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Posts posted by STSF Jami

  1. 060815


    [sTSF_Jami] Commanding Officer (CO): STSF LoAmi

    [sTSF_Jami] Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - STSF Jami

    [sTSF_Jami] Helm/Operations/Tactical Officer (HOTS) - Shawn Belfore

    [sTSF_Jami] Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Cyric

    [sTSF_Jami] Assistant Security Officer (ASEC) - Miles Obrien

    [sTSF_Jami] Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Ruark

    [sTSF_Jami] Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Joy

    [sTSF_Jami] Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - Starbuck

    [sTSF_Jami] If you are not on the roster and wish to have a post, please send me one PM now.

    [sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\=

    [sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\=

    [sTSF_LoAmi] >=<>= ATTENTION TO THE SCREEN =<>=<

    [sTSF_LoAmi] >=<>= MISSION BRIEFING =<>=<

    [sTSF_LoAmi] Tuesday, August 15, 2006

    [sTSF_LoAmi] USS Mariner (Oberth class) arrives at planet Zeta Alpha 7, a curious gas giant that may harbor life (or harbour if you're Seiben). The mission: find out if it does, characterize the lifeform(s), and if any are intelligent, make contact.

    [sTSF_LoAmi] BEGIN SIM

    [sTSF_LoAmi] BEGIN SIM

    [sTSF_LoAmi] BEGIN SIM

    [sTSF_LoAmi] <CO> :: in the center chair of the rather small bridge ::

    [starbuck] <ASCI>::in the Science Lab::

    [shawn_Belfore] <HOTS> ::Sitting at the console looking down.:: <CO> We have arrived Captain.

    [sTSF_Jami] <XO> ::somewhere on the bridge, hunting down a chair:::

    [sTSF_LoAmi] <CO> <HOTS> establish standard orbit

    [sTSF_Jami] <XO> ::exasperated sigh:::takes an empty seat::

    [Joy] <CSCI> :: Reviewing files of gas giant life forms ::

    [sTSF_LoAmi] <CO> <XO> have science begin sensor scans

    [shawn_Belfore] <HOTS> Aye. ::Presses a few buttons.:: <CO> Annnnd standard orbit sir.

    [starbuck] <ASCI>::Yawns and looks at the computer:: yay were here!

    [Ruark] <CMO>::in sickbay reading the mission briefing::

    [miles_obrien] <ASEC> ::looks at phaser and adjusts it to level 2.5::

    [sTSF_Jami] <XO> <SCI> Begin sensor scans of the star, Mr. Joy.

    [Joy] <CSCI> <XO> Star? Or the gas giant? :: slightly confused ::

    [sTSF_Jami] <XO> ::Thinks she should have said Ms Joy:::shrugs::

    [Cyric] <CSEC> ::In the security office, reviewing what works best on gaseous hostiles.::

    [sTSF_Jami] <XO> ::checks her notes:: Gas Giant.

    [Joy] <CSCI> :: relieved ::

    [sTSF_Jami] <XO> ::65% red::

    [shawn_Belfore] <HOTS> ::Sits at his console makeing sure the ship stays in running order.::

    [sTSF_LoAmi] <CO> <XO> If the scans look promising, we might want to send a probe into the upper atmosphere, maybe get some samples

    [Joy] < That's my line! >

    [sTSF_Jami] <g>

    [starbuck] <ASCI><CSCI> anything for me to do?

    [Joy] <CSCI> :: Focuses weather scanning pattern in first ::

    [sTSF_Jami] <XO> ::leans back comfortably:: Aye, Captain. <HOTS> REady a probe, just in case. Coordinate with Science.

    [Joy] <CSCI> +ASCI+ We're just starting to scan the gas giant.

    [Joy] <CSCI> +ASCI+ How are you at really big planet weather systems?

    [Ruark] <CMO>::decides to give the hyperbaric chamber a thorough diagnostic::

    [sTSF_LoAmi] <CO> <XO> since we are looking for signatures of unusual life, perhaps medical can assist science in the scans and sample analysis

    [sTSF_Jami] <XO> <CO> Sir...any idea how a gas giant may harbor life? It gives me pause as to what we may encounter if there is life there.

    [sTSF_Jami] <XO> ::nods:: +CMO+ Dr. Ruark to the bridge.

    [shawn_Belfore] <HOTS><CO> Aye, sir ::Presses a few buttons and look's back:: <CSCI> A class 5 probe should be able to pick up anything if it's there.

    [starbuck] <ASCI>+CSCI+ really good

    [sTSF_LoAmi] <CO> <XO> It's a long shot... a guess based on a momentary sensor blip on a long range probe

    [Ruark] <CMO>+XO+ Acknowledged... ::shuts down the diagnostic and exits sickbay::

    [miles_obrien] <ASEC> <CSEC> ::yawns:: Hey, Cyric, what did the warp drive say to the phasers.

    [sTSF_LoAmi] <CO> <XO> the real answer to your question is: we have no idea

    [Joy] <CSCI> <ASCI> Well, let's start you there.

    [Joy] <CSCI> <ASCI> Tell me everything you can about this atmosphere, how and why it might be unusual.

    [Cyric] <CSEC> ::Appears to not notice, focusing on the data before him.::

    [sTSF_Jami] <XO> ::glance at the CO::then back to her notes::

    [Joy] <CSCI><ASCI> If we know how the atmosphere works, we can than look for something in there that is not atmosphere.

    [miles_obrien] <ASEC> <CSEC> :: laughs:: Your pretty hot but not really cool.

    [shawn_Belfore] <HOTS><CO> I have a class 5 probe prepared for launch on you're command sir.

    [sTSF_LoAmi] <CO> <HOTS> when science tells you where to aim it, we'll launch

    [Ruark] <CMO>::exits the turbolift and enters main bridge:: <XO> Reporting as ordered sir.

    [Joy] <CSCI> :: While the assistant builds the atmosphere model, starts looking for 'life forms.' ::

    [starbuck] <ASCI><CSCI> ok, ::looks at the computer, runs scans on the weather and atmosphere:: well, apparantly it is a twelve percent oxygen, thirty two percent nitrogen atmosphere with the remaining gases being Methane, CO2, and etc., it has an Earth sized core.

    [sTSF_Jami] <XO> ::turns:: <CMO> Doctor..yes. We have a very interesting proposition before us...

    [sTSF_LoAmi] <CO> << why am I picturing Joy singing "life-forms... tiny little life-forms"...?>>

    [sTSF_Jami] <XO> <CMO> Please take a vacant console and coordinate with science...

    [shawn_Belfore] <HOTS> ::Nod's:: <CSCI> Ms.Joy whenever you get those coordinates feed them to my console please.

    [sTSF_Jami] <lol LoAmi>

    [Cyric] <CSEC> ...

    [Joy] <CSCI> <HOTS> Aim it shallow. Run it north to south. I want a sample of each band, and track wind samples as you go.

    [Joy] <CSCI><HOTS> I have no specific target yet, but am surveying what we've got.

    [sTSF_LoAmi] <CO> <HOTS> launch as soon as that course is plotted

    [miles_obrien] <ASEC> <CSEC> :: laughs some more:: Oh, sorry, I'm pretty bored.

    [sTSF_Jami] <XO> <CMO> The gas giant we are orbiting may harbor some form of life. If you will coordinate with science perhaps we can decide if it does, and what form it takes.

    [shawn_Belfore] <HOTS><CSCI> Alright whenever you got them just send them down and I'll launch it.

    [Ruark] <CMO>::raises his eyebrows:: <XO> Yes very interesting, thank you for inviting me. ::sits down at the Environmental Bridge Station::

    [Joy] <CSCI> <softly> Tiny little life forms, pretty little life forms, where are you?

    [Joy] <CSCI>+Asci+ That is a lot of oxygen for a gas giant.

    [sTSF_Jami] <XO> <CMO> ::standing to the side, watching the activity on the bridge::: Mr Belfore has readied a class 5 probe to assist our search.

    [starbuck] <ASCI>+CSCI+::looks at the screen:: hey, im picking up solid objects fading in and out of view, but they are barely readable

    [Joy] <CSCI>+ASCI+ Can you think of a life process that would generate oxygen? Plant form?

    [starbuck] <ASCI>+CSCI+ that and, yes, actually, it is REALLY odd

    [Joy] <CSCI> +Asci+ Could you send up coordinates, please?

    [Ruark] <CMO><OPS> Could you turn the bioform sensor pallets on?

    [Joy] <CSCI>+ASCI+ Also, oxygen and methane... not a stable mix. Would a spark make that planet blow?

    [Ruark] <CMO>::reconfigures his console for life form analysis, preparing for carbon or non-carbon based::

    [Joy] <CSCI>+HOTS+ Hold the probe!

    [shawn_Belfore] <HOPS><CMO> Sure cheif ::Presses a few buttons, engageing it.::

    [shawn_Belfore] <HOTS><CSCI> Right.

    [Joy] <CSCI> <HOTS> Hold the robe!

    [Ruark] <CMO>::smiles and nods at OPS?::

    [sTSF_LoAmi] <CO> :: listening in to the bridge activity ::

    [Cyric] <CSEC><ASEC> ...well, there's always the maintenance checks.

    [starbuck] <ASCI>+CSCI+::sends Joy the coordinates:: hey, the coordinates are uploading into your computer, but, well, with all the methane and O2 in there, it might make a big flame but not blow the thing up

    [miles_obrien] <ASEC> <CSEC> Permission to check in with the bridge crew to see if they need any shuttle exploration, we specialize in that you know?

    [miles_obrien] *check

    [Ruark] <CMO><CSCI> Joy, are we looking for fauna, flora, or perhaps a life form which lives in the layers of gas

    [sTSF_Jami] <XO> ::listening to Joy, not liking what she hears:: <CSCI> I would think that it would have already exploded if it were going to, Joy.

    [Joy] <CSCI><XO> Um... Starbuck says oxygen and methane are both found in the atmosphere.

    [sTSF_Jami] <XO> <Joy> Not a good combination.

    [Joy] <CSCI><XO> If so, I don't want anything in that planet that might generate a spark.

    [Cyric] <CSEC><ASEC> I'm sure they will call us if we are needed. Relax.

    [sTSF_Jami] <XO> ::nods:: <Joy> Agreed.

    [sTSF_Jami] <XO> ::strokes her chin:: <CSCI> So...how do we investigate?

    [Joy] <CSCI>+ASCI+ Did you send up coordinates for those objects?

    [sTSF_LoAmi] <CO> <CSCI> does the planet have any storm activity?

    [miles_obrien] <ASEC> <CSEC> Sorry, I'm getting more nervous about this Gas thing.

    [Joy] <CSCI><CMO> Sorry, chief, one minute.

    [starbuck] <ASCI>+CSCI+ well, we can get close, i mean really close to that planet and fly a shuttle down, they dont emmet sparks PURPOSLY do they?

    [Ruark] <CMO><XO> Sir we may find life, no life, or no intelligent life correct?

    [sTSF_Jami] <XO> <CMO> I would think any form of life will suffice for our report - if there is any - intelligent or no.

    [miles_obrien] <ASEC> <CSEC> I'll be patrolling if you need me sir. Permission granted?

    [Joy] <CSCI>+ASCI+ At the moment, I don't even want to think about sparks. Let's find those bouncing objects of yours, and scan them from orbit.

    [starbuck] <ASCI>+CSCI+ There are no storms, nothing to make them

    [sTSF_Jami] <XO> <CMO> After all, the first life outside of Terra were remnants of bacteria.

    [Cyric] <CSEC><ASEC> Certainly. Don't get too worried about them. ::Switches PADDs:: That's my job.

    [Ruark] <CMO><CSCI> I'm guessing we might look at the Federation database on life forms which can exist in extreme pressures seeing all that gas down there.

    [sTSF_LoAmi] <CO> our scans haven't shown any surface of the planet, so, it's highly unlikley there would be any life as we know it

    [sTSF_Jami] <XO> ::snickers:: <CMO> And we thought we were alone in the universe.

    [sTSF_Jami] <XO> ::nods agreement with LoAmi:::

    [Joy] <CSCI><CMO> Sounds good. Also, there is a lot of oxygen down there, 35%, far above the usual.

    [sTSF_LoAmi] <CO> <CMO> what about aquatic life?

    [sTSF_LoAmi] <CO> <CMO> they can live in extreme pressures, just usually in liquids not gasses

    [Joy] <CSCI><CMO> You might want to scan for clorophyl, or anything like that that makes oxygen from light.

    [miles_obrien] <ASEC <CSEC> Permission granted sir?

    [miles_obrien] <ASEC> <CSEC> To patrol the ship?

    [Ruark] <CMO><CO> Yes Captain, I'm no exobiologist, but I believe we may find at least the protomatter of something living in that mix?

    [starbuck] <ASCI>+CSCI+ hey, my scanners are picking up a small surface to space hole originating in the atmosphere!

    [sTSF_LoAmi] <CO> <CSCI> is there any way we can get a sample of that planet?

    [sTSF_Jami] <Starbuck, be sure to clear anything like that with LoAmi first>

    [Joy] <CSCI>+ASCI+ Give me coordinates...

    [Ruark] <CMO><CSCI> Alright so a great deal of oxygen, hmmm... produced or naturally occurring?

    [sTSF_LoAmi] << already been mentioned that the planet has no surface >>

    [sTSF_Jami] ROSTER UPDATE - AMO = Spitfire

    [sTSF_LoAmi] << it's a big ball of gas with a liquid core >>

    [Joy ] <CSCI> <CO> It would have to go in slow enough not to burn reentry, and lift without flame, spark or heat.

    [sTSF_LoAmi] <CO> <CSCI> can you do it?

    [Ruark] <CMO><AMO> Hello Mr. Spitfire, we're examining a gas giant for signs of life within the cloud density.

    [Joy] <CSCI><CO> You might have Engineering work something like that. Use tractoring and anti-grav? No impulse. No thrusters.

    [shawn_Belfore] <HOTS> ::Presses some buttons to keep the ship in orbit.::

    [spitfire] <AMO>::next to Ruark::

    [Joy] <CSCI><CO> I could, but I'd rather look at the planet, if you don't mind.

    [sTSF_LoAmi] <CO> <HOTS> how far can we get a tractor beam into that planet's atmosphere?

    [Joy] <CSCI><CMO> I'm guessing a plant life form is making the oxygen.

    [Ruark] <CMO><CSCI> Chief, I've got it! Perhaps a being which lives as or in combustion? Like a firebird?

    [starbuck] <ASCI>+CSCI+ we could send a shuttle REALLY close to the planet and see what scans we can get from there.

    [shawn_Belfore] <HOTS><CO> I couldn't quite tell you sir, I don't know the makeup of the planet, but atleast 50%...that's at 100% power.

    [sTSF_Jami] <XO> <All> Firebird? Interesting. There are those in legend, but you know what they say about legends.

    [Joy] <CSCI><CMO> I don't think this planet does combustion. The slightest spark could fireball it.

    [Ruark] <CMO><CSCI> Plant life floating in the gas layers, hmmm...

    [sTSF_LoAmi] <CO> <HOTS> that sounds like a long way.

    [Joy] <CSCI><CMO> That works.

    [sTSF_LoAmi] <CO> <HOTS> can we increase a probe's sensor range if we drop a shuttle near the planet as a signal repeater?

    [Ruark] <CMO><XO> Sorry ::smiles:: that would be rather apochryphal.

    [sTSF_Jami] <XO> <CMO> Apochryphal? How so?

    [Joy] <CSCI>+ASCI+ I don't know that we can't take the ship as low as a shuttle... and the ship has more scan capability.

    [shawn_Belfore] <HOTS><CO> ::Bite's his lips.:: It's possible sir, but we would need that shuttle to have a bit more extra power...I think it could be done.

    [sTSF_Jami] <XO> ::thinking about the shuttle::checks the color of her shirt:::

    [starbuck] <ASCI>+CSCI+ hey, what if p[lants live in the liquid core, reaching up thrugh the atmosphere and into space to get sunlight and O2 from the atmosphere?

    [sTSF_Jami] <XO> ::whew::

    [Ruark] <CMO><XO> The phoenix is a legend common to many societies sir, but the CSCI is talking about plant life not avian.

    [sTSF_Jami] <XO> ::nods to Ruark:: Yes, but a plant in avian form? Not unheard of.

    [spitfire] <AMO>::listening in to the conversation thinking about the things he hears::

    [sTSF_Jami] <XO> <CMO> That is, looking like a bird. Not necessarily a bird.

    [sTSF_LoAmi] <CO> <HOTS> can we downlink power to a shuttle and maintain a tractor beam on a probe?

    [sTSF_Jami] <XO> <CMO> ::tossing her hand out:: Like the parrot plant.

    [miles_obrien] <ASEC> :: Walks around deck five , and then steps in TL. Pretends to shoot air romulans with his phaser before he arrives on deck 10. Strolls on into the sickbay sees that Ruark is busy:: <AMO> Hey Spitfire, what’s up, eavesdropping again?

    [sTSF_Jami] <XO> ::thinking....please..please..no AT:::

    [Ruark] <CMO><XO> I'd better do a few more scans, to be sure. <AMO> Mr. Spitfire can you help me run a list of flying species from the Federation database?

    [shawn_Belfore] <HOTS> ::Checks his console.:: <CO> Yes sir, I might need a little extra power to the sensors..but ya.

    [sTSF_LoAmi] <CO> <HOTS> start making the modifications

    [sTSF_LoAmi] <CO> <XO> :: waiting for the XO to wince ::

    [spitfire] <AMO><CMO>yes sir::turns around and sees Miles::

    [spitfire] <AMO><ASEC>Yep

    [shawn_Belfore] <HOTS><CO> Aye, sir. ::Turns to his panel and starts to press some buttons.::

    [sTSF_LoAmi] <CO> <XO> take the security team in a shuttle down as close as you can get and keep a power uplink to the ship, and a signal repeat for the probe we'll launch

    [spitfire] <AMO>::walks by and walks up to a consol::

    [Ruark] <CMO><AMO> As we are on the bridge, you'll have to make use of a secondary console, space is limited up here. ::begins a scan for simple movement and patterns in the gaseous layers::

    [shawn_Belfore] <HOTS> ::Transfers some power from the weapons system to the sensors, boosting the power abit.::

    [Cyric] <CSEC> ::Considers environmental means against possible intruders.::

    [Joy] <CSCI> :: Listens to the plans for a tractored probe ::

    [Ruark] <CMO><AMO> You might take a PADD down to the LCARS Library Archive.

    [shawn_Belfore] <HOTS> ::Turns in his seat:: <CO> Ok sir, if we drop the shuttle in a lower orbit, along with the probe I'm pretty sure we'll be able to get through the atmosphere with that power.

    [spitfire] <AMO>::nodds:

    [miles_obrien] <ASEC> ::laughs:: <AMO> I guess your busy, I'll be gone now. Is there any thing missing. Last week there was Stolen toungue depressers.

    [Ruark] <CMO><CSCI> This is a lot like looking for an infection. ::smiles::

    [sTSF_LoAmi] <CO> <HOTS> bring us into position for dropping the shuttle

    [Joy] <CSCI><CMO> Should we tow a giant pitri dish through the atmosphere, then?

    [shawn_Belfore] <HOTS><CO> Aye, sir. ::Starts to turn the ship to be able to launch the shuttle into a lower orbit.:: At you'r pleasure sir.

    [spitfire] <AMO>::tapps a few buttons::

    [miles_obrien] <ASEC> ::Doesn't want to bother him:: See ya later than.

    [sTSF_LoAmi] <CO> <XO> ready the security team as a shuttle crew

    [sTSF_Jami] <XO> +SEC+ All security to the shuttle bay. Prepare for dea....uh....away team duty.

    [Ruark] <CMO><CSCI> The probe may be able to get a sample of the gasses if there is something you can't detect on the sensors. I think we'll probably find a flock of geese in formation. I'm not sure what else to look for.

    [Joy] <CSCI>:: Calculates the minimum altitude at which the pressure is strong enough to support combustion. ::

    [spitfire] <AMO>::starts bringing up a list of flying species::

    [sTSF_Jami] <XO> ::looks to Joy:: <CSCI> How close do we have to come?

    [shawn_Belfore] <HOTS><CSCI> Did I ever get those coordinates sent to me? for the probe that is.

    [Joy] <CSCI><CMO> Look for bacteria. Smallest life forms happen first.

    [Cyric] <CSEC>+ASEC+ Meet me in the shuttlebay.

    [Cyric] <CSEC> ::Proceeds himself.::

    [Ruark] <CMO><CSCI> Right you are... ::scans for small floral or avian bacteria::

    [sTSF_Jami] <XO> <CSCI> EVA suits needed, or not?

    [Joy] <CSCI><XO> You should be OK operating below 32 millibars of pressure.

    [sTSF_LoAmi] <CO> <XO> you're not planning on leaving the shuttle, I hope

    [miles_obrien] <ASEC> ::arrives at the shutle bay::

    [Joy] <CSCI><XO> Just get what you can above that altitude.

    [sTSF_Jami] <XO> ::cough:: <CO> Uh...no Sir. Not if we can help it.

    [starbuck] <ASCI>+CSCI+ on it sir ::Walks into the Tl:: Shuttlebay ::Listens to the hum of the TL until he arrives and walks into the Shuttlebay:: anyone here

    [sTSF_LoAmi] <CO> :: wonders if the XO has a death wish ... or just a premonition ::

    [miles_obrien] <ASEC> <CSEC> What’s up sir?

    [sTSF_Jami] <XO> ::straightens her uniform:::enters the TL:: Shuttle bay.

    [spitfire] <AMO>::looks at the list still loading::

    [Cyric] <CSEC> ::Arrives in the shuttlebay, trying to remember his Zero-G courses.:: <ASEC> Wait for the XO to arrive, for now.

    [starbuck] <ASCI><ASEC> good, how bout you

    [shawn_Belfore] <HOTS><CO> Probe also plotted in sir.

    [sTSF_Jami] <XO> ::Exits the TL and enters the shuttle bay, looking around for Cyric et al:::

    [Ruark] <CMO>::runs a quick scan on the atmosphere for complex crystalline formations as well, making sure to include silicon and other non-carbon based life forms or airborn plant spores::

    [miles_obrien] <ASEC> <XO> Were here commander

    [Joy] <CSCI> :: Double checks the CMO's work, trying to think of additional suggestions. ::

    [Cyric] <CSEC><XO> Reporting as ordered, sir. What's the job?

    [starbuck] <ASCI><XO> here

    [Joy] <CSCI> :: Runs a spectral analysis to get another spin on what gasses are at what altitudes. ::

    [spitfire] <AMO>::looks at the screen::

    [sTSF_Jami] <XO> ::nods:: <CSEC> Chief. We're going to approach the giant as closely as we can...staying above 32 millibars of pressure. Checking it out to see what we can find.

    [spitfire] <AMO>::looks back to the consol::

    [sTSF_LoAmi] << shuttle crew, pick up your @s>>

    [Cyric] @<CSEC><XO> Will we be having EVA suits?

    [sTSF_Jami] ::hands out @s:::

    [Ruark] <CMO><CSCI> Chief, I've got some sort of tiny objects either flying or floating in formation, they indicate DNA patterns like I've never seen before.

    [sTSF_LoAmi] <CO> :: listens in to the CMO ::

    [miles_obrien] @<ASEC> <XO> This is going to be a tough one

    [sTSF_Jami] @<XO> <CSEC> Captain says we won't be going outside, but to be on the safe side I'm going to say suit up.

    [sTSF_LoAmi] <CO> <CMO> get the coordinates of those to ops and the shuttle crew

    [sTSF_Jami] @<XO> <nip> I have a bad feeling about this...:::suits up before entering the shuttle:::

    [Joy] <CSCI><CMO> Bingo. Send coordinates to HOPS, and let's see if we can put it on the main screen.

    [sTSF_LoAmi] <CO> <CMO> maybe we can drop our probe in near them

    [spitfire] <AMO>::quickly downloads the information to the PADD::

    [Ruark] <CMO><CSCI> We've got a high baterial count but no specific strain on record, my assistant should be back soon with additional reference material.

    [Cyric] @<CSEC><XO> Indeed. ::Proceeds to the lockers to suit up, and then to the shuttle.::

    [shawn_Belfore] <HOTS> ::Listens to the talk, and awaits the cooridnates.::

    [miles_obrien] @<ASEC> ::does the same::

    [sTSF_Jami] @<XO> ::enters the shuttle, points to the helm:: <CSEC> Chief, if you will.

    [starbuck] <ASCI>::Suits up and returns to the shuttle::

    [spitfire] <AMO>::finishes and walks back towards the CMO::

    [Cyric] @<CSEC> ::Takes the console. Good thing he took a refresher course recently.::

    [sTSF_Jami] @<XO> ::sits at science:: <SEC> I'll monitor the atmosphere. +CSCI+ Relay latest information if you will. We'll be open all the way.

    [miles_obrien] @<ASEC> <CSEC> sheif am i coming too?

    [sTSF_LoAmi] <CO> <CMO> I doubt there will be anything in the reference books

    [Ruark] <CMO><CO> Yes Sir ::sends the last known coordinates of the formation to Mr. Belfore +CSEC+ Mr. Cyric I'm sending you the location of the movement we've detected.

    [starbuck] <ASCI>::sneezes::

    [Joy] <CSCI> :: Sends coordinates of the bacterial readings ::

    [shawn_Belfore] <HOTS><CO> Receiving the coordinates now sir.

    [Cyric] @<CSEC><ASEC> Indeed. Take the copilot's position. +CMO+ I receive your data Doctor.

    [Joy] <CSCI>+XO+ We have what appears to be a floating bacterial colony. Not fancy, but a start.

    [sTSF_Jami] @<XO> ::picks up the coordinates::: +CSCI+ Coordinates received. ::shunts them to helm:::

    [spitfire] <AMO>::stands next to the CMO::<CMO>the information you requested

    [miles_obrien] @<ASEC> ::goes in and proceeds hte commands::

    [sTSF_Jami] @<XO> +CSCI+ How large? <CSEC> Request permission then launch when ready.

    [Cyric] @<CSEC><AT> Suit checks, if you will. ::Confirms his suit works.::

    [sTSF_Jami] @<XO> :::checks her suit:: <CSEC> Affirmative.

    [miles_obrien] @<ASEC> ::Does the same::

    [Ruark] <CMO><AMO> ::takes the PADD from Mr. Spitfire and looks over the topics:: Excellent do you have any recommendations on isolating the life forms? I'd like you to contribute to the report we send back to Starfleet.

    [starbuck] <ASCI><CSEC>::checks suit:: it works

    [spitfire] <AMO>::looks over the sensors::

    [Cyric] @<CSEC><AT> Copy. +CO+ We are ready for launch.

    [sTSF_Jami] @<XO> ::takes a deep cleansing breath::

    [sTSF_LoAmi] << everyone on shuttle, put an @ before your tag. No @= on ship >>

    [Joy] <CSCI>+XO+ The formation is several kilometers across. Each life form is bacterial in size.

    [sTSF_Jami] @<XO> ::eyes on the science readouts:::

    [sTSF_LoAmi] <CO> <HOTs> give the shuttle clearance

    [sTSF_Jami] @<XO> +CSCI+ Roger that.

    [miles_obrien] @<ASEC> <CSEC> Good to go sir. All systems up

    [Joy] <CSCI>+XO+ I'm looking for anything that might be a predator, but so far nothing.

    [Ruark] <CMO>::laughs:: <CSCI> That should give the pilot a challenge! ::smiles::

    [shawn_Belfore] <HOTS><CO> Aye sir. ::Presses some buttons, depressurizing the bay.:: +XO+ You are clear AT.

    [sTSF_Jami] @<XO> ::looks up:: +CSCI+ Oh...now...that's encouraging.

    [Joy] <CSCI><CMO> Gas giants have deep gravity wells.

    [Cyric] @<CSEC>+HOTS+ Proceeding. ::Liftoff, and gently clears the bay before heading to the coordinates.:: Do keep a transporter lock on us, will you?

    [miles_obrien] @<ASEC> <CSEC> We have a sucsessful launch.

    [sTSF_LoAmi] <CO> <HOTS> ready probe

    [shawn_Belfore] <HOTS>+CSEC+ Roger, will do cheif. ::Aquires lock.::

    [Joy] <CSCI>+XO+ Just don't fire a phaser downwards. Anything that sparks the lower atmosphere will make for a really really big chemical explosion. Not quite a nova, but impressive.

    [starbuck] @<ASCI> wow, that is a big planet

    [Ruark] <CMO><AMO> Mr. Spitfire if we do happen to retrieve a sample I'd like you to set up in sickbay for the experimental stage. We'll want to do some tests with various radiation and chemical agents.

    [shawn_Belfore] <HOTS><CO> Aya, sir ::Turns to his console engageing the proble.:: Corridnates laid in sir.

    [spitfire] <AMO><CMO>yes, sir

    [sTSF_Jami] @<XO> +CSCI+ Agreed. No phasers. No weapons. <all> No body move or shoot anything.

    [Cyric] @<CSEC><ASEC> Keep a close eye out for high pressure zones ahead.

    [sTSF_Jami] @<XO> ::Mutters:: Nobody breathe.

    [spitfire] <AMO>::downloads the sensor log before setting off for SB::

    [miles_obrien] @<ASEC> <CSEC> <HOTS> ready to launch probe in five.... and of coarse sir

    [Cyric] @<CSEC><XO> As you command.

    [Ruark] <CMO><AMO> If it does turn out to be intelligent we may need to find out how to feed the life form as well.

    [sTSF_LoAmi] <CO> <HOTS> launch probe

    [sTSF_LoAmi] <CO> <HOTS> ready tractor beam

    [sTSF_Jami] @<XO> ::wondering what it feeds on:::

    [shawn_Belfore] <HOTS> ::Presses the launch button and the probe shoots off:: <CO> Probe away clean, readying tractor beam.

    [Joy] <CSCI> :: Thinks this is still an improvement on swamp dragons... ::

    [Cyric] @<CSEC> ::Arrives at the coordinates, facing away from the planet...:: +Bridge+ In position.

    [sTSF_Jami] @<XO> <CSEC> Take us down about....10,000 Km, then hold.

    [miles_obrien] @<ASEC> <CSEC> Dangerous high pressure up 8o yards to the left.

    [sTSF_LoAmi] <CO> <HOTS> engage tractor beam just before the probe enters the atmosphere

    [Ruark] <CMO><CO> Captain, I'd like your permission to examine the possible toxicity level of the "creatures" in order to assess the biohazard threat if any to the ship and crew?

    [Cyric] @<CSEC><ASEC> Thank you, Mr. Obrien. ::Adjusts accordingly.::

    [sTSF_LoAmi] <CO> <CMO> a solid precaution to take

    [sTSF_LoAmi] <CO> <CMO> set up a level 10 containment field for the recovered samples

    [Joy] <CSCI>:: Monitors incoming data ::

    [shawn_Belfore] <HOTS><CO> Tractor beam ready and I have lock on probe Captain.

    [sTSF_Jami] @<XO> ::taps the console, reaches up to relay information:: <CSEC> Approaching destination. Nice an easy, Mr. Cyric.

    [spitfire] <AMO>::enters sick bay::

    [miles_obrien] @<ASEC> <CSEC> Sensors indicate no more pressure. We're clear

    [Ruark] <CMO><CO> Thank you sir <CSCI> Thank you Chief, it was a pleasure working with you again. I'm off to Sickbay.

    [Cyric] @<CSEC><XO> Of course, sir. ::Drifts carefully towards the new destination.:: <ASEC> Copy that.

    [miles_obrien] @<ASEC> <CSEC> Aye.

    [sTSF_LoAmi] <CO> <HOTS> don't release until you have a solid comm link from the shuttle crew

    [spitfire] <AMO>::begins setting up force fields::

    [miles_obrien] @<ASEC> <XO> <CSci> Are you all OK back there

    [Ruark] <CMO>::transfers data to primary sickbay computer terminal and returns his bridge station to environmental control::

    [Joy] <CSCI><CMO> Any time.

    [Cyric] <<That's ASCI, I think.>>

    [sTSF_LoAmi] PAUSE SIM

    [sTSF_LoAmi] PAUSE SIM

    [sTSF_LoAmi] PAUSE SIM

    [Ruark] ::paused::

    [Cyric] ::Standby.::

    [shawn_Belfore] ::paused::

    [miles_obrien] ::paused::

    [spitfire] ::paused::

    [sTSF_LoAmi] And, thanks to solid playing and teamwork, the crunchy little Oberth didn't go crunch

    [starbuck] ::pauzzeded

    [sTSF_Jami] Wow. What a totally awesome crew.

    [Cyric] New, from Taco Bell, the Crunchy Oberth!

    [Dumbass] Yeah, but does the Oberth stay crunchy in milk?

    [Ruark] :D

    [miles_obrien] oh yeah

    [miles_obrien] lol

    [sTSF_Jami] We'll never know.

    [sTSF_LoAmi] Mr. Ruark...

    [Ruark] aye?

    [sTSF_Jami] :::digs in the trashbin:::

    [sTSF_LoAmi] you were saying something about bacteria on the gas giant?

    [Ruark] umm yep

    [spitfire] ::looks at Jami dig::

    [sTSF_LoAmi] Jami was thinking they might like the trash she's digging through

    [Ruark] highly unusual

    [sTSF_LoAmi] what do you think?

    [Ruark] lol

    [sTSF_Jami] ::pulls out a package covered with maggots and a few assorted other things we don't mention onscreen:::

    [Ruark] they might enjoy it

    [Ruark] actually

    [miles_obrien] lol

    [sTSF_Jami] ::wipes it off, hiding it from the audience while she does so:::

    [sTSF_LoAmi] Jami, would you hand that to him? I think the bacteria might get hungry in a level 10 containment field

    [spitfire] ::takes a bucket of gatoraid::

    [sTSF_Jami] ::wipewipe:::spit::shineshine::: Oh..it's nice and shiny now, Sir.

    [Ruark] yes yes ::gets some lemon scented hand wipes::

    [sTSF_Jami] Shall I do the honors?

    [sTSF_Jami] ::snark:::

    [Ruark] what is it?

    [sTSF_LoAmi] yeah, open it up... show him what it is

    [spitfire] ::trys to peak inside::

    [sTSF_Jami] Well..it's something we give to cadets who should have died, but survived somehow....

    [Ruark] a medal!?

    [sTSF_LoAmi] a new uniform

    [sTSF_Jami] Mr. Ruark....:::steps towards him::: Not a medal. But it is metal.

    [spitfire] worse

    [Joy] :: Too small to be a body bag.... ::

    [sTSF_Jami] Yes, and that too....

    [Ruark] omg

    [spitfire] ::sees a shinny thing::

    [sTSF_Jami] Nice and sharp.:::evilgrin::

    [sTSF_Jami] Kinda twisty....

    [spitfire] ::looks around::

    [Ruark] ::bears his neck::

    [shawn_Belfore] Extra long pin?

    [Ruark] ::smiling broadly::

    [spitfire] ::wonders whos getting the med kit::

    [sTSF_Jami] ::best CMO voice:: Take a deep breath now and you'll feel a tiny prick.

    [Ruark] LOL

    [Ruark] ::winces::

    [sTSF_Jami] ::takes the pip and Jabs:::twisttwisttwisttwist:::

    [sTSF_LoAmi] doctors always make the worst patients

    [Joy] Do not resist. You will be assimilated....

    [sTSF_LoAmi] Congratulations, Ensign Ruark

    [sTSF_Jami] THERE ya go.

    [Ruark] Ouch!

    [Cyric] It's not supposed to go in his eye, Jami.

    [Ruark] Yes! awesome

    [spitfire] ::dumps the gatoraid aid::

    [sTSF_Jami] By the powers vested in me, I hereby promote you to Ensign in STSF.

    [miles_obrien] GOOD JOB

    [sTSF_Jami] Congratulations, Ensign Ruark.

  2. Quote of the night:


    [Joy] <CSCI> :: Reaches towards the (what's the male form of damsel) in distress ::

    [Laehval_tTemarr] ( wuss )

    [Joy] <CSCI> :: Reaches for the wuss in distress ::




    [sTSF_Jami] Commanding Officer (CO): STSF Seiben

    [sTSF_Jami] Executive Officer (XO): STSF Jami

    [sTSF_Jami] Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Pneuma

    [sTSF_Jami] Tactical Officer (TAC) - Sendai Riko

    [sTSF_Jami] Operations Officer (OPS) - Shawn Belfore

    [sTSF_Jami] Helm (Helm) - Brandinooo

    [sTSF_Jami] Chief Engineer (CENG) - Dielle

    [sTSF_Jami] Assistant Engineer (AENG) - Starbuck

    [sTSF_Jami] Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Cyric

    [sTSF_Jami] Assistant Security Officer (ASEC) - Laehval t'Temarr


    [sTSF_Jami] Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Joy

    [sTSF_Jami] Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - Randyhack

    [sTSF_Jami] Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - Ruark

    [sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\=

    [sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\=

    [sTSF_Seiben] MISSION BRIEF. SD: 10608.06

    [sTSF_Seiben] A shuttlecraft has crash-landed on a deserted and remote planet. With no means of communications, the crew must do what they can to survive. Can the crew survive and eventually be rescued? And is the planet as remote as it looks?

    [sTSF_Seiben] BEGIN SIM..

    [sTSF_Seiben] BEGIN SIM.....

    [sTSF_Seiben] BEGIN SIM.....

    [sendai_Riko] <TAC> :: lies in a heap on the gravitational bottom of the shuttle, whichever end that happens to be ::

    [Ruark] <asci> ::brushing the dust from his hair::

    [Joy] <CSCI> :: Resolves to run a safety review check on shuttles ::


    [brandinooo] <HELM> ::Thought that course heading looked odd::

    [Dielle] <CENG> ::reaches for something and pulls herself up::

    [shawn_Belfore] <OPS> ::He sits up in his chair and shakes his head, looking around the crashed shuttle craft.::

    [Pneuma] <MXO>::Climbs out of the wreckage of the shuttle with a few bruises but none the worse for wear::

    [Pneuma] <MXO><ALL>Is everyone alright?

    [starbuck] <AENG>::Stands up::ouch, boy did that hurt ::Gets out of the shuttlecraft:L

    [Joy] <CSCI> :: Tries to climb towards a survival gear locker ::

    [sendai_Riko] <TAC> :: mutters about needing safer shuttles, as they always seem to crash, then gets up ::

    [sTSF_Seiben] Flies> ::swarm around the Co's dead carcass::

    [starbuck] yeah, i may be burned, but itll take more to kill me

    [randyhack] <ASCI> :::checks the shuttle atmosphere:::

    [Joy] <CSCI> <ASCI1, 2> Randy? Ruark? Are you two OK?

    [shawn_Belfore] <OPS> ::Starts to get out of the craft and stops, seeing the CO.:: <MXO> We may have a problem. ::He says looking down to the CO.::

    [Ruark] <ASCI>::unbuckles himself and fumbles to turn the emergency lights on::

    [Dielle] <CENG> ::realizes that she's touching the CO's dead body:: Oh dear, that's no good.

    [Cyric] <CSEC>::Rises from the rubble, somehow outside. Tries his com.:: <ASEC> Laehval, you alright?

    [sendai_Riko] <TAC> :: looks around, sees the CO :: Oh dear.

    [Pneuma] <MXO>::Walks over to Mr Belfore::<OPS>Oh dear that isnt good

    [brandinooo] <HELM> ::also sees the CO:: Oh. my.

    [Ruark] <ASCI><CSCI> ::feels something cold and clamy:: Sir, ewww... what?

    [randyhack] <ASCI> <CSCI> Yes, I believe so.

    [Dielle] <CENG> <All> Anyone have a tricorder?

    [sendai_Riko] <TAC> :: moves over to the captain, feels for a pulse out of obligation ::

    [shawn_Belfore] <OPS><MXO> No...no it isnt <TAC> Anything?

    [Laehval_tTemarr] <ASEC> <CSEC> No broken bones if that's what you mean... ::She climbed out of the shuttle and waved at all the dust and debris their crash had stirred up.::

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: Is dead as a doorknob

    [starbuck] <AENG> ::walks over to the CO:: oh my, thats defenatly not good.

    [Joy] <CSCI> :: Looks to Ruark :: Could you be more specific?

    [Dielle] <CENG> ::moves out of TAC's way, wiping her hand on her pants::

    [randyhack] <ASCI> :::Checks science station for a tricorder:::

    [sendai_Riko] <TAC> :: closes Seibens eyes, says a little farewell ::

    [Pneuma] <MXO><ALL>I guess I should say a few words

    [Laehval_tTemarr] <ASEC> ::She'd pulled the phaser rifles out of the rack in the shuttle and checked each of them for damage, making sure they were functional.::

    [Ruark] <ASCI><CSCI>::pouts:: The captain is dead.

    [shawn_Belfore] <OPS> ::Hangs his head as TAC closes his eyes.::

    [Cyric] <CSEC><ASEC> Good. ::Checks his weapon, still works.::

    [Pneuma] <MXO>He was a great captain I survived meny of his sims!

    [starbuck] <AENG>::hears the captian is dead:: he was a good man

    [Joy] <CSCI> <ASCI> So I noted, Ruark.

    [Pneuma] <MXO><ALL>Alrighty first thing is first

    [randyhack] <ASCI> ::::finds an intact tricorder:::

    [sendai_Riko] <TAC> :: rises, gives a sad shake of the head :: Well, now we need to keep us alive. ::

    [Ruark] <ASCI>::finds whatever the starfleet word for flashlight is::

    [randyhack] <ASCI> <CENG> Here's a tricorder, sir.

    [brandinooo] <HELM> ::ruffles through shuttlecraft rubble looking for his tricorder pack::

    [Laehval_tTemarr] <ASEC> ::Shoulders her own rifle and passes one the spare over to TAC, seeing that her chief already had his ready to go. Her eyes drifted to take in the scene, focusing finally on the XO.::

    [Pneuma] <MXO><CSEC,TAC>I want you to set up a perimeter keep a watch out for anything that might cause us grief

    [shawn_Belfore] <OPS> ::Returns to the craft to get his emergency kit. Slinging it around his shoulder.::

    [randyhack] <ASCI> <CSCI> Shuttle life support systems appear to be OK.

    [sendai_Riko] <TAC> :: takes the rifle :: <MXO> Aye sir. <CSEC> Where you want me, chief?

    [shawn_Belfore] <OPS><MXO> Anything I can do

    [Pneuma] <MXO><CSCI>I want you to run a diagnostic on this planet we need to know anything we can about it

    [Joy] <CSCI> <ASCI1, 2> OK. Tricorders, hand phasers, survival kits, and any extra power packs you see floating around.

    [Cyric] <CSEC><MXO> Copy that. ::Gestures to Laehval:: Take the north side. Riko, take south. I'm going to have a look around.

    [Joy] <CSCI> :: Pulls the corresponding equipment. ::

    [Pneuma] <MXO><CENG>I need you to savage anything you can off of that shuttle

    [sendai_Riko] <TAC> :: exits the shuttle, makes his way to the south of the shuttle, phaser rifle hanging off his right shoulder ::

    [Joy] <CSCI> :: Looks to Pneuma, sure he will get to science soon. ::

    [starbuck] <AENG>::walks over to the shuttlecraft looking for anything of his:: nothing.

    [Cyric] <CSEC><ASEC+TAC> You see anything potentially dangerous, com me, or Jami if I can't be reached. ::Walks off.::

    [Ruark] <ASCI2<ASCI1> Randy where can I find the powerpacks?

    [sTSF_Jami] <Jami has not posted yet>

    [brandinooo] <HELM><MXO> Sir, I would like a task as well

    [Cyric] <Alright, change Jami to Pneuma then.>

    [starbuck] <AENG> where can i find a rifle?

    [randyhack] <ASCI1> <ASCI2> I have not been able to locate any.

    [sendai_Riko] <TAC> :: settles into a nice spot, keeps a lookout ::

    [Ruark] <ASCI1><CSCI> Sir, can I go to the back to look for powerpacks?

    [shawn_Belfore] <OPS><MXO> I can try to emit an emergency signal from the shuttle. I doubt it will make it through the atmosphere though.

    [starbuck] <AENG> <MXO> yes, any tasks for me?

    [Laehval_tTemarr] <ASEC> <CSEC> Aye, sir. ::With a glance to TAC, she nodded and headed to the north to establish a perimeter there. She glanced at the Captain's corpse as she passed and managed to hold back a sneer.::

    [Joy] <CSCI> <ASCI1> Go ahead, Ruark. Don't get lost, though.

    [Pneuma] <MXO><OPS, HELM> We need to handle the captain

    [shawn_Belfore] <OPS><MXO> As in burry hum?

    [Ruark] <ASCI2><CSCI> I have a "flashlight" with me sir. ::fumbles around towards the back of the vessel::

    [Pneuma] <MXO><AENG>Starbuck you are to assist the CENG

    [shawn_Belfore] <*him>

    [Joy] <CSCI> <MXO> Sir? Have a task for science? Local survey? Water?

    [randyhack] <ASCI> :::takes a reading on the atmosphere with tricorder:::

    [Cyric] <CSEC>:: Pauses to take in the surroundings. :: <<What's it like out here?>>

    [sendai_Riko] <TAC> :: scans the dreary landscape about him steadily, wishing that he had his fingers on the quantum torpedoes instead of a phaser rifle ::

    [Laehval_tTemarr] <ASEC> ::He'd been a pain in the neck ever since she'd come aboard. She was glad he saved her the hassle of a transfer. Stalking to what she considered to be a good spot to keep watch, she hunkered down, scanning the area.::

    [starbuck] <AENG> yes sir ::Walks over to Dielle:: so what are we doing exactly?

    [brandinooo] <HELM><OPS> I'll...try to find a shovel

    [Ruark] <ASCI2>::finds a panel and wipes off the dust to see an insignia with yellow letters, opens the panel and digs for power supplies::

    [Pneuma] <MXO><CSCI>I need you to analyze this environment make sure there is water that we can drink it the air and anything you can find out about this planet would be greatly appreciated

    [shawn_Belfore] <OPS> ::Nod's as he leans down to remove the Captain's comm badge.::

    [Joy] <CSCI> <MXO> Aye.

    [Joy] <CSCI> <ASCI1,2 > Ok, science. Turn out.

    [Joy] <CSCI> :: Exits the shuttle, tricorder first. ::

    [shawn_Belfore] <OPS> ::Stands up and walks over to the craft. Pulling out a spare emergency blanket.::

    [starbuck] <AENG> <CENG>What exactly are we doing?

    [Ruark] <ASCI2><CSCI>::shows the chief two small power packs:: Can I plug one into the sensor console?

    [Pneuma] <MXO><OPS, HELM>Yes we need to bury the Captain I dont like having to do it but if we dont the smell of someone that has died may draw things we dont want to deal with

    [Joy] <CSCI> :: Starts with the atmosphere, checking for significant contaminants. ::

    [shawn_Belfore] <OPS> ::Walks over and carfully wraps the captain's body in the blanket, covering his body.::

    [randyhack] <ASCI> ::::nods and moves outward, waving tricorder:::

    [Laehval_tTemarr] <ASEC> +CSEC+ ::Softly.:: I'm in position. No activity.

    [shawn_Belfore] <OPS> ::After he is finished with the body he walks over to Pneuma.:: His comm badge sir. ::He say's, giveing it to him.::

    [shawn_Belfore] <*<MXO>>

    [sendai_Riko] <TAC> :: sees something moving, but it's just a thorny bush rattling in the light breeze ::

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: The sun is beginning to set in the horizon.

    [Pneuma] <MXO>::walks over to the Shuttle and looks for a peice of it to use as a shovel::

    [Joy] <CSCI> <ASCI1> Randy, I want you on animal life forms. Anything that might bite, slash, kick or otherwise be a pain.

    [brandinooo] <HELM> ::finds shovel, goes to side of shuttle:: <OPS> Ok, how about here

    [Pneuma] <MXO><OPS>Thank you sir

    [Cyric] <CSEC><ASEC> Copy that, stay alert.

    [shawn_Belfore] <OPS> ::Joins the MXO and pick's up a sharp, curved piece of metal. Walking over to helm's spot. He nod's and starts to dig slowly.::

    [Ruark] <ASCI2><MXO> Sir I've got two power packs and I might be able to get one of these science consoles operational.

    [randyhack] <ASCI> <CSCI> Yes, sir. I have already detected microscopic lifeforms in the soil.

    [Joy] <CSCI> <ASCI2> Ruark, environmentals. Air, unstable terrain, pollutants in water, food supplies. Learn how to live the land.

    [starbuck] <AENG>::Trips and falls over:: lookout for all the rocks people.::Stands up, shaking the dirt off his uniform::

    [Joy] <CSCI> <ASCI2> Well, we'll go for the console when we get back. Field trip, now.

    [shawn_Belfore] <OPS> ::As he dig's he looks up to the MXO.:: Sir I recomend we use the extra power packs for a boost to our emergency signal.

    [Pneuma] <MXO><ASCI2>Hold that thought

    [Ruark] <ASCI2><CSCI> yes sir ::pulls out his tricorder to get a taste of the atmosphere::

    [sendai_Riko] <TAC> :: continues to scan the landscape as the sun drops, lengthening the shadows ::

    [Joy] <CSCI> <ASCI1, 2> Direction is downhill. Objective is water. Let me know if you have a reason to stop or examine anything else.

    [Laehval_tTemarr] <ASEC> ::Taking cover near a tree, she leaned against the rough surface for support and did another quick check of her phaser rifle to make sure it was primed.::

    [Cyric] <CSEC> ::Noting the light fading, thoughts turn to Heat, then Food. He heads back.::

    [sTSF_Jami] ROSTER UPDATE - Assistant Security Officer (ASEC) - Spitfire

    [sTSF_Jami] Assistant Security Officer (ASEC) - Spitfire

    [sTSF_Jami] Assistant Security Officer (ASEC) - Spitfire

    [Pneuma] <MXO><All> I need all senior staff to meet me by the shuttle

    [randyhack] <ASCI> :::nods and looks around::::

    [Joy] <CSCI> <ASCI1, 2> You two, feel free to study what you like within your assignments. I'll keep eyes out for threats.

    [Laehval_tTemarr] <ASEC> ::She slapped her neck as some sort of biting insect managed to burrow its way inside the collar of her uniform.::

    [Cyric] <CSEC><MXO> On my way.

    [Joy] <CSCI> <ASCI1, 2> Tallyho. :: Starts down hill ::

    [starbuck] <AENG>::looks around:: anyone know where a phaser rifle is?

    [Ruark] <ASCI2>::picks up his pace noticing the humidity, air pressure, and edible plants::

    [spitfire] <ASEC2>::looks around::

    [randyhack] <ASCI> :::follows Joy and Ruark:::

    [shawn_Belfore] <OPS> ::He nod's as he tosses his shovel down and walks over to the MXO, by the shuttle.::

    [Joy] <CSCI> :: Keeps tricorder off, keeping eyes out. ::

    [Ruark] <ASCI2><ASCI1> Are you picking up a small body of water 20 meters east?

    [starbuck] <AENG>::follows Joy and Ruark::

    [Laehval_tTemarr] <ASEC> ::She followed the Science team as they wandered further away from the shuttle, squinting in the dying light to keep them in her sights.::

    [brandinooo] <HELM> ::continues to dig, looks at captain and pauses, continues to dig::

    [Joy] <CSCI> :: Hand phaser at ready, heavy stun, safed. ::

    [randyhack] <ASCI> :::focused entirely on tricorder::

    [Cyric] <CSEC>::Passes by Spitfire on his way to the MXO.::<ASEC2> Glad you could join us. Go to the south side and relieve Riko.

    [Pneuma] <MXO><Senior staff>Ok first things first is there anyway that it would be possible to get a signal through this atmosphere?

    [spitfire] <ASEC2><CSEC>::nodds::yes,sir

    [sendai_Riko] <TAC> :: continues monitoring ::

    [Ruark] <ASCI2>::notices the beautiful sunset on the surface of the water and stoops down to take a sample::

    [starbuck] <AENG> <CSCI>got a spare phaser on you?

    [spitfire] <ASEC2>::heads south::

    [Joy] <CSCI> <AENG> Sorry, just took the one.

    [shawn_Belfore] <OPS><MXO> I think...that if we boost the power with spare pack's we could get the required strength. Run that past science though.

    [Pneuma] <MXO><OPS>Thats a good call

    [sendai_Riko] <TAC> :: hears something behind him, turns and sees Spitfire approaching ::

    [Ruark] <CSCI>+ASCI2+ Sir, I'd like to report on my findings.

    [Joy] <CSCI> <ASCI2> Go ahead, Ruark.

    [spitfire] <ASEC2>::sees Riko::

    [brandinooo] <HELM> ::finishes his dig, sets captain's body in ground::

    [spitfire] <ASEC><TAC>How are you doing up here?

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: For those of you who can eat, you are starting to feel a bit peckish.

    [Ruark] <ASCI2><CSCI> We've got 47% humidity, air pressure is 47% of normal, and the water is 47 degrees, the tricorder is processing for potability now, a few sparse edible shurbs.

    [randyhack] <ASCI> Well, that's strange. :::fiddles with tricorder:::

    [starbuck] <AENG>::Sees that the captian is buiried, talks to himself:: he was a good man.

    [shawn_Belfore] <OPS> ::Look's to the MXO.:: Did we bring anything to eat with us?

    [brandinooo] <HELM> ::covers captain's body with dirt and draws a starfleet symbol in the ground::

    [sendai_Riko] <TAC><ASEC> Nothing much going on here, yet.

    [Pneuma] <MXO>+CSCI+Joy I need you by the Shuttle asap

    [Joy] <CSCI> +MXO+ Understood.

    [spitfire] <ASEC2><TAC>well, I've been sent to relieve you

    [Cyric] <CSEC> ::Ignores hunger for now, and stands by.::

    [Pneuma] <MXO><OPS> I think there may be an emergency supply of rations in the shuttle

    [starbuck] <AENG>::walks to the ruins of the shuttle::

    [Joy] <CSCI> <ASCI1, 2> You two are on your own for a bit. See if you can improve on those shrubs, but harvest a sample.

    [Ruark] <ASCI2>::removes a branch from the shurbbery and begins chewing on it:: Hmmm...

    [sendai_Riko] <TAC><ASEC2> I stand relieved. :: nods, then heads carefully but swiftly back to the shuttle as there comes a rumbly in his tumbly ::

    [Joy] <CSCI> :: Starts back to the shuttle ::

    [shawn_Belfore] <OPS> ::Nod's:: <MXO> Alright I'll get them out after science get's here to talk about our problem.

    [brandinooo] <HELM> ::sits on rock, and sees people coming back to the shuttle::

    [Laehval_tTemarr] <ASEC> ::Overhearing AENG's words about the Captain, she snorted and went back to watching the area. She could still see the Science officers down the hill. She raised her rifle slightly, wondering how good her aim was from this distance.::

    [starbuck] <AENG> <ASCI2>so, how is it?

    [randyhack] <ASCI> I am detecting water underground, approximately 25 feet deep.

    [spitfire] <ASEC2>::hold up his rifle looking around::

    [Pneuma] <MXO><CSCI>Ok Ill ask you this is there any possoble way that we could get a comms signal through the atmosphere?

    [Ruark] <ASCI2><AENG> It tastes like gin, I wonder how those blue berries taste? This reminds me of Juniper on Earth.

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: A small earthquake goes off on the planet, and the ground around the shuttle crumbles away, sending the shuttle down the nearby cliff

    [starbuck] <AENG> <ASCI>well, its water.

    [Joy] <CSCI> : Dives towards stable ground ::

    [brandinooo] <HELM> ::runs away from earthquake:: DANG IT!

    [spitfire] <ASEC2>::feels something rumbling::

    [sendai_Riko] <TAC> :: comes closer to the shuttle, does a quick survey of the shuttle and sighs before hopping watching it tumble down the cliff while wobbling himself ::

    [shawn_Belfore] <OPS> ::He feels the shakeing and falls to the ground. He watches as the shuttlcraft falls off the cliff.:: Greaaat

    [Ruark] <ASCI2>Whoaaooaooaooa! ::stumbles backwards::

    [starbuck] <AENG>::Falls down and hits his leg on as nearby rock:: Ouch! ::attempts to move it:: Ouch!!

    [Cyric] <CSEC> ::Remains standing, thanks to much balance training. But barely.::

    [spitfire] <ASEC2>::hears a lot of yelling back at the shuttle::

    [Laehval_tTemarr] <ASEC> ::Clings to the tree next to her as her stomach lurched with the earth. Eyes wide, she crouched there until the rumbling subsided.::

    [Pneuma] <MXO>::Dosent move fast enough and falls down the cliff but grabs hold of the edge before plumiting o his doom::

    [brandinooo] <HELM><AENG> Hey, you ok?

    [shawn_Belfore] <OPS> ::Sigh's:: <MXO> Sir, I suggest we start sitting up a camp.

    [Pneuma] <MXO><ALL>A LIttle Help PLEASE!!!!!

    [Ruark] <ASCI2>::reads the incoming readings on the water sample, basically highly acidic::

    [Cyric] <CSEC><ASEC*> Hold position! ::Runs to the MXO's aid.::

    [starbuck] <AENG> <HELM>I dont know, i think its broken

    [shawn_Belfore] <OPS> ::Hears omeone scraeming and runs over to it.::

    [Joy] <CSCI> :: Thinks Pneuma has watched the Perils of Pauline too often ::

    [Pneuma] <<Never seen it before!>>

    [Ruark] <ASCI2><ASCI1> With a bit of proper filtration do you think we could drink from this pond?

    [randyhack] <ASCI> :::adjusts tricorder to measure seismic activity:::

    [Joy] <CSCI> :: Reaches towards the (what's the male form of damsel) in distress ::

    [sendai_Riko] <TAC> :: glides over to Joy :: Great. A geologically hyperactive planet.

    [Laehval_tTemarr] <ASEC> ::Having been no where near the shuttle when it went over, she knew she couldn't possibly save the XO in time. She let others play the hero, remaining by her tree. Rifle to her shoulder, cheek hovering over the stock, she scanned the area again.::

    [Laehval_tTemarr] ( wuss )

    [randyhack] <ASCI1> <ASCI2> Possibly. Did you check for microorganisms?

    [sTSF_Jami] <lol>

    [Joy] <CSCI> :: Reaches for the wuss in distress ::

    [Pneuma] <MXO>::grabs hold of a hand and climbs off the side of the cliff::Well that was close!

    [Cyric] <CSEC>::Grabs and arm.::<Tac>Cut the chatter, give us a hand.

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: As night falls, so does the tempurature

    [Joy] <CSCI> :: Pulls up Pneuma ::

    [sendai_Riko] <TAC> :: shivers as he helps pull the MXO up ::

    [Ruark] <ASCI2><ASCI1> The acid content is too high. Was that an tremor?

    [brandinooo] <HELM><AENG> Well, it's just dandy we don't have a doctor. stay here

    [sTSF_Jami] <::doubled over with laughter::>

    [spitfire] <ASEC2>::begins feeling chilly::

    [shawn_Belfore] <OPS> ::Helps pull the MXO up.:: You ok sir?

    [Pneuma] <MXO>::Thinks out loud:: Well there goes the shelter for the night!

    [Cyric] <CSEC> .oO(So much for that idea.)

    [starbuck] <AENG>::moves his leg, realizing its probobly just sprained, does his best to get up:: gotta get up ::Manages to get up on his own and walk for a bit::

    [Pneuma] <MXO><CSCI>yes I am fine

    [Joy] <CSCI> <MXO> There also goes are best source of power to punch through the atmosphere.

    [Ruark] <ASCI2><ASCI1> Ahh... a nice cool breeze is rolling in, how refreshing.

    [randyhack] <ASCI> <CSCI> I could attempt to locate a burrow for shelter.

    [brandinooo] <HELM><ALL> Hey, anyone know how to heal a broken leg? Our <AENG> might have one

    [Laehval_tTemarr] <ASEC> ::Now hungry and cold and all too aware of the rough bark of the tree digging into her back, she searched for the Science officers again, finding it hard to locate them as darkness fell.::

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: Ambient tempurature: 5*C

    [Pneuma] <MXO><All>We are gonna need food and shelter a fire and water

    [Ruark] <ASCI2><ASCI1> I think we should make it back to the landing sight.

    [Ruark] <<5C?>>

    [shawn_Belfore] <OPS><MXO> Sir, maybe we should fan out and look for any type of modern civilization...or something we could use to emit an emergency call.

    [Laehval_tTemarr] ( Can I get that in Kelvin? )

    [Joy] <CSCI> <ASCI> Randy, the survival gear should include tent halves. Pair up and assemble.

    [starbuck] <AENG> <ALL> actually, i think its just sprained

    [brandinooo] <<278!!>>

    [Cyric] <CSEC><MXO> I'll need blankets for my men. Fire's not a good idea out there.

    [Pneuma] <MXO><CSCI>The night is just starting and its already this cold out how do you think it will be in an hour?

    [sendai_Riko] <<41 F>>

    [spitfire] <ASEC2>::getting hard to see::

    [randyhack] <ASCI> <CSCI> That's good, I had thought it was lost with the shuttle.

    [spitfire] <<41s not so bad>>

    [Ruark] <ASCI2><ASCI1> A bit nippy out here, let's get moving...

    [sTSF_Seiben] <<Nope, it's patio weather!>>

    [starbuck] <AENG> <ALL> perfect for predators, isnt it.

    [shawn_Belfore] <OPS> ::Reaches into his emergency pack he took from the shuttle. He pulls a blanket out and wraps it around his shoulder. He paces as he thinks of a solution to this problem.::

    [Laehval_tTemarr] <ASEC> +ASEC2+ No movement to the North. How's the South?

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: The team hears some rustling in the bushes

    [Joy] <CSCI> <MXO> Might drop an additional 9 celsius. A fire and assembling the tents from the survival kits are definitely called for.

    [sendai_Riko] <TAC> :: moves over to starbuck and bends down :: Well, you'll just have to hobble. :: offers a hand ::

    [Ruark] <ASCI2>+CSCI+ Sir, I'm headed back in your direction.

    [shawn_Belfore] <OPS> ::As he paces he hears something:: <MXO> Sir? ::Motions towards the noise.::

    [sendai_Riko] <TAC> :: hears rustling, figures that's par for the course ::

    [brandinooo] <HELM><AENG> eh, you can walk it off. Well, you'll have to ::smiles and also offers hand::

    [starbuck] <AENG> <TAC>thanks ::Accepts offer::

    [Laehval_tTemarr] <ASEC> ::Her gaze and her rifle swings in the direction of the rustling, finger pressed lightly against the trigger of her weapon.::

    [Ruark] << why does everyone always assume the Rua Penthe position lol??>>

    [Joy] <CSCI> +ASCI2+ Expedite. We are hearing noise in the bushes. You might keep tricorders out.

    [Pneuma] <MXO>::Checks his side and finds his phaser still there and in working order draws it and sets it to stun::

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: The rustling thing makes some strange noises

    [spitfire] <ASEC2>+ASEC+I heard something

    [Cyric] <CSEC>::Weapon's at the ready.::<TAC> Riko, get over here.

    [Laehval_tTemarr] <ASEC> ::Softly, to herself.:: Varmits. I'm thinking dinner...

    [spitfire] <ASEC2>::powers up his rifle::

    [Pneuma] <<Same here!!!!>>

    [sendai_Riko] <TAC> :: pulls up starbuck with the help of Brandinooo ::

    [Joy] <CSCI> :: Remembers last time. Retreats to guard the food supplies ::

    [starbuck] <AENG>:Snickers:: i knew it, does anyone have a weapon i can use!

    [sendai_Riko] <TAC> :: jogs over Cyric, readying phaser ::

    [Pneuma] <MXO><ENG> I need you to set up the tents

    [randyhack] <ASCI> :::backs away from the rustling bushes:::

    [Joy] <CSCI> :: Phaser out, safed, heavy stun ::

    [Ruark] <ASCI2><CSCI> You wanted a sample from the bushes sir? ::hands him the half eaten branch::

    [shawn_Belfore] <OPS> ::Taking his phaser out on stun he points it towards the bushes, waiting.::

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: All that emerges is a fairly large deer like animal, out to get a drink of water.

    [Cyric] <CSEC><ASEC1><ASEC2> Keep watching your areas.

    [Joy] <CSCI> <ASCI2> Not now. See if you can figure out what is shaking bush.

    [Cyric] <CSEC><MXO> Permission to fire, sir?

    [starbuck] <AENG> <ALL> does anyone have a weapon, i feel a little defensless here!

    [sendai_Riko] <TAC> :: sees deer like animal :: Phew.

    [Ruark] <ASCI2><Deer> Dinner has arrived!

    [Pneuma] <MXO><w>+CSEC+Do you have a visual?

    [sTSF_Jami] <Deer> meep

    [randyhack] <ASCI> :::studies movements of animal:::

    [Cyric] <CSEC><MXO> Aye.

    [sTSF_Seiben] Deer> ::runs away::

    [starbuck] <AENG> <ALL> its an alien deer? wait it could be dangerous!

    [Pneuma] <MXO>+CSEC+Fire!

    [Laehval_tTemarr] <ASEC> ::Her stomach growled, but she waited for orders.::

    [Ruark] <ASCI2>::doesn't have the heart to even unholster his phaser::

    [Cyric] <CSEC>::Tracks it... fires!::

    [Joy] <CSCI> <Mutters> Join Starfleet. See new planets. Discover new life forms. Kill them for supper...

    [spitfire] <ASEC2>::sees a deer run past::

    [brandinooo] <HELM> ::grabs rock, throws it at deer::

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: CSEC's shot makes its mark and kills the deer.

    [sendai_Riko] <TAC><CSEC> Good shot, as usual chief.

    [Ruark] <ASCI2><CSCI> Careful chief it could have cloven hooves!

    [spitfire] <ASEC2>::sees the deer fall dead near him::

    [Cyric] <CSEC>::Approaches his kill.::<TAC> Thank you. Give me hand with it.

    [randyhack] <ASCI> :::grimaces in disgust:::

    [starbuck] <AENG> <ALL> hey, for all we know these could be the offspring of some huge, carnivorous deer thing!

    [shawn_Belfore] <OPS> ::Seeing the deer fall he nod's. Finally some food.::

    [spitfire] <ASEC2><CSEC>nice shot

    [sendai_Riko] <TAC> :: follows Cyric ::

    [Pneuma] <MXO><CSCI>get a fire going and have one of your team run a test on the der to make sure its edible

    [Laehval_tTemarr] <ASEC> ::With the excitement dying down, she went back to scanning, searching for anything else coming their way.::

    [spitfire] <ASEC2>::looks at the deer::

    [brandinooo] <HELM> ::hears rustling in distance::

    [Cyric] <CSEC><ASEC2>That's why I'm chief. Keep watching the line.

    [starbuck] <AENG> <ALL> :Sighs: that was a bad idea!

    [Joy] <CSCI> <ASCI1> Randy, check the deer for edibility.

    [spitfire] <ASEC2>::turn around and look around::

    [Joy] <CSCI> <ASCI2> Ruark, you remember how to make a fire?

    [Ruark] <ASCI2><ALL>::gives the crew a science officer's sigh at the carcass but licks his chops as well::

    [shawn_Belfore] <OPS><CSCI> Might I recomned a species check also, see if it's in our database?

    [sendai_Riko] <TAC><CSEC> Butcher here, or butcher there, or butcher anywhere?

    [randyhack] <ASCI> <CSCI> This may bring around curious predators, sir.

    [Joy] <CSCI> <OPS> You have an operational data base?

    [Ruark] <ASCI2><CSCI> I thought you'd never ask! Whoohooo... ::gathers kindling::

    [Cyric] <CSEC><TAC> I'd say back there, where the shuttle used to be. But we better let the Tech's have a look at it first.

    [Pneuma] <MXO>+CENG+How are the tents coming?

    [Joy] <CSCI> <ASCI> Can't eat it raw, and the MXO wants to eat.

    [shawn_Belfore] <OPS> ::Smack's his forehead, forgetting the luxery of haveing a computer all the time.:: <CSCI> Nevvvermind.

    [Joy] <CSCI> <ASCI> Fire also tends to repel predators as much as draw them.

    [randyhack] <ASCI><CSCI> If not opportunistic scavengers. :::scans the sky:::

    [sendai_Riko] <TAC> :: nods at Cyric and waits ::

    [Ruark] <ASCI2>::keeps an eye out for cloven hoof prints, gathering more kindling::

    [sTSF_Jami] <<Remember it's nightfall>>

    [spitfire] <ASEC2>::powers his rifle down::

    [Laehval_tTemarr] <ASEC> ::Still holding position, she'd started to shiver as the temperature dropped. Standard issue uniforms weren't meant for freezing temperatures.::

    [starbuck] <AENG> <ALL>Hey! not that anyone cares but, if this is just a baby version of some carnivore, we should ready the defenses or something! take percautions!

    [randyhack] <ASCI> <CSCI> :::nods::: the ancient use of fire. Some things never change.

    [Cyric] <CSEC><AENG> Rest assured I am. <ASEC1><ASEC2> You doin alright?

    [Ruark] <ASCI2>::whips out his flashlight::

    [Pneuma] <MXO><CSCI>We need to get to the shuttle

    [shawn_Belfore] <OPS> ::Takeing his "flashlight" out of his pack he puts it on the deer.:: <ALL> Someone will need to dress it.

    [Joy] <CSCI> <ASCI> Just as long as the animals on this planet have learned to fear fire.

    [sTSF_Jami] <<HINT: Remember the chain of command ASST > Chief > XO > CO >>

    [Joy] <CSCI> <MXO> Now? Can it wait for daylight?

    [Laehval_tTemarr] <ASEC> ::Bringing one fisted hand to her mouth, she blew in it to warm her fingers. She repeated it with her other hand, flexing her fingers.::

    [spitfire] <ASEC2><CSEC>getting kind of cold

    [Ruark] <ASCI2>::piles up the wood:: <ALL> Now who has the spade?

    [sTSF_Seiben] Shuttle> ::in the bottom of the ocean::

    [shawn_Belfore] <O_O>

    [Cyric] <CSEC>::Shivering a bit himself...:: Riko, go back and scrounge up some blankets.

    [Pneuma] <<Oh Phooey!>>

    [starbuck] <AENG> <ASST> hey, shouldnt we take percautions? what if this is some sort of carnivorous's creature's offspring.

    [Joy] (( There's an ocean at the bottom of the cliff? That would have changed the search for water....))

    [Cyric] <CSEC><TAC> Bring one back for me.

    [Laehval_tTemarr] <ASEC> ::Now hungry, thirsty, cold, numbed fingers, and decidedly uncomfortable leaning against that tree, she suddenly found that she had to relieve herself.::

    [sendai_Riko] <TAC><CSEC> Aye, sir. :: heads back to the pile of stuff ::

    [sTSF_Seiben] << ::evil:: >>

    [spitfire] <<ocean has salt water>>

    [Ruark] <ASCI2>::finds the shovel near Seiben's grave and digs a pit for the fire::

    [sendai_Riko] << you'll have to work harder than that, Seiben, you're not even close :P >>

    [shawn_Belfore] <OPS><MXO> Sir why don't we camp here...keep a fire going. Then we go out in the morning to find something to send a distress signal.

    [brandinooo] <HELM> ::Is happy that he went to so many Packer games in his youth. And yes, they still exist ::

    [sTSF_Seiben] < 5 min>>

    [sendai_Riko] <TAC> :: grabs a few blankets and jogs back to Cyric ::

    [Pneuma] <MXO><CSCI>sounds like a plan'

    [Joy] << But I wouldn't have set off downhill if I knew there was a cliff with an ocean at the bottom of it in the area :) ))

    [Ruark] <<aliens oceans are made of sugar water>>

    [starbuck] <AENG> <ALL>is there any water around that isnt salty, undergreound, or etc.

    [spitfire] <<lol>>

    [Ruark] <ASCI2>::piles rocks around the fire pit, huffing and puffing::

    [Laehval_tTemarr] <ASEC> +CSEC+ Chief... I need to leave my post for a minute. Do you have anyone to take over?

    [Pneuma] <<Hmm Than I would have survived a fall off the cliff! >>

    [Laehval_tTemarr] (( You would have been eaten by sharks. ))

    [sTSF_Seiben] 3 min

    [Cyric] <CSEC>::Takes 2 blankets.:: <ASEC1> Certainly, stand by. <TAC> Go relieve Laehval.

    [spitfire] <ASEC2>::getting mildly board::

    [Ruark] <ASCI2><CSCI> There we are chief ::wiping his hands:: your basic fire pit... Would you do the honors?

    [sendai_Riko] <TAC><CSEC> Aye sir. +ASEC+ Where you at?

    [Pneuma] <MXO>+CSEC+Get your team back to the camp site and set up a tight perimeter nothing gets in nothing gets out!

    [shawn_Belfore] <OPS> ::He sighs and wraps the blanket around himself. Grabbing another out of his pack he look's the MXO, offering the blanket.:: Sir?

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: Attracted by the fire and the smell of the dead deer, more shadows start to form near the team

    [Laehval_tTemarr] <ASEC> +TAC+ To the North.

    [Cyric] <CSEC><ASEC2> I'll take over here, you can head back if you like. ::Gives him one blanket, and wears the other like a cape.::

    [sTSF_Jami] <Ohhhh...Shadow should be here>>

    [starbuck] <AENG>::walks over to fire, laughs:: HA, a fire, finally

    [randyhack] <ASCI> <CSCI>:::whispers::: Sir.....

    [spitfire] <ASEC2>::sees a shadow::

    [Pneuma] <MXO><ALL>I hope those are people. .

    [Cyric] <CSEC>::Notes the approaches...::<ASEC2>On second thought, stay here.

    [sendai_Riko] <TAC> +ASEC+ Acknowledged. :: heads carefully out to the north, shining a light from his phaser rifle ::

    [Ruark] <ASCI2>::piles up the kindling pyramid fashion::

    [Joy] <CSCI> :: Starts evaluating the number and size of those gathering outside the flame, and judging their fear of fire. ::

    [Cyric] <CSEC><MXO> How's that fire coming, sir?

    [spitfire] <ASEC2>::powers up his rifle again::

    [Joy] <CSCI> <ASCI1> Yes?

    [shawn_Belfore] <OPS> ::Notices the approach and cocks his head to the side. He pulls his phaser out and sits it on stun, keeping it up and ready. ::

    [brandinooo] <HELM> ::realizes he had a phaser this whole time, pulls it out::

    [randyhack] <ASCI> :::attempts to categorize life-forms with tricordere:::

    [Cyric] <CSEC><ASEC2>Watch right. ::Takes up position nearby, watches left.::

    [Ruark] <ASCI2>Hmmm I have a phaser... piles a few logs into the pit and sets his phaser to char::

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: Dozens of red eyes stare at the AT...

    [Laehval_tTemarr] <ASEC> ::Shines her own light to get TAC's attention, standing and stretching from her crouch as he neared. She groaned.::

    [Pneuma] <MXO><Csec>Just fine get ready for some action though it looks like we got visitors

    [sTSF_Jami] Red Eyes> :::stare:::drool:::

    [Joy] <CSCI> :: Time for a vizine commercial? ::

    [Ruark] <ASCI2>::fires his type 1 phaser into the fire pit::

    [spitfire] <ASEC2>::looks at the eye::

    [shawn_Belfore] <OPS> ::Noteing red eyes:: <MXO> Ohhh boy...sir?

    [sendai_Riko] <TAC> :: sees red eyes, figures if he's going to get eaten, it'll save on the whole survival thing ::

    [spitfire] <ASEC2><CSEC>i dont like to looks of this

    [Cyric] <CSEC><ASEC1><TAC> At attention, everyone. Get ready for trouble.

    [Pneuma] <MXO><ALL>Draw phasers if you got em set to stun anything that moves on us shoot!

    [Cyric] <CSEC><ASEC2>Steady.

    [starbuck] <AENG> oh no, red eyes.::walks even closer to the fire::

    [brandinooo] <HELM> ::sets phaser to stun::

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: Giant 10-foot preying mantis like creatures, lunge at the team, tearing them apart and devouring them for dinner

    [Joy] <CSCI> :: Draws phasers, and hopes the Excalibur will show up to save them about now... ::

    [Laehval_tTemarr] <ASEC> <TAC> Geez... finally. I have go so ba... ::She trailed off, realizing they had company. Taking cover by her tree again, she searched the shadows.::

    [sTSF_Seiben] PAUSE SIM..

    [sTSF_Seiben] PAUSE SIM....

    [shawn_Belfore] well thats 10 SIM's and 3 deaths.

    [starbuck] <AENG> <ALL>::Feels something in pocket, takes it out:: hey everybody, i had a phaser the whole time! ::Sets phaser to stun:: now come get me!

    [brandinooo] 2 sims, 1 death

    [Ruark] 2 for 2 :)

    [Pneuma] lol

    [shawn_Belfore] lol

    [Pneuma] I feel so horrible now!

    [sTSF_Seiben] Rest of you, hold on..

    [sendai_Riko] :: holding ::

    [starbuck] ::holding::

    [Pneuma] ::Smells a graduation::

    [sendai_Riko] :: turns on the elevator music ::

    [Cyric] ::Standing by.::

    [sTSF_Seiben] ::huddles with Jami::

    [Pneuma] ::Grabs a bucket of salmon::

    [spitfire] ::plays with fire::

    [Ruark] were they "praying" for Seiben? LOL

    [sTSF_Jami] ::huddles::

    [Pneuma] lol

    [shawn_Belfore] LOL!

    [sTSF_Seiben] Right.. ok

    [sTSF_Seiben] Cadet Belfore, front and centre

    [Ruark] uh oh

    [shawn_Belfore] ::Front and center::


    [Ruark] ::AA::

    [sendai_Riko] ::AA::

    [Pneuma] ::AA::

    [spitfire] ::gets a bucket of gatoraid::

    [randyhack] ::AA::

    [spitfire] ::AA::

    [starbuck] ::AA::

    [shawn_Belfore] ::AA::

    [Cyric] ::AA::

    [sTSF_Seiben] Right... about your conduct.. I found it to be quite.. disturbling.

    [sTSF_Jami] ::nodnod:: <W> Give him the booth.

    [sTSF_Seiben] Even if you die a gruesome death in the end

    [sTSF_Jami] ::wrings her hands in anticipation::

    [sTSF_Seiben] The booth is out of order. Which only gives me one recourse

    [sTSF_Jami] ::snaps fingers:: Darn.

    [sTSF_Seiben] And that... is to move him up a rank to Ensign.

    [spitfire] ::wonders if the Agincourt's booth is working::

    [sTSF_Seiben] The box..

    [sTSF_Jami] :::hands him the box:::

    [sTSF_Jami] :::brushing if off a bit, first.:::

    [sTSF_Jami] ::wipes the goop off on her uniform:::

    [sTSF_Seiben] Right, by the power vested in me by the STSF, I now pronounce you an Ensign. congratulations! ::sticks an extra long one in Belfore's neck::

    [sTSF_Jami] <w> Sorry, Boss. Got caught in the garbage again.

    [sendai_Riko] :: pops champagne and extracts a bandaid ::

    [Pneuma] ::Grabs a salmon and chucks it at Shawn!::

    [sTSF_Jami] ::winces, hiding her eyes:::

    [shawn_Belfore] ::Get's his with a salmon:: Heeey!

    [sendai_Riko] :: hands Shawn the bandaid and a paper towel for the fish slime ::

    [sTSF_Seiben] Stick around Shawn, and PM me. Rest of you, sim dismissed

    [Ruark] ouch

    [shawn_Belfore] Right.

    [starbuck] yay

  3. 060801


    [sTSF_Jami] Commanding Officer (CO): STSF Seiben

    [sTSF_Jami] Executive Officer (XO): STSF Jami

    [sTSF_Jami] Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Joy

    [sTSF_Jami] Operations/Tactical Officer (TOPS) - STSF Jami

    [sTSF_Jami] Helm (Helm) - Ruark

    [sTSF_Jami] Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Nicolas Lepage

    [sTSF_Jami] Assistant Security Officer (ASEC) - Shawn Belfore

    [sTSF_Jami] If you are not on the roster and wish to have a post, please send me one PM now.

    [sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\=

    [sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\=

    [sTSF_Seiben] MISSION BRIEF. SD: 10608.01

    [sTSF_Jami] ::tosses the mic to Seiben::

    [sTSF_Seiben] The crew of the USS Amsterdam is testing a new computer system in a remote sector of space.

    [sTSF_Seiben] BEGIN SIM..

    [Joy] <MXO> :: Settles into the not quite so big chair. ::

    [sTSF_Jami] <TOPS> Holding her steady, Sir.

    [shawn_Belfore] <ASEC> ::Sitting in his quarters going over a secruity report.::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::Tapping buttons::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <CSEC> ::in his office::

    [Ruark] HELMSMAN> tapping the navigation panel

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::looing at files on his armrest,.,::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <CSEC>+ASEC+ Mr Belfore please report to my office immediately.

    [sTSF_Jami] <TOPS> <XO> All systems online, all functioning normally, so far.

    [Joy] <MXO> <TOPS> Very good Jami.

    [shawn_Belfore] <ASEC>+CESC+ Aye, chief ::He stands up and walks out of his quarters towards Lepage's office.::

    [sTSF_Jami] <TOPS> ::tappitytaptap::shifts position slightly:: Tactical reads nothing within several parsecs.

    [shawn_Belfore] <ASEC> ::Reaches his office and chimes the door::

    [sTSF_Jami] <TOPS> +SEC+ Report mission readiness.

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <CSEC> Come in.

    [shawn_Belfore] <ASEC> ::Enters his office:: <CSEC> You called for me sir?

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <CSEC>+TOPS+ ::holds up a hand:: We're standing by for orders.

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <CSEC><ASEC> Please take a seat Mr Belfore.

    [sTSF_Jami] <TOPS> +SEC+ Acknowledged.

    [shawn_Belfore] <ASEC> ::Sits down as told::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> <TOPS> How are the tests progressing along?

    [Ruark] <Helmsman> scans the sector, computer please display a star chart of this area

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <CSEC><ASEC> As you are probably aware we're testing a new computer system.

    [sTSF_Jami] <TOPS> ::checks again:: <CO> Frightfully dull, Sir. It appears that all is normal, nothing unusual. I believe it's a keeper.

    [shawn_Belfore] <ASEC> ::Nod's::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><TOPS> THats good to tknow

    [sTSF_Jami] <TOPS> <CO> Engineering is reporting a few glitches - gnomes that SF R+D put into the program to make it a little more "friendly." Other than that...nothing.

    [Joy] <MXO> ::Listening ::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><TOPS> That's to be expected. Have Engineering run a report on it.

    [Ruark] <Helmsman> tapping faster looking at the lcars display cycling through the systems

    [sTSF_Jami] <TOPS> <CO> Aye, Captain. +ENG+ Skipper would like a full report on the gnomes.

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <CSEC><ASEC> I want security teams to be positioned at all sensitive areas, just in case. I'd like you to take care if that. Assess the need of additional security personnel at sensitive areas and order teams there accordingly.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::Sits::

    [sTSF_Jami] <ENG> +TOPS+ Roger that.

    [shawn_Belfore] <ASEC><CSEC> Aye, sir I'll go scope out engineering and get some secruity teams there and close to the bridge. Just incase. ::He says, waiting to be dismissed.::

    [sTSF_Jami] <<Seiben...question on the class of ship>>

    [sTSF_Seiben] <Uh, let's say it's a Steamrunner>

    [Ruark] <Helmsman>::bending his head slightly nervously awaiting his first order::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <CSEC><ASEC> ::nods:: This is your responsibility Cadet. Dismissed.

    [sTSF_Jami] ROSTER UPDATE - Chief Engineer (CENG) - Pneuma

    [shawn_Belfore] <ASEC> ::Nod's and stands up. He walks into the TL.:: Engineering.

    [Pneuma] <CENG>::Sitting in his office in engineering looking over the specs of the new computer system

    [sTSF_Jami] <TOPS> ::blinks as a gnome skips across the console:: Uh....

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <CSEC> ::leans back in his chair and picks up a PADD::

    [sTSF_Jami] <TOPS> ::turns to Joy:: Sir...did you happen to see anything just then?

    [Pneuma] <CENG>+TOPS+I believe I have found how to get those gnomes off of the screen. Ill be up momentarily to deal with them!

    [shawn_Belfore] <ASEC> ::TL Stops at Engineering and he steps off. Seeing an entrance to the warp reactor +McClean+ Mr.McClean, I need you to assemble a 3 man team and meet me in Engineering.

    [sTSF_Jami] ::whew::<TOPS> +ENG+ Good enough. I just had one on my screen.

    [Pneuma] <<Does he get rid of dirt and grime and grease in just a minute???>>

    [Joy] <MXO> <TOPS> I caught a glimpse of what looked like a floating window on your screen.

    [Nicolas_Lepage] McClean> ::quickly finishes his donut:: Aye, sir I'll be right there.

    [sTSF_Jami] <TOPS> <XO> Aye, sir. Engineering says they'll take care of it.

    [Joy] <MXO> <TOPS> How exactly are gnomes supposed to make a display more friendly?

    [Pneuma] <CENG>::Walks out of his office and through engineering to a conveniently placed TL::

    [shawn_Belfore] <ASEC> ::Nod's as he leans aginst the wall, waiting for the cadet and his team to get there.::

    [sTSF_Jami] <TOPS> ::Turns slightly to Joy:: <XO> Beats me, sir. To me there's just a nuisance.

    [Nicolas_Lepage] McClean> ::wipes his hands on his legs and heads for engineering with two others::

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: The gnomes start to creep into the Science consoles

    [Pneuma] <CENG>::Walks into the TL:: Bridge

    [Pneuma] <CENG>::Arrives on the bridge and nodds to the Captain and First officer::

    [Joy] <MXO> <TOPS> Do you know how complex their behaviors are, whether they might count as AIs?

    [sTSF_Jami] <SciGuy> Whoa...+ENG+ We have gnomes.

    [Ruark] <Helmsman> ::turns his head around in a curious look looking for gnomes getting distracted::

    [Pneuma] <CENG>+Sci+Understood I am on it

    [sTSF_Jami] <TOPS> <MXO> I doubt that, sir. They're little cartoons that R&D seems to think are funny. 'bots' they used to be called.

    [Nicolas_Lepage] McClean> ::arrives at engineering:: <ASEC> Sir?

    [shawn_Belfore] <ASEC><McClean> Cadet, I want you to guard this reactor. You see ANYTHING out of the ordinary contact me immediately.::

    [Ruark] <Helmsman>::leans over to ops:: is our new computer system infected?

    [shawn_Belfore] <Forget the last ::>

    [Joy] <MXO> <TOPS> Funny, eh? Make a note to the developers..... Funny once.

    [Pneuma] <CENG><MXO,CO>Sirs the Gnomes are not part of the original design of the computer they were placed in there by a disgruntled employee as a weak virus. I can have it taken care of though in a few minutes

    [sTSF_Jami] <TOPS> ::grins, watching the readouts:: I used to have one of a little dog that hopped across the screen and did . . . uh . . . unmentionable things every once in a while.

    [sTSF_Jami] <TOPS> <MXO> Aye, Sir. Making a note.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO>+CEng+ Very well.. Get on it

    [Pneuma] <CENG>::Walks over to the TOPS station::<TOPS>Excuse me please

    [sTSF_Jami] <TOPS> ::moves aside:::

    [Pneuma] <CENG>::Begins going to work on the panel and starts running through a whole slew of background systems that no one every really notices::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <McClean><ASEC> Aye, sir.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::glances at CENG::

    [Ruark] <HELMSMAN><TOPS> ::leans over more:: Is this new system infected?

    [sTSF_Jami] <TOPS> ::standing behind her console:: <HELM> I guess you would say it's infected. Chief will have us right in a minute, though.

    [shawn_Belfore] <ASEC> ::Turns and walks out of engineering:: +CSEC+ Sir I need just one more team at the bridge entrance, and with your permission I would like to head to the bridge to insure the safety of the captain and officers.

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <McClean> ::takes up a position just outside main engineering::

    [Pneuma] <CENG>::Locates a small program called "Killagnome.exe" and runs it::

    [Ruark] <Helm>::looks at a travelocity gnome jumping around on his stellar chart::

    [sTSF_Jami] <lol Pneuma>

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <CSEC>+ASEC+ Position your team outside the bridge. I'll get back to you in a second.

    [shawn_Belfore] <ASEC>+CSEC+ Aye, sir.

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: The Amsterdam makes a subtle right

    [shawn_Belfore] <ASEC>+Murphey+ Mr.Murphey gather yourself and a couple others and come guard outside the bride.

    [sTSF_Jami] <TOPS> :hardly feels it from the IDS::

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: BSOD for Pneuma's console.

    [shawn_Belfore] Murphey>+ASEC+ Aye, sir ::Heads off towards the bridge aread::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <CSEC>+MXO+ Sir, I request permission for Mr Belfore to take up position on the bridge for the duration of this test.

    [sTSF_Jami] <translation please, Skipper>

    [Ruark] <Helm>::puts his hands up in surprise:: now stop that computer, <Captain> We're changing course and I didn't input anything sir!

    [sTSF_Seiben] <Blue Screen of Death>

    [sTSF_Jami] <danke>

    [Ruark] uh oh!

    [Joy] <MXO> <CSEC> Granted. For the moment, just have him stay off the computer system, please.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> Correct the course.

    [shawn_Belfore] <ASEC> ::See's murphey and his team:: <Murphey> Alright Cadet if anything goes wrong here I want you to contact me.

    [Pneuma] <CENG>::Looks at the very blue screen and looks at the CO and MXO and grins suspiciously:: Umm yeah its supposed to do that its part of the virus::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <CSEC>+MXO+Aye, sir.

    [shawn_Belfore] <Murphey><ASEC> Aye, sir ::Posts up with his team::

    [Ruark] <Helm> aye aye ::tapping to attempt not smashing into any planets::

    [sTSF_Jami] <TOPS> ::eyes Pneuma:: <CENG> You're . . . sure about that?

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <CSEC>+ASEC+ You may take up position on the bridge Mr. Belfore. Just try to stay out of he way as much as possible and for some reason the commander asked me to tell you to stay out of the computer systems.

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: Despite Helm's best efforts, the course change cannot be corrected.

    [Pneuma] <CENG>::Quickly runs through a bunch of computer controls destroying the bsod and looks at Jami::<TOPS> absolutely!

    [shawn_Belfore] <ASEC>+CSEC+ Aye, sir no computer touching.

    [sTSF_Jami] <TOPS> ::skeptical::

    [shawn_Belfore] <ASEC> ::Moves into the TL.:: Bridge

    [Ruark] <Helm>::begins pulling his hair and grunting::

    [Joy] <MXO> <CO> Might want to see if 'all stop' works, sir.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><XO> Works for me. <HELM> All stop

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <CSEC>+ASEC+ Very well. I'm expecting you to report anything unusal immediately.

    [sTSF_Jami] <TOPS> ::peeks over Pneuma:: Any estimate when I'll have OPS back online? It's not nice to run around space without eyes.

    [Pneuma] <CENG>::Continues going through the computer and looks at nearest panel just in time to watch the gnomes die!::

    [Ruark] <Helm>::thinks what do I do, gets really nervous::

    [sTSF_Jami] <TOPS> ::looks over at <HELM> Unresponsive?

    [shawn_Belfore] <ASEC>+CSEC+ Will do chief ::He says as he arrives on the bridge. Taking a step off nodding to the CO and XO. Trying to stay out of the way as much as possible, while watching for any disturbances.::

    [Pneuma] <CENG><TOPS>I think that should do it Ill double check with Science

    [Pneuma] <CENG>+SCI+Do you still have gnomes down there???

    [Ruark] <Helm><Captain> Attempting all stop sir but my controls are haywire!

    [sTSF_Jami] <TOPS> ::checks her console::slaves helm to it::shifts allocations, etc.::

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: Speed increases by Warp 2.

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <McClean> ::notices the engineering seems to be very busy::

    [sTSF_Jami] <TOPS> ::shakes her head:: Helm is unresponsive from here, also, sir.

    [sTSF_Jami] <TOPS> <HELM> What's our heading?

    [Pneuma] <CENG>+SCI+ Please respond do you still have gnomes??

    [Joy] <MXO> <CO> Runaway, sir. Might want to have CENG ready to manually pull the antimatter feed.

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: Heading the centre of the main star.

    [Nicolas_Lepage] McClean>+ASEC+ Everything's still looking normal here in engineering, sir.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><XO< Make it so

    [shawn_Belfore] <ASEC>+McClean+ Alright McClean, keep your eyes out.

    [Ruark] <HELM><TOPS> Our speed is increasing I can't shut her down, bearing 147 mark 8.

    [sTSF_Jami] <SCIGuy> +ENG+ More than you can count.

    [shawn_Belfore] <Murphey>+ASEC+ Nothing unsuall here sir.

    [Joy] <MXO> <CENG> Emergency shutdown warp drive. Manual cut the antimatter feed! Stat!

    [Pneuma] <CENG>::moves away from the panel and to the engineering panel::

    [shawn_Belfore] <ASEC> ::Nod's as he continues to look around the bridge.::

    [sTSF_Jami] <TOPS> <MXO> That would make us headed for . . .that star dead ahead.

    [Nicolas_Lepage] McClean> ::notices that things get a bit more hectic in engineering::

    [Ruark] <Helm>::jamming his palm down on his console repeatedly::

    [Pneuma] <CENG>::Attempts to cut all power to the warp systems::

    [shawn_Belfore] <ASEC> ::Hearing a bunch of commotion on the bridge about running into a star sparks his intrest.::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <CSEC>+ASEC+ Have your temas taken up position?

    [Ruark] <HELM><Captain> Sir, we have no brakes, we're headed straight for that star!

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: Helm's banging has no effect.

    [Joy] <MXO> <CENG> Computer is likely locked out. You'll likely have to pull it manually.

    [sTSF_Jami] <TOPS> <MXO> Attempting to cut power from here, Sir. Rerouting all available to shields.

    [shawn_Belfore] <ASEC>+CSEC+ Yes, sir. I think we Might have a problem.

    [sTSF_Jami] <Houston, we have a problem>

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <CSEC>+ASEC+ Kindly elaborate Mr Belfore.

    [Pneuma] <CENG>::Speaks his mind:: When I get my hands on that son of a gun who did the gnomes we are gonna dance!::With that takes off to Engineering!

    [shawn_Belfore] <lol>

    [Ruark] <Helm>::feels like crying::

    [shawn_Belfore] <ASEC>+CSEC+ From what I can get from the bridge crew it seems like we're heading for the center of a star.

    [Pneuma] <CENG>::Blazes into engineering and begins manually disengaging the warp systems::

    [sTSF_Jami] <TOPS> <CO> I don't suppose we have metaphasic shielding on this ship, sir?

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><TOPS> Nope...

    [Ruark] <HELM><TOPS> What if you took a phaser to my station?

    [sTSF_Jami] <TOPS> <NIP> 'Course, that won't keep us from burning up in the core.

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <CSEC>+ASEC+ Oh, that sounds like a problem, indeed. However, I'd like you to concentrate on your task.

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <McClean> +ASEC+ Sir, i don't know what it means but things in engineering seem to be getting a bit hectic.

    [Joy] <MXO> <CSEC> Have you ordered a manual cut of the antimattr flow?

    [Pneuma] <CENG>::Still mumbling::That no good peice of space junk I reallywanna hurt him! +CO+That should do it sir!

    [sTSF_Jami] <TOPS> <HELM> Under normal circumstances I would say try it, but it would only cut off your station and not do anything about our speed or heading.

    [Joy] << Should have been CENG>

    [Ruark] <HELM>::feels like giving his console a good strong kick::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> +CENG+ let's hope so

    [sTSF_Jami] <I'll remember that, Joy>

    [shawn_Belfore] <ASEC>+CSEC+ Aye, sir +McClean+ Just keep an eye out Cadet.

    [Ruark] <HELM><TOPS> You're right ::calms down and prepares for cremation::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] McClean> Aye, sir.

    [shawn_Belfore] <ASEC>+McClean+ and stay out of the way.

    [Pneuma] <CENG>::Quickly begins rerouting power to reverse thrusters::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <McClean>+ASEC+ I'm just outside main engineering...as much out of the way as possible, sir.

    [sTSF_Jami] <<HINT: about now is the time that the cadets give us a really clever way to avoid death, thereby saving the day :) >>

    [sTSF_Seiben] <<lol>>

    [Joy] <MXO> <CENG> Pneuma!!!! CUT THE ANTIMATTER FLOW!

    [shawn_Belfore] <<I would but I'm secruity :P>>

    [sTSF_Jami] <TOPS> ::jumps to the ENG console on the bridge:::

    [sTSF_Jami] <<doesn't mean you can't suggest something, Shawn>>

    [shawn_Belfore] <<True>>

    [Ruark] <HELM><CO> Captain, we could terminate the computer from the systems?

    [Pneuma] <CENG>+MXO+ ITs been cut there is no power going to the antimatter flow!

    [Ruark] <HELM><TOPS> Do we have manual override?

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><HELM> Perhaps..

    [sTSF_Jami] <TOPS> ::working the main engineering console from the bridge::

    [Joy] <MXO> <CO> Next step would be to eject the antimatter supplies.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><XO> Right, do it.

    [shawn_Belfore] <ASEC>+McClean+ Right good job cadet +CSEC+ Sir, all teams reporting in an all clear.

    [Ruark] <HELM><closes his eyes>

    [Joy] <MXO> <CENG> Eject the antimatter stores!

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <CSEC> +ASEC+ Very well.

    [sTSF_Jami] <TOPS> <MXO> I was about to suggest that, sir. Or send someone into the tubes to manually override the flow. ::Mutters:: course, he may not survive...

    [Pneuma] <CENG>::Ejects the antimatter stores as instructed::

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: 5 minutes to the star.. things are getting pretty roasty in here.. which can't be hard too imagine with this weather

    [Ruark] <Helm>::breathes deeply and thinks he might hotwire something in his console::

    [Pneuma] <<Agreed>>

    [sTSF_Jami] <TOPS> ::dripping with sweat::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <McClean> ::getting nervous as he observes the engineers::

    [Pneuma] <CENG>+MXO+ Its gone sir!

    [shawn_Belfore] <ASEC> ::Feel's the temp. inside the bridge:: <CSEC> Sit, is it as hot down there as up here?

    [shawn_Belfore] <+CSEC+>

    [Joy] <MXO> <CO> Well, if we get out, we ought to patent this configuration. Maintaining warp without antimatter.

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: Anti-matter store is ejected.

    [Ruark] <Helm>::whistles wondering if the Chief will volunteer for certain death::

    [sTSF_Jami] <TOPS> ::checks the sensors:: Venting plasma to space . . .making a really nice trail, sir.

    [sTSF_Jami] <TOPS> <NIP> Pretty.

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <CSEC>+ASEC+ Affirmative, temperatures are rising.

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: Though the Amsterdam is slowing down, it is still headed for the centre of the star.

    [Pneuma] <CENG>::Continues attempting to get power to the reverse thrusters:: <HELM> Please try to engage reverse thrusters::

    [Pneuma] <<Minus the ::>>

    [shawn_Belfore] <ASEC>+CSEC+ Should we think about recommending evacuation sir?

    [sTSF_Jami] <TOPS> <All> So . . . now what do we do?

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><XO> Agreed

    [Joy] <MXO> <CO> With the warp field destabalizing, impulse might be able to alter our course.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><XO> Let's hope so. before the star's gravity sucks us in

    [sTSF_Jami] <TOPS> ::returns to her console::

    [Ruark] <Helm><MXO> Sir, we've slowed down a bit but our bearing is the same.

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <CSEC>+ASEC+ If your assessment of the situation is such that evacuation is a valid option, by all means. It's better than dying.

    [Joy] <MXO> <Helm> Do what you can to alter course with Impulse and Thrusters.

    [sTSF_Jami] <TOPS> <HELM> Allocating as much power as you need.

    [Ruark] <HELM><TOPS> We've gotta get that computer offline. What can I do?

    [shawn_Belfore] <ASEC>+CSEC+ I don't know sir, it seems we're mere minutes away from the star. Even if we got the order out...I don't think we'd have the time.

    [Pneuma] <CENG>::Continues finding excess power to add to impuse and thrusters::+MXO+Sir I got some bad news

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <CSEC>+ASEC+ Undrestood.

    [Joy] <MXO> +CENG+ No time for games, mister.

    [sTSF_Jami] <TOPS> <HELM> Uh...if it's offline then we have no control at all. You really don't want it offline.

    [Ruark] <Helm>hmmm, impulse ::refocuses on his console::

    [Pneuma] <CENG>+MXO+I think we may be to close to the star

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: Uh oh, the ship is caught in the star’s gravity field and is being pulled inside.. Temperatures exceed 45 C inside.

    [Joy] <MXO> +CENG+ Acknowledged. Give what control you can to helm.

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <CSEC+MXO+ Sir, my ASEC informs me that we're just about to collide with a star. I think evacuating the ship would be an option.

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <<oooh...too late>>

    [Ruark] <HELM>::Fires up the port nacelle to maximum saturation shaking the ship trying to loosen it from the grip of the star::

    [Pneuma] <CENG>+MXO+Even if we get enough impulse and thrusters to just slightly alter the course we are still headed streight for it

    [Joy] <MXO> +CSEC+ We are already in the well. If the ship is burning, will a pod protect you?

    [Pneuma] <CENG>::Shuts down all essential systems to reroute to the helm::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <5 minutes>

    [sTSF_Jami] <TOPS> ::monitoring engineering's power allocations::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <CSEC>+MXO+ I didn't realise we were that close, sir.

    [Joy] <MXO> <CO> A few might get out in shuttles, but I wouldn't trust unshielded pods.

    [shawn_Belfore] <ASEC>+CSEC+ Sir..maybe if we diverted power FROM the engines to the shields. Try to buy us some more time to fix the engine.

    [Ruark] <HELM>::firing the starboard nacelle and thrusters to maximum trying to pull hard right::

    [sTSF_Jami] <TOPS> ::has all power available to the shields right now::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><XO> Agreed..

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <CSEC>+MXO+ Can we strengthen the shields enough to survive this? ::already knows the answer::

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: The ship turns right,but not forward

    [Ruark] <HELM><MXO> Can you hear that sir? I think the engines are going to blow!

    [shawn_Belfore] <ASEC> ::Wipes his brow:: +McClean+ Report.

    [sTSF_Jami] <TOPS> ::hears Nick:: <MXO> Shields are already at maximum, Sir.

    [sTSF_Seiben] COMPUTER: Warning! Structural integrity at 100%...

    [Ruark] <HELM>::listens to all the computer terminals beeping warnings and emergency beacons::

    [Joy] <MXO> <Helm> Just turn her, Scotty.

    [Pneuma] <CENG>::Starts thinking like MacGyver and finds an enormous peice of material and begins fastening rope to it::+MXO+ Sir I got an Idea I have a very large piece of material that I have converted to a parachute if we attach it to the ship and let it

    [sTSF_Jami] <TOPS> ::mutters:: Turn baby, turn.

    [sTSF_Seiben] COMPUTER: Internal tempurature: 55 degrees Celcius

    [Ruark] <Helm> lol <MXO> I'm turning her sir, but she's just slipping backwards.

    [Nicolas_Lepage] McClean>+ASEC+ Pretty hot down here, sir. Other than the engineers looking rather worried there's nothing to report.

    [Pneuma] <CENG>+MXO+ out of the shuttle bay perhaps we can capture some solar wind and that could give us just the help we need

    [shawn_Belfore] <ASEC>+McClean+ Right thank you Mr.McClean.

    [sTSF_Jami] <TOPS> <MXO> I don't suppose ejecting and exploding the core would do anything to alter our course?

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: Creaking sounds are heard throughout the ship...

    [shawn_Belfore] <Murphey>+ASEC+ Sir, I'm starting to hear some odd sounds.

    [sTSF_Jami] <TOPS> ::looks up and around:: rut...roh...

    [Ruark] <HELM>::wiping his brow, shaking in his seat, wondering when the nacelles will explode::

    [Joy] <MXO> <TOPS> I think we're hot enough already.

    [shawn_Belfore] <ASEC>+Murphey+ Right +McClean+ Are you hearing anything odd?

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: A big boom is heard.. but then.. nothing else....

    [sTSF_Jami] <TOPS> ::glance at helm, thinking...and he's so young...:::

    [sTSF_Seiben] PAUSE SIM

  4. [sTSF_Jami] Commanding Officer (CO): STSF Seiben

    [sTSF_Jami] Executive Officer / Fillin (XO): STSF Jami

    [sTSF_Jami] Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Knlwtchr

    [sTSF_Jami] Tactical Officer (TAC) - Kansas Jones

    [sTSF_Jami] Helm Officer (Helm) - T'Phai

    [sTSF_Jami] Operations Officer (OPS) - Lord Chris

    [sTSF_Jami] Chief Engineer (CENG) - Ltjg Dave Johnson

    [sTSF_Jami] Assistant Engineer (AENG) - Shirai

    [sTSF_Jami] Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Jaden

    [sTSF_Jami] Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Madison Starr

    [sTSF_Jami] Assistant Medical Officer (AMO) - Sendai Riko

    [sTSF_Jami] Assistant Medical Officer (AMO) - Nicolas Lepage

    [sTSF_Jami] Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Callack Nimetti

    [sTSF_Seiben] MISSION BRIEF. SD: 10607.25

    [sTSF_Seiben] The USS Botany Bay is to escort a delegate to an important meeting in Risa. Sounds easy enough, but is it?

    [sTSF_Seiben] BEGIN SIM........

    [LtJGDaveJohnson] <CENG>::In engingeering running a impulse reactor diagnostic::

    [sendai_Riko] <AMO1> :: in sickbay, straightening hyposprays and medical tricorders ::

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: We just picked up the delegate and is leaving the starbase where we picked him up

    [Callack_Nimetti] <CSCI> ::on bridge at the science station

    [Jaden] <CSEC>::finishing up writing a report::

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO>::in sickbay looking through the files to see who is due for their annual physical::

    [Kansas_Jones] <TaC> ::on bridge::

    [T_Phai] <HELM> ::counting down the seconds until the mission is over::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> <HELM> Take us out'

    [sTSF_Jami] ROSTER UPDATE - Assistant Engineer (AENG) - Samik

    [knlwtchr] <MXO>::seated next to Seiben, looking at OPS::

    [LtJGDaveJohnson] <CENG><AENG> Can you check the pressure valves for me, I think they are running a little hot

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO> ::strolls into sickbay whistling a tune::

    [sendai_Riko] <<The Botany Bay is steam powered? :P >>

    [samik] <AENG2><CENG> Reporting for dutie

    [knlwtchr] <MXO><OPS>::stands, places a hand on Chris' shoulder:: Have all departments report in, make sure everything is hunky dorry.

    [LtJGDaveJohnson] <CENG><AENG2> How are you doing this morning?

    [T_Phai] <HELM> <CO> Yes sir!

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><AMO2>Mr Lepage,could you and Mr.Riko take an inventory of the hyposprays and tell me what we need to restock?

    [shirai] <AENG> Yes Sir, right on it. :: Hurries over to pressure valves, runs a quick diagnostic :: Affirmative sir.

    [sendai_Riko] <AMO1><CMO> Certainly, doctor.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><HELM> And once we're clear, jump to warp

    [samik] <AENG2><CENG> Very well, thank-you sir.

    [Callack_Nimetti] <CSCI> ::looking over information about the cultures of the delegates::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO2> ::stops whistling at once:: Aye, sir.

    [sendai_Riko] <AMO1><AMO2> Which side do you want?

    [knlwtchr] <MXO>::looking over his shoulder at the console::

    [lord_chris] <OP> Reporting, sir

    [Jaden] <CSEC>::dots the last i and sends his communique to Starfleet Security::

    [Kansas_Jones] <TAC> ::checking some tactical readings::

    [samik] <AENG2> Reporting in, sir

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO2><AMO1> Left. I'm sure we won't need much, though.

    [T_Phai] <HELM> ::finishes backing out and goes to warp 1::

    [sendai_Riko] <AMO1><AMO2> Gotcha. :: heads to the right side of sickbay, PADD in hand ::

    [knlwtchr] <MXO><OPS Lord Chris> Please take OPS station.

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO2> ::grabs a PADD on the way to the left side::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><HELM> Jump to Warp 8

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO2> ::opens a drawer and starts checking the vials::

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO>::reads up on infectious diseases know on Risa....makes sure all crew has has their shots::

    [LtJGDaveJohnson] <CENG><AENG2> Very good...can you please check the reactor temperature levels while I look for anything out of the ordinary, we need this diagnostic done by 1600

    [sendai_Riko] <AMO1> :: begins looking through hyposprays and the inserts, checking them off the list ::

    [shirai] <AENG><CENG> They're a little hot, sir, but the levels are normal. This shouldn't be a problem.

    [knlwtchr] <MXO><OPS Lord Chris> Have all departments report in, please.

    [T_Phai] <HELM> <CO> Warp 8, sir! ::makes the jump to warp 8::

    [samik] <AENG2><CENG> Yes, SIR

    [Jaden] <CSEC>+Computer+ Begin security access code cryptographic rotation.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><HELM> What's the ETA to Risa?

    [Kansas_Jones] <TAC> ::to bridge in general:: sometimes I wonder why we can be pulled for ferrying duty. You would think that there would be a section of the fleet to handle that sort of thing?

    [LtJGDaveJohnson] <CENG><AENG> Pull one of the valves down...the one to the right, that should counterbalance things, I am going to check the levels as you do

    [Callack_Nimetti] <CSCI><XO> Ma'am, do you need me on the bridge?

    [samik] <AENG2> ::Doen't smile:: (Is vulcan)

    [lord_chris] <op>reporting yes sir

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO2><AMO1> ::Calls over to Riko:: We ought to get some caffein hypos. ::grins::

    [sendai_Riko] <AMO1> :: whistles while ticking off yet more hypos ::

    [T_Phai] <HELM> <CO> ETA to Risa is 3.8 hours, sir.

    [LtJGDaveJohnson] <CENG>::looking at the reactor console he taps a few controls and brings up the pressure level screen::

    [knlwtchr] <XO>+CSCI+Need? No, but you are more than welcome to join us.

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO2> ::ticks off hypos as he checks the vials::

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO>::walks over to assist the officer that just walked in::

    [sendai_Riko] <AMO1><AMO2> Yeah, the extra strength too! ::

    [Jaden] <CSEC>::exits his office and proceeds to the bridge by turbolift::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><HELM> I see. INcrease our speed to Warp 9 then. The delegate needs to be there ASAP. Quite important

    [Callack_Nimetti] <<i'm on the bridge>>

    [shirai] <AENG><CENG> Right away, Sir. :: Reaches over, eyes the "right" valve. He grips it and gradually brings it down.:: How are the levels, sir?

    [knlwtchr] <XO>::turns::<CO> Know anything about these delegates?

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO>::overhears the AMOs...raises an eyebrow and smiles::

    [LtJGDaveJohnson] <CENG><AENG2> I need to know whether the temperature is dropping while the pressure is being counterbalanced...it should all work like a clock

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO2><AMO1> Yeah if they don't make your hair stand on end they're no good.

    [Callack_Nimetti] <CSCI> ::heads to the TL::

    [Kansas_Jones] <TAC> ::a section of the upper tactical consoles starts to show surrounding sector data::

    [knlwtchr] <<OK, gotcha>> *<XO><CSCI>No, Ill call you if we need you.*

    [T_Phai] <HELM> <CO> Yes sir, going to warp 9 now. ::presses a couple buttons::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO2> ::moves to the next drawer::

    [Callack_Nimetti] <CSCI><XO> Yes ma'am

    [Jaden] <CSEC>::stops briefly to speak to the delegate about the suitability of their quarters, safety and comfort, etc.::

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO>::finishes with the patient::

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><AMO2>you sound as if you know....

    [LtJGDaveJohnson] <CENG>::looks at the console::

    [sendai_Riko] <AMO1> :: finishes up the top level, moves down to the second ::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><XO> Some kind of peace confrence for their planet, which is under civil war

    [LtJGDaveJohnson] <CENG><AENG> Pressure is decreasing...good now...<AENG2> How is the temperature?

    [samik] <AENG2> The temperature is Decreasing, Sorry my mind was on pizza.

    [Callack_Nimetti] <CSCI> ::enters TL:: Sickbay

    [knlwtchr] <MXO><CO> Ew, we arent mediating, are we? ::grins::

    [sendai_Riko] <AMO1><CMO> Isn't that in the Starfleet Medical Database? Caffeine required substance for AMOs?

    [Jaden] <CSEC>::moves across the bridge towards the conference room::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO2><CMO> Let's just say that at med school deadlines kinda jumped out on me unexpectedly.

    [LtJGDaveJohnson] <CENG><AENG2> Pizza? ::raising an eyebrow::

    [knlwtchr] <MXO>::sits again in the XO chair::

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><AMO2>i havent been out ot the academy so long that i'd have forgotten that.....*laughs*

    [T_Phai] <HELM> <TAC> ::casually:: I hate these taxi jobs.......

    [sendai_Riko] <AMO1> :: notices a deficiency in anti-hemmoraging agents, jots it down on the PADD ::

    [Kansas_Jones] <TAC> <CO> <MXO> <XO> Sirs, quick update. Nothing showing tactical wise. I have the sensors doing a couple different scan pattersn in the surrounding sectors.

    [samik] <AENG2><CENG> Oh ya, The fresh baked pizza with too much peppers and hot sause beef anchovies and pinnapple

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO2> ::glances down into the drawer:: Hello...I've been looking for you for quite a while.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><XO> Hope not. I'm hoping it's just a taxi mission

    [knlwtchr] <MXO><TAC>::nods at Kansas::

    [samik] <AENG2><CENG> MMMM...MMMMM...MMMMM

    [shirai] <AENG><AENG2> :: Looks up curiously, eyeing Samik :: A bit nostalgic?

    [Kansas_Jones] <TAC> <Helm> ::thinks:: Aye. They can be a pain in the rear at times....

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::nods::

    [knlwtchr] <XO><CO>Agreed, Captain.

    [Jaden] <CSEC>::gazes out the windows of the conference room deep in thought, noticing the location of the Botany::

    [LtJGDaveJohnson] <CENG><AENG1><AENG2> Lets try to stay focused ::smirks::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> Looking forward to some fun in sun afterwards

    [samik] <AENG2><CENG> Hey, If you dont like pizza, try some huge cajan tacos! Oh yes sir, Sorry sir

    [sendai_Riko] <AMO1> :: finishes up on the right side ::

    [Callack_Nimetti] <CSCI> ::exits TL and heads towards sickbay::

    [Kansas_Jones] <TAC> <Helm> I still say that Fleet should have a special section of light and fast ships to ferry the diplomates and mediators in situations like this....

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO2> ::keeps ticking off hypos::

    [Jaden] <CSEC>+TL+ ::steps into the turbolift:: Deck 10

    [knlwtchr] <XO><CO>Aye. Im sure the crew could benefit from some R & R, Sir.

    [samik] <AENG2> Focused

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><XO> I agree

    [shirai] <AENG> <CENG> Sorry sir. :: Takes his hand off the valve ::

    [T_Phai] <HELM> <TAC> It would solve a lot of problems.

    [sendai_Riko] <AMO1> :: walks over to Nick and helps him finish on the left ::

    [knlwtchr] <XO><CO> Yourself included.

    [LtJGDaveJohnson] <CENG><AENG1+2> Alright next up is ::looks at the padd:: The impulse manifold

    [Callack_Nimetti] <CSCI> ::enters sickbay:: <CMO> I'd like to thank you

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO<><XO> ::chuckles:: I won't argue with you there.

    [T_Phai] <HELM> <TAC> And a lot of inconveniences too........

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO2><AMO1> Thanks for giving me a hand. Didn't get much sleep last night so I'm a bit slow today.

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><CSCI>you're welcome...but whatever for?

    [Jaden] <CSEC>::steps through the doors of Ten Forward and greets the server warmly::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><OPS> Mr. Chris, how is our guest doing?

    [sendai_Riko] <AMO1><AMO2> Nah, my mum owned a restaurant. I was always doing inventory as a kid, I've got it down.

    [lord_chris] <op>great sir

    [knlwtchr] <XO><CO>You know, Ive heard the Risans are working on extended holodeck programs. With your premission, I would like to bring some back...

    [Callack_Nimetti] <CSCI><CMO> For blowing a horn in my ear before we left the starbase

    [Kansas_Jones] <TAC> <HELM> Tphai I agree.

    [sendai_Riko] <<Callack, that was me!>>

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><OPS>::nods::E xcellent. See that his needs are catered for

    [sendai_Riko] <AMO1> :: adds some anesthetics to the list ::

    [Callack_Nimetti] <<Ooops wrong person>>

    [LtJGDaveJohnson] <CENG><AENG1+2> I am going to monitor things from the main console <AENG1> You go over to console #2 and <AENG2> You go over to console #3

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><CSCI>What can I help you with?

    [Jaden] <CSEC>::enjoys a small coffee fishing for gossip quietly, scanning the people's faces in the room::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO2><AMO1> I see...I try to delegate the task of doing inventory.

    [Callack_Nimetti] <<sorry i met AMO1>>

    [MadisonStarr] <<NP>>

    [sendai_Riko] <AMO1><AMO2> I would if I could. :: smiles :: Not too bad, we've had a few too many bleeders though.

    [Kansas_Jones] <TAC> ::double checks a sensor blip before turning back to TPhai:: <Helm> Some of those little courier ships are tough to tangle with as well. Same as the Botany Bay.

    [samik] <AENG2> Oh hula girlss, Ok sir really sorry (Think i may be sick or overworked )

    [Callack_Nimetti] <CSCI><CMO> Sorry, i met to yell at your assistant over there ::points ot sendai:: but i have a major headache and major ringing in my ears

    [shirai] <AENG> :: Steps away from valves :: Yes sir. :: Walks over to console #2, opens programs and awaits instructions. ::

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><AMOs>do you two need any help?

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO2><AMO1> We could just put up a sign 'If you're bleeding, go away.'

    [samik] <AENG2><CENG> I'm on the job, And no there is no romulan ale on board

    [Jaden] <CSEC>::makes his farewell with a hardy smile and proceeds to the lower decks to begin his daily standard patrol::

    [Kansas_Jones] <rofl>

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO2><CMO> ::shrugs:: You could draw the sign. ::grins::

    [samik] <AENG2><CENG> That cant be the problem

    [sendai_Riko] <AMO1><CMO> No, doctor, we've got it under control. I suppose Mr. Nimetti needs a lookover.

    [MadisonStarr] <CSCI><CMO>but of course......let me know if you need any help...yelling is a good stress relief...lol

    [knlwtchr] <XO>::keying on a padd::

    [Kansas_Jones] <TAC> ::stops venting long enough to start another scan program::

    [LtJGDaveJohnson] <CENG><AENG1+2> Ok guys...we have to get this thing up to peak efficency, in order to do that its going to take some time <AENG1> I would like you to please take power from Engineering junction 22 and route it to the impulse power system and give it a jolt

    [samik] <AENG2><CMO> I think i may need to report to sick bay

    [Jaden] <CSEC>::descending the jeffries tube to the medical deck::

    [LtJGDaveJohnson] <CENG><AENG1> That is step 1

    [sendai_Riko] <AMO1><AMO2> No, we need a sign that says "Stop getting cut, dummy!"

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><AMO2>everyone know that doctors have horrible penmanship.....lol

    [sTSF_Jami] <Delegate> ::relaxing in VIP quarters, reading his daily "paper":::

    [T_Phai] <HELM> <TAC> Well, I guess I'm biased, because if it wasn't for this mission I'd be relaxing on a beach with a fruit drink, watching the sunset....... ::looks slightly regretful::

    [Callack_Nimetti] <CSCI><CMO> haha ::walks over to AMO1:: <AMO1> I'd like to personnaly thank you for giving me a headache

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><AENG2>of course,come right up.

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO2><CMO> Yeah.

    [Kansas_Jones] <TAC> ::grunts:: <Helm> True. Then again, after we drop off the diplomate, we can check out Risa.

    [T_Phai] <HELM> <TAC> It's been far too long since the last shore leave.

    [sendai_Riko] <AMO1><CSCI> Have to keep us in business, don't I?

    [Jaden] <CSEC>::walks by sickbay and downloads personnel files near the office onto a PADD, carefully observing the daily routine::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO2><AMO1> That might work, too. Anyway I'm done here how bout you?

    [Callack_Nimetti] i know, just wondering if you had a chance to check before we started

    [sendai_Riko] <AMO1><AMO2> All finished.

    [samik] <AENG2><CMO> Check me for hula dresses ::Snap out of it samik!:: I think i need to come more than i thought

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><CSCI>do you need anything?

    [Kansas_Jones] <TAC> <Helm> and thats another thing. What is this, the third time we've been pulled from shoreleave?

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO2><AMO1> So, what do we need?

    [samik] <AENG2><CMO> Be right up =(

    [LtJGDaveJohnson] <CENG><AENG2> Not feeling well?

    [T_Phai] <HELM> <TAC> Fourth.

    [Kansas_Jones] <<my, the Helm and Tac officers are cranky lol>>

    [samik] <AENG2><CMO> I dont feel well

    [Callack_Nimetti] <CSCI><CMO> Something for a headache, then i should be good

    [Jaden] <CSEC>::passing through sickbay to the other side, exchanging a friendly greeting with Nurse Tate::

    [LtJGDaveJohnson] <CENG><AENG2> Specifically?

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><CSCI>hula dressses?I'm not familiar wiht that particular ailment.....you have been drinking synthol havent you?

    [shirai] <AENG> <CENG> Right away, Sir. :: Opens Engineering Junction 22, uses grid on screen to re-route the power to impulse engines. :: Completed, sir.

    [sendai_Riko] <AMO1><AMO2> If you'd like, I can put all this together and start replicating the replacements.

    [Kansas_Jones] <TAC> Fourth? You are kidding? <Helm> ::rechecks a data padd against new readings::

    [LtJGDaveJohnson] <CENG><AENG1> Good...I will be with you in one second

    [T_Phai] <<yup, well, it's the longest casual conversation I've ever had in a sim, lol>>

    [Kansas_Jones] <<lol>>

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO2><AMO1> That'd be nice. I'll go help our boss with the patients.

    [sTSF_Jami] <Delegate> ::raids the minibar::

    [Callack_Nimetti] <CSCI><CMO> I said headache, not hula dresses

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><AENG1>could you take care of Mr.Nimetti please?

    [knlwtchr] <XO><CO>Ive made up a roster of whose remaining onboard during the peace talks. Mostly security and engineers, working on ship specs..

    [LtJGDaveJohnson] <CENG>+<CMO>+ Johnson to Starr

    [Jaden] <CSEC>::descends in a turbolift to the extreme lower decks exiting near the brig alcoves::

    [samik] <AENG2><CENG> Take me down to kokomo!! No, I really think i need help or a break. I cant continue my job like this

    [sendai_Riko] <AMO1> :: takes the PADD from Nick, then heads over to the replicator ::

    [knlwtchr] <<lol Jami>>

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><XO> Okay, that's good to know/

    [sTSF_Jami] <g>

    [MadisonStarr] <<srry callack>>

    [knlwtchr] <XO><CO> You allright, Captain? You seem..far away.

    [LtJGDaveJohnson] <CENG>+<CMO>+ Can you send a medic to engineering, one of my engineers...well lets just say the heat of the warp core has gotten to him...I think, but I need him at his post

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <<samik are you in sickbay?>>

    [Kansas_Jones] <TAC> ::starts to download some data to a padd::

    [Callack_Nimetti] <<rofl>>

    [samik] <<Yes>>

    [sendai_Riko] <AMO1> :: first takes the two PADDs and combines the data ::

    [T_Phai] <HELM> <TAC> Nope. There was the short leave on Vulcan that was cancelled; I know it's a bit on the warm side, but it's really a beautiful planet.

    [LtJGDaveJohnson] <<he was still in engineering so far as I knew...he is talking right to me>>'

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><AENG2>hula dresses?im not familiar with that particular ailment....You have been drinking synthol havent you?

    [samik] <<no<<

    [Callack_Nimetti] <CSCI><CMO> are you ok doc, you just asked the AENG to help me

    [lord_chris] <<with good resin to>>

    [samik] I am waiting for a doctor

    [Jaden] <CSEC>::links his PADD to the security computer and chats with the duty officer::

    [sTSF_Jami] <<HINT: There are more things to do in a sim than to get sick and go to sick bay :) >>

    [sendai_Riko] <AMO1> :: after combining the data, keys in orders for the needed medicines ::

    [Callack_Nimetti] <<i'm not sick, just got a headache from a horn being blown in my ear>>

    [knlwtchr] <XO>::enters notations onto a padd::

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><AMO1>plaese help Mr.Nimetti

    [sTSF_Seiben] <Yep, most advanced sims are slow like this, so it's good to find something to do.. :) >>

    [Kansas_Jones] <<such as being a cranky officer and complaining...wait...no. Bad idea. ;) >>

    [LtJGDaveJohnson] <CENG><AENG2> Just sit tight for right now, I have called for a medic to come here and treat you

    [MadisonStarr] <<SRRY...so manyy people talking>>

    [LtJGDaveJohnson] <CENG>+<CMO>+ Thank You doctor, I promise we will not take more of you're people

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><CENG>of course

    [Jaden] <CSEC>::climbing a few jeffries tube ladders to main engineering deck::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO2><CMO> Do you want me to go down to engineering, sir?

    [Kansas_Jones] <Tac> <Helm> Of course, the more delegates we get safely to a destination, the ship'll get a good reputation?

    [samik] <AENG2><CENG> Ok, I dont know ::What's up babe::

    [sTSF_Jami] <<HINT: For graduation, we look for people who tend to their duties in a creative manner.>>

    [samik] Whats rong with me

    [shirai] <AENG> :: Sighs, leaning against his post :: Never a dull moment in engineering.

    [samik] <AENG2><CENG> I better just not talk

    [sTSF_Jami] <<Samik, don't forget your post before your comments :) >>

    [samik] <AENG2><CENG> Untill i get treated

    [sTSF_Jami] <Danke>

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><AMO2>please go down to engineering and treat Mr.Samik...he's had too much heat...

    [sendai_Riko] <AMO1> :: pulls out the first batch of vials, then orders the second set ::

    [Callack_Nimetti] <CSCI> ::shruggs, then heads to the science lab::

    [knlwtchr] <XO>::stands, moves to security station console, entering commands::

    [T_Phai] <HELM> <TAC> ::considers:: Well, I suppose that's true. We need all the good reputation we can get.... :)

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO2> Alright. Won't take long.

    [Jaden] <CSEC>::stands at the master systems control display in main engineering just to make his presence felt, noticing the environmental conditions::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO2> ::grabs a med kit on his way out of sickbay and makes his way to the TL::

    [Kansas_Jones] <TAC> <OPS> Lord Chris Chris, Im just sending over my latest tactical scans if you want to double check your readings...

    [sendai_Riko] <AMO1> :: grabs the second set and orders the third and final set ::

    [LtJGDaveJohnson] <CENG>::nods to the CENG2::<AENG1> Ok..back to this diagnostic...now, I would like you to please moniter the manifold's stabalizers as I uncouple the reactor chamber's locking mechanisms

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO2> ::enters TL:: Main Engineering.

    [lord_chris] <thanks sir>

    [samik] <AENG2> I am in need of ::Pizza:: Help

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><AMO1>did you help Mr.Nimetti?

    [Kansas_Jones] <TAC> ::the data stream downloads into OPs, with a text message reading Finished ::

    [knlwtchr] <XO>::reading from padd, entering notations::

    [samik] <AENG2> Help me <AMO2>

    [lord_chris] <<quit it samik>>

    [LtJGDaveJohnson] <CENG><AENG1> We need to physically enter the jeffries tube which has the manifolds main controls without compromising the stabalizers

    [knlwtchr] <XO>+CSEC+Knoll to Jaden+

    [Jaden] <CSEC>::taps at a console briefly running a diagnostic on the internal sensors::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO2> ::exits TL and steps into ME, looking around for whoever needs help::

    [Kansas_Jones] <TAC> Sir? Oh...::smiles:: we are all cadets here. No sir, thanks ::winks:: <OPS>

    [Jaden] <CSEC>+XO+ Yes Commander?

    [sendai_Riko] <AMO1><CMO> He left .

    [shirai] <AENG> <CENG> Understood sir.

    [LtJGDaveJohnson] <CENG>::see's the AMO2::

    [knlwtchr] <XO>+CSEC+ Chief, could you come down here a moment, I want to let you know about some changes I made to your bridge station.

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO2><Engineers> Alright who needs help?

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO>::sighs and rubs her temples...on slow days like this.....::

    [LtJGDaveJohnson] <CENG><AMO2> Hey there Nick..::points to AENG2:: Him

    [sendai_Riko] <AMO1> :: takes the tray and begins refilling the empty slots ::

    [Jaden] <CSEC>+XO+ Funny I didn't know Security had a bridge station. What is your location?

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO2><CENG> Hey Dave. Is it just the heat?

    [knlwtchr] <XO>+CSEC+Bridge. ::smirks::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO2> ::walks over to Samik::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> :;watches the viewscreen::

    [Jaden] <CSEC>+XO+ I'll be right there.

    [LtJGDaveJohnson] <CENG><AMO2> I think so...but I need him at his post

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO>+CSCI+did you get treatment?If not come back and i will gladly accomodate you....

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO2><CENG> I'll see what I can do.

    [shirai] <CENG> :: Looks over to AENG2, sighs again and wonders what's wrong with the fella'. Nevertheless, work must continue. There is much to be done.:: [Kansas_Jones] <TAC> ::bridge:: All sectors still show normal, no tactical activity.

    [Jaden] <CSEC>+Ensign Tate+ Please take the rest of my standard patrol for Alpha Shift, I'm needed on the bridge.

    [samik] <AENG2> ::Turned red eyes::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] anyway...I'll keep it in mind

    [LtJGDaveJohnson] <CENG><AENG1> Decoupling complete?

    [Jaden] <CSEC>+TL+ Deck 1 ::is smiling he is called to the bridge::

    [knlwtchr] <XO>::making more notations::

    [samik] <AENG2> ::disturbing glance::

    [Callack_Nimetti] <CSCI> ::Enters science lab and heads to a console:: Computer, display previous data on this nebula ::taps a nebula on the displayed star map::

    [samik] <AENG2> ::light mumbleing

    [sendai_Riko] <AMO1> :: fills all the slots on the left side, walks over to the right and begins filling them ::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO2><AENG2> Mr Samik...what's wrong?

    [sendai_Riko] <AMO1> :: finishes filling the right side, which was mostly anti-hemmoraging agents ::

    [Jaden] <CSEC>+Ensign Tate+ You can skip the Armory for today and break for lunch early. ::arrives on the bridge looking around::

    [shirai] <AENG> <CENG> Yes sir.

    [samik] <AENG2> Heeelp ::Disturbing sounds::

    [knlwtchr] <XO>::ponders the entries::

    [sendai_Riko] <AMO1><CMO> All finished and stocked, doctor.

    [Callack_Nimetti] <CSCI> ::watches the information display and studies the information::

    [Kansas_Jones] <TAC> ::walks over to a nearby auxiliary station to exchange data padds with the crewman manning the station::

    [LtJGDaveJohnson] <CENG><AENG> Alright...follow me, we have some hyperspanning to do ::smirks::

    [knlwtchr] <XO>::notices the CSEC enter, inclining head XO-style::

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO>::looks at some tissue samples under the microscope::

    [samik] <AENG2> I dont know, its gettign worse

    [Jaden] <CSEC><XO> Ah yes, Commander Knoll I believe, how can I help you Ma'am?

    [LtJGDaveJohnson] <CENG><AENG2> As soon as you have been treated please join us Mister Samik, we will require you're expertise

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO2><AENG2> It would help if you could be a bit more elaborate. Are you hurting?

    [shirai] <AENG> <AENG2> : Looks up again, thinking, "What in all quadrant's name is his problem?! He then looks up, quickly following CENG :: Right sir.

    [sendai_Riko] <AMO1><CMO> With your permission, doctor, I'll go look up Mr. Nimetti and see how he's doing.

    [Callack_Nimetti] <CSCI> ::is satisfied that the data is updated:: Computer, bring up the schematics of the shuttle i'm designing

    [knlwtchr] <XO><CSEC>::grins, hands over the padd:: This is a list of those remaining here while those not on assignment are on Risa.

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO2> ::starts scanning Samik::

    [LtJGDaveJohnson] <CENG>::walks over to a jeffries tube now unlocked::

    [LtJGDaveJohnson] <CENG><AENG> Ladies first

    [Jaden] <CSEC><XO> Excellent, a skeleton crew I presume?

    [knlwtchr] <XO><CSEC>Do you find any errors? I was entering the schedule into the main roster here..

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><AMO1>of course...i asked him if he still needed treatment but he didnt respond....but by all means go

    [Callack_Nimetti] <CSCI>+MXO+ Ma'am what are the species of the delegates?

    [sendai_Riko] <AMO1> :: nods to the doctor, then walks over to grab a medkit :: <Computer> Locate Callack Nimetti.

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO>+AMO2+How is the patient?

    [lord_chris] im back

    [knlwtchr] <XO><CSEC>::Nods:: As skeleton as I could muster. Unfortunately, some of your men are needed here and on Risa to maintain transportation on and off the ship as needed...

    [Jaden] <CSEC><XO> We might want Crewmen Gonzalez and Peterson stationed in the armory for cleaning duty. I've had minor discipline problems with them in the past.

    [Kansas_Jones] <TAC> ::moves back over to tactical console::

    [Callack_Nimetti] <<i'm in the science lab riko>>

    [shirai] <AENG> <CENG> Aye s- :: A little slow to catch the joke, or perhaps too distracted by his comrade's odd behavior. :: ... :: Quietly enters the Jeffries Tube ::

    [sendai_Riko] Computer> Mr. Nimetti is located in science lab one

    [knlwtchr] <XO>+CSCI+Species? Im not sure, Ill have to get back with you Chief.

    [sendai_Riko] <AMO1> :: exits sickbay, heads down the hall to the nearby lab ::

    [knlwtchr] <XO><CSEC>::nods:: I heard. Anything major?

    [LtJGDaveJohnson] <CENG>::follows:: <AENG1> Alright the console should be just up ahead

    [Callack_Nimetti] <CSCI>+XO+ Aye ma'am

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO2> ::nods a he sees the readouts:: Alright here's what you should do. Stay away from the warp core for today and this hypo should help. ::administers a hypo:: Now...you're fit for duty.

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: For a split-second, a blip appeared on long range scanners, but it dissapears a second later.

    [LtJGDaveJohnson] <CENG><AENG1> See it?

    [sendai_Riko] <AMO1> :: enters the lab ::

    [Jaden] <CSEC><XO> ::clears his throat:: Nothing I can't handle but will I be remaining aboard?

    [sTSF_Jami] <Delegate> ::stands at the viewport, looking over the starscape, sipping a nice Claret::

    [knlwtchr] <XO><CSEC>::points on the console:: Well, that’s up to you. I put you here, floating.

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO2>+CMO+ Sorry for the delay. The patient is not in a critical condition. I just sent him back to work.

    [Callack_Nimetti] <CSCI> ::looks at the door as AMO1 enters:: welcome Sendai, what brings you

    [sendai_Riko] <AMO1><CSCI> Still have your headache?

    [Kansas_Jones] ::confused:: <TAC> ::checks the readings:: <CO> <MXO> Sirs, for a second, I had something on long range scans....nothing now.

    [Callack_Nimetti] <CSCI><AMO1> yeah, but yall looked busy so i decided to rough it

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::Raises a brow:: What was it?

    [sTSF_Seiben] ::to TAC::

    [Jaden] <CSEC><XO> We already seem to be on the same page Commander. ::smiles:: Don't tell me you had Professor Konsab at the Academy as well?

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><AMO2>thats good,while you're down there let him know he is due for a physical.

    [samik] <AENG2><CENG> Reporting for dishes, Sir

    [samik] *Dutie

    [knlwtchr] <<Thats what I was going to say, Seiben =0]>>

    [shirai] <AENG> :: Looks ahead towards the console:: I see it, Sir. :: Ducks his head a bit to avoid metallic support beams :: Sure can get an achey back by the end of the day, workin' in here.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <<heh>>

    [MadisonStarr] +AMO2+*

    [sendai_Riko] <AMO1><CSCI> Well, let me check you out. :: pulls out med tricorder and scans Nimetti :: Sorry about that, things can get hectic sometimes.

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO2><AENG2> And my chief wants you to report for your physical after your shift.

    [LtJGDaveJohnson] <CENG>::does not hear the AENG2 as he is in the jeffries tube::

    [knlwtchr] <XO><CSEC>::grins:: Must have been after my time.

    [Callack_Nimetti] <CSCI> ::continues the scan of the schematic:: I wonder if this will acutally work <AMO1> yeah, i know what ya mean

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO2> ::gathers his things and puts them back into the case::

    [LtJGDaveJohnson] <CENG><AENG1> Ok...now pull off the side of the console we need to realign a few things

    [Kansas_Jones] <TAC> Not sure sir. <CO> not enough to get a postive ID

    [Jaden] <CSEC>::inputs the personnel assignments from the XO into the Security roster:: <XO> And may I say I really appreicate this console of ours dedicated to security on the main bridge.

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO2> ::makes his way back to the TL::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO2> ::enters TL:: Sickbay

    [LtJGDaveJohnson] <CENG><AENG1> It should slide off as easy as butter

    [sendai_Riko] <AMO1><CSCI> Hmm, nothing major. A mild anesthetic should do the trick. :: pulls a hypo out of the medkit ::

    [Callack_Nimetti] <CSCI><Ens. Austad> run a couple of tests on this. I want to see if this will really work.

    [knlwtchr] <XO><CSEC>::smiles:: Actually, it was assigned to the cook. ::quirks a brow::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> <TAC> I see// keep an eye out for it

    [Callack_Nimetti] <CSCI><AMO1> thanks, i owe ya one

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO2> ::exits TL and walks back to sickbay::

    [Kansas_Jones] <TAC> Aye sir. <CO>

    [sendai_Riko] <AMO1> :: injects Nimetti with 5 cc of InstaPainBeGone ::

    [Callack_Nimetti] <ENS. Austad> Aye, sir. ::starts running tests::

    [shirai] <AENG> :: Quickly removes the side of the console. It detaches just as easily as CENG stated. :: Ready, Sir.

    [Jaden] <CSEC><XO> Well, if you'll permit... we've got some security protocols to update in the Armory.

    [shirai] *<CENG>*

    [sTSF_Jami] <Delegate> ::sighs, then says aloud, though he is alone:: Cheese. And a nice warm crust of bread. ::nods and goes to the replicator for aforementioned:::

    [sendai_Riko] <AMO1> :: steps back, waits a second :: <CSCI> How's that?

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><AMO2>right about now, that sign doesn't sound too bad....

    [knlwtchr] <XO><CSEC>::chuckles:: Excellent job, Chief.

    [knlwtchr] <XO><CSEC>Let me know if you need anything from our end.

    [Callack_Nimetti] <CSCI><AMO1> Better, just don't use a horn on me again. Next time, kick me

    [LtJGDaveJohnson] <CENG><AENG1> Ok...now take this ::hands her a hyperspanner::

    [Jaden] <CSEC><XO> I'll be sure to thank the Chef. ::smiles, nods and exits::

    [Kansas_Jones] <TAC> ::checking readings with more of an intense look::

    [knlwtchr] <XO>::laughs::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO2> <CMO> Something like 'Beware of medical personnel' would fit better though.

    [sendai_Riko] <AMO1><CSCI> You got it. Take it easy. :: exits the lab and walks back to sickbay ::

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: The blip reappears again nect to the ship and in the viewscreen as it decloaks off the Botany Bay's bow.

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO2><CMO> Anyway nothing major in engineering and noone bleding.

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO>::asks the incoming officer what her ailment...she replies'a really bad hang nail'::

    [knlwtchr] <XO>::turns towards the XO chair::

    [sTSF_Jami] <Delegate> ::grin:: Now we're talking. ::takes the bread, wine, and cheese on a vintage wooden board, to the viewport, where he sits and raises his glass to the stars::: A crust of bread, a glass of wine, and thou beside me in the eventide....

    [sendai_Riko] <AMO1> :: enters sickbay ::

    [Jaden] <CSEC>::begins tapping against the wall access console at the Armory, testing the new security protocols::

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><AMO2>days like theses people just go to sick bay to have a place to go....

    [Kansas_Jones] <TAC> Holy Cow! Sirs we have contact! ::tactical registers the decloaked ship::

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: The alien ship fires a volley at the Botany Bay's engines, and knocks out the shield. They then transport the Delegate to their ship.

    [sendai_Riko] <AMO1><CMO> The chief is fine and dandy now, doctor. Just a mild headache.

    [knlwtchr] <XO>::looks up at the viewscreen::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO2><CMO> Almost as if they didn't have a home.

    [sTSF_Jami] <Delegate> ::is transported::

    [knlwtchr] <XO>::holds on::

    [shirai] <AENG> <CENG> :: Takes the hyperspanner ::

    [sendai_Riko] <AMO1> :: stumbles unexpectedly ::

    [LtJGDaveJohnson] <CENG>::is rocked by the hit::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::Rocks::

    [knlwtchr] <XO>Report!

    [Callack_Nimetti] <CSCI> feels the shock:: what the?

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO>::rocks::

    [sendai_Riko] <AMO1><Sickbay> Dang it, I hate not having a window.

    [Jaden] <CSEC>::stammers and looks up::

    [LtJGDaveJohnson] <CENG>::slams his arm against the side of the jeffries tube::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO2> ::almost falls to the floor but manages to grab a biobed just in time::

    [LtJGDaveJohnson] <CENG><AENG1> What the heck!! Lets get out of here now!!

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO2><CMO> What was that?

    [Callack_Nimetti] <CSCI> ::takes off towardst the nearest TL going towards the bridge::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> What happened

    [shirai] <AENG> :Dropps the hyperspanner and watches as it slides down the Jeffries tube:: Yes sir! :: Turns towards the exit :: "Any idea as to what's going on!?

    [Jaden] <CSEC>+Security+ Security to your stations!

    [LtJGDaveJohnson] <CENG>::scrambles out of the Jeffries tube::

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><AMO2>I'm not sure but i think we've just been hit by something!!

    [LtJGDaveJohnson] <CENG><AENG> No clue but I heard a console explode in engineering

    [knlwtchr] <XO>::looks over OPS shoulder:: We've had an unauthorized beamout.

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO2><CMO> I don't think I like this.

    [Jaden] <CSEC>::begins running towards Engineering to assist the wounded if any::

    [T_Phai] <HELM> <CO> Sir, standing by for evasive maneuvers!

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> <XO> Uh oh..

    [knlwtchr] <XO><TAC> Shields up

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> <HELM> Good..

    [T_Phai] <HELM> ::just in case.....::

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><AMO2>me either.......you aren't hurt are you?

    [Callack_Nimetti] <CSCI> ::exits TL on the bridge and heads to the science station::

    [Kansas_Jones] <TAC> ::frantically cues up shields:: Request permission to fire?

    [LtJGDaveJohnson] <CENG><AENG1> I have to check the engines, you check the warp core

    [sendai_Riko] <AMO1> :: waits for casualty reports to filter in ::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> <HELM> Initiate on my mark

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><AMO1>you okay?

    [LtJGDaveJohnson] <CENG>::darts over to the main engine console::

    [T_Phai] <HELM> ::prepares to initiate::

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO2><CMO> ::shakes head:: Nope not even a scratch.

    [sendai_Riko] <AMO1><CMO> Dismayed, doctor, but uninjured.

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO2><AMO1> What's the report say?

    [sendai_Riko] <AMO1><AMO2> We always have to hit the pothole on these taxi-missions.

    [Jaden] <CSEC>::displays the situational status and helps a coughing creman to his feet::

    [Kansas_Jones] <TAC> ::readies torpedoes and phaser batteries:: Phasers and torps, on standby <CO>

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><AMOs>good...now lets ready ourselves for possible incoming injuries

    [knlwtchr] <XO><CO> Tractor beam, Sir?

    [sendai_Riko] <AMO1> :: looks at the casualty report :: No major injuries, a few minor. They'll trickle in shortly.

    [LtJGDaveJohnson] <CENG>::taps a few panels:: +<XO>+ Johnson to Jami, Commander, our engines have been hit, efficency down 17%

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><TAC> Retuen fire, and <XO> Yes.

    [sTSF_Jami] <Andrea is XO>

    [Jaden] <CSEC>+CMO+ Medical Alert, injuries on the Engineering deck.

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO2><CMO> Aye, sir.

    [Kansas_Jones] <TAC> ::doesnt acknowledge the order:: ::Fires phasers at ship::

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><CSEC>on it!

    [LtJGDaveJohnson] <CENG><AENG1> Is the core undamaged?

    [Nicolas_Lepage] <AMO2><CMO> What's it with engineering today? Who's going?

    [sendai_Riko] <AMO1> :: hears CENG :: Well, they, so much for the first casualty report :: grabs a medkit ::

    [knlwtchr] <XO><OPS> See if you can get a lock on them with the tractor beam

    [Jaden] <CSEC>::notices smoke behind a forcefield:: <Crewman> Just lie here a moment to catch your breath. Medics are on the way. +OPS+ Bridge come in please.

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: But it is too late, the alien vessel fires again disabling the Botany Bay's engines.. they then warp away with the Delegate never to be seen again....

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><AMO2>you,and Riko

    [sTSF_Seiben] PAUSE SIM..

  5. [sTSF_Jami] Commanding Officer (CO): STSF Seiben

    [sTSF_Jami] Executive Officer/Fillin (XO): STSF Jami

    [sTSF_Jami] Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Kansas Jones

    [sTSF_Jami] Tactical Officer (TAC) - Callack

    [sTSF_Jami] Helm/Operations Officer (HOPS) - Sendai Riko

    [sTSF_Jami] Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Dielle

    [sTSF_Jami] Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Joy

    [sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\=

    [sTSF_Seiben] MISSION BRIEF. SD: 10607.18

    [sTSF_Seiben] The crew of the USS Trafalgar find themselves the role as rescuers as they receive a message of a ship in distress. Can they make it in time to be of any help?

    [sTSF_Seiben] BEGIN SIM..

    [Callack] <TAC> ::adjusts the sensors::

    [Kansas_Jones] <MXO> <HOPS> Mr. Riko, whats our time frame to the ship that sent the distress call?

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::seated in his big chair::

    [sendai_Riko] <HOPS><MXO> Seven minutes, twelve seconds.

    [Joy] <CSCI> :: Scanning forward, trying to lock into the distressed ship.

    [Dielle] <CMO> +Bridge+ Anything in particular we should prepare for down here?

    [sendai_Riko] <HOPS> :: sits at help, pressing buttons here and there to shave every millisecond off the time ::

    [sTSF_Jami] ROSTER UPDATE - CSEC = TPhai

    [Joy] <CSCI> +CMO+ Sorry, doctor, but at the moment we have no specifics on the ship in distress.

    [Callack] <TAC> ::runs a diagnostic on the ships weapons::

    [T_Phai] <CSEC> ::prepares trusty phasers for any emergencies::

    [Dielle] <CMO> +CSCI+ Okay, let me know if you find anything out. We'll be ready for anything down here, Dielle out. ::leaves her office::

    [Kansas_Jones] <MXO> ::casually stalks around bridge::<TAC> Mr Callack, keep sensors on the lookout for any hostiles, I'd rahter not be surprised and we dont know for sure what happend to the ship we are heading for.....

    [Joy] <CSCI> :: Continues scanning forward ::

    [Callack] <TAC><MXO> Yes ma'am ::begins scanning the area for hostile vessels or objects::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CENG> ::enters main engineering and proceeds to console for an update::

    [Kansas_Jones] <MXO> <CSCI> anything coming up for scans yet? ::curious::

    [Dielle] <CMO> ::calling around sickbay:: Alright, let's prep the beds, get a few radiation kits out just in case ... ::moves around busily herself::

    [sendai_Riko] <HOPS> :: adjusts processing capacity upward for sensors ::

    [Joy] <CSCI> <MXO> Negative.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CENG> +HOPS+ Engineering reporting at 98% efficiency. Everything is go.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CENG> ::checks around for the other 2%::

    [sendai_Riko] <HOPS> +CENG+ Aknowledged.

    [Joy] <CSCI> <MXO> Not even a repeat of the original call. I haven't even got a ship name, or the species of the crew.

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: The Trafalgar is within range of the striken vessel

    [Kansas_Jones] <MXO> <CO> I think these simple missions get me jumpy...... ::thinking out loud::

    [Callack] <TAC> ::looks at a beeping console::

    [sendai_Riko] <HOPS><MXO> Time to intercept, 2 minutes, mark.

    [Joy] <CSCI> <MXO> I may have a contact...

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><MXO> I Agree.. it rarely ever ends as planned

    [Kansas_Jones] <MXO> <CSCI> thanks. just give us a heads up when you have anything. ::nods::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CENG> :::tweaks the engines a bit::: Ah...100%. Good enough.

    [Joy] <CSCI> :: Forwards contact coordinates to helm ::

    [Kansas_Jones] <MXO> ::perks up at the intercept time:: <CSCI> contact?

    [Callack] <TAC><MXO> I'm not picking up anything around the ship yet ma'am

    [T_Phai] <CSEC> +MXO+ About this rescue - is there anything special I should be prepared for?

    [sendai_Riko] <HOPS> :: sees updated coordinates, alters course :: <CSCI> Thank you, Joy.

    [Dielle] <CMO> ::setting up some hypos::

    [Joy] <CSCI> <MXO> A metallic object, showing some energy signature, at about the right position to be the source of the distress call.

    [Kansas_Jones] <MXO> +<CSEC>+ Aye. I'd like you to have three of your guards accompany the medical team. Have them standby

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: The ship is powerless and currently adrift...

    [Joy] <CSCI> +CMO+ About one minute from rondezvous.

    [Kansas_Jones] <MXO> <TAC> Just keep alert for anything.....

    [T_Phai] <CSEC> +MXO+ Affirmative. T'Phai out.

    [Callack] <TAC><MXO> Aye, Ma'am

    [Joy] <CSCI> <MXO> Not much of an energy signature... Not underway.

    [Kansas_Jones] <MXO> <CSCI> ::nods at the information::

    [sendai_Riko] <HOPS><MXO> Approching target.

    [Dielle] <CMO> +CSCI+ Thanks. We're ready for anything down here.

    [Joy] <CSCI> :: Sets up to scan for life forms ::

    [Kansas_Jones] <MXO> <HOPS> keep us on a steady approach, but keep us in a holding pattern at a safe distance until we confirm and get more information

    [Kansas_Jones] *distance

    [sendai_Riko] <HOPS> Aye. :: slows the ship to ¼ impuse, begins to circle the target at 10 km ::

    [Dielle] <CMO> Oh, one more thing! ::goes digging through the supply closet::

    [Callack] <TAC> ::scans the derilect ship for any signs of an ambush, or bomb, and to make sure its not a decoy::

    [Joy] <CSCI> :: Tries to count life forms, and evaluate health ::

    [Kansas_Jones] <MXO> +<CMO>+ Doctor, we are on approach to target now, please have your teams standby for now until we have more information.

    [Dielle] <CMO> ::emerges from the closet with some scary looking medical device and sets it next to one of the beds::

    [Joy] <CSCI> :: Surprised Helm interpred 'safe distance' as 10 km... point blank range for wepons... ::

    [Dielle] <CMO> +MXO+ ::looking around:: We're all ready down here.

    [Joy] <CSCI> :: But.... no power in the derelict... safe enough. ::

    [Dielle] <<AFK for a min>>

    [Kansas_Jones] <MXO> +<CMO>+ acknowledged Doc.

    [sendai_Riko] <HOPS> :: angles ship to provide sensors with the most efficient angle of "sight" ::

    [Callack] <TAC> ::notices the distance from the ship:: <HOPS> It would be better to sit further than 10km. We're practically in point blank range for any attack from a nearby ship::

    [Kansas_Jones] <MXO> so what is the sit rep Mr Joy? <CSCI> :smiles::

    [sendai_Riko] <HOPS><MXO> You want me to back off a tad?

    [Joy] <CSCI> <MXO> I have not been able to lock onto any life forms at all.

    [Dielle] <CMO> ::pacing around sickbay::

    [Joy] <CSCI> Hmm... Hold on that. Some life forms at what looks to be the bridge.

    [Kansas_Jones] ::has overheard the conversation:: Aye. Back us off to 15K Mr Riko. Mr. Callack, do an intense scan of the area. If it shows as clear, then we move closer........<CSCI> in that case lets see what tactical comes up with, just in case

    [sendai_Riko] <HOPS> :: fires starboard RCS thrusters, pushes the ship slowly further outward ::

    [Joy] <CSCI> <MXO> Radiation in the drive sections. Looks like a significant engineering problem.

    [sendai_Riko] <HOPS> :: monitors distance readings ::

    [Callack] <TAC> ::begins an intense scan in the area of the ship::<MXO> Aye, ma'am

    [Kansas_Jones] <MXO> <CO> Sir, I recommend we keep our distance until tactical gathers some more scans......<SCI> Radiation?

    [Joy] <CSCI> <MXO> I haven't been able to positively identify the class, but she looks like a merchant who has seen better days.

    [sendai_Riko] <HOPS> :: nods :: <MXO> 15 km, and holding.

    [Kansas_Jones] <MXo> <CSCI> has it spread to the rest of the ship?

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><XO> Just what I was thinking. I want to know who's out there, before we try anything

    [sTSF_Jami] <ASEC> ::enters security::<TPhai> Reporting for duty, Sir.

    [Joy] <CSCI> <MXO> Both fusion plants and warp core are down. I would say the warp core went down hard.

    [sTSF_Jami] <ASEC> ::gears up, checking equipment as she goes::

    [Joy] <CSCI> <MXO> They are on reserve power, and they don't seem to have a lot of it. If you want to get surviovors out, I wouldn't wait too long.

    [Kansas_Jones] <MXO> so our teams would need radiation suits? <CSCI>

    [T_Phai] <CSEC> <ASEC> Stand by for beam out.

    [Dielle] <CMO> ::sees an AMO sitting on one of the biobeds:: That's not for you! Get up! ::shoos her away::

    [sendai_Riko] <HOPS> :: programs in a number of various emergency contingencies to hot buttons ::

    [Joy] <CSCI> <MXO> If you go anywhere near the engeineering section, yes, but I am not picking up life forms back there.

    [sTSF_Jami] <ASEC> <CSEC> Aye, Aye, Sir. May I ask the nature of the mission?

    [Kansas_Jones] <MXO> <TaC> anything more on sensors Mr Callack?

    [Joy] <CSCI> <MXO> A brief visit to the bridge shouldn't be a problem, but if you wait too much longer you might want breather masks.

    [Callack] <TAC> ::finishing second scan::<MXO> Ma'am i'm not detecting anything at the moment, but i'm initiating a Tachyon scan now

    [Dielle] AMO> ::shoots Dielle a mean look and walks off::

    [Callack] <TAC> ::begins and intensive Tachyon scan::

    [T_Phai] <CSEC> <ASEC> Apparently a relatively normal rescue mission. Be careful though. There is always room for a surprise or two.

    [Joy] <CSCI> :: Looks for signs of external hull damage ::

    [sTSF_Jami] <ASEC> <CSEC> Will do, Sir.

    [Dielle] <CMO> ::grumbles and smooths out the sheets::

    [Kansas_Jones] <MXO> Okay then...+<CSCI> <CMO>+ Tphai, Dielle I want your teams to start scrambling to Transporter room 2. Bring breather masks, there has been some radiation detected in the engineering section. Check the bridge area mainly, and then move to the other ship areas.

    [Callack] <TAC><MXO> Ma'am my scans are clean, i believe it's safe to move closer

    [Dielle] <CMO> +MXO+ Got it. On my way! ::scrambles about, gathering up a kit and radiation gear::

    [Kansas_Jones] <MXO> <TAC> good

    [sTSF_Jami] <ASEC> ::hears the call::grabs a breather mask and rad suit::

    [T_Phai] <CSEC> <to security team> Report to transporter room 2 immediately.

    [Joy] <CSCI> <MXO> Looks like an internal engineering failure rather than weapons damage. I see no signs of external hull damage.

    [sTSF_Jami] <ASEC> <CSEC> Aye, Sir. ::heads out:::

    [sTSF_Jami] <ASEC> ::doubletimes to TR 2:::

    [Dielle] <CMO> ::slips into a TL:: +TL+ Transporter Room 2, please.

    [Callack] <TAC> ::scans the derelict ship for any damaged caused by weapons::

    [Joy] <CSCI> <MXO> Looks like a pretty good match for a Ferrengi 'Acquisition' class freighter.

    [Dielle] <CMO> ::exits the TL and enters TR2, stepping onto the pad::

    [Kansas_Jones] <MXO> Could be..then again it could be Terran make as well...<CSCI>

    [sTSF_Jami] <ASEC> ::enters TR, waiting for TPhai::

    [sendai_Riko] <HOPS> :: monitors TR2 ::

    [Dielle] <CMO> ::nods to Jami::

    [T_Phai] <CSEC> ::enters TR:: <<I thought I wasn't on the away team?>>

    [sTSF_Jami] <ASEC> ::acknowledges the doctor:::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::checks the AT's staus::

    [Kansas_Jones] <MXO> Mr Callack, keep a close eye on the sectors. we dont want any surprises.

    [Dielle] @<CMO> ::hands out @'s::

    [sendai_Riko] <HOPS><MXO> Away team is assembled.

    [sTSF_Jami] <ASEC> ::slaps on an @:::

    [Callack] <TAC><MXO> Ma'am i'm already doing that

    [T_Phai] <CSEC> ::positions @ squarely on uniform::

    [Kansas_Jones] <MXO> send them over Mr Riko <HOPS> and if they holler have them back here before the echo dies please

    [Callack] <TAC><MXO> So far sectors are clear of anything

    [sendai_Riko] <HOPS><MXO> Aye, energizing. +AT+ Hold on to your hats. :: remotely transports away team ::

    [Kansas_Jones] <MXO> <TaC> good :;turns toward Joy:: <CSCI> is that radiation still staying in the engineering section?

    [Dielle] @<CMO> ::shimmers::

    [sTSF_Jami] @<ASEC> ::transported::

    [T_Phai] @<CSEC> ::shimmers::

    [sTSF_Jami] @<ASEC> ::materializes on the vessel, weapons ready::

    [T_Phai] <@CSEC> ::unshimmers::

    [sendai_Riko] <HOPS> :: monitors AT status ::

    [sendai_Riko] <HOPS><MXO> Away team is aboard.

    [Dielle] @<CMO> ::pulls out medical tricorder, looking for lifesigns::

    [Joy] <CSCI> <MXO> Radiation is still primarily in the engineering section. They should not linger indefinitely in the bridge, but an hour would still have them with a non significant dosage.

    [sTSF_Jami] @<ASEC> ::movement somewhat hampered by rad suit::

    [T_Phai] @<CSEC> ::appraises surroundings, looking for signs of abnormality::

    [Kansas_Jones] <MXO> ::keeps moving quietly around the bridge::

    [sTSF_Jami] @<ASEC> :::checking corners, dark areas:: Clear.

    [Joy] <CSCI> <MXO> Suited, they could pay a brief visit to engineering, if they liked. Might want to eject and secure their anti matter store at that.

    [Dielle] @<CMO> <CSEC> Are we good to move out? ::still scanning for lifesigns::

    [T_Phai] @<CSEC> <CMO> I believe so.

    [Kansas_Jones] <MXO> <CSCI> we'll deal with the unaffected ship areas first, then maybe send a releif team over in suits to handle engineering......

    [sTSF_Jami] @<ASEC> ::takes place by CSEC::

    [sendai_Riko] <HOPS> :: continues to monitor AT, ship's attitude and more ::

    [Joy] <CSCI> :: NOds ::

    [Kansas_Jones] <MXO> ::talks quietly with the <CO>::

    [Callack] <TAC> ::continues to scan all sectors::

    [T_Phai] @<CSEC> ::mentally obliterates annoying song playing in her head::

    [Kansas_Jones] <MXO> +<CSEC>+ Mr TPhai, whats the away team status?

    [Dielle] @<CMO> <CSEC, ASEC> I'm not picking up anything on scans yet but the radiation might be interfering.

    [sendai_Riko] <HOPS>+TR2 Chief+ Be ready to pull them out ASAP.

    [sTSF_Jami] @<ASEC> <CMO> Roger that. ::waiting for the signal to move out::

    [sendai_Riko] TR2 Chief> +HOPS+ I've got my finger on the button, sir.

    [Kansas_Jones] <MXO> +<CMO+ Doctor, have you located anyone as of yet?

    [T_Phai] @<CSEC> +MXO+ All is normal so far, proceeding with search, ma'am.

    [Dielle] @<CMO> +MXO+ ::shaking her head:: Not yet, sir. I believe the radiation is limiting the range on my tricorder, however.

    [Callack] <TAC> ::shifts wait and breaths a sigh of relief as his back pops loudly 15 times, then starts a new scan of the area::

    [Joy] <CSCI> <HOPS> The only life signs I picked up were what I believe to be the bridge, top deck, forward.

    [T_Phai] @<CSEC> <CMO> Where were the lifesigns located?

    [Kansas_Jones] <MXO> +<CSEC> <CMO>+ Just keep us informed.....::hears Callacks back popping::.....Jones out.

    [sendai_Riko] <HOPS>+CMO+ Joy says life signs on bridge, top deck forward.

    [sTSF_Jami] @<ASEC> ::hears the comm::

    [Dielle] @<CMO> +HOPS+ Understood. We'll check it out. <CSEC> On the bridge. ::starts moving::

    [Callack] <<sorry back really popped>>

    [Kansas_Jones] <MXO> Mr. Callack that is a rather..interesting talent you have. ::wryly:: <TAC>

    [T_Phai] @<CSEC> ::follows CMO closely::

    [Callack] <TAC><MXO> Sorry ma'am, i've been on my feet all day, and i've got a merchant vessel on long range sensors that i'm monitoring

    [Dielle] @<CMO> ::little nervous about going first, stops to pop open a hatch leading to the bridge::

    [sendai_Riko] <HOPS> :: continues monitoring, stretches ::

    [Kansas_Jones] <MXO> ::watches the main viewer::

    [Dielle] @<CMO> ::holsters her tricorder and starts climbing::

    [sendai_Riko] <HOPS><MXO> If they have time, they should pop the logs while they're there, might give us some clue as to what happened.

    [T_Phai] @<CSEC> <ASEC> Mr. Jami, take point please.

    [sTSF_Jami] @<ASEC> <CMO> Doctor? ::waves her down:: Allow me, ma'am. ::takes point::

    [sTSF_Jami] @<ASEC> ::slips past CMO and climbs up::

    [Dielle] @<CMO> ::nods, relieved:: It's all yours. ::moves to the side::

    [Kansas_Jones] <MXO> excellent idea. ::smiles:: <HOPS> Contact Mr. TPhai, have the assistant security officer download as much information as they can.

    [sendai_Riko] <HOPS><MXO> They're heading into the bridge. Aye sir.

    [sTSF_Jami] @<ASEC> ::using the light affixed to her helmet, she checks every level as they approach:::

    [sendai_Riko] <HOPS>+TPhai+ XO wants the logs, have your assistant pop them from the database.

    [T_Phai] @<CSEC> ::follows behind CMO, keeping a look out::

    [sTSF_Jami] @<ASEC> ::reaches bridge level::holds up a hand:::

    [Dielle] @<CMO> ::halts::

    [Kansas_Jones] <MXO> ::pokes the CO to make sure he hasnt fallen asleep::

    [T_Phai] @<CSEC> +HOPS+ Yes sir. <ASEC> Pop the logs from the database, please.

    [Callack] <TAC> ::watches the merchant vessel leave sensor range and continues to scan sectors::

    [sTSF_Jami] @<ASEC> ::slips carefully through the access area:::checks around:::

    [sendai_Riko] <HOPS> +TPhai+ Aknowledged, thank you kindly.

    [Dielle] @<CMO> ::uses one hand to pull out her tricorder and scans upwards::

    [sTSF_Jami] @<ASEC> <ALL> Clear. ::proceeds to the command console:::

    [sTSF_Jami] @<ASEC> ::checking every nook and cranny on the way::

    [sendai_Riko] <HOPS> :: continues to monitor AT progress ::

    [Kansas_Jones] <MXO> <TAC> <CSCI> how are the sensor readings looking?

    [Dielle] @<CMO> ::climbs up, notices several people lying on the floor of the bridge::

    [T_Phai] @<CSEC> ::moves to back of AT and keeps a watch, just in case::

    [Callack] <TAC><MXO> Sensors clear ma'am

    [sendai_Riko] <HOPS><MXO> They're on the bridge.

    [sTSF_Jami] @<ASEC> ::pulls up database:: <CSEC> logs here, Sir. ::steps away from the panel::

    [Kansas_Jones] <MXO> <TAC> Callack ::nods:: <HOps> they have arrived on the bridge? good.

    [Joy] <CSCI> <MXO> Life signs are slowly fading. AT... Is just arriving at the bridge, none too soon.

    [Dielle] @<CMO> ::scans a few, then moves over to one and kneels down:: He's still alive. Barely. ::takes out a hypo and presses it gently::

    [Kansas_Jones] <MXO> <CSCI> ::nods in acknowledgment::

    [T_Phai] @<CSEC> <ASEC> Good. Transmit them to our ship's computers immediately.

    [sTSF_Jami] @<ASEC> :::leaves database to CSEC::moves around the bridge looking for signs of struggle, etc:::

    [T_Phai] @<CSEC> ::begins to "pop" the logs::

    [Dielle] @<CMO> +MXO+ ::kneeling down next to another officer:: I need to get these men to sickbay immediately.

    [sTSF_Jami] @<ASEC> ::opening hatch doors, checking the janitor's closet::

    [Kansas_Jones] <<lol!>>

    [sTSF_Jami] <g>

    [Dielle] @<CMO> <CSEC> These burns ... it looks like some sort of weapons discharge, but I've never seen this particular type.

    [Kansas_Jones] <MXO> +<CMO+ do whatever you need to do doctor, to help them

    [sendai_Riko] <HOPS>+TR2 Chief+ Prepare to beam the doctor and the casualties directly to sickbay.

    [Kansas_Jones] <MXO> +HOPS+ Mr Riko, co oridinate with the Doctor to transport some patients

    [T_Phai] @<CSEC> ::studies wounds:: <CMO> Affirmative. They are unknown to me also.

    [sTSF_Jami] @<ASEC> <CSEC> No signs of forced entry. Weapons and supply locker are empty.

    [sendai_Riko] TR2 Chief> Aknowledged, transporter lock established, ready to transport.

    [sTSF_Jami] @<ASEC> ::stands ready::

    [sendai_Riko] <HOPS>+CMO+ Let me know when you're ready, doc.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <5minutes... >

    [Dielle] @<CMO> +HOPS+ Ready. ::stands up::

    [sendai_Riko] <HOPS>+TR 2+ Energize! :: sees transporter status as operating ::

    [Kansas_Jones] <MXO> ::moves to another area of the bridge::

    [Dielle] @<CMO> ::shimmers into sickbay, immediately moves over to a patient on a biobed:: He needs to be stabilized! Start treating the burns on the others!

    [sendai_Riko] <HOPS><MXO> The doctor and patients are in sickbay.

    [T_Phai] <CSEC> ::unshimmers into sickbay and proceeds to feel useless::

    [ Sendai_RikoWe're] <HOPS><MXO> And so is TPhai. :: checks to see where Jami is ::

    [Dielle] @<CMO> ::looks at the CSEC in surprise, then continues treating the burns::

    [sendai_Riko] <HOPS><MXO> Jami is still on the vessel, sir.

    [Kansas_Jones] <MXO> <Hops> good

    [Kansas_Jones] <MXO> along with Mr Tphai? <HOpS>

    [sTSF_Seiben] PAUSE SIM..

    [sTSF_Seiben] PAUSE SIM....

    [sTSF_Seiben] Where were we?

    [sTSF_Jami] Right here, sir.

    [sTSF_Jami] Been here all along.

    [sTSF_Seiben] Ahh.. yes.

    [sendai_Riko] We were holding. You didn't even give us any music! :D

    [sTSF_Jami] ::uploads elevator music;:

    [sTSF_Jami] ::Jeopardy theme::

    [Callack] ::hacks into elevator music and turns it to country::

    [Callack] much better

    [sTSF_Seiben] Catchy.. Anyways.. Cadet Callack. Front and centre please.

    [sTSF_Jami] ::makes a note on Callack's record:::

    [Callack] ::moves front and center::

    [sTSF_Jami] <w> Get 'em good, Skipper.

    [sendai_Riko] :: texts to sickbay :: Report to the bridge on the double.

    [sTSF_Seiben] Right.. well.. about today's performance.. It is troubling me..

    [Callack] ::looks worried:: sir?

    [sTSF_Seiben] I don't know what to do...

    [Dielle] ::gets her medkit out again::

    [sTSF_Seiben] It definitely doesn't suit that of a cadet.. no...

    [sTSF_Seiben] No.. it's more suited to an ensign

    [sTSF_Jami] ::hands Seiben the box:::

    [sTSF_Seiben] So, by the power vested by me, you are now one.

    [sTSF_Seiben] ::pulls out the extra long pip and jabs it in Callack's neck:: Congratulations

    [Kansas_Jones] Congrats Callack! Welcome to a premier site to sim at.

    [sendai_Riko] :: remembers pain easily :: Ah, the memories... Congrats, Callack.

    [Callack] ::flinches and bleeds profusely:: Thank you, Sir and everyone else ::salutes::

    [sTSF_Seiben] And woe be to the sim gets you and your country music :D

    [Callack] lol

    [Dielle] Congrats! ::jabs him with a hypo to stop the bleeding::

    [sTSF_Jami] Congratulations, Callack.

  6. [sTSF_Jami] Commanding Officer (CO): STSF Seiben

    [sTSF_Jami] Executive Officer (XO): STSF Jami

    [sTSF_Jami] Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Chell Reno

    [sTSF_Jami] Helm (Helm) - Callack

    [sTSF_Jami] Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Suberance

    [sTSF_Jami] Assistant Medical Officer (AMO) - Finn

    [sTSF_Jami] Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Joy

    [sTSF_Jami] Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - Jaden

    [sTSF_Jami] Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - Sendai Riko

    [sTSF_Jami] If you are not on the roster and wish to have a post, please send me one PM now.

    [sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\=

    [sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\=

    [sTSF_Seiben] MISSION BRIEF. SD: 10607.11

    [sTSF_Seiben] The crew of the USS Armstrong (Intrepid-Class) finds themselves on Earth, in the year 2006 after a warpcore accident brought them here. We begin tonight's mission after the Armstrong makes an emergency (crash) landing, hidden in a secluded area, not too far from New York City. Can the crew of the Armstrong get their ship fixed up and get back to their own timeline?

    [sTSF_Seiben] BEGIN SIM.....

    [Jaden] <ASCI1><CSCI> Sir according to the galactic space time star charts...

    [Joy] <CSCI> <MXO> Another fine mess you've gotten us into...

    [Finn_] <AMO>::picking himself up from sickbay floor::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO>::Rubs his head and picks himself up::

    [Callack] <HELM> ::crawls back into helm seat::

    [suberance] <<a secluded area not too far from NYC that can hide an crashed Intrepid class ship? well I guess people are stupid, they'll miss anything>>

    [sTSF_Seiben] <<Yup...>>

    [Finn_] <AMO>::looks for CMO::

    [Joy] (( Adirondacks??? ))

    [Chell_Reno] <MXO>::pics himself up and sits back down in his chair, shakes his head to clear it:: <Helm> Report!

    [Jaden] <<Lake George lol>>

    [sendai_Riko] <ASCI> ::picks himself up off the floor and winces:

    [sTSF_Jami] <<Tend to the sim please>>

    [Callack] <Helm><MXO> Apperently sir, we're on earth

    [suberance] <CMO> ::rushing onto the bridge via jerrferies tube:: <ALL> Who's hurt?

    [Joy] <CSCI> <ASCI> OK. That acceleration burst when the core when hyper felt like it might have taken us slingshot. Let's.... work coordinates in four dimension, I fear.

    [Jaden] <ASCI1><CSCI> Ma'am I believe we've crossed the space/time threshold.

    [Finn_] <AMO>+OPS+ This is sickbay, do we have expected casualties?

    [Callack] <HELM><MXO> We seem to be on the North American Continent

    [Joy] <CSCI> <ASC1> Likely enough. Hopefully, we're still in the home timeline, if we haven't created a new one.

    [Chell_Reno] <MXO>::looks up to notice the CMO burst through the wall::

    [Finn_] <AMO>::Begins checking sickbay systems::

    [Jaden] <ASCI1><ASCI2> I thought I saw the chronometric indicator spiking off the charts just before we hit critical saturation in the warp core.

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: For reality puposes, the ship is equipped with a cloaking device Starfleet installed (Treaty of Algeron aside), which hides the ship from the populace there in the area. :D

    [sendai_Riko] <ASCI2><CSCI> Yes, sir. ::walks to console, begins sorting through sensor data:: <ASCI1> Just what we need.

    [suberance] <CMO><XO> ::walks up:: Ma'am, we've had no reports of any serious injuries, the crew appear to be intact

    [Jaden] <ASCI1><CSCI> The temporal commission isn't going to be happy about this.

    [Chell_Reno] <MXO><CMO> Ma'am?

    [suberance] <<did we crush a trash can when we crashed????>>

    [Joy] <CSCI> <ASCI2> Look for power grids. That should give us a rough date, quickly.

    [sTSF_Jami] ROSTER UPDATE - Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Laarell

    [Finn_] <AMO>::prepares field packs and hyposprays::

    [Laarell] <CSEC> ::phases magically into existence::

    [Chell_Reno] <MXO>::clears Sub's glasses and hands em back::

    [suberance] <CMO><MXO> Per the Commander last physical, she was female

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: Under the ship, the remnants of an abandoned '86 Toyota hatchback is seen under the ship. People passing by don't seem to care..

    [sendai_Riko] <ASCI2> ::scans:: <CSCI> There's plenty of power, sir. Seems to be early 21st Century levels.

    [Joy] <CSCI> <ASCI2> I though I saw city lights as we came in on approach.

    [Chell_Reno] <MXO><CMO> She died a couple hours ago. Im the replacement.

    [Dumbass] <<An Orion security chief?>>

    [Callack] <HELM> ::looks over console double checking the readouts::

    [Jaden] lol

    [Laarell] <CSEC> ::damned toughass security chief::

    [Joy] <CSCI> <MXO> North America, early 21st century, first guess based on power grid.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><CSCI> Do you have an exaxt location?

    [suberance] <CMO><MXO> Sorry sir, I guess the crash shaked me up more than I realized

    [sendai_Riko] <ASCI2> ::scans orbit::

    [Jaden] <ASCI1><CSCI> The Nucleogenic particles in the planet's atmosphere indicate Earth early 3rd millenium.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><OPS> ANd what is the damage to the ship in total?

    [Chell_Reno] <MXO><CSCI> double check the readings. Are you sure we’re back in time?

    [Joy] <CSCI> <MXO> Not yet. We'll work it.

    [sTSF_Jami] <ENG> +Reno+ Commander, everything's shot except for life support and our cloak. Go figure, sir, but I suppose it's best that way.

    [sendai_Riko] <ASCI2><CSCI> Based on the configuration of the International Space Station, I would say between 2002 and 2007, sir.

    [Laarell] <CSEC> ::looks at Joy:: 21st Century... incredible.

    [Chell_Reno] <MXO><ENG>At least we have the cloak, do everything you can to keep it online.

    [Joy] <CSCI> <ASCI2> A physical location would be nice as well.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CENG> +XO+ Will do, Commander.

    [Joy] <CSCI> <MXO> Time shift confirmed from three sources. Working the physical location.

    [Laarell] <CSEC><NOIP> I hear that they ate five meals a day in those days.

    [Jaden] <ASCI1><ASCI2> Can we access the orbital sattelite system?

    [Callack] <HELM><ASCI2> I have an idea we can try...

    [sendai_Riko] <ASCI2><ASCI1> Yes, check the GPS system.

    [Joy] <CSCI> <ASCI1> See if you can look up the old GPS protocols. Let's stay read only for the moment, though.

    [Chell_Reno] <MXO><CSCI> what did you say the year was again?

    [Jaden] <ASCI1><ASCI2> Wow, it's been a while since I've tried my hand at Morse Code ::joklingly::

    [Finn_] <AMO>::Prepares sickbay as best he can, given that only life support is working. Wonders what is happening in the rest of the ship::

    [sendai_Riko] <ASCI2><HELM> What you got?

    [Joy] <CSCI> <MXO> Between 2002 and 2007.

    [Callack] <HELM><ASCI> try scanning the frequencies for any transmissions

    [suberance] <CMO> ::worried about the high pollution content of the atmosphere on his crew::

    [Joy] <CSCI> <ASCI1> And see what we have in the way of wireless nets in the area?

    [sendai_Riko] <ASCI2> ::scans radio frequencies::

    [Jaden] <ASC1>::brings up the EM antennae and lowers the frequency to barely audible, tapping away trying to revert the technology::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> <CSCI> Ok. See if you can access communications from the area, so we can get a more accurate finding of where and when we are exactly

    [Callack] <HELM><ASCI2> you might here the date somewhere

    [Chell_Reno] <MXO><Helm> Search the data banks to see what the level of technology is avaliable is this era.

    [Joy] <CSCI> :: Settles down and replays recordings of the approach to landing. ::

    [Jaden] <ASCI1><CSCI> Looks like we're about 3 months before the Third World War.

    [sTSF_Seiben] Radio> And Derek Jeeter takes to the field. He swings.. strike one..

    [sendai_Riko] <ASCI2><CSCI> We're getting a lot of low power FM and AM traffic, as well as some in the 900 mHz to 1.5 GHz range. I'll attempt to figure out the decoding

    [Callack] <HELM><MXO> yessir ::starts searching through the data base::

    [Joy] <CSCI> <ASCI1&2> You might look for broadcast signals as well.

    [Joy] <CSCI> <ASCI1> Three months?

    [Jaden] <ASCI1><CSCI> North Korea's just launched their decoys sir.

    [Chell_Reno] <MXO><CO> was that...... baseball?

    [Laarell] <CSEC> ::gulps:: Hopefully we won't be there for long.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> I think so..

    [sendai_Riko] <ASCI2> ::taps console, frowning at the screen. Suddenly, Green Day's American Idiot blares over the speakers::

    [Jaden] <ASCI1><CSCI> Location in the Hudson River Valley.

    [sTSF_Jami] Cell Phone> Yeah? Don't that beat all, him comin in like that and she bein all hussied up, girl, knowhatmean?

    [Finn_] <AMO>::Takes a seat::

    [Joy] <CSCI> <MXO> Hudson River Valley. Just north of New York City.

    [Chell_Reno] <MXO><CSEC> Lareel, record all "radio" signals we have incomming. This may be very interesting to review when we get back.

    [sendai_Riko] <ASCI2> ::turns the volume down, smiles sheepishly:: <ALL> Sorry about that. <COMPUTER> Identify song.

    [sTSF_Jami] Cell Phone> Well, dangit, woman. Doesn't he know better than to do that?

    [suberance] <CMO> Such strange broadcasts

    [Chell_Reno] <MXO><CMO>Aye......

    [Laarell] <CSEC> <MXO> ::nods:: Historical research. ::begins recording::

    [sendai_Riko] COMPUTER> Working... Song is American Idiot, artist... Green Day. Copyright year... 2005

    [sTSF_Seiben] Radio 2> And Derek Jeeter strikes out, ending the inning. At the bottom of the 8th, in Yankee Stadium, it's the Yankees leading the Red Sox 4-2.

    [Finn_] <AMO>::strolls to the door and peeks outside. Quiet. Too quiet::

    [sendai_Riko] <ASCI2><CSCI> We're at least in 2005.

    [Jaden] <ASCI1><CSCI> Sir, I'm picking up an unmanned surveillance craft at coordinates 458 mark 124.

    [Joy] <CSCI> <MXO> OK. We won't be able to buy a new warp core retail. We might have to start thinking in terms of what we can replicate.

    [sendai_Riko] <ASCI2> ::pours over other transmissions::

    [Chell_Reno] <MXO><CSCI> I dont suppose we could replicate a new warp core?

    [Finn_] <AMO>::Heads back into sickbay::

    [Chell_Reno] <MXO>::is joking::

    [Joy] <CSCI> <ASCI1> Don't panic on that one. They shouldn't be able to defeat the cloak... Unless... Did we knock down trees as we came in, or leave much of a footprint?

    [Jaden] <ASCI1>::directs a communicatons beam at the craft:: <CSCI> They'll never penetrate the cloak.

    [Callack] <HELM><MXO> Sir, from what i can find they are in the digital era of technology. Weapons consist of projectile weapons. Vehicles are run off of combustion engines that run off of petrolium products...

    [sTSF_Jami] <CENG> ::muttering to his crew:: Next thing they'll ask for is a replicated warp core.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CENG> ::getting down and dirty, digging in the rubble for anything usable::

    [Joy] <CSCI> <MXO> We might be able to replicate a replicator that can replicate a device that can manufacture a warp core.

    [Finn_] <AMO>::Contemplates the situation - no announcement from bridge crew, CMO missing, no response from communicators. Begins to worry::

    [Callack] <HELM><CSCI> we left a little trail behind us

    [Jaden] <ASCI1><CSCI> I wouldn't venture outside thought sir, the atmosphere is choked with radio flourocarbons.

    [Laarell] <CSEC> <MXO> Recordings being processed now.

    [sTSF_Seiben] Radio2> Test drive the all-new 2006 Pontiac Solstice at your local New York area Pontiac dealer today!

    [sendai_Riko] <ASCI2> ::Smiles broadly:: <CSCI> I'm getting a sychronization signal, it's time and date. June 14, 2006. 10:21 AM

    [Chell_Reno] <MXO><CSCI> How much power would replicating this device take?

    [Joy] <CSCI> <MXO> We apparently left some marks as we came down. We might want to send someone out to neaten up.

    [Callack] <HELM><MXO> Sir i think we're in the year 2006 and near New York

    [Joy] <CSCI> <MXO> June 14, 2006.

    [sendai_Riko] <ASCI2> ::shrugs:: Well, I suppose all I had to do was listen to the radio a bit more.

    [Jaden] <ASCI1><ASCI2> Do you know what a Pontiac Solstice is? Sounds like a Native American historical figure and a planetary position to me.

    [suberance] <CMO><MXO> Well if no one is hurt up here I'll go back to sick bay to attend to the minor injuries

    [Joy] <CSCI> <MXO> If the fusuion reactor stays up, we might manage it.

    [Finn_] <AMO>::Picks up medical tricorder and field pack. Loads with hyposprays, exits sickbay towards TL::

    [Chell_Reno] <MXO><CSCI>did anything important or noteworthy happen on that date in our area?

    [sendai_Riko] <ASCI2><ASCI1> I have no idea. Sounds menacing.

    [Joy] <CSCI> <ASci2> Sync the ship's master clock, please.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::thinks:: The 9/11 attacks five years ago? ::MXO::

    [Callack] <HELM><CMO> can you check my head, it's really painful

    [Jaden] <ASCI1><CSCI> Wow, they actually had some leftover pagans in this era.

    [sendai_Riko] <ASCI2><CSCI> Aye, sir. ::sychronizes onboard clock::

    [Joy] <CSCI> <MXO> I'll start a search.

    [suberance] <CMO><HELM> ::walks over:: But of course ::runs scans with tricorder::

    [suberance] <CMO><HELM> A minor concussion, did you bang your head when we crashed?

    [Finn_] <AMO>::Arrives at TL - not working. Heads towards jeffries tube::

    [Callack] <HELM><CMO> on the console as i fell out of the chair

    [Joy] <CSCI> <ASCI1> Look up the old histories for unusal events around this time frame. Pay a little extra attention to UFO sightings over the Hudson Valley.

    [sendai_Riko] <ASCI2> ::continues pouring over transmissions::

    [Laarell] <CSEC> ::trying to recall any of the old sightings she'd read about::

    [Jaden] <ASCI1><CSCI> Aye Chief, ::tapping away at the badly damaged historical database::

    [Chell_Reno] <MXO><CSCI> Sounds good. <CENG> Jami, I need a complete damage report ASAP.

    [Finn_] <AMO>::Enters Jeffries tube, begins climbing towards bridge deck::

    [suberance] <CMO><HELM> Any loss of consciousness>

    [sTSF_Jami] <CENG> +XO+ Roger that, Sir.

    [Callack] <HELM><CMO> I don't think so

    [Joy] <CSCI> <MXO> There is one way we might try to order a new warp core.

    [suberance] <CMO><HELM> It doesn't look too serious, but be sure to contact me the minute the pain returns ::injects Callack with a mild pain suppressant::

    [Callack] <HELM><CMO> The last thing i remember is hitting my head, then it's all blank

    [sTSF_Jami] <CENG> ::Mustering all his subordinates to get an accurate assessment of the damage::

    [Jaden] <ASCI1><CSCI> It looks like the UFO concentrations have been over the Southwest of North America. Nothing coming up about the Northeast. There was a conspiracy about a plane crash over the ocean about one year earlier.

    [Callack] <HELM><CMO> Yes Sir

    [sendai_Riko] <ASCI2><CSCI> Sir, listening to something called CNN, there's a report of a minor earthquake in New York that coincides with our landing. They don't have exact coordinates, though. I guess we came down a little too hard. ::smiles::

    [suberance] <CMO><HELM> Temporary memory loss is a usual sympton of a blow to the head, there's no blood clot, you should be fun

    [Chell_Reno] <MXO><CSCI>please dont tell me it comes from nuclear wessels? ::thinks back to that old Kirk story still being told as a "what not to do" at the academy.:

    [suberance] <CMO><HELM> Unfortunately the stress at the moment isn't going to be good for any of us

    [Finn_] <AMO>::Continuing to climb::

    [Callack] <HELM><CMO> I'll take it as easy as possible

    [Joy] <CSCI> <MXO> Delayed mail, sir. We write a letter saying 'do not open until such an such a date...

    [Jaden] <ASCI1><CSCI> There's this show sir, It's called the Simpsons, very popular viewed on something called the tele...vision?

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: A large white car with weird lights at the top, drives up to where the Armstrong is. Written on it's side is the letters "NYPD".

    [suberance] <CMO><HELM> Good man ::pats his shoulder and moves off towards the jefferies tube:: <MXO> I'm going to check sick bay sir

    [Joy] <CSCI> <MXO> And inside that letter is another letter with a similar format. In the last letter, we let someone know our problem.

    [Callack] <HELM><MXO> Sir we have company

    [Chell_Reno] <MXO><CSCI> well.... that could work... if we wanted to stay in stasis for 400 years in a cloaked ship right outside NYC....

    [Jaden] <ASCI1><CSCI> And something about the Romans winning a Cup?

    [Joy] <CSCI> <MXO> But they could send back a ship with spare parts....

    [sTSF_Jami] <CENG> +XO+ Damage report coming up, Sir. Looks like it's not as bad as first thought. Warp core is shot, but we do have thrusters and minimum impulse. Life support is online, minor cracks to the exterior hull. Integrity looks good.

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: Two men in the car, in uniform walked around the ship in puzzlement. They obviously can't see us though

    [Jaden] <ASCI1><ASCI2> Is that the lifeform proximinty alert? What's that beeping?

    [Callack] <HELM><MXO> Sir we have to men in some sort of uniform looking around the location of us

    [Chell_Reno] <MXO><CENG> Could we move the ship to a location a bit further away from civiliazation?

    [suberance] <CMO> ::about to enter tube stops when hearing there's company outside the ship::

    [Callack] <HELM> ::tries to display the image on the main veiwer

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> WHat's happening? The proximity alarm went off? ::NOIP::

    [suberance] <CMO><MXO> ::running up:: Sir, if they discover the ship, they could go into shock. There's not telling how they might react

    [sTSF_Jami] <CENG> +XO+ That would be touchy, Commander. Liftoff might create further damage.

    [Chell_Reno] <MXO>::looks at the two men in police uniforms, one was eating a donut::

    [Jaden] <ASCI1><CSCI> Chief there are two human males one's tapping on the hull with an artificial illumination device.

    [Chell_Reno] <MXO><CENG> We've got company right now...... touching the ship I would like to get us out of hear...

    [Finn_] <AMO>::enters main bridge via jeffries tube. Looks around, surprised everyone is up and about::

    [Joy] <CSCI> <MXO> Those are local officials. I recognize the donut.

    [sendai_Riko] <ASCI2><CSCI> Sir, they're wearing some sort of communications devices, perhaps we can hail them and draw them away?

    [Callack] <HELM><CENG> Do we have any power to impulse engines?

    [Chell_Reno] <MXO><CSCI> Yes it looks powdered and jelly filled.

    [sTSF_Seiben] Policeman 1> ::walks towards the trees, but suddenly falls to the floor::

    [Laarell] <CSEC> ::looks up:: Someone hear a "clunk"?

    [sTSF_Jami] <CENG> ::in engineering:: +Helm+ That's affirmative.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><CSEC> I did. What was that?

    [Chell_Reno] <MXO>::looks curiously at the policeman::

    [Finn_] <AMO><CMO> Thank heavens you're alright, Doctor. Do we know if we have injured crew? The com system appears to be out.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::nods to the AMO::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CENG is in engineering. If y'all want to talk you gotta use the +com+ :D >

    [Finn_] <AMO>::still catching his breath after the climb. Nods at CO::

    [Callack] <HELM><MXO> Sir we have power to impulse, i might be able to move us

    [sendai_Riko] <ASCI2><CSCI> Their last communication indicated that they are "Unit 1214"

    [suberance] <CMO><AMO> I'm sorry my boy, I assumed you knew I left to check on the bridge crew the moment we landed

    [Jaden] <ASCI1><CSCI> If they capture us we'll never get out of here alive. They're barbarians!

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><HELM> Might not be a good idea with these two there.. ::motions to the two bewildered policemen::

    [Callack] <HELM><CO> Aye sir

    [sendai_Riko] <ASCI2> ::continues to listen to the police frequencies::

    [Jaden] <ASCI1>::hears something about a car 54 on the radio signal::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><HELM> Let's wait until they leave

    [Chell_Reno] <MXO><CO>we could always beam em aboard, phaser em, then erase their memories.....

    [Callack] <HELM><CO> Yes sir

    [suberance] <CMO><MXO> I recommend strong caution sir

    [Finn_] <AMO><CMO>If everything is alright up here then, Doctor, I'll do a sweep of the lower decks. See if we have any injured.

    [suberance] <CMO><MXO> I know what the Temporal Prime Directive says we cannot interfere, but just by detecting us we could have an adverse reaction on the "indigenous" population

    [Callack] <HELM> ::perpares to engage engines and lift off when ordered>

    [Jaden] <ASCI1><CSCI> Chief, we could flood Deck 16 with water and open the mooring latches.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><XO> If worse, comes to worse.. We don't want them calling for help. <XO> Monitor their communications, or continue to do so. If you suspect they may be ontous, block their communications

    [sTSF_Jami] <CENG> +Helm+ Power ready when you want it. Don't promise anything, though.

    [sendai_Riko] <ASCI2><CSCI> They perhaps might be lured away by a more serious emergency, sir. The computer could mimic the dispatcher's voice.

    [suberance] <CMO><CO> Sir, that could only serve to arouse their suspicions further

    [Chell_Reno] <MXO><CO> Aye sir.

    [Callack] <HELM>+CENG+ Affirmative

    [Jaden] <ASCI1><ASCI2> They might think it was just a sewer water main break.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><XMO> We could always make it to mimic a radio malfunction

    [Jaden] <ASCI1><CSCI> Like a sinkhole.

    [Finn_] <AMO>::turns around as the CMO appears to be preoccupied. Heads back down the jeffries tube towards lower decks::

    [suberance] <CMO><CO> I realize that I'm not a fully qualified counselor sir, but you don't have to be to know how a human would react to something like what we're proposing

    [suberance] <CMO> ::turning:: <AMO> Oh Finn, everything seems to be fine up here

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::nods::

    [suberance] <CMO><AMO> Do you mind making a check of the lower decks

    [sendai_Riko] <ASCI2><ASCI1> I don't know, that would just bring more people out to fix it.

    [Joy] <CSCI> <ASCI1 & 2> I don't know, either.

    [Jaden] <ASCI1>Hmmm...

    [Chell_Reno] <MXO><CO> Sounds like a plan. <ENG> Jami, I want you to block out the radios of our guests so they wont have any outside contact. Make it look a malfunction.

    [Callack] <HELM> ::looks over the displays on the helm console::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CENG> :::taking a forlorn look at the remains of the warp core::

    [knlwtchr] So, I over did it. Atleast I didnt re-hurt something

    [Finn_] <AMO>::Continues climbing down towards crew quarters::

    [sendai_Riko] <ASCI2> ::pulls up NYPD protocols from ship's computer::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><XO> Meanwhile, we have to work on a way to get us home. Is there any way to repair the warpcore?

    [Jaden] <ASCI1><CSCI> Hadn't we set up an interplexing beacon so we can contact Vulcan?

    [Chell_Reno] <MXO><CO> Cmdr. Jami is working on it. Right now im not sure.

    [suberance] well I didn't realize

    [Laarell] <CSEC> ::keeps the bioheat signatures of the law officials on her screen::

    [Jaden] <ASCI1><CSCI> I'm sure they would understand our predicament.

    [Joy] <CSCI> <ASCI1> I don't know that interfering with Vulcan at this time would be any different than interfering with Earth.

    [Jaden] <ASCI1><CSCI> I'm sure they would honor the Temporal Prime Directive.

    [Finn_] <AMO>::Reaches crew quarters deck. Begins tricorder readings, looking for injured::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><XO> What about using technology from this century?

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> I"m not a Engineer, but it's worth a shot, no?

    [Joy] <CSCI> <ASCI1> Has it even been invented yet? I though Kirk was the first to accidently slingshot Enterprise back in time.

    [Chell_Reno] <MXO>::thinks for a moment:: <CO> Im no expert on this era but Im sure we could russel somthin up.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CENG> ::groans:: +XO+ Dilithium crystals are pitifully out of alignment but intact. Don't know how they survived, but they did.

    [Jaden] <ASCI1><CSCI> Where are we going to get Dilithium?

    [Joy] <CSCI> <MXO, CO> They haven't made fusion work reliably yet, sirs.

    [Chell_Reno] <MXO><CENG>well thats at least some good news. How long untill they are realigned?

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><CSCI> If I recall, they still used nuclear power?

    [Finn_] <AMO>::Sees Ensign VikTim laying outside his quarters, heads over and scans his injuries::

    [Jaden] <ASCI1><ASCI2> They're just working on Antimatter in the preliminary stages.

    [Joy] <CSCI> <CO> They are still burning fossil fuel!!!

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><CSCI> For another 70 years

    [Laarell] <CSEC> ::gapes:: Fossil fuel, my lord...

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> Ground transports of the time utilise petroleum for propulsion. But they were beginning to experiment with electric, hydrogen, ethanol and other fuels

    [Jaden] <ASCI1><CSCI> We could wait a few months for the Nuclear Fallout. That's fairly highly energized.

    [Chell_Reno] <MXO><CO> this is before the third world war. Weve got awhile before nuclear reaction experiments are outlawed.

    [suberance] <CMO> ::heads back into the jefferies tube to head back to sickbay::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> Indeed.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CENG> ::working on salvaging whatever can be salvaged::

    [sendai_Riko] <ASCI2><ASCI2> Sir, there's something called the "Internet" It has a wide variety of resources, perhaps we can find what we need on it?

    [sendai_Riko] <CSCI>*

    [sendai_Riko] <<I wasn't talking to myself, honest>>

    [sTSF_Seiben] <heh>

    [Callack] <HELM> ::stretches arms, then continue to monitor readouts from his console::

    [sTSF_Jami] <Riiiiight>

    [Finn_] <AMO>::Ensign Viktim is unconsciouss with a fractured skull. Finn begins treatment::

    [CmdrEthanHawke] <<Can you get dilithium on ebay?>>

    [Joy] <CSCI> <ASCI2> Be careful, though. Access might be traced.

    [Jaden] <ASCI1><ASCI2> Yes but I don't have any latinum, only this gold on my badge.

    [Chell_Reno] <MXO>:;snaps:: +CENG+ Is there any way you could use Nuclear energy to give the ship more power?

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::getting a sense of dejavu here::

    [sendai_Riko] <ASCI2><CSCI> Don't worry, sir, I'm not in the mood to entertain company tonight. ::begins browsing the internet::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CENG> ::mulls that over:: +XO+ Would take a complete reworking of the engines. I suppose if you have a few years I could do it.

    [suberance] <CMO> ::climbs out of the tubes and heads down the hall, ebtering Sick Bay seeing his nurses hard at work:: <Random> Are you feeling all right? ::runs scans::

    [sTSF_Jami] <Random> Ow! Feels like someone hit me in the stomach with a ten ton truck.

    [Jaden] <ASCI1><CSCI> They have something called NORAD I wonder if they really didnt see us incoming after all?

    [Chell_Reno] <MXO>+CENG+ Seems to me that we may have a few hundred, I want to keep that option open.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CENG> +XO+ Aye, aye, Sir.

    [Callack] <HELM><MXO> Sir we might have enough power in the impulse engines to put us into orbit so not to be noticed

    [sTSF_Jami] <Random> <CMO> What happened, Doc? We hit an asteroid or something?

    [suberance] <CMO><Random> Some nasty contusions ::contines scans:: Looks like you got the beginnings of a collapsed lung

    [Joy] <CSCI> <ASCI1> Look for aircraft and radar.

    [sTSF_Jami] <Random> <CMO> That might explain why it's hard to breathe.

    [Jaden] <ASCI1><CSCI> Aye Chief, these encrypted algorithms are fairly easy to crack.

    [Chell_Reno] <MXO><Helm> We may have enough to get us there, but not enough to stay for long. We need to conserve power untill we can find an alternative source.

    [suberance] <CMO><random> ::walks over and grabs tray:: No apparently the ship hit some adverse flying conditions and crashlanded ::loads hypo::

    [sTSF_Jami] <Random> ::cough::

    [Callack] <HELM><MXO> just realized that sir

    [Laarell] <CSEC> ::discovers the Internet::

    [sTSF_Jami] <Hey...Al Gore did that already>

    [suberance] <CMO><Random> ::injects hypo:: For the pain ::grabs hypospanner:: Let's re-inflate that lung

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: Several pop-up ads appear on CSEC's screen

    [Laarell] <CSEC> ::finds this one site where people sit around playing at being space-people in the future -- what geeks!::

    [sTSF_Jami] <lmao>

    [Jaden] <ASCI1><CSCI> Doesn't look like they're on high alert just the standard 2 f-14 patrol and a huey over the city.

    [Chell_Reno] <<lol, jami>>

    [Jaden] lol

    [suberance] <CMO><Random> ::runs spanner over Random's chest:: This should improve your breathing

    [sTSF_Jami] <Random> ::breathing gingerly, but seems to be feeling better::

    [sendai_Riko] <ASCI2> ::eyes bug out as porn pops up on screen:: <ANY> How does a search for power end up with naked women?

    [Jaden] <ASCI1><CSCI> Better keep Laarell away from that internet, it's dangerous.

    [sTSF_Jami] <Random> <CMO> So...where did we crash?

    [Laarell] <CSEC> ::looks confused:: Captain, some strange things have suddenly popped up on my monitor. Our LCARS apparently is at risk of becoming infected with some sort of bio-material. Viruses.

    [suberance] <CMO><Random> You'll be fine, I suspect the Captain needs you back at your post and I need to free up beds, so run along, come back if your condition worsens

    [Finn_] <AMO>::Makes Ensign VikTim as comfortable as possible, fracture healed.::

    [suberance] <CMO> ::walking off:: <Random> You wouldn't believe me if I told you

    [sTSF_Jami] <Random> ::nods:: <CMO> THanks, Doc.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::looks to ASCI2's screen:: Hey, that's not what you're supposed to be looking for!

    [sTSF_Jami] <Random> ::wonders what that means::shrugs::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><CSEC> Viruses, eh?

    [Chell_Reno] <<you would think a 24th century computer would have a pop up blocker.....>>

    [Jaden] <ASCI1><CSCI> Their computers systems were absolutely filthy in those days. It might infect our entire ODN relay if we're not careful.

    [sendai_Riko] <ASCI2><CO> ::scratches head:: Sorry, sir, this Internet thing is... Very odd.

    [sendai_Riko] <ASCI2> ::tries to clear screen, gets more naked women instead::

    [Callack] <HELM> ::hits taps the console and brings up music over the speaker::

    [Laarell] <CSEC> ::nods:: We're supposed to download something now to prevent it...

    [Joy] << 24 century civilization is too polite to have viruses, so there is no need for protection. :D >>

    [Jaden] <ASCI1><CSCI> We're not even into the Fiber Optic age quite yet.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::reads the screen:: Yes, I see.. and it'll only cost us $49.99

    [Laarell] <CSEC> And here's another new window. We've won a prize. Isn't that a nice way to welcome us to their century?

    [Chell_Reno] <MXO><CO> Canadian or US?

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::shrugs:: What'd we win?

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> US

    [sTSF_Seiben] ::to XO::

    [Joy] <CSCI> :: Wonders if internet viruses an effect organic beings... ::

    [Laarell] <CSEC> Apparently something called a lap... laptop.

    [suberance] <CMO> ::moves over to next patient:: Nurse Brown> The patient is sedated with a fractured clavicle and a few broken ribs

    [Jaden] <ASCI1><CSCI> Seriously sir, if we catch those viruses we'll have to Gamma Erradiate the entire Computer Core.

    [sendai_Riko] <ASCI2><CSCI> Sir, I'd recommend we isolate the two affected cores and switch to the emergency core, and shut off this infernal internet.

    [suberance] <CMO><Brown> We can fix that easy enough ::taps console and surgical alcove rises::

    [Finn_] <AMO>::Heads further into the deck, checking for injured crew::

    [suberance] <CMO>+AMO+ Sickbay to Finn

    [Callack] <HELM> ::ponders "where's the famed Scotty when you need him"::

    [sTSF_Jami] <ENG> ::emerges from the TL onto the bridge, looking very bedraggled::

    [sendai_Riko] <ASCI2> ::shakes head at new screen:: ::aloud:: I dindn't know two people could do THAT.

    [Finn_] <AMO>+CMO+Finn here. I see the comm is back online Doctor.

    [Jaden] <ASCI1>::pities the CENG as she enters::

    [sTSF_Jami] <ENG> ::smudges over uniform and face, a few tears here and there:::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><CENG> What seems to be the matter>

    [Chell_Reno] <MXO>::notices the ENG looking bedraggled:: <CENG> Chief, you iight?

    [suberance] <CMO>+AMO+ Minor trouble I suspect. We have a few minor surgical cases here in sick bay and could use a hand

    [sTSF_Jami] <CENG> <CO> Well, Sir, I've salvaged about everything I can. No chance of a warp core within the next decade.

    [Callack] <HELM> ::doesn't notice CENG, continues to monitor console::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CENG> <XO> Aye, Sir. Just frustrated.

    [sendai_Riko] <ASCI2> ::looks at poor CENG:: Yikes. ::tries again to clear screens::

    [Finn_] <AMO>+CMO+ On my way, Doctor.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CENG> <CO> Any chance of finding what we need in this century, Sir?

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> <CENG> I'm not sure. What do we need?

    [Finn_] <AMO>::checks up again on Ensign VikTim::

    [Chell_Reno] <MXO><CENG> Well.... we were hoping you could tell us that....

    [sendai_Riko] <ASCI2><ASCI1> I think I'm going to be ill.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <We'll end at 10:10>

    [Jaden] <ASCI1>::glances at Riko's console:: <ASCI2> What in the world is a Turf Sod Farm?

    [Callack] <HELM><CENG> Do the shuttles have what you need?

    [suberance] <CMO> ::sets back to his patient:: <Brown> The enzyme inhibitor please Nurse ::takes tool passed to him::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <::cues the 2 minute guy::>

    [Finn_] <AMO><VikTim> ::Takes this ::hands the comm badge:: If you get into any problems, contact sickbay. We'll pick you up as soon as the turbolifts are working okay?

    [Finn_] <VikTim>::nods::

    [Jaden] <ASCI1><ASCI2>::points to the screen:: Hmmm... Superior Turf Sod Farming?

    [Finn_] <AMO>::Heads back to jeffries tube. At least this will keep me fit::

    [Chell_Reno] <<Jaden LOL>>

    [sTSF_Jami] <CENG> ::Hands the CO a PADD with a long list::

    [sendai_Riko] <ASCI2><ASCI1> Haven't a clue. ::gives up, shuts off screen::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::reads contents:: Oh.. crap...

    [suberance] <CMO><Brown> Osteogenic connector ::takes tool::

    [Chell_Reno] <MXO><CO> We need crap?

    [Callack] <HELM><MXO> Sir nobody has thought about using parts from the shuttle?

    [Jaden] <ASCI1><ASCI2> I saw something called the Food Network. I wonder how we can access it, I'm famished.

    [sendai_Riko] <ASCI2><CSCI> If there's anything on this planet that can help us, sir, we'd better hope we win it.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CENG> ::glance askance at XO:::

    [Finn_] <AMO>::Enters jeffries tube and looks up. Takes a deep breath and begins to climb::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><XO> No, we have that covered with the Turf Sod

    [sTSF_Jami] <CENG> ::slumps into a chair::

    [sendai_Riko] <ASCI2> ::shrugs at Jaden::

    [Chell_Reno] <MXO><CO> Ah.... my mistake sir.

    [sTSF_Seiben] And...

    [sTSF_Seiben] PAUSE SIM..

  7. At 2:51 am, 6/29/06 my wife gave birth to our daughter Calla Renee Sanders. 7lb 4 oz 20 in long. Baby and mom are doind great.


    I have to give a special thanks to the Aegis sim for being the place where I met my wife. You've given me a lovely women and now 2 wonderful kids. Plus, lots of fun times, fond memories, and good friendships.


    With love from -

    D'Mysus Ramson's player - Jay Sanders

    Saraina Ramson's player - Cheryl Sanders

    Aegis spawn#1 - Patrick Sanders

    Kallah Ramson's namesake - Calla Sanders

    Fantastic, Jay. Give my best to Cheryl and Calla, Academy class of 2018? She'd be 12 and very capable, I'm sure!

  8. [sTSF_Jami] Commanding Officer (CO): STSF Jami

    [sTSF_Jami] Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Joy 15

    [sTSF_Jami] Operations Officer (OPS) - Suberance

    [sTSF_Jami] Helm (Helm) - Sulu

    [sTSF_Jami] Chief Engineer (CENG) - Ens Marius TrLorin

    [sTSF_Jami] Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Madison Starr

    [sTSF_Jami] Assistant Medical Officer (AMO) - Athur (Rackle) Draggon

    [sTSF_Jami] Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Jaden

    [sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\=

    [sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\=

    [sTSF_Jami] whooo..shoulda shortened that one.

    [sTSF_Jami] MISSION BRIEF...

    [sTSF_Jami] The Runabout Robert Major has crashed on Vestus 5, a class M planet. We find ourselves in the jungle, digging out from under a cushion of vegetation which, thankfully, has saved us from oblivion.

    [sTSF_Jami] AND....ROLLEM!

    [sTSF_Jami] BEGIN SIM

    [sTSF_Jami] BEGIN SIM

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::coughcoughsplutter:::

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><ALL>Is everyone okay?!

    [Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><CMO>Sir do we know What kind of plant we landded in was?

    [sulu] <HELM>::dusts uniform off::

    [Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <<...this is the second time i've been crashed in a jungle/swamp/other planet...>>

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::wakes up, looks around:: <CMO> Checking to see if I'm all here.

    [Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO>CMO>I think

    [suberance] <OPS> :stands off and dusts himself off, nursing a cut to the forehead::

    [sulu] <HELM><CMO> A ok

    [Jaden] <CSCI>::examining the florabunda, brushing it aside::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> Everyone sound off so we can get a head count.

    [Joy_15] <XO> <CMO> Define, OK. Physcially, undamaged. My social schedule may have some problems....

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><AMO>I dont know...i just hope itwasnt toxic.

    [Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <<No security?!?!>>

    [sulu] <HELM>::stands up and looks for everyone::

    [Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> ::crawls away from the wreckage, before lying down and groaning::

    [Jaden] <CSCI><CMO> Just fine Doctor.

    [suberance] <OPS><CO> I appear to be in one piece ma'am ::looks at runabout:: I can't say the same for the ship however

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><XO>You kid.....lol

    [Joy_15] <XO> <CO> Joy here.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <XO> Instruments functional are they, Joy?

    [Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO>::Grabs a leaf off the plant and sarts studing it::

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><CENG>are you okay?

    [sulu] <HELM><CO> I still alive Ma'am nothings broken

    [sTSF_Jami] ROSTER UPDATE - Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Ltjg OConner

    [Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> <CMO> Yeah... just a minor headache... ::gets up wearily::

    [Jaden] <CSCI><CO> Present!

    [suberance] <OPS><CENG> Marius, are you all right? ::walks over::

    [Joy_15] <XO> <CO> Instruments, aye. Drive systems, problematic. Hull integrity, not quite.

    [Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO>::Sees CSEC coming out from the rubble::<CSEC> You okay?

    [Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC><AMO> Yeah, a little bruised but fine

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <XO> Sounds good. ::groan:: Isn't this where I say "have a nice day?"

    [Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> <OPS> I'll be fine...

    [Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> ::joins the others::

    [Joy_15] <XO> <CO> At least we hit a nice soft planet.

    [sulu] <HELM>::walks over to Marius::

    [Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC><AMO> Where's the Captain?

    [suberance] <OPS> ::removes outer portion of uniform shirt:: <CENG> Here, rest your head on this

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><CENG>ANy didiness?We cant have you up and about if you have concussion like symptoms....

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <XO> Number one, get everyone straightened out.

    [Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO>::Points to Jami::<CSEC>Right there

    [Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> ::shakes his head, thinks a bit:: <CMO> No dizziness, luckily.

    [suberance] <OPS> ::props up Marius' head with shirt:: <CENG> Kind of hot here anyway

    [Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC>::nods to AMO then walks to Jami::<CO> Cheif of security reporting in.

    [sulu] <HELM><CENG> looks like we are going to have a nice day

    [Joy_15] <XO> <CSEC> Oconner, start settng up a watch. See if you can get an eye out, and watch out for anything with teeth.

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><CENG>well thats good

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::untangles herself from the harness and a few pieces of vegetation:: <CSEC> Good man.

    [suberance] <OPS><CMO> I'm going to report to the Captain, take care of him ::gets up and walks away::

    [Joy_15] <XO> <OPS> Suberance.... come up with a list of supplies we'll need from the emergenc store, and distribute them.

    [Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> ::gets up, nods to Jami:: <CO> I'm good Captain.

    [Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO>::Picks up a tricorder and scans for life forms::

    [sulu] <HELM>::walks over to the CO::

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><OPS>yes sir.....

    [suberance] <OPS><XO> Aye ::begins to sort through rubble looking for supplies from emergency stores::

    [Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC><CO> Do we know where we are Captain?

    [Joy_15] <XO> <CSCI> Jaden, do a general look over of the place. What are our worries? Food? Water? Shelter?

    [sulu] <HELM><CO> looks like we are going to have a nice day Captain

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::waves a hand to Marius::

    [Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> ::reaches at his side, making sure his tricorder is still there::

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><CENG>Let me check you out to be sure and maybe give you a hypo for the pain

    [Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><CMO>Sir im reading life signs....they are surrounding us

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <HElm> Good. Good. Help me get out of this vine, will ya?

    [Joy_15] <XO> <HELM> Sulu... make sure everything is shut down on the shuttle, except the emergency beacon.

    [Jaden] <CSCI>::nods and walks around the crash site crawling through the vegetation::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> :::strain struggle::

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><AMO>do they match any known species?

    [sulu] <HELM>::pulls the vines away for the Captain::

    [Joy_15] <XO> :: Moves over tho hlsp the CO strain and struggle ::

    [suberance] <OPS> ::pulls away metal sheet to see emergency store cabinet:: At least the reinforced hull protected this compartment

    [Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><CMO>No

    [Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC>::helps the HELM get the Captain out::

    [Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> <CMO> Really, I'm fine...

    [Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><CO>Sir you should have a look at this

    [suberance] <OPS><XO> Sir, permission to report status of emergency supplies?

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <Helm & Joy> Thanks. ::spits out a piece of leaf::

    [sulu] <HELM><XO> aye sir Im pretty sure the engines and most of the main systems are down

    [Joy_15] <XO> <OPS> Go ahead.

    [sulu] <HELM><CO> anytime Captain

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><XO>Sir my assitant has scanned and found that unknown life forms are surrounding us.

    [Joy_15] <XO> <Helm> Good enough, but let's make it clean.

    [Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> ::groans a bit, then looks at the wreckage::

    [Joy_15] <XO> <CMO> Anything that looks like tools or weapons?

    [suberance] <OPS><XO> The ermegency replicator has been damaged, but not terribly so. It's posisble to salvage it and begin replicating food stores. I do have to remind you of its limited power supply. We have tricorders for everyone if theirs should have been damaged

    [sulu] <HELM><XO> ofcourse sir

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::pulls herself up and out of the seat, then crawls to the exit, just above her head::

    [suberance] <OPS><XO> Plenty of plam beacons for when it gets dark and water canteens if we can find a water source

    [Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC>::walks over to CMO::<CMO> is eveybody accounted for?

    [Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO>::Hands Xo the Tricorder::

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><AMO>did your san bring up any weapon or tool like things?

    [sulu] <HELM>:;walks over to Helm::

    [Joy_15] <XO> <CSEC> Science reports we're being surrounded by some sort of life form. Start thinking in terms of a defensive perimiter, please.

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><CSEC>yes all present

    [sulu] <HELM>::::shuts down most of the ship exept for the Beacon::

    [Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> ::heads for the ME::

    [Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC><XO> Sounds like a good plan to me::pulls out phaser and smiles::

    [suberance] <OPS><XO> I can check the weapons locker next to see if any phasers survived the crash

    [sulu] <HELM>::walks back over to the XO::

    [Jaden] <CSCI>::overhears the XO and looks puzzled, returns to crawling around the crash site::

    [Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><CMO>A couple of wepons and tools about half a mile::Points to the right:: that way

    [Joy_15] <XO> <OPS> Good enough.... And point a tricorder downhill, and see if you can pick up water after that, please.

    [Joy_15] <XO> :: Looks to helm ::

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><AMO>God job

    [sulu] <HELM><XO> all systems are down exept for the Beacon sir

    [suberance] <OPS> ::picks up tricorder and begins to search for water source:: <ALL> I have spare tricorders here if yours was damaged

    [sulu] <HELM><XO> most of them were heavily damaged on the landing sir

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::jumps down to the ground but misses, hitting a gushy green somethingorother:: Ech...

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><XO>the scan showed some tools and weapons a few miles (assumes that right is west)westward

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::sloshslosh::

    [Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC>::starts to set up a perimiter::<Ens. Clueless> Hey, you take the eastern side I'll take west

    [Joy_15] <XO> <Helm> Very good. Pair up with the captain, will you? I don't think anyone should be alone.

    [Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><HELM>Sir, i dont think you want to we are being surrounded

    [suberance] <OPS><XO> Sir, the water source is about 100 or so meters to the west however the alien life signs are between us and it

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::drags herself out of the giant jack-in-the-pulpit:::

    [sulu] <HELM><XO> aye sir

    [Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><HELM>Leave that is

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::sniff:: Ewww..

    [Joy_15] <XO> <OPS> OK.... We'll eventually have to go for it, but let's stay close to the wreck for now.

    [sulu] <HELM><AMO> o great

    [sulu] ::walks over to the Captain::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::approaching Joy:: <XO> Report.

    [sulu] <HELM><CO> Need any help Captain??

    [suberance] <OPS><XO> Understood ::begins to search through the wreck for more weapons and tools::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::smelling like a skunk, courtesy of the local vegetation:: <Helm> Not at the moment.

    [Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><ALL>Does any one have any phasers?

    [Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> ::makes his way into the ME::

    [Jaden] <CSCI>::sees a big bunch of berries and scans them with a tricorder::

    [Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC><AMO> Over here!

    [Joy_15] <XO> <CO> I have reports of life forms coming to investigate. Decent supply and food situation. There is water not far downhill. I think first thing s checking out whatever is checking us out.

    [Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><ALL>Any one else?

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><CSEC>I have a phaser

    [sulu] <HELM><CO> ok well Ill keep you company for the time being if you dont mind ma'am

    [Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <<Madison i am asking>>

    [Jaden] <CSCI><AMO> I have mine.

    [Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC><CMO> Good to know::thinks what the auther of the Doctor's Credo would think about that::

    [suberance] <OPS> ::begins to pulls parts out from rubble when piece of wreckage falls and pins his legs:: Someone, help!

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <XO> Good idea. Let's take it easy and remember they are curious and not necessarily dangerous. ::eyes CSEC::

    [MadisonStarr] <<oops mixed up lol>>

    [Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> ::looks around the ME, grabs a set of away-team engineering tools::

    [Joy_15] <XO> :: Goes over to the locker to acquire a hand phaser ::

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO>AMO>I've got a phaser

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::jerks around:: Suberance!

    [suberance] <OPS> ::attempts to pry up metal sheet on legs with little success::

    [Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> ::opens up a panel, and pulls out a set of phasers::

    [Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC><CO> ::starts to sneak up on a rodent to phaser it when the Captain eyes him, then walks away::

    [Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> ::with the tools and phasers in hand, walks out of the ship::

    [Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><CMO>Sir i think maybe a pair or 3 people should see what is surrounding us one has a phaser becuase we need all the protection we can get here

    [Joy_15] <XO> :: Moves over to help free up Ops ::

    [sulu] <HELM>::wonders what happened to the OPS::

    [Jaden] <CSCI>::looks up through the canopy examining the colorful birds::

    [suberance] <OPS><XO> Thank you, should have kept a better eye on the loose wreckage

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::assisting with OPS::

    [Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> ::joins the rest of the crew::

    [sTSF_Jami] <afk a min>

    [Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC>::finishes setting up perimiter::<CO> Sir, perimiter is secure

    [Joy_15] <XO> :: Helps Suberance to his feet ::

    [Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><CMO>Should i run it through with xo?

    [suberance] <OPS> ::once freed, stands up, however appears to have sprained his ankle:: <CO, XO> I'll be all right

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><AMO>well we are doctors not warriors so maybewe should see what OConner's plan is

    [Joy_15] <XO> <CENG> Do you hav any sort of thoughts on shelter? Should we stay with the ship, or go native?

    [Jaden] <CSCI>::goes a bit further and finds a small trickling stream of water, holds out his tricorder::

    [suberance] <OPS><XO> Sir I have the parts I need to repair the emergency replicator, I'll start it right away

    [Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><CMO>I did serve one term is security

    [sulu] <HELM>:;stands by the Captain::

    [sTSF_Jami] <bak>

    [Joy_15] <XO> <OPS> Good enough. Is the fusion reactor still going? Is power a problem?

    [sTSF_Jami] <catching up>

    [Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> <XO> Well, we're probably safer staying with the ship.

    [Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC>::walks over to CO:: <CO> I've finished setting up a perimiter and it is secure

    [suberance] <OPS> I have to repair the circuitry first, then I'll be able to tell whether or not its independent power supply was damaged in the crach

    [Joy_15] <XO> <CENG> Noted. I tend to agree.

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><AMO>oh thats cool

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <CSEC> Excellent.

    [Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><CSEC>OConner,sir, over here i have a plan

    [Jaden] <CSCI><CSEC> Secure from what?

    [sulu] <HELM>::looks around looks for any form of life::

    [Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC>::hears AMO and walks over::<AMO> Go ahead

    [Joy_15] <XO> :: Slides over towards the CSCI and CSEC ::

    [suberance] <OPS><CENG> Marius, if you're available I could use some help with the emergency replicator

    [Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><CSEC>Ok we have unkown lifesigns surronding us

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <OPS> Transponder is working?

    [Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> <OPS> Of course.

    [Joy_15] <XO> <CSCI> What do we know about the local animals?

    [sulu] <HELM>::steps in mud::

    [Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC><AMO> My perimiter should alert us if they come close to the ship

    [Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> ::holsters one of the phasers, and leaves the rest there, takes the tools with him::

    [Jaden] <CSCI>::extends the range of his tricorder to scan for the "life forms"::

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO>::scans the surounding vegitation for edible qualities::

    [Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><CSEC>I think we should send a small team of 2 or 3 to see what it is and if they are a theart and if they are..extermanate em

    [Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> ::joins the OPS at the emergency replicator::

    [suberance] <OPS><CO> I thought someone else was working on the transponder sir. I'll get right on that if that is not true

    [Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO>CSEC>Because eventaully we have to go out of the perimiter

    [Jaden] <CSCI><AMO> That doesn't sound very doctorly.

    [Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> ::opens up the panel, examines the replicator::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <ALL> Transponder working?

    [Joy_15] <XO> <CO> Helm said yes, a while ago, Captain.

    [Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><CSCI>I also served one term as a security officcer

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::does a 360 checking the crew:: <XO> Thank you, Number One.

    [suberance] <OPS><CENG> It would seem that when one of the EPS conduits ruptured it damaged the internal circuitry

    [Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC><AMO> Agreed, Have you cleared an away mission with the Captain?

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <XO> If we weren't so far away from the ship I would say try to contact, but we know that's not going to work.

    [Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><CSEC>No i believe you should to it

    [Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC><AMO> Alright, on my way

    [Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><CSEC>I asked CMO but no reply

    [suberance] <OPS><The primary power couplings have been fused, should we attempt to repair them or focus on the secondary ones?

    [Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><CSEC>Agreed

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><AMO>asked me what?

    [Joy_15] <XO> <CO> Well, they knew our flight plan, and the beacon is singing. We shouldn't be stuck here too long unless Shmitty likes being in charge.

    [suberance] <<That last one was to CENG, sorry>>

    [Jaden] <CSCI><XO> Sir, are we going to be vacationing on this planet for a while?

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <XO> Looks like you have everything in control, Number One. Good work.

    [Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC>::walks over to the captain:<CO> Sir, permission to take an away team beyond the perimiter.

    [Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><CMO>To clear an at

    [Joy_15] <XO> <CO> Told you the XO and CO shouldn't be on the same away team.

    [Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> <OPS> Let's get those primary couplings first.

    [sulu] <HELM><CO>Captain should I go and help someone or should I stay here with you Captain?

    [Joy_15] <XO> :: Smiles ::

    [suberance] <OPS><CENG> Hand me that dynospanner, please

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><AMO>I said maybe you should ask OConner because it was his area of expertise

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::gives Joy a look::sighs:: <XO> Live and learn, eh?

    [Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><CMO>And i did

    [Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> ::hands the dynospanner over, examines the rest of the replicator::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <CMO> Doctor, is everyone whole?

    [Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><CMO>So no problem

    [Joy_15] <XO> <Helm> She seems to be OK. I was worried at first she was crawling out on her own. What do you think needs being done?

    [suberance] <OPS><CENG> The problem is we could be working on a derelict replicator, until we get the internal diagnostic program online we won't know the condition of the power generator

    [Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> <OPS> The matter-regulator seems to be slightly damaged too. I'll get onto that.

    [Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <<OConner ask again>>

    [Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC><CO> Sir, permission to take an Away team beyond the perimiter

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <CSEC> For what purpose?

    [Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> ::nods to OPS::

    [suberance] <OPS><CENG> This doesn't looks to good ::running dynospanner over power couplings:: They might be too fused to work properly

    [Jaden] <CSCI>::leans back against a tree enjoying the fresh air::

    [Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> ::takes out a few tools, begins repairing the matter-regulator::

    [Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> <OPS> I've got some replacement couplings back in the ship, if we need them.

    [sulu] <HELM><XO> I understand sir But I might be able to get helm back online and maybe get some things sorted out on the bridge

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::looks to O'Conner::

    [suberance] <OPS> What the hell ::grabs a flux attenuator and runs it overt the power couplings::

    [Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC><CO> To find if the lifeforms surronding us are hostile or friendly

    [suberance] <OPS><CENG> The secondaries only look shorted out and if this would work ::frustrated bangs the attentuator within the replicator:: we won't need them

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::thinks a minute:: <CSEC> Let's stick with the ship and see if we can get it going. I think if they are curious enough they'll come to us.

    [Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> ::places in the few fixes to the matter-regulator::

    [Joy_15] <XO> <Helm> We had enough trouble keeping her flying well enough for a soft landing. I don't really think we should try taking her up again...

    [Jaden] <CSCI>::crawls back into the Runabout for a water cannister::

    [Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC><CO>Aye, sir.::walks back over to the AMO::

    [suberance] <OPS> ::jumps back as power surge erupts from his panel:: Ahh

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <CSEC> How about climbing that tree over there and get the lay of the land a little better?

    [Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC><AMO> That's a no go on the Away mission

    [Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> ::raises an eyebrow at the power surge::

    [suberance] <OPS><CENG> I think I may have unfused the power couplings

    [Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO>::Stares into the jungle and sees a pair of eyes at the tree co pointed at::

    [Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> ::smirks::

    [Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC><CO>Sure thing sir

    [Joy_15] <XO> <Helm> But if you can list out what is wrong and how it might be fixed, I'll listen. Go ahead and do diagnostics, but let me know before you try powering up drives.

    [Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><CSEC>S..sir thy are waiting for you

    [Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> <OPS> When the logical repairs don't work, just kick it, I guess.

    [Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC>::walks over to the tree the CO directed and starts to climb::

    [Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO>::Points at the gleaming red eyes

    [suberance] <OPS> ::looks closer at circuitry:: <CENG> Yep, that power surge signified that the ports were open again, all right, let's see here ::uses the dynospanner to open a secondary hatch::

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><CSEC>maybe we could work on making sure the camp is as safe as it can possibly be dont want any avoidable injuries

    [sulu] <HELM><XO> aye sir Illget the list to you soon

    [Joy_15] <XO> :: Nods at Helm ::

    [Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO>::Pulls out his phaser

    [Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> ::looks at the replicator console, tries to run a diagnostic::

    [Jaden] <CSCI>::leans back against the Runabout, drinking from the water cannister, unzipping his uniform slightly, sweating in the humidity::

    [suberance] <OPS><CENG> The sensor relays are a bit out of synch

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <AMO> Holster it, Mister.

    [Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC><AMO> Who is?::sees the eyes and taps his combadge::

    [sulu] <HELM>:;walks back over to the ship::

    [suberance] <OPS> If I can just . . . there ::replicator hums with power::

    [Joy_15] <XO> :: Pulls out tricorder, and stars scanning the aea ::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <ALL> Keep doing what you were doing. They look curious to me.

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><AMO>these scans match those of the ones before...they are here

    [Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><CO>Sure bu..but there are eyes staring at oconner

    [Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC>+CO+::whispering::Sir, look to the tree I am currently climbing

    [Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> <OPS> Good job.

    [suberance] <OPS> ::taps some buttons:: <CENG> Now let's see how much power we have

    [Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> ::takes a look at the console::


    [Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC>+CO+ There are two eyes gleaming at me. Course of action?

    [sulu] <HELM>:: checks each system and its damage::

    [Joy_15] <XO> :: Notes red eyes, and tries to use tricorder to see what sort of life form it is. ::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::looks up:: +CSEC+ Say hello?

    [Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO>::Holsters his phaser::

    [Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> <OPS> After a few adjustments, we could get this to work for two weeks or so, longer if we don't use it all the time.

    [Jaden] <CSCI>::gazing up into the canopy at the red eyes and bird watching, listening to the various sounds of the jungle::

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><AMO>come on and lets busy ourselves .we dont want to provoke or annoy them in any way.

    [suberance] <OPS> Oh no ::points to display:: <CENG> The independent power supply has been damaged, we're only looking at about 20% of the power reserves remaining

    [sulu] <HELM>::gets down to the minor systems::

    [sulu] <HELM>::shakes head::

    [Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><CMO>Anything you want me to do?

    [Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> <OPS> If I make a few adjustments... ::taps at the buttons::

    [suberance] <OPS> ::standing up:: <CENG> Depending on what is needed to be replicated it won't last that long

    [Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC><Red Eyes> My name is Lt. douglas O'conner. I'm with the United federation of Planets, How may I assist you?

    [Joy_15] <XO> :: Wanders towards Ops ::

    [sTSF_Jami] <Red Eyes>::just look::

    [Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO>::Looks at oconner the the eyes and again and agian

    [suberance] <OPS> ::wipes sweat off forehead:: God it's hot

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><AMO>we should see if these scans are similar in any way to a species we have encountered before

    [Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> ::adjusts a few controls::

    [Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC>::wonders what to do next:

    [Joy_15] <XO> :: Having the replicator will be nice, but if reserve power is getting low, let's not use power unless we have to. ::

    [sulu] <HELM>::see's that most of the lights are out::

    [suberance] <OPS><CENG> I wonder if we've replenished our water supplies yet?

    [Jaden] <CSCI>::eyes glassing over, breathing deeply, very relaxed::

    [Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC>::slowly climbs down and gets a ration::

    [Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> <OPS> Ok, with the way i've set it, it should last at least a week, as long as we don't overuse it.

    [suberance] <OPS><XO> Only 20% of the power reserves are reamaining

    [Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><<CMO>They are simmulair to..::GULP::Rackles

    [Joy_15] <XO> <OPS> No... Soon, I think, but we might want to figure out those watching Red Eyes first.

    [Joy_15] <XO> :: Nods ::

    [Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC> ::offers the ration to the red eyed creature::<Red Eyes> Friends.

    [suberance] <OPS><XO> If we're going to focus on repairing the ship then the reserves should be devoted to replicating the parts we need, food and water will then have to come from local sources

    [Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><CMO>But alot alot alot...bigger

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><AMO>youre kidding...::looks at tricorder:: ...youre right!!

    [sTSF_Jami] <Red Eyes> ::looks at the offering::sniffs::takes it::grunts and runs off::

    [suberance] <OPS><XO> At least, that's my opinion sir. The Chief may have a different one

    [Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC>::lets out a sigh::

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><AMO>ill allert the xo

    [Joy_15] <XO> <OPs> Agreed... I've got Helm cataloging what we'll need to fix to fly.

    [Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><CSEC>OConner get out of there

    [Jaden] <CSCI>::takes a small soil sample::

    [Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC><CO> well so much for first contact

    [Joy_15] <XO> <OPS> But our flight plan is known, the beacon is working, I am not really eager to fly in this thing if I don't have to.

    [Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC><AMO> Sure

    [suberance] <OPS> I can probably use extra tricorders to boost the power reserves, but we're only talking about an extra percent or two at the most

    [sulu] <HELM>::walks back over to the XO::<XO> ok sir the Helm is completly out I cant move the ships untill I reroute some power Sensor are completely offline Tatical is still operational no damage ,lights are off in most rooms

    [Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><CSEC>Theyre alot like raclkles but alot alot alot bigger

    [Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC>::begins to walk back::

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><XO>sir a scan of these creatures has determined that they are realted to rackels...but of course much larger....they just might "procreate" in the same way

    [Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><CSEC>Whatever you do DONT GET BIT

    [Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC><AMO> your talking about the thing that just ran off, right?

    [Joy_15] <XO> <OPS> Let's not go that route, yet. Conserve power. Make sure the beacon is good. Maybe think about building a fire.

    [sulu] <HELM><XO> communications is still up but I dont know if we can contact anyone


    [Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><CSEC>Yes...If you get bit you will become like me....::Gulp::Half rackle

    [Jaden] <CSCI>::allowing the scanning beam on his tricorder to run over the sample container very slowly and meticulously::

    [suberance] <OPS><XO> Basic survival skills? I haven't started a fire using 2 sticks since the course in the Academy

    [Joy_15] <XO> <Helm> So no fly for a whle. Let's leave it that way.

    [sulu] <HELM><XO> aye sir

    [Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO>::Hears the noise from the wrekege::<ALL>What the blazes

    [Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC>::hears the rummaging::

    [Joy_15] <XO> <Helm> But... we ma have a guest... :: Moves towards rummaging sound ::

    [suberance] <OPS> ::limps over to a fallen log by a cluster of trees and sits::

    [Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><ALL>Theyre in the ship!!

    [sulu] <HELM><XO> yes I can hear them sir


    [Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> <OPS, XO> We should try setting up some sort of communication with the nearest starbase.

    [Joy_15] <XO> <All> Gently folk. Give it a chance to run an a path to do so.

    [sulu] <HELM>::looks around::

    [suberance] <OPS> ::turns to look towards ship:: What is going on?

    [Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><ALL>Back up

    [Jaden] <CSCI><AMO> Here's your big chance to "exterminate" something!

    [Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><CSCI>Too late

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <CSCI> Don't even think that way, Mister.

    [Joy_15] <XO> <All> Hold fire...

    [suberance] <OPS> ::sees Red running at him and tries to get out of the way::

    [Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC>::can't hold back a chuckle::

    [Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><CO>Sir they are hudge rackle i mean HUDGE

    [suberance] <OPS> ::trips and falls on bad ankle::

    [Joy_15] <XO> <OPS> OK. Let's secure supplies as the next prioity.

    [Jaden] <CSCI><CO> Sorry sir.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <CSEC> Guess it liked the offering.

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><XO>sir if we get bitten....we could end up with tails!

    [Jaden] <CSCI>::snorts a laugh at the Medical officer::

    [sulu] <HELM><OPS> you keep hurting yourself:;helps the ops up::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <CMO> At this point I think that's the least of our worries.

    [Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><CSCI>You think being half rackle is funny?

    [Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC><CO> Sir, thier probably just here for the food, I recommend we get out of thier way

    [suberance] <OPS><HELM> Spraining my ankle here

    [suberance] <OPS><HELM> Thanks

    [Joy_15] <XO> <CO> Dare I use the word 'sentient' and 'rackle' in the same sentence?

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <CSEC> And we live on what for the next few days?

    [sulu] <HELM><OPS> anytime

    [Jaden] <CSCI>::hears the security about to bust and guffaws::

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <XO> ::groans;:

    [Joy_15] <XO> <CO> Maybe not sentient, but scavengers are often dang smart.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <XO> I would tend to agree, Number One.

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><CO>sir i scanned some plants nearby..they are all edible..they might not taste good but they wont kill us

    [Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC><CO> anything we can. Have CSCI scan for wildlife and edible vegitation

    [suberance] <OPS><XO> Sir as I said, replicator power is at a minimum, we may need to secure local sources of food and water to conserve the power

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <CMO> I have a better idea. Protect our food supplies.

    [Joy_15] <XO> <CENG> Could you work with Ops in securing supplies?

    [Jaden] <CSCI>::whistles a tune still staring up into the canopy at the colorful birds::

    [Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><CO>Um sir..

    [sulu] <HELM>::prepares for any kind of fight::

    [suberance] <OPS><XO> With our internal supplies gone now . . . we need to decide whether or not to replicate food and water

    [Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> <XO> Yes. sir.

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <AMO> Yesssss?

    [Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><CO>That wont be to easy

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <AMO> And why not?

    [Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC>::hears the CO and walks to the supplies to defend them::

    [Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><CO>If we try to take the food they will become hostile and you know what tthat means

    [sTSF_Jami] <CO> <AMO> Then I guess we'd better.....

    [suberance] <OPS> ::hobbles over to CENG:: <CENG> Well I guess we start collecting berries

    [Joy_15] <XO> <OPS> Gone? I wouldn't think they could do that in one load.

    [sTSF_Jami] PAUSE SIM....

  9. Hey Guys im really new here, never done this simming, sorta looking for a live chat star trek roleplay. Any tips on finding a game.




    :) :o

    Welcome, Matty! Games are listed in the schedule as per LoAmi's post. I look forward to seeing you in the Academy!

  10. [sTSF_Jami] Commanding Officer (CO): STSF Seiben

    [sTSF_Jami] Executive Officer (XO): STSF Jami

    [sTSF_Jami] Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Dom Pneuma

    [sTSF_Jami] Tactical/Operations/Helm Officer (Misc) - STSF Jami

    [sTSF_Jami] Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Madison Starr

    [sTSF_Jami] Assistant Medical Officer (AMO1) - SyAndrewL

    [sTSF_Jami] Assistant Medical Officer (AMO2) - Ltjg O'Conner

    [sTSF_Jami] Assistant Medical Officer (AMO3) - Mitch Johnson

    [sTSF_Jami] If you are not on the roster and wish to have a post, please send me one PM now.

    [sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\=

    [sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\=

    [sTSF_Jami] ::waggles eyebrows::

    [sTSF_Seiben] MISSION BRIEF. SD: 10606.20

    [sTSF_Seiben] The Medical starship USS Nobel has been sent to Gastris II, a small planet in Federation space. A radiation leak from one of the planet's powerplants is making the local populace sick. It is up to the staff of the Nobel to contain the scene and heal the populace.

    [sTSF_Seiben] BEGIN SIM..

    [sTSF_Seiben] BEGIN SIM.....

    [sTSF_Seiben] BEGIN SIM........

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO>::walks onto the Bridge and sits in the second most comfortable chair on the ship::

    [Mitch_Johnson] <AMO3>::in sickbay preparing for radation casalties::

    [Ltjg._OConner] <AMO2> ::preping medical tricorders for the Away tem....whoever they may be::

    [sTSF_Jami] <Misc> ::at helm doing all that stuff::

    [Ltjg._OConner] <<team even>>

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO>::in SB researching the toxicity lvl of the radiation::

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: The Nobel has just arrived at Gastris II. The AT should be getting ready to depart.

    [Mitch_Johnson] <AMO3>::places nessesary medical supplies by each bed::

    [Ltjg._OConner] <AMO2>::stores all of the tricorders in a crate and takes off to the nearest TL::


    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO>+CMO+Is your team ready for Beam Down?

    [sTSF_Jami] <Misc> <XO> Establishing standard orbit around Gastris II, Sir.

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO><Misc>Thank you very much

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: The toxicity of the planet is quite high

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><MXO>yes they are we are all heading for the transporter room now

    [Mitch_Johnson] <AMO2>::walks over to Madison::<CMO>Sir, all medbeds are ready for arrivals.

    [sTSF_Jami] <Misc> <XO> Scans show toxicity of the planet is high. Suggest EVA suits and biohazard equipment.

    [Ltjg._OConner] <AMO1>::arrives in the TR::

    [sTSF_Jami] <not biohazard..the other stuff>

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><AMO2>thank you

    [sTSF_Seiben] <Radiation?>

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO>::Nods at Jami:

    [sTSF_Jami] <Misc> <XO> Errr...radiation protocol suggested, sir.


    [Mitch_Johnson] <AMO2>::gathers medical supplies and places them in his medkit::

    [sTSF_Jami] <Misc> <XO> It's almost like the planet . . burped, sir. ::chuckle::

    [sTSF_Jami] <Misc> :::regains her composure::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> o_O

    [Ltjg._OConner] <AMO1>::drops off the crate and thinks about taking a hand phaser, but remembers the doctor's credo and wishes he wasn't a doctor::

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO>+CMO+make sure your team is dressed for the occasion according to the ships scans the planets toxicity is really high and I dont want a bunch of Medics with Radiation poisoning

    [Mitch_Johnson] <AMO2>::packs up his medkit and turns to Madison::<CMO>Sir, reporting ready for away team mission.

    [sTSF_Jami] <Misc> <w> Or gastric upsets.

    [Ltjg._OConner] <<sometimes I just feel like shooting something>>

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><MXO>yes sir

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO>::looks curiously at the person at the helm::<Misc> Ok??!!?!

    [sTSF_Jami] <Misc> ::straightens out:: <XO> Aye, aye, Sir.

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><AMOS>y'all all have on hazard suits right?

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO><CO>Sir I think the AT is about ready to be transported

    [sTSF_Jami] <Misc> <XO> Transport Chief reports ready.

    [Ltjg._OConner] <AMO1> ::begins to walk back to SB::

    [Mitch_Johnson] <AMO2><CMO>Not on at the moment sir. I'll put mine on at once.

    [Ltjg._OConner] <AMO1>::then figures he'll just stay here for the moment::

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO>+CMO+Please report in when your team is ready for transport

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO>::puts on hazard suit::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> Good. Tell them to energise once they are ready

    [Ltjg._OConner] <AMO1> ::misses the CMO's little reminder of the biohazard suits, so forgets his::

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><MXO>yes sir

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO><misc>Thank you Jami please continue scans on the planet let us know if anything changes

    [Mitch_Johnson] <AMO2>::sets down his medkit and heads over to the radation looker and takes out a radation suit and slips it on. Walks back and picks up his medkit::<CMO>Ready now sir.

    [sTSF_Jami] <Misc> <XO> Continuous scans, aye.

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO>+CMO+Ok as soon as your team is ready You are clear to beam down

    [Ltjg._OConner] <<or radiation suit, whatever that thing is>>

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><AMO>i want to see you all now line up in front of me please

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO><CO>How do you think this radiation leak got so out of hand?

    [sTSF_Jami] <Misc> <<something to keep you well>>

    [Mitch_Johnson] <AMO2>::stands at attention in front of Madison::

    [Ltjg._OConner] <AMO1>+CMO+ Sir, is everything ready to go, I'm waiting for you guys in the TR.

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><AMO1>we are in tr 1

    [sTSF_Jami] <Misc> ::tappitytaptaptap:::

    [Ltjg._OConner] <AMO1>+CMO+ oh...::looks and sees that he is in TR 3:: oops, On my way, sir

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><AMO1>you have no suit on

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> <XO> I hope not.

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><AMOS>okay every one on the pad

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO><CO>Sir do you think we should keep a transporter lock on the AT just in case something happens to them


    [Mitch_Johnson] <AMO2>::steps onto teleporter pad 5::

    [Ltjg._OConner] <AMO1>+CMO+ What suit...oh nevermind. I'll just run by SB really quick. be there in...two minutes

    [Ltjg._OConner] <AMO1> ::begins to run to SB::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> <XO> Yes, we should.

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><AMO1>please hurry mr.oconner

    [sTSF_Jami] ROSTER UPDATE - Assistant Medical Officer (AMO3) - kirkriker

    [sTSF_Jami] Assistant Medical Officer (AMO3) - kirkriker

    [sTSF_Jami] Assistant Medical Officer (AMO3) - kirkriker

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><OPS> Is the planets HAZMAT team on scene?

    [Ltjg._OConner] <AMO1>+CMO+ Doing by best, sir. O'Conner out

    [Mitch_Johnson] <AMO2><CMO>Sir, when we arrive on the surface, what are our orders?

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO>::waits on pad for AMO1::

    [Ltjg._OConner] <AMO1> ::grabs a suit fast, then runs out of sickbay and into the nearest TL::

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO>+Transporter Chief+ Mr Rockem Please keep a transporter lock on the AT once they have beamed down just in case anything happens

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><AMO2>we are to start administrating ant radiation meds

    [sTSF_Jami] <Misc> ::tappitytap:: <XO> Commander, Gastris is asking where the AT is.

    [kirkriker] <AMO3>::in SB getting in his suite and then leaves and enters TL:: TR1

    [Mitch_Johnson] <AMO2><CMO>Understood sir.

    [sTSF_Jami] <Rockem> +MXO+ Aye, Aye, Sir.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><XO> tell them they'll be down in five minutes

    [Ltjg._OConner] <AMO1> ::arrives in TR1 then hurredly put on his radiation suit, whick makes him trip onto the TR pad::

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO><misc>Let them know they are preparing to beam down and will arrive momentarily

    [kirkriker] <AMO3>::goes into TR and walks onto the pad::

    [Ltjg._OConner] <AMO1> ::stand back up:: <CMO> Ready, sir

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO><MISC>in 5 minutes!

    [Mitch_Johnson] <AMO2>::almost laughs at OConner::

    [sTSF_Jami] <Misc> <MXO> Aye, Sir. ::sends the message::

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO>::sighs::enegize please

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><XO> Go ahead and tell the AT that as well

    [sTSF_Jami] <Misc> +CMO+ Doctor, Captain Seiben would like you down in five minutes.

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><Misc>yes sir

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO><Misc> thank you

    [kirkriker] <<brb>>

    [Ltjg._OConner] <AMO1>::demat/remat::

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO>shimmer

    [Mitch_Johnson] @<AMO2>::waits patiently on the transporter pad::

    [Ltjg._OConner] <AMO1> *shimmer*

    [sTSF_Jami] <oops...sorry, Pneuma. Bop me next time>

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO><CO>any other suggestions sir?

    [Dom_Pneuma] <<its ok it happens!>>

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><XO> Work with the planet's officials and set up officers to corden off the affected areas

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><XO> Also, set up a HAZMAT Team to deal with the radiation

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO><CO>Aye Sir I am Right on it!

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><MXO>sir,we are here....finally...some people just don't listen very well

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO><Misc>Hail the Planet and get them on the screen please!

    [Ltjg._OConner] <AMO1>::hids face when Starr says that::

    [sTSF_Jami] <Misc> <MXO> Hailing frequencies open Sir.

    [Ltjg._OConner] <hides even>

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO>+CMO+Thank you Please hold on one moment please

    [sTSF_Jami] <Misc> <MXO> Onscreen.

    [sTSF_Jami] *hailfreq*

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO>+Goverment Official+

    [Mitch_Johnson] @<AMO2>::wonders how serious the situation is on Gastris II::

    [sTSF_Jami] Gov Official> ::mops his brow, in the beginning stages of radiation poisoning:: Yes, Yes. I'm here.

    [Ltjg._OConner] @<AMO1>::thinks that the radiation suit is kind of restricting::

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><AMOS>i want you all to be as helpful as posible.Scan the people first to see if their condition is minor enough to be treated with a minor anti radiation hypo,if not let me know and we can beam the wort off to SB

    [sTSF_Seiben] <remember to use @ if you're on the Away Team, which is everyone except Jami, Pnuema and I >>

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO>+GO+ Greetings I am 1st officer Pneuma our team will be beaming down momentarily We need you to corridon off the infected areas and also set up a hazmat team to Take care of the radiation leak

    [MadisonStarr] @<CMO><AMO1>uncomfortable Mr.OConnor?

    [Mitch_Johnson] @<AMO2><CMO>Sir, if I may ask. What is the delay? We have to help the Gastrians soon.

    [Ltjg._OConner] @<AMO1><CMO> uh...of course not, sir

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><AMO2>we are waiting on MXOs orders

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO>+CMO+ You are clear to go

    [sTSF_Jami] Rockem> :::energizes::

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><MXO>thank you sir

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: The AT shimmers down to the planet

    [sTSF_Jami] <Misc> :::pumps more AC into the TR ::

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><AMOS>team lets move out

    [Mitch_Johnson] @<AMO2><CMO>I see. I just asumed under the circumstnaces we would have started when we were ready.

    [sTSF_Jami] <Stage Hand> ::pastes @ on AT's foreheads::

    [MadisonStarr] <<oopps...sorry...lol>>

    [Mitch_Johnson] @<AMO2>::sees himself now on Gastris II and sees many sick Gastrians::

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO>+CMO+Please keep us notified of any changes in your situation down there

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: Make-shift triage centres are set up throughout the planet surface. But local doctors are overwhelmed due to the high numbers of sick

    [Ltjg._OConner] @<AMO1>::stares at his new @, then his eyes start to hurt so he continues with his mission::

    [MadisonStarr] @<CMO>::moves to a triage and start in on the patients::

    [Mitch_Johnson] @<AMO2>::walks over to the nearest group of Gastrians and conducts radation scans::

    [Ltjg._OConner] @<AMO1>::follows CMO to the nearest triage center and begins to scan people:

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO><misc>Is there any change in the planets condition?

    [sTSF_Jami] <Misc> :::keeping a lock on the AT:::

    [Ltjg._OConner] @<AMO1> ::can't help but feel sorry for these people::

    [sTSF_Jami] <Misc> ::checks:: <MXO> Very slight dissipation of the radiation, but not enough to make a difference, Sir.

    [sTSF_Seiben] @Locals> Help us! Help us! ::moan::

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO><Misc>Thank you very much

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO>::Scans the patients....and starts to administer hyposprays to the minor radiation victims::

    [MadisonStarr] <<uggh the @ thinggy>>

    [Mitch_Johnson] @<AMO2>::finishes scans of five Gastrians::<CMO>Sir, two of these people were only exposed to light radiation poisoning. The other three require extreme mediacl assistance.

    [kirkriker] @<AMO3>::heads to the 2nd closest triage center and scans the people inside it::

    [Ltjg._OConner] @<AMO1> ::doing everything he can for the children first then the women, then the men::

    [sTSF_Jami] <Misc> :::shifting to check elsewhere:: <MXO> Upper level high pressure system is moving in that could cause some problems. Might create storms and move the radiation to the southern hemisphere.

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO><misc> Dont they have weather modifiers on this planet?

    [MadisonStarr] @<CMO><AMO2>okay we will beam them up and you can go with them to assist the nurses back onbaord

    [sTSF_Jami] <Misc> ::turns to Pneuma:: No, Sir.

    [Ltjg._OConner] @<AMO1>:keeps doing what he can for the minor patients and putting TR beacons on the major one::

    [kirkriker] @<AMO3>::starts administaring hypos to every one::

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO><CO>Sir this could turn really ugly really fast

    [Mitch_Johnson] @<AMO2><CMO>Aye sir.::quickly treats two of the Gastrians with a small hypospray and setels with the remaining three::

    [Ltjg._OConner] @<AMO1><CMO Sir, I think we've got everyone in this facility. I suggest we move onto the next

    [MadisonStarr] @<CMO><AMO1>agreed::moves on to the tent of children and scans them::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><XO> Agreed. Do you think the hazmat teasm is able to quell the radiation?

    [Mitch_Johnson] @<AMO2><CMO>Sir, I'm ready to beam up with these three.

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO><CO> Sir we should hail the planet and find out what they are doing down there

    [Ltjg._OConner] @<AMO1>::sees that the CMO has got the children and moves to another tent to try and help the people there::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><XO> Please do

    [MadisonStarr] @<CMO><AMO2>beam up when ready

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO><CO> I should hope so I mean if they have the ability to build Nuclear generators they had better be able to take care of them

    [kirkriker] @<AMO3>::notices the CMO come in::<CMO>come to help me sir?

    [Mitch_Johnson] @<AMO2><CMO> Aye sir

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO><misc> Please hail the planet again

    [sTSF_Jami] <Misc> ::hails:: *hailfreq*

    [MadisonStarr] @<CMO><AMO3>yes...which ones have you treated already?

    [Mitch_Johnson] @<AMO>+Nobel+Nobel this is the away team, come it please.

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO><Misc> On screen

    [sTSF_Jami] <Misc> <MXO> Onscreen, Aye.

    [sTSF_Jami] <Misc> <MXO> AT is hailing, Sir.

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO>+GO+ Have you Organized a Hazmat team yet?

    [sTSF_Jami] <Misc> +AT+ This is NObel. Go ahead.

    [MadisonStarr] @<CMO>::scans a plate of food a voluteer nurse is feeding a small child,it's radiation levels are extreme::

    [Mitch_Johnson] @<AMO2><Misc>Sir, this is Johnson with three radation victims to transport directly to SB.

    [Ltjg._OConner] @<AMO1>::sees one man asleep in a chair, begins to scan him, when all of the suddon his tricorder flatlines::

    [sTSF_Jami] <Gov Official> ::still mopping his brow:: +MXO+ Most of the population is ill. No one is willing to go near the place. We've shut down the plant but as far as containment :::shakes head::

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO>+GO+Our sensors are picking up a high pressure system that is moving into the area which could spread the affected area if this is not taken care of

    [sTSF_Jami] <Misc> +AMO2+ Transporting now. ::energizes::

    [MadisonStarr] @<CMO><MXO>sir,we can cure the radiation poisoning but if they eat contaminated food,their conditon will regress.Can we beam them some food down here?

    [sTSF_Jami] <Gov Official> +MXO+ I understand. But we have . . . ::vomits:::

    [Ltjg._OConner] @<AMO1>::keeps doing what he can....but the memory of the man dead still in his head::

    [Mitch_Johnson] <AMO2>::now finds himself back in SB with the three Gastrians in seperate medbeds::

    [sTSF_Jami] <Gov Official> +MXO+ Please forgive me. I must lie down.

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO>+GO+ go ahead we will be in touch

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO><CO>Suggestions sir?

    [Mitch_Johnson] <AMO2>::starts off by administrating each of the victims with hyposprays::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><XO> We may have to eveacuate the area and quarantine it permanently. As for the locals, we'll have to treat them on the ship.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><Misc> How long do yo think the radiatiopn will last in the area?

    [MadisonStarr] @<CMO><MXO>sir?are you okay?

    [sTSF_Jami] <Misc> <CO> Well, Sir . . . with a leak of this type...several years.

    [sTSF_Jami] <Madison, Pneuma is on the ship>

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO><CO>Sir I have some background in engineering perhaps I should beam down and assist them in solving this problem

    [Mitch_Johnson] <AMO2>::quickly runs over to the med consol and conduts a radation protocal and the entire SB is locked down and shielded::

    [Ltjg._OConner] @<AMO1>::finishes his scans of te last person in his tent and begins to take note"11 minor, 4 major.....,1 fatality"::

    [MadisonStarr] <<yes im trying to see if we can get some uncontaminated food down here....should i ask someone else?>

    kirkriker has left the chat.

    [Dom_Pneuma] <<Use these + + to communicate!>>

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><XO> If you think it will help. <Misc> ::Nods:: Ok, that's not so bad

    [Mitch_Johnson] <AMO2>::heads over to the nearest gastrian and takes him over to the antiradation sweeper::

    [Ltjg._OConner] @<AMO1>::moves on to the next tent::

    [Mitch_Johnson] <<i dont know what to call it lol>>

    [sTSF_Jami] <make it up, Mitch :) >

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><If I recall, Hiroshima and Chernobyl lasted decades

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO><CO>I will suit up and get doen there<Misc> Please keep a Transporter lock on me and be ready to transport me out of suppies in

    [MadisonStarr] @<CMO>::finishes with the children,all minor radiation poisoning::

    [Dom_Pneuma] <<Down too!>>

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><XO> Good luck, Mr. Pneuma

    [sTSF_Jami] <Misc> <MXO> Aye, Sir. Godspeed.

    [Mitch_Johnson] <AMO2>::begins sweep of the gastrian's body. the sweeper begins to move up and down its body and the scaner shows a slight radation decrease::

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO>::Heads off the bridge and locates a environment suit::

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO>::Suited up heads towards the TR::

    [sTSF_Jami] <Misc> ::receiving message:: <CO> Medical supplies ready for transport from the cargo bay, Sir.

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO>::moves over to another tent::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><Misc> Energise when ready

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO>::looks at Mr Rockem:: Beam me down straight to the busted reactor!

    [sTSF_Jami] <Misc> ::nods::gives them the go-ahead::

    [sTSF_Jami] Rockem> <MXO> To the reactor, Sir??? Aye, Aye, Sir. Godspeed. ::energizes::

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO>::ShimMers::

    [Mitch_Johnson] <AMO2>::sweeper ends and checks the scaner. the radtation has been exposed. takes the gastrian back to his med bed and administers another hypspray and begins to conduct the same proceedure on the next one::

    [MadisonStarr] @<CMO>+MXO+sir,these people will need uncontaminated food to keep healthy.Could we beam down some?

    [Dom_Pneuma] #<MXO>::Appears at the busted reactor and begins looking it over::

    [sTSF_Jami] <Rockem> +CO+ Commander Pneuma requested beamdown into the reactor, SIr. Thought you should know.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> The reactor? Doood

    [Ltjg._OConner] @<AMO1>::Starts to run out of hyposprays::+CMO+ Sir, I'm running out of hyposprys, how are yours doing?

    [sTSF_Jami] Rockem> :::beams down medical supplies and food:::

    [Dom_Pneuma] #<MXO>+CMO+Please notify the Captain I am on the planet right now

    [Mitch_Johnson] <AMO2>::places the second gastrian in the sweeper and begins sweep::

    [sTSF_Jami] Misc> ::gasp::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <You in the reactor, Pneuma?>>

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><AMO>same here..down to my last one.....i will see if i can get some down here

    [Dom_Pneuma] <<Yup>>

    [sTSF_Jami] <Misc> <weal...he said "to the busted reactor - I guess that's not necessarily "in">

    [Dom_Pneuma] <<Hope you dont mind me glowing in the dark for a while Cap>>

    [Ltjg._OConner] @<AMO1>+CMO+Aye, sir, sounds good to me. O'Conner out

    [Mitch_Johnson] <AMO2>::sweeper stops and shows similar results and takes the gastrian back to his medbed and gives him a hypospray::

    [MadisonStarr] @<CMO>+MXO+yes sir

    [sTSF_Jami] <Misc> <CO> Hard to keep a lock on the Commander, Sir. Reactor and shielding and all.

    [Mitch_Johnson] <AMO2>::takes the final gastrian and places him in the antiradation sweeper and activates it::

    [sTSF_Seiben] #ACTION: There is one big power reactor in this power facility. It appears to be burnt out as is the whole room. Also visible is a large gash. Shielding as well as power are all off-line. Add in several charred bodies as well

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO>+CO+sir Com.Pnema wanted you to know that he is on the planet

    [sTSF_Jami] <Ewwww>

    [sTSF_Seiben] <Gash is in the reactor itself>>

    [sTSF_Jami] <Misc> +CMO+ Roger that.

    [Dom_Pneuma] #<MXO>::Sees the carnage and realizes there is noway for him to repair it ::

    [Ltjg._OConner] @<AMO1>::Just barely finishes his last patient when he runs out of hypos:

    [Mitch_Johnson] <AMO2>::the sweeper starts to work, but then the gastrians vital signs start to distableize::

    [MadisonStarr] <CMO><AMO2>could you transport us down some hypos?

    [Dom_Pneuma] #<MXO>+CO+Sir WOuld it be possible to put a force feild around the entire plant?

    [MadisonStarr] @<CMO>+AMO2+ *

    [sTSF_Jami] <Misc> ::blinks at the suggestion::

    [sTSF_Jami] <Misc> ::turns to Seiben::

    [sTSF_Seiben] @ACTION: Some of the patients overhear Madison's request for more hypos. They start to get nervous.

    [Mitch_Johnson] <AMO2>+CMO+I'll have one of the nurses transport them down, I'm having truble up here. Johnson out.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> Force field, do we even have enough power to do that?

    [Dom_Pneuma] #<MXO>+CO+There is noway I can repair this mess I dont know what these people did but this is a serious melt down.

    [MadisonStarr] @<CMO><PATIENTS>nothing the matter..we just need some more supplies to make yu better sooner

    [sTSF_Seiben] @ACTION: Overtime word travels fast. Natives are getting restless

    [sTSF_Jami] <Misc> <CO> No, Sir. This is a medical ship, not engineering.

    [Mitch_Johnson] <AMO2>::removes the gastrian from the sweeper and begins to administer hyposprays to vitalize his condition::

    [sTSF_Seiben] #ACTION: As Pneuma walks around the room, he accidentally gets his rad suit caught on a jagged piece of metal, causing a tear!

    [Ltjg._OConner] @<AMO1>::starts to see the peopl in the CMO's tent are getting a little restless::

    [Dom_Pneuma] #<MXO>+CO+ Perhaps we can cut the power the other generators are useing down here and use it to power the field

    [sTSF_Jami] <Misc> <m> We're doctors, not mechanics.

    [MadisonStarr] @<CMO>::goes to the transported hypos and runs them back to the tent::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> <MISC> We'll have to call for a Starfleet ship. Engineers are more suited for such a task

    [Dom_Pneuma] #<MXO>::Walks and hears the tear and begins feeling his body burning::

    [sTSF_Jami] <Misc> ::eyes widen:: <CO> Cdr Pneuma's life signs are going off the scale, Sir.

    [Mitch_Johnson] <AMO2>::continues to administer treatment and finaly the gastrians condition stableizes::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <2 minutes, folks. Start to wrap it up>>

    [Ltjg._OConner] @<AMO1> ::gets some of the newly transported Hypos and heads over to a new tent::

    [Dom_Pneuma] #<MXO>+misc+ Emergancy Beam out into quarintine in sickBay!

    [sTSF_Jami] <Misc> <CO> RIght. Starfleet. Engineers. Will do, Sir. Sending a request now.

    [MadisonStarr] @<CMO>:finishes with the hypo administrations::

    [sTSF_Jami] <Misc> :::energizes:::

    [Mitch_Johnson] <AMO2>::brings the gastrian back to his medbed and administers him a hypospray::

    [sTSF_Seiben] @ACTION: Oh no! the radiation is too high now to initiate transport.

    [sTSF_Jami] <misc> +AMO2+ Expect incoming.

    [Ltjg._OConner] @<AMO1> ::sees that all of the people in this tent have already been treated, smiles, then turns and goes to another tent::

    [Dom_Pneuma] #<MXO>::Simmers in his suit::

    [MadisonStarr] @<CMO>+AMOS+status please

    [sTSF_Jami] <Misc> <CO> Transport failed, sir.

    [sTSF_Seiben] #ACTION: Transport of Pneuma fails.

    [Mitch_Johnson] <AMO>+Misc+Aye sir.

    [Dom_Pneuma] #<MXO>::Realizes he is not being transported and quickly tries to locate the tear::

    [Mitch_Johnson] <AMO2>::readys the SB for arrivals::

    [sTSF_Jami] <Misc> +MXO+ Unable to transport. Radiation excessive. Shielding excessive.

    [sTSF_Seiben] #ACTION: Pneuma rather agonisingly, begins to succumb to the radiation poisoining, which at the source is only that much worse. After about 5 minutes, he is dead

    [sTSF_Seiben] PAUSE SIM..

    [sTSF_Seiben] PAUSE SIM....

    [sTSF_Seiben] PAUSE SIM.......

  11. "Instead of sending us to this place to play clean-up...something they could've easily sent Manticore, or some other crappy tugboat to do!" -- Davies


    TUGboat? TUG . . . uh . . . yeah, we're a tug. But crappy? How about scrappy, since we've been scrapped . . . .



  12. NOTE: This plot might be continued next week.


    [sTSF_Jami] Commanding Officer (CO): STSF Seiben

    [sTSF_Jami] Executive Officer (XO): STSF Jami

    [sTSF_Jami] Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Dom Pneuma

    [sTSF_Jami] Chief Engineer (CENG) - Ens Marius

    [sTSF_Jami] Assistant Engineer (AENG) - SyAndrewL

    [sTSF_Jami] Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Lt Nicolas Lepage

    [sTSF_Jami] Assistant Security Officer (ASEC) - Cdt LeMorte

    [sTSF_Jami] Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Lt Chell Reno

    [sTSF_Jami] Assistant Medical Officer (AMO) - Pierre

    [sTSF_Jami] If you are not on the roster and wish to have a post, please send me one PM now.

    [sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\=

    [sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\=

    [sTSF_Jami] MISSION BRIEF...

    [sTSF_Jami] The USS Robert Major is on Plasma IV, assisting in the wake of a natural disaster. Major tectonic activity has resulted in more chaos and a loss of communications to the ship. NOTE: everyone is on the planet except for command staff, who are safely ensconced on the ship :)

    [sTSF_Jami] At your command, Captain.

    [sTSF_Seiben] BEGIN SIM........

    [Cdt.LeMorte] <ASEC>::Still indicating a clear path to highrer ground,made of pure granite::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::in the Command Seat reading on what's happening::

    [[email protected]] <<Crazy request, leave the crazy colours at home, I can't read'em, and if I can't read'em, then I can't sim with you>>

    [sTSF_Jami] <TAC/OPS> Captain, unable to establish a lock or communications with the AT.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> Why not? Interference?

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO>::scuffs his knees as he lands in the shuttle::

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO><AT>I everyone in???

    [Ens_Marius] <CENG> ::runs onto the shuttle::

    [sTSF_Jami] <TAC/OPS> Tectonic shifts have created instability in the atmosphere. Massive ions released creating interference.

    [Pierre] <AMO> ::enters the shuttle::

    [Ens_Marius] <CENG> <MXO> Now everyone is... I think.

    [Lt_Nicolas_Lepage] <CSEC>::looks around for his ASEC:: <MXO> Looks like it.

    [sTSF_Jami] <<the only ones on the ship are the Captain and myself>>

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> <TAC/OPS> I see. Can you break thru it?

    [Lt.Chell_Reno] <CMO> ::slides into the shuttle:: <MXO> here and accounted for sir.

    [sTSF_Jami] <TAC/OPS> Attempting to, sir.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::nod::

    [Ens_Marius] <CENG> ::looks around for his AENG::

    [Lt_Nicolas_Lepage] <CSEC><MXO>Are you really planning to leave just like this?


    [Cdt.LeMorte] <ASEC>::dives for the shuttle door,tearing his red shirt as he rolls in::

    [sTSF_Jami] <TAC/OPS> I'm reading a distress signal from the shuttle, sir. It must have sustained damage in the last quakes.

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO>::Looks around for missing people::<CSEC> I aint planing on leaving but the AT's safety is a high priority and I dont wanna see anyone dead

    [sTSF_Jami] <TAC/OPS> ::turns;: Perhaps they are trying to take off.

    [[email protected]] @<AENG>+<CENG>+Chief, I have a handle on that water main break on 3rd and main, so these people have some drinking water. I am wondering, do you think its time we try to get in touch with the ship?

    [Lt.Chell_Reno] <CMO><MXO> yeah that would be a negative.

    [Lt_Nicolas_Lepage] <CSEC><MXO> But what about those people out there?

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><TAC/OPS> I see. Try to beam them out, if you can.

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO>::Looks and feels a great swell of pity::

    [sTSF_Jami] <TAC/OPS> +AT+ This is Robert Major. Prepare for attempted beamout.

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO>::hears crackling comin from his communicator::

    [Ens_Marius] <CENG> +AENG+ Yes, Mr. (Andrew?) We're working on it now. I'm in the shuttle with a majority of the away team.

    [sTSF_Jami] <TAC/OPS> ::checks readings:: Losing lock, Sir.

    [Cdt.LeMorte] <ASEC>::looks at the CSEC::

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO>+TAC/OPS+ This is Pneuma come in

    [Lt_Nicolas_Lepage] <CSEC>::looks back at LeMorte and shrugs:: <ASEC> I'd rather stay and try to do something.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><TAC> Crap.

    [sTSF_Jami] <TAC/OPS> Attempting to create a safe corridor. ::hears Pneuma:: +Pneuma+ Transmission is garbled. Say again.

    [Cdt.LeMorte] <ASEC><CSEC>agreed

    [[email protected]] <<I am withdrawing from tonight's academy, I mean no offence, and I wish you good luck>>

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO><CSEC>Get as many in here as possible the first sign of trouble we are lifting off!

    [[email protected]] <<I am staying to watch, but this style of academy doesn't suit me>>

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO>+TAC/OPS+This is Pneuma come in please!

    [Lt_Nicolas_Lepage] <CSEC><MXO> Excuse me, sir but this is a shuttle. We'd be able to save maybe 6 or 7 of these people that way. Can't we at least try to put up some kind of shelter?

    [sTSF_Jami] <TAC/OPS> +Pneuma+ This is Robert Major. Go ahead.

    [Dom_Pneuma] <<IS the earthquake still going on???>>

    [Lt.Chell_Reno] <CMO><MXO> I agree sir. We should help any way we can.

    [sTSF_Jami] <TAC/OPS> <CO> Interference has cleared, sir.

    [Ens_Marius] <CENG> ::looks around the shuttle for some objects he could possibly use::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><TAC> Good.. try a beam out again

    [sTSF_Jami] <TAC/OPS> +Pneuma+ Prepare for beamout. ::energizes:::

    [Cdt.LeMorte] <ASEC><CSEC>that granite rock formations I spotted might just be a suitable place to erect a safe zone

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO>+TAC/OPS+ Wa . . . ::Shimmers::

    [sTSF_Jami] <TAC/OPS> ::turns to Seiben:: Not sure, Sir, but I think he said "Wait."

    [sTSF_Jami] <TAC/OPS> <CO> Commander Pneuma is aboard.

    [Ens_Marius] <<did all of us get transported?>>

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO>::Appears:: . . . it

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: Techtonic activity still prevents the safe transport of Pneuma

    [sTSF_Seiben] <D'oh>

    [sTSF_Jami] <well, then...>

    [Lt.Chell_Reno] <CMO>::swears to himself as the transport fails.::

    [sTSF_Jami] <TAC/OPS> ::stares at the screen:: BEamout failed, sir.

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO>::Finds himself still in the shuttle::

    [Cdt.LeMorte] <ASEC><CSEC>well do you present the xo with the idea??

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> Still unstable. <Tac.OPS> You said he said 'wait'?

    [Ens_Marius] <CENG> ::raises an eyebrow at pneuma, seeing him shimmer to re-appear in the same place::

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO>+OPS+Well at least we have coms back

    [Lt_Nicolas_Lepage] <CSEC><ASEC> I thought I should wait until he's back.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> IAgreed. It's a start

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> +XO+ How are you all doing down there?

    [Cdt.LeMorte] <ASEC><CSEC>aye,::looks as the XO reappear::

    [Ens_Marius] <CENG> ::looks around: <AT> I suggest we try getting out there for the time being. We're not getting anything done huddling in this shuttle.

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO>+OPS+We've seen better days any idea when this thing will stabilize?

    [Lt_Nicolas_Lepage] <CSEC><MXO> Sir, there is a rock formation we could use to erect a safe zone. If we manage that we could probably set up a triage area.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> ::Looks to Tac/OPS::

    [sTSF_Jami] <TAC/OPS> <CO> The planet is very unstable, Sir. No telling if it will ever stabilize.

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO><CSEC>That is a good Idea but if we have another major quake there wont be many survivors us included

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> <TAC/OPS> Then we'll need to think of a way to get them out other than transporters

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO><CSEC>But it is better than doing nothing so lets do it

    [Lt_Nicolas_Lepage] <<I'd suggest taking the shuttle but that may be just me>>

    [Ens_Marius] <CENG> ::runs back outside the shuttle, looks back to the rest of the away team::

    [sTSF_Jami] <TAC/OPS> <CO> Aye, Sir. Exeter and Agamemnon are on their way, but not due for another 24 hours.

    [Cdt.LeMorte] <ASEC><CSEC><MXO>It may buy enough time for some of the survivors until we can get our reinforcements here to transport more sirs

    [Lt_Nicolas_Lepage] <CSEC><MXO> ::nods:: Aye, sir.

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO><CENG>See what you can do with the shuttle for the safe zone

    [Lt.Chell_Reno] <CMO><MXO> and me sir? Im no use just sitting here,

    [Ens_Marius] <CENG> <MXO> Aye sir.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><TAC?OPS> Well, hopefully they'll still be alive in 24 hours

    [Lt_Nicolas_Lepage] <CSEC><MXO> I'd suggest LeMorte and I go and secure the site.

    [Ens_Marius] <CENG> ::walks around to one side of the shuttle, taking out his tricorder along the way::

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO><CMO>For now we can use the inside of the shuttle as a temoprary triage <CENG>The inside will be intact for a while right

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO><CSEC>Make it so

    [Lt.Chell_Reno] <CMO>::nods:: <MXO> Aye.

    [Cdt.LeMorte] <ASEC><CSEC>Shall I begin assisting with the grouping and relocation of the survivors to those formations ??

    [Ens_Marius] <CENG> ::yells to the inside of the shuttle:: <MXO> aye, sir. i'm just checking the stability of the ground around it.

    [sTSF_Jami] <TAC/OPS> <CO> We have an open comm to the AT, sir.

    [Lt_Nicolas_Lepage] <CSEC><ASEC> First we'll have a look at the area and see how we can best do this.

    [Cdt.LeMorte] <ASEC><CSEC>aye,aye

    [Ens_Marius] <CENG> ::walks around the shuttle, looking down at his tricorder::

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO>+OPS+ We are underway with helping these people DO you think there is anyway to use the ships weaponry to stabilize the tectonic instability??

    [sTSF_Jami] <TAC/OPS> <CO> Scans show a more stable area just to the north in a granite formation.

    [Lt_Nicolas_Lepage] <CSEC><ASEC> ::grabs a tricorder and pulls out his phaser:: Set your phaser to stun and only fire on my command. ::leaves the shuttle::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> <TAC/OPS> Recall the AT and the people there

    [sTSF_Seiben] How far is it?

    [Cdt.LeMorte] <ASEC><CSEC>aye sir,follows the csec,phaser out and set to stun::

    [sTSF_Jami] <TAC/OPS> <CO> Approximately ten miles, sir.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO>Ouch..

    [sTSF_Jami] <TAC/OPS> <CO> Terrain is fairly rough, but navigable.

    [Ens_Marius] <CENG> ::arrives back to the door of the shuttle:: <MXO> we could use the shuttle as a triage, but it's not guaranteed to work all the time, as you could see when you were transported nowhere sir

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> Well, beggars can't be choosers

    [Lt_Nicolas_Lepage] <CSEC> ::starts scanning the area and points northward:: <ASEC> Over there. ::sees a rock formation in the distance:: that's pretty far. I doubt most of these people can walk that far.

    [Ens_Marius] <CENG> ::grabs the three triage post devices::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> +XO+ Mr. Pneuma. There's a more stable area about 10 miles to the North. Get your team and the inhabitants over there.

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO><CENG>That was not my Idea for the transport but this is a temporary solution

    [sTSF_Jami] <TAC/OPS> +AT+ Sending coordinates to you now.

    [Cdt.LeMorte] <ASEC><CSEC>those are the formations the tricorder indicated,hmmm could we not use the shuttle to transport the really bad injured to the destination??

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO>+OPS+10 Miles!!! wow thats a hike I will relay that to the AT

    [Ens_Marius] <CENG> ::recieves the coordinates on his tricorder::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> +XO+ It's rough, but OPS says it's navagatable

    [sTSF_Seiben] But I don't envy you

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO>+CO+Understood sir

    [Ens_Marius] <CENG> ::thinks a bit:: <MXO> Maybe we could use the shuttle to transport people over to the location? we'll get people walking over there, and we'll collect people to get over to the location faster.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> +XO+ You should have the coordinates by now

    [Lt.Chell_Reno] <CMO>::overhears the conversation and hops up:: <all> welp, lets get to it.

    [Lt_Nicolas_Lepage] <CSEC>+MXO+ Sir, I can see that rock formation we've been talking about. I'd guess it's about 8 miles, maybe more.

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO>+CO+ We've got them sir

    [sTSF_Jami] <TAC/OPS> <CO> Captain, medical and engineering report additional supplies ready for transport. Should I attempt once more?

    [Ens_Marius] <CENG> <MXO> We should get the elderly and seriously wounded over there first, along with a group to set up the triage.

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO>+AT+ we are going to need to move to the rock formation

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><TAC> Yes, but terminate at the first sign of failure

    [sTSF_Seiben] if it fails

    [sTSF_Jami] <TAC/OPS> <CO> Aye, Sir. +AT+ Engineering and medical supplies ready for transport. Antigrav units and sandcrawlers included. Energizing now.

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO><AT>It is about 10 miles from here and But it is more stable than here

    [Ens_Marius] <CENG> <MXO> I'll go check to make sure the shuttle is still functional now.

    [sTSF_Jami] <TAC/OPS> ::energizes:::

    [Lt.Chell_Reno] <CMO><MXO> I agree with the Chief. They need help as quickly as possible.

    [sTSF_Seiben] ACTION: The equipment from the Major arrives

    [sTSF_Jami] <TAC/OPS> <CO> Atmosphere is clearing. Transport looks to be successful, Sir.

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO>::Waits to see if the stuff shows up::

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO>:Sees the stuff arrive::

    [Ens_Marius] <CENG> ::walks over to a console, looks over shuttle status::

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO><AT>Ok we know what we are d. . .

    [Ens_Marius] <<console on shuttle>>

    [Cdt.LeMorte] <ASEC><CSEC> Look supplies::watches as the supplies and antigrav units appear::

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO><AT> I just had an Idea

    [Lt_Nicolas_Lepage] <CSEC> ::looks at Pneuma::

    [Lt.Chell_Reno] <CMO>::looks over the smile and grins:: now we're talkin!

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> Good. ::wonders why we can transport in, but can;t transport anything out::

    [Cdt.LeMorte] <ASEC><CSEC>now those sleds could help with transport a lot

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO>+OPS+We seem to be able to transport again would it be possible to do a site to site transport?

    [Lt_Nicolas_Lepage] <CSEC><ASEC> I wonder...could we maybe use the antigrav units to get some of the more seriously wounded to that rock formation?

    [sTSF_Jami] <TAC/OPS> +Pneuma+ Checking on that now, Commander. Transport chief reports a field blocking outgoing transport. We're trying to break through.

    [Cdt.LeMorte] <ASEC><CSEC>exactly my thoughts sir

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO>+OPS+Thanks keep us posted

    [sTSF_Jami] <TAC/OPS> <CO> Strange, Captain. That would have to be an artificially generated field. It makes no sense.

    [Lt_Nicolas_Lepage] <CSEC>>ASEC> ::grins:: Great minds think alike.

    [sTSF_Jami] <TAC/OPS> +Pneuma+ Roger that.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> <TAC/OPS> Artificial field?

    [Cdt.LeMorte] <ASEC><CSEC>aye ::grins::

    [Ens_Marius] <CENG> ::overhears Lepage:: <CSEC> We could use the antigrav units and the shuttle to transport people to the new site, seriously wounded getting first priority.

    [sTSF_Jami] <TAC/OPS> <CO> Aye, Sir. It's like a one-way mirror, where you can see out but no one can see in. Only this is the reverse.

    [Cdt.LeMorte] <ASEC><CSEC>it appears we are on the same page

    [sTSF_Jami] <TAC/OPS> ::shakes head::: <CO> Would have to be some advanced technology to produce that.

    [Lt_Nicolas_Lepage] <CSEC><CENG> ::nods:: that's what i thought, too.

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO> Ah. <TAC.OPS> Indeed it would.

    [Ens_Marius] <CENG> <AT in general> Ok, let's get these people moving! get the wounded and elderly on either the shuttle or the antigrav units.

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO><AT>Untill then Reno I want you to help as many as you can from here, LeMorte I want you ta stay here with me and keep us safe, Lepage you are going to play escort and caddy people to the site with the Shuttle

    [sTSF_Jami] <TAC/OPS> <CO> Think I should inform the AT, sir?

    [sTSF_Seiben] <CO><TAC/OPS> Should, inc ase they run into some surprises

    [Lt.Chell_Reno] <CMO><Dom> Aye sir.

    [Ens_Marius] <CENG> <MXO> sir, I'll ride in the shuttle to get to the site and set up the transport triages.

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO><AT> Marius I want you to go on and start setting up a safe area

    [Lt_Nicolas_Lepage] <CSEC><CENG> One second... if we get the wounded on the antigrav units we won't be able to bring the supplies. But we will need those. I suggest we use the shuttle to transport these supplies to the sit first and then we can transport the people there.

    [Cdt.LeMorte] <ASEC><MXO>very well sir

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO><AT>Did I miss anyone?

    [sTSF_Jami] <TAC/OPS> <CO> Aye, Captain. +AT+ Be advised a dampening field is preventing outward bound transport. We are looking into it, but it must be artificially created. Just a heads-up in case there is trouble.

    [Lt_Nicolas_Lepage] <CSEC><MXO> Aye, sir.

    [Ens_Marius] <CENG> <CSEC> Good point. <MXO> You hear Lepage? use the shuttle first to get supplies over?

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO>+OPS+ Understood thank you

    [Cdt.LeMorte] <ASEC><CSEC>Good luck,and watch your six sir

    [Lt_Nicolas_Lepage] <CSEC><MXO> If We send the doc with the first load he could start setting up a triage area while we get the people over there. ::shrugs:: just a suggestion, sir.

    [Lt_Nicolas_Lepage] <CSEC><ASEC> I always watch my six, LeMorte.

    [ Dom_Pneuma] <MXO><CSEC,CENG>Good point get most of the supplies there leave a few here so we can keep working but get them there and get back!

    [Ens_Marius] <CENG> <MXO> aye sir. ::loads some supplies onto the shuttle before jumping into the pilot's seat::

    [Cdt.LeMorte] <ASEC><MXO>With your permission I will start moving and seperating the walking wounded from the red balnket ones sir

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO><CMO>Well what do you think Doctor should you stay here or go and help set up the triage?

    [Lt_Nicolas_Lepage] <CSEC> ::helps Marius getting the supplies onto the shuttle::

    [Dom_Pneuma] <<MXO><ASEC>Procceed

    [Lt.Chell_Reno] <CMO><CMO>Help set up the triage. What good is one with no doctor?

    [sTSF_Jami] ROSTER UPDATE - SGV - Laarell

    [sTSF_Jami] <Be afraid..be very afraid>

    [Dom_Pneuma] <<Uh oh Green Villians!!!!>>

    [Cdt.LeMorte] <ASEC>aye aye,::begins moving through the wounded::

    [Ens_Marius] <<is the triage a transport thing or a medical thing???>>

    [sTSF_Jami] <triage is a medical thing where you decide who is hurt worst>

    [Ens_Marius] <<ok, just wanted to make sure>>

    [Laarell] <SGV> ::doing something very scary...::

    [Ens_Marius] <CENG> ::signals for CMO and CSEC to jump on::

    [Dom_Pneuma] <<what is more scary than the mounds of corpses we already got around here???>>

    [Lt_Nicolas_Lepage] <CSEC><MXO> We're ready to go.

    [Cdt.LeMorte] <ASEC>::Conferring with what appears to be one of the survivors leaders ,and seeking his help in seperating and informing his people::

    [Lt.Chell_Reno] <CMO>::notices the CENG then jumps onto the anti grav thing::

    [Ens_Marius] <CENG> ::powers up shuttle, lifts off and flies over to the new site::

    [Lt_Nicolas_Lepage] <CSEC>::gets onto the shuttle:: +ASEC+ Watch out for the rest of the team.

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO><CSEC>Good thank you Lepage you may proceed to the site a while please return promptly though

    [Ens_Marius] <CENG> ::quickly reaches the site, lands and opens the door::

    [Lt_Nicolas_Lepage] <CSEC>+MXO+ Who'll be watching the supplies while we return, sir?

    [Cdt.LeMorte] <ASEC>+<CSEC>+I'll do my best,you can count on it

    [Ens_Marius] <CENG> ::starts unloading the supplies and triage::

    [sTSF_Jami] <TAC/OPS> <CO> AT seems to be moving towards the granite formation, Sir. No interference so far. Government broadcasts - what little they have - are reporting over 50,000 dead and that many injured. Should I send subspace to SF?

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO>::Joins LeMorte in seperating the red blankets from the less injured ones::

    [Lt.Chell_Reno] <CMO>::jumps out and begins to help the CENG::

    [Cdt.LeMorte] <ASEC><MXO>Sir ::points at the people beginning to assemble and being seperated the walking from the severely injured::

    [Lt_Nicolas_Lepage] <CSEC> ::gets off ths shuttle and looks around:: <CMO> Who's setting up the triage area?

    [Ens_Marius] <CENG> ::with supplies unload:: <CSEC> I guess me and Reno will stay here and set up?

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO><ASEC>Good job lets finish up and start getting people walking to the site

    [Lt.Chell_Reno] <CMO>::looks up:: <CENG/CSEC> Yeah, I think that would work the best.

    [Lt_Nicolas_Lepage] <CSEC><CENG> Do you guys have phasers?

    [Ens_Marius] <<::with supplies unloaded::*>>

    [Laarell] <SGV> ::stalking around on patrol near the granite formation, a tarantula-like creature perched on her shoulder::

    [Ens_Marius] <CENG> ::feels his side, grabs his phaser:: <CSEC> Yes, sir.

    [Dom_Pneuma] <<Shes mean and Green and She is BAD!!!!>>

    [Cdt.LeMorte] <ASEC><MXO>aye sir

    [Lt_Nicolas_Lepage] <CSEC><CENG> do you think you'll be ok here?

    [Ens_Marius] <CENG> <CSEC> Yes, Lieutenant.

    [Lt_Nicolas_Lepage] <CSEC> ::helps unloading but doesn't like the idea of leaving the CMO and CENG without a security officer::

    [Ens_Marius] <CENG> ::grabbing one set of supplies, sets it on one side::

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO>::looks at a few people::You stay put. But you , You dont look to bad go and join the others that can walk

    [Ens_Marius] <CENG> <CSEC> Would you rather I fly the shuttle back, and you stay here with Lieutenant Reno?

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO>+CSEC+ Have you dropped off the team yet???

    [sTSF_Jami] <TAC/OPS> <CO> Sir, with the atmospheric clearing, sensors indicate a strange reading atop the granite formation. Looks like some kind of military establishment. Databanks have no indication of a military presence on Plasma IV.

    [Lt_Nicolas_Lepage] <CSEC> ::sighs:: <CENG> Actually yes, but we've got our orders.

    [Cdt.LeMorte] <ASEC><MXO>We do have a quandry sir, I suggest you reamin here with the severely wounded ,I'll start moving the walking wounded to the new site,I've stationed a few sec people here to keep an eye out

    [Ens_Marius] <CENG> <CSEC> Do whatever suits you. If you leave us here, we'll be fine.

    [Lt_Nicolas_Lepage] <CSEC>+MXO+ Yes, sir we're still unloading the supplies. I was wondering, however. I don't like the idea of leaving part of the team without a security guard.

    [Lt.Chell_Reno] <CMO>:: continues to set up the equipment, sorting this from that.::

    [Dom_Pneuma] <MXO><ASEC> hold on one minute.

    [Laarell] <SGV> ::moves around the side of the cliff and glances up, hearing something::

    [sTSF_Seiben] <And on that note...>

    [sTSF_Seiben] PAUSE SIM..

  13. [sTSF_Jami] Commanding Officer (CO): STSF Jami

    [sTSF_Jami] =================================

    [sTSF_Jami] Mission Executive Officer (MCO) - Laarell

    [sTSF_Jami] Tactical Officer (TAC) - Jaden

    [sTSF_Jami] Operations Officer (OPS) - Joy 12

    [sTSF_Jami] Helm (Helm) - Lt Nicolas Lepage

    [sTSF_Jami] Chief Engineer (CENG) - Lt Arch Angel

    [sTSF_Jami] Assistant Engineer (AENG) - Marius

    [sTSF_Jami] Assistant Engineer (AENG) - Dom Pheuma

    [sTSF_Jami] If you are not on the roster and wish to have a post, please send me one PM now.

    [sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\=

    [sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\=

    [sTSF_Jami] MISSION BRIEF....

    [sTSF_Jami] The Runabout Major Mistake is en route to Starbase 99, carrying engineers to, of all things, an engineering conference.

    [sTSF_Jami] BEGIN SIM

    [sTSF_Jami] BEGIN SIM

    [Marius] <<lol, works for me>>

    [Lt._Arch_Angel] <<lovely...>>

    [Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2>::Wonders why the heck he is on a runabout named Major Mistake::

    [Joy_12] <OPS> :: sort of keeping an eye on systems ::

    [Laarell] <MXO> ::sitting in her semi-cushy chair::

    [Marius] <AENG1> ::leaning against a desk::

    [Jaden] <TAC>::seated behind laarell and to the right casually glancing at the long range sensors::

    [Lt._Arch_Angel] ::at the controls of the major mistake...with all eng. crew aboard::

    [Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2>::reguardless of the name enjoys the fact that he is being transported and is technically not on duty::

    [Joy_12] <OPS> :: Thinks flying in a runabout is a lot safer when the Helm officer isn't intermittant. ::

    [Marius] <AENG1> ::thinks... Major Mistake? what in the world?::

    [sTSF_Jami] <HELM> ::at the helm for now::

    [Marius] <AENG1> ::thinks... sounds like bad luck to me...::

    [Marius] <AENG1> ::looks around::

    [sTSF_Jami] <HELM> <MCO> Steady as she goes, Sir. We're a little behind schedule. Should I bump her up a bit?

    [Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2>::spots a mouse and quickly removes his shoe and terminates its life functions::

    [Lt._Arch_Angel] <CENG><AENG1/2>lets keep a close eye on her laddies

    [Joy_12] <OPS> I understand that the Major actually got promoted after the incedent that caused the shuttle to be named after him. There is also a General mistake named after the same officer.

    [Laarell] <MCO> <HELM> ::glances up from her PADD, nodding:: Very well. Bring her up to warp four.

    [Marius] <AENG1> <CENG> aye, sir.

    [sTSF_Jami] <HELM> <MCO> Aye, Sir. Warp 4.

    [Marius] <AENG1> ::watches pneuma kill the mouse::

    [sTSF_Jami] <HELM> ::engages warp 4::

    [Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2><CENG>But I thought we wernt on duty Sir

    [Laarell] <MCO> ::glances over her notes for the conference::

    [Marius] <AENG1> ::walks over to a console, checks warp core::

    [sTSF_Jami] <HELM> ::tappity tap tap::

    [Lt._Arch_Angel] <CENG><AENGS>well ladds have ya decided on what speciality part of engineering you will attend at the conference then??

    [Marius] <AENG1> <CENG> warp core is fine, sir. No problems.

    [Marius] <AENG1> ::thinks for a bit::

    [Jaden] <TAC>::initiates a level 3 diagnostic on the structural integrity fields::

    [sTSF_Jami] <HELM> <TAC> Everything looks fine from here. Think we'll encounter any problems?

    [sTSF_Jami] <HELM> ::notes he is busy, probably shouldn't disturb him:::back to the console:::

    [Jaden] <HELM><TAC> I've logged hundreds of hours on Runabouts when I was assigned to Jupiter Station, the only thing you have to be careful is are the nacelles, they wear quickly.

    [sTSF_Jami] <HELM> <TAC> ::impressed:: Hundreds of hours, eh?

    [Marius] <AENG1> <CENG> I think i'll go into the warping systems part.

    [Laarell] <MCO> ::looks up from her PADD, nods, also impressed at TAC:: Not bad at all!

    [Jaden] <HELM><TAC> Shuttling Admirals from planet to planet in the Sol system had its advantages.

    [Laarell] <MCO><HELM> How about you -- much experience with Runabouts?

    [sTSF_Jami] ROSTER UPDATE - Eloise Enlington = CSEC

    [sTSF_Jami] ROSTER UPDATE - Eloise Enlington = CSEC

    [sTSF_Jami] ROSTER UPDATE - Eloise Enlington = CSEC

    [Joy_12] <OPS> <Helm> Sol system has no lack of admirals.

    [Eloise_Enlington] <CSEC> ::alarm clock rings and gets out of bed in a hurry::

    [Marius] <<yay, we get someone besides an engineer>>

    [Eloise_Enlington] <CSEC> :: heads towards the door with an eye fixed on the time ::


    [Eloise_Enlington] <<yeah>>

    [Lt._Arch_Angel] <CENG><AENG>aye ladd good choice

    [Eloise_Enlington] <<oh, ok, no quarters in runabout?>>

    [sTSF_Jami] <not really. Bunks maybe>

    [Marius] <AENG1> ::looks around for Pneuma::

    Dom_Pneuma has left the chat.

    [Eloise_Enlington] << bunks then >>

    [Dom_Pneuma] <<Dumb computer>>

    [Marius] <<lol>>

    [Eloise_Enlington] <CSEC> :: heads to the bridge ::

    [Lt._Arch_Angel] <<aeng1>>

    [sTSF_Jami] <HELM> ::frowns::: <OPS><TAC> I'm having a little problem with navigation, here. Helm is a bit sluggish.

    [Marius] <<?>>

    [Eloise_Enlington] << sorry, I have to go now. Enjoy the simm, everyong. >>

    Eloise_Enlington has left the chat.

    [Marius] <<...that was quick...>>

    [sTSF_Jami] <ah well>

    [Joy_12] <OPS> <All> Sluggish helm.... Is there an engineer in the house?

    [Lt._Arch_Angel] <<never mind>>

    [Jaden] <TAC><HELM> Have you tried increasing the deflector output?

    [Laarell] <MCO> <OPS> ::smirks:: Let's see -- everyone not on the Bridge is an engineering geek.

    [sTSF_Jami] <HELM> ::grins at Joy::

    [Joy_12] <OPS> :: Starts examining the conrol system and warp field configuration. ::

    [sTSF_Jami] <HELM> ::eyes widen:: Uh....make that we have no helm at all now. Anyone else having a problem?

    [Lt._Arch_Angel] <CENG><AENG1&2>well what ever ya decide on as a conference objective i am sure it will be worthwhile

    [Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2><CENG>I was planning on attending the "The effects of Wildlife on Warp Drive" Seminar Sir

    [Marius] <<rofl>>

    [Joy_12] <OPS> :: Tries increasing the deflector output. ::

    [Jaden] <TAC><HELM> The long range sensors seem to be fine.

    [sTSF_Jami] <HELM> ::swallows hard:: <TAC> That's nice. Now if we could only get the sensors to run the helm.

    [Lt._Arch_Angel] <CENG><AENG2>aye ladd...but we need to get there first,helm is indicating problems with the steering...check out the main controls leads please

    [Laarell] <MCO><OPS> Tell engineering to get someone up here.

    [Marius] <AENG1> ::taps foot:: <CENG, AENG2> Are we there yet?

    [Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2>::Pulls out an economy size roll of Duck tape:: Aye Sir!

    [Jaden] <TAC><OPS> It might be a computer problem. ::peers over at Joy::

    [sTSF_Jami] <HELM> ::working fervently to reestablish helm control:::

    [Marius] <AENG1> <CENG> Sir, is there anything I can do to help?

    [Joy_12] <OPS> +CENG+ Angel? We've a problem with steering. Want to try to fix things, or should I dial ahead and tell all the other engineers we couldn't keep a runabout going?

    [Lt._Arch_Angel] <CENG><AENG1>give him a hand as well ,and check the main power conduits while you are at it please

    [Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2>::Moves to the Control station and begins running a diagnostic to identify the problem::

    [Marius] <AENG1> <CENG> Aye, sir.

    [sTSF_Jami] <HELM> <OPS> Can you control helm from your position?

    [sTSF_Jami] <HELM> ::looks at Laarell::is obviously a green helmsperson:::

    [Joy_12] <OPS> :: Tries to reassign helm over, then tries a few gentle maneuvers ::

    [Lt._Arch_Angel] <CENG>+<OPS>+were on it now...should have some kind of result soon

    [Jaden] <TAC><HELM> Are we dropping in speed or simply on course?

    [sTSF_Jami] <HELM> <TAC> Speed and course are consistent. Just no control.

    [Laarell] <MCO> ::smiles reassuringly at HELM:: <OPS> Joy, see if you can slave Helm to OPS.

    [Joy_12] <OPS> +CENG+ Appreciated.

    [Jaden] <TAC><ALL> Oh dear...

    [sTSF_Jami] <HELM> <TAC> Uh...make that speed is constant, course is changing slightly.

    [Marius] <AENG1> ::goes over to AENG2:: <AENG2> You got it? I'll go check out to power conduits if you don't need any help.

    [Joy_12] <OPS> <MCO> Sorry, I do not have direction control. Very slight drift in course.

    [Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2> hmm::glances over the results of the Diagnostic::<AENG1>I think I do tell me what do you make of this here?

    [Jaden] <TAC><XO> Commander, should we contact the Starbase before we spin out of control?

    [Joy_12] <OPS> : Transfers back to Jami ::

    [Joy_12] <OPS> <Helm> You have helm again.... such as it is.

    [Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2>::points at a small fluctuation in the control system:

    [sTSF_Jami] <HELM> ::receives helm from Joy, wondering what to do now:::

    [sTSF_Jami] <HELM> <OPS> Uh..thanks. I think.

    [Lt._Arch_Angel] <CENG>+<HELM>+ have you locked the coordinates into the nav computer...if you havent ,that may account for the drift

    [Marius] <AENG1> ::looks at the results:: <AENG2> Looks like that could be it.

    [sTSF_Jami] <HELM> +Eng+ Locked the coordinates into the nav computer? Well . . . I don't think so.

    [Laarell] <MCO> <TAC> ::nods:: See if you can contact the base.

    [Joy_12] <OPS> <Helm> YOu are welcome. Well. We could get as near as we can to the base. Change course with thrusters... then light off into warp again. Repeat until near enugh for impulse.

    [Jaden] <TAC><OPS> The Nav Computer? ::looks puzzled::

    [Marius] <AENG1> <CENG> Sir, I think we found it.

    [Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2>::walks over the Angel::<CENG>Sir I believe we found the problem It appears to be a short

    [Jaden] <TAC><XO> Aye sir. ::initiates subspace communications::

    [Marius] <AENG1> <CENG> I'll go check out those power conduits now, sir.

    [Lt._Arch_Angel] <CENG><AENG2>aye..go ahead


    [Jaden] <TAC>+Starbase 99+ This is Runabout Major Mistake, please respond.

    [Joy_12] <OPS> <All> Heading for the Draconis belt. Might want to all stop.

    [Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2><CENG> According to this it the easiest access to the short is the on the Bridge

    [Lt._Arch_Angel] <CENG>+<XO>+sirrr...it appears helm forgot to lock the coordinates into the main nav computer...you may have to update,and lock them in to correct sir

    [sTSF_Jami] <Starbase OPS> +Mistake+ Starbase 99 here. Transmission is garbled. Go ahead.

    [Jaden] <TAC><XO> Commander long range sensors show asteroid field dead ahead.

    [Marius] <AENG1> ::walks over to the power conduits::

    [sTSF_Jami] <HELM> ::panicking;:

    [Jaden] <TAC>+Starbase 99+ Our navigational systems have gone haywire. We require assistance.

    [Marius] <AENG1> ::checks power conduits::

    [Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2><CENG>Sir Permission to go to the bridge and attempt to fix it?

    [Joy_12] <OPS> <MXO> I could jetison the antimatter supplies if there are no other ways of stopping.

    [sTSF_Jami] <Starbase 99> +Mistake+ Say again. You have hay in your systems?

    [Marius] <AENG1> ::sees nothing, checks again::

    [Lt._Arch_Angel] <CENG><AENG2>well ladd if ya can ...go,but watch it ok

    [Jaden] <TAC>+Starbase 99+ I say, the Runabout's Helm is malfunctioning, we are speeding towards an asteroid field at warp 4 and have lost control.

    [Laarell] <MCO> <OPS> Hold off on that a moment, but it may be necessary.

    [Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2><CENG>Aye Sir

    [Marius] <AENG1> ::upon second observation, notices a faulty wire::

    [Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2>::Grabs his tools and walks out of Engineering towards the bridge::

    [Joy_12] <OPS> <MCO> We can't hold off too long. There is anti matter in the feed duct.

    [Lt._Arch_Angel] <CENG><AENG1>report please

    [sTSF_Jami] <Starbase 99> +Mistake+ Roger that. Transmission is still garbled. We will dispatch assistance to your location.

    [Jaden] <TAC><XO> I might be able to puncture a hole with the phasers, we may yet survive.

    [Marius] <AENG1> <CENG> Sir, there's also a faulty wire, it looks worn down. I'll replace it ASAP.

    [Lt._Arch_Angel] <CENG><AENG1>aye ...do it

    [Jaden] <TAC><XO> Commander the Starbase is sending help.

    [Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2>::walks into the TL:: Bridge

    [Marius] <AENG1> ::runs over to the tool cabinet, grabs spare wires and other equipment.::

    [Lt._Arch_Angel] <<tl's on a runabout??/...must be a big mistake >>

    [Marius] <<lol, there's a warp core too, remember?>>

    [Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2>::Arrives at the Bridge::<MXO>Permission to come on to the bridge

    [Joy_12] << Not just a big mistake, a Major Mistake >>

    [Lt._Arch_Angel] << LOL >>

    [Jaden] <TAC>+CENG+ Engineering, now would be a good time to shut down the Warp Drive. An asteroid field is coming up on us fast.

    [Marius] <AENG1> ::runs back to the power conduits::

    [sTSF_Jami] <HELM> ::thinks Jaden's idea is very good:::

    [Lt._Arch_Angel ] <CENG>+<TAC>+aye .aye...::reaches over the console, and kills the warp drive...pressing buttons::

    [Marius] <AENG1> ::checks the wire destination quickly::

    [Jaden] <TAC><XO> Should I bring the phasers online as a precaution? I'm not sure how affective they'd be.

    [Laarell] <MCO> <TAC> Good.

    [Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2><MCO>I Believe I have found a short in the controls causeing the malfunction


    [Joy_12] <OPS> :: Hangs on at the rought transition out of warp ::

    [Laarell] <MCO> <AENG2> Can it be repaired?



    [Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2><MCO> Aye sir I am ready to repair it

    [Lt._Arch_Angel] <CENG>+<XO>+sir ...we will need time for restart from cold if we can get the warp drive back online safely

    [Marius] <AENG1> ::removes the faulty wire::

    [Joy_12] <OPS> <Helm> Might want to kick in the impulse drive. Still drifting in towards the belt.

    [Jaden] <TAC><XO> Commander we will impact the asteroid field in 2 minutes I recommend phasers.

    [sTSF_Jami] <HELM> <OPS> Impulse. Impulse. I know it's there somewhere.

    [sTSF_Jami] <HELM> Oh..there it is. ::hits the impulse::

    [Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2><MCO>Permission to have at it sir


    [Laarell] <MCO><AENG2> Go ahead.

    [Lt._Arch_Angel] <CENG>+<TAC>+thats it...thats all the power i can give ya

    [Joy_12] <OPS> <All> Thrusters? We can dodge rocks using thrusters?

    [Laarell] <MCO><OPS> ::nods:: Kick in thrusters.

    [Marius] <AENG1> ::checks the wire's destination::thinks, oops...::

    [sTSF_Jami] <HELM> <ALL> Thrusters...

    [Jaden] <TAC>+CENG+ Thank you Angel the warp engines are offline, however we're still drifting into the field.

    [Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2>::Walks onto the bridge and walks over to Joy::Joy Might I ask you to step back for a moment or 2?

    [Laarell] <MCO><HELM> Impulse isn't working...?

    [Lt._Arch_Angel] <CENG>::looks over....welll that may help a bit,and plugs in an unplugged plug::

    [Joy_12] <OPS> :: Steps clearfor Dom ::

    [sTSF_Jami] <HELM> ::taps in to thrusters::: <MCO> No, Sir. No impulse. No warp. Trying thrusters.

    [Marius] <AENG1> ::looks through the wires quickly, and fits one into the open area.::

    [sTSF_Jami] <HELM> <MCO> No response from thrusters, sir.

    [Joy_12] <OPS> :: Hopes these are very soft asteroids. ::

    [Marius] <AENG1> ::sauters the wire into place::

    [Jaden] <TAC><XO> Commander Laarell impact in one minute. Weapons, Shields?

    [Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2>::Croutches down on the floor and begins removing a panel from the HELM station showing the insides of the Runabout::

    [Lt._Arch_Angel] <CENG>+<TAC>+aye....try the impulse now...just replugged in an unplugged extension

    [Laarell] <MCO><TAC> Shields up.

    [Marius] <AENG1> ::finishes replacing the wire::

    [Jaden] <TAC>::raises shields to maximum::

    [sTSF_Jami] <HELM> ::moves back for Pneuma:::

    [Laarell] <MCO><HELM> No response for anything?

    [Laarell] <MCO><TAC> And get phasers, too.

    [Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2>::Begins overlooking all of the wireing and computer components::

    [sTSF_Jami] <HELM> ::backed away from the helm:: <MCO> No sir.

    [Laarell] <MCO><OPS> How far out is help from the base?

    [Marius] <AENG1> ::checks systems:: <CENG> Sir, the wire is fixed now.

    [Jaden] <TAC><XO> Phasers are charging to full sir. <HELM> What is our speed?

    [Joy_12] <OPS> <MCO> Not sure. Engineering has taken apart my console.

    [Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2>Ah Ha ::Locates the short and begins to resolve the problem::

    [sTSF_Jami] <HELM> <TAC> Speed is . . . full impulse.

    [Lt._Arch_Angel] <CENG>::going over the innards of the main console with his trusty probe...hmmm....nope thats ok,hmmm,pokes another terminal,and gives it a thwapp::

    [Jaden] Computer> Warning, Warning!

    [sTSF_Jami] <HELM> ::turns to Jaden:: Really fast, anyway.

    [Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2>::notices the Short is across The impulse engines and Steering::

    [sTSF_Jami] <HELM> ::looks up to the screen::covers eyes:::

    [Jaden] <TAC><XO> Thirty seconds to impact, phasers fully charged, shall I fire?


    [Laarell] <MCO><HELM> Can you get us off this course in any way?

    [Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2>::Takes his tools and ::Eureka!

    [Laarell] <MCO><TAC> Fire.

    [sTSF_Jami] <HELM> <MCO> Helm is not responding, Sir.

    [Jaden] <TAC>::manually targets the center of the asteroid and fires a concentrated burst::

    [Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2><OPS><HELM> Give it a go!

    [Laarell] <MCO> ::worried about little pieces coming and hitting the ship::

    [sTSF_Jami] <HELM> ::tappity tap tap:::watches the console:::

    [Lt._Arch_Angel] <CENG>+<HELM>+ i read as helm circuit restored...go


    [Laarell] <MCO> <HELM> Engineering reporting circuit completed. Try once more.

    [Jaden] <TAC><XO> Another asteroid directly ahead!

    [sTSF_Jami] <HELM> ::taps again:: Yessss! <MCO> Helm is restored..

    [Laarell] <MCO> ::grips sides of chair, knuckles turning white:: Get us out of this mess.

    [Marius] <AENG1> ::waits anxiously to see if the replaced wire helped::

    [Jaden] <TAC>::watching the phaser collonade approaching a full charge again::

    [Lt._Arch_Angel] <CENG>::closes the access panel on the eng main console::

    [sTSF_Jami] <HELM> ::licks lips:: I'll try, Sir. But this is my first asteroid field...

    [Marius] <AENG1> ::looks at the CENG hopefully::

    [Joy_12] <OPS> :: Settles back in at Ops ::

    [Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2>Hmm ::Overlooks his work just to be safe and Checks the Impulse engines just to be sure they are working::<HELM>Check the Impulse controls Please

    [Joy_12] <OPS> +CENG+ We have restored impulse under control.

    [sTSF_Jami] <HELM> ::looks up at the screen:: OMG..another one...::faints:::

    [Jaden] <TAC>+CENG+ Could we use a tractor beam to establish an orbit around one of the asteroids?

    [Lt._Arch_Angel] <CENG>+<MCO>+sirrrr....full power availiable through all levels

    [Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2>::Sees Jami Faint:: Oh dear

    [Laarell] <MCO> ::rolls eyes:: <OPS> Take Helm.

    [Jaden] <TAC><XO> Sir this one is too big for the phasers!

    [Marius] <AENG1> ::runs to another console to make sure nothing else is malfunctioning::

    [Joy_12] <OPS> :: Assumes helm control ::

    [Laarell] <MCO> <OPS> And see if you can break away from that behemoth.

    [Joy_12] <OPS> :: Seeks to steer just right of the next rock ::


    [Lt._Arch_Angel] <CENG>+<TAC>+use your main deflector...i'll increase the output from here

    [Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2>::Checks his tools for something to wake Jami up:: Ah Ha this should do it!

    [Joy_12] <OPS> <All> Everybody lean right....

    [Jaden] lol

    [Marius] <AENG1> ::for some reason, leans right, though he can't hear joy::

    [Lt._Arch_Angel] <CENG>::trans ferring as much power to the deflector as possible...tappity tapp::

    [Joy_12] <OPS> :: Steers hard right ::

    [Jaden] <TAC><XO> I recommend a tractor beam to deflect us off, but the rapid rotation of the asteroid may shear us apart.

    [Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2>::Takes a soldering tool and melts a small piece of metal creating a stench foul enough to wake the dead!::

    [Laarell] <MCO> ::leans right, glances back at Jaden::

    [Laarell] <MCO> <TAC> I tend to agree with you... engage traactor beam.

    [sTSF_Jami] <STARBASE 99> +Mistake+ TH....ssshhhttt...99. Come in pl.....zzzztttt...

    [Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2>::wafts the stench towards Jami and hopes it works::

    [sTSF_Jami] <helm> ::out cold:::

    [Lt._Arch_Angel] << LOL Jami >>

    [Jaden] <TAC>::the tractor beam is engages trying to grab hold of the asteroid::

    [Marius] <AENG1> <CENG> Sir, I think everything else should be working.

    [Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2>Duh!!

    [Lt._Arch_Angel] <CENG><AENG1>aye ladd ...she does seem to be...aye,excellent job,both you and aeng2


    [Marius] <AENG1> ::thinks to himself, "that wire looked like it had been gnawed..."::

    [Jaden] <TAC> Whooaaaa!!!!

    [Laarell] <MCO> ::nausea, much?::

    [Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2>::Walks over to the replicator::Ammonia smelling salt::

    [Joy_12] <OPS> :: Uses thrusters and impulse steering to dampen spin ::

    [Marius] <AENG1> ::gets very dizzy::


    [Jaden] <TAC><XO> I... think... we've ::holds back his cookies:: estab...lished...an orbit! ::turns green::

    [Lt._Arch_Angel] <CENG><AENG1>i told him deflect...not attrack...by my old scottish granny...mrrmmphhh

    [Marius] <<lol>>

    [Joy_12] <OPS> :: Fires impulse to slow rate of speed relative to the main direction of drift ::

    [Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2>Ouch Son of a gun!!!!

    [Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2>::Checks Himself:: Tis only a scratch

    [Marius] <AENG1> ::as spinning slows, thinks "Jeez, are we there yet!"::


    [Jaden] <TAC>+Computer+ Stabilizers to Maximum, Override Intertial Dampeners to 120%

    [Lt._Arch_Angel] <CENG>+<TAC>+what in the world is going on up thereee,:: holding on to a console for dear life::

    [Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2>::Grabs the Smelling salts and makes his way towards Jami::

    [Joy_12] <OPS> :: Worlks less on slowing speed relative to the asteroids, more on getting away from the nearest asteroid. ::

    [Jaden] <TAC>+CENG+ ::makes a hideous sound over the intercom and tosses his cookies::

    [Laarell] <MCO> ::would turn green, but... *is* green...::

    [Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2>::holds the smelling over Jami's nose::

    [Marius] <AENG1> ::thinks, "why did I even come?"::

    [Lt._Arch_Angel] << LOL >>

    [sTSF_Jami] <HELM> ::is allergic to smelling salts and goes into cardiac arrest::

    [Jaden] lol

    [Marius] <<lol>>

    [Joy_12] <OPS> :: Thinks the oranic beings should work for a more effection fuel eject system ::

    [Dom_Pneuma] <<woo hoo I killed the Helm officer!>>

    [Lt._Arch_Angel] << well at least i'm not a doc on this simm>>

    [Jaden] <TAC>+Starbase 99+ Mayday, Mayday! Runabout Major Mistake

    [Marius] <<pretending not to know cpr>>


    [Jaden] <TAC>+Starbase 99+ We're spiraling out of control, please respond!

    [Dom_Pneuma] <<Except Mine to revive Jami!>>

    [Joy_12] <OPS> :: Looks for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th nearest asteroids. ::

    [sTSF_Jami] <Starbase OPS> ::Frowns:: Did you hear something?

    [sTSF_Jami] <Starbase Cdr> Sounded like the Major. See if you can get them.

    [Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2>::Thinks I should just stick to repairing Ships!::

    [Laarell] <MCO> ::glances at the blueing Jami on the floor:: Will someone... save her life, or something to that effect?

    [sTSF_Jami] <lol>

    [Jaden] <TAC><HELM>::looks down at the lifeless helmsperson and wonders if he should do mouth to mouth::

    [Joy_12] <OPS> <MCO> Sorry. Busy...

    [Lt._Arch_Angel] <CENG>+<MCO>+sirrr...ye have full power available ...iniatiating warp warm up procedure now,we may need the additionial power

    [Marius] <AENG1> ::Thinks "can we get out of this asteroid field already!"::

    [sTSF_Jami] <Starbase OPS> +Major+ Transmission is garbled. Are you in distress? We dispatched a ship.

    [Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2><MCO>I aint going anywhere near her again

    [Jaden] <TAC>+CENG+ We need a medic up here.

    [sTSF_Jami] <or a mechanic?>

    [Joy_12] <OPS> :: Tries to bring the ship to a stop relative to the belt as a whole. ::

    [Dom_Pneuma] <AENG2><MCO>In Fact I hear the Engineering calling my name!

    [sTSF_Jami] AND...