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Captain Huff

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Posts posted by Captain Huff

  1. Oh yeah, there's much cheaper digs, and the tram is dirt easy. Just... make sure you look at a tram map first, lol. (I probably won't stay at the Hilton either - I'll know more after I make some phone calls this week).


    Oh, and let's make sure we add the official STSF Thong option to the list of booth attire items we can purchase! Oh, and doggy t's. Candy wears a size small. She looks good in anything. :D

  2. Costumes... lol. I am SO looking forward to the ultimate freak show! ::just picked up a 2G card for camera::


    Yeah, costumes at the table wouldn't make us stand out much. And I don't think there's too much wrong with promoting a degree of normality about us... I mean... You *can* be a Star Trek nerd AND have a normal life. Okay, even if that's a lie, it's a legitimate fantasy that I think would be a good selling point, lol. Logo shirts sound cool. Or even cheaper, we could all agree on like black t-shirts and we could have really cool sticker-tags with the logo, or something like that.

  3. lol, this was a tough one this time! So I am just going to pick the first one that made me laugh outloud, which was the Jean Luc Picard Rummage Sale (lol!). Where did the Tellerite one go? That was hilarious. And the piggies not making it all the way home... lol.



    (small aside trivia if you like pots and junk - I made those pigs at a professional potting workshop this summer, and I got teased all week long about the workshop being a pig-roast... lol. And what you can't see in the picture, is that they're actually *instruments*... You, uh, blow into the pig's tail like a trumpet, and you can play the body like an udu drum. I think I may have created a reputation in the potting community that I may not be able to live down now...)

  4. Rogaine had been a lovely world - Densely forested with abundant vegetation (much in contrast to Baldos). The lush green continents provided food and shelter to many species of life, including a beautiful humanoid race very similar to Earth’s Humans (albeit a bit hairier).


    As time went on life on Rogaine evolved and soon the humanoids became the dominant race. Their intelligence continued to increase, and a society rich in history, science, and art flourished. They governed with good common sense, maintaining a balance between growth and fundamental relationships with the organic world.


    And so when the Rogainians began to evolve beyond the limits of corporeal existence, this too was met with straightforward understanding. A relationship was built between the evolved energy-beings and the remaining physical humanoids. In time it became the dream of all physical Rogainians to transform to the energy form. However, as in so many complex symbioses, it was soon seen that a balance between both life forms was needed for both to thrive.


    The energy Rogainians were neither omnipotent nor immortal. In theory their life energy could continue to exist forever, but unfortunately it was subject to disruption by various forces – all those electrical and magnetic phenomena we’re made to study in school and the Academy… Many had the ability to kill the Rogainians. Also, the energy Rogainians could not reproduce in this form. As things were, this did not pose a problem, because there was always an influx of new life as individuals from the physical race reached and crossed the threshold.


    In this way, life on Rogaine went on for many eons. The energy race continued to evolve. Their powers grew, and they began to explore traveling through space (which did cause a greater number of deaths, but the seduction was too strong). Meanwhile, the corporeal Rogainians treasured each child that crossed the energy threshold to join the spirit world. It was a perfect balance.


    But alas, this balance was the product of time: Rogaine was an old world. Like so many planets before her, Rogaine’s lifetime eventually came to an end. All that remained of her countless species of life was one small race of energy beings drifting through space, lost in their despair.


    They traveled the slow moving eddies of space, spreading out and trying to find ways to exist without their lovely Rogaine. Most perished, but a few small colonies continued to struggle on.


    And then one day a most unusual thing happened… Something the Rogainians did not expect…


    A spaceship flew by.

  5. 0612.19: Huff extracts DNA samples from the landing party and then eats stew. Huff and Nak send the landing party off with basic survival gear. Nak disables the shuttle propulsion permanently while Huff stows the frozen DNA somewhere. Meanwhile, Root and Zareh report to the Hood and recall the crew for their next mission to Linkaya Minor for a standard survey.


    0612.12: Nak and Huff succumb to stew-coma. The landing party tests the forcefield and finds a weakness. They discuss their options: Shuttle is crap. Meanwhile, Bethany appoints a new XO to the Hood for her next mission after Risa.


    0612.05: The Hood reaches Risa for a two-week R&R. Taurek explains Vulcanisms to Turel. Nak and Huff eat stew and make more plans.


    0611.28: Nak admits his and Huff’s plan to Taurek, then goes back to eating stew. Random meets with Kresh and Seiben about this odd turn of events as the Hood waits for new orders.


    0611.21: Hood reaches Earth and Bethany sends new orders… Taurek examines Huff and detects unusual brain function, and is also disturbed by her meddling into fertility as a cure for the plague. Huff and Nak destroy the shuttle comm. System. Precip and Turel (I think) investigate. They fire on Huff and Nak, but the stun does nothing. Huff shoots lightning bolt at them and knocks them out. She then does likewise to Taurek as he attempts to tackle Nak.


    0611.14: Bald Bethany orders the Zareh to leave the landing party behind and return the Hood to Earth. Sarvek beams down med supplies for Taurek. Random shoots Zareh. Sarvek beams down more survival equipment;. Hard shoots Random. Taurek gets frustrated at the lack of evidence of a plague. Huff thinks of donuts, but her rash gets a little redder. Nak surveys natural food sources. The hood leaves orbit and flies toward home.


    0611.07: Taurek beams down in a biosuit to try to isolate the plague virus. Symptoms so far seem to be a rash and mild hysteria, but only in the male victims. Females seem to only be carriers.


    0610.31: The crew debates the dampening field and lack of contact from Huff and Ksanders, and decides to wait an appropriate amount of time, two hours, while a landing security party of Precip, lockhart and Turel beam down


    0610.24: Nak and Huff head down to Baldos in a shuttle. Korps is pronounced brain dead with no hope of recovery and his living will says pull the plug. Upon arrival on Baldos, Huff and Nak set up some equipment and disappear from Hood sensors.


    0610.17: The Hood is in orbit around Baldos. Ensign Korps drops a dumbbell on his head and is brain dead.


    0610.10: We are enroute to Baldos. Previous planetary zoological survey shows a somewhat barren planet, with bald wildlife. Huff passes out from too many donuts and coffee. Upon waking she gives Baldos files to Nak for him to review. Meanwhile, the crew pursues hobbies:


    Turel: fish, model trains

    Seiben: interpretive dance

    Random accordion

    Sarvek tuba

    Root hang glider

    Flores painting

    Oclaire greenhouse gardening

    Precip cooking for babes


    0610.03: The Rogainians of Baldos: At last, we are only two days from Earth and shoreleave! Bethany wakes up and is given her repaired leg and a nice new blue-grey wig. She contacts Hood and sends them to the far quadrant Baldos system to do full scientific survey. …

  6. I don't have the answer to your question, since I've never been, but I want to guarentee you that not everyone is going gold! I for one will be doing Convention-Cheap, lol. Meaning, I'm probably only going to go to the vendor tables, and maybe try to worm my way to standing in the back of some of the other events, if they're cheap enough. Espressos, Paris champagne buffets and Thunder Down Under adds up, afterall.. One must have priorities. Though if you're looking to go for the Gold package, you're guarenteed to have Blurox next to you for company... all weekend long! (Right now she's probably calculating which relative or body organ she needs to sell to get the extra money).