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Captain Huff

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Posts posted by Captain Huff

  1. Let's see if I get the orders right:


    Huff: Wine

    Blu: Something served in a fishbowl

    Fred: Water, with ice if he doesn't have plans the next day

    Dac: Anything with alcohol

    ::nods:: Now that you can talk the talk, we need to see you walk the walk.


    (And neVER underestimate the power of a good latin swivel. Sketti knows. See how long the impression has lasted? Watch the magic...)


    Like Freddikins, my hot summer day beverage of choice has also evolved... Mmm...mojito... www.bacardimojito.com


    And (perhaps) to qualm the disgust of those who haven't gone to SL (or who haven't gone lately), we don't sit around drinking all day long. Before noon we have coffee. ;)

  2. Not bad, Dumbass, not bad! I changed the first one to Moose, hoping that the "seasoned" gets overlooked, lol. I put you under PIA, to avoid running the risk of seriously insulting other candidates who, although they qualify, don't know me well enough to not get irritated. Oh! And I added a catagory...

  3. Better yet, let's just go to the generic formula, then plug it into ANY series, lol...


    Seasoned Handsome Action Hero: Moose

    Younger Buff Action Hero: ??

    Hot Blonde: Dac.

    Sophisticated Brunette: Huff

    Eccentric Evil (Male): NDak

    Eccentric Evil (Female): BluRox

    Eccentric Genious: LoAmi

    Teenage PIA: Dumbass

    Cross-dresser: Fred

    Middle Aged Comic Relief: Atragon

    Pet: Kbear

  4. A9, your post should read "...the *illusion* of power and control..." And that's all that counts, right? You can pretend you have power and control, and I can pretend that I dance well, and Blu can pretend that she can drink a gallon of salted drinks (oh wait, she can...), and Fred can pretend that his relatives *will* take him in, and...

  5. Yes, Precip, there are a number of short-term ailments that require time in a tanning booth. Tell them you had a skin rash that needed UV treatment, or your shrink said you had sunlight deprivation disorder, etc. Give them your excuses, not us! ^_^


    lol, Blu! How did you know I already have a list of salsa clubs! Seriously. What I'm working on now is getting some first hand information on which ones are good. (i.e., free food, live music (dancing boys), good mojitos).

  6. Ya know... as time goes on, I find that the episodes I hated the first time around, I kind of like them now, for who knows what reason.


    For example, the TOS episodes with the crappiest special effects, I used to hate... but now I kind of like them. Yeah, I laugh at the Gorn costume and the jiggling enterprise model, but I am finding I like the episodes themselves...


    Early TNG was bad, but now I don't mind 'em. Okay, Wesley is still a weenie, but I don't want to continually kill him. Same thing with Neelix on Voy.


    In the junkiest of the movies, there are still some neat character thingies.


    I still need to get ds9 on dvd to give it a fair chance. Got sick of the whining Bajorans and most of Sisko and the friggin prophets. But I have a feeling it won't be so bad now. Same thing with Ent - must watch.

  7. Indeed, alas, the official winner, and Huff's new best friend, the Hedgehog, has met an untimely death in sim. But you will feel good to know that the thing died happy, in accordance with the current plot. And the lab snake is also quite happy (and full). :)


    Still think I can't count? No no, I'm aware that the cuddly little weasel came in second, and although I secretly planned on killing it off next week, I was busted and guilted into letting it live, at least for a while... Maybe I'll get two just to be more irritating.


    Which buys us enough time to pick a name for third place, lol. Third place is tied with the chihuahua and turtle, and I've decided to go with the chihuahua since it's seems the most likely in-character choice. (Though I have a turtle IRL named Picard...).


    Got names?? (Now knowing that I reserve the right to slightly bend the score if you pick something repulsive! ;). Feel free to name the weasels too... If there's enough of a protest, I'll find a home for them in-sim so they don't have to become phaser burns in the corridor like I planned...

  8. A real pet, not a sycophant! That's right, it's been well over a year since Huff's pet tribble dropped dead of old age, and you can help pick the next one! Ooo..


    Requirements: For the TOS Hood, a pet must be under five pounds. (We made this rule before Archer brought that fat thing on Enterprise). Fire away!

  9. I loved Lower Decks and thought how interesting it would be if we could have continuing storylines on those characters. I especially liked their perceptions of the senior officers ("I bet Riker sleeps in his uniform").


    I still think an entire series that starts with a group of cadets in their first year at SFA and follows them through the four years and beyond to their starship postings (if the series lasts that long, which it should) could be really creative and fun. You know, Ensign Joe would be on the USS Whatever, Ensign Jane would be part of a Vulcan officer exchange program, Ensign Rita has to repeat her senior year, Ensigns Ralph and George would be captured by hostile aliens and taken far far away, and so on. Weekly episodes could focus on one cadet's ship, or multiple ships, interweaving in delightfully complex arcs... instead of every single episode starting with a space shot of the title ship flying around yet another class M planet with ten minutes airtime for each major character... Not that I don't like the previous series! I just think it would add a new degree of creativity and complexity to keep Trek alive in today's TV market.


    Personally, I love playing low-ranking officers in the forum. If I could, I'd play non-ranking officers - you know the cleaning staff or whatever. They're real people with unique perspectives.

  10. You know… If she would just quit… this could end.


    Huff sat in a plastic seat at the back of the bridge looking at the grey head poking out of the center command chair (Was she shrinking?) and pondered the situation.


    There was no questioning that Bethany enjoyed torturing her, but what Huff had begun to wonder was if this was the only thing Bethany enjoyed. It seemed to be her purpose. Her mission. Her reason to exist.


    So if Huff just… quit… What would happen? Would the old beast follow her in civilian life? Hm. Did her web of influence reach into non-Starfleet realms?


    Huff groaned silently. Of course it did! Bethany’s grudge was a personal issue, not a Starfleet one.


    So what to do, what to do. Grin and bear it? Wait it out? Ride it out like a rodeo game…? Bethany’s reigns of terror did come in spurts, after all. This too would pass, and soon the old bat would have to return to Headquarters while the Hood sped away to her next mission.


    But oh how long the intervals of torture were! No coffee, no donuts… What came next? No comfortable off-duty clothes? No water-showers? No off-duty conversation? Music? Leisure activities of any kind?


    Huff moved her gaze from Zareh back to Bethany. She couldn’t live forever. Could she?

  11. Okay, I love this crap, so I couldn't resist looking it up again. To answer Garn's earlier question of whether we read other people's signs to see if they also apply, my answer would be yes, I've read the other signs (of the Chinese calender anyway) and most do not apply. For me, Dragon is a great fit. Aquarious readings seem cheesier.




    The Dragon is one of the most powerful and lucky Signs of the Chinese Zodiac. Its warm heart makes the Dragon's brash, fiery energy far more palatable. This is a giving, intelligent and tenacious Sign that knows exactly what it wants and is determined to get it. Dragons possess a certain natural, charming charisma that ensures they can always influence their peers and often find themselves the center of attention in social situations. This Sign is truly blessed, too; Dragons are considered to be very lucky in love! The Dragon's friends are always keen to hear what this firebrand has to say and when it comes to dispensing advice, the Dragon has the floor.


    Its ego can get in the Dragon's way, but even so, this larger-than-life creature has a knack for initiating projects and keeping the troops motivated. According to Dragons, it's their natural born right to lead the way -- because who else could do it so surely and so well? As lucky as they are, Dragons have a good chance of achieving considerable material wealth during their lifetimes, although it isn't mere money that's this Sign's main motivation. Power is what the Dragon wants and truly believes it deserves. Dragons are quite the opportunists, forever searching for ways in which to consolidate their considerable power. Contrary to all this strength and fire, a weakened Dragon is a sad sack, a creature that refuses to take defeat with even a modicum of grace.


    The role of leader is the only one the Dragon wants, the better from which to give orders and be king of the hill. They make solid leaders, too, knowing instinctively what needs to be done to stay on top. Crossing the Dragon is never a good idea -- this beast can singe! A valuable life lesson for this clever creature would be to absorb the principles of flexibility, compassion and tolerance. Being high and mighty can serve to inspire others, but it also keeps Dragons from living their lives to the fullest. If Dragons can learn to balance their quest for success with an appreciation for the little things, their life will be more than worthwhile.


    The most compatible match for a Dragon is the Monkey or the Rat.


    Wood element:


    Like the rings of a tree circle out and expand through the years, so too do those born under the Chinese Astrology Element of Wood. You Wood personalities seek chances for growth and for renewal in all you do, 'branching out' (excuse the pun!) whenever possible. Your open, expansive mind makes you a compassionate and generous friend, colleague and ally. You understand the inherent value of what you and those around you possess, and your confidence allows you to act upon your beliefs.


    While your strength forms the backbone of any social group or partnership you're a part of, you could have a tendency to be a bit too systematic in your thinking, and sometimes your passivity allows others to overwhelm and inhibit you. Don't let yourself be lost in a vast forest, an anonymous tree among millions of others. Make your mark on the world -- you're especially adept at business ventures.


    Famous Wood Signs:

    Russell Crowe <---Ooo!

    Angelina Jolie

    Joaquin Phoenix



    Aquarius January 20 - February 18:


    Aquarius is the eleventh Sign of the Zodiac, and Aquarians are the perfect representatives for the Age of Aquarius. Those born under this Sign have the social conscience needed to carry us into the new millennium. These folks are humanitarian, philanthropic (R---ight....) and keenly interested in making the world a better place. Along those lines, they'd like to make the world work better, which is why they focus much of their energy on our social institutions and how they work (or don't work). Aquarians are visionaries, progressive souls who love to spend time thinking about how things can be better. They are also quick to engage others in this process, which is why they have so many friends and acquaintances. Making the world a better place is a collaborative effort for Aquarians.


    The Sign of Aquarius is symbolized by the Water Bearer. In much the same way that the Water Bearer brings that precious liquid as a gift, Aquarians shower the world with their thoughts and new ideas. Luckily for Aquarians (and the rest of us), they are at a near-genius level, so their minds churn out some amazing things. Their thought process is also inventive and original. While Aquarians are happy to bestow these ideas as a gift with no strings attached, they are much happier when the rest of the world agrees with them. Naysayers will quickly find out that Aquarians can be impatient, even temperamental, with those who disagree. Yes, these folks can be quite fixed in their opinions, in keeping with the Fixed Quality assigned to this Sign. Even though Aquarians are happy to give, and they do, it's often on their terms and within their comfort level. Generally, that means ample space, since these folks are freedom-loving and individualistic and need to roam (and yes, they do enjoy travel). While Aquarians are generally sympathetic and compassionate, they like it when things go their own quirky way. Some might call their behavior eccentric (and they would be right), but when you consider that the Aquarian's heart is truly in the right place, a few oddities should be overlooked. In their own way, Aquarians treasure their many friends and acquaintances and want to give back as much as they can.