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Posts posted by Chirakis

  1. Mission Summary | Sky Harbor Aegis | 1 October 2010

    (31 July 2386 - 0600 Hours Aegis Relative)


    Centurion Dabi led an away team to Aegis. Harada & Spader took fighters. Dabi, Brown, Leilani, Mimi, Caelan, and Duroz took a shuttle, to be used as emergency fall-back and backup until full power was restored to the station.


    Coleridge and Chirakis monitored progress from the bridge of the USS Missouri.


    Life support and force fields were extended to Finlay’s ship so his crew could board.


    Aboard the station, Engineering was found intact but not in mint condition. LtCdr Fletcher reported it would take 8 hours to restore power to the viable areas of the station and get force fields in place so EVA suits would not be necessary. Cdr Brown began systems diagnostics from the control tower. Dr. Pavilion investigated sick bay and Centurion tr'Jeth Dabi checked on security.


    TBS was 6 hours. At sim begin some areas of the station will have power restored; others will not.

  2. Living on the Edge

    A joint log by Cdr Chirakis, Nicolas Lepage, and Captain d’Ka.


    Even with her back turned, Kirel sensed his approach. Despite his silent step, the swing of his arms against his uniform signaled a fluidity of movement not many achieved. The brush of his hair against the collar, and the sub-vocalization he used to acknowledged others’ presence Kirel had learned to listen for long ago. Her PADD reached the side table with a sharp click and she looked up. “Captain d’Ka,” she said in greeting, the subtext of irony coming through clearly. The last few meetings had been pretty much the same - but she recalled that at the very last she could barely talk - which, thankfully, was not a problem this time.


    “Commander.” Part greeting, part obvious satisfaction at being able to relax for a change. He looked concerned. Definitely agitated. And worn - if that were even possible for a Sindar. He remained standing, arms crossed. “Up for a walk?” The tick of his head towards her boots, prominent on the white sheets of the biobed, indicated the question did not need an answer.


    She had the ceremony down pat. Eye contact with the nearest physician. Affirmative or negative? Go? “Apparently so,” she replied, pushing herself more upright while easing her legs over the side.


    A metallic cylinder retrieved from the side table slid neatly into her civilian tunic pocket. Though at this point standing took little effort, she moved slowly - more for the doctors’ benefit than anything else. Captain d’Ka shifted to her side, something that felt both comforting and disconcerting.


    Independence was her safeguard. Dependence, as necessary as it was at times, often resulted in deadly mistakes. Not that his presence at the moment would result in a deadly mistake. Her uneasy feeling was an ingrained response learned long ago on a Cardassian mining colony. Dependence on anything or anybody was harmful. But she was still working out in which category her dependence on him lay - the positive or the negative.




    The clamor of business as usual spilled into the lift as the doors opened onto Missouri’s fighter bay. Captain d’Ka stepped into the lead, taking an even stride between three flights of the Federation’s newest border patrol P-70B Peacekeepers that faced off with a dozen A-85 Crusader attack fighters, some surrounded by avionics engineers and a few being prepped for routine patrol by crew captains.


    A definite upgrade from the original, the USS Missouri carried the designation of Akira class for ease of classification. It bore little resemblance to its predecessors except for the exterior and some of the interior design. Launched in 2382, she was larger, faster, and more powerful, the first of this refit. Two more followed, with a third ready for launch within the next few years.


    At the end of the line of Crusaders a burly CPO stopped scratching his head long enough to pipe, “She’s ready for ya, Cap,” and point to the far end of the bay where a shuttle stood out against the attack and patrol craft. On the opposite side, Chirakis was encouraged to see Aegis’ fighters getting a thorough inspection and work-over. A quick count told her they were all present and she spied a few familiar faces in the crowd.


    D’Ka’s response to the bay chief came in passing. “Thanks, Chief. Keep it clear.”


    “Always, Cap.” He threw an overly-suggestive grin at Kirel - one she did not appreciate but took in stride. She was, after all, the Captain’s guest. Sometimes the bay trolls needed divergent imaginations to escape the drudgery.


    “Impressive array of craft,” she tossed out, more to draw her mind away from the bay chief than to make conversation.


    “They serve their purpose.” An understatement. He seemed to be annoyed at the chief’s look as well. Or maybe annoyed that he, a man of peace, commanded a ship of war? Either way, he didn’t look too happy. “Impressive and intimidating,” he continued. “Enough to stop all but the most aggressive adversaries short of combat.”


    “The ultimate goal.” Though she preferred a good solid fight.


    “Always.” He stopped at what appeared to be a door to a smaller, more secure bay, paused with his hand on the scanner, and turned to face her. “I received a priority one message from one Risami Ogura, Starfleet Corps of Engineers. Her credentials and codes were in order, but what we retrieved for her from Aegis was... quite interesting.” The scan long-since completed, he entered his code and the door slid open to reveal a series of TALIS drones, heavily guarded by Missouri personnel. “Verification?”


    And that, apparently, was his concern. “They do belong to us, if that’s what you mean, Captain,.” she replied, automatically slipping into formality and keeping her tone even, despite the edge on his. “And Risami Ogura is...” She wanted to say attached, but that was not entirely correct, so she opted for “... working in conjunction with Aegis personnel.”


    D'Ka visibly relaxed. “Good.” The door slid firmly into place, a slight click signaling its secure lock.


    A short walk across the bay brought them to the captain’s personal shuttle. Once inside, the bay chief’s suggestive look made sense. Two glasses, a decanter of cognac, an ash tray, and easy chairs spoke of leisure not often available on a ship of war. Yet here they were.


    “Thytrin,” he remarked, waving her into a chair as soon as the door closed. He never was one to mince words. Probably why he had been given this command on the edge of nowhere. Taking a glass from the warmer he lifted the decanter and paused before pouring. “You called me that. Why?” Definitely agitated. Definitely not mincing words.


    The unmistakable bouquet of a very fine cognac drifted from the warmed glass he handed her before pouring one for himself. “Your term. Not mine,” she reminded him. Adara IV, though desolate, had its memorable moments. “Solitude does strange things to people.”


    He stopped pouring, held the bottle a second longer, then placed it carefully in the center of the tray. “Still, not a term to be taken lightly.”


    “I never did.”


    Glass in hand, the corners of his mouth upturned more than usual. he turned and raised it towards her. After a moment’s thought he said, “To... saving your sorry ass. Again.”


    “Is this five?” she said as the liquid slipped down her throat and Jerit sat, the chair barely giving way as he settled in to retrieve his cigar. Kirel was way ahead of him, holding hers out for a light.


    “Frankly, I’ve lost count," he replied, the lighter poised between them. "But after a few, what’s one more?”


    “Point well taken. Here’s to no more saves.” As soon as the words were out she knew they were a bad choice. Very bad choice. The flame stopped just short of her cigar.


    “Here’s to no more sorry... asses,” he corrected, his tone firm, his hand steady. After a beat he lit her up, gently brushing the back of his hand against hers as he withdrew. “Thytrin it is, then.”




    After Mimi’s comm Nick had meant to look in on Chirakis. He was surprised to find her bed empty. His inquiries revealed that the Commander had left sickbay in the company of Captain d’Ka. This was just as well. It seemed like their paths had crossed before. Maybe they were even friends. Nick’s musings were quickly interrupted by the familiar swish of the opening doors. He turned around to see Commander Chirakis enter.


    The air scrubbers in the shuttle hadn’t completely taken care of the cigar, and she purposefully had not cleared her cognac palate, but she didn’t care. She and d’Ka had partaken in a pilots’ most sacred ceremony and consummated a hard-won friendship. No more need be said. Nothing explained. So, with even stride, she entered sick bay as Captain d’Ka reentered the lift for his quarters.


    “I see you’ve taken a walk, Commander,” Nick said with a grin. The smell of cigar smoke and alcohol didn’t escape his notice but he wasn’t yet sure whether he was going to call her on it.


    “Yes.” She left it at that, brushing past him as though he did not exist, though to slight him was not her purpose. The walk and its accompanying activities had tired her considerably. She needed to rest.


    Nick waited for Chirakis to sit down. “Been celebrating, I see...or rather smell.” His tone was more amused than reproachful. After everything Chirakis had been through lately it was important for her to get back to something resembling normalcy. He wasn’t prepared to declare her fit for duty just yet but he was definitely not opposed to her catching up with old friends.


    “Yes,” her reply was less curt as she pried off one boot, then the other, and swung her legs onto the biobed. “The scrubbers in the Captain’s shuttle could use an upgrade, and his cigars are the finest quality.” Her grin was one of satisfaction and she had a certain glow about her as she reclined. Fine cigars, fine cognac, and the best conversation had reminded her that life did exist beyond Aegis, something she’d found difficult to imagine in the last few months.


    Then she had a passing thought about her fighter, wondering if it was still intact. She’d not taken it out for... she couldn’t remember how long.


    Observing Chirakis carefully as she lay back down, Nick remained standing silently for a moment. Then he pulled up a chair, leaned back and looked at her. “I heard of your... let’s say bad dream.”


    “Bad dream?” She thought a moment, then realized that her intimate contact with d’Ka had erased much of the horror of her recent experience. “Yes. I did have a few... bad dreams.”


    “Maybe you should talk to someone.” He didn’t really expect her to talk to him but that didn’t matter much. As far as he was concerned, anyone would do, a counselor, d’Ka - he didn’t care.


    “I have.” She’d leave it at that. No need to elaborate. Apparently it had served its purpose.


    Nick simply nodded. “That’s good provided you didn’t just talk about anything.”


    Her expression as she cocked her head in his direction, hands laced under the pillow, bordered on rebuke as she fought back a few choice comments. Another reaction that took her by surprise. Instead she said simply, “We did not talk about... anything.” He could fill in the blanks.


    “Hmmm.” He fell silent again and a couple of minutes passed until he spoke again. “I mean you need to talk about what happened. To Aegis. To you.”


    Her gaze returned to the ceiling. “What happened to Aegis was unavoidable. What happened to me is past. I believe, Doctor, that we could do well to focus on the future.” The subtext was clear. End of discussion. Old self returning. She felt better. More in control.


    Nick understood that Chirakis didn’t want to continue their conversation. However, he didn’t feel like playing by her rules this time. “Even things that are unavoidable may be hard to deal with sometimes. Yes, it is past but it will have repercussions on the future. Don’t try to fool yourself pretending you’re alright. I know you’re not and so do you. These things take time and it doesn’t hurt to get some help.”


    Unavoidable. Like annoying physicians. Repercussions. Like one swift kick....


    Reality check. Brandy. Man who was just as responsible for saving her life as d’Ka. Still, she allowed her “Yes, Doctor,” to come out just mocking enough for him to let it pass. Her eyes closed, drifting her off into a relaxing sleep.


    Nick didn’t know if he had accomplished something. Be that as it may, he had at least tried. Quietly, he got up and left the room.

  3. Mission Summary | Sky Harbor Aegis | 24 September 2010

    (30 July 2386 | 2350 Hours Aegis Relative)


    Time between games was 24 hours. In that time scans of the station have been completed, all fighters returned to the bay, and Aegis’ senior engineers, assisted by those on the USS Missouri, are pouring over the data, contemplating their next step.


    The USS Missouri has extended fields around the Slighe Chlann Uisnich to allow a team to board.


    Preparations are being made for an away team to Aegis.


    Ambassador Drankum is cloistered in Missouri’s VIP quarters. Commander Chirakis is close to discharge from sick bay.

  4. Mission Summary | Sky Harbor Aegis | 17 September 2010

    (29 July 2386 | 2250 Hours Aegis Relative)


    As the USS Missouri holds position 2,000 km from the station, fighters continued their inspection. They found Finlay’s ship, the Slighe Chlann Uisnich. It has some damage and is presently tethered by a tractor beam to the USS Missouri.


    Taking his turn at the Missouri’s bridge engineering console, Fletcher pronounced the station “very broken.” Power is out on 95% of the station and the diplomatic wing has extensive structural damage. Projected time for repair is months.


    Cdr Chirakis regained consciousness and is working from sick bay.


    TBS was one day.

  5. Negative Space


    Unplanned EVAs are hard on the body.

    Recovery is harder… but better than the alternative.

    Working from the Missouri's sick bay wasn't exactly ideal.

    Again… better than the alternative.

    She should be dead. She wasn't. Go figure.


    Chirakis' thoughts were periodically interrupted by dizziness followed by distant shouts and commotion, a feeling of euphoria, then excruciating pain, nausea, muscle spasms, and paralysis… after which her own shouts jerked her awake, a flailing arm decking an off-guard MedTech.


    Dr. Lepage calmly explained that she was experiencing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder while recovering from multiple injuries and hypoxia - medical terms that meant little to her. What mattered was that she was definitely not in her right mind.

    She felt she was going insane.

    He didn't.

    It was part of her recovery.

    Not quite sane. Not insane. Somewhere between.

    Deal with it.


    Better than the alternative? D'Ka. On the bridge.


    Get out of my head. Chirakis. Sick bay.


    Your uncontrolled psionic bursts interrupt my concentration.


    "Deal with it," she said aloud, drawing strange looks from a passing nurse.


    So she endured the slips from coherence into not-insanity, to that negative space between. The medical staff coped. Each time she recovered, they wisely kept out of reach.


    Part of her recovery – according to the good doctor – was to relive the experience. Face it. Work through it. But the information stored in the enhanced 360 visual recorder of her flight/EVA helmet was almost as painful to watch as to experience.




    Seconds before beam-out, a tear in the hull sucked the atmosphere into space, taking her with it, smashing her into a bulkhead, ripping a hole in the outer lining of her flight suit, and snapping her body into positions a contortionist would envy. And yet she was still alive.


    Immortal? Hardly. Lucky? Maybe. Damned hard to kill was more like it.


    Or too damned stubborn to die? D'Ka. From the bridge.


    It takes one… thytrin. Chirakis.




    Your call. Get out of my head.

    With that, she tossed the PADD aside in favor of the pillow.


    As a result of her ordeal, she had come to several conclusions.

    Space whales were a bad omen.

    Industrial strength parasites were detrimental to your health.

    Despite what scientists argued, space was still a vacuum and pretty much uninhabitable.

    SF Intel R&D made one hell of a flight suit.

    Aegis had the best medics in the business.


    Several hours after her first productive waking moments her body decided to allow her to walk. The doctors were a different story. They circled, like birds of prey, ready to strike at any sign of weakness.


    Her first step was more of an attempt than an actual step. Eventually, when the room didn't spin and putting one foot in front of the other didn't demand an entourage, she counted it a win.


    Still, her brain felt like mush. Which it pretty much was – according to Dr. Lepage – and would be for a while.


    A long rest later and she was working again, but after a few missed code entries and slipping into Klingon with Dr. Lepage - who spoke little, if any at all - she decided to heed the doctor's advice to not make any command decisions for a while. But she could walk, though not far. And there was a matter concerning a cigar and a Starfleet captain.

  6. Mission Summary | Sky Harbor Aegis | 17 September 2010

    (28 July 2386 | 2250 Hours Aegis Relative)


    It has been 7 hours since evacuation. The crew has been given full privileges to use the equipment and facilities on the USS Missouri. They are being assisted by the Missouri's crew to make a full assessment of the status of the station.


    Ambassador Drankum is comfortable in VIP quarters. Cdr Chirakis is comfortably oblivious to everything, recuperating in sick bay's ICU.


    Spader, Harada, Rutian, and Elder manned fighters for a close visual of the station, feeding data directly to engineering, command, security, and science. On hearing from science that the parasites are dead, Captain d'Ka has brought the Missouri to within 2,000 km of the station for visual and sensor assessment.


    TBS was one hour. In that time, Dabi will monitor the progress of fighters and Finlay might just find his ship.

  7. Mission Summary | Sky Harbor Aegis | 3 September 2010

    (28 July 2386, 2050 hours Aegis Relative)


    Still unsure of the status of the station, the crew of Aegis waited within scanning distance aboard the USS Missouri, an Akira class ship under the command of Captain Jerit d'Ka.


    Mindful of their situation, Captain d'Ka gave Aegis' crew access to the ship's computers to assess the station's condition. On the bridge, Ambassador Drankum and SubCommander Jorahl monitored scans and ordered probes while engineers Coleridge, Fletcher, and Duroz assisted from sick bay.


    From the observation lounge, others in the crew watch as the asteroids' waning glow cleared to reveal a mostly-intact station with a great deal of damage, especially where Pylon B impacted Pylon A. Most of the upper superstructure of Pylon B is exposed to space; the outer hull is consumed or otherwise missing.


    Initial engineering scans of the station showed 20% of the overall station's structure was either missing or severely damaged, with another 30% in the category of "needing major work." Further scans showed the interior primary supports stable with secondary junctions still there and the external hull missing in one quarter.


    Regarding systems, the primary pylon's engineering support still exists. We hope that during the emergency the systems reverted to standby, a failsafe built into the station during its original construction. We have yet to determine if the restart systems are intact.


    Captain Finlay and others who were docked at the station eagerly await the status of their craft. Engineering Chief Jorahl recommended sending a boarding party to investigate further.


    TBS was set at 15 minutes.

  8. Sky Harbor Aegis will sim Friday night unless we have a skeleton crew. Come to think of it, we have a crew but a skeleton station - but that's another story.


    Anyway, if there are enough players we'll forge ahead. Otherwise we'll hang loose. As usual, Drankum will be taking a collection for a new station.

  9. The USS Royal Oak is patrolling out near the edge of explored space.


    Game Master - Will Marx

    Game Master - Chirakis


    Commanding Officer (CO) - Will Marx

    Executive Officer (XO) - Sean Keane


    Tactical Officer (TAC) - Caden Finlay

    Helm/Operations Officer (OPS) - unused bagels


    Chief Engineering Officer (CENG) - rosetto

    Assistant Engineering Officer (AENG) - Cdt Eeyore


    Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Sakir

    Assistant Security Officer (ASEC2) - Chirakis

    Assistant Security Officer (ASEC1) - Sakura Haruno


    Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Eva Jaz

    Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - Vilanne


    Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - TKAR


  10. Mission Summary | Sky Harbor Aegis | 20 August 2010

    (28 July 2386 - 1835 Hours Aegis Relative)


    In the Season 16 Premiere of Sky Harbor Aegis, the status of the station remains a mystery. The crew's last view of the station from the USS Missouri ended in an energy surge so powerful it temporarily blinded the Missouri's sensors, as well as some of Aegis' crew who were watching from the Missouri's observation lounge.


    After a long hold in the transporter buffers, Missouri's Transporter Chief T'Lyn succeeded in bringing Aegis' stragglers aboard. Cmdr Chirakis, SubCmdr Jorahl, LtCmdr Coleridge, SrLtn Fletcher, and Ltjg Duroz arrived in various stages of health.


    Meanwhile, Aegis' distress call prompted Captain Halloway to curtail surveillance in the Breen system to bring the USS Yorktown into Aegis space to investigate.


    TBS was five minutes.

  11. On August 18, 1995, Sky Harbor Aegis came into its first incarnation as Starbase Aegis with HoD TSara zantai T'Zay as its first Commanding Officer and Commander Jennan Ayer of Trill as Executive Officer. Starbase Aegis was deployed in geosynchronous orbit of Canar II and entered operational service on August 18, 2371 (Stardate 9508.18). Presently in its third incarnation, Sky Harbor Aegis is commanded by Ambassador Drankum of Ferenginar and Commander Chirakis Kirel of Starfleet and is located in neutral territory just outside Breen space.


    Happy Anniversary, Aegis!

  12. Mission Summary | Sky Harbor Aegis | 13 August 2010

    Season 15 Finale

    28 July 2386 - 1730 Hours Aegis Relative

    With Sky Harbor Aegis beginning to collapse, fighter pilots Armstrong, Harada, Briggs, and Elder joined the rest of the evacuees aboard the USS Missouri, Captain d'Ka in command. Ambassador Drankum and Commander Brown were requested on the bridge to assist in Missouri's maneuvers concerning the station. All other personnel were invited to the observation lounge where they watched in horror as the station, with SuCdr Jorahl, LtCdr Coleridge, SrLtn Fletcher, Ens Duroz, and Cdr Chirakis still aboard, began to collapse.


    A quarter of the center saucer section of Pylon B condensed from twenty decks to five, closely followed by the collapse of decks one through twenty and the subsequent separation and crash of the upper section of Pylon B into Pylon A.


    Aboard the station, engineering struggled to keep the station together. In an effort to conserve power, Cdr Chirakis curtailed life support in the control tower and joined the engineering team. Pylon B's main power fusion reactor coolant system failed, but immediately thereafter parasite activity in the collapsed zone could not be detected. Lighting, internal gravity, and Pylon B emergency forcefields failed.


    During the melee, it appeared that a mix of oxygen-rich atmosphere and the chemical spray neutralized the parasites. Since power relays were jammed, engineers rushed to manually release oxygen from tanks around Pylon A. The station's shields failed, allowing the USS Missouri to acquire a lock on the team as the station collapse continued.


    As the emergency transport from the USS Missouri engaged, a massive eruption of light from Aegis momentarily blinded the Missouri's sensors.


    Time between sims is 3 minutes.

  13. The Color of Death


    A sharp click seated the helmet of her pressure suit, and a reassuring hiss of pressurization followed. It came only seconds before a flood of anti-parasite cocktail tinted the control tower's atmosphere a bloody crimson. In the next few seconds the suit configured itself perfectly to match her body's needs. If only the station were so cooperative.

    The klaxon had long been silenced, but the chronometer's insistent pulse cut through the haze, providing a surreal counterpoint to the control tower's flashing beacon, both marking their progress towards either success or total annihilation.


    Fourteen minutes, thirty-six seconds to full hull compromise. And with a hull compromise in the vicinity of the M/AM chambers and various other storage areas, there exists the possibility of massive explosion. If so, the allies lose not only the station, but four of their most valuable engineers, and....


    The station commander shifted her gaze to the status board where four fighters had been raging a losing battle with voracious parasites on Aegis' hull. Armstrong, Harada, Briggs, and Elder could, if given enough warning, warp to a safe distance if the station blew. If given enough warning. If not....


    Fourteen minutes. Mark.


    Also prominent on the status board stood the USS Missouri. After receiving the last of the evacuees from the control tower, Captain d'Ka and his crew held position just beyond the reach of the marauding parasites. The other evacuation ships had long since warped away, but d'Ka was not the sort to leave anyone behind. This Kirel knew, and knew well.


    * * * * * * *

    A lone figure pulled herself from the remains of the runabout, its wreckage strewn across the landscape of the dying planet. Only minutes before, the young Lt Chirakis had watched what she believed to be the last of the science expedition clamor aboard d'Ka's vessel, but Kirel had decided to make one last pass for stragglers before returning to the USS Katawal. Soon after, a massive ion blast had disabled her controls and the planet's gravity well had done the rest.


    As the young Starfleet pilot struggled to loose her foot that was pinned between a shard of hull and the rocky surface, swirls of ochre powder engulfed the area, nearly burying her along with the runabout. Clamoring for a hand-hold on what was left of the runabout's cockpit, she braced herself against it until it passed. When she opened her eyes, she saw, along the horizon, the planet's tortured atmosphere bleeding into a scarred landscape as solar winds siphoned the atmosphere into its maw.


    Gathering what strength she had left, Kirel stood with some difficulty and braced herself against the wind to check her flight suit. Finding it intact, she engaged the emergency transponder. Had the transponder not been activated, she would have been presumed dead; with it activated at least they knew she was still alive, though not for long in these unforgiving conditions. She checked the horizon once more to get her bearings.


    A thousand meters to her right, a pock-marked scrag protruded, and behind it she could just make out the remnants of a building. If its internal structure were still intact it should provide her with more protection from the elements than the wreckage of the runabout, but getting there was another matter. Electromagnetic discharge from swirling dust, a heat index rising beyond her suit's ability to cope, and a persistent trickle of blood down the inside of her flight suit sealed the deal and she stumbled in the direction of the building, pushing her body into a thirty-degree lean against the wind for balance. But the wind increased and shifted violently in all directions. Dropping to all fours, she clawed her way towards the building, but the rising temperature and her suit's depleted oxygen supply sapped her strength. Then the planet began to break apart.


    Kirel awoke to a light blinding her eyes and the sound of, "... still a damned stupid move, if you ask me," coming from a medical officer hovering over her. "Could've gotten you both killed." The light went off. "Welcome back, Lieutenant. You can thank whatever higher being you believe in that LtCdr d'Ka, here, is as crazy as you are." The doctor disappeared in a huff. Jerit d'Ka took Dr. Lengrave's place, shrugged in the doctor's direction, and gave Kirel a thumbs up and a cigar.


    * * * * * * *

    "It is now twelve minutes to hull compromise." The commander spoke quietly and evenly, recording what she imagined would be her last log. The haze of interior spray began to clear, giving the control tower a sepulchral hue. Appropriate, she thought.


    "All personnel have been evacuated from the station," she continued, "with the exception of myself, SubCommander Tylus Petrinius Jorahl, Lieutenant Commander Scott Coleridge, Senior Lieutenant Caelan Fletcher, and Ensign Duroz, son of Skurn. In fighters, flying at close proximity to the station are Lieutenant Junior Grade Allen Armstrong, Ensign Tarou Harada, Midshipman Cameron Briggs, and Security Technician Elder. If the hull is compromised, which now seems imminent, none of us is likely to survive. Should we not survive, it should be known that they performed admirably."


    With one definitive motion she ended the log and sent it to Starfleet Command via Captain d'Ka on the Missouri. It was important that they know the valor of these who were, in her mind, warriors. Whether against a corporeal enemy or the elements, they fought bravely.


    They died well.

  14. Mission Summary | Sky Harbor Aegis | 6 August 2010


    28 July, 2386 - 1655 Hours Aegis Relative

    In-game time was ten minutes.

    The time between games was set at ten minutes.


    At game beginning it will be ten minutes to full hull compromise. However, since a good number of the parasites have broken off and headed for the fleet, we may have a few more than that, but only a very few. Power and life support are at minimum and showing signs of failure with the strain of keeping the SIF viable.


    Since the fighters have not been able to keep up with the advance of the parasites on the station hull, engineering has flooded the inside of the station with the DNA/RNA spray. As the last personnel left the station, a group of parasites detached from the station and made a run for the fleet.


    Leilani Feretti, Mimi Pavilion, Lillian Belar, Le Morte, tr'Jeth Dabi, and Jennifer Spader were transported from their rendezvous point in the control tower to the USS Missouri. They have undergone decontamination and are now guests of Captain d'Ka in the observation lounge. From there they have a good, though distant, view of the station.


    Allen Armstrong, Tarou Harada, Cameron Briggs, and Sec Tech Elder are in fighters, spraying the station.


    SubCommander Jorahl, Scott Coleridge, Caelan Fletcher, and Duroz are in engineering, flooding the interior of the station with science's cocktail. They have turned off the tetrahertz wave generator in favor of only one method, sending all available power to the Structural Integrity Field.


    Commander Chirakis is in the control tower, having finished recording her final log.

  15. Game Master - Will Marx

    Game Master - Chirakis


    Commanding Officer (CO) - Will Marx

    Executive Officer (XO) - Chirakis


    Tactical Officer (TAC) - Images

    Operations Officer (OPS) - Sakir

    Helm (HELM) - unused bagels


    Chief Engineering Officer (CENG) - STSF Kent

    Assistant Engineering Officer (AENG) - Caelan Fletcher


    Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - rosetto

    Assistant Security Officer (ASEC) - Robert Long


    Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Sakura Haruno


    Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Vilanne


    Chat log will be posted later.