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Cmdr Ridire

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Everything posted by Cmdr Ridire

  1. USS Reaent May 13th 2010 chat log USS_Reaent_May_13th_2010.txt
  2. USS Reaent May 6 2010 USS_Reaent_5_6_2010.txt
  3. By: Cmdr Ridire & Dr. Matthews Aidan is stretched out in one of the chairs on the back patio of his parent’s house. An as of yet ignored drink is on a small table within reach..ignored because he’s absorbed in the book he’s reading. One of the books Deb had given him for Christmas. As such he doesn’t notice his mom step out onto the patio. She glances around then steps over to him, asking as she does so "Where’s Deb?" A small smirk plays across Aine’s face as she adds "It is a bit odd to see you two apart." It takes Aidan a few seconds to realize that his mom had asked him a question and what those questions were." He glances up and says "She went shopping with Ciara. Sis apparently thinks its nearly a tragedy that she hasn’t had more "girl time" with her sister in law as she called it." Aidan pauses momentarily then adds bemusedly "As for the last thing you said...would you like it if Deb and I never spent any time together?" "Oh heavens no," quipped Aine as she gracefully slipped into a chair directly across from the one her son occupied. "I want grandchildren!." She managed to repress the mischievous grin that almost sneaked out. Relaxing into the comfortable cushions, she watched Aidan closely all the while expecting to catch him rolling his eyes. Aine was fairly sure he knew she was teasing him.....up to a point. She really did want grandchildren and she wasn't getting any younger. Neither were her son and daughter-in-law. But so far, it appeared babies would have to wait until Aidan and Deb were prepared to give up the life of line officers assigned to big ships traipsing across the known galaxy. But for the here and now, she had his undivided attention. That certainly didn't happen very often so she decided to take advantage of the moment. "Therefore," she continued casually, never taking her eyes off her charming son, "I think you and Deb need to spend more time together." He arches an eyebrow as he figures out how to respond to what his mother said.....and implied. He smirks faintly "I’m not quite sure I’m comfortable with what my mother is implying. Especially since Deb and me are under her roof at the moment. I doubt such a thing will happen in such circumstances. Anyways, you should more blame Starfleet for your lack of grandchildren. Not like we get a lot of time for our own lives up there." "Really?" Aine didn't mean to sound quite so sarcastic. She carefully schooled her tone of voice before continuing. "Who is forcing you to remain in Starfleet?" she asked with feigned indifference. "You're both highly skilled. Neither of you would have trouble finding employment in the private sector." He sighs, "No one is forcing us to and we both know we’d have no trouble finding employment elsewhere. But we’ve both been in Starfleet our entire adult lives and it’s not as if we’d be making a change that’s as easy as changing clothes. We will leave Starfleet when we are ready to do so. But we’re still young mom and there is plenty of time for children." She wasn't surprised by his reply. Her eldest was reacting pretty much the way she'd expected. Aine leaned back in the chair propping her sandal clad feet on the ottoman. She closed her eyes and lifted her face toward the warmth of the afternoon sun. It was a perfect day with a cloudless sky and mild temperatures. But what made it truly perfect was having both of her children home. She knew that her perfect world would soon end. Reaent was back. Aidan and Deb would return to their ship within days. She was still perplexed about their attitudes. Hadn't they served long enough? Why were they unwilling to give it up? Why was it they were so hesitant to embrace a more tranquil life....a life with parents and grandparents and children of their own? "Why do you love it so?" she asked softly, her eyes still closed. "What is it about that ship....about Starfleet that you can't break away from?" He closes his book and studies her for a few seconds. He supposes that it’s only natural that when a mother sees her child get married she starts thinking about grandchildren and he had seen this coming, at least to some degree, when he and Deb returned to earth. "They are family too, mother. And my apologies for the way this is going to sound but this is a bit different then what you and Dad ever had to go through. Neither of you had jobs where having children could be....problematic. You and Dad have done what you wanted your entire lives as far as work goes and Ciara and my existence didn’t really impact that. That isn’t the case with Deb and me. We don’t want to have children while we’re in Starfleet, it’s too much of a risk. But as I said, Starfleet is what we’ve been part of our entire adult lives. I went into Starfleet with the dream of exploration and scientific pursuit and eventually being Captain of a starship. It’s only within the last few years that I found a better dream and gave up on wanting to be a Captain. It’s not as easy to leave the thing you’ve been part of your entire adult life as you think. We will leave Starfleet when we are ready and I very much doubt that won’t be within the next few years. We do want children, Mom, but it has to be when we’re ready for it." He smirks and adds "I didn’t get married so you can have grandchildren, Mom." She listened intently as her eldest spoke. She still didn't understand his attachment to Starfleet. When he first enlisted and went off to the Academy, she fully expected him to serve for several years then return to Earth. His experiences in Starfleet would provide numerous advantages once he began his new life as a civilian. Aine was absolutely certain he would come home once he and Deb were married. Perhaps not right away but surely within a couple of years. Apparently, that wasn't going to happen. Neither of them appeared willing to say good-bye to Starfleet. Aidan's last remark hit a little too close to home. She could tell by his tone of voice he was teasing her but she cracked one eye open enough to look at him...just to make sure. "No," she replied evenly, shifting her weight in the chair. "I didn't think that was why you got married. It certainly wasn't the reason your father and I married." Both eyes were open wide now. She grinned at him and shrugged her shoulders. "Believe me, children were the last things we were thinking about. But one day.....well....you've heard the story." Her grin was replaced with a reminiscent smile. "My point is, if you wait until you're ready to have children, you may find that you never have them. I doubt anyone has ever been truly ready." "I wasn't talking about being ready to have children. You're right, I doubt anyone is ever truly ready. Well at least for first time parents. I was referring to our being ready to leave Starfleet. Mom, it has to be when it's right for us. And it's not like we haven't been discussing this topic together. Hell, we had the conversation a couple times just when we were on Pacifica. We are planning on retiring, Mom, we just haven't settled exactly on when. But as I said, I very much doubt it won't be within the next couple years. And we do want children. And I'll point out that we haven't even been married five years yet. What has you in such a rush to have grandchildren that you have to needle your eldest child about it?" He smirks at that then teasingly adds "It's not like you're anything but a middle aged woman, Mom, and a youngish one at that. You're sounding a bit like Rose." "You seem to forget," quipped Aine as she pushed herself to her feet. "Rose already has grandchildren." She paused and smiled at Aidan. "Deborah is but one of them." Placing her hands on her hips, she leaned back and stretched. There was no point continuing this conversation. It was apparent her son and daughter-in-law had no idea when they would "retire" and settle down. Once again, a pang of regret lashed through her. She couldn't deny the fear she lived with every day, wondering if he was safe....if he would ever return home. And now she had Deb to worry about as well. But to go on about it would only put him on the defensive. She still had a couple of days with them and she was determined not to spoil a minute of it. "I guess I'm in a rush because I'm anxious to take my revenge," she continued as she slowly walked back toward the house. She could only imagine the expression on his face but resolved not to look at him. "Grandparents are notorious for spoiling their grandchildren. The great thing about it is, they get to send those rotten little children home....to their parents. Then daddy and mommy have to deal with them....the same way the grandparents had to deal with...daddy and mommy." She couldn't resist turning around before she stepped back into the house. Aidan was staring at her, his green eyes expressing humor with a touch of disbelief. Aine found herself laughing. "And you know what they say about revenge." He sets the book aside and gets out of the chair. Stepping towards his Mom he amusingly says "Yes. But either that means the son gets to stick his parents with a lot of babysitting...or perhaps in the interest of not letting my Mom have her revenge, as she says, it means I shouldn't have any kids." His expression sobers as he quietly adds "And what makes you think I'm not aware of what you're actually concerned about? That I'm not aware of why you're pushing, albeit gently, for us to leave Starfleet?" Aine continued into the house with Aidan following behind her. "I went through a lot of trouble giving birth to you," she remarked casually. "I'm entitled to worry about you." She abruptly stopped and turned around to face him. "But you're right. It is your life. You and Deborah have to do what is best for you." She smiled warmly. "I'm a patient person....I'll wait as long as necessary for the grandchildren." "I promise you, we do intend to retire and we do intend to have kids. We've been discussing it and we spent more then a little time while on leave talking about it. And discussing other things along those lines. But we also decided that we can't leave Starfleet because we're afraid. It has to be for the right reasons. Besides, if you want grandchildren so badly perhaps you should start needling your youngest about finding someone and settling down." He smirks as he says the last. "And perhaps we should see about starting supper? I imagine the others will be home soon." "My youngest isn't married yet," quipped Aine with a sigh. "And I don't see any prospects on the horizon." Still smiling, she nodded in agreement with her son's final remark. "But you're right," she answered while turning away from him. "They will be home soon. We should figure out what we're going to have for supper." She walked quietly into the kitchen area, Aidan close behind. Neither said a word. This particular conversation was over and that was probably for the best. She'd dared to venture into his private life....his very private life and Aine was grateful he hadn't simply slammed the door in her face. But he had made his point. He would return to his ship as would his wife. They would continue on as before....at least for now. She wasn't surprised. But disappointed? Yes, she was disappointed....more than she cared to admit. As they entered the kitchen, Aine Ridire forced all thoughts of her eldest's pending departure as far back in consciousness as possible choosing instead to focus on the here and now...they time they still had together and the menu for the evening's supper. She paused in the middle of the kitchen, planted both hands on her hips and glanced back at her son, the Starfleet commander. "How about Shepherd's Pie?" He smiles "That's fine. But tomorrow can we have lamb chops? Some things are better homemade."
  4. USS Reaent April 29th 2010 USS_Reaent_4_29_2010.txt
  5. USS Reaent April 22 2010 USS_Reaent_April_22_2010.txt
  6. USS Reaent April 15th 2010 USS_Reaent_April_15th_2010.txt
  7. USS Reaent March 18th 2010 USS_Reaent_march_18th_2010.txt
  8. USS Reaent March 11th 2010 USS_Reaent_March_11th_2010.txt
  9. USS Reaent March 4th 2010 USS_Reaent_March_4th_2010.txt
  10. USS Reaent Feb 25th 2010 USS_Reaent_Feb_25th_2010.txt
  11. USS Reaent Feb 18th 2010 USS_Reaent_Feb_18th_2010.txt
  12. USS Reaent Feb 11th 2010 USS_Reaent_Feb_11th_2010.txt
  13. USS Reaent Feb 4th 2010 USS_Reaent_Feb_4th_2010.txt
  14. USS Reaent 1-21-2010 USS_Reaent_1_21_2010.txt
  15. If my near 3 year old computer can handle STO fine Kansas yours should be ok.
  16. USS Reaent Jan 14th 2010 USS_Reaent_1_14_2010.txt
  17. USS Reaent USS_Reaent_Jan_7_2010.txt
  18. USS Reaent 12-17-2009 USS_Reaent_12_17_2009.txt
  19. If anything, K’mras wanted to tear someone’s head off right now. Not that that was unheard of among Klingons, the Klingon’s repuation for violence was quite well justified. The problem is that the head K’mras wanted most to rip off was his own. And it’s not like his crew was to blame nor was the crews of the lost Bird of Prey’s to blame. The blame for this debacle was his, the mistake was his. He had underestimated the mysterious federation ship and it had cost his people gravely. Possibilities of what he should have done...how he should have reacted are foremost in his mind right now. Along side with the near certain conviction that none of those possibilities would have changed things. When the mystery ship had dropped out of warp after attacking the Bird of Prey’s, K’mras should have left them behind and continued after the Enterprise, deciding that the mystery ship would not have time to catch up. But considering the ease that ship dispatched with several fully armed and highly trained crew Bird of Prey’s not to mention the damage to his own ship, K’mras is also sure it wouldn’t have mattered. It would have caught up in time and the situation would have been the same..or worse. Or it would have caught up during his ship’s engagement with the Enterprise. And he had no illusion that the infamous Enterprise would have been an easy kill. They had to know they would be pursued. No matter what other Klingon’s thought of the Federation and especially humans, James. T. Kirk was no idiot and no fool. The question was how to recover this situation at least to some degree. And where had this mystery ship come from? And how come if the Federation had such powerful ships why is this the first he or any other Klingon had heard of them. No matter what happened, the Council needed to be warned...General Chang needed to be warned. And that’s when a possibility occurs to him. The possibility that the proper leaders would be warned about Kirk and this mystery ship. He thinks it through for a few seconds, trying to see any flaws in the logic behind that possibility. He glances at the helmsman and barks “Helm, alter course directly for the planet Khittomer.” He then whirls to face A’ragif and says “I want all remaining warp capable probes launched. Dump the ships log into all of them. Half of them I want launched into various directions into the Empire. The remaining...the remaining I want launched towards Khittomer. Those I want to be the fastest probes we have.” He turns to face the screen again. It would be a good day to die, if that was his fate....but the Empire would not fall because of his error. It would be warned. He could only hope that it would succeed...and that his house nor the houses of those who served with him would not be damaged or destroyed because of his mistake.
  20. USS Reaent December 3 2009
  21. As he waits for the lift to arrive at the bridge, K’mras runs a hand along the side of his neck feeling the fresh scratch and bite marks that A'raigf had left there. And judging by how his back felt there were several there as well. She had proven adept at many things since she first joined his crew. She was by far the best at her job among the crew and on the occasions he had seen her get into fights he always came away almost feeling sorry for her opponents. And their private relationship ran the gamut from enticing to energizing to flat out exhausting. The lift arrives and he steps onto the bridge. He lets his gaze sweep along the bridge and the main screen as he sits down in his chair. He glances at her and frowns slightly. If this mission turned out well there would be no way the Council would overlook her. She would be granted an command of her own, the first Klingon female to hold that position in a very long time. And that would be the end of other things as well. Strangely enough he found himself feeling some regret to that. He growls under his breath and shakes his head. Such thoughts did not belong on the bridge of a Klingon warship. Lifting his gae from her he turns his attention to the viewscreen ahead of him. And that’s when A’raigf turns and says that she thinks they are being followed.
  22. Aidan stifles a yawn as he steps into the bedroom of the cottage on Pacifica. Slipping out of his clothes he walks into the bathroom and turns on the shower. He lets the hot water wash over him as he muses over the last few hours. Normally he wasn’t particularly fond of shopping and it got to be tiring to him after a while. Still, considering who and what he was shopping for it was easy enough to tolerate. It always bemused him the enjoyment that Deb got out of shopping. And he’s sure that she would have enjoyed this particular day of shopping but she hadn’t gone with him. Not that she didn’t want to go. Just that since he was buying her Christmas and anniversary gifts it needed to be a surprise. And that wasn’t possible if she went with him and had any idea what stores he visited. Even though he’s sure she’ll like what he got her he can’t help but be a little nervous about it. Perhaps that went with the territory of being married. However, a man can’t go too wrong with buying jewelry and perfume for his wife...could he? Miffed! That pretty much summed up Deb's attitude when she found out she wasn't included in Aidan's shopping plans. He knew how much she enjoyed walking around the stores, even if she didn't spend a single credit. There were so many items to see and it wasn't like she had access to very much while hidden away on Reaent or some remote station. She had to take advantage of shopping opportunities whenever they presented themselves....and Pacifica presented a grand opportunity. It wasn't until a few minutes before Aidan left that she figured it out. He was probably shopping for something special....for her! The holidays were coming up and so was their anniversary. Her "miffyness" was immediately replaced with a minor attack of panic. She needed to get him something too! She hadn't given it any thought at all...had no idea what he would want or even like. This would require some investigating and careful planning. She'd start the process while on the beach, waiting for Aidan to return. It didn’t take Aidan long to find Deb after his shower. He brings a couple drinks down to the beach and sets them down on a small table placed there. He leans over and kisses her warmly. Breaking it off, he murmurs “You seem to be enjoying yourself.”
  23. USS Reaent November 19th 2006 USS_Reaent_11_19_2009.txt
  24. USS Reaent November 12th 2009 USS_Reaent_November_12th_2009.txt
  25. USS Reaent November 5th 2009 Reaent_November_5th_2009.txt