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Posts posted by Webmaster

  1. Without going overboard?  lol...  this board would not be here if I did not go overboard.  =P


    It would be a simple little guestbook script that lets people post a message and if I like you, it shows up.  :)


    It's OK to go overboard SOMETIMES.  Just gotta know the right time to do it.

  2. The words are what stood out for the song most to me.  If you really think about it...  the words fit the series like a glove!


    It’s been a long road

    Getting from there to here

    It’s been a long time

    But my time is finally near


    And I will see my dream come alive at last

    I will touch the sky

    And they’re not gonna hold me down no more

    No, they’re not gonna change my mind

    Cause I got faith of the heart

    I’m going where my heart will take me

    I got faith to believe

    I can do anything

    I got strength of the soul

    And no one’s gonna bend or break me

    I can reach any star

    I got faith

    Faith of the heart


    If that does not describe the series (and the Trek philosophy in general), I don't know what does.  :)


    My thoughts though.

  3. Hello everyone.  :)


    After looking over stats and traffic patterns on how the site is used, I've made some minor changes to help make navigation on the boards a little easier.  


    You will noticed I've reordered the catagories.  At the top you will find the announcements from the GMs.  Next you will find the "Lounge" boards, and finally the individual ship boards.


    Hopefully this will make it a little easier for you to quickly find and get to the sections you want.


    If you have any questions or problems, let me know.

  4. I know this topic is bound to have a bunch of people on both sides of the fence...  so I'm going to throw it out...  what do ya'll think about the latest Trek TV series?  


    Enteprise is now in it's second season, so what do ya think?  


    In my own opinion...  I think the series is starting to progress quite a bit since it's debut.  The last couple new episodes have been interesting...  and show a lot of potential.  It's got some room for improvement, but it's working on it.


    And the theme song...  wow....  I had to go out and buy it.  lol.  Have both versions.  The TV one and the "full one".  


    How about the rest of ya?

  5. You should be glad I don't run many Academy SIMs much anymore...  back in the day when I did...  the ship was guarenteed to be destroyed 3/4th of the time...  with all hands lost.  


    I was quite famous for blowing up ships just for the heck of it.  :)  But alas...  times change.  With the slowing economy, A9 just would not give me the budget for special effects and new ships each week.    :o  


    Oh well.  There is always next year!!    ::P:

  6. Picard will always be my top choice for people to conduct negociations.  He's a man of honesty, integrity, honor, and the most intellectual of all the Captains.  


    I would trust him with something like negociations with the Romulans more than I would any team of diplomats.  :)


    But then again, I would trust Picard more than 99 percent of the other "diplomats" out there.  My next choice if I could not get Picard would be Sisko.

  7. Actually part of what made it interesting for me was it was not the ROMULANS themselves.  It was the exiled group on Romas.  They overthrew the Romulan Senate (killed em off basically with the military's help) and took over control themselves.  


    I think it's great that we're finally starting to see some insight into the Romulan Empire.  They were the group that we never got any insight into.  We know a lot about the Klingons, Cardassians, the Founders, etc...  but never the Romulans.  Why though?  They are one of the MAJOR superpowers in the quadrant.  Nemesis helps to address this.  


    We had a glimpse into the great Romulan Senate...  we had a chance to see the internal friction that exists between the Senate and the Military even though both are dependent on one another.  And we had a chance to see the "underside" of Romulan society, the Romerans.  


    As far as the Enterprise being the one sent to the Romulan Emipre...  that was something orchestrated by Shinzar.  He knew the Enterprise would detect the positronic signal and that they would be too curious to just pass it by.  And he knew it would bring them RIGHT to the edge of the neutral zone.  While they were there investigating, all he had to do was send the message of peace.  


    What is the Federation going to do?  Send a diplomat all the way from Earth when they have Picard sitting right there on their doorstep?  Picard is one of the Federation's best spokesman.  He's represented them in tons of first contact situations, and negociated many peace treaties.  IMHO, he's the one of the BEST diplomats in the Federation even though he is a member of the military and and an explorer.


    And as far as Picard's reaction to his clone, how would you feel if you were suddenly presented with the "evil" version of youself?  Would you simply just accept him and hope things would work out?  Picard was never one that showed his emotions well.  How could he realistically react to someone introduced to him as his clone that he knows nothing about?  


    And as far as the Romulans changing sides...  I saw that happening in the first part of the movie when the Romulan Commander watched Shinzar having trouble after she was dismissed.  No one in the military was happy with Shinzar after they helped him rise to power.  They realized their mistake rather quickly after they made it.  As much as some groups say, Romulans are a not a trecherous, cruel species.  They have the intellegence of Vulcans, the same strong sence of honor like Klingons, and the cunningness of the Cardassians.  They realized getting rid of Shinzar was in their best interest as it was that of the Federation.  They also realized they could not necessarily do it on their own.  So what do they do?  Team up with the Enterprise and try to stop them as a team.  I think it's fantastic to see the encounter....  it leaves an open spot where the new Romulan Senate and the Federation could move into a better relationship diplomatically.  


    I will agree with one of your points though...  about Picard encouraging and Data actually transfering ALL of his memories and knowledge to the B-4.  That part was a bit hard to swallow.  Though I did *love* how they had the real Data be on Shinzar's ship playing stupid before finally rescuing Picard.


    Again...  like you said...  these are my own personal opinions about the movie.  I'm definately not trying to say yours don't matter, though I may have a slight difference in thought.  :)

  8. oooohhhh!  A good 'ol fashioned public flogging!  It's been years since we've had one we could all enjoy.


    And my favorite action would have to be:


    ACTION:  The ship was destroyed because you were stupid.


    (BTW...  name the movie and who said it: "The Defense Department regrets to inform you that your son is dead because he was stupid.")

  9. Hey everyone...


    I just wanted to open the floor to check in to see how our Cadets are enjoying their expierence in Starfleet Academy.


    Is it what you were expecting?  Are you finding yourself building your SIMming skills?  Are the GMs helpful and approachable?


    Let us know what you think.  :)

  10. Note: This thread is for the discussion of the new Star Trek Nemesis movie and may contain spoilers.  If you have not yet seen the movie and do not wish to know anything about what happens, do not read this thread.









    Wow...  what a great movie!  It was great to see each character move on a personal level.  From the movie's opening with Picard's toast to the new bridge and groom to the very end of the movie where Data says goodbye before saving the Enterprise.  I truly could feel the sence of family and compassion that each character had for one another.  


    Watching Picard and Shinzar match wits against one another also was very fun....  along with Troi and the Shinzar's right hand man.  Where it simply was not a battle of who had more or better guns than the other...  but who had the tactical skill, knowledge, and intellegence to overcome the other.  


    The movie was left wide open at the end, the Enterprise being rebuilt, the Federation still standing as strong as before, and now even a possible new allience with the Romulans.  I think Paramount has definately left room for a new movie somewhere down the road.  Personally I think if they do decide to follow with the Enterprise, they could bring the Titan and the Enterprise together for a mission, or they could do a lot of new things with Trek that has never been tried before.


    Overall, I truly enjoyed the movie.  I'll be one of the first in line to buy it when it comes out on DVD.