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Posts posted by Pneuma

  1. Hiya all. I thought I would drop by to say hi and I am considering sticking around a bit. Life had thrown me a curve. Hence the reason why I vanished for so long. Ah well, here is hoping that I can join in the fun in this new time zone :D Going from EST to Mountain is a really big change and the whole subtract two hours thing... its hard work ya know :) So I about the topic... He screams ouch and falls over.


    :P :) :P

  2. Going Home pt 2


    Pneuma’s eyes slowly lifted open. A full day had passed since he fell asleep on the shuttle and he was a little more than stunned to find he slept so long. He got up and checked the coordinates and the ETA till he was near Betazed. 12 hours. He had a good 10 hours to kill until he was there. So he began thinking of new ways to pilot the Reaent. New techniques so not if but when the time came that the odds would be against her there would be a way out.


    ~11 hours later~


    The planet was coming up fast and Pneuma had gotten a little carried away. His creativity was flowing and he was certain there were more than a few good ideas he had put down on his padd.

    “Good Day Betazed this is Federation shuttle Wildcat requesting permission to enter the atmosphere, I am on course to the twelfth house outside Janaran Falls.”

    “Wildcat you are cleared to enter the atmosphere enjoy your stay” came a crackled reply. “We will patch you into the members of the house.”

    “Thank you very much Wildcat out” With that Pneuma made his decent into the planets atmosphere. Feelings swamped him as he dropped down onto the planet. Not the peoples but his own. For the first time since he was a baby he was home. This is where he should have been raised, with his own people. Not with the people on Earth. He let his mind open for a moment and a flood of emotions and thoughts poured in. Life was so much more intense than he had imagined. It was as if billions of people, all just like him, not speaking but still communicating telepathically.

    “Please state your business with the Twelfth House.” requested a rather feminine but very familiar voice over the coms system.

    “Greetings this is Lt. Dominick Pneuma, I am here by request to retrieve some items of my parents. How are you Brianna?”

    There were no more words. At that moment both Dom and Brianna knew they weren’t needed. ~Welcome cousin! It has been far too long since you have been here.~

    ~I know. I should have come back sooner. I would have much rather come here under different circumstances.~ He responded by thought and emotion as he had been doing it his whole life. This was new to him but it came naturally.

    ~You are free to land. Evias is free to meet with you.~

    ~Thank you I will be there presently.~ With that Pneuma began the landing procedures and brought her down gently.


    Later that evening…


    Pneuma personal log


    What a day. I arrived at 17:00 and met with Evias the head of the twelfth house almost immediately. Things run at a different pace here than they do on the Reaent. The most intriguing thing is getting to learn my heritage. No one here lies or really speaks for that matter. Everything is based on feelings and emotion, it is truly astounding.

    After meeting with Evias, there was a banquet that felt fit for a king. The name of the meat escapes me at the moment, but it was delicious. We drank a wine native to Betazed which was definitely not synthol. I was feeling a little more than tipsy after a few glasses. Brianna has put me up for the night and told me that first thing tomorrow morning we would begin going through these items that belonged to my parents.

    I can hardly wait for morning to come even though the events of the day have left me drained. I have heard nothing of my real parents besides the stories my adopted parents told me. Even there the stories were rare and had little in the way of who they were. I am hoping that with daylight I will have something solid to believe about them.

    End Transmission


    The next morning…

    Pneuma awakened later than usual even though he was looking forward to find out about his parents. The sun was shining, birds were singing, and it seemed like a beautiful day. No sooner did his eyes open did the door to his room open.

    “Well it’s about time you got up sleepy head!” Brianna said facetiously, “I was beginning to think I was going to have to grab a bucket of water.”

    “Well that wouldn’t be necessary. I didn’t think that wine would pack the punch it did.”

    “Ahh, Uttaberry wine is a touchy one. There is no in between with it. Its either juice or a strong wine. Our family has been making it since Laven was head of the twelfth house more than three generations ago.”

    “I see well no complaints here. I will get dressed and than we can begin going over these things.” Pneuma just looked at Brianna a moment.

    “Oh! You have spent too much time on Earth. There is nothing to be bashful about…” She smiled.

    “Perhaps I have but still, please, give me a little privacy.”

    “Oh all right I’ll be right outside”

    Pneuma got up and got dressed. He walked out of the room and found his way to the kitchen. After a light breakfast he and Brianna were ready to start.

    The work was tedious but it was well worth it. There were records of his parents, there place in the house, even a recording of their wedding which proved to be a little uneasy for Pneuma to watch. After all what kid wants to see his parents naked. He found some old clothing of theirs, which despite their age were still rather classy. There was one picture though that stuck out. It was his parents and a small dark haired baby. Him.

    After going through all these things, they began to clean up. Pneuma was going to take much of the information with him as well as a few pictures including the baby picture. As they moved things around an old data disk fell out from behind the baby picture. Pneuma picked it up and just looked at it. It was an odd thing to find especially in a picture frame. Brianna took it and loaded it into a computer and an image sprung to life.

    His mother and father stood before him and his cousin and through tears the image of his mother began to speak. “Dominick, I am sorry things have had to turn out this way. When you were born we did the best we could for you. Your adopted parents Walter and Jane are in fact distant relatives of yours. They volunteered to take you in if anything were to happen to us. We are part of the Federation and this is our job. Sadly we can not tell you much more than this. Our mission is top secret but know that no matter what happens we love you and hopefully we will return soon to bring you back home.”

    At that moment in the background there was a hail and the image of his father went back to answer it. There was a good deal of distortion which stopped Pneuma from hearing anything that was said. His father than returned and began to speak.

    “Dom, I know that this is not fair to you. I argued with my cousin Walter from Earth to no end about his decision to take you off planet. He should not do this. I would rather see you with your own people, not among the simple minded of earth. If we do not return, know that even though we are gone, we are always in your heart. I wish I could tell you what is so important about this mission but sadly I can’t, it could very well save the federation. Son, I love you more than you could know. I hope to return to you and make up for lost time.”

    His mother spoke up at that moment and through sobs stated a phrase that caused Pneuma’s heart to sink.

    “Computer end transmission”


    That Evening…

    Pneuma personal log

    I’m sick to my stomach. I found out so much today but I never expected to be so heart broken. There are so many questions running through my mind. Why didn’t my foster parents tell me of my real parents? What was the mission they were on? Who received and hid this transmission? This is just too much to handle right now.

    Thankfully I am not much different in size from my father so I was able to blend in a little more around here, but I will be more than happy to return to the Reaent. I am planning on leaving tomorrow. Hopefully I will be able to find some answers once I am back.

    On a more personal note I finally found the names of my true parents and I found my place within the house. My mother Illianna was the holder of the necklace of Bisraith, a golden necklace with a uniquely cut emerald which was a bargaining peace to end a dispute with the fourth house more than six generations ago. While my father, Carion, was heir to the seat of the twelfth house.

    I never thought this day would come. The day when I finally learned who my parents were yet there is still so much to learn. I feel as though I have only scratched the surface of the story of my parents. I hope the recording is not of too poor quality that I can’t clean it up back on the Reaent. Only time will tell at this point. Until than…

    End Transmission


    The last morning…

    The night ended and the sun rose as Pneuma stirred. Sleep was a luxury that night and he had come up short. So he began gathering his things and preparing the shuttle. When Brianna finally awakened she tried to convince him to stick around a little longer but he could not. So she stepped into her room and returned with a few items.

    “This is usually done by the Head of the House but in this rare case I can do it.” She said sadly still wanting Pneuma to stay a little longer. She brought out a long box and presented it to him, “This is the Necklace of Bisraith, and you are now its holder until the day you are wed. On that day your Imzadi will be its keeper and you will be in line to the head of the house.”

    Pneuma was a bit overwhelmed. This was something that was not expected and it was a little more than he wanted to deal with. He wanted to get back to his home and begin studying that transmission. Still he held himself with honor and accepted the charge of his family. He gave his cousin a hug and a peck on the cheek and made his way onto the shuttle.

    He asked clearance to take off and with a heavy heart launched into the dark of space.

  3. After talking with Archangel I made my way down to my quarters and packed. I did so as fast as possible for this would be the first time I had been to Betazed since I was taken from there by my adopted parents. There is much for me to find out about when I arrive there. Having grown up on Earth I have little knowledge of the ways of my people. I know that they are very much based on ancestry and that there are many hand me downs including title. I was told that my first order of business should be to speak with the head of my house, which according to my cousin is the twelfth house.

    It took me all of a half an hour to pack before exiting my room and making my way to the shuttle bay. Thankfully most of them were already repaired so I had my choice. Sadly the runabout and the Captains yacht were out of the picture though so I settled on one of the faster shuttles and boarded. Once inside I set my things in the rear of the shuttle and took a seat in the cockpit. I fired up the shuttle and even though I knew the Ops Manager was not at his post ::laughs:: I transmitted my course and the amount of time I would be gone. Receiving permission to depart I began to my departure sequence.

    “This is shuttle Wildcat lifting off. See you soon Reaent.”

    With that I took off. As soon I was clear of the shipyard I laid in the course to Betazed and set the shuttle to maximum warp. After going over the coordinates a few more times I began to relax. This trip would take two days at maximum warp so I knew I had time to spare. Locking the controls I made my way to the back of the shuttle and laid down.

    Much had happened in the time we had been back from our last mission. We had seen more carnage than anyone would like to see. I had not had a full nights sleep since we returned. Between blocking out the waves of painful emotions and my feeling sorry for the loss of my dog the time between shifts just seemed to go too quickly. But now, now in the silence of space hurtling ever farther away from my home sleep began to find me and as it pressed in I began to fall into a deep dreamless sleep knowing that before long I would face the biggest challenge I have ever faced. My true Relatives.