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Cdr Miranda Hawthorne

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Posts posted by Cdr Miranda Hawthorne

  1. MISSION BRIEF: Excalibur continues to orbit Marxis IV, where they are assisting in the offload of a number of goods. Medical has been tasked with checking in with the locals to determine if they have any outstanding needs; Science is completing a study of the planet and its unusual lack of normal water; engineering and operations are assisting in the off load of materials. It has been an otherwise, unremarkable few days. Questions?


    Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM

    Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM

    Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM


    Hakran K'hal: Rhan> :: bridge, comfortably slung across his chair, monitoring the goings on ::

    Hunter Matheson: ::helm, leading Tork through a few things, explaining stuff:::

    Irene Mincine: :: Irene is at the bridge science station collecting data, coordinating with the ground team... ::

    Cptn Swain: @::Taking advantage of it being a non-dangerous mission, Asher had transported to the surface and was checking out the beach nearest the settlement. Of course it was only about 7 Celsius and you had to have on a breather, but you know it was still better than being cooped up on the bridge::

    Hakran K'hal: @ :: has joined the ground team today ::

    Maryse Dubois: @ :;Checking in at the local medical complex.::

    Tandaris Admiran: @::on the surface, supervising the engineering officers facilitating the transportation::

    William Chocox: ::is monitoring the Engineering system on Excal::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::Cooped up on the bridge and wondering why she was getting all the crap jobs when she wasn't the one that screwed up.::

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::arrives on the bridge:: Irene! I wondered if you wanted to switch roles today. I am feeling a little under the weather and it’s so cold and ... I mean lovely so lovely on the surface. And how many times are you going to get to see something like this in person? Why don't you go a join the surface team, I can handle this.

    Hakran K'hal: @ :: at a wet(ter)lands location a few miles away from the main location, watching the biologists chitter about how the flora has adapted to the heavy water ::

    Cptn Swain: @ ::Nominally he was taking samples of ocean water with drones, but he'd also brought down a chase lounge and was reading a book while the drones did their work.::

    Indaura Ryssan: @ :: Walking and assisting Dubois ::

    Irene Mincine: :: Irene was surprised at the sudden entry of Issaha to the bridge. She jumped to her feet. :: "Oh! Hey. Well, had enough of the surface, I guess? :: She looked expectantly to the commander. ::

    Hakran K'hal: Rhan> :: tail lazily loops around ::

    Hunter Matheson: ::one eye on Tork, one eye on their status in the system:::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::Miranda turned to look between Irene and Issaha.:: I don't have any objection if you'd like to go down and have a look, Ensign Mincine. Just don't let the Rihan con you into anything you don't want to do.

    Indaura Ryssan: @ :: To Dr. Dubois :: This is a unique environment, for sure.

    Hakran K'hal: @ :: shakes head, starts trudging back to the main site before he gets a headache from biospeak ::

    Maryse Dubois: @ ::Nods.:: It sure is. Hopefully we can stay out of the rain for a while.

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::blushes, putting on his best innocent face::

    Indaura Ryssan: @ :: Looks up :: We have rain on Denobula, but nothing like this, even in the heaviest of seasons.

    Irene Mincine: :: She looked back to Issaha at Miranda's statement. :: "I'll try not to. I'd love to get off this bridge for a while. Just don't forget I'm not the only one down there, Issaha. I'll go get ready and transport down to Lt. K'hal's group."

    Tandaris Admiran: @::+Excalibur+ Admiran to Ops. Transport batch 12-alpha complete. Everything seems to be going smoothly so far.

    Hakran K'hal: Rhan> +Tandaris+ Acknowledged.

    William Chocox: Beware Romulans bearing gifts.

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> Is that a racism?

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::slides behind the science console::

    Hunter Matheson: ::stretches, rocking back in his chair, then stands for a while:::

    Indaura Ryssan: @ :: Looking over a copy of their medical protocols ::

    William Chocox: Possibly. And if so I apologize.

    Irene Mincine: :: Irene quietly slips off to the turbolift, getting ready to go down to the planet... ::

    Hakran K'hal: @ :: returns to the main site and the science "headquarters" ::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: It isn't racist if it is accurate.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::She glanced down at her data padd and sighed, tossing it onto the console next to her. Her fingers drummed loudly on her armrest.::

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::Opens his mouth to protest, but sighs. She wasn't wrong.::

    Hakran K'hal: Rhan> +Receiving Area+ Batch 13-beta transport commencing.

    Hakran K'hal: Rhan> :: more lazy tail-swooping ::

    Indaura Ryssan: @ :: to Dubois :: They have made some interesting advances, even compared to the sum of Federation medicine.

    Irene Mincine: :: Irene transports down to the science headquarters wearing the breather and environmental protection, picking up an @ along the way. ::

    Maryse Dubois: @ ::Has a seat in the waiting area. Nods to Indaura.:: It seems so.

    Hakran K'hal: Rhan> It should probably be re-worded as "beware anyone bearing unexpected gifts."

    Cptn Swain: ACTION> The main settlement is a collection of transparent aluminum buildings and domes. It's rather sci-fi, and mostly surrounded by rocks and sand. An ever-present fog hangs just around the compound.

    Hunter Matheson: ::standing behind his console, taking a good look at the planet, wondering how anyone could live there without potable water:::

    Tandaris Admiran: @::leaves the engineering team to its work and walks further into the settlement::

    Hunter Matheson: ::or maybe it is potable, just that they have to make it potable::

    Hakran K'hal: @ :: notes Irene beam in :: The Commander un-grounded you, then? Well welcome to the Dampening. :: looks a bit like a furry Bane with the Caitian-designed breather unit ::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: I don't know... I like surprise gifts, especially gadgets.

    Hunter Matheson: :::tilting his head while he thinks:::

    Hakran K'hal: Rhan> :: makes a mental note ::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Not gizmos, though. I've got those aplenty.

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> I did meet a fellow Rihan on the surface. Apparently a member of our science directorate was sent here to also study the planet.

    Hunter Matheson: ::catches the gizmo thing, turns:::

    William Chocox: Oh really?

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::frowns:: He wasn't very friendly.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Zeg Jovad> ::Arrives on the bridge with his security escort, looking a bit out of sorts.::

    Irene Mincine: @ :: Irene examines the surroundings of the science camp after beaming in. She was wearing a standard Starfleet breather, which worked equally well for humans and half-Klingons. :: "Thanks. I'm excited to get going with some science down here. What's up?"

    Hunter Matheson: ::blink:: So.. what's the difference between a gizmo and a gadget, Commander?

    Hunter Matheson: ::seeing the Jovad guy return, he gets back to work:::

    Hunter Matheson: (lag here)

    William Chocox: A gadget is useful, a gizmo is a gimmick.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: How it is used, obviously. ::Slight smirk at Hunter. She threw a glance at the director as he approached and stood to meet him.:: Director, something I can do for you?

    Hakran K'hal: @ The bio team is enjoying looking at the stunted spindles that count as swamp grass here. About as complicated as the biology gets, naturally.

    Hunter Matheson: ::Cho, on a sigh:: Copy that, sir.

    Cptn Swain: ::Putting down his book, he took a look at the status of the drones, and made an adjustment on their ocean water gathering::

    Cptn Swain: @*

    Indaura Ryssan: @ :: Waits as well :: Interesting that they wish to examine us...but it will be good to observe their procedures.

    Irene Mincine: @ :: Irene sighed. :: "Not much to look at for me, I guess. Still, I bet the organic chemistry is interesting... and I hated being stuck on the bridge for 3 days." :: She pulled out her tricorder and made a quick scan of the area. ::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Zeg Jovad> ::Clasping his hands.:: Yes, well, I was wondering what was taking so long? I thought we would only be here a day or two at the most, but I understand that your crew are still down on the surface?

    Hunter Matheson: ::Tork looks up from his work but Kal gives him a "don't go there" look::

    Hakran K'hal: @ Feel free to go join them, or the Captain is doing ocean water collection, should be some interesting microbiology in there.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::Slight tilt of her head.:: Yes, they are. They are still studying the planet while the last of the goods are transported down. Is there a problem?

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Zeg Jovad> Ah... well... er... not a problem, exactly, but it is a rather toxic place. The heavy water... you know...

    William Chocox: We're taking precautions.

    Irene Mincine: @ "That was usually a euphemism for sunbathing for me... but not on this planet. Not sure if the captain wants company or not. Maybe I'll stick with the bio team..." :: Irene pondered for a moment, then noticed she was shivering. :: "Is it always this cold?"

    Hakran K'hal: @ At this time of year, apparently.

    Hakran K'hal: @ :: hasn't noticed, fur has its advantages ::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::She nodded.::: Yes, we are taking all the proper precautions. Our medical team is monitoring our crew, as well.

    Hakran K'hal: Rhan> After all, your people have been clever enough to colonize here, I'm sure we can bumble around for a few days.

    Hunter Matheson: ::listening to the convo, uneasy about the director's anxiety:::

    Irene Mincine: @ :: Irene nods... :: "I think I'd like the heavy water ocean better than looking at sea grass. I'll let you know if I run into any problems." :: She looks at her padd for a second, then wanders off in the direction of the coast. ::

    Hakran K'hal: @ :: nods ::

    Hakran K'hal: @ :: follows Irene out but takes a turn to the right and heads into the medical tent ::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Zeg Jovad> Oh.... I suppose... that's fine then. ::Doesn't look convinced. He threw a worried glance at the main viewer.:: I would just caution your crew to stay away from the larger bodies of water.

    William Chocox: You have your own version of the Loch Ness Monster?

    Hakran K'hal: Rhan> :: tilts head at Will ::

    Hunter Matheson: ::slow turn, listening:::

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::keeping an eye on the teams, but since virtually all eukaryotes found it impossible to live in a heavy water only environment, there was much in the way of lifeforms.::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Zeg Jovad> ::Sharp glance at Chocox.:: Monsters? Ahh.... of course not. There are just more contaminants. ::Slight nervous laugh.::

    Hunter Matheson: ::hm..:::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Contaminants... right. Well, thank you for the warning, Director. We will pass that along.

    Hakran K'hal: @ :: glances around for one of the doctors ::

    William Chocox: ::looks over at Rhan:: Is that a human only reference?

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Zeg Jovad> Good, good. And... when will the transfer be complete?

    Hakran K'hal: Rhan> I know precisely what you're talking about because I grew up on Earth. Just not sure how well it was going to translate from Standard to Kaedwani.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Apparently, the term 'monster' translates quite well. ::Noting the man's reaction.::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Zeg Jovad> ::Winces again.:: The transfer?

    Irene Mincine: @ :: Irene arrived at the big ocean. Even if it wasn't a very hospitable planet, it was always nice to see an endless body of water in real life! She dipped a gloved hand in the heavy water, collecting some into a small sample container and clasping the lid shut. :: "Aaaah... water... real water..."

    Hakran K'hal: Rhan> We have five major shipments remaining, Director. Give about 35 minutes per transfer.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Thank you, Mister K'hal. Director, would you like to visit the lounge while you wait? Or will you be returning to your room?

    Hunter Matheson: ::Rhan:: It's probably megalodon. No big deal.

    Cptn Swain: @ ::Looking at the scans coming back from the drones he lifted a brow:: That's interesting. A much higher concentration of Archaea than I would have expected.

    Indaura Ryssan: @ :: One of their people comes to take readings from Indaura ::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Zeg Jovad> My room is quite comfortable, thank you. Please inform me when we're leaving. ::Turns abruptly and heads for the lift with his security team.::

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::looking at the Starfleet crew with an almost Vulcan brow lift:: A ... what?

    Hunter Matheson: ::Cho:: Guy sounds like the planet's gonna explode any minute. ::headshake::

    William Chocox: Megalodon was a massive shark in Earth's prehistoric past.

    Hakran K'hal: Rhan> Well, he's still got a bee buzzing around in his bonnet.

    William Chocox: I'm now interested in what's hidden in the water.

    Hunter Matheson: Yeah. Pretty cool dude, too. Snapped the largest thing you can think of in two with one chomp.

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::in Romulan:: They are very strange.

    Hakran K'hal: Rhan> :: also in Romulan, though heavily accented :: You have no idea.

    Hunter Matheson: ::in Romulan:: Yeah, they are.

    Indaura Ryssan: @ Oh, that tingles.

    Irene Mincine: @ :: Irene was oblivious to the captain, lost in her own world at the moment. :: "I wish we could swim in it... definitely a bad idea though..."

    Hunter Matheson: ::turns back to helm:: Awesome set of teeth.

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> :tips his head at Hunter and wonders if he knows what he said in Romulan or not, but decides to simply turn the other cheek:: Anyway it's unlike there would be any large lifeforms in the ocean.

    Hunter Matheson: ::turns back::: What makes you say that?

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> Heavy water disrupts eukaryote life.

    Hakran K'hal: @ Rhan> Commander, concerning the Director's... warning. The Captain is located at a "large body of water." Do you want me to contact him?

    Hunter Matheson: Yeah, but this isn't a normal planet. Things adapt. Can't be sure that there's nothing down there.

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::Lifts his brow:: Possible, yes; but highly unlikely. I

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::She took her seat again and drummed her fingers on her armrest again. She glanced at Rhan, pondering his news, and the silence stretched longer than it should. Finally, she nodded.:: Yes, inform him just in case. And speed up the transports, if you please. Direct other resources, if needed. I'd rather not discover what's making the Director so nervous.

    William Chocox: I'd hate to see what an archaebacteria that size.

    Hakran K'hal: @ :: since medical is apparently busy analyzing data, decides to come back later and heads back out to find Irene ::

    Hakran K'hal: Rhan> Aye, Commander.

    William Chocox: Of course we'd find some way to turn a milk run transport mission into a conspiracy of some kind.

    Hakran K'hal: Rhan> +Swain+ Excalibur to Captain Swain.

    Hunter Matheson: :::slight smirk as he turns back to Tork's work::

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> I suppose bacteria could evolve into a colony of some sort, but it's not like that is going to turn into a.. what was the word you people used... shark?

    William Chocox: Probably not.

    Cptn Swain: @+Hak+ Go ahead.

    Hakran K'hal: Rhan> +Swain+ Director Jovad just gave us a very nervous, vague and altogether suspicious warning that people should stay away from, and I quote: "large bodies of water." Something about "extra contaminants" but if he was giving us the whole truth, then I'm a megalodon.

    Indaura Ryssan: @ :: Sits there silently :: Hm, this is a different kind of examination. I feel warm.

    Hunter Matheson: ::turns back:: Megalodon, sir. Big shark that could eat half this Akira.

    Irene Mincine: @ :: Irene collects a few more sample containers full of the ocean water and packs them away into a slung container. :: "That should be enough for some microbiological scans."

    William Chocox: It was not that big Matheson.

    Hunter Matheson: ::smirk:::

    Hakran K'hal: @ :: arrives at the beach and joins Irene :: Quick work.

    Hunter Matheson: Sorry, sir. I'll try to not exaggerate.

    William Chocox: Could eat a shuttle though.

    Irene Mincine: @ "Thanks. That sure is a lot of heavy water. How do you think it all got here?"

    Cptn Swain: @ ::Frowns:: +Hak+ I am assuming he's concerned about the high number of archaea in the water, which you absolutely don't want to drink. Unless you want to spend the next week or so puking your guts out... or worse. But noted. We should have everyone go through decon when we're back. I am guessing he doesn't want anything to happen to any of our people. It would look bad on him -- and they do want a better relationship with our people.

    Hakran K'hal: Rhan> +Swain+ So noted, sir.

    Hunter Matheson: Yeah. Shuttle works.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Could it eat the Captain's Yacht?

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::Asking for a friend.::

    William Chocox: Maybe if it was hungry.

    Cptn Swain: @ ::Makes a note on the drone flight path, and heads back to gather his chair and book. The drones could report in without him babysitting next to the ocean, he supposed.::

    Hunter Matheson: Well, ma'am, the jaw section spreads about 14 meters in the one they found.

    Hunter Matheson: Maybe not the whole yacht, but it would probably take a good bite out of it.

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> Was this io of the creatures humans drove to extinction with their unbridled greed and capitalistic urges?

    Hakran K'hal: @ That's a good question. Our scans of the rest of the system don't indicate an excess of deuterium, or free neutrons.

    Hunter Matheson: ::snorts at the Romulan's political statement:::

    William Chocox: It was extinct long before humanity as you know us came o be.

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::Lifts a brow at the snort::

    Indaura Ryssan: @ :: Looks at her examiner :: Let me know how I'm doing.

    Hunter Matheson: Anyway, they figure 50 to 70 tons of hungry fish.

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> I see.

    Irene Mincine: @ "For all we know someone terraformed it this way." :: Shrug. :: "Either way, this much deuterium in one place could be pretty valuable as a strategic resource."

    Hakran K'hal: @ Which explains why there's a Romulan here not named N'Dak.

    Hunter Matheson: ::Cho:: It was extinct on earth. Not necessarily everywhere in the universe.

    Hunter Matheson: Nature makes a way.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: (( Lost opportunity. ))

    Hunter Matheson: ;::turns back to Tork:: Yeah. That works.

    Hunter Matheson: Wrap it up and we'll test it in the holodeck first chance we get.

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::Looking at the science console again, he continued to monitor the teams on the surface::

    Hakran K'hal: @ But anyway, let's get back to the HQ and start testing this. Not much more we can do.

    Irene Mincine: @ "Yeah. I'm going to grab some soil samples around here. I'll catch up with you, if that's all right."

    Hakran K'hal: @ Just don't get eaten my a horde of hungry microbacteria. You know I hate extra paperwork.

    Hunter Matheson: ::all kidding aside, he's really curious about that director guy and worried about the team on planet:::

    Irene Mincine: @ "I'll try, sir."

    Hakran K'hal: Rhan> :: gets the transports sped up as much as Federationly possible ::

    Hunter Matheson: ::turning toward the Cdr:: They take high power weapons down there, ma'am?


    Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM

    Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM

    Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM


  2. SD 1104.2018

    Excalibur continues to orbit Marxis IV, where they are assisting in the offload of a number of goods. Medical has been tasked with checking in with the locals to determine if they have any outstanding needs; Science is completing a study of the planet and it's unusual lack of normal water; engineering and operations are assisting in the off load of materials. It has been an otherwise, unremarkable few days.

  3. MISSION BRIEF: The Excalibur has entered orbit of Marxis IV, a somewhat unusual planet in the Kaedwan Confederation where they are delivering supplies to the small colony.


    Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM

    Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM

    Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM


    Hunter Matheson: ::helm, stationkeeping:::

    Irene Mincine: :: Irene, for a few minutes, is back at the holoprogramming station, making sure all her programs are passworded... ::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::Miranda waited just inside the cargo bay while their Kaedwan representative finished inspecting the supplies they'd brought for Marxis IV. Zeg Jovad strolled through the aisles, pausing to indicate this or that crate, which the officers would open for him. When he was satisfied, he returned to Miranda.::

    Cptn Swain: ::Standing near viewer looking at the planet:: A whole planet of heavy water.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Zeg Jovad> Everything seems to be in order, Commander.

    Rhan K'hal: The Universe keeps making things interesting.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::She smiled.:: Very good. Let me escort you to the bridge. ::She gestured to the door and led the way to the lift.::

    Hakran K'hal: :: at his desk, having let paperwork wash away the Irene After Dark incident and otherwise generally satisfied with his staff's performance since they've been back together on the right starship ::

    Cptn Swain: We should do so some scans of the planet while we have time. I'd love to study how this happened. If it’s a natural phenomenon or not.

    William Chocox: ::is working down in Engineering on some project::

    Rhan K'hal: Should we perhaps ask the Kaedwan representative for permission first? I'd hate to be accused of being a peeping tomCait.

    Hunter Matheson: ::working on his flight report, checking helm function, systems, you name it:::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::Miranda arrived on the bridge a few moments later with the Kaedwan in tow.::

    Cptn Swain: ::Nods:: Yes of course,

    Irene Mincine: :: Irene, satisfied, calls Hakran with her com badge. :: "Ensign Mincine to Lt. K'hal, I've... uh, I've finished my work in the holodeck. Do you have anything else you'd like me to work on while I'm up here?"

    Indaura Ryssan: Heavy water... what a planet :: Looking over their planet's image on the large display in medical ::

    Rhan K'hal: :: from his standing position near Hunter, turns and nods respectfully toward the incoming ::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Zeg Jovad> ::Looked about the bridge with interest, tall and proud, face lean and gaunt. The protrusions on his head and deep-set eyes gave him a somewhat demonic cast.:: Ah, I see we have reached the planet.

    Hunter Matheson: ::hearing the lift and noting Rhan, he mimics the action, figuring he should::

    Cptn Swain: ::Turns back from the viewer to their guest:: Ah, director. Yes we're in orbit and can begin transporting supplies down and assisting your people with unloading them at any time.

    Cptn Swain: I also wondered if you would mind if my science officers did some scans and took samples of the planet's water. It is a most unusual planet and I doubt we'll have an opportunity to see another such anytime soon.

    Hakran K'hal: +Irene+ If I know the Captain at all by now he's probably going to try to wrangle some data gathering to find out how a planet gets all heavy water. Book one the holodecks and get it set up for simulation mode, then take a bridge shift.

    Irene Mincine: +Hakran+ "Yes, sir." :: Irene sets up the holodeck she's in for a planetary science simulation, blocking it out on the department schedule. Once she's done, she heads off for a turbo lift. ::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Zeg Jovad>::He turned from the viewer and nodded at Swain.:: Of course, Captain. You are more than welcome to visit the planet and study it while you are here. It is unique, even among our own system. Please make sure to take the proper precautions, however. I would not wish any of your officers to become ill.

    William Chocox: ::leans back from a flare and turns to Random Ensign #137:: Am I missing an eyebrow?

    Cptn Swain: ::Nods:: Thank you Director.

    Rhan K'hal: :: texts Hak the good news ::

    Hakran K'hal: :: smiles ::

    Hakran K'hal: :: calls out into the main science hub :: Issaha, you out there?

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Zeg Jovad>You may also begin transporting the supplies whenever you like. The planetary crew is expecting you. We appreciate what the Federation has offered. Some of the items you brought with you are difficult to obtain in this sector.

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> Ie

    Maryse Dubois: ::Sends out a reminder to anyone going to the surface to wear protective rain gear.::

    Maryse Dubois: :;Steps out into sickbay.::

    Rhan K'hal: :: taps his padd and gets the process started :: Moving our people into place, transports should begin within 5-10 minutes.

    Hakran K'hal: Feel like going for a walk?

    William Chocox: RE#137> Your eyebrows look fine sir.

    William Chocox: Thank you Ensign.

    Cptn Swain: Issaha>::Perks up::

    Irene Mincine: :: Irene pops out of the bridge turbolift, taking a seat at one of the auxiliary science stations. Hakran gets a message saying she's logged in up there. ::

    Hakran K'hal: :: walks out of his office so he doesn't have to keep hollering ::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::Regarding the director, she quirked a brow.:: Will you be traveling down to the planet, Director?

    Hakran K'hal: Captain wants samples of the heavy water and some of the other general geology and biology. Gather a team and head down. Usual heavy water precautions, so take bottled from the ship. Plus it's also /raining/ heavy water so for anyone that doesn't like getting wet or has absorbent skin, get out the rain slickers.

    Hunter Matheson: (shuttle or transporter?)

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> And we'd need breathers.

    Indaura Ryssan: Hello Doctor

    Maryse Dubois: ::Smiles.:: Hello

    Hakran K'hal: :: hears the notification beep from his office :: I'll have Irene work with you from the bridge. She's still grounded. Or shipped, in this case. :: nods ::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Zeg Jovad> ::He stiffened.:: Me? Absolutely not. ::Perhaps a bit more sharply than he intended.:: I have... ah... seen it many times. Now, if you'll excuse me, I will return to my suite and send our progress back to Ard Jael.

    Hakran K'hal: These guys have good relations with Romulans, so you won't have to hide under a rock.

    Indaura Ryssan: Are you heading down to the planet?

    Hakran K'hal: :: turns to head back in his office :: And please don't drown, I have enough paperwork to deal with.

    Hakran K'hal: :: sits back in his chair, sees Irene has logged in ::

    Hunter Matheson: ::hearing the director sends up a red flag:::

    Hakran K'hal: +Irene+ K'hal to Ensign Ryssan.

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::heads off for the transporter::

    Irene Mincine: +Hakran+ "I'm Ensign Mincine, sir."

    William Chocox: ::goes back to his project::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::With a curious look, she gave him a slow nod.:: As you wish. Your escorts will take you to your room. ::She gestured to the team waiting by the lift. The Director nodded and joined them. Once the lift closed, Miranda strode to her chair and took a seat.::

    Cptn Swain: ::Goes to the replicator and gets a tea::

    Hunter Matheson: ::continuing his work:::

    Hakran K'hal: +Irene+ Of course you are. Anyway, we get to do some science! Issaha is leading a team planetside for samples and scans, I want you to get some planetary scans started, as well as a system overview of the basic element distributions.

    Hakran K'hal: +Irene+ Send it all down to the lab, I'll have it chew on it while I'm down in the holodeck doing MY kind of sexy work. :: okay, is a K'hal after all and will be poking with that needle for a little while ::

    Rhan K'hal: :: busy poking at his padd, unaware of this precious moment ::

    Hunter Matheson: ::files his flight report, then pulls out a padd for Tork's next session on Helm 201:::

    Maryse Dubois: I haven't decided if there is a need for medical to go down. So unless we are requested, I may just stay up here.

    Irene Mincine: :: Irene blushes and gets real close to the console so nobody can see. :: +Hakran+ "Yes, sir, uh... setting up for planetary scans. I'll coordinate with Issaha once he's down on the planet. You reminded him not to drink the heavy water, right?"

    Hakran K'hal: +Irene+ I specified toting of bottled down to the surface. I'll be sure to let him know you care when I talk to him next."

    Cptn Swain: Have medical go down and make sure they don't need any assistance.

    Maryse Dubois: ((haha))

    Cptn Swain: It's a small colony, I doubt they have more than a few medical people.

    William Chocox: +Bridge+ Hey bridge, who all is headed down planetside?

    Rhan K'hal: +Will+ Oodles of operations and cargo handlers, some scientists, medical has just been roped into it.

    Irene Mincine: +Hakran+ :: Sigh. :: "Thank you, sir. Is that all? I'll get started on the scans right away."

    William Chocox: +Rhan+ Fun.

    Hakran K'hal: +Irene+ It is until it isn't.

    Hakran K'hal: :: heads off to the lift to get to some holo-simulation fun ::

    Rhan K'hal: +Sickbay+ K'hal to sickbay. Captain requests medical personnel on-planet for "Just In Case" reasons.

    Indaura Ryssan: :: Continues to research ::?

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::She looked sideways at Swain.:: You find anything odd in the Director's manner? He didn't seem to like this planet much.

    Maryse Dubois: And here it is. +Rhan+ Thanks. We'll head out soon.

    Maryse Dubois: Well. Grab a rain poncho and a medkit.

    Irene Mincine: +Hakran+ "Understood. Glad to be up here and dry." :: She starts getting geological data fed from the scanner into the computer where Hakran can access it from the holodeck. ::

    Rhan K'hal: :: tongue in cheek :: Rainy planet full of toxic-in-sufficient-quantity water without major city amenities, entertainment, or fashion? I can't imagine why he wouldn't like it.

    Maryse Dubois: ::Gets a kit, packing it with a few extra items to help combat poisoning, then heads out.::

    Cptn Swain: ::Tips his head thoughtfully, drinking tea:: Keep an eye on him.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::She nodded.:: I already have a team doing just that.

    Rhan K'hal: Transports are now in progress.

    Maryse Dubois: ::After grabbing a few extra items, she arrives in the TR. She begins putting on her poncho and a pair of goggles.::

    Indaura Ryssan: (chat not working for me)

    Cptn Swain: (( 3 minute warning ))

    Indaura Ryssan: (Was Indi on the AT?)

    Hakran K'hal: TR Chief who happens to have a thick south London accent> Reminds me of 'ome. :: flicks an imaginary tear away, watching the crew gearing up ::

    Maryse Dubois: ((Yeah))

    Indaura Ryssan: :: With the doctor ::

    Maryse Dubois: ::Looking to the Chief, smirking.:: Though I doubt the London rain tried to kill you.

    Rhan K'hal: TR Chief> Always a first time.

    Irene Mincine: +Issaha+ "Irene to Issaha. I'm your liaison to the ship, which I'm sure Lt. K'hal told you already. Just let me know if you need any scans or information. Otherwise I'll be collecting data on the planet from here for geographic simulations."

    Cptn Swain: ...and...

    Hunter Matheson: ::wait for it... wait for it... wait for it....::::


    Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM

    Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM

    Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM



  4. MISSION BRIEF: The Excalibur is approach the border of the Kaedwan Confederation, where they are en route to deliver supplies. A Tamaran cruiser has been showing them on approach, and they expect to likely be greeted by the Kaedwan border patrol.


    Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM

    Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM

    Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM


    Hunter Matheson: ::at helm:::

    Cptn Swain: Status report?

    Rhan K'hal: :: in the primary cargo bay, doing a spot inspection ::

    Hunter Matheson: Steady as she goes, Captain.

    Maryse Dubois: ::In sickbay.::

    Irene Mincine: :: Still down in the holodeck, just having finished up the Kaedwan program. ::

    Cptn Swain: I assume the Tamaran's are still keeping a watchful eye? How long until we enter Kaedwan space.

    Hakran K'hal: :: steps into Irene's holodeck ::

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::turns seeing Hakran::

    Hunter Matheson: ETA is 7 minutes 48 seconds, sir.

    Irene Mincine: :: Spots Hakran coming in... she stands up from the stool. :: "Just in time, sir. The program's ready for everyone."

    Hakran K'hal: Excellent, we'll be entering Confederation space very soon.

    Cptn Swain: Good.

    Tandaris Admiran: ::working in engineering::

    Cptn Swain: I was doing a little more reading about the planet we're headed to, Miranda.

    Indaura Ryssan: Dr. Dubois. Do you think we need to request a more detailed medical workup of the Kaedwans?

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::Glances up from her data padd, one eyebrow lifted.:: And?

    William Chocox: ::walks into Engineering:: Hello Commander.

    Tandaris Admiran: Ah, Chocox.

    William Chocox: Yes?

    Cptn Swain: It's interesting. It's M-class, but barely. Cool, foggy, sandy -- right? Well that's because there's virtually nothing we'd recognize as vegetation.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ACTION> Long range sensors show two blips ahead -- vessels waiting on them at the Kaedwan border.

    Irene Mincine: "OK, perfect. Did you want to review what we came up with?" :: Irene looks to Hakran, then Issaha. ::

    Cptn Swain: Apparently all of the water on the entire planet is actually heavy water.

    Hunter Matheson: ::checking a few things as he monitors their progress:::

    Tandaris Admiran: That was all, at least for now. ::pondering the MSD:: For once we have no fires to put out and … ::looks down at a PADD:: we're actually *ahead* of our maintenance schedule?

    Hakran K'hal: :: glances between Irene and Issaha :: Go take a well-earned break while I spool the program up and grade your group project.

    Tandaris Admiran: ::gives Chocox a suspicious glance:: You wouldn’t know anything about that, would you?

    Maryse Dubois: Hmm...We have everything we can get from Starfleet at the moment. But if a chance arises, I will see if we can't get information from the Kaedwan medical facilities.

    William Chocox: Do I look like someone that would get ahead on maintenance?

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Does it mention how or where they get their drinking water? Purification systems?

    Tandaris Admiran: Yes, you do.

    Hunter Matheson: ::general announcement:: Approaching Kaedwan border.

    Rhan K'hal: :: satisfied that all is in order with the supplies, exits the cargo bay and wanders toward a lift ::

    Cptn Swain: ::Nods:: Yes. They have a large greenhouse facility with a closed water system.

    William Chocox: Ah, well then. Is that so wrong?

    Cptn Swain: We'll have to wear breathers outside when we're on the surface. EVA isn't needed, but it might be wise to have medical prep everyone on safety procedures.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Interesting. Is this a colonized planet?

    Hunter Matheson: And... we are now in Kaedwan space.

    Tandaris Admiran: Absolutely not. But for a moment I thought we had a reverse saboteur on board.

    Irene Mincine: :: Irene shrugs with one shoulder. :: "All right." :: She steps toward the holodeck's exit door, looking back to Issaha. :: "You coming?"

    Indaura Ryssan: I'd rather not encounter a bad situation and be unprepared.

    William Chocox: Wouldn't a reverse saboteur be good?

    Tandaris Admiran: *You* would think that.

    Cptn Swain: It's a small facility, a few hundred people. I am guessing they'd like to turn this into a deuterium processing facility. Imagine... and entire planet of naturally occurring deuterium.

    Hakran K'hal: Computer, start program from beginning.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ACTION> As soon as Excalibur moves into Kaedwan space, they are hailed by two Kaedwan vessels on an intercept approach.

    William Chocox: I'm trying to figure out how to take that.

    Rhan K'hal: :: rides the lift up to the bridge just in time to see the main view zoom in on their escort :: Scrappy looking bunch, aren't they?

    Tandaris Admiran: ::smiles:: Just keeping you on your toes.

    William Chocox: Alrighty then.

    Tandaris Admiran: Having solved this mystery, I can get back to this other one now … ::picks up the book he was reading, which is obviously a romance novel, not a mystery:: At some point I expect we'll be drafted to help deliver those supplies.

    Cptn Swain: Open a channel.

    Maryse Dubois: ::nods:: Understandable

    William Chocox: That's not a mystery novel.

    Rhan K'hal: :: lightly heads over to primary tactical :: 1 citadel, 1 of the older Norman frigates. :: flips the switch :: Channel open.

    Irene Mincine: :: The computer beeps and boops as Irene leaves the room. :: Computer> "Starting last active program: Mincine-1." :: The holodeck dissolves into pink mood lighting with a large heart-shaped bed in the center of a room that fades to black in the distance. Prell blinks into existence, wearing the smallest possible swimsuit. :: Holo-Prell> "Irene! I've been waiting for you!"

    Cptn Swain: +Kaedwan+ This is Captain Asher Swain of the USS Excalibur, requesting permission to continue on to [Planet Name Here]

    William Chocox: ::shrugs and gets to work on his pet project::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ACTION> As they were briefed on Kaedwan biology, the appearance of the female captain wasn't too shocking. She looked like a fair-skinned humanoid, save for the horn-like protrusions on her head.

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::Blinks::

    Maryse Dubois: ((Trying not to snicker, cause I'm picturing Javin Prell in a bikini.))

    Tandaris Admiran: ::Chocox:: Vanessa just discovered that Count Mandrake spent his "working vacation" with his former fiancee, the Lady Clementine Aubergine. Will they be able to overcome this hurdle and consummate their love? Or will Vanessa murder Count Mandrake in cold blood?

    Hakran K'hal: :: crosses arms, swivels toward the arch with the gravity of say a 5 Jovian mass planet ::

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::Tugs collar::

    Tandaris Admiran: ::licks his finger, turns the page:: I, for one, hope it's murder.

    Hakran K'hal: Well?

    William Chocox: Well, given the genre I'm going to assume it's going to be overcoming.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Kaedwan Captain> Welcome to Kaedwan space, USS Excalibur of the Federation. We have been expecting you. Please follow the coordinates provided and do not deviate. We will be escorting you to the homeworld.

    Cptn Swain: ::Subconsciously runs a hand through his hair, which he still had long hair::

    Hunter Matheson: ::checks for the coordinates:::

    Rhan K'hal: :: forwards the incoming coordinates to helm ::

    Hunter Matheson: Coordinates received.

    Irene Mincine: :: Holo-Prell locks eyes on Issaha. :: Holo-Prell> "Come to bed." :: Irene, meanwhile, heard what was happening as the door closed... and scrambled back inside, her eyes going wide. :: "Computer! End program! Aaaaaah" :: Holo-Prell and the room blinked out of existence, the room turning back to the metal holodeck grid. ::

    Cptn Swain: ::Shifts in his seat:: Captain, I was under the impression we would be delivering supplies to {Planet Name] (I really should look these things up)

    Hunter Matheson: :::checks them out, then punches them in:: On course now.

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::sort of blank stare:::

    Hakran K'hal: :: arms crossed, foot-paw tapping as his ears lie back half-flat ::

    William Chocox: ((Aren't you making these planet names up?))

    Cptn Swain: (( I do, but I made one up for this plot and now I don't remember it ))

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: (( Ard Jael ))

    Maryse Dubois: ((lol))

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: (( While the Kaedwan homeworld of Ard Jael serves as a defacto capitol, the actual capitol is a large, space-born facility located near the center of the confederation. ))

    Irene Mincine: :: Irene has long turned bright red, wanting to melt into the floor. :: "That's... that's, uh... not the right program, computer..." :: She gives Hakran an extremely embarrassed grin, then calls up the *correct* program on a panel. :: "You can start it at any time, sir..."

    Hakran K'hal: And what shall I be treated to in this one? A silent but enthusiastic Betazoid orgy?

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::flushes a bit green::

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::Has not said a solitary word::

    Irene Mincine: "Not unless that's what the Kaedwan are into, sir..." :: Irene glances at Issaha. :: "He entered the data for the simulation, after all. I'm... terribly sorry, sir, I don't know how that program got loaded into the buffer..."

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> What

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> I don't even know what ... *that* was

    Irene Mincine: "For the Kaedwan simulation, not... uh... the last program..."

    Hunter Matheson: ::keeping a steady advance, Tork watching:::

    William Chocox: But who knows, maybe the author will surprise us both.

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::Opens his PADD, looks at the data:: It looks like that was your program and you called it up, instead of "Kaedwan_INformational_Session_Draft."

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::Gives her a sharp look.::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ACTION> The Kaedwan escort takes them to Ard Jael, a lush planet with vast cities. They are given coordinates for orbit and requested to wait for their diplomatic escort. After a few moments, they are hailed again -- this time from the surface.

    Tandaris Admiran: ::rips a page out, crumples it up, tosses it aside:: Always a possibility.

    Irene Mincine: "Of course it's *my* program, but... never mind. I..." :: She looks at Hakran, very apologetically. ::

    Cptn Swain: ::Considering another cup of tea as they enter orbit of Ard Jael""

    William Chocox: Why'd you pull a page out?

    Hunter Matheson: Entering orbit.

    Hakran K'hal: All right, enough throwing each other under the public transit. Now shoo and hope I don't see that particular program ever again.

    Hunter Matheson: Coordinates require standard orbit. Taking standard orbit.

    Hakran K'hal: Computer, start the damned Kaedwan info program from the beginning.

    Irene Mincine: :: Irene nods and nods and nods. :: "Yes, sir." :: Irene quickly leaves the room. This time, the Kaedwan program starts properly. ::

    Cptn Swain: ::Takes a deep breath as he sees they're being paged from the surface:: Put them through.

    Tandaris Admiran: ::Chocox:: I didn't like that page.

    Indaura Ryssan: I don't know what to bring with me.

    Rhan K'hal: On screen. :: flips it on ::

    Hunter Matheson: ::slips the bird into orbit, and she moves like the beautiful woman she is as he goes to orbital mode before stationkeeping::: Orbit established. Going to stationkeeping.

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::excuses himself as well, letting K'hal run the program by himself:

    William Chocox: But...isn't it necessary for the book?

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: +Excalibur+ Zeg Jovad> Greetings, Excalibur. I am Director Zeg Jovad of the Kaedwan Confederation.

    Irene Mincine: :: Irene is outside the room, sitting on the floor against the wall with her head in her hands. ::

    Cptn Swain: +Zeg+ Greetings, director. I am Captain Swain, of the USS Excalibur.

    Tandaris Admiran: ::Chocox:: That's debatable. Vanessa could do *so* much better than Gregory Smalmsworth.

    Maryse Dubois: Hold on. ::Sends a request to Rhan, asking what the weather conditions are on the planet they are headed to.::

    Hakran K'hal: :: is treated to a dry but informative summation without any heart-shaped beds ::

    William Chocox: What's his income?

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> It could be worse. I am sure Hakrran has seen a pleasure holo before.

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::decides not to comment on any activity he and the aforementioned Kitty might have gotten into on Risa:

    Tandaris Admiran: He's quite wealthy, of course. But he's a cad and a scoundrel!

    Irene Mincine: :: Irene doesn't even raise her head. :: "Yeah, but not one that was made by a subordinate..."

    William Chocox: Well, we couldn't have that.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: +Excalibur+ Zeg Jovad>  Welcome to our homeworld. We have a reception planned for you upon your return.

    Rhan K'hal: +Maryse+ ::via text:: "Cool, foggy, lots of sand. Heavy rain showers, literally." :: indicates the all heavy water bit with an accompanying graphic of a rain drop bursting a scale ::

    Cptn Swain: +Zeg+ We'd be delighted to attend after we take our supplies to Maxis IV.

    Indaura Ryssan: :: waiting ::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Zeg Jovad> +Excalibur+ Excellent. I will be joining you to act as a guide. Please send coordinates to transport myself and two others.

    Maryse Dubois: ::Giggles, turning to Indaura.:: Make sure you pack rain gear.

    Hunter Matheson: ::he takes a good look at the planet, slips information into helm, then programs in several escape vectors ,just in case:::

    Rhan K'hal: (( Maxis IV, so we're definitely into the EA era - be prepared for micro-transactions! ))

    Indaura Ryssan: Rain gear? I thought there was a lot of sand

    Rhan K'hal: :: looks back at Swain for confirmation ::

    Maryse Dubois: Rhan said it's raining heavily.

    Indaura Ryssan: :: shrugs :: Alright then.

    Cptn Swain: +Zeg+ Of course, director.

    Cptn Swain: Miranda, care to greet our guest and give him a tour while Rhan finds him some quarters.

    Rhan K'hal: +Maryse+ ::continues via text:: "Swain has already ordered re-breathers for on-planet activities. Well, you know how heavy water is with some species - anything from a nuisance to fatal even in small doses."

    Hunter Matheson: ::then checks out the sector - planets, affiliations, borders, and minor stuff- slips it into the computer and enters a few other vectors in case they need to hightail it into Federation space:::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::She nodded and rose from her chair, leaving her data padd behind.:: Of course, Captain. I'll be down in the transporter room.

    Rhan K'hal: :: sends the coordinates along and then goes through and orders up the VIP room warmup :: Room will be ready by the time our guest arrives. Rate we're going, I might as well have it on hot standby like the fighters.

    Cptn Swain: (( Heavy water btw means it has an extra hydrogen atom. It's often used to cool reactors in the real world. In ST it also serves as sort of our fuel. It's science-y name is deuterium. Drinking/breathing it would eventually be toxic. ))

    Cptn Swain: (( *PBS more your know sound plays* ))

    Maryse Dubois: Ah, heavy water.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::Moves to the lift and sends it zooming to the transporter room.::

    William Chocox: Though who uses the word cad anymore?

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ACTION> Excalibur receives request for transport, three Kaedwan lifesigns.

    Maryse Dubois: Definitely bring rain gear then. ::Sends a note to anyone who will be on an away team to bring protective rain gear.::

    Rhan K'hal: TR Chief> :: pretends not to notice the blinking ready light until Miranda gets there ::

    Hakran K'hal: :: finishes the program, after judicious use of the fast-forward command ::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::Strides into the transporter room and gives the transporter chief a nod.::

    Hakran K'hal: :: exits the holodeck ::

    Indaura Ryssan: Ugh, should be an interesting visit then

    Rhan K'hal: TR Chief> Energizing.

    Irene Mincine: :: Irene's still sitting on the floor outside the holodeck, head in hands. ::

    Cptn Swain: (( It's literally heavy though! You need much more boyancy to float it, it has a higher melting temperature, etc ))

    Rhan K'hal: (( that's what protium gets for eating those chips fried in neutrons - tsk ))

    Cptn Swain: ((two minute warning ))

    Hunter Matheson: ::mental note: configure a remote for helm, in case they need to escape from anywhere. Um... make that a beckoncall like some high class private vessels have. Then he wonders if you can get one for an Akira and figures he can't because of the size of the ship and a few other pretty major things:::

    Hakran K'hal: Nicely done on the program... the informational one. Though I imagine the other one could be informative in its own right. :: dryly ::

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::smirks::

    Cptn Swain: ...and...

    Hunter Matheson: ::or maybe it can be done:::

    Hunter Matheson: Hm...

    Indaura Ryssan: :: gets more appropiate gear ::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ACTION> Three Kaedwan, two males and a female, are transported aboard.

    Hakran K'hal: Now, accidents happen, I get that. So it isn't going into your file. I don't know how I add "nearly naked individual on heart-shaped mattress" into an official report anyway.

    Irene Mincine: :: Irene looks up and feels much better... :: "I... thank you, sir..."

    Hakran K'hal: Just consider what would've happened had it been the Captain, and think "safety first" when it comes to those kind of programs. Always ask for a password.

    Cptn Swain: ((I have a story about that Hak ))

    Hakran K'hal: :: pats Irene on the shoulder and walks off ))

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> See that wasn't so bad.

    Irene Mincine: "Did that just happen?" :: She looks to Issaha... ::

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> Though he's right... I am pretty sure I caught Captain Swain looking at Sexy Rihan Male back on Risa.


    Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM

    Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM

    Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM


  5. MISSION BRIEF: The Excalibur is en route to Kaedwan space where they will be delivering supplies to a Kaedwan colony on Maxis IV. We have entered into the general region known as the Paimpont and are currently in neutral spaced headed towards the Kaedwan border.


    Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM

    Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM

    Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM


    Cptn Swain: ::On the bridge, drinking tea -- as was usual::

    Maryse Dubois: ::Reading the report in her office.::

    Irene Mincine: :: Down in Holodeck 2, giving the Kaedwan cultural education program a final once-over. ::

    Hunter Matheson: ::helm doing the helm thing, wondering what these Kaddywan.... uh... Kdean... nope... looks it up... Kaedwan look like:::

    Hunter Matheson: ::then pages down to the specifics and double-takes:::

    William Chocox: ::is on the bridge at the Engineering station::

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::frowning:: Federation HIC programing is... obtuse.

    Hunter Matheson: ::sighs, putting it aside to monitor progress::

    Indaura Ryssan: :: Indi's eyes were getting tired after reading documents about the Kaedwans ::

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> How do you program anything in this... I hate to call it language.

    Cptn Swain: Status report Mr. Matherson.

    Hunter Matheson: Steady as she goes, sir. ETA is now two hours, 48 minutes.

    Irene Mincine: “It’s not hard if you’re used to it.” :: Irene shrugs with one shoulder. :: “I can’t imagine Romulan computers would be easy for me.”

    Hunter Matheson: Steady at warp 7.

    Cptn Swain: Good. The Kaedwan patrol their borders so I imagine there will be something of a welcoming party.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::Miranda strode onto the bridge, data padd in hand. She paused by the engineering console to peer over Will's shoulder at their status.::

    Hunter Matheson: Aye, aye, sir.

    Hunter Matheson: Arrival should be at zero-nine-five-two given no interruptions.

    Cptn Swain: They don't get many Federation starships. ::Takes a drink of his tea:: Maybe for once this will be a normal visit.

    Hunter Matheson: I'm with you on that, sir.

    William Chocox: Hello Commander. Everything seems ship shape at this point.

    Hunter Matheson: ::routine status check on console:::

    Cptn Swain: No kidnappings. No evil plots to take over the universe. No crazed Jem'hadar soliders trying to kill us.

    William Chocox: Do you enjoy jinxing missions sir?

    Maryse Dubois: ::Finally emerges from her office after a long read. She stretches.:: That was long...

    Cptn Swain: That would imply I believe in luck... or a god of somewhat.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Good. Let's keep it that way. ::She threw Swain a glance and shook her head.:: You think he'd have learned by now...

    Irene Mincine: “Do you think we’ll be ready in time for the border crossing, Issaha?” :: She looked up from her console at him. ::

    Hunter Matheson: ::turns to listen to Tork:::

    Cptn Swain: I'll make you all a bet. ::Takes a drink:: There will be none of that on this mission.

    Maryse Dubois: ::Suddenly gets a shiver down her spine.::

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::smiles:: We wouldn't if you weren't here.

    William Chocox: Watch me become the kidnapped damsel in distress.

    Cptn Swain: I am not saying there won't be pink-velour Klingons from an alternate universe. Just none of the things i mentioned.

    Hunter Matheson: ::checks it out::: Yeah, that's good. Should be on the written soon. Do it again with different vectors.

    Hunter Matheson: ::to Tork:: And... uh... watch that balancing act in atmo.

    Irene Mincine: “I’m very important to this operation.” :: Irene giggles, then corrects some error of his that made the computer buzz harshly. ::

    Indaura Ryssan: The reading is not all exciting Doctor.

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> Someone has to be able to work in this arcane holoprograming language. ::Shakes his head:: Rihannsu is much more sophisticated.

    Hunter Matheson: ::one eye on the console as he responds::: Umm.... yeah. Can do. It's dicey, though.

    Cptn Swain: So who wants to take me up on it. If I lose, free round of drinks when we're back at base.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: You've been a damsel once, Chocox. I'd think you wouldn't want to repeat the process. ::She left the outer consoles and stepped into the command tier, heading for her seat.::

    Irene Mincine: “And Klingon might as well be grunting and chest-beating, I imagine?” :: Irene taptaptaps on her console. ::

    William Chocox: I was a damsel, but I wasn't really in distress.

    Hunter Matheson: ::leans back to relax while he keeps an eye out:::

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::In perfect Klingon:: I lived on Qo'Nos off and on for most of my childhood. I speak it very well. Which, let me tell you -- gets some looks.

    Maryse Dubois: ::Shakes head.:: Not at all. Fortunately, most of the Confederation are similar in physiology to ours. The challenge lies with the Tothir, the Confederation's reptilian species.

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::Back to standard::: Though I imagine their holoprograming is... well... a bit you know.

    Maryse Dubois: ((lol I forgot about Cho's gender swapping incident.))

    William Chocox: ((Almost all of us had.))

    William Chocox: ((I miss Ithene.))

    Cptn Swain: I am actually looking forward to this. We did a trade mission with the Kaedwan when I was on the George Washington; but I was on a science expedition to Kolan IV.

    Irene Mincine: :: Irene’s taken aback slightly, but heartily laughs. She replies in aristocratic Klingon. :: “Interesting! I didn’t know that about you.” :: She also switches back. :: “I’ve never had the privilege. Their library computers are arcane though.”

    Cptn Swain: @Ithene> ::On a warm beach somewhere, doing "science," but feels a sympathetic pain and thinks of Cho and especially Miranda::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Well, at least we know they're receptive to our visit and this isn't going to be a cold call. I'm worried about factions, however. There are always factions.

    Indaura Ryssan: Ah yes. Reptiles. At my home on Denobula we had three reptiles... or was it four?

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> My mother is ::pauses:: was in the diplomatic corps. She retired just a few years ago, but before that she was stationed on Qo'Nos during and before the Dominion War.

    Maryse Dubois: :;Curious glance.:: As pets?

    Cptn Swain: ::Nods:: And neither the Tamaran or the Romulans can be entirely happy about the idea of us having a closer relationship.

    Hunter Matheson: ::relaxing, semi-listening to bridge chatter::

    Indaura Ryssan: Sure. Just little cave lizards.

    William Chocox: Aren't we friendly with the Tamaran though?

    Maryse Dubois: Ah, I see.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: No, they wouldn't, especially not the Romulans.

    Irene Mincine: "Huh. My mother was in the Defense Force... until politics happened. She's been on Proxima flying a desk ever since. I've never been to Qo'nos."

    Cptn Swain: Ryu> ::from the Tactical console where he was doing a bridge shift:: They are, but the relationship is complicated. They've been enemies of the Kaedwan and their various former empires for a very long time.

    Indaura Ryssan: Surely you had pets when you were young.

    Hunter Matheson: :::key word: enemies::takes note::

    William Chocox: Ah, right.

    Cptn Swain: Isaha> It's a bit rainy for my tastes.

    Cptn Swain: Ryu> ::Nods to Hawthorne:: BUt as the commander says, I'd be more concerned about the Romulans. They can't like the idea of the Federation gaining more influence in the region.

    Cptn Swain: That's all true., but we're strictly here to deliver some supplies and make friends. Though... they might have sent us to a more hospitable planet. ::Finishes his tea:: Maxis IV is only barely M-class.

    Maryse Dubois: ::Nods.:: I had a poodle when I was young.

    Irene Mincine: :: Nod. :: "Proxima is a lot like Earth. Probably why it was one of the earliest colonies - that and how close it is to Earth. It's had a Klingon embassy for... a real long time. Not too many Klingon-Human children until recently, though."

    Cptn Swain: Ever hear of the Skeleton Coast on Earth? Whole planet more or less like that. Cold, foggy, windy, and what's not ocean is either Mountains or Sand.

    Maryse Dubois: And my twin sisters each had a cat.

    William Chocox: Well, the Romulans don't make our decisions.

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::nods:: I have to admit I didn't ever really expect to be on a Federation ship again anytime soon.

    Indaura Ryssan: :: laughs :: Poodle? :: scrunches her forehead :: A domesticated animal.

    Maryse Dubois: ::Nods.:: A breed of dog.

    Cptn Swain: ((You guys wanted sand ))

    Maryse Dubois: ::Pulls up an image and shows her.::

    William Chocox: Is it beach sand or desert sand?

    Irene Mincine: "And I didn't expect to see a Romulan on one any time soon. I guess things are different these days, huh?"

    Cptn Swain: Both.

    William Chocox: ::sucks on his teeth:: I don't like sand.

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::Nods, though he seems a bit sad somehow:: Hopefully things work out on homeworld.

    Hunter Matheson: ::snippets of "poodle" and "sand" but the "cold, foggy, windy" thing has him rolling his eyes:::

    Hunter Matheson: ::snort chuckle at Cho's remark:::

    Maryse Dubois: ((lol I'm in sickbay with Indaura.))

    Irene Mincine: "You don't seem quite as enthusiastic as you were a few minutes ago..." :: She didn't want to push, knowing their relationship barely qualified as "workplace acquaintances" at this point. ::

    Cptn Swain: ::Takes his tea cup to the fresher next to the replicator and returns to his command chair::

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::smiles again, shrugging it off:: It's nothing. I just miss home a bit sometimes. I've been on assignment before, but usually with other Romulans or my brother. First time without either.

    Hunter Matheson: ::another glance to Tork's question:: Hell, no. Written is a breeze. It's the practical that might kill you.

    Irene Mincine: :: Irene nods... :: "Ah. It's... actually my first assignment out of the Academy, too. I gotta admit, I did feel pretty lonely for a while. Just me and a hundred people I didn't know..."

    Hunter Matheson: ::as he keeps an eye on the console and makes a few adjustments::: Yeah... they lost a few. There was this guy.... :::he stops:: But you don't need to know that.

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::nods:: My first mission was... I think it was the time we got mind-controlled by Giant Octopus. It was a long time ago. ::laughs::

    Hunter Matheson: (w) ::on a sigh:: Just tend to business. You'll be fine.

    Cptn Swain: Suppose it could be worse.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Not even the beach, Chocox? Peaceful, tranquil? Waves lapping at your toes?

    Irene Mincine: "Giant Octopus? I'll need to look at some of the past mission reports." :: Yikes. ::

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::snirks:: Don’t worry that was on the Talon, my first assignment out of the Retor.

    Cptn Swain: (( I actually don't remember what Issaha's first mission was, but I feel like it was that time. ))

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::Smiles again, though a bit distantly before turning back to his work:: Well thats all the data entered and double-checked. How is the holomatrix interface?

    Hunter Matheson: :::humming quietly as he works::

    Irene Mincine: "I..." :: Irene cleared her throat and looked back at her console, tapping some controls. :: "The holomatrix is compiling the data... OK, we should be good."

    Cptn Swain: Ryu> ::Frowns:: Sir, long range sensors are detecting what appears to be a Tamaran warship shadowing our approach to Kaedwan space. They're keeping just on the edge of sensor range.

    William Chocox: The waves are fine, but sand is coarse and rough and irritating and gets everywhere Commander.

    Cptn Swain: ::Looks to Miranda:: Should we send them a fruit basket?

    Hunter Matheson: ::stops the hum to listen::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::She threw Swain a glance..:: Maybe a nice vintage from your personal collection?

    Indaura Ryssan: I think this will be a routine mission... Should not have said that.

    Hunter Matheson: ::glance to Tork, then a head toss that means "put it away, powerup":::

    Cptn Swain: ::Gives her a look:: It's almost depleted.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: (( Will is channeling his inner whiny jedi. ))

    William Chocox: Well, can you get more?

    Cptn Swain: Have the Lt. Commander take the CAP out a bit further than usual. I want to let them know we see them without being too aggressive.

    Cptn Swain: Helm, keep an eye on the Tamaran's, keep us in the clear.

    Hunter Matheson: Aye, sir. Got it covered.

    Cptn Swain: Major, if they move towards us...

    Cptn Swain: Ryu> ::nods:: Aye.

    Cptn Swain: (( Two Minute Warning ))

    Irene Mincine: "Computer, save program to Kaedwan Education file." :: Irene looked over to Issaha. :: "Looks like our job's done here for now."

    Hunter Matheson: They are running parallel, Captain. ::looks up:: Can we get a read on their arms?

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::Sends a message to the fighter team with orders to keep an eye on the nearby territories.::

    Cptn Swain: Ryu> Weapons appears to powered down. It's a Tamaran heavy cruiser.

    Hunter Matheson: ::nods:: copy

    Cptn Swain: Showing the flag. ::Sighs::

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> Ie.

    Cptn Swain: ...and...


    Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM

    Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM

    Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM


  6. Cptn Swain: MISSION BRIEF: Excalibur is rendezvousing with the USS Melbourne where they're taking aboard supplies to be transported to a colony in the Kaedwan Confederation.


    Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM

    Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM

    Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM


    William Chocox: ::is up at his seemingly new spot at the Engineering station on the bridge::

    Cptn Swain: ::Saying goodbye to Arden in the transporter room.::

    Hunter Matheson: ::helm::

    Rhan K'hal: :: actually seated for a change, working out a few last minute details about the transfer ::

    Irene Mincine: :: Beeps on the sickbay front door. :: "Here for my check-up and evaluation..."

    Indaura Ryssan: :: Waves Irene in :: Come in and have a seat

    Hakran K'hal: :: as usual, in his office doing paperwork - curse the administrative aspects of the chief posting! ::

    Maryse Dubois: ::Stepping out of her office.::

    Irene Mincine: :: Irene shrugs and steps inside the sickbay, her recently-repaired arm in an ugly blue sling. :: "I'm here to get back on duty! Or as close as I can. I'm sick of sitting in my quarters."

    Indaura Ryssan: :: Indaura, or a nurse, shows her in ::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::On the bridge, Miranda sat in the command chair, one leg crossed over the other, foot bouncing restlessly.::

    Irene Mincine: :: Irene sits on a waiting room chair for the nurse. :: "Can you call Dr. Dubois for me?"

    Cptn Swain: ::Waves as Arden dematerializes, taking a deep breath in.::

    Maryse Dubois: ::Coming from the corridor connecting her office to main sickbay. She looks up, seeing Irene.:: Ah. Here for a checkup?

    William Chocox: You ok Commander?

    Hunter Matheson: ::watching Tork do a pretty good job this time, hardly missing a lick::

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::enters the science labs::

    Irene Mincine: :: Finally! Irene jumps up. :: "Yes, doctor. I want to get back to duty down in the science labs."

    Maryse Dubois: ::Points to an open biobed.::

    Irene Mincine: :: Lays down, adjusting the sling to be a little more comfortable as she does. ::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::Glances up at Will and shrugs.:: I think that's all relative. I'll just be happy when we settle back into our routine.

    Maryse Dubois: ::Scans her shoulder.:: Any pain?

    Hakran K'hal: :: gets a flicker of movement out of his peripheral vision through his open office door, sees Issaha come into the lab ::

    Hakran K'hal: :: raises a paw in acknowledgement of his presence while scowling over something on his desk monitor ::

    Irene Mincine: :: Her shoulder's healing as expected. :: "Nothing I can't handle. It's a lot better than it was."

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> I have some notes on the Kaedwan for the Captain, would you mind reviewing them?

    Rhan K'hal: Which routine would that be. The mind-numbing drudgery of standard Starfleet ship life or the mind-searing horror of our usual missions?

    William Chocox: We have one of those?

    Hakran K'hal: Sure.

    Hunter Matheson: ::swivels toward the commander:: Ma'am, we're supposed to learn some things about these... Kittywan? Uh... Kadiewan. ::snap:: the ones we're supposed to see.

    Indaura Ryssan: :: Listening to them both ::

    Maryse Dubois: Good. Looks like your shoulder took to the surgery as expected. So...::Takes a PADD and begins writing.:: You get to do physical therapy now. But, I'll let you do light duty, if that will make you happy.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ACTION> The USS Melbourne sends a message that supplies are ready for transport and transmits the manifest.

    Rhan K'hal: (( If it makes you happeeeeeeeeeeeeee, it can't be that baaaaaad ))

    Maryse Dubois: No lifting with that arm at all, and you aren't cleared for away team duty yet.

    Irene Mincine: :: Smiles broadly. :: "It sure does! :: And then it fades. :: "Not looking forward to physical therapy though..." :: She nods. :: "Yes, doctor..."

    Maryse Dubois: And I don't need to tell you, don't get into any fights.

    Indaura Ryssan: I would stay with paperwork...no lifting

    Rhan K'hal: :: looks over the message from the Melbourne, is satisfied and initiates the green light ::

    Irene Mincine: :: Nod... :: "No punching Romulan science officers or Risan thieves, yes sir."

    Hunter Matheson: ::swivels back, making sure they're steady with Melbourne::

    Maryse Dubois: Good. ::Gives a stamp of approval on her papers.:: I'll be forwarding this to Hakran.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Kaedwan, Mr. Matheson. Yes, Science is working up a report.

    Hakran K'hal: :: looks over the data from Issaha, his ears occasionally perking straight up or flattening straight down to his mane ::

    Hunter Matheson: ::turns:: Thank you, ma'am.

    Indaura Ryssan: Though as much as I'd like to examine a Rihan

    Hunter Matheson: ::mental note.... Kaedwan... Kaedwan... Kaedwan:::

    Maryse Dubois: You are free to go. ::Smiles.::

    Rhan K'hal: (( one of these days Swain is going to come up with a three letter species name and we'll all die of shock ))

    Maryse Dubois: ::Forwards Irene's Light duty status to Hakran.::

    Indaura Ryssan: Let us know of any changes or new pain.

    Maryse Dubois: ((lol))

    Cptn Swain: (( We had one once! ))

    Maryse Dubois: ::Nods.::

    Irene Mincine: "Thank you! Just forward me the therapy schedule once you've made one up." :: Irene runs out of sick bay before they can change their minds, heading down to the science labs in a turbo lift. ::

    Hakran K'hal: :: checks the incoming, grunts in a satisfied sort of way ::

    Hakran K'hal: Well, Issaha, this seems thorough enough... more than in some ways but I suppose it's necessary.

    Cptn Swain: ::Enters the bridge, back in uniform for the first time in several episodes::

    Indaura Ryssan: :: To Dubois :: I really hate therapy...from a patient perspective of course.

    Rhan K'hal: :: tosses out for general awareness :: Transfer with the Melbourne underway.

    William Chocox: Captain on deck.

    Maryse Dubois: ::Nods.:: No one likes it, but it's a necessary evil.

    Hunter Matheson: Helm copies.

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::nods:: My people have had extensive contact with the Kaedwan, though I don't know much about the colony we're apparently delivering supplies too.

    Indaura Ryssan: Was there anyone else today?

    Cptn Swain: ::Straightens his uniform a bit, sporting a new hairstyle.:: As you were.

    Hunter Matheson: ::would stand but that might put them right at the Melbourne:::

    Maryse Dubois: ::Shakes head.:: As far as I know, there were no other appointments.

    Hakran K'hal: Then consider your brain on call as soon as we get there.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::Seeing Swain, she stood and vacated his seat, throwing him a long look as she moved over to her usual spot.:: Welcome back, Captain.

    Indaura Ryssan: I should not have said that... watch them flood in. :: Listens ::

    Irene Mincine: :: Pops out of the turbolift and heads for Hakran's office. Seeing Issaha in there, she sighs... and respectfully waits outside. ::

    Rhan K'hal: :: glances over at Swain :: Nice tan, sir.

    Hakran K'hal: :: waves Irene in ::

    Maryse Dubois: ::Watches the door for a moment.::

    Cptn Swain: Feels good to be back to work. ::Taking his seat:: What's our status?

    Rhan K'hal: :: transfers his workload onto his oversized padd and starts his usual route around the periphery of the bridge ::

    Rhan K'hal: Supply transfer with the Melbourne is in process, so far on schedule.

    Indaura Ryssan: Nothing. :: sighs ::

    Irene Mincine: :: Steps inside! :: "I'm back and cleared for paperwork, sir."

    Indaura Ryssan: :: Scans herself with a tricorder, then looks ::

    William Chocox: Engineering is looking good.

    Hakran K'hal: So I see, so I see. This is actually an excellent timing for you to be glued to a desk, or at least a table for two. There are some... particular issues with the Kaedwan. Issaha has a basic report that he'll be forwarding up the chain, but I'd like you two to put your heads together, and preferably not via headbutt, to work up a short holoprogram for training the crew on... everything necessary.

    Indaura Ryssan: Hmm. :: I'm fine. :: Walks over to a display, checks in :: Anyone due for a checkup?

    Hakran K'hal: At least for the ones in close contact during our stay.

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::tries to contain his bounce::

    Maryse Dubois: I'm not sure.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ACTION> Melbourne indicates that transport is complete. Excalibur's cargo crew confirms all supplies are in order.

    Cptn Swain: ::Nods:: Good, it's a lot of stuff.

    Irene Mincine: "Sounds... uh, fun, sir." :: Watching Issaha... do... something. :: "I haven't gotten to do much holoprogramming in a while. I promised Maryse that I wouldn't punch anyone, so you've got nothing to worry about."

    Rhan K'hal: All's aboard that's coming aboard, Captain. We're good to go.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ACTION> And there's absolutely nothing weird about any of the containers they received.

    William Chocox: ((And now I'm concerned.))

    Cptn Swain: ::Nods:: Good, send the Melbourne our best.

    Hunter Matheson: ::standing by::

    Cptn Swain: Helm, begin moving us away from the Melbourne, 1/4 impulse.

    Rhan K'hal: You want me to T-P over, sir? :: cheeky grin ::

    Indaura Ryssan: We could have the computer auto-schedule

    Rhan K'hal: :: sends along the usual platitudes ::

    Hunter Matheson: One quarter impulse away from Melbourne, aye.

    William Chocox: Please no. I like having you here.

    Cptn Swain: ::Gives Rhan a look:: No, your brother.

    Maryse Dubois: I guess you can use this time to study up on Kaedwan physiology.

    Hunter Matheson: :::powers it up and slips slowly away from the M:::

    Rhan K'hal: :: snorts ::

    Hakran K'hal: :: gets an itch between his shoulder blades ::

    Hunter Matheson: :::taps, checking a whole bunch of stuff:::

    Indaura Ryssan: :: nods :: Nothing against any species, but there are too many to keep track of in the galaxy.

    Hakran K'hal: Good, good. I'l let you two get to work.

    Maryse Dubois: :;Smirks.::

    Hunter Matheson: Helm standing by for warp.

    Cptn Swain: Set course for Kaedwan space, warp 5. ::Leans back in his chair:: Engage.

    Hunter Matheson: Setting course for Kaedwan space, warp factor five, aye.

    Hunter Matheson: Engaging warp factor 5.

    Rhan K'hal: Melbourne sends their compliments and wishes us a safe journey and prosperous mission.

    Hunter Matheson: Steady as she goes.

    Irene Mincine: :: Nods... :: "Shall we go to the holodeck?" :: Eyes Issaha. ::

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::Nods:: Of course.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::She scrolled through the manifest of supplies they'd taken, familairzing herself with what they were offering.::

    Irene Mincine: "Lieutenant." :: She exits Hakran's office, heading for the nearest turbolift. ::

    Cptn Swain: (( Two Minute Warning ))

    Indaura Ryssan: :: Reading up on the new species they will encounter ::

    Hakran K'hal: :: waits until they're out of earshot :: Please don't let her kill him I have enough paperwork to do.

    Rhan K'hal: I think I'm going to go do a round of eyeing the personnel in the department. We have some new ones and they haven't been given the Eye yet.

    Rhan K'hal: :: calls in his relief and transfers operations back to the console ::

    Indaura Ryssan: We should prepare for them..

    William Chocox: ::monitors the status of the engines::

    Hunter Matheson: :::focus on the readouts while relaxing in the chair::

    Cptn Swain: ...and...

    Rhan K'hal: :: as soon as random ensign design #223 takes over, enters the lift :: Cargo Bay 1.

    Hunter Matheson: :::Cho:: How we doin' with the engines, sir?

    William Chocox: ::Matheson:: We're doing good Gunny.

    Hunter Matheson: ::nod, thumbs up:: Steady as she goes.

    Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM

    Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM

    Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM


  7. MISSION BRIEF: Having recovered their erstwhile companion, Excalibur has left orbit from Risa and is underway back to Starbase Tango 39.


    Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM

    Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM

    Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM


    Hunter Matheson: ::helm, checkin stuff, talkin to Tork, mostly relaxing::

    Maryse Dubois: ::In sickbay, checking up on Irene.::

    William Chocox: ::is manning the Engineering Station on the Bridge::

    Cptn Swain: ::In the RR, getting a drink::

    Irene Mincine: :: Irene's just awoken in a biobed, looking groggy as all hell. :: "Irene... daughter of P'Lor... house of Morvath..." :: She says to nobody in particular. ::

    Indaura Ryssan: How is our patient doing Dr. Dubois?

    Maryse Dubois: ::Smiles:: Good to know you still know who you are. How are you feeling? ::Looks to Indaura.:: Seems to be coming to.

    Cptn Swain: Want something Miranda?

    Indaura Ryssan: :: Goes to Irene and scans with her tricorder ::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::Also in the ready room, she looked up from the report she'd been reading and nodded.:: I'll take a glass of juice.

    Irene Mincine: :: Blinks and seems to come to her senses more as the seconds pass. She finally notices the doctors around her. :: "Ugh. Like I just got hit with a pain stick..."

    Cptn Swain: ::Nods and returns with a juice and a tea::

    Hunter Matheson: ::leans back in his chair, cracking his back:::

    Hunter Matheson: ::then a good long stretch before looking to Tork who mentioned something about an asteroid belt ahead:::

    Hunter Matheson: Huh.... thought we routed around that one.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::Settles at the desk, putting her data padd aside. Pulling up the communique, she waved for Swain to input his code.::

    Irene Mincine: :: Irene looks to be doing much better, according to the tricorder! ::

    Maryse Dubois: That's too be expected. It's not an easy feat to piece a shoulder back together.

    Hunter Matheson: :::slight change in course to rectify that one, then watches the asteroid belt closely until they pass by:::

    William Chocox: How are you doing Gunny?

    Hunter Matheson: (w) Bam... wham... bangarang....

    Cptn Swain: ::Taps in his code::

    Hunter Matheson: ::turns:: Great, Sir. ::Cho::

    Hunter Matheson: How're things for you?

    Irene Mincine: :: Irene looks down at her bandaged arm. :: "I'm guessing you had to put more hardware in there than a Borg drone."

    William Chocox: I'm doing alright. Can't complain.

    Hunter Matheson: ::nods:::

    Hunter Matheson: Anything interesting on the engineering side?

    Maryse Dubois: Actually no. Modern medicine isn't how it used to be.

    Irene Mincine: :: Irene chuckles, then realizes how bad of an idea that was with a wince. :: "Well, Federation medicine, maybe..."

    Cptn Swain: I am almost nervous.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::Lifts an eyebrow.:: It can't be worse than the last mission.

    William Chocox: I have my projects that I'm working on.

    Maryse Dubois: You will still be off duty for a while though. And once I think your shoulder is getting close to 100%, I may put you on light duty.

    Hunter Matheson: ::Cho, leaning back in his chair again::: Cool. Anything interesting?

    William Chocox: It might be best if you don't know exactly what I'm working on.

    Cptn Swain: Admiral> Captain, I hope this message finds you well. I hope you've had a relaxing last few weeks. I also hope neither Commanders Hawthorne or Cormoran haven't killed you.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::She snorted.:: Close.

    Irene Mincine: "I figured as much." :: Irene frowned slightly. :: "At least I'm still here. I hate being off-duty."

    Cptn Swain: Admiral> We have completed our review of the incident, and I have decided not to take any further disciplinary action. I do want to be clear however, that this is, as you humans like to say your only get out of jail free card. While I do think you acted... recklessly, I do not think you do so out of nefarious intent and so I think it will be best for us all to move on.

    Maryse Dubois: ::Examines her shoulder and arm, gently holding it.:: You can move it around, but don't overdo it. And no lifting anything with this arm for a while.

    Hunter Matheson: :::gives Cho "the eye" for a minute or two:: Ooohhkay.

    Maryse Dubois: I hope you have some books you want to catch up on.

    William Chocox: I'll fill you in later.

    Cptn Swain: Well that's good news, I suppose.

    Hunter Matheson: ::nodnod:: Works.

    Cptn Swain: ::Takes a drink of tea::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: I'm not surprised. If they were going to can you, I would have heard about it before now.

    Cptn Swain: True. But I did rather expect to get a formal reprimand.

    Irene Mincine: :: Irene grumped while Maryse adjusted her arm. :: "Understood, doc. Thanks for putting me back together. Looking forward to a lot of... nothing."

    Hunter Matheson: ::looks to Tork, then points:: That one. Not this one. This one pulls us oh.... 180 degrees or so. Not a good idea.

    Hunter Matheson: ::back to Cho::: So, how was Risa in general?

    Hunter Matheson: I mean... before... you know.

    Hunter Matheson: ::then back to Tork:: Yeah, that works.

    Indaura Ryssan: :: Stands over Irene :: Perhaps some meditation.

    William Chocox: Risa was fine. Went to some talks, had some time on the beach.

    Hunter Matheson: Nice.

    Hunter Matheson: What kind of talks?

    Maryse Dubois: I understand there are some movie programs in the holodeck. Maybe watch a few of those.

    Hunter Matheson: :::turns to Tork again::: No, not a good idea while we're underway. Just keep us steady as she goes

    William Chocox: Mostly Engineering, some new ideas in regards to demolitions.

    Hunter Matheson: ::then looks back to Cho::: Demolitions. Awesome. Great stuff.

    Hunter Matheson: You mean setting 'em, sticking 'em, blowing up?

    Irene Mincine: :: Irene smiles to Dr. Ryssan. :: "I did pick up some authentic Klingon ritual candles on Risa. Would be good to pass the time. And some movies. Whatever will take my mind off how sore I am. At least they phasered my right shoulder - if they messed up the tattoo on my left one I would have ripped that Ferengi's head off."

    William Chocox: Yep.

    William Chocox: I also brushed up on some of my science stuff.

    Cptn Swain: Admiral> Along those lines, instead of returning to base we are having you rendezvous with the USS Melbourne. From there you will take on supplies and other provisions to deliver to a member of the Kaedwan Confederation that has requested closer contact with the Federation.

    Hunter Matheson: Science. Neat.

    Indaura Ryssan: :: to Irene :: There is a fine selection of Denobulan options.. Lots of characters mind you.

    Cptn Swain: Admiral> Further details are provided under separate cover.

    William Chocox: Figured I should not be only useful in one discipline.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Kaedwan? I know little to nothing about the Confederation. Haven't had much dealings with them. ::She looked to Swain.:: You?

    Hunter Matheson: ::nods::: Sounds like a good idea.

    William Chocox: How was your time on Risa?

    Indaura Ryssan: Klingon...hmm.. I don't have a lot of experience.

    Maryse Dubois: ::Gives Irene a small container.:: Take one of these before you go to bed.

    Hunter Matheson: Mine? ::chuckles into a broad grin::: Spent most of my time on the beach.

    Hunter Matheson: Met some... er... nice people.

    Hunter Matheson: One really great massage therapist. She was ::whistles:::

    Cptn Swain: Only a little. We spent time in this region when I was on the Pei Xiu.

    Irene Mincine: :: Irene nodded... :: "My brother sent me a few Klingon opera programs a few weeks ago I haven't gotten around to watching, either." :: She took the container. :: "Pain pills?"

    Hunter Matheson: Tan's fading, though.

    William Chocox: That's all I need.

    Hunter Matheson: ::chuckle:::

    Cptn Swain: They're friendly enough. Really more like than the Tamarn,

    Cptn Swain: more like us*

    Cptn Swain: They extensive trading agreements with the Breen, Romulans and Xindi.

    Hunter Matheson: But... I was glad to be back with this baby. ::patting the console:: Missed her.

    Cptn Swain: have*

    William Chocox: Were your console settings changed at all while we were gone?

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: So we're going into their territory with trade goods. Sounds like someone is keen to make a good impression.

    Hunter Matheson: ::puffs out in disgust:: Yeah... like I don't know what I'm doing with this sweetheart? Took Tork and me a day or so to reset everything.

    Cptn Swain: I know the Federation has been trying to make inroads for a while. Perhaps our young Romulan officer knows a little more about them.

    William Chocox: Same here. They even got rid of the backups I had of my settings.

    Maryse Dubois: ::Nods.:: More like relaxers, to help you sleep.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::Her mouth twitched.:: We should haul him up here, then.

    Hunter Matheson: Man. That's so... so... I'll say dangerous so I don't get thrown in the brig.

    Irene Mincine: "Thanks." :: Irene reached for a PADD on the table with her good arm. :: "Oh! I wanted to show you something. Remember your little, uh, gambit with the Klingons when you were getting me out of there?"

    Hunter Matheson: So maybe next time... if there is a next time... we need to slip our settings onto a clip?

    Cptn Swain: Agreed.

    William Chocox: Apparently.

    Maryse Dubois: ::Looks at at the PADD.:: Yes?

    Hunter Matheson: You know.... :::looks at Cho:: ... there is a way to keep 'em from messing around. Fail-safe.

    Cptn Swain: ::Taps his commbadge:: Mister N'Dak, please report to the ready room.

    Indaura Ryssan: :: Listens ::

    William Chocox: What's that?

    Cptn Swain: In the meantime, I suppose we should adjust course to rendezvous with the Melbourne.

    Hunter Matheson: Uh... something we used in operations to keep anyone from meddling with the Riverines.

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::Heading to the bridge::

    William Chocox: Ok.

    Hunter Matheson: It's a fail-safe programmed into the system for security.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: I'll inform helm.

    William Chocox: I see.

    Cptn Swain: ::Nods taking a drink of tea::

    Hunter Matheson: Probably not a good idea to try it with an Akira, though.

    William Chocox: Why's that?

    Hunter Matheson: Slightly larger vessel, different configuration, not exactly one you take into the water or diving through lower atmosphere.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: +Matheson+ We've orders to rendezvous with the U.S.S. Melbourne. Sending you the coordinates to adjust our course. ::Does so.::

    Irene Mincine: :: Tap tap tap. An old picture popped up on the PADD. :: "It's not Martok, but I did... 'meet' Gowron at a diplomatic reception, once, years before he became prominent." :: The picture was of an early middle-aged Klingon woman, P'Lor, seated next to a Gowron. A young half-Klingon girl, maybe 3 or 4, was giving him bunny ears... ::

    Hunter Matheson: +Hawthorne+ Helm acknowledges rendezvous with U.S.S. Melborne, set to coordinates [insert here].

    Maryse Dubois: ::Smiles, looking at the picture.:: Well we weren't too far off then.

    Hunter Matheson: ::tap...tap tap:::checks::: +Hawthorne+ Coordinates set in. Course verified. Course change established.

    William Chocox: Huh, haven't seen the Melbourne before.

    Hunter Matheson: +Hawthorne+ Verify speed at warp 7.5?

    Hunter Matheson: ::nods to Cho:: Me, either.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: +Matheson+ Acknowledged and verified.

    Irene Mincine: "When your mother's a political outsider, that's who you get at your receptions. They were great friends." :: Irene beamed. :: "He was charmed. Picked me up and said..." :: Irene went bug-eyed and did her best impression of Gowron. :: "You're going to grow up to be a greeeeeat waaaaarrior."

    Hunter Matheson: +Hawthorne+ Helm copy. Warp 7.5 established.

    Cptn Swain: Should take us a few days to get the Melbourne. I suggest we start to get familiar with the Kaedwan.

    Hunter Matheson: ::Cho:: We'll get a good look at her in about 48 hotel

    William Chocox: Looking forward to it.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::She nodded.:: I'll send out a general order to the crew. There are several aspects of their culture that we should be familiar with before we arrive.

    Hunter Matheson: ::leans back, watching Tork complete the requirements for alpha helm::

    Cptn Swain: Agreed.

    Hunter Matheson: ::leans back, nods to Tork:: Looking good. Now do it again.

    Cptn Swain: ...and...

    Hunter Matheson: Um... I don't think so. Use the aux console. ::Tork::

    Hunter Matheson: ::chuckles::

    Hunter Matheson: ::Leans back, straightening his uniform::


    Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM

    Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM

    Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM



  8. Cptn Swain: MISSION BRIEF: When we last left off, a rescue of Irene was under away as Lt. Commander Augustin and Dr. Dubois had entered into the nightclub and heard a loud scream.


    Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM

    Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM

    Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM


    Hakran K'hal: # :: impressed with the taxi-driver's reflexes as he and Indaura head toward the Lamelle District ::

    Maryse Dubois: @ ::Outside Irene's door with Augustin. Phaser drawn.::

    Hunter Matheson: ::stationkeeping, monitoring stuff:::

    Cptn Swain: @Augustin> ::Looks at Maryse, nods his head::

    Maryse Dubois: @ ::Nods that she is ready.::

    Indaura Ryssan: :: Follows K'hal ::

    Irene Mincine: @Irene> :: Irene's currently on the floor of her little cell in agony. ::

    William Chocox: ::continues trying to get past the dampening field:: Let's plug in these frequencies here and see what happens. +Swain+ I have another attempt at the dampener ready.

    Cptn Swain: @Augustin> ::Busts though the door::

    Rhan K'hal: :: tense as he's listening to the audio from his position on the bridge ::

    Maryse Dubois: @ ::Comes in behind Augustin.::

    Indaura Ryssan: What's going on K'hal?

    Cptn Swain: @Grint> ::blinks::

    Hakran K'hal: #Driver> :: comes to a non-screeching halt, because they sure as heck have anti-lock brakes in the late half of the 24 C tyvm ::

    Hakran K'hal: # :: hands the driver his tip, hops out :: Let's see if we can find anything out closer to the source of our Ferengi.

    Irene Mincine: @Prell> :: Jumps into action, drawing a phaser and leaping behind a large crate! :: "Grint, get down, you moron!"

    Cptn Swain: ::Glances to scanners;; +Will+ Let's give it a go. R'han can we get a lock on them?

    Cptn Swain: @Augustin> ::Aims his phaser at Prell:: I wouldn't.

    Rhan K'hal: :: checks ::

    Maryse Dubois: @ :;Has her phaser trained on the Ferengi.::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::Drumming her fingers on her armrest and she finally stood, hands clenched behind her.::

    Hunter Matheson: ::working on some exit vectors, adding codes the engineers left out when they "fixed" Excalibur while the *real* crew was off playing pirate with a dredged-up ship that shoulda been left at the bottom to rot.::::

    Rhan K'hal: I wouldn't call it a "lock." More like a chair fitted under a door-knob.

    Cptn Swain: ::Keeping the comm open will Will:: Can you lock onto anything in the genera area?

    Cptn Swain: @Grint> I told you this was a bad idea!

    Hunter Matheson: ::he looks up feeling a disturbance in the force:::

    William Chocox: I can keep trying to break through.

    Irene Mincine: @Prell> "Not now!" :: She yells from behind the crate, poking her head out to the side. :: "Who are you and what do you want?"

    Cptn Swain: @Augustin> Starfleet, and our crew member.

    Irene Mincine: @Irene> :: Perks up hearing a familiar voice, grunting approval and then falling back down. ::

    Hunter Matheson: ::then sits back to listen to bridge chatter so he'll be aware:::

    Maryse Dubois: @ ::Points the phaser, motioning to Glint.:: Put your hands up and get against the wall. ::Seeing Irene in the corner of her eye.:: Ensign, are you alright?

    Hakran K'hal: # :: approaches a rather grimy looking nondescript humanoid :: Hi, I was wondering if you happen to know this Deltan woman? She may be traveling with a Ferengi. :: holds up his tricorder showing a bad security footage still of Prell ::

    Irene Mincine: @Prell> "Starfleet? How did you get past the... never mind. Grint, you're in charge of the deals, make a deal." :: Her phaser was shaking from behind the crate. ::

    Cptn Swain: @Augustin> ::blinks:: Deal?

    Indaura Ryssan: # :: Waiting for the answer ::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: +Chocox+ Have you tried the adjusting the deflectors? Send the coordinates to helm if you have a vector of approach that would work better to get through that field.

    Irene Mincine: @Irene> "Never better!" :: She yelled, wearily. ::

    William Chocox: +Hawthorne+ I have not. Let me see what I can do there. ::starts looking through possible vectors::

    Hakran K'hal: #Grimy Nondescript Humanoid> :: flashes a rude hand gesture that gets the gist across through most languages and cultures and walks away ::

    Cptn Swain: @Grint> I mean for the right price...

    Cptn Swain: @Augustin> The... right... price?

    Maryse Dubois: @ ::Chuckles.:: Funny. Here's the deal. You two will be put into custody for abducting a Starfleet officer. It's that simple. Otherwise the security team just outside, and the starship in orbit will have to get involved.

    Hakran K'hal: # :: blinks :: We are on a Federation planet, aren't we?

    William Chocox: +Helm+ Hey, try this vector.

    Hunter Matheson: +Cho+ Got it.

    Maryse Dubois: @ And believe me, none of us are in a really good mood right now.

    Cptn Swain: @Augustin> ::Nods:: That sounds like a pretty good deal to me.

    Cptn Swain: @Augustin> If you're lucky anyway. I mean, she is a Klingon citizen as well and we could turn them over to them.

    Indaura Ryssan: # Last I checked

    Rhan K'hal: :: realizes he hasn't updated the forensic team on the activities of the rescue team, sends them a text update about the who, what, when and where ::

    Maryse Dubois: @ You make a very good point. I'm sure the Klingon Consulate would love to hear this.

    Cptn Swain: ::Adjusts the sensor array to compensate for the new information::

    Hunter Matheson: ::looks to Tork for input, then nods:::

    Hakran K'hal: # :: gets the notification chirp on his tricorder, reads it over ::

    Cptn Swain: @Augustin> The cousin of a member of the high council, taken prisoner by a Ferengi and ... kept naked in a cage... I mean I thinkt hat sounds an awful lot like something worthy of execution in Klingon space.

    Cptn Swain: @Grint> ::flushes:: That one?

    Irene Mincine: @Prell> "The Klingon... Consulate...? Execution? I... cousin of a member of the High Council?"

    Maryse Dubois: @ Ensign, you mother is still an official with the Klingon consular, right?

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ACTION> Excalibur is able to get comms and sensors to penetrate through the dampening field, but no transporter lock.

    Irene Mincine: @Irene> "Yeah! Totally! Get me the hell out of here!"

    Hunter Matheson: +That should work+ ::he says, then turns to the commander:: Ma'am, got a vector that will get us through the field. It's dicey, but Excal can take it and I can wiggle around whatever pops up.

    Cptn Swain: @Augustin> I heard her say that Chancellor Martok personally attended her ascension day. ::making **** up as he went::

    Rhan K'hal: :: gets the bzzz negative tone :: Still no lock.

    Hakran K'hal: # :: sighs :: Looks like we came to the right place, though I guess we have a different job. Let's find this club and get a visual on the entrance without being spotted.

    Hunter Matheson: ::Tork:: keep an eye on it. We might have another workaround.

    Irene Mincine: @Prell> :: Laughs nervously... :: "Grint, the failsafe on the amplifier..." :: She ran between some crates in the back of the room.

    Cptn Swain: @Grint> Well you know Rule of Acquisition #145... know when to cut your losses. ::taps a button on his PADD::

    Cptn Swain: @Grint> ::transports out of the room, leaving Prell alone::

    Indaura Ryssan: # Blend in you say?

    Hakran K'hal: # As well as two Starfleet officers in full uniform can ever blend in.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Get a message to Augustin. Find out what's going on.

    Irene Mincine: @Prell> "Grint! You Ferengi worm-eater!" :: Watching him disappear.

    Indaura Ryssan: # I should have went Denobulan casual.

    Cptn Swain: @Augustin> Well, Prell is it?

    Maryse Dubois: @ ::Not surprised the Ferengi ditched. She goes to the cage to unlock it.::

    Hakran K'hal: # :: starts walking down the block ::

    Cptn Swain: @Augustin> ::Keeping his phaser on Prell:: What was that about an amplifier?

    Hunter Matheson: :::checking for bouncers in the area:::

    Irene Mincine: @ :: The cage unlocked easily. Irene was on the hard floor, curled up. The Ferengi transporter, naturally, had discarded her clothes. She was looking pretty rough, with her right arm in a sling and bruises on her ribs, plus some blood trickling down her forehead ridges. ::

    Maryse Dubois: @ ::Kneels down to Irene, physically checking her over.:: Can you stand? I can't treat you here.

    Irene Mincine: @Prell> "We had some... problems subduing your crewmate, but nothing that an Orion pain amplifier can't fix. Remove her from this room and it'll fry every nerve in her body... unless you've got the code. Grint had it, and I have it. Now, how about that deal?"

    Cptn Swain: @Augustin> You can either tell us now, or you can tell us from the inside of a brig cell.

    Hakran K'hal: # Let’s cut through here, if we turn the corner up ahead we'll be on the doorstep.

    Indaura Ryssan: # Sounds fine

    Maryse Dubois: @ :;Hearing that, pulling out her comm.:: +Excalibur+ We have found our wayward ensign, but we have a hitch. I need to speak with Rhan.

    Irene Mincine: @Irene> :: There was a real nasty phaser burn under that sling - her shoulder was in a million pieces. She had some other injuries clearly from fighting back - couple broken ribs, dislocated finger, that kind of stuff. But the shoulder was the most serious of all. :: "Yeah, I think so... help me up."

    Rhan K'hal: +Maryse+ I'm here.

    Hunter Matheson: Found a bouncer. Tork, verify?

    Cptn Swain: ::Lifts brow::

    Maryse Dubois: @ +Rhan+ It seems there is an Orion pain amplifier on Irene. Think you can break it?

    Irene Mincine: @Prell> "There's... okay..." :: Prell thought it over. :: "I could also set this phaser to overload and chuck it across the room... solve all my problems at once."

    Hunter Matheson: ::he gives a nod and Kal reconfigures the direction modified with the bouncer:::

    Cptn Swain: @Augustin> :Keeps his phaser trained on Prell:: Now if you cooperate with us before our ship no doubt breaks the encryption maybe we won't turn you into the Klingons.

    Cptn Swain: @Augustin> That seems like a silly move, given my ships a transporter lock on us.

    Hunter Matheson: ::K'hal::: Sir. Try this vector. It's going to bounce against the dish that's usually part of the problem, but if you take the very edge, it works.

    Rhan K'hal: +Maryse+ With my eyes closed. They're designed to keep the prisoners from hacking them with modified tools, not keep the full might of Starfleet technology out.

    Hunter Matheson: ::then realizes K'hal's busy:::

    Cptn Swain: @Augustin> ::Gives Prell a look:: So you've just got a few minutes...

    Irene Mincine: :: Prell thought long and hard, then held a PADD up over the crate. :: "How about I give you a copy of Grint's database? He's the mastermind here, not me. What would that be worth to you?"

    Hunter Matheson: (w) and the dish is stationary.

    Hakran K'hal: # :: notes a good size tree up ahead and a bundle of cloth, stops to check it out ::

    Maryse Dubois: @ :;Sighs in relief.:: +Rhan+ Think you can get down here? She can't leave the room.

    Irene Mincine: @Prell> "And he clearly doesn't care about me... so he can rot in hell."

    Hakran K'hal: # Looks like your boss' lab coat and uniform top. Must be Cdr Augustin's top as well.

    Cptn Swain: @Augustin> Okay I am done with this. ::fires at Prell::

    Rhan K'hal: +Maryse+ I'll find my way down.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::She nodded to Rhan.:: Matheson, transport Mr. K'hal as close to the compound as you can get.

    Indaura Ryssan: # :: Goes with Hakran ::

    Rhan K'hal: :: stands ::

    Hunter Matheson: Yes, ma'am. ::looks over::: Ready, sir?

    Cptn Swain: << Someone give me a number 1-12 >>

    Rhan K'hal: Fire away

    William Chocox: ((5))

    Irene Mincine: (4)

    Maryse Dubois: @ +Rhan+ Bring some heavy hitters. There are a couple Nausican bouncers. Not very bright, but still menacing.

    Cptn Swain: ACTION> Prell is stunned.

    Hunter Matheson: ::moves to a slightly different angle::: Engaging now.

    Irene Mincine: @Prell> :: Goes down like a rock, the phaser and PADD sliding away from her. ::

    Rhan K'hal: # :: transports down just as Maryse gives that piece of advice ::

    Rhan K'hal: # :: lands right on top of Hakran ::

    Hunter Matheson: (Yeah, man.. I'm good)

    Hakran K'hal: # :: yowls ::

    Indaura Ryssan: # :: jumps ::

    Maryse Dubois: ((lol))

    Cptn Swain: ::Walks over to the ops console:: Let’s keep working on the transporters. We might be able to disable the device in transport... but Orion...

    Rhan K'hal: # Ack. Sorry, bro, blame Gunny, he handled the transport.

    Hunter Matheson: ::work work work:::

    Maryse Dubois: @ ::Gets Irene propped up in a chair for now.:: Sorry if it hurts.

    Hakran K'hal: # :: grumbles ::

    Cptn Swain: @Augustin> ::Walks over to Prell, picking up the phaser and the PADD::

    Rhan K'hal: # Okay, let me get my bearings.

    Irene Mincine: @Irene> :: Slumps against the back of the chair, in obvious pain. :: "Martok? Really?"

    Cptn Swain: @Augustin> Look, it worked did't it.

    Rhan K'hal: # Right around that corner then. :: jogs over, peeks around, jogs back :: Yep, those are Nausicans.

    Irene Mincine: @Prell> :: She'll be fine. The phaser is Irene's. The PADD does, indeed, contain Grint's database. ::

    Maryse Dubois: @ If it didn't I was about to name drop the N'Daks. :;Smiles.::

    Hakran K'hal: # :: ears flatten as he dusts himself off :: Nausicans? You didn't mention anything about them in your rather delayed update.

    Cptn Swain: @Augustin> Maybe Issaha could have bought you back. I hear his family is rich.

    Indaura Ryssan: # I do not like them, Nausicans.

    Irene Mincine: @Irene> "I don't think I'd be able to take the shame of being bought by him, even in a ruse. And believe me, I was ready to shoot this thing off if I had to. Somehow. I would have built a phaser and done it." :: Pointing weakly to the Orion amplifier. ::

    Cptn Swain: @Augustin> The PADD's all in Ferengi but I am sure R'han can make something out of it.

    Rhan K'hal: # I doubt they're on anyone's friends list. :: takes his own uniform jacket off, drops it off by the tree ::

    Cptn Swain: #Nausican> ::extremely drunk::

    Rhan K'hal: # Okay, let's see if they're interested in watching a menage a trois.

    Maryse Dubois: @ :;Looks to Augustin.:: Speaking of, he may be on the way. Can your team help handle the Nausicans?

    Cptn Swain: #SecurityTeam> ::meets up with the Brothers K'hal and Indaura::

    Irene Mincine: @Irene> "I knew I should have paid more attention in language classes at the Academy..."

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: +Chocox+ Chocox, Matheson has adjusted our orbit and the angle of the deflectors. Any change in the dampening field?

    Rhan K'hal: # :: notices the arrival of the security team :: Okay, a slight change of plan.

    Cptn Swain: #Sec1> Sirs... the Nausican has been drinking heavily.

    Rhan K'hal: # So, we just need to distract them long enough for them to be shot humanely and without endangering the team. Easy-peasy.

    Cptn Swain: #sec1> We should be able to do that, sirs.

    William Chocox: +Hawthorne+ Let me check. ::does some scanning:: It seems to be lessened.

    Hunter Matheson: ::Tork::: Keep that edge balanced.

    Rhan K'hal: # Then fire away, as figuratively or literally as required ::

    Hakran K'hal: # :: despite out-ranking his brother, is happy to let him lead on the possible shooty parts ::

    Irene Mincine: @Irene> "Doctor... Maryse... I swear they were trying to punch a hole through me with my phaser to take me down. How bad is it?"

    Hunter Matheson: ::mutters about targeting the field:::

    Maryse Dubois: @ It's not...good, but treatable. ::Looking over Irene again as she speaks to her.:: I know it's a long shot, but you wouldn't happen to have seen where they keep the dampening field generator?

    Indaura Ryssan: # :: WIth the two of them :: I'm the odd girl out.

    Rhan K'hal: # I just hope you brought a big hypospray, Doctor.

    Cptn Swain: ACTION> Through the magic of television, the Security team plan goes off without a hitch, letting the Brothers and Indura pop through.

    Rhan K'hal: @ :: swaps his tag as he enters the building, makes his way down the stairs and into the room with all the action ::

    Cptn Swain: @Augustin> Maybe it's on the PADD. But I am afraid to touch it.

    Irene Mincine: @Irene> :: Shakes her head. :: "I think the equipment was in a back storeroom." :: She pointed off by Prell's prone body to a large bulkhead-style door. Irene didn't have any life-threatening injuries, but she'd be in bed for a while... ::

    Cptn Swain: @Augustin> Rhan... just the man I was hoping to see.

    Rhan K'hal: @ I love hearing that.

    Rhan K'hal: @ :: does a scan of the room ::

    Rhan K'hal: @ Okay, there's the usual frequency.

    Cptn Swain: @Augustin> ::Hands him a PADD::

    Maryse Dubois: @ :;Stands back to let Rhan get a look at the device. She then walks over to the large storeroom door.::

    Cptn Swain: @Augustin> This looks like it's a full database of everything the Ferengi was upto and according to Prell the controls for the amp. Possibly the dampening field.

    Rhan K'hal: @ :: takes the PADD, pokes at it while he heads over to Irene :: He had good taste in hardware, but the Ferengi are still not great at encryption. You'd think with trade secrets they'd at least try to steal something better.

    Rhan K'hal: @ :: uses the manufacturer backdoor code ::

    Cptn Swain: ACTION> Bing, boom so simple. The device stops blinking.

    Irene Mincine: @ :: The storeroom door is locked and wants an access code. ::

    Rhan K'hal: @ There's #1. :: flicks through a few menus, tappity-tap-tap on the security measures ::

    Irene Mincine: @Irene> "Just get it off of me so we can get out of here."

    Cptn Swain: @Augustin> Think you can get the store room door open.

    Cptn Swain: @Augustin> ::HJands Maryse a blanket he found:: For Irene.

    Irene Mincine: @ :: The PADD beeps and the storeroom door opens! ::

    Irene Mincine: @ :: Inside was a stash of stolen goods from all over the quadrant, plus the dampening field generator. ::

    Maryse Dubois: @ ::Back at Irene.:: I'd rather not move you, unless we have to. I would prefer beaming you to the ship.

    Rhan K'hal: @ :: Maryse :: That Orion monstrosity is disabled, you're safe to treat her.

    Maryse Dubois: @ And...jackpot?

    Rhan K'hal: @ :: walks into the storeroom, unplugs the control panel from the wall ::

    Hakran K'hal: @ :: NIP :: I hate it when he's like this, you can't scrub the smug off for a month.

    Irene Mincine: @ :: The blinky lights on the generator fade out and so goes the dampening field. ::

    Maryse Dubois: @ ::Nods to Rhan.:: Thanks. :;Goes back over to Irene.:: I don't have a kit on me, or I would at least help with the pain.

    Rhan K'hal: @ :: pokes head out :: Why would I want to scrub it off.

    Cptn Swain: Looks like the dampening field is down.

    Rhan K'hal: @ +Excal+ K'hal to Excalibur, beam the doctors and Ensign Mincine to sickbay.

    Indaura Ryssan: @ I have a kit..

    William Chocox: +Hawthorne+ Need anything else from me?

    Indaura Ryssan: @ Or a small one

    Hunter Matheson: ::keeping an eye on stuff, checking and rechecking their position and turns suddenly at the captain's announcement:::

    Irene Mincine: @Irene> "You came down here without a medical kit?" :: Irene also had a pretty good tan from her time on Risa, at least, plus a fresh tattoo on her foot, so at least she didn't leave totally empty-handed. ::

    Hunter Matheson: ::checks::: Whoa. Yes, sir, it is.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: +Chocox+ No, good work. They brought the field down from the inside.

    Cptn Swain: I have a lock on all them, except for the Ferengi...who’s nowhere to be found. I suppose we can turn that over to the Risan authorities.

    William Chocox: +Hawthorne+ Ah, well then. Glad that worked out.

    Rhan K'hal: @ :: steps out of the storeroom :: Plenty of goodies for the Risans to play with.

    Hunter Matheson: Tork, got a lock on their position?

    Maryse Dubois: @ I left it with my uniform to sneak in here. ::Takes a hypo from Indaura. Then gives Irene a shot.::

    Hunter Matheson: ::gets a thumbs up::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Matheson, get everyone up here. I think we're done with Risa for a while.

    Hunter Matheson: Aye, ma'am.

    Hunter Matheson: +AT+ Stand by to beam

    Irene Mincine: @ :: Irene closes her eyes. :: "That's the stuff..."

    Hunter Matheson: ::Tork:: Got 'em all?

    Hunter Matheson: Do it.

    Indaura Ryssan: @ The kit is small, but should help

    Hakran K'hal: @ :: Steps over to Irene :: What am I going to do with you, Ensign troublemaker? :: smirk ::

    Cptn Swain: ACTION> Beamy Beamy

    Maryse Dubois: @ I haven't done a scan yet, but the bruising pattern on her shoulder indicates it is fractured in numerous places.

    Maryse Dubois: ::Shimmers::

    Hunter Matheson: Tork> ::beams his group and Kal gets his::

    Cptn Swain: ...and...

    Irene Mincine: @ :: Gets beamed up! ::


    Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM

    Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM

    Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM



  9. MISSION BRIEF: Excalibur is preparing to leave orbit of Risa, but first they must locate a lost science officer.


    Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM

    Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM

    Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM


    Maryse Dubois: @ ::With Augustin, carefully getting closer to the questionable building.::

    Hakran K'hal: # :: with the team at Irene's hotel room, doing the forensics ::

    Cptn Swain: @Augustin> ::Next to Maryse on a small overlook, hidden mostly from view eyeing the entrance to a shady building on the outskirts of the Risan settlements. He held up a pair of viewers to get a better look.::

    Rhan K'hal: :: on the Excalibur monitoring both teams and exchanging data where necessary ::

    Hunter Matheson: ::at helm, ready for whatever happens:::

    Cptn Swain: ::At the science console, frowning at the dampening field, hoping Will can do something about it::

    Irene Mincine: # :: So far, the forensics team has found Human/Klingon and Deltan biological material on the bed and the phaser burn on the ceiling. The science drone would also pick up a peculiar energy signature. It looks like a Ferengi transporter beam. ::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Matheson, do we have communications open with both teams?

    Hakran K'hal: # :: looks over the bioscan data from the bed :: Rrrowwl. :: clears throat ::

    William Chocox: ::is working down in Engineering:: A frequency here, a shift here.

    Hakran K'hal: # :: turns back as the drone scan bleeps :: Ferengi. :: sigh ::

    Cptn Swain: @Augustin> ::frowns:: There's movement at the door.

    Hunter Matheson: Yes, ma'am.

    William Chocox: ::makes some more adjustments:: +Swain+ What about now?

    Maryse Dubois: @ ::Watching.:: Hopefully we can get the field down, or else this may get messier than expected.

    Hakran K'hal: # +Excal+ K'hal here. Not seeing any signs of injury, except to the ceiling. However we have detected a Ferengi transporter signature. Doesn't necessary mean Ferengi are involved since they'll sell for a profit. But. They do have a bad reputation with the Risans.

    Cptn Swain: << Give me a number 1-12 Will >>

    William Chocox: ((8))

    Cptn Swain: ACTION> Success! Will's tweaks allow us to get a better view inside the compound. However transporters are having a much harder time getting through the dampening field.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::She frowned at the news.:: Transporter signature? So someone snatched Mincine? +Hakran+ Acknowledged. What else are you seeing down there? Signs of a struggle?

    Cptn Swain: +Will+ Better. I am able to get primary sensors through the dampening field, but... I doubt we could get a transporter lock.

    Irene Mincine: # :: The room, other than the burn on the ceiling, isn't very messed-up, just ransacked. ::

    Cptn Swain: ::Begins a scan of the building::

    Hakran K'hal: # +Miranda+ Based on the phaser burn on the ceiling, someone got a stream off, and based on the angle I'd say it was from the bed. So I believe Irene may have had a chance to get one o... :: stops that particular wording right there ::

    Maryse Dubois: ((lol))

    Cptn Swain: @ACTION> A couple of shady figures in dark clothing approach a door to the building where they're met by a burly Nausican who looks them over before letting them pass.

    William Chocox: +Swain+ Would you like me to see what I can do there?

    Hakran K'hal: # +Miranda+ I believe the shot originated from the bed. However, the rest of the mess looks more like a messy search than a struggle.

    Cptn Swain: +Will+ Yes.

    Rhan K'hal: :: zooms his wheeled chair over to the console next to him, checks with the Risan authorities to possibly get a lead on anything Ferengi related ::

    Maryse Dubois: @ ::Groans. Looks to Augustin:: Ever dealt with a Nausican before?

    William Chocox: +Swain+ On it sir.

    William Chocox: ::starts working on trying to get through the transporter issue::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: +Hakran+ Does the establishment have security recordings of the public areas?

    Cptn Swain: @Augustin> ::Frowns, but nods:: I was stationed at Starbase 21 for a while right out of the Academy. They were regulars.

    Irene Mincine: :: The Risan authorities transmit *way* too much documentation on Ferengi activities, along with the message: 'more specific, please.' ::

    Hunter Matheson: ::adjusting communications so everything comes in clearly - well, as clearly as possible:::

    Maryse Dubois: @ Well that's reassuring at least. How do you want to handle this situation?

    Hakran K'hal: # +Miranda+ We'll give that a check. Also sending up the Deltan DNA signature we found... intermingled... with the Human/Klingon. :: does so ::

    Cptn Swain: I am not getting any specific Starfleet signals. Though there is a small blip that could be a comm badge. It's hard to say. There are at least a dozen or so life-signs. I am trying to see if I can narrow it down to Human-Klingon hybrid.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Matheson, as soon as you get that DNA signature, run it through the database and see if we get any hits. If this was a criminal, they'll likely have some sort of file.

    Cptn Swain: @Augustin> ::Takes a deep breath:: We don't have anything specific to go on as far as a legal reason to enter... but maybe it's just a club?

    Hunter Matheson: ::Swain:: Sir, I can shift the ship's orbit for a better read. ::turns to Hawthorne:: Yes, ma'am.

    Cptn Swain: @Augustin>+Excal+ Augustin to Excalibur

    Hakran K'hal: # :: Indaura :: See if you can get anything more out of the room, I'm heading back to the security chief.

    Maryse Dubois: @ ::nods:: But what kind? We can't just stroll up and ask.

    Hakran K'hal: # :: heads out of the room, follows the hallway back to the front desk where the hotel's security chief is grumpily waiting ::

    Indaura Ryssan: # Understood

    Hakran K'hal: # :: requests any security footage they may have, as well as asks about the Deltan, in case he's a regular ::

    William Chocox: ::tinkers in the guts of the transporter computers, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows::

    Irene Mincine: :: Bingo - the Deltan's DNA signature comes up in Risa's security computer. Kasmati Prell, mid-20s, female. Many arrests for petty theft, simple assault. Possibly associated with an unknown Ferengi male. ::

    Irene Mincine: # :: The room is tapped out for evidence, at any rate. ::

    Cptn Swain: @Augustin> Maybe we can find out from the register. Care to look into it?

    Rhan K'hal: :: since he's monitoring pretty much everything he can, gets the hit at the same time as Hunter - revises his request to the Risan authorities while sending the data down to both planetside teams ::

    Indaura Ryssan: # :: The computer would have to process all of the data, but she could not wait long ::

    Hunter Matheson: DNA signature came through, Commander.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: +Augustin+ Go ahead.

    Hunter Matheson: It's running the database now, and....

    Cptn Swain: @Augustin> +Miranda+ We're outside a building near the transport coordinates. We've seen a few... less than savory individuals go in through a side door. Looks like there a Nausican doorman.

    Hunter Matheson: Oh, yeah. Name: Kasmati Prell, min-20s female. Petty theft, assault, might be attached to a Ferengi male.

    Indaura Ryssan: # +Excal+ Dr. Ryssan here, uploading hotel room sensor data. Have the processor up there look for anything we may have missed.

    Hakran K'hal: # :: checks the incoming blip, revises his request to the front desk to that of a Deltan female - as Irene's boss, hasn't cared how Irene gets her rocks off, nor cares except as it relates to finding her ::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: +Augustin+ Are you going to attempt entry? Do you need a larger force?

    Rhan K'hal: +Indaura+ Receiving and routing.

    William Chocox: +Swain+ I've tinkered with the transporters a bit, is the computer saying anything different about our ability to transport from wherever it is we're trying to transport from?

    Irene Mincine: # :: The front desk replies that Irene did take a Deltan back to her room that night. They provide security footage that matches Kasmati, but state that neither of them left the room. ::

    Hakran K'hal: # :: thanks the hotel personnel for their assistance, steps away ::

    Cptn Swain: +Will+ I still can't pin point any specific life signs. Whatever kind of dampening field they're using is pretty good. Maybe cross check with what we know on Ferengi shielding?

    Indaura Ryssan: # :: taps :: +K'Hal+ Data sent to Excal.

    Rhan K'hal: +Indaura+ I'll let you know if we get anything back, Doc.

    Cptn Swain: @Augustin> +Miranda+ I was going to get your opinion, ma'am. I certainly have enough people available, but it is private property and we don't exactly have jurisdiction here. We could simply walk up and ask what's going on.

    Irene Mincine: :: The Risan authorities reply with a much smaller list of Ferengi - only a few on Risa are known or suspected to have Deltan associates. One of them is a local of the district with the club, in fact... ::

    Indaura Ryssan: # +K'Hal+ Will do.

    Hakran K'hal: # +Excal+ Hotel footage shows the Deltan female did not leave the room, so is either another victim or complicit.

    William Chocox: +Swain+ Aye sir. ::slides out and goes to the computer to start checking::

    Rhan K'hal: :: wheels back over to the console with the Risan information ::

    Maryse Dubois: @ Hmm... ::Takes her coat and uniform coat off. She then fixes her hair a bit. She was left with a black tank top and black pants.:: Think this will work?

    Cptn Swain: @Augustin> ::Looks back to Maryse, nods as he takes off his own uniform jacket::

    Rhan K'hal: Hmm... :: looks through the data, then pulls up a search on the local Ferengi ::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: +Augustin+ If you can gain entry without alerting them to the fact that you're officers, then do so. If not, we can get the local authorities involved.

    Maryse Dubois: @ ::Nods and takes a deep breath.:: Well at least we have people watching us if it goes bad. ::Shakes it out.:: Ok. I'm ready.

    Cptn Swain: @Augustin> +Miranda+ Understood. We'll keep the calm line open.

    Irene Mincine: :: A pretty sparse biography pops up. 'Grint. Ferengi male, middle-aged. Current domicile: Lamelle District.' Rap sheet includes robbery, selling stolen merchandise, conspiracy to defraud investors, tax evasion... but nothing about kidnapping or serious violent crimes. No detailed information on current activities. Possible associates: Unknown Deltan, possibly female. ::

    Rhan K'hal: Commander, before they go in...

    Cptn Swain: @Augustin> ::Nods to Maryse, sliding his comm badghe into his pants pocket before heading towards the door with Maryse in tow::

    Rhan K'hal: :: zips the data on the Ferengi to Miranda ::

    Maryse Dubois: @ ::Smiling, looking like she was her to have fun.::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::Frowns at information about the Ferengi. She nodded to Rhan.:: Get the team that information. Could be our Ferengi is at the establishment they found.

    Rhan K'hal: Aye.

    Cptn Swain: @Augustin> ::Makes the short jaunt to the door, where they're greeted by a burly, tall Nausican who looks them over::

    Cptn Swain: @Nausican> ::grunts something in Nausican, before turning his head sideways to look at them::

    Maryse Dubois: @ ::Smiles.::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Matheson, see if Risan planetary security has any tracking data on these two unsavory individuals. I'd like to see where they've been.

    Hunter Matheson: Aye, ma'am.

    Rhan K'hal: +@+ :: sends the information down to the team's hardware on silent alert mode, so at worst their tricorder or padd would just vibrate, meaning no tell-tale LCARS beep ::

    Cptn Swain: @Nausican> ::steps closer, putting his hand on Maryse's face, grunting in Nausican again:: I don't know you. But this one is... pretty. Maybe I just take her for door fee? Ha-ha-ha.

    Hunter Matheson: :::contacting, sending security requirements and waits for the answer:::

    Hakran K'hal: # :: makes his way back to the room and the scan team :: Anything?

    Irene Mincine: :: They've been spotted in the district as of a few days ago, but Risan security doesn't have detailed info on their whereabouts because they weren't doing anything outwardly suspicious. Federation privacy laws and all that. ::

    Hunter Matheson: Not much here, Commander. Sending it to you now.

    Cptn Swain: @Augustin> Only if you want to lose that pretty face of yours in the process. ::grins::

    Maryse Dubois: @ You really know how to make a girl blush. ::Looks at Augustin.::

    Cptn Swain: @Nausican> ::Laughs deeply, patting Maryse on the shoulder:: You two go in,, But don't cause trouble or else I kill you both. Ha-ha-ha.

    Indaura Ryssan: # :: Scanning something on the bed closely ::

    William Chocox: +Swain+ I've made some more modifications, any better?

    Cptn Swain: @ACTION> The door opens, and the Nausican moves out of the way, letting Maryse and Augustin enter.

    Indaura Ryssan: # Just examining things for myself

    Maryse Dubois: @ ::Gives a slight laugh as she walks in with Augustin.:: That was fun...

    Cptn Swain: @Augustin> Nausicans are something else. ::nods:: We should be inside the dampening field, so our tricorders should work.

    Irene Mincine: # :: It's biological material all right, but not the kind that will help in an investigation... ::

    Cptn Swain: +Will+ Still not much. But it is a little clearer.

    Rhan K'hal: :: starts an autosearch into the Federation database to look for the Deltan and the Ferengi, and then sends off a short search request (illegally) piggybacked onto normal communications going into the Ferengi network to see if this Grint has any reputation ::

    William Chocox: +Swain+ Well then, I shall continue my search.

    Irene Mincine: :: Grint has no criminal record in Ferengi space, naturally. The Federation database has them on the official 'do not buy from these people' list for pawn merchants. ::

    Cptn Swain: @Augustin> ::Looks at the data that K'hal sent them as he opens his tricorder::

    Hakran K'hal: # The locals are here, we can pass the rest of this :: indicates the room with a hand wave :: off onto them. We should see if we can get any more humint.

    Maryse Dubois: @ ::Checks as well.::

    Cptn Swain: ACTION> The 'club' such as it is, is a bit loud. There's a bar and several alien dancers because of course. It's dark and lowly lit. Readings show a set of stairs that leads to a lower level where Maryse might be able to detect the half-human/klingon hybird.

    Maryse Dubois: @ ::Recognizes the signature.:: She's downstairs.

    Cptn Swain: @Grint> ::Sighing:: Is that thing awake yet Prell.

    Rhan K'hal: I'm not getting very much. This Grint doesn't seem like a criminal mastermind, and nothing so far is showing up any violent tendencies. Not to mention blood often makes for higher expenses and lower profit.

    Indaura Ryssan: # You are right K'Hal.

    Indaura Ryssan: # The computer will do the rest.

    Irene Mincine: @ :: Irene answered Grint's question for him. :: "I can hear you, you know."

    Cptn Swain: @Grint> Ugh.

    Maryse Dubois: @ ::Checks out the area by the stairs.::

    Cptn Swain: @Augustin> ::Nods::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::Reading through the criminal files, she glanced up to Rhan.:: Sounds like Mincine got caught up with the wrong people at the wrong time.

    Cptn Swain: ACTION> There appears to be some sort of cordon near the stairs, and another Nausican.

    Irene Mincine: @ "You're lucky my arm's in this sling, Ferengi, or I'd reach through this door and rip your throat out." :: Irene growls, then coughs. ::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Robbery gone wrong?

    Hakran K'hal: # Time to go talk to people. :: paused :: Our specialty.

    Maryse Dubois: @ I don't think this one will be as friendly. ::Motioning to the Nausican.::

    Cptn Swain: @Grint> Maybe we should just leave her somewhere. I guess maybe some Orions would pay for her... but ugh.

    Rhan K'hal: That'd be my best guess, Commander.

    Cptn Swain: @Grint> Maybe we can still make a few strips off these clothes though. Always a market for a fake Starfleet uniform.

    Rhan K'hal: Not that it does Irene any favors.

    Cptn Swain: @Nausican2> ::Looks at Maryse::: You here to see Grint. See about buying from Ferengi?

    Maryse Dubois: @ Uh. Yes! Yes, we are. Rumor is he just came across some new merchandise.

    Irene Mincine: @Prell> "Yeah. Too bad *she's* damaged goods. Oh well, Orions usually don't care."

    Maryse Dubois: @ I would be interested in seing her...it...

    Hakran K'hal: # :: exits the resort and hails one of the open-air taxis that littler Risa ::

    Maryse Dubois: ((Ok, Prell doesn't happen to be a joined Trill, right? lol ))

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Anyone can put their trust in the wrong person. ::Slight twitch as she leaned back in her chair.::

    Irene Mincine: ((No lol)

    Irene Mincine: @Irene> "Ugh. You know what they're going to do to you when they find out you *kidnapped*, *shot*, and *are trying to sell* a Starfleet officer, Grunt?"

    Cptn Swain: << LMAO I forgot about that >>

    Cptn Swain: @Grint> ::hits a button on his PADD::

    Maryse Dubois: ((haha I was like OMG Javin is here?))

    Indaura Ryssan: # :: Keeps up with K'Hal ::

    Cptn Swain: @Grint> Next time try to pick a quieter one. Rule of acquisition #234 -- Merchandise shouldn't talk.

    Irene Mincine: :: Irene jerks and screams! Maybe not loud enough to be heard over the club's music, though. ::

    Cptn Swain: ::Glances over at Miranda at that line::

    Cptn Swain: << Irene give me a number 1-20 >>

    Hakran K'hal: # :: hops in the passenger area of the taxi, waits for Indaura to join him before turning to the driver :: Lamelle district, and this is business, not pleasure, so charge it to Starfleet.

    Irene Mincine: @Prell> "You're the one who transported her here! This would have been a clean run if you didn't insist on the *Klingon*."

    Irene Mincine: (( 5 ))

    Maryse Dubois: @ ::Looks at Nausican2:: May we go in?

    Cptn Swain: @Nausican2> Go on.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::Hadn't been talking about Swain, but there was no accounting for guilt...::

    Maryse Dubois: @ Thank you. :;Heads down with Augustin.::

    Hakran K'hal: # :: reaches into his pocket, waves a half-strip of latinum at him :: But you'll get an off-the-books tip if you make it quick.

    Cptn Swain: ACTION> Sadly since Maryse and Philippe are still upstairs they don't here Irene getting zapped::

    Indaura Ryssan: # Some places like money, for sure.

    Cptn Swain: @Grint> Fake news.

    Cptn Swain: Still no luck in getting through the dampening field.

    Hakran K'hal: # Risa may not officially use it, being a full Federation world, but the Ferengi don't come here for the oomaks.

    Maryse Dubois: @ :;Checks her tricoder once out of view.:: Second door on the right.

    Irene Mincine: @Irene> "Come in here and do that, Ferengi!" :: She lets off a stream of Klingon curses. ::

    Irene Mincine: @Prell> "Pff. Aren't you lucky I had one of those amps from our last job."

    Indaura Ryssan: # Oh you'd be surprised..

    Cptn Swain: @Grint> ::Nods and taps it again:: Do I look stupid, Klingon.

    Rhan K'hal: :: listens in on the open comm channel, grumbles :: If this was one of the holoprograms I use, I'd probably say something like "I have a baaaad feeling about this" right now.

    Irene Mincine: @Irene> "Y--Aaaaah!" :: Irene screams again! She falls from her standing position down to a knee. ::

    Cptn Swain: @Augustin> ::Pulls out his phaser, which apparently the guards didn't bother to check for. This is how you get ants, folks.::

    Cptn Swain: @Augustin> ::hears the scream, looks to Maryse::

    Hakran K'hal: # ::sits awkwardly with Indaura as they travel - he's a scientist, not a small talker ::

    Maryse Dubois: @ :;Hears the scream, grabbing her phaser as well.::

    Irene Mincine: :: Irene can only be seen from there if Augustin has Borg wall hacks. ::


    Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM

    Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM

    Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM


  10. Cptn Swain: MISSION BRIEF: With the conference wrapping up, much the Excalibur crew is returning to the ship to prepare for an afternoon departure. Risa seems to have been rather busy this week, no?


    Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM

    Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM

    Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM


    Rhan K'hal: :: having blown off most of his frustrations romping on the planet, has returned with his mane (and a good percentage of his fur) bleached a lighter shade of blond ::

    Rhan K'hal: :: is now settled into his customary seat on the bridge ::

    William Chocox: ::somehow came back without a hint of a tan and is back on his main console in Engineering::

    Cptn Swain: @::Still planet side with Arden, reading a book while Arden packed their things::

    Hakran K'hal: :: still camped in his office, enjoying the quiet and lack of emergencies ::

    Hunter Matheson: ::tanned like a summer model from GQ Mag, a satisfied grin plastered on his face - mostly cause he's tired - gear over his shoulder and humming, he exits the lift and gets off at MARDET only to be met with a bunch of NCOs giving him the razz:::

    Irene Mincine: :: Irene, though, never showed up for any of the takeoff preparations! ::

    Hunter Matheson: ::but he's the senior NCO, so he gets to give it back:::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::Miranda strode onto the bridge, no signs of having enjoyed herself during their stay at Risa. As usual, a data padd had her attention as she whittled away at the mountain of reports that needed her attention. She glanced up as she moved to her seat, admiring the view on the main screen.:: Everyone have a good time planetside?

    Rhan K'hal: :: grunts in reply - okay, maybe not all the frustration got blown off ::

    Indaura Ryssan: :: Mixing in with the largest crowds she could find ::

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::Managed to find answers to questions he didn't know he had on Risa, and wondered why his brother thought such a place was such a bad idea. Maybe sometime he and Destorie could come here. It would be good for his brother. He had also picked up some sort of statue a local had given to him and was toting it towards his quarters aboard the Excalibur.::

    Maryse Dubois: ::Steps out onto the bridge with a PADD in hand. She had the perfect slight tan, because of course she would. She walks over to Rhan. She runs her hand along his mane.:: Keeping the color? ::With a slight smile.::

    Hunter Matheson: ::stows his gear and changes into his uniform, then checks out his hair in the mirror and notices, muttering:: Whoa. That lipstick must be some kinda permanent something. :::vigorous rub and it seems to be gone... mostly:::

    Rhan K'hal: :: smiles :: Been a while since it's been that light. Not since the Academy. But I'm not going to maintain it artificially. So unless the Captain approves a major intensity shift in the interior lighting, it'll fade.

    Hunter Matheson: ::gives it a scrub this time... and it's pretty well hidden, so he shrugs, checks his uniform, straightens up, and moves out to the lift::: Bridge.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: How many do we have yet to board, Mr. K'hal? I want all departments checking in.

    Hunter Matheson: ::still humming, he stops when the lift door opens and he steps out:::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: We'll be leaving within the hour.

    Hakran K'hal: :: has had most of his staff check back in, with a couple of exceptions :: Hmm. Irene still not back. Hope she didn't get arrested again. :: checks the chrono ::

    Cptn Swain: @Arden> Are you ready Asher. I don't want to be late.

    Indaura Ryssan: :: Making her way to the transport pad ::

    Irene Mincine: :: According to the chronometer and Hakran's schedule, Irene was supposed to be back on board half an hour ago. ::

    Cptn Swain: @ ::Smirks:: I don't know what we can be late for -- if Excalibur leaves without us, we can always get a transport back. Not like you can't extend your leave, and besides...

    Hunter Matheson: :::Hawthorne:: Commander, ma'am. ::semi-salute:: Reporting for duty.

    Cptn Swain: @Arden> You still haven't opened that communique have you?

    Cptn Swain: @ No.

    Hunter Matheson: ::still has that broad silly grin:::

    Rhan K'hal: :: looks over his board :: Just a few haven't reported in yet.

    Hakran K'hal: :: frowns ::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Welcome back, Matheson. Nice time on Risa? ::Sly look.::

    Hunter Matheson: ::kinda crooked grin, actually, like Indiana Jones::

    Hunter Matheson: Oh, yes, ma'am. How about you?

    Hakran K'hal: +Rhan+ K'hal to K'hal.

    Rhan K'hal: +Hak+ 'Sup bro?

    Maryse Dubois: ::Trying not to giggle.::

    Hakran K'hal: :: mutters something about protocol :::

    Hakran K'hal: +Rhan+ Have you heard from Irene? She's late. ... I do hope she didn't get arrested. Again.

    Hunter Matheson: ::slips behind the wheel, in a manner of speaking:::

    Cptn Swain: @Arden> You should.

    Cptn Swain: @ Did you already.

    Cptn Swain: @Arden> ::giving him a look, with both their bags over his shoulder.:: Of course not. It's secured.

    Rhan K'hal: +Hak+ Not a thing, and no, I've been keeping an eye on the security blotter and everyone has surprisingly behaved.

    Rhan K'hal: :: Maryse :: Which means I lost the pool. Dammit.

    Cptn Swain: @ ::Returns the look:: Uhuh. Well I suppose we should go though, I don't want to make Miranda angry again.

    Indaura Ryssan: :: enters the transport hub ::

    Hakran K'hal: +Rhan+ :: heard that, shakes head and sighs :: Great. K'hal out.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Passable. ::Overhearing Rhan's conversation, she sighed.::

    Hunter Matheson: ::still humming as he does the pre-flight check, and bouncing to the music that's in his head:::

    Maryse Dubois: Ha...:;Grins.:: Though I have noticed a certain couple hasn't checked in either.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: K'Hal, get locations on all crew members that haven't checked in yet. We have a scheduled window for departure and we aren't going to be missing it.

    Rhan K'hal: Aye, Commander.

    Cptn Swain: @ ::signals to Excalibur for transport::

    Rhan K'hal: :: links in with the planetary scanners, does a quick check ::

    Irene Mincine: :: Irene's showing as being in her room in the resort. ::

    Irene Mincine: :: Her com badge is, anyway. ::

    Hunter Matheson: ::contacts station OPS for a few things, then goes back to checking:::

    Indaura Ryssan: @ +Excal+ Doctor Ryssan to transport up.

    Rhan K'hal: Well, that takes care of three. :: clears everyone for transport ::

    Rhan K'hal: :: finds Irene's comm badge, chirps it twice, waits ::

    Rhan K'hal: TP Room 1> :: energizes ::

    Cptn Swain: ::Shimmers aboard with Arden::

    Irene Mincine: :: No response. ::

    Rhan K'hal: :: checks the scanner for a sign of her in that area - not a dicky bird, or a Human/Klingon hybrid, either ::

    Hunter Matheson: ::mutters::: And we're good to go.

    Rhan K'hal: :: calls the hotel ::

    Cptn Swain: ::to Arden:: I am going to go to my ready room.. to read the message. Can you manage?

    Rhan K'hal: I swear if we're missing another officer I'm not letting anyone off the ship again without a leash.

    Hunter Matheson: ::turns to Hawthorne:: Helm is ready for departure, Commander.

    Cptn Swain: Arden> ::long suffering sigh:: Of course. Go on. I'll see you later.

    Hunter Matheson: ::then hears Rhan::missing?:::

    William Chocox: +Matheson+ Helm, Engineering here, warp core is purring for you.

    Irene Mincine: :: An annoyed voice picks up on the other end. :: "Morning Star Resort, Tasha speaking. How may I direct your call?"

    Indaura Ryssan: :: Walks to her quarters to drop off her goodies ::

    Maryse Dubois: ::Pulls up a medical file on Irene, handing Rhan the specs.:: Here is her bio data.

    Hunter Matheson: +Cho+ Helm copies. Treat her nice.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::She nodded to Hunter and pursed her lips, fingers drumming on her seat while she waits.::

    William Chocox: +Matheson+ Always.

    Rhan K'hal: +Tasha+ Hi Tasha, this is Lieutenant K'hal on board the Excalibur up in orbit. One of our science officers, Irene Mincine, hasn't checked in yet and isn't answering her comm badge. Could you have your security check the room, pleasE?

    Cptn Swain: ::Taking the lift to the bridge, where he emerged quietly, still in civies::

    Rhan K'hal: :: nods at Maryse, gratefully, as he requests a bioscan for those particulars from the planetary scanning network ::

    Cptn Swain: ::He had, with Arden's permission, begun to let his beard grow back, though his hair was still cropped short::

    Hakran K'hal: :: exits his office to head for the bridge ::

    Irene Mincine: "One moment, please." :: The communicator clicks. In the background, Tasha is complaining about those damn Starfleets losing another officer, third one this week, why can't they ever hold their booze... she calls security to Irene's room. The scanners don't show Irene in the resort at all, though. The best match is in a club about 15 kilometers away? Hard to get an exact location, though. ::

    Indaura Ryssan: :: Exits her quarters and now in her uniform. Making her way to sickbay ::

    Cptn Swain: ::Makes his way over to Miranda, unaware of the unfolding drama::

    Hunter Matheson: ::gets a call from base OPS re: departure:: +COM+ That's a negative, Risa. Excalibur is holding orbit. Will confirm when departure is imminent. How copy?

    Hunter Matheson: :::receives ack from base:::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::Seeing Swain, she rose from the Captain's seat, but didn't move away as he wasn't yet on duty.:: Captain.

    Cptn Swain: ::nods, and lowly:: I have a message from command. I haven't read it yet, but I am assuming they've finished their investigation.

    Rhan K'hal: :: gets the data back from the psn, figures the angle is good enough and uses the Excalibur's sensor array for a triangulating ping - core planets don't like the Fleet to be bombarding their surface with scans ::

    Rhan K'hal: :: waits for the resort to get back to him in the meanwhile ::

    Hakran K'hal: :: exits onto the bridge, and stops short, surprised by Swain's facial hair and casual attire ::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Your eyes only?

    Cptn Swain: It is secured, but if you want to be there when I open it... ::he trailed off::

    Irene Mincine: :: The sensors triangulate her biosigns to a small building near the club, but can't get any more precise than that due to magnetic scattering. Meanwhile, Tasha picks up the communicator again. :: "Okay, checked her room. Her stuff's all gone, other than her combadge. Don't know how she left that. There's also a phaser burn in the ceiling. You tell your captain you're never seeing your security deposit again."

    Indaura Ryssan: :: Enters sickbay ::

    Rhan K'hal: +Tasha+ Ah. Great. Thank you.

    Rhan K'hal: +Tasha+ Excalibur, out.

    Maryse Dubois: Did she say phaser burn?

    Irene Mincine: Tasha> "Uh-huh. Risa out." :: Click. ::

    Rhan K'hal: Commander, we have a problem.

    Cptn Swain: ::Looks up at that::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Yes... I'd like to se... ::She trailed off, looking to Rhan.:: What sort of problem?

    Rhan K'hal: Ensign Mincine's comm badge was left, with none of her other possessions, in her hotel room. Their resort security reports a phaser burn in the ceiling.

    Hunter Matheson: ::swivels to listen::

    Rhan K'hal: I'm also getting a possible hit on her lifesigns about 16 clicks away, but I'll need to contact the locals to check it out.

    Hunter Matheson: ::expression change::

    Rhan K'hal: Unless you'd rather LCdr Augustin?

    Cptn Swain: ::Taps his tongue to his top teeth::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: A missing officer? We're not leaving this to locals. Send a team to her room to scan it for any evidence and another to check out those lifesigns.

    Rhan K'hal: On it.

    Hakran K'hal: I'll beam down to the resort, do the scans myself.

    Hakran K'hal: :: swivels back to the lift ::

    Maryse Dubois: I'll be going down as well. :;Nods to Hakran.::

    Cptn Swain: :: lowly to Miranda:: Isn't she the one that got arrested?

    Maryse Dubois: ::Follows Hakran to the lift.::

    Hakran K'hal: :: holds the lift for the Doctor ::

    Hakran K'hal: Transporter room 1.

    Maryse Dubois: +Indaura+ I hope you enjoyed you leave, but I can use your help. Meet us at transporter room 1.

    Hunter Matheson: ::swivels back to set helm at standby::

    Hakran K'hal: :: Maryse :: I don't think she would've left on her own accord like this, not right after what happened at the starbase.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Yes, but that was a minor scuffle and I thought we'd worked it out. ::Frowning as she glanced back to Swain.:: She's a good officer and has been an asset so far. I doubt she'd jeopardize her new position aboard the ship.

    Rhan K'hal: :: gets some goldshirts to meet everyone at the TR ::

    Cptn Swain: Not that I ever got into trouble as an Ensign.

    Cptn Swain: Augustine> ::rounding up another crew of goldshirts to head to the second location::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Matheson, contact planetary authorities and make sure they know what's going on.

    Maryse Dubois: ::Shakes her head.:: It certainly doesn't seem like her. Plus a weapon was involved.

    Hunter Matheson: Yes, ma'am. ::punches in:::

    Hakran K'hal: Exactly. :: exits the lift as it stops and jogs the short distance to the TR ::

    Hakran K'hal: First team heads to the biosigns. Those are more important than the forensics.

    Hunter Matheson: ::as soon as they respond, the authorities get the specifics and are good to go on priority 1:::

    Cptn Swain: Augustine> ::nods to Hakran:: We should keep open comms lines with the ship and each other.

    Maryse Dubois: ::Nods.:: I'll be going with them, in case she is injured.

    Hakran K'hal: Agreed. :: lets that team load up ::

    Cptn Swain: Augustine> Any idea on what kind of location we're beaming into. I mean it's Risa but...

    Indaura Ryssan: +Dubois+ I am in sickbay, do you need me?

    Cptn Swain: Augustine> ::steps on to the padd::

    Hunter Matheson: :::swivels toward the Cdr:: Planetary authorities are setting it as priority 1, ma'am.

    Rhan K'hal: +TR+ Club area, about as seedy as Risa can get. But more likely to step in puke than broken glass.

    Maryse Dubois: From what I heard, forensics will go to the hotel, and the rest of us a few clicks away where her last biosigns were found.

    Cptn Swain: Augustine> ::nods::

    Maryse Dubois: +Indaura+ I would like you to assist the forensics team that is beaming down.

    Rhan K'hal: TRO> Ready when you are, sirs.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::Another glance at Swain.:: I think we need to put that message on hold for a moment. We aren't scheduled for departure for another hour. You spending time in your ready room or staying on the bridge for this?

    Maryse Dubois: ::Has a medkit handed to her as she steps up on the pad.::

    Cptn Swain: Augustine> ::Nods to the TRO::

    Rhan K'hal: TRO> :: waits for the doctor to step up, then beams then down, complete with @ ::

    Cptn Swain: Agreed. Wherever you want me, Commander. I think I still know my way around a sensor control.

    Hakran K'hal: :: mills around with the remaining security officers as he waits for Indaura to arrive ::

    Maryse Dubois: @ ::Arrives back on Risa.::

    Hunter Matheson: ::long, worried exhale:::

    Maryse Dubois: @ ::Starts scanning for Irene's last known signs.::

    Rhan K'hal: We have clearance for full scans now, if you want to try to steer them in better.

    Rhan K'hal: Damn regulations.

    Cptn Swain: @Augustine> ::shimmers, begins looking around. He was hesitant to draw a weapon on a Federation planet, but he kept his hand on his phaser nonetheless::

    Rhan K'hal: :: calls back down to the resort to let them know that they're about to get invaded ::

    Indaura Ryssan: +Dubois+ Beam down or help from up here?

    Irene Mincine: :: They beam down to, as was mentioned, a seedy club area in a less-traveled part of the city, surrounded by the more run-down and less reputable clubs and bars. Maryse's scan would pick up a probable hit in one of the smaller buildings, a three-story building made of moldy concrete. A dampening field stops any more detailed scans from a tricorder. ::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::She waved Swain over to science.:: since Hakran is going planetside, see what you can turn up over there.

    Cptn Swain: ::Nods and takes the science console::

    Maryse Dubois: @ +Indaura+ Beam down please. Mr. K'hal is waiting for you.

    Indaura Ryssan: :: Grabs her kit :: +Dubois+ On my way.

    Indaura Ryssan: :: makes her way down to the transporter ::

    Indaura Ryssan: :: after some moments she beams down ::

    Indaura Ryssan: @ K'Hal?

    Maryse Dubois: @ :;points to the building, Looking at Augustine.:: I'm getting signs from there, but it is garbled. There is a dampening field.

    Cptn Swain: @Augustine> :Frowns and motions to his goldshirts to look around the perimeter.:: Certainly not the part of Risa they put on postcards.

    Hakran K'hal: # :: waiting in the resort lobby for their security to escort them to the room ::

    Indaura Ryssan: # It's Ryssan...

    Hakran K'hal: # Ah, there you are Doctor. Doing forensic scans as soon as we get to the room.

    Indaura Ryssan: I have the drone.

    Maryse Dubois: @ :;Nods.:: Not what you would expect from the resort capital of the Federation.

    Hakran K'hal: #Hotel Security> :: grumpily arrives in the lobby, grumpily waves them to follow as he turns right back around and plods to the opposite wing ::

    Irene Mincine: @ :: Some residents scamper away when they see the goldshirts. There aren't many people around here, either. ::

    Indaura Ryssan: # Let me know when I can release it.

    Cptn Swain: ::Begins running more broadband scans of the surface.:: Interesting. There seems to be a dampening field around the structure near Dubois and Augustine's team. I wonder if engineering can do anything about it.

    Hakran K'hal: #Hotel Sec> :: gets to the room door and unlocks it for them ::

    Hakran K'hal: # Okay, we're doing missing persons protocol here.

    Hakran K'hal: # :: enters far enough in to let the others in behind, scans the room with his eyes first, and they track to the phaser burn first ::

    Cptn Swain: @Augustine> ::Looks at Maryse:: I don't want to go in till we have a better idea what we're looking at... but maybe we can get a little closer and see what we can find out?

    Indaura Ryssan: # :: opens the case for the drone ::

    Irene Mincine: # :: The room is just as Tasha said - Irene's com badge on the floor, a long phaser slash on the ceiling - a sign of a struggle. ::

    Cptn Swain: ::Taps his communicator:: +Engineering+ Swain to Engineering.

    Hakran K'hal: # Well, this isn't very promising.

    William Chocox: +Swain+ Chocox here.

    Maryse Dubois: @ ::Nods.:: Agreed. Maybe Excalibur can help us with the field.

    Indaura Ryssan: # Let me send the drone in.

    Hakran K'hal: # Check the bedding for any biological material, Scan and bag that comm badge. Someone find me a stepladder or chair so I can check that phaser burn.

    Maryse Dubois: @ ::Scans what she can with the field up, sending the data up to Rhan.::

    Cptn Swain: +Cho+ We're looking for a lost sheep on the planet, and they appear to possibly be in a building with a unusual dampening field I can't cut through with sensors. Can you take a look and see what you can do for us?

    Hakran K'hal: # If it would like to join me, it's welcome to.

    Indaura Ryssan: # :: launches the scanning drone into the room ::

    William Chocox: +Swain+ On it sir. ::starts working on getting through the field::

    Cptn Swain: @Augustine> ::Moving quietly towards a place where could get a better look at the building.::

    Indaura Ryssan: # It will be enough to recreate the room in the holodeck if need be.

    Irene Mincine: # :: There's "biological material" all over the bedding, all right. Human/Klingon and Deltan. Hotel security retrieves a stepladder. ::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::She rose again, unable to keep her seat for long. Moving up to the front of the bridge, she crossed her arms as she looked over Hunter's shoulder at the sensor readings.::

    Hunter Matheson: :::feeling her presence, he keeps a solid focus on the sensor readings:::

    Cptn Swain: ...and...

    Maryse Dubois: @ ::Follows behind Augustine, quietly.::

    Hakran K'hal: # :: thanks the hotel staff, plops the stepladder down at the initiation point of the phaser burn and hops up to the top to give it a good look and scan ::

    Cptn Swain: ACTION> @ Team seems some very shady figures of ill-repute at the door.


    Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM

    Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM

    Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM


  11. MISSION BRIEF: Excalibur is in orbit of Risa where the crew has been participating in the opening days of a conference for candidate worlds for Federation Membership, while also playing host to former Federation Defense Secretary, Sulia Link. As we pick up, Excalibur is hosting the opening night reception for the delegation. Dress attire is formal, but i am told the food is good and the servers will be Risan, against the request of our VIP, so feel free to participate in the reception or enjoy the Risan suns setting on a beach with a fruity drink.


    Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM

    Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM

    Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM


    William Chocox: ::is enjoying the food at the reception::

    Cptn Swain: ::Making his way to the reception, checking his collar in the panel as he goes::

    Cptn Swain: Arden> Worried your neck has gotten thicker? ::smirking, also in full-dress uniform:: I don't see why we had to come to this. You're not even on active duty and I am leave.

    Cptn Swain: Miranda threatened to reprogram my replicator if we didn't.

    Cptn Swain: Arden> ::continues smirking:: I don't see how that affects me. I have my own quarters.

    Irene Mincine: :: Irene, never one to pass up food and an open bar, is already there with a cup of some opaque green drink. She looks like she might have been pre-gaming the reception, too. Her dress uniform, though, is impeccable. ::

    Tandaris Admiran: ::has not been in a dress uniform for a while now, but he nevertheless manages to look presentable as he enters the reception room::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::Miranda was dressed to impress, uniform fresh and polished, looking lovely in her white dress jacket and grey tunic. For once, she wasn't frowning, but she *was* scrutinizing everything. The flowers, the food, the servers and their dress. The crewmen and their uniforms. Anything that wasn't perfect would be dealt with in swift manner.::

    William Chocox: ::blinks as he looks over at the new arrival:: (m) Didn't know Commander Admiran even had a dress uniform.

    Tandaris Admiran: ::makes his way to the food table::

    Indaura Ryssan: :: Walking to the reception in her dress attire ::

    William Chocox: ::walks up next to Commander Admiran:: I'm surprised you have a dress uniform.

    Hunter Matheson: ::Kal enters the reception wearing full dress MGSGT SFMC blue and red, decorated to the hilt cause it helps catch the girls and maybe turn a few heads:::

    Cptn Swain: ACTION> A real live Risan Jazz band is providing the entertainment for the evening, and dozens of diplomats for at least thirty different worlds have started to make their way into the reception area, which has huge floor to ceiling windows giving us a view of the Risan suns dipping behind the star. Secretary Link has yet to arrive, however.

    Rhan K'hal: :: having had to wheedle, whine, beg and offer favors to the owner of a non-Risian style resort to cater and staff this thing on short notice, is in attendance ::

    Hunter Matheson: ::he politely steps aside for the newcomers, introduces himself to a few, shakes a few hands when offered::

    Irene Mincine: :: Irene appears and offers Miranda one of those little sandwiches with a toothpick through them. :: "Pretty packed in here, sir, but I see someone important is missing?"

    Tandaris Admiran: ::Chocox:: Not nearly as surprised as the person who is now missing one….

    William Chocox: ::blinks again:: You didn't.

    Hunter Matheson: ::using his best "sir" and "ma'am" whenever he can, scanning the crowd to get a good feel of the invitees:::

    Cptn Swain: ::Enters with Arden in tow, they looked down right adorable together.::

    Hunter Matheson: ::doubletake at the couple::

    Tandaris Admiran: ::Chocox:: I can't confirm or deny without making you an accessory¦.

    Tandaris Admiran: Best you retain plausible deniability.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Divas like to make an entrance. ::She took the sandwich from Irene and popped it into her mouth.::

    William Chocox: Of course sir. Didn't hear a thing.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: My point exactly. ::Pointing at Swain as he entered.::

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::Also making his way in, wearing full Romulan Star Navy dress uniform which included his rank sash. He had considered wearing a cape, but demurred. What if he needed to make a quick escape and the cape got caught in the turbolift doors?::

    Tandaris Admiran: ::glances over at the couple's entrance:: Hmm.

    Rhan K'hal: :: gives a jaunty little salute to Arden and Swain as he passes by, ushering a certain old diplomat toward the non-alcoholic drinks table ::

    Indaura Ryssan: :: Enters the reception ::

    William Chocox: ::looks over at Swain and Arden:: Surprised he was allowed to come.

    Tandaris Admiran: He looks so serene.

    Hunter Matheson: ::he's inside, meaning no cover, which means no saluting, but he does nod a greeting to the couple:::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::She hissed at a server as he passed.:: There's a stain on your jacket. Get it seen to before our guest arrives.

    Tandaris Admiran: We might have to prevent a murder.

    Cptn Swain: ::Makes his way over to Miranda and the new science officer.::

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::Makes his entrance through a side door. ::

    Irene Mincine: "I see..." :: She watches Arden and Swain's entrance, then Issaha's, and Indaura's comparatively muted entrance. :: "I was at one of these with my mother once. The guest, a member of the High Council came in, completely blasted, and tried to look up the server's skirt. It was... a fun evening."

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::She glowered at Swain as he neared, flexing her injured hand. The swelling had gone down enough to forego the wrap, but it still twinged. Worth it, though.:: Good evening, Arden.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: We might have a bit of fun at this one. ::She said aside to Irene.::

    Cptn Swain: Arden> ::Grabs a fruity drink from a passing server for himself, letting Asher fend for himself:: Good evening, Miranda.

    William Chocox: I could find a distraction down in Engineering.

    Irene Mincine: :: Irene chuckled to herself, then reflexively stood up straighter when Swain and Arden approached. :: "Sir. Sirs."

    Rhan K'hal: :: having steered the old lush into the arms of the escort that was arranged for him, far-far away from the bar, then steers his way back around and notes all the pips congregating ::

    Hunter Matheson: :::he finally weaves through the crowd to Cho, nods to Cdr Admirin:: Commander.

    Cptn Swain: As you were Ensign. ::Grabs a bubbly drink.:: This looks fantastic.

    Hunter Matheson: ::Cho::: Grab a few beers and I'll join you in engineering.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::She ignored Swain and tried to catch Rhan's eye, waving him over.::

    Tandaris Admiran: ::nods at Hunter::

    Rhan K'hal: :: hopes Miranda keeps her knuckles to herself tonight, makes his way over at her signal ::

    William Chocox: The types of distractions that I have are best not handled while inebriated.

    Rhan K'hal: Captain, Commanders, and various other ranks.

    Hunter Matheson: ::he nods to Cho, then turns to Admiran:: Sir, I take it that these receptions are few and far between?

    Irene Mincine: :: Irene slouched once again at Swain's word. :: "You should try this, captain. I'm... not really sure what it is." :: She sipped the opaque green drink and winced. ::

    Indaura Ryssan: :: Gets a drink ::

    Indaura Ryssan: :: drinks ::

    Cptn Swain: Vulcan Port I think.

    Cptn Swain: Or something new from Frocus III.

    Hakran K'hal: $ :: since no one put a phaser to his head to make him go, and hates getting confused for his brother in the dress whites, is in his quarters listening to Andorian metal while reading up on some of the topics that will be on offer at the symposium ::

    Cptn Swain: Arden> ::Nods, sipping from his own drink::

    Cptn Swain: Where is our most distinguished guest?

    Hunter Matheson: ::holds up a hand to wave off a server, passing on whatever pretty concoction is on the tray:::

    Tandaris Admiran: ::Hunter:: I can't remember the last one we had.

    Tandaris Admiran: Then again, we spent a long time in the Gamma Quadrant.

    Cptn Swain: ::He'd yet to actually meet the Secretary, but he'd heard more than enough already from the ships gossip wheel. He had also heard about Miranda's little trick with his whiskey, but decided that was fair recompense for everything he'd put her through lately.::

    Tandaris Admiran: Now that we're back here … I guess these will be more common. ::doesn't sound pleased by this::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::She spoke quietly to Rhan.:: K'hal, there's a Tellarite delegate that's already started being argumentative near the bar. Have Matheson steer him away from the Andorian or they're liable to spark a war.

    Hunter Matheson: ::Admiran:: Yes, sir. Guess that would keep you away from this type of thing.

    Rhan K'hal: :: sighs, nods ::

    Rhan K'hal: :: looks around, finds Hunter and beelines for him ::

    William Chocox: There's worse things than these little parties. We could be chasing the captain through a swamp.

    Hunter Matheson: And... you look just about as happy as I feel. ::forces a smile to a delegate::

    Hunter Matheson: ::feels a bee coming his way:::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::She straightened, once more scanning the crowd for any sign of trouble. Her eyes flitted briefly to Swain.:: She'll get here when she gets here. She's very eager to meet *you* for some reason.

    Irene Mincine: :: Irene shrugs. :: "Whatever it is, it's good. I'll have to... um... procure some, planetside."

    Cptn Swain: Arden> ::Catches Asher's eye for a moment, before turning to Irene:: Why don't you come with me and see if we can find something to eat.

    Tandaris Admiran: ::Chocox:: That's an excellent point. ::snags a drink off a tray::

    Rhan K'hal: :: zooms in :: Hello, pleasant evening, lovely wine, etc etc. I need to borrow the Gunny. :: grabs him by the elbow and leads him off a little way ::

    William Chocox: ::snags a drink off the same tray::

    Tandaris Admiran: And it has been a long time since I was on Risa

    William Chocox: Too bad we're not on Risa.

    Hunter Matheson: ::dragged away:: We being attacked, sir?

    Cptn Swain: Arden> ::Politely whisking Irene away, leaving Asher and Miranda alone::

    Irene Mincine: :: Food? Food! :: "Certainly, sir. If you'll excuse me, Commander. Captain." :: She figured she was being whisked away, but didn't really care. FOOD! ::

    Cptn Swain: I really don't deserve him. ::He took a drink:: Or you.

    Rhan K'hal: :: Hunter :: No, but we can prevent a war. Bar, at 11 O'Clock. Tellarite and Andorian getting a little heated. You go in for the Tellarite and get him interested in military history or something, and I'll come in and smooth the Andorian's antennae.

    Hunter Matheson: Yes, sir. :::moves in:::

    Tandaris Admiran: ::Chocox:: Yes, but the trick is to pick your sessions based on the best locations.

    William Chocox: True.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: No, you don't. ::Agreeing wholeheartedly.:: You're lucky he loves you enough to have come to me.

    Hunter Matheson: :::squeezes between the two:: Excuse me, sirs.... ::Andorian:: Sir, you look very familiar.

    Cptn Swain: ::He nodded, there wasn't much more to say to that, as it was entirely accurate.::

    Hunter Matheson: Andorian> :::glare:::

    Cptn Swain: He's always been there, you know. No matter how many times I pushed away or found a reason -- he's always been there. ::Smiles::

    Hunter Matheson: Oh... wait... I know. I saw you down on Kalamari V last year. You're Sinta Inzar, Delegate to the Union!

    Hunter Matheson: ::glad he reads those weird magazines when they come through:::

    Tandaris Admiran: For example, one of my sessions will finish just before opening time of this delightful little club with the most intriguing dancing.

    Hunter Matheson: Inzar> ::skeptical:: And you are?

    William Chocox: I don't need details sir.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: And yet you keep stepping on his feelings. ::She looked away with a slight sigh, feeling more sorry for Arden than angry at Swain.:: We seriously need to talk about your future on this ship.

    Hunter Matheson: Matheson, sir. Master Gunnery Sergeant Matheson, sir. I am honored to make your acquaintance. ::straightup Marine attention:::

    Cptn Swain: ::Takes another drink:: The last time I brought that up you punched me.

    Irene Mincine: :: Irene offers Arden one of those little sandwiches with a toothpick from a tray, as well. :: "I... hmm..." :: She's watching the marine and the Andorian, from a distance. ::

    Tandaris Admiran: ::Chocox:: Are you attending any sessions? Or are you going to spend all your time working on that little project of yours?

    William Chocox: Little of Column A, a little of Column B.

    Cptn Swain: Arden> ::takes the offered sandwich:: I love these. Risan food is excellent. I was station at Starbase 12 for a couple years and it's just a hop skip and jump, so we'd come here a lot on long weekends.

    William Chocox: I suppose I should try to mix in "fun" every so often.

    Hunter Matheson: ::doesn't let him get a word in edgewise as he gently maneuvers the Andorian toward the smorgasbord::: How about something to eat, sir? Drink? ::glances over the Andorian's shoulder:::

    Tandaris Admiran: You're more than welcome to come to the session tomorrow on the application of Klingon political science to current tensions in the Borathi Kantella trade wars.

    Irene Mincine: :: Irene is also eating a sandwich, careful to keep any off her dress uniform. :: "I didn't leave Proxima before I joined Starfleet. Risa seems pretty nice."

    Hunter Matheson: Inzar> ::Mutters something about overzealous Starfleet personnel but is delighted to see the food:::

    Sulia Link: ::Making her entrance, dressed to the hilt in the latest, very tasteful, Arbazan fashion::

    William Chocox: Sounds riveting.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Yea, well, you caught me off guard. It felt like a betrayal of the highest order. Like we braved untold dangers and put our own careers on the line to save you, but you really didn't need saving and aren't even going to stick around so I can be mad at you for a long time.

    Cptn Swain: I said I was thinking about retiring. I've been thinking about retiring since the Dominion War. ::He sighed:: But it was a poor choice of timing.

    Hunter Matheson: ::and Inzar seems engrossed by the food, so he works himself away::

    Indaura Ryssan: :: Taking another drink, watching others from a quiet corner of the reception ::

    Hunter Matheson: ::and decides that going to a delegate reception in full dress isn't exactly the thing to do next time:::

    Cptn Swain: And for the record... I did appreciate your backup. If you hadn't come... well I feel pretty certain we would have either been left to rot in the LMC or I would have been a prisoner of the Tal'Shiar.

    Sulia Link: ::Frowns almost immediately as she enters. Everything was ... wrong. The music. The food. The flowers. The... waiters. Gods be good she was going to have someone's hide for this.::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Poor timing, indeed. ::Her frown only deepened as their guest arrived.:: Here comes the explosion.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::Slightly pleased with herself.::

    Irene Mincine: :: Irene notices the frowning guest of honor. :: "Sir..." :: She says quietly, nudging Arden and gesturing to her. ::

    Rhan K'hal: :: notes that the Tellarite was so surprised at having the Andorian he was arguing with stolen out from under him, has had the wind blown out of his sails and is just frowning into his drink - turns around and just shakes his head :: I know I speak perfect Standard.

    Hunter Matheson: ::weaves his way out of the delegates and into more familiar surroundings:::

    Rhan K'hal: :: sees Link enter :: Oh dear, that's the "Bomb Romulus" face.

    Hunter Matheson: :::finally finding Rhan and is close enough to hear his comment:::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Madame Secretary! ::She moved to greet their diva.:: A pleasure to see you again. Might I introduce you to our Captain, Asher Swain?

    Hunter Matheson: :::and turns toward the Bomb:::

    Hunter Matheson: ::on his way by Rhan:: (w) Mission accomplished, sir. ::and moves on:::

    Rhan K'hal: :: hums something along the lines of agreement ::

    Sulia Link: ::Storms past several guests and directly towards Hawthorne and Swain, though she completely ignored Hawthorne:: CAPTAIN SWAIN! I see you finally decided to show your face. I don't know what this whole nonsense was about leave of absence, but you have some explaining to do. Your... your first officer ::again pretending Miranda wasn't there:: and that... that mangy Caitian ninkenpoop you call an operations officer have *ruined* this reception! I gave extremely clear directions that were to be followed to the exact letter! Do you have any idea...

    Hunter Matheson: ::can't help hearing the bomb do her bombing::: (w) Crap.

    Rhan K'hal: :: crosses his arms at the "mangy Caitian ninkenpoop" bit, mutters "forget what I thought earlier, please DO use your knuckles, Commander." ::

    Irene Mincine: :: Irene was doing her best to make herself invisible. ::

    Tandaris Admiran: ::Chocox:: Like I said. Murder. Prevention. ::takes a sip of his drink and watches with amusement::

    William Chocox: Shall I head to Engineering?

    Hunter Matheson: :::nodnodnod to Cho:::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::She took a step back from the diva's wrath, trying to look contrary and failing miserably. Tilting to look at Swain, she smiled broadly.::

    Cptn Swain: ::Clears his throat just loud enough to get her attention, and no doubt anyone else:: Madame Secretary, It is an honor to meet you I've heard... so much about you, I will give you a tiny bit of free advice that I can't believe someone hasn't given you yet. First, if you don't want the whole room to know somethings screwed up, don't yell. Fake it till you make it. Second, Commander Hawthorn and Mister K'hal are two of the finest officers I have ever had the pleasure of serving with and I would strongly suggest you avoid using such disparaging and frankly racist language to describe them or any member of my crew again.

    Tandaris Admiran: ::Chocox:: And miss the fun?

    William Chocox: See, that's the dilemma.

    Irene Mincine: :: Irene whispers to Arden, stifling laughter at Swain's response. :: "Sometimes it's nice being an ensign..."

    Cptn Swain: While you are a guest aboard this ship, I will note that you are not a full ambassador and thusly have no actual command authority here, so I advise you sit back get a drink and enjoy the rest of the evening, Madame Secretary.

    Indaura Ryssan: :: Getting a bit of a buzz from the back of the room ::

    Sulia Link: ::Blinks, not exactly sure what to say::

    Cptn Swain: Arden> ::to Irene:: He does have his moments,

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ACTION> At Miranda's cue, the band resumed playing a distinctly Risan melody.

    Sulia Link: ::Clears her throat again, patting down her dress:: Well then, Captain, have a good evening. I think I shall retire for the night.

    Indaura Ryssan: :: Remembers this song ::

    Cptn Swain: ::Wait for Link to get out of ear shot:: I think I need another drink.

    Rhan K'hal: Well, that'll be trending on InstaHologram in ten minutes.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::She shot Swain a glance.:: That was almost worth the trouble you put us through.

    Hunter Matheson: ::lets out a breath he was holding:::

    William Chocox: Well, that was disappointing all in all.

    Hunter Matheson: ::Cho:: So, you *wanted* the fireworks?

    Irene Mincine: "That was fast..." :: Once Link left. :: She finished her green drink. ::

    Cptn Swain: Can't retire if they fire you. ::pats his temple with one finger::

    Cptn Swain: Arden> ::on his second drink:: Mmhmm

    Tandaris Admiran: ((Been there, tried that, didn't stick))

    Rhan K'hal: :: not particularly happy after being manipulated by Miranda for this, then insulted by Link on top of it, stiffly exits the room ::

    Cptn Swain: But in all seriousness, Miranda, you should come have dinner with Arden and I at the Lagoon tomorrow. Arden is insisting on cooking and we can talk about... things.

    William Chocox: I would've provided them.

    William Chocox: But you didn't hear that from me.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::Her lips twitched.:: Fine, but only because Arden is cooking.

    Tandaris Admiran: ::Matheson:: It isn't really a vacation on Risa until the first murder!

    Cptn Swain: Issaha>::waiting outside, he didn't really like the Risan jazz:: Hey, Mister K'hal!

    Hunter Matheson: ::cho:: Copy that, sir.

    Hunter Matheson: ::blink:: Murder, sir?

    Hunter Matheson: No wonder the Corps doesn't allow liberty on Risa.

    Rhan K'hal: :: narrows his eyes :: El'Arrain N'Dak, is there something I can do for you?

    William Chocox: A good murder mystery can keep the mind sharp.

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::Smiles, warmly:: You can come down to the planet with me and help me find a good place to watch the sunset with a relaxing drink. The reception was really lovely, but the Risan Jazz does something to my ears ::smiles::

    Hunter Matheson: ::just stares::

    Cptn Swain: << Two minute warning, thanks for going over tonight >>

    Rhan K'hal: Getting off this gods-damned ship and getting drunk sounds great, I don't really care where the sun is.

    Cptn Swain: ::Smiles:: He'll be delighted.

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::grins:: Point the way to the transporter room, then.

    William Chocox: You've never pretended to be Sherlock Holmes on the holodeck Gunny?

    Irene Mincine: "I'm definitely going down to the planet after this reception..." :: Irene said no to a refill on her drink. ::

    Rhan K'hal: I can do better than that. :: pulls out his padd, tap tap tappity tap, and away shimmer the large-eared ones ::

    Cptn Swain: ...and...

    Hunter Matheson: :::slides slowly toward the entrance, picking up his cover on the way, holding it under his left arm and making for the lift:::

    Hunter Matheson: ::whew:::


    Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM

    Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM

    Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM


  12. SD 0902.2018

    Excalibur is in orbit of Risa where the crew has been participating in the opening days of a conference for candidate worlds for Federation Membership, while also playing host to former Federation Defense Secretary, Sulia Link. As we pick up, Excalibur is hosting the opening night reception for the delegation. Dress attire is formal, but i am told the food is good and the servers will be Risan, against the request of our VIP, so feel free to participate in the reception or enjoy the Risan suns setting on a beach with a fruity drink.

  13. MISSION BRIEF: While Captain Swain remains on, essentially, administrative leave, the Excalibur has been assigned to transport former Federation Defense Secretary Sulia Link to Risa to participate in a summit of potential Federation members. The Secretary has offered to arrange for members of the Excalibur to participate in sessions relevant to their interests. We pick up en route to Risa.


    Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM

    Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM

    Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM


    Hakran K'hal: :: in his office on deck 4, reviewing the paddwork for the various projects going on ::

    William Chocox: is working on his project in Engineering::

    Maryse Dubois: ::In her office in sickbay.

    Irene Mincine: :: Irene is working on her exobiology report on the cats in one of the science labs. ::

    Cptn Swain: ::In his quarters, enjoying a nice delightful cup of tea while Arden reads a book::

    Secretary Sulia Link: ::On her way to the bridge, frowning at the security escort that was accompanying her.::

    Hunter Matheson: ::helm, doing his thing:::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::With their VIP momentarily placated, Miranda was back on the bridge, reviewing the repair completions that had been done on the Excalibur.::

    Maryse Dubois: ::Steps out into sickbay, looking for Indaura.::

    Rhan K'hal: :: using his PADD-XL to prowl-work on the bridge - who needs a standing desk when you can just take your desk with you? ::

    Indaura Ryssan: :: Reading a medical journal ::

    Maryse Dubois: ::Leans on the desk Indaura is sitting at.:: Good read?

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::Practically bounces into the science labs::

    Irene Mincine: :: The door to lab 3 slides open and Irene pokes her head out, making sure no Romulans are going to intercept her. She heads toward the offices with a PADD. ::

    Indaura Ryssan: :: Her quarters were small, just the way she liked it. ::

    Hakran K'hal: :: watches Issaha bouncing through his open office door :: You're energetic today, El'Arrain.

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> Jolan tru!

    Indaura Ryssan: A medical journal from Denobula

    Secretary Sulia Link: ::Exit onto the bridge, Butch the security escort in tow::

    Hunter Matheson: :::making notes of the changes that shouted "new and improved":::

    Indaura Ryssan: There's a 30 part series I should finish, but I got off track a while back.

    Hunter Matheson: ::mutters to himself:: Yeah, right. New maybe, but not improved.

    Rhan K'hal: :: glances up. mentally grimaces :: Greetings, Madame Secretary. How can we help you?

    William Chocox: (m) A twist here, a turn there.

    Maryse Dubois: ::Nods.:: Sounds interesting. Reading is a nice relaxing activity. And speaking of relaxing... ::Shows a PADD.:: Since we will be on Risa, there is a possible chance for leave.

    Maryse Dubois: I was planning on putting you and the rest of the staff on some well-deserved time off.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::She repressed a groan, hearing Rhan's greeting, and rose from her chair, turning to their guest.:: Ah, welcome to the bridge. I trust you are settling in well?

    Irene Mincine: :: Irene stops in her tracks, deflated. :: "Oh, uh... hello..." :: She quickly continues to Hakran's office. :: "Sir, I've completed this report on the cats. I was thinking of submitting it to the exobiology journal."

    Secretary Sulia Link: Your sonic showers could use an adjustment, but otherwise yes. I'll be sure to thank the Captain for his generosity, if he ever shows up. ::She frowned:: And thank for the security escort. He's almost useful.

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::bounces over to the office as well:: Oh the cat-creatures! They seem very friendly.

    Hakran K'hal: Hello, Irene. I'm sure it'll be a great addition to the journal. Though you might want to let me proofread it before you send it off, since I have to read it anyway. :: smiles ::

    Indaura Ryssan: oh?

    Maryse Dubois: I also heard there will be some numerous debate sessions that Secretary Link was allowing some of us to attend. So if there is one you would like to see, let me know.

    Indaura Ryssan: I will. What about you?

    Rhan K'hal: :: makes a note about the sonic shower, sends it down to Engineering ::

    Maryse Dubois: ::Nods.:: I think there are a couple I might be interested in attending.

    Irene Mincine: "That's why it's on this PADD here." :: She hands it over to Hakran, then smiles to Issaha, since that was a topic she liked. :: "Yes! They were very helpful on our last mission and they love just about everyone they come across."

    Secretary Sulia Link: ::She adjusted her hair, which was a series curls piled in a beehive formation:: I have made arrangements for your officers to have access to the conference schedule. Have them be sure to register for the sessions they would like to attend. I am also told there will be a few additional worlds in attendance, including a delegation from Bajor.

    William Chocox: sees the communique from Rhan and sends one back:: Will look into it.

    Hakran K'hal: :: takes the PADD, gives it a quick glance and moves it to the top of his pile, then resumes keeping an eye on his colleagues ::

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> So I heard. It is likely lucky a Lloann'an discovered them and na a Rihannsu vessel. ::frowns::

    Hakran K'hal: The possibility of live dissection or the possibility of being dinner?

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: The Captain is off duty for the time being, so feel free to forward any requests to me. We shall be arriving at Risa shortly, in any case. ::She nodded.:: My thanks for the conference plans. We've been sent a full roster of delegates. Would you like operations to forward to your quarters?

    Hunter Matheson: :::finally realizes that there is someone new on the bridge. His eyes flick in that direction, then he returns to what he was doing 'cause there's a lot of fixin to do to the "improvements" they made to HIS helm.. silent grumble:::

    Rhan K'hal: :: glance up :: It'll be transferred within a half hour, I'm having some of the yeomen from AdComm work on dossiers for the known individuals.

    Irene Mincine: :: She nods, frowning as well. :: "Yeah, probably for the best... think the radiation's still messing with my universal translator." :: She coughed, then looked back at Hakran's big pile of PADDs. "Uh, that's all I had, lieutenant. Unless you had another assignment for me."

    Maryse Dubois: ::Smiles as she gets off the desk.:: Anyways, I just wanted to let you know. I'll let you get back to reading.

    Secretary Sulia Link: That would be acceptable. Oh, and one more matter Commander. Since you're apparently in charge. I went ahead and took the liberty of accepting the offer to host a formal reception on the opening night of the conference aboard your ship. Some exclusive resort offered, but why would anyone want to spend more time than required on Risa. I'm sure your crew can handle a reception for a few hundred delegates.

    Rhan K'hal: :: ear twist ::

    Hunter Matheson: ::stops, hearing that:::wants to gag:::

    Secretary Sulia Link: I'll be sure to forward the information to you. I assume you can handle all the setup details?

    Maryse Dubois: :;Has a strange feeling something bad just happened. Gets a little shiver.::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::She smiled through gritted teeth.:: Of course! That would be no problem. We host such events all the time. ::She clenched her fist, which made her wince as pain shot through her hand.::

    Hunter Matheson: ::coughs, clears his throat and carries on:::

    Hakran K'hal: With all this delegation cr... stuff going on, I think we all need to work on our diplomatic chops. I've had Rhan reserve us a holodeck. Why don't you, Issaha, and anyone else that's not on active study head down and go through the course.

    Maryse Dubois: ::Heads for the exit, hopping onto the next lift.:: Lab 3.

    Indaura Ryssan: You alright Doctor?

    Maryse Dubois: ::Before she hits the exit, looks back.:: I think so. Just a slight chill.

    Rhan K'hal: :: will not hiss at the VIP, will not hiss at the VIP ::

    Secretary Sulia Link: Well, I trust you won't screw it up too badly. I am sure you'll manage without making an intergalactic incident that makes both you and Excalibur look bad. ::smiles:::Well, I have a few more communiques to take care of before the conference. Have a lovely morning Commander. ::Turns towards the lift, Butch in tow::

    Hunter Matheson: ::makes notes... checks...makes notes... puts aside the padd and begins to reconfigure what they un-configured re: settings, maneuvers, etc:::

    Maryse Dubois: ::Eventually steps into Lab 3, looking around.::

    Rhan K'hal: :: watches Sulia and Butch enter the lift, waits for the lift doors to close ::

    Irene Mincine: :: She stiffened when he mentioned going to the holodeck with Issaha. :: "Sir... I... yes. That sounds like a good idea." :: As long as I can find a third person to accompany us, she thought. :: "By the way, I'm not clear on Romulan ranks. Where does an... El'Aurian? stand in comparison to us?"

    Maryse Dubois: ::Finds them all in the back office, rings the chime.::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::Lets out a breath as soon as the diva is gone and then groans.:: Honestly... even the diplomatic missions have to be a pain in the butt. ::She plopped down in her chair, one leg crossing over the other.::

    Hakran K'hal: Enter

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> Oh! Lloann'na training programs! This will be a very good entry into my log. Though diplomacy is very fun! My mother is a diplo... Oh El'Arrain is like ::tips head:: Centurion is close, but ::considers:: Senior Lieutenant, is closer.

    Rhan K'hal: :: glances at Hawthorne :: I can have the entire thing catered and staffed by Risians.

    Maryse Dubois: ::Slips into the office, greeting everyone.:: Ah, hope I'm not interrupting anything?

    Hunter Matheson: ::relaxes, knowing she's gone, and swivels in his seat::: Can I get you something, Commander? Water? A toddy? Scotch, neat?

    Cptn Swain: ACTION> Rhan gets a note from Link with instructions, noting the event is to be as unRisan as possible.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Yes. ::She pointed at Rhan.:: That... exactly that.

    Hunter Matheson: ::shrugs:: Couple aspirin to go with?

    Cptn Swain: ACTION> It also includes a list of incredibly specific dietary requirements for the food, as well as floral arrangement suggestions. It's very extensive.

    Rhan K'hal: :: reads the note, doesn't care if he's on the bridge record or not, swears a blue streak ::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::She smirked at Matheson.:: I'm not *that* stressed out, but thanks for the offer.

    Hakran K'hal: It's between our Lieutenant and Lt Commander, Irene.

    Hakran K'hal: And hello, Doctor. We're just bouncing off walls.

    Hunter Matheson: Any time, ma'am. I just figured you were as stressed as I was just being close to her. You know, trying to look inconspicuous?

    Maryse Dubois: Oh? ::Looking between the two.:: I hope I don't have to set anymore bones. ::Looks to Issaha.:: How's the jaw?

    Cptn Swain: ACTION> A further note indicates all food should be real with as little replication as possible, with an entire screed against Replicated food.

    Irene Mincine: "Oh. He really outranks me, then..." :: Irene exhaled when Maryse entered. Saved! :: "Hi! Lt. K'hal was just suggesting that taking the diplomatic refresher course on the holodeck might be a good idea for us."

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::blushes light green:: It is fine. I did na even feel it this morning.

    Rhan K'hal: :: flat ears, showing teeth, tail whapping around violently ::

    Maryse Dubois: :;Smiles at Irene.:: Sounds like a great idea, since we'll be going into a diplomatic situation. ::Nods to Issaha.:: Let me know if it feels off.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: What is it, K'hal? ::Noting Rhan's agitation.::

    Rhan K'hal: Just... ARGH :: hands Miranda the PADD with the bad news ::

    Indaura Ryssan: :: Gets off her book and goes out into the sickbay proper ::

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> I did a semester long internship at the Retor on Qo'Nos! My mother was ambassador there.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::She took the padd and snorted.:: Yea, well, I don't care what *she* wants. You cater it and have the Risans wear something un-Risan. We can get all the food and flowers from the planet.

    Hakran K'hal: :: smiles :: And how did your internship go?

    Irene Mincine: :: She let the subject of Issaha's jaw drop. :: "My mother's worked at the Klingon consulate on Proxima II for a long time, as well."

    Rhan K'hal: Let any and all applicable saints, holy people, and deities smile upon you, Commander.

    Hunter Matheson: ::as he continues to work, he could sure use a beer right about now:::

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> It went well! I mean unless you count the incident with Councilor DurAj ::blushes:: Which really was not my fault. I swear.

    Rhan K'hal: :: much more happily goes back into his padd, pulling up Risian Yelp ::

    Maryse Dubois: So...you both have some diplomatic ties then. ::And she wonders why fists we used. She looks to Hakran.:: Did you tell them about the sessions we are being invited to?

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> I mean it was sort of a misunderstanding. His daughter and I hadn't even... you know... when walked in on us. ::sighs::

    Hakran K'hal: Not yet, I was awaiting confirmation from Rhan or other official channels. Didn't want to get anyone's hopes up.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::She handed the padd back.:: She's not in charge of this ship. I may let her use it for her reception, but I'm not really concerned with her opinion of the Excalibur.

    Hunter Matheson: ::he looks up, wondering if they'd have beer at the reception... you know... good beer. really good beer. then he shakes it off and goes back to work:::

    Irene Mincine: "I don't think she told me about that incident..." :: She grinned. ::

    Hunter Matheson: ::looks up:: Hey, Tork?

    Hunter Matheson: Tork> Yeah?

    Maryse Dubois: ::Nods.:: Oh, I was a little sidetracked. I came down to see how the kittens were doing.

    Hunter Matheson: You got evasive maneuver Charlie Foxtrot 3 coming up on your console?

    Hunter Matheson: Tork> Uh... lemme check....

    Hunter Matheson: Tork> ::puts his padd aside and digs into his system:: Uh... nope. It's gone.

    Rhan K'hal: :: mutters :: If anyone's likely to cause a diplomatic flap, it'll be the hawkish, hard to please ex-defense secretary.

    Cptn Swain: (( Are you sure about that? lol ))

    Hunter Matheson: :::blows out a disgusted breath:: I think they took most of that off. It's a conspiracy.

    Rhan K'hal: :: settles into a console so he can multi-task ::

    Irene Mincine: :: Irene beams! :: "They're doing great, doctor. They're perfectly adapted for space travel." :: And then gave Hakran a quizzical look. :: "Hopes about what, sir?"

    Maryse Dubois: That's great to hear.

    Rhan K'hal: :: gets the list of things people can do on planet, sends them out shipwide with the proper RSVP channels ::

    Hunter Matheson: Tork> But didn't you have all that in backup?

    Rhan K'hal: :: views menus on the other screen ::

    Hunter Matheson: Yeah. It's in my quarters.

    Hakran K'hal: Ah, speaking of which...

    Hakran K'hal: :: looks over the incoming message ::

    Hunter Matheson: ::looks up at the screen.... food?:::

    Maryse Dubois: ::Gets a beep on her PADD, checks.:: And here we are.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: K'hal, make certain that incoming guests are screened and escorted when they arrive. I don't want any incidents...

    Hakran K'hal: All sorts of various conference talks and things available for us to do.

    Hunter Matheson: ::forgets about helm and looks at Rhan, then to the menu, and back to Rhan:::

    Irene Mincine: "Oh! Of course." :: Irene was PADDless, the one she carried was now on Hakran's desk. :: "I can't wait to arrive."

    Maryse Dubois: Huh...Looks like we are hosting a reception.

    William Chocox: looks into the sonic shower situation::

    Rhan K'hal: With your permission, I'll have the marines handle that one too. Augustin is still trying to get his new people put together, and seeing the detachment out and about seems to give Suilia a little thrill.

    Cptn Swain: ::Happily enjoying tea, looking at a list of places for he and Arden to spend their time on Risa. So far they were considering the Regent's Lagoon, Suraya Bay, Hanotis Harbor or Talamanm Springs.::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::She nodded.:: Yes. ::She sighed again.:: As much as I dislike the idea, issue orders for dress uniforms for anyone attending the reception.

    Hunter Matheson: ::aw darn.. marines handle...:::

    Rhan K'hal: Of course.

    Hunter Matheson: ::I knew it.. I knew it::::headdesk:::

    Hakran K'hal: :: makes the dress-uniform addendum to the schedule ::

    Rhan K'hal: :: does that ::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: (( Aw, hell naw! Swain is not going on a relaxing vacation with your husband after what he pulled. ))

    Hunter Matheson: ::wait... for anyone attending...right::

    Irene Mincine: "Risa is a big planet. Big enough for us to... do different things." :: Looks at Issaha. ::

    Hakran K'hal: :: smiles at Maryse, nods to the door ::

    Maryse Dubois: Oh goody, dress uniform required... Think anyone would notice if the CMO didn't go?

    Cptn Swain: Arden> ::has also scheduled them for couples therapy sessions, without telling Swain.::

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> I have heard about Risa. ::Grins::

    Maryse Dubois: ::Grins.:: But anyways. I'll let you lot have fun. ::Heads for the door.::

    Hakran K'hal: So far I don't see anything about compulsory crew attendance. That may change.

    Irene Mincine: "Dress uniform? I haven't worn mine since my Academy graduation..." :: She muttered, then gave Issaha a look. :: "Don't you get any ideas."

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> Destorie -- my brother -- said it is a bourgeoisie construct. A monument to the decadence and immorality of the Federation.

    Hakran K'hal: :: follows Maryse out , shuts the door behind him :: I'll get those two to occupy the same space in peace even if I have to keep a transporter loop to sickbay.

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::Perks:: Ohh... I am glad I brought mine! I get to wear my fancy rank sash -- and my cape!

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: (( No capes! ))

    Cptn Swain: (( Pride of the Romulan Navy! ))

    Irene Mincine: "Decadence? It's a monument to what our society's capable of." :: Great, now she was getting in philosophical debates with a Romulan! She was oblivious to everyone else leaving the room.

    Hakran K'hal: I'll show you to what was a dignified laboratory and is now a feline habitat.

    William Chocox: sees the message about dress uniforms:: (m) I hope the grease stains are out.

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::Nods:: I agree!

    Maryse Dubois: Young N'Dak can be a bit of a handful.

    Maryse Dubois: ::nods.::

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> I have always wanted to see it! I have heard the water is almost as pretty as the shores of ch'Rihan.

    Cptn Swain: AND

    Hakran K'hal: :: keys into lab 5 :: Prepare to be mugged.


    Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM

    Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM

    Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM


  14. SD 0826.2018

    While Captain Swain remains on, essentially, administrative leave, the Excalibur has been assigned to transport former Federation Defense Secretary Suilia Link to Risa to participate in a summit of potential Federation members. The Secretary has offered to arrange for members of the Excalibur to participate in sessions relevant to their interests. We pick up en route to Risa.

  15. MISSION BRIEF: The crew has gotten a few much needed days of R&R aboard Starbase 39 Tango, and have received recall orders. Captain Swain remains on suspended status while a review continues by Sector Command.


    Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM

    Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM

    Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM


    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::Miranda stepped into view of Irene's cell, a frown upon her face.:: I heard you got into a bit of trouble, Ensign.

    Rhan K'hal: :: on the bridge, minding the store ::

    Maryse Dubois: ::On the bridge, keeping Rhan company for the moment.::

    Cptn Swain: ACTION> Operations gets a note that a VIP of further unspecified origin will be boarding soon and that we should have someone at Airlock 5 to do a meet and greet.

    Irene Mincine: :: Irene is doing push-ups in her cell, as you do. :: "...22... 23... 24..." :: Hearing the commander, she gets up. She's wearing a gray brig-issue tank top. Irene figures that being as squared away as possible would be the best approach here. :: "Yes, sir."

    Rhan K'hal: :: checks the incoming :: Ugh.

    Indaura Ryssan: :: Down in medical folding towels ::

    Maryse Dubois: ::Looks at Rhan.:: What is it?

    Hunter Matheson: ::at helm, checking out the baggage that might have been installed while they were gone in the old rustbucket:::

    William Chocox: ::is working down in Engineering

    Rhan K'hal: Incoming VIP. I need to send someone down to airlock 5.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::She flexed her injured hand which had been wrapped up by station medical.:: Yes, well... we all have issues. ::She gestured to the brig guard, who deactivated the forcefield.:: As I understand your infraction was minor, you've been released for duty. Let's get your things and get back to the ship.

    Maryse Dubois: Hmm... Does it have to be someone in particular? I suppose I could go if I had to.

    Rhan K'hal: Doesn't give any info on the VIP. I suppose that would normally be my job, but we all know how diplomatic I am. :: mischievous grin ::

    Hunter Matheson: ::and is pleasantly surprised that it's actually in great shape:::

    Maryse Dubois: ::Smirks as she stands.:: You said 5, right?

    Rhan K'hal: :: nods :: Yep.

    Irene Mincine: :: Irene nodded... she hid a smile at being released, then eyed Miranda's wrapped hand. :: "Thank you, sir. May I ask... what happened to your hand?" :: She put her blue uniform jacket back on and left the cell to pick up her sidearm and other things from the guard. ::

    Maryse Dubois: You owe me. ::Heads to the Tl, stepping in.::

    William Chocox: Computer, have we found Commander Admiran?

    Hakran K'hal: @ :: waiting in the lobby of the station holding area, looking grumpy as he waits his turn for Irene ::

    Rhan K'hal: Send me an invoice, you know I'm good for payment.

    Maryse Dubois: ::Smiles as the door closes.:: Airlock 5.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::Accompanying Irene, she waited until the ensign had gotten her things before answering.:: I told you that we all have issues. This... this comes from me losing my temper and punching someone.

    Maryse Dubois: ::Hops off the lift and makes her way towards the airlock.::

    Rhan K'hal: +Sickbay+ Bridge to Dr. Ryssan.

    Irene Mincine: "I see..." :: She figured that was why Miranda wasn't being as hard on her as she thought, but she wasn't going to say that out loud. Quietly, :: "I hope it wasn't anybody I care about..." :: She coughed. :: "I mean, uh, ready to go, Commander. Glad to get out of that cell."

    Apollo: Sulia> ::Waiting at the airlock, checking her hair in the reflection. They were late.::

    Indaura Ryssan: +Bridge+ Ryssan here.

    Maryse Dubois: ::Arriving at the airlock, she spots an unfamiliar woman.:: Hello. I'm Dr. Dubois.

    Rhan K'hal: +Ryssan+ Just letting you know that Dr. Dubois is doing a meet and greet of a VIP since we're still low on staff.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: None of us enjoy spending time... in there. ::She threw Irene a half smirk.:: So, what are we going to do about this temper of yours?

    Maryse Dubois: ((I had a character that probably enjoyed it a little too much.))

    Apollo: Sulia> ::Frowning, deeply:: A doctor? They sent the ship's doctor? ::Exhales:: Secretary Sulia Link, past Secretary of Defense ::pauses, looking Maryse over:: Secretary of Defense for the Federation, mind you. Not Arzaban. Anyway why isn't your Commanding officer or even your Executive officer here to greet me. Shouldn't they have a full honor guard? Is this what Starfleet has come to under the Bacco administration? ::Shakes her head::

    Irene Mincine: :: Irene shrugged, following Miranda. :: "People have said that a lot. I take it you have an idea in mind, sir?"

    Rhan K'hal: :: works on some of the operations paperwork as the standard requisitions have been loaded aboard - being the duty watch officer at this point was like watching paint dry ::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Yes. Extensive holodeck time. How are you at hand to hand combat? ::Striding with purpose back to the ship.::

    Hakran K'hal: :: magic-edits himself to his lab ::

    Hunter Matheson: ::paging through the station's engineering report re: helm:::

    Indaura Ryssan: +K'hal+ Shall I join her? I'm on shift here now.

    Apollo: Sulia> :: Looks over at Maryse :: Well don't just stand there. Escort me to my quarters. I assume a full diplomatic suite is prepared. My luggage should be here. I swear nothing runs on time anymore.

    Hunter Matheson: ::padd in hand, he rocks back and hums, rocking the helm chair back and forth as he reads:::

    Maryse Dubois: ::Trying not to eyeroll. Rhan owes her big time.:: My apologies, Ma'am. Our CO is unavailable at the moment, and our XO is dealing with a situation on station. If you'd like, I can inform them of your visit and you could wait for them to return.

    Rhan K'hal: +Ryssan+ That shouldn't be necessary, Doctor. Was just dropping you a courtesy call on her status.

    Maryse Dubois: ::Nods.:: Of course. This way.

    Indaura Ryssan: +K'hal+ Understood. Hey, are you due for a physical soon? I'll check our records.

    Apollo: Sulia> ::Blinks:: What? Did no one... ::pauses:: Just take me to my quarters, then tell your oh so busy command team they can come see me at their leisure. ::the last part coming out in extremely sarcastic fashion::

    Irene Mincine: "Hand to hand combat?" :: Irene lifted the side of her jacket and tank top, showing off a wicked scar on her side. :: "Bat'leth tournament at the Klingon embassy on Proxima during a cultural festival. I placed 3rd in the women's bracket. Only one who wasn't a full Klingon."

    Maryse Dubois: ::Sends Rhan a message with the name of the guest, and praying he has the suite ready.::

    Rhan K'hal: +Ryssan+ I have no idea, Doctor. :: gets the comm from Maryse :: Excuse me, duty calls. K'hal out.

    Cptn Swain: ACTION> Another message comes in, this one looks like it’s time stamped from earlier in the day but must of gotten side tracked noting a diplomatic VIP would be coming aboard later this afternoon, further orders pending.

    Indaura Ryssan: Duty calls indeed...

    Maryse Dubois: ::Leading her guest to the TL. She stand on the opposite wall of the lift as it moves.::

    Rhan K'hal: You've got to be kidding me. Meet Sulia Link, You'll Need a Drink is here?

    Rhan K'hal: :: now gets the orders in :: Oh, if only I had enough pips to kick someone's tail for this.

    Rhan K'hal: :: checks the status of the VIP suites ::

    Cptn Swain: ACTION> Must have been a real fun day in station ops, another note comes in noting her, uh, luggage would be arriving. It appears to be enough to outfit a small army.

    Maryse Dubois: ::Feels like the lift is taking forever to get to the right floor.::

    Apollo: Sulia> So... Doctor... what was your name again?

    Rhan K'hal: :: reads the next one - tail whip whip whip whip ::

    Maryse Dubois: Dubois, Maryse Dubois. I'm the Chief Medical Officer.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::She nodded her admiration.:: Good. You're going to teach me. I know basic hand to hand, but I figured that fighting would be a good way to get out some aggression.

    Rhan K'hal: +Maryse+ :: via text "Scenic route, quarters not ready!" ::

    Apollo: Sulia> Ah I tried to talk my son into becoming a doctor, you know. But no, no, he wanted to be a scientist. ::Rolls her eyes:: Well one of them anyway. Xeno at least became a security officer.

    Rhan K'hal: :: starts shouting over the comm to the quartermasters office, and inputting urgent orders for the cargo handlers ::

    William Chocox: ::is working on his "special" project::

    Rhan K'hal: :: at this point, the region behind his chair would be qualified as a navigation hazard as his tail lashes around ::

    Hunter Matheson: ::is working on his "special" project - reading what they did to helm:::

    Rhan K'hal: :: checks to see if Miranda is back on ship ::

    Apollo: Sulia> ::Wrinkles her nose:: How long is this lift going to take anyway? Is this more of President Bacco's neglect for the military at play again.

    Hunter Matheson: ::looks up and swivels toward Rhan::: Problem, sir?

    Rhan K'hal: You could say that, Gunny.

    Irene Mincine: "I'm going to teach... you?" :: Irene was quite surprised by that. :: "I don't know if I'm really a, you know, combat trainer, Commander. I'm just a scientist with martial arts training and anger issues. Don't we have a chief of security for that kind of thing?"

    Maryse Dubois: ::Trying not to scream as she checks the message. She just nods as Sulia talks:: Both respectable positions. ::Pauses a moment.:: So, ma'am. You must be thirsty. Or perhaps you would like to view the ship first?

    Hunter Matheson: So... anything I can help you with? ::puts down his padd:::

    Hunter Matheson: ::chunking it under the helm console in its handy-dandy slot:::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::Takes the route toward the airlock.:: Yea, but I don't want security. I don't want them laughing at me behind my back or not respecting me because I don't know how to throw a punch without fracturing three fingers.

    Apollo: Sulia> ::Gives her a stern look:: I will have to be sure to note the... disorganization of this ship to fleet command, but sure a drink would be lovely. All they had on the transport from Aleten was bloody Synthahol.

    Rhan K'hal: Grab a few of your Marine buddies, be armed, head to the VIP lift exit, and look military but officious.

    Rhan K'hal: Our VIP isn't a lightweight.

    Irene Mincine: "I understand, sir." :: Irene nods in agreement. Three fingers? Yikes. :: "I'd be glad to show you a thing or two."

    Maryse Dubois: ::Takes the lift to the Observation lounge deck, sending a message to Rhan.:: "Get something from Swain's reserve to the Ob lounge pronto!"

    Cptn Swain: << Hey! >>

    Hunter Matheson: ::sits there, staring::: Uh... you're serious, sir?

    Rhan K'hal: :: reads Maryse's message :: Ack.

    Hunter Matheson: So... someone has luggage - like a VIP?

    Maryse Dubois: Well we happen to have more than synthahol here. ::Opens the lift door, motioning for her to exit.::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::Walking up the ramp, she exited into the airlock and gave Irene a nod.:: I'll let you know when my hand is back to normal and we'll schedule something. You're released back to duty. Report to Mr. K'hal... the science one.

    Rhan K'hal: Yes, Gunny. Our visitor is former Secretary of Defense Link. She'll appreciate a marine line.

    Rhan K'hal: :: gets blipped as Miranda steps on board ::

    Hunter Matheson: ::::blink:: Holy... sh... seriously?

    Apollo: Sulia> ::Exits the lift, marginally mollified:: Oh, good.

    Rhan K'hal: +Miranda + Bridge to Commander Hawthorne, priority one.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: +Rhan+ Go ahead.

    Irene Mincine: :: Irene chuckled at that. :: "The science one, aye. I look forward to it." :: She asked the computer where Hakran was and made her way there. ::

    Maryse Dubois: ::Walking slowly with her towards the lounge. Trying to make an effort.:: So, ma'am, what brings you to our ship to begin with?

    Rhan K'hal: +Miranda+ Commander, we have a VIP that just came aboard. The orders were all FUBAR, I've got Dr. Dubois with her but... It's former secretary Link, Commander. She's headed to the observation lounge and wants some real liquor too, apparently.

    Indaura Ryssan: :: Cares little for VIPs in her line of work ::

    Rhan K'hal: +Miranda+ I'm trying to get the quarters ready and find her damn luggage.

    Hunter Matheson: I got it, sir. :::scrambles a group to gear up, full dress, and meet in the docking area::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: +Rhan+ Did someone raid Swain's stash? He's got some good stuff tucked away in his ready room. I'll join them in the lounge. Thank for for handling the situation.

    Hunter Matheson: ::reply from MARDET Cptn Schaeffer is "Helm, say again.":::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::Strides off for the lift, heading for the observation lounge.::

    Rhan K'hal: +Miranda+ I hope it's not locked, I'll have it sent down.

    Hunter Matheson: ::quick explanation and it's done, 'cause Schaeffer is always looking for brownie points:::

    Rhan K'hal: :: strides over to the ready room, enters and looks for the stash ::

    Maryse Dubois: ::Opens the door to the Lounge.:: Please make yourself comfortable. This is one of the more relaxing locations on the ship.

    Hunter Matheson: ::in passing::: Got it covered, Sir. ::Rhan::

    Maryse Dubois: The view is very nice when we are at warp as well.

    Rhan K'hal: :: being a sneaky sort, doesn't have much problem finding it, but not being much of a drinker can't figure out which might be the best so just grabs everything ::

    Maryse Dubois: ::Pours a couple glasses of ice water.::

    Irene Mincine: :: Irene rings the door to Hakran's lab, assuming he's still there. ::

    Apollo: Sulia> ::Eases in her glowering:: Well, it is a nice view. And whoever did the wood accents with the carpeting had a good eye for design.

    Maryse Dubois: ::Nods in agreement.:: I've felt that way too.

    Rhan K'hal: :: half runs out of the ready room, calls out his normal backup operations from the staff area and explains where and how fast ::

    Hakran K'hal: Enter

    Rhan K'hal: Ens Murray> :: orders the lift on emergency override to the observation lounge, whistles at the quality of the booze he's hauling ::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::Reviews their VIP's file as she heads up and steps out a moment later, following Maryse and Sulia into the observation lounge.:: Madame Secretary! Welcome aboard the Excalibur. I do apologize for the slight scheduling error. We were not informed of your change in schedule. I am Commander Miranda Hawthorne, Executive Officer and current commander of the ship.

    Hunter Matheson: :::through the magic of snaps and slaps, Kal is in his dress Corps and by the docking bay, along with the rest of the entourage, looking officious ::::

    Irene Mincine: :: Irene pops into the lab. :: "I'm out of the brig and back to duty! Commander Hawthorne told me to report in to you."

    Maryse Dubois: ::Relaxes as Miranda appears. "Oh thank god."::

    Hakran K'hal: She sprang you from the pokey, did she? I was going to get you out sooner but she said the time might do you good.

    Hunter Matheson: ::without batting an eye they begin to haul luggage, on shoulders, marching like they're in some serious parade somewhere, except it's luggage:::

    Rhan K'hal: Ens Murray> :: springs out of the lift like fresh toast and gets the goods to the bar ::

    Apollo: Sulia> ::arches a brow, reading Miranda:: I see, Commander. Well, I suppose your... disorganization can be excused. I assume, based on ::waves hands:: my welcome and lack of how shall we say preparedness on your part that no one has bothered to give you your orders?

    Hunter Matheson: ::and their cadence isn't exactly what fits Excal, but it works:::

    Maryse Dubois: ::Sees Murray arrive and place the goods on the table.:: Thank you, Ensign.

    Maryse Dubois: As promised, ma'am. ::Lines up the bottles for her viewing.::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Not as of yet. ::She confessed.:: We were told that we'd be taking you for transport, but not our ultimate destination. Would you care to enlighten us?

    Rhan K'hal: +Maryse+ :: text "Quarters ready, marines hauling luggage. Cdr H should be there by now. Sry, didn't know who" ::

    Hunter Matheson: ::marching:: Secretary of Defense come on out! We want to hear you wheeze and pass, New cadence caller starts with, Wheeze and pass out, What’s that all about, I run for days, Many different ways, I run in the snow, Let that wind blow, If it starts to rain, I dig for more pain, You can’t stop me, I’m not the Army, I won’t get lazy, I’m not the Navy, Why you puffin on air this ain’t the Air Force, We always ask for more, Cause we’re MARINE CORPS!

    Apollo: Sulia> ::A particular bottle caught her eye and she made her way to the bar helping herself:: I must say, I am surprised you have this just laying around. Rather impressive. ::Begins pouring a thick, blue liquid into a glass::

    Hunter Matheson: Then...

    Hunter Matheson: Baby Marine C130 C130 rollin down the strip. 64 marines on a killin trip. Mission classified destination unknown, don’t even know if we’re comin home Stand up, hook up, shuffle to the door, Jump right out and shout MARINE CORPS.

    Maryse Dubois: ::Replies "Hawthorne just arrives, along with booze. Sec Def seems please for the moment."::

    Irene Mincine: "Thanks for trying, anyway. Three days isn't so bad." :: Irene shrugged. :: "I hope the cats didn't miss me too much."

    Hunter Matheson: Jumpmaster picked me up with ease, and kicked my ass into the breeze. If my chute don’t open wide. I have a reserve by my side. If that one should fail me too. Look out hell I’m comin through. Kick ol’ Satan in the chest. And put his ass in the leanin rest.

    Hunter Matheson: ::and they arrive at the VIP quarters:::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Ah, this is part of our Captain's special reserve. He very much wanted you to help yourself to any of his fine selection. Perhaps you'd like one of these for your room, as well.

    Hakran K'hal: Rhan and Dr. Dubois kept them company when they wanted it. Otherwise... they're cats.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Captain Swain is *very* generous.

    Hakran K'hal: So. Has Miranda handled all the discipline issues? Because I really don't want to. :: chuckles ::

    Apollo: Sulia> That would be lovely. It’s very expensive and hard to find you know. I think they only made 100 bottles of this vintage.

    Hunter Matheson: ::Kal steps to the door and chimes:::

    Maryse Dubois: ::Grins as she looks to both Miranda and Sulia.:: If there is nothing more, I'll take my leave?

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::She smiled as she flexed her hand.:: Oh, then you should definitely take that one as his personal gift to you.

    Maryse Dubois: ((lol))

    Irene Mincine: "They are pretty self-sufficient, yeah." :: Irene grins when Hakran mentions the discipline issues. :: "Yeah. I'm going to spend some time with her on the holodeck."

    Apollo: Sulia> ::Turning to Hawthorne:: Your orders, when someone in this ... ::pauses:: wonderful sector bothers to relay them to you are to escort me to a conference on Risa between several perspective Federation members.

    Hunter Matheson: ::chimes again::

    Cptn Swain: << 5 minute warning before she gives away any more of my booze >>

    Hakran K'hal: That should do you some good. Just don't break her.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Thank you for your help, Doctor. I shall escort the Secretary to her quarters. ::Glances back to Sulia, one brow arched.:: Risa? How wonderful.

    Maryse Dubois: ::Nods as she exits, heading back to the bridge.::

    Rhan K'hal: Crewman Guap> :: the Andorian pokes his head out of the door :: Geez, what has the VIP got in there that needs a marine escort? Anyway, we're almost done, you can pile the stuff in as usual.

    Irene Mincine: :: Irene laughs and laughs. :: "I'll do my best. I think breaking a commander is something they'll *really* lock me away for."

    Maryse Dubois: ::Arrives a few minutes later, sitting by Rhan.::

    Hunter Matheson: Yes, sir! ::they pile it in as told::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Are you serving as part of the Ambassadorial delegation?

    Maryse Dubois: So...want to go to Risa?

    Rhan K'hal: :: is trying to flatten his hair from where he was trying to pull it out a few minutes ago, looks over at Maryse and smiles with his usual sparkle :: I figured you'd ask for a higher price than that.

    Hakran K'hal: :: laughs :: Indeed.

    Hunter Matheson: ::neatly packed, gently placed, best of the Corps at your door!:::

    Hakran K'hal: Okay, since you've been cleared for duty and I have no idea what we're doing yet, continue your personal projects, send in your daily log as usual.

    Apollo: Sulia> ::Nods:: I will be leading the delegation on behalf of the Federation Council, much to President Bacco's chagrin I am sure. The conference will primarily be covering the various perspective members security needs once they join the Federation. I think, between you and I, she tasked me with this so I wouldn't be able to comment on the first Presidential debates.

    Hunter Matheson: ::collective attention, dramatic salute, about face, and they march back:::

    Maryse Dubois: Oh no, that's not my price. ::Grins.:: We're heading there anyways. Playing escort for the former Madame Secretary.

    Maryse Dubois: I heard that part before I left.

    Rhan K'hal: Oh good grief, we're taking that… that… that… to RISA?

    Apollo: Sulia> There will also be several side meetings on their various medical, scientific, engineering meetings. I am sure your crew would be more than welcome to participate. ::Taking another drink of the blue liquid:: I am sure it could be arranged anyway.

    Irene Mincine: "Still no orders? OK. I'm preparing an exobiology report on the cats at the moment. I'll get back to that once I'm settled back in."

    Hunter Matheson: ::enters the bridge in his dress uniform:::

    Cptn Swain: << And y'all say I don't love you. >>

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::She smirked.:: Yes, I am certain that several aboard would enjoy that.

    Hakran K'hal: Sounds good. I'll let you know when I know, which could be never.

    Cptn Swain: << and... >>>

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::Not to mention other activities on Risa.::

    Maryse Dubois: What's he all dressed up for? ::Pointing at Hunter.::

    Cptn Swain: ..and...

    Rhan K'hal: He felt spiffy?

    Hunter Matheson: ::snaps to:: Our VIP, ma'am.

    Maryse Dubois: ::facepalms::

    Hunter Matheson: The best for the best. Always.


    Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM

    Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM

    Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM


  16. MISSION BRIEF: Excalibur, along with the Lugh in tow, is nearing Starbase 39 Tango, following the safe return of Captain Swain and our adventure to locate him. He has, however, not returned to active duty -- pending an internal review of the incident by sector command.


    Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM

    Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM

    Cptn Swain: BEGIN SIM


    Hunter Matheson: ::on Excalibur preparing to dock?::

    Maryse Dubois: ::Sitting in her office, though not on duty at the moment.::

    William Chocox: ::is in Engineering working on a "project"::

    Irene Mincine: :: Irene is finishing setting up a spare exobiology lab storeroom as a home for the kitties. ::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::Miranda sat in the command chair, where she'd been since they'd arrived back on Excalibur. It felt good to be back on their proper ship.::

    Hunter Matheson: ::patting the helm console, loving it mostly cause he doesn't have pieces of ceiling falling from above:::

    Hunter Matheson: Closing on Starbase three-niner Tango, Commander.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Very good, Matheson. Send out all the usual notices and request a docking berth. Have the Lugh collected and sent back to the shipyards.

    Indaura Ryssan: :: In her quarters ::

    Hunter Matheson: ::tap... tap:: Sending out notices, docking berth requested, and.... ::taps:: Luge collection will be under way as soon as we are in range, ma'am.

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::Bummed he missed all the excitement. Why didn't anyone invite him along! He also wondered if Arden had murdered the Captain yet. He hadn't seen him since they'd returned. Frowning he leaned back in his chair in the main lab science lab area that passed as a sort of general office.::

    Hunter Matheson: Dropping from warp. Entering corridor for approach. Luge is ready for pickup. ::more than a little satisfaction now that he's back with Excal, so he's pretty lighthearted. The only thing that would make him more lighthearted would be an ice cold beer:::

    Irene Mincine: "OK... the cats are secure." :: Irene stepped out of the storeroom and into the lab hall, leaving the cats well-fed and happy. She's already started on an exobiology report on them and is feeling pretty proud of herself. She stuck a label on the door that said to please be careful when opening the door. ::

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::Turns hearing someone, does not recognize the half-klingon woman:: Oh.. um... hello!

    Cptn Swain: ::Asher exited the lift as the Excalibur dropped from warp. He was wearing civies, and for a change was clean shaven. Not to mention his hair was cut back in a neat crop. Possibly the first time he'd donned such a hair cut during Excalibur -- even with his Janeway like changing hair. He skirted along the edges, heading straight for the ready room.::

    Hunter Matheson: Luge is picked up...er... dragged off is more like it. We are in corridor, going to half impulse. Must be the 5pm rush.

    Irene Mincine: :: Irene was startled, not recognizing Issaha either. She went from proud to alarmed in a second. :: "Hello... are you supposed to be here?" :: She figured if a Romulan hadn't zapped her already, she might as well ask. ::

    Hunter Matheson: Heh... they were waiting for us. Moving into dock... berth 17B.

    William Chocox: Alright, a twist here, and a turn there... ::keeps working::

    Hunter Matheson: Cutting to one quarter impulse, and sliding in.

    Indaura Ryssan: :: Writing to her family ::

    Hunter Matheson: And we... are... docked. Clamps engaged.

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::Grinning:: Ie -- err yes -- er Hija? I think that's the Klingoneese? I am a little rusty. I don't get to use it much.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::Miranda's eyes cut sideways, seeing that blur of motion as Swain tried to sneak past. Her frown deepened and her eyes narrowed.:: Very good. Once we're docked, sound leave for all non-essential crew and request leave schedules from department heads. I don't know how long we'll be here, so they should enjoy it while they can.

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> I am El'Arrain Issaha N'Dak -- I don't think we've met yet, Erien-- I mean Ensign?

    Hunter Matheson: Powering down. We are now on station power and communications. ::a slight whine signals a solid mooring.

    Cptn Swain: d'Aubugine> ::enters engineering with a frown::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::She rose from her seat.:: Once we're docked, have someone take over stationkeeping, Matheson. And go get yourself some well deserved leave.

    Hunter Matheson: ::nods as he works:: Yes, ma'am.

    Irene Mincine: :: Irene sighed. What in the world is a *Romulan* doing on this ship? :: "Irene Mincine. Planetary sciences." :: She looked like a combination of uneasy and unhappy to be near her. :: "Just stay out of my way and we'll get along. If we have to."

    William Chocox: ::looks up as he hears the doors open and shoves his project under some of the general detritus his work station had.

    William Chocox: ::

    William Chocox: Can I help you?

    Maryse Dubois: ::Sends a message out to staff, notifying them of their leave schedule.::

    Hunter Matheson: +All Hands+ Now hear this. Docking is complete at Starbase three nine Tango. All non-essential personnel crew may request leave schedules from their department heads. How long we will be here is up for grabs, so enjoy it while you can. That is all.

    Maryse Dubois: ((Oh gods, he is making another bomb.))

    Cptn Swain: dA> ::Frowns at Will:: I am assuming your spotted menace of a boss is hiding?

    William Chocox: ((That is libel and slander and lies. :P ))

    William Chocox: ::d'A:: I can't say that I have seen him recently sir. Is there anything I could help you with?

    Hunter Matheson: Station power is engaged. Powering down.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::Striding to the ready room, she entered without chiming -- it was *her* ready room for the time being -- and she stood just inside the door as it closed behind her. Her hand reached for the mechanism, locking the door.::

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::Brightens:: Planetary sciences! How exciting. That's my next rotation.

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> I am an exchange officer -- well sort of. I am mostly here laying low you know but -- uh -- I guess you're new to Excalibur too so you missed all that stuff. Which I guess is good but uh -- I've saifd too much anyway and... wait where did you go.

    Indaura Ryssan: :: Finishing up her correspondence ::

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::Pouts::

    Hunter Matheson: ::sitting at helm, finishing up his flight report:::

    Irene Mincine: :: Irene certainly did not look happy about that being Issaha's next rotation. :: "I think I'll need to talk to Lt. K'hal about the leave schedule... and the planetary sciences department..." :: When he started going on and on, she tried to stop him. :: "Yes. New to Excalibur. Certainly didn't know anything about a Romulan on board..."

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: ::Miranda's gaze bored into Swain.:: You and I have some things to discuss...

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::logs off his station. He liked Klingons -- much to his brothers constant annoyance. They were fun! Especially their weddings!:: I mean I don't think they put me a brochure or anything. They could. I have a very good holopic face in my opinion. I was on the cover of Sexy Rihan Male once you know.

    William Chocox: ::d'Aubergine:: I could always have the computer try to find him.

    Cptn Swain: d'A> I tried. ::Glowers::

    William Chocox: ::d'Aubergine:: Have you checked his office?

    Cptn Swain: Message deleted by Cptn Swain

    Cptn Swain: d'A> And his lab. And his quarters. And the cargo bay where he thinks no one knows he found a crate of some kind of godforsaken liquor the previous Captain -- that Corizon guy -- left behind.

    Cptn Swain: 2561

    Cptn Swain: ::Turns around, book in hand:: Oh -- hi.

    William Chocox: ::d'Aubergine:: Checked the shuttle bay?

    Cptn Swain: d'A> ::glowers::

    Irene Mincine: :: Irene leaned against a bulkhead. :: "Sexy Rihan Male, huh? :: She laughed pretty hard at that. :: "Let me guess. Exchange officer, here to steal everything that's not nailed down and mail it back to Romulus. Right?" :: She definitely didn't like Romulans, but couldn't deny that their habit of verbal diarrhea was fun to strike back at. ::

    William Chocox: ::d'Aubergine:: It wasn't listed in your list of places you'd checked. I'm not covering for him if that's what that look is implying.

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::Blushes:: N-n-no. I am not with the Tal'Shiar. They kind of want to yy'a me.

    Cptn Swain: d'A> ::Lessens her glare a bit::

    William Chocox: ::d'Aubergine:: For all I know he's hiding in a Jeffries Tube.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Hi? Just Hi? That's all you have to stay to me? I'd think you'd start the conversation with a groveling apology and finish it by kissing my boots for not reporting your abandonment of duties to command!

    Cptn Swain: Arden said the haircut and shave wouldn't work on you. I am sure he'll be delighted to know he was correct.

    Cptn Swain: ::Leans back against his desk::

    Irene Mincine: :: Uh-huh. :: "If the Tal'Shiar loves you that much, shouldn't you be buried under the foundation of a Romulan guard post?"

    Hunter Matheson: ::check...check...and recheck, then files his flight report, secures helm, leans back in the chair to crack his back and stretch, then slips into the lift::: MARDET.

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> Why do you think I am on this exchange -- anyway I've said too much about me. ::Begins practically dragging her:: Why don't you tell me more about you. K'hal said we were all free to get some leave. Have you been on the station yet? It's rather nice -- for a Lloann'na station.

    Cptn Swain: d'A> ::Sighs:: Well then perhaps you can be of some use after all.

    Hunter Matheson: ::lift stops, he steps out and strides to his quarters, change of clothes to civvies, then out and wanders into the station:::

    William Chocox: ::d'Aubergine:: Whatever you need ma'am.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Yes, Arden are of much the same mind lately. At this point, I like him a great deal better than I like you. ::Her arms crossed as she glared.:: Whatever abuse you've suffered by his hand is well deserved.

    Cptn Swain: d'A> Come with me. I will show you the ::frowns:: havoc that spotted little ::pauses:: your people made on the flight deck. I

    Cptn Swain: ::He smirked, despite himself:: I really don't deserve either of you.

    William Chocox: ::gets up to follow d'Aubergine::

    Irene Mincine: :: Irene shoved him off. :: "Get your hands off me if you want to keep them." :: She shook her head. :: "I haven't been to the station, no. And sure, let me tell you about myself. My mother served on a Bird of Prey for 20 years. Need to know anything more?"

    William Chocox: ((I realize this might make me a bad person, but who is d'Aubergine?))

    Cptn Swain: (( Chief of the Air Group ))

    William Chocox: ((Cool.))

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: No, you don't. ::Her jaw flexed.:: And you're damned lucky that I wasn't the one to greet you, else the damage would have even been worse. *I* don't have any reason to spare your body parts.

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::Practically bouncing:: Oooo a Bird of Prey? Those are so cool! They have real character! Not like ::waves around:: these Lloann'na things. So sterile.

    Cptn Swain: True. Though I am told the paperwork for damaging a command level officer is a real pain. ::He sighed:: Listen, I know that I have not been exactly... a good friend or, frankly, commanding officer as of late.

    Irene Mincine: :: Irene stared at Issaha. This was... not a typical Romulan. Irene shrugged in agreement. :: "I guess, yeah..." :: She still wasn't cordial in any way, though. :: "Are you sure they didn't send you here to get you *away* from the Empire?"

    William Chocox: How did we mess up the flight deck, and how do you know it was us?

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::Tips his head to one side in bewilderment:: I said that already, didn't I?

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Mmmhmmm....

    Cptn Swain: d'A> Because only your people would know how to take apart the micro torpedo launchers on half a dozen fighters -- not to mention the micro torpedoes themselves. Unless of course medical suddenly started to learn how to do surgery on them.

    Irene Mincine: "That's right, you did..." :: Irene shook her head. :: "My head is still frazzled from our last mission. I really need a drink."

    Maryse Dubois: ::sneezes::

    William Chocox: Now, we've been off the ship for a while now. There's nothing that says it was us in particular that did that to the fighters.

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::bounce!:: I know a good place that has a good bloodwine here -- 2359! -- there are better vintages but its very good. They even have a decent attempt at Romulan ale. Not as good as what my family makes. but well I know the Lloann'na can't hold their ale.

    Cptn Swain: d'A> ::Glowers:: They were *fine* until you got back!

    William Chocox: Coincidence clearly.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: And... ?

    Cptn Swain: I am not really sure, honestly, if there's much I can say other than thank you. You didn't have to come looking for me or ask the Admiral to keep it off the books. I do appreciate it. I don't know if I have a really good explanation even worked up. There isn't really one.

    William Chocox: I mean, what would we even use with those?

    Irene Mincine: :: Is 2359 worth hanging out with a really weird Romulan? If he's here, then he can't be *too* threatening... and bloodline could be a pretty good excuse for kicking his ass if he gets too cozy with her. :: "I'd love 2359... even if I have to drink with a Romulan to get it. Your family makes ale?"

    Cptn Swain: Issaha> ::nods excitedly:: A sparkling vintage -- very expensive.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Then I suggest you use your time *not* in command of the Excalibur to formulate one that convinces me not to deck you.

    Cptn Swain: d'A> ::just gives Will a very tired look::

    William Chocox: Is it because my nick name is "Boom Boom"? Because that's just wrong.

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Because I'll risk the paperwork.

    Cptn Swain: Assuming I return. It's funny, I was thinking about retiring when this whole thing started -- though I would sort of feel bad if after all that work from you guys if I just you know... retried to a quiet house by the lake somewhere.

    Irene Mincine: "Oh." :: It all clicked for her. :: "You're the rich kid they sent away." :: She laughed... :: "No wonder you're so... so..." :: Irene couldn't quite find the right word. ::

    Cdr Miranda Hawthorne: Retiring?! Ooooooooh! ::At that, she hauled off and punched him, square in the nose.::


    Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM

    Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM

    Cptn Swain: PAUSE SIM