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Cmdr Ridire

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Posts posted by Cmdr Ridire

  1. It’s been about an hour since Deb left to report to Sickbay for her duty shift and Aidan was continuing his time in the holodeck exploring the home that they apparently, according to Deb, planned to build in Hawaii once they retire. Aidan steps out onto the back patio and takes in the rather breathtaking view of the setting sun on the ocean before him. He had to admit, he could well understand the appeal of what they had been planning.


    He groans softly as the light glaring off the ocean causes some pain to his eyes. He mutters something under his breath as the pain seems to abate after a few seconds. He turns away from the ocean and steps inside the house. As he does so the headache starts to grow stronger again and his vision swims for a second. Leaning heavily against the frame of the door he waits for it to pass.


    After an agonizing minute of the pain doing nothing of the sort he says "Computer, end program and show the doors. And...." He shakes his head and groans low in the back of his throat.

  2. She tiptoed to the bathroom door as soon as she heard the lock click. She wanted to wait until she heard the shower running but she knew that wouldn't give her enough time. Deb had to get to Gracie before Aidan came out of the bathroom. Gracie was her only hope.


    Three seconds later, she was the out door and down the corridor. Gracie's quarters were on the same deck but on the other side of the ship. Deb started off with a quick walk but soon found herself jogging and then running at break neck speed. Fortunately, the corridor was practically empty so only a few of her neighbors saw her racing along like the devil was on her heels.


    She didn't slow down as she reached her destination and was a good distance down the hall before she realized she'd passed Gracie's door. Quickly backtracking, she rang the chime....rang it again....and then a third and fourth time. Drawing deep breaths, she whispered a silent prayer that Gracie would be in. But of course she would be there, she reminded herself. It was almost midnight. Where else would she be. After what seemed like an hour, but was really only a minute or two, the door slide open and Deb came face to face with her best friend on the ship. "Gracie!," she moaned, grabbing the older woman by the shoulders and moving her backward as Deb more or less forced her way inside. "You've got to help me!"


    Grace Allen had been asleep for over an hour when the persistent chiming of her door bell interrupted what had been a very sweet dream. She'd uttered a couple of very unladylike curses as she'd crawled out of bed and made her way to the door to find Dr. Matthews standing there, as pale as a sheet, desperation of some sort clearly visible in her eyes.


    "What's wrong," she asked, her pulse suddenly racing. "Has something happened to the Commander?"


    Deb shook her head. "No, other than he hasn't regained any of him memory."


    "Then why are you pounding on my door at this hour?"


    "I wasn't pounding. I rang the chime."


    "Four times! Clearly indicating some kind of emergency."


    "It is an emergency," cried Deb. "Aidan's in the shower and I need to get back before he finishes."


    "That's an emergency," growled Gracie.


    "No, not that. I need your help." Deb's shoulders fell and she could feel the blush crawling up her neck to her cheeks. Gracie would never let her live this one down.


    Grace folded her arms across her chest and glared at the CMO. "What?"


    Deb offered her a weak smile. "I need to borrow a nightgown or some pajamas."


    It took Gracie a few seconds to digest what Deb had just requested. "You don't have a nightgown or any pajamas?" she asked, clearly skeptical.

    "Of course I do," replied Debbie defensively. "It's just....well....you see....it's just they aren't modest enough to wear....under the circumstances."

    Gracie stared at her boss for a full 15 seconds and then bit her lip and looked down at the floor. Deb really didn't know what her friend was thinking and she didn't have time to worry about it.


    "Please," begged Deb. "I need to get back. Do you have something I could borrow....and could you get it for me....like....right now."

    To her credit, Gracie didn't laugh in Deb's face. It took all the self control she could muster, but didn't even chuckle until she was rummaging through her drawer looking for something "modest." She finally settled on a pale blue nightgown that would cover Deb well enough. It was supposed to be knee length but Gracie was a bit taller than Deb so it would probably come down to her shins. Not the most attractive nightwear but it would serve its purpose.

    Deb had followed her to the bedroom door so Grace didn't have far to go to toss the gown to her. "Now will you please take yourself out of here so I can get some sleep."


    Debbie reached over and gave her friend a quick hug. "Thanks, Gracie. I knew I could count on you."


    Three seconds later, the CMO was running full speed back to her quarters, the borrowed nightgown draped around her neck. She knew those she passed in the corridor were looking at her strangely. It was quite obvious her scarf was actually an old fashioned cotton nightgown. But she couldn't have cared less what they thought. All she wanted to do was get back to her quarters before Aidan came out of the bathroom.


    She didn't quite make it. He was standing in the bedroom as she entered their quarters. Quickly tucking the nightgown behind a cushion on the sofa, she stepped to the bedroom door. "Did you find everything you needed?" she asked, her voice a bit breathless. "And is it all right for me to come in?"

    He glances up at the door and speaks up "Yeah, I did. And yes you can come in." He had noticed a spare blanket in the closet earlier which he goes to retrieve. As he hears the door slide open he steps to the right side of the bed and picks up the pillow laying there.


    "What are you doing?" Deb knew perfectly well what he was doing. A part of her was grateful he was doing it but another part of her was screaming a silent protest. She glanced quickly to the bed....the bed she'd never slept in without her husband. If Aidan was off ship, she always retreated to the couch. Not once had she slept in that bed without him. And she wasn't about to start now.


    "You take the bed," she quietly ordered, striding toward him. She pulled the pillow out of his hand. He let go immediately and just stood there, clearly surprised. "You're the one who is injured," she said, tossing the pillow back on the bed. "You need your rest. I'll take the couch." She walked away but only took a couple of steps before turning around. She offered him a shaky smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. "And I'll have no argument from you either," she said. "I'm the doctor and in this case, I know best.


    He frowns at her. "I am not going to take the bed over a lady...especially my wife. Besides I’m the one that is relieved of duty and you’re still on duty and therefor you need your sleep." He moves to take the pillow back from her. A faint smile appears on his lips "But I will pull rank if I have to, Do..." He shakes his head and corrects "..Deb." Taking the pillow from her he turns back to the bed to see if there was anything of his on one of the night stands that he’d need. Which is when a similar image from before floats before his eyes causing him to freeze in mid movement.


    She was preparing her retort when Aidan suddenly stiffened. This time, she was looking right at him. She watched his face, especially his eyes, and knew, without a doubt, he was having a flashback. She started toward him then stopped, choosing to wait until the episode had passed. But Deb was determined to ask...to demand if necessary....that he share whatever he had just experienced.


    As the image fades he shakes his head as if trying to dismiss it from his mind..or rather as if trying to shake loose the cobwebs in his mind. He very much wanted to remember the past nine years but this apparent brief snapshot thing was more then a little annoying. He glances up at Deb as he feels the back of his neck turn red in some embarrassment. All during the shower he had pondered how to answer her earlier question if she insisted on asking it again. And somehow he suspects she was not the type to let something go. And he had come up with no answer for her that wouldn’t make things far more awkward then things already were.


    "You remembered something, didn't you." It was more of a statement than a question. She reached out and rested her hand lightly on his arm. "What was it? Please tell me."


    He frowns slightly "More like a very brief image rather than remembering anything." He sighs and walks past her to look out at the stars for a few moments. Turning to face her he leans back against the window, "I’m not sure I should say. Things are already rather...awkward between us right now. Right now..you're kind of my only life line through my hopefully temporarily missing past."


    "A brief image....his only life line....what does that mean?" Deb silently considered his words and their possible meanings. She quickly made a few assumptions but unless he would tell her about that "image," she wouldn't know for sure. She resisted the urge to rush up to him and grab him by the shoulders. Instead, she remained where she was. "Memories are combinations of multiple images," she said slowly, carefully choosing her words. "And all memories begin with a single image. Please tell me what you saw....even if it is a little awkward....even if it's a lot awkward. It could be extremely important."


    He frowns slightly and regards her for a long minute. Finally he shrugs, "It was a..." He frowns for a second then continues "...it was a quite private moment between us." The frown continues as he awaits her response.


    "Oh god," she thought to herself. "This is a lot worse than awkward!" Deb felt her cheeks burn. She couldn't look him in the eye. Heck! She couldn't look at him at all. She focused on a spot somewhere on the ceiling and took a couple of deep breaths before attempting to speak. "Thank you for telling me," she said haltingly. "It's....it's a good sign. You may not feel that way right now, but it could mean your memory is hiding just around the corner. It....it...could return anytime."


    He sighs "I didn’t want things to be more awkward..." He keeps himself from adding "But you did insist." to that.


    And then she said it. "Perhaps we should both sleep in here tonight....I mean....you know....just sleep....and that's because...well...if you had a single image of....well....you know....then maybe if we're both here....it could help you see....you know....more images."


    Deb stood perfectly still too shocked to move. She couldn't believe the words that had just tumbled out of her mouth. And how many times could she say "you know" in one sentence? She forced herself to glance at him having no idea what to expect.


    "What do you think?" she added with a slight shrug of her shoulders. Holy cow! Was that the best she could do? Shrug her shoulders and ask for his opinion! And she claimed to be a doctor!!


    He isn’t quite sure whose face is more red..his or hers. But he stares at her for a few seconds at her suggestion. "I do have a question....could the reason be why I saw those..memories is the emotional...weight behind them? Because when I woke up in Sickbay it was like while I didn’t mentally recognize you some part of my emotions did...."


    It took her a full minute to answer. "I'm not to sure what to make of your reaction in Sickbay," she said, her heart pounding so loudly she could barely hear her own words. "But," she swallowed hard and forced herself to meet his gaze. "I think we should both sleep in this room tonight....and just see if it helps."


    He arches an eyebrow and considers her and what she said for a few seconds. Finally he shrugs, "As for your..suggestion. I guess it’s worth a try. If you’re sure you want to?" He chooses to not comment on the "just sleep" part of what she said, the situation was already plenty awkward. "If you trust me?"


    Deb smiled sheepishly. "Of course I trust you," she answered quietly. And she did....even if the man was almost a total stranger. Even before she'd gotten to know Aidan Ridire, he had always been a gentleman. That was also true during their courtship.


    "I think it's something we should try," she continued with a slight shrug. "It couldn't do any harm."


    He nods slightly "Well then, I'm game. I'll go wait in the main room while you're changing." He puts the pillow back on the bed and then moves over to the closet to put the spare blanket away. "Hopefully I will get my memory back, I wish. I'd like to know how lucky I am if nothing else.' With that he, steps towards the door leading to the main room.


    He thought he was lucky....but why? Lucky to have her as a wife....that must be it. She blushed slightly at the compliment, an odd mix of emotions rushing through her. She was pleased that he felt lucky. She was also terrified he wouldn't regain his memory. But if he didn't, it seemed he liked her so there was always the hope they could pick up the pieces and put their relationship back together again. As far as tonight was concerned, she was nervous as well as relieved he'd finally agreed they should both sleep in the bedroom. It would be strange sharing a bed with him and nothing more but she held out hope the arrangement might trigger a few lost memories. Even one would be a start.


    Deb watched him leave the room and then she remembered. Her mouth fell into an elongated O and she quickly rushed to the door. He'd just stepped into the main room when she pushed by him and casually walked over to the couch. He was looking at her strangely as she grabbed the nightgown she'd tucked behind one of the pillows. She couldn't bring herself to look at him as she nonchalantly tossed it over her shoulder and strolled back toward the bedroom. "Sorry, I forgot something."


    She didn't say anything else until she'd taken a couple of steps inside the bedroom. Then she called over her shoulder. "I'll only be a few minutes. Just make yourself at home." Make yourself at home? Deb slapped her forehead as she entered the bathroom. How stupid was that!


    He frowns and stares back at the bedroom door for a few seconds. During that time he resolves to ask her why she apparently keeps nightgowns stuffed in the couch in the main room of their quarters. He coughs slightly as a thought occurs to him. He shakes his head as if to dismiss the thought as he walks over to one of the chairs and sits down. Hopefully she will only be a few minutes as he can feel sleep trying to claim him.


    Ten minutes later, Deb was staring at her reflection in the bathroom mirror. Her expression was one of shock, dismay and fury. The fury was directed at a certain chief nurse who Deb thought was a good friend. The nightgown Gracie had given her was indeed modest. It was also....ugly....no, not ugly...it was horrific. She was mortified at the thought of Aidan seeing her in it. She was tempted to comm her 'friend' and lay into her at the that very moment. But then, Aidan might hear her. The tongue lashing would have to wait until tomorrow.


    She slowly opened the bathroom door and peeked into the room. It was empty. She hurried to the bed, ripped back the cover and jumped in, pulling the sheet up to her nose. "It's safe to come in," she called to Aidan, her voice louder than usual. She had to make sure he heard her. There was no way she was getting out of the bed until morning. Even then, she had to be the first up so she could change out of the dreadful nightgown before he saw her. She rolled onto her side and closed her eyes hoping Aidan would be in soon.


    Aidan steps into the bedroom a minute after Deb called for him. He arches an eyebrow at her having the blanket pulled all the way up to her chin. Idly he wonders if she's like does that normally. He walks over to the bed and pulls back the covers enough so that he can slip under them. Adjusting the covers he settles back against the pillow and sighs tiredly. He glances at her and quietly asks "Just out of curiosity..how do we normally sleep?"


    "How do we normally sleep?" The question echoed about inside her brain. "I'm not sure I understand what you mean?" she asked reluctantly, knowing all the while she probably did. She just couldn't bring herself to answer him.


    He shrugs slightly, "You don’t have to answer it. But I was just curious as to how we normally sleep. Meaning if I have my half of the bed and you have yours or something else." He shrugs again "I’m trying to jog my memory I guess."


    "Something else." The words came out as little more than a whisper. This had always been such a special time....the end of the day.....when they came together in body and soul and then held each other close as sleep carried them into a new day. Deb felt an indescribable sense of loss rear up and nearly consume her. He had to come back to her....there was no alternative....he had to come back. And, in that moment, she knew she would do whatever it took to make that happen.


    She rolled over and faced him. "We sort of....shared the middle," she said softly while wondering what, if anything, would happen next.

    He frowns slightly as he watches a flurry of emotions race through her eyes, emotions that he's not sure how to describe. It was a bit odd to him that he finds himself wishing for the return of his memory not just for his sake but also for hers. As it stands at the moment she's barely more then a stranger to him. And yet....


    He starts to reach a hand towards hers but he catches himself and finally lets the hand fall away. Softly he murmurs, "Thank you for answering the question. And...I quite intend to get my memory back..for both our sakes."


    "On that point," she replied quietly, "we both agree." She felt like she should say something else but she had no idea what that might be. The only thing that came to mind was quite simple and probably for the best. She smiled slightly, closed her eyes and whispered, "Good night, Aidan. Sleep well."


    He settles back against the pillow and softly murmurs "Good night as well, Deb." He listens to her fall asleep for a few minutes before he turns over on side and watches her quietly. He frowns slightly at the thought of what he's going to do if his memories...especially his memories of her..don't come back. Eventually he falls asleep himself.

  3. By: Cmdr Ridire & Dr. Matthews


    The time had come. Aidan had awakened about three hours earlier. She'd chatted with him for a few minutes then quickly taken herself off to hide in her office. She'd been there several minutes before she remembered she was supposed to order something for him to eat. After taking care of that, she'd remained secluded until Rocco came to fetch her.


    He didn't have to say a word. Deb knew what he was there for the moment he stepped through the door. "He's ready," Studly said quietly. "Are you?"

    Deb smiled bravely, stood up and walked toward her colleague. "No, but that's irrelevant. He certainly won't regain his memory by hanging around in Sickbay. The sooner he gets home, the better the chances are he'll start remembering."


    It was so much easier said than done. She managed to keep her hands to herself as she led Aidan to the lift and ordered it to Deck 4. She even maintained a somewhat pleasant conversation with him, although it was somewhat awkward. The man she was taking to their quarters was a virtual stranger. She could only imagine what he thought and felt about her.


    They finally arrived and the door opened granting them entry. Just a few hours ago, this had been a very familiar place to both of them. Now, it was totally foreign to Aidan and that fact was enough to make it foreign to her as well.


    Nephtys greeted them immediately. "That's Nephtys," Deb explained as the Siamese demanded attention. "She was your cat to begin with but now, she's adopted me as well."


    During the walk to his quarters Aidan had tried to keep up a pleasant conversation with this woman who was his wife. But he also spent the walk trying to reconcile what his confused emotions towards her were, and not having much success at it.


    As he follows her into the quarters he sighs to himself. Though he smiles when she points out Nephtys. He bends down and picks the cat up and pets it for a few moments, eliciting a pleased purr from the feline. "Well, little one, you've grown rather a lot...and gotten a bit on the heavy side haven't you." He carries the cat over to the couch and sits down. He glances at Deb and says curiously "Let me guess...you placed yourself in charge of decorating? Not that I'm complaining..but this is not..a single man’s quarters." He pauses then shrugs "If you wouldn't mind, mind going into some detail on..well..us? And yourself as well? How long have we been married? Your family? And I guess..do we have any children?"


    She shouldn't have been disturbed by his questions but she was. She'd convinced herself she could handle this professionally. After all, she was a physician and Aidan was an injured patient. It was as simple as that.


    Even before they left Sickbay, she'd begun to suspect she had been fooling herself. His questions about their relationship hammered home that fact. This man wasn't just a patient and she was a lot more than an attending physician. She was his wife and he was her husband....her husband who couldn't remember her or any part of the life they'd shared over the past few years. When Aidan asked for details "about us," she felt like someone reached inside her chest and squeezed her heart and then dropped it into her stomach.


    Deb managed to sit down in "Aidan's chair," the one across the room from the sofa. She took a couple of deep breaths as a million thoughts rushed through her mind. "Just answer the questions he asked," she ordered silently. "Don't offer too much information...just give him what he asks for."


    "My parents were killed in an accident when I was four. I was raised by my paternal grandparents," Deb began, her voice remarkably calm considering the herd of elephants traipsing around in her stomach. "Virgil and Rose are there names and they are still alive and well though growing older every day. They live in the Redstone Colony on Mars so that's where I was raised." She dared to glace at him and found him watching her intently. Under other circumstances, she would have enjoyed the look in eyes but now, all she could feel was a terrible sense of loss. "I've been with Reaent for about twelve years. We met when you were assigned almost ten years ago. We've been married for about five years but there are no children...at least...not yet....but we are....were....planning to have a couple once we took ground assignments."


    That was enough for now. She'd answered his questions. Deb leaned back and smiled at him knowing there was more to come.


    He arches an eyebrow at the answer regarding kids. He murmurs "Funny...I used to never be able to picture such a thing as accepting a ground assignment. Apparently...well I guess being married does change things when it comes to ones view of the future." He frowns when he notices the emotion that flits through her eyes at that. If there was anything that convinced him she was telling the truth about their marriage, it was the way she seemed to be able to affect his emotional heart. He had quite purposely closed himself off emotionally the last few months on the Venture, because of the Executive Officer offer with regards to the Reaent and also..well..some rather personal reasons as well. Apparently this woman...Deb had managed to pierce that shell.


    He sighs "I'm sorry for what this is making you go through and I'm sorry about your parents as well. He sighs and shakes his head, "And I can't imagine my mother is quite so pleased on the apparent delay with grandchildren." He frowns again then says tentatively, "And I can't imagine I was all that easy to get to know. So I guess I'd like to know how our marriage is. Would like to think I'm a good husband at least..."


    He was apologizing to her for having to go through this? He was the one with no memory of the last nine plus years. His apology embarrassed her. Obviously, she was allowing her distress to show itself and he had always been very perceptive. "Behave professionally," she warned herself while silently acknowledging that it was much easer said than done.


    "Yes," Deb said softly. "You are a good husband. And we have a good marriage.....a really good marriage." She managed a genuine smile. "And your mother has proven to be quite patient." She paused a moment half hoping he would say something so she wouldn't have to continue. But he remained quiet. "I got to know you during one of our early missions. It involved the USS Cairo....it was a real mess. Anyway, you and I worked closely together during that mission and our relationship evolved from there." She again leaned forward in the chair and glanced around the room. "We own property in Hawaii and had plans to settle down there one day."


    "As far as my parents are concerned, I barely remember them. Your family welcomed me without hesitation. I'm very fond of them."

    He nods though the frown doesn’t completely disappear. "Well I’m glad I’m apparently a good husband. And I somehow suspect you had some difficulty getting past the wall I am..was putting up when I joined this ship." He shakes his head then adds "Though...if you wouldn’t mind...please end the past tense stuff. This "had plans to settle down" and "we are...were planning. I very much intend to get my memory back."

    "Anyway...we plan to settle down in Hawaii? Not Ireland?"


    "No, not Ireland," replied Deb with a little chuckle. "Turns out you don't like cold weather." She stood and started walking toward the kitchen area. "I'm glad to hear you intend to get back your memory," she said lightly. "I'm not planning to rest until you do." She turned and graced him with a bright smile. "In the meantime, I'm in the mood for a snack....something involving chocolate. Would you like something?"


    He shrugs and tries a small smile, "Surprise me. Something similar will do." He watches her step over to the replicator before he turns and steps over to the windows. He frowns at the reflection and sighs to himself. In an undertone he murmurs, "So what have you gotten yourself into this time, laddy." Privately he wonders what her reaction will be if he doesn’t get his memory back. Exactly how could one be expected to remain with someone who has forgotten everything about them.

  4. By: Dr. Matthews & Cmdr Ridire



    As Aidan reads through his supposed service record that the Doctor provided he isn’t sure to believe it or not. Surely he’d remember all this..wouldn’t he? There was nine years worth of accomplishments and events here in this padd he’s holding and for the life of him he doesn’t remember any of it. Part of him wants to believe it’s true..the other part of him wants to think it’s all some elaborate charade. Though to what end he has no idea. He sighs inwardly, wishing that Nick or Fiona were here to explain things to him. Or his family. He had never felt so alone in his life. Except....


    Deb stood beside and slightly behind Rocco Studly. They were both lingering at the foot of Aidan's biobed. The CMO wanted the patient to understand that Studly was the primary physician handling this case. Deb was there strictly as a.....as a what? she wondered silently. Consultant....yes! That's what she was....a consultant.


    Both she and Rocco watched quietly as Aidan perused his service record. He started out supremely confident....confident this was all some sort of a weird mistake or a joke or, worse yet, an outright lie by the medical personnel now surrounding him. It didn't take long for doubt to ruffle that confidence, the change in attitude reflected in Aidan's gorgeous emerald green eyes. That was quickly followed by something else Deb had rarely seen in her husband. Its presence was only briefly exhibited, again in his eyes. Then it was just as quickly extinguished. Deb was reluctant to acknowledge it had even been there. But she knew better. She knew fear when she saw it. She'd witnessed it often enough in more patients than she could possibly count. No, it was there....carefully under control but it was still there.


    He frowns and brings his left hand up in front of his face. For a long minute he stares at ring there on his ring finger. Turning his attention back to the padd he has it bring up the second page of the service record where there was a listing of his family...including his wife, apparently. It included a picture of her though he doesn’t read anything more about her because he realizes he’d already seen her. He looks up again at the woman standing behind the Doctor and again, like when he first noticed her, while he doesn’t recognize her..something makes his heart pause momentarily. "You..."


    Deb knew exactly what Aidan meant by his one word statement. She'd been wondering how he would deal with this sudden revelation and had been expecting almost anything. His eyes told her he was confused and frustrated and yes, a bit scared as well. "Blessed hell", she thought. I'd feel the same way if I was in his position.


    Now the ball was in her court. She had no plan for handling this so she followed her instincts. Smiling gently, she moved to the side of the biobed, silently signaling Studly to hang around. Aidan's gaze never faltered. She forced herself to keep her hands at her side then spoke softly to their patient. "I'm Dr. Deborah Matthews. Everyone calls me Deb. I'm the Chief Medical Officer aboard Reaent." He was staring right through her and she had to take a deep breath before continuing. "And, I'm your wife."


    Aidan had long ago read the story of Rip Van Winkle but now he understands what it would have felt like if one could sleep for twenty years. Nearly ten years had apparently disappeared from his mind. Ten years on a ship he no longer knew with a crew that he didn’t know either. A wife he didn’t recognize and..yet when he looked at her... He sighs and shakes his head, letting himself fall back onto the bed. He murmurs "This feels like a dream..." as he rubs his forehead. He glances at Deb and asks "Are my parents still alive? And is Ciara okay?" He pauses and frowns slightly "And would you mind filling me in more?"


    She considered his response......encouraging. "At least he didn't try to jump out of bed and run for the door," thought Deb while looking around for something to sit on. She spotted a nearby stool and quickly retrieved it. "Your parents are both alive and in good health," she replied calmly as she sat down. She wanted to touch him, to pat his arm or hold his hand. She wanted to reassure him everything would be okay, but feared it was much too soon for that. Things weren't okay right now and she had no idea when the situation might change....if ever. "Ciara is well. Last we heard, she has yet another boyfriend. It looks like she's genuinely fond of this one." Deb shook her head slightly and grinned. "But she said the same thing about the last two so we'll have to wait and see what happens."


    Again he was staring right through her and she found herself a bit unnerved by him. "You suffered an injury earlier today during an away mission." Deb wasn't sure why she suddenly chose to talk about the incident that caused his amnesia. "We have every reason to believe your memory will return relatively soon. In the meantime, we're committed to helping you to adjust." She smiled shyly. "That goes double for me."


    He sighs again and considers her for a minute. "Well then, if I can suggest it might help me a bit if I could get out of here and back to my....." He pauses slightly and shakes his head then finishes "...our quarters. My apologies to your department, but I’ve never liked being in Sickbay. So can we please run whatever remaining tests and anything else that needs to be done and, if you wouldn’t mind, show me where..our quarters are. And frankly...I could use some time to digest all this." He shrugs, "And speaking of digestion, I’m a little hungry too."


    Deb clenched her hands in her lap to keep them in place. She was so relieved by Aidan's comment about their quarters, she wanted to jump up, cup his face in her hands and kiss him.....really, really kiss him. That would most likely scare him to death. He would surely ask for private quarters after such an outrageous display. Instead, she forced herself to remain calm and composed. "It seems I and my staff are the only ones aboard who like being in Sickbay," she said, gracing him with a warm smile. "And there are times when even we get sick of it. So, I understand your feelings about this facility." She glanced toward Rocco and then returned her attention to Aidan. "Dr. Studly is your physician." she continued nonchalantly. "I suspect he'll want you to remain here for observation for a few more hours."


    "That would be a correct assumption, Dr.," replied Studly. "But it's okay for the Commander to eat. I'll go order him something."



    "No!" Deb spoke much louder than she anticipated. She practically shouted at Rocco, startling both the doctor and the patient. "I'll go," she added quickly. She was now on her feet staring at Studly. Her colleague simply nodded and Deb turned to Aidan and smiled weakly. "I'll see you later. Enjoy your meal."

    Rocco gave her a sympathetic nod as she walked past him. A moment later, she quickened her pace and hurried across Sickbay. When finally in the safety of her office, she hurriedly ordered the door closed and leaned against it. Her chat with Aidan had gone so well until the very end. She wasn't sure why she suddenly felt herself losing control.


    She'd been pleased Aidan was willing to move into their quarters. She'd been concerned he would rather live somewhere else until he regained his memory. And then it had dawned on her. What would they do once he was home? He didn't know her! She was a stranger to him! He was the Aidan Ridire she'd met when he was first assigned to Reaent almost ten years ago. She'd thought him cold, stuffy and rigid. Now that cold, stuffy, rigid Commander would be living with her and she was suddenly terrified. The man she'd known and loved was gone, replaced by this living replica from the past. And what if he never regained his memory? What would happen then?


    The fear and all the emotions wrapped around it.....she'd kept them at bay for hours.....waiting patiently for Aidan to awaken.....waiting patiently to find out just how bad the situation was. Now she knew. It could be worse....a lot worse. "It's still bad," she whispered to the empty room. "Oh God," she choked on the words as tears filled her eyes and leaked slowly down her cheeks. "Heal him and help us get through this until then."


    If Aidan wasn’t confused before, the Doctor’s...his wife’s reaction just a second ago most definitely was confusing. Or perhaps it was the confusing set of emotions it set off in him when she hurried away. He sighs and mutters just loud enough for the other doctor to hear "Now I really do feel like Rip van Winkle." His gaze falls on the ring on his left hand and he stares at it silently. If what she had told him was true then it occurs to him that he might have the easier end of this. He silently resolves, at the direction of he knows not what inside him, to try and be easy to deal with.

  5. By: Cmdr Ridire & Dr. Matthews


    After his shift, Aidan enters his quarters and hesitates a few seconds. Not finding Deb there he goes to look in the bedroom for her. Not finding her there either he returns to the main room after a few minutes carrying a blanket, a pair of pillows and a sheet. He also had changed and gotten ready for bed. He spreads the sheet over the couch then places the pillows at the one end. Stretching out on the couch he pulls the blanket over him and tries to fall asleep. It takes him a while, his thoughts preoccupied with the argument with Deb earlier in the Captain’s office. For her part, Nephtys curls up on the armrest above Aidan’s head and has a far easier time falling asleep then the human.


    It was late, terribly late, by the time Deb shuffled down the corridor toward her quarters. It had taken forever to cover Jon Shamor's invisible face with enough stage makeup to fool his crewmates into believing he was the real thing. She couldn't help grinning at the memory of what he'd looked like when he first came into her office earlier in the day. The uniform, boots and gloves were just fine but that helmet! He'd scared Kat Schawnsee half to death. Had he been let lose like that, Deb had no doubt Sickbay would be full in no time with patients suffering from varrying degrees of fright.


    But the makeup had worked well, especially after Gracie had Lt. Carrick come in to assist. The Lieutenant was "the makeup artist" for Reaent's thespian troupe. Deb had been amazed. She'd taken a blank slate and morphed it into Jon Shamor's face and head. They'd even found a nice wig so Jon wouldn't be running around bald. The only serious problem they ran into was the eyes. That was quickly managed with custom contacts. They didn't look exactly right, but they would do.


    After that, Deb had to review Kat Schawnsee's file....again. Her friend's case was proving to be not only difficult but rather mysterious. Add to that the data on the remains found on the planet below and suffice to say it had been a long, long day. But worst was yet to come.


    She'd behaved badly, very badly, during her meeting with the Captain and Aidan earlier in the day. She felt justified in declaring Jon Shamor unfit for duty. She had every right to oppose him being allowed to leave the ship in his current invisible state. But since when did she stop trusting her husband?


    Deb had given it a lot of thought and there was no way around it. She owed Aidan a huge apology and a whole lot more. And the sooner she took care of it, the better.

    The lights were dimmed when she entered their quarters. Still, she could easily make her way through to the bedroom without falling over something. She only took a couple of steps when she noticed the lumpy mound on the couch. She closed her eyes, shoulders slumped and sighed deeply. This was worse than she'd expected. Aidan had moved out of the bedroom! It appeared he'd taken Nephtys with him.


    This would never do. Deb glanced at her watch. It was shortly after midnight. She abruptly decided to deal with the issue immediately. Quietly rounding the small coffee table in front of the couch, she cleared away a couple of padds and sat down on it's hard surface. Steeling her nerve, she reached out and gently shook her husband. "Aidan, please wake up. We have to talk. I know it's late, but this can't wait."


    Aidan spends a few seconds mulling the idea of pretending he’s still asleep when Deb wakes him. Deciding that was a puerile thought, he rolls over to face her. He stifles a yawn before saying simply "Yes, it is late...."


    "I know," replied Deb in a hushed whisper. "I tried to get home earlier but.....well....never mind that." She hesitated a moment wondering if she should have waited until morning to tackle this problem. She'd been so certain it needed to be done tonight. Now she wasn't at all sure but......it was too late now. She'd already awakened him.

    "I need to apologize, Aidan," she said slowly while trying to determine if his eyes were open or closed. Was he really awake? She had no desire to humble herself and then have to repeat it all in the morning. She saw his eyes blink. He was awake. There was no going back now. "I behaved badly this morning in the Ready Room," she continued. "I do trust you. I've never not trusted you. And I'm so sorry I said what I did....and in front of the Captain and Shamor. And don't tell me Jon wasn't there. I know full well he was."


    Deb's eyes shined with tears. She took a deep breath thanking God the room was dark. "I've never doubted your word, no matter what I said this morning. It's McQueen I doubt....not you. Even after what I said, I knew in my heart Jon wouldn't be allowed to take his invisible self off this ship. I knew it because you said so."


    He sighs and closes his eyes for a few seconds. "Deb, what you said hurt a lot. I almost asked you, when you said it, why you married me if you don't trust me. And yes, Shamor was there. But let me make this clear. The second you put Shamor off duty under medical purview there was no more discussion about sending him down to the planet. And the only reason I would ever go against your order as CMO is if it was absolutely necessary and there was no other alternative. And I don't think the Captain would have done any different. So I'm not entirely sure why you don't trust the Captain on this." He sighs again and then adds "But it also seems to me that we've had a couple of these you say something and then have to apologize afterwards incidents..."


    His final remark stung....badly. Was it really necessary for him to say such a thing? "I'm sorry I hurt your feelings," she finally said. "And I understand if you're still angry and hurt." Deb slowly stood up. "As for the other, I admit I've said things I've had to apologize for." Her tone became a bit defensive as she started to walk away. "I'm not perfect....never claimed I was. Sorry about that." She turned and strode through the bedroom and into the bathroom where she quietly closed the door behind her.


    She stood in front of the mirror and stared at her reflection, watching all the while as her mood went from annoyed to pitiful and back to annoyed. But it wasn't Aidan she was annoyed with. It was the fool she was looking at in the mirror. She leaned forward against the vanity and shook her head slightly. "He's right you know," she mumbled. "You just can't resist shooting off your mouth. Then you get all bent out of shape when you have to apologize." She sighed dejectedly. "Can't you learn to hold your tongue?" She abruptly turned around, disgusted at herself. "I told him he married the village idiot. But why am I so determined to prove it?"


    Aidan sighs and glances at Nephtys, muttering "So much for my being a saint...." Following after Deb he enters the bedroom and steps over to the bathroom door. A bit surprised that she didn't lock it, he triggers it open just in time to hear her last reproach to herself. He steps in just enough to lean against the door frame. He considers her for a few seconds before saying "It seems to me that we are both that at times perhaps. Yes?" He shrugs then adds "Because apparently I also have my "say something and then have to apologize" moments as well."


    Deb nearly jumped out of her skin, silently cursing herself for not locking the stupid door. But it only took a moment for her to recover and in that moment, she realized the fight had gone out of him. She could see it in his eyes. Well, the fight had gone out of her too. All she felt was miserable. "Name one," she groaned. "Just name one time you've had to apologize. It's always me!" And she meant it. For the life of her, she couldn't think of one incident where Aidan had mucked up things the way she tended to do.


    He sighs and steps in further, close enough so can slip his arms around her waist. "Just a few minutes ago. And the argument we had before we went to Pacifica. And...how to put this...some frustration I felt at the time regarding a promise you made before we got married. And some of the things I said then." He shrugs "Deb, how many times really doesn't matter. Making mistakes and goofs is part of being human..and its part of being married too." He leans down and kisses her forehead. "I can think of better ways to occupy my time then continuing this discussion past the point of necessity. Is there really a point in you continuing to chide yourself needlessly?"


    Okay, so he listed three incidents. The only one she could remember was the smart remark he'd made a few minutes ago while he was laying on the sofa. To the best of her knowledge, he'd never made a peep about that pre marital promise she'd forced on him and she had no memory at all of that disagreement before their trip to Pacifica.

    But those thoughts came and went in the blink of an eye. She rested her hands on his bare chest and watched his lips form a slight smile. "No," she whispered. "I suppose there is no point to it. I just want you to be sure of the fact I do trust you....about everything."


    He smiles wryly, "Oh? You do? And yet I still don't have access to your tootsie roll supply in your office." His smile softens as he murmurs "I know you trust me, you wouldn't have married me if you didn't. And I trust you too. But you were right...you're not perfect..." He pauses a second and presses a finger gently against her nose "You, however, are as close as it gets. Now, why don't you get ready for bed, hmm?"


    Deb was reluctant to step away from him but.....it had been a very long, tedious day and she needed to spend a few minutes with some soap, nice hot water and a wash cloth. "I do see the point in that," she replied with a knowing grin. She moved away from him and started kicking off her boots. "I'll only be a few minutes....less if I can manage."


    He smiles, "Take your time. I still have to move my pillows and blanket back into the bedroom. Somehow I think that if I tried sleeping on the couch again I’m going to owe a certain wife of mine more then a simple apology." He turns and steps through the bathroom door.


    Deb watched him leave relieved all was forgiven and she wouldn't be sleeping alone tonight. She causally glanced at the time as she removed her watch. "Good grief!" she exclaimed. It was so late, she quickly hurried herself along. After all, they would need a little sleep before that alarm went off in a few hours.