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Joe Manning

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Posts posted by Joe Manning

  1. Clad from head to toe in an air-tight biohazard suit, Redera paced through the condo unit ensuring that there were no obvious traces of her presence. It likely would not matter. Platform H-7 was almost completely abandoned. Only a few Guardians in biosuits (all that the stretched-out guild could spare) patrolled the platform's streets, supervising the clean-up and looking for citizens who couldn't make it to the bridges before they inhaled the toxic gas. It would be days, perhaps, before anyone was allowed back into their homes.


    As Redera scanned the condo, she tapped her ODRI and sent out another fragmented message. "I have troubling news. LaHaye's roommates were all private contractors performing jobs in the city for the Guardians; they were close, and they shared information. There was a comm notice on one of their terminals, sent just a few hours ago -- Jerald LaHaye is alive. He survived the Systems Enterprises blast and was taken to the Guardian medical facility."


    "I am already aware of this," the computerized voice answered, to which the Deltan raised a curious eyebrow. "The situation is being addressed. Your assignment was to recover his off-site data cache."


    "It isn't here," Redera replied. "And I can assure you that my search was meticulous. I was able to determine from his financial records, however, that LaHaye rents a storage box at a bank in the Latinum District. I have checked into it -- it is a high security place. While there are no clear indications that LaHaye stores the cache there, it is our best chance. Unfortunately, I could not find any keycards or access codes."


    "You are skilled enough to bypass any mundane locks. I want you to retrieve whatever is inside that box. I will begin digging into the bank's computers. If there are more advanced client recognition systems, I will attempt to disable them for you.


    "Failing this, your priority changes -- whatever is required, allow no one to access that box until our operations are complete."

  2. STSF_Nickles -> Chris has been found and is in pretty bad shape being taken back to Phers place.

    Joe Manning -> And my group is now leaving the storage depot office and making our way toward a vehicle.

    Joe Manning -> BEGIN SIM

    rosetto -> ::half asleep in the chair by the desk::

    Joe Manning -> ::Peering around the corner of the office, looking toward the riot::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: Thrashing about having multiple seizures in a row::

    Pher -> :: fake drunk walking near Troy, Rosetto with Nickles, I believe ::

    Joe Manning -> << My group, let's use @'s::

    Shane -> ::steps out of the alleyway, glances casually down both ways of the street then hads away from the riots::

    Shane -> @*

    Pher -> How many did he have?

    Joe Manning -> @Let's find a way to integrate ourselves back into the scrum. ::Nods to T'aral:: Take point.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Checking Nickles Vitals and trying to get him stable::

    T'Aral -> @::Half-carrying Joe, looking about for a suitable vehicle. ::

    Troy Parson -> ::helping to carry Nickles:: About twelve too many, by the look of things.

    Dash_Andrews -> <<@>>

    Pher -> :: concerned. Some things she can do. Actual seizures... she'll want the Doc. ::

    Sakir -> Guardian> ::Sees shane as hes leaving the scene of the riot.:: Hey, you wait up!

    Sakir -> <<@>>

    T'Aral -> @ Sir - if I take point, I can't assist you.

    Dash_Andrews -> <<sorry thought we were already back ;) >>

    Shane -> @::rolls his eyes and continues walking as if he didn't hear::

    Joe Manning -> @Just lead the way, T'aral. I'll let myself be dragged.

    Dash_Andrews -> @::Helping Joe::

    Pher -> A few more blocks... few more blocks... not blocked...

    T'Aral -> @::Eyebrow ... drops Joe and steps out into the fray. ::

    Pher -> :: Keeping her attention mostly outward looking for trouble ::

    Shane -> @::pulls the large trenchcoat over his huge mechanical arm into a more comfortable position::

    Sakir -> @Guardian> ::Sees him continue, but worries about the more pressing matter of the riots.::

    Joe Manning -> @::Dash:: You ready to do the talking if anyone causes a problem for us, Doc?

    rosetto -> ::drags with the group helping carry Nickles::

    Dash_Andrews -> @::Trying to support joe:: I never told you about the time I played MacBeth in Primary School huh?

    Joe Manning -> @::Follows T'aral's conspicuous route back into the crowd::

    T'Aral -> @::Looks about, locates a civilian ground vehicle.:: This should be sufficient.

    STSF_Nickles -> :: body colapses from the convulsions::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::while being carried. (goes limp)::

    Joe Manning -> @::Jostled by several elbows and tries to ignore the people that are screaming at them in their Guardian outfits::

    rosetto -> Troy>So how long have you been with Manning?

    Dash_Andrews -> @::pushing back against those that get too close::

    Joe Manning -> @::Dash:: Interesting part for a Doctor. Remind me not to trust you with surgery.

    Pher -> :: is not sure she like that ::

    rosetto -> ::adjusts for added weight::

    Troy Parson -> ::slight laugh:: Longer than I ever planned on, that's for sure.

    Joe Manning -> @::Nods to T'aral and lets Dash ease him into one of the back seats of the speeder::

    Shane -> @::continues down the street, staring down people who looked at him and keeping an eye out for a less busy street::

    Dash_Andrews -> @::Joe... smiling:: Indeed... Just try not to get stomped::

    T'Aral -> @:: Looks about, waiting for the owner of this vehicle to make his presence known. ::

    Pher -> +Joe+ Nickles just lost consciousness. Might want to get Doc back quick.

    Dash_Andrews -> @::Pushes his way to the front of the vehicle - and slides in the passenger seat::

    rosetto -> ::still getting used to these vague non-answers::Hmmm... Yeah, that's sounds about par for the coarse..

    Troy Parson -> And yes...

    Troy Parson -> It *is* usually this much work, if you're wondering.

    Joe Manning -> +Com+ ::Sends a silent acknowledgment back to Pher::

    Sakir -> @Guardian> ::To the group attempting to get of the speeder.:: Hey you! Stop.

    Joe Manning -> @::Does his best imitation of someone with several broken ribs and a pierced lung. Never acted in any plays, but he used to be a doctor once, so it'll pass::

    Dash_Andrews -> @::Sighs:: Show time...

    T'Aral -> @:: Settles in the pilot seat, but does not take any action. ::

    rosetto -> Troy>Well, I'm not afraid of a little work if it pays in the end.

    Dash_Andrews -> @::Guardian:: I don't have time for this pal...

    Pher -> Thinking of coming back full time, Troy?

    Sakir -> @Guardian> Well your going to make time, where are you off to?

    Joe Manning -> @::Groans in the Guardian's direction:: Sergeant Xavie -- *pained grunt*

    Troy Parson -> ::to Pher:: Well, it's funny that you should mention that...

    Dash_Andrews -> @::Guardian:: The hospital... we've got a badly wounded Sergeant. ::hears joe and turns to "work" on him::

    Pher -> :: raises an eyebrow ::

    Dash_Andrews -> @::Guardian:: So as you can see this man is bad off... I'm taking this vehicle...

    Troy Parson -> See, I was just thinking, it might be rather convenient for me to be on a spaceship...or otherwise not *here*...for a little while...

    Sakir -> @Guardian> ::Looks at the Sergeant.:: Ive never heard of you Sergeant Xavie... I think I better come with you.

    Pher -> Lots of people thinking that way, Troy.

    Dash_Andrews -> @::Guardian... looks him up and down real quick then sighs:: Fine you can drive...

    Pher -> Including, Joe.

    T'Aral -> @ :: Moves back from the pilot's seat. ::

    Sakir -> @Guardian> Excellent. ::Hops in the driver seat, turns on the speeder.::

    Joe Manning -> @::Sneers and glances in the Guardian's direction. Growls a response:: I was called in ...

    Dash_Andrews -> @::hops in the back with Joe checking his neck and acting doctorly::

    Sakir -> @Guardian> ::takes off in the speeder twoards the direction of the hospital.::

    Dash_Andrews -> @::Quietly to Joe:: Well that went better than I thought...

    Shane -> @::finds a secluded spot and turns on a beacon to Joe and the others from his comm unit::

    Joe Manning -> @<q> Better? He's driving ...

    rosetto -> Well, I'm just out here enjoying the scenery and taking in the good shows... ::smiles::

    Pher -> But... well... you know how it is... Nothing seems to come easy.

    Joe Manning -> @::Receives the transmission from Shane on his ODRI::

    Dash_Andrews -> @::Joe:: Atleast we're not in cuffs yet... ::louder now:: Can you feel this... ::pokes at his ribs::

    Pher -> :: shows him a bit of scenery. ::

    Joe Manning -> @Ahhhh! ::Clenches his teeth::

    rosetto -> Pher>Yeah, nice...

    Sakir -> @Guardian> How is he doing? ::Curious.::

    STSF_Nickles -> Yes

    Joe Manning -> @::Guardian:: Not gonna make it ...

    Dash_Andrews -> @::Guardian:: BAD... now hurry up will ya' this man could have a punctured lung...

    Joe Manning -> @Take us down ...

    Joe Manning -> @I know a doctor in the area

    Pher -> OK, fine fellows. Here we go. Comming to the lobby.

    rosetto -> That even stirred our patient here, Pher... ::chuckles::

    Dash_Andrews -> @::Looks at Joe::

    Joe Manning -> @::Sends Shane's location to the speeder's front panel::

    Sakir -> @Guardian> You know a doctor in this area? I think you would be better with seeing a Doctor at the hospital.

    Pher -> :: Starts to the lead to open the door to the hotel lobby. ::

    Joe Manning -> @::Growls:: Too far away ... ::Grunts in pain::

    Pher -> :: Makes a bit of a production of opening the door ::

    Dash_Andrews -> @::Guardian:: He's right he's bleeding pretty bad now.... Do as he says

    Pher -> :: Looks about for hotel employees. ::

    rosetto -> Troy>The lady wasth looking at bmee... not you.

    Shane -> @::leaned against a closed store front door::

    Sakir -> @Guardian> ::Recieves the information.:: ... Fine. ::Increases speed in the direction of Shane.::

    Pher -> :: smiles :: Got two eyes... :: counts the guys :: Three eyes...

    STSF_Nickles -> :: spews chunks as they enter the lobby. (Thank goodness his head is down since hes Un conscious::

    Shane -> @::spots a speeder heading towaards his location, assumes its the othrs and steps out towards the strret::

    Dash_Andrews -> @::Scanning Joe and acting concerned::

    Pher -> :: fishes out her room key ::

    rosetto -> Just ask Nick! Oops... Nick, you okay, dude?

    Pher -> :: dodges away from Nickles ::

    Pher -> One two many... Two... THree...

    Joe Manning -> @::Peeks out the front viewport of the speeder as they approach Shane::

    rosetto -> One...Twoo..Three..Floor!

    Troy Parson -> ::trying to hold Nick up by himself:: Would you people just...

    Pher -> No no no no... Not floor quiet yet.

    Pher -> Just?

    Sakir -> @Guardian> ::Lowers his alltitude twoards Shanes location.::

    rosetto -> ::helps hold up NIck::

    Joe Manning -> @<q> ::Dash:: What are the chances this goes relatively pleasantly?

    Pher -> :: convinces a lift to open, hopefully. ::

    Shane -> @::hands still in coat pocket, looking from side to side::

    Pher -> Open says a me.

    rosetto -> Nice password

    Dash_Andrews -> @::Ignoring Joe's query::

    Pher -> Thanks.

    Troy Parson -> ::shakes his head, sighs::

    Dash_Andrews -> @::Guardian:: That's the guy... He's a surgeon... He should be able to help. Stop here

    Pher -> Pushes an appropriate button once all get in.

    rosetto -> ::helps len Nickles against wall::

    Pher -> He's really bad off.

    rosetto -> ^lean

    Pher -> :: after door closes ::

    Troy Parson -> Oh, you think?

    STSF_Nickles -> :: starts shivering as if cold::

    Pher -> Sometimes.

    Sakir -> @Guardian> ::Stops the speeder, at his location.

    Troy Parson -> What gave it away? Was it the vomiting, the lack of ability to do anything, what?

    Sakir -> @Guardian> ::Shane:: Are you the Surgeon?

    Pher -> You want to play medic, then?

    rosetto -> I've never seen anyone this bad before...

    rosetto -> I'm a Navigator not a Doctor! ::chuckles::

    Troy Parson -> ::mirthless laugh:: Oh, you will, mate. On this crew, you will...

    Pher -> :: Moves ahead of the group as the lift opens, starts towards her room, ready to open the door ::

    Shane -> @::steps up to the speeder and is inwardly surprised to a unfamiliar face driving:: Uh, yes...Seargent Xavier called?

    rosetto -> ::helps Troy carry Nickles::

    Joe Manning -> @::Guardian:: Only room for four ...

    Dash_Andrews -> @::Shane:: Yea... he's bad off Doctor. We need to get him inside somewhere quickly...

    Shane -> @::indicates the abandoned store behind with his head:: Right in here.

    T'Aral -> @::Steps back, draws out a small eliptical device from her medkit. ::

    Sakir -> @Guardian> Yes he did. ::Hops out of the speeder.:: I think I will contact central about the injured Seargent.

    Dash_Andrews -> @::Guardian:: No time help me carry him!

    Joe Manning -> @::Nods to Shane, then to the Guardian::

    T'Aral -> @:: Steps back from the group. ::

    Pher -> :: Opens door to her room, turns down the bed ::

    Sakir -> @Guardian> ::Grabs the injured Seargent.::

    Dash_Andrews -> @::Doing his best to make sure the Guardian is doing all the lifting::

    Joe Manning -> @::Groans in pain as he's grabbed:: Watch it!

    Troy Parson -> ::helping to carry Nickles towards the bed::

    Shane -> @::sees Joes nod and grabs the real guardians head from behind and smashes it into the speeder door::

    rosetto -> ::grunts as he helps lift Nickles::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: shiviering and shaking Uncontrollably::

    Dash_Andrews -> @::Joe:: Well... how was that for pleasant?

    Sakir -> @Guardian> ::Thrown against the speeder, unconcious.::

    Joe Manning -> @::Shrugs:: It'll do the job. We don't have time for this ...

    Pher -> I think he needs to be warmed. Bout all we can do to start.

    Shane -> @::quickly picks up the Guardian and stuffs him into the trunk::

    Dash_Andrews -> @::Hops back in the Speeder::

    Joe Manning -> @Grab whatever communicator's he's got.

    T'Aral -> @ Well that certainly went poorly.

    T'Aral -> @ :: Puts away TOS-era Phaser-I. ::

    Pher -> :: removes shoes/boots as soon as opportunity arises, then covers him. :

    rosetto -> ::Drops Nickles on the bed::

    Troy Parson -> ::lets go once Nickles is on the bed, and watches him shiver:: Well, this is fun. ::takes a drink from his flask::

    Dash_Andrews -> @::T'aral/Joe:: MacBeth was a long time ago...

    Joe Manning -> @::T'aral:: We can keep him stashed away for the time being. I think ::Glances back toward the trunk::

    Shane -> @The ends justify the means, Vulcan. ::grabs the communicator and hops in::

    Joe Manning -> @::Sends the location of Pher's hotel to the front panel::

    rosetto -> ::looks at the flask in Troy's hand::Spare a snort?

    Joe Manning -> @::Dash:: You've got a destination

    Shane -> <<whos driving, me?>>

    Pher -> Audrey, medical diagnostics mode please. Send results to the Doc.

    Dash_Andrews -> @::Joe:: yea yea... I'm on it... ::fires up the speeder::

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at rosetto, smiles slightly, and hands him the flask:: Of course.

    Dash_Andrews -> <<i guess>>

    Shane -> <<go ahead>

    Pher -> :: Slowly passes her ODRI over Nickles ::

    Shane -> ::jumps in the back with Joe::

    Joe Manning -> @::Nods to the communicator in Shane's hand:: What kind of device is it?

    rosetto -> ::grabs flask and takes a short swig::Whoa! What are you drinking here, Troy? ::chuckles::

    Dash_Andrews -> @::Heads off toward hotel as soon as T'Aral jumps in::

    Dash_Andrews -> <<afk two seconds>>

    Shane -> @::glances it over and hands it to Joe:: Standar Guardian issue. Voice only.

    rosetto -> That'll put hair on your sister's chest!

    STSF_Nickles -> :: Pateint, highly overdosed with Deltan Pheremones, Hig doses of counteracting drugs, extremely high level of sodium::

    Shane -> Standard*

    Joe Manning -> @+Pher+ We're on our way, Pher. But we've got an unexpected package in the trunk ...

    T'Aral -> @::Settles into front passenger seat. ::

    Joe Manning -> @::Takes the communicator and looks it over. Passes it toward the front seat and T'aral:: Think this could prove useful to us?

    STSF_Nickles -> :: mumbles slightly::

    Pher -> +Joe+ Might want to expedite. I'm forwarding telemtry to the doc.

    Dash_Andrews -> <<back>>

    Pher -> Guys, see if you can find extra blankets?

    Dash_Andrews -> @::Hears his ODRI beep with incoming transmission::

    Troy Parson -> Well, they sell it as whiskey, though as far as I can tell, it's mostly made of motor oil mixed with napalm.

    T'Aral -> @::Examines communicator. :: It has possibilities.

    rosetto -> ::hands flask back to Troy and turns to look for closet::

    Dash_Andrews -> @::Joe:: Just a few more blocks... ::zips around a few pedestrians and hangs a left::

    Pher -> :: Wraps Nickles up tight, trying to preserve warmth ::

    rosetto -> ::opens closet::Here's one!

    STSF_Nickles -> :: teeth chattering, mumbles:: hurts

    Shane -> @::getting a little hot in the stuufy speeder, takes off his trenchcoat, bumping Joe with his metal arm::

    Pher -> What hurts, love?

    Troy Parson -> ::puts away flask, and checks under the bed:: Nothing under there...

    Joe Manning -> @::The pain in his side flares up when Dash swings the turn:: Damn, these things are pieces of junk

    STSF_Nickles -> ::breathing rapid and short:: hurts

    Pher -> :: Waiting briefly for Sal's blanket ::

    Pher -> Everything?

    Dash_Andrews -> @::All:: Cheap Inertial Stabs... not a surprise... ::hangs a right::

    Pher -> Can you drink?

    rosetto -> ::walks over with blanket::Here ya go...

    STSF_Nickles -> ::: teeth chattering , slight nod::

    Joe Manning -> @::Dash:: And I'll bet you took driving lessons the same time you were doing Shakespeare.

    Pher -> :: Accepts blanket, throws it on top of the other coverings ::

    Pher -> Water next, Sal? His sodium levels are way up.

    Dash_Andrews -> @::Joe:: That's a fair assumption... ::looks ahead:: I can see the hotel now::

    Dash_Andrews -> <<-::>>

    STSF_Nickles -> ::shaking violently::

    rosetto -> ::plops down on the other bed::

    T'Aral -> <<AFK 5 min >>

    Joe Manning -> @::Dash:: The place's got a well concealed back door. That's why Pher likes it. Swing us around.

    rosetto -> Okay, where? ::looks for a sink::

    Dash_Andrews -> @::NAV> In 50 yards turn left

    Shane -> @::hangs onto the door the speeder turns again::

    Pher -> :: Slips on the bed, sitting next to Nickles ::

    Dash_Andrews -> @Sorry hunny... ::turns right to go behind::

    Pher -> Never trust a baldy, Chris. You know they're no good.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::looks to Pher eyes pleading for help::

    Pher -> :: Looks him over, judging what sort of help he needs most. ::

    Dash_Andrews -> @::Pulls in to a unloading and receiving area for kitchen supplies behind the hotel::

    Joe Manning -> @::Shane:: I'm not comfortable leaving the boy scout in the trunk ...

    Pher -> Doc is coming. Should be here soon.

    rosetto -> ::gets up and begins to look around. finds bathroom and a glass on the sink::

    Joe Manning -> @::Shane:: Grab him and we'll bring him up to Pher's room. She can look after him.

    Dash_Andrews -> @::Shane:: Might wanna wrap him up or something...

    STSF_Nickles -> :: breathing short rapid breaths, still shaking violently::hhhuurts

    Shane -> @We can't dump him here. I'll take to another place.

    rosetto -> ::looks at it and thinks 'not bad' and fills it with water::

    Joe Manning -> @::Shane:: We're not gonna kill the poor boy, Shane.

    Pher -> :: Lays down beside him, doing a general massage... not looking to arouse but trying to see if she can distract from the pain. ::

    Dash_Andrews -> @::Joe:: Can you walk? ::pulls out his cane from the speeder:: Or would you like to borrow this?

    Shane -> @::raises an eyebrow at Joe, to Dash:: Doc, you have one of the hypos left?

    rosetto -> ::returns with water and hands it acrefully to Pher:: Anything else?

    Joe Manning -> @::Dash:: And what'll you walk on? I've got you and T'aral to lean on, and the kid's got Shane.

    Joe Manning -> @If anyone asks, we're on Guardian business and they can mind their own.

    Dash_Andrews -> @::Fishes around in his jacket pockets:: Yea... I believe

    STSF_Nickles -> :: closes eyes, still shaking::

    rosetto -> ^carefully

    Dash_Andrews -> @::Joe:: I'm more resourceful than you think Boss...

    Pher -> You have a bad OD. Deltan dust and other stuff.

    Dash_Andrews -> @::All:: Let's move bring the kid I'll give him a shot later... I need to get to Nickles

    Pher -> Doc is on the way.

    T'Aral -> <<Back>>

    Dash_Andrews -> @::moves on ahead::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: opens his eyes again looking to Pher and gives a alf nod:

    Joe Manning -> @::Pulls himself out of the speeder::

    T'Aral -> @::Assists Joe moving upstairs. ::

    Shane -> @::climbs out of the speeder and opens the trunk to grab the kid::

    rosetto -> ::Nudges her::Pher? The water?

    Pher -> What was she asking?

    Pher -> :: Pulls Nickles up so he can drink ::

    Dash_Andrews -> @+Pher+ What's the room number Precious? I'm on my way up...

    Pher -> :: Nods to Rosetto to give him the water ::

    Pher -> +Dash+ 431

    Joe Manning -> @::Groans to himself, looks at T'aral:: Damn. I think I mighta really hurt myself in that brawl.

    rosetto -> ::brings it to his lips to let him drink::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: is pulled into a sitting postition shaking so hard the water sloshes everywhere when he touches the glass::

    Shane -> @::roughly heaves the kid onto his shoulder and steps in behind Joe and T'aral::

    Pher -> Troy? Could you open the door?

    T'Aral -> @ You really should be more careful, sir.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Moves to the elevator as 4 flights + cane= too long::

    Mitar Precip -> (enters peanut gallery cursing that he is late for the show)

    Sakir -> @Guardian> ::Groans from the movement.::

    rosetto -> Careful there Nick...

    Troy Parson -> ::moves over to the door, watching through the peephole::

    Joe Manning -> @I've had more results with reckless.

    Dash_Andrews -> @::All:: This way this way ::holding 'vator doors open::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: trys to drink but shaking to badly only gets a few drops::

    Joe Manning -> @Besides, there ain't nothin careful about breaking into the Guardians' hospital.

    Shane -> @::Joe and T'aral:: The kid is waking up, lets get to the room fast::

    Pher -> Sal? Might want to try that again.

    Dash_Andrews -> @::watching for kitchen/hotel staff::

    rosetto -> Boy, we're gonna have to get him hydrated... I'll try.

    Pher -> :: Rearranges things so he might be steadier next time around ::

    T'Aral -> @:: Moves Joe into elevator. ::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::allows rosetto to hold the glass and manages to get a few gulps before starts choaking::

    Shane -> @::the elevator gets uncomfortable smaller as he steps in with his load::

    rosetto -> Here, Nick. Put your hand on the cglass...

    Pher -> Easy... Easy....

    STSF_Nickles -> ::cough cough::

    Dash_Andrews -> @::Vator:: Level 4

    rosetto -> ::backs off with the water::

    Pher -> :: holds him ::

    Troy Parson -> ::hears Nickles cough:: Oi! Don't drown him!

    Joe Manning -> @I think the whole crew will be up in Pher's room now. Gettin' Nickles back is a weight off.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::still shaking terribly not able to unclinch fists::

    Troy Parson -> ::still watching for the others through the hotel room door's peephole.::

    Pher -> He needs the water. He might be better off with an IV.

    Dash_Andrews -> @::Exits the lift and moves as quick as he can down the hall spying door numbers::

    Joe Manning -> @Depending on the condition he's in, I'm not sure what kind of help we'll be able to get on this break-in. We got to take care of him.

    rosetto -> I'm sure the Doc has a Hypospray...

    Shane -> @::follows Dash, looking up and down the halls warily::

    Pher -> Yah. But we might have to grab some stuff we have in storage.

    Dash_Andrews -> @::Stops at 431 and beats on the door as he looks back toward the others::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: turns head away from the glass:: cant.... ::coughs::

    T'Aral -> @:: Moves Joe steadily behind Dash. ::

    Troy Parson -> ::opens the door, standing to the side so that the others can enter:: Finally.

    Pher -> :: Looks back at the knock on the door ::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::drops his @ as the door opens::

    rosetto -> <<no ringer lactate handy?>>

    Joe Manning -> ::Troy:: We were derailed by one of the local law enforcers.

    Pher -> Doc?

    Dash_Andrews -> ::moves past troy to Nickles:: ::Pher:: What can you tell me?

    Troy Parson -> Aren't we always.

    Shane -> ::enters the room behind the others with the Guardian on his shoulders::

    T'Aral -> :: Moves Joe into a quiet corner of the room. ::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::highly overdosed with Deltan Pheremones, High doses of counteracting drugs, extremely high level of sodium::

    rosetto -> ::steps out of the Doc's way::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Pulls his scanner out and sits on the bed next to Nickles leaning his cane against the nightstand::

    Pher -> High sodium. High pain levels. Delta Pheromones plus other stuf. Dehydrated.

    rosetto -> T'Aral>Is Joe okay? There's another bed there.

    Pher -> :: Leans back out of the Doc's way ::

    Joe Manning -> ::Pushes back in T'aral's direction, toward the room where Pher's checking on Nickles:: I want to see how Chris is doing.

    Sakir -> Guardian> ::Mummbles random noises still groaning and still quite unconcious.::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Nickles:: Hey... Can you here me Nickles? ::snaps fingers in front of his eyes::

    Troy Parson -> ::closes the door once everyone is in side

    Shane -> ::steps into the restroom and dumps the kid into the bathroom::

    Joe Manning -> ::Rosetto:: Don't worry, Sal. The wounds were sustained in the line of duty.

    STSF_Nickles -> :: laying flat on the bed shaking and shivering breathing rapid and shallow:: Doc... hurts..

    Shane -> bathtub*

    T'Aral -> :: Lets Joe go ... curls up into a quiet corner, drawing out her tricorder and the Guardian communicator. ::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::still scanning:: I know... I'm here now... I need you to calm yourself before I can help though... take some deep breaths Chris

    Shane -> ::grabs a towel and begins to tear it into strips for bindings::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Pher:: Can you find an emergency med kit... should be atleast one somwhere in the hallway

    Joe Manning -> ::Hobbles toward Nickles and looks him over:: He looks a lot worse off than I thought ... ::Looks at pher::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::theet chattering.. Ccannt... tryed..

    rosetto -> ::looks at Shane's actions::Hope you paid a deposit, Pher...

    Pher -> :: Stays in Chris's sight line, but out of the Doc's way ::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Joe:: Boss I can't give him a sedative with his heart rate like this... It's liable to put him too far under...

    Shane -> ::hog ties the Guardian and stuffs a washrag gag into his mouth::

    Pher -> :: Gets up, moving quickly, starts towards the stair / elevator station... most likey to have the emergency kit. ::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Joe:: With a fever like this we need to get his temperature down quick.

    Sakir -> ((Dont forget the duct tape on the mouth so when I wake up I dont spit it out and start screaming.))

    Joe Manning -> ::Dash:: So unless Pher can do something with him ... we'll need to get him to a care facility.

    Shane -> <<I stuffed it in there pretty good hehe >>

    STSF_Nickles -> Pphheerrrr

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Joe:: Not necessarily... Basically what I'm saying is. It's like a drug addict... sometimes they just have to quit cold turkey and ride it out

    rosetto -> ::looks around and then helps Shane by stuffing the gurad's mouth with spare towel pieces::

    Sakir -> <<Still I can cough it up Haha!>>

    Joe Manning -> ::Dash:: I'm not sure Pher agrees with you ...

    Shane -> <<We have other ways of silencing you...>>

    Joe Manning -> ::Pher:: Didn't you say something about easing him down gently?

    Sakir -> <<Oh snap! Haha!>>

    rosetto -> <<pulls out the GIRLY GUN>>

    Pher -> :: hopefully finding the emergency kit, and running back to her room ::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Joe:: Well she would know the effects better I agree... But right now all I can do is treat his fever... and get it to break.

    Shane -> ::to Sal:: That'll do.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Joe:: I would not suggest giving him any more drugs at the moment... he's got enough stress on his system

    Joe Manning -> Well, a good old fashioned ice water bath could get his temperature down. ... among other things. ::Rubs his forhead::

    rosetto -> Kewl...

    Shane -> ::steps out of the restroom and leans against the wall beside, folding his arms and watching the whole ordeal with Nickles::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::breathing rapidlly:: stiffens up the totally relaxes going un conscious once again:: breathing shallow heart rate 5 times normal::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Joe:: Exactly what I was thinking...

    rosetto -> Who is he, anyway?

    Dash_Andrews -> Hold on... I'm losing him...

    Pher -> :: comes back into the room with the kit :: Doc?

    Troy Parson -> ::doing the same as Shane, but near enough to the door that he could still slip away, if he should change his mind::

    Joe Manning -> ::Glances toward Troy and Shane:: Better get some cold water started in the bath

    Shane -> ::answers Sal without taking his eyes off Nickles situation:: A liabilty now.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Grabs the kit and fishes around for a mild sedative:: I didn't want to do this but we need his heart to slow down

    rosetto -> ::sighs::Well, let's move the dummy

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Pushes it in to his hypo and presses it to Chris' Neck::

    Shane -> ::glances at Troy and steps to the bathtub again::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Basically the equivalent dosage of chewing an aspirin::

    Joe Manning -> ::Pher:: What can you tell me? What happened?

    Shane -> ::easily picks up the unconcious man with his bionic and moves to the closet::

    Troy Parson -> ::slips into the bathroom, turning the cold tap::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Nickles:: come on man... come back to us

    Pher -> Smaller doses, sexual relief would help bring him down, but... I don't think that' would go at this point. It's a medical problem at the moment.

    rosetto -> ::follows Shane and opens closet::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: heart rate slows somewhat as does his breathing even more:: Breaths 10 per minute... heart rate down to 120::

    Shane -> ::tosses the guardian into the closet::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Pher/Joe:: The problem is the same as any spice junky from here to Romulus... he needs to Detox

    rosetto -> ::closes door quickly::

    Pher -> Yep...

    Sakir -> Guardian> ::Thumps on the floor and groans, slowly waking up but still unconcious.::

    Joe Manning -> ::Dash:: And once you take care of the immediate complications ... ::Looks at Pher:: Just cutting him off wouldn't be dangerous?

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Checking vitals again::

    rosetto -> ::slaps his hands together in success::

    Shane -> ::goes back to his pose, leaning against the closet door now::

    Pher -> I don't know. He is in overdose mode, I think, not withdrawal.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Joe:: To be honest... aside from keeping him hydrated, and mildly sedated... it's going to be up to Chris whether he can kick this thing or not

    Troy Parson -> ::turns off the tap and steps back into the room:: Cold bath is ready.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::rates start to come back to a normal but starts shaking all over again::

    Pher -> Once he gets to withdrawal I might help, but that might be a day or three.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Pher:: which reminds me... we need to find a way to rig up an IV

    Joe Manning -> ::Dash:: Well, that part is easy. Chris is tough, he'll keep fighting.

    Pher -> Right now... Control temperature, hydration and metabolism.

    rosetto -> ::makes his way over to the desk and sits down::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Shane:: How's that Cold Bath coming

    Pher -> We have your supplies in storage.

    Shane -> ::nods to Troy:: He's got it ready.

    rosetto -> It's Ready Doc..

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Pher:: How far?

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Shane/Rosetto:: Help me get him to the water then

    Pher -> Right next to the spaceport. Just under two klicks?

    Shane -> ::gets off the wall and moves to the side of the bed::

    rosetto -> ::gets back up and helps carry Nickles into bathroom::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Pher:: Well until then can you find me a bottle of water a tube a couple of clamps and a needle... ::pauses:: Yea... hmm... maybe we should just get the supplies

    Pher -> You guys have a vehicle?

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Grabs his cane and follows Shane and Rosetto with Nickles to the bathroom::

    Joe Manning -> ::Grabs his chin and sighs:: ::Dash:: How long do you think you'll need to get him stable? Our window's closing on the medical facility.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Joe...shouting back:: If this can break his temp then I just need an IV and someone to stay with him

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods at Pher:: We're planning to take it to Medical One ...

    Shane -> ::lets Sal set his legs in the water, then sets his torso in, keep his head out::

    rosetto -> Shane>Okay, you got his torso, I'll drop his legs in...

    Pher -> I might do the staying with.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Moves close to Nickles and rips his shirt open and pulls it off him::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Shane/Ro

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Shane/Rosetto:: Alright... gently fellas

    Joe Manning -> ::Pher:: You'll also need to keep an eye on him ::Nods toward the closet::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Chris:: This won't be pleasant

    Joe Manning -> If he gets in touch with his superiors, our little disguise'll be blown.

    Pher -> You collecting guardians again?

    rosetto -> ::gets out of the way now that NIckles is submerged::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: as his turso hit the water his eyes Spring open in shock mode and the shaking triples< still not really conscious::

    Joe Manning -> Hell, I'm dressing like'em now.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Shane:: Hold him... he could hurt himself

    Shane -> ::pulls his arms out of the water and steps back, grabbing a towel to wipe off his bionic::

    Pher -> :: examines the guardian ::

    Pher -> :: Double checks the bindings ::

    Shane -> ::moves back in and places his hand on Nickles shoulders, firmly holding him down::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Grabs the hypo from his pocket and steps the dose up once more to ease his convulsions::

    Pher -> :: Glances over to check that her baggage is still there... ::

    Sakir -> Guardian> ::Mumbles some unrecognizable sounds because of the gag, slowly waking up but not aware.::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: lets out an involuntary scream::

    Joe Manning -> PAUSE SIM


    Joe Manning -> Ok, between sims, would enough time for someone to pick up the supplies be good?

    Shane -> I can help with a log for the supply run.

    Joe Manning -> Okay. Who else wants to go on the supply run?

    Joe Manning -> Well, Shane will need someone who knows where the supplies are

    Pher -> Pher would provide keys and coordinates.

    T'Aral -> Or perhaps I could.

    Joe Manning -> There's room for four. :mellow:

    Joe Manning -> Whoever wants to tag along, get in touch for a log

    Shane -> So whose doing the supply run?

    Dash_Andrews -> You and T'aral... maybe you could talk Troy in to it...

    Troy Parson -> But failing that, I guess I could go for supplies :)


    Dash_Andrews -> pher and I could do a log based on the guy in the closet and Nick's condition

    Dash_Andrews -> sorry don't mean to volunteer you Pher lol

    Pher -> Hmm... COuld do. Joe might also be in the hotel room during the run.

    Dash_Andrews -> yea I need to fix on him a bit too

    Joe Manning -> That I will. I can certainly join in if you'd welcome me

  3. Lawman Sergeant Xavier Benton was having a great deal of difficulty getting into his uniform. The bruised face was just a nuisance, but the two fractured ribs were making any movement painful. At 70 years of age, he couldn't bounce back from a brawl the way he once could. He glanced out the front window of the storage depot office; the riot at the bridge was still in full swing. The remaining Guardians were too busy trying to restore order (more accurately, defend themselves) to notice their three missing comrades.


    He looked down at Lawman Doctor Orson Audrey, already in uniform, who was ensuring that the unconscious men and woman on the floor remained sedate. Lawman Nurse T'roh was standing beside him, busily tapping at her tricorder, searching the streets around the depot for a useable vehicle. The man with the bionic arm was ensuring that no one was approaching the office; he looked a touch out of place among a uniformed crowd.


    "Bein' a Guardian feels ... itchy," Joe/Xavier said. "Just like I always figured. Bit tight around the waist too."


    Dash/Dr. Audrey pointed to the badge on his chest. "The best part is they come with these nifty patches."


    Joe looked down at the badge in his hand -- the bull's head in a star, a traditional symbol for justice; he always wished that the group behind the badge was a touch more scrupulous. He affixed the badge to the black jacket as he hobbled back to the rest of his 'squad.' With the uniform and the ID's procured by Pher, they had a good shot at getting past a Guardian security checkpoint. Now they would just need to secure transportation.


    "Anything promising?" he asked T'aral/T'roh.


    "There is a great deal that is 'promising', depending on how selective you are." The Vulcan looked about intently. "The only question is, how do you wish to proceed? There are a number of Guardian vehicles approaching, along with a few emergency transports. Because you are injured we can indicate just cause to appropriate any of them, although that may result in our being accompanied - which may not be desirable.


    "An alternative would be to appropriate a civilian vehicle. Most law enforcement codes include provisions for commandeering property in times of need - your injuries make that possible, although with the presence of so many Guardian vehicles that may actually draw more attention to us than simply acquiring a civil vehicle.


    "The choice is yours, sir - but given the option, I believe taking a Guardian transport would be the best choice." T'aral looked out from the alleyway to scan the situation. "There are several acceptable units available - I recommend a smaller semi-aerial. There are 2x2 seat units available, and they are easy to access." Several units were compliantly arriving, dropping off Guardians to form a blockade to stem the tide of aroused locals and off-worlders.


    Joe's ODRI beeped with an incoming call from Pher. "Hang on, I got to take this."


    While Joe stepped aside to hear Pher's report, Dash and T'aral dragged the unconscious Guardians into the office's small storage room. The sedatives Dash administered would last until at least sunrise. It was likely that their failure to report in would lead to a search, but the chaos at the port bridge would cause a substantial delay. The Lawmen could bring down legal trouble later -- they could identify Joe or Shane as their assailants -- but Joe hoped that the Minos situation would be resolved by then.


    Joe rejoined the group after his conversation with Pher. "There's good news and bad news. The good news is that our First Mate was found and rescued, thanks in no small part to your help in putting Pher on his trail." He nodded to Shane. "The bad news is that he's been heavily saturated with drugs -and- Deltan pheromones. Dash, you're gonna have to take a look at him. Soon as we grab the vehicle, we'll meet up with Pher's group at her hotel."


    Dash eyed Joe a moment and knew that he was in pain. He wasn't getting any younger and the tough guy routine was going to begin to weigh on his system harder than he may imagine. His mind snapped back to Nickles. "If he's as pumped full of pheremones as I imagine the detox may take some time. The best we can do for him now would be to get him some place he can rest. It may also be wise to keep any plans we might have... um... to ourselves for the time being. Deltan pheremones are good for several things. One thing in particular, is gathering information..."


    Shane looked back from the shaded window where he had been keeping watch, "Well, I agree with T'aral. A Guardian speeder would work the best." He peered back out through the glass as he continued, "Like the one that just landed down the street. The guys flying it left in hurry towards the riot. Now how are yall planing on grabbing this thing? Walk up and take it?"


    Joe nodded. "T'aral's right. Long as we're uniformed and I'm in this condition, nobody should question it. Shane, you'd be the odd man out. It'd be best if you headed a few blocks away and got yourself out of sight. We'll pick you up when we've got the aerial." He looked at Dash. "Remember, if anyone asks, you're Doctor Orson Audrey, and you just arrived on the scene with Nurse T'roh to help the wounded. If anyone insists on catching a ride with us, let them. We'll deal with it later."

  4. All four interrogation rooms at the Guardians' Central Tranquility Precinct were occupied. In all of them, recently arrested Rainmaker agents were being squeezed for information. The Guardians had learned a thing or two about the Rainmakers' operating procedures. Arrested agents, even cell leaders, were only aware of attacks that would be taking place within the next one or two hours. As near as the Guardians could tell, either the attacks had not been planned any farther in advance or the agents were simply not being informed of the details until the last minute. It was making critical intelligence difficult to gather, but not impossible.


    The attack on the Systems Enterprises building had caught them completely by surprise. The attempt to plant a radioactive explosive in Freedom District was not so successful. In fact, the Guardians had already been aware of a plan to attack Freedom District hours before Minos made his public announcement; details extracted from suspects allowed them to intercept the bomb en route. Other Rainmakers grabbed while attempting to move about the city gave up details of the attack on Sunrise District; the full impact of that attack had been averted. Now Lawmen were combing the Traveler District based on on indications that its hotels would soon be targeted.


    The Guardians were confident; their information network was proving highly effective, and with each arrest made the Rainmakers' manpower was dwindling. Eventually, someone would have to give up the location or identity of Minos.


    For all this recent success, something about the suspect in interrogation room B was troubling Constable La'nok. He was the young human, no older than eighteen, who had been driving the vehicle that was intercepted en route to Freedom District. The Guardians could find no records of him in any Bull's Head databases; he was likely picked up by the Rainmakers from one of the fringe worlds outside the Hyades cluster, possibly at an even younger age. He had been resisting through two hours of interrogation -- remarkable for one so young -- refusing to give up any information about either his Rainmaker contacts or plans of future attacks.


    But there was something behind that steady veneer of calm and confidence, maintained despite the physical duress that the Guardians' best interrogators were inflicting on him. Marshall Savoy, La'nok recalled, had mentioned something similar about this boy. She had described it as 'indoctrination,' the boy's pathological commitment to Minos' cultist creed. But for two hours, the boy had said absolutely nothing, not even an affirmation of his cult's supposed righteousness. La'nok suspected that this boy knew something, something he was willing to endure two hours of abuse to keep secret.


    Could this boy know something about Minos, La'nok wondered?


    The Vulcan signaled to the guard to open the door to the interrogation room. Though he himself felt physically and mentally drained after performing some half dozen mind melds on Rainmaker suspects, he believed that another would be worth the exertion in this case ...

  5. The lift made its whiny, rickety descent through the maintenance underlevels before coming to a stop beneath the platform's lower surface. Redera slid open the access grate and dropped down to the planet's surface ten feet below, not bothering to use the ladder. The planet's soft topsoil gave under her step only slightly as she sought out a private spot.


    The tents of the city's decrepit surface dwellers were gathered in bunches around perpetual campfires; none of the light -- golden or azure -- of Tranquility's twin suns ever reached the bleak depths under the platforms. Cloaked figures were huddled around the campfires tending to whatever was available for a late dinner; the six-legged rodents and thick topsoil worms native to the planet were nutritious enough fare if not palatable. A few of them cast a quick look at the Deltan in the tight leather, but paid no lasting attention; people down here knew enough to mind their own business.


    Redera found refuge under a lean-to constructed against one of the platform's support pillars. Ensuring that no one could see or hear her, she tapped her ODRI and began composing a message. As she spoke, the ODRI broke her voice into dozens of data fragments and relayed them to a like number of comm beacons spread throughout the city. "Finished the interrogation of Nickles. His crew has recovered him, alive and in need of treatment which the Orion will supply. The required information was secured -- Qob will serve our needs well. Depending on how far the Orion goes, we should have the means to control the ship. The tricky part will be gaining access to the landing platform."


    There was a delay of several seconds as the fragments bounced around dozens more comm relays hundreds of times. One of those relays, the destination of the message, combined the fragments back into Redera's voice. When the message was received, the process repeated as a response was relayed. A voice which was heavily software-processed emerged from the ODRI. "I will work on gaining port access. Rioting has already begun in the Port District. If the situation is excited further, we may have the distraction we require. There is a separate matter which I need you to address."


    "I thought my only job was getting you a ship out of here?"


    "Yes. However, this is a matter of some urgency, and the Guardian arrests are causing me a personnel shortage. You are my best remaining agent, and you have always proven remarkably elusive."


    "It's not going to be that way for long," Redera said. "The Qob crew might already have reported Nickles' kidnapping. And the Guardians are going to find out that my right-of-passage agreement was a forgery as soon as they check with the Taurus Brothers."


    "Let me worry about the Taurus Brothers. Stand by. Orders to follow ...


    "Computer databanks recovered from the Systems Enterprises building suggest the presence of a cache of intelligence which has not been shared with the Guardians. This intelligence could comprimise our operations severely. The location of this cache has not been determined; however the private address of Jerald LaHaye was discovered. Transmitting this information to you now. You are to search LaHaye's residence for either the cache itself or information as to its whereabouts."


    Redera looked over the incoming information. "A condo in the Sunrise District? This could take time. Those places are high security. And LaHaye has three roommates."


    "Both complications have already been addressed -- platform H-7 is being evacuated. Avoid the platform's bridges. You will make an entrance from the surface using the indicated maintenance lift. Ensure that you are wearing a tightly sealed biohazard suit."

  6. Joe Manning -> BEGIN SIM

    Joe Manning -> ::Back at the Maze with his group::

    Dash_Andrews -> :: with the Captain and the others...::

    Dash_Andrews -> <<welcome Troy>>

    STSF_Nickles -> <<Just getting started Troy>>

    Pher -> :: Slides in with the others. Slides a small package quietly to Captain Joe. ::

    Troy Parson -> <<Alright>>

    rosetto -> ::following Shane. Outside of Hotel::

    Shane -> ::arriving back at the Maze from the hotel::

    Joe Manning -> ::Grabs the small container of ID's and nods to Pher:: Shane and Sal are on their

    way here

    Joe Manning -> And there they are ...

    Dash_Andrews -> ::"eyeing" the new guys for the first time::

    Pher -> :: Settles down in a corner so she can listen while still keeping an eye out for threats


    Joe Manning -> Did you two find anything?

    Troy Parson -> ::spares a lazy glance for the new crew members::

    Shane -> ::enters thru the doorway with his arm hissing and whiring:: We found the Deltan's


    rosetto -> Yes, Captain. As a matter of fact, we did...

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Remembers the skinny wily looking one... but the brute is a new face::

    Pher -> :: raises an eyebrow ::

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Shane:: But not the Deltan ...? Or Nickles?

    rosetto -> ::pulls out the slip of paper::Doc, What do you make of this?

    Shane -> ::shakes his head to the captain::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::takes the paper:: Oh I'm fine thanks... nice to meet you too... and all that...

    ::looks at it::

    Pher -> :: Settles back, hoping vaguely for a coherent briefing. ::

    Shane -> All we found was a reciept for some chemicals. The deltan forced the manager to let her

    stay there.

    Pher -> :: Smiles at Dash ::

    Joe Manning -> ::Raises an eyebrow at Shane:: 'Forced?'

    Dash_Andrews -> ::hands it back:: Looks like a Klingon cooking recipe...

    rosetto -> Pixie-dust

    Shane -> With her pheremone crap and all.

    STSF_Nickles -> <<welcome Precip>>

    Pher -> Hey....

    Dash_Andrews -> Like Never Never Land pixie's or?

    Mitar Precip -> (takes a seat in the peanut gallery)

    Mitar Precip -> (gonna have to leave a bit during the show ..drat)

    Joe Manning -> Why would she force anyone to let her stay at a hotel? Was she really that broke ...

    Joe Manning -> ::Shane:: Any indications at all of where she might be now?

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Joe:: Guess she was working cash on delivery

    Shane -> ::just glances at Pher and continues:: It was a Klingons only brothel. The chemicals were

    supposed to be delivered...::looks to Sal::

    Troy Parson -> ::listening, thinking::

    rosetto -> ::Joe::We had the klingon translate the message on the back. Delivery was to the

    Walking Bridge two nights ago...

    Joe Manning -> Chemicals. Staying at a Klingon only place. ::Looks at Pher:: Your suspicions might

    have had some substance to them, Pher.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Joe:: She's smart though, picking Klingons to lure in. They're animalistic to

    say the least... She's probably got them eating out of her hands...

    Pher -> She'll be laying low. Hidy hole somewhere. Which chemicals?

    Joe Manning -> ::Dash:: Might even have one or two with her, wherever she is.

    Joe Manning -> ::Takes the slip of paper from Sal and looks it over::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::sighs heavy... if there was one thing he knew... klingons were trouble...

    especially when women were involved::

    Joe Manning -> ::Shakes head:: These are typical drugs used in medical treatment. This one

    stimulates neural activity ... this one is used to lower heart rate.

    Pher -> :: Considers the location of the Walking Bridge....

    Shane -> Counteracting pheremones?

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Raises an eybrow above the visorline::

    Joe Manning -> The dosages that are listed, though ... definitely don't meet recommendations.

    rosetto -> ::considers Shane's comments thoughtfully::hmmmm

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Shane, then at Pher::

    Dash_Andrews -> Can be used to keep a man alive during persuasive interrogation procedures


    Pher -> Umm... Would they have interrogation uses? Cross effects with Deltan Pheromones?

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Grins at Pher and her quick thinking::

    Pher -> I note there have been no contacts? No interrogations?

    Pher -> :: Knows a few things about Pheromones... ::

    Joe Manning -> ::Pher:: This receipt mentions a Klingon clinic in the Unspeakable District. They

    delivered the drugs ...

    Joe Manning -> Do you think they might know something about her? Or do you think checking out this

    bridge would be better?

    T'Aral -> << Sorry ... Phone call >>

    rosetto -> <<::smiles... we're all here!::>>

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Joe:: Maybe we're breaking in to the wrong Hospital...

    Pher -> The Tourist board is really going to have to do something about renaming the various

    sections of the city...

    Shane -> ::to Dash:: Breaking in?

    rosetto -> ::Dash:;Hospital?

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks back at Dash quickly:: Doc ...

    Joe Manning -> ::Shane and Rosetto:: Nothing that concerns you, gentlemen ...

    Dash_Andrews -> Just a manner of speaking... ::shrugs it off::

    Mitar Precip -> (Unspeakable District..awesome neighborhood name!)

    Joe Manning -> In fact, you've both done quite well.

    rosetto -> ::sighs. just wanted to take a break::

    Shane -> ::simply raises an eyebrow and continues to listen::

    Pher -> The bridge would just be a rondezvous point. I'd guess a hidy hole not too too far from

    the bridge.

    Joe Manning -> If we get Chris back ... we may be willing to pay you for your services. For your

    continues services if you're willing to help track him down.

    Joe Manning -> ::Pher:: And if she's close to the Bridge ... there might be pheromones nearby?

    Pher -> I've already got Audrey sniffing for Delta Dust. No hits yet.

    Dash_Andrews -> Has everyone been given the updated detection algorythms from Pher for your ODRIs?

    Pher -> But wandering about wouldn't hurt.

    rosetto -> Sir, I think I have jumped onboard, so to speak... I'm in...

    Shane -> ::Joe:: Standard wages if I stay on?

    Pher -> :: Looks about for requests for apps... ::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Shane:: Three hots and a cot if you're lucky too

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods at Shane:: We'll pay you as if you're crew ... though that's still to be


    Shane -> ::nods:: What are doing next?

    Shane -> are we*

    rosetto -> ::listens and watches the others::

    Joe Manning -> ::Strokes his chin briefly, looking at Shane:: I want you with me ...

    Joe Manning -> ::Troy:: Parson, hook up with Pher and Rosetto.

    Joe Manning -> ::Pher:: I want you three to check out this bridge.

    Pher -> And environment, I would assume.

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods:: At your full discretion.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::giggles a bit... Pher... discretion... ::

    Shane -> ::glances at Dash's laugh with his stony gaze::

    rosetto -> ::looks at Doc with a quick head jerk... shakes it off::

    Troy Parson -> ::snuffs out his cigar:: Well, it beats sitting here.

    Pher -> Rosetto? Is your hotel nearby?

    rosetto -> Yes... just over the Bridge...

    Dash_Andrews -> So what about me Cap?

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Shane:: That arm of yours might come in handy for what I have in mind

    Shane -> And what would that be Captain?

    Joe Manning -> ::Dash:: If what I'm thinking goes according to plan, you should be able to stay out

    of harm's way. For now, at least.

    Pher -> Let's swing by and have you pick up your own gun while we're here?

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods to them and heads out of The Maze::

    Troy Parson -> Ugh, are guns really necessary for this?

    Pher -> Guys. Need to know. The captain is trying to be sneaky.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Though he's happy he won't be getting shot... he suddenly feels left out.::

    rosetto -> ::nods::Okay, I must say it's not walking distance... We'll have to flag a cab.

    Pher -> Hope not. I'd rather have them and not need them, though, than the other way around.

    Pher -> I thought it was just over the bridge?

    Shane -> ::turns and follows the captain, grabbing his coat and hat on the way out::

    Joe Manning -> ::Shane:: We're in need of some ... special assets.

    Joe Manning -> Namely, three Guardian uniforms. And a vehicle. Preferably one that would pass as a

    Guardian vehicle. Not a cab.

    Dash_Andrews -> Not everyone likes to jaunt 15 kilometers if they don't have to like you Pher

    rosetto -> ::smiles at Doc::What he said....

    Pher -> Forget it, then. Just don't loose my artillary piece.

    Shane -> ::puts his hat on as he walks:: Do you have a source for these assets or do we need to

    find a source?

    Pher -> Well, y'all do need to get in shape... but not tonight.

    Joe Manning -> We need to find one

    Pher -> :: consults with Audry briefly ::

    Joe Manning -> But I've got a good idea of where to look.

    Pher -> OK... Tallyho... With me, guys.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Waves a bartender over:: If you need anything... call the Gaurdians... if they

    don't pick up... I guess you can call me

    rosetto -> ::looks at his chest and protruding belly::

    Joe Manning -> The Guardians are maintaining a heavy presence at the port district. And according

    to our surveillance of Guardian transmissions ... lots of other people are gathering there.

    Pher -> :: Starts towards this walking bridge. ::

    Shane -> The most obvious place would be the actual Guardians.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Pher:: Good luck...

    rosetto -> ::follows Pher at a fast pace::

    Pher -> OK. I think our cover is that we are off world spacers confused and a big frightened by

    the bomb stuff.

    rosetto -> Parson>Hello, Parson, right? I'm Sal...

    Troy Parson -> ::following along with the other two:: Confused and frightened, got it.

    Shane -> Are the Guardians busy controlling the crowds? It would be easy to snatch a couple.

    Pher -> Does everyone know each other? :: Points at everyone, including herself, mentioning names


    rosetto -> No issues there, I am confused and a bit frightened...

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods at Shane:: We need to snatch three. And we can't have word of it getting out.

    Dash_Andrews -> << lol >>

    Pher -> Anyone have any questions I might possibly be able to answer?

    Joe Manning -> I hate to say it ... but I'm thinking that inciting a riot might be the way to go.

    rosetto -> Does anyone speak Klingon?

    Shane -> ::considers...and nods:: Have any explosives handy?

    Troy Parson -> Who cares? Just growl and spit a lot and they'll get your point.

    T'Aral -> :: Steps even further into the background ... ::

    Joe Manning -> ::Shane:: I generally don't keep explosives on me, Mr. Shane ...

    Pher -> Not my best language, but I can fake it.

    rosetto -> ::laughs::I'm gonna like you...

    Joe Manning -> Explosive words may do just as well, though.

    Pher -> :: checks the wind directions, such as it is under the semi-domes ::

    Shane -> ::a bit puzzled:: Words?

    Joe Manning -> Don't worry, I'll work the crowd. When we've got three marks picked out ... I'll

    let'em rough me up a bit. You'll have to swing in and take them out.

    Pher -> OK. I'm figuring the bridge was just a meeting place. I've no reason to believe anyone

    will still be there, but it's still our best lead so we cross that off first.

    rosetto -> ::receives a message on his PADD. puts it on mute::

    Pher -> Troy? You have your stuff with you?

    T'Aral -> :: Steps up slightly. :: Sir - you're not thinking of talking with a Klingon in that

    manner? They would probably be offended if you did so.

    Troy Parson -> ::checks his pockets:: Let's see...

    Troy Parson -> ::takes out a small metal flask:: Well, I've got this, at least.

    Troy Parson -> For everything else, there's improvisation.

    Pher -> OH... Big help.

    Shane -> ::nods again:: Simple enough. We need to try and get them out of sight when I take them::

    Pher -> If I give you Audrey, will you take care of her?

    Joe Manning -> +Com+ Dash, we're headed to the port district now. Finish your drink and catch up

    Troy Parson -> Who's Audrey, and what sort of "taking care" does she require?

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Sipping something that passes for Andorian Ale and reading a holo-news scroll on

    his ODRI at the Maze::

    Shane -> Perhaps you could run from them and lead them to me.

    Pher -> When she's scanning for pheromones, she might read better if she is well away from me.

    Joe Manning -> ::Shane, nodding up the street:: Let's go ... ::Starts hustling in the direction of

    the ports::

    Dash_Andrews -> +Joe+ On my way ::grumbles::

    Joe Manning -> ::Shane:: I know it sounds strange ... but getting myself bruised up a bit is part

    of the plan.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Stands setting the bill amount down with a tad extra and moving out in to the


    Pher -> Audrio is my ODRI.

    Troy Parson -> You named it?

    Pher -> :: unstraps her ODRI ::

    Pher -> Her.

    Shane -> ::jogs along side the Captain, keeping up with him surprisingly:: I've been in on this

    sort of plan before.

    Pher -> :: Hands Audrey to Troy :: Take good care.

    rosetto -> ::smiles at Pher's comments::

    Shane -> Although I've never played your role in it ::grins::

    Joe Manning -> ::Glances to the side at Shane::

    Joe Manning -> I can't stress enough, Mr. Shane ...

    Troy Parson -> I'll do my best to keep it...or "her", rather...in one piece.

    Joe Manning -> Three Guardians getting roughed up in the middle of a brawl is one thing ...

    Pher -> :: Looks first at Rosetto, then to Troy :: Thank you.

    Joe Manning -> But a dead Guardian would draw down far more heat that we need.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Hobbling along toward the mark at his best speed::

    Joe Manning -> *than we need

    rosetto -> (w) ::to Try::I thought my daughter had issues with her PADD... ::smiles::

    T'Aral -> Joe > Sir - have you considered accessing a supply closet?

    rosetto -> ^Troy*

    Shane -> ::the grins disappears as quickly as it came:: You too? You know that keeping 'em alive

    makes it harder.

    Joe Manning -> ::T'Aral:: We're trying to break into one Guardian facility ...

    Joe Manning -> Trying to break into another just to set it up would be redundant.

    Troy Parson -> ::looks over at Rosetto, somewhat surprised:: You've got a child?

    T'Aral -> Joe > Not precisely, sir. To get into one you need supplies from the other.

    rosetto -> Okay... This road here... It leads to the Bridge...

    Pher -> OK, let's slow down a bit. Two blocks up is our bridge. I guess we're looking for

    Klingons, Baldies or pheromones.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Takes a few short cuts thanks to his ODRI-Map to close the gap a bit::

    rosetto -> Troy>Yes. She's about 15 and a half Earth years old...

    Pher -> Not that I expect it will be that easy.

    T'Aral -> Additionally, I would suggest the first be far more discreet.

    Shane -> ::To Taral:: You and Doc Andrews planning on doing it by yourself? They know the Cap and


    rosetto -> Yes. The Klingon's all look alike to me...

    Troy Parson -> ::holding Audrey in his hand, not wanting to contaminate his wrist with something

    not made out of reptile and fine clockwork:: ::to Rosetto:: We don't get that many with children,

    in this line of work...

    Joe Manning -> ::Closing in on the port district, and sees the people gathered at the bridges::

    Joe Manning -> ::T'Aral:: We're already here now. And don't worry, we'll keep it discreet. For us,

    at least

    T'Aral -> :: Eyebrow ::

    rosetto -> There it is... That's the bridge we crossed...

    Pher -> :: Looking about, feeling half undressed without her gun or Audrey... but then again she's

    used to being half undressed... ::

    Joe Manning -> +Com+ Dash, we're here. Transmitting our location. I'm going to go on ahead. Shane

    will brief you on the plan.

    Troy Parson -> ::points Audrey at the bridge, to see what will happen::

    Dash_Andrews -> +Joe+ Understood...

    Shane -> ::searches thru the crowds as they close in, looking for Guardians grouped together::

    ::points:: Theres some,to the north.

    Dash_Andrews -> +Joe+ Oh and Captain... don't do anything Pher would do huh?

    rosetto -> <afk cookies... they are like clockwork, I swear>>

    Joe Manning -> ::Shane:: Once I get them started, you'll need to find a group of three I can move


    rosetto -> <<back>>

    STSF_Nickles -> Gardian>::standing gaurd at the bridge::

    Joe Manning -> T'Aral, I could use a second voice. With me. ::Nods and moves ahead::

    Shane -> ::points again:: There's some near the bridge.

    rosetto -> ::looks at the bridge and notices guard::(w)Pher... ::points::

    T'Aral -> :: Steps into line with Joe. ::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Turns a corner and sees the bridge in the distance::

    Pher -> << Nickles? I assume your guardian is at Joe's bridge, not mine? >>

    STSF_Nickles -> People>::near the bridge:: Look all we want is to get across. Thats all

    Dash_Andrews -> <<too many bridges>>

    rosetto -> <<a bridge too far>>

    Joe Manning -> ::T'Aral:: How good are you at putting on an act?

    Shane -> ::links his comm to Joe's and T'aral and then moves towards a nearby alleyway clogged with

    junl and trash::::

    Shane -> junk*

    STSF_Nickles -> <<joes Bridge>

    rosetto -> ::To Pher::He's fine... Shane and I walked past him with no trouble...

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Sees Shane moving toward him... Makes his way to him as well::

    Troy Parson -> ::sees a light flash on Audrey:: Hey, it's blinking at me.

    Pher -> She.

    STSF_Nickles -> Gardians> Our orders are no one cross at this time. Go back home you will be safe


    rosetto -> ::smiles::

    Troy Parson -> How do you know it's not male, anyway?

    Joe Manning -> ::Reaching the edge of the crowd::

    Pher -> That's a Deltan Pheromone hit. Follow the scent if you could, oh Science hound dog. ::

    smiles ::

    rosetto -> If I were your ODRI, I'd wanna be male... ::chuckles::

    Shane -> ::spots Dash and moves towards him:: The Cap and the Vulcan are going to start a riot

    STSF_Nickles -> People> with all of the bombings we want out. Let us cross...

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Shane:: You've got to be kidding me...

    Pher -> :: Troy :: Of course she's a she. I uploaded her voice synthesis package myself!

    Troy Parson -> Well, assuming more blinking means more scent...::waves Audrey around slowly:: We've

    got to go this way.

    Joe Manning -> ::T'Aral:: <q> Just play along with me. Back me up.

    Shane -> ::walks past him to the alleyway he just exited:: They'll lead some guardians to us.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Searches his long jacket's pockets for hypos::

    Troy Parson -> Well, if he's a he, then you've just given him a female voice, and he'll probably

    never live it down.

    T'Aral -> <Q> I shall try to comply.

    STSF_Nickles -> Gardian> Our orders say no , now go back.

    rosetto -> ::foolows Troys lead::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Makes his way to Shane after he finds a hypo::

    Joe Manning -> ::Yells over the crowd:: The last attack wasn't a bomb! They released a toxin in

    Sunrise District. Thousands of people were killed!

    Pher -> OK. I'm going to back off from you a bit, Troy. There is a difference between Deltan and

    Orion dust, but no sense in confusing Audrey.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Shane:: What? I'm not sure I get the idea... we're going to bring the law to us?

    Joe Manning -> ::Yells:: Who knows what it's going to be next! What if they poison the water


    STSF_Nickles -> Gardian> THAT IS NOT TRUE

    Troy Parson -> ::following Audrey's detection of the dust trail:: Let's see...over here...

    Shane -> ::picking his way thru the trash and finds and old doorway just beside the path:: Yep.

    Ambush 'em ::kicks the door in and steps just out of sight in it::

    T'Aral -> :: Steps to a gathered group. :: We must move beyond the bridge - we are vulnerable here.

    rosetto -> ::looks over shoulder::Isn't that on THIS side of the bridge?

    STSF_Nickles -> Gardian> YOU STOP!! Get him out of here He spreading lies!!

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Stops a moment in awe... perhaps half because of the man's strength and half

    because the captain has lost his mind::

    T'Aral -> The Guardians are protecting themselves. They care nothing for you.

    Joe Manning -> We've got to get off this planet and they're holding us prisoner!

    Pher -> :: As Troy is focused on the trail, she keeps an eye everywhere else. Are they being

    trailed? Any obvious sentries about? ::

    Joe Manning -> ::Trying to keep himself hidden in the crowd::

    Troy Parson -> ::shrugs:: The flashy bracelet leads; I only follow.

    Shane -> I suggest you get out of sight. I'll stop them and distract them after the Cap comes by

    us, then you knock 'em out ::points to the hypos::

    STSF_Nickles -> Gardian> ::leaves the bridge and starts for the negative voices::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: No one appears to be looking out for Pher's group

    STSF_Nickles -> People> What if hes telling the truth??

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Shrugs:: Whatever you say... ::moves inside behind Shane::

    Shane -> ::sends a signal to the Joe's ODRI to indicate their position::

    STSF_Nickles -> Gardian> They are lieing Remember we are here to keep you safe.

    T'Aral -> :: Quietly moving from group to group. :: The Guardians will sacrifice as many of us as

    needed to capture their enemies. We are being used as bait.

    Joe Manning -> People> ::Start shoving at the Guardians as they move through the crowd::

    rosetto -> Troy>I'm just saying that THAT ::points:: is th unspeakable district on the other


    Pher -> Follow the dust, guys.

    STSF_Nickles -> Gardians 3> push their way through the crod towards the negative voices::

    Joe Manning -> I say we take OUR port back! OUR ships back! They have no right to keep us off them!

    Pher -> :: They always do. Why change now? ::

    Shane -> ::over his shoulder:: Just be quick with those hypos, got it? The cops will be armed

    more'en likely.

    Troy Parson -> ::sees a warehouse ahead, in the direction of greatest flashiness:: Audrey seems to

    like that building, there.


    Joe Manning -> People> ::The harder the Guardians push, the harder they push::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::looks at shane a bit cross... thinking... LIke I've never used a hypo for

    less-than good before... please::

    rosetto -> ::nods::Seems so... Curious.....

    STSF_Nickles -> Gardian> No We are here yo keep you safe ::getting pushed:: No one crosses NO


    Pher -> OK. Let's find some cover, and take a slow look at the building.

    Joe Manning -> ::Gets close to one of the Guardians and swings a punch at him, hoping to incite the

    rest of the crowd::

    Troy Parson -> You do that.

    rosetto -> ::does his best 'secret agent' impression::

    Troy Parson -> ::walks straight up to the warehouse, taking a drink from his flask::

    Shane -> ::side thought:: Are you armed with anything other then needles?::

    Pher -> Troy? Are you good a spotting alarms and sensors with Audrey?

    Shane -> needles?*

    Pher -> :: sighs ::

    T'Aral -> :: New group :: We are being kept here because they can watch us here. They assume they

    will eventually capture the terrorists with no more than 'moderate' civilian casualties.

    Troy Parson -> ::shakes his head for a second...whatever is in the flask burns as it goes down::

    Joe Manning -> Klingon> ::Inside the warehouse, gets a proximity alarm on his ODRI::

    Troy Parson -> ::Pounds on the warehouse door and shouts drunkenly:: ANNA?! ARE YOU IN THERE?!

    Pher -> :: Maybe someday we'd work out something other than damn the photon torpedoes, full speed

    ahead. ::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Pules a disruptor... Klingon issue out from his side pocket::

    Joe Manning -> Klingon> ::Notifies Redera that someone is coming::

    STSF_Nickles -> People>:: a few see joes swing and begin swinging themselves:: LET US GO!! WE WANT

    TO Cross..::fighting breask out and 3 guards take after Joe seing him make the swing::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Shane:: you mean like this?

    Joe Manning -> +Com+ Shane, they're taking the bait. You see any promising groups?

    rosetto -> ::watches Troys ploy::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::checks to see if the old relic even works anymore::

    Pher -> Anna's house was MUCH smaller than this.

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::Looks down at Nickles, slumped over in his chair::

    Shane -> ::lokks back at the Klingon disruptor, raising an eyebrow on his stony expression:: You a

    doc or an exterminater?

    rosetto -> ::smiles and pokes Pher::

    Troy Parson -> ::slips Audrey into a pocket, keeps pounding on the door:: I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE!

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::Runs a hand along his jaw:: I think we're finished here.

    Pher -> Hey! :: slaps Rosetto ::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Shane:: In this town... You gotta be a little of both

    Troy Parson -> ::pound pound:: BABY, YOU KNOW YOU CAN'T HAVE HIM AND ME BOTH!

    Shane -> ::hears the com and runs to the edge of the alleyway, looking out over the crowd:: +Joe+

    There's a group coming from your left.

    STSF_Nickles -> Chris::moans slightly::

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::Glances in the direction of the yelling, then at the Klingon::

    Troy Parson -> ::takes another drink:: SO WHY DON'T YOU COME OUT AND TALK TO ME?! ::sob sob::

    Pher -> If her name is really Annie, she can probably handle more than you think.

    Joe Manning -> Klingon> ::Moves toward the doors::

    rosetto -> ::points to an open window::(w)Whaddaya think?

    Shane -> +Joe+ Two men and a woman. Two of 'em are armed.

    Troy Parson -> ::gestures to Pher and rosetto: scatter::

    Joe Manning -> +Com+ T'Aral, get back to Shane's position.

    Joe Manning -> ::Moves toward the edge of the crowd::

    Shane -> +Joe+ You've got their attention, so I guessthey'll do.

    STSF_Nickles -> Gardian 3 group moving toward Joe:: HEY YOU STOP!!

    T'Aral -> :: Moves back through the crowd, seeking Shane's hiding place. ::

    STSF_Nickles -> Gardian>::others getting pounded::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Shane:: Joe and I have dibs on the two guys costumes... can you fit a size 6?

    Joe Manning -> ::Grabs the knocked out Guardians' riot stick on the way::

    Shane -> +Joe+ Move towards and down our alley. We'll catch unawares.

    Joe Manning -> Klingon> ::Unlocks the warehouse doors and swings them open::

    Pher -> :: Stands near the door in a position she can't be targeted easily Assumes a hooker's

    pose. ::

    Pher -> Ugh. :: Doesn't think the Klingon is her type. ::

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at the Klingon, his eyes not quite focusing:: Hey, you're not Anna.

    ::drunkenly staggers into the warehouse:: Where is she?

    rosetto -> ::hiding behid shed::

    Shane -> ::moves quicky back to the hiding spot:: ::Dash:: They're on their way.

    Joe Manning -> ::Glances back at the Guardians and runs toward Shane's alleyway::

    Pher -> Troy. Wrong whorehouse.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Takes up a position opposite shane on the other side of the doorway::

    rosetto -> ::pulls out girlie gun just in case things go badly::

    Joe Manning -> Klingon> ::Troy:: You get out of here, Human! Or I will give you a Klingon face!

    Pher -> :: Steps forward as if to redirect Troy ::

    STSF_Nickles -> Gardians 3> ::chase joe ::

    Troy Parson -> ::slurring, looks at Pher:: No, I'm shhhure this is it... ::keeps staggering right

    past the Klingon, then looks up at the larger alien:: A Klingon face?

    Pher -> I am sorry sir. My compainion has had too much to drink.

    Joe Manning -> Klingon> ::Looks over at Pher and eyes her up and down::

    Joe Manning -> ::Stops and the entrance to the alleyway, turns toward the Guardians::

    T'Aral -> :: Steadily makes her way to the desired alley. ::

    Pher -> :: Hits another pose ::

    rosetto -> ::stays hidden::

    Troy Parson -> ::goes further into the warehouse, looks around, then turns to the Klingon:: Hey,

    you! Where's Anna?

    Shane -> +Joe+ (w) Lead them down the alleyway!

    Joe Manning -> Klingon> Mmmm ::Looks at Troy:: Who is your friend, Human? ::Walks slowly toward


    STSF_Nickles -> Gardian 3> ::catching up to Joe:: Stop now!!

    Joe Manning -> +Shane+ Gotta give'em a shot at me ... ::Lunges toward the lead Guardian, swinging

    the riot stick::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Clicks his hypo up for three incremintal doses of strong anesthetic::

    Pher -> Client. Or maybe client. :: sighs :: He is obcessed with the wrong Annie, in my opinion.

    :: Looks up at the klingon ::

    T'Aral -> :: Moves past Joe into the alley - joins the others. ::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Shane... quietly:: He's officially nuts...

    STSF_Nickles -> Gardian>::ducks and stumbles not ready for the lundge as his counterpart moves more

    towards Joe::

    Shane -> ::holds up a hand to Dash:: Just wait. Maybe he'll get them down here.

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at Klingon:: She's not Anna, that's for sure. ::goes further into the

    warehouse, looking around::

    Joe Manning -> ::Takes another swing at the ducking Guardian, letting his partners move in and lay

    into him::

    Pher -> Has it been a long night, sir?

    rosetto -> ::watches Klingon moving out of warehouse::

    Shane -> He's still in the view of the crowd on the street like that. Someone might see us.

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Nickles is still slumped over in his chair, half-conscious. Redera is

    nowhere to be seen.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Getting antsy... unable to see what's going on::

    Joe Manning -> Oof. ::Doesn't try to avoid the riot sticks of the Guardians as they swing at his

    midsection and face::

    Pher -> :: positioning herself in stun stick range of the klingon, but not moving just yet. ::

    STSF_Nickles -> Gardian>:: beating up on Joe as the thrid gets up and moves towards him as they

    move further down the alley:: THAT WILL TEACH YOU!!!

    Joe Manning -> ::Gradually stumbles his way into the alley::

    Shane -> ::hears them coming::

    Troy Parson -> ::sees Nickles, walks over to him:: Hm...

    rosetto -> ::steps out of shadows with girlie gun. fires at Klingon::

    Joe Manning -> Klingon> ::Pher:: What is a fine thing such as yourself doing in this part of town.

    Why don't I show you a good time ... like only a Klingon warrior can?

    STSF_Nickles -> Nickles::moans lightly::

    T'Aral -> :: Steps into enough light to let the Guardians see her ... then backs into the alley. ::

    Shane -> ::hearing the running feet, waits till Joe passes and sticks his bionic arm, clotheslining

    the first Guardian::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::counts three then steps out behind the next and tries to grab him by the collar::

    STSF_Nickles -> Gardian2> ::follows Taral::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Swings the hypo around toward his neck::

    Joe Manning -> ::Lets himself drop to the ground as Shane and Dash start taking care of business::

    Pher -> :: As they guys are already having fun, looks about for the next threat. ::

    STSF_Nickles -> Gardian2> :;goes down::

    Shane -> ::quickly grabs the third, surprised Guardian with his bionic claw and throws him against

    the building wall::

    Pher -> Guys... that wasn't very nice.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Pulls his disruptor and looks mean... then realizes everyone is down::

    Troy Parson -> ::takes out his lighter and quickly burns through Nickles' bindings, then opens his

    mouth and gives him a shot from the flask:: Oi! Rise and shine, handsome!

    STSF_Nickles -> Gardian3> :: gasps for air as hes being held then goes limp::

    Pher -> << Is our klingon down? >>

    Joe Manning -> << Oh yeah, Sal got him >>

    STSF_Nickles -> Gardian1> :goes down with a hypo to the neck::

    rosetto -> <<I guess so... kewl!>>

    Joe Manning -> << No other threats nearby >>

    Shane -> ::still holding the unconcious third Guardians, grabs the collar of the first one:: Get

    them into the building.

    Pher -> :: Picks up the klingon's gun, and finds cover. ::

    Pher -> How is he, Troy?

    Shane -> Guardian*

    rosetto -> ::wlaks into warehouse and sees Nickles...

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Snaps out of his moment of cool... and grabs the small one by the legs and


    T'Aral -> :: Eyebrow as last guardian goes down. :: You realize that if the Guardians do have

    populase monitoring sentries, we're not going to be very popular.

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks up at Dash:: Good hypoin, doc. Why do you even bother with the disruptor?

    T'Aral -> << Populace >>

    rosetto -> ::looks around for more people about::

    Troy Parson -> Nothing a bit of morning after couldn't fix. ::slaps Nickles:: GET UP!

    Joe Manning -> ::Picks himself up off the ground, clutching his side, bleeding a bit from the


    Dash_Andrews -> ::Joe:: Shut up Captain... I'm not talking to you right now... ::kneels to check

    Joe's ribs::

    STSF_Nickles -> :; breathing shallow::

    Shane -> ::drags the unconcious man past the Captain and simply tosses the third man into the

    doorway like a rag doll::

    Joe Manning -> ::Waves him away:: Get out of here. One or two of them are broken, and that's how

    it's gonna stay.

    Pher -> OK. New plan. We're spacers lost and a bit frightened trying to get a drunk comrad back

    to the hotel.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Joe:: You're lucky one of those didn't puncture a lung...

    rosetto -> Troy>Let's just get him out of here, okay?

    Joe Manning -> ::Dash:: Why? Woulda made the break-in more convincing.

    Pher -> :: Looks at him quickly :: Just how high are the pheromone levels in this area?

    Troy Parson -> Right. ::puts the flask in Nickles' hands, securing it with a bit of the bindings,

    and then picks up one side of him:: Let's go.

    Pher -> Shane, you're lead.

    T'Aral -> Joe > Your enthusiasm for your role is inspiring, sir.

    Joe Manning -> We still need to get ourselves a vehicle. Think you can jack one for us, T'Aral?

    Pher -> Troy, I'm grabbing Audrey.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::pockets the disruptor and looks at Shane:: Well you're gonna have to half carry

    him til we can get a gurney

    rosetto -> ::picks up the other side::

    Troy Parson -> She's in my back pocket. ::grin::

    Pher -> I'll follow up.

    Shane -> ::picks up and tosses the other one in to, then turns to the other people:: I can handle


    Shane -> <<I'm with the Cap, Pher>>

    T'Aral -> :: Eyebrow :: Civilian, military, or ambulance?

    Pher -> :: lifts Audrey and looks for life signs with power supplies in ambush positions ::

    Joe Manning -> Military or emergency preferably, but we don't have the time to be picky.

    T'Aral -> << It's after hours, and my son needs to be put to bed. Good night. >

    Joe Manning -> PAUSE SIM


    Dash_Andrews -> what are we breaking in to the hospital for AFTER we find out we have Nickles back?

    Joe Manning -> Nickles was a separate ...

    Dash_Andrews -> oh...

    Pher -> Pher will be reporting that shortly.

    Joe Manning -> The hospital has a patient who may know something about the Rainmakers

    Dash_Andrews -> what are we breaking in for then lol

    Dash_Andrews -> roger

    Shane -> To find Minos and offer him a fee

    Joe Manning -> He was in the first building that was bombed. And had been investigating the

    Rainmakers before the bombing.

    Joe Manning -> We still haven't confirmed that Redera is a Rainmaker. Questioning Nickles may shed

    some light on that.


    Mitar Precip -> I dont understand entiorely the Guardians..but wouldn't there be like an entire

    bunch of them be arriving at the scene to break this up and bones?

    Dash_Andrews -> We tried to move fast Precip

    Joe Manning -> There were already a bunch of them there ...

    Joe Manning -> And I imagine some more were called in for backup. It will take'em a while to hop

    into their GCX's and arrive.

    Mitar Precip -> then you have vehicles ;)

    Dash_Andrews -> yup

    Joe Manning -> Maybe T'Aral will grab one of the vehicles while they're distracted.


    Mitar Precip -> I really have to wonder if these law enforcement guardians have facial recongition

    software..if they do....someone will be in their database....err...sorry not my sim

    Joe Manning -> Good thing T'Aral planted some phony personnel records. :)

  7. Was it worth it?


    That's the question Joe had to keep asking himself. His job was to weigh the risks of a plan against the potential rewards. In this case 'potential' was an imposing word.


    Joe had survived this long as a starship Captain because his gut instincts were seldom wrong. If he felt strongly about a plan of action or a line of inquiry, it was often the right course. There was no quantifying it, no teaching it at a command school. Maybe it came with years of experience, or maybe it was just an inborn gift, but some people had a knack for hitting on the right approach.


    The tough part of command was allowing oneself to trust the instincts of others. Joe simply did not know T'Aral well. His former chief engineer, Henry Baxter, was a whiz with machines and a good delegator of responsibility; the areas where he fell short were analysis, good decision making, and (sadly) sobriety. He could be left to run a good engine room, but could rarely be trusted for command counsel. He'd been killed, along with half the crew, in the Hydran Expanse just weeks ago, leaving T'Aral in charge.


    Joe had never worked closely with Baxter's assistants. T'Aral in particular had usually kept to herself, on and off duty. But Joe knew enough -- from the interviews with T'Aral two years prior, discussions with Baxter, and simply the fact that she was a Vulcan -- to believe that her instincts could be trusted.


    T'Aral seemed convinced that Jerald LaHaye was important, even if the empirical evidence Joe was hearing suggested he was simply an undercover corporate investigator. Joe had his doubts that LaHaye would yield anything useful to his attempts to get in contact with Minos. The city was under attack, however, and Joe had no other leads; he would have to trust T'Aral's judgement and take on the extremely risky endeavor of infiltrating the Guardians' chief medical facility.


    "Glad you could make it, Doc; try not to mind the smoke," Joe said as Dash turned into the alleyway outside the safehouse. He stood on the other side of the doorway with T'Aral and the cigar-smoking Troy.



    Dash paused a moment as he looked around at the others and then down the street from which he came, instinctively looking for tails.


    Joe continued. "When we move on the facility, I'll be passed out on a gurney. That'll make you the point man. If there are any trouble with the guards, you'll have to talk your way past them."


    "So I'm the resident actor now too huh? Dual jobs earn dual pay?" Dash grinned and leaned up against the wall of the building. Is it just me or do you enjoy putting me in positions where I'm likely to get shot? You do realize I'm not as fleet of foot as the rest of you. Well, maybe faster than Troy." He grinned at Troy and then prepared to hear Joe out on his plan.


    "You're playing a familiar part," Joe pointed out. "There shouldn't be trouble anyway. T'Aral's planted some phony personnel records in the Guardian databanks, and Pher's hunting down ID's to match. Still leaves us with three needs. We have to get our hands on three Guardian uniforms, I have to look like I was trapped under wreckage at the blast site, and we're going to need to secure transportation to Medical One. We might be able to cover all three bases in one swing."

  8. Fifteen feet below the surface of Tranquility City platform H-7, four Rainmakers were beginning Minos' next ordered attack. The platform's innards were a weaving network of tunnels that allowed workers to access and regulate the flow of water, power, and (most importantly) air. The largest chamber, at the very center of the platform, housed the oxygen generators which fed clean air up to vents along the platform's streets. It was this air flow that the Rainmakers were targeting.


    Their efforts would no go uninhibited, however. Over a dozen Rainmakers had already been captured by the Guardians and were being detained at their Central Precinct. Many of these Guardians had cracked under interrogation and spilled plans of known attacks. One of the more recent captives had, only at the very last minute, identified the air generators of platform H-7 as a target. H-7 was in the Sunrise District, the city's most populated residential district.


    When the lead Rainmaker finished plugging a gas canister into the air processors' manual intake port, the Guardians on the catwalk above launched their assault.


    * * * * *


    Ten kilometers away, Marshall Amanda Savoy and her bodyguards had just arrived at the Medical One landing pad. As they proceeded to the facility, Savoy's ODRI indicated a comm from her second in command at the Central Precinct. "This is Savoy," she acknowledged.


    "Marshall, we have an update from platform H-7," Constable La'nok reported. "The results were favorable, but not optimal. Our team managed to stop the Rainmakers and take two of them captive. However, a small quantity of tricerazine nitrate made it to the platform's surface vents before the air flow was shut down."


    "Damn it!" Savoy barked. "How bad is it?"


    "Per your orders, we did not begin evacuation efforts on the surface until the team began securing the maintenance tunnels. They estimate that enough of the gas was contained to keep casualties under five hundred people. However, word of the attack has begun spreading, and the evacuation efforts on platform H-7 are turning into a hysterical scramble for the bridges. Further, word of the evacuation is spreading throughout the city. The mob assembling at the Port District is growing."


    "So we've got bigger problems," Savoy observed as her team arrived at the facility's entrance. "Civil unrest problems."


    "Yes. Our interrogation efforts are yielding good results. We have prevented at least the full effects of two consecutive attacks. And we now have two additional captives to bring back here. But the fear of further attacks appears to be having the effect on the populace that Minos intended. Also, we currently have no information on the next attack that is planned."


    "Which is why I'm here," Savoy replied. The guards at the entrance had cleared her team to enter the facility. "Let's hope LaHaye is in a good enough condition to talk ... "

  9. " ... what is its maximum warp velocity? ... "


    " ... how many hands are required to operate it? ... "


    " ... are the control panels encrypted or command-locked? ... "


    " ... can the ship cloak? "


    Redera paced back and forth repeating the same questions before checking Nickles' brainwave patterns on his ODRI. He was proving remarkably resistant to her regimen of barrier breaking chemicals. Pressed for time, she had to release stronger pheromone bursts than would be considered safe for a human subject. The drugs she was injecting into Nickles' body were designed to counteract the side effects; she would need Qob's First Mate to be a willing, but lucid participant in later events, not a gibbering slave. With every indication that Nickles would not comply with the treatment, she lowered the drug dosage, increasing the effectiveness of the pheromones, but also risking complete mental enslavement or even catatonia.


    The Deltan stopped her pacing and reached out a hand to gently stroke Nickles' cheek. She oberved the look in his eyes, the look that was on the border between stubborn defiance and pleasurable surrender. "Just tell me everything I need to know, and we can leave this place together. I will keep you at my side, always."


    Her ODRI's comm indicator suddenly beeped. She cursed under her breath as she stepped away from the chair to answer the comm. "Yes?"


    "Mistress Rede," a growling voice on the other end addressed her. "It is Ka'chan. You want to know if any who are not Klingon come to the motel."


    " ... yes?" Redera replied impatiently, glancing back at Nickles.


    "Two human males came minutes ago and started a fight."


    "What did they want?" Redera asked.


    "Women. They were both drunk. We chased them off. They were a strange pair ... "


    "Strange how?"


    "One of them looked ... out of place. Like he came from Freedom District. Too ... neat and clean. The other fit right in. He looked like a human thug. With an arm of metal."


    Redera's eyes narrowed. "Thank you, Ka'chan. You know your instructions."


    "Yes, Mistress ... "


    Redera walked back to Nickles' chair and stared back into his eyes, those eyes that were drifting closer and closer to 'pleasurable surrender.' "The pursuit is right on schedule, Mr. Nickles. But you are delaying things more than I expected. I'm afraid we're going to have to speed the process up." She tapped at her ODRI's controls, lowering the counter-pheromone dosage further.

  10. Joe Manning -> Okay, the night continues. Hour two of Minos' standoff with the Guardians just passed with the second bomb being intercepted before it could reach its destination ...

    Joe Manning -> We've got more tasty fish to fry, though ...

    Joe Manning -> Sal and Shane are closing in on the motel that (presumably) the Deltan was staying at ...

    Joe Manning -> Pher has departed to check in at a local bar in the Unspeakable District.

    Joe Manning -> T'Aral and I are back in the Mercenary District about to enter an old Qob safehouse ...

    Joe Manning -> I wonder if anyone is in there?

    Joe Manning -> BEGIN SIM

    Joe Manning -> << T'Aral, kindly grab a @ >>

    Joe Manning -> << Pher, Dash, why not take a #? >>

    Joe Manning -> @::Enters door in the alleyway with T'Aral right behind him::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::still tied up and half looped with whatever has been given to him::

    Dash_Andrews -> #::In the shadiest of shadies... his norm... nursing... well... his norm::

    rosetto -> Okay Shane? Whaddaya think?

    Pher -> # :: Looking back at Shane and Rosette, hoping they know what they are doing. ::

    T'Aral -> @::Follows Joe, a small semi-box item tucked in her palm. ::

    Sargh -> <<shape-shifting GO>>

    Joe Manning -> Redera> ::Hitting Nickles with a combination of pheromones, injected drugs, and empathic intrusion::

    Pher -> # :: Looks forward, wishing them luck, but thinking on to the next thing ::

    Pher -> :: A few blocks from the Busted Flush, not quite sure how to work it from there. ::

    Joe Manning -> @::Moves up the short flight of stairs leading to the safehouse door:: You've never seen this place before. Qob crew goes back a ways here.

    rosetto -> ::is kinda nervous and checks for his 'girlie-gun'::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::barely able to hold hi head up straight::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Noticing now that the on lookers before seem to be whispering amongst themselves a little more than you would expect, even for shady patrons... looks around at a few of the groups::

    T'Aral -> @:: Steps lively, looking back to confirm that they are not being followed. ::

    Troy Parson -> ::leaning back in his chair in the safe-house, smoking a cigar, trying to figure out if the filter micro-field that he just finished putting together is working or not::

    Shane -> Do what I do. ::grabs Sal around the shoulders and starts stumbling towards the hotel like a drunk, singing an old Irish drinking song::

    Joe Manning -> @::Stops suddenly in front of the door::

    Dash_Andrews -> <<#>>

    Pher -> # Audrey, enable pheromone sense and track. Optimize detection of female Deltan Pheromones. Mask out detection of all other forms.

    Joe Manning -> @::Looks at the tile beside the door behind which the key should be:: ... someone's been here.

    rosetto -> ::Sings like a well oiled cat::

    Shane -> Then we'll drink, throw up, pass out, wake up and then we'll drink some more!!

    Pher -> # Audrey, set implant full safe mode.

    T'Aral -> @:: Considers options. :: Should we go elsewhere?

    rosetto -> (hic)Thast... I good one... Let's do it again....

    Joe Manning -> @::Shakes head:: Not sure how long it's been ... ::Tries the doorknob and it turns::

    Pher -> # Continues on, approaching the entrance to the inn...

    Joe Manning -> @::Nods back at her:: Keep an eye out and look sharp.

    Dash_Andrews -> #::his visor scans several hidden weapon signatures among the groups but nothing undordinary... but why all the hush hush?::

    Shane -> ::stumbles into the doorway and spot the manager behind the desk::

    Pher -> # Audrey, quiet alarm on detection of deltan pheromones.

    T'Aral -> @:: Nods, her placid mask of an expression hiding any disappointment for not needing to pick the lock. ::

    rosetto -> ::leaning on Shane but gets pushed by the door::

    rosetto -> Pardon me, Ma'am...

    Pher -> # :: Takes a hard look around before entering the inn, seeing if there is anything unusual about ::

    Joe Manning -> @::Opens the door and finds that the light is on. Lifts the side of his tunic and retrieves his disruptor pistol::

    STSF_Nickles -> Klingon Manager>What is it you want!

    Joe Manning -> @::Enters the hallway and slowly creeps toward the living room::

    Shane -> ::slams into the counter, holding himself up and belchs loudly:: My good, hiccup, sir. We want us some good company for the night.

    rosetto -> ::tries to straighten up::

    Dash_Andrews -> #::notices the entryway door open::

    T'Aral -> @:: Watches behind, phaser discreetly at the ready. ::

    STSF_Nickles -> Klingon Manager>YOU Will get nothing here LEAVE!!

    Pher -> # :: Enters the inn, making it somewhat of an entrance, doing her walk as she starts to the bar. Looking for people she might know. ::

    rosetto -> Yeah... What he slaid...

    Joe Manning -> @::Trying to keep himself in front of T'Aral, to shield her in case of trouble::

    Joe Manning -> @::Spins around the door frame with disruptor pointed into the living room::

    Troy Parson -> @::has started to fill the entire bottom floor of the building with the smell of tobacco smoke::

    Dash_Andrews -> #::Seeing Pher... he makes his face easy to find::

    rosetto -> ::stumbles on counter::

    Shane -> ::grabs the Klingon by the neck and pulls him over the counter closer to his face:: Do it now and noones gets ugly lookin.

    Troy Parson -> @::doesn't move for a second, then takes the cigar out of his mouth:: Why, Captain Manning...what a pleasant surprise!

    Pher -> # :: Gives Dash a welcoming smile, and changes course to his table. ::

    STSF_Nickles -> Klingon Manager> I said you will get nothing here We serve ONLY Klingons and you do NOT Fit the bill NOW LEAVE!!

    rosetto -> ::slips behind counter and pulls girlie::

    Joe Manning -> @Troy ...

    Dash_Andrews -> #::Pher:: Did you get lost on your way back to the boss?

    Joe Manning -> @::Nods at T'Aral and holsters his pistol:: What the hell are you doing here?

    T'Aral -> @:: Steps back, secures the door. ::

    Dash_Andrews -> #::Motions the bartender over to take another drink order for his friend::

    Troy Parson -> @::faint British accent:: I hope you don't mind that I've taken advantage of this wonderfully convenient property...

    Pher -> # Distracted, rather than lost, Dash.

    Troy Parson -> @In all fairness, you weren't exactly using it. ::brushes some ash off of his smoking jacket::

    Dash_Andrews -> #With the Guardians running around like kids who just lost their claim on the "hill" I can understand

    Pher -> # Blueberry fizz, please. (To the waiter.)

    Shane -> ::sees Sal pull the gun and looks back to the room full of Klingons:: Well, I guess we're not wanted here.

    Joe Manning -> @Please don't tell me you're hiding from the big bad terrorists, Troy.

    STSF_Nickles -> Klingon Manager> :takes his fists ant hits Shane in the shoulder:: I TaKE NO THREATS!! ::motions for his CLEANUP Crew ::other klingons::

    Joe Manning -> @::Makes his way straight over to the liquor cabinet against the far wall::

    T'Aral -> @That would be most illogical - anyone lookinf for him could follow the smoke.

    Pher -> # Giving a few potential recruits a bit of a workout.

    Troy Parson -> @::brief laugh:: Terrorists? If only I were so lucky...

    rosetto -> ::looks to Shane and raises hands::

    Dash_Andrews -> # Oh? So you made contact atleast then...

    Shane -> Rosy, run! ::throws the klingon into his cleanup crew::

    Troy Parson -> @::puts down his cigar, and picks up their case off of the table:: Want one? I cut the genome myself.

    rosetto -> ::uh, runs::

    STSF_Nickles -> Klingon Manager>You are NOT Klingons We WILL NOT Serve you!

    STSF_Nickles -> Klingon Manager> FIRE AT THEM!!!

    Joe Manning -> @::Looks back at him:: I'm on business. We can't get in touch with Chris. You haven't heard from him lately, have you?

    Pher -> # Oh, yes. Talked to Joe for a while. Have you heard about Nickles yet?

    Dash_Andrews -> #::still feeling eyes on him::

    T'Aral -> @There is a limited air supply in this room - contaminating it further is ill advised.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::Klingons fire but do not hit any of them as they exit::

    rosetto -> ::pushes threw doorway::

    Joe Manning -> @::Opens the cabinet and reaches down to release a catch on the bottom shelf. Swings the shelf out to reveal computer hardware at the bottom of the cabinet::

    Dash_Andrews -> # No I've heard nothing from the others... I figured everyone was just laying low with all the activity... What did he do this time?

    rosetto -> ::Looks at Shane::Well, that didn't work... hmmmm

    Troy Parson -> @I'm afraid not...::looks at T'Aral:: ...And it's only 'contamination' if you have no appreciation for the finer things.

    Shane -> ::bursts out the door and pulls his gun, firing a couple rounds back:: Dadgum, pieces of...

    Pher -> # Made frends with a fine Deltan lady. Vanished. His ODRI isn't answering pings.

    Dash_Andrews -> #::pauses a moment trying to place the last time he saw a Deltan...::

    Pher -> # This happened just as the first bomb went of, I'm expecting foul and dusty play.

    T'Aral -> @ :: Steps over to begin assembling a proper computer. :: Appreciation of a toxic substance is most illogical.

    Dash_Andrews -> #Well... ::rubs the back of his head:: Have we any leads?

    Shane -> ::glares at Sal:: Thanks for stating the obvious.

    Joe Manning -> @::Looks at T'Aral:: Basic server node. This can get you access to the city's network.

    Troy Parson -> @Logic, my friend, is the beginning of wisdom...not the end of it.

    rosetto -> No prob... Sorry, but what can we do? Is there a back entrance maybe?

    Pher -> # One lead, which I don't much trust. Baldie mentioned where she was staying. If it really was where she was staying, I'd be a bit surprised.

    Troy Parson -> @::takes another drag of the cigar:: ::to himself:: Needs a little more PN-3 regression, I think.

    T'Aral -> @:: Examines components, begins digging into them, crossing wires, tying in her tricorder, performing several clandestine operations with the computer's rear panel. ::

    Pher -> # But our new recruits are checking it out. If we hire them, one is yours, one is mine. Yours is a you Federation type with his eyes in the stars a bit.

    Shane -> ::holsters the big Gauss pistol and looks back to the hotel:: They'll be expecting that.

    Joe Manning -> @::Glances over at Troy:: You've been out of the loop, Troy. Are you at all interested in the affairs of the day?

    Pher -> # Mine has a metal arm that would double as a crane, and an attitude compatible in size.

    Dash_Andrews -> # ::Nodding:: Well. ::still mind on the plan:: The good news is he's still in the city I'd bet. With all the activity no one could possibly smuggle a drugged person out of the area...

    Troy Parson -> @'Affairs'? I take it that means something you think will be interesting has happened.

    rosetto -> Exactly... So you go that way. But keep your distance. Then I will sneak passed the Manager... Eh?

    Pher -> # They have potential, but will need some time to figure out how Joe runs things.

    Joe Manning -> @::Troy:: Well, it all started with the bar brawl. With our good buddy Duke Redding ...

    Pher -> # Reasonable assumption. I would think the Guardians would have sealed the city.

    Joe Manning -> @Kinda put me in a bind. As in I've got to myself more involved in this terrorist business than I'd like to.

    Shane -> The entire lobby just saw you pull a gun on their manager. We're not getting in through the front door.::looks to the higher rise building next to the hotel::

    Dash_Andrews -> # So what brought you here?

    rosetto -> Here, Let me set betsy to max::pulls out his pea shooter::

    Pher -> # I've been expecting them to contact us for some sort of deal, but so far nothing.

    Shane -> Maybe that will work.

    Troy Parson -> @You're involved? You don't mean to say you actually went and joined a terrorist cell, do you?

    Joe Manning -> @No, ::Vaguely adds:: But I'm going to ...

    Pher -> # Looking for street contacts. There are a few guys, not that many, who are addicted to pheromone. We know each other. Not always an easy relationship...

    Pher -> # But if anyone is keeping an eye out for how to find a Deltan girl, they would be the group.

    rosetto -> ::looks at what Shane is looking at::Hmmm... yes...

    T'Aral -> @::Finishes rewiring, activates computer system. Observes multiple screens while simul-processing three CPU's. ::

    Joe Manning -> @::Looks back at T'Aral:: Who's that guy you were looking into again? Jerald LaHaye?

    Pher -> # Don't se any of the here now, so I might have to keep wandering.

    Pher -> # Meeting up with you is a bonus.

    Dash_Andrews -> # Well I've been noticing I've had a lot of eyes on me since I waltzed in here... Maybe this Deltan had a big mouth...

    rosetto -> But we need to know which room, Shane...

    Pher -> # Hmm... Or the merchant who sold the stuff.

    T'Aral -> @That is correct sir ... currently he is in stable condition in ICU.

    rosetto -> But we need to know which room, Shane...

    Dash_Andrews -> #... touche... ::Dash hadn't thought of that::

    Pher -> # Without looking at them, could you describe them to me?

    STSF_Nickles -> Klingon Manager>Watch all entrances They may ttry to get in if they were fool enough to pull a weapon.

    Shane -> The roof is about the same height and it looks abandoned. ::moves towards the alley leading to the back of the building building::

    Joe Manning -> @He was definitely hurt in the bombing then. Any details about his work for Savoy?

    Shane -> As for which room, we'll ask someone. Real nicely.

    Troy Parson -> @Oh, my. You *are* involved.

    Joe Manning -> @::Looks back at Troy:: I could use your fast-thinking mind on this one, Troy. I need to get a comm line to Minos, offer him passage off world.

    Shane -> <<my partner disappeared>>

    Dash_Andrews -> #Easy enough...There are three gents one is rough around the edges and quite bulky, Human, and he's strapped heavily under his duster...

    Pher -> << Klingons got him. :P >>

    Joe Manning -> << Drag along his cardboard cutout for now >>

    Troy Parson -> @A comm line...and how much do you know? A location, an identity, an affiliation...anything?

    Shane -> <<Well whoever took him, give him back soon.>>

    T'Aral -> @::Reconnects with downloaded data. :: It seems he was to get in contact with the Rainmakers, ostensibly to aid their cause. He would bring them out into the open, and then there would be a mass arrest.

    Joe Manning -> @This is Minos we're talking about. God himself may have never seen the man.

    rosetto -> Back!

    Joe Manning -> @::T'Aral:: Is this a recent development? Like in the past five days? Or does this go back?

    Pher -> # :: Listens, but does not start looking for them ::

    rosetto -> <<gotta quit firing this girlie gun at my toes>>

    Troy Parson -> @I suppose he's living up to his namesake's reputation as a myth, then.

    Dash_Andrews -> #The second is who is in the center is small but he seems to be the one the others are conversing with... He's Ferengi. The third is medium built with a phaser... Human.

    Joe Manning -> @::Troy:: The Rainmakers might be easy to get to. We're looking into the bombing, see if we can't find a thread to pick up on.

    Dash_Andrews -> #Could be nothing... they may just be about to make a sub-standard deal and don't like new faces.

    rosetto -> <<Did you get my last post about not knowing the room number?>>

    Pher -> << Next time you run into the Klingons, just show them the gun. They ought to be disabled for at least five minutes laughing at you. :P >>

    Troy Parson -> @::puts out his cigar, stands up:: I must confess, you've gotten me interested now.

    T'Aral -> @Several weeks at least. It is difficult from this data block to determine precisely when this operation began, especially since the second thread of data indicates a completely different person.

    Joe Manning -> << Shane's already headed to the building next door, Sal >>

    Troy Parson -> @By the way, when you leave the safe house, don't go left.

    Joe Manning -> @::Glancing back at T'Aral, looks at Troy:: Then chew on this ...

    Pher -> # Could be. :: considers :: I'm a bit on the paranoid side tonight, though.

    Joe Manning -> @A guy was in the building that just got blown up. Seemed to be injured. Guardians shuttled him to their medical facility ...

    rosetto -> ::follows The Muscle::

    Shane -> ::finds a door halfway down the alley:: This should do ::promptly kicks the old rickety door in::

    Joe Manning -> @He's been doing undercover work for the local Marshall for a few weeks now. But he's also been engaging in some illicit business on the side, unbenownst to the Guardians.

    rosetto -> ::smiles to himself::Open sesame, eh?

    Shane -> ::takes a quick glance to make sure knowone is watching and enters, looking for stairs::

    Dash_Andrews -> # ::Takes a sip of his drink:: I've a compact disruptor on me, and a few tricks up my sleeve if you have to make a scene.

    T'Aral -> @:: Eyebrow :: Perhaps not.

    Troy Parson -> @::listening::

    Pher -> # :: Sipping her drink ::

    Joe Manning -> @::T'Aral:: Meaning?

    Pher -> # You have your tricorder with you?

    rosetto -> ::follows close behind looking in all directions::

    Shane -> ::finds an old set and starts creaking up the steps::

    Dash_Andrews -> # ::Nods::

    Pher -> # One of our more desperate ways of finding Miss Baldie is sniffing for Deltan pheromones. Did I ever give you my dust sniffing app?

    rosetto -> Hmmm, not a good year.::wiggles loose bannister::

    T'Aral -> @ I've accessed the Guardian's operational profile and have cross referenced it with the name "LaHaye." There were several references, including a shadow-investigation, and a subsequent 'retreival' special-ops project.

    Dash_Andrews -> # No but it should be easy to integrate with my medical software...

    T'Aral -> @... the date for the retreival is tonight.

    Shane -> ::hops of a hole in the steps as he passes story 4::

    Joe Manning -> @::Frowns:: Retrieval ... is it possible the Guardians found out about the bomb and sent him to disarm it?

    Pher -> # Audrey, could you transfer dust sniffing software to Dash, please? (Talking to her ODRI)

    rosetto -> ::avoids hole and looks up at Shane::(w) Dude, I don't think these stairs can handle acrobatics...

    Troy Parson -> @Or they knew that he had bad hobbies, and wanted to bring him in for a conversation..

    T'Aral -> @ There are a number of possible senarios - too many to identify a single course of probability.

    Pher -> # It's a long shot, but it's all I've got if the dust addicts can't help me.

    Dash_Andrews -> #::his ODRI beeps confirming download complete and he checks it for application install progress::

    Dash_Andrews -> # updated... I'm setting it now.

    Shane -> Just keep cli...::leg goes through a step to the knee::

    Joe Manning -> @ ... I want to talk to him.

    Joe Manning -> @His record is showing involvement with the Rainmakers either way. He may know of contacts. Possibly of people who were in that building tonight.

    T'Aral -> @ The Guardians could have been forewarned about a bomb threat, or they could have placed the first bomb themselves to retrieve their agent.

    rosetto -> ::looking back down. About runs into Shane::

    Dash_Andrews -> # I'd really like to be there when they find Nickles... It's hard telling what they could have given him, or how "persuasive" they're being with him at the moment...

    Pher -> # Just be sure to mask out Orion stuff. I just closed my own glands, but there'll be a good deal of my dust drifting off of me for a while.

    Joe Manning -> @::T'Aral:: The Rainmakers took credit for the bomb. That might be stretching it.

    Troy Parson -> @I take it that this won't be as simple as just visiting him in the hospital?

    Shane -> ::growls and pulls his leg out roughly, continuing to climb::

    rosetto -> (w)nice... ::sighs and tries to help::

    Joe Manning -> @::Troy:: On that note ... there is a problem ...

    Dash_Andrews -> #::Nods... as if she had to tell him that she smelled of everything any man could ever want::

    Pher -> # :: nods :: You ever had to detox someone who'd been heavily used by a Deltan?

    T'Aral -> @Troy > Much more difficult - he is in a secured section of the medical center.

    Joe Manning -> @Marshall Savoy doesn't want me hunting down Minos my own way. She wants me doing it her way.

    Dash_Andrews -> # No, but I'm betting it's about like cleaning up after one of your "dates" ::laughs::

    Shane -> ::shoulders his way through the roof access door and steps to the edge::

    rosetto -> ::follow Shane to roof::Okay, You gonna jump that?

    Joe Manning -> @::T'Aral & Troy:: Having no idea what sort of condition this boy is in ... can we think of any way to get in touch with him without trying to get past the facility's security?

    Pher -> # Close enough, except Deltan honey dust is a lot stronger than Orion, and I deliberately don't try to get folks addicted.

    Shane -> ::looks to the 12 foot space in between the buildings:: You can't?

    T'Aral -> @:: Looks over to Joe :: I do not suppose this facility contains counterfeiting equipment.

    Pher -> # He could be a lot worse off.

    Dash_Andrews -> # That's not good news... You mean we could find Nickles... and he might not want to leave?

    Joe Manning -> @::T'Aral:: Electronic counterfeiting might be possible. If you're capable of working it with the equipment you have.

    Shane -> ::glances to the alleyway below, six stories down::

    rosetto -> ::looks over the edge and contemplates situation::I guess it's our only option, huh?

    Pher -> # Could be. Depends on how hard she's pushing him, and what she's trying to pull.

    Troy Parson -> @::to T'Aral:: Are you about to give us the world's quickest med-school education?

    T'Aral -> @ Joe > I was hoping to provide you with something more tangible. Security guards cannot be reprogrammed.

    Shane -> ::raises his arm:: You either jump or I help you across.

    Pher -> # Normally, you're the Doc, and I'd yield to you on drug issues like this, but this time I'd like to stay in the loop.

    Dash_Andrews -> # Well I'd rather not put him unconcious if we don't have to... especially not knowing what all's floating around in his system already...

    Pher -> # True enough.

    rosetto -> ::considers the lift and decides not to risk it::That's okay... I think I can span 4 meters... I'm just worried about re-entry...

    Dash_Andrews -> # I'll say this, if he's working against us when we find him, and physically he's sound. I'll let you incapacitate him at your discretion

    Pher -> # Noted. One more care that might be played... I was here on Tranquility a few years back working a research project with Phramall.

    T'Aral -> @Troy > I was hoping to provide you both with sufficient credentials to visit Mr. LaHaye. A physical passbadge with image ID is customary.

    Shane -> ::backs up a few steps from the edge::

    Pher -> # The project was figuring out how to detox Orion pheremones. I was a lab rat, more or less.

    Dash_Andrews -> # Oh? I didn't know you were freelancing Pharmaceutical Labs...

    rosetto -> ::back up with Shane, then decides its not far enough and backs up more::

    Pher -> # We parted company in an odd way, but if we can't get to the ship, I could likely get you access to an ace lab.

    Joe Manning -> @::T'Aral:: This one I'd prefer distancing myself from, honestly ...

    Pher -> # I wasn't exactly 'free' at the time.

    Shane -> ::gets a running start and launches himself over the edge::

    Joe Manning -> @I'm not sure how well Savoy knows my crew. But I'm also short on hands.

    Pher -> # :: not pleased ::

    Troy Parson -> @That could be easier said than done...they're bound to have their own records that they can check against, and even so, there's still the problem that none of them will recognize us.

    Joe Manning -> @Are you confident you could forge something substantial for us?

    Pher -> # But it got me off New Risa, so I guess I can't complain too much.

    Dash_Andrews -> # ::Nods... fogetting her past for a moment:: Aye... whatever it takes, but priority one is making sure he's still breathing when we get hold of him

    Joe Manning -> @::Troy:: We've also got information they might not expect us to have ...

    Pher -> # Agreed.

    Shane -> ::being heavier, misses and grabs the edge with his bionic::

    Joe Manning -> @The Guardians have district precincts spread all over the city. Their guards can't recognize everyone.

    rosetto -> ::thinking 'Okay Sal... You can do this... Just run and jump... Nothing to it' Has him self convinced::

    Dash_Andrews -> #::She'd told him much of her history but to look at her it all slips away... how could someone that looks such as her have seen so many things... that would break so many others::

    T'Aral -> @Joe > If I had the equipment, I certainly could. I am not certain, however, that the equipment needed is available here.

    Troy Parson -> @Mind if I tell you a story, Captain?

    rosetto -> ::goes back to the edge and sees Shane::

    Joe Manning -> @::Raises his sleeve and pings Pher's ODRI to find out if she can talk::

    Shane -> ::hangs for a bit and then heaves himself up, rolling onto the roof::

    rosetto -> ::so much for the convincing part::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Pher:: So what's our next move?

    Pher -> # :: glances at Audrey and returns the ping. :: Joe (to Dash)

    Shane -> ::stands up and brushes himself off, turns back to Sal:: ::gruffly:: You coming?

    Pher -> # Audrey, down volume accept call, please.

    Joe Manning -> @+Com+ Pher ... who might I get in touch with to forge some Guardian ID's?

    Pher -> # :: to Dash :: Talk to Joe.

    rosetto -> ::backs up again and takes a wild run.::

    Joe Manning -> @::T'Aral:: Could you place phony records in the Guardian databanks to help any checks pass?

    rosetto -> ::flies through the air::Yeah, I'll be right there...

    Dash_Andrews -> #+Joe+ What's the word Captain?

    Joe Manning -> @+Dash+ That you, Doc? ... I might have some use for you.

    Pher -> # :: Considers ::

    T'Aral -> @:: Eyebrow :: That, sir, is the easy part.

    Joe Manning -> @::Nods at T'Aral:: Good. I'll want you to place three records, though, not two.

    Joe Manning -> @This is a medical facility. We'll need a doctor.

    rosetto -> ::clears the span and rolls hard onto roof::(w) ouch....

    Dash_Andrews -> #+Joe+ I'll hobble over at Warp 4... Just give me the details...

    T'Aral -> @ Joe > So who are the three agents?

    Troy Parson -> @Technically, I'm a doctor, you know...

    Joe Manning -> @+Dash+ We're going to try to infiltrate the Guardians' primary medical facility ...

    Troy Parson -> @PhD, not MD, of course, but I still get to use the title.

    Joe Manning -> @+Dash+ A doctor and at least one wounded Lawmen would come in handy.

    Shane -> ::walks past Sal towards the hotels roof access doors::

    Joe Manning -> @::Troy:: And I ain't gonna start callin you Doctor Parson.

    Dash_Andrews -> #+Joe+ Haha... Sounds like my kind of fun... Can you get hands on the uniforms?

    T'Aral -> @ Joe > I am sorry, I was not precise - who will be the infiltrators?

    Joe Manning -> @::T'Aral:: Make up names. One should be a first aid specialist. That'll be Dash.

    Pher -> # :: trying to listen in ::

    Joe Manning -> @::Dash:: ... that shouldn't be too hard.

    rosetto -> ::looks at Shane passing him and decides he ain't getting any help. gets up, brushes himself off and follows Shane::

    Troy Parson -> @Why not? I think it has a certain ring to it..."Dr. Troy Parson, Distinguished Professor of Experimental Physics"...

    Dash_Andrews -> #+Joe+ Roger that... just send the coordinates.

    Shane -> ::tries the doors and to as he expected, finds them open::

    Joe Manning -> @+Dash+ We're at a safehouse six blocks east of the Maze, just down the street. Looks at the door in the alleyway.

    T'Aral -> @ Joe > Sir - who am I making these identities for?

    Dash_Andrews -> #+Joe+ Understood... I'm on the way.... ::sighs::

    rosetto -> ::just playing follow the leader at present. no really knowing what Shane had meant by 'asking nicely'::

    Joe Manning -> @::Looks at T'Aral:: ... would you able to coordinate the tech side of this from your tricorder?

    Shane -> ::slips in quietly and makes his way to the 6th floor access::

    Dash_Andrews -> # ::Pher:: He's going to get me shot at... one way or another...

    Pher -> # +Joe+ You still want those IDs?

    T'Aral -> @ Joe > Yes, and it would be simpler if my question was answered.

    Pher -> # Isn't that his job?

    Joe Manning -> @+Pher+ Absolutely.

    Shane -> ::cracks the door and peers down the dark hallway::

    Joe Manning -> @::T'Aral:: If you can handle the tech from your tricorder, I want you inside. Make yourself a med specialist as well.

    rosetto -> ::tries his best to ape Shane's stealth moves... not quite as graceful::

    Dash_Andrews -> #::Stands and sets some latinum strips down for the drinks:

    STSF_Nickles -> <<hallwway empty so far>>

    Pher -> # +Joe+ I know somebody that does IDs so kids can drink. He ought to know someone better. It'll take some running around.

    Joe Manning -> @::T'Aral:: I'll be number 3. The patient. A Guardian who was working cleanup at the Systems Enterprises building.

    Pher -> # +Joe+ Could you download the details to Audrey?

    rosetto -> ::check for Betsy. yep. she made the leap of faith::

    Joe Manning -> @::T'Aral:: Send whatever we'd need for a good Guardian ID to Pher.

    Shane -> ::decides all is well and quietly walks into the hallway, ::

    T'Aral -> @ Joe > So, the three individuals are myself, yourself, and Doctor Audrey?

    Joe Manning -> @::T'Aral:: 'Doctor Audrey' sounds cute. I'm not sure Dash'll like it, though.

    Troy Parson -> @I don't mean to be a spoilsport or anything, guys...

    Joe Manning -> @::Looks at Troy::

    Dash_Andrews -> << lol >>

    Troy Parson -> @But even if you can forge IDs to get you in, how are you going to get out?

    T'Aral -> @ I believe it will prove satisfactory for the purpose.

    rosetto -> ::looks down the hallway in the opposite direction::

    Troy Parson -> @It doesn't matter how good your credentials are if they see you walking out the front door with a patient in serious condition.

    Shane -> ::whispers:: Did Pher get you that "sniffing" program?

    T'Aral -> @ :: Begins composing identities with blinding speed. ::

    Joe Manning -> @::Troy:: We can cross that bridge when we come to it. When we have the info we need from LaHaye, all bets are off.

    Dash_Andrews -> #::Pher:: So are you doing the whole solo thing today or are you up for a little group B & E?

    rosetto -> ::thinks::(w)uh, no...

    Joe Manning -> @+Pher+ Are you free to retrieve those ID's, Pher, or should be group work on it?

    Joe Manning -> *my group

    Pher -> # Hmm... I could join you, if Joe thinks that best.

    Shane -> ::looks back to the hall, thinking a bit:: Lets try to find an employee. Unoccupied preferably.

    T'Aral -> @ :: Identity 1 - Benton, Xavier, Sergant - Guardian Corps. ::

    Pher -> # +Joe+ I'm afraid I set our two recruits loose. If you take Dash, I'll either have to chase them down or leave them on their own.

    T'Aral -> @ :: Identity 2 - Audrey, Orson, MD ::

    rosetto -> ::thinks again::(w)Shane. I do have my PADD on me... Perhaps I could reconfigure it?

    STSF_Nickles -> <Working Female Klingon comes out of the room after cleaning it::

    Joe Manning -> @+Pher+ Just give us the contact info, we'll track it down. I'd rather you stay on Chris' trail for now anyway.

    T'Aral -> @ :: Identity 3 - T'roh, Nurse Practitioner ::

    STSF_Nickles -> FE Klingon>:: pulling a cart out of the room:: having just placed a few of the spkies on the bed::

    Dash_Andrews -> #::Quietly to Pher:: I'd get moving then, sounds like they're ready to get this over with... ::starts for the door::

    Dash_Andrews -> << I'd better**>>

    Shane -> ::spots the female in front of them and approaches her, pulling out his big pistol::

    rosetto -> ::turns to she the Klingon woman::

    Pher -> # +Joe+ Good enough. I'll get the IDs in progress, then chase Chris.

    Pher -> # Luck, Dash.

    T'Aral -> @ :: Identities compiled, work history compiled, acceptable security clearances established. ::

    Dash_Andrews -> #::exits the Pub and watches as the hue on his visor catches up to the bright attack of the sun... He heads for a an alley that will cut him over to the proper street, but he'll still be a several minutes away::

    Joe Manning -> @::Looks at Troy then at T'Aral:: I hope this lead turns up something valuable, because we're going to have to jump a lot of hoops for it.

    Pher -> # :: Subtly lets her eyes linger on the door to see how many people are tailing him. ::

    Shane -> ::sneaks up behind her and puts his the Gauss to the back of her head:: Don't move.

    T'Aral -> @ :: Transmits data to Pher's ODRI ::

    Pher -> # +Joe+ Got the package.

    STSF_Nickles -> FE Klingon:: starts moving to the next room to repair another bed:

    STSF_Nickles -> ::stops:: What is the meanin of this!

    Joe Manning -> PAUSE SIM


    Shane -> What's the TBS?

    Joe Manning -> Up for debate ...

    Joe Manning -> If we move things up, say, fifteen minutes ...

    Joe Manning -> That could give one group time to search the motel room. Another time to head for the ID forger. And Pher time to sniff out some pheromones.

    Joe Manning -> Would everyone be comfortable covering that time in logs?

    Dash_Andrews -> 15 minutes... that's me getting to you... so fine with me

    Shane -> Yeah, I'm not going to be here next week, so we need time to finish. That should work

    Joe Manning -> Alright, we'll move things up fifteen minutes to a half hour


    Pher -> That would be awfully fast for contacting a good forger, but we can assume Pher was lucky?

    Joe Manning -> Run it through comm maybe?

    Joe Manning -> Assuming you think a transmission to the contact would be secure enough

    Joe Manning -> Cover as much ground as you're comfortable covering, Pher

    Joe Manning -> I'll be flexible with the TBS

    Pher -> Good enough.


    rosetto -> It came up during the SIM... I think that Pher would have given me or SHane her contact info... ODRI link... you know?

    Joe Manning -> Sounds reasonable. Pher?

    Pher -> Agreed. Otherwise we might never find them again.

  11. The shuttlecraft touched down at an intersection of streets near the northern edge of the Latinum District. Workers who'd been unwinding at the District's famous drinking dens were now huddled along the sidewalks observing the scene of the recent firefight. Guardian Lawmen kept the bystanders off the northward street, where paramedics were tending to several bodies lying prone around a GCX armored vehicle.


    Marshall Savoy followed two Lawmen off the shuttle, and another trailed behind her, guarding the rear even though the battle in the street had subsided. One of the Guardians surveying the scene ran over to meet the Marshall. He was wearing plain clothes with a simple leather vest, the signature outfit of a Sheriff-rank Guardian. Each of the city's districts was managed by a Sheriff answerable to Marshall Savoy, and the Latinum District was one of the tougher assignments.


    "Sheriff Bailey, report," the Marshall ordered as the officers all met on the north street.


    "Two hostiles down, Ma'am," Bailey motioned to two of the bodies at either side of the GCX. At the front of the vehicle, a Guardian Lawman was keeping a third assailant on his knees at gunpoint. "The driver was wounded, but not badly. We have him in custody. We lost two of ours ... "


    Savoy frowned and looked from the captive Rainmaker to the GCX. "The bomb?" she asked.


    Bailey nodded and lead Savoy's team to the back of the vehicle. "I'm not comfortable with you being out in the open like this, Ma'am."


    "I'm sure your men are capable of protecting me, Sheriff. I was on my way to Medical One anyway when the firefight was reported." Savoy looked into the open cargo hold at the back of the GCX. A mechanical springboard mechanism took up the entire breadth of the hold. Atop it was a duranium container filled with an elaborate crisscross of wiring, isochips, and optical access nodes. Three vials in one corner of the container contained a clear fluid.


    "We're still waiting for the demo expert to arrive," Bailey noted. "But we've taken some preliminary scans. There are radioactive materials contained within the vials."


    Savoy gave the Sheriff an incredulous look. "This can't be a fission bomb ... "


    "No Ma'am," Bailey shook his head. "The core is a conventional explosive, designed to spread the radioactive material over a large area. Judging by the size, I'd estimate a four or five block radius." He pointed up the street. "The vehicle was en route to the Freedom District when we intercepted it."


    "Ten minutes after the hour and there hasn't been another attack," Savoy said. "This had to be their next move. Excellent work, Sheriff. You and all your men."


    The Marshall circled around the GCX, toward the vehicle's captive driver. He was a human, a young human, not much older than a teenager. A blood-soaked first-aid bandage was wrapped around his upper arm. His face showed both pain and defiance as he looked up bitterly at the Guardian Marshall. Savoy gazed down at the Rainmaker very aware of the crowd of bystanders -- the people whom Minos was trying to influence into rioting. She raised her voice loud enough for all of them to hear. "Your mission failed, son. Do you know why? It was thanks to information that was extracted from a recent captive. With every hour that passes, we take more of your people into custody, and the ones we have become more willing to talk. Just like them, -you- will tell us everything we want to know about your associates. With your help and theirs, willingly offered or not, we will prevent further attacks."


    The young Rainmaker just gave her the same cold hateful look that interrogators at the central precinct would work hard to wipe off his face. There was more, though. A look of self-assuredness, like the boy believed he still held all the cards, even with a Guardian rifle pointed at his head and his plan to bomb the Freedom District stopped cold. Did Minos' followers really believe so strongly in him? Savoy shook her head with a mixed look of contempt and pity. "Take him back to Precinct," she ordered to her men. "I'll proceed to Medical One with the paramedics."

  12. Nickles' eyes opened slowly as he regained consciousness. His senses were blurred and he felt light-headed, but he could tell that his wrists and ankles were strapped to the chair he was sitting in. There was a white humanoid shape in front of him ... but it was turning black. First one leg turned black, then the other. Slowly his vision became more clear; he could tell that the shape was a woman, a tantalizingly curvy woman, as she covered her nude upper body in a tight leather jacket that matched the sable pants. She had glistening silver hair that draped across her shoulders, but even that faded as she pulled aside the wig to reveal a bald head.


    "Your muscles will remain weak for several hours, so don't bother to struggle," the woman said. Her voice echoed around and through Nickles; he could tell that this effect was a combination of his disorientation and the acoustics of his environment. As his sight cleared further, he could confirm that he was sitting in a large wide-open but enclosed space. High windows began to flicker into his view, windows with faint blue light filtering in at a sharp downward angle. A warehouse?


    He tried to speak. His mouth moved but no sound came out. His muscles were reluctant to comply with his commands. He felt as if he was caught in a half-dream state. The woman strapped a flat device to her arm and Nickles could hear a beep. She tapped the face of the device and Nickles barely discerned something sharp penetrating his left wrist. His dizziness seemed to intensify.


    "We Deltans are known for our ... sexual prowess," the woman remarked. "But we have other talents which are not such common knowledge. Talents of ... mental suggestion."


    "Redera ... " Nickles managed to groan as he suddenly recalled the pleasant shape of the last person whose company he enjoyed before he lost consciousness. Soon after, he recalled the blast in the skyline ... and something being held over his mouth and nose. "Why ... "


    "You were not willing to talk about your ship in the tavern," Redera said as she entered another instruction into her ODRI. The sharp object withdrew from Nickles' wrist. "I do not have the time to extract the information I need through ... pillow talk. So I will employ my other talents instead. By the time we are through here, you -will- want to tell me what I need to know."

  13. Joe Manning -> BEGIN SIM

    Pher -> :: Scanning, looking for trouble as folks trickle back to the bar ::

    T'Aral -> :: ... is shepherding in any crew members she sees. ::

    rosetto -> ::sees Manning return to the Maze and follows::

    Pher -> (( I'm assuming we're going to get the Rainmaker's propaganda soon, or already have it? ))

    Shane -> ::at the grumbling of hios stomach, turns with a shrug and goes back inside::

    Joe Manning -> << You could have gotten it by now, absolutely >>

    Joe Manning -> << Anyone wearing an ODRI could have picked it up ... or ignored it, whatever you like >>

    Pher -> Hmm... OK. We can assume this wasn't aimed right at us then.

    Pher -> :: to all and sundry ::

    Joe Manning -> ::Looking out one of the tavern's windows as he rubs the back of his neck::

    Joe Manning -> ::Turns to look at Pher:: I don't see any reason to think that it was. Seems like the sensible strategy.

    Pher -> Likely not a good idea to hang near any obvious targets, though.

    Shane -> ::hears the Rain makers message being played back on someones ODRI as he sits back at his place at the bar::

    Joe Manning -> ::Pher:: I think we can agree that this place isn't a more prominent target than an office building ...

    Pher -> If they want off world, they aren't likely to hit the spaceport bad.

    Joe Manning -> ::looks at Pete:: No offense

    Joe Manning -> ::Pher:: If you're thinking we can relocate there, I imagine security will be tighter than ever now.

    rosetto -> ::looks at what Shane is viewing and gains interest::

    T'Aral -> :: Steps in to the Maze, looks about for the Captain. ::

    Pher -> :: tilts her head, briefly :: If they really wanted to kill the planet's morale, they'd go for the beer supply... :: winks ::

    Shane -> ::brissles inwardly at the Mino's message, his cold expression somehow getting harder::

    Joe Manning -> ::Leans close to Pher and whispers, glacing toward Pete:: They'd hit the Guardian lounge, first. For a few reasons, including the quality of the booze in this place.

    Pher -> Tighter, yes. Will they be letting people they don't know in? I'm dubious.

    rosetto -> Shane>This really sucks...

    T'Aral -> :: Joe :: Sir - I have accounted for most of our crew. I cannot, however, find your second in command.

    Joe Manning -> ::Taps her on the shoulder and points in the direction of Shane and Rosetto::

    Pher -> :: nods ::

    Pher -> Are they with us?

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods at T'Aral:: Nor one of the applicants. The Deltan.

    Shane -> ::doesn't look at Sal and spits on the floor at the messages end::

    Joe Manning -> ::Pher:: Two of the other applicants ...

    Joe Manning -> ::Pher:: I'll need you to work on them, get a sense of whether we can trust them on the crew.

    Joe Manning -> Pete> ::Circles back around the bar with a frown on his face and ducks into his office behind the bar::

    T'Aral -> :: Eyebrow :: Indeed? Her loss would be most unfortunate for you. I examined her application - if she was truthful, you would have found a proper replacement for the Chief Engineer.

    rosetto -> SHane>Well, I'm gonna go see what the Captain thinks about all of this...

    Pher -> :: Nods :: They feel real. I'll work them a bit. Mr. Arm is going to be a guard?

    Joe Manning -> ::T'Aral:: ... tap into the local Employment Grid did you, T'Aral? You should know we depend only on our interviews.

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods to Pher:: Feeling them out is long term. Short term, I need you to question them about Nickles. Find out what they know.

    Shane -> Be my guest ::turns back to the bar and motions to one of Pete's employees:: Get me the biggest plate you've got.

    Joe Manning -> Bouncer> Huh? ::Looks over at Shane:: Sorry, I don't get paid to serve customers. You'll have to wait for Mr. Gibbons.

    rosetto -> ::starts walking toward Manning::

    Shane -> ::grumbles under his breathe::

    Pher -> I thought I saw Nickles leaving the area with the Deltan. Didn't much care for the Deltan. May have been blowing dust at him.

    T'Aral -> One would assume that she presented the same information in the interview that she did on the employment grid. Whether she was truthful or not is irrelevant - changing her story would be most illogical.

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods at Pher:: I'm sure he did leave with her ... ::Frowns slightly::

    Joe Manning -> We have to figure out where she took him. He's not answering on his ODRI, so he must have taken it off already.

    Pher -> :: Tries to ping Nickle's ODRI, just to get a position. ::

    T'Aral -> :: Pher :: '... blowing dust ... '?

    Joe Manning -> Nickles' ODRI> ::Doesn't respond::

    rosetto -> ::walks up::Can I help?

    Joe Manning -> ::Gives Sal a grin:: We've got things under control here, Pete ...

    Joe Manning -> << Er, Sal ... >>

    Pher -> Honey dust. Pheromones. Deltans are more addictive than Orion by a good bit.

    Joe Manning -> Have you met our security chief, Ms. Pheromone? ::Motions::

    Pher -> :: Skirtless curtsy ::

    rosetto -> Why no... I have not. Good Evening...

    rosetto -> ::extends hand in greeting::

    Pher -> Good evening, rosetto. :: to Joe :: Well, we spoke very briefly. It was a blast.

    Pher -> :: holds out hand, not to be shaken, but to be kissed ::

    Joe Manning -> You two can get to know one another a little better. Introduce her to Shane over there, would you?

    Joe Manning -> ::Taps T'Aral on the shoulder:: Could you come with me, T'Aral?

    Pher -> :: To Joe :: Nickle's ODRI isn't responding to ping. It's disabled, somehow.

    T'Aral -> :: Nods, steps aside with Joe. ::

    rosetto -> ::always the gentleman, grants a brief peck::

    Pher -> :: Returns full attention to Rosetto ::

    Shane -> ::sitting at the bar still, staring at his coffee cup, waiting for Pete to show back up::

    Pher -> :: Smiles ::

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods quickly to Pher and guides T'Aral around to the back of the bar::

    rosetto -> So what the heck is going on?

    Joe Manning -> ::Heads into the office where Pete is looking over a news feed on a computer terminal::

    T'Aral -> :: Follows ::

    Pher -> Terrorists. Nasty bunch. I know a bit, but I'd like to go over it just once.

    Joe Manning -> Do we know what building was hit?

    Joe Manning -> Pete> Nothing yet. ::Shakes head::

    Pher -> Think you could introduce me to Bicepts?

    Joe Manning -> T'Aral ... I know we're not officially on duty right now, but I want you to look into this.

    T'Aral -> :: Eyebrow :: You wish me to investigate an explosion?

    rosetto -> Sure, If he'll respond. He's not the communative type... ::chuckles::

    Pher -> Hmmm.... Yet, I suspect somehow he can get his opinions across when he has to. :: Slight twinkle in eyes ::

    rosetto -> ::leads her over to the bar to Shane::Shane, this is Ms. Pheromone, Chief of Security...

    Joe Manning -> ::Rubs the back of his neck:: I'm not sure I want to go into it right now ... but I'm interested in the explosion. And there are things going on here that could impact the whole crew.

    Pher -> Pher, if you please.

    T'Aral -> :: Nods :: Very well ... is there anything else?

    Shane -> ::turns towards Pher and Sal and raises an eyebrow at Pher::

    Joe Manning -> Normally I'd have gone to Baxter with this, but ... ::Frowns slightly:: You're our chief engineer now, and that's going to stick regardless of any other applicants.

    rosetto -> Okay, sorry.

    Shane -> ::nods to her:: The name's Shane.

    Pher -> Shane. :: offers hand as if to be kissed ::

    Shane -> ::looks down at her hand and then back up at her:: Something wrong with that?

    Pher -> :: a very low level casual flirt pose ::

    Pher -> :: raises hand :: Not really.

    rosetto -> ::shakes his head::

    T'Aral -> As you wish ... I would like to take someone with me.

    Shane -> ::takes a gulp of his coffee:: When are we heading out?

    Pher -> :: Holds the hand out a bit longer, just to make sure he really wants to be rude, not in the least bothered by it. ::

    Joe Manning -> Just ... hold on a second. Visiting the site might not be necessary ... at least not just yet. And it could put you in a compromising position. It'll be crawling with Guardians right now ... ::Sort of catches himself with that last statement::

    Pher -> Not even sure we are we yet.

    Pher -> :: Withdraws hand, settles in at the table ::

    Pher -> And no problem with the name. Pher is just easier, but I've got a good size collection of names. :: secret smile ::

    Pher -> :: Sighs ::

    rosetto -> Pher>Like I was saying, we don't get much news of the Cluster in K"Normia...

    Pher -> OK. You have heard of the blocade here? No ship is allowed to leave the planet until they find this big shot terrorist guy.

    T'Aral -> :: Nearly invisible shrug :: Very well.

    rosetto -> Scattered reports that are probably highly filtered as well

    Pher -> And the big shot terrorist guy claimed credit for our recent explosion.

    Shane -> ::still expressionless:: You mean Mino's?

    Joe Manning -> Pete> ::Glances away from his terminal:: I think he's gonna ask you to break a few local laws, sweetheart.

    Pher -> Yep. That the (expletive deleted).

    rosetto -> And Yes, I have gathered that from the local reports. I have been here nearly a week now.

    T'Aral -> ::Pete:: That would be an exceptional request. Typically I am to break several.

    Shane -> ::mumbles under his breath:: Scum. ::takes another gulp::

    Joe Manning -> << I think 'petaq' is the word you're looking for, Pher :P >>

    Pher -> We're figuring that if Minos wants to get off planet he isn't apt to be blowing of space ships, so I doubt we're going to be high on his target list.

    Pher -> But at the same time, the Guardians are going to make a big deal of not letting any ships get off...

    Joe Manning -> ::Rubs the bridge of his nose, shaking his head at Pete. Looks up at T'Aral:: There are a few things we're going to have to talk about. I was hoping to hold them off until we were up in the air, but ...

    Joe Manning -> You didn't join the Guardians, T'Aral. You joined us. Would you be okay skirting their authority a bit?

    Pher -> Now, there is another problem. Our XO wandered off with a Deltan woman, and his communicator has gone dead. He may or may not be in trouble.

    rosetto -> Well, I'm in no hurry to go anywhere as long as I've secured employment...

    T'Aral -> :: Expressionless :: What do you require?

    Pher -> So we might have some chasing around to do.

    Shane -> He probably is. That Deltan had him hook, line, and sinker.

    Joe Manning -> Have a seat ... ::Motions to a dirty couch full of holes against one of the walls in the office::

    rosetto -> Well, from my experience, I have never trusted Deltans...

    Pher -> :: nods to Shane :: I thought so to.

    Mitar Precip -> (nice couch)

    Shane -> And you never should ::to Sal::

    T'Aral -> :: Examines couch, considers sitting on the armrest, considers what the couch was probably used for ... ::

    rosetto -> ::smiles at the big guy::

    T'Aral -> I would prefer to remain standing.

    Pher -> Oh... the Deltans who stay at home and do their religious thing can be OK, but they don't mix well with aliens in my experience.

    Joe Manning -> Pete> ::Pulls himself away from the terminal to tend to customers. Glances at T'Aral:: Sorry about the mess, dear. Usually, only company I get is old dogs like Joe.

    Pher -> Aliens being folk like me.

    Pher -> :: animated ::

    Pher -> Anyway, how much have you two done security and investigative work?

    rosetto -> ::smiles at Pher's antics::I think I'm gonna like you...

    Joe Manning -> ::Glances at Pete as he exits the office:: Tell me ... and I need a good, honest answer. How effectively could you tap into local systems and communications without being seen?

    Pher -> :: smiles back :: I hope so.

    T'Aral -> In a room such as this one, I would only be seen by those entering it.

    Shane -> Plenty of security. Not as much investigative.

    Joe Manning -> I don't mean visibly. I mean could you mask your intrusion electronically? ... how much hacking capability do you have?

    Pher -> What sort of security, Shane. :: Bites back on mentioning the word 'strongarm'. ::

    rosetto -> I guess you could say I've done investigative work...more analysis of data though

    Pher -> ?

    Pher -> :: looks about to make sure no one is trying to listen in ::

    T'Aral -> :: Considers :: It depends on what is required. Monitoring is simple. Entering data storage is slightly more problematic. At that point, it is a question of my skills against those who prepared their defenses ... which is an unknown factor.

    Shane -> ::still remaining expressionless, takes another gulp:: Ship security, business, bars like this, mercenary work.

    Joe Manning -> Pete> ::Works his way up the bar, freshening up the applicants' drinks on the way::

    rosetto -> What was the cause of this distortion to telemetry, etc...

    Pher -> :: briefly works Audrey to see if she can pick up on any tech survalance. ::

    Shane -> Among others.

    Joe Manning -> ::T'Aral:: Give me a sense of your skills. What sort of experience do you have in the arena ...

    Pher -> :: Nods to Shane ::

    Pher -> :: considers ::

    Joe Manning -> You have my word that whatever you say stays in this room. I hope your time on the crew so far has allowed you trust my word.

    Pher -> Look, this isn't to be mentioned, but I'm going on a hunch here.

    Shane -> ::watches her work the ODRI, shifts his bionic arm on the bar::

    rosetto -> ::listens;;

    T'Aral -> I was able to counter-code a security system to allow restricted access to a Federation prototype warp sled.

    Shane -> ::waits for her to speak::

    Pher -> I'm going to assume Nickles, our XO, was taken, and the timing of the Op suggests that it was the Rainmakers. It would be a big coincedence that the grab just happened to take place right on top of the boom.

    Joe Manning -> You've sliced Federation systems? ... ::Nods slowly:: That's an encouraging sign.

    T'Aral -> I should be able to access most anything on this planet, if a connection exists.

    Pher -> And our ship is as good as any in terms of getting off planet and getting away.

    Shane -> The ship is Klingon, correct?

    T'Aral -> So what are you looking for?

    Joe Manning -> I'll be honest with you ... I think the people who have the best chance of detecting what you're doing are the people who bombed that office building. ::Motions to the terminal:: They've shown incredible expertise with computers before.

    Pher -> So, I figure we're going to be contacted. I'm more tempted to wait on the contact than to play hide and go seek in the city.

    Joe Manning -> Start by finding out which building was hit.

    Joe Manning -> Shouldn't require much effort, and wouldn't draw much eat if you're discovered.

    Joe Manning -> *heat

    T'Aral -> That, sir, does not even require restricted access.

    rosetto -> ::CONSIDERS pHER'S LOGIC AND NODS::

    Pher -> Yep, originally. B'rel Bird of Prey. She's seen a lot of years, and isn't exactly purely stocked with the original equipment, but a heart she is what she was.

    rosetto -> <<Oops... sorry>>

    Shane -> Then they're going to assume that it can cloak, or at least hope.

    Joe Manning -> Maybe ... but a lot of the companies that do business on Tranquility prefer to keep their presence off the records.

    T'Aral -> :: Goes to computer, calls up a city map, pulls out tricorder and cross-references data. ::

    Joe Manning -> And employee records might not be so easy to attain ...

    Joe Manning -> That, mostly, is what I'm interested in. Which companies used that building and who worked there.

    Pher -> :: Snorts :: That's quite an assumption.

    rosetto -> Isn't there some kind of ordinance banning cloaking?

    Pher -> I'm not saying we're really ready to take on the Guardians, but Minos is sort of desperate, and we're a reasonable choice of someone to strongarm.

    Joe Manning -> ::Walks up to the computer and brings his foot up to a nearby counter, leaning against it::

    Pher -> But, this is all wild guess. Either of you have some wild guesses of your own?

    T'Aral -> :: Considers Joe's interests while noting the building location and height of the blast. Enters in address and floor into a reverse-query engine to see if there's a public access listing for it. ::

    rosetto -> I am just playing all of this by ear, Pher...

    Shane -> I would agree with you. It's too big of a coincidence to have our second in command disappear right before the bomb.

    Joe Manning -> You comfortable using a tricorder? Or have you not had the means to grab an ODRI for yourself?

    T'Aral -> I prefer more traditional technologies.

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods:: Traditional can also mean antiquated. I'll assume you've made upgrades?

    Pher -> :: nods at them both :: I'd like ideas to push a plan of our own, but I haven't a plan to push just yet.

    T'Aral -> My own - yes.

    Pher -> Yet, the Rainmakers say they are going to trigger a bomb every hour. Sounds like they are pushing the pace.

    Pher -> They seem to be in a hurry.

    rosetto -> Well, I agree that the best way to find someone looking for you is to just stay put...

    Pher -> They sure know we were here.

    rosetto -> If I knew better who WE were then I could add something...

    Shane -> And the Rainmakers decent at what they do. They're not going to make it easy for us to find them if we start looking them. Waiting on their contact would make it easier to pinpoint them.

    Pher -> :: Nods to Shane :: And the Guardians and Rainmakers are going to be running around playing games we haven't the numbers to compete with.

    T'Aral -> :: Notes computer reply. :: The address listed for the exploded sector was 'Systems Enterprises'. :: Connects tricorder to the computer and activates a quadri-hex decription system. ::

    Pher -> We... :: looking back to Rosetto ::

    Joe Manning -> Systems Enterprises. Sounds like another of the local expansion competitors to the Gular Consortium.

    T'Aral -> The name is generic enough, and there is no information on the firm as a proper entity.

    Pher -> :: Nods towards the other two :: Captain Joe is our fearsome leader. Been around the block a bunch of times. Knows what he's doing.

    Joe Manning -> Can you fish out any employee records?

    rosetto -> Pher, I'm just saying... We have just met... You don't know who I am and I have the same issue... You know?

    Pher -> The Vulcan woman is T'Aral, our chief engineer. Shes better at tech stuff than I'm poor at it.

    T'Aral -> John Dendal, John Porter, John Yayah, ... there appears to be a pattern forming.

    Pher -> Our doctor, Dash Andrews, is also about somewhere. Wish I knew where.

    rosetto -> I met him!

    Joe Manning -> A phony list?

    rosetto -> He's a funny sort...

    T'Aral -> :: Deeply concealed sarcasm. :: It would be a logical assumption.

    Pher -> So he is.

    Shane -> ::listening and giving each crew member she points out a lookover::

    Joe Manning -> Dig deeper. Find me some real names ...

    rosetto -> I was hoping that he'd show up tonight...

    Joe Manning -> Then you can start the real fun.

    Joe Manning -> Namely, hacking in the Guardians' information exchange. We need to cross-reference any names, both against lists of casualties and survivors of the blast ... and any prior records of contact with the Rainmakers.

    rosetto -> So, do we have contacts in town that can keep us 'abreast'?

    Pher -> As for trust... :: looks at rosetto :: I'm more or less a people person. Grew up on New Risa. Had to learn to read people... maybe even manipulate them a tiny little bit.

    T'Aral -> :: Examines feedback from decription protocols :: I have identified an automated remote storage subroutine ... one moment ...

    Pher -> I'm ready to give you two some benefit of the doubt... but I realy hate it if I'm wrong, y'know?

    Pher -> So let's all just play it straight.

    rosetto -> I'll do my best...

    Shane -> ::just chuckles a little and looks around the bar room::

    Joe Manning -> ::Raises his sleeve and taps his ODRI:: +Com+ Pher, any word from or on Nickles yet?

    T'Aral -> :: Sets up a monitoring routine ... examines :: There is a Jerald LaHaye who has recently been priority transported to Medical One for urgent care.

    Pher -> Contacts... several of us have contacts, at different levels.... One mintue.

    Pher -> :: pings Nickles again ::

    rosetto -> So what info do we have on this Deltan?

    Joe Manning -> Jerald LaHaye. Priority transport. Any overt indications that he's a VIP?

    Joe Manning -> Nickles' ODRI> ::Still no response::

    T'Aral -> :: Eyebrow :: Several Guardians have been simultaneously dispatched to the Medical One location with classified orders.

    Pher -> +Joe+ No change, I'm afraid. I've just been talking with Rosetto and Shane. I'm kind of expecting that you'll be contacted soon.

    Joe Manning -> ::Furrows his brow at T'Aral:: Wait ... the Guardians were dispatched to this Medical One location after LaHaye?

    T'Aral -> ... no, they were dispatched simultaneously.

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ ... he's probably just having a good time and he was too drunk on booze -and- pheromones to care about the blast.

    Shane -> Do we know where she was staying? ::to Pher::

    Joe Manning -> ::T'Aral:: So they escorted him. Any indication in his record of why he gets the preferential treatment?

    rosetto -> :;listens to Capt's response and frowns::

    T'Aral -> :: Accesses remote back-up data :: They have Omega-4 encription ... most antiquated.

    Pher -> +Joe+ I'll bet the Deltan seeds clouds. You are wrong, Master.

    Pher -> :: to Shane :: I don't have any lead on her at all.

    rosetto -> ::senses a strong emotional response from Pher::

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ ... whatever the case, I want you to look for him. Take the recruits if they're willing. Make it clear that it would go a long way toward convincing us of their trustworthiness.

    T'Aral -> :: Examines data in remote center. :: Mr LaHaye has had contact with several Guardian contacts.

    Pher -> :: sighs ::

    rosetto -> ::looks at Pher, knowing what capt said::I agreee...

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ We need him with us, Pher. The rest of the staff is on the other side of the city.

    Pher -> +Joe+ She's a wild goose, Master. I'll chase if you wish, but you will let me know when the ransom note arrives?

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ You might be assuming too much. If he's partying, I'm sure you can find him easily enough.

    Shane -> Does Nickles have the access codes to the Qob?

    T'Aral -> There are fourty-three contacts with one Marshall Savoy, and twenty-two unrelated messages to a Timothy Jenkins.

    Pher -> +Joe+ Master. There is going to be a disruption in the city's party schedule.

    Pher -> +Joe+ But I'll make the attempt. I reserve one 'I told you so.'

    T'Aral -> :: Examines contents :: Interesting ... these messages appear to represent two entirely different entitites.

    Joe Manning -> What do you mean?

    rosetto -> Pher... If I may?

    Pher -> :: nods to rosetto ::

    Pher -> To me.

    Pher -> Don't bother the captain just yet.

    rosetto -> Before I left the table I overheard the Deltan mention the Gom'ja Mok.

    Pher -> OK. That sounds chaseworthy.

    T'Aral -> The messages to Marshall Savoy appear to be discussing an investigation, while the messages to Mr. Jenkins represents some form of transportation agreement ... and neither message set is referred to in any way by the other.

    rosetto -> A local Hotel?

    Shane -> A nice one, from the sounds of it.

    Pher -> Hmm... You could say that. With entertainment. Private entertainment.

    T'Aral -> Based on this information, I would say that our Mr. LaHaye is an investigator of some kind ... and a corrupt one.

    Joe Manning -> ::Shakes head:: This guy might have just been investigating corruption in the company.

    Pher -> :: Fraction of a laugh at shane's words ::

    Shane -> Like I said, nice. ::stands up with his arms hissing::

    Pher -> Well, not so nice.

    rosetto -> I don't know. I've had several ales... But it seemed like she said the Unspeakable District? Whatever that is...

    Joe Manning -> Download all the employee records ... I want to move you somewhere else. I don't want anything that happens from this point being traced back to The Maze.

    T'Aral -> Or, more logically, he was put in position for such an investigation, and used that position for personal gain.

    T'Aral -> One moment, sir ...

    Shane -> Depends n your definition of the word. Are we heading out to look for the lost XO or not?

    Joe Manning -> It's one of the things we'll look into. You'll have to get into the Guardian systems if you can, find out more about that investigation.

    Pher -> :: Stands as well :: I am too classy and dignified a person to speak of the unspeakable. :: nose in air and a twinkle in eye ::

    Shane -> A dignified Orion. ::turns towards the door:: Thats a first.

    T'Aral -> :: Transfers data to a municipal sewage data collection center. ::

    Pher -> :: Starts out :: Certainly, shane.

    rosetto -> Well, muscle here isn't... Sorry, Shane....

    Pher -> :: Sticks out tongue at Shane ::

    Joe Manning -> Alright, let's move out.

    Pher -> :: Walking with a bit more body motion than actually necessary ::

    T'Aral -> It is very unlikely that anyone will expect to find transient data there, and if we are stopped we will not be carrying contraband information.

    rosetto -> ::follows along::

    Shane -> "Muscle" can get you more places than "dignified". At least in this area.

    Pher -> You two armed at all?

    Pher -> I there are different approaches to opening doors.

    T'Aral -> :: Follows after Joe, discreetly draws out a small device ( TOS phaser-1 ) from a storage compartment in her tricorder. ::

    Shane -> ::sarcastically:: Do I need to be? ::pushes a table out of his way with his arm::

    rosetto -> That's a positive, Shane. I, personally, am glad you're along for the ride...

    Joe Manning -> PAUSE SIM

  14. A break.


    That was all Joe could think. Was he getting colder in his old age with his years of experience in Bull's Head? He hadn't seen any casualty reports from the bombing yet, but no doubt innocent lives had been lost, to say nothing of the damage that any ensuing panic could cause throughout the city. Joe remembered a time when he valued life above anything else ... when he would have given his own life to save a dying patient if the equation were that simple. This 'Systems Enterprises' may have been a corrupt outfit, but innocent people always had a tendency to get caught in corporate webs. He was sure that a few people who were just working for the company to make ends meet, just trying to support families in the city and abroad, had been killed in the blast.


    A break. That was all he could think.


    The Rainmakers were now active. They'd spent five days in hiding -- biding their time, surveying the city, planning whatever attacks were scheduled for the night. Now they were out in the open; they would have to be to target the city. An explosive being detonated on an upper floor of a corporate office tower (where the security was always most amply funded) was not a sloppy spur-of-the-moment act. It would have required layers of planning and, possibly, the support of people inside the building. There would be trails to the Rainmakers that could be picked up if the right information was located.


    Marshall Savoy would also be looking for those trails.


    Joe was assuming that Savoy was not serious when she threatened to pull her offer if the Rainmakers launched any attacks in the city. She had gone to Joe because she needed Qob; attacks in the city would only heighten the urgency to apprehend Minos. The thought was beginning to face Joe, however, that the simple play -- handing Minos over and expecting possession of his ship simply and neatly returned -- would not be the most prudent. Other possibilities were floating through his mind, such as using knowledge of Minos' whereabouts as leverage against Savoy.


    Now the mad race was in full-swing. By declaring themselves openly, the Rainmakers would be making it easier for the Guardians to locate them. But with each subsequent attack, more pressure would be placed on the Guardians to lift the planetary blockade. Amidst this large-scale game of chicken, the Guardians had unknown competition to contend with -- Joe would be seeking to beat the Guardians to Minos.


    T'Aral had already uncovered something interesting in Systems Enterprises' records. An employee had been in frequent contact with Marshall Savoy over the past few months with regards to an investigation. That same employee had simultaneously been showing signs of illicit dealings on the side. He was now being transported to a secure location by the Guardians. A Guardian VIP under escort? A suspect in the bombing? Perhaps there were other, unrelated, strings to be found -- another source of leverage against Savoy possibly, or something that could be used to score points with the Marshall.


    Cold, indifferent weighing of factors. Was he emotionally detaching himself from the recent loss of half of his crew? Becoming a grim, callous Hyadean? ... Becoming a Captain?


    "Here," Joe pointed T'Aral's attention into a nearby alleyway. They were several blocks from the Maze. There was a nondescript wooden door halfway along the wall of one of the adjacent buildings. Joe lifted his finger to indicate a smoky window two stories up. "Assuming no one's screwed around in there, you should have a computer uplink ... and we'll be secure."


    * * * * * * *

    Seven Years Ago


    The dusty wind whipped at Joe's hair as he looked into the alleyway. There was a nondescript wooden door halfway along the wall of one of the adjacent buildings. Joe lifted his gaze to a clear window two stories up. A massive hand thumped his upper back before Pete Gibbons stepped into view at his side.


    "Looks lovely, Commander," Pete said. Joe looked at the security officer and flashed his Irish smile, still full of youth after sixty plus years. "It's got sort of a 'condo by the bay' quality to it. Doubt it's got elevator service though. You've got to enjoy staring at bricks as much as you enjoy looking out over a bay. And I doubt we'll be getting a bellboy. You'll have to carry your own luggage, Monique."


    "I was planning to make you carry it, Pete," the petite young tech expert replied in her slight French accent as she stepped around Joe's other side. She bounded into the alley toward the door. "I like it. Nice and concealed."


    "Wait, I better go first," Pete raced ahead of her. "Just in case the rats are big enough to be considered hostiles."


    Joe laughed at the motley pair and looked back at Nickles, who just shook his head and moved around to follow them. Tranquility was as unfamiliar a place as he could find himself, in the middle of a city cut off from the Federation trying to get by on its own. It was comforting to be in the company of good friends, all in the same spot of trying to find a ship to crew in unfamiliar territory. His first few years in Bull's Head had not been easy for him; it hadn't been easy for any of the others, either. But knowing that he could lean on any one of them for support gave him the lift that he needed.


    He felt a hand on his arm. "Well, shall we have a look inside then?"


    Joe turned his head to look at Duke Redding. "After you, friend."

  15. The operations center at Tranquility's Guardian precinct was in full activity mode despite the images being displayed on the situation screen. One of the city's tallest structures, a twenty-four story high-rise office building near the very center of the Commerce District, was belching smoke into the air from a flaming hole no more than four stories from the roof. The explosion that had shaken the city's support platforms just five minutes prior had taken a chunk out of the tower's northern corner; the flames would be visible from all of the city's more populated districts, and the smoke would be visible everywhere. An explosion at the base of the tower would have done more damage; that was clearly not the bomber's intent.


    Emergency response was one of the responsibilities included in the Guardians' Tranquility contract. Lawmen on the ground were already moving people out of and away from the targeted building, and shuttles were flying in to extinguish the blaze and rescue trapped survivors. Surrounded by her precinct staff coordinating response efforts at their stations, Marshall Amanda Savoy watched several views of the scene on the situation screen, including surveillance recordings that showed the blast from many angles. The recordings, combined with reports from the field and sensor analyses from her staff, made it clear that this explosion had not been accidental.


    "Minos ... " she mumbled to herself.


    The rescue efforts would come first. On-site investigations would come next. There was little doubt in Savoy's mind that the cult leader known to be on Tranquility, the terrorist whose presence in the city had prompted the decision to seal off the colony, was behind this.


    "Ma'am," Savoy looked over at her second in command, Constable La'nok, who was hovering over the Lawmen at the comm stations. "We are receiving an audio-only transmission. It appears to be coming from within the city, but it is being bounced between and simultaneously broadcast from over thirty comm relays throughout Tranqulity. We are not the only ones receiving it."


    "Find out where that transmission is coming from!" Savoy ordered. "Put it on speaker."


    A deep, electronic voice -- heavily computer-modified by the sound of it -- came over the ops center's speakers. "Citizens of Tranquility, this evening you have witnessed the will of Minos made manifest in the great financial center of your decadent city. As the majestic skies of this fair world are darkened by ashes of the corporate greed and vice that have tainted the Hyades cluster, know that the cleansing you have witnessed is but a small sampling of the full capabilities of the Rainmakers.


    "You may think to blame us for the destruction that has been caused and the lives that have been lost. But know that this attack was not unprovoked. The Rainmakers choose to reject the authority of the Guardians. We were here long before the Guardians were formed, and we will be here long after they have been swept out of the Hyades cluster. They are nothing more than mercenary thugs who exert their false authority at the bidding of wealthy usurpers who dare lay claim to colonies that are rightfully the property of the Federation. Now these brutes who value only the weight of the latinum in their pockets presume to hold us all prisoner on Theta Tauri. The blame for any loss which is suffered this night falls upon the Guardians.


    "Know that the attack you have just witnessed is only the first that we have planned and the least devastating. Until the Guardians lift their unlawful blockade of the planet, this city will feel another attack every hour, each more terrible than the last, and we will -not- limit our targets to commercial centers. It is our desire to return the Hyades cluster to its rightful rulers, not to cause the deaths and suffering of innocent people. Know that every hour that you are kept prisoner on this planet, every tragedy that befalls your city, every innocent life that is swept away, will be further proof that the Guardians do not value your lives but only the wealth that they suckle from the teat of their wretched Taurus Brother masters.


    "Know your true enemy if you wish to avoid the cleansing rain that we shall bring."

  16. T'Aral -> :: A Vulcan female walks into a bar ... ::h

    Pher -> :: An Orion female follows. The eternal search for a punchline... ::

    Pher -> T'Aral?

    rosetto -> <<LOL Sal's telling jokes here...>>>

    T'Aral -> :: T'Aral glances to the side, noticing the Eternal and wonders why such a divine being needs a punchline. ::

    T'Aral -> Good evening Pher. Do you wish to find a seat?

    rosetto -> Nickles>So, Chris. Where's the rest of the crew?

    Pher -> Sure. :: Finds a seat, puts herself more or less on display. ::

    Pher -> Have you found anything logical on this waterless wonder of a planet?

    T'Aral -> :: Takes up a seat at the same table, with a far more subdued pose. ::

    STSF_Nickles -> Most are still milling around here waiting for the ship to be cleared

    T'Aral -> I cannot say I have found anything logical. I have, however, found much of what I have needed.

    Joe Manning -> <Pete> ::Makes his way over to the Qob crew's table::

    Pher -> :: Nods :: Dash was also able to make connections. Got our medical and food stuff near the airport, if not actually on board.

    Sakir -> ::Random Merchant guy walks up to the entrance and knocks:: Hello?

    Joe Manning -> <Pete> What can I get you all?

    STSF_Nickles -> ::looks up to Pete:: Hey Pete can I have another warnog?

    Joe Manning -> <Pete> ::Nickles:: You bet, Chris. I was wondering when you were come around to The Maze. How long's it been?

    T'Aral -> Indeed? I have found the Guardians to be co-operative, if officious. I have managed to stow three liters of Isbad-Tukh[/i] on board.

    STSF_Nickles -> TO Long Pete TOO long

    Joe Manning -> <Pete> ::Hears the knocking at the door and yells toward it:: We're open, just come on in

    Sakir -> ::Walks in:: sweet.

    rosetto -> ::looks at the two new females that have arrived::

    Pher -> A start. Dash thinks his stuff is hot, though. Deserves a bit more care and thought.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::sees Rosetto looking and turns to see what hes looking at::

    Joe Manning -> <Pete> ::Sakir:: Take a seat. What can I get you?

    STSF_Nickles -> Who are you looking at Rosetto?

    T'Aral -> :: Eyebrow :: That is curious. Technically speaking, there is little that can be 'hotter' than Isbad-Tukh[/i].

    Pher -> :: Evaluetes the newcomer... and others hanging around the bar ::

    Sakir -> Umm... what ever is on tap. ::Sits at the bar.

    rosetto -> The Vulcan and Orion females... You know them?

    Joe Manning -> <Redera> ::Returns to the common room from the bathroom and weaves her way back to the table::

    Pher -> Sorry. I'm not that much of a tech girl. Isbad-Tukh?

    T'Aral -> Fuel-grade fissionable materials.

    STSF_Nickles -> Not Sure

    Joe Manning -> <Pete> ::Sakir:: Well, that would be good old fashioned Earth brewed beer ...

    Joe Manning -> <Pete> Not that it was brewed on Earth, mind you. We've got a still in the basement.

    Pher -> Um... Well. Yes. That would be hot indeed.

    Sakir -> <Merchant> Sounds perfect.

    Joe Manning -> <Redera> ::Takes her seat next to Nickles and gives him a grin::

    Pher -> They know what they were looking at? :: Lowers her voice to keep the conversation close ::

    Joe Manning -> <Pete> ::Nickles:: I'll leave you to your, er, company, Chris. Let's chat more later ...

    Joe Manning -> <Pete> ::Sal:: Enjoying everything so far, Mr. Rosetto?

    STSF_Nickles -> LOL Thanks Pete.

    STSF_Nickles -> Welcome back Redera

    T'Aral -> :: Voice kept at low pitch :: Probably not. I have noted that few in this sector speak fluent Vulcan.

    rosetto -> Not bad, Pete... Could I get a refill?

    STSF_Nickles -> Pete Can you get her another of whatever shes having please?

    Joe Manning -> <Redera> ::Nickles, in her high-pitched voice:: Oh, I've never felt more welcomed.

    T'Aral -> I am, however, disappointed at the lockdown. The Qob's hull requires some modest modification.

    Pher -> True enough. Sure wasn't much call for it on New Risa.

    Pher -> How modest?

    Joe Manning -> <Redera> ::Speaks up:: Oh! I've still got half a drink. ::Points to her Altair water::

    Joe Manning -> <Pete> ::Glances between Redera and Nickles and nods at Sal:: You got it, chief. Just sit tight.

    STSF_Nickles -> Oh come on Dont you want something a bit stronger?

    rosetto -> ::almost smirks at Redera's comment::

    Joe Manning -> <Redera> You're so considerate. ::Grabs Nickles' arm:: But this is my favorite drink.

    Joe Manning -> <Redera> ::Quickly shifts gears:: Tell me about the ship.

    T'Aral -> At the current time, I am unable to eject the reactor core in the case of a run-away.

    Pher -> :: Glances at Redera... brifly evaluating her technique. ::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: grins at her then places his hand over hers:: OKay whatever you say .

    Joe Manning -> <Pete> ::Returns to the bar to pour everyone's drinks::

    Pher -> Uh huh.... This is the new one, not the old one?

    STSF_Nickles -> Lets see. Shes gotten a complete new refit.

    Joe Manning -> <Redera> Oooo, nothing left for me, then?

    rosetto -> ::listens intently::

    T'Aral -> That is correct. Essentially: the positive is that I can have the Qob ready for launch from it's current 'cold' state in five minutes - where normal fusion drives require thirty.

    Joe Manning -> <Redera> I'll probably find something to tinker with anyway. You can't keep my hands still for long.

    STSF_Nickles -> ((Try that again)

    T'Aral -> The negative is that the Qob is essentally powered by a slow-fission bomb.

    Joe Manning -> <Redera> I'll probably find something to tinker with anyway. You can't keep my hands still for long.

    STSF_Nickles -> THey finally took all of the klingon langage off the panels. You can actually read them now.

    Pher -> Uh huh...

    STSF_Nickles -> OHh I figured as much

    Joe Manning -> <Redera> Oh, I usually just use the translator on my ODRI for that.

    Joe Manning -> <Redera> It's a Klingon Bird of Prey, right? ::Gasps and goes wide-eyed:: Can she cloak?

    T'Aral -> Well, we did need a way to activate the vessel faster. The laws of physics rather limit my options.

    rosetto -> Oh that's good... I thought I'd have to carry around a Klingon to English program on my PADD...

    Pher -> Yep. I heard some spacers talk about cold starting antimatter drives... and ending up arriving a few centuries before the left.3

    Joe Manning -> <Pete> ::Brings a beer over to Sakir's table and places it in front of him:: Long day, chief?

    T'Aral -> :: Nods :: Precisely.

    STSF_Nickles -> She got a refit shes not new by any means ::avaidling the question::

    Pher -> But that wouldn't do much good in an atmosphere, right? Too much atmosphere?

    Sakir -> <Merchant> ::To pete:: Just made a huge sale that I gotta ship in a few, Thanks.

    Joe Manning -> <Redera> Oh ... ::Brow furrows ever so slightly:: I had heard it was an old ship. But that's got a certain appeal to it. ::Runs a finger along Nickles' arm, releasing some more pheromones::

    Joe Manning -> <Pete> ::Sakir:: What do you trade in?

    STSF_Nickles -> Its an old ship alright,

    Joe Manning -> <Redera> I'd love to take a tour.

    T'Aral -> Atmosphere is a major concern. Further, using temporal factors in cold-start anti-matter reactions moreso runs the risk of being somewhere that is currently occupied by something else.

    rosetto -> <afk>

    T'Aral -> The result is ... unfortunate.

    Pher -> Even I know that is bad.

    STSF_Nickles -> :: smiling at the motion of his arm being rubbed:: You are something Redera

    Shane -> <<::Gives a shout of triumph::>>

    T'Aral -> << AFK / BBS >>

    Joe Manning -> <Redera> ::Turns her head away and yawns:: Oh ... I think I've pushed myself too much with the Altair water.

    Pher -> With boats and rocks it's bad enough. I'm not sure I know how to imagine it happening at warp speed.

    rosetto -> <bak>

    Pher -> (( ;) Shane! ))

    STSF_Nickles -> Surely you dont have to leave just yet?

    rosetto -> ::simply wants Redera to leave. doesn't know why::

    Joe Manning -> <Redera> ::Frowns:: Well, I don't want to. I'm staying at the Gom'ja Mok ... I think that's how it's pronounced. It's a pretty cheap motel ... but I don't have much money.

    Pher -> :: Looks briefly at Audrey as it sounds an alert ::

    STSF_Nickles -> Why dont you just stay with me?

    Pher -> :: Pheremone level in air not matching pheremone levels released??? ::

    Shane -> ::arrives back in the room from answering natures calls, moves back to the tables::

    Joe Manning -> <Redera> ::Blinks innocently at Nickles:: Where are you staying?

    STSF_Nickles -> Across the street. Joe and I were here finishing up the interviews for th open QoB spots.

    rosetto -> Shane, ready for a refill?

    Pher -> :: Considers what she is feeling... which is not much. T'Aral could be potentially sexy if she had sex... but... Not Pher's sought after gender. ::

    Joe Manning -> <Redera> ::One corner of her mouth drop slightly:: Oh ... just across the street? You'd let me stay there with you?

    Shane -> ::simply looks at Sal and sits down, taking his coffee cup in hand::

    STSF_Nickles -> Why Yes, Its a very nice spot. Private hot tube and all

    rosetto -> ::steps away from the table with mug in hand and moves toward the bar::

    T'Aral -> <Back>

    Shane -> ::takes a loud gulp of the lukewarm substance and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand::

    Pher -> :: OK.... If I don't want to be kicking pheromone... and internal sensors say am not kicking phereomone... and Audrey says Pheromone in the air.... ::

    Joe Manning -> <Redera> ::Takes Nickles' hand in hers:: Show me. ::Gives him a wide grin::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::takes a Big swing of the Warnog::

    Pher -> :: Looks suspiciously at the bald one. ::

    STSF_Nickles -> Lets GO!

    T'Aral -> :: Looks to Pher :: You seem immersed in thought.

    Joe Manning -> <Redera> ::Giggles and rises to her feet::

    STSF_Nickles -> Night fellows,

    Pher -> :: nods at Nicles and Baldy :: Trouble.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::big sheepish grin on his own face taking her hand in his::

    Shane -> ::raises an eyebrow at Nickles and Redera, gulps his coffee again::

    Joe Manning -> <Redera> ::Follows Nickles to the exit::

    rosetto -> ::doesn't here Nickles as he approaches the Vulcan & Orion at the bar::Hi! I'm Sal... How are you ladies this evening?

    T'Aral -> :: Eyebrow :: Could definitely be trou...

    STSF_Nickles -> :: walks with Redera out the door::

    Pher -> :: Looks at Rosetto :: Trouble.

    rosetto -> Who me? ::chuckles::

    Pher -> :: Sighs :: He always was a sucker for honey dust.

    Joe Manning -> <Redera> Oh, wait ... I need to get something from my hotel room. Would you just come with me? It's not that far away.

    Pher -> :: Looks up :: No. I was talking about Bald trouble.

    T'Aral -> Then we will simply have to clean up after him. Won't you sit down, Sal, and explain why you have approached us.

    STSF_Nickles -> :: moves to cross the street::

    Shane -> ::with no one else at the table, props his feet up on the table and leans back in his chair, setting his bionic arm on the seat next to him::

    rosetto -> Oh, that one... Yeah, I'm afraid to say so... And I'm supposed to go to work for him...

    STSF_Nickles -> Sure :: turns t walk with her::

    T'Aral -> Indeed - in what capacity?

    rosetto -> Assistant Science Officer...

    Joe Manning -> <Redera> The taxis in this city are smelly. We can take a shortcut here ... ::Moves up a the street a bit and leads him into an alleyway::

    Pher -> You're a geek?

    rosetto -> Some boat named QoB...

    Shane -> ::eyes wander to the Vulcan and Orion that Sal approached, watches absent-mindedly::

    STSF_Nickles -> I have to agree with you there They are smelly, Sure a short cut will be fine.

    Pher -> Boat.

    rosetto -> ::looks at Pher::yeah... fortunately...

    STSF_Nickles -> Whats are your hotel that you cant do without?

    Joe Manning -> <Redera> ::Checks the chronometer in her neural implant::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::still holding her handL

    Pher -> Well, I'll have you know she is not only a boat name QoB... she is THE boat named QoB.

    T'Aral -> The Qob is not a 'boat'[/i] - it is a Klingon scout ship.

    T'Aral -> ... refitted, of course.

    Pher -> Yes. Definitely. What she said.

    rosetto -> I'm sorry if I have offended. It's a figure of speech where I come from.

    Joe Manning -> <Redera> Oh, I need to get my ODRI. I left it behind since I don't like how it looks under this ... ::Wearing a rather thin white gown::

    Pher -> Expertly refitted too. I understand she has a Vulcan engineer.

    Joe Manning -> <Redera> I've probably gotten a few calls. ::Weaving through the alleys of Tranquility, Nickles' hand in hers::

    STSF_Nickles -> Oh honey you look good in anything :: grinning::

    rosetto -> Well, I hope she's in good working order... But I do know my way around systems, working or not...

    STSF_Nickles -> I thought you said is was a short distance? How far are we going

    Joe Manning -> <Redera> ::Trying to get Nickles some distance away from The Maze and also to a good vantage point::

    Shane -> ::hears a grumble from his stomach and decides it's time to feed::

    Joe Manning -> <Redera> Just across the bridge up ahead. In the Unspeakable District. ::Looks back at him:: I told you, I don't have a lot of money. ::Frowns::

    T'Aral -> The Qob is functional, and in as good a working order as a 60 year old starship can be.

    STSF_Nickles -> Ill pay for your night there then you can come back to my place with me.

    Joe Manning -> <Redera> ::Reaches the edge of the platform and guides Nickles to the bridge leading to the next platform::

    Shane -> ::heaving himself up, leaves his trenchcoat at the table and heads for the bar::

    rosetto -> You two seem very familiar with her... You're part of her crew, huh?

    STSF_Nickles -> I have about 20 credits on me.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::walking unceremoniesously with her, his hand tightly in hers::

    Joe Manning -> <Redera. Oooh ... you're sweet. ::Stops at the middle of the bridge and looks out toward the center of the city, where high-rises are clustered together in the Commerce District::

    Pher -> Ohhh... A psychic.

    rosetto -> ::sees Shane approaching bar::Shane, come here buddy. I think these two are part of the QoB crew...

    Joe Manning -> <Redera> Look out there ... ::Points toward the Commerce District::

    STSF_Nickles -> Nice veiw from here huh

    STSF_Nickles -> ::looking out over the bridge::

    Joe Manning -> <Redera> Isn't it beautiful? ::Glances around as she steps back:: Especially in this light.

    Pher -> :: glances at T'Aral ::

    STSF_Nickles -> Very much so

    Shane -> ::is annoyed at the "buddy", but decides what the heck? they're good enough looking::

    T'Aral -> :: Looks back at Pher :: He's very subtle, isn't he?

    Joe Manning -> <Redera> Keep watching ... straight ahead ... ::Pulls something out of her gown::

    rosetto -> So I will assume that you are the Vulcan Engineer?

    T'Aral -> I am an engineer. I was assistant until ... recently.

    Pher -> Human. Young. It's the Kirk effect. They have so much they have to live up to.

    Shane -> ::stops in front of the others, his arm whining and hissing::

    STSF_Nickles -> Why whats going to come into veiw? A motorized vessle??

    Pher -> :: Looks over to see there is an arm nearby ::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The flash of an explosion in one of the high-rises lights up the skyline

    STSF_Nickles -> ::::chuckels::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The city platforms within a one-mile radius tremble

    Shane -> ::looks back and forth with his cold expression::Rosetto> What do you want?

    rosetto -> What was that!::looks for a window::

    Joe Manning -> <Redera> ::Wraps her arms around Nickles, covering his mouth with a cloth::

    Pher -> :: Checks balance ::

    STSF_Nickles -> WHAT in the hel mmmmm mmmm

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: A few seconds later, the sounds of an explosion fill The Maze

    Joe Manning -> <Redera> ::The powerful toxin fills Nickles' lungs::

    T'Aral -> :: Eyebrow - pulls out a small device and pushes a spot. :: I still have telemetry - I do not believe it was us.

    Pher -> :: Times the delay between flash and explosion :: Not close, but big.

    Joe Manning -> <Pete> What the hell was that. ::Moves toward one of the windows in The Maze::

    Shane -> ::feels the tremble and hears the explosion, but only looks to the window in almost disinterest::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::trys to pull away but is surcum and falls to the ground::

    T'Aral -> << Dang - that was effective! >>

    Joe Manning -> <Redera> ::Drags Nickles toward the next platform::

    Pher -> Have a direction?

    rosetto -> ::stands and looks around::

    Joe Manning -> <Pete> ::Sees and hear's people screaming and pointing on the street outside::

    STSF_Nickles -> << I HATe hitting the mouse in the wring place:>>

    Pher -> << What was in that cloth? >>

    T'Aral -> One moment ... :: Draws out a tricorder ::

    Shane -> <<It knocked him out of the chat!>>

    T'Aral -> :: Old-school tricorder ::

    Joe Manning -> << Nothing lethal. Don't want to kill Nickles yet :P >>

    STSF_Nickles -> <<LOL>>

    Sakir -> ((SOrry was afk)) ::Stands up and looks outside at the screaming people::

    Joe Manning -> <Pete> ::Leaves the common room and walks outside to look::

    rosetto -> <<must be electro-chemical in nature>>

    T'Aral -> This way ... :: Begins to exit the Maze ::

    Pher -> << Just be careful if it effects chat connections. Keep it away from Shane! >>

    Shane -> <<::cowers in a corner::>>

    Joe Manning -> <Pete> ::Looks at the column of smoke rising from one of the buildings in the Commerce District:: Bloody hell

    STSF_Nickles -> <<LOL I accently hit the back button>>

    rosetto -> ::follows T'Aral::

    Pher -> :: Positions herself between The Arm and T'Aral briefly ::

    Sakir -> <Merchant> Oh my lord, ::Drops seven lat bars for the beer on the table and runs out twoard the smoke::

    Pher -> :: Then falls in bhind the other male ::

    T'Aral -> :: Once outside, scans in the direction of the smoke and fire to determine the source. ::

    Joe Manning -> <Pete> ::Glances around the sky, then looks back at the others:: Must have been a bomb ...

    rosetto -> ::looks back to Pher::This is Shane. He's also applied for a position..

    Pher -> :: Lets T'Aral use the tricorder, uses her Mark I Eyeball to look for other threats ::

    Pher -> :: Looks to Rosetto :: Which position. Missionary?

    rosetto -> ::watches the women work efficiently::

    Shane -> ::watches over his shoulder as Pher falls back, then shrugs and follows Taral outside::

    rosetto -> On the QoB....

    Pher -> Uh huh...

    T'Aral -> It appears that something has caused an explosion in one of the larger buildings in the Downtown district. Unfortunate, but in itself this should not be a personal concern.

    rosetto -> Security, I think. He hasn't said.

    Pher -> (( I should run. Assume Pher is riding shotgun on the crowd. ))

    STSF_Nickles -> :: laying on the bridge barely able to catch his breath and unconcious::

    Pher -> :: Looks at The Arm. :: Security, eh...

    Joe Manning -> ::Standing at the back of the crowd looking at the smoke, having just emerged from The Maze::

    Pher -> (( Must run! ))

    Shane -> ::peers up at the smoke, expressionless as usual::

    Joe Manning -> ::T'Aral:: I'm concerned about the crew. We need to get everyone rounded up here ...

    Joe Manning -> I think it's time to cut the vacation short.

    T'Aral -> :: Nods, looks about to do a headcount. ::

    Shane -> ::glances at the CO as he speaks then back to the smoke::

    rosetto -> ::notes the captain's appearance from nowhere::

    Joe Manning -> <Pete> C'mon everyone, back inside, back to your drinks. We're safe here. Just try to stay calm.

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks over at Shane and Rosetto. Glances around the crowd::

    Shane -> ::hears his stomach grumble again and turns to go back inside, sights set on a full plate::

    T'Aral -> :: Notes crew, Captain, Pher, Shane, Sal ... :: Sir, I do not see Mr. Nickles.

    rosetto -> Whatever you need, sir. I'm available.

    rosetto -> Chris? He left with that Deltan...

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods at T'Aral:: ... everyone get inside. ::Frowns at the smoking building in the skyline::

    T'Aral -> :: Looks about for Nickles and/or the Deltan. ::

    Joe Manning -> PAUSE SIM

  17. Redera was working on her third glass of Altair water ... slowly. She hadn't noticed until she was halfway through her second glass that the First Mate, Nickles, was pushing alcohol on all of the recruit candidates. The bartender was happy to oblige; he seemed to have a close personal relationship with both of Qob's commanders.


    If Nickles were only trying to inebriate her, his intent would have been immediately clear; his eyes had been all over her throughout the evening. Deltans were not like Orion animals. They could wrap males around their fingers with ease, but they required a delicate touch to prove equally willing. How cute, she thought, that this fool thought alcohol could substitute for true effort. As if I'm only human.


    The real intent was beginning to materialize. Nickles was trying to break down the recruits' barriers and fish out details of their pasts, no doubt at the Captain's instruction. Why else hold these interviews at a bar? Redera was not worried that mere alcohol would cause her to spill any of her secrets. But she was slightly concerned that too much of it would inhibit her performance. She had a job to do. And Nickles, it seemed, also had a job to do; getting him away from The Maze was going to prove more difficult.


    The Deltan laughed at some stupid human joke told by one of the recruits. In what seemed an idle gesture, she allowed the fingers of her right hand to brush against Nickles' arm. She shared a glance with the First Mate and made it apparent that she was interested. She was on her third glass of Altair water, after all; how could she not be interested?


    There was a timetable here, she reminded herself. She called up the chronometer in her neural implant. Less than an hour. She would have to play the predicted part of the disarmed Deltan damsel and get Nickles away from the crowd before the chaos started ...

  18. Joe looked down on the common room of The Maze from the privacy of Pete's office, considering the scenario Pher had just outlined to him. The party was continuing at Nickles' table, the First Mate assessing each crew candidate and encouraging them to speak about their pasts, the first step of a process that would eventually be handed off to Pher for more thorough and discreet background checks. It all assumed that there would still be a ship for them to crew, that Qob would not be impounded by the Guardians. It all assumed that Pher would not be killed on the mission Joe had given her privately.


    He needed to secure a meeting with Minos without going through Samus. Pher was his best option. Her ability to uncover information and work people was just what was required to get inside a criminal network like the Rainmakers.


    It was a dangerous game, though. He wished he could take the risk himself. But he was Federation born. As far as the Rainmakers were concerned, he was the enemy, one of the usurpers. Pher was a native of Bull's Head. The Rainmakers would be far more willing to trust her, to say nothing of her skillset.


    Drawing the attention of the Rainmakers was the problem. The Rainmakers' recruitment efforts primarily targetted colonists in outlying settlements well beyond the Hyades tidal boundary, where conditions had deteriorated to hopelessness in many cases. That avenue was not an option for anyone stuck on a planet at the very heart of Bull's Head. Beyond that, the best way for anyone to be noticed by the Rainmakers was to commit a showy criminal act, like a murder or a bombing, especially one that targetted vocal opponents of Federation control. Joe would authorize no such action, regardless of the potential gain.


    Pher had uncovered a potential route, but it was not without its danger or its unknowns. She and Dash were in contact with a merchant who promised a reliable method of smuggling goods past port security -- a bribable Guardian officer. If this method proved viable, it would give them two useful commodities. One, knowledge of a bypass around port security, which could be used to gain the trust of any Rainmaker contacts. Two, a black market dealer who possessed such a bypass and had an established reputation on Tranquility; it was very possible that the Rainmakers would eventually contact him.


    The danger was the obvious backlash of a failed attempt to get past Guardian security. Marshall Savoy was not aware that Joe was attempting to gain contact with Minos through his own means; she was quite clear that she wanted a meeting arranged through Samus. Tipping off the Guardians was not an option. But he could not afford Pher getting arrested, especially at a time when he was already in hot water with the Guardians.


    With time running out and his options so limited, Joe's only course was one of trust. Pher would not have recommended this plan if she weren't confident she could pull it off.


    He tapped the comm control on his ODRI and waited for Pher's acknowledgment; a holographic image of her face appeared above the emitter.


    "Pher, let's see what this smuggler can produce. Try to get the goods past security. If his bribes don't work ... help him in any way you see fit.


    "Whatever you do, don't get taken into custody."

  19. Joe Manning -> A Cerulean Night is settling over Tranquility City. The fifth day of the closure of the ports is drawing to a close as Minos is still presumably in the city somewhere ...

    Joe Manning -> In The Maze in the Mercenary District, interviews for vacant spots on Qob's crew are about to begin ...

    Joe Manning -> In the Commerce District, shopping for supplies continues

    Joe Manning -> BEGIN SIM

    rosetto -> to Cab Driver>I said 2nd Avenue... The Maze...

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Walking the busy market area with his Green Friend in tow... Cane in hand and flask in pocket::

    STSF_Nickles -> What time is this guy supposed to be here? ::to Joe::

    Joe Manning -> <Cab Driver> That's where I'm taking you! I'm just taking a shortcut through the alleyway here.

    rosetto -> ::is running a bit late. sighs::

    Joe Manning -> <Cab Driver> The place is just up ahead here.

    Joe Manning -> ::Takes a sip of his water and checks his ODRI:: The first one should be getting here any minute.

    rosetto -> Okay, thanks... ::where did this guy learn to drive::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::looks at the chronometer on the wall::

    Pher -> :: With Dash, keeping head a swivel ::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::hopes this guy isn't some local jackal... grabbing names from his contact as of late has proven iffy::

    Pher -> You have a list, Doc?

    Joe Manning -> <Cab Driver> ::Pulls the cab up to the front of The Maze:: Fare'll be two and half chits

    rosetto -> ::give him 4 chits::Thanks... Have a good evening...

    Joe Manning -> ::Nickles:: Remember, you're not here for medical examinations ... you've got to play the commander now

    STSF_Nickles -> :: takes a drink from his glass:: He better hurry

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Pher:: Mind like a steel trap Pher... you know that... or is a like a copper tin? I can't remember

    Joe Manning -> <Cab Driver> You too. ::Nods and takes the chits. Waits for him to leave the cab::

    STSF_Nickles -> And I want my crew ON time

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Pulls his jacket sleeve back revealing his ODRI and taps on it::

    rosetto -> ::steps out, straightens his jacket and then walks into the Maze::

    Joe Manning -> <Pete Gibbons> ::Running a check on the register behind the bar::

    Pher -> :: Smiles, but lets him take the lead ::

    rosetto -> ::Walks up to the bar looking around the room::Hi Pete...

    Joe Manning -> Try to relax, Chris. If they can't make a meeting, we just don't hire them.

    Joe Manning -> <Pete Gibbons> ::Looks up from the register:: Hey ... Sal, right?

    STSF_Nickles -> AGreed

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Pher:: We should be getting close... keep an eye out for a side street just up ahead... guy said it as across from Manati St.

    rosetto -> Yep... Is Captain Manning around?

    Joe Manning -> <Pete Gibbons> Just over in the corner there. ::Points to a table near the far wall:: Drinks are on him. Should I send anything over?

    STSF_Nickles -> ::looks up to the bar:: Could that be him?

    rosetto -> Uh, I think an Iced Tea should do for now, thanks...

    Pher -> Good enough.

    Joe Manning -> <Pete Gibbons> ::Nods:: I'll send it over. Go on ahead.

    Pher -> You don't care to say what we're getting close to?

    rosetto -> ::Nods to Gibbons and then walks over to the end table::

    STSF_Nickles -> He looks like hes heading tis way.

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks up as Sal approaches::

    rosetto -> Captain Manning?

    rosetto -> ::holds out his hand::

    Joe Manning -> ::Simply nods:: You Rosetto?

    STSF_Nickles -> ::stands::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Checks Illuminated Street Sign across the way and confirms the name... then turns to peer down the alley::

    rosetto -> Yes, sir.. How are you this evening?

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Pher:: Guess this is the place... kinda seedy don't ya' think?

    Joe Manning -> ::Shakes his hand:: Take a seat.

    Pher -> Which can be a feature or a bug.

    Joe Manning -> We'll just skip the pleasantries if you don't mind. ::Puts on a smile:: Speed things along.

    rosetto -> Thanks.::takes seat::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::sits back down after the interviewee does::

    rosetto -> Okay

    Joe Manning -> ::Glances at Nickles, noticing that years in Bull's Head haven't waned his attention to the old Fleet protocols::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Pher... scorning:: With this lockdown in effect it's all getting buggy around here... just trying to buy clean water will be a high cost event in another few weeks.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::giving him a visual going over::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Starts slowly down the alley, which is surprisingly dim given the time of day::

    Joe Manning -> This is my First Mate, Christopher Nickles. ::Motions:: He'll be sitting in.

    Cmdr JFarrington -> Redera> :::a tall Deltan female elbows her way through the crowd towards the line forming for Qob::

    rosetto -> Hello.::nods::

    Joe Manning -> <Pete Gibbons> ::Looks up noticing the Deltan that just entered::

    STSF_Nickles -> :;nods::

    Joe Manning -> <Pete Gibbons> ... Redera, isn't it?

    Cmdr JFarrington -> Redera> ::joins the queue, craning her neck to spot those in charge:::

    Joe Manning -> Tell me about yourself, Mr. Rosetto. Why would I want to hire you onto my crew?

    Cmdr JFarrington -> Redera> ::has a look of eagerness and capability::

    Pher -> Seedy... buggy... Fine. Well, the suits are going to try to mess things up. That's what they do.

    Pher -> But by the time they muck up the rest of the universe, they'll realize they've messed up themselves.

    rosetto -> Well, sir, I am the best pilot you'll find in Bull's Head.

    Dash_Andrews -> This is the door... ::looks at the sign on the front... tactifully it simply says "WARES"::

    Joe Manning -> <Pete Gibbons> ::Redera:: The Captain is just over there ::Points to the table:: You drinking anything?

    rosetto -> I also know my way around sensor arrays...

    Joe Manning -> You ever flown a Klingon Bird of Prey?

    STSF_Nickles -> :: raises a brow at the BEST comment:

    rosetto -> In Simulation, once.

    Pher -> :: Chatting lightly, but eyes wandering about. ::

    Joe Manning -> Simulation. ::Gives him a blank expression::

    Cmdr JFarrington -> Redera> ::jerks her head around to Pete as he speaks:: Thanks. I'll have a brew..whatever you got.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Enters the SHOP and tries to let his eyes adjust::

    Joe Manning -> <Pete Gibbons> ::Nods:: It's on the Captain. I'll send it over to the table. You can go ahead and join them.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::leans in to Joe:: that mean he has to be trained.<<softly>>

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods at Nickles::

    rosetto -> Yes, SIr. There was a skirmish while I was on the El Paso which involved a Klingon encounter. We practiced. I was Red Team lead..

    Pher -> :: Waits a bit and follows Dash in ::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::His visor begins picking up several distinct signatures around the small shop... weapons signatures undoubtedly... but they are hidden from most::

    Joe Manning -> ::Rosetto:: In other words, there will be a learning curve ...

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Spies a man behind the counter working away at something...::

    Cmdr JFarrington -> Redera> ::bright smile:: Can't argue with that. What kind of man is he, the captain? ::jerks her head towards Manning:::

    Joe Manning -> Frankly, Mr. Rosetto, I don't need a pilot. I've got two crew who could possibly fly the ship better than you could before you get used to our Bird. What other skills do you have?

    Dash_Andrews -> <Man> Excuse me... are you Scabbard?

    rosetto -> Only Klingon, Sir. I understand how the systems work.

    Sakir -> :: looks up from his work:: <Dash> Aye, and how may I help you?

    Joe Manning -> <Pete Gibbons> ::Redera:: Joe? ... well, couldn't say what kind of Captain he is these days. I served under him a few years ago, but I couldn't say how much he's changed ...

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods:: Of course you do. Your other skills?

    Pher -> :: Stays a bit behind Dash and looks a bit distracting ::

    rosetto -> I am a highly skill navigator and know those systems quite well..

    Dash_Andrews -> <Sakir> I was told you might have a few things I've been looking for...

    Joe Manning -> If all you can do is fly a ship, Mr. Rosetto, then I have no place for you on Qob ...

    Sakir -> ::Chuckles:: <Dash> Well that all depends on what your looking for.

    Joe Manning -> I don't need full time pilots. I need people who can put in work in a variety of fields.

    Cmdr JFarrington -> Redera> ::slow nod as she mulls that over:: Good enough. Wish me luck. ::thumbs up:: And thanks for the info.

    Joe Manning -> <Pete Gibbons> Sure thing ...

    Cmdr JFarrington -> Redera> ::wanders towards the table::

    Joe Manning -> <Pete Gibbons> ::Can't help but watch the Deltan walk away::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: sees the lady heading their way and elbows Joe:: Maybe Shes another canidate?

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks up at Redera::

    Cmdr JFarrington -> Redera> ::a slight swing to her step, bright but easy-going::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Peers around a bit then looks back at Sakir, the steely visor locking on his face::

    rosetto -> ::looking discouraged::I have served Chief of Navigation, Sir...

    Joe Manning -> ::Rosetto, more bluntly:: I don't need a pilot, Mr. Rosetto. Unless you can tell me of other skills you have to offer, I cannot offer you a position.

    rosetto -> *^^as

    STSF_Nickles -> Like he said Roseeto We need more than a navigator, what else can you do?

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Scabbard:: Re'nal sent me... he mentioned you might be the man to talk to about buying a medical supplies in "bulk"

    Cmdr JFarrington -> Redera> ::listening in to the convo with Rosetto::

    Cmdr JFarrington -> Redera> ::checking out Nickles as well:::

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks back up:: Ms. Redera?

    STSF_Nickles -> ::stands:: Hello there

    Cmdr JFarrington -> Redera> ::sideways nod;: That'd be me. You the captain?

    STSF_Nickles -> ::is a polite man, pulls out a chair for her:: Have a seat.

    rosetto -> I have worked with many computer and sensor systems... Do you require Science?

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods at the Deltan:: Take a seat.

    Sakir -> ::eyebrows raise:: Well I dont know about that sir.

    Cmdr JFarrington -> Redera> ::a bit of swagger, but only enough to draw interest::takes a seat:::

    Joe Manning -> ::Rosetto:: Computer and sensor systems. Well, I could use a science officer. Any other fields of science?

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Hates having to act coy about something so simple... ca la vie::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::gives her a look over then trys to pull his attention BACK to Rosetto::

    Cmdr JFarrington -> Redera> ::sits forward, her arms resting on her knees, relaxed and taking it all in:::

    rosetto -> Astrophysics mostly...

    Joe Manning -> ::Glances in Redera's direction, giving her a once over::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Scabbard:: Look... I'm not the law... I'm a Doctor... If you got what we need we're here to deal.

    Pher -> He's right. If he was the law, he wouldn't be with green people.

    Joe Manning -> Astrophysics ... that could work for us ...

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks over at Redera:: And you were interested in an engineering position, is that right?

    Cmdr JFarrington -> Redera> ::noting Joe's wandering gaze, meets it evenly but not confrontational:::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::eyes Pher:: Atleast not on Duty

    STSF_Nickles -> ::looks back to Redera ::

    rosetto -> ::a smile emerges on his face as he takes his iced tea::

    Cmdr JFarrington -> Redera> That I am.

    Joe Manning -> << Nice of you to join us, Shane >>

    Pher -> :: Looks for something to lean against ::

    Dash_Andrews -> <<Shane ::nod:: >>

    Shane -> <<I am extremely sorry for being late, it couldn't be avoided>>

    Joe Manning -> << We've started things at The Maze. Drop in when you'd like >>

    Sakir -> :: raises an eybrow, and then ayes the green person behind Dash:: Well I guess you may be right, ill be right back ::Walks back into a storage room, two men walk out of the storage room with weapons and say:: He will be right back.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::thinks::'Ill have to visit engineering a bit more than I would normally i guess'::

    Joe Manning -> ::Redera:: Tell me about your qualifications.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Raises an eyebrow above his Visor as he looks back at Pher:: That was a bit uncalled for wasn't it? ::motioning softly toward the two guards::

    rosetto -> ::sits quietly and looks at Redera::

    Pher -> Just now, lots of stuff happening that isn't called for.

    Cmdr JFarrington -> Redera> Qualifications for engineering? I've worked on most, put a few together, and brewed a few. ::shrug:: Not much I can't do. Want specifics?

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Sneaks a sip from his flask as they wait::

    Pher -> If they don't want business, they won't get it... but I don't think that's what's coming down.

    Joe Manning -> ::Redera:: You certainly make yourself sound like an asset ...

    Dash_Andrews -> Are you advising me to walk away?

    Sakir -> :: The shop owner walks back out with a book in his hands, and looks at the two guards with the serious faces and says:: Really guys? You probably scared these nice people. :: Puts the book on the counter and starts flipping through it:: Alright lets see..

    Joe Manning -> ::Nickles:: Chris, why don't you take Mr. Rosetto aside and get to know him.

    Cmdr JFarrington -> Redera> ::small smile, genuine:: It'd be a long list, most of which you've probably never heard of. I've been around.

    Shane -> ::wearing his long overcoat, steps through the Maze entrance and looks around with an expressionless face::

    rosetto -> ::steps up::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::re-caps his beverage and pockets it in his leather jacket::

    Joe Manning -> <Pete Gibbons> ::Tending the bar::

    Shane -> ::spots Pete at the bar and walks over to him, taking a seat::

    STSF_Nickles -> Id rather take her.

    Pher -> :: Evaluates the various strange males with suggestive glances, but is evaluating them in more than one sense ::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::looking at the contents of the catalogued items::

    rosetto -> ::NIckles::So.. How old is QoB?

    Sakir -> ::Goes to a page:: Alright I have a some crates of what your looking for.. also sorry about them they watch store when ever I go back in the room. How many were you looking for mr.....?

    Joe Manning -> ::Redera:: Pete said you were a bit vague about some of your prior work history. It might be surmised that you were doing something you wouldn't want to be general knowledge.

    Joe Manning -> <Pete> ::Shane:: Shane, right? Can I get you something?

    STSF_Nickles -> ::stands and sighs:: Ive been around her for going on 5 yrs

    STSF_Nickles -> Shes not s new ship I can tell you that.

    Cmdr JFarrington -> Redera> ::shrug:: Not necessarily "not want to be." More like "just isn't."

    rosetto -> Well ::chuckles::I didn't expect that....

    Shane -> ::shakes his head:: I'm just here for the interview.

    Joe Manning -> ::Redera:: I tend not to ask questions. ... as long as you can assure me you won't bring trouble to my ship.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Scabbard:: Doc... just Doc. ::doesn't like floating his name about:: And if the price is right I'll take everything you have... in the way of meds... I have a list of Equipment needs as well...

    Joe Manning -> <Pete> I can send something over. It's on the Captain. He's waiting for you there ::Points to a table in the back::

    STSF_Nickles -> Lets move over here :: points to another table::

    rosetto -> ::NIckles::You married?

    rosetto -> ::walks with him::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::grabs his beer and moves:: I once was.

    Cmdr JFarrington -> Redera> No trouble. Not from me.

    rosetto -> yeah, I'm in the middle of a divorce as we speak...

    Sakir -> Alright Doc, what kind of meds were you looking for? Because I have some in stock as well, also for the supplies hows fifty bars sound?

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Pulls up the list on his ODRI:: 2 Bone Knitters, 6 Laser Scalples, as many dermal regenerators as you can scrounge and atleast a crate of hypos... If you can swing a few medical tri-corders as well...

    Shane -> ::looks over his shoulder to the table, spotting the Captain and stands up, nodding his thanks to Pete:: Just a water.

    Joe Manning -> Well, my engineering department is a bit light. I could use the help. But I'm going to need to have some idea of what you're capable of. Can you give me -any- idea of where you've worked before?

    Dash_Andrews -> << sorry I pause breaked :P >>

    STSF_Nickles -> Wife decided that fleet wasnt her thing and the worry on her and the kids wasnt worth it.

    Shane -> ::heads to the table in the back, weaving through the chairs and such::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Looks at Scabbard crossly:: A moment to confer with my friend... ::moves to Pher::

    STSF_Nickles -> I had to finish my tour so I let her have her way.

    Sakir -> ::Gives the list to one of the body guards:: Go in the back and see how much of this stuff we have, I know we have at least three crates of hypos.

    rosetto -> Well, I am not willing to drag my little girl out here either... Little, she's a teenager!

    Pher -> :: Stands a bit straighter ::

    Cmdr JFarrington -> Redera> ::slow nod:: Well, you've heard of the Kalista?

    Pher -> :: Looks curious ::

    Joe Manning -> ::Shakes head, sipping his water::

    Cmdr JFarrington -> Redera> Built her engines myself from pieces we found here and there - scrap yards, other places.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Pher:: 50 bars? this guy's really playing up this "embargo" I mean I knew it would be "high"

    Cmdr JFarrington -> Redera> She makes a fair pace if you need her to.

    Shane -> <<who's al at the table?>>

    Joe Manning -> You wouldn't be able to tell me who you were building these engines for?

    Cmdr JFarrington -> Redera> That would be the Duke.

    Joe Manning -> << Just me and Redera >>

    Sakir -> ::The guard nods and walks in the back room, meanwhile the clerk reaches below his counter and pulls up a metal container and some glasses:: Water?

    Joe Manning -> 'The Duke?' That some kind of ... crime boss?

    STSF_Nickles -> I have 2 kids a boy and a girl

    Pher -> It's a question of how bad you want it, Doc.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Waves his hand to the guard to go ahead as he continues to talk::

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks up as Shane approaches::

    Pher -> We're either that short, or we're not.

    rosetto -> Where are they now?

    rosetto -> ::sips his tea::

    Shane -> ::stops by the table:: I'm assuming you're Captain Manning?

    Joe Manning -> ::Doesn't answer:: You're a half hour late.

    Cmdr JFarrington -> Redera> ::grins with a chuckle:: Not a crime boss. You probably know him as Jake Pendergast.

    Shane -> ::shrugs:: Couldn't help it.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Pher:: Well I'm buying bulk now 'cuz God knows when we'll get off this rock... I'd like to know that when we do we've got what we need and can miss the 'rush' for scraps.

    Joe Manning -> Take a seat ... Shane, right?

    Cmdr JFarrington -> Redera> ::stops, eyeing Shane for the intrusion, but letting it pass:::

    Sakir -> :: The guard returns with a final checklist and hands it to the clerk:: Alright, it seems like we have everything you wanted and three crates of hypos.

    rosetto -> ::is half listening to Redera & Manning::Manning is good captain?

    STSF_Nickles -> They are 10 and 12

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Scabbard:: Look... 50 bars is a bit much don't you think? I'll give you 25... and that's only because I KNOW you gotta turn a profit.

    STSF_Nickles -> Matthew and Chrita

    Shane -> ::pulls a chair back and settle in it rather heavily:: Correct. ::sets his mechanical arm on the table, with hissing and gears whining::

    Sakir -> ::Looks down at his book:: Look I like you guys so how about 35 and I throw in two cases of food and water.

    STSF_Nickles -> I wouldnt be with him this long if he wasnt

    Cmdr JFarrington -> Redera> ::steps away as Shane intrudes:::

    Joe Manning -> My First Mate just stepped away. This is Redera. She's also looking to sign up.

    rosetto -> Joia is six annul in two days. That's about 14 Earth years...

    STSF_Nickles -> I started out with him as his CMo

    Cmdr JFarrington -> Redera> ::smile and a nod to Shane:::

    Pher -> :: Shrugs :: I haven't been keeping stock of your shop. You know his price is high. We've got a few days if you think there are lower bids out there. What are the odds that the embargo breaks right off?

    Shane -> ::nods to Redera, then looks back to Joe:: So what kind of help were you looking for?

    STSF_Nickles -> ::notices Redera moving away: Come on over here lady

    Pher -> I think he's giving you a high price, and we're in no hurry... but if you know a reason we're in a hurry then jump.

    STSF_Nickles -> Pete up there was our CSEC

    Joe Manning -> ::Shane:: I was told you're capable at security. What are your exact skillsets?

    Cmdr JFarrington -> Redera> ::hearing Nickles, turns towards him. Then, seeing Manning has moved on, walks over to Nickles:::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Scabbard:: Is it federation protein packs and field rations? or Klingon Dried Targ meat 'cuz I've been swindled before...

    STSF_Nickles -> :: stands and offers her his chair :: Here have a seat.

    Joe Manning -> ::Glances over as Nickles pulls Redera away. Gaze lingers on the Deltan for a moment as he wonders what she was hiding beneath her pleasant demeanor::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Pher... sidebar:: He's dancing around... I think he really needs rid of this 'cargo' we may be stepping in to some extra-hot goods here...

    rosetto -> Oh... Security to bartender... This 'is' going to be a different World... ::smiles::

    Cmdr JFarrington -> Redera> ::small smile:: Thanks. ::sits::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::pulls up another for himself::

    rosetto -> ::looks to Redera::Good Evening, I'm Sal...

    STSF_Nickles -> So going to be our Engineer hum?

    Pher -> Then I'm fine walking. This can't be the only guy with what we need in town.

    Pher -> Or let him know we're ready to walk.

    Shane -> I'm a dang good shot with most energy and slug weapons. I can also do pretty good a hand-to-hand with this ::indicates his arm::

    Shane -> I also have some techinaical skills in console work.

    Cmdr JFarrington -> Redera> ::nod to Rosetto, but full attention on Nickles:: Not sure. Captain didn't say.

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at the arm:: That thing makes an awful lot of noise ... but lucky for you I've got a security chief who's a specialist at stealth.

    Cmdr JFarrington -> Redera> But..::hand gesture:: If you need me I'm available.

    Sakir -> ::Chuckles and looks up:: Federation, and I guess I can go alittle bit lower, I guess it is pretty high for what your asking. ::Turns to his guards, what do you guys think? The two nod in approval:: Alright ill go everything you want plus the food/water...

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Pher:: From what I've been told... he 'IS' the only guy with this much bulk... but the fact that he's not running low already suggests it's hotter than you dancing at a Risan Club

    Sakir -> for 30 bars.

    STSF_Nickles -> You might have your hands full. Shes a good ship and has had an overhaul but the mix between the Klingon and human parts. Think you can handle that?

    Shane -> ::grins slightly:: It definitly isn't subtle. But that has it's advantages.

    Pher -> Hmm....

    Joe Manning -> Technical skills? And you're a good shot? ::Rubs his chin:: That's interesting; you'd complement my security chief well.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Raises an eyebrow and does the unthinkable...::

    Shane -> And who would that be?

    Cmdr JFarrington -> Redera> I think I can manage.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Scabbard:: We'll take it... can you deliver?

    Joe Manning -> You'll meet her soon enough if things go well here. ::Points at the arm:: Where did you get that?

    Cmdr JFarrington -> Redera> ::has a competent look::not blowing her own horn, but definitely in the game::

    Sakir -> Yes I can ill have my guards deliever it descretly, where would you like the goods sir?

    Shane -> I built it myself::says a bit proudly::

    Pher -> :: Half a step back to listen ::

    Joe Manning -> That skilled with a wrench?

    rosetto -> ::listens quietly. He too knows a bit about engineering but is hesitant to say::

    Dash_Andrews -> Tranquility Docking Hangar 17-B... Klingon Bird of Prey... QoB... that's Q... O... B

    Joe Manning -> ::Again finds his gaze wandering to the Deltan. Half enthralled, half wondering::

    STSF_Nickles -> Sounds confedent. If I have any say... I think you both will do but hes the captain

    Sakir -> ::Writes down the location and name:: My guys will be waiting there with you stuff.

    Shane -> ::shrugs:: Something I've picked up. It's mostly skill in older equipment.

    Cmdr JFarrington -> Redera> ::feeling the captain's eyes on her again, keeps her attention focused on Nickles:::

    Pher -> Might have to get a time from the Guardians.

    Pher -> They aren't letting people wander in our out of starships without inspections and escorts.

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks back at Shane:: If we didn't have an engineer signing up, I'd think you could do double duty for us ...

    Pher -> Don't send any delivery boys that can't stand a good hard long look.

    rosetto -> ::finds himself drawn to Deltan. Cathes himself staring:: So, Chris, right?

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Nods:: She's right... blasted bafoons...

    Joe Manning -> ::Gives him a quick look over:: So, why aren't you signing on with the Guardians? Why go independent?

    STSF_Nickles -> either of you been in trouble?

    rosetto -> *ctches

    Sakir -> ::Chuckles at the green person:: How do you think I got this stuff in here? Dont worry the authorities will no nothing of this.

    rosetto -> **catches

    Cmdr JFarrington -> Redera> Depends on what you mean as trouble.

    STSF_Nickles -> Yes Chris Nickles

    Pher -> Do we need a time from you?

    STSF_Nickles -> with the Law Redera

    rosetto -> Well, Chris I have been married with children, what do you think? Not much trouble on K'Normia... ::chuckles::

    STSF_Nickles -> Id like somewhat a clean crew, but not squeeky clean

    Shane -> I never have liked the Guardians, too many rules and regulations. Plus I don't think they would want me anyways.

    Cmdr JFarrington -> Redera> I've had my share of scrapes, like most everyone nowadays.

    Joe Manning -> ::Sips his water:: And why is that?

    Cmdr JFarrington -> Redera> Nothing out of the ordinary. Nothing not fixable.

    rosetto -> <<brb puppies want treats>>

    Sakir -> If im right it should take anywhere from a half hour to an hour for the stuff to be in the hanger bay with my guys watching it.

    rosetto -> <<back>>

    STSF_Nickles -> Explain Redera ::smiles looking at her:;

    Pher -> Can you take a few of us in with you?

    Cmdr JFarrington -> Redera> ::small sigh, settling back in her chair:: Okay...

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Swallows...::

    rosetto -> ::looks at the Deltan curiously::

    Sakir -> ::Confused:: As in sneak you in with the goods?

    Shane -> I've had some disputes with previous employers, which have led to a good amount of fines.

    Pher -> Guardians don't want us in without escort, and they wouldn't smile to see you waiting for us.

    Pher -> We don't know the back doors as well as you, I suspect.

    Joe Manning -> Disputes? That hardly sounds promising ...

    Joe Manning -> Would I have to expect trouble from you if I take you onto the crew?

    Cmdr JFarrington -> Redera> Got in trouble a few times for buying parts from the wrong yard. Had a run-in with local law because of air regulations that they decided were in effect yesterday...

    Sakir -> Yeah that should be fine, youll have to change though if you look like my men and you guys some how get caught if you look like us they will just think were moving goods. I have extra suits in the back

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Scabbard:: She's got a point... if they're tailing us getting the goods to the hangar may have to wait...

    Shane -> Over minor things. The man was an idiot. One with good connections, unfortunately.

    Cmdr JFarrington -> Redera> Uh...::rubs her head:: Put the wrong part in the wrong place and someone thought it was a bomb. Arrested. Straightened out. Want more?

    Pher -> :: Nods :: Sounds fine, so long as you think I'll pass.

    STSF_Nickles -> <test>

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Raises eyebrow again... now he knows these goods needed moving badly::

    Cmdr JFarrington -> Redera> ::leaving out the slept-with-the-wrong-one part::

    Shane -> But pay me well, don't make me do something stupid and I won't cause you trouble.

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods:: I'm sure. Where are you from, Shane?

    Sakir -> Yeah dont worry you should be fine, give your cloths to one of my guys when your done in the back room, he will put them in one of the crates for hiding.

    STSF_Nickles -> Thats fine.

    rosetto -> ::smiles quaintly to Deltan. Thinking he knows where this is going::

    Shane -> Earth, originally. I've spent most of my life in space.

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Pher:: This is a bad idea... ::quietly::

    Joe Manning -> What brought you to Bull's Head?

    STSF_Nickles -> Rosetto you said you were clean?

    rosetto -> As a whistle, Chris... ::smiles proudly::

    Pher -> <q> Then bow out. It's definitely a risk, but if you want your stuff in and ready to fly...

    Pher -> <q> Do or don't...

    STSF_Nickles -> That might change. Have any problems with that?

    rosetto -> Well, my service record is not eximplary, mind you...

    rosetto -> *sp?

    Cmdr JFarrington -> Redera> ::relaxes, casting a quick glance towards Manning as Nickles interviews Rosetto:::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Sighs:: I'm not bowing out... I'm just stating the obvious here. The captain isn't going to like bailing us both out of jail...

    Shane -> ::looks away, gazing around the room:: I wanted out of the Federation. Wasn't going the way I liked.

    Cmdr JFarrington -> Redera> ::wondering how anyone could be clean as a whistle these days:::

    Dash_Andrews -> ::Sighs again and looks at Scabbard:: Alright... If you want your money, you'd better make this work.

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods:: Understandable. ::Doesn't much like the feeling he's getting with this one, but is inclined to let Pher make the final judgment::

    Pher -> Oh, I think he wants to make this work, Doc.

    Shane -> ::looks back:: I'm sure you understand. They aren't what they used to be.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::looking between the two cant keep his eyes off Redera:: Explain Rosetto what kind of trouble were you in in fleet

    Joe Manning -> Well ... why don't you join my First Mate and the other recruits. ::Motions to their table:: Drinks are on me tonight.

    Sakir -> ::Raises an eybrow:: Alright as extra insurance ill go with you, and ill even arm you two.

    rosetto -> I've been out of the mainstream for 15 years. K'Normia is its own little corner...

    Pher -> Big of you.

    rosetto -> In the service, while I served as Chief Navigator, I tended to perform maneuvers that were, well, not regulation...

    Dash_Andrews -> Very... What's the catch?

    Sakir -> Nothing, if they do catch us I have an ace up my sleeve.

    Shane -> ::stands up, the arm making more noise, simply nods at Joe and walks to the other table::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::smiles and nods::

    Joe Manning -> ::Gets up and move over to Nickles table:: Chris. ::Motions him over::

    rosetto -> ::more proud than ashamed::The Duty officers usually cringed... But we survived!

    STSF_Nickles -> ::hears a noise behind him and turns with a jerk ::

    Dash_Andrews -> Let's hope you have two aces up there if they do...

    Dash_Andrews -> <<brb>>

    Joe Manning -> ::Glances around the table. Not missing that the Deltan keeps looking in his direction::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: takes a breath and stands:: Exuse me folks

    STSF_Nickles -> ::moves beck to Joe::

    Shane -> ::takes a seat at Chris's table::

    STSF_Nickles -> What do you think?

    Sakir -> ::Smiles:: Dont worry I know some of the docking bay officials, so we will be safe.

    Joe Manning -> ::Nickles:: Rosetto seems like a decent sort, though I need to know more of what he brings to table ...

    rosetto -> to Redera::So, how long were you in StarFleet?

    Shane -> ::sips his water, staring at an obscure point in the room in deep thought::

    Cmdr JFarrington -> Redera> ::relaxes in the chair::turns to Rosetto:: Starfleet? Never been.

    Cmdr JFarrington -> Redera> ::eyes narrow:: You a fleeter?

    Joe Manning -> Shane seems like the type who could clash with us, but we could use someone with his skills. And the Deltan ... ::Glances at her:: I'm not sure.

    Pher -> Go with it, Doc. I've no aces, but there is a face card in play.

    STSF_Nickles -> He said in fleet his main trouble was doing unorthodox flying manuvers.

    rosetto -> Was long ago... 15 years next week.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::Rosetto::

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods at Nickles:: He was Fleet then? That's the sort of thing I need to dig up. Get a few drinks in 'em and squeeze out their life stories.

    Sakir -> ::Whistles for a guard:: Get everything they baught ready. ::Turns to them with the two suits they need to change into:: Here, there are bathrooms on the other side of the store.::

    Cmdr JFarrington -> Redera> ::takes that in while giving rosetto the once-over:::

    Joe Manning -> I'll call in Pher for background checks later.

    STSF_Nickles -> agreed

    Dash_Andrews -> Alright... ::takes the suit eyeing the Dock worker patches::

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods:: And have fun. ::Smirks at her and heads over to the bar::

    Joe Manning -> ::Oops, him::

    Pher -> Bathrooms? Oh. They do modesty here? :: amused ::

    STSF_Nickles -> The Deltan Is nice to look at and I think she might just be what we need

    rosetto -> Which position are you applying for?

    Pher -> :: Picks up a suit and goes to change. ::

    Joe Manning -> << Last lines >>

    Cmdr JFarrington -> Redera> Engineer. You?

    Dash_Andrews -> ::heads to the small single person washroom to don the overalls::

    rosetto -> Science... I guess...

    STSF_Nickles -> ;:moves back over to the other table:: Joe said all drinks are on him . .. Anyone need a refill? I know I do

    Cmdr JFarrington -> Redera> Sounds like anything you can get will do.

    Pher -> :: figures the overall will go right over what she's wearing and waves Dash to the bathroom ::

    Joe Manning -> PAUSE SIM

  20. Joe hobbled down the stairs to the common room of The Maze. The last hangover he would allow himself to nurse on this trip to Tranquility (so he swore to himself) was just about clearing up. He'd spent five days toasting fallen comrades both recent and long ago (there was extra bourbon), and now it was time for business. He took his usual seat at the end of the bar and a grinning Pete Gibbons walked over to him. The daily work shift wouldn't be ending for another hour and a half, so business was light.


    "Back for more, old friend?"


    "Just water," Joe answered, rubbing his left eye with his palm. "Make it cold. I've got appointments tonight, don't I?"


    "That's right," Pete said, filling a glass from the tap. "I've got you three people interested in signing on to a rickety old Klingon scout. Mighta gotten more if I didn't have to spend two days repairing the place."


    "Three people?" Joe tried recalling three names, his left eye still closed.


    Pete passed the glass over the bar. "The chap that was dressed up way too smart for this place, the Deltan who smiled way too much for this place, and the guy with the robo arm. Hard crowd to forget. Sure you don't want to push this off until tomorrow night, boss?"


    "No, I can handle it," Joe sipped his water before flicking a few drops of it onto his face. "I'll be bringing in Nickles to ride shotgun."


    "How is Chris, by the way?" Pete asked, leaning against the bartop. "I haven't had a chance to talk with him. Taking his new responsibilities well?"


    Joe rolled up his right sleeve and activated his ODRI. He began composing a message to Nickles as he considered the question. "He's been the first mate for a week. And most of that time we've been stuck on Tranquility. But he's got experience overseeing medical staffs ... and I know how demanding that can be; command's an obvious next step."


    "One he's never taken," Pete pointed out. "He never seemed like the type to lead a crew. You think he'll be able to handle the job?"


    "He's got no choice but to learn fast," Joe said as he sent the message and pulled his sleeve down. "And he ain't alone. Half the damned crew was wiped out. Had to promote T'Aral and Andrews on the spot. I'm more concerned about Dash running medical ... with his attitude, he won't make friends easy."


    "Just what went wrong out there, Joe?" Pete dared asking, eyeing Joe cautiously.


    Joe finished off the glass of water. He took a moment to consider asking for a refill from a bottle. "The first thing that went wrong was that we were lead into an ambush. If I'd had any idea that Duke was behind the tip-off we got, I never would have taken us out to the Hydran Expanse. Pher wanted more time to look into the source, but the window of opportunity was closing. I should have put more trust in her instincts."


    "Those raiders might very well have moved on from their stronghold," Pete replied, "before Pher ever got around to tracing your info back to Duke. Put a decision in Pher's hands, and I'm not so sure a job ever gets done. She just ain't aggressive enough."


    Joe gave him a wry look. "You just don't like her cause she's running my security department."


    "I'm offended," Pete said in mock protest. "It's my completely objective opinion that an Orion animal woman ... is impossible to not like, for one thing, let me clear about that ... but an Orion animal woman just doesn't have the, uh ... you know ... 'requisite assets' to head a security detail. The only jewels she's got are the ones on that painstick of hers. An impressive instrument, don't get me wrong. But the woman was a lifeguard for gods' sake. And, yes, I know what that means on New Risa."


    "You know better than that, Pete," Joe said. "A rampaging Klingon is dangerous in his own way. Pher is dangerous in hers."


    "So what happened in the Expanse?" Pete asked.


    Joe grunted and scowled at the pool of water at the bottom of his glass. "We didn't realize until the last minute that there were more raiders than our tip-off indicated. And they were prepared for us. Duke prepared them, of course. He knew Qob would be too much for them to handle, and he had to make sure we were out of the picture so he could claim the bounty on the raiders himself. So he warned them that we were on our way. The raiders were no more aware than I was that we were being pitted against one another for Duke's benefit."


    "So it was a surprise attack?" Pete gave him a puzzled expression.


    "No," Joe shook his head. "We still had enough advance notice that we could have handled the fleet. But no more than a minute into the skirmish, the equipment failures started. Key systems started dropping all across the board. T'Aral tried to take all the responsibility, of course. I think she had trouble accepting that I 'punished' her for the systems failures by promoting her to chief engineer. A promotion was illogical."


    "And necessary," Pete pointed out.


    "... she deserved it," Joe replied. "I don't know what it is she's hiding about her past ... but she's a bright engineer and a sweet kid, and I know better than to ask. She'll open up about it in time."


    "Any idea what caused the equipment failures?" Pete asked. "Could Duke have been behind it?"


    "Doubt it," Joe answered. "For one thing, Duke would have severely underestimated our chances against the raiders. Wouldn't have seen the need to give them an extra edge. More importantly, his fingerprints would have been obvious on any sabotage attempt. The diags showed that it was a computer malfunction that'd been building up for a few days. It was a bad one, and it managed to escape our notice. The computer's a mess, Pete ... moreso than you'd remember. T'Aral had to purge a lot of data and reset a lot of protocols. It was enough to kick her back to life, but ... Qob's just gettin' old ... "


    Pete surveyed the deep frown lines on Joe's face and chuckled softly. "That's what we said six years ago, boss. That messy old tramp got us out of that giant's atmosphere in Epsilon Tauri. You remember that? No other ship in Bull's Head could have mustered the thrust to break free once that monster's gravity grabbed her."


    Joe looked up from his empty glass. "It grabbed her cause one of the thrusters got stuck when we were maneuvering into orbit. And the damned thing was -still- stuck by the time we got out of the atmosphere."


    "It was fun, though, wa'n't, it?" Pete grinned ear to ear. "You're starting to sound like Doc Andrews and all those doubting fools out there, Joe. I'll believe that Qob's on her last leg when the core don't ignite and you're all stranded on some desolate planet somewhere. That girl's still got plenty of life in her."


    "Assuming the Guardians don't impound her," Joe's scowl deepened. "Duke ain't letting go of his charges against me; he ain't had enough blood, I suppose."


    "So ... you got that offer from the Savoy gal, didn't you? Help her find Minos to get all the charges dropped?" Pete asked. "Have you gotten in touch with Samus, yet?"


    Joe stared into the bottom of his glass for a long moment, silence hanging thick between him and Pete. He lifted two fingers to the side of the glass and pushed it back across the bar slowly. "I think I'll take just one shot of bourbon, Pete. Take a bit of the sting outta my head before I meet with the new recruits."


    "... you say so, boss."


    Joe twisted around on his stool to look over the sparse common room. The light filtering through the narrow windows was beginning to shift from yellow from blue as another Cerulean Night settled on the Travellers' District. This night, the task of rebuilding Qob's crew would begin. Heavy on Joe's mind, though, was the fate of said ship. How committed could he be to restaffing a vessel that he could very well lose control of within mere days?


    One way or another, he would have to help the Guardians track down Minos.


    And Samus would not be the way.

  21. ODRI-CL42X93 -- Transmission 62025.68SavoyAGuardian

    Captain Manning,


    As you requested, here is the basic primer included within our dossier on the Rainmakers and Minos. I am not at liberty to disclose any further details of our investigations into their activities. You are probably aware of most of this information already; you will just have to accept that this is all my superiors will permit me to share with an independent mercenary.


    I strongly urge you to make arrangements through Samus to gain contact with Minos. Our offer to overlook your indiscretions in The Maze will be reconsidered if Minos escapes Tranquility or if the Rainmakers conduct an attack within the city.


    Marshall Amanda Savoy

    Tranquility Precinct



    The Rainmakers


    Colonization of the Hyades cluster began in the middle of the 24th century with the establishment of a science installation on Theta Tauri II (now Tranquility). The founding of the Delta Tauri resort (now New Risa) followed early in the 2380's. Tritanium mining efforts were launched in earnest later in the 2380's, beginning with the foundation of the Goldrock colony in Upsilon Tauri. By the time the Federation Civil War began, these three colonies had amassed substantial populations.


    When the Bull's Head Commonwealth formed in 2403, the inhabitants of the Hyades colonies became independent from the Federation, whether they chose to or not. Many of the colonists were staunch opponents of the break from the Federation, but they either refused to leave their homes or they could not secure passage back to the Federation core. These Bull's Head citizens, some of the cluster's oldest inhabitants, became the Commonwealth's first dissidents.


    At first, the dissidents coexisted peacefully with the rest of the Bull's Head population. Their major role in the Commonwealth was of a more political nature, attempting to deter the growing self-reliance of the Hyades colonies. When the Federation Civil War concluded, they pressed influential groups like the Gular Consortium to embrace Federation support. Ultimately, these colonists desired a return to Federation jurisdiction. Their platform received little support from the Bull's Head population, which was growing exponentially with disaffected Federation emigrants.


    Within a few years of the Civil War's end, elements of the anti-independence movement began to radicalize. Incidents of violence and sabotage were credited to supporters of the movement. Security leaks within the Guardian hierarchy and major Bull's Head corporations became more common, resulting in sensitive intelligence being delivered to contacts within the Federation. Inevitably, these radicals began to meet and organize within the shadows of Bull's Head, setting up a structure that could support operations throughout the Commonwealth. The terrorist organization that now champions the cause of restoring Bull's Head to Federation authority at any cost adopted a name -- the Rainmakers.


    The Taurus Brothers have specially commissioned the Guardians to hunt down any known Rainmakers and, ultimately, to cripple the group's support structure. They have also posted a general bounty for the capture or death of any known Rainmaker or for information that could aide our efforts. The Gular Consortium has remained strangely silent on the issue of the Rainmakers and has rebuked our offers of joint efforts. They have only given assurances that they are funding their own private hunt of the Rainmakers and the group's leaders. This isolationist stance is somewhat puzzling -- the Consortium's initial role in driving the independence of Bull's Head and their continued support of independence make their assets prime targets for the Rainmakers. Most of the other corporations in Bull's Head more actively support our campaign against the Rainmakers.





    Around the middle of the 2410's, a name began to emerge for the guiding hand of the Rainmaker organization. Captured Rainmakers began speaking openly of a leader figure known as 'Minos.' The emergence of this figure's name coincided with a shift within the organization toward cultism. Cell leaders began referring to themselves as 'disciples,' and followers began using the name 'adherents.' Guardian teams conducting stings on Rainmaker strongholds began reporting ritualistic activity taking place. Propaganda began spreading throughout the fringe colonies of Bull's Head, encouraging isolated citizens to turn against the Commonwealth and fight for the Federation. Minos seemed to be fueling all of this.


    Very little is known about Minos, and knowledge of his whereabouts has been remarkably difficult to attain. Any Rainmakers who have been captured, even prominent disciples, allege that they have never seen Minos in person. Guardian Command has uncovered evidence that Minos relays orders to the Rainmaker disciples in the form of encrypted data packets hidden in the databanks of starships due to make scheduled stops at specific ports. In many cases, the crews of these starships are not even aware of their roles as couriers. Three years ago, a Guardian patrol ship en route to Andus was found to be carrying one of these packets in its computer core. When attempts were made to recover and decrypt the packet, a self-deletion protocol initiated. The crew was only able to determine that the packet was a Rainmaker correspondence authored by Minos himself before the data was erased from the core. Immediate searches performed on the computer systems of the Bull's Head fleet uncovered similar packets, all of which self-destructed in response to any attempt to crack them.


    The discovery of the data packets served two useful purposes. It revealed that Minos or one of his closest supporters is a brilliant software engineer. Some of the most accomplished computer experts in the Hyades cluster have puzzled over the methods used to encrypt the Rainmaker orders and to conceal the packets' uplink into the targeted computer cores. The discovery has also prompted the Guardians to develop new computer security systems aimed specifically at intercepting these covert packets. Minos has undoubtedly either abandoned this method of distributing orders or has investigated methods of defeating the new security systems, but the discovery of the packet must have been a serious setback to the Rainmakers' operations.


    The Taurus Brothers have been clear on their stance that Minos is the most dangerous individual in Bull's Head. Rainmakers answering to his authority have taken credit for over three dozen murders, bombings, and hijackings throughout Bull's Head. An appropriately sized bounty, contributed by several Bull's Head corporations, has been placed on his head.


    Given his agenda and his capabilities, the possibility that Minos is a covert Starfleet operative has not been dismissed. No evidence has been discovered to back up this or any other possibility, however. Beyond his obvious ability to command the obedience of a terrorist organization and his grasp of software encryption and computer security, no information on Minos has been gathered. He remains one of the most elusive figures and perplexing mysteries of the Hyades cluster.

  22. Starfleet oppression got you down?

    Looking to make YOUR OWN LIVING ...

    ... by YOUR OWN RULES?


    Have you considered a new life in BULL'S HEAD?


    The life of a Bull's Head mercenary offers nonstop excitement and favorable pay to men and women who have grown weary of a corrupt Federation bureaucracy that reduces its Fleet officers to cogs in a soulless military machine. In Bull's Head, YOU can make a difference; YOU can fight for what's right!


    The Hyades Tourism Bureau encourages you to visit our central offices on beautiful Aldebaran, where our helpful representatives are standing by to tell you more about the interstellar society that epitomizes INDEPENDENCE. The first 100 Fleet officers to present this pamphlet will receive a free crate of Aldebaran Whiskey, no obligation required!


    Offer subject to final approval. The Hyades Tourism Bureau and its associates cannot be held liable for any damages or injuries incurred while voyaging in Bull's Head space. All transportation fares are nonrefundable.



    Qob: Tranquility will be kicking off with a July 4th launch ceremony at landing platform Q-5 in Tranquility City! We'll be serving barbecued Margosan falcon and corn on the cob, setting off a fireworks display provided by Klingon demolitionists from Lakota colony, and cracking a bottle of Aldebaran whiskey across Qob's hull (hopefully the bottle will crack, not the hull). Everyone in STSF is invited!


    This is your last chance to be a part of the launch crew; the adventures will begin with the first Qob: Tranquility sim on July 11th! If you are interested in joining, e-mail the command staff at [email protected] and [email protected]!

  23. "I am sorry, Captain Rede, but as the port authority explained, Tranquility is currently under Guardian blockade by order of the Taurus Brothers. We cannot allow your ship to land at this time."


    "My associates have made me aware of the situation on Tranquility, Marshall Savoy," the Deltan responded over the audio channel. "My understanding was that the Guardians were attempting to keep a wanted criminal -on- the planet, not trying to keep people -off- the planet."


    "The Taurus Brothers wish the situation on Tranquility to be kept under tight control, Captain Rede. They want us to be on top of everything going on in the colony right now. They do not want any unknown quantities being introduced. Besides which, we already have twenty four ships on our public landing pads. Space is too scarce to be allowing more ships to land."


    "Surely there is enough space for my tiny freighter," Rede said. "You will find that I am no unknown quantity -- the Aexean Wave is registered to Simon Graham."


    "Yes, we noticed that name on your ship's registry. As to whether it is supposed to mean something to me ... "


    "I would advise you to check into the name, Marshall Savoy," the Deltan cooly replied. "Simon Graham's ships have been given special leave of passage through all of Bull's Head's ports, unimpeded under any circumstance short of the leave's cancellation. I am certain you have the proper security clearance to confirm this."


    "I will check the name. This arrangement was made with whom, exactly?"


    "Why ... the Taurus Brothers, of course. Only with their permission would I ever dare to bypass a blockade they have imposed."


    "I am checking the name. Why is this special agreement not noted in the ship's registry? It would save everyone a great deal of hassle."


    "Simon Graham prefers that no undue attention be drawn to his business affairs. He prefers that this agreement only be invoked when it is necessary."


    "... alright, Captain. I have found what you are referring to in our database. For the time being I will allow you to land."


    "Thank you, Marshall."


    "You are to free to land on landing pad B on platform L-6. However ... the Taurus Brothers made this arrangement six years ago under much different circumstances. In light of our investigation, I can -not- clear the Aexean Wave to leave the planet until I have contacted the Taurus Brothers to receive their explicit permission."


    The Deltan let out a light laugh. "Do you worry that I would attempt to smuggle your wanted criminal off the planet, Marshall Savoy?"


    "I would make no such accusations of a freighter captain I know nothing about. But the most wanted man in Bull's Head somehow finding himself in the Aexean Wave's cargo hold would certainly constitute grounds for your leave of passage being waived."


    "Fair enough. I must have missed a news reel," one corner of the Deltan's mouth upturned as she activated the freighter's main thrusters. "Have you confirmed that Minos is a man?"


    "... it was meant as an expression, Captain Rede. My people will be standing by to greet you ... and to make secure your vessel. Marshall Savoy out."


    Rede reached overhead and flipped the switch opening the forward blast shield, revealing the second planet of the Theta Tauri system and the broad ring of planetary debris circling its equator.


    Tranquility's ring was almost an extension of the colony, many of the orbitting chunks of rock and ice seeded with an assortment of facilities. The water plants were the most prominent, collecting ice and manufacturing drinkable water for shipment to the fairly arid planet. Mining drones weaved their way into and out of the larger moonlets, harvesting minerals for use in construction on the colony; many of the larger mining facilities were inhabited by live labor, but a good deal of the mining and transportation process was automated. As the freighter passed through the ring, Rede could spot the violet glow of the shield nodes attached to several of the moonlets. Using energy collected from the smaller orange star of the Theta Tauri binary pair, the nodes were capable of maintaining a shield against the radiation emitting from the larger white star. Tranquility was a relatively habitable planet, but life could thrive on its surface only with the aid of this orbital network established by the Federation over half a century ago.


    As the Aexean Wave cleared the ring, Rede's attention turned to the planet itself. Most of the planet was a dark blue rock, with the poleward regions covered by wind-swept radioactive dust. Why the Federation chose such a planet for a colony fifty years prior was a mystery, but its habitability could not have been high on the list. As one looked closer to the equator, reddish-brown patches became visible -- the results of the Federation's terraforming efforts. The largest patch, directly ahead of Rede's freighter, was the site of the original Federation colony, now Tranquility City.


    As the freighter descended through the sky, the platforms and high-rises of the city came into clearer focus. The Tranquility topsoil, despite the terraforming, was soft and corrosive to duranium. Thus, the city's structural foundation was supported by shafts of tritanium extending down to the bedrock. The whole city was built upon a series of broad duranium platforms, the largest up to a square mile in size, elevated an average of ten meters above the planetary surface. The larger platforms served as centers for the city's districts; the Freedom District, the Latinum District, the Unspeakable District, and the Entertainment District were the most notable. The city was arranged like most, with blocks of structures separated by common paved streets; foot traffic was the most noticeable, though a few vehicles weaved their way about the streets.


    Night was just beginning to fall on Tranquility City. It would be a Cerulean Night. Tranquility's rotation provided a standard day-night cycle of just over nineteen hours. Days in Tranquility City were much like those on Earth, albeit with the dimmer and slightly gold-tinged light of Tranquility's parent star. That star revolved around another star, however -- the white giant of the Theta Tauri system. For roughly 125 days, Tranquility's revolution nestled it between the two stars, and Tranquility City faced the white star at night. The light of that distant, but bright body suffused the entire city with a very dim glow -- not unlike the light of a full moon on Earth, but a small degree brighter and with a faint azure hue. The sky above Tranquility City on Cerulean Nights was spectacular to behold. The stars of the Hyades cluster could still be viewed, points and discs of various sizes and colors, where the sky was not obscured by Tranquility's ring. The ice of that ring refracted the light of the white star; it was visible from the city as a cerulean band stretching from east horizon to west horizon. Star, ring, and cluster came together to give Cerulean Nights a breathtaking fey appearance that was largely responsible, many believed, for the colony's name. Rede knew, however, that the surface was by no means a mirror image of that tranquil sky.


    The Aexean Wave made its final approach toward a vacant landing pad on platform L-6, an extension of the city's Port District. The Port platforms were relatively recent additions, erected after the founding of Bull's Head to accommodate the increased traffic. There were still landing pads in the city's central districts, but those were now reserved for VIP's. Tranquility City had grown enough to give rise to marked class distinction. One needed only observe how much cleaner and more orderly Freedom District was than the rest of the city -- the rich and influential received all the perks. No one approaching the city, however, could see the makeshift camps underneath the platforms, where people too poor even for the Unspeakable District were allowed to scrape out a living. Down there was where criminals on the run sought refuge -- the ones who weren't daring and resourceful enough to hide out in the radioactive wastes beyond the Tranquil Zone.


    Tranquility -- an illusion. A lure for the unsuspecting. Perhaps things had once been more pleasant in the heart of Bull's Head, in the days when the war was just beginning and the masses had not yet flocked to the outskirts. But as the winds of change blew through Federation space, an assortment of undesirables were swept in the direction of Bull's Head -- rebels cast out of the Federation or on the run after their failed coup, corrupt corporations that would receive no leeway from the new government, predators who found ample opportunity in a population unprotected by Starfleet.


    The scum of the Federation ... begging for a cleansing rain to sweep them out of the Hyades cluster. Rede narrowed her eyes at the thought of it as she settled the Aexean Wave down on the landing pad.