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Posts posted by V'Roy

  1. It's sad when someone with a doctorate can't preform a simple operation like selecting between two different printers.

    I take it you are talking about engineers.


    Believe me, I have worked with several who were smart enough to work for NASA (back when NASA knew what it was doing) but couldn't tie their own shoes. Brilliant and creative people, but once you got them out of their very narrow specialties they were utterly useless.

  2. Academy Mission Log

    Stardate 0806.24

    Mission Commanding Officer V'Roy reporting


    "In peace, as a wise man, he should make suitable preparation for war." These words of Horace never rang truer than in the last month. The Pandarians had returned, and just as the prior two times, Starfleet was unaware of this returning threat. It is much more difficult to mobilize when your pants are down.


    No one had seen them in five years. Those cadets who encountered them and lived were now Commanders and Captains and had let themselves become comfortable. Very few even took notice that several Academy training ships, about one per week for the past month or so, were reported missing. Whenever the Pandarians came up in polite and not-so-polite conversation some even denied they ever existed.


    They are not saying that any longer. The Pandarians have returned, and now we have proof!


    We have not avenged the horror, the danger, the destruction, the passion... well, OK, there probably wasn't much time for passion... or ketchup, but plenty of BBQ sauce. However, we have perhaps begun to avenge all with the capture of their command staff.


    As the USS Marie Curry, a Nebula class ship under my command, approached the New Vega colony with supplies a large chunk of the colony was laid to waste. Several transports had left the colony just before the shock wave from the explosion began taking them out. Had we not raised shields when we did we would have been taken out as well, either by the shock wave itself or a large chunk of New Vega that would have hit us. As it happened, however, the only damage suffered was a blown-out OPS panel and a severely burned OPS officer. I ordered him to sick bay and called for an engineer.


    Distress calls began coming in from the fleeing transports. I ordered our ship into rescue position, but the first transport exploded before we could reach them. We were able to reach the second transport and beamed it's life signs directly to Sick Bay. We were about to drop shields to rescue the crew of the third transport but our Transporter Chief informed us that something wasn't right with the prior beam-out. The mass index was simply too high. I wanted to know what we were dealing with before effecting any more rescue attempts so I had the XO call up the Sick Bay security cameras.


    There they were. Pandarians! 4 of them, attacking the doctors and medics. Some of the security officers rushed into Sick Bay to contain the intruders. However, I was concerned our security force would not be enough to stop them. I ordered the bridge crew to erect force fields around Sick Bay. Even though we had other wounded I ordered Sick Bay off limits to all personnel.


    We had them! With our shields at maximum and Sick Bay completely contained they could not escape or call in reinforcements. I ordered the ship to the nearest Starfleet detention center at best possible speed. However, the Pandarians might still have been able to hack into our systems and either disable our shields or the containment field. Indeed they did try, and were able to disrupt Main Engineering for a time. However, the only ship-wide damage they could do was to tap into the replicator system and simultaneously order all replicators to produce chicken salad.


    Many ran. Many died. Many more needed counseling. That was the price we paid for their capture. The total loss is staggering - the complete New Vega colony, several transports, the entire Marie Curie medical staff, at least one engineer, several security officers, and our OPS officer would carry out their final duty during capture of the Pandarians, who we later learned to be "Rego", "Chubs", "Lulu", and "Kitchen Officer Dante". About 40 more would die simply transporting them from the ship to the detention center. However, although the loss of life was enormous, this is nothing compared to the numerous other Pandarian terrorist attacks of the past 7 or so years. Time will tell if we have cut the head of the entire Pandarian forces or simply one cell.

  3. While it is true that the Hitchhikers doesn't cover everything, or even most things, in the book / tV series / radio show / etc., it does include the major elements that the casual Hitchhiker reader / watcher will remember. Whenever you are trying to compress all that info into an hour and 40 minute movie you are going to loose some parts.

  4. We had an STSF first tonight. Not only did some of us survive but we actually captured the entire Pandarian command staff and turned them over to Starfleet for interrogation and biological poking / prodding.

  5. Galaxy Quest is a spoof of Star Trek.


    Spaceballs was marketed as a Star Wars spoof but it was really more of a The Wizard of Oz spoof.


    The rest are more spoofs of Sci-Fi in general. I found the Hitchhiker's movie to be more of a spoof of corporate bureaucracy with the Vogons than really sci-fi.

  6. And after talking with several prominent science fiction writers, they all agree it is much easier and preferable (as a writer) to work in your own universe with the character you have created. Working with someone else's characters in someone else's universe can be mind-boggling.

    And yet Star Trek and Star Wars writers do it all the time.