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Cmdr Ridire

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Everything posted by Cmdr Ridire

  1. USS Reaent September 15th 2011 USS Reaent September 15th 2011.txt
  2. Aidan tosses the wings back to Will and says "Well, congratulations, I’ll clear it with the Captain that you will be the CAG...no acting. But before you respond let me make it clear that yours and Mr. Nansk’s permission to speak freely is now revoked. I will, however, exercise my right to speak freely now." "First off, Mr. Tomlinson, let us get one thing clear. It wasn’t just my decision to not decide on a permanent CAG yet...it was also the Captain’s decision. He also thinks that neither you nor Mr. Nansk or anyone else has stepped up to the plate and actually earned the position before. I would really like to see you try and bite his head off like you just tried to bite my head off. It would almost be comical." "My father likes old movies, specifically 20th century movies. So when we were younger he made my sister and I watch them with him. I remember one, that was made sometime in the late 20th century, regarding this fighter pilot who considered himself one of the best if not the best. It made him brash, arrogant, reckless and cocky. It also made him disrespectful to authority and disinclined to follow orders when he thought he knew better which to his mind was nearly all the time. He ends up being sent to a fighter pilot school that is solely for the best. That only feeds his brashness and makes him more arrogant, even more reckless. That comes with a price though..the price being the death of his best friend because of that pilot’s actions. It’s only then he realizes what his attitude has cost him." Aidan pauses for a moment as his attention flicks to Mr. Nansk for a second then back to Mr. Tomlinson. "You remind me very much of that character. You are arrogant, reckless and you are disrespectful to authority. And you think you know what’s better out there then those who have the bigger picture and those who are responsible for not only your life but the life of everyone on this ship. That behavior of yours, Mr. Tomlinson, is going to get you or someone close to you..perhaps even your best friend here killed. Like I said..there is a time for imitative and a time to simply obey orders. And there was no need for any such imitative in this case. Neither you nor Mr. Nansk hold the full picture of what’s going on and there was nothing your attempt to do a closer flyby of that planet would have gained us that couldn’t have been gained through smarter and safer means. I fought the Changelings in the war, Mr. Tomlinson, when you and your friend here were barely out of diapers. They are not something to play with..they are very dangerous and the fact it is quite likely that this one doesn’t know that the war is over means that this one is an active enemy. For all we know at this moment that changeling down there could have a supply of weapons hidden or could be trying to lead us into a trap. And yet curiously that never seemed to occur to you two. You both just wanted to go charging right in despite the fact that there was no reason to do so." "Angel treated his responsibilities seriously, he knew bloody well that the lives of a lot of people rested on his shoulders. He didn’t treat them as a game where "Oops, I made a mistake. Sorry." suffices as an excuse. You want me to trust you and Mr. Nansk when you show imitative? Then you better damn well show me that you can be responsible first. And your recent actions, the both of yours, show a tendency to not be responsible. Because if I or the Captain have to worry every time that we give you orders that you’re going to up and disobey them then the problem isn’t that we don’t trust you...it’s that you’re not being trustworthy. To be blunt, Mr. Tomlinson, it is now time you grow up. Because if you continue to act like the snot nosed brat you were just being then God help this ship." If anything, Aidan’s voice grows colder when he adds "As for ‘Long enough to see that you sir are so damned scared of losing people that you'd rather stifle us to death than let us take even acceptable risks in space, sir.’ yes I am scared of losing people. That’s the number one fear of anyone in Command and anyone who says he or she isn’t simply isn’t fit to be in Command. The Captain, myself and now you, Mr. Tomlinson, are responsible for the lives on this ship. The first time someone dies under your command, Mr. Tomlinson, you are going to remember what it feels like for the rest of your life. And trust me...it does not get any easier ever. It could be Mr. Nansk here or one of your other fighter pilots. And then it will be your responsibility and you will be the one having to be making a death notification to that person’s family. Or lets imagine that I retire in a couple years and for whatever reason the Captain appoints you the next first officer of this ship. Then it could be Shamor or Murray or Merina.....or even Anna who dies on your watch. It very well could be that you had to order them off to die for some greater good, that they die because of your orders. When it happens...and it will happen, Mr. Tomlinson, I wonder if you will be quite as glib and as insulting as you were just a few minutes ago." "If you don’t learn to fill Angel’s shoes then I will have absolutely no problem at all in finding someone else who can. Whine about "stifling" all you want, Mr. Tomlinson, but as your "imitative" can very well get us all killed if you don’t learn very quickly that there are times where imitative is the wrong choice. That there will be times where you will obey completely because you simply don’t know better at all." "As for what you said about your fellow pilots...since they seem to be suffering from a lack of...morale and discipline your first order of business will be to set up, plan and execute a strict training schedule starting..well...the day after tomorrow. I want the training schedule to be set up so that it’s been executed every day, to include both simulator and live flying exercises and it will be conducted for the next four weeks. If by that time the pilots aren’t in top form the exercises will repeat themselves as many times as it takes until they are in top form. Since Mr. Shamor is busy with the examination of the probe, you will coordinate with Mr. Murray and Mr. Knight." Aidan starts to step past them on his way to the door but he stops and leans back so he’s looking Tomlinson straight in the eye. "Be thankful that I remember I am a Starfleet Officer because if I wasn’t and you insulted me like that to my face I would have given into my Irish temper and dropped you where you stand. Permission to speak freely does not mean you have permission to act like an insulting git to me or to anyone else nor does it mean you get to act insubordinate to me or anyone else. If you want to keep those bars, Lieutenant, you will better remember your place and better mind your tongue. I have no problem if you or Tabor here disagree with me on an order and I have no problem with you explaining that disagreement with me or trying to convince me that you’re right. But you will do so respectfully. I long ago earned the right to not have to deal with your or anyone else’s petulance." With that Aidan exits the observation lounge and heads directly for the Captain’s ready room. Without even waiting for permission, he steps inside.
  3. USS Reaent September 8th 2011 USS Reaent September 8th 2011.txt
  4. USS Reaent Sept 1st 2011 USS Reaent Sept 1 2011.txt
  5. USS Reaent August 25th 2011
  6. USS Reaent August 18th 2011 USS Reaent August 18th 2011.txt
  7. USS Reaent August 11th 2011 USS Reaent August 11th 2011.txt
  8. There weren't many secrets aboard Reaent.....at least not for those who had been around awhile and had "friends" strageticaly placed throughout the ship....friends who kept her abreast of all the latest news....including lpersonnel scheduled for upcoming away missions. The CMO was rarely consulted about such things unless a member of her staff was required to accompany the away team. She was usually advised when a team was on it's way back just in case they might need medical care. Fortunately, those occassions were few and far between. But this time, her "friends" had managed to alert her that a shuttle would be leaving within the hour to retrieve a probe on the forlorn planet below.....and the crew would include Kat Schawnsee who had just rejoined the ship. Deb maintained her composure until after the all important message had been delivered. Then she gritted her teeth and gripped the armrest of her chair so tightly she was sure they would crack. There was no way she could sit by and allow Kat to leave on that shuttle. Expert or not, Schawnsee's medical status was still officially unknown. Debbie fumed as she wondered why Aidan hadn't asked her opinion on this, especially after that little face off they'd had earlier that morning. He knew she had serious reservations about Kat's presence on the Reaent. Certainly he must have suspected she would be apprehensive about Schawnsee going off on an away mission. She released the arm rests of the chair and took several deep breaths. After taming her annoyance, she tapped the comm and asked for Commander Ridire. A moment later, his deep voice responded to her call. His tone was calm and professional but she sensed a hint of tension. For half a second, she considered launching into him the way she did that morning. But her better judgement prevailed. She spoke professionally but amiambly. "Commander, I've just been informed an away team has been authorized to retrieve a probe on the planet. I was wondering if you had a moment to discuss the personnel who will be on the team?" Aidan frowns slightly as something tells him, given the discussion earlier in the day, that this isn't one of those discussions that he wanted the whole bridge to be privy to. "Just a second, Doctor." He gets up from his chair on the bridge and steps quietly towards the doors to the observation lounge. As he enters the lounge he has a momentary sense of deja vu. He sighs and shakes his head slightly. Quietly wishing that he isn't going to regret this too much he says "What is on your mind, Doctor?" As he waits for her reply he covers the distance to the windows where he takes up his earlier staring out at the stars again. "As I mentioned earlier, I'm concerned about the away team," replied Debbie cooly. She wanted to ask why it was she had to hear about it through the grapevine but bit her tongue instead. "Specifically, who will be on that team?" He sighs and shakes his head. He always considered himself prone to stubborness but sometimes Deb was very much a pit bull when it came to certain matters. "The away team is Mr. Shamor, Ms. O'Halloran and a security team. Who you think is on the away team is not actually on the away team. Though there are reasons for that beyond your...concerns." Deb was glad this conversation was audio only. She knew Aidan wouldn't appreciate the smile now pasted on her face. "Thank you, Commander," she replied evenly. "I appreciate the update. You've adequately addressed my concerns." Aidan arches an eyebrow, trying to figure out the meaning behind Deb's tone of voice. He sighs and shakes his head, hoping he's somehow not in more trouble with his wife. For a second he considers suggesting that they retire that minute because he was getting a bit tired of the job figuring out ways of messing with his usually blissful marriage. Finally he says, "You're welcome Doctor. Is there anything else?" "No," replied Deb lightly. "That will be all. Thank you." She closed the comm, leaned back in her chair and stared at the ceiling. "At least he had enough sense not to allow her on the away team." she whispered quietly. "I suppose there is hope for him after all."
  9. USS Reaent August 4th 2011 USS Reaent August 4th 2011.txt
  10. USS Reaent July 28th 2011 USS Reaent July 28th 2011.txt
  11. USS Reaent July 21st 2011 USS Reaent July 21st 2011.txt
  12. Aidan enters the observation lounge and steps over to the large windows. Through the windows he stares down at the planet. In more than a little anger he balls up a fist with his right hand and punches the window. The window remains as implacable as ever as the pain from the punch melds with the frustration and anger inside Aidan. One of the first things that was taught at the Academy was the necessity for an officer in Starfleet, especially one who hoped to command his own starship someday, to keep control of their emotions. Aidan had learned the lesson very well and saw the wisdom in it. It would not do for Starfleet officers, especially ones who wished for higher rank, to let their emotions get the best of them, especially anger. Especially when that anger was directed at his or her own subordinates. The second that Tabor and Tomlinson had tried that “communications are breaking up” routine right after Aidan had ordered them to approach no closer to the probe on the planet below was the second that Aidan realized what they were thinking of doing. He didn’t know which was worse..that they were foolish enough to use that ruse or that they thought he was foolish enough to fall for ir. Then there was the fact that they were blithely treating a dangerous situation as an opportunity for them to act like children disobeying their parents. If the ship had been in position at the time, Aidan would have ordered both fighters to be dragged back to the ship with the tractor beams. It was only with a strong effort of will that kept Aidan from yelling at the top of his lungs at them over the comm channel whether the bridge crew heard it or not. It was only with a similar effort of will that kept Aidan from storming down to the fighter bay and biting their heads off and throwing them both in the brig. Aidan had fought during and survived the Dominion war. Next to his memories of the Battle of Wolf 359, the Dominion war was the thing that caused Aidan the most nightmares. His friend Nick viewed the Borg as the worst form of darkness, as the worst enemy the Federation would ever face. Nick maintained that when the true war against the Borg began it would make every previous war pale in comparison of the terror, horror and savagery it would cause. And Aidan would agree that the Borg were probably the Federation’s worst enemy. But the Borg were not subtle, they had no ability for guile and deception. You knew they were there and when they were there they were blatantly obvious about their presence and their intentions. The Dominion..or rather the Founders that controlled the Dominion made an art form, almost, of guile and deception. Aidan can well remember the paranoia and the fear that spread within the Federation and especially within Starfleet as a result of the Founders , their abilities and their actions. There was no ship within Starfleet that didn’t have people looking at each other with suspicion, with fear that perhaps this person had been replaced or perhaps that person had been replaced by a changeling. And during the war there had been several incidents of Founders having infiltrated Starfleet in such a manner. Such paranoia had even caused a near coup of Earth’s civilian government by Admiral Leyton. The last thing the Reaent needed was a changeling somehow getting aboard and doing lord knows what. And yet apparently Mr. Tabor and Mr. Tomlinson thought it was a good idea to risk themselves stupidly in a situation involving a possible changeling. Aidan hasn’t decided yet what he’s going to do about that but their actions and lack of judgement only reinforces why Command wasn’t being quick about selecting the new CAG.
  13. USS Reaent July 14th 2011 USS Reaent July 14th 2011.txt
  14. USS Reaent June 30th 2011 USS Reaent June 30th 2011.txt
  15. Aidan wakes up from a very vivid nightmare gasping for breath. He starts to sit up but finds himself pinned back to the bed. For a moment he thinks he’s back in the nightmare but, as usual, Deb was sleeping tucked tightly against his side and partly draped over him with her head resting on his shoulder. He spends a few moments calming himself and a few more moments watching Deb sleep peacefully. As gently as possible he slips out from her embrace and lays her head on the pillow. He slips to the edge of the bed and stands. He turns and glances at Deb again for a few seconds. Considering their evening and how exhausted he was when he fell asleep he should be sleeping as peacefully as she was. He fingers a scratch along his left shoulder as he steps over to the window. He watches the dazzling lights of the warp field flash by beyond the window. The lights dance across him, bathing him in alternating shadows and light as he thinks quietly to himself. He suspects..in fact he knows the reason for the nightmare. That being the mention of the Dominion war by the Captain earlier. He had been on the USS Venture during the Dominion war and, like all ships of the line, it had seen major and heavy combat during the war. As such he had seen more then his share of death including the death of several friends. Now, granted, the Dominion war hadn’t been his first taste of heavy combat and the tolls it took....but it was more than bad enough to warrant nightmares. He wraps his arms around in front of him as a chill runs through him. As the lights from outside continue to play over him, Aidan loses himself in his thoughts. If he thought he was sneaking out of bed, he was sadly mistaken. She awoke the moment he moved but chose to lie still. She quietly watched as her husband took his position in front of the window. He wrapped his arms around himself and stared into the darkness beyond. There were demons out there....hiding in the blackness of space...patiently stalking their victims. And Aidan was now forced to deal with the demons lurking in this sector. Deb tossed back the covers and silently made her way to his side. "What is it?" she asked softly, looking up into his shadowed eyes. "You've been distracted all evening. Please, tell me what's bothering you?" He spends a few moments continuing to stare out at the stars before he turns his attention to Deb. He turns and slips his arms around her to hold her close. One of his hands slips under her shirt to spread against the skin of her lower back. He spends a minute allowing the feel of her and her warmth calm him and bring him some comfort. Sighing quietly he murmurs "Sorry, Deb. I didn't mean to wake you. It's just...." He falters for a few seconds as he founders for the exact words. "Just I guess what the Captain..or rather who the Captain said we may be dealing with has dredged up some bad memories and nightmares. I saw a lot of good people die at the hands of the Dominion. It's....it's not so easy to forget...or forgive." He shakes his head again then adds "I'm sorry for waking you up." She leaned against him and couldn't help noticing how tense he was. She'd suspected he was reliving the war. For Aidan, as with many who endured those dreadful years, some battles continued long after the hostilities ended. "Don't worry about waking me up," she whispered. "I'm just sorry you're going through this." She pulled back enough to look into his eyes. "Would talking about it help? He nods and murmurs "It won't hurt at least, yeah it will probably help. Besides, if I don't talk about these things to you then who? But....I think being a bit more comfortable wouldn't be such a bad idea either. And perhaps some cuddling?" He bends slightly and picks her up. Cradling her he carries her back to the bed where he gently lays her down. He lays down next to her and takes a moment to stretch. Deb was grateful he was willing to broach the subject. She found herself wishing it wasn't so early in the morning. This was sure to be an in depth conversation. There might not be much time left over for sleep. She rolled onto her side. Propping her head in her hand, she smiled at the man stretched out beside her. She realized he needed to talk but maybe there were a few minutes to squeeze in something else....something that would help him relax. Moving closer, she brushed his lips with hers and whispered softly. "Would you like to talk now or in a few minutes?" It takes him a few seconds to figure out to what she's alluding to. Still, he can't help but have one small misgiving though it takes him a few moments to figure out how to voice it. He leans in and kisses her gently. Softly he murmurs "I will probably hate myself for saying this...but as you said I've been distracted all night and if I'm not focused completely on you..." He frowns slightly then finishes quietly "I wouldn't want to disappoint you somehow." "You could never disappoint me," replied Deb softly. She propped her head up on her hand and smiled softly at him. "Unless you choose not to tell me what's been on your mind all evening." She nudged him playfully. "So tell me....tell me everything." He smiles and pulls her gently closer to him. He leans up and kisses her warmly for a long minute. Breaking it off, he murmurs "Very well, as my angel wishes." He pauses slightly then asks "But afterwards you can explain this "a few minutes" to me." What would only take a few minutes?" He smirks teasingly as he says that. “And I think we both should take a day or two off as soon as we can. I don’t know about you but I could use some at length private time with you. A few seconds pass before his expression sobers. He tightens his arms around her as he starts to explain what was keeping him awake.
  16. USS Reaent June 23rd 2011 USS Reaent June 23rd 2011.txt
  17. USS Reaent June 16th 2011 USS Reaent June 16th 2011.txt
  18. USS Reaent June 9th 2011 USS Reaent June 9th 2011.txt
  19. USS Reaent June 2nd 2011 USS Reaent June 2nd 2011.txt
  20. USS Reaent May 26th 2011 USS Reaent May 26th 2011.txt
  21. USS Reaent May 19th 2011 USS Reaent May 19th 2011.txt
  22. USS Reaent May 12th 2011 USS Reaent May 12th 2011.txt
  23. Aidan finishes with the report he’s writing and sends it to Starbase 2. That done he spends a few moments yawning and stretching while wondering why the universe seemed determined to give them the most annoying or disturbing missions. During the mission he had repeated nightmares of him and Deb or one of them aged before their time and the ramifications of such an occurrence. And he only had to go talk to any of the Ithaca survivors to see the consequences of what had happened. A ship destroyed, most of the crew dead and the survivors...well part of Aidan would argue that their fate was worse then death. Aidan stands and moves to the door leading from his office to the hall beyond. Well anyways the mission was over and done with except for arriving at Starbase 2 where the Ithaca survivors would be offloaded and helped as much as possible. For himself, Aidan was very much looking forward to the promised leave and going somewhere, anywhere with Deb that didn’t involve anything Starfleet related or anything that reminded him of what had happened or nearly just happened. He entertains the thought of going down to Sickbay and insisting that Deb end her shift early so their time alone could start now. He dismisses the idea, knowing that Deb would insist on doing what she could to deal with the Ithaca survivors and the end of her shift would just have to wait. As such he heads for his quarters where he knows he's going to be alone for a while. Well...unless one counted Nephtys but that wasn't the sort of company he wanted right now.
  24. USS Reaent May 5th 2011 USS Reaent May 5th 2011.txt
  25. USS Reaent April 28th 2011 USS Reaent April 28th 2011.txt