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Posts posted by Webmaster

  1. Hello everyone!


    Just a friendly reminder/invite to join Commander Laura and STSF GromVik tonight at Midnight EST (9 PM PST) for Starfleet Academy.


    It's one of our newest additions to our schedule, and I'm sure they would love to have everyone there for their maiden voyage.  So once again...  tonight...  Midnight EST or 9 PM PST in the Holodeck.


    Hope to see ya there!

  2. Hi Powreal!  


    Welcome to STSF!


    This site is dedicated to people who enjoy Star Trek and online role-playing (online acting basically).  We meet in Startrek.com's chat rooms where we hold our events...  teaching new players how everything works...  and running "advanced" games for people who have been around the block a few times.  


    This site serves as a resource for those events...  with these boards giving our players and guests a chance to talk to one another, share ideas, etc.   We post our schedule here on the site, share important announcements, keep a list of our rules, a guide to helping play better, and such.


    We hope you spend some time with us.  Take a look at our schedule page (http://www.stsf.net/schedule.php) and find a Starfleet Academy event that you might be able to attend.  Then just show up to the Startrek.com chat room it's in and see how things go.  We're a friendly bunch and would love to have you.


    Please let me know if you have any questions or need help.  Any member here would be glad to help out in any way that we can.

  3. Hi there...  


    This is something many of us has seen at one time or another over the past several years.  Many of our GMs and players have had to deal with people coming into the room to disrupt it.  Even when they manage to find some kind of exploit in the room where they can attempt to crash a browser or force a blue screen of death or something with different room codes.  


    But in the end, they disappear.  The important thing is not to give them any attention.  If you see them in the room, ignore them.  Don't talk to them, and don't acknowledge what they're trying to do.  When they see they're not getting the results they want, they'll disappear.  


    Remember...  these are children who are doing this.  They're doing it because they're not the center of attention and they want to be.  By responding to them, you put them center stage and you only tell them what you did was the correct way for them to continue to recieve that attention.  


    By ignoring them, they realize they'll have to either play by our rules or they won't play at all.

  4. So what about those good folks who enjoy simming, know how to keep it seperate, but also enjoy going to the conventions, meeting the actors, etc.


    What about those that get together once a week with 6-7 friends in one room with a bunch of computers (both desktops and laptops)...  having half of the 14 person sim sitting in one room?  ::):

  5. As of now, the reason times are scheduled when they take place is because of the availability of our GMs to help coordinate them


    STSF should pay for its non-American members to move to America.

    I'll let you volunteer first to pay my overseas moving expenses, Vex.  :angry:


    I'm spending quite enough as it is moving 3 states away.  lol

  6. Hi there.  Just to sum up the official position once more so that it does not get lost in the post...


    We appreciate hearing from all of our members.  Your feedback is invaluable in helping us to plan future events and such.  We try to listen and learn from our members as much as possible.


    As of now, the reason times are scheduled when they take place is because of the availability of our GMs to help coordinate them.  As our GM base expands, you'll see a greater offering of events on our schedule.  


    Thank you all for your support over 9 months or so.  It's been truly amazing to see how far we've come already.  If you have any questions, as always...  please feel free to e-mail Admiral Atragon at [email protected] or me personally at [email protected]

  7. There was a slight problem with the mySQL database earlier that I fixed yesterday, so I don't know if that's related to the problem or not that you're having.  


    I can try to look into it further for you if you want.  I would need to know what Operating System you're using, your browser type (MISE, Netscape, Opera, Mozilla, Konquodor, etc), and if possible your browser version.


    Also...   just in case...  make sure you have all of your Windows Updates and such done.  Goto http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com and make sure you have all of the security/bug fixes applied and try again.  Many times it's just a problem with the browser itself.  


    But I'd be happy to try to look into it further.