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Posts posted by Webmaster

  1. Q'ordetlh (Kordeth), son of Q'erdoch was born on Qui'Tu, a farming colony used by the Empire to produce crops to feed it's people.


    While farming in the fields the planet was attacked and the village almost decimated.  Due to the efforts of Starfleet the planet was saved and Q'ordetlh's family and village were saved.


    Q'ordetlh decided to join Starfleet as his calm farming nature did not seem to fit within the warrior mentality encouraged in the Klingon military.  


    Q'ordeth began his tour of duty as an ensign assigned to security.  Showing initiative and the the ability to learn new tasks quickly he was soon promoted to operate the helm, ops and eventually the tactical station.  Over time his promotion to Captain and eventually Admiral was achieved.


    This bio is from the group the Phoenix Elite and Q'ordetlh has been a solid character for over 6 years.  Simming experience is extensive as well as leadership skills used to train new simming troops as well as splintering from the previous group to form the new.


    I assume that I will probably start from scratch within this new group and that is fine.  I enjoy simming and that is most important.


    I currently also lead a group of email simmers in a group called ORIGIN STATION.  That group has held it's own within the original PE sim group and has been in effect for over 3 years.


    My real name is Scott Hamilton and I love all things TREK.  I am also a professional artist who created his own Klingon avatar.  I am a proficient media (pen, pencil, paint) as well as digital graphic artist.


    I look forward to many glorious battles aboard the ICQ Qob/Lakota.

    Qapla' and May your blood scream! :o

  2. Board Update:

    November 19, 2002 - 3:25 AM CST


    Here's an update on my progress...



    • Quoting text - this is not a PERFECT fix, but one that should work as I continue to play around with the board code.  
    • Smilies - They're new...  what else can I say?   :wink:  :D
    • Netscape login bug - Consider it history.  When you visit the page, you can now log in without any errors.  If you have multiple names here on the boards, you can also now easily switch identities without any hassle.  Just enter the new name/password and go!  


    (I could not help myself...  I figured since ya'll have suffered through all of these changes with me, I would be nice and introduce a few new changes to ya earlier than I planned.)


    • Quick Reply - Now at the bottom of every message will be a box you can type a responce into without even having to click the reply button.  The quick reply feature is nothing fancy...  it's designed for posts that don't want a lot of formating and such.  For those, you still have to click the reply button.  :(
    • New reply engine - This has been in the works for a while now...  and it's finally here!  Besides everyone's favorite features such as Bold and Underline...  you can now have:
      Moving text
      Text with a shadow

      Stikethrough text
      Glowing text

      Text with a drop shadow

      Backwards text
      (backwards text)
      Upside down text
      (Upside down text)
      Blured text

      SPOILERS text!  We've all had times when we've wanted to talk about spoilers, but have been afraid of ruining it for others who have not seen the episode and don't want to be told.  Now you can just click the spoilers button, and it will automatically make the text and the background a black color.  Then if you want to read the spoiler, you can just highlight it with your mouse!
      Spoiler (Highlight to Read):
      If you can read this, you can see what I am refering to in regards to spoiler text.  If you can read this, you can see what I am refering to in regards to spoiler text.  If you can read this, you can see what I am refering to in regards to spoiler text.  If you can read this, you can see what I am refering to in regards to spoiler text.  If you can read this, you can see what I am refering to in regards to spoiler text.  If you can read this, you can see what I am refering to in regards to spoiler text.  If you can read this, you can see what I am refering to in regards to spoiler text.  If you can read this, you can see what I am refering to in regards to spoiler text.  Isn't it great?  SPOILER TEXT!  SPOILER TEXT!  SPOILER TEXT!  SPOILER TEXT!  SPOILER TEXT!  SPOILER TEXT!  SPOILER TEXT!  SPOILER TEXT!  SPOILER TEXT!  SPOILER TEXT!  SPOILER TEXT!  SPOILER TEXT!  SPOILER TEXT!  

      Text with lists in it.  (such as the list you're reading now)
      Personal actions - you can use a command similar to the ::: :::'s we use in SIMs to indicate action.  This will show a person doing something:
      Webmaster pulls his hair out after typing all of this

      You can also easily change your text's color, size and font easily.
      And one last feature...  you can also control alignment of text easier now.

      Text can be aligned to the left.

      Text can be aligned centered.

      Text can be aligned to the right.


    I've also made some of the tags a little smarter.  Now you can click on the bold tag and actually have it insert the correct tag for it JUST before wherever you mouse is.  When you click it again, it will insert it RIGHT after where your mouse is.  It should not default it to the end of your post now, making you have to move it if you have already typed your message.


    Hopefully some of these additions will have made the hassle of the past few days worth it.   :wink:

  3. I've made some temp changes to the quoting system until I have time to work on it more.  Simply what will happen now is that the background color of quoted text will be in a light grey color and the text itself will remain black.


    Also in the mean time I've fixed the login error netscape users were getting.  You can now login to the boards (or change board usernames) simply by entering your username/password at the top of the page.  :(

  4. Here's your chance to comment on our new look for the message boards!  Let me know what you would like to see changed here.  Are certain aspects of the board too hard to read?  Don't like some of the graphics?  Or should I just retire from web design?


    Below is a list of things I'm already aware of and plan to address:


        - Login error for those using Netscape browsers

        - The new post indicator (on.gif) is too light when compared to the no new posts button

        - Smileys (such as  :D   :(   :D) are showing with a white border

        - Post icons (such as icon0.gif) are showing with a white border

        - Existing posts made on the board are showing in black text

        - Member offline indicator is too dark (the part next to a member's name on the post mem_offline.gif)


    If there is anything else you think I should be addressing here on the boards, please reply below and let me know.



  5. I'll be starting a "Request List" thead in the next few minutes.  This thread will be for anything you would like to see different about these message boards.  


    I'll use it when working on new features, design issues, and GUI design (Graphical User Interface).


    Please remember...  I can't promise to use EVERY suggestion.  ::(:   But it will help me in working out what you would most useful for you here on the message boards.  Some suggestions I may be able to impliment right away.  Others might take some time to work on.  And there will be some that are just plain impossible.  I do want to hear your suggestions though.  



  6. Hello everyone!


    As you can see, the message boards are a work in progress.  :D


    There are several kinks to be worked out still, including the standard color of posts.


    Anyone who registers a NEW account will automatically have their default color set as white.  BUT in the mean time, I'm still working on reseting the registered user's default color.


    You can help save me a little time by updating your own default color.  :(  Simply click on the "Your Control Panel" link.  Click on the Personal Info link, and then on "Edit Your Profile".  


    At the bottom of the page find:


    Post Color

    You can choose a custom color for each post you make. A preset list of colors is found below, but you can choose another color by entering it into the box.

     Please choose a light color to be displayed.  Either "#FFFFFF" for plain white text or "#CCCCCC" for a light grey text.  You can also see different colors available too for you to use.  


    Feel free to expiriment, but please try to keep it easy on our eyes.  (Meaning no neon hot pink colors please! )


    Thanks for all of your help as we move to our new design!  :D

  7. Hey everyone!


    As you can tell...  I've been making some modifications to the message board.  This is in preperation for the launch of our new website (which by chance is not too far away).


    During the next week or so, you may notice some odd behavior from the message boards as I make modifications to the database engine.  Please bear with me and forgive me for any mistakes that happen during this transition period.  


    I've still got several things on my "to-do" list of things correct in regards to these boards.  This includes changing all the previously made posts to a color that is able to be read.  (All new posts will be easily readable, but I've got to manually go back and change the color of each post on this board so that it works with the new color scheme.)  I also need to redo the smiley images.  They were saved with a white matte background, so I need to go back and save them again for the black scheme.  That will correct the little white shadows on the images.


    In addition, the navigation at the top will have a couple of new areas.  These new areas are not up and running yet, so the link to them will not take you anywhere.  Don't panic about that just yet.  :(


    Thank you for your patience during this transition period.  I'm a one-man team so it takes a bit of time to get everything done.  


    If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me.

  8. OK...  I'm a nice fellow on occasion (I still maintain my reputation as a cruel, mean, evil person though! So no getting any ideas otherwise).  I try to do one nice thing for someone each day.


    Guess what?!  YOU'RE THAT LUCKY PERSON!  (wooo hoo!)


    If you would like, I'll move the image to the STSF.net server into a location that will not have it read as an available avatar.  


    E-mail me a copy of the image and I'll post it when I have a chance.  Hopefully ya know my e-mail address.  :(

  9. Hi...  you are currently linking your avatar from:




    I tried accessing your main folder:




    and it came back as not found.  So you might want to check to make sure you still have your account with them.


    And if ya'll are REALLY good and it's something that would be of interest to folks...  I can enable uploading of avatars to the STSF.net server.   If I do that though...  it becomes available on the regular avatar list and anyone can use it.

  10. Hi there!  


    You join by participating in the Academy events that are posted in our schedule page.  If you visit the holodeck during a time when a STSF SIM is taking place...  you are good to go.  


    We don't require players to fill out long applications and such to play in our training games.  You simply play and after the GMs see you a bit and know that you have the necessary skills to participate in the Advanced SIMs...  you will be promoted to the rank of Ensign and have the ability to join one of our Advanced games.


    Hope that helps!  :(

  11. Interested in seeing what STSF.net could soon look like?  


    Your friendly neighborhood webmaster has been hard at work trying to come up with a new design that will make STSF.net better looking, easier to navigate, and more attractive to those looking to join a GREAT SIMming group.


    Now...  before you get really excited or enraged about the redesign...  there are a couple of things to keep in mind:


    1.) The image you are about to see is a preliminary design concept.  Meaning it may have rough spots left in there that don't look good.  


    2.) Anything and everything you see in this preview is subject to change.  Just like anything else still in the design stages, features and other areas may be tweeked or modified before the final piece is released.


    3.) This work has not been given the final approval of the GM Council.  The members have seen a VERY VERY early model of what this page could look like and have given me permission to continue development of it.  But it has not been santioned to be used as the official STSF.net site design.  


    Now that the preliminaries are out the way...  lets get down to business.


    Here is a thumbnail sized image of a the screen shot I'm working on.  Click the thumbnail image to see the full sized image.  




    Here are some of the new features in the works with this redesign:


    - New user interface.  Hopefully this one is a little "cleaner" and more professional looking.  Graphics are being added to help increase the attractiveness of the page.


    - Promotion of STSF.net SIMs.  Upcoming SIMs will automatically be highlighted on the front page of our site.  You will only see the SIMs being held in the next 3 days.


    - Quick access to these message boards.  You will be able to immediately log into the STSF.net message boards from the front page of our website.  You will find a login box on the top right hand side of the screen letting you go straight to the message boards if you wish.  (Note:  This feature will be more prominately labled in an upcoming revision to the design.)


    - Online FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions).  GMs will be able to post answers to the questions they most often run into while running their SIMs.


    - Online File Library.  This is a feature still in it's early stages of development.  It may or may not be ready to go when the STSF.net redesign is officially launched, but it is something that is actively being worked on.  GMs and members will be able to post files to the library to share with others from the forum.


    Feel free to offer your comments and suggestions about the work in progress so far in the Questions & Comments message board.  This post itself cannot be replied to as it is part of the announcements that appear on the front page of our website.


    Thanks for your support of STSF.net!


    Rear Admiral Randy Calvert



  12. The best way to get more times available on the schedule is to get more people involved with STSF.  


    Why should we stretch ourselves thin offering 30 SIMs and have only 2-3 people on each one?  I would rather see us get a good crew on each SIM and as it becomes harder to find an open post, THEN expand.  


    So ya wanna see more times?  :)  RECRUIT!  Bring 'em in!  And when you see them in the Academy, keep 'em interested!  Mention our new folks by name.  If they feel welcome to our little corner of the world, they'll come back.


    We've been averaging 130 visitors to our website each day.  (How do I know this you ask?  Simple...  I am the STSF.net Web God.  I see all, I hear all, and I know all.  Not to mention I am sometime just plain full of it.)


    Anyway...  lets see if we can get more of those people visiting into the chat rooms and playing the game!

  13. Hi there!


    Post whatever you like on the ST.com boards!


    Logs are GREAT to post there.  They help show we are an active forum and might help encourage a couple people browsing those boards to come check us out.


    But anything and everything can go there.  :)  A Trek poem you wrote, a log, or just general chit chat.  


    Thanks again!

  14. There has not been anything mentioned by Paramount yet.  So any date that is given to ya by someone is just a very rough guess on their part.  :)


    On the message boards I've seen...  there has been speculation from anytime between March 2003 to sometime in mid-2004.


    Either way, we shall see.  lol

  15. Paramount has not set a date for the release Voyager on DVD yet. To speed up the process, make your desire for the DVD known on Amazon.com. To do this:


    Visit Amazon.com.  In the search box, choose DVD, and type Star Trek Voyager. On the new page there is a box for you to submit your e-mail as a potential buyer for the product, and Amazon says they'll send the list to Paramount later on.


    Hope that helps.  :)

  16. As a quick clarification...  each individual CO/XO has control over what character types, species, etc are permitted on their SIM.  


    The GM Council nor any other group will step in to make this decision for the CO/XO team.  If they think it's appropriate for THEIR SIM, then it will be allowed.  So if anyone ever has a question on a character, ability, or anything else...  check with the individual SIM's GM.


    Hope that helps.  :)

  17. Basically just have fun!  Show up...  participate...  play a variety of roles.


    There are several things a person should be able to do.  One of the bigger ones is to actually ROLE PLAY.  If you are assigned as Engineer, and you have nothing "assigned" to you, do whatever an engineer would do.  Test equpitment...  do regular maintainence, etc.


    Also show the HOW and not just the WHAT.  This means if the ship is damaged and you are the Engineer, you don't say ":::fixes the engines:::" or Captain, I have fixed the engines.


    Show instead HOW you did it.  Connect the do-hickey over there to the thing-ah-mah-bobber over here.  That sort of thing.  :)  When in real life, you can't just "magically fix" things in 5 minutes.  


    Hope that helps.

  18. Hi Romulan Commander!


    When you read three SIMs was required to graduate Starfleet Academy... that means a MINIMUM of three.  


    The reason we say that is what happens if I attend a SIM...  but post say only 2 lines to the screen the entire hour?  A GM would have no idea if that person knows how to be sucessful or not in an Advanced SIM.


    And as far as I remember...  all ships have at least one open post on them at this point.  Once things tighten up even more, we'll be considering adding additional SIMs to the schedule.  


    If you would like to see what ships are out there...  click on the schedule link to the left.   :)


    And don't worry about not graduating yet.  It'll happen sooner than you think.  I've read good things about ya so far.  


    Welcome to the STSF!