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Ruca NEtani

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Posts posted by Ruca NEtani

  1. "Taking Flight" -- Part Four
    Ensign Trichon Light & Ensign (Doctor) Ruca N'Etani
    Stardate 10308.22

    ((Special note: This takes place prior to Lt. Jg Light's promotion, so we honor the timeline by leaving his 'Ensign' title in the info above. Thanks!-- Ruca))

    As Ruca stepped into Trichon's quarters, she was met with a feel of cool air, and darkness. She glanced him, waiting for him to illuminate the place a bit. Trichon looked around "Computer Lights" The lights in the room came up slowly.

    She stepped in even more, her eyes wandering around the room. He seemed to have a lot of stuff. It kind of amazed her; she still didn't collect many things despite being free. It was just natural to have the bare essentials and only a few 'luxury' items.

    "Well this is it. Its not much but its home."

    "It's really amazing.... you've accumulated so many things.." she said, stepping over to a shelf and looking at what adorned it.

    "Not really a lot of things. I have a ton more stuff in storage back in New Tycho. These are just the things that are special to me."

    Her eyes widened as she looked back at him, "You have more?"

    Trichon was kind of shocked. "Yeah this isn't much at all. You must have at least this much in your quarters right?"

    "Not really.. I usually only have the bare essentials. A few sentimental items, like art supplies and musical instruments. But nothing really ..ornate." She saw the look on his face, then glanced away, back at his things .. she must've seemed very odd to him.

    "Well I guess I am kind of a pack rat." Trichon walked over and stood by Ruca.

    "Pack rat.." she repeated, ".. you find comfort in having all these things?"

    "Yeah I guess so. Most everything here has some sentimental attachment or some meaning to it." Trichon looked over the objects on the shelf. "Take this stone here for example." Trichon took a small odd shaped rock off the shelf. She moved closer, looking at the stone in his hand.

    "My mother gave this to me when I was really young. I was really upset one day. I cant even remember why now. But she gave me this rock and told me it was a happy rock, and she said that whenever I held it I couldn't be sad or upset. So ever since then I keep this rock here to remind me of her." Trichon motioned to the rest of the shelf. "Almost everything on this shelf has some story behind it."

    Ruca smiled, ".. that's a sweet story. I can see why you keep it.." her eyes met with his, then glanced down.. spying the necklace on his neck, ".. what is this?" She reached for it, gently touching it's pendant.

    "That was my fathers good luck charm." Trichon paused for a second, "Its been in the family for a long time. After he passed away it was sent to me. I started wearing it hoping it would bring me some luck as well."

    "It's beautiful.. and it feels like it's lucky.." she smiled lightly, releasing it from her hand and letting it plop back gently onto his chest, "I'd say it's worked so far.."

    Trichon looked in her eyes. "I would have to agree with you."

    She caught his gaze and held it for a moment.. then let her eyes drift back to the shelf, looking at a picture, "I .. who .. who are they?" She stumbled for her words and clumsily tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.

    Trichon looked at the picture that Ruca had pointed at. "That's my family. It was the last picture all 3 of us took together before I left for the academy. Not too long after that picture was taken Mom passed away." Trichon hid his face for a moment. He could feel the sting of tears beginning to well up.

    Ruca stepped closer, leaning in to look at it better, her shoulder brushing against him, ".. you look very happy together. Families are supposed to be like that.. aren't they.." She looked at him with a gentle gaze; she could almost sense that he was a bit upset but hiding it.

    "Yeah. There supposed to be. Sometimes my family wasn't all that happy. But we did have our moments."

    She touched the frame of the picture lightly with her finger, ".. but moments can last forever. You are lucky."

    Trichon looked at the picture and then over to Ruca, "Yes. Yes I am." Ruca looked at him for a moment, regarding the man in front of her. He seemed really strong to her, but vulnerable at the same time. Kind of like her. She impulsively reached out, giving him a hug. She felt he needed it at that moment. Trichon was taken by surprise by the hug. He reacted and embraced her back.

    She held onto him, nearly clung.. her eyes closed. Ruca didn't want to let go, but did .. a bit abruptly, her body feeling on fire with blushing. She stepped back a bit, walking over to his model cars..".. are.. are these the mini cars you.. you were talking about?"

    Trichon stammered for a second, "umm, Yeah those are my models.

    She picked one up ... focusing on it. But she really felt as though she was trying to escape herself for the moment, ".. they are .. " she paused, looking for words, "... small."

    Trichon was still trying to find the words to say. They just didn't want to form right. "Yeah. They are a lot smaller than a real car was."

    She murmured, ".. small." Ruca placed it back down and turned to look at him, ".. you know.. it means a lot .. the fact you want to share yourself with me. Telling me about your family..and your passions.."

    Trichon looked at her, "It means a lot to me that you care about those things. There special to me and well your quickly becoming someone that's very special to me."

    "I feel the same way about you. I think you are the first person I've really .. talked to. Ever." She smiled lightly, her gaze falling to the floor .. more specifically.. her shoes.

    Trichon walked over to Ruca and lifted her chin up gently. "You know you have a beautiful smile. You shouldn't look down all the time."

    Ruca's eyes looked back up, at the suddenly close Trichon. His hand felt warm on her skin as he held her head up, ".. I look down a lot?" Inside she felt that was a dumb question, of course she did. At least quite a bit since she had met him.

    He looked at her, "Yeah. You do."

    "When I .. when I was younger ... for someone like me, it was not appropriate to look one in the eyes.."

    "Well. You're a starfleet officer now. Its okay to look someone in the eyes." Trichon's eyes had not left Ruca's. Trichon began to lean in closer to Ruca.

    She blinked her steely blue ones, her heart pounding in her ear. Ruca was convinced she had never met anyone with such an intense stare. She exhaled a warm breath as his eyes began to get closer, or what it him..? He leaned in a little bit more and there lips met.

    Part of her wanted to recoil, not because of him, but because of her. She fought that urge, and let her eyes close. His lips against hers was warm and soft and she complimented it by kissing him back just as gently. Trichon shut his eyes. He pulled Ruca close to him and hugged her tight. Ruca somehow managed to get the mini car in her hand back onto the table behind her, clumsily, and then she reached her arms around him, placing her hands on his shoulders. Not being able to help herself, she felt like she was completely being submerged in this kiss. At that moment Trichon's comm badge chirped.

    He tried to ignore it for a moment and it continued to chirp. He pulled himself away and tapped his badge. "Light here .... go ahead."

    Ruca exhaled a breath, it was like being awakened from a dream. Her fingers immediately touched her lips and she looked at Trichon with her trademark wide eyes.

    The voice of another ensign from engineering answered back, "Sir we have a blown EPS conduit on deck 28 from all the power were pumping into Life Support. I know your off duty but it would be a big help if you could look into it for us."

    Trichon stood for a second looking into Ruca's eyes. He didn't want to go at all but he knew he had a job to do. "I am on my way. Shouldn't take me to long to get it fixed. I'll report in when I am done. Light out."

    She found herself leaning against the table of mini cars behind her, she smiled gently,".. work calls. Doesn't it always?"

    He gave a small sigh, "Yes and always at the worst time huh."

    Ruca blushed, ".. I should probably be going anyway. I..... I have an early day tomorrow and I have to be.. to be on my toes."

    "Yeah me too," Trichon glanced around "We are going to be busy tomorrow trying to get those refuges home." He walked over to Ruca. "But I'll make you a deal."

    She looked up at him as he walked over..".. deal?"

    "Yeah. That once we get this whole Lodi situation taken care of we'll go do something fun. And who knows maybe in the process we'll get you something to go in your quarters that has a story to go with it."

    She nodded, ".. that sounds like a plan, as you say.." Ruca smiled, and moved past him towards the doors to his quarters.

    Trichon smiled, "Good, its a date."

    "I'll see you.. later.." She smiled and left, the doors swishing behind her. As the doors closed behind Ruca he continued to stare at them. He quickly changed into a uniform and grabbed his engineering kit, and he set off to do his job. As he walked there was a little more bounce in his step than usual.

  2. "Taking Flight" -- Part Two

    Ensign Trichon Light & Ensign (Doctor) Ruca N'Etani

    Stardate 0308.018




          Ruca walked down the brightly lit corridor. She was out of her uniform and freshened up; black pants and a light green tank top. She figured casual was a good idea.. since she knew it was going to be a harrowing experience. She approached the doors of the holodeck that was specified and stopped in front of them, waiting.


          Trichon came around the corner and headed toward the holodeck. He was dressed in his nicest casual clothes he had and saw Ruca standing in front of the holodeck. He grinned and waved at the stunning doctor waiting for him to arrive. Her eyes spied Trichon walking up, she brushed her hair from her face, it was down, which was unusual, and waved back at him lightly. He was so lively compared to her.


          Trichon walked up to her, "So are you ready to learn to fly?"  Ruca noticed that he had put on some type of cologne. She inhaled a bit deeper, thinking that she liked it.. and glad that she smelled quite flowery herself, "Yes, I think so. But are you ready

    to be scared out of your wits?"


          He walked over to the control panel and started to tap keys. "Ahh it takes a lot to scare me."  The doors to the holodeck opened up.  Inside was the cockpit of a standard shuttlecraft.


          Ruca watched as the doors swished open in front of her, and she peeked in .. the colour from her cheeks draining quickly from nerves, ".. Uh, yeah.. me .. me too..."


          "Dont worry.  We'll start off with the easy stuff and then work our way up from there."


          "All right .. well, I suppose we should get started then .. " She rubbed her hands together and stepped into the holdeck.


          Trichon motioned for her to take the pilots seat.  "Now you know the basics right?"


          Ruca nodded and brushing past him to take the seat, "Yes.. from the Academy. If I had to fly one in an emergency.. I probably could. But I'm not very good at it." She sat down and took a deep breath, looking around at

    the controls.


    "Okay well lets just go over the main controls again. Just as a kinda warm-up."  Trichon began pointing at the different panels and explained them as he went along.  He smiled the entire time.  He felt alive.  She quietly listened, her eyes wandering from him, to the

    controls, back to him and so on. He almost made it sound fun to her, and not

    nearly as terrifying. "Okay.  Now the first program were going to run is simple.  Its like a drivers test.  The program is going to create rings and your job is to pilot the shuttle through them.  Sounds easy right?"


          "Yes.. I think.." She paused, ".. yes, easy. I can do it. I'm sure I can. Really." She cleared her throat when she realized she was rambling.


          "Okay.  Lets get started then.  Computer begin program Trichon Alpha1."  Rings appeared in the space in front of the shuttle. "Alright remember just take it slow at first at keep your eyes on what's in front of you.  Don't look at the control panel.  I am right here if you need me."


          "Okay.. here I go.." Ruca took the controls, her knuckles white from being nervous. She tucked her lip in, biting it gently as she tried to maneuver through these obstacles.

    And she never hid the cringes on her face if she got to close to one. And occasionally, she'd glance to the side at him.


          "Your doing great."  He kept looking over at her as she moved the shuttle through the course.  


          "This isn't too bad.. I only barely scraped that last one.. " she laughed a bit, loosening up, "Though I seem to have a nice, and patient teacher here.."


          Trichon grinned, "Ahh I think you just have natural talent."  


          "Are you ready for something a little more difficult."


          She glanced over at him, ".. like what?"


          "Well, the next step up is moving rings."


          Ruca nodded, ".. let me at them. No need to not jump right into it..  Besides, I need to work up an appetite..." She smiled, shifting in her seat happily.


          "Okay.  Computer increase difficulty level.  Ready when you are."  Trichon leaned back in his seat and looked over at Ruca.  He noticed she was loosening up a bit.  He grinned "Take us out. "He laughed, "I've always wanted to say that."


          She let out a rather big laugh at that, "I don't think there is anyone who hasn't wanted to say that before.." She kept a full smile on her face as she began to maneuver the shuttle once again.


          Trichon watched at Ruca weaved through the rings.  She was actually getting better at this. She bit her lip again, concentrating a lot more this time around, since they were moving rings instead, ".. Hmm.. I may not kill us after all.. "


          At that moment a ring darted in front of the shuttle.  Even though it was a simulation Trichon reacted with nothing more than instincts. His hands flying across the console stopping the shuttle.  Ruca gave a little 'eeek!' and fell back in her chair, looking over at Trichon with wide eyes, ".. did I do something? Did I mess something up?"


          Trichon looked over at Ruca, "No not at all.  Sorry I got caught up in everything and I saw a ring that we were about to hit.  Training just kicked in.  I am so sorry.  I didn't mean to scare you at all." He slowly moved his hands away from the pilots console.  And for the smallest second his hands brushed up against Ruca's.


          She titled her head back against the chair and took a steady breath, ".. it's okay. I shouldn't have gotten so startled by it.. it was just out of nowhere. I wasn't expecting it.." Her fingers wiggled a bit after the brush, and she opened her eyes again and glanced at him, "I'm glad that we'd still be alive if that had been real.."


          "Me too.  Like I said I just reacted.  Maybe we should call it a day?"  


          Ruca nodded, "Yes.. besides, I'm getting a bit hungry anyway.." She smiled and stood up, getting ready to head to the 'back' of the shuttle, towards where the arch would appear.


          "Me too.  Computer..."  before Trichon could finish his sentence the shuttle lurched quickly.  It must have been hit by one of the rings. As the shuttle lurched, the step she was about to make was completely detoured and she found herself tumbling to one side, falling directly into Trichon's arms. She instinctively clutched onto him, to make

    sure she didn't fall. Trichon grabbed Ruca making sure that she didn't fall.  He fell

    back as well.


          The shuttle steadied, and she exhaled a breath, and then looked at him, realizing she was practically smushing him, "Oh..! I'm sorry.. are you okay?" She lingered for a moment, then began to push herself up.


          His first instinct was to embrace her but he knew that probably wasn't the smartest thing to do.  "I'm fine.  Are you alright?"


          She nodded, her cheeks suddenly flushed a rosy pink colour, "I think so.. perhaps we should have shut off the program before leaving our seats.." She pushed herself up to standing, and leaned over, reaching her hand to him.


          "At least it was an adventure.." She grinned. Trichon took her hand.  As he stood up.  "It was quite the adventure.  Computer end program."  The holodeck went back to its normal yellow grid pattern.


          Ruca smiled at him, ".. thank you for doing this. I don't think that.. I've ever had such a good time." Her eyes sparkled, which was unusual. And she truly meant it .. things didn't seem so harsh at the moment.


          Trichon smiled back, "I am glad you had fun.  I love teaching people to fly so it was a great time for me too."


          She nudged him towards the door, ".. and thanks for 'saving' my life .. I suppose I owe you dinner now."


          "Ahh just doing my job.  But dinner does sound quite nice."


          Trichon walked towards the door and turned towards Ruca. "I just wanted to let you know this meant alot to me.  I haven't had a whole lot of fun lately.  With my father passing away not too long ago and well there's been a lot of stuff going on in my life.  Thanks for showing me how to have fun again."


          Ruca shook her head, "I really didn't do anything. You have more liveliness within you than I do in my whole body.." She smiled lightly, ".. let's go eat.. I know this place.. it's a hall. Kind of messy. But I hear the food is there."


          Trichon laughed out loud as they headed towards the turbolift, both of their stomachs rumbling.

  3. Hey, great, Ruca.. my class and I used to sponsor some kids from Cambodia via. World Vision.. until we graduated.  I sure hope the new one class took our reigns so to speak. :D

    PS. Man, I also had the weirdest dream about you and the A  rcadia last night..  ??? I'll try to find the appropraiate topic to write it in lol.

    You had a dream about me and the ship??

  4. I'm very into activism and try to help out various organizations


    This sounds interesting! What kind of things have you done?

    I recently did an internet 'blogathon', getting donations for the Global Fund for Women. I am very into Amnesty International and I write a LOT of letters every month. I am always leaving flyers and little notes everywhere around my town. I always participate in the March of Dimes walk here. And I always try to get my workplace and co-workers into various charity things as well. I'm so into many different causes.. it's hard to list them all here. :) Who knows, maybe we could talk one on one about it one day.

  5. My hobbies.. well, they include all things creative. I enjoy all kinds of art. Sketching, painting, collages .. anything. I like to decorate. I enjoy photography. I make coasters. Music is a huge thing.. I'm addicted to karaoke, and I go every single week. I love to sing .. I write songs and I am teaching myself guitar.


    I love making websites. Live action roleplaying (D&D) and playing Magic. I enjoy parenting and spending time with my son .. and reading! :)


    I'm very into activism and try to help out various organizations.


    Yeah, I am boring. Mwah.

  6. "The Cure" -- Part Two
    Doctor Ruca N'Etani, Ensign
    Stardate 0308.07
    ((meant to send this before this week's sim.. but hey, better late than never..))

    The surgery had gone well on Doctor Telano. Though Ruca had been nervous, she had done quite well .. at least in her eyes. And with the help of the Lodi's Medical Director .. it was a success. And it wasn't long before Doctor Telano had been up and yelling. They had to fix this problem... no matter what the cost. And with no care for the danger her own life was in...

    The moon was high in the night sky, drowning in a black sea with glittering specks of blue and white. The Masons had settled down for the night, and told Ruca to go her place and rest for the next day. And she did, but only for an hour. She hurriedly packed a few things in a tattered canvas bag. Ruca didn't own much, but what she did own .. they meant a lot to her. The most important piece was a ring that she believed belonged to her mother. It was a tarnished silver with a once vibrant blue gem. She wasn't allowed to have things like this, so she had kept it well hidden, along with her advanced education books. Perhaps Ruca wasn't the perfect good girl everyone had said she was.

    When she finished packing .. she glanced around her shack. It was far behind the Mason's large house. But it was private and it was rare for a slave or servant to have anything more than just a room in the attic. Ruca had considered herself lucky .. but not lucky enough to let this opportunity pass her by. With quiet footsteps, she left her shack and ran away to the place where the cargo crates were being held ...

    Johnson Alcott liked to start early in the morning, way before sunrise. Mister Mason had said he liked that about Alcott ... the early bird always got the worm. He made a last minute inspection of Mason's cargo crates. One seemed a bit off .. the weight distributed funny. He took his crowbar and positioned it to open it ...

    "Captain Alcott.." the crackle of the communication distracted him, ".. we are ready to transport those crates, sir!"

    Alcott stepped away from the crate, "Great.. let's get going. Transport everything and myself to the cargo area and then you and I are going to have some coffee!"

    "Great sir, transporting now..."

    As the crates disappeared in a million points of light, a 16 year old girl let out a soft breath in the darkness of a crate ... freedom was just at hand..

    Airborne virus.. just when they had thought it was almost over. Ruca looked over every piece of information she could gather. There had to be a way to fix this .. to save the Lodi ... it was so frustrating to have the cure held tightly in her hand just to have it slip away into futility..

    ... could she, and the rest of the medical team save this planet?

  7. "The Cure" -- Part One
    Doctor Ruca N'Etani, Ensign
    Stardate 0308.03

    The vial that Ruca held in her hand was priceless. Precious. Very important. She hated being in the lab by herself, but Doctor Telano had gone off, and so had Doctor Honeycutt, and Ruca found herself holding the entire outcome of this mission in her delicate fingers. She glanced about the lab .. it was entirely isolated except for her, but she could hear the general hustle and bustle outside the door. Frantic medical personnel moved about, caring for the slowly dying patients of this contamination. If only Doctor Telano would return .. then they could get this show on the road. If there was anything Ruca hated, it was waiting. Perhaps she didn't seem like a very impulsive or passionate person on the outside, but within, she could grow very impatient with how things were ...that was they only she ever made it off Turani VII and was today: impatience and dissatisfaction with how things were turning out. She had hoped this would turn out easier ..

    "My dear .. this is Johnson Alcott, the man I was telling you about, " Mister Mason introduced the rugged-looking man to his wife. Mistress Mason sat regally in her chair in the ornate sitting room, sipping a cup of tea and snacking on delicate little cookies. She didn't even stand, but held out her hand to the man, who graciously kissed it and bowed.

    "Mistress Mason .. your husband did not do you justice, you are much more enchanting than he mentioned." Alcott grinned, and offered a wink, though made sure Mister Mason missed THAT part. Mistress Mason smiled a whimsical smile and put her hand back on her lap.

    "I assure you, Mister Alcott .. my husband always forgets details. That is what I am around for ... so you will be running our cargo?"

    Alcott smiled, "Yes ma'am .. and I assure you, it will get there safe and sound. I have a great record and never, ever have anything go wrong. At least not yet .."

    Mister Mason interjected, "And I'm sure you will make sure nothing goes wrong with our cargo this time as well ... because if you do, it will surely be profitable for everyone."

    Alcott just smiled, "Well, let's get going.. I want to go over the cargo and get some preparations taken care of..."

    Mason nodded, "Yes, let's go then... my dear, I will see you at dinner .. make sure Ruca has it done on time, since Mister Alcott will be joining us."

    "Of course, dear."

    Mason and Alcott exited the room and Mistress Mason glanced over her shoulder, "I know you are there, Ruca. Felt like eavesdropping?"

    The 16 year old Ruca, now a grown up young woman, stepped from the shadows and bowed, "I'm sorry, ma'am .. I was just curious."

    "Curiosity will get you killed .. you are lucky we didn't kill you over the books and education incident. Now get to the kitchen .. you heard what my husband said."

    "Yes ma'am.. " Ruca walked past, stopping only to curtsy to her owner's wife, before making her way into the kitchen. This cargo run .. there are been many others before, but this was the first time it had occurred to Ruca that there may be a way to get out .. she would have to check out the cargo herself, later that night .. because it went out in the morning.

    .. was freedom around the corner? And was the cure to everything wrong with her life in the form of Johnson Alcott?

    There was a crackle of a communication, and her mind was brought back to reality. She tucked the vial in her labcoat pocket, and listened to the communication again.

    "Medical emergency! Medical emergency! South-east wing of the hospital! Telano's been shot .. do you read!?"

    Ruca blinked without a moment's notice .. left the room and broke into a run..

  8. "Hard Lesson to Learn"

    Doctor Ruca N'Etani, Ensign

    Stardate 0307.15



    As Doctor Telano and Ruca headed off to try and solve the problem, Ruca glanced back over her shoulder and watched Ensign Light move off in his own direction. Each of them had their own agendas, their own things to be doing on this mission, but Ruca found it comforting to have the conversation on the shuttle on the way down. She had never been one to get close to anyone, having grown up the same way. Servants and slaves were never really 'allowed' to socialize, but of course, it would happen occasionally. Some would get romantic and have children. However, they were never allowed to keep their kids and were always separated from each other as well. Slaves never knew their families. Some barely knew their last names. Ruca had been lucky.. she had been told her full name, but was also told that searching for her family would be futile. The government kept those records under tight security, and a slave would have chance of even seeing them. Ruca could never forget the feeling she had when she realized what she was.. and what she would be missing in her life ....


    She had tiny hands, and she grasped the rough iron fence with an unusual strength. Her steely hazel eyes looked a dark gray at the moment, since the sky above was brewing a distant storm. She watched two young girls, her own age, walking past the institute briskly on their way to school. Their clothing was rich in colour and textures. This little girl had never seen anything so beautiful in her life.


    "Ruca! Come away from that fence and get over here! You have yet to finish seeding this garden here! How will you ever be placed with a family if you don't know how to simply seed a garden!" A shrilly woman's voice rang out behind her. Ruca glanced back at the girls one last time and turned around, her bare feet avoiding the rocks as she walked over to the garden where other girls and boys her age were hard at work.


    "Where are those children going, Miss Orwen?"


    Miss Orwen, her trainer, looked down at Ruca with semi-sympathetic eyes. She knew that working with the slave children would need a softer heart, especially since she would have to let these kids know exactly what sort of life they would have to lead, "Ruca.. they are going to school."


    "School? Like what we do here?"


    "No .. you learn the basic things here. That is all you are allowed to learn. Those children are privileged.... they learn a lot more things."


    Ruca blinked her 6 year old eyes, "I want to learn more things."


    Miss Orwen kneeled down, "Ruca .. you are a slave. You are not the same as them. You are beneath them. Because of that .. you cannot learn more. You must learn what you can about being a servant and that is all."


    She looked into Miss Orwen's eyes. Despite their soft nature, Ruca somewhat understood. She was beneath everyone else. Including Miss Orwen. A slave. A servant. Her eyes fell to her feet, dirty with small cuts from walking around with no shoes.


    A nobody. It was a hard lesson to learn.


    "Ensign N'Etani..?"


    Ruca blinked her eyes, hearing her name. She nodded and followed everyone else into the hospital. It wasn't time to think about the past. Just the task at hand, and maybe the future. She had hoped that Mister Trichon Light wouldn't think of her as beneath him .. since she sometimes assumed that everyone thought that. Even if she knew better. This wasn't Turani .. but it was hard to think anything else after a while. She sighed.  Friends were something she had never had.


    It would be nice to have a friend.

  9. "Still As Small"

    Doctor Ruca N'Etani, Ensign

    Stardate 0307.09



    When she had been awakened from the gassing, Ruca had opened her eyes and found herself staring into a pair of green ones. They looked genuine in concern and seemed familiar to her. She exhaled a breath and felt her skin flush, "M..Mister Mason .. I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to.."


    The eyes closed and the person shook their head, "No no, Ensign .. take a moment o clear your head.. "


    Ensign? Clear her head? Ruca's eyes focused a little more and noted the creamy complexion of woman's face. The blue she was wearing indicated another medical officer. The Sickbay was a chaotic scene .. Doctor Telano yelling about the gassing, and Marines everywhere, "I .. I'm sorry. I must have thought I was somewhere else, " Ruca said, as she sat up and was helped to her feet. The nurse smiled and nodded.


    "Well, that was a pretty potent gas. Doctor Telano is very much up in arms about it. You've been given a relieve from duty for a few hours .. to rest up." The nurse dusted Ruca off and began to shoo her towards the door.


    "Relieve? Oh, okay.. I suppose that would be good. I'll be back in a few hours, Nurse ...."


    "Nurse Peyton. Sorry we couldn't be introduced in better circumstances. Have a good rest, Doctor."


    Ruca smiled lightly, "Yes.. thank you. Nice to meet you Miss Peyton." The nurse waved at her as she stepped out of Sickbay and the doors closed with a whoosh behind her. What a strange day it had been, she thought to herself, as she walked down the corridor towards the nearest turbolift. When she had awakened from being gassed.. those green eyes, it was like she was back on Turani VII, working hard in the kitchen.. careful not to anger her master by letting the heat get to her ....


    "What DO you think you are doing, Ruca? Milling about like this is some sort of vacation?" Aldor Mason's green eyes could be piercing when he got irked about something. Ruca quickly got to her feet. The heat of the kitchen had been unbearable and the crisp mug of water she had helped herself to was just what the doctor ordered. In the quickness of standing up, her fingers let the mug slip from her fingers and fell to the floor in a crash. Pieces of porcelain flew everywhere and water drenched Mister Mason's shoes.


    "Oh! Mister, I'm sorry Mister Mason! I'm sorry.. let me get a rag to wipe that up!" Ruca fell to the floor quickly, ignoring the shards of the mug piercing the skin on her knees. She grabbed the nearest rag and began wiping off the shoes.. Mason looked down at her, angry. He leaned over and pulled Ruca up by her hair.


    "RUCA! This is what you get for fooling around when you should be getting supper ready! Mrs. Mason is hungry and the child is giving her backpain! Get this cleaned up, bring in supper and if you want to quench your thirst.. do it on your own time outside!" With that, he let her hair go, which caused her to fall back down to the floor.. the porcelain pieces slicing into her skin again.


    "I'm.. I'm sorry, Mister. Thank you for your mercy.. thank you.."


    He muttered, "Just get this cleaned up and supper done." He looked down at her, despite his merciful behaviour, which was unheard of with servants, he still looked at her with disgust. Seeing her as a filthy little creature. He turned on his heel and moved out of the kitchen. Ruca cleaned the mess up slowly and finished the supper .. ignoring the streams of blood trickling down her legs. She would do whatever made them happy .. ensuring that her life would be much easier that way..


    Ruca punched in the security code of her quarters and stepped in. She immediately went to the replicator, getting herself a big mug of water. She picked it up and took a sip .. walking over to her sofa and sitting down. She ran a finger around the rim of the cup and looked at the tiny ripples in the water. How much her life had changed since then .. yet, she still felt as small.


    Still as small in the scheme of things.


    B A S I C S
    GIVEN NAME: Ruca Lilyannah N'Etani
    NICKNAME: None
    AGE: 21 Standard Earth Years
    DATE OF BIRTH: SD 8403.20
    PLACE OF BIRTH:  Shyndell, Alazara Province, Turani VII
    SPECIES: Human (Turanian)
    PARENTS: Restricted by Turani Government
    SIBLINGS: Restricted by Turani Government
    STATUS:  Single

    A P P E A R E N C E
    HAIR: Dark Red
    EYES: Steely Hazel (A bit blue/grey)
    SKIN: Creamy Pale Complexion
    HEIGHT: 5 feet, 3 inches
    WEIGHT: 110 pounds

    H I S T O R Y
    Ruca N'Etani was born into servitude. At the tender age of 2 days old, she was taken away from her parents and put in an orphanage of sorts. The children raised there were taught to serve the higher class people of Turani. Though most servant children were not allowed to have advanced formal education beyond reading and writing and simple mathematics, Ruca would stay up late at night and with 'borrowed' books, would teach herself all she could. When she was 10 years old, she was purchased by a wealthy farmer and his wife. They were a young couple and the farmer, Aldor Mason, had acquired his wealth from his family. Since there was a baby on the way, they knew they would need a servant girl to help out with the trivial daily chores.

    The Mason's treated her well, giving her a small, but adequate room on their attic floor. It was there she would hoard books and notebooks and whatever educational things she could get her hands on. At night, she would continue studying whatever she could.

    At the age of 15, she was discovered by the Mason's 5 year old son, Kale, and was found out about. The punishment for illegal education was exile to a locked bungalow for a week without food and only a bit of water. As much as the Mason's loved their servant Ruca, that could not be lenient with their punishment. She was told that she would be put to death the next time she was found with advanced educational items.

    Ruca knew she had to escape from there, despite how well this family had treated her. However, that would prove difficult, since she never knew her family, never knew where they were and didn't know anyone who could get her off Turani IV. But luck would arrive with a gentleman friend of the Mason's, Johnson Alcott. He was a flyboy pilot who had started a successful freighter business, zipping about the galaxy .. making money. 16 year old Ruca, knowing this was her chance .. snuck into a large crate in a shipment that the Mason's were having Alcott run .. and managed to make it off the planet and to a station. It was at this station that she made her permanent escape .. disappearing into the crowd. Once gone from Turani IV, she knew she could never return or else be put to death.

    Although young, she took odd jobs here and there to make do. She ended up on Earth, a seventeen year old woman with a dream. While on Earth, she met a Cadet at Starfleet Academy named Elizabeth Aja. Elizabeth saw Ruca's potential and saw how fast she absorbed information and talked her into joining Starfleet. Ruca, although skeptical she could make it ..took the test and passed. Thus started her Starfleet career. She went through the Academy and graduated, becoming an Ensign specializing in the Medical field. She was assigned to the USS Arcadia and that is where she currently resides.

  11. I love Star Trek! But..I thought this was hilarious! I didn't change anything... so apologies for any spelling errors already there. Remember..this is all in good fun. :( And I take no credit for this. This person took it from another person and so on and so forth.



    Top 10 Things I Hate About Star Trek



    10. Noisy doors.

    You can't walk three feet in a starship without some door whooshing or screeching at you. My office building has automatic sliding doors. They're dead silent. If those doors went "wheet!" every time a person walked through them, about once a month some guy in accounting would snap and go on a shooting rampage. Sorry Scotty, the IEEE has revoked your membership until you learn to master WD-40


    9. The Federation.

    This organization creeps me out. A planet-wide government that runs everything, and that has abolished money. A veritable planetary DMV. Oh sure, it looks like a cool place when you're rocketing around in a Federation Starship, but I wonder how the guy driving a Federation dump truck feels about it?



    And everyone has to wear those spandex uniforms. Here's an important fact: Most people, you don't want to see them in spandex. You'd pay good money to not have to see them. If money hadn't been abolished, that is. So you're screwed.


    8. Reversing the Polarity.

    For cripes sake Giordi, stop reversing the polarity of everything! It might work once in a while, but usually it just screws things up. I have it on good authority that the technicians at Starbase 12 HATE that. Every time the Enterprise comes in for its 10,000 hour checkup, they've gotta go through the whole damned ship fixing stuff. "What happened to the toilet in Stateroom 3?" "Well, the plumbing backed up, and Giordi thought he could fix it by reversing the polarity."



    Between Scotty's poor lubrication habits and Geordi's damned polarity reversing trick, it's a wonder the Enterprise doesn't just spontaneously explode whenever they put the juice to it.


    7. Seatbelts.

    Yeah, I know this one is overdone, but you'd think that the first time an explosion caused the guy at the nav station to fly over the captain's head with a good 8 feet of clearance, someone would say, "You know, we might think of inventing some furutistic restraining device to prevent that from happening." So of course, they did make something like that for the second Enterprise (the first one blew up due to poor lubrication), but what was it? A hard plastic thing that's locked over your thighs. Oh, I'll bet THAT feels good in the corners. "Hey look! The leg-bars worked as advertised! There goes Kirk's torso!"


    6. No fuses.

    Every time there's a power surge on the Enterprise the various stations and consoles explode in a shower of sparks and throw their seatbelt-less operators over Picard's head. If we could get Giordi to stop reversing the polarity for a minute, we could get him to go shopping at the nearest Starship parts store and pick up a few fuses. And while he's shopping, he could stop at an intergalactic IKEA and pick up a few chairs for the bridge personnel. If you're going to put me in front of a fuseless exploding console all day, the least you could do is let me sit down.


    5. Rule by committee.

    Here's the difference between Star Trek and the best SF show on TV last year:


    Star Trek:


    Picard: "Arm photon torpedoes!"

    Riker: "Captain! Are you sure that's wise?"

    Troi: "Captain! I'm picking up conflicting feelings about this! And, it appears that you're a 'fraidy cat."

    Wesley: "Captain, I'm just an annoying punk, but I thought I should say something."

    Worf: "Captain, can I push the button? This is giving me a big Klingon warrior chubby."

    Giordi: "Captain, I think we should reverse the polarity on them first."

    Picard: "I'm so confused. I'm going to go to my stateroom and look





    Captain: "Let's shoot them."

    Crewman: "Are you sure that's wise?"

    Captain: "Do you know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I'll BEAT YOU WITH until you realize who's in command."

    Crewman: "Aye Aye, sir!"


    4. A Star Trek quiz:

    Kirk, Spock, McCoy, and 'Ensign Gomez' beam down to a planet. Which one isn't coming back?


    3. Technobabble.

    The other night, I couldn't get my car to start. I solved the problem by reversing the polarity of the car battery, and routing the power through my satellite dish. The resulting subspace plasma caused a rift in the space-time continuum, which created a quantum tunnelling effect that charged the protons in the engine core, thus starting my car. Child's play, really. As a happy side-effect, I also now get the Spice Channel for free.


    2. The Holodeck.

    I mean, it's cool and all. But do you really believe that people would use it to re-create Sherlock Holmes mysteries and old-west saloons? Come on, we all know what the holodeck would be used for. And we also know what the worst job on the Enterprise would be: Having to squeegie the holodeck clean.


    1. The Prime Directive.

    How stupid is this? Remember when Marvin the Martian was going to blow up the Earth, because it obstructed his view of Venus? And how Bugs Bunny stopped him by stealing the Illudium Q36 Space Modulator? Well, in the Star Trek universe, Bugs would be doing time. Probably in a room filled with Roseanne lookalikes wearing spandex uniforms, walking through doors going WHEET! all day. It would be hell. At least until the Kaboom. The Earth-shattering Kaboom.