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Marris Krax

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Posts posted by Marris Krax

  1. Around a year ago, I had the board set to display more topics per page, but there were complaints that the pages all took too long to display on a dialup connection.


    It was asked that we cut the number of topics down per page. So I had made that change. If increasing it is something everyone is interested in, I'm sure it can be arranged. I just want to get more than two opinions on it first before making the change.

    Could you perhaps set it with different options? As in let folks choose how many topics to list on a page?

  2. yeah but the more you pluck, won't they grow back faster and stronger and tougher?

    Actually, this is a bit of a wives tale related to shaving, though I had no idea it was associated with plucking as well. If the commercials are to be believed, plucking/waxing/sugaring is actually supposed to make the hairs come back finer and slower, since you are removing the root of the hair as well as the hair itself. I can fairly safely say that plucking leads to a slower return of the hair as opposed to shaving, if only because the suckers have to grow from the root up as opposed to the skin up, but the thickness and strength of the hair is probably just the same as it would be if you left it alone to begin with.


    And my own curious brain told me to pluck some of my nosehairs once when I was a little kid. That friggin' *hurts*


    And I personally don't pluck anything. But I don't think your supposed to use cream on anything known as a Mucus membrane. So, plucking or frying are your only choices that I know of.


    And what the heck is frying? :) That like Nair or something? I wouldn't want to stick that horrid stuff up my nose...

  3. Is there enough interest in a logo contest??


    That is the question to answer here.

    ::huggles A9::


    I must say this is an excellent idea, Boss, and I'm glad you approve A9. Too bad the contest won't be run in a few months after I'll have some real experience designing graphics LOL Still, I'd be willing to give it a shot with a design or two, depending on the entry limit ;)


    So that makes it, what, five interested parties now? :D

  4. Now, I can't remember who spoke at my graduation, nor what we played in the orchestra (I can tell you what we played the previous year, Alleluia Chorus, the coolest song to play at graduation if you ask me), but I do remember walking across the stage, giving one of the student speeches, singing along to the other student speech (an adaptation of American Pie), and getting my valedictorian medal (along with seven of my friends, LOL).


    I also remember smuggling in my beret to wear during my speech. In order to prevent streakers and such, every robe at my school had be inspected just before the students entered the auditorium. Well, since a beret is not regulation clothing for graduation, I simply got some rubber bands and attached it to my arm. They don't check the sleeves, just the torso :ph34r:


    Anyway, I got to freak my principal out, too. It has always been a joke that I cannot function without a beret on my head, so I started out my speech stumbling and stuttering and looking horribly frightened. Then the principal got up out of her chair and tried to come over to help me out. Oh my God, I was about ready to burst out laughing, you should have seen the look on her face. She was more terrified than I was pretending to be LOL I never did figure out if she was upset or amused when I yanked the beret from my sleeve and swapped it for the mortarboard.


    Anyway, recalling such things is not a great feat for me, as I graduated two years ago. But congrats Kitty and welcome to the so-called real world!

  5. King Arthur, that looks like a sweet movie based on actual history and not the legend :ph34r:

    ::had a whole, long rebuttal to this planned, decides against it::


    I will only say this: there is no account of Arthur that is factual. There is no real history of Arthur. There is only a series of traditions and legends (maybe a couple of real people) that have come together in what we know as the Arthurian legend today. The only thing that will make this movie "accurate" is the fact that they're throwing Arthur and various other characters into half-way plausible roles (though the role of Guinevere, from what I've seen, is a SERIOUS departure from both historical facts of the time and the characterization seen in the legends) in a half-way plausible timeframe.


    That said, I'm going to go see this movie and I think I'm going to like it. Why? Because I like different adaptations of the Arthurian legend. But I'm not going to delude myself into thinking that Hollywood will put out anything historically accurate during the summer blockbuster binge.


    ::mutters:: Guinevere as a Pict, gimme a break...


    Oh, and my vote is for Shrek 2. Just because I like Shrek ;)

  6. And my suggestion about the tags was without the information that all the chatrooms were getting thrown together all mixed up...which means my tag suggestion is pretty useless. Which results in another one of these...

    ::goes back and reads a little more carefully::




    Hey Vex, got any more of that there foot?

  7. Hey there,


    Just a few points here. :blink:


    Your correct, Word can find the marker. Issue is, that's all it finds...that one specific marker. While I have no issue with going thru and editing the chat log, I'm not certain in my sim's case the ends justify the means. If my crew has a question as to what transpired, they ask or read the brief. But when I find almost none are viewing/reading/accessing my twenty minutes of editing, kind of have to wonder. So, for sims and GMs that see the need, they're free to do so. Personally, I'll be waiting until the new chat log system comes out...at least where Reaent is concerned. ^_^


    As for the roster, I consider that an internal document of the sim...a policy many GMs hold. So in the case of Reaent and Aegis, I wouldn't stay up all night waiting to find them online. Finally, I know in my case the mission brief is normally contained within a log. Rarely do I actually post/e-mail something titled "MISSION BRIEF." Guess that's just my style. :blink:

    1) Why are you spending 20 minutes editing a log? I'm fairly sure folks won't mind wading through the timestamps for the next few months until it gets fixed, and that should cut your editing time down to about 2-3 minutes, correct? And having a transcript is good for getting folks who aren't playing interested, not just for folks who happened to miss last week.


    2) Who's talking about Reaent? We're talking academy sims ;) Mission Brief and Roster are fairly standard for academies, and not done in log form, unless y'all have suddenly adopted a new policy here.


    Again, can we get a little, "Yes we can," instead of "No we can't," please? Doesn't even have to be a yes to what's being said here, but a nice alternative, if you can think of one <_<

  8. Well, Sovak, Blu, and Jami all post logs in some form or another. ::hands out candy bars to the three of them:: Now how about the rest of you guys? ;)


    P.S. That's not especially difficult to read if you're used to reading through chat logs, Fred. And using that little "find next" feature in Word would make it fairly easy to find a marker like Vex said. Or at the very least, posting the roster and the mission brief like Sovak has done would be something. C'mon guys, this is cutting and pasting, this isn't diffcult. For once can we have some, "Yes we can!" instead of, "No we can't!"? <_<

  9. Well, I don't know about changing the locked topic icons, but as for the arbitrary factor...there's a key at the bottom of the page that shows what the different colors mean (not all pages, but the main one and the View New Posts one). Blue is default, red is for "hot topics" and green is for polls. The envelopes get greyed out a bit if there are no new replies in that one since you last read it <_<


    I honestly have no idea about the ones with dots, and I've been wondering that one myself.

  10. You know what would be cool, an online game which is like simming except you are controlling a real character <_<

    ::evil, evil grin::


    Mob would kill me if I said anything, so I won't say anything definite, but I'm hatching some odd plans in my head concerning a certain graphical chat environment. Soon as I can find someone who can build 3D objects ^.^

  11. he almost signed her butt too. Chistopher Judge is a nice guy.

    Oh, he was not about to do such a thing ^_^


    When we were getting his autograph, I decided to bring along a rubber duck for him to sign, since he is a graduate of University of Oregon and their mascot is a very pissed off Donald Duck (I know this because I am an Oregon native, and I happened to look up Judge's alma mater in the convention bio). Anyhow, we get to the table, and I ask if he would sign my duck. I hand it to him and he says, "Wait, did you say duck or butt?" Of course, this is worth a two second giggle fit for all parties involved, and we compromise with him signing my duck's butt ;)

  12. However, Maris did have some of it wrong as well.


    Shoreleave did not begin when a bunch of SFOL'ers decided to meet. The fact was, that several of us had already attended the event in Baltimore religiously for many years, well before even SFOL was around.

    Okay, this is really the wrong week to call me wrong...


    I am very aware of the fact that SFOLers attended Shore Leave well before there was an SFOL "Shore Leave." In fact, I thought I made that clear in my humorous little recounting of the history of Shore Leave when I said:


    But, as there were a few citizens of SFOL who liked to go to this Shore Leave anyway, they decided that this was to be their meeting place.


    Meaning you were all there anyway, so why not get together. Geeze, y'all are way too sensitive about things (kinda like I am right now, heh).


    On that note, I'm going to attempt to forget that this week has ever happened and pray my memory is gone by tomorrow morning. Later!

  13. Narrator's note:


    Let me just say, though Shore Leave 24 kinda stunk as far as conventions go, Shore Leave 25 kicked some serious butt (happy Dumbass? ;)). Trekkies 2 was there, for one, and so was ::squee!:: Teal'c! In fact, I have photographic evidence of me hugging everyone's favorite Jaffa. T'was much, much better this last year, sorry you guys didn't make it ^_^

  14. huh?


    oh wait, nevermind!

    ::clears throat, digs out the Old Book, dusts off the cover and begins to read::


    Back in the age before STSF, there was a forum known as SFOL. Rumor has it that this realm still exists, and that it's king has finally stepped down, but that is not a tale for here.


    The good people of SFOL would travel from the four corners of this land to convene at a gathering known as Shore Leave. There were others at Shore Leave, though. Half-naked Peter Pan men, Imperial Storm Troopers dancing to the Macerena, Mojo. But, as there were a few citizens of SFOL who liked to go to this Shore Leave anyway, they decided that this was to be their meeting place.


    For years the SFOLians went to Shore Leave, until that fateful year when SFOL began to fall apart. It was at this gathering that STSF was born, where a handful of captains and commanders decided to defy king and country and strike out on their own under the auspices of Paramount. In their rebelious spirit, the newly proclaimed leaders of the as-yet-unnamed forum suggested that from then on, the members of the forum would meet elsewhere to both commemorate the seperation and because the convention was really boring to begin with. Thus, it was decided that in the next year, the members of the Rebel Alliance would meet in the Trekkian Mecca of Vegas, free from the constraints of a convention but with plenty of Trek activity for all. They would call this new gathering Shore Leave West and adopt the number associated with the original Shore Leave, but whether this was to honor their former gathering or because they just felt like it is not written in these pages.


    ::closes the book in a cloud of dust::

  15. Well I watched Enterprise just awhile ago and it kicks the tushie out of Measure of Men so... there you should start watching Marris.

    What was the episode, what was it about, what happened, and why do you think it's just as good or better than a deep philosophical discussion about the nature of intelligent beings? ^.^