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Cmdr Ridire

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Posts posted by Cmdr Ridire

  1. By: Dr Matthews & Cmdr Ridire


    Aidan finishes clearing some of the dishes from the Christmas dinner that Deb and he had shared. He had made Leg of Lamb, rosemary potatoes and brussels sprouts along with a brandied pumpkin pie for dessert. Leaving Deb to finish her pie he walks over to the decorated Christmas tree set near the couch and reaches to turn the lights on. Retrieving two small presents from under the tree he moves to stretch out on the couch after setting the presents on the small table in front of the couch.


    Watching Deb he thinks over the last couple weeks and frowns slightly. Under normal circumstances they would have gone somewhere off-ship for Christmas but with everything that has been going on, particularly with Kat, he had reasoned that Deb wouldn't want to travel for this Christmas. So he had resigned himself to not bringing the possibility up though it annoyed him a little. They spent so much of their time dealing with the ship and it’s crew that their time alone was precious. And now because of Kat and pushing for an investigation of her doctors on Earth, which Aidan had expended considerable time and more then a few favors on, that time alone had been even more restricted as of late. He tips his head back and gets lost in the dancing white lights on the Christmas tree behind him.


    The dinner had been magnificent, more so than most holiday meals she'd enjoyed. Deb was now certain she had married a saint. He'd been more than patient with her regarding Kat Schawnsee. Her concern for her friend had nearly consumed her but Aidan had been there to keep her grounded. She'd known he would have preferred to leave the ship to celebrate the holidays. It was Deb who had pretty much quashed that idea, again because of Kat. Aidan had obliged her without complaint. Then he managed to put together a wonderful Christmas complete with a lovely decorated tree and a delicious meal.


    She smiled lovingly at him as she watched him stretch out on the couch. She had been so wrong about him for such a long time. Almost from the day he'd joined the ship, she though of him as cold and distant. After a while, she suspected otherwise and since they'd been married, she knew for a fact he was anything but cold or distant.


    Finishing her dessert, Deb placed the dish in the recycle bin and moved to join her husband on the couch. She settled down beside him resting her head on his shoulder. "Thank you for a wonderful dinner," she whispered. "And thank you for a wonderful Christmas."


    He spends a second or two still lost in the lights of the tree before he wraps his arms around Deb and kisses her forehead. Softly he murmurs "You're welcome." He closes his eyes for a few seconds and relaxes against her. Privately he decides that once things have settled down he is going to be insistent on a day or two together alone. In the meantime while she dealt with Kat he would see to starting a certain long term project regarding their property in Hawaii.

    Opening his eyes he nods in the direction of the low table behind her. "You still need to tend to your presents there, dear heart."


    For some inexplicable reason, Debbie hadn't noticed the elegantly wrapped packages on the coffee table. That was highly unlike her. She was usually able to sniff out a present a kilometer away. Of course, taking possession of the gifts meant leaving the comfort and security of his arms for a moment. She hesitated wondering if it was worth giving up the warmth of his presence, even if it was for just a few minutes. Deb quickly decided her husband would be insulted if she ignored his gifts so she reluctantly pulled away from him. She picked up both of them and placed them on the couch beside her. "Which one shall I open first," she asked quietly, smiling into his deep green eyes.


    He smiles and shrugs before murmuring softly "It’s up to you." He shifts slightly and points to the low rectangular box then to the small square shaped box. "That one is the Christmas gift and the other is the anniversary. Which one gets opened first is the lady’s choice." Privately he knows she'll like the Villars Swiss chocolates given Deb’s love of all things chocolate. He’s not quite so sure about the ladies gold watch. He had a little more difficulty picking out the anniversary present as he didn't want to get too repetitive with the dresses, perfume and jewelry.


    Deb opted to open the Christmas gift first. Carefully removing the decorative wrapping, her smile broadens as the contents are revealed. "Chocolate!" She spoke the word almost reverently. The remaining paper was quickly disposed of and she placed the pretty box on her lap. "And it looks like the good stuff!"

    He grins at the tone she says the word "Chocolate" in. Privately he decides to never set up a situation where she had the choice of spending the day alone with him or eating chocolate someplace. He knows he’d lose that choice.


    She resisted the urge to open the box and taste a sample of the candy. Instead, she picked up the second gift, the one Aidan said was for their anniversary. Again, she carefully pulled the wrapping off the small box eventually tossing it onto the couch beside her. Glancing at Aidan, she slowly opened the box to find a beautiful and delicate wrist watch. Done in a traditional style, it was fashioned in gold and accented with diamonds. "Oh, it's beautiful!" she whispered as she removed it from the box. She slipped it over her wrist and fastened it then simply admired if for several seconds. Finally, she threw her arms around her husband's neck and brushed his lips with hers. "It's gorgeous," she murmured. "Thank you so much."


    He returns the kiss before murmuring "You’re quite welcome. Though admittedly was nervous about that gift." He shrugs then adds "Sometimes you’re not the easiest person to buy for as I’ve already given you several dresses, perfume and jewelry. Though..knowing you..I suppose I could always buy you double chocolates..."


    "You know me too well," she giggled. "Anything chocolate will do." She pulled away from him and stood up. "And don't tell me I'm hard to buy for," she continued as she walked into the bedroom. "I never know what to get you." She turned to face him while standing in the doorway. "But I managed to come up with something," she quipped, a bright smile on her face. "Wait right there!"


    It took her a couple of minutes to retrieve the box she had so carefully hidden in the back of the closet. It was somewhat heavy and considered fragile. After all the trouble she'd gone through to get it, she didn't want to damage it at the last minute. Deb finally made it back to the living room. "This is a combination gift," she said while placing the box on the coffee table. It was wrapped in bright red foil paper with a huge gold bow. Inside was a Lillipuziani (Lilliputians) Gold and Silver Themed Chess Board and Chessman. It was hand made in 24kt gold and silver plated solid bronze using the classic lost wax method.

    "I hope you like it," she added quickly."You are really hard to shop for."


    Surprised at how heavy the box is, Aidan takes his time opening it. When he finally has it open he has to keep his jaw from hitting the floor. He blinks as he tries to think of some adequate way to say thank you. After a few seconds he resorts to kissing her warmly for a long minute. Finally breaking it off, he purrs "Sorry, that was the only way I could think to let you know how much I like your gift..."


    She smiled warmly and stroked his cheek with her fingers. "That was a wonderful thank you," she whispered. She leaned forward and kissed him lightly. "Would you like to set it up and play a game." She paused and smiled coyly. "Or maybe we could find something else to do right now and play chess a bit later."


    He smiles and kisses her earlobe before purring "I think chess can wait until later...much later." He draws his head back and adds coyly "Unless you had your heart set on playing chess right now?"

  2. By: Dr Matthews and Cmdr Ridire

    (Set before this last game)


















    While Deb is giving her orders to Dr. Studly, Aidan is lounging on the couch while staring up at the ceiling. It was quite obvious that he was lost in his thoughts even if the as of yet untouched glass of whiskey with it’s ice slowly melting wasn’t a clue. He had reported to the Captain and had a rather serious discussion regarding Kat’s behavior, the mission and Aidan’s desire to pay Starfleet Medical on Earth a surprise visit. Something far more serious is going on then mere medical malpractice but the catch is finding the evidence to prove it to the Captain.


    After the talk with the Captain he came back to his quarters and took a good long shower after undressing. Once he was done with the shower he got dressed for bed but instead of trying to get some sleep he had placed himself on the couch. So far the only time he showed any further interest in the room around him was when he shooed Nephtys off him after she tried to curl up on his stomach. Fortunately the spoiled Siamese didn’t have much in the way of claws to dig into him with as Aidan had gotten in the habit of keeping the cat’s claws trimmed after an incident years ago in which a dog had scared said cat into bounding up on his shoulder and insisting painfully on staying there.


    Meanwhile, in the locker room, Deb was feeling somewhat guilty about dumping Kat's exam onto Studly. She quickly pushed away such thoughts while changing into some scrubs she'd left hanging in her locker. Ten minutes later, she had on fresh clothes and had managed to wipe some of the grime off her face. She finally felt presentable enough to venture into the ship's corridors. She again though of poor Rocco. She knew Kat didn't think she needed an exam. Her long time friend had no idea how ill she really was and how frightened Deb was for her. She resisted the temptation to peek into Sickbay to see how Studly was doing. Instead, she left through the portal in the locker room that led directly into the corridor.


    Fortunately, she didn't pass too many people as she made her way to her quarters. She wouldn't have cared if she had. All Deb could think about was a long, hot shower and sleeping for at least 24 hours. Some decent food might be nice too. She also wondered if Aidan was home yet. The moment she walked through the door, Nephtys was there to greet her, meowing only as a Siamese can while lacing herself through Deb's legs. But it was the sight of her husband stretched out on the couch that brought a smile to her face.


    He glances up as the door opens and smiles. "I was wondering if I was going to have carry you home too." His smile slips a little before asking "You feeling okay?"


    "I'm okay," replied Deb while scooping Nephtys into her arms. "Or I will be after a nice hot shower." She limped over to the sofa and gently placed the cat on Aidan's feet. "Think you'll still be awake when I get finished cleaning up?"


    He smiles up at her, "I’ll stay awake if you wish. Did you want supper as well?" He stands and hugs her gently as he kisses her forehead. "Figured you might need that too...."


    Debbie closed her eyes and leaned wearily against her husband. "That, my love, is the best thing to happen to me all day," she murmured. She would have liked nothing better than to stay there, in his arms, for the rest of the night. But she was simply too filthy for that. Pulling away, she smiled up at him. "Let me take a shower and then we can continue this....maybe after I have a bite to eat."


    With that, Deb dragged herself into the bathroom, stripping off the scrubs and everything else on her way. She stayed in the shower far longer than usual allowing the warm beads of water to wash away the dirt and soothe her aching muscles. About twenty minutes later, she rejoined Aidan in the living area wearing a night shirt that came down to her mid thigh and a pair of warm, fuzzy slippers.


    He glances at her as she enters. Smiling faintly he murmurs "You know..the slippers somehow don’t detract from how alluring that look is." He brings a couple plates of food over to the low table in front of the couch followed by two glasses of water. "I hope you don’t mind chicken salad sandwiches and chips. I felt like something simple." He waits for her to sit down then sits down a few feet from her. Pulling her legs onto the couch he gently massages her lower legs and feet after removing the slippers.


    Debbie leaned back on the couch and closed her eyes. The massage felt so wonderful, she forgot all about the food. "I married a prince among men," she groaned softly. "I don't deserve you....I really don't." Aidan continued his ministrations for another couple of minutes. Deb was just about to suggest they eat their sandwiches when the door chime sounded. Startled, she jumped a bit before swinging her legs off her husband's lap. "I'll get it," she insisted, tickling his bare chest. "I have on more clothes than you."


    A moment later, Deb opened the door to find Rocco Studly standing there. "Sorry to bother you," he said as he studied her attire. "You said you wanted Commander Schawnsee's test results as soon as possible. I decided to deliver them personally."


    It took her a few seconds to figure out what Studly was talking about. And then it all came rushing back to her. She slowly accepted the padd her associate was holding out to her. "Thanks," she replied with a noted lack of enthusiasm. "Find anything unusual?"


    Studly grinned as he turned to walk away. "Oh yeah," he said casually. "Pay close attention to the endocrine levels. That woman is a mess."

    Deb activated the padd and started perusing the data as Rocco left. She turned toward her husband and sighed. "Rocco was right, Kat is a mess. This is going to take some time to correct but at least I have an idea what's wrong with her."


    He sighs and stands. As he approaches her says quietly "Don’t get too lost in that padd right now, Deb. If you’re going to be any good to Kat then you need to get some rest and recover yourself. So lets finish supper and then go to bed. Kat and her problems can wait until tomorrow." He slips an arm around her waist and guides her back to the couch.


    Deb leaned against her husband and allowed him to guide her back to the couch. She sat down and tossed the padd onto the coffee table. "You know what?" she said while reaching for one of the sandwiches. "You're right." She took a bite and lazily chewed on it. "Tonight belongs to us," she added after swallowing. She looked at him with an impish grin and gently stroked his bare arm. "The only one I want to be any good for tonight is you."


    He smiles and spends a few minutes eating one of the sandwiches. "Well then you should let me finish that massage while we finish eating. Wouldn’t want to go to bed on an empty stomach. Or with a massage half finished." He pulls her legs back up and resumes the massage.

  3. By: Dr Matthews, Lt Cmdr Schawnsee and Cmdr Ridire


    When the shuttle lands on the Reaent and security makes sure everyone is present and accounted for, Aidan finally turns his attention to Kat and Deb who he had asked to wait. Privately he wonders what Kat’s reaction is going to be which is also why he had one of the security teams standby.


    Deb knew what was coming. She'd been expecting it ever since Aidan gave her that "look" shortly before the shuttle landed. He was beyond furious with Kat Schawnsee and Deb couldn't blame him. She only hoped he would realize Kat wasn't in her right mind and behave accordingly. In the meantime, she managed to unbuckle her restraint and clumsily get out of her seat. Will had taken his leave but Deb was confident Kat wouldn't be going anywhere as long as the security team was waiting nearby.


    Kat remained sitting in her seat as she was ordered to do so. With Doctor Matthews on one side and Will on the other until being the last to leave other than the Doctor, herself and the Commander and the Security guard that had boarded the ship after the last person left. She wasn't very happy about this idea as she sat there with her arms crossed and a look of disgust on her face.


    He steps over to them and stops a few feet short. "Ms. Schawnsee, as the Doctor has already said she wants you to report to Sickbay to be checked out. Considering everything that has been going on I think that’s a very good idea." Aidan pauses slightly and sighs to himself. "I am sorry to do this but as of this minute I am relieving you of your duties and commending you to the care of Dr. Matthews and Dr. Curtis. When you are not in Sickbay you will be restricted to your quarters or to the civilian areas of the ship. I am also assigning Security to post two guards with you at all times. It is my belief that you, as you are now and as you demonstrated on the planet, are a danger to yourself and to this crew. Security will have orders to see to it that you do not endanger anyone including yourself by any means necessary. And they will also conduct an inspection of your quarters to make sure there are no weapons or other dangerous objects there. I am also informing the transporters and the shuttle bays that under no circumstances are you to be allowed to leave this ship. Even if the Captain wishes to pursue the changeling, if indeed it is planet side, you will not be on any further missions. When and if the medical personnel onboard this ship deem that you are fit to duty then you will be restored to it. But not before then."


    Deb breathed a quiet sigh of relief. Aidan's discourse wasn't as bad as it could have been. The CMO had considered it quite possible that he would ship Kat back to Fleet Medical, something Deb was almost desperate to prevent. She still didn't know what therapies her long time friend had gone through while under the care of the so called experts but one thing was certain. Whatever they'd done, it didn't work. She glanced at Kat's defiant demeanor and felt her relief disappear. Schawnsee was livid and there was no way to stop her from spouting off.


    Kat uncrosses her arms and moved to stand but saw the guard reach for his weapon and sat back in her chair. "Two guards? I Know what I saw. I’m not Crazy. I have done nothing wrong I do not deserve to be restricted to my quarters. I was following my orders. Taking me off of Away missions is not fair either. I'm going to give my report to the Captain and we will SEE WHO goes back to get the changeling."


    He pauses for a second then gestures to a young lieutenant waiting nearby. "Lieutenant Yamato here will be in charge of your security detail until Mr. Shamor has recovered. Also one last thing...you are hereby ordered to turn over your medical file that you brought with you from Earth to Doctor Matthews with no further delay. I trust you have understood what I have told you, yes?"


    "I KNOW Mr Yamato. I helped train him. And as far as my medical records I do not have them. I was told they were being sent! I have a Transfer padd is all I have. I know what it looks like so I did not look at the contents. IF There's something else on there then *I* Wasn't told about it. I was NOT Told to give it to any one but to keep it in *MY* Records. I didn't bring anything else with me. I have no problem with going with Deb to be checked out but the rest of it I DO and I do NOT Understand why I am being singled out for obeying orders and locating the Changeling which WE LEFT on the planet. I saw it. It WAS the bird. It stared right at me. It wasn't a real bird. ONE Feather from it would prove my point."


    Deb felt miserable. She was wet to the bone, fitly dirty and her leg ached something awful. Kat's little tirade only made things worse. She closed her eyes but quickly reopened them in order to keep her balance. She could tell from the look on her friend's face, there was more to come. As badly as Deb wanted to bolt from the shuttle, she refused to leave Aidan alone with Kat....and vice versa. So she leaned against one of the seats across the aisle from Kat and hung around for the encore.


    Kat forces herself back into the chair she’s been sitting in and holds out her hands to Cmdr Ridire. "FINE I’m not being believed, just put the restraints on me and lets get this over with. We will let the Captain decide IF and WHEN I go back to that planet and CATCH The Changeling I KNOW I saw."

    "Oh god," whispered Deb, dropping her head into her hand. Kat's rant was tantamount to waving a red flag in front of an angry bull. One glance at Aidan told her he was straining to maintain his composure, something Deb would have to thank him for once this ordeal was over.


    Aidan narrows his eyes and shakes his head. "This isn’t about whether the Changeling was there or not. This is about your judgement. Kat, you thought it would be a bloody good idea to open the hatch of the shuttle in order to somehow reach out and catch that bird while the shuttle was 20,000 feet in the air and heading for space at no small amount of speed. Does that sound like a normal idea? Does that sound like good judgement? I have no doubt that if you had been given the opportunity you would have tried crawling outside onto the shuttle to catch this bird of yours. You also thought it would be a good idea to run around that area of the planet looking for the Changeling while a rather large carnivore was running around and also while Shamor lay dying. I have no doubt that if you had been given the opportunity you would have bolted away while we were exiting the cave and run off after that Changeling despite my direct orders to you that the mission to find the Changeling was over. And then we would have had to spend time and possibly waste lives finding and retrieving you. Hell, ten feet from the shuttle with that creature right behind us you thought it would be a better idea to stop and find the Changeling rather then get Shamor and the rest of us into the shuttle to get out of there."


    Kat draws her hands back to her lap, she thought to herself. He was right about one thing, if she had the chance she would have been looking for that bird. She saw it and she wasn't about to let it get away again. As far as being that far in the air she was not on a window seat so she didn't know.


    "Look when I saw that bird as we were getting on the shuttle, our eyes locked. Almost like it had me in a trance of some sort. I hadn't realized I had stopped until you pushed me into the shuttle. I'm not sure what that thing is but it wasn't a true bird." Kat hesitated to take a breath and he started again before she could,


    "You were willing to risk your team’s lives after one of them suffered serious life threatening injuries, another one of them could have a serious concussion and the medical Doctor on the team was barely able to walk. If we had done what you wanted, Kat, Shamor for sure would be dead right now. And probably at least some more of us, if not all of us, would be dead as well including myself since it was basically up to me, T’Kar and Murray alone to drive off that creature. You think my wife and my family would have thought catching that Changeling would have been worth my death? You think Shamor’s family, if he has one, would have considered the Changeling more important then Shamor? Or Will’s family? Or Anna’s? Or Deb’s family? Or any of the others? How many of us were you willing to risk for one Changeling, Kat? How many of our lives would have been an "acceptable loss" to find one Changeling?"

    "NO Loss is acceptable. I was not aware how badly Jon was injured until we carried him out of the cave and was told then." Kat grumbled back to Aidan.

    Deb wrinkled her nose. "But you saw the bird as we were entering the shuttle", she thought to herself. "By then, you knew only too well how badly hurt Jon was." The longer Kat talked, the more certain Deb was that the woman was totally irrational. She had fixated on her "mission" with complete disregard for anything or anyone else. She couldn't help wondering exactly what happened to Kat at Fleet Medical.


    "There are times where it is necessary to risk your personnel’s lives..but this was not one of them. Your first and only concern should have been getting your people back to the ship. And when I arrived planet side and found your group, Kat, I was within my rights as senior officer present to override the Captain’s orders regarding that Changeling. In fact the Captain had ordered me to retrieve the missing people...his orders to me did not include continuing to look for that Changeling. He was very clear about not taking risks like that."


    Aidan sighs, "As for your medical records your doctor from Earth says you have them. On the chance that he is telling the truth, which may be the case though I doubt it, and the fact that I don’t trust your judgement right now we’re going to search through your things to see if they are present. As for the Captain, I doubt he’s going to disagree with me. You can talk to him if you want, Kat, but if he somehow allows you down there again I swear to God I am going to do the one thing I never thought I would do in my life...openly and very publicly yell at a superior officer. If the Captain wishes to send down another team to find that Changeling that is his purview but you will be remaining onboard this ship.


    "You can search my things I’m telling you I DO NOT HAVE IT!!. What do I have to do to prove it to you." Kat says yelling once more.


    "As for restraints I hope those won’t be necessary. You’re not under arrest though if you try something foolish I will have no problem with throwing you in the brig."


    "Fine, do what you think you need to."


    Deb pulled herself to a standing position. Now, she was even more alarmed. Granted, Kat's behavior was irrational, no doubt about that. But more was going on than met the eye. Deb had always thought it odd that Kat would withhold her medical records. They cleared her for duty....there was nothing to hide. The really strange thing was the fact the records were allegedly forwarded to Reaent via the patient. They should have sent directly to the ship from Fleet Medical. Kat should never had access to them. Once again, she claimed she didn't. Where was the truth in all this mess?


    Aidan sighs and shakes his head. "Kat, you knew Shamor was in a critical condition once we got to the shuttle and you still wanted to spend time trying to catch this bird of yours. You knew he was at least seriously injured and Will and Deb were injured as well when I decided that getting back to the ship was the first priority and that the mission to find that Changeling was over with...and you still thought only of finding that Changeling. In fact you openly objected to my decision and continued to think that the only thing important was that Changeling. You are acting like the Captain’s orders to you earlier apply no matter the circumstances and that my orders, as senior officer on the ground, somehow didn’t apply to you. You have been acting like you’re somehow outside the chain of command on this ship. You have been insubordinate to the nth degree, we have had to sedate you at least once, we’ve had to tell you we would do so again, and you have been entirely way too emotional since you got back on ship. You just yelled at me and I am not the first person you have yelled at since you got back from Earth."


    "You have been focused on that Changeling to the point of obsession. To the point that it took me telling you that I would shoot you to get you to relent in your pursuit of it. And Changelings, Kat, can not put you into trances. This bird of yours did not put you into a trance..your own mind did that one. You forgot completely about Shamor, me and the others, and most especially that rather large creature that was behind us and if we hadn’t pushed you into the shuttle you’d still be standing there or running around that area looking for this bird or far more likely you would be in that dinosaur thing’s stomach."


    "WE LOCKED EYES!!! I know WHAT Im talking about I know THAT was the Changeling. I dont't care if you believe me or not I know what I saw." Kat once again folds her arms across her chest but this time she clams up and just stares off as if looking at something in the distance.


    It didn’t take long for Aidan to realize that this was going round and round in circles with Kat but it took him a little bit longer then it should have to rein in his annoyance and anger at what was going on. He decides to save his anger for the thrice cursed doctor from Earth instead of wasting it on Kat any further.

    Forcing himself to calm down, Aidan sighs and glances at Deb. "I presume you wish to accompany her to Sickbay, yes?"


    Deb had been lost in own thoughts. It took her a moment to realize Aidan had directed his question to her. Then it took another moment for her figure out what he'd said. She looked from Aidan to Kat and then back to Aidan. "If you will, have the Lieutenant and his team escort her to Sickbay. I'll meet her there in a few minutes." She took a hesitant step toward him and lowered her voice. "I need to talk to you, privately before I go to Sickbay."

    He nods slightly in reply to Deb then turns his attention to Lt. Yamato who had been meekly trying to stay unnoticed near the shuttle’s hatch. "Lieutenant, escort Ms. Schawnsee to Sickbay, please. Dr. Curtis will be waiting for you there. And...my apologies for the trouble and what I’ve asked you to do."

    Aidan switches his attention back to Kat. "I will inform the Captain that you wish to talk to him."


    As Yamato stepped closer to Kat she turned her head to look at him. "Yamato, don’t even think about grabbing me. I'll move on my own!" Kat stood up and turned towards the Cmdr. "Yes I DO Want to talk to the captain as soon a possible." She then turned to Deb. "I'LL Meet you in Sickbay and then you can tell him that I AM NOT Crazy!" Kat snaps a half hearted salute to them both and steps in front of Lt Yamato and proceeds out of the shuttle towards sickbay.

    He waits for Lieutenant Yamato to escort Kat out of the shuttle before Aidan sinks into one of the chairs and sighs to himself. He mutters a particular curse in Irish about crackpot doctors.


    The CMO again leaned against a chair. She sorely wanted to sit down but getting up again took too much effort. "I appreciate you ordering Kat to Sickbay," she began slowly. "I was afraid you might send her back to Fleet Medical." She tightened her grip on the chair back as she continued. "It's obvious she isn't well much less fit for duty." Deb paused and studied Aidan’s's face. She wasn't looking at him as her husband. At the moment, he was the XO and her commanding officer. "Can you find out from the Captain exactly who determined Kat was an expert on changeling....and why. Something mighty peculiar is going on here. I'd like to know how far up the chain it goes before I start rattling cages."


    "I wouldn’t send her back to those vultures if my life depended on it. And I agree something peculiar is going on...starting with her little Doctor from Earth that I hope to have a chat with very soon...preferably up front and personal. So yes, I will have a talk with the Captain about what you just mentioned...along with a great many other things regarding this situation." He stands before adding "And I intend to make a request that our next...mission involve the ship returning to Earth so we can properly investigate what has been going. On that front there is a file that is under my name that is on the computer which I’ll show you once we get back to our quarters. I had a talk with her Doctor on Earth before the rescue mission and not only did he manage to remind me of my general dislike of Doctors, present company excluded of course, he made me bloody suspicious. So I had the computer start digging into said Doctor’s background." Aidan narrows his eyes and half growls "I do not like it when someone messes with my family."


    Adrenaline was a wonderful hormone. The human body produced it on a regular basis but during times of extreme danger, the small glands sitting just above the kidneys went to warp 9. It was this magical hormone that offered many species, including humans, the opportunity to escape danger. However, when the crisis had passed, the adrenal glands returned to "normal" status. Deb had been running on adrenaline for so long, her poor glands were probably worn out. Or, they simply realized she was no longer at risk. One way or the other, her body was quickly exhibiting the symptoms of adrenaline withdrawal. Her legs were suddenly weak and she felt like she could sleep for a month.


    "I need to go,"she said in a loud whisper. Once again, she pushed herself away from the chair she'd been leaning on and took a tentative step toward the hatch then paused before trying to take another.


    He looks her over and sighs. "Deb, you going to be able to make it to Sickbay or should I get you some help? Though I can carry you there I suppose..."

    She didn't dare look directly at him. "No," she answered quickly."I'm fine. I can make it on my own." It was a few more paces before she reached the hatch. She turned toward Aidan as she was about to step out to remind him to stop by Sickbay for his mandatory check up. The next thing she knew, she was tumbling out the hatch having misgauged the placement of the small gangway. She landed in an ungraceful heap at the foot a half dozen security officers and flight techs.

    Aidan is a hair too slow, due to his own somewhat battered and exhausted state, to keep Deb from tumbling. Ignoring the others he descends the small gangway and kneels down next to Deb. He asks, "You okay?" as he quickly checks her for any injures, paying particular attention to her legs to see if she broke one or both of them.


    Deb looked into her husband's eyes, his concern for her clearly visible. His exhaustion was also quite noticeable. "I'm okay", she sighed struggling to get to her feet. It was then she realized she may have spoken too soon. The pain in the ankle on her good leg let her know it didn't appreciate being twisted in such a convoluted manner. It was already swelling, obviously sprained. She sighed again, this time more deeply and looked up as Aidan offered her a hand. "Tell me something," she grumbled. "Is there any way this could get any worse?"


    He sighs, "I’d just as soon not find out. Come on, I’ll get you to Sickbay even if I do have to carry you. Then while you’re being tended to I’ll go have that talk with the Captain. Then we’ll go back to our..." He catches himself as he remembers the others standing nearby. He privately decides it would probably not be a good idea to say he’d like to spend a week in bed to his wife while there were others within mere feet of them. Even if all he wanted to do right now was sleep for that week.


    He helps her up, letting her lean against him so he’s bearing most of her weight. "Let me know if you’re not going to be able to hobble to Sickbay and we’ll see to the other idea."



    Try as she might, Deb couldn't pull it off. "I can't do it," she snorted dejectedly She looked up at him and sighed. "Somebody will have to carry me or call for a gurney."


    He smiles faintly and picks her up, gently cradling her in his arms. He starts walking over to the doors leading out of shuttlebay 1. He smiles faintly "Fortunately for me, you’re pretty petite. Besides, I don’t think I like the idea of anyone but me carrying you. I think that’s my exclusive right." His voice takes on a teasing tone as he says the last.


    It was down right humiliating to have to be carried to Sickbay. At least it was Aidan doing the carrying. In spite of it all, Deb found the entire scenario a bit amusing. She circled her arms around her husband's neck and grinned at him mischievously while lightly patting his shoulder. "Hey, Commander," she whispered. "Did you know you're....all wet."


    He smiles and murmurs, "Well I was out in a rain storm saving my silly little and priceless wife and some others. I’m thinking of, once things settle down and my wife is back in our quarters, of confining her there for a few days or at least keeping her safe within my arms for a few days. If she agrees to the idea, of course." He smiles mischievously "Or perhaps I won’t give her much of a choice, I’m not sure yet."


    At about that moment, Kat is escorted into Sickbay and ushered into the isolation room just for safe measure. Mr Yamato tells her to have a seat until the doctors can have a look at her and then stands guard at the door, not giving her the chance to escape.


    "Fine! I'll prove to you all that I wasn't seeing things when the Captain gets me back to the planet. I'll show you that Changeling." Kat says while sitting on the edge of the bed, swinging her legs back and forth waiting for Deb and the Captain to come in.

  4. By: Cmdr Ridire & Dr. Matthews


    It was like something out of a horror vid. Deb was pretty sure it was still daytime on this wretched planet but one couldn't be sure. Dark, heavy clouds settled over the landscape like an ominous, tufted quilt. The flashing lightening and ubiquitous thunder only added to the dismal scene. And the wind.....the constant growling of the wind blowing at hurricane force speed was the icing on the cake.


    Then, of course, there was the dinosaur.....if that's what it actually was. Physically, it didn't resemble anything like the ancient beasts of Earth. But it was definitely a kindred sprit...the size of the creature....it's multiple rows of sinister teeth....the ominous roar and last but not least, it's ardent desire to have all of them as a meal. Deb had always been fascinated by the dinosaurs of early Earth. She now realized her interest was primarily due to the fact those ferocious creatures were extinct. This one was very much alive and it knew they were here. She casually wondered how many of them the creature would have to eat before it considered itself full.


    Added to their problems were the injured....Jon Shamor, Will Tomlinson and herself although her injuries were truly minor compared to the others, especially Jon. And what was going on with Kat Schawnee? For the second time since their arrival, Deb had been forced to sedate her. Kat was so thoroughly obsessed with locating a changeling she was willing to risk her own life and those of her crewmates. Something was very wrong with the woman but Deb couldn't concern herself with that right now. Kat was no threat as long as she was sedated. The current priority was to stay alive and that required all of her attention.

    The only positive thing that had happened since their crash was the unexpected arrival of a rescue team....a team that included her husband and another physician. They couldn't have shown up at a better time.


    Before their hasty escape from the damaged shuttle, Debbie thought about her husband for a few brief moments. She imagined how wonderful it would be to fall into his embrace...to feel his warmth against her....to hear his reassuring whispers that everything would be okay. But when he and the rescue team arrived, she felt conflicted and those emotions confused her. She didn't want him to see her injured...that much was for certain. But there was more to it than that. Before Aidan's sudden appearance, Deb had managed to keep a tight rein on her feelings. She forced herself to focus on the crisis at hand. Now that Aidan was here, she was concerned she might lose that control. She knew what he was planning and it terrified her. She was taking pains to insure her feelings for her husband didn't get in the way of the jobs they both had to do.


    She glanced over her shoulder at the sound of footsteps approaching. It was Aidan. He'd been with her when she sedated Kat Schawnsee and caught the other woman as she collapsed. He'd carefully scooped her up and taken her to the rear of the cave where they had set up a makeshift medical unit. Deb looked back toward the entrance of the cave as Aidan stepped up beside her. She'd been standing closer when he left but was forced to retreat a bit because of the heavy rain and winds.


    Deb leaned against the rock wall of the cave, the cool dampness penetrating her tattered uniform. She nodded toward the storm battering the landscape beyond. "You can't go out right now," she said, her voice firm and even. "The winds are too strong. You would never make it back to your shuttle alive."

    Aidan regards Deb for a few seconds in silence as he resists the urge to embrace her and tell her that he was never letting her out of his arms ever again. He frowns slightly as he reads the fear in her eyes as she tells him he shouldn't leave because of the ferocity of the storm. Nor does it take him much effort to recognize how tenuous her grip on her emotions is.


    Reaching a hand to brush an errant lock of her hair away he quietly murmurs "At some point I'm going to have to. That shuttle is our only way out of here and we need to get Shamor and Will back to the ship for proper medical treatment." He glances down at her injured leg "And admittedly I don't have quite the same medical education as you but I doubt you'll be able to stand much less walk if we remain here too much longer." He glances out the cave entrance before returning his attention to Deb. "Someone is going to have to try it soon..even knowing the risks."


    She looked beyond him at the rain blowing vertically past the cave's entrance. "That wind is clocking at least 130 kph," she stated evenly. "You can't stand up in winds like that much less walk." Deb met his gaze. "I know that shuttle is our only hope. All I'm asking is that you wait until the storm dies down before going out there." Her voice trailed off a bit toward the end of her sentence as another wave of pain gripped her leg and bolted up through her hip. She paused a moment then pushed away from the wall and made a clumsy turn to the back of the cave. "Until then, we could use a little help back here." Not daring to look at him again, she stumbled toward their poor excuse for a sickbay having decided it was time to let Merina do something about her injury.


    He glances out at the weather and sighs resignedly. "Very well, I’ll take the Doctor’s advice, for now." He turns and steps up behind her. Ignoring whatever protest she says he picks her up and carries her back to where Merina is. As he cradles her he murmurs "But I am getting you home safely where you belong, one way or another, mon amour."


    She hadn't expected him to pick her up. Her first instinct was to insist she could make it on her own. But one look at Aidan's face told her not to waste her breath. His expression indicated just how determined he was to carry her to the back of the cave. Instead, she laced her arms around his neck and pulled a bit closer to him while listening carefully to his reassuring words. Deb closed her eyes and smiled as he whispered in her ear. All she could think to say was "thank-you."


    He smiles gently and carriers her back to where Merina is tending to the others. He says to Merina "I have one more patient for you, Doctor" as he kneels to set Deb gently down. Turning his attention back to Deb he adds "You stay here and be a good patient. You know..unlike the First Officer tends to be." He smiles wryly and leans over to kiss Deb on the forehead briefly. After a second the smile fades to a more sober expression. "I’ll be back in a few minutes, I’m going to go back to the cave entrance and watch the weather and watch out for tall ugly and gruesome. And try and get in contact with Tabor who is with the shuttle."

    He notices the spark of fear show in Deb’s eyes. He squeezes her hand reassuringly "Don’t worry, I won’t step foot outside of the cave, not until it’s safe." "Well, relatively safe considering that whatever that creature is." he thought to himself.


    He pushes himself to his feet and is just turning to head back to the cave entrance when a loud mechanical whine echoes through the cave. Grabbing his phaser rifle, Aidan quickly heads back to the cave entrance. As he reaches it he’s treated to a view of the dinosaur thing in the near distance...and the other shuttle. Before he can think to try a shot on the dinosaur creature it grabs a hold of the shuttle and flings it like a dog playing with a ball.

  5. Time: Before the rescue mission was launched

    By: Cmdr Ridire & Deb Matthews


    It was very rarely that Aidan felt impatient and antsy. With Deb and the others being missing, impatient and antsy doesn't even adequately describe Aidan’s state of mind. He hated feeling helpless, hated feeling like he couldn't do anything. Since, for the moment, there was very little for him to do regarding finding out where the shuttle disappeared to he decides to follow up on something Deb had mentioned to him earlier. He enters the observation lounge and moves to sit down in front of one of the computer displays placed on the table. He has the computer place an encrypted call to Starfleet Medical back on Earth, namely to one Dr. David Whalen.

    After a minute the Doctor shows up on the screen. "Hello Doctor , I'm Commander Aidan Ridire of the USS Reaent. From what De...Doctor Matthews has told me, you have been the one in charge of Lt. Commander Schawnsee’s recovery. I need to talk to you about her situation if you have a few minutes?


    Dave Whalen maintained his composure even though he felt like screaming. Would this debacle ever end! He was growing increasingly weary of answering questions about Kat Schawnsee. It was bad enough being grilled about her by another physician. Now he was absolutely certain this full commander was about to do the same thing.


    Not that he was surprised. He'd known from jump this would happen. The medical staff on that starship weren't stupid. They would figure out rather quickly there was something peculiar about Schawnsee's release. And they did. The CMO herself contacted him.....asked a string of questions. Most of his answers had been half truths. He was pretty sure the CMO figured that out as well. She hadn't been real happy with him when he abruptly announced he had an emergency and had to leave. That part had been an outright lie.


    But the truth wasn't his to tell. He had to follow orders. He would have to tap dance around this Commander's questions and hope he could put on a good show. Dr. Whalen took a deep breath and smiled politely. "Of course, Commander. What can I do for you?"


    "Doctor Matthews said there were..oddities regarding Ms. Schawnsee's return to my ship. I'd like to know how is it that the Lt Commander got returned to duty given the situation with her. Starting with the situation with her medical files." Aidan smiles pleasantly and adds "I'm assuming that the emergency that caused you to cut short the discussion you were having with Dr. Matthews has been sufficiently tended to, yes? Oh and don't worry about not being able to give full answers with all the medical jargon, lets just say I have sufficient..education in such things. So from the beginning please and the faster I get the answers I'm looking for the faster we can get back to our respective jobs."


    Whalen shrugged nonchalantly. "There isn't much to tell, Commander," he responded dryly. "As I explained to your CMO, the Lt. Commander was deemed mentally and emotionally stable as long as she remained on her meds. She was highly motivated to maintain her good health so we released her." Tired of being on the defensive, he decided to ask his own questions. "What seems to be the problem? Is Lt. Commander Schawnsee ill?"


    "The Chief Medical officer here has concerns. And the Lt Commander has been...well...more tempermental then she used to be. She nearly yelled at me for holding her from an away team mission, for example, and she's never done that before...especially not in public. Then there is the fact that under normal protocol a person's medical records arrive before said person and not only didn't that happen but it would appear that the Lt Commander was lying because according to the CMO the Lt Commander herself had her medical records and pretended otherwise." Aidan pauses for a second as he narrows his eyes. "So I'd like to know what it is about her recovery that made you believe that she was fit for duty, that she was fit to be returned to a starship and exactly how did these breaches of protocol happened, Doctor. I know that sounds like I'm second guessing your decision and my apologies for that but I've been on this ship for quite a while now and this crew is family to me. I think you can understand my protectiveness."


    Oh this is bad, thought Dr. Whalen without even blinking. She was given a scrubbed copy of her records. She knew that. Why didn't she hand them? "It could take the Lt. Commander a little while to readjust to live aboard ship," replied Whalen, his voice calm and composed. Too bad his stomach wasn't. "As for why she didn't turn in her medical records, maybe she forgot in all the excitement of retuning to duty." He shrugged casually. "If there are still concerns about the content of the medical records, why don't you have your CMO contact me and we'll go through them line by line. But I assure you, Lt. Commander Schawnsee is fit for active duty....as long as she stays on her meds."


    "Unfortunately I can't have the CMO contact you right now as the CMO, along with Lt Commander Schawnsee and several other members of my crew, got lost in a storm while on a shuttle mission earlier and we are still trying to find them. And yes it may take the Lt Commander a while to readjust to living life aboard a starship but the fact of the matter still is you didn't send her medical records on ahead which is a breach of standard procedure and considering how she's acting while on her meds you'll forgive me if I'm concerned. So if you will be so kind as to inform me on what basis did you decide she was fit to return to active duty? And a detailed answer please." Aidan shrugs and leans back in the chair before saying "That shouldn't be too difficult to give me."


    Lost in a storm? Is that the truth or did my former patient have something to do with an away team going missing? "A panel of specialists, myself included, deemed the Lt. Commander fit for duty," replied Whalen with a sardonic smile. "Our decision was based on the clinical data available. That included very close observations of the patient." At least their CMO is with her. She should be able to keep matters under control. "As for our violating protocol, we sent the records with Ms. Schawnsee. I was confident they would be delivered faster that way."


    Aidan arches an eyebrow at the Doctor's smile. "Very well I can see this conversation has about run its course. But I want you to do one more thing for me. I want you to gather up the reports of everyone that was involved in the decision regarding my Lt. Commander and send them here to me. I mean the full reports, by the way, including her medical records. I will expect those reports to be on my desk in three hours. You may consider that an order. Oh and Doctor, take this suggestion how you will....the next time you're trying to convince someone to trust you...you probably shouldn't smile like that."


    "Sorry Commander," answered Dr. Whalen, his tone slightly smug. "That will require more than an order from you. Physicians notes are considered confidential. I can only release them with authorization from the higher ups here at Medical. May I suggest you contact them and file a document request."


    He was now aware of someone else standing behind him and off to the side....just far enough to remain hidden from the Reaent's XO. He didn't dare look in that direction nor did he need to. He already knew who it was and why she was there.....checking up on him and how he was handling this little chat with Commander Ridire.


    "If I receive the proper authorization," continued Whalen. "I will certainly comply. In the meantime, I wish you the best locating your missing away team."


    Aidan smiles pleasantly though his thoughts are that this may be the most smug snake of a doctor he's ever encountered. "Well apparently since you're refusing to be at all helpful I will indeed take this matter up with your superiors...including the head of Starfleet Medical. But I find it curious that you're so worried about protocol when it comes to the medical records now when you weren't at all concerned about that protocol before. You said you thought what you did would be faster and yet now when speed may actually be required you want to be as slow as a snail. That is rather telling. Before I go there is one more thing. As I said I'm protective of my family. If I find out that you've been jerking my subordinate around you will not like the result. If I find out that you did so and it played a part in what is going on with my missing crew may God protect you." Aidan's smile shifts from pleasant to cold "Because Doctor I have to say...that tone you just took and that smile has done more to answer my questions then your words have. If that's the case, Doctor, then the next time we talk it will very much be face to face. We'll see how far that tone and smile you just used gets you next time. Good day, Doctor."


    With that Aidan keys the computer to close the connection. He frowns darkly and thinks for a few seconds. Finally he says, "Computer, using all my authorizations, collect all information on one Doctor David Whalen of Starfleet Medical and all his assignments and jobs since joining Starfleet. Search all Federation and Starfleet databases pursuant to the request." He pauses slightly then adds "And encrypt the information to my command authorization." He pauses slightly then taps a set of commands into the computer display, calling up the standard forms for release of a patients medical file.


    David Whalen breathed a sigh of relief as the screen returned to the familiar UFP symbol. He whirled around to face the older woman lurking near the door of the small room. "You handled that nicely," she said turning to leave. Whalen popped out of his seat and crossed the room with two large steps. He stood in front of her, daring her to open the door. "This isn't over," he hissed, jabbing at her with his index finger. " I'm fed up with the lies and half truths.That woman wasn't ready for discharge. No one on the team thought so yet, you and your buddies upstairs, bowed to pressure and let her go."


    The older woman glared at him but he was tired of backing down. "She's missing and so are other members of that crew who were with her." He nodded toward the now silent monitor. "That Commander.....he's pissed and rightly so. I guarantee you, he won't let this go....especially if they lose that away team. We're going to hear from him again....and his Captain."


    "You could be right," replied the woman calmly. "But you won't be the one dealing with them. From here on, I'll handle all inquiries into Lt. Commander Schawnsee. Is that clear?"


    Oh yeah, thought David, it's clear. You want everybody to tow the party line and you're afraid I'm not willing to do it anymore. "Perfectly clear," growled Whalen. He quickly pushed by her and exited the room, striding down the corridor in an effort to escape as quickly as possible. He was exasperated and relieved. At least he wouldn't have to lie anymore but now, it looked like the full truth might never be known beyond the handful of people who were privy to what really happened the day Lt. Commander Kat Schawnsee was requested for a special assignment.....no matter her physical, mental or emotional condition.

  6. Aidan forces himself to calm down regarding the situation with the shuttle..with Deb. As he does so he resolves to figure out a way to convince Deb to stay on the ship for now on safe and sound, once she’s back that is.


    He switches his attention from the viewscreen to the person at the science station behind him. In as calm a tone as possible, Aidan orders "Mr. Wolfe, prepare a group of probes that can be fired into the lower atmosphere of the planet to help with searching for the shuttle. And do what you can to ensure they survive the storm.

    Once Aidan has gotten Mr. Wolfe’s assent he focuses his attention on the helm officer. "Mr. Goodwin, work with engineering on figuring out if we can take the ship down into the atmosphere, focusing particularly on what the storm would do to us, if anything. We need to get our people back as soon as possible. And inform Sickbay of what’s going on and have Doctor Merina prep a rescue medical team."


    With that Aidan moves to sit down in his chair, trying his best to keep a tight lid on his emotions regarding what has become possibly the worst day of his life.