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Posts posted by Pneuma

  1. You have a uber-Jayne hat? w00t! I truely think the Jayne hat is a great fashion statement. :-D


    (notice I bypassed everything else for this quote? It's all about Firefly.)


    It really is all about the firefly, and to celebrate the finding of a Jayne hat...



    He robbed from the rich

    And he gave to the poor

    Stood up to the man

    And gave him what for

    Our love for him now

    Ain't hard to explain

    The hero of Canton

    The man they call Jayne


    Our Jayne saw the mudders' backs breakin'

    He saw the mudders' lament

    And he saw the magistrate takin'

    Every dollar and leavin' five cents

    So he said "you can't do that to my people"

    He said "you can't crush them under your heel"

    So Jayne strapped on his hat

    And in 5 seconds flat

    Stole everythin' Boss Higgins had to steal


    He robbed from the rich

    And he gave to the poor

    Stood up to the man

    And gave him what for

    Our love for him now

    Ain't hard to explain

    The hero of Canton

    The man they call Jayne


    Now here is what separates heroes

    From common folk like you and I

    The man they call Jayne

    He turned 'round his plane

    And let that money hit sky

    He dropped it onto our houses

    He dropped it into our yards

    The man they called Jayne

    He stole away our pain

    And headed out for the stars


    He robbed from the rich

    And he gave to the poor

    Stood up to the man

    And gave him what for

    Our love for him now

    Ain't hard to explain

    The hero of Canton

    The man they call Jayne

  2. Ok so seeing as it is politically incorrect to say Merry Christmas why is it politically correct to say Happy Holidays. Holidays is a word that was combined from 2 words Holy and days. So technically if we want to be completely PC we need to say happy December 25th. Does anyone else think that the whole PC thing has gone way too far?

  3. A sigh of relief poured from Dom's lips. For the first time in what seemed like months he could take a breath. He walked slowly into his quarters hoping that nothing happened to his dog. "Cherub, come here boy!" Pneuma spoke in a raised voice. He took a moment to assess the damage in the room. Thankfully his quarters were on the opposite side of the ship from where most of the damage was but that didn't save them from the violent shock waves that rocked the ship not more than two hours earlier. A few items had fallen from their respective shelves and his bookcase had toppled over. "Cherub, where are you?" Worry began to set in as he attempted to sense the sign of his precious pet. It was no use. All over the ship people were feeling the impact of the frantic violence that had ensued and easily drowned out any hope of picking out one small dogs life. He quickly began moving things that had been strewn around to no avail. He looked at the bookcase and braced himself for what he'd find. He mustered up some strength and picked up on the top of the bookcase and set it up and to his horror there was his dog. He quickly began throwing books off of the dogs body but it was far to to late. Life had left the corpse hours before and all that was left now was this hollow shell. Tears began to fill his eyes as he looked at his old friend. "I'm sorry boy. I'm so sorry." It was all he could say. He tended to the body of his dog and disposed of it all the while blubbering like a baby. He than noticed the time and realized that he had an hour before his next shift. With a heavy heart he made his way to the staff lounge. Taking a seat he ordered a drink and nursed it down savoring every drop hoping the synthol would somehow extend beyond the false sense of drunkenness and kill the memory of his lost little friend. He knew he should be working on getting the ship back in order, he knew there was more important things than the loss of his dog but that didn't stop the pain. He set the drink down and decided to return to his post and try to work away the sadness. With a heavy heart he stood up and made his way to the bridge.

  4. I got a big Straw Sombrero that I won at six flags one year. I took it to a music festival with me and got a bunch of autographs on it. Now Im scared to take it anywhere! I bought a hat a few weeks ago from my favorite band. It looks like one of those military camo hats though its black. I really like it!

    Anywho thats my 2 cents!

  5. Ok There are 2 things I remember. First is the occasional ST rerun that my dad would watch. Than what left the biggest impression on my than young and impressionable mind. Star Trek TNG! My Dad watched that religiously and while at the time I remember vividly saying "Not Star Trek again!" That laid the foundations for this trekkie. The other day my dad was picking on me about how much I watch ST now all I could do is look at him and say "Its your fault. You got me into it!"

  6. Definite interest here! After living in the desert for 20 years it takes all my resolve to get up enough courage to get to Vegas. Personally I love the Baltimore site - very family-oriented, lots of fun.

    I gotta agree with the good commander here. Baltimore is a good spot to use . . .Or it could be the fact I can make the drive to Baltimore in less than an hour! For me I could manage NY but Atlantic City, Baltimore, Heck even Philly would be a whole lot closer for me to get to. Last time I was in NY it wasnt even the city and I was on the road for 14 hours straight. I never slept so good in my life! But anywhere works in the NE at least!

  7. Trank Key smiled as he propped his feet up. “I have you now you stupid bartender!” He sat in the administration security room watching a few monitors which drew from the various bugs that had been set up in the bar. He had found out enough to know that Darion was a turncoat and was helping the intruders. He had no clue of who they really were but new that they didn’t belong here and now they were going to try to spring some feds out of the place. Trank made his way out of the building. He was making his way towards the bar when he noticed a familiar figure on the ground. He quickly ran to him and gave Ranger a once over. “Who did this to you?”