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Posts posted by Chirakis

  1. Mission Summary | Sky Harbor Aegis | 30 July 2010


    28 July 2386 - 1635 hours Aegis Relative


    Time between games was 1 hour and 30 minutes.


    Engineering's tetrahertz wave was not successful in squelching the parasites' exceptional appetite for Aegis hull. Therefore, full evacuation of the station has been ordered. Engineering is now struggling to preserve the station's structural integrity field, greatly weakened by a power supply stressed by the transport of some 1,260 personnel to waiting ships.


    The space whales have now passed beyond the system and the evacuation fleet has returned. With only thirty minutes to hull compromise, security is working feverishly to evacuate all personnel.


    The science and medical teams, assisted by the fighter squadron, is attempting to neutralize the parasites by spraying a DNA/RNA cocktail on the hull, but spraying has become an issue.


    In a surprising turn of events, Ambassador Drankum and Commander Chirakis worked as a team during the crisis, especially after a strange secure transmission the Commander sent on the Ambassador's behalf.

  2. Mission Summary | Sky Harbour Aegis | 23 July 2010

    28 July, 2386 - 1405 hours Aegis Relative

    Science is working on a DNA/RNA modification to render the parasites harmless.


    Meanwhile, the structural integrity field was intentionally compromised so engineering could send a tetrahertz wave pulse to the hull, their "plan to interfere with the creatures' ability to perceive our hull as food."


    The weakest area of the hull (read: the most likely to collapse) was evacuated. As many nonessential personnel as possible were transported to waiting ships; others were sent to vacant quarters in the Diplomatic Wing in the upper areas of Pylon B.


    The space whales have moved into the system once more, well away from the station. This caused our waiting evac armada to leave.


    TBS was 5 minutes.

    Engineering has sent the tetrahertz wave pulse to the hull. We await the outcome.

  3. Mission Summary | Sky Harbour Aegis | 16 July 2010

    28 July, 2386 - 1300 Hours Aegis Relative

    Dr. Feretti and Mr. Le Morte, along with Drs Belar and Pavilion have captured and are in the process of examining the parasites that are eating the hull.

    Engineers Coleridge, Fletcher, and Duroz discussed several methods of forcing the parasites to leave. Since the parasites do not nom* on processed silica, they contemplated adding bling* to the station in the form of a glass coating with suspensions of colloidal gold. However, Duroz suggested that more than taste may come in to play when they are looking for food. Since the negative charge to the hull did not repel the parasites, they may try different flavors of waves instead.


    Centurion Dabi remained in the Control Tower, dispatching teams to deal with the Protect Microbial Species (PMS) problem.


    Meanwhile, a fleet of allied ships - military and civilian - stand a safe distance off Aegis in case of evacuation.


    TBS was 8 hours. We have 38 hours to hull breach.


    *nom - old earth slang for eat - no longer in common usage but, surprisingly enough, present in the Federation Standard translation program.

    *bling - old earth slang for flashy ornamentation. Strange the words that are still present in the Federation Standard translation program.


  4. Mission Summary | Sky Harbour Aegis | 9 July, 2010


    28 July, 2386 0500 Aegis Relative


    In the two hour interim, the parasites have fed, done further damage to the hull, and are resting while engineering continues to plug the holes. We are 37 hours into the infestation; there remain 44 hours to hull compromise and we still do not know the full range of the infestation. Meanwhile, an environmental group, the Preserve Microbial Species organization, has been prowling the decks, distributing their propaganda and creating controversy, the activists and non-activists occasionally engaging in overheated discussions that keep security teams busy.


    Previously on Sky Harbour Aegis:

    • Midshipman Cameron Briggs joined alpha shift security.
    • Medical and science teams determined that the parasites enjoy deuterium and all bonding metals, including titanium, but they do not digest processed silica.
    • An engineering team successfully trapped a sample of the creatures.
    • Science updates to the sensor grid showed massive parasitical damage between the midway and the subspace pallets on the boom arm, threatening to sever it from the station. After evacuating the area, another charge to the hull momentarily disoriented the parasites, then, sensing uncharged metals floating a few meters off the hull, they moved in that direction. Phaser fire hit the floating creatures but the result is still unknown.
    • Neither passing ships nor the shipyard have reported outbreaks, which leads to the possibility that direct contact is needed for them to spread. We will, however, err on the side of caution and keep our standby evacuation ships at a considerable distance just inside transporter range of the station.

  5. Once again, congratulations to Germany for their win over Argentina today, 4-0.


    They play Spain in the semi-final Wednesday. I look forward to that one. However, after watching Spain today, unless they improve their aim I believe Germany will have quite an easy go.

  6. Because now that the US has been eliminated, a lot of Americans aren't going to care about the World Cup anymore (if they even did in the first place, given the relatively low number of responses to this thread, lol).


    There are quite a few of us over here who have alliances over there. I believe Lepage and Finlay can be justifiably proud today.


    Well done, Germany. I look forward to their next match.

  7. Mission Summary | Sky Harbor Aegis | 6 June 2010

    At present, 33 hours have passed since the first breach in Aegis' hull, and though we make progress, the problem remains. A negative charge was sent to the hull four hours ago in an attempt to "sour the food," and it seems to have worked - somewhat. Their progress has been slowed, and though the causative factor still appears to be present, no new holes have appeared. Yet.


    SubCommander Jorahl's engineers, working in close coordination with Dr. Feretti, Mr. Le Morte, and Dr. Pavilion, have found biological evidence on the hull that leads them to believe the holes are being created by a life form, most likely a parasitical one picked up from the space beings we recently encountered. Mr. Le Morte believes they have a way to modify sensors to detect them.


    EVA teams have repaired most of the current damage and are on standby, waiting for the sated parasites to resume feeding. During this resting cycle it is highly probable that they will breed and multiply.


    Science is to find out what those things eat. Everyone is to work on a possible evacuation plan. To that end, a safe distance for ship approach is to be determined. It is theorized that contact is necessary for the parasites to spread from one surface to another, but we are not discounting the possibility that they may spread by other means.


    SubCommander Jorahl estimates that within two days we will not be able to keep up with repairs. In four days, structural integrity will become an issue. Time is of the essence.


    TBS was 3 hours.

  8. Executive Officer's Log, Stardate 238607.28

    Chirakis Kirel, Commander, SI-5

    Sky Harbour Aegis



    The screen before her cast an eerie glow around the Federation Standard word parasite. It was midnight, Aegis relative time. Third watch, or half way through what terrans called graveyard shift, and most on the station who submitted to its artificial time would be resting. But with the current situation not many aboard Aegis were resting, least of all Cdr Chirakis and the base personnel who had been working for over 33 hours to stop whatever it was from making holes in the hull.

    Parasite: a symbiotic relationship where one organism benefits at the expense of the other.


    A run down the illuminated page and alternative definitions, as well as a host of synonyms in various languages, appeared, most of which conjured images well beyond the bounds of their present problem. They also brought to mind a relationship Kirel felt she would rather do without.


    All-devouring, all-engulfing, bloodsucking, conspiratorial, grabby, grasping, indolent, leechlike, lupine, mealymouthed, predatory... The list continued, but she stopped indulging her over-active imagination in favor of focusing on the problem at hand - which was considerable.


    "Computer, replay from twenty-two thirty-five hours." The wall display, paused mid-way through the departmental meeting, instantly returned to that point. The conference room table displayed prominently mid-screen, SubCommander Jorahl sitting at the position normally occupied by Cdr Chirakis, Kirel having taken the chair reserved for the station commanding officer. The Ambassador's presence anywhere on the station had been notably lacking for the past few days.


    A deeply concerned weariness seemed to cloud SubCommander Jorahl's usual command presence. His phrasing was more clipped and the pauses between thoughts a bit longer than normal, as though he were weighing every word. "It has been theorized - correctly I believe - that these holes are being created by a lifeform, most likely a parasitical one picked up from the space beings we recently encountered....


    "We have found biological evidence. The problems that remain are many still. We can only detect them from a subspace wake when they make sudden movements... or when they decide to take a bite out of the station." Here he paused to run his gaze around those assembled at the table in the control tower conference room.


    "They seem to be breeding quickly. And, we have no known way to stop them yet."


    Silence. All eyes rested on him, as though waiting for his proposed solution while fully realizing he had none.


    Taking a forward lean to rest his arms on the table and motion to those assembled, he continued, "Which is why we are all here. We have a lot of data collected from the space beings as they passed through this area. We've not had time, however, to fully look into that. Seeing that those things didn't seem to be eaten alive by these...fleas...I assume they had someway of dealing with them. Science, medical.... we need you to figure out what we can do to match what they did... or what we have to do ourselves."


    "Sounds more like bacteria or viruses to me, actually," Dr. Lepage suggested. But before he could continue, another voice interrupted.


    "Fleas?" The gravelly voice of Ambassador Drankum projected easily through the silence and all eyes turned toward the door. "Bacterial fleas?" Making no move towards the table, the Ambassador rested on his cane, his face a mask of disgust - at what, Kirel had no idea. Nor did she care.


    "The movement seems to indicate a higher level of life form," Jorahl responded to Dr. Lepage.


    "The thing is, we have something out there eating our hull. And we know there are those... beings who are immune to them. So what we have to do is figure out what makes them immune and how to apply it to the station. Sounds like finding an antibiotic or vaccine for a new disease, albeit on a larger scale." Lepage.


    "With only the small problem that this facility is made out of metal alloy and not blubber." Drankum again. But a valid point.


    "Which means finding the creatures? Or have we enough information from the original scans?" Kirel.


    "So far, our scans have not been accurate or lasted long. So, we need to increase the sensors to target these beings as fast as possible." Jorahl.


    "I want someone to review the records to ensure that no traffic that left this area could possibly have had contact with our viral fleas." Drankum. Taking control again. Without reviewing the data, without adequate knowledge, without even so much as setting his foot in the control tower for the past....


    "Shipping lanes are informed," Kirel responded as the recording continued despite her thoughts. She reported as she would to any superior, a gut reaction from years of competent commanding officers. "A perimeter is established around Aegis. And the joint allies, along with anyone in the path of the creatures, have been warned."


    "The problem is we didn't have a...perimetermater when the whale things first showed up. We also do not know if anyone else had contact with them before they arrived. That's a question, too. This facility has alloys from numerous species. Any information on if the fleas like a certain dish for dinner or do they just see everything as a buffet?"


    A well-aimed hit paused the recording. She knew the rest. Her main objective had been not so much to review the information as it was to observe the work of a larger form of parasite, and to weigh if perhaps her judgment of his thoughts and words was clouded by her own prejudice. And it definitely was. As much as she detested him, he had valid points. As much as she doubted his ability to command, he had the uncanny ability to intrude at his most opportune time, cut her down, and take his position at the fore to negate or belittle her strategies.


    It was time to rethink her own - if and when the present situation was resolved.

  9. New players with questions about how simming works should check out the How-To page on the site and the Tips From the Moose in the Academy forum, or ask one of the STSF Game Masters.


    Definitely the place to go if you are new and want to learn about playing the game. Moose's Tips have stood the test of time. And, although there are personal touches a new player might want to add - privately - they still stand as the best place to begin.

  10. Mission Summary | Sky Harbour Aegis | 11 June 2010

    As holes continued to appear in the hulls of Pylon A and several visiting ships, ship crews and station personnel experienced growing frustration. Evacuations to Pylon B have not helped as it has pressed double the number of people into an area already bursting at the seams. Families of shipyard workers, science teams assigned to TKR-117, and employees of the drilling firm in the asteroid field vie for space and security does their best to contain the chaos, specifically rigging a holodeck as a playground.


    Ambassador Drankum continued to absent himself from the melee, sequestering himself in the peace and quiet of his suite.


    Meanwhile, engineering and science sent a charge to the hull in an attempt to "sour" the meal of whatever is eating it. The result was movement and a slowing of deterioration. SubCommander Jorahl suggested they may be organic and wondered about the end result of their digestive process.


    Captain Finlay experienced the throws of assisting childbirth and barely escaped delivering the baby - a boy, born to the wife of a human shipyard worker.


    TBS was two hours.

  11. Mission Summary | Sky Harbour Aegis | 4 June 2010


    Executive Officer's Log

    Stardate 238607.27 Aegis Relative

    Chirakis Kirel, Commander, SI-5


    Sky Harbor Aegis, its shuttles, its runabouts, and several vessels in the area have developed holes in their hulls from something that ostensibly came from the space-faring creatures that passed through the system a few days ago. In the twenty-six plus hours since the holes appeared, little progress has been made, though all breaches have been contained. Several theories as to the cause have been postulated, but we have, as yet, no definitive diagnosis, nor do we have a course of action. On a positive note, it seems that the progress of whatever is causing the holes has slowed, at least to a manageable pace.


    In the meantime, all traffic through the system has been halted. This, of course, effects progress in the shipyard, export of ore from the drilling operations on several asteroids, and places severe restrictions on the import of goods, equipment, and personnel both on the station and throughout the system. All allies and those in nearby shipping lanes have been alerted to our situation. Hopefully our friends the Breen and the Athra will remain at bay until the problem is resolved; surely they realize the danger is not confined to our technology.


    Initial reports from the science and medical team believed the holes were caused by the space-faring creatures' young, supposedly deposited when one of them rubbed against the investigating runabout. They tell me now that, though the space-faring creatures' DNA is present in whatever they suspect is eating the hulls, it does not appear to be young. And... there is an added complication. These... things... are elusive, appearing and disappearing with a strange irregularity. In addition, tiny fluctuations, similar to those of a warp field, have been detected in the areas of their appearance.


    The science and medical departments are continuing their investigation. An engineering team has just begun EVA. Civilians and non-essential personnel have been evacuated to Pylon B. Project TALIS continues, but training has been put on hold pending resolution of the structural problem. My next course of action is to approach Cdr Ogura with a request to use their technology for investigation and repair.


    End. Encrypt. Distribute SFHQ, SI-5, JAF. File.

  12. Mission Summary | Sky Harbour Aegis | 28 May 2010


    While science and engineering investigated the hull breach in the runabout, a similar breach occurred in the shuttlebay doors.


    Cdr Feretti reported that the space creatures seemed to have a sentient intelligence that communicated via a sort of telepathy, but that she could not exactly pick up on it.


    Security probed an observed disagreement between Cpt Finlay and Ens Spader.


    SrLtn Fletcher reported progress on his R&D project to Cdr Chirakis.

    TBS was set at 1 standard hour.

  13. Executive Officer's Log

    Stardate 2386072.6 Aegis Relative

    Chirakis Kirel, Commander, SI-5


    "Guinea Pigs?"


    Fletcher's tousled hair framed his worn features and blended well with his disheveled uniform, but, given his recent accomplishments, Commander Chirakis was willing to overlook everything. Project TALIS, when completed, promised to be a considerable breakthrough in avionics. That R&D had chosen Aegis for a testing ground had garnered a certain amount of skepticism. Why would they choose such a remote area for testing? Security, danger, or both?


    What threw her were the words guinea pigs. Though her Federation Standard had been perfected over the years, it took her a few minutes to recall the Terran term.


    "Yes. I've done almost all I can on myself," he replied, slouching deeper into the chair. Fletcher never had been one for protocol, but this was not mere thwarting of protocol. He seemed to be approaching the point of total exhaustion. "I'd like to select some crew members for testing and peer evaluation. It's a necessary step in the device development process...and I believe it's time."


    "Agreed." In Chirakis' mind, the time was overdue, but it was not for her to say. The shots were being called by one Risami Ogura, Chief of the Department of Defensive Technologies, Starfleet Corps of Engineers. Aside from the Fleet engineer's expertise, she was one pain where it hurt the most, and, though politics was not Kirel's strong suit, the commander had been able to pull herself together to confront said slave driver whenever necessary.


    "I was going to take one from each department," Caelan continued in answer to her questioning expression. "Oggy is going to want that list, too. The pre-production Hephaestus and Ares class drones will be complete in a week. It'll take a few days to link them to the grid. Your OPS officer will need to be trained. As for the second deadline...I'll be late. Version 0.4 of GNOSIS is slow-going. Expect a COMM call."


    His grin, though weary, showed his spirit hadn't been dampened.


    "I'll take the comm and do what I can to calm the storm," Chirakis assured him. "And if Oggy has a problem, send her to me. She will receive the list as soon as the participants have been cleared by me. My concern is that all is done well and done correctly, regardless of deadlines. Have I your guarantee on that?"


    "Of course. I'm hoping they name a university after me. I'm giving one-ten."


    Fletcher University. She reserved comment, focusing instead on his immediate needs. "I see here that your progress is within acceptable parameters," she said, indicating the console before her. "I will do all I can to facilitate your progress." And keep you from having a complete physical or mental breakdown. "Anything else?"


    "Should we walk out at the same time, or would that look suspicious?"


    She narrowed her eyes as he turned to exit. Perhaps he wasn't as tired as he looked.

  14. Mission Summary | Sky Harbour Aegis | 21 May 2010


    The runabout with SubCommander Jorahl, Sr Ltn Fletcher, Sr. Ltn LeMorte and Dr. Pavilion aboard returned from investigating the "giant whale things" only to find that a section of the hull of the runabout was missing. Sr. Ltn. Coleridge and Ensign Duroz investigated. Their initial assessment was that it looked like something dissolved the hull. Sr Ltn Le Morte has sealed the damaged section pending further study.


    The freighter Slighe Chlann Uisnich docked, and its captain, Caden Finlay, was greeted by an old acquaintance - Ensign Spader.


    TBS was set at 20 minutes.