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Board Administrator
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Posts posted by Webmaster

  1. Everyone is welcome to their opinions here on the boards.   :D  


    Remember...  we may not always agree with each other.  We're welcome to debate the topic itself, but I will not allow the boards to fall to name calling, insulting other members, or anything else inappropriate.  


    I am not accusing ANYONE of doing this, nor am I saying that it's happened here.  


    I'm just stating "for the record" the board's policies.  


    I will allow all posts to remain here as long as they do not violate the board's rules.  If you are friendly, if you are just sharing an idea, or something else...  I have no problem with what you post.  


    If I can tell you are just posting things to try to rack up ya post count...  I can manually reset it to 0 or even some negative number.  So don't just post "nonsence" to try to increase ya post count.  


    I'm sorry if I sound like I'm being mean, rude, cruel, or anything else.  But I am just wanting to make sure we're clear as to what is expected out of folks.  I have been involved on boards where simple misunderstandings and a few posts meant to be jokes were taken out of context and resulted in years of bad blood in posting.  I will not allow these boards to become that.  :)  


    If you have any questions as to what is acceptable and what is not...  please e-mail me at [email protected]


    You can also click on the "Notify STSF" link at the bottom of any post you feel is inappropriate.  It will notify members of the GM Council about the post and one of us can remove/edit it if necessary.  And if a topic gets out of hand as well... we can close it.


    Thank you for understanding and your support.

  2. When the file was deleted, lol...  The message board at that moment in time ceased to exist.  :o  The main ikonboard.cgi file is the file that ties all other files on this board together.  If I would not have replaced it, ya would not be typing or reading on these boards whatsoever.  lol


    But in addition to the drop down being lost...  the command that controls the Quick Reply feature was gone...  as was the control for the "extra" iB codes such as:

    glowing text
    shadowed text
    strike-through text


    Don't worry...  have not forgotten about ya'll though!  I just gotta rehash the commands.

  3. Marsovac,


    We'd be glad to have ya.  :o  As STSF continues to expand, we'll have SIMs at different times.  If we can get enough members from ya side of the world...  we could possibly get a SIM going that's better for ya'll.  So tell ya friends.  lol


    We definately look forward to having ya join us.

  4. That loss was a result of Webmaster getting no sleep for 3 days, getting no coffee, and working in front of a monitor for 9 hours straight.  :o


    I messed up and deleted the main file for the board and replaced it with a simple redirect script that messed up and tried to loop ya forever when visiting the boards.  


    I lost the entire file as it was not backed up (server files don't normally get backed up as much as regular files)...  so I had to rebuild it.  I was still trying to find what I missed.


    Most of ya did not catch the problems that were there, so that means I did not do TOO bad a job.  But that is one I missed.  Have added it back to the list.

  5. Hello!


    As we've noticed, there are several posts here on the boards that have recieved quite a bit of activity.  :o


    I'm VERY pleased to see it, and that we're all participating in the discussions...  but I'm also concerned about the number of topics that are being displayed on the page at a time.   I'm concerned that it may be causing the pages to be taking a while longer to load than people like and that they're having to scroll too much to read.


    I can set the boards to display fewer replies as a one time and break them down into more pages.  (So instead of showing 40 replies over 3 pages, it would show them over 4 or 5 pages).  But before I made the change...  I thought I would mention it here to ya'll.  What do ya think?

  6. Hi Trek Fan!


    The Holodeck is the newest chat room Paramount has created...  especially made for STSF!  :o


    It's a place where we can start holding multiple chat games during the same hour and such without rushing one group in and out.  As we continue to grow, we will need more places to meet and to have the ability to do multiple sims (maybe a training sim and an advanced sim) at the same time.


    Look for additional news to follow.  =)

  7. I think it's a wonderful idea.  I have wanted to do something like that for a long time.  I just have not had time to work with each CO/XO team to try and gather information on each SIM, etc to compile it.  


    If someone would be interested in working on that...  we can definately work it into the site.  :o

  8. Welcome to STSF Trek_fan!


    It's great to have you around.  :o


    If you have any questions, please feel free to post them here on the boards or ask any one of us.  We'd be happy to help in anyway that we can!


    Again, welcome aboard!!

  9. LOL...  we definately have BIG plans for STSF.  :o


    If you don't think big, have big dreams, hopes and goals...  they tend to never materialize.  We working to have a system in place that will allow for growth to take place...  to allow for us to flurish and expand.  


    It's not just about having a link on Startrek.com either.  It's about showing everyone that we are a sucessful gaming club.  That we have the leadership, the talent, and the know how to run a gaming club.  


    Even with the links from various sites and such...  if the games were not fun, people did not enjoy themselves...  folks would not stick around.  Any business owner will tell ya CUSTOMER RETENTION is the key to any sucessful business.  It's cheaper and easier to keep existing customers than it is to get new ones.  


    I encourage each of you to think about what STSF means to you.  Ask yourself how you can contribute to it's sucess.  Because in reality, each of us represent the group.  We each have our own individual talents and gifts.  And I hope each of you can find some way of sharing your gift with the rest of us.


    Be it through just participating in the Academy games to help set an example for our new players, to participating here on the boards keeping them active and thriving, to helping with the website, the graphics or whatever, to spreading the word to friends about the forum...  helping to recruit new members.  


    When each of us gives something...  all of us benefit in return.

  10. That would assume the computer was intellegent and had "life".  These computers would not fit that description.  They would be set to engage a set of protocals when certain events happen.  Such as when it detects a massive amount of swerving, or whatever.  It could connect to the net, find the safest place to pull off, and pull over.  


    Imagine.... a way to help stop drunk drivers...  a way to save someone if they fell asleep at the wheel, or whatever.  It could also be used while you're traveling to tell you where the nearest gas station is while you're on the road...  have it check your gas tank and say you need to fill up before you reach XXX if you do not wish to run out of fuel.  Or have the car warn you about certain important service bulletins from the dealer...  some kind of popup saying that there was a recall on your vehicle's tires, etc.


    There are TONS of related applications.  All things that can go to enhance the safety and reliability of our vehicles.

  11. Well....  TECHNICALLY we're not QUITE at 100 unique people.  lol


    A couple of the names are mine.  I have a backup Admin name registered (in case hell breaks loose and somehow I get banned from my own boards, lol), and a regular "member" name so I can test certain aspects from a user's perspective.  


    But we're pretty dang close!!  I'm proud of ya'll!

  12. Right now...  the only way to build it into the skin is to put it on every page.  The front page is very picky...  if I manually build it in...  then I can chance corrupting the automatic updating of the board's front page.  


    But like I said...  we're working on something better.  (BTW...  I've added a feature where you can see where other people are on the boards.  You will now know if they are in a forum or viewing the same exact topic you are!)

  13. It's even funnier that you mention Richochet...  lol.  The company that I work with (Jarvis Entertainment) was actually considering buying them earlier.  I've actually seen some of the communication regarding it.  Thankfully the deal did not go through or else it really could have hurt JEG.  


    But one thing that's really interesting....  JEG *IS* making an effort to enter the wireless internet business.  They've already aquired a company in Texas that is pretty big down there.  And they're looking to expand.  So who knows.  :o :D


    It's something I see as having a lot of potential.  Eventually being able to develop "smart cars" that can tell when certain problems arise and notify the shop.  Or being able to do "remote diagnostics" to correct some issues.  The possibilities are endless.  


    But again...  it's something that's going to take a TON of money and a group with a LOT of capital financing.

  14. Do you have any friends that you could sneak onto their computer to check?  :)  


    I'm not saying ya have to have several computers.  Maybe even check from the public library...  most of them have internet access there nowadays.  hehe


    As far as I have been told the MAJORITY of people can now accesss the rooms again.  I only know of about 3 out of over 70 people who are not able to.  So somewhere I'm leaning towards it being a problem with those individual machines somewhere.


    But the Ferrari with the wireless internet connection sounds pretty cool.    :o    :D