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Posts posted by Webmaster

  1. oh, and what does the megaphone thingy in between the quote and the link functions do?


    That is called the "me" tag.  ;)  If you're familiar with ICQ it's something that lets you denote action.  (Similar to in a sim using the ::: :::'s)


    Webmaster grabs a cookie from the plate and eats it.


    See what I mean?  :)

  2. :::grins:::  Like I said...  feel free to post whatever you like.  But if ya get out of hand...  I can take care of things.  lol


    Not to mention the features such as remove posting rights for members, ban members, and ban IP addresses.  ;)


    But does that make me some evil tyrant?  Nah!  Just a friendly way of saying feel free to do whatever ya like.  :)  If ya get out of hand, I can smack ya around a bit till we see eye to eye.  lol

  3. Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

    Haha i've had too much time to my self look at what im learning to do!!!!


    Can I just keep messing around like this or am i gonna get in trouble???]


    ohh pretty....

    You can post like that if you wish...  but if it hurts my eyes too bad, I'll just smack ya around a bit.  ;)


    Then I'll take ya posts and make them say goofy things.   :wink:  :D  :D

  4. If they do not resolve the problem in the next day or so, I will install some sort of chat script on our site that we can use tempoarily (though it will NOT be pretty), or we could all just use AIM rooms for a couple of days.


    But either way, we'll figure out something.  


    ~ Randy (Who just got back from vacation)

  5. One thing I (and several other hosts) have done in the past with other Academy SIMs is just have it continue with the same plotline each week.  When we start each week, the CO would give a brief run-down as to what was happening and the major events.  That way the folks who were not there the previous week are not confused as to what is happening.  It also encourages cadets to show up for multiple weeks.


    Who knows...  just something to think about.