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Cmdr Ridire

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Posts posted by Cmdr Ridire

  1. It’s been an hour and a half since Aidan got off duty for the evening. After returning to his quarters he had changed into some workout clothes and gone to the holodeck. He needed to work off some frustration and anxiousness and usually working out was enough to do that. However as he enters his quarters again he doesn't feel any less frustrated or anxious now than he did before. All working out did was make him sweaty. Fortunately there is a cure for that and perhaps the shower would do what the exercising didn't.


    The sound of Deb’s voice draws his attention towards the couch where she’s sitting. He had also caught the sound of Rose’s voice so apparently Deb and her grandmother had been talking over the comm channels when Aidan entered. He finds Deb looking up at him. He tries a faint smile and then mouths that he was going to take a shower.


    He walks over to the bedroom door and steps through. Undressing on his way to the bathroom he enters it and steps into the shower. Some time later he steps back into the bedroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. His intention is to get dressed and then see to supper. The shower had helped ease some of the tension from him, perhaps a quiet evening with his wife would take care of the rest. A few minutes later as he's finishing getting dressed he hears the door behind him slide open.


    Her chats with her grandmother were few and far between so it pained Deb to even think about cutting one short. But she did hurry things on a bit once Aidan came home. She could tell something was wrong and it had nothing to do with the sweat he'd worked up during his workout. She entered their bedroom just as her husband finished dressing. "Hey," she called pleasantly, walking toward him. She slipped her arms around his neck and smiled. "What's new and exciting?"


    He slips his arms around her tightly and tucks his head into the crux of her neck and shoulder. He closes his eyes and simply enjoys her presence for a long minute. Finally he brings his head back and murmurs "Nothing's new unless Grandma Rose had something?" He briefly wonders whether to tell her what was making him anxious with part of him not wanting to impugn upon a pleasant moment alone. He trails a hand up her side to gently caress her left cheek and neck. Deciding that she's not likely to give up on finding out what's bothering him, he murmurs "And I guess this current situation with the Ithaca is making me more than a little anxious on what might happen..on what we might be asked to do."


    For a moment, she thought she might have misread the situation. Then he mentioned the Ithaca. "Everything is well with my grandparents," she replied softly, cuddling a bit closer to him. "So tell me, what's the newest problem with the Ithaca?"


    He pulls her gently to a chair and sits down with her settled on his lap. He rests his head against her shoulder and sighs quietly. "Nothing new really. Just that the whole aging prematurely thing is...unsettling. And there's been some talk among the other bridge officers on the possibility of an away team to the Ithaca."


    Deb listened carefully. He was trying not to alarm her but it was obvious he was concerned. "Do you mean they're talking about sending a team to the Ithaca? she asked, carefully controlling her tone of voice. She found it disconcerting that such a thing was under consideration. "Have they figured out how to do that without instantly aging the members of the away team?"


    "Well, Mr. Knight thinks he has a solution to that...but he's not sure it will work. And he says it may not slow down the aging completely." He closes his eyes for a few seconds then murmurs "I know I try to not interfere with you doing your job....but if there is an away team I don't want you anywhere near it, darling. But I'm hoping there won't be an away team at all and would definitely make my opposition to it known to the Captain."


    Debbie's heart sank.Once again, her husband's innate need to protect her was putting her between a rock and a hard place. She couldn't knowingly send a member of her team on a dangerous mission unless she herself was willing to face those same hazards. She remained silent for several moments trying to gather her thoughts before speaking. "I hope it doesn't come to that," she replied softly. "But if I'm not willing to go, I certainly couldn't order anyone else to."


    He sighs quietly to himself, privately wishing he could do what he wanted. Quietly he murmurs "I'm not going to try and order you to stay if the situation arises nor would I do anything to keep you from doing what you want...but I think I have the right to make my wishes on the matter known. I'm hoping the situation doesn't arise at all....but if it does I think it's one of those things that should be strictly volunteer." He rests his head against her shoulder and closes his eyes. "What I want is as much time as possible with you."


    What could she say? She wanted the same thing.....to grow old with her husband. And she preferred doing it the old fashioned way. Deb had no desire to age 25 or more years during a three hour away mission to a ship trapped inside a time altering bubble. She had to admit, the idea of sending personnel on such a mission was highly distasteful, especially when it might prove totally useless. As she understood it, they weren't sure the Ithaca's crew was still on the ship.


    She held Aidan tightly, relieved he couldn't see the anxiety now obvious in her expression. "It sounds like a desperate idea," she said softly. "I'm not sure it would be worth the risk. Don't get me wrong, I want the best for that crew, but do we know for sure they're still anyone left on the Ithaca?" The image of her husband returning from a visit to the stranded ship suddenly flashed before her eyes.The image was more than distressing and Deb paused a moment to calm her nerves. She took a deep breath before continuing. "Anna said they've located two shuttles from Ithaca. They're also trapped. Are we to send our personnel onto those shuttles as well? Can we even retrieve the away teams once they've entered those bubbles?"


    Deb pulled away slightly forcing her husband to look up at her. "Do you really think the Captain would send any of us on what amounts to a suicide mission?"


    He tightens his arms around her as he feels the tenseness in her body. "Well it wouldn't be to look for the crew. It would be to retrieve the ships logs in order to see if there is any clue in there as to what the crew was intending. We're sure there's no one alive on the Ithaca. So an away team shouldn't have to be there long....but it still means they will experience some accelerated aging. And if they get trapped there..."


    He frowns darkly then sighs again. "And the Captain has ordered a remotely controlled shuttle into the distortion to see if we can retrieve it. The transporters wouldn't work in all likelyhood. And several fighters should have been launched to investigate the minor distortions we've picked up."


    He shakes his head slightly and murmurs "I suppose it's wrong of me to want to run away with you and disappear for a while."


    His comment about running away quickly turned Deb's frown into a mischievous smile. "Sounds like a plan," she chuckled. "How soon do you think we can sneak away. And do you suppose anyone would miss us?"


    He smiles despite where his mood was up to that point. "I'm afraid they'd miss us way too soon. Plus there's nowhere we can go without having to abscond with a runabout which they'd notice. Besides, if we run away and disappear then I'm afraid I'd more than likely find myself preferring that it remain permanent." He kisses her cheek then purrs "But perhaps we should see to a quiet night to ourselves as soon as we can? Maybe use the holodeck...or see to that spa of yours?"


    "Of course it would be permanent," laughed Deb. "They wouldn't want us back after we went AWOL" She pulled away from him and stood up then took both his hands and tugged him to his feet. "I like the idea of a quiet evening," she added with a twinkle in her eye. In the scheme of things, that's all they really had....the here and now. Who knew if there would be a future. "But let's try out that spa. I'd prefer to steer clear of the holodecks. Somebody got hurt in the one on deck 7. It was probably their fault but I'd just as soon let engineering inspect them all before venturing into one."


    He briefly considers asking her to elaborate on what might be wrong with the holodecks but decides that was something that can wait until later. He squeezes her hands gently and murmurs "As you wish. And thank you for helping the mood I was in..." He pulls her into a tight hug and presses a gentle kiss to her cheek.


    Deb offered him a warm smile. "That's why I'm here," she whispered. "Now let's get on with our evening before something happens and that comm calls you away."

  2. Aidan settles quietly against the lounge chair and watches the waves come into the beach. This was their third day in Hawaii, on the island of Lanai to be specific. They spent the morning on a cruise boat that went to the main islands in Hawaii. The day before had also spent going from island to island, though with an eye towards the future. Part of this trip after all was to get some idea of where in Hawaii they would like to live when they retired from Starfleet. He covers a quiet yawn before deciding that all he wants to do right now is stay right where he is and relax. Hopefully tomorrow, or at least one of the upcoming days, they'd be able to spend not venturing too far from their temporary home. Some quiet time alone would be good as well. He closes his eyes, enjoying the feel of the sun against his skin.


    "Talk about polar opposites," thought Deb. "The weather here is so different from what we experienced in Ireland." She was standing just inside the small bungalow they'd rented for their last week of leave. After all the hustle and bustle of Christmas at the Ridire family castle, both Deb and Aidan were enjoying the laid back atmosphere on Lanai....not to mention the balmy weather. It was wonderful spending time with her in-laws. They were really great people. But Ireland in December was cold and pretty miserable. Though it was sad to say good-bye to the relatives, neither she or her husband were sorry to bid farewell to the icy wind and heavily overcast skies.


    So far, they'd done a bit of sightseeing since arriving on Lanai. She smiled as she thought about the little trip they would be taking a bit later that afternoon. All Aidan knew was that she planned something for them to do. It involved a "guide" and he would arrive around noon. Glancing at her watch, her smile broadened. She stepped outside and down the narrow path to the beach where Aidan was glued to one of the lounge chairs. "Time to come in," she called lightheartedly. "Our guide will be her in a few minutes."


    He says wryly "I was just relaxing. I was looking forward to a quiet evening here, watching the ocean, and perhaps holding my wife." He shakes his head slightly as he stands and steps towards her. "But I suppose since we have this guide of yours showing up....though you still haven't told me what that is about...that relaxing can wait until later." He leans in to kiss Deb just below her ear. Softly he murmurs "But can we please stay close to here tomorrow? Really would like at least one day to just relax and do nothing much..."


    "I promise," whispered Deb with a seductive smile, "tomorrow we won't leave the house unless you want to. But I've been planning this little excursion for a long time so I hope you'll bear with me one more day."


    He smiles as he reaches for his shirt and pulls it on. "So much for working on the tan," he comments wryly. He steps towards her and reaches a hand out towards her. "Might be a good idea to make sure that we have sufficient food here for tomorrow. I think I might take my wife up on her offer of not leaving the house at all tomorrow. I'm sure we'll think of ways to pass the time, yes?"


    Three hours later, they stood on a fairly large parcel of land on the east side of the island. A soft breeze washed over them as they gazed beyond the Au'au Channel to the much larger island of Maui. Aidan had finally figured out what was going on. They'd already seen four other properties and Deb had all but admitted she was hoping he would like one of them enough to purchase it for a future home site.


    But she had saved the best for last. This particular parcel was, by far, her favorite. It offered a raised elevation perfect for a home complimented by a gentle slope leading to a private beach. They had seen other properties earlier in the day. Some with gorgeous ocean views and access to the beach. Others were carved into one of the mountains...a bit more remote with the guarantee of privacy. But this one was perfect. Deb studied Aidan's every move hoping he would think as much of it as she did. If he didn't, they would continue the search during their next visit but she sincerely hoped he would be as enchanted by this place as she was.


    They had talked about using the trip to Hawaii as an opportunity to do some future home sightseeing so it didn't take Aidan long to figure out what Deb had planned. They had visited a few places that were all great in their own way. But, Aidan thought to himself, this particular place is the one that feels the...the most right to him. As such he takes his time walking the property, enjoying it and imagining that future. He feels Deb watching him carefully, he was sure she's trying to gauge his reaction. Finally he returns to her side and slips an arm around her waist. Quietly he murmurs "If this was somehow available when we retired, this would be heaven."

    She could barely hear what he said. The one word she was certain of was "heaven." Stepping closer to him, she wrapped her arm around his and smiled up at him. "This is really nice, isn't it? I wouldn't mind living in a place like this. Would you?"


    He smiles and leans against her. "Well, anywhere would be fine as long as you were present, you know that. All I need is a nice home to grow old with my wife in. But this..." His voice trails off and he looks around again. "...would definitely be something special." The wistful smile on his expression fades after a few seconds. He doubted this place would remain available until the two of them were ready to start moving on and to make this sort of change and commitment. In fact he's more then a little surprised that this particular property is available at all, given how perfect it is.


    "It's yours if you want it," replied Deb, her tone as nonchalant as she could muster. "I realize we aren't ready to retire yet but maybe we should buy this property so it will be here when the time comes." She gazed up at him with a knowing smile. "It will also give us something tangible to look forward to."


    What she said doesn't process through his brain right away. It takes his mind a few seconds for it to catch on. He blinks several times and finds it hard to breath for a few seconds. He covers a cough then asks "What was that? Mine if I want it?" He looks at her with a confused expression.


    For once, she'd managed to pull one over on him. He was genuinely surprised and Deb was thoroughly pleased about the whole thing. "Yes," she replied proudly. "All I have to do is sign the document transferring the funds and this lovely piece of land is yours." She glanced back at their "guide" who had maintained a discreet distance. Motioning him over, she couldn't repress smiling as he rushed toward them, PADD in hand.

    "Is this the one?" their guide asked anxiously.


    Debbie nodded. "Yes, Alile. I believe it is." She took the PADD he offered her and then grinned at her still confused husband. "So, do you want it? Just say the word and it's all yours."

    Aidan ignores the guide or rather the obviously not a guide as he focuses his attention on Deb. "If I want what? This land? And what funds are you talking about? Love, you're being more then a little confusing." He shakes his head slightly as if trying to shake the sudden cobwebs from his mind. "Why..."


    "Yes," replied Debbie placing one finger over her husbands lips to shush him. "This land. It happens to be for sale. I've made arrangements to purchase it....if you want it. And don't worry about the funds. That's been taken care of as well."


    Aidan blinks a couple times and takes a couple seconds before responding. His response, however, is rather nonverbal in that he pulls Deb against him and kisses her for a long minute. He blithely ignores the other person present clearing their throat a couple times. Breaking off the kiss finally he murmurs "I trust that will do for an answer?"


    She hadn't been prepared for the intensity of his response. It left her breathless....and very pleased. She'd gambled on him falling in love with this property....of wanting to build their future home here. And the gamble had paid off. They finally had a place to call home once they gave up life aboard ship.


    Deb smiled brightly as she removed the stylus from the PADD and quickly signed her name. Returning the PADD to their guide, she slipped her arms around Aidan's neck. "Merry Christmas and Happy Anniversary," she whispered. "This is one I'll never forget. I hope you feel the same."

    He strokes her left cheek and smiles gently, "Forget the day we bought the location of our home? And my wife managing to snow me about it? I very much doubt it." He's about to kiss her again when he notices the continuing presence of the realtor. To the realtor he remarks, "You can go if you wish. There are some things Mrs. Ridire and I need to...discuss. Thank you very much, however, for your assistance." He waits for the realtor to walk a sufficient distance away before he kisses Deb again for a long while. Breaking it off, he breathes, "Merry Christmas and Happy Anniversary, my love."


    Slipping an arm around her waist he walks towards the beach nearby. He kicks off his shoes as he steps onto the sand. "However, you are going to tell me where you got the financing for this. And you're going to explain to me how my giving you a necklace, imported Swiss chocolates and your grandparents being there at my parents for Christmas is somehow me going overboard but you pulling this off isn't overboard?" He smiles wryly as he says the last.


    "Your always going overboard, " she replied as she removed her shoes. "And you've paid for everything up until now....the wedding, most of our vacations and all of the expensive gifts you've given me." She leaned against him and smiled. "It was my turn this time. Financing wasn't necessary. I had enough put away to buy the property outright. Now when it comes time to build.....well....we might need some financing then....because I'm pretty much wiped out."



    He walks nearer the ocean so that the incoming waves wash over his feet. He closes his eyes briefly and takes a deep breath, letting it out in a contented sigh. He opens his eyes and turns his attention back to Deb. "Well, I think we should work on planning the house together, of course. And I’ll handle paying for it. This should be a joint project, yes? But I definitely think the house should be something that fits in with this place. Something Hawaiian in style or at least in decor. Something European would look more then a little out of place" He smiles then purrs "And if I go overboard, love, its because my wife very much deserves it."


    He pauses for a second then asks "And perhaps we should have my parents and Ciara watch over this place, keep an eye on it as it were?"


    Images of Hawaiian homes danced in Debbie's head as she listened to Aidan. She looked forward to a comfortable place with lots of windows and porches to take advantage of the mild temperatures and steady breezes. She continued leaning against him and gazing out at the varied shades of blue ocean. "I have no problem with your family keeping an eye on the property for us. They might even want to construct a temporary home of some kind." She nudged him slightly. "But no castles!"


    He smirks "Of course not. Would be completely out of place." He kisses her forehead before murmuring "But that’s enough talk about the future, I think. I would like to concentrate on the present for the rest of this vacation, if my wife agrees? Spend the rest of my time here tending to what is within my arms." He smiles and purrs "After all, she is very much a blessing to me. Not quite sure what exactly I did to deserve her or this place."


    "I have no problem with that," whispered Deb. She nodded toward their guide who was patiently waiting near the drive. "But I think we should reserve any future activities until we get home. I'm sure Alili is anxious to get back to his office and I don't feel like walking home." She took his hand and pulled him back up the beach to where they left their shoes. As they slipped them on, Deb started giggling. Aidan looked at her inquisitively. As they started toward their smiling guide, she took her husband's hand and grinned. "Do you suppose he would mind stopping at the market on the way. I have a feeling we won't have time for that sort of thing once we get home."


    "Oh I’m sure we can convince him, he is earning a rather large commission off this I suppose. Besides, I think we should have a quiet romantic dinner and need a couple things for that. And some wine to celebrate would be nice as well." He closes his eyes and lets her guide him back to the vehicle. Meanwhile images of the future run through his mind.

  3. Aidan smiles to himself as he looks around the living room of the house he and Deb were staying in while they were in Ireland for the week of Christmas. He loved traveling the stars but it was good to be home, he decides. And staying is becoming a wish that is slowly increasing for him. Aidan reaches for his winter coat and pulls it on before pocketing a small wrapped package. He walks across the room and pokes his head through the main bedroom door. Spotting the open bathroom door he calls "Deb, the car is waiting for us. And I’d like to get there before its too crowded." "I'll be there in a minute," called Deb. She closely examined her face in the large mirror in the well lit bathroom. She was accustomed to something much smaller with less lighting. The huge mirror was a bit daunting. With the additional light, she could see so much more and that wasn't necessarily a good thing. "Men," she grumbled under her breath as she fluffed her hair for the umpteenth time.. "Always in a hurry."


    She wondered why Aidan didn't understand that she had to take extra care. Visiting the in-laws always made her a little nervous. Her husband's family had quickly accepted her as one of their own. They were very down to earth people, not the least bit pretentious. But the Ridire women were so.....beautiful. Her mother-in-law was a stunning woman and Ciara, Aidan's younger sister was simply gorgeous. Deb had little practice in making herself appear....beautiful. She was accustomed to uniforms and no makeup....or just a bit from time to time. The car would have to wait another minute or two until Deb was satisfied her appearance was acceptable.


    He briefly considers chiding her teasingly, something about making them late. But the memory it taking other women he's known, including members of his own family, more then a little while to get ready for a night out draws him up short. Particularly the annoyance his mother had towards his father once many years ago when his father had said something about her taking forever and a day. Aidan decides to spare himself Deb's annoyance. He wanted her memories of tonight to be perfect, there was no sense in marring the night before it even started. He steps through the bedroom door and moves to sit down on the edge of the bed. He closes his eyes and resigns himself to wait patiently and quietly.


    Finally satisfied with how she looked, Deb rushed out of the bathroom with plans to grab her coat and meet Aidan at the front door. She was certain he'd be waiting there, leaning against the wall, arms crossed in front of him with one foot tapping the floor. She was taken aback to find him sitting on the bed, eyes closed, seemingly relaxed. Was it real? Or was he faking it?


    He opened his eyes as she approached and picked up her coat. "I'm ready," she said with a pleasant smile. "Sorry to keep you waiting but ladies take a bit longer to get ready."


    He looks her over and then stands before stepping into her. He kisses her below her ear and murmurs "I should be used to that by now. You are radiantly beautiful, my love." He kisses her briefly and then murmurs "But you are always that." He takes a half step back and looks her over again. Smiling mischievously he purrs "Though I hope you don't mind if I ask you to wear that dress from time to time. You're definitely going to turn heads."


    He helps her with her coat and then slips his arm through hers, guiding her out of the house and to the waiting car. A short ten minutes later they the car pulls up in front of the main castle doors. The outside of the castle is dimly lit but there are large fully decorated Christmas trees in the courtyard and various decorations strung up on the walls. The sound of music and chatter floats dimly out the front doors. Aidan helps Deb out of the car and they walk thorough the main doors into the foyer which if anything is more lavishly decorated then the courtyard. Two towering Christmas trees, fully lit and decorated, stand at the far corners. Already several dozen people are milling about the foyer talking or sipping drinks. Aidan smiles as he watches Deb look around as they head for the coat check off to the side.


    This wasn't her first visit to "the castle." She'd been there before. It always took her breath away. But tonight, it was a truly magnificent sight. Huge garlands with tiny twinkling lights draped the massive entryway. Antique candelabra of all sizes were clustered throughout the walkway leading to the main doors. Their gentle, flickering lights ushered the guests into the grand foyer.


    The castle was built centuries earlier and had been meticulously and lovingly maintained. Aidan's family traditions were at least that old. Deb thought how wonderful it must be to belong to a family whose heritage could be traced back through the aeons. She couldn't repress a smile as she realized she was now a part of that family as well. As they moved into the foyer, she almost giggled at the soaring Christmas trees with their huge ornaments and thousands of brightly colored lights. The festive sounds of holiday music drifted across the foyer from somewhere beyond barely audible over the low rumbleof all the voices passing through the room.


    Deb reached for her husband's hand and looked up at him with a grin. "Please don't tell me all of these people are your relatives."


    He glances around at the people, spotting various cousins, some close others distant, plus a few uncles and aunts as well as some family friends. "Well, some are family friends and a few are government officials from the area. Most, however, will be relatives of ours, yes. He nods briefly in the direction of a pair of older couples across the room from them. "And those four over there are my grandparents. We should go say hello to them, I'm pretty sure they do very much want to meet you finally. And I'm a bit surprised my parents and Ciara aren't here yet."


    She caught herself staring at "the grandparents." Granted, the grandmothers were a lot older but still extremely attractive. "They must had led a life of leisure," thought Deb as they checked their coats. "Or the women in Aidan's family have a special beauty secret. I wonder if Ciara knows what it is."


    The leave their coats but instead of heading in the direction of Aidan's grandparents, he leads Deb in the direction of the door leading towards the grand ballroom. As they reach two small steps leading towards the risen area of the foyer between two of the columns he stops. He smiles at Deb and murmurs "Close your eyes for a few seconds, please."


    Deb was still stealing glances at the grandparents as they stepped away from the coat check. She was mentally preparing herself for the big introduction when Aidan suddenly changed course. Still a little perplexed, she looked up at him expectantly and then followed orders. "What's going on?" she whispered as she squeezed her eyes shut.


    He smiles and glances around, checking to make sure they were at the one quite special location in the foyer. Retrieving the small box from his pocket he opens it and removes the contents. He places a intricately crafted diamond and ruby bracelet around her left wrist. He leans in and kisses her forehead before murmuring "I thought you might want to get one of your presents. Happy anniversary, my darling."


    It rarely happened but this was one of those occasions. Deb was speechless. She stood in shock staring at the gorgeous bracelet now dangling from her wrist. Granted, when he told her to close her eyes, she knew there was a gift coming. But this....this was so far from what she'd expected she simply didn't know what to say. Finally regaining her composure, she threw her arms around Aidan's neck. "It's beautiful," she whispered, kissing him warmly. Pulling back a bit, she again admired the elaborate design of the bracelet. The diamonds delicately intertwined with the rubies setting them off just perfectly. "Thank you," she stammered. "This is far more than I expected. But I'm afraid you'll have to wait for your gift. I'll be giving it to you once we arrive in Hawaii."


    He smiles and purrs "Whatever my darling wishes. Though she knows she is the only gift I ever do need or want." He tips his head down and kisses her gently on her bare shoulder. And she is..wrapped most alluringly." He tips his head back and then adds "I trust my wife recognizes this spot and why it is quite special. And she should know I'm not done with the gift giving quite yet. Her one present will wait for Hawaii but the next one she will receive at my parents tomorrow night."


    "Aidan," whispered Debbie with a gentle smile. "You're going overboard again. It isn't that I'm not grateful, but I have almost everything I've ever dreamed of. Even if I never the get the one or two items still on the list, I'm quite content with my present situation." She paused a moment as someone jostled by. "I remember this place. But now, thanks to you, there are so many...special places." She softly stroked his cheek. "Although this one will always remain near the top of the list."


    He smiles as he leads her towards his grandparents. "Why don't you wait to tell me that I'm going overboard until after you see what the other gifts are? Because I somehow suspect that you'll very much like them." He squeezes her hand gently and purrs "Besides, my love is someone very much worth going "overboard" on. And if she kisses me like that every time I give her a gift then there's another reason to go overboard." He says the last mischievously. "And I am a bit curious as to what present you're going to give me while we're in Hawaii? I don't get a hint or a clue?"


    Deb chuckled softly as they walked toward the two older couples seated near the one of the entrances into what could only be called a massive ballroom. "No," she insisted. "No clues...not even a little one." Looking up at him, she smiled coyly. "And certainly you know that my kisses are free of charge. You don't have to produce a gift to receive one."


    He smiles wryly and purrs "Oh, I know that. But that doesn't mean I can't do so for the fun of it. Perhaps when we're in Hawaii I'll just insist on staying in our room for a day so I can see to having my fill of your kisses, at least for a while." He glances sidelong at her before adding "So you're not going to give me any hints as to what my present is? Suppose then I'll just have to keep my curiosity in check. Pity though, you could have gotten me to give you a hint on what I have in store for you, love." As they work their way through the growing crowd he squeezes her hand gently. "You should know you are by far the most beautiful woman here, darling."


    As for her being the most beautiful woman at the castle that evening, even if it wasn't true, she was grateful he thought it was. Deb was going to make a comment about Aidan's idea. She had no problem spending a day in their room doing a lot of nothing. Such occassions rarely presented themselves aboard ship. At it happened, they were quickly approaching her husbands grandparents....both sets of them. The two grandfathers stood up to greet them and she could see the older ladies studying her carefully. She smiled at the quartet and chose to reseve any further comments about Hawaii until later.


    Aidan is a bit nervous, though for the life of him he doesn't know why, introducing Deb to his grandparents. A Borg was more likely to crack a joke then his grandparents not liking Deb after all. Still, the nervousness, however small, is there. And he can tell just by Deb's tightening her hand around his that she's a bit nervous as well. It turns out, however, that the nervousness isn't needed. Within a few minutes both sets of his grandparents have welcomed Deb to the family and are carrying on as if they've known her for years.

  4. Aidan leans against the wall of the turbolift and groans to himself as the lift takes him to the deck his quarters on. He didn’t quite know what was worse, the radiation of that thrice damned garbage scow of a freighter or the decontamination process he and the rest of the away team had to undergo. He couldn’t blame Deb for leaving Sickbay without him if she felt as off and nauseous as he does.


    The turbolift arrives at its destination and he makes his way to his quarters. Stepping through the doors he finds the lights on low. He was right, Deb had returned to their quarters. He steps over to the replicator and orders a drink he hasn’t had in quite a while, something called “7-Up” which his mother had a penchant for using when one of the family was nauseous. He is pretty sure its some centuries old cure for such maladies.


    Taking the drink from the replicator he steps towards the bedroom door and through it when it swishes open. He glances towards the bathroom door when he hears the shower running. “So much for a shower right away” he muses to himself. He steps over to the bed and sits down on the edge. He takes a healthy swig from his drink before placing the glass on the end table near him. Removing his shoes, he stretches out on the bed and closes his eyes.