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Cmdr Ridire

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Posts posted by Cmdr Ridire

  1. Aidan walks out of the house and down to the beach towards a large beach umbrella propped in the sand. Stepping into the shade of the umbrella he sets the two drinks he's carrying down on a small table and then stretches out in one of the beach chairs. He glances over at Deb, who is laying in the other chair and smiles bemusedly. "I hope m'lady doesn't mind it if the waiter sits down and gets some time and some rest in the sun as well?"


    Deb slowly lifted her sunglasses and peered at him with a mischievous grin. "Well," she drawled. "Now that you mention it, you have performed rather well today. So, yes, by all means, sit and relax." She reached over and picked up one of the glasses from the table and took a quick sip. "Oh, this is excellent," she said, obviously pleased. "Exactly what's in it?"


    He shrugs "It's a blue hawaiian actually. And yes, it does have some alcohol in it...well what the replicator uses for that. And I told it to go light on it." He smirks faintly "Pretty sure I don't want my wife getting blitzed on me."


    "Thanks for that," laughed Deb. "I'm sure it wouldn't be a pretty sight."


    He takes a sip of his drink and watches her for a minute. "Speaking of Hawaii, or actually anything tropical, I had an little idea. For some point down the road."


    Debbie took another sip or two before reluctantly returning the glass to the small table nestled between the chaises. She swung her legs over the side of the lounge so she was facing her husband. "What about Hawaii?" she asked casually. "Do you plan on visiting there and learning all of their secret drink mixes?"


    He chuckles and turns on his side facing her. "Something a bit more serious. We seem to have a fondness for the tropics so was wondering, just as thought right now, if somewhere tropical would be where you want to retire to. When we do, sooner or later."


    His remarks took her by surprise. He was right about their fondness for tropical environments. They seemed drawn to the sea and balmy weather. But their vacations always included one defining element.... privacy and there were a lot of holiday locales in tropical areas where one could be assured of that.


    Deb cherished those quiet times in the warm sun when she and Aidan could be alone....really alone. There was very little privacy on the ship. Even while tucked away in their quarters, they were always on call and there were frequent intrusions into their small, private world. It wasn't like that here...or at any of the other tropical spots they'd visited. But those visits had never been for more that a few weeks.


    Pushing her sunglasses onto the top of her head, she studied her husband's expression. He was serious about this and, again, she was a little surprised. For some reason, she'd always thought he would prefer to live closer to his family. And Ireland did not offer anything remotely resembling a tropical climate.


    She canted her head to the left and grinned. "What about your family?" she asked, maintaining an even tone. "I thought you might like to settle down somewhere close to them."


    He shrugs "Well I want to live on Earth, yes, and as long as it's not colder than Ireland, I'd be fine. And I'm not ruling out settling down in Ireland. However, it's not like, to use two examples, Hawaii or the British Virgin Islands are that far travel wise from Ireland and my family. Nor your family for that matter. What I want most is someplace, with at least a little privacy, that's a good place to grow old with my wife and to raise my children, if she blesses me with any. And I guess someplace where we can see to our careers after Starfleet. I'm assuming you're going to continue with a private medical practice and I'd probably find something for myself as well. So if a tropical place fits those criteria I think we should consider it. Or do you think you'd get tired of living in the tropics all the time?"


    Get tired of this? mused Debbie silently. Is he crazy? But after pondering the idea for several seconds, she wondered if he could be right. She had never lived in a tropical locale. Her only visits to such locations were for short periods of time....their honeymoon and a couple of vacations. Was it possible they could grow weary of a balmy climate bereft of seasonal change?


    Deb rested her hands on her knees and gazed at the small waves lapping at the shore line. "Speaking for myself," she began slowly, "I wouldn't mind settling down somewhere...tropical. But on Earth, it might be difficult to find such a place that isn't already overcrowded." She looked at Aidan and smiled ruefully. "Privacy might be something of a problem. Then again, if we have children, I'm not sure it would be a good idea for them to grow up in isolation like this. I'm not suggesting we live in the heart of a megalopolis but we might want to think of locating in an area where there are a few people to socialize with. And it might be easier to find employment as well." She grinned mischievously "If we ended up somewhere like Pacifica, I probably wouldn't work another day in my life."


    "Well, I was in Hawaii for a vacation during my academy years and there are places there that aren't what I would call overcrowded. It's not like all tropical areas on Earth are overcrowded. And I'm sure we could find someplace for ourselves. And you're right, I'm not after complete and total privacy." He smiles mischievously "I'm not interested in becoming a hermit even if sometimes my wife does..provide reason enough to desire that. And you're right, it would probably not be good for any children. Though do you think we wouldn't have any?" If we somehow did that I think your grandmother and my mother would be somewhat annoyed at not having grandchildren to spoil don't you think? Among other reasons." He shrugs and adds "I think we should live where we want to and it's someplace tropical then that's fine with me. As long as we're happy does the locale matter?" He reaches across and brushes a hand against her face. If anything his tone grows more mischievous as he asks "And if we stayed here, why wouldn't you work another day in your life?"


    "I wouldn't be able to tear myself away from the beach," laughed Deb. She picked up her drink and took a couple of sips before again relaxing on the chaise. "Who wants to work when you can spend the day like this."


    She pulled her sunglasses down over her eyes and breathed in the fresh salt air. "I'd never considered living in a place like this," she continued. "But I wouldn't object." She looked over at Aidan and shrugged. "I always thought you'd rather live closer to your family. You must admit, Ireland is beautiful."


    "You might, however, get a bit tired of dealing with me all the time in such a situation." He says teasingly. His tone sobers and he shrugs "Ireland is beautiful and yes part of me does want to go home. But in today's modern age it hardly takes much time traveling from point to point on earth. At any rate, I'd like to keep Hawaii or some place like it in consideration. Besides, it's not like we need to make a decision now. Might be a while till we decide to retire and move on to a more peaceful life." He adds wryly "Well..peaceful until we add children to the mix."


    "Then we'll put a tropical locale at the top of our new list," replied Debbie, returning her gaze to the expansive ocean in front of them. The tide was coming in and the waves were slowly creeping closer to their little hideaway. "But remember, when you live close to family, you can take advantage of the free babysitting services grandparents are always willing to provide." A slight grin appeared as she thought of Aidan dealing with a couple of young children. He just thinks it's tough running a starship, she mused choosing to keep that to herself.


    They sat quietly for a few minutes, each lost in their own thoughts. Deb found a little difficult to imagine life after Starfleet. It was such an integral part of her. Even as a child growing up with her grandparents, Starfleet had always been there. She was beginning to realize how complicated it would be to walk away from it. "What if we don't leave Starfleet?" she asked, not daring to look in her husband's direction. "What if we request permanent ground assignments....and they send us to a place like Minnesota?"


    He glances at her and shrugs. "Minnesota? I'm not sure. I grew up relatively near the ocean and even though I've lived half my life now in a different sort of ocean, I still like the ocean. Besides I don't think I'd want to be somewhere that tends to be colder then Ireland." He tips on his side and studies her. "The one problem I see with remaining with Starfleet is that we still run the risk that one, we could be reassigned somewhere off planet at anytime. And two, if a war happens we'd still be under obligation to serve and that runs the possibility of being stationed on a ship of the line and possibly separated." He stands and moves to lean over her and kisses her warmly. Staring down into her eyes he murmurs "And I am most sure that I don't want to risk that." He moves back to his chair and stretches out on it. "Now, I may decide to perhaps teach at the Academy as a civilian. But my intention and preference is to leave Starfleet. I found a most compelling and beautiful dream..a new one, one that I want to live."


    He was right about the risks of remaining in Starfleet. Even after they officially retired, they was a remote possibility one or both of them could be recalled to active duty should a serious emergency arise. That would be stressful enough if it was just the two of them. But they'd pretty much agreed they would maintain the status quo until they decided to start a family. A forced separation like that would be much worse if there children involved and Debbie was inclined not risk that.


    She looked in his direction and smiled. "Okay, when the time comes, we'll resign. There's no reason to tempt fate" Deb pushed herself out of the lounge and moved over to Aidan's side of the umbrella. Motioning for him to move aside, she sat down and grinned. "And I have no objection to living in a tropical climate. But when I choose to spend more time on the beach than at work....don't say I didn't warn you."


    He smiles and reaches a hand up to brush against her arm. "My wife, when we retire, may do as she pleases. If she works or not is her choice." His smile goes mischievous as he adds "Though as I said before, perhaps she might want to consider if she wants to deal with me all the time. Though admittedly, if we do retire to somewhere tropical and she decides to spend a lot of her time on the beach there is definite....benefits to me in that arrangement."


    Deb rested her hands on his bare chest and smiled playfully. "I don't intend to sit around all day eating bonbons. I probably will find something to do in the medical field, at least part time." She leaned over and kissed him on the tip of his nose. "But putting up with you all day sounds like an interesting challenge, " she continued lightly. "I find myself looking forward to it."


    He smiles and slips his arms around her. He murmurs "I would hope so. Wouldn't want to think that you'd get bored of me. Have rather come to like your touch, among other things." He brushes a hand through her hair before adding "And agreed, we'll keep a tropical locale at the top of our list." He leans up and brushes his lips lightly against hers. "But I think that's enough serious discussion for right now."

  2. It figured. He and Deb had gotten so wrapped up in what was going on ship wide that they needed the Captain to remind them that they had requested a two week leave. Fortunately Deb had seen to arranging the place they were going to stay on Pacifica and for how long. All Aidan had to do when he got back to his quarters was to confirm the reservations and ensure that the villa had a great deal of privacy. He also made sure that the area also had several restaurants and clubs as well as sufficient shopping. Not that he was inclined to like shopping but it was one of Deb's favorite hobbies..especially since it meant she could get him to carry all the stuff she bought. But that was a very small price to pay considering the dancing and one or two other things he is sure they'll find time to do.


    That just left the packing to do which is the task he's seeing to at the moment. He placed two suitcases on the bed and is in the middle of packing them when Nephtys chooses that moment to hop into his suitcase and stare up at him as if she intends to stowaway in the suitcase. He scratches her behind her ears as he picks her up. He murmurs "Not sure you're coming with yet, little one. Most likely not." He hears the bedroom door behind him slide open and he turns enough to watch as Deb enters.


    "I feel like a blooming idiot," muttered Debbie as she rushed into their bedroom. She glanced at Aidan as he gently stroked Nephtys. Hesitating a moment on her way to the closet, she nodded toward the pampered feline. "Gracie said she'd take care of Nephtys if we chose not to take her with us."


    Continuing on toward the closet, she pressed the button to open the door. Quickly scanning the contents, she noticed her luggage was missing. She turned around to ask Aidan if he knew where it was when she spotted it on the bed. "Thanks for pulling out my luggage," she sighed, walking toward him. Leaning down, she kissed him lightly on the cheek. "What do you want to do about Nephtys?" she asked reaching over to pet the cat. "Shall we leave her with Gracie or take her with us?"


    He returned the kiss then turned his attention to Nephtys and thought for a few moments. "I think we'll leave her with Gracie. Lord knows I don't want her to get lost or something. And to be honest, I think I'd prefer to keep my attention focused on the other female in my life while we're on vacation." He smiles and brushes a hand against Deb's face, murmuring "She is rather more...entertaining."


    Deb smiled coyly. "I think we're both entertaining," she purred softly, scratching one of the cat's seal point ears. "We just go about it in different ways."


    He stands and moves to the closet, retrieving a pet carry-all. Gently and with little protest from Nephtys he puts her in the carry-all. Closing it he turns back to Deb and asks "Do you need help packing? And should bring at least one dress. I might get it in my head to take you dancing once or twice."


    "No," replied Deb, shaking her head. "I think I can manage. I'll be sure to bring a nice dress and a pair of dancing shoes." She watched as Aidan loaded Nephtys into the carrier. "And if I forget anything..." She smiled gleefully. "I'll just have to go shopping!"


    He smirks and sets Nephtys down. Stepping up to Deb he slips an arm around her and bends down to kiss her warmly. Teasingly he murmurs "Just as long as you don't break my bank account or make me throw out my back carrying all the things you'll buy. And just as long as shopping isn't the only thing you focus on."


    "Don't worry," she replied lightly. "I can multitask." She kept her eye on him as she moved toward the closet. "As far as your account is concerned," she drawled with a sly grin. "Don't worry about that either. I have my own account. I'll clean that out before I start yours. There should be something left by the time I'm finished."


    He straightens and smiles. "Now, why don't you finish packing and I'll see about getting the rest of the little one's things for her stay with Gracie."


    "Good idea," she answered while surveying the contents of the closet. "This is a heck of a note," she grumbled. "We made these plans weeks ago. There's no reason why I should be rushing to pack." She planted her hands on her hips and sighed. "How could we have forgotten about this trip?"


    He leaves the room to gather the rest of Nephtys' things. Returning to the bedroom just in time to hear Deb's grumbling he shrugs and smiles abashedly. "I guess we just got wrapped up in what was going on here. We both tend to get focused on our work at times. He steps up next to her and reaches into her closet for some of her bathing suits. Turning towards her suitcase he packs them. "I think that's probably the best sign that we do indeed need this vacation. That we need time to relax and just be..well a married couple only." He glances over his shoulder and smirks at her "Now, perhaps we should finish packing? Faster we finish that the faster we can get out of here."


    Deb watched silently as her husband chose four of her bathing suits and tossed them into her bag. She grabbed one more and tucked it under her arm before pulling slacks, blouses and two dresses out of the closet. "You're right about that," she laughed. "We definitely need time off if we both forgot about our vacation."


    Walking to the dresser, she opened the drawers and pulled out whatever she thought she might need, including a few pieces of nice jewelry along with the fake stuff she wore on a regular basis. "I'll be finished in a few minutes," she stated as she dropped her things into the bag. "I just have a few more things to pack."


    He smirks wryly as he folds her clothes for her and places them into the suitcase instead of her slightly more haphazard way of just tossing them in. "You know, love, you're not going have anything to wear if you keep on just tossing them in the suitcase."


    She paused on her way to the bathroom and gave Aidan a questioning look. "They're all wrinkle free," she offered quickly then continued on her way to retrieve her make up and other toiletries. "And I am in a hurry," she called from the other room. "That said, I do appreciate your help." Deb re-entered the bedroom cradling her cosmetics and other assorted necessities in both arms. She dropped them into a smaller piece of luggage and then stepped back with a satisfied smile. "I think that does it for me. All I have to do now is change out of this uniform and I'm ready to go."


    He smirks faintly as he watches her method of packing. "Well, can't say my wife isn't unique in many ways. But I think you forgot one thing...." He steps over to the closet and retrieves one piece of clothing. Folding it gently he places it in the larger of her suitcases. Closing them both he places them by the door. He spends a moment trying to figure out how to divide the luggage between them. "I'll let you handle the smaller of the luggage and the smaller items belonging to the little one here if that's ok. He carries the luggage out into the main room and then comes back for Nephtys. As he turns towards the door again he glances at Deb and smirks faintly. "I'll let you have your privacy to change. That way no..distractions." With that he steps through the door again.


    "There'll be plenty of time for distractions, replied Deb lightly. "And I'll only be a minute....I promise."


    Of course, she took a lot longer than a single minute. But she felt like she set a record by presenting herself in less than fifteen. Aidan was lounging on the couch as she walked into the main room. "I'm ready," she announced with a bright smile. She didn't stop until she reached the door where she quickly picked up her assigned luggage. "Pacifica awaits so let's go!"


    He smiles and gathers the rest of the luggage and the cat. "I think our stop at Gracie's will take us a little bit. Can't hardly just give her the cat and say "Bye." now can we?" He falls into step beside her after they exit their quarters. "However, lets try not to take too long. Lord knows with this ship something will pop up to keep us here if we don't get out of here."


    Shortly thereafter, the runabout they reserved warps out of system and heads for Pacifica.

  3. Aidan had just finished eating breakfast when the doorbell rings, having decided on pancakes with maple syrup and orange juice. He clears the plates from his desk before saying "Enter." He isn't totally surprised that it's Deb that enters though to be honest he had been expecting her to avoid him for another day. He studies her for a minute, noting the little extra makeup and the apparent extra time she spent on her hair. She obviously spent some time preparing before she came down to his office. He also doesn't fail to note the sadness and fear in her eyes and if anything it's that which goes to his heart.


    Debbie stepped into the office just far enough to allow the door to close. She stood silently for a moment, not knowing what to say. Aidan's demeanor remained passive. She wasn't able to determine whether or not he was willing to accept an apology much less listen to her feeble excuses. Speaking of that, she'd carefully rehearsed what she was going to say when she finally came face to face with him. But now that she was here, she couldn't remember anything other than how awful she felt.


    While his anger had been ebbing since yesterday he still wasn't prepared to dismiss out of hand what had happened. At least not until he saw how she was going to react to what happened yesterday. He gestures to one of the open chairs across from him and says "Have a seat. Do you want something to drink? Coffee perhaps?" He keeps his tone neutral for the most part with perhaps a little empathy leaking in.


    "No thanks," she replied softly as she followed orders and sat down in one of the chairs in front of his desk. "I'm not hungry right now."


    She tried to appear calm but her tightly clenched hands resting in her lap were a sure giveaway. So were her nervous glances around the room. She thought it odd....this was her husband's office yet she could probably count on one hand the times she visited him here.


    Finding her nerve, she finally managed to look Aidan in the eye. He leaned back in his chair, studying her closely, waiting for her to speak. Debbie sighed while shaking her head slowly. "I'm sorry." She spoke softly but firmly. "There's no excuse for my miserable behavior yesterday. I'm so very sorry."


    Her eyes started misting so she paused and looked down at her hands, still tightly folded in her lap. The one thing she had sworn not to do was cry. Displays of emotion like that were usually construed as a sign of weakness. She was willing to admit she'd been wrong but she didn't consider herself weak nor did she wish to appear that way to Aidan. It took a few seconds for her to battle back the tears during which time her husband sat perfectly still and said nothing. She smiled sadly and again looked him in the eye. "I'm really sorry, Aidan," she added quickly. "Can you ever forgive me."


    "Mind explaining what caused the behavior, please?" He asks the question in a simple tone as he continues studying her.


    "I'm scared," she answered quickly. Her eyes darted around the room as alarms went off in her head. That wasn't what she'd planned on saying. Neither were the other of the words that seemed to tumble out of her mouth. "Don't get me wrong" she quickly added. "I've been afraid before....on many occasions. With one exception, the fear abates as the threat is resolved." She glanced at Aidan and then down at her hands. They were no longer tightly clinched. Instead, she was fidgeting with her watch. "Even that fear had ebbed. It was still there....will always be there....but it had sort of blended into the background. I wasn't consciously aware of it on a daily basis." Mustering the nerve to look him in the eye, she smiled sadly. "Now, it's like a giant black hole....hovering over me....waiting to swallow me alive. I can't seem to shake it."


    Although it wasn't what she'd rehearsed earlier in the shower, everything she said was true.... truer than she wanted to admit. "I don't expect you to understand," she continued dejectedly. "And I'm not offering excuses either. That's just the way I feel. I hope you can forgive me."


    "Your fear of me dying you mean? Or some other fear?"


    Debbie nodded slightly. "Yeah, that's the one," she replied cautiously. She squared her shoulders and stood up. Smiling guardedly, she met Aidan's gaze. "I need your patience. I just need a little time to work through this so I'm asking for your patience."


    He studies her for a few moments, part of his mind arguing that he has the right to be angry with her, arguing that he should remain angry with her longer. The same part of him that is getting a bit tired of that fear of hers popping up like this. But another part of his mind speaks up as well, saying that he can't be sure that if the situation had been reversed that he would have necessarily acted any better. After all, his primary fear was her dying. He shakes his head slightly as he makes his decision.


    He stands and moves around the desk and approaches her. Tipping her head up he kisses her warmly. He breaks it off after a minute and murmurs "That should answer the question of if I forgive you or not I would hope." He bows his head slightly and adds, "I hope you can forgive me for how I reacted, as well."


    Relief washed over her like a raging flood. She leaned against him and again fought back the tears. "You had every right to be angry," she whispered. "I don't expect a free pass. I should be held accountable for inappropriate behavior." She lifted her head to meet his gaze. "I need a little time, that's all."


    He tightens his arms around her and tucks his head against hers. "Well if you think you should be held accountable and not get a free pass might I suggest that one of these next few nights we have a quiet night alone. Perhaps a little dancing or whatever comes to mind. How you make this up to me I will leave to your decision." He kisses her tears away and murmurs "Deb, I love you. Part of love is forgiving, yes? And we're both prideful people, it's not like we were never going to have arguments. I do think, however, that for now on when we do have arguments that we do our best to work them out when we have them and not go to bed angry. Speaking for myself, I never want to sleep apart from you again. It tends to ensure that I get very little actual sleep."


    "You'll get no argument from me," replied Deb. "And I know there will be other arguments. I just hope they aren't over something as silly as who's going to choose our next vacation spot." She stepped back and took his hands in hers. "Tell me something," she asked, her expression one of genuine curiosity. "I've read the logs over and over again. I know those of us on the escape pods had....counterparts here....on this Reaent. It's my understanding they disappeared once this Reaent came out of the wormhole and approached the neutral zone." She canted her head to the left and looked deep into his eyes. "What did you think when you found out I was suddenly gone?"


    He sighs quietly as he's not particularly fond of that set of memories. "Deb, the term "counterparts" rather implies that we're not exactly who we are. That your Aidan is the one who died and my Deb is the one who vanished. When you disappeared I was scared...terrified actually and confused as hell as to where you had gone to and how you had gotten off the ship. And scared at the thought that the Romulans somehow had you and...well I'm not sure "anger" is quite the right word. And where you wound up and how was...and still is confusing to me." He brushes the back of his hand against her face. "That does not stop me from being very glad you're safe and sound where you belong."


    His answer was pretty much what she'd expected. Of course he was scared and angry. But what he said about the "counterparts"....that gave her pause. She'd never thought of it that way before. It suddenly occurred to her that she might be harboring the notion that she wasn't the same person who arrived with the "second" Reaent. She was on the first one....the one she saw destroyed. And the man standing in front of her had been killed on that ship. Did she somehow consider him a....substitute or a replacement? Food for thought, she mused silently. "I'll have to discuss this with Caroline."


    "Sorry I brought it up," she said with a slight frown. "I was just curious. You've never said anything about it, probably because you've been concerned about me." Deb drew a deep breath. "And my recent behavior hasn't helped any either."


    "No, not exactly but I can understand it. You and the others got the worst end of this particular trauma and I wish there was something I could do to help. Mine seems to be confining itself to nightmares though perhaps how I reacted yesterday to what you said is also because of that." He shakes his head and murmurs "Part of me really just wants to take you to some tropical world with some secluded beach. Just the two of us, perhaps the cat, some clothes and that red beach blanket. And do our level best to forget what's been going on the last few weeks."


    Deb stepped to him and wrapped her arms around his waist. Aidan responded by holding her close. She rested her head on his chest and closed her eyes for a moment, savoring the warmth of him and the muted fragrance of his cologne. "That's a great idea," she murmured nuzzling even closer. "Maybe we can make it happen within the next few weeks." She leaned back far enough to smile up at him. "If you don't mind Pacifica, I'll go ahead and make a few inquiries."


    He smiles, "Pacifica will be perfectly fine. Though probably should add a house or something to what I said. Don't want my wife spending our vacation with a cold." He adds the last teasingly. He presses a finger against her nose and murmurs "Though I think perhaps to make up for your behavior yesterday you could see fit to give me a massage tonight and perhaps breakfast in bed tomorrow morning. If that's not asking too much? It's just a suggestion however." His smile sobers, "And Deb, take what time you need. And if you want me to come sometime for a talk with Dr. Curtis let me know."


    Debbie's smile turned into a slight frown but she nodded in agreement. "That might be a good idea," she admitted slowly. "I'm not sure it will help but it certainly won't hurt." She drew a deep breath and replaced the frown with an impish grin. "And I agree to your terms for restitution. A massage and breakfast in bed is a small price to pay for behaving like an idiot." She canted her head to the side and smiled broadly. "But then, I've already warned you that you married the village idiot."


    He smiles and nuzzles against her. "Then the village idiot is most fortunate that her husband is quite forgiving and patient. And that he is well aware of the fact that she is his very best interest." He smirks and adds teasingly "Even if she is a bit silly sometimes, yes. Like when you coined that term for yourself though I think you may have topped that one."


    "How did you top that one?" she asked, relaxing a bit more against his chest.


    His smile turns lopsided as he purrs "I said you topped yourself in being a bit silly, not me." He leans down and kisses her warmly. Breaking it off after a long minute he sighs and murmurs "And I suppose, as much as I would love to remain here holding you, we both should see about getting back to work. If we don't we're going to have to work late and I have better things to do tonight then that."

  4. It's quite late when Aidan wakes up to the sound of the door hissing open. He doesn't sit up from his prone position on the couch. And with the back of the couch facing the door he isn't able to see who it is though it can only be one person. He resists the urge to get up and try and deal with the mess that had happened which is what the rational part of him is trying to tell him to do. Nor does he get up and go to embrace Deb and kiss her which is what another part of him wants to do. So he simply lays there on the couch, wrapped in the spare blanket from the bedroom closet with his head resting on the pillows from his side of their bed. He closes his eyes again and at the least pretends to be asleep in case she moves towards the couch.


    It's not like he was having the best of luck getting some sleep anyways. He'd doze off then a little later he'd wake up in a bout of fitfullness only to doze off and then repeat the fitfullness. He had also spent a couple hours talking to his sister, explaining what had happened and what both Deb and him had said. He'd also explained what he thought was behind the incident though he hadn't gone into enough detail to give Ciara the idea of how close to death he had actually come. He'd just said that it was a risky mission and when pressed for details said that the mission was classified. Still, Aidan has no doubt that Ciara could read between the lines and figure out that the mission was quite risky if it had brought Deb and him to this point. She ended up saying what he already knew..that he was going to have to talk to Deb and work out the situation.


    He listens to Deb hesitate just inside the door before she moves to their bedroom door and slips through when it opens. He listens for a few more moments before falling into another fitful sleep.


    When Aidan wakes up a few hours later he sits up and stares at the bedroom door. Sighing to himself he stands and spends a moment folding up the blanket and laying it next to the pillows. Finally he steps towards their bedroom and quietly slips through the door when it opens. He risks a bare glance towards the bed to see Deb sleeping there as he walks over to the closet to retrieve some fresh clothes. He then enters the bathroom and closes the door behind him. After showering, changing into the uniform and otherwise getting ready for work he exits the bathroom and spends a few moments watching Deb sleep.


    Sighing inwardly he steps towards the bed and gently brings the covers, which had slipped down, up to her shoulders. That done he turns on his heel and exits the bedroom. He strides to the other door and heads for his office, deciding to eat breakfast there and thus not have to deal with a possible scene if Deb woke up.

  5. It's been a few hours since the Captain, rather shockingly, gave permission for Aidan and Deb to take a vacation. The shock being that the Captain was saying they could leave when they wanted, now if that's what they decided. Aidan still is having trouble wrapping his head around it, his concern about the well-being of the crew after the last mission coming into play. And he knows Deb has also been concerned about that as well. Then there was..well the fact that the First Officer in Aidan was thinking that it would be better for the ship as well if it's two most senior officers grew acclimated to working with each other. And it would be better for that on a seemingly easy mission then one that might not be. Still, part of Aidan is tempted to take the Captain up on it's offer. It's not like Deb and him had a lot of down time lately, the last two days notwithstanding.


    So when he had left the Captain's office he had sent a note to Deb's computer in her office asking her to let him know when she would be on lunch break. He had done that instead of going immediately to Sickbay and talking to Deb. Deb's shift had just started and he knew she'd be busy trying to catch up from her two days off. Then there was the call she got from Lt. Angelis. Aidan had picked up on the concern in the Lieutenants voice. Deb had contacted him a few minutes ago that she would be taking lunch in her office shortly.


    Aidan enters Sickbay and heads for the door to Deb's office after making sure she wasn't still in the main part of Sickbay. He knocks on it and waits for her to respond.


    Debbie was having one of those days. She instinctively gritted her teeth at the sound of someone knocking on her office door. Then she remembered Aidan was planning to stop by around lunch time. Hopefully, that was him at the door. "It's open," she called out as she leaned back in her chair and waited to see who entered. She broke into a smile as her husband appeared and he seemed to be in a very good mood. What a relief. She could use a break after four or five hours of problem solving.


    "It's so nice to see a smiling face," she exclaimed as she stood up and walked toward him. "Especially your face."


    He waits until the door closes behind him before embracing her and kissing her warmly. Breaking it off, he murmurs "Definitely good to see you as well. Been busy? And have you had lunch yet?" For a few moments the reason he came down to her office slips from his mind.


    "Yes and no," she replied with a grin. "I've been busy and I haven't had lunch yet. The truth is, I can't believe it's so late already." She held both of his hands and stepped back a bit. "I got your message. Whatever you want to discuss must be urgent if it can't wait until tonight."


    He guides her back to her chair and when she's seated he steps over to the replicator. He has it produce a couple of sandwiches and two bowls of vegetable beef soup along with two iced teas. Arranging all that on her desk he sits down across from her. "I'm not sure it qualifies as urgent. Depends on how you take it. Though it's nothing bad I assure you." He pauses to take a sip from his soup using the time to decide how he wants to broach the subject.


    Finally he says, "I talked to the Captain about our request for some leave time for a vacation. He said he had no problem granting the request and he even suggested a place to go to when..."


    Debbie was about to take a bite from her sandwich when Aidan broke the news about the CO's response to their request for leave time. She paused and stared at her husband in semi-shock. McQueen's reaction wasn't at all what she'd expected. "He suggested a place? And when did he say we could go?"


    Idly he wonders how she's going to react to what he's about to say. "He suggested Pacifica. And he said that since we're near heavy travel routes that he'd be quite happy to let us borrow a runabout to leave before we got to Cestus if we wanted to."


    She stared suspiciously at the handsome officer sitting across from her. Certainly he was teasing. She simply couldn't imagine a Captain offering to let them take leave immediately. Those things usually required months to plan. And this one even suggested they go to Pacifica?


    "You're kidding, right?" she replied, returning the sandwich to the plate. But there was no indication Aidan was joking. "He said we could leave now?"


    Her thoughts raced as she waited for his confirmation to her question. Why now? she mused silently. Any other time, I'd be packed in an hour but now? How do I leave now....with half the crew still on their last nerve over what happened to us in Neutral Zone."


    She looked into her husband's gorgeous emerald green eyes, her lips pulling into a slight frown. "You mean we could leave like....right now?"


    He nods slightly as his expression neutralizes. "Well, as soon as we got packed and decided where to go. Not sure I want to go to Pacifica. Though Nick say he had a "perfectly wonderful time" there but then considering that is where he and his wife got married..." He shrugs slightly "Anyway, it's our decision. And yes, I know what you're thinking as I've been having the same thought. With the crew how it is and with the new Captain, I'm not sure this is the best time. When I went to ask it was with the intent of the vacation being right after this current mission. But then, lord knows whether we will have time afterwards. So perhaps..." He shrugs and lets the rest of what he was going to say go unsaid.


    Debbie leaned back hard in the chair and stared at the ceiling. There was little she could do to hide her dismay. Aidan was right....about everything. This wasn't the time to leave yet, if they waited, they might not have another opportunity to get away. She finally looked back at her husband and sighed heavily. "I really want to go," she said quietly. "But....there is so much going on right now. Just this morning, one of our senior officers was in here and...and.....well....I don't know Aidan. I just don't know that I should leave right now."


    He takes a bite from his sandwich and chews quietly, thinking over what she said. "Well, I can tell the Captain that we'd prefer to wait if that's what you want. I'll be a little disappointed but then I suspect you will be too. But we do have responsibilities here as well that we need to consider. At any rate how about we at least start thinking of a place to go if not decide where, yes?"


    Deb picked up her sandwich, eyeing it dubiously. "I'm more than disappointed," she grumbled as she took a bite. This was one of those times when she really resented the obligations attached to her rank and position. She wanted to go so badly but she knew leaving the ship right now would be a mistake. She wouldn't be able to enjoy her vacation, not with all that was going on here.


    She finally swallowed the rather large bite she'd taken and plopped the sandwich back onto the plate. "I would love to pack up and go right now," she sighed. "But I can't leave....not at this point in the game. I'm afraid we'll have to settle on just planning where we'll eventually spend our time off." She grinned halfheartedly and quickly added, "I've never been to Pacifica. But if you'd rather go somewhere else, that's okay with me."


    "Something wrong with the sandwich?" He shrugs, "Fine, we'll stay. And I guess I don't want to go on a vacation in which neither one of us will be focused solely on the vacation and being alone. Kind of goes against the point of a vacation if we're both still thinking like Starfleet officers, yes? I'll go tell the Captain after we're done here. As for where...I guess I'd be fine with Pacifica if that's where you wanted to go, it is a beautiful world. Just...lets not go sailing. That is what they did on their honeymoon and I'd just as soon not mimic them."


    "We're not going on our honeymoon," countered Debbie, "and the sandwich is fine. I guess I'm not as hungry as I thought I was." She pushed the food away and folded her arms on the desk. "Sorry for my less than pleasant attitude. I never expected you to walk in here and announce we could take our leave immediately. Any other time, we'd have to wait for months."


    He sighs and shrugs "Never mind, don't worry about it." He takes one last bite of his sandwich. Quietly he watches her for a few moments before standing up and saying "And you're right, it wouldn't be our honeymoon. If you want to go sailing that's fine. I'll leave the decision on where and all that up to you. And I'll go inform the Captain that we would prefer to wait until after this next mission." That said he starts clearing the plates and glasses from her desk.


    "Great!" snapped Debbie. His attitude rubbed her the wrong way. As far as Aidan was concerned, it was just another day, just another mission. The only difference was the Captain's offer to let them take leave immediately. "You always leave it up to me." She pushed her chair back and nearly jumped to her feet. "Why am I the only one who can decide where we should go? Don't you have an opinion? Don't you care?"


    He narrows his eyes and stares down at her. Under normal circumstances he would react calmly and try to defuse her temper. However, the last mission had done more then a little to fray his nerves. Icily he says "No, I do not always leave it up to you. Where we went for our honeymoon was a joint decision..where we went on Risa was my decision. I was simply saying that I don't care where we go. That is not the same thing as not having an opinion nor is it the same thing as not caring. Pacifica is fine with me. I also wouldn't mind, perhaps, Hawaii or the Bahamas back on Earth. And sometime I'd like to go to Cirrus IV. I was there once as an Ensign and was quite an enjoyable vacation. What I care about is having time alone to be Aidan Ridire, husband, and only that. And I was trying to be considerate of the fact that you suffered the most during the last mission and that by leaving it up to you would mean that it would be somewhere where you felt you could heal the most." He turns and disposes of the dishes in the replicator. Turning back to her he says, "Now, if you'll excuse me I should get back to work." With that he steps towards the door that leads out of her office.


    She brushed past him on her way to the tiny restroom tucked inside her office, refusing to even look at him. "Yes," she replied brusquely. "You probably should get back to work. And while you're at it, do us both a favor and pull a double shift."


    Debbie slipped into the seclusion of the restroom making sure the door closed behind her. She stood in front of the little sink and stared at her angry reflection in the mirror. She was shocked at her own appearance. What just happened? she wondered silently. Why did I do that?


    She turned her back to the mirror and allowed the sink to take her weight as she leaned against it. Her respiration and pulse rate were noticeably elevated and her heart was racing. In plain language, she was livid. But why was she angry at Aidan?


    Drawing deep breaths, she fought to calm herself and regain control of her emotions. She'd just turned on the one person who cared about her most in the universe and why? Because he was willing to let her chose where they went on their vacation!


    She studied the floor as her irritation abated. She was angry, no two ways about it. After watching Kat Schawnsee struggling to cope, having to relieve the CSEC of command duties.....her own carefully braided emotions were suddenly coming undone. She again turned toward the sink and pounded it with her fists. "I hate this," she whispered aloud to her counterpart in the mirror. As paranoid as Kat seemed to be, Debbie couldn't shake the feeling Schawnsee was right about some things. Why did Starfleet have it out for this ship? Why was Reaent always pulling the so called "suicide missions?" Was there a conspiracy among the powers that be to ultimately dispose of the ship and crew, especially the former CO?


    Deb closed her eyes. That's where her anger should be focused....on those who kept handing the Reaent impossible assignments with little or no concern for the consequences. Aidan wasn't one of them. This wasn't his fault. Did she suddenly turn on him because he was "command?" How could she ever explain all of this to him? He would never understand it. Heck, she didn't understand it herself.


    After spending about five minutes hiding out in the restroom, Deb slowly opened the door and looked around her office.


    He is standing there just inside the door to her office with his arms crossed over his chest. If anything his voice is a few degrees colder then it was before when he says "No, I do not think that I will work a double shift, I don't think it would be a very good idea for the Executive Officer of the ship to risk falling asleep on the job and I think the bridge crew would notice if I was up on the bridge for that long in a day when we're hardly in a situation that would require it. And then they might wonder what was causing me to stay on duty when I had a wife to go home to. However, you can have the bed to yourself tonight." With that said, he turns on his heel and walks out the door.


    Her temper flared again but she managed to keep her mouth shut until Aidan was well out of hearing range. "You can have the bed," she mumbled. "I think I'll be more comfortable here." She walked into the main ward, carefully schooling her expression while wondering what it would take to clean up the mess she'd made.


    Aidan all but exits Sickbay as fast as possible without running. Right now what he wants is to put some physical distance between Deb and him. In the days to come he would regret his reaction in her office while acknowledging the fact all couples have fights occasionally. And that two people with as much inborn pride as the two of them would certainly have at least their fair share. But for right this moment he is as livid with Deb as he has ever been before.


    Upon exiting Sickbay he makes a beeline for the nearest turbolift, slipping into it just ahead of a blue uniformed ensign who refrains from entering the car upon seeing the expression on the Commander's face.

  6. Aidan wakes up with a start, in a cold sweat and with his breathing out of control. He starts to sit up but Deb's arm across his chest stops him. He stares down at her for a long moment before gently slipping out of her arms. He moves to sit on the edge of the bed as a cold shiver runs through him. He closes his eyes and tries to will himself back under control from the nightmare he just had.


    Even as he does so the memories of the nightmare start to fade. Still, he can remember the funeral scene and Deb crying. And the other coffins that were near his as well as how it was most certainly not onboard the Reaent that the scene was located.


    . She wasn't sure what awakened her but something didn't seem quite right. Her eyes protested as she struggled to open them. She was so tempted to ignore the uneasy feeling and allow sleep to again overtake her but the conflict continued for no more than a few seconds. That was about how long it took for her to realize she was alone in the bed.


    Deb's eyes snapped open and she quickly surveyed the darkened room. She heard Aidan before she actually saw him. Rolling onto her back, she propped herself up on her elbows and she to her right. Her husband was sitting on the edge of the bed, drawing deep breaths as though to calm himself. "Aidan," she called to him softly. "Are you alright?"


    He glances back at her after getting his breathing back to normal. Turning slightly he reaches a hand to brush against her face gently. Reassured by the feel of her that this was the reality, he says quietly "Had a rather bad nightmare is all, Deb. I'll be fine." Even as he says that another shiver works through him.


    His hand was cold when he touched her face. She maneuvered closer, tossing away the bedcover so she could settle beside and slightly behind her husband. Deb gently caressed his back. He was cool and clammy. They sat quietly for several moments before she peered around his shoulder so she could get a glimpse of his face. Even in the darkness, she could tell he was upset.


    "You're not prone to nightmares," she began softly. "Especially the type that leave you in a cold sweat. This one must have been pretty traumatic." She paused for a heartbeat and then quickly added. "Care to tell me about it?"


    After a few moments he turns slightly and leans against her, resting his head against her shoulder. He remains quiet for a few more moments after closing his eyes. Finally he murmurs, "It's fading from memory but it concerns the last mission so if you don't want to hear...."


    Debbie moved closer and slipped her arms around him. She wasn't at all surprised his nightmare centered on their last mission. A part of her didn't want to delve any further into it but her curiosity and concern got the better of her. Aidan rarely had nightmares to begin with. She really needed to know what distressed him so much. "I do want to hear," she whispered. "Please....tell me."


    He quietly begins telling her, telling her how it started with her in a Romulan cell about to be tortured, how he witnessed that and then how the nightmare had morphed to the funeral scene..his funeral. And that, with few differences, it was almost exactly the same funeral they had for the USS Cairo, except this time the crew dead was half of the Reaent's.


    She was speechless for several moments, having no idea how to respond. Instinctively, she held him tighter as though he was about to slip away into the quite gloom. She also wondered why Aidan was suddenly beset by such a horrific nightmare. Was it her fault? Had she shared too much with him? And were there others who were now suffering similarly because they'd allowed a loved one or close friend to share the trauma.


    Debbie couldn't worry about that right now. Her primary concern was the man huddled beside her who had just dreamed about his own funeral. His head was still resting on her shoulder. She lifted a hand and gently stroked his hair and face while steadying her own nerves. "I'm so sorry, Aidan," she finally said in a quiet voice. "Is this the first time you've had this nightmare....or one similar to it?"


    He takes a few moments before responding, trying to draw some more comfort from her warmth and presence. "With those particular details yes. Though this isn't the first nightmare I had since the end of the last mission. I don't really remember the details of the earlier one but I had it a few nights ago. You didn't wake up and I fell back asleep pretty quickly. We were..both pretty exhausted from the night we had that particular night." He pauses and glances up in her eyes before murmuring "I've had nightmares before from time to time. This one may have been a bit more immediate but only because it combined a couple fears."


    "Lights, one quarter, please," ordered Debbie. A subtle glow illuminated the room just enough to allow them to see each other clearly. She'd found a little light often helped to chase away the aftershock of a particularly traumatic nightmare. "I can relate to that," she confided quietly. "I wish there was something I could say or do to take away the memory of your dream. All I can suggest is that you focus on the fact it was nothing more than a dream." She smiled warmly as she dropped her head to kiss him lightly. "This is reality."


    He holds the kiss for a minute before breaking it off. Softly he murmurs "Reality yes and sometimes more a dream. And you do help take away the memory of the nightmare, by reminding me that no matter what the nightmare was that I still have you." He rests his head against her shoulder again. "Still, perhaps if this nightmare persists I'll have a talk with the other good doctor..."


    "That's a good idea," she replied in little more than a whisper. "I'm afraid I'm too close to the forest to see the trees." Debbie shifted her weight slightly allowing her to move even closer to her husband. "Those fears you mentioned.....I'm very familiar with them....as you well know. There's nothing I can say to make this better. I'd probably make you feel worse."


    "Perhaps. There may not be anything you can say because of your being too close to the forest so to speak....but you're still helping don't you think? If this situation was reversed, wouldn't my holding you help?"


    "Yeah," replied Deb with a soft chuckle. "It would help...it always does." She pulled away slightly forcing Aidan to sit up straight. "I'm glad to know that works both ways." She leaned in to give him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Do you want to try going back to sleep? Or would rather stay up for a while?"


    He smiles and stretches back on the bed, his head resting against the pillows. He holds open his arms to her, making the invite clear. Softly he murmurs "Let's go back to sleep, we both could use it I think. And I could stand some wife-holding."


    She ordered the lights off and slipped into bed beside him. Pulling up the covers, she settled into his waiting arms resting her head on his shoulder. "Whenever you need some wife-holding, just remember, I'm always available," she whispered softly. "And you're right, we could both use the sleep." They lay quietly for several seconds before Deb broke the silence. "I just hope we eventually figure out a way to have quiet time together when we're not both exhausted."


    He slips an arm around her and closes his eyes. "Think perhaps during the transit period to Cestus I can arrange for us to have a day or two off. With things settling down finally I think the ship can handle itself without us, yes? And I'm definitely putting us in for both some leave time off the ship. Been far too long since we had a proper vacation and I don't know about you but I could definitely use a couple weeks where I'm husband only." He sighs quietly and adds "And yes, we need to figure out a way to have quiet time together more often when we're not both exhausted. Sometimes feel like I barely see you throughout the day and the only time I have you near is when you're sleeping against me."


    "Hmm," murmured the drowsy CMO. "Right now, I'm just grateful we get to snore together. But let's plan on a couple of days....." Her voice faded away as Deb drifted back to sleep.


    He smiles as he watches her fall asleep. "Yes, a couple days off would be good." He stifles a yawn as he says the end of that and before long he too is fast asleep.

  7. Aidan walks past the Deltan boutique as he makes his way to a small clothing shop just beyond. Not that he didn't have a certain amount of interest in the Deltan boutique...but that was not a place he would ever choose to walk into.


    He had managed to find sometime to take a break from his duties onboard the Reaent. So he returned to his quarters, changed out of his uniform and into a navy blue silk shirt and a pair of matching slacks. He had no doubt that if he ran into any Reaent crew members onboard the Starbase they would notice him but, still, he didn't want to broadcast himself right this minute.


    He enters the clothing store and glances around briefly before wandering in the direction of where they keep the dresses. Normally he'd be interested in buying Deb an evening dress, one she could wear if they went dancing or something similar. Right now he just wants to buy her a light summer dress and perhaps one smaller gift that would require a stop in a different store. He looks through the dresses, in his minds eye picturing how Deb would look in them.


    And truth to tell, examining dresses wasn't the only thing on his mind. Deb had been a little distant since they arrived at the Starbase, well since they started their return to Federation space to more specific. It had taken Aidan all of a day, if that much, to figure out why. Though unlike the previous two times he doesn't want to confront her directly about her letting an old fear have a little too much control.


    A few hours later Aidan returns to his quarters onboard the Reaent. Deb is still on her shift in Sickbay so Aidan has the quarters to himself...well..not counting Nephtys that is. He sets the two packages he's carrying on the table where she normally sits at meals. He places the smaller package on top of the larger one which contains the dress he bought her. He knows she'll like both the emerald earrings and the dress. He just hope she figures out the message behind the gifts, that he hadn't *poof* disappeared on her. After all, ghosts didn't buy gifts.