdoor, winter setting ::buckles his "swash?"::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::to the ceiling:: or is it night? I get so disoriented when I'm on a mission.

    [sTSF_Jami] <lol Jaden>

    [Mitch_Rallo] <ASCI><CSCI> The black hole is stuck in the energy of the star!

    [Joy] <CSCI><ASCI> They do... But usually the outer layers of the star are blown out first.

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HOPS>+CENG+ Mr. Wrench, the captain wants to know if everything is in good order down there.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::Listening to the exchange between Joy and Mitch::

    [Jaden] <CSEC>::enters the armory holodeck and taps the belt console::

    [Joy] <CSCI><ASCI> When the star runs out of hydrogen, it starts to cool and compress.

    [Luc_Daren] CEng> Everything's peachy. /Especially/ the engines! :: has been eavesdropping on the bridge conversation ::

    [Luc_Daren] +HOps+ *

    [Mitch_Rallo] <ASCI><CSCI> But gravity wont make the star budge. That's why nothing is going on.

    [Joy] <CSCI><ASCI> When the compression gets high enough that helium begins to fuse, things can get hot in a hurry. Depending on the size of the star, the result is either nova or supernova.

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HOPS><CO> Captain, Lieutenant Wrench reports everything is in good order, especially the engines.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> {{famous last words}} ::sighs::

    [Luc_Daren] <TAC> :: wonders what admiral he ticked off to get assigned as the tactical officer on a starship that could barely defend itself from modern freighters ::

    [Jaden] <CSEC>::loses his balance briefly as he his lifted into the air, purposefully tumbles, rolls, and fires his phaser at the top of a building::

    [Joy] <CSCI><ASCI> I just think there was more hydrogen in there than was measured. So, it burns a little longer.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <HOPS> Thank you, Nic. ::absently:: Are we there yet?

    [Jaden] <CSEC>::vaults from the top of the building back down to the street corner, adjusting the strenghth of the anti-grav belt::

    [Luc_Daren] <TAC> :: hears Jami :: <m> Are we there and done yet, more like it.

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HOPS><CO> ::looks at his console:: We're entering sector 919 now. I'm slowing down. We'll be at the star in just under two minutes, ma'am.

    [Joy] <CSCI>:: Tries to measure how much hydrogen is left in the star. ::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <ASCI><CO> Who's side are you on?

    [Jaden] <CSEC>::hits the ground running and fires a few volleys at the enemy targets:: +Computer+ Increase enemy speed.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <ASCI> ::Smiles at Joy::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::nods to Nic:: <HOPS> As soon as you reach maximum distance, go to all stop and keep us steady.

    [Jaden] <CSEC>::taps the belt's inertial dampening adjusters and begins running like a cheetah::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HOPS> ::taps away on his console to slow down to impulse:: <CO> Aye...maximum distance two light days.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <ASCI> I'd like to think I'm going to keep us all alive.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <ASCI><CSCI> I'd like to beam down on the star to test my theory.

    [Joy] <CSCI><CO> Anyway, if she is still burning at her old size, she must have hydrogen.

    [Luc_Daren] <TAC> :: checks sensors, still quiet ::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::shifts around to look at Mitch, eyes wide::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HOPS> ::still tapping on his console::

    [Luc_Daren] <TAC> :: hopes Mitch has good thermal boots ::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <CSCI> ::still looking at Mitch:: I would agree with that.

    [Jaden] <CSEC>::ducks behind a turbocart access and increases the belt's field::

    [Joy] <CSCI><ASCI> And just what level of sunscreen do you intend to use?

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <TAC> Radiation levels?

    [Mitch_Rallo] <ASCI> <CO> If i'm right I can walk just milimeters off the planets surface..gravity should supply life support..and I wouldn't get burnt due to the supernova process.

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HOPS><CSCI> We're now within visual range, Joy.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <HOPS> Onscreen.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <ASCI><CSCI> May I

    [Joy] <CSCI><HOPS> Thank you, nick.

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HOPS> <CO> ::taps buttons to put the star on screen and applis the appropriate filters:: The star is on screen.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <ASCI> <CSCI> I am 60 percent sure I'm right.

    [Jaden] <CSEC>+Computer+ End simulation. ::leaves the belt with the Armory officer for further adjustments::

    [Joy] <CSCI><HOPS> Would you do a spectral analysis, let me know the elemental composition of the star? I'm most curious about hydrogen levels.

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HOPS><CSCI> No problem. I'll transfer the reading to your console.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::swivels to look at TAC:: <TAC> How are the radiation levels? Anything we should be concerned about?

    [Luc_Daren] <TAC> [CO] We should raise shields, for safety's sake.

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HOPS> ::taps away to do the scans and relay the readings to the science console::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <TAC> Make it so.

    [Joy] <CSCI><ASCI> Ummm... You do know that potential supernova stars are much bigger than most stars, and that stars are much, much bigger than planets, thus the gravity level on the surface of a star is many 1000s of gravties?

    [Luc_Daren] <TAC> [CO] Aye, captain! :: raises shields ::

    [Jaden] <CSEC>::picks up his PADD and begins tapping design schematics on his way to engineering::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HOPS><CO> We're approching the star, ma'am. All engines stop....now. We're at a distance of two light days.

    [Joy] <CSCI><ASCI> Gravity wise alone you would get really really flattened, let alone the temperature levels.

    [Luc_Daren] <TAC> :: sighs :: [CSCi] Anything you'd like my help with Joy, since our only enemy on sensors is the one you're studying.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <ASCI><CSCI> I will be in the transporter room.

    [Jaden] <CSEC>+TL+ Main Engineering

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <HOPS> Excellent. Keep us on hot standby in case we need to make a quick withdrawal.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <ASCI> Hold on there, Mr. Rallo. ::stands::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HOPS><CO> I'll lay in a course to escape in case we need it, ma'am.

    [Joy] <CSCI>:: Relieved that the captain is handling this ::

    [Luc_Daren] CEng> :: puttering around the tiny engineering space ::

    [Jaden] <CSEC>::begins making his standard rounds::

    [Joy] <CSCI><TAC> You might watch to see if the star starts getting smaller.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <ASCI><CO> Sir if Im correct, this is an amazing discovery!

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HOPS> ::hands fly over his console as he plots a course::

    [Luc_Daren] <TAC> [CSci] Gladly! :: watches the star like a hawk ::

    [Joy] <CSCI><TAC> That would be the first sign that the supernova is beginning. A collapse.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::Nods to HOPS:: <ASCI> Beaming onto the surface of a star is suicide. We can't even get closer than two light days without danger. And we're not even within transporter range.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <ASCI> Have you not been listening to what Joy is saying?

    [Jaden] <CSEC><CENG> Good morning Chief, anything to report?

    [Luc_Daren] <TAC> :: brings up a line chart, with the size of the star as the star of the chart ::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <ASCI> <CO> The gravity will block the star's affects.

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HOPS> <CO> Course plotted and laid in, ma'am. We can get out of here any time.

    [Luc_Daren] CEng> [CSec] Other than a lack of faith in my engines by some people, nope. :: feral grin ::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <ASCI><Bridge> I belive the gravity is causing this strange star to not burst

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <ASCI> You are not cleared to transport. If you attempt to transport you will end up at a maximum of 10,000 km outside the ship and not on the surface of the star.

    [Luc_Daren] <TAC> :: watches the line stay straight as an arrow, for now ::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <ASCI> Now man your post, Mister.

    [Jaden] <CSEC>::raises and eyebrow:: <CENG> Very well, see you tonight for the concert then?

    [Mitch_Rallo] <ASCI> Sir..this is under my free will.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::simmers down, straightens her uniform:: <HOPS> Excellent. <ASCI> Man your post.

    [Luc_Daren] CEng> [CSec] I'll be there! Not that there's anything else to do, anyway.

    [Jaden] <<always wondered what the maximum transporter range was lol >>

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HOPS> ::checks on the scans:: <CSCI> Are you getting the readings you want or do you need more sensor capacity?

    [Mitch_Rallo] <ASCI> ::Sits down::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <ASCI><CSCI> I'd ruffle if you weren't a girl.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> Now. <CSCI> Continue, please, Joy. Let's get as much data as possible before . . .

    [Jaden] <CSEC><CENG> I do love Handel. Well then have a good one. ::slips into a jeffries tube node::

    [Luc_Daren] <TAC> [CSci] Only minor variations to this point, Joy. Both up and down. I guess they'd be... :: pauses while thinking :: withing parameters.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <ASCI><CO> Sir..I have an idea..

    [Luc_Daren] CEng> :: waves at Jaden's back, goes back to puttering around ::

    [Joy] <CSCI>:: Is glad to be a girl ::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::swings around to glare at ASCI:::

    [Jaden] <CSEC>::climbs 50 or 60 decks to Number 10, Oberth::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <ASCI><CSCI> We can shoot a phaser at the star! We can see if the gravity is really holding the star together

    [Luc_Daren] <TAC> :: changes the color of his line to a very bold blue, smiles, watches it fluctuate a bit ::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> :paces a bit to steady herself::

    [Luc_Daren] <TAC> :: frowns, watches it go down without going back up before returning to a plateau ::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HOPS> ::keeps an eye on the sensors while waiting patiently for Joy to answer::

    [Joy] <CSCI><HOPS> If you can figure out how to penetrate deep into the star, it would be appreciated, Nick.

    [Jaden] <CSEC>::inspects the Dining Room, Mess Hall, and Kitchen::

    [Luc_Daren] <TAC> [CSci] Joy, 1.2 km shrink, it's leveled off, though.

    [Joy] <CSCI><HOPS> I am guessing the hydrogen must be distributed unusually deep in.

    [Mitch_Rallo] If Im right the beam will have no affect

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HOPS><CSCI> I'll give you the whole aft sensor array. If that doesn't help...well we'll cross that bridge when we get there.

    [Jaden] <CSEC>::nods to Crewman Tate with perfect timing on a perpedicular security patrol route::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <ASCI><CSCI> I'm going to the lounge. Im bored here.

    [Joy] <CSCI><TAC> That might be a beginning of collapse.

    [Luc_Daren] <TAC> [CSci] Don't these things expand and contract during regularly during the last few million years?

    [Mitch_Rallo] <ASCI>::Gets up and heads for ext.:

    [Joy] <CSCI><TAC> There are cycles in many stars, yes.

    [Joy] <CSCI><ASCI> Hmm... Phaser range...

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HOPS> ::taps a few more buttons::

    [Joy] <CSCI>::Looks at her assistant. ::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <ASCI><CSCI> Then again..

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::eyes Mitch::

    [Jaden] <CSEC>::stops by the large observation lounge viewport to get a gander at the Not Quite Super Nova::

    [Luc_Daren] <TAC> [CSci] The shrinking has resumed... .45 km per second.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <ASCI>::Sits back to bridge.

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HOPS><CSCI> That's all I can give you for now. Do you get the readings you need?

    [Joy] <CSCI> <ASCI> I don't suppose you know that phaser range is about 1 light second?

    [Luc_Daren] <TAC> [CSci] Check that, expanding at .72 km per second... no wait... Ack, so much for up to the second updates!

    [Joy] <CSCI><HOPS> If Luc's trend is right, we've got the start of a collapse now.

    [Luc_Daren] <TAC> :: points to fluctuating line ::

    [Joy] <CSCI><CO> Captain, things are starting to come together.

    [Jaden] <CSEC>::makes polite conversation with a visiting dignitary observing the mission and after refusing a drink curteously proceeds to the bridge::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <ASCI><CSCI> Im cold.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <CSCI> Let me know if the situation becomes unsafe. Or is that what you're trying to tell me?

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HOPS><CSCI> ::nods:: Well we'll at least be able to gather some data.

    [Mitch_Rallo] ::Faints::

    [Luc_Daren] CEng> :: doing some routine maintainence ::

    [Joy] <CSCI><CO> It looks like the collapse has started. It might be five minutes or so before she goes critical.

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HOPS>+CSEC+ Lepage to Jaden.

    [Jaden] <CSEC>::stops by the conference room, making notations from his PADD into the Computer::

    [Luc_Daren] <TAC> [CSci] Rate of fluction is increasing. Net loss in diameter... 406 km since I've started tracking.

    [Jaden] <CSEC>+HOPS+ Yes bridge

    [Joy] The shock wave will com out at nearly light speed, warp 1. So long as we have any warp drive at all, we're good, and we have a good head start.

    [Joy] <CSCI><CO> Collapse is definitely started.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <ASCI> ::Get's up:: I - can we jus get out of here!

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HOPS>+CSEC+ Science has priority on the sensors at the moment. It might cause some interference with internal sensors. Nothing to worry about. You'll be back to normal in a few minutes.

    [Luc_Daren] <TAC> [CO] I'd suggest informing Mr. Wrench to keep his hands off of his warp core for now, captain. :: smiles ::

    [Joy] <CSCI><CO> How badly do we want close up scans of another supernova?

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <CSCI> So . . . we shoud leave now?

    [Joy] <CSCI><CO> That would be safe. We might drop a few probes first, but yes.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::shakes head:: <CSCI> Despite what Mr. Worf says, I don't think I want to die today.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <ASCI><CO> I had lunch with him once.

    [Jaden] <CSEC>::looks up:: +HOPS+ Random blindings is good training for us security folks Mr. Lepage. Thanks for the notice. Oh and tell the Captain I'll be right there.

    [Luc_Daren] <TAC> :: perks up at probes, then shakes head, thinks: "Excited about launching probes! What kind of tactical officer are you?!" ::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <CSCI> Drop some probes and let's go home.

    [Joy] <CSCI> :: Programs an expendable probe for starwatching duty, and passes it of to Tac in the rear tube queue. ::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <ASCI><CSCI> He likes his honey thick.

    [Luc_Daren] <TAC> [CSci] Gotcha. Launching... :: launches ::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HOPS>+CSEC+Acknowleged.

    [Luc_Daren] R Major> :: lays an egg ::

    [Joy] <CSCI> <Tac> I've got a suicide probe in the aft queue, ready for launch.

    [Joy] <CSCI>:: Smiles at Mitch ::

    [Jaden] <CSEC>::informs his staff and shelves his security PADD, slips through the doors and enters the Main Bridge with a curious smile on his face::

    [Joy] <CSCI><ASCI> Set up to read the probe's data, please.

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HOPS><CO> Mr. Jaden wants me to inform you that he will be on the bridge shortly, ma'am.

    [Jaden] <CSEC><CO> And here I am Captain, with some very good news. ::sounding cheerful::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <ASCI> <CO> Wait!

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <HOPS> ::eyes glued to the viewscreen:: Very good.

    [Mitch_Rallo] Dont launch the probes!

    [Luc_Daren] <TAC> [CSci] Rate of diameter increasing by 25 km per second.

    [sTSF_Jami] <Mitch, don't forget the chain of command <_< >

    [Mitch_Rallo] <Sorry>

    [Joy] <CSCI><CO> Probe away.

    [Luc_Daren] <<decreasing*>>

    [Mitch_Rallo] <ASCI><CSCI> Don’t launch the probe!

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HOPS> ::looks at the screen, hands hovering over the console, ready to get the sip out of there::

    [Joy] <CSCI><ASCI> Why no launch?

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::waits to hear what Mitch has to say::

    [Jaden] <CSEC>::stifles himself, crosses his arms and turns to the viewscreen patiently::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::nods to Jaden, waiting for Mitch's thoughts::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <asci><csci>Add a force feild..we can finally see what happens when something enters a black hole

    [Luc_Daren] <TAC> [CO] Not that I'm not absolutely thrilled to be taking part in this scientific exercise, captain, but perhaps the next solar system, at least, would be a nice place to watch the fireworks now?

    [Jaden] <CSEC>::takes a secondary seat and crosses his legs::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <CSCI> Have we time for another one?

    [Luc_Daren] <TAC> :: only likes things that go BOOM! if he's the one to launch it ::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HOPS><TAC> No risk no fun.

    [Joy] <CSCI><ASCI> Program it quick.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <HOPS> Be ready to go as soon as it's away, Mr. Lepage.

    [Joy] <CSCI><CO> I'm not sure it will survive the shock wave, but we should have time.

    [Luc_Daren] <TAC> [HOps] No fun, live to have no fun another day.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <ASCI> ::After around 3 minutes the altered probe is complete::

    [Jaden] <CSEC>::swivels round a mission ops console and taps up his office desk interface::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::turns to Jaden:: <CSEC> You have good news?

    [Joy] <CSCI><ASCI> Pass it off to Tac when you're done.

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HOPS><CO> All I need is your order, ma'am. We'll be out of here withing seconds.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::nods to Nic::

    [Luc_Daren] <TAC> :: sighs, waits for the probe ::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <ASCI>::Obeys.:: TAC Here you go

    [Jaden] <CSEC><CO> Ah yes Ma'am. ::stands respectfully:: The new anti-grav belts have been testing well and well if I may be so bold, they are awesome! You've got to try one sir.

    [Luc_Daren] <TAC> [ASci] Acknowledged, firing. :: launches :: [ALL] Probe is away.

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HOPS> ::hands still hovering above the console::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <HOPS> Get us out of here, Nic. Max warp.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <CSEC> I'll make a point of it. ::manages a smile::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HOPS> ::taps a few buttons to turn the ship and engage the engines::

    [Luc_Daren] CEng> :: hears warp core start it's routine, smiles dreamily ::

    [Joy] <CSCI> <ASCI> Are we ready to receive data from both probes?

    [Mitch_Rallo] <ASCI><CSCI> When will we be able to retreive data from the probe.

    [Luc_Daren] <TAC> :: sighs, relieved ::

    [Jaden] <CSEC>::shakes the CO's hand nervously and exits with a salute:: <CO> Very good, very good sir.

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <HOPS><CO> We'll be at warp 8,6 in 5.6 seconds.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::still somewhat agitated, returns the shake::

    [sTSF_Jami] PAUSE SIM

  15. [sTSF_Jami] Commanding Officer (CO): STSF Seiben

    [sTSF_Jami] Mission Executive Officer (MXO): Luc Daren

    [sTSF_Jami] Operations Officer (OPS) - beamsjimmy

    [sTSF_Jami] Tactical Officer (TAC) - Kairi

    [sTSF_Jami] Helm (Helm) - Levoix

    [sTSF_Jami] Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - STSF Jami

    [sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\=

    [sTSF_Seiben] MISSION BRIEF: SD 10609.12

    [sTSF_Seiben] Ships have gone missing in a well-travelled part of the Gamma Quadrant over the past month. In response, Starfleet has sent the USS Upholder, an Akira-Class ship to investigate.

    [sTSF_Seiben] BEGIN SIM..

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: sitting in the XO's chair, looking over the sketchy reports ::

    [Kairi] <TAC> ::Standing at tactical console.::

    [Levoix] ::Sitting at helm::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::in the big seat, reading on the lost ships::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::in sick bay doing sickie things:::

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: grunts, looks up :: [CO] When this happens, it reminds you of how big space still is.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><HELM> What's our ETA to our destination, Mr. Levoix?

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::the mission brief comes across her console and she turns to read it::

    [Levoix] 2.5 hours, sir.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><HELM> Isee. Very good.

    [Kairi] <TAC> ::eyes the long range sensor readings.::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <remember when posting, place your position tag, eg <CO> before your text>

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><XO> Indeed it does..

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [CO] I take it no one has seen anything that sheds any light on this?

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><MXO> ::sheakes head:: Not from what I hear. It's a mysery that has Starfleet on edge.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: shakes head, thinks ::

    [Kairi] <TAC> Maybe they just took a wrong turn

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::Exits sick bay and wanders down the hallway to the TL:::

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [OPS] What's the comm traffic look like?

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::holding a padd in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other, she uses her elbow to call the lift:::

    [Levoix] <Helm: Everything appears to be normal, sir.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::enters:: Bridge.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> <HELM> That's nice.

    [Kairi] <TAC> ::turns head:: Hello Doctor

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::looks at the doctor::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::exits on the bridge:: <TAC> Hello, Kairi. ::nods to the rest::

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [CMO] Doctor.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> <CO> ::smiles:: Brought your medicinal cup, Captain.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><CMO> Thanks, Doctor. Appreciate it. ::Takes it::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::places the coffee next to him:: and nods to MXO:: Commander.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [CO] So how are we playing this, sir? Sit quiet and watch, or beat the bushes?

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::walks behind Jimmy:: <OPS> Hello, Cadet. Everything all right today?

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> <XO> We'll play it quiet at first. Do some long range scans, perhaps launch in a probe or something. We don't even know if foul play is involved or not..

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::takes an empty seat somewhere:::

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [CO] I like the idea of probes sir. A few to increase our sensor reach. I'd also like to launch a comm beacon, have it put out an Advisory.

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: Time passes, and we're now 5 minutes from the spot.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> <CO> Any ideas as to why or how they disappeared?

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> :::feels the swift movement of time::

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: hair a bit more out of place after a couple of hours ::

    [Kairi] <TAC><CO/XO> I could prepare a few probes if you'd like, sirs.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><XO> I agree with that. Please do so.. <CMO> I'm not sure. According to reports, one moment there there, and the next they are not.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><TAC> ::nods:: Please do. <HELM> Slow us down..

    [Levoix] <Helm> One Quarter Impulse, sir.

    [Kairi] <TAC>::Begins preparing probes::

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [TAC] Three probes, please. Two class VIII sensor probes, one comm beacon. Program the comm beacon with an Advisory stating the situation.

    [Kairi] <TAC> ::nods:: <XO> Aye Sir.

    [Kairi] <TAC>::Makes the necessary preparations.::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> <NIP> I wonder what it feels like to just . . . disappear.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><HELM> Excellent

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [CMO] Any unusual diseases reported in this part of space?

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::hefts her padd:: <MXO> None. It's always been a pretty uneventful spot in the universe.

    [Kairi] <TAC><CMO> Like stepping onto a teleporter?

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> <TAC> ::nods thoughtfully:: Never thought of that. Probably is like stepping on a teleporter.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [CMO] Until now. :: grimace ::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><CMO> And not stepping out at the end...

    [Kairi] <TAC><CO> Probes ready Sir.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::sighs:: <XO> Unfortunately.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::shudders at Seiben's comment:::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><TAC> Go ahead and launch.

    [Kairi] <TAC> ::Taps console:: <CO> Probes launched

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> Great. ::watches the two bright lights head out to space::

    [Levoix] <HELM> Sir, the probes are no longer showing on sensors.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: aloud :: Now we wait, watch, and hope.

    [Levoix] They appear to just have...disappeared.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: ears prick up as high as humanly possible ::

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: The probes dissapear from sight. Communications goes haywire

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [TAC] Confirm, please.

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: Probe data is irratic, and all readings are through the roof

    [Kairi] <TAC> ::Checks:: I've lost all contact with the probes.

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: Now, the probe has dissapeared.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> Well, that was fast.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> It was..

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::frowns::

    [Kairi] <TAC> ::pauses:: <XO> Wait, I'm still getting telemitry from them, but the readings are off the scale.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [CO] Now, can we learn from it? :: pulls up data from console, looking at the point just before the dissapearance ::

    [Kairi] <<Curse my slowness. :P >>

    [Luc_Daren] <<happens to everyone :D >>

    [sTSF_Jami] ROSTER UPDATE - Chief Science Officer - Sarvek

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: chews on lip :: [CO] It almost looks like they phased.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> <MXO> I see. Well from the scans, it looks like they've malfunctioned before dissapearing.

    [sarvek] <CSCI> ::magically materializes on the Bridge::

    [sTSF_Seiben] Phased, eh?

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [CO] Aye, sir. Question is, from here to where?

    [ STSF_Seiben] <CO><MXO> That is the question..

    [Levoix] <HELM> Sir, the Bajoran wormhole which bridges and gamma and alpha quadrant is only 10 light years away.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><CSCI> Well Chief, we certainly do have a mystery in our hands with this thing. All we know, is that systems go haywire before the probe dissapeared..

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><HELM> Yeah, we're aware of that.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><HELM> We might have to close it off if it gets worse

    [sarvek] <CSCI> ::steeples fingers:: Some sort of energetic disturbance, perhaps?

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><CSCI> Perhaps. Can be alot of things.

    [Kairi] <TAC> What if it was a backdoor?

    [sTSF_Jami] ROSTER UPDATE - Kairi = OPS and TAC <TOPS>

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><TAC> A back door?

    [sarvek] <CSCI> :: looks at TOPS ::

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: turns back to look at Kairi ::

    [Kairi] <TOPS> Well like Levoix said, the Bajoran Wormhole isn't that far away.

    [sarvek] <CSCI> <TOPS> A way of tapping into the wormhole from a distance?

    [Kairi] <TOPS><CSCI> Possibly. Weirder things have been known to happen.

    [Levoix] <HELM> Sir, I am also reading unusually high levels of verteron particles where the probes had disappeared.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><HELM> Really?

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [CSCI] Of course, the wormhole is a stable artificial wormhole, created by the "prophets." How stable would an offshoot be, theoretically?

    [Levoix] <HELM> Yes. They appear to be forming some sort of...web...47.6 light years in diameter.

    [sarvek] <CSCI> <MXO> It's not very likely, but this could have been part of the original wormhole's construction, even. ::shrug:: But if someone's just tapping into subspace, I don't see it being particularly stable.

    [Levoix] <HELM> I'm making adjustments to negotiate around the web, avoiding areas emitting high verteron particles.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: turns back and looks at Levoix ::

    [sarvek] <CSCI> I'll cross-reference those scans on my sensors... see if we can determine any real cause.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::rubs chin::

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: looks to Seiben :: [CO] Curiouser and curiouser.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><MXO> Yes, quite. The myserty thickens..

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::taking notes that might be of medical value should they survive:::

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [CSCI] Possible someone's trying to create an entirely new wormhole here?

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> <all> Or could it be an artificial wormhole gone awry?

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::looks to CMO::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::shrugs::

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: gives a sideways head nod at the doc ::

    [Levoix] <HELM> Sir, perhaps we should cross reference our readings with the readings taken by Lenara Kahn, she attempted to also create an artificial wormhole, which had collapsed. Perhaps if there is any similarity between elements in both cases we can see if...

    [sarvek] <CSCI> Playing at being prophets... it's possible.

    [Levoix] this is due to some instability in the Bajoran wormhole.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><HELM> Sounds like a plan.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [CO] If that's the case, Ben Sisko must be falling asleep in there.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><MXO> Or something to that extent..

    [Kairi] <TOPS> ::Tries to hold off a giggle.::

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [CO] Perhaps we should send a message back to DS9, have them monitor the wormhole from their end?

    [Levoix] <HELM> I'm showing vague similarities between the two instances, but nothing conclusive.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::stifles a grin at the Sisko comment::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><MXO> I think we should do that..

    [Kairi] <TOPS> ::Opens a comm chanel:: <CO> Chanel ready sir.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: puts together a brief summary with the accumulated data and suppositions and creates a file for the communication ::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::sits back, taking in the bridge chatter::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><TOPS> Thanks.. +Ds-9+ This is the Upholder. We're requesting assistance in the mysterious ship dissapearance in the Gamma Quadrant. Can you monitor the wormhole from your end?

    [sTSF_Seiben] DS-9> +Upholder+ Of course. We'll do what we can from here.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: transfers the file to TOPS, with an addendum to tack it on to the communique ::

    [Kairi] <TOPS> ::Sends the file::

    [Levoix] <HELM> Sir, perhaps we should launch another probe. I can manually maneaver it through the web. Perhaps then we can get more specific readings, if any.

    [sarvek] <CSCI> ::compares some of the readings with a few spatial phenomenon in the library database::

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: nods to Kairi, settles back in the chair, looking thoughtful ::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><HELM> Alright. <TOPS/CSCI> Work on launching another probe.. this time, I ant it;s every activity closely monitored up to its disappearance. Perhaps it'll shed some light into the disappearances of all those ships.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [TOPS/CSCI] Replicate the first launch as closely as possible, as well.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO>::nods::

    [Kairi] <TOPS> ::Nods:: <CO> Yes sir. ::Prepares another probe.::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> <CO> Any traces at all left from the ships?

    [Kairi] <TOPS><CO> Ready

    [Levoix] <HELM> ::Prepares station to maneuver probe::

    [Levoix] <HELM><TOPS> Ready.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><CMO> Nope. The whole ships seem to just dissaear with nothing left

    [sarvek] <CSCI><TOPS> Monitoring the readings from my console as well. Ready over here.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> <CO> Kind of like the Bermuda Triangle on Earth. ::shakes her head::

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: pulls his console arm over, ready to monitor as well ::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><CMO> Yes, very much.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> <TAC/CSCI> Launch when you're ready

    [Kairi] <TOPS> ::Launches probe:: <CO> Probe is away.

    [Levoix] <HELM> Maneuvering probe in a Shister pattern around the web.

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: The probe launches. After a few minutes, internal systems start to flux..

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> Now we wait, watch and hope.

    [Luc_Daren] <<deja vu, anyone? :D>>

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: The probe is still intact though as Helm maneuvers it around the web

    [sTSF_Seiben] <heh..>

    [sTSF_Jami] <<gee...kinda>>

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: watches data :: Hmm...

    [sarvek] <CSCI> ::notes sensors going a little off:: I still have it, but a little trouble -- looks like on our end.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::watchin' and waitin' and wishin' and hopin':::

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [CSCI] Thoughts?

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::wondering if they are going to wink out::

    [Levoix] <HELM> Sir, the probe is reading slight energy disturbances in the web.

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: Systems internally on the probe are malfunctioning, but the probe is picking up traces of the missing ships inside the hole.

    [sarvek] <CSCI> Hmmm... ::clicks a few overlays:: Kairi, confirm my readings. Almost looks like the ships Starfleet's lost recently.

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: The ships appear to all be intact and in one piece

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> :: whistles ::

    [sarvek] <CSCI> Not reading any damage. Lifesigns inconclusive.

    [Kairi] <TOPS><CSCI> ::Nods:: I think you're right. They looks like that are completely intact.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> <CSCI> Uh....I don't suppose there are any giant life forms around. You know, ones with eight legs and hairy bodies?

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: No lifesigns detected.

    [Levoix] <HELM> It appears to be a subspace variance pattern.

    [sarvek] <CSCI> <CMO> ::snickers:: Arachnids? Overgrown tarantulas? Nah, not that I can tell, at least.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::shudders::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::whew::

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [Helm] Thank you, Mr. Levoix. [TOPS] Status of the probe?

    [sarvek] <CSCI> ::innocently smiles:: Some people have a little arachnophobia around here?

    [sTSF_Seiben] <5 minutes...>

    [sTSF_Jami] <CMO> ::nervous grin:: <CSCI> Let's just say I didn't want any weird surprises. Cheesy sci-fi movies, you know?

    [Kairi] <TOPS><XO> The probe appears to still be intact, but reading keep fluxtuating.

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: The data is getting worse as it gets closer to the centre.

    [Levoix] <HELM> The subspace variance has vanished.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [CSCI] Do we have enough data available to apply to the ship to protect us from the effects of this anomaly?

    [sarvek] <CSCI> <CMO> Of course. Weird surprises are never good. <CO> We're starting to lose more of the signal.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> <HELM> Can you move the probe further away?

    [sarvek] <CSCI> <MXO> Not at present, at least, not until we have a clearer picture of what this thing is, still. We have hard data without the generals.

    [Levoix] <HELM> Yes sir. How far, sir?

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><HELM> Not far. 50 000 kilometres, should do it

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [CSCI] Keep collecting, then. :: smiles ::

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [CO] If we can figure out what we're dealing with, mayhap we can protect ourselves and collect our quarry as well.

    [Levoix] <HELM> Maneuvering probe 50,000 kilometers further.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><MXO> Exactly what I was thinking. Perhaps protect others that use this area too.

    [Luc_Daren] <MXO> [CO] Perhaps we should issue a navigational hazard advisory in the meantime, sir?

    [Levoix] <HELM> Sir, if I am correct, subspace variance can be associated with vessels warping while cloaked.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><MXO> That seems like a wise endeavour.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <and with that...>

    [sTSF_Seiben] PAUSE SIM..

  16. [sTSF_Jami] Commanding Officer (CO): STSF Seiben

    [sTSF_Jami] Executive Officer (XO): STSF Jami

    [sTSF_Jami] Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - D raalan Luran

    [sTSF_Jami] Tactical Officer (TAC) - Terry

    [sTSF_Jami] Helm/Operations Officer (HOPS) - Mitch Rallo

    [sTSF_Jami] Chief Engineer (CENG) - Louis O solion

    [sTSF_Jami] Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Luc Daren

    [sTSF_Jami] Assistant Security Officer (ASEC) - Spitfire

    [sTSF_Jami] Chief Medi Officer (CMO) - Nicolas Lepage

    [[sTSF_Jami] Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Dr Marlin

    [sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\=


    [sTSF_Seiben] MISSION BRIEF: SD 10609.05

    [sTSF_Seiben] The USS Brisbane has been ordered to Tauntilis II, a remote jungle planet to retreive a rare type of reptile for the Starfeet Zoo.

    [sTSF_Seiben] BEGIN SIM..


    [D_raalan_Luran] <MXO>::Sitting in the second most comfortable seat on the ship!!::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <HOPS> ::Enters bridge with a smile.:: <CO> Morning Captain!

    [spitfire] <<lol, we have a zoo>>

    [Luc_Daren] <CSEC> :: in the security office looking over the data on the reptile, a little confused but not pleased at all ::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO>< ::nods at HOPS::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <of course we do... >

    [Dr_Marlin] <CSCI> ::looking around her nearly empty Science lab, settles in for what promises to be a long mission::

    [spitfire] <ASEC>::doing checks on all the AT gears in the armory::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <CMO> In sickbay briefing his staff on the mission::

    [D_raalan_Luran] <MXO><HOPS> What is our ETA Mr Rallo

    [Terry] << i can solve this mission now, lets put spitfire in the zoo and call it a day lol >>

    [Louis_O_solion] <CENG>::Begins to solder the inside of a device within engineering::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <HOPS> ::Quietly makes sure no one is sending a call.:: Thank god the line is clear. I don't want this to become a hostile mission.

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <CMO><CSCI> Lepage to Marlin.

    [spitfire] <<hey>>

    [spitfire] << lol >>

    [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> ::enters quietly::slips into the briefing::

    [Luc_Daren] <CSEC> +ASEC+ Break out the heavy artillery, Mr. Spitfire, we're going to have company.

    [D_raalan_Luran] <<sadly I dont think he would pass for the Reptile we are picking up!>>

    [Terry] < sorry Spitfire couldnt resisit>

    [Dr_Marlin] <CSCI> +CMO+ Marlin here. Yes, Nick?

    [Mitch_Rallo] <HOPS><CO> Anything I can do today Cap'n?

    [sTSF_Seiben] <<lol>>

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <CMO><AMO> Late again Mr Jami.

    [Terry] << Well lets shave off all his and and paint him, and see how we go>>

    [spitfire] <ASEC>+CSEC+yes, sir

    [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> ::cowers:: Yes, Sir. ::quickly:: But I have a good excuse this time.

    [D_raalan_Luran] <MXO><HOPS>Mr Rallo Im waiting.

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <CMO>+CSCI+ I'm briefing my staff on the mission. There is a file missing that you had promised me.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><HOPS> Yes, set an orbit for the planet, and instruct the Away Team to prepare for their mission. Have transporters ready to go once they are ready

    [Terry] <TAC>::At the tac station doing tac things.

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <CMO><AMO> Like a Ferengi...I'm all ears.

    [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> I was reading up on our next mission, Sir. ::gulp::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <CMO><AMO> And what do you think this briefing is for?

    [D_raalan_Luran] <MXO><CO>Sir who all is going down?

    [Mitch_Rallo] <HOPS> ::Sets orbit.:: +Away Team+ Get to a transporter as soon as you can and prepare to beam down.

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: Spitfire wouldn't make a good reptile, since the one the Zoo wants is over 30 feet long and weighs in at over 5 metric tonnes.

    [Dr_Marlin] <CSCI> +CMO+ ::blinking:: Which file would that be? I could've sworn I sent you Ensign Dom with the entire thing..

    [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> ::bites lower lip:: To . . . wait, I know this...

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><XO> Standard Away Team, Mr. Luran. You, Medical, Science and especially Security with animal capturing equipment

    [Mitch_Rallo] <HOPS> +CSEC+ Cheif? I'd like you to send an extra man with the away team.

    [spitfire] <<lol, that closes that>>

    [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> ::notices the eyes all on her:: Talk about the mission?

    [D_raalan_Luran] <<put him on the stretcher rack I think we could make him long enough!>>

    [spitfire] <ASEC>::grabs 2 phaser rifles and heads up to the chief's office::

    [Terry] << See Seiben didnt say Spitfire wasn't a reptile, he’s just not the one the zoo wants lol >>

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <CMO><AMO> Very good. I want to see you in my office after the briefing.

    [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> ::shrinks::<w> Yes, Sir.

    [Luc_Daren] <CSEC> :: slams down the PADD and heads for a TL ::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <CMO>+CSCI+ I need the one about the reptiles dentition again.

    [D_raalan_Luran] <MXO>::Walks off the bridge and into a brilliantly placed TL and on to the TR::

    [Luc_Daren] <CSEC> +ASCI+ Head for TR1, I'll meet you there. Let's hope to god they've got the cargo bay ready for this monster.

    [spitfire] <<lol, we better stop before getting the "cut down the OOC talk>>

    [Mitch_Rallo] <HOPS><CO>Sir if I recall, it is time for my Medical Report and Physical. Premission to leave bridge?

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><HOPS> Alright, but be quick

    [D_raalan_Luran] <MXO>::Arrives on the right deck and steps off of the TL and on to the TR::

    [Dr_Marlin] <CSCI> +CMO+ Alrighty then.. Since my entire staff seems to have overslept, I guess I'll have to deliver it personally. See you in five.

    [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> ::hears "reptile":::shudders::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <CMO><Staff> Anyway...as I was saying... we need to be prepared for serious injuries. I hear those reptiles can get really dangerous if they feel their in danger.

    [D_raalan_Luran] <MXO>::Walks into the TR:: Chief how are you this fine day?

    [Mitch_Rallo] <HOPS> ::Goes to sickbay.:: <CMO> Doctor? I'm ready for my...physical..and..::Checks note:: Medical History record.

    [sTSF_Seiben] Ens. Betty> ::takes over HOPS whilst Rallo is away::

    [Terry] <TAC>::Still pressing buttons to see if they work::

    [Luc_Daren] <CSEC> :: exits TL, heads into TR1 ::

    [spitfire] <ASEC>::taking phaser rifles to TL along with animal capturing gear::

    [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> ::turns to see Mitch standing in the door::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <CMO>+CSCI+ Thank you. Lepage out.

    [Louis_O_solion] <CENG>::FLips the switch on the new contraption, nothing happens:: are you serious....

    [D_raalan_Luran] TR Chief>Fine and dandy how do you like the mission?

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <CMO><HOPS> ::looks at Mitch:: Just hop onto a biobed. Doctor Jami will be right with you.

    [spitfire] ::enters the TL::TR1

    [Luc_Daren] <CSEC> :: walks into TR, nods to Luran :: Sir.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <HOPS> ::Whatever you say! ::Gets on bio bed::

    [Dr_Marlin] <CSCI> ::scoops together a bunch of PADDs, muttering under her breath about the incompetency of the personelle she always gets:: They're always late.. Always leave all the work for me.. Nyah.

    [D_raalan_Luran] <MXO><TR Chief> I like it just fine! :: Turns and looks at Daren:: <CSEC>good day

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <CMO><Staff> ::tries to remember where he had been interrupted:: ...ah yes... so, I trust you know what you have to do. Dismissed.

    [Luc_Daren] <CSEC> [MXO] I think we should be herding this thing into a cargo shuttle and towing the bloody thing.

    [D_raalan_Luran] <MXO>::Moves to the Pad and checks his phaser::<CSEC>Are we ready to bring this reptile on board?

    [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> ::gets up, thankful she can do a physical instead of meeting Nic in his office::gets her things::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <CMO><AMO> Doctor, please have a look at the cadet and then see me in my office.

    [spitfire] <ASEC>::exits the TL::

    [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> ::sinks again:: <CMO> Yes, Sir.

    [spitfire] <ASEC>::enters the TR::

    [Dr_Marlin] <CSCI> ::heads out of the Science Lab, and starts walking at a brisk pace to the sickbay::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <CMO> ::turns to walk into his office:

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: The Brisbane is in orbit arount Tauntilis II

    [Luc_Daren] <CSEC> :: sees Spitfire enter, goes over and relieves some of the load ::

    [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> ::approaches Mitch with a sigh and tries to perk up:: <HOPS> Hello, Mr. ::looks at sheet:: Rallo.

    [Terry] <TAC><CO>Sir scans show no other ships in the area, we are alone.

    [spitfire] <ASEC>::hand some things over to Daren::

    [Luc_Daren] <CSEC> [MXO] We'll bring it up, sir. :: obviously not happy about it ::

    [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> <HOPS> How are you feeling - generally speaking?

    [Mitch_Rallo] <HOPS><AMO> Doctor.

    [spitfire] <ASEC>::sees Luran::<MXO>sir

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <CMO> ::enters his office and gets a coffee at the replicator::

    [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> ::turns on the biobed for a cursory scan to get a benchmark::

    [D_raalan_Luran] <MXO><ASEC>good day

    [Mitch_Rallo] <HOPS > <AMO> Fine. I've had a bit of a cold lately..not much though.

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <CMO> ::sits behind his desk sipping his coffee:: computer display file of Doctor Jami.

    [spitfire] <ASEC>::checks the detaining equipment::

    [D_raalan_Luran] <MXO>+CMO+ Mr Lepage please Either you or Jami report down here for the AT

    [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> <HOPS> Cold? ::steps back:: That's odd. Colds have been rare since 2027 when the vaccine came out.

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <CMO> ::sighs:: +MXO+ Aye, sir.

    [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> ::checks the scan:: <HOPS> I would venture to say it was allergies since you show no virus in your system.

    [Luc_Daren] <CSEC> [ASEC] That... thing isn't taking a chomp out of a single member of this crew. If it looks remotely possible that that might happen... two words: photon grenade.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <HOPS><AMO> I haven't got no vaccine! Heh..can you think of any Rallo giving himself up to a little needle?

    [D_raalan_Luran] <MXO><AT>Before we even think about bringing this thing on board I want to make certain that it is sedated!

    [Dr_Marlin] <CSCI> :;enters the sickbay, juggling a small stack of PADDs:: <CMO> Niiick?

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <CMO> ::gets up and walks into sickbay::

    [spitfire] <ASEC>::hold up atleast 10 with a few more on the floor::<CSEC>allready ahead of you

    [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> <HOPS> Vaccines don't come in needles. Haven't for centuries.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <HOPS><AMO> Never said they didn't/

    [Terry] <TAC><CO>::Looks at gthe Captain who seems to be asleep:: You still with us sir

    [D_raalan_Luran] <MXO><AT>I think I can safly speak for the captain in this instance that He doesnt wanna go to starfleet and tell them that the reptile has devistated his ship!

    [sTSF_Seiben] CO> +CENG+ Chief, while the Away Team wrangle us up one of those crocs, I'd like your Engineers to construct a trilithium cage about 40 feet wide and six feet high, ready by the time the At comes back.

    [Luc_Daren] <CSEC> [ASEC] Good man. [MXO] Sedated, sir. In the very least.

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <CMO> ::sees Marlin:: <CSCI> Ah, thank you chief.

    [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> <OPS> Just in case they missed you. ::hands him a small melt-in-your-mouth strip:: Take this.

    [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> <HOPS> Other than that, you are the picture of health. Come down if you have a flareup again and I'll check it out.

    [spitfire] <ASEC>::makes sure everything is ready::

    [D_raalan_Luran] <<Does this reptile have a name?>>

    [Louis_O_solion] <CENG>+CO+ Sir you only gave me width and height, whats the lenth?

    [sTSF_Seiben] <Hmm.. the Tatuntilin Swamp Croc>>

    [Mitch_Rallo] ::Leaves sickbay and enters bridge.:: <CO> Can you think of that mean 'ol Jami! Not even one lolli-pop!

    [Dr_Marlin ] <CSCI> ::drops the stack in his hands:: Reptile dentition, as requested, as well as a few other things you might find useful. ::smiles, slightly sarcastically:: Any other things you want, mate?

    [Luc_Daren] <<cadeteus munchus, probably>>

    [sTSF_Seiben] CO> +CENG+ Length is 40 feet

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <CMO><AMO> Doctor Jami, while I'm away you have sickbay. Please go over the files Marlin has just brought in and brief the rest of the staff on it.

    [spitfire] <<where's the medical part of our AT?>>

    [Mitch_Rallo] <HOPS> ::Chuckles.::

    [D_raalan_Luran] <MXO><AT> so Is everything Clear?

    [Luc_Daren] <CSEC> [MXO] Like the sky over Risa, sir.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><HOPS> Yeah.. I just nick one from the lollipop jar when she's not looking

    [Terry] <TAC><CO>SIr permission to leave the bridge for a few minutes

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <CMO> <CSCI> As he jogs out of sickbay:: Maybe later

    [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> ::hears Nic::sighs:: Yes, Doctor.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> <TAC> OK..

    [Louis_O_solion] <CENG>+co+ Ill need cargo bay 8 to make a cage that big sir, Ill see if I can get the munch Trilithium there to make it.

    [D_raalan_Luran] <MXO><AT> alrighty than lets bag us a croc!

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <CMO> jogs down the hall and into a TL:: Transpoter room.

    [Terry] <TAC>::Moves over to the lift and enters:: <deck 4

    [D_raalan_Luran] <MXO>::mumble:: WHere is Lepage??

    [Luc_Daren] <CSEC> :: moves over close and whispers :: [ASEC] Shoot first, ask questions later.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO>+ceng+ Alright

    [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> ::pulls out the files to peruse them::eyes widen as she reads:::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <CMO> ::hurries toward the TR and enters::<MXO> Sorry, sir.

    [Dr_Marlin] <CSCI> <AMO> Nyah.. Men can be so.. Man.. like.. Thingy.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <HOPS> +Away Team+ How's everything doing? I need to get a report for the CO.

    [spitfire] <ASEC>::makes sure all the grenades is ready when/if needed::

    [Terry] <TAC>:Exits the lift and heads to sickbay::

    [Louis_O_solion] <CENG>::Gathers three AENGS and heads out to the CArgo bay 8::

    [D_raalan_Luran] <MXO>::Over hears::<AT>If anyone kills one of these thingsI will see to it that The captain hears of it!

    [Luc_Daren] <CSEC> :: hops on the pad, carrying a phaser rifle, photon grenades, and the creature grabber, just in case ::

    [Dr_Marlin] <CSCI> ::shakes her head and starts on the walk back to her lab::

    [D_raalan_Luran] <MXO>+HOPS+AT is ready to beam down!

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <CMO> ::steps onto the TRpad::

    [D_raalan_Luran] <MXO>::Issues @ signs::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> <HOPS> Energise when they are ready

    [Luc_Daren] <CSEC> [MXO] I'd be happy to tell him myself, sir. So long as I live to tell him.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::Overhears MXO's comm::

    [spitfire] <ASEC>::halls the equipment to the pad::

    [Terry] <TAC>::Waits for the doors to open and pokes head in looking for the lollipops::

    [spitfire] @<ASEC>::takes a @::

    [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> ::briefs the staff on reptile injuries::tears, bites, swats with tails::contusions and abraisions::

    [Louis_O_solion] <CENG>::arrives with AENGs, give orders and Begins Planing out a shape for the cage::

    [D_raalan_Luran] @<MXO>+HOPS+ Beam us Down!

    [Terry] <TAC>::Spies the jar and heads over to it and grabs 2::

    [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> Hm...it says here that the best defense is a good offense.

    [spitfire] @<ASEC>::awaits the transport::

    [Terry] <TAC>::Pockets one and starts eating the other while heading to the door::

    [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> +OPS+ If the away team hasn't beamed down yet, I think I have something that might be important.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <HOPS> ::Beams down::

    [spitfire] @<ASEC>::shimmers

    [Luc_Daren] @<CSEC> :: shimmers, phaser rifle ready, on /heavy/ stun ::

    [D_raalan_Luran] @<MXO>::Shimmers::

    [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> ::reading the material:: <oops...too bad. too late :D >

    [Nicolas_Lepage] @<CMO> ::slaps his @ to his forehead and shimmers::

    [spitfire] @<ASEC>::reshimmers::

    [spitfire] @<ASEC><CSEC>::whispers::what setting should I use on that croc?

    [Luc_Daren] @<CSEC> [ASEC] :: whispers back :: Just short of kill, for a start.

    [D_raalan_Luran] @<MXO>::Arrives on the planets surface::<CMO>I hope you brought the tranquilizer

    [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> ::waiting for an answer::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <<no science on the team?>>

    [Mitch_Rallo] :<HOPS>+CSEC+ Please set setting to a light stun. Any harm dont and I'll have you mopping my quarters. Im a big fan of the Fleet's Zoo.

    [Luc_Daren] <<nope>>

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: The AT is beamed down to a swampy area of the planet

    [Louis_O_solion] <CENG>::Begins to solder main plate for the cage while AENGs Produce Bars::

    [spitfire] @<ASEC><CSEC>then work our way up if it doesnt work right?

    [Terry] <TAC>::Exits the SB and continues to deflector controls::

    [Dr_Marlin] <<Marlin was left on the ship lol >>

    [Luc_Daren] @<CSEC> :: nods, looks around cautiously ::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] @<CMO> ::starts scanning the sourroundings with his tricorder and sinking in almost up to his knees:: Great!

    [spitfire] <<and i thought medical was slow>>

    [Dr_Marlin] <<No-one paged me!>>

    [sTSF_Jami] <Ohhhh..don't they have leeches and creepy crawly things in swamps?>

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <<we are not slow...just thorough>>

    [Luc_Daren] <<can you blame the stall tactic, though?>>

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: Yep...

    [D_raalan_Luran] @<MXO>::Thinks out loud:: Well this is a gorgeous transport site!

    [Louis_O_solion] <CENG>::Helps a AENG place the bars within the Cage frame::

    [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> +OPS+ Anyone there?

    [Nicolas_Lepage] @<CMO> ::thinks he can feel creepy things crawl up his legs::

    [Luc_Daren] @<CSEC> :: feels a leach latch on, growls :: Doc, where's the croc?

    [Mitch_Rallo] <HOPS>+CSEC+ PLease reply.

    [spitfire] @<ASEC>::looks around::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] @<CMO><CSEC> What's wrong?

    [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> ::anxiety builds::

    [Terry] <TAC>::Enters deflector control and heads to a panel and runs a few checks of the system:

    [Mitch_Rallo] <HOPS>+AMO+ Sir?

    [D_raalan_Luran] @<MXO><AT>Ok Spread out if you come across a croc do not i repeat do not fire get the rest of us to assist!

    [Luc_Daren] @<CSEC>+HOPS+ Acknowledged, Daren OUT. :: slaps comm off ::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] @<CMO> <MXO> Sir, I'd suggest we go in pairs.

    [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> ::perks up at someone calling her sir::smiles broadly:: +HOPS+ I have some important information for the AT. At least I think it's important. Well, kinda important.

    [Luc_Daren] @<CSEC> [CMO] This is suicide, It'd just assume get to it.

    [Louis_O_solion] <CENG>::guides the Roof plate of the cage as a AENG manipulates the anti-grav wench::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <BRB>

    [Mitch_Rallo] <HOPS>+AMO+ Well, what is it?

    [D_raalan_Luran] @<MXO><CMO>Good Idea <AT> Break off into pairs

    [spitfire] @<ASEC>::makes sure the sedative lancher is ready for the croc::

    [Luc_Daren] @<CSEC> [ASEC] Go with XO, I'll go with the doc. that way we have the heavy equipment in each team.

    [spitfire] @<ASEC>::nodds::

    [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> +HOPS+ Well, it says in the information that Dr Marlin gave me that there are tiny pouches on the back of this reptile - the one they are getting - and that if you hit one of them you . . . uh . . . might not come back alive.

    [D_raalan_Luran] @<MXO>::Looks angrily at Daren::<CSEC> That will be quite enough of that! We dont need any more pressure than we have already got!

    [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> +HOPS+ Think that might be important? I'll let you decide.

    [Dr_Marlin] <CSCI> ::twirls around a bit in the lab before settling back to work::

    [Louis_O_solion] <CENG>::Adjusts cage door module:: +CO+Sir your cage is ready, and waiting.

    [Luc_Daren] @<CSEC> :: moves over to LePage :: Okay, doc, let's get hunt... gathering.

    [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> +HOPS+ I think that might be why it's so rare.

    [Nicolas_Lepage] @<CMO><CSEC> ::walks a few steps then turns around:: I hope you didn't forget the bug repellant.

    [D_raalan_Luran] @<MXO><ASEC> lets do it :: Draws his Tricorder and begins moving south::

    [spitfire] @<ASEC>::next to the XO::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <HOPS>+CENG+ Beam down a large ammount of medical supplies and gloves to the away team.

    [spitfire] @<ASEC>::starts following::

    [Luc_Daren] @<CSEC> :: gives Lepage a sour look ::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] @<CMO><CSEC> I suggest I scan and you keep your eyes open... man are these big mosquitos.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <HOPS>+AMO+ Help is on it's way.

    [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> +CSCI+ Dr Marlin? +HOPS+ Thanks.

    [Luc_Daren] @<CSEC> [CMO] Scan away, I'm watching.

    [spitfire] @<ASEC><MXO>you think we'll find it soon?

    [D_raalan_Luran] @<MXO><ASEC>Keep Your phaser set to stun just in case we find more than we bargain for

    [Dr_Marlin] <CSCI> +AMO+ Marlin here.

    [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> +CSCI+ I noticed in your notes that there are some poison sacs on the back of this reptile. Is there any known antidote?

    [Luc_Daren] @<CSEC> :: is bitten, repeatedly by the squits, figures it's a waste of engery trying to swat ::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] @<CMO><CSEC> Alright, I suggest we move down south. It looks like the most liekly place for that thing to be.

    [Terry] <TAC>::Potters round deflector control tweaking a few controls:":

    [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> ::eyes glued to her console:: +CSCI+ I can't find anything in the database.

    [spitfire] @<ASEC>::sholders his seditive lancher and has his rifle at the ready::

    [D_raalan_Luran] @<MXO>::Scanning:: I am picking up something quite large about a half a kilometer from here

    [Luc_Daren] @<CSEC> :: nods :: South it is.

    [Luc_Daren] @<CSEC> :: slowly picks his way through the muck ::

    [Dr_Marlin] <CSCI> +AMO+ Antidote? Uhm.. Let me check..

    [Mitch_Rallo] <HOPS>+AMO+ I'm afraid help is not on it's way.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <HOPS>+AMO+ Just beam down a large amount of gloves and medical supplies.

    [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> ::wondering if the flitty-bugs carry any horrid disease, like malaria or dysentary, or dengue fever::

    [Luc_Daren] @<CSEC> :: feels silly with a tranq gun in one hand and a phaser rifle in the other ::

    [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> +HOPS+ WHAT???

    [Nicolas_Lepage] @<CMO> ::walks on in a southern direction:: <CSEC> This looks more and more like my last shore leave. I wish I was picking something up.

    [Dr_Marlin] <CSCI> ::starts digging through the more obscure files::

    [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> +HOPS+ You have to warn them. Please.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <HOPS> +AMO+ Catch it while it's asleep.

    [D_raalan_Luran] @<MXO>::Begins moving towards the large signature on his Tricorder::<ASEC>Let me know if you see anything

    [Luc_Daren] @<CSEC> [CMO] You and me both, doc.

    [Louis_O_solion] <CENG>::Dismisses the AENGs and walks back to engineering::

    [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> +HOPS+ Why are you telling me? You have to tell them?

    [spitfire] @<ASEC>::hears russleing in a bush about 1000m away::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <HOPS>+MXO+ Please report! I repeat! Send in a full medical report.

    [Nicolas_Lepage] @<CMO><CSEC> Oh...I've got something big moving... ::points south east:: Over there.

    [spitfire] @<ASEC><MXO>hear that?

    [Luc_Daren] @<CSEC> :: looks ::

    [D_raalan_Luran] @<MXO>+HOPS+Please standby

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <<you forgot leishmaniosis Jami>>

    [sTSF_Seiben] @ACTION: One of the AT members picks up a faint croc signal coming from the swamp

    [D_raalan_Luran] @<MXO><ASEC>::Listens and hears something and checks his tricorder real quick like::

    [Dr_Marlin] <CSCI> ::finds plenty of "Avoid the poison" warnings, some "five minutes to live" ones, and finally comes across what looks like it could be a remedy:: +AMO+ It appears that a mix of methcarboximol and diapronin will neutralize the poison, /if/ applied within the first two minutes of infection.

    [Nicolas_Lepage] @<CMO><CSEC> See anything? It's about 400 metres down there.

    [sTSF_Seiben] @Croc> ::peeks it's large head over the swamp water and looks at the AT::

    [Luc_Daren] @<CSEC> [CMO] Nope, but that's not surprising. They evolve with some degree of camoflauge in mind.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <MXO>+HOPS+ Medical tea deamnds a full medical report! Do not attempt to touch the beast! DO NOT!

    [D_raalan_Luran] @<MXO>+HOPS+Thanks for the warning

    [Nicolas_Lepage] @<CMO> <CSEC> So you mean it's not pink? ::shrugs:: We'll have to get closer then.

    [spitfire] @<ASEC>::overhears::

    [D_raalan_Luran] @<MXO>::sees something peeking:: <ASEC> whats that over there!

    [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> +CSCI+ ack

    [Louis_O_solion] <CENG>::walks into engineering and begins to fiddle with the mystery device:: Lets have another look at ya...

    [sTSF_Seiben] @Croc> ::sumerges back in the water::

    [spitfire] @<ASEC>+CSEC+do not touch the croc

    [Dr_Marlin] <CSCI> +AMO+ Could say that. Do you have any of either of those in the sickbay?

    [spitfire] @<ASEC>::quickly lloooks where the MXO is pointing::

    [Luc_Daren] @<CSEC> [ASEC] Good heaven, I wasn't planning on it, but noted.

    [sTSF_Seiben] @ACTION: ASEC Sees nothing but water

    [Nicolas_Lepage] @<CMO> ::overheard the comm:: Good thing they tell us.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <HOPS><CO> Sir. May I make a plan to capture the beast? I have an idea.

    [spitfire] @<ASEC><MXO>I dont see anything

    [D_raalan_Luran] @<MXO>+AT+We found one the problem is its in the water do not touch the croc!

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> <HOPS> Let's hear it.

    [Nicolas_Lepage] @<CMO> <CSEC> From the readings I get this thing could be almost anything.

    [Luc_Daren] @<CSEC> :: snorts :: [CMO] A better thing would be for a group of bloody veterinarians to come get this thing.

    [Nicolas_Lepage] @<CMO>+MXO+ Acknowledged. What's your position?

    [D_raalan_Luran] @<MXO>+HOPS+Lock onto my signal and scan for any non human signs of life

    [Luc_Daren] @<CSEC> :: stops, waits for response ::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] @<CMO><CSEC> The best thing would be to leave it here. The croc would be happier, we would be happier...perfect.

    [D_raalan_Luran] @<MXO>+CMO+e are 1/2 a kilometer south of your position

    [Mitch_Rallo] <HOPS><CO> If we stun the monster and change our phaser settings just right we can use it as a tractor beam so we won't have to touch it.

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: HOPS detects over 353 895 422 signs of non-human life on the planet

    [spitfire] @<ASEC>::checks their backs to make sure nothing is behind them::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] @<CMO>+MXO+ We're on our way.

    [D_raalan_Luran] <<Happy to know we are not alone!!!>>

    [spitfire] <<lol, most are bugs>>

    [Luc_Daren] @<CSEC> [CMO] Half a klick south, carefully now.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <HOPS><CO> I'll contact ENG to configure settings..

    [Luc_Daren] @<CSEC> :: changes direction, slowly heads that direction ::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] @<CMO><CSEC> Let's hope we don't step on anything nasty.

    [Luc_Daren] @<CSEC> [CMO] You haven't yet? Lucky.

    [D_raalan_Luran] @<MXO>+AT+Everyone set your phasers to stun Doc be ready to sedate this thing!

    [Mitch_Rallo] <HOPS><CO> Sir?

    [Luc_Daren] @<CSEC> :: squish squish squishes his way forward ::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><HOPS> I didn't know our phasers were capable of being used as a tractor beam. The croc weighs over 5 tonnes..

    [Mitch_Rallo] <HOPS><CO> Sir that thing has a deadly touch..so many life signs!

    [spitfire] @<ASEC>::looks at the CMO::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] @<CMO><CSEC> I'm trying to ignore whatever I'm stepping on. ::squishes on after Daren:: Want me to take one of your rifles?

    [Mitch_Rallo] <HOPS><CO> I guess we could merge our tractor beam and life support?

    [D_raalan_Luran] @<MXO>::Keeps a close eye out for the croc::

    [Luc_Daren] @<CSEC> [ASEC] If... wait, WHEN it opens it's big yap, aim inside the mouth with the tranqs first. They can fish out the dart later.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> <HOPS> Perhaps.. give it a try

    [spitfire] <<ignor last post>>

    [Luc_Daren] @<CSEC> [CMO] Take the phaser rifle, with something that big, accuracy isn't a big deal :: hands it over ::

    [sTSF_Seiben] @ACTION: A small dinghy is moored to a wooden post by the MXO a few yards away

    [Mitch_Rallo] <HOPS>+AMO+ Abort sickbay. I'M knocking off life support in 10 seconds.

    [D_raalan_Luran] @<MXO><CSEC>That sounds like a good idea the thing is getting it to open its mouth!

    [D_raalan_Luran] @<MXO>::Looks around for a way to get to this beast::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <<Sickbay and only sickbay!!>>

    [Luc_Daren] @<CSEC> [MXO] Probably when it tries to eat us would be a good time.

    [Nicolas_Lepage] @<CMO><CSEC> ::takes the phaser rifle:: I have had some combat training, you know. They are over there. ::points at Luarn and Spitfire in front of them::

    [Luc_Daren] @<CSEC> :: nods :: I didn't say you couldn't hit the broad side of a barn, doc.

    [D_raalan_Luran] @<MXO>::Spots the dinghi and moves over to it and hops in::

    [spitfire] @<ASEC>::looks behind::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <HOPS>+AMO+ I repeat..abort sickbay.

    [D_raalan_Luran] <<Er however its spelled>>

    [spitfire] @<ASEC><MXO>they're herer

    [sTSF_Jami] <uh..how do you abort sick bay?>

    [Mitch_Rallo] <Send everyone out..>>

    [Dr_Marlin] <<You like.. Seal it off? Or something?>>

    [spitfire] <<ROFL!!!!!!>>>

    [Mitch_Rallo] <Yes>

    [sTSF_Jami] <ok.....gotcha>

    [sTSF_Seiben] <I think you're looking for evacuate :P >>

    [D_raalan_Luran] << abort sickbay!!>>

    [sTSF_Jami] <sounds right>

    [Mitch_Rallo] <Oh. Yeah.>

    [Luc_Daren] @<CSEC> :: sees the MXO in a dinghy :: Is that wise, sir?

    [D_raalan_Luran] << LOL >>

    [Nicolas_Lepage] @<CMO><ASEC> Why is it you guys get a boat?

    [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> ::evacuates sick bay::

    [D_raalan_Luran] @<MXO><AT>We need to get to it some how right

    [spitfire] @<ASEC><CMO>we found it

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <<is awed by Jami's knowledge of difficult words>>

    [sTSF_Seiben] @ACTION: The croc is in plain sight in the middle of the swamp.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <HOPS> :::Makes sure everyone in sickbay is gone and sucks out life support.:: Ok let me pull out a tractor beam...and..let's see if I can get the life support inside it..GOT It!

    [Nicolas_Lepage] @<CMO> ::points at the croc:: there!

    [Luc_Daren] @<CSEC> [MXO] The croc could sneeze while it's under water and capsize you in that thing.

    [spitfire] <<Are you going to kill us off within the next few minutes?>>

    [Mitch_Rallo] ::Pulls up croc about 100 feet above the ground.:: <CO> Should I beam it up?

    [Nicolas_Lepage] @<CMO> ::points his rifle at the croc waiting for orders::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <<depends on the plot goes.. I don't kill off cadets.. I simply follow thru on the actions of the players and the consequences of them thereafter... :) >>

    [Luc_Daren] @<CSEC> :: looks, sees it :: Here, crocy crocy crocy....

    [spitfire] @<ASEC><AT>its flying!

    [D_raalan_Luran] @<MXO><AT>OK heres the Plan We need to draw it close to us than we can sedate it

    [Dr_Marlin] <<In other words, we're all going to die when the croc hits the ship and we all esplode?

    [Mitch_Rallo] <HOPS><CO> Sir? Life support in the tractor beam can't last more than about 7 minutes.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <lol>

    [Mitch_Rallo] ::Beams up croc:: Sucsess!

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO>Life support? Don't we need that to.. umm.. live?

    [spitfire] <<yay, AT lives and ship blows up!>>

    [Louis_O_solion] <CENG>::Dust of a plastic cartige and insert it into the device::

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: NO success.

    [Nicolas_Lepage] @<CMO> ::keeps eyes fixed on the reptile:: <CSEC> ::points at the tranqu rifle:: what the range of that thing?

    [Mitch_Rallo] <<Man Im tired and tommarow I have work..>>

    [Dr_Marlin] <<And then the ship and the croc all call on top of you!>>

    [D_raalan_Luran] @<MXO><AT>I will get out near it and place a homing beacon on it

    [Mitch_Rallo] <HOPS><CO> Sir? The transport didn't work..

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> <HOPS> Bugger.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <<<What?>>>

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> +AT+ Alright guys.. it's up to you.

    [Luc_Daren] @<CSEC> :: raises eyebrow :: [CMO] Not this good.

    [spitfire] @<ASEC><MXO>remember dont touch it

    [Louis_O_solion] <CENG>::Attaches a cable to a wall console to the device and FLips the switch::

    [D_raalan_Luran] @<MXO>::gets out of the boat and starts splashing water at the croc::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <HOPS><CO> If I let go it will fall..

    [sTSF_Seiben] <Bugger = Damnit/Darnit...>

    [Louis_O_solion] <CENG>::Heres a Odd music and pings::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <British/Aussie slang>

    [Dr_Marlin] <<Guys, gotta run, mom's gotten mad alla a sudden xD>>

    [sTSF_Jami] <see ya>

    [Dr_Marlin] <<And uhm, it's Canadian too, mate :D>>

    [Nicolas_Lepage] @<CMO><CSEC> Great we need to get closer.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <<Great.. >_< >>

    [sTSF_Seiben] <<Yep..>>

    [Mitch_Rallo] <HOPS><CO> I'm awaiting orders...

    [Dr_Marlin] <CSCI> ::Poofs!::

    Dr_Marlin has left the chat.

    [spitfire] @<ASEC><CSEC>what about the sedative rocket launcher?

    [Luc_Daren] @<CSEC> :: sighs :: Should have used a cargo shuttle as a mobile trap and cage. [CMO] No, it needs to come closer to us. No risks on our end.

    [Louis_O_solion] <CENG<::watches the console screen in amazement::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <<do we have to row or do we have a more sophisticated means of propulsion? >>

    [D_raalan_Luran] @<MXO>:: thinks hopefully the croc is getting the point::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <HOPS><CO> I'm going to have to cut off life support in 2 minutes.

    [spitfire] @<ASEC>::holds up the device::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] @<CMO><CSEC> where's the difference?

    [D_raalan_Luran] @<MXO><CMO>Howmany shots do you have for that tranq gun?

    [sTSF_Seiben] @ACTION: The dinghy is old and has a few holes in the bottom.. having not checked the vessel for sea worthiness, MXO finds himself quickly sinking...

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <<there goes my plan>>

    [Luc_Daren] <<he got out of the boat>>

    [D_raalan_Luran] @<MXO>::Jumps out::

    [sTSF_Seiben] @ACTION: MXO doesn't make the dock and is in the water...

    [Mitch_Rallo] <HOPS><CO> SIR! I NEED ORDERS!

    [Mitch_Rallo] <<BAH!

    Mitch_Rallo has left the chat.

    [spitfire] @<ASEC><CSEC/MXO>Sir!

    [Louis_O_solion] <CENG>::Taps the console:: Computer Record the console screen image:

    [Luc_Daren] " @<MXO>::gets out of the boat and starts splasing water at the croc:: ^^^^^ "

    [Nicolas_Lepage] @<CMO><MXO> I suggest we spread out. that'll give us an advantage. The thing won't know who to attack first.

    [D_raalan_Luran] @<MXO>::Swims rather quickly to safety::<AT>Dont worry bout me shoot the croc!!!

    [sTSF_Seiben] @Croc> ::Sees the splashing and swins to the MXO::

    [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> ::couldn't find the antidote::

    [Louis_O_solion] <"Jaws" Theme>

    [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> ::standing outside sick bay::

    [sTSF_Seiben] @Croc> ::submerges again::

    [spitfire] @<ASEC>::holds the sadative rocket lancher for back up::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] @<CMO> ::curses under his breath:: where is the thing???

    [D_raalan_Luran] @<MXO>::Draws His Phaser in hopes of surviving this ordeal::

    [sTSF_Jami] <isn't that like overkill, Spit?>

    [Nicolas_Lepage] @<CMO> ::scans with the tricorder::

    [spitfire] <wont it have thick skin, er scales?>

    [Louis_O_solion] <CENG>::confused:: well Thats enough of that... ::disconnects the cable between the device and the console::

    [D_raalan_Luran] @<MXO>+HOPS+I need a site to site transport now!!

    [sTSF_Seiben] @ACTION: The crocodile gets out the water and walks towaqrds the Team.. he is followed by two more.

    [spitfire] @<ASEC>::fires the first shot::

    [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> ::wondering when they can go back into sick bay::

    [D_raalan_Luran] @<MXO>::Sees the trio::oh Crap!

    [Luc_Daren] @<CSEC> :: grabs a photon grenade from his left pocket, activates then throws it ::

    [spitfire] @<ASEC>::starts reloading::

    [Luc_Daren] @<CSEC> DUCK! :: ducks ::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] @<CMO> ::sees the three crocs emerge from the water::

    [sTSF_Seiben] @ACTION: The Crocodiles continue to walk on land.. and being surprisingly quick for their size.. make a meal out of the AT before they can be beamed back...

    [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> +HOPS+ Any idea when we can get back into sickbay?

    [sTSF_Seiben] PAUSE SIM..

  17. [sTSF_Jami] Commanding Officer (CO): STSF Seiben

    [sTSF_Jami] Executive Officer (XO): STSF Jami

    [sTSF_Jami] Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Dr Andrea Knollwatcher

    [sTSF_Jami] Tactical Officer (TAC) - Jaden

    [sTSF_Jami] Operations Officer (OPS) - Swan

    [sTSF_Jami] Helm (Helm) - Cdt Doug T

    [sTSF_Jami] Chief Engineer (CENG) - Endrom

    [sTSF_Jami] Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Mitch Rallo

    [sTSF_Jami] Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Mary Major

    [sTSF_Jami] Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Luc Daren

    [sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\=

    [sTSF_Seiben] MISSION BRIEF: SD 10608.29

    [sTSF_Seiben] Whilst charting a nebula in a remote sector of the Beta Quadrant, the USS Stephen Harper comes across the USS Centaur, an Oberth-Class vessel that went missing over 100 years ago. The crew of the Harper is ordered to investigate...

    [sTSF_Seiben] BEGIN SIM..

    [Luc_Daren] <CSci> :: sipping a cup of Earl Grey at science station 1, going over the Starfleet datafile on the Centaur ::

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm>::walks on the bridge: cadet.doug.t reportin,in captaian.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::in the centre seat::

    [Jaden] <TAC>::using the short range sensors to finish scanning the Nebula for "objects"::

    [DrAndreaKnollwatcher] <MXO>::standing behind the OPS officer, reading the console::

    [endrom] <CENG>::taps on a panel within Engineering department::

    [swan] <OPS>+XO>+ Sir we arewithin range of the USS Centaur. Should I try to hail it? I mean just in case there is someone there?

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm>::takes conn::

    [Mary_Major] CMO>::in sickbay area, naturally::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::nods at Helm::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <CSEC> ::Is marching to the security office. He belives he will be called to search the Centaur. He'd better get ready!::

    [swan] <OPS> ::turns looking up at the XO::

    [DrAndreaKnollwatcher] <MXO><<Im right behind ya, Swan =0]>> Yes, go ahead.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <CSEC> +XO+ Sir? Will I need anything..special for the mission? I have a custom phaser in my quarters.

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm><co> are course is 204mark 15 captian

    [Jaden] <TAC><OPS> That ship went missing a hundred years ago, do you really think anyone is still alive?

    [swan] <<I know thats why I turned and looked UP at you ::Snickers::>>

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> <HELM> Bring us to a stop across from the Centaur.

    [endrom] <CENG>::Clips off a Wall Plate and begins to wave a tricorder scanner at the contents::

    [DrAndreaKnollwatcher] <MXO>+CSEC+ Unknown as of yet, Chief. Ill keep you apprised.

    [Luc_Daren] <CSci> :: turns in his seat :: [MXO] There is very little data on the circumstances of the Centaur's disappearance, other than the vessel was on a long-range survey mission toward the rim.

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm><co> aye, captian

    [Mitch_Rallo] <CSEC> ::Decides not to waste the XO's time and gets to his office.::

    [DrAndreaKnollwatcher] <MXO><CO>::Looks to Seiben, shrugging::

    [swan] <OPS>+ USS Centaur+ USS Centaur this is the USS Stephen Harper. Do you read

    [Mary_Major] CMO>::keeping busy about the sickbay area::

    [DrAndreaKnollwatcher] <MXO>::watching OPS, listening::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <CSEC> +CMO+ Excuse me doctor. I belive I will need some medical supplies in case I must go on the Centaur.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><MXO> Hmm.

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: No response from the Centaur

    [swan] <OPS>+ USS Centaur+ USS Centaur this is the USS Stephen Harper. Do you read

    [swan] <OPS><XO> Sir no answer

    [Jaden] <TAC><XO> Commander should we scan for a power signature?

    [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> ::enters sick bay::: <CMO> Evening, Doctor Major. Sorry I'm late.

    [Mary_Major] CMO>+csec+ In that case, I will bring them myself. But, thank you, dear.

    [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> ::slips on a lab coat::

    [DrAndreaKnollwatcher] <MXO><TAC>::nods:: go ahead.

    [Luc_Daren] <CSci> :: looks over the data from the region, looking for any anomalies that perhaps could have brought the Centaur here ::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <CSEC>+CMO+ Oh! Of course.

    [DrAndreaKnollwatcher] <MXO>::looks to Seiben in an "away team" kind of questionable quirk::

    [Jaden] <TAC>::trains the short range scanners on the engineering section looking for power spikes::

    [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> ::takes her place at a console to begin her shift::

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm><co> sir, we are at the cordnets, droping out of warp.

    [Mary_Major] CMO><AMO>My dear! Im so glad you have come.

    [swan] <OPS><XO> Coms open if they try to contact us.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::nods: We'll need to send an Away Team to investigate. One would think after 100 years there'd be noone around to answer the comms

    [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> ::turns, smiling:: <CMO> Thanks, Doctor Major. Couldn't get my roommate out of the shower, or I *might* have been on time. ::exhasperated sigh::

    [Jaden] <TAC><CO> Captain isn't there some sort of protocol when a ship doesn't answer a hail?

    [swan] <OPS><CO>::looks back to the captain:: One never knows.

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm>::brings the ship, to a full stop::

    [DrAndreaKnollwatcher] <MXO><CO>One would hope. ::begins to walk upstage:: Swan, youre with me.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <CSEC> ::Goes to the bridge :: Sorry I'm late. I had to get some stuff.

    [endrom] <CENG>::Begins to swap sequence chips within the panel::

    [Luc_Daren] <CSci> :: waits to see whether or not he'll be assigned onto the away team ::

    [Mary_Major] <CMO><AMO>Dont fret, my dear. Nothing going on now.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><OPS> True enough

    [swan] <OPS><XO> Aye sir ::swings panal aside and follows the XO::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <CSEC> ::Awaits orders::

    [Jaden] <TAC><OPS> Mr. Swan we my try to gain remote access to their computer.

    [DrAndreaKnollwatcher] <MXO>+CSEC+Mr Rallo, please meet me in TR2.

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm><co> captian, I'am holding posision 5 kilometers port form the ship sir,

    [DrAndreaKnollwatcher] <MXO>+CMO+ DR. Major, please send a medical officer to TR2.

    [swan] <OPS>::nods to Tac aas leaves with the XO::

    [Jaden] <TAC><CO> Sir there are no detectable traces of power, it looks like everthing has bled off years ago.

    [sTSF_Seiben]<CO> <TAC> Alright..

    [DrAndreaKnollwatcher] <MXO>::steps into the TL:: Transporter room 2

    [swan] <OPS>::follws the XO::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> +MXO+ Don't forget your EVA suits and armlights

    [Mary_Major] CMO>+XO+Most certainly, Commander.

    [DrAndreaKnollwatcher] <MXO><CO>::before the doors slid closed:: Aye, Captain.

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm><co> i'm holding us, 5 kilometers port side of the ship, captian.

    [Jaden] <<a star trek flashlight is called a "palm beacon", I finally found it!>>

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO>< HELM> THat's good..

    [swan] <OPS><XO> Sir what do you think we are going to find over there

    [DrAndreaKnollwatcher] <MXO><XO>Hopefully just alot of neat log entries.

    [Luc_Daren] <CSci> [CO] I've detected no natural or artificial artifacts in the vicinity that could account for the Centaur's presence here, sir.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <<Could someone tell me what was happening? I was suffering from a lag!>>

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><CSCI> Hmm, so I assume it just drifted here after all the years in space, eh?

    [Mary_Major] CMO><AMO> Doctor, would you like to go on this away team mission?

    [endrom] thank you

    [sTSF_Seiben] <We're just getting ready to beam over to the Centaur>

    [sTSF_Seiben] <or the Away Team is at least>

    [DrAndreaKnollwatcher] <MXO><<You are with us on the AT, TR2, Mitch =0]>>

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm>:: runs system diagnostic::

    [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> ::turns:: Actually I'm in the middle of an important experiment, Ma'am.

    [Jaden] <TAC><CSCI> Are there any life signs over there? I don't want to beam them into a nest of vipers. ::chuckles::

    [Luc_Daren] <CSci> [CO] Either drift, sir, or whatever means is responsible is no longer present.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <Am I on the team? What should I be doing! So confused!>

    [Luc_Daren] <CSci> [TAC] Negative.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <You're on the Team. You should be getting ready to depart... You're doing fine, don't worry>

    [Mary_Major] CMO>Very well. Keep our home in ship shape until my return, would you please?

    [DrAndreaKnollwatcher] <MXO>::riding the lift, it stops::

    [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> ::smile:: Yes, Ma'am.

    [DrAndreaKnollwatcher] <MXO>::stepping off lift, rounding corner towards TR2::

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm>::Dl: the informaton on a padd::

    [Dumbass] <<Just remember - There is no I in Team, but Team spelled backwards is Meat.>>

    [Mitch_Rallo ] ::Stands by the transporter and prepares to beam down.:: <XO> On your signal sir!

    [Jaden] <TAC>::continues to scan the area in outward concentric circles from the Oberth::

    [Mary_Major] Cmo>::take a medical carry-on and head for the exit::

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm><co> i need to take my conn report to engineering is that ok

    [Luc_Daren] <CSci> :: prepares to monitor the away team on sensors ::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO>HELM> Can't you just forward the report to Engineering?

    [DrAndreaKnollwatcher] <MXO>::enters TR2:: We will wait until everyone gets here. Here. Put this on. ::hands each an environment suit::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <Has the team gone down?>

    [Jaden] <TAC><HELM>Doug why don't you take over for OPS and slave your console?

    [Mitch_Rallo] <CSEC> ::Joins the MXO::

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm><co>so i see heres the transfer

    [DrAndreaKnollwatcher] <MXO>::begins to put on own suit::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><HELM> Excellent..

    [Mary_Major] Cmo>::hurriedly proceeds to the proper transportation room::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <CSEC> <MXO> Thanks ::Puts on suit over his uniform.::

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm>::Dl all of the information to main engineering::

    [Jaden] <TAC>::wonders what kind of old style teleportation system the Centaur used::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <CSEC> ::Looks around.:: <CMO> Doctor! You're late..

    [sTSF_Jami] ROSTER UPDATE - Assistant Security Officer (ASEC) - Dumbass

    [Mary_Major] Cmo>::atlast, enters the transportation room::

    [Jaden] <TAC><CO> Captain, shall I bring up the file on the Centaur?

    [Dumbass] <ASEC><CSEC>Reporting for duty, Sir.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <CSEC> +ASEC+ Get to the transport area as soon as you can! You will be joining me on the away team.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><TAC> Yes, Mr. Jaden. Please do so.

    [DrAndreaKnollwatcher] <MXO><CMO>Glad you could make it Doctor. We're going business casual today.

    [swan] <OPS>::is ready fro transport:

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><TAC> SLave OPS to your console...

    [DrAndreaKnollwatcher] <MXO>::steps onto the padd, zipping up suit::

    [Dumbass] <ASEC>+CSEC+OK, I'll meat the team there.

    [Jaden] <TAC>+Computer+ Please display the Federation Database on the USS Centaur ::transfers a copy of the "dossier" to the CO's chair and OPS::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><TAC> When the Team is ready for transport.. energise them over

    [swan] <OPS>::steps up on the TR Padd::

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm><co> all systems are still fully operation, sir

    [swan] <OPS>::has many things going through her mind:

    [Mary_Major] Cmo>Yes, I will expedite my dressing, sir.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <CSEC><ASEC. Glad you're here!

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: The Centaur, launched in 2274, went missing 101 years ago, whilst exploring a newly discovered region of space

    [Jaden] <TOPS>::begins the transporter start up sequence::

    [endrom] <CENG>::performs maintence protocols on the panel::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><HELM> OKay. Keep us steady with the Centaur

    [Jaden] <TOPS><CO> Yes sir.

    [Dumbass] <ASEC>::follows CSEC>

    [Mitch_Rallo] <CSEC><ASEC> Nor will we split up. I will be joining you since we have no idea what we're doing. It's a new ship after all..

    [DrAndreaKnollwatcher] <MXO>::standing on padd, adjusting suit:: <OPS>Remind me to ask the dressmaker to make me a size 11 next time.

    [Mary_Major] Cmo>::quick to get into a suit of same likeness as the others::

    [swan] <OPS>::snickers:: <XO> Aye sir

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm><co> aye, sir

    [Jaden] <TAC>+XO+ Commander Andrea where would you like me to set you down?

    [Mary_Major] Cmo>::and is standing on the transportation padd as well::

    [DrAndreaKnollwatcher] <MXO>::looks over at Mitch:: You ready?

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> +MXO+ You guys almost ready down there

    [Jaden] <TAC>::begins a scan of the environment on the Oberth deck by deck::

    [sTSF_Jami] Stage Hand> ::tosses @ to the AT::

    [Luc_Daren] <CSci> :: goes back to analyzing the nebula scans, seeing as he has no duties pertinent to the AT mission ::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <CSEC><MXO> Let's roll!

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm>::keeps hovering around the centaur

    [DrAndreaKnollwatcher] <MXO>+Bridge+ AT ready, Captain.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> +XO+ Okay..

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><TOPS> Energize

    [Jaden] <TOPS><CO> ::initiates the dematerialization::

    [Dumbass] << <ASEC>:catches @: >>

    [swan] @<OPS><MXO>::shimmers::

    [DrAndreaKnollwatcher] <MXO>::shimmers::

    [Jaden] <TOPS>::transporters scan the bridge and rematerializes the Away Team::

    [Mary_Major] Cmo>::transports::

    [swan] @<OPS> :: rematerialises:: ::has light on and shines it around::

    [DrAndreaKnollwatcher] @<MXO>::deshimmers::

    [Dumbass] @<ASEC> *shimmer*

    [DrAndreaKnollwatcher] @<MXO>::scans room with palmlight::

    [Mitch_Rallo] <CSEC><MXO> Sir. I'd like to check out the sickbay. Any bodies could be found there.

    [sTSF_Seiben] @ACTION: There's no power of lifesupport on the Centaur. Everything is dark

    [swan] @<OPS><MXO> sir what do you make of this??

    [DrAndreaKnollwatcher] @<MXO><CSEC>Not yet, Chief. One disaster at a time.

    [Dumbass] @<ASEC>::activates palm beacon::

    [sTSF_Jami] ROSTER UPDATE - Assistant Engineer (AENG) - Spitfire

    [Jaden] <TOPS><CO> So far Captain it looks like it's in pristine condition. Could be a real treasure for the fleet museum.

    [Mary_Major] Cmo>@::scanning about the room as well::

    [Luc_Daren] <CSci> :: taps buttons, looking at the molecular makeup of the nebula ::

    [swan] << What part of the ship did we beam into please?>>

    [DrAndreaKnollwatcher] @<MXO><OPS>I dont know yet. See if you can raise some aux. power.

    [Mitch_Rallo] <CSEC><MXO> May I?

    [sTSF_Jami] <<the dark part>>

    [Dumbass] <<the bathroom.>>

    [sTSF_Jami] <g>

    [spitfire] << lol >>

    [swan] @<OPS><MXO> Aye Sir << FUNNY!!!!>>

    [Jaden] <TOPS>+XO+ Commander Andrea, be careful over there, life support is nil, environment is nil, and the graviton generators are spent.

    [DrAndreaKnollwatcher] <Im assumming the bridge? ::shrug::>>

    [spitfire] <<ok all hold hands so you dont get lost>>

    [Mitch_Rallo] <<Can I go to sickbay or not? ;)??>>

    [Luc_Daren] <CSci> :: finishes his tea ::

    [Jaden] <<bridge>>

    [DrAndreaKnollwatcher] <<No, Mitch. Put your finger in my belt loop>>

    [swan] @<OPS>::looks around for a console and finds one walking over to it::

    [Jaden] <TOPS>::begins a diagnostic on the comm system relays::

    [endrom] <cENG>::Flicks a switch under a module, Looks angered, and begin scanning it with a tricorder::

    [Mary_Major] ((ha ha! I used to do that with my children))

    [spitfire] <AENG>::in enginneering looking at the structual information of the Centaur::

    [cdt.doug.t] <conn> ::still holding posision:

    [swan] @<OPS><MXO> Im glad I was good at history when I was in school this might come in handy

    [Jaden] <TAC><OPS> Welcome back! ::returns his console to normal and continues on the short range sensors::

    [Dumbass] <<Uh... Starfleet uniforms don't have belts.>>

    [spitfire] <<Thats what i thought>>

    [Jaden] <<whoops sorry cancel last one, geesh>>

    [Mary_Major] Cmo>@::looking about the room, hoping not to stumble on a fallen crew member::

    [Dumbass] @<ASEC>::shines beacon over various objects::

    [Luc_Daren] <CSci> :: stands, heads over to the replicator and orders another tea before heading back over to the console and beginning a subatomic analysis on the data ::

    [DrAndreaKnollwatcher] @<MXO>::nods::

    [swan] @<OPS>::shines the light on the console and taps the correct sequence for aux power to come online. Whether it does or not is GMs call::

    [DrAndreaKnollwatcher] @<MXO>::brushes off a dirty console::

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm<co> still holding our posision captian.

    [swan] @<OPS><MXO> one thing is for sure thins place is dusty

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><HELM> Good job, Mr. Doug. Keep us here

    [Dumbass] @<ASEC><CSEC>It looks like this, or rather was, the bridge.

    [Jaden] <TOPS>::periodically checks the transporter lock::

    [endrom] <CENG>::Flips the same switch, Nothing happens, Grunts angerly and begins to rescan the module::

    [Luc_Daren] <CSci> :: purses lips after seeing the high level of tachyons in the nebula ::

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: Partial power is restored to the ship. The light shines on the preserved bodies of the Centaur's crew.

    [DrAndreaKnollwatcher] @<MXO>Hmm.. +Bridge+ Knoll to Arden(?)

    [Dumbass] @<ASEC>::deactivates beacon as the lights come on::

    [Jaden] <TAC><CO> Looks like they got a few auxiliary power nodes online sir.

    [swan] @<OPS> <MXO> There you go Power. ::turns around seeing the crew:: ut oh maybe not a good thing

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: Life support is also re-activated.

    [Mary_Major] Cmo>@::making a way towards the perimeter of the room::

    [Dumbass] @<ASEC><CSEC>Well, sir, you wanted bodies to look at.

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm>::watches all the lights light up on the other ship::

    [swan] @<OPS> <MXO> Also have life support going sir

    [Jaden] <TAC>::wonders how long they could stay fresh in that can::

    [DrAndreaKnollwatcher] @<MXO>+bridge+We need an engineering detail over here, weve got some work to do.

    [sTSF_Seiben] @ACTION: Faint knocking is heard from somewhere below the Centaur bridge.

    [swan] @<OPS> <MXO> give it a few miutes to replenish the air supply then we can remove our Evac suits

    [DrAndreaKnollwatcher] @<MXO><OPS> Good. Ill see if I can get engineers over here to help out.

    [spitfire] <AENG>::walks around engineering, making sure everything is going right::

    [Jaden] <TAC><CO> Captain the Away Team is requesting Engineers.

    [DrAndreaKnollwatcher] @<MXO>::nods at OPS::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><TAC> REquest granted...

    [Dumbass] @<ASEC>Anyone hear that?

    [swan] @<OPS> <MXO> sir Did you ehar that??

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> +CENG+ Chief, please send down a team to the Centaur

    [Jaden] <TAC>+CENG+ Engineering report to Transporter Room 1 for Away Team duty.

    [swan] @<OPS> <ASEC> Where did it come from??

    [endrom] <CENG>+CO+Roger that,enginering detail on the way.

    [Luc_Daren] <CSci> :: puts a graph of the "standard" nebula tachyon field to that of the new nebula, compares ::

    [Dumbass] @<ASEC><OPS>Sounded like the next deck down.

    [spitfire] <AENG>::looks at endrom::

    [Jaden] << I want my golden arm...>>

    [Dumbass] @<ASEC>But with no life support everyone should be dead.

    [endrom] <CENG><AENG>::points at spitfire,:: come on lets get a move on, they got the coffin lit up.

    [spitfire] <AENG><CENG>you want me to go?

    [swan] @<OPS> <ASEC>If it was the next deck I doubt we would ahve heard it through the flooring

    [DrAndreaKnollwatcher] @<MXO>::heard the noise, scanning::

    [sTSF_Seiben] @ACTION: The noise has long since stopped

    [spitfire] <AENG>::nodds and grabs a few supplies::

    [Dumbass] @<ASEC><OPS>Some kind of Jeffries tube?

    [Mary_Major] Cmo>@::looking over a poor delapidated fellow::

    [swan] @<OPS> <MXO><ASEC> Sir Could there be a hidden compartment ?

    [endrom] <CENG>::pops a large container of a module and walks for the TR::

    [swan] @<OPS> <ASEC> maybe it was nothing I dont hearit any more.. Maybe just the ships normal creaks

    [DrAndreaKnollwatcher] @<MXO><CSEC>Take an assistant and check it out.

    [spitfire] <AENG>::follows the chief::

    [Luc_Daren] <CSci> :: sends the data down to the astrophysics lab ::

    [Dumbass] <<I think the CSEC left the chat room.>>

    [sTSF_Seiben] @ACTION: A loud Crash is heard from below decks.

    [Jaden] <TAC>::attempts to remotely access the Oberth's tranporter but fails, begins another start up sequence::

    [swan] @<OPS> ::goes back to her console and begin tapping to see what else she can get to come online.

    [sTSF_Jami] <he's been having connection issues>

    [endrom] <CENG>::after leaving the TL, enters the TR and stands on the pad::

    [swan] @<OPS> <MXO> OK That was no Creak

    [DrAndreaKnollwatcher] @<MXO><<Magic edit, make that ASEC>>

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> <TAC> Energize when ready

    [Dumbass] <<Maybe that sound we hear is Mitch trying to get back in the chat room.>>

    [spitfire] <AENG>::standing next to the CENG::

    [Luc_Daren] <CSci> :: takes a sip of tea before going over the nebula's molecular dispersal data ::

    [Jaden] <TAC>+CENG+ Standby for transport Endrom. ::initiates the matter stream::

    [endrom] <CENG>::shimmers::

    [Dumbass] @<ASEC>::looks for someone who doesn't look busy::

    [swan] @<OPS> <MXO> Ill go with him Sir

    [spitfire] @<AENG>:: *shimmer* ::

    [DrAndreaKnollwatcher] @<MXO><ASEC> Check it out. Take OPS with you.

    [swan] @<OPS> ::moves to asec:: <ASEC> Ready?

    [Dumbass] @<ASEC><OPS>Ready.

    [sTSF_Seiben] @ACTION: More clattering noises, this time louder

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm><co> i"am still holding us with the ship captian

    [swan] @<OPS> <ASEC> Lets go

    [endrom] @<CENG>::rematerializes::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::nods::

    [spitfire] @<AENG>::looks around and hears something::

    [Mary_Major] Cmo>@::very freightened about the clammering::

    [swan] @<OPS>::follows behind the Secutiry officer::

    [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> ::hoping all is going well aboard the derelict::

    [Dumbass] @<ASEC><OPS>Looks like I'm on point.

    [endrom] @<CENG>::sniffs the air:: Mmmm, like a week old spam can...

    [Jaden] <TAC><CO> Did the dossier provide us anything else about their mission sir?

    [swan] @<OPS> <ASEC> I can go first if you like Im not worried

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><TAC> I'm afraid not.

    [Dumbass] @<ASEC>::looks around for a Jeffries tube or something::

    [spitfire] @<AENG>::looks at his chief::

    [swan] @<OPS> <ASEC> but I think we should take the jefferies tubes I wouldnt trust the Turbo lifts

    [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> ::finishes up her report on the experiment and moves into the lab to check a few things::

    [Dumbass] @<ASEC><OPS>Agreed. Full power probably hasn't been restored to them.

    [spitfire] @<AENG>::looks and sees some of the dead crewLL'

    [swan] @<OPS> <ASEC> over here :: points to the opening:;

    [Luc_Daren] <CSci> :: sees that the nebula will only take 98.27 million years to disperse :: Hmm... :: runs time-sequence back in time ::

    [DrAndreaKnollwatcher] Whats the ships name again?

    [Jaden] <TAC><CSCI> It looks pretty desolate out in that gas cloud, did you find anything?

    [Dumbass] @<ASEC>::follows OPS::

    [endrom] @<CENG>::wave around in a old gesture:: We'll need to find the warp core and get some real juice pumping through her veins.

    [swan] @<OPS> <Asec> You want to go first or shall I?

    [DrAndreaKnollwatcher] @<MXO>+Bridge+ Knoll to Harper. Do you detect any lifesigns, other than ours?

    [spitfire] @<AENG><CENG>What do you think happened to them?

    [Luc_Daren] <CSci> [TAC] A lot of gas, a lot of tachyons, nothing much else.

    [swan] @<OPS> ::as opens the hatch::

    [Dumbass] @<ASEC><OPS>I'll go first.

    [swan] @<OPS> <ASEC> After you then.

    [Jaden] <TAC><CSCI> The Commander is calling.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> +MXO+ No. We only are picking up your lifesigns

    [endrom] @<CENG> well the bodies are here, not a decompression..... maybe a lethal gas leak... or somthing else...

    [Dumbass] @<ASEC>::lifts door to tube and enters, phaser first::

    [swan] @<OPS> ::follows the ASEC down the tube steps::

    [Jaden] <TAC><CSCI> I feel like launching a few probes, don't you?

    [sTSF_Seiben] @ACTION: Darkness. This part of the ship's power had not been restored

    [Dumbass] @<ASEC><OPS>Looks safe. ::takes ladder down::

    [DrAndreaKnollwatcher] @<MXO><CMO>OK, follow me, Doctor. ::begins in another direction than OPS and ASEC::

    [sTSF_Seiben] @ACTION: Though life support is ok

    [Luc_Daren] <CSci> [Tac] Always.

    [spitfire] @<AENG>::starts to head off toward main engineering::

    [Mary_Major] Cmo>@Most certainly, Commander.

    [endrom] @<CENG>::Follows AENG, Making mentals notes of the dead crew::

    [swan] @<OPS> ::shines her light around as she clears the steps in the tube:: See anything yet??

    [Jaden] <TAC><CSCI> Let's see we have class 4 , class 6, hmmm... <CO> Captain? Could we launch one?

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><TAC> Layunch a Class VI

    [Jaden] <TAC><CSCI> Yes! You configure her and I'll give her a nice send off.

    [Luc_Daren] <CSci> :: orders up a class VI, programs in the route and paramters ::

    [Dumbass] @<ASEC><OPS>Nothing yet.

    [DrAndreaKnollwatcher] @<MXO>::has to shine a light already, walking the corridors carefully::

    [swan] @<OPS> <ASEC> Maybe it was just something shifting with our wieght moving around.

    [Luc_Daren] <CSci> :: finishes :: [TAC] It's configured .

    [sTSF_Jami] <AMO> ::reenters main sick bay and sits at a console to check out AT progress::

    [Jaden] <TAC><CSCI> There we go you've got the telemetry wired to your console?

    [sTSF_Seiben] @ACTION: Several pairs of bright yellow eyes can be seen...

    [spitfire] @<AENG>::looks at his PADD with the deck plans::

    [Dumbass] @<ASEC><OPS>Not likely. There are a limited number of us, and this is a large ship.

    [endrom] @<CENG>::kneels down and pops a panel under a console and begins to look within:: <AENG> nothings too fired, try looking for a Antimatter chamber.

    [Luc_Daren] <CSci> [TAC] Of course, and auto-recording.

    [Mary_Major] Cmo>@::follow Commander Knollwatcher carefully::

    [Jaden] <TAC>Blast off! ::taps the probe laucher::

    [swan] << For which team STSF Sieben>>

    [sTSF_Seiben] @ACTION: Also in Engineering too..

    [spitfire] @<AENG>::heads to the Anti-matter chamber::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <<@Your team and the Engineers... >>

    [swan] <<Thank you>>

    [Jaden] <TAC><CSCI> Exploring space is so much fun!

    [swan] @<OPS> <ASEC> ::shining light around:: Ummm Umm look!!

    [spitfire] @<AENG>::looks and sees yellow eyes::<CENG>Do you see that!

    [Luc_Daren] <CSci> [TAC] Unless something bad happens. :: monitors data coming in from the probe ::

    [sTSF_Seiben] @ACTION: Hordes of small lizard like aliens jump down on the Away Team, and consume their flesh alive...

    [DrAndreaKnollwatcher] @<MXO>::stepping into some quarters, the door was open::

    [endrom] @<CENG>::grabs AENG:: step back slowly.

    [Jaden] <TAC><CO> That sure does beat firing torpedoes sir. ::smiles::

    [swan] @<OPS> ::shining her light and hitting the yello eyes:: AYAYAYYYY ::Sreaming::

    [sTSF_Seiben] @ACTION: Until nothing is left but their skeletons.

    [cdt.doug.t] <helm>::checks course with the other ship:: and makes a small chage::

    [sTSF_Seiben] PAUSE SIM..