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Joe Manning

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Posts posted by Joe Manning

  1. Joe Manning -> BEGIN SIM

    Joe Manning -> Simmons> ::In Verbistul's CC, standing on one side of the central terminal bank::

    rosetto -> ::looks around engineering.... Wndering where SHane has gotten off to::

    Pher -> @ :: Entering Verbistul's bridge. ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::lounging in a chair in the Verbistul's CC::

    Joe Manning -> +Rosetto+ We're just about ready to go, Sal, so why don't you get up here and grab the pilot's seat?

    rosetto -> +Manning+Aye, sir... On my wy...

    Byblos -> ::with Pher follows her together Rifle in one hand and his other hand free::

    Troy Parson -> @::standing on Verbistul's bridge, wondering why it doesn't seem to have a coffee machine::

    Joe Manning -> Simmons> ::Mumbles to himself:: I wonder if I'm in command of the Verb now. Or if the colony will appoint someone else.

    Joe Manning -> @

    Byblos -> @(+)

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::begins spinning chair::

    Pher -> @ :: Not quite sure she heard Simmons accurately enough to comment. Doesn't pretend to understand Vervistul's command philosophy, anyway. ::

    Byblos -> @(w) By the way Pher...alex knows what is in the box

    Byblos -> ( W I L L I A M ! )

    Pher -> @ That was interesting reading, that Gold 7 stuff.

    William Chocox -> ((Hey guys!))

    Joe Manning -> Simmons> ::Looks over at Troy:: Parson, right?

    rosetto -> ::enters QoB bridge:: Sorry, SIr... Don't know where SHane got off to... ::takes set at helm::

    Troy Parson -> @::looks at Simmons:: Aye?

    Byblos -> @::surveys the bridge...knowing Pher has already probably done it. But a back up never hurt...::

    Joe Manning -> Well, I've got the go-ahead from him to fire up the impulse engine, and that's what counts to me.

    Joe Manning -> @Simmons> Remind me what it is your ship can and can't do while it's cloaked?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::stops spinning in chair and stares at Troy::

    Byblos -> @Gold 7...uh yeah.

    Troy Parson -> @::shrugs:: It's lucky to be able to cloak at all, most of the time.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::snickers::

    rosetto -> Aye, Sir... ::looks over his flight panel::

    Pher -> @ Cannot fire any weapons. Shields are problematic. Can use impulse and low warp on a good day.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::loudly::

    Joe Manning -> ::Taps his ODRI:: +Pher+ We're about ready to get moving here, Pher. Could do with a favor from you.

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ Sexual?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> (m) Right, Qob's gonna save the day.

    Byblos -> @::looks to Pher as she talks to Audrey::

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ With two hulls and a hundred kilometers of space between us, that'd be tricky. But somehow I don't doubt you could pull it off ...

    Pher -> @ +joe+ I'll give you a rain check if you'd like.

    Byblos -> @::thinks of William on the Capricorn no doubt being coerced into doing repairs by goons::

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ I'm thinkin more along the lines of sensor imaging. Shane got our sensors up for some basic listening, but plotting an accurate flight path is a problem for us.

    Pher -> @ Simmons? Have you been tracking Capricorn? Joe'd like whatever you can get. Real accurate flight path would be good.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::eyes on Simmons::

    Joe Manning -> @Simmons> We've got her on the long range.

    Byblos -> @:: The Nausicaan notes Pher using Audrey...that means all this talk is encoded..which is a good thing, Byblos didn't think the Capricorn should know the status of both ships::

    William Chocox -> #::Stands at his station working on the warp drive::

    Joe Manning -> @Simmons> ::Moves over to one of the ship's many sensor stations::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::begins spinning chair again; not dealing well with her current role::

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ Stand by.

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ Right now, my best plan is Shane's suggestion to send folks jumpin over in EVA suits while you distract Maxwell. Maybe getting in touch with some people on Capricorn.

    rosetto -> ((brb...))

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ Anyone over there come up with something better?

    Pher -> @ :: Moves near Simmons. :: If you can upload to an ODRI, I can send it to Joe scrambled.

    Joe Manning -> @Simmons> ::Nods at Pher and taps the controls, opening access to the station:: You should be able to tap in and transmit a live feed.

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ I've been thinking of somehow sending all that Gold 7 stuff overt to people we like on Capricorn. That might generate some problems for Maxwel.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::humming quietly::

    rosetto -> ((back))

    Joe Manning -> #Holstrum> ::Climbs out a maintenance shaft where he was checking EPS conduits. Markus climbs out after him::

    Byblos -> @Pher shouldn't we make certain we get William first. Qob is going to need every engineer available to get it in a good mode. ::remains quiet then looks to Alex and imagines she is thinking of Ethan::

    Pher -> @ Audrey? Could you tap into the console and transmit to Qob any course and scan information relating to Capricorn's movements over the last fifteen minutes.

    Joe Manning -> ::Hears his ODRI beep and looks over the data being transmitted. Tries to hook up with Sal's station to send the data to him::

    rosetto -> ::looks over his notes:: This is gonna be tricky, Sir... I'm thinking three burns...

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::notices Byblos after a moment; grins and signals at his 'box-full-o-head' with a thumbs up::

    Pher -> @ I am not sure how we are going to get William. Right now it looks like Joe is going to either bludgen Capricorn or threaten to.

    Joe Manning -> ::Glances up at Sal:: You'll be using my ODRI as a substitute for the computer. You should be receiving sensor data now.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::starts humming again::

    Byblos -> @::looks a little cluless at first then reveals from behind his back the resealed box containing the late Dikylt's head::

    rosetto -> ::looks at the ODRI::Yeah, okay...

    William Chocox -> #::continues working at his station taking no notice of the new arrivals::

    Joe Manning -> #Holstrum> ::Glances around at the security men before rejoining William at his station::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::nods at Byblos with another grin::

    Pher -> @ Simmons? ODRI to ODRI comm is great over planetary orbital distances, but we're likely going to lose it if Qob moves and we don't.

    Pher -> @ Not sure how you'd want to deal with that.

    Joe Manning -> You should be able to spot Capricorn. Lay in a course and fire up the engines.

    Byblos -> @Heh...Alex...this ship has excavation machinery on board right? Like digging for treasure..?

    Joe Manning -> @Simmons> ::Sighs and grabs his chin:: We can make regular check-ins and send bursts of imagery. But ... once we're close to Capricorn we probably need to shut down the connection anyway. Can't give away their position, right?

    rosetto -> Aye, Sir...

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::looks puzzled:: Yup. Why you wanna know?

    Joe Manning -> ::Stands up from his chair and moves over to the flight station to look over Sal's shoulder::

    Joe Manning -> #Holstrum> ::Glances at William and quietly asks out of the corner of his mouth:: What are you going to do when this over?

    Pher -> @ Exactly. I hope they can do it with what we can send from here, but we might want to prep ship's comm just in case we need it.

    William Chocox -> #(w) What do you mean?

    Joe Manning -> #Holstrum> Well, you don't have a ship anymore, right? Don't have a crew?

    Byblos -> @ Well since I highly doubt we are going to be excavating down their...I bet one of those machines down there has some piece of metal....strong...can be shaped with some work.... A Nausicaan without a blade is like a....a....

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::blinks:: What, you wanna make a sword outta shovels or somethin?

    Joe Manning -> @Simmons> ::Nods:: Well, feel free to grab a station. Right now, we've only got the usual array of scientists working up here. We're not exactly staffed for these kinds of situations. That's what the mercenaries are for.

    Byblos -> @Some of those machines should sport rock cutting material..something dense as a metal...just something to hold me over till we get back to Xorax.

    William Chocox -> #I guess not. What are you offering?

    Pher -> @ Yah. I'm not exactly prime bridge crew, but I might manage comm.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::shrugs; mutters:: Not like I'm doin' anythin' important. Okay, follow me.

    Pher -> @ :: Settles in near Simmons ::

    Joe Manning -> #Holstrum> Most of our engineers have been killed, I hear tell. Could always use another capable techie. Assuming we survive this ...

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::gets up and walks to TL::

    Joe Manning -> #Holstrum> ::Sends a text message to William's station: "Have to find a way to contact the Captain without Grotte noticing"::

    Byblos -> @I'm pretty good working with metals. Uh Pher..sorrry...I should of said this to you....I need a blade. But I will wait upon your orders..it would take me hours to work a piece if I am lucky.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::hears Byblos is gonna wait on orders; sighs and waits at TL::

    Pher -> @ :: To Byblos :: Doesn't look like we have an immediate need for security types. If you want to rig a blade, go ahead, but be ready to drop it should the situation change.

    William Chocox -> #::sends a text message back:: That's going to be dangerous.

    rosetto -> ::engages Imulse engines::

    Pher -> @ It's possible that Joe will do his thing to Capricorn, and we'll be needed again.

    Joe Manning -> @Simmons> ::Leans over to Pher slightly and indicates his screen:: Other end of the link is moving.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::scoffs::

    Joe Manning -> @Simmons> ::Sends the data over to the helm officer with instructions to follow::

    Byblos -> @::looks to Alex:: but we have a problem I am willing to be the total crew on Capricorn is much greater than Vestibule. I don't see any reason why they would want to attack this ship again..but if they were to we should be ready.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> Yeah, yeah.

    Pher -> @ :: to Simmons :: Yep. Joe's moving. We're likely to use the ODRI link soon, and I agree we should go comm silent after that point.

    Byblos -> @And some of those jykin guys are smart...engineers.

    Pher -> @ I don't think we want to draw any attention at this point.

    Joe Manning -> #Holstrum> ::"It's just a message. Something small. Maybe they miss it.":: That is assuming the pirate life is the life for you.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> So we gonna make you an engineer slicin' sword or not?

    Byblos -> @ Pher a question?

    Pher -> @ :: Looks back to Byblos :: Ask.

    William Chocox -> #::"I'll continue with the warp core while you figure out how to do that.":: It might appeal to me. Assumeing the pay is halfway decent.

    Byblos -> @Why are we transmitting to Qob, when she's cloaked...isn't the idea for the enemy to not know where she is?

    William Chocox -> ((Assuming*))

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((And really bad eggs...))

    Joe Manning -> How's she handlin, Sal?

    Pher -> @ The range of an ODRI is relatively short. It's only built to comm from standard orbit to the surface. Capricorn is out towards the edge of the system. They shouldn't be able to pick it up.

    Pher -> @ I expect Qob will soon be out of range, and we'll go silent.

    Byblos -> @Okay. So what is the plan sir?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::adds:: (m) Hah. Not like they'll be able to figure out where the Qob is from our transmission anyway; just hers.

    Joe Manning -> @Simmons> ::Nods:: They -will- be able to pick up that -we- are moving toward them. They're gonna get curious.

    Troy Parson -> @::listening in from a perch at the back of the bridge::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((hers = Qob))

    Pher -> @ Joe is moving out towards Capricorn, and I'm guessing he's going to use ship to ship weapons. We're in reserve. If Joe wins the space battle cleanly, we might be called on to secure the ship, but if you wish to find a blade, go ahead. I'll call if you're needed.

    Byblos -> @::scratches the back of his clean hair:: At once, sir..thank you.

    Pher -> @ You're welcome.

    Byblos -> Alex where Can I find the excavators? what deck?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::frowns at the idea of being in reserves, again::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::steps in TL:: I might as well go with ya. I got nothin' better ta do.

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ I don't know what you have over on that ship, Pher. What do you think you could offer Maxwell for William?

    Pher -> @ :: To Simmons :: Mind you, I don't think Verbistul should get near Capricorn if she's in any shape to fight at all.

    Byblos -> @::to Pher , COMM me if you need me ASAP...::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::hits a button on the TL::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((@ Alex> ::apparently hit 'eject':: Oops.))

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ Tell him you'll broadcast Gold 7 to his crew if he isn't a good boy.

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ Good point. If he's going to try to play nice with Capricorn's crew, revealing his intentions kills that card ...

    Byblos -> @::followed Alex into TL::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::rides the TL::

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ I'm leavin the negotiating to you, though. I'm not giving myself away just yet.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::stares at Byblos for a bit::

    Joe Manning -> #Holstrum> ::Glancing between Grotte's station at the far side of engineering and his own, trying to find ways around his spying eye::

    Byblos -> @Not used to seeing a clean Nausicaan?

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ Anything you want me to try for? I was thinking of laying low and quiet until you do your thing. If You'd like me to try for a crew for silence trade, I will.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::shrugs:: You look the same.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> I was wonderin' if you're gonna, like, hang that head on your wall.

    Pher -> @ :: wonders if she should try for doctors too. ::

    William Chocox -> #::continues working on the warp drive to make it so that it would work once and then fail::

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ Just keep him talking. Maybe try to get in touch with William. If they open up transporters to send him over to you ... maybe William can find a way to reverse it, retrieve a few of us.

    Byblos -> @I have already asked my Boss if it can be mounted on the bow of Qob, he said he'd think about it.

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ Assuming the Verbistul people agree, I'll go for it.

    Joe Manning -> #Holstrum> ::When the guards move away, whispers to William:: Going to tap into internal sensors in the Brig, find out who's in there. Need you to distract Grotte.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::grins and snickers:: That'd be awesome.

    Pher -> @ Simmons, you hear that? Joe wants me to try to retrieve Qob crew.

    William Chocox -> #(w) Will do.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::looks up as TL reaches destination::

    Joe Manning -> @Simmons> Assuming it doesn't involve my crew getting sacrificed, I'll agree to just about anything you come up with.

    Pher -> @ There's a slight chance that I'll tick him off, but I think it's worth the try. I'm going for it.

    Byblos -> @A Nausicaan usually doesn't go for the head. In Dikylt's case the guy was still alive with his guts hanging out so, it was a finishing swirng.

    Joe Manning -> @Simmons> Dr. Kea's over there too, and has been since we sent the relief team. Doubt she's with Maxwell's group, so I'd appreciate your asking for her too.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::eyes wide:: Nice.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::exits TL and leads way to cargo where excavation stuff is stored::

    Pher -> @ Troy, I might just possibly need you to play raving maniac. I'll try to run it on my own.

    Troy Parson -> @Ooh, I'm good at "raving maniac."

    William Chocox -> #::from his station triggers an alarm in the cargo bay::

    Troy Parson -> @Do I get any props this time?

    Pher -> @ + Capricorn + Pher calling Maxwell. Code Gold seven. Please com in, Capricorn.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Sugar, spice, and all things nice?))

    Joe Manning -> #Grotte> ::Notices the alarm on a nearby station:: What is this?

    Pher -> @ Whatever you can imagine, Troy. If you have something that looks like a dead man switch, that would be a start.

    Joe Manning -> #Maxwell> +Pher+ Why are you following us?

    Byblos -> @My Father taught me...decades ago why Nausicaans carry blades. In close combat with an opponent it was best to use your size to an advantage. We are a very tall species..hence..::shows Alex is long arm:: we have reach. Add more to that reach....a Sword, Shortblade..any kind of blade it adds to the advantage. And a Nausicaan swinging at full strength...is a lot of power compared to most humaniods.

    Troy Parson -> @::fishes in his pockets and comes up with a spork stolen from the Capricorn mess hall:: Hm.

    Pher -> @ +Maxwell+ We are not following. We're still stationary. We're still trying to talk down our maniac.

    Byblos -> @ What to engineers call it....leverage.

    Pher -> (( Using ship comm, not Audrey ))

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::admires:: Maybe I'll have ya make me a sword, too.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::enters cargo:: Here ya go.

    Joe Manning -> #Grotte> ::Traces the source of the alarm. Quickly glances back at William's station than at Markus:: The Qob one. ::Gets up::

    William Chocox -> #::looking up at Grotte:: Apparently their is a problem in the cargo bay EPS conduit that needs to be fixed.

    Joe Manning -> @Simmons> ::Whispers:: We're moving. Gave the order a few minutes ago.

    Troy Parson -> @::rotates the spork so that he's holding it in a fist, with his thumb resting on the tines as if they are buttons:: I guess this'll do.

    Byblos -> @ Only problem my Father taught me with blade fighting was NEVER EVER GO BLADE TO BLADE WITH A KLINGON . He would always say that.

    Joe Manning -> @+Pher+ My sensors tell me otherwise. And frankly I couldn't care less about your maniac at this point.

    Pher -> @ +Maxwell+ Sorry. Simmons decided to move. I'll ask.

    Joe Manning -> *#Maxwell>

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> Why not a Klingon? You could take 'em.

    Byblos -> @::looks around cargo hold:: oh boy...this stuff looks state of the art.

    Pher -> @ Got a good reason why we might be moving?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> Well, yeah. Xorax spent a lotta money on this stuff.

    Joe Manning -> @Simmons> To get into transporter range? Makes sense if we want our people back.

    Pher -> @ +Maxwell+ He says he's broken into a bunch of files labeled Gold Seven, and that if he doesn't get his ship mates back he's going to start revealing the contents.

    Joe Manning -> #Grotte> I see no such problem. What are you doing over there. ::Motions to Markus and moves toward William's station::

    Joe Manning -> #Holstrum> ::Whispers urgently:: Don't let him come over here.

    Troy Parson -> @ ::chimes in out loud:: On all frequencies, no less!

    William Chocox -> #::sends a command to explode the EPS conduit::

    Byblos -> @::returns a glance to alex:: Why not take on a Klingon Bat`leth? He told me over and over againn KLINGON STEEL WILL ALWAYS DEFEAT YOUR BLADE. Uh...I am not certain exactly what Klingon Bat`leth's are made of, but I have seen them do exactly what my Father said.

    Pher -> @ :: smiles at Troy, gestures him closer ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::blinks and then shrugs:: Shoot 'em then.

    Joe Manning -> #Maxwell> ::Pauses for a silent moment:: +Pher+ Gold 7 means little to me. It's an encryption protocol used by some Xorax officials.

    Joe Manning -> #ACTION: Power drops throughout Capricorn as the ship is rocked by an explosion

    William Chocox -> #::hears a satisfying boom::

    Troy Parson -> @::walks over closer to Pher, holding the spork::

    Joe Manning -> #Maxwell> ::Loses the comm::

    Byblos -> @ Klingons are not stupid Alex....a big misconception of the universe. For the most part they are way ahead of Nausicaans and several other species in the area of intelligence. It's a matter of applying it.

    Pher -> @ +Maxwell+ Not critical to you, then? We still haven't gotten the deadman switch off him, so we might just let him use the comm.

    Byblos -> @And Alex I just realized something...

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> What?

    Joe Manning -> #Grotte> ::Rocked off his feet by the explosion. Nearby, Markus stumbles::

    Joe Manning -> #Maxwell> ::Doesn't answer::

    Pher -> (( Is the explosion big enough to show on Verbistul's sensors? ))

    William Chocox -> #::clears the history on his console and starts to work on getting emergency power up and running:: Told you there was a problem.

    Byblos -> @I bet these digging/drilling vehicles ::points all around the cargo deck:: Use beam cutters.

    Joe Manning -> @Simmons> Registering an energy spike near Capricorn's hull. Looks like a segment of it was breached.

    Troy Parson -> @ Oh my.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::hums and shrugs:: I donno. I ain't a scientist.

    Byblos -> @::looks at one of the excavators:: Darnit.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> What? What is it?

    Joe Manning -> #ACTION: Capricorn is rocked by another explosion

    Joe Manning -> #Holstrum> What the hell -- ::Tossed from his chair::

    Pher -> @ +Maxwell+ Captain. Do you have a problem?

    Pher -> @ Should I generously volunteer to come to his aid? :: winks ::

    Joe Manning -> @Simmons> Another one. The ship's impulse engine just failed. They're drifting ...

    William Chocox -> #::thinks to himself:: What was the second explosion?

    Byblos -> @::I just need something for unitl we get back to Xorax:;

    Joe Manning -> @Simmons> This looks like armed resistance over there.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> Okay, so... get started. I wanna see this.

    Joe Manning -> #Grotte> ::From his knees, up at Markus:: Grab him!

    Troy Parson -> @ I'm not sure he'd even been able to answer, in that state. ::points to the main screen::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::perches on top of a crate that's about as tall as she is::

    Byblos -> @Hmm....inspects one of the treads on a huge loader. Ahhhhhhhh.....

    Joe Manning -> #ACTION: A third explosion, as the EPS rupture cascades through the network

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((oops?))

    Pher -> @ I might get a boarding party ready in a shuttle.

    William Chocox -> ((yes very oops.))

    Troy Parson -> @ You should probably make sure it stops exploding first.

    Joe Manning -> @Simmons> I'm not sure boarding that ship is the best idea right now. Someone seems to be doing their best to try to destroy the ship.

    Pher -> @ +Byblos, Alex+ Multiple explosions on Capricorn. Report to shuttle bay ASAP.

    Byblos -> @This might just work...::looks at the duranium traction tread blades:: Oh this could work...about...a meter...here...:::climbs up on Tractor::

    Joe Manning -> @Markus> Does his best to make his way toward William, rifle raised:: Stand down! Now!

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::singing quietly:: Thanks for reminding me of why I'm sick inside...

    Joe Manning -> *#

    Pher -> @ Simmons? I'll leave you to it? Troy, want to join the party?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> +Pher+ ::stiffens:: Copy.

    Byblos -> @+ Pher + Understood On my way!

    William Chocox -> #I'm not doing anything!

    Troy Parson -> @ ::shrugs:: Might as well.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::jumps off crate:: (m) What'd they break this time...?

    Pher -> @ :: Starts to shuttle bay :: Let's roll then.

    Joe Manning -> @Simmons> All there is for me to do is send sensor data and keep flying the ship. These blasts look like they'll slow the ship down

    Byblos -> @That tread will work...another time....going to have to go with a rifle and dagger this time around...::hurries to TL::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::falls behind Byblos a bit; enters TL::

    Pher -> @ :: to simmons :: Good enough. I'd keep well out of weapons range, and keep us and the Qob informed.

    Joe Manning -> #Maxwell> +Grotte+ Engineering, what is going on? What systems have been damaged?

    Joe Manning -> #Markus> Step away from the terminal! Or I will shoot!

    Pher -> @ :: In TL, waits a bit on Troy ,then starts it to shuttle bay ::

    Byblos -> @ Sounds like Capricorn is fallin apart..time to get our peoples..and what else we can off that wreck. ::to Alex as he designates the Shuttlebay::

    Troy Parson -> @::follows into the TL::

    Pher -> @ You did leave that shuttle in good shape?

    William Chocox -> #::walks away:: Very well.

    Byblos -> (roflmao)

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> Finally.

    Troy Parson -> @ Erm...it's a little messy on the inside, and the pilot's chair is gone, but it should still fly.

    Troy Parson -> @ ...I think.

    Pher -> @ Messy we can do with.

    William Chocox -> ((I'm going to have to jet out at exactly the top of the hour due to familial obligations.))

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ William's ODRI is showing no known ID. Either he's dead or it was taken from him.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> Ya know, Byblos, it's funny. I wanted ta go in shootin', but your boss didn't. And now we're goin' shootin', looks like.

    Byblos -> @You armed suffiecently?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::grins and shows off weapons:: Yup.

    Joe Manning -> #Grotte> ::Crawls over to William's station, looking it over::

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ Noted. I'm scrambling a small armed party into a shuttle. I may or may not try to board, depending on developments.

    Byblos -> @ To be honest I don't know what we are doing...::liftt empties into shuttlebay::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::follows Byblos out:: I like it that way, usually ends in more shootin'.

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ Right now, number one priority is getting our people off the ship before it explodes.

    Pher -> @ :: Also arrives at shuttle bay ::

    Byblos -> @ Oh gosh not that shuttle....::looks at what he and Troy Parsons arrived in::

    William Chocox -> ((See you guys later.))

    Byblos -> (Night)

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ Noted.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::smirks at shuttle:: What'd you do in there? Sneeze?

    Ethan Neufeld -> (Have a good one.)

    Joe Manning -> #Grotte> +Maxwell+ EPS failure has spread to four sections of the ship. Fires are spreading outward. We need to run damage control fast.

    Joe Manning -> PAUSE SIM


    To: Captain Herman Maxwell

    From: Crewman Petr Grotte

    4.30.2420 - 0117 hours


    We are entering the second hour of repairs aboard the pirate ship Capricorn. Much of the work has been diverted either to restoring life support to sections of the ship that have become barely habitable or to completing the conduit system that will eventually divert the plasma coolant flooding main engineering out to the hull of the ship, where it may be vented.


    In the course of working in exterior sections of the ship which are open to space, I have located an auxiliary access terminal which I believe I can mask from the main computer and still use to tap into many of Capricorn's systems. It takes a bit of time to suit up in then remove one of the raider's EV outfits, but access to this terminal can afford me privacy as I gather intelligence.


    Judging by conversation overhead between the leader of the relief team and the current commander of the pirate ship and his closest advisors, it is clear that the Captain of Qob intends some some of bargain with the raiders. However, there is tension between the mercenaries and the pirate leaders. While Capricorn's commander seems friendly and even submissive to the mercenaries, her chief engineer clearly does not trust the mercenaries. I get the impression that there are many members of Capricorn's crew looking for any excuse to throw the mercenaries in the brig and renew the battle.


    That we are repairing their life support so that they may work on their weapons and shields is a disturbing development that should be watched closely. I will keep you updated.




    To: Captain Herman Maxwell

    From: Crewman Dante Lazarus

    4.30.2420 - 0155 hours


    The Captain sleeps. He will not be out long. If there is a time to act it is now.




    To: Captain Herman Maxwell

    From: Crewman Petr Grotte

    4.30.2420 - 0235 hours


    I have discovered something that may shed light on the intentions of the mercenaries. Their engineer here on Capricorn has used his direct access to the ship's main computer to implement a command bypass that could effectively be used to provide remote access to most or all of the ship's systems. Not very subtle. I imagine that anyone monitoring his activities would pick up on this. I would not be surprised if one of the engineers discovers what he is doing. But then he may be watching the engineers as closely as they are watching him, to say nothing of the security detail on the team.


    I believe there is merit to what Mr. Lazarus has told you. He was close to Holstrum, and if he was given reason to believe that the colony's Eden Project would make for a lucrative bargaining chip, I can't imagine the mercenaries would be able to resist. Why have none of us been informed of this attempt to take control of Capricorn? I believe the expedition is being back-seated and Verbistul involvement in whatever goes on here being minimized.


    From my terminal here, I should be able to place a back door in the command bypass program. I await your instruction on this matter. I believe Gable is beginning to take interest in my frequent excursions to the ship's hull-breached areas. He says it is in the interests of my protection, but I fear he may discover the workstation here and begin asking uncomfortable questions.




    To: Crewman Petr Grotte

    From: Captain Herman Maxwell

    4.30.2420 - 0251 hours


    Do nothing yet, but make preparations. Ensure you will have access to the bypass when the time comes, but also that nothing you do there can be connected to you or to Verbistul. I must confer more with Holstrum.




    "Are you sure this line is secure?"


    "The Captain is asleep. There is no one else here but the crew you appointed. I have found a secure place on board the ship, and will have fair notice of any approach. Our time is running short, Captain, and I wonder what is the cause of the delay?"


    "I am still uncertain ... "


    "Of what? I told you Grotte was capable and trustworthy. He has gained access to a program that would allow him virtual control of Capricorn, albeit with many of her systems still in disrepair. He has espied points of tension between the mercenaries and the pirates and identified good candidates to scapegoat. He has prepared a method of wiping out nearly half the raider crew and placing the blame on the mercenaries."


    "You've been conferring with Grotte, have you?"


    "Of course. This operation demands that all three of us remain in contact and keep each other informed. We will need to work closely together if we are to pull this off."


    "This bloodshed. One of our doctors is working in the triage center ... "


    "And if we are to light the flame of conflict on Capricorn, more may need to be sacrificed. You have chosen to go down this road, Captain, albeit tentatively. Now you know full well that you will need to get your hands dirty. Grotte is waiting for your authorization. If you have more people on Verbistul that you trust, the time is now to brief them and get them involved."


    "We are still talking about two mercenary vessels -and- the raider ship."


    "Qob's crew is fractured. Many of her best are on the surface -- "


    "With Selek. And Macen."


    "Indeed. Two of our best as well. But by ensuring that the mercenaries on the surface cannot return to Capricorn and that the mercenaries on Capricorn will have their hands full with an irate pirate band, Qob's crew will be fractured beyond any means of effectiveness. We can take Capricorn swiftly and retrieve our people. I will ensure that Manning remains blind. You must do your part by inflaming LeMort's suspicions of a mercenary-pirate alliance. Manning's ignorance and Qob's firepower can be used against the Lucky Hand, leaving Capricorn to us."




    "What the hell happened over there?!"


    "A device I planted on the transporter was discovered and deactivated. They were able to retrieve their people on the surface before the drones wiped them out. We lost an opportunity, but gained much."


    "This threatens to expose us all! Why didn't you simply use the command bypass to disable the transporters?"


    "Because I was busy ensuring that Capricorn's chief engineer noticed the bypass. If he'd seen evidence that it had been used to attempt to murder the mercenaries on the surface, he would have suspected that someone opposed to Qob's efforts was tampering with it. He now knows of the bypass and that it was used to flood their triage center with coolant; and he knows that Qob's engineers placed it in his computer. That more of Qob's people are on the ship is irrelevant. I've watched Ford enough to know that he will take drastic action. And using the very program that Qob's engineers have provided him, he will even be able to bypass his commander's authority."


    "At this point, I'm weighing the merits of simply using the bypass to take control of the ship."


    "While the other mercenary ships are still out there? While Qob's crew is still running around Capricorn? And while the raider crew was hit hard in the battle, don't underestimate how much of a resistance they could put up. I've been over there, Captain; if you attempt to take control now, you will have your hands full. Let Ford's paranoia and the animal instincts of these mercenaries do our work for us. We'll sweep in when the numbers have been thinned."


    "You speak of these things so callously. I still wonder if we could have taken the raider ship without all of this killing. Was it necessary to kill Gable?"


    "He was prying. Watching me closely while I was rigging the ventilation system to flood the triage center. Gable was a crusader, Captain, too locked into the old Federation do-no-wrong mindset. If he'd stumbled onto what I was doing, it would have been the end for me -and- you. Besides, his death drove more of a wedge between our people and the raiders. When Ford goes off the deep end, they'll have more reason to suspect him."


    "Making this a good time to send a security team ... "


    "I agree. Pick out a few people hungry for justice and send them over while Ford is barricading the ship. They can thin out the crew a bit more, and lay the foundations for our takeover. Have you explained the situation to Alex?"


    "No. She's good at following orders and I'm sure she wants a piece of these raiders. But something tells me she wouldn't approve of the methods we've been forced to employ -- particularly Gable's murder. Markus is the man I'm putting on this. He's a thug; little regard for anyone but himself. And there are rumors that he's racked up some large debts at Vega."




    "I beseech you to consider the facts, Captain LeMort. We have learned through our captives that the raiders were planning to ransom off Verbistul and blackmail Xorax colony with sensitive information. There was a great deal of financial benefit at stake, far more than the colony was agreeing to pay Qob's crew. One of my engineers learned that Qob's crew implanted a program into their computer, a program capable of controlling key systems; I can show you the proof of this! And I am hearing from my crew on Capricorn that fighting has broken out, as we speak. My people are being targetted!"


    "Little solid evidence that Manning is trying to take over their ship. I know a bit about this Manning and Qob; it doesn't seem his style. Seems more likely that some of the raiders have splintered off, either looking for revenge for their old Captain's death ... or not agreeing with the new Captain's policy of cooperation with the enemy. More reason to just finish them off -- as I originally wanted to do -- but with your people and Manning's people on board, my hands are tied."


    "I am glad for your consideration, but your attitude toward Manning and his crew may be overly generous. I know that some deal was made between him and the raiders, though I was not informed of the particulars. If there is a splinter group causing trouble on the raider ship, it may be precisely because they are opposed to such an alliance. My team has been monitoring the situation over there closely and they are convinced that both my crew and yours are being kept in the dark while Qob and Capricorn prepare to direct their guns toward a combined assault upon our vessels."


    "And while you make a compelling argument, Captain Maxwell, I still see little reason to be as convinced as you are. I will contact Manning and see what he has to say about all of this."


    "He has not answered my most recent hails. And even before, his answers were evasive. I wish you the best of luck in getting more out of him than I could ... "




    Maxwell waved the nurse away. She made as if to protest, but he jerked his head sharply, making it clear that he wanted privacy. He was left at the biobed with Markus and a wounded Grotte.


    "They found out I was using the bypass. Qob's crew." Grotte groaned and clutched his side, hastily wrapped here he'd been shot by Alex. "I think they all survived. But before they took me ... I implicated the Lucky Hand. And the raider crew is done for -- no engineers, Bridge taken out."


    "Good." Maxwell leaned over the bed and gripped Grotte's shoulder. "Qob and Lucky Hand were powering weapons when I left the Bridge. Lazarus is keeping Manning blind. We'll be moving in soon. No one suspects my involvement yet. But the bypass ... is it still usable?"


    Grotte shook his head. "Doesn't - grrr - matter. Snuck a last bit of programming ... right into the transporter controls. We'll be able to tap into it." He lifted the PADD he'd been clutching. "And the pulse generator is still on their computer core. They're too busy sealing off the entry points in their bypass to notice. Just send the command ... it'll cripple them."


    Maxwell released Grotte's shoulder and took the PADD. "Take it easy now. Markus -- "


    "I'm alright!" Grotte cut him off. "You'll need me over there. I know the ship. Just give me something for the pain and I can join you."


    Maxwell looked down at him for a long moment. He -would- need capable engineers to keep Capricorn running. But he saw in Grotte's eyes that it was greed that made him eager to not be left behind. He no longer trusted the man that Maxwell had become. The enormity of the point of no return slammed into Maxwell with sobering impact. He was now no better than a pirate commander; his crew now would view him accordingly. He simply nodded down at the engineer before departing the infirmary.




    Captain's private journal ...


    Capricorn is taken, though Verbistul had to be abandoned. My hands are wiped clean of the Qob crew's involvement. I ... I believe that the Bird of Prey herself survived and is either still orbiting Zoalus or drifting away from it. But after Lazarus burned up their computer core, their capabilities will be too limited for a meaningful pursuit.


    Now we must get our warp engines restored to a suitable level for a jump out of the system. I have Holstrum and the Qob engineer working on this. There are simply too few engineers for us to throw any capable hands into the brig. They are being closely supervised by Markus' security team and by Grotte, who would pick up on any attempt at sabotage.


    Time is a factor, of course. But it is a two week journey to Xorax colony for Verbistul at maximum speed. Even with a head start of several days, I doubt they could beat this ship in a race to the Hyades cluster. Besides which, I don't see what damage they could cause beyond warning the colony of our approach; and little good that would do. Holstrum insists that he is the only one who can retrieve the information that would expose the colony's Eden Project.


    Trying to make himself seem more valuable and useful to me? Hoping I would take him along, so he could have the opportunity to join his raider friends and liberate them? I have my doubts. Holstrum always was a scrawny and withdrawn rodent of a man. He has become a defeated shell after the hijacking of Verbistul was stopped. He may see me and my associates as the only hope of seeing his plan through to the end.


    Of course, I have no intention of turning the Eden prototype over to him and his people. Once Eden is recovered and Xorax has paid us for their silence, we will sell the ship to Gaia Prime. Then these pirates become bargaining chips. Turning them and their ship over to Xorax colony may offer us a chance to absolve ourselves. If not, we simply take our money and disappear, leaving them to their fates.


    Losing Verbistul makes it more difficult to bargain. We will not be able to hold the threat of destroying the ship over Xorax colony; and thus Capricorn becomes a target for their agents and any Guardians they bring in. That is, unless I am able to maintain a bluff. If Verbistul is still far behind when we reach Xorax colony, perhaps the threat of its destruction could still be employed. A drawback of travel in the Rimward Territories that now becomes an advantage for us is the absence of subspace relays. We would have to act quickly, though; Holstrum would need to come through with the Eden intelligence.


    The only loose end now is ensuring the cooperation of the raiders. Depleted and wounded through they are, the potential for chaos that they could cause is great, and my security force is minimal. I will speak to the Bajoran, Tomar; he leads the crew now, apparently. If I convince him that I am simply carrying out the same plan that his old Captain failed to see through, he may prove cooperative and calm any radical elements remaining among his crew. As with Holstrum, I will use the promise of turning the Eden ship over to him.


    It will be a long journey back to the cluster. A great deal of time to think on everything that transpired in the Zoalus system. I made decisions that I am going to have to live with for the rest of my life; decisions which cost many lives, even among the crew I was sworn to lead. Coming to terms with those decisions and realizing that this is simply the way of Bull's Head will be critical; by the time we reach Xorax colony, I must be fully committed to the plan and show not even a hint of reservation upon my face.


    Herman Maxwell, journal entry end.

  3. Joe Manning -> BEGIN SIM

    Joe Manning -> ::Watching the shrinking mote that is the Capricorn on the front viewer::

    Pher -> @ :: Staying on the bridge for the moment, unless Alex requests her presence. ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::headed to Verbistul's brig::

    Byblos -> @Having listened to Pher's talk..he ponders what's the next move after..perhaps prematurely having himself arrested.

    Pher -> @ You OK Byblos?

    Byblos -> (Hello C G )

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Gah, jeeze, Byblos. I just about spit my coke on the screen.))

    Joe Manning -> @Simmons> ::Crossing his arms near the central bank of terminals in the command center:: Well, that does it. I suppose I'm in command for good now.

    Cassie Granger -> (Hey, Qob)

    Byblos -> @Not certain..::looks at binders:: Am I free?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Hey, Cass.))

    Troy Parson -> @::looks at Simmons:: Suppose so. Since you're in charge now, hold this for me? ::hands Simmons the bomb::

    Cassie Granger -> (Evenin' Sir ::smirk:: )

    Joe Manning -> @Simmons> ::Looks at Troy and shakes his head, not uncrossing his arms:: I want no part of that ...

    Joe Manning -> @Simmons> In fact, since your objective is now out of reach, I'm going to have to insist that you disarm it. Or are you planning a standoff with this crew, as well?

    Byblos -> @::does not want to cause trouble per Pher's speech::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::steps out of TL::

    Pher -> @ Byblos? Do you think you'll have further need of it? :: Nodding towards the 'bomb' in question. ::

    Troy Parson -> @::looks at Simmons crossly:: I did just offer to let you hold it, you know.

    Byblos -> @I best handle it sir...I am aware of its capabilites and contents better than anyone.

    Joe Manning -> @Simmons> And I just told you that I want no part of it until it is disarmed. ::Looks around at the group:: Just which one of you is in charge here anyway?

    Byblos -> @::gestures cuffed hands to Pher::

    Troy Parson -> @::shrugs:: I like to consider myself a free agent, personally.

    Joe Manning -> ::Scratches his chin as he watches the Capricorn:: Either they're heading somewhere else in this system -- which seems unlikely -- or their warp drive isn't up yet.

    Pher -> @ I'm security Chief, Troy there is Science chief. The chain of command isn't the clearest it has ever been, with out CO and XO out of touch.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::enters brig and finds...::

    Pher -> @ I'm hoping he will behave himself for a while.

    Byblos -> @ I will..

    Troy Parson -> @::glares at Pher:: Oi, I'm just trying to stay in one piece over here...

    Pher -> @ I believe you, Byblos. It's Troy that concerns me just no.

    Pher -> @ Understandable, but will you try to work with the Verbistul people for a while? And maybe even me?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> +Bridge+ Bridge. It's Holstrum.

    Pher -> @ :: Looks to Simmons ::

    Pher -> @ + Alex + Suddenly, I'm more sympathetic with your desire to avoid stun settings.

    Joe Manning -> @Simmons> Look, I'm not comfortable working without a clear chain of command. And you people -are- in the command center. So am I forced to view you as intruders into my command? Or can I deal with one of you as leader of this group?

    Byblos -> @Uh...scrap that. But I best handle the ...package. It is based on an organic compound..inert at the moment. At it's head are two diodes and a odor sensing device with a large dataport. You best give it to me..just put in the bag over my shoulder.

    Troy Parson -> @ Can do. Provided, of course, that none of them tries to imprison me, gas me, suffocate me, shoot me, or any of the other things that they've almost done to me lately.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> +Pher+ ::completely missing the context:: Huh?

    Troy Parson -> @::tosses the "bomb" to Byblos:: Here you go.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::sets to re-securing the brig::

    Pher -> @ :: Looks first to Troy, then back to Simmons :: OK. If you can honor his minor requests, I'll try being Qob's lead.

    Byblos -> @Thank you sir..I see the device is inert at the moment and will remain so unless certain conditions are met which are highly unlikely

    Pher -> @ +Alex+ Later.

    Cassie Granger -> (Have a good one, Qob)

    Joe Manning -> @Simmons> Then can you assure me that none of the people under your lead are a threat to this ship or the crew?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> +Pher+ Copy. Out.

    Byblos -> @:looks to Simmons with binders on:: I assure you I am quite limited with what I can do at the moment sir.

    Joe Manning -> +Nickles+ Chris, how are things going down in engineering?

    Pher -> @ :: Looks at Troy :: Yes, until and unless we have another round of pure chaos... which seems likely with most of the bad apples dissapearing with Capricorn.

    STSF_Nickles -> +Joe+ Slowly but some progress is being made

    Pher -> @ :: Sighs :: This situation is a mess. I find myself reluctant to give absolute promises... but I think we're good.

    Troy Parson -> @::glances at Pher, then at Simmons:: Anyway, if anything happens to this ship, I'll be floating in space. I don't like floating in space.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::looks around the brig and frowns::

    Pher -> @ That is true. Especially without a suit.

    Joe Manning -> @Simmons> ::Nods:: Well, good then. I barely even grasp what's going on here. I've been left completely in the dark by the Captain. ... and speaking of which ... I should point out that while the Constellation ship has not entered warp, it's flight path is taking it in the direction of the Hyades cluster.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::NIP:: You're so gonna pay for making me stay up here.

    Joe Manning -> +Nickles+ Why don't you get up here? I think it'll be time to make contact with the others soon.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::sighs at the idea of going back to the bridge and then leaves the brig::

    Pher -> @ I don't understand either, but it seems Maxwell isn't and hasn't been interested in archeology.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::enters TL::

    Troy Parson -> @::rolls eyes at Simmons:: Interstellar flight at superluminal velocities is so slow that unless you plan on staying on the same course for years, it doesn't really matter which way you head until you get your warp drive back.

    Troy Parson -> @ ^(missing a non- somewhere in there)

    STSF_Nickles -> +Joe+ Aye Joe on my way

    Joe Manning -> @Simmons> ::Glances at Troy:: I am merely pointing out Maxwell's obvious intended destination.

    Byblos -> @Agreed Pher.

    Joe Manning -> @Simmons> ::Looks at Pher:: Something changed. Very recently. He's been withdrawn since the raider ship showed up with the other merc ship behind.

    Troy Parson -> @ And I'm merely pointing out that he could fly in that direction for weeks on impulse, and only spend a few more seconds at warp to go a completely different way.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::really wants to kick something right now::

    Pher -> @ Yes. I think we should take Verbistul back home too, as soon as we clean up the odd ends.

    Joe Manning -> @Simmons> Up until then, he was all business as usual. It was his style really. Command by the book. Don't do anything drastic.

    STSF_Nickles -> :: completes the task and heads for the Exit towards the bridge::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::exits TL on bridge::

    Pher -> @ Radical behavior change? Personality change?

    Byblos -> (S H A N E )

    STSF_Nickles -> ((hiya Scooter))

    Joe Manning -> @Simmons> He just became very withdrawn. Shut many of us out while keeping close counsel with others.

    STSF_Nickles -> ((Hey Shane))

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::sees that not much has changed:: (m) Ugh.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> Who?

    Pher -> @ Any specific others? Especially others who are on this ship just now?

    Joe Manning -> @Simmons> Visited the prisoners alot. Was engaged closely with Grotte and Markus when they returned from Capricorn.

    Pher -> @ :: To Alex :: Maxwell

    Byblos -> @::keeps quiet::

    Shane -> ((Hey guys, are we focusing on the Capricorn again?))

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> Maxwell changed? ::puzzled:: I didn' notice anythin'.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::catches a lift ane heads to the bridge::

    Joe Manning -> @Simmons> Also spent a lot of time working at a station privately. Said he was keeping in touch with the away teams, but he certainly wasn't being open about it.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> Where?

    Pher -> @ I don't claim to understand fully, but he seems to have abandoned his mission in favor of taking Capricorn and taking up the life of a raider. I'd be mildly surprised if it were that simple.

    Joe Manning -> @Simmons> ::Points to a bank of terminals set aside at the outer edge of the command center:: One of the science stations.

    Pher -> @ Would anyone object if I tried to contact my captain?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::immediately goes to the science stations::

    Joe Manning -> @Simmons> Be my guest.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::tries to pull up comm logs specific to those stations::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::exits the lift onto the bridge:: Any word Yet Joe?

    Pher -> @ If you can confirm Capricorn is out of hand communicator range, that might be prudent.

    Pher -> @ :: waits a bit ::

    Joe Manning -> ::Glances back at Chris:: About to get in touch. ::Lifts his ODRI arm and taps::

    Byblos -> @ ::just stands in back where people can keep an eye on him..showing his binders promininently to show though he is a tall guy he isnt a threat::

    Pher -> @ Audrey, please connect me to Joe. Joe?

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: Any comm activity by the Captain is locked behind restricted access messages

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> Va. ::slams palm against console:: It's restricted.

    Pher -> (( I was using Audrey, which shouldn't involve the Capricorn's systems? ))

    Joe Manning -> (( Meant Captain Maxwell. That was for Alex ))

    Pher -> (( Got it ))

    Joe Manning -> ::Realizes he was beat to it by an incoming comm with Pher's signature. Opens it:: +Pher+ ::A bit staticky:: Well, g'day fair maiden.

    Pher -> +Joe+ Joe. If you went and died on me, I'm never going to speak to you again.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::moves to take his seat::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::Simmons:: Can you open it, seein' he made you actin' captain?

    Joe Manning -> @Simmons> ::Blinks over at Alex and joins her at the workstation::

    Pher -> +Joe+ A very good day. Are you guys more or less stable? Verbistul is more or less stable.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> He's got it all locked up.

    Pher -> @ :: mutters :: A very good day except the bad parts.

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ Stable yes. But our faculties are somewhat limited. Not even routing this through Qob's transmitter since we haven't given it the priority to repair it yet. Among many other things.

    Byblos -> @::wonders if Qob is cloaked but does not dare broadcast that thought::

    Joe Manning -> @Simmons> ::Looks over the log and shakes his head:: This would be protected behind the Captain's own private access code. It would take some slicing to break past it.

    Joe Manning -> @Simmons> Although ...

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ....What?

    Joe Manning -> @Simmons> ::Scratches his head and twists his face into a look of concentration::

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ Simmons and Alex of the Verbistul are working with Byblos, Troy and myself from the Qob. Verbistul is in pretty good shape. We're developing an increased dislike for Maxwell and a small group of his cronies who control Capricorn.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::waits...not very patiently::

    Shane -> ::stomps onto the bridge, a cup of coffee in his bionic::

    Joe Manning -> @Simmons> There -are- contingencies put in place by Xorax colony. For command officers who go rogue. Tends to happen in these parts moreso than in Fed space.

    Byblos -> (hope it is de-caf)

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::urgent:: Can we use that?

    Joe Manning -> @Simmons> There are some emergency codes that two or three people on any Xorax ship can access to break down a rogue commander's firewalls and access his restricted files. ::Glances between Alex and the station:: Er, yeah, I'm one of the people there.

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ Good! All nice and fired up for the retribution phase of our little exchange with the good Captain.

    Pher -> @ :: Nods mild encouragement towards Simmons ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> Who is? Am I?

    Joe Manning -> @Simmons> No, not you. I, uh ... think the colony might have flagged you as a good candidate to go rogue. The lead science officer is one of the others. There may be others I'm not aware of ... in case I go rogue.

    STSF_Nickles -> :: listening wondering when he will get to see Pher again... Beginning to feel the separation::

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ Are you in shape for retribution? Capriorn has taken significant damage, but.

    Shane -> ::takes a sip, and glances at Chris on "retribution"::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::jaw about drops:: Whut?

    Troy Parson -> @::listening in, slightly relieved not to be in charge anymore::

    Joe Manning -> @Simmons> ::Shakes his head:: Look, never mind! I can break the firewalls. I'll need to retire to my quarters to access the codes from my private station.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::gives Simmons a look:: Okay...

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ Well ... Shane's been working on weapons, but right now I'm limited to the ol' chair scope. And I sure hate that thing. Might have to ask Chris to do the firin'

    Byblos -> @::looks at Troy relieved not to be wanted dead anymore...well at the moment::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> You're not gonna go rogue, goin' to hide in your quarters?

    Joe Manning -> @Simmons> ::Looks around the Bridge, wondering if his departure would bring this situation one step closer to this group taking over the command center::

    Byblos -> ( B R A I N S ! )

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::notices look:: What?

    Joe Manning -> @Simmons> I think my access to these contingencies is proof enough that I'm not the rogue-going type.

    Troy Parson -> (( ::thinks Byblos is starting to sound like a zombie:: ))

    rosetto -> ((sorry I'm so late... sigh...)

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ Just so you know, Wilcox and the doctors are still on Capricorn. Also, Maxwell seems to be working with a half dozen bad apples. The rest of the crew over there haven't many clues as to what is going on.

    Joe Manning -> @Simmons> You're with these people. So you can vouch for them?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::sour expression:: Whatever. ::little bent that Xorax didn't trust her:: Yeah, yeah. They'll be fine.

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ So we've still got people on Capricorn? One more reason to not let this go unanwered. We could always target engines. But then ... if we've got people there, getting in touch with them could open alternative avenues.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::realizes:: Wait. What do you mean I'm with them? I'm with YOU.

    Byblos -> @Pher...William.

    Joe Manning -> @Simmons> I'll be back shortly. ::Darts away without answering::

    Pher -> @ Yep. And the doctors.

    Troy Parson -> @::looks at Pher:: Shouldn't one of us watch him, just in case?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::watches Simmons leave:: Argh.

    Pher -> @ Let's let him be. I don't want to start making people nervous. He'll want privacy.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::looks around bridge and suddenly realizes that, not only does Xorax not trust her, but she's got nothing to do now::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::scowls::

    Pher -> @ I agree. Argh.

    Joe Manning -> ::Wondering why there are three other people on the Bridge and they're as silent as if interrupting a conversation with Pher would invite some sex-based wrath on her part::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::Pher:: Huh?

    Pher -> @ Joe is considering hunting down Capricorn with Qob. If anyone has anything he might want to know, speak up.

    STSF_Nickles -> Joe what about the crew over there? How do we get them back?

    Pher -> @ I don't much like this situation either, Alex.

    Pher -> @ :: Makes a note not to attempt to apply humor towards Alex for the indefinite future. ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::bitter:: Don't look at me, no one trusts me enough to tell me anythin'.

    Joe Manning -> ::Recognizing the pause, puts the comm on standby until something new is received:: Capricorn's transporters most likely. Though I'm working with practically nothing here, Chris. We're still in the early plan stage.

    Byblos -> @ I think you mentioned Qob's three. Two docs..and William. I don't like him by himself over there.

    rosetto -> ::looks up at Nickles after his comment. He shares Chris' concern::

    Shane -> ::downs the rest of his coffee:: Is Troy's contraption still on the Verb?

    Joe Manning -> I want Maxwell. I want him to answer for this. All of it. But I first want our people back on a friendly ship. And I want to avoid hurtin the Capricorn crew. I did make a bargain with them.

    STSF_Nickles -> I dont want to loose any of our crew.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::wishing someone would give her a gun and a target::

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Shane:: It is, but that don't do us much good. Apparently, we've got Verbistul under control now.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> So we just sittin' around again?

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ Joe? Simmons of the Verbistul thinks he can get access to Maxwell's private files. We might be able to tell you more in a bit.

    Byblos -> @::keeps quiet::

    Shane -> ::looks back at Joe:: Why don't we send it to the Capricorn? It can give us some sensor info.

    Joe Manning -> ::Hears a beep from his ODRI and reopens the comm and listens:: +Pher+ I could tell you a fair bit myself. It's too bad I couldn't before Maxwell's backstabbin became apparent to you.

    Pher -> @ Two possible projects to plan, Alex. Joe wants to chace Capricorn. We'll likely want to pick up Ethan. I have a feeling that Capricorn will end up the higher priority.

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ He was in touch with one of his engineers over here. The same engineer was in touch with Grotte, the Capricorn saboteur. The gist seemed to be turnin us all against each other.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::frowns::

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ Apparent, but it still doesn't make a lot of sense to me. Consider me still half in the dark.

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Shane:: How to do that undetected though?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::finally realizes that Byblos is still in cuffs::

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ Yep. We had a series of people from different crews trying to kill and destroy. In response, other people tried to kill and destroy. It seemed like an irrational chaotic mess. Still does.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::approaches Byblos:: Here. ::takes cuffs by the chain and unlocks them::

    Pher -> @ :: blinks She too had missed the cuffs ::

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ Maxwell and his people were fanning the flames, Pher. His engineer over here kept me in the dark while the Lucky Hand was trying to talk ...

    Byblos -> @Uh thanks..I will stay here unless otherwise directed by yourself or Pher.

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ Who knows who else they were talking too. Maybe Ford.

    Pher -> @ We might want to find him a bath.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::smiles at Byblos, surprisingly::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::tucks cuffs away on her person::

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ Of all the Captains, he was the most unassuming. The one nobody would expect anything malicious of. And the whole time he was pulling puppet strings.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> A bath? Now?

    Pher -> +Joe+ Ford. Was there someone on your ship for a while called Lazerous? They freed up the original pirate leader too. Just transported over here and staged a jail brake.

    Pher -> @ Take a deep breath and make your own judgement. :: small smile ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::blinks at Pher; then looks at Byblos::

    Byblos -> @ Well I only have one pair of clothes being 2 meters plus..and I got sick when Ford gassed the Doctors..I imagine I smelll downright awful.

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ Yeah, I think that's the one. Red eyes. Hell of a lot older than he looks. A jail break is news to me.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::leans in and takes a deep breath:: Ugh...

    STSF_Nickles -> ::looks to joe::

    Pher -> @ I don't think Joe is going to be ready to go for a while. He isn't saying so, but I think he needs repair time. We also have a lot of work to do before we can go after Ethan.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::pinches nose and points toward TL:: That way.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::sighs at Pher:: If you say so.

    Byblos -> @Thank you ma`am. Uh Pher? Objections?

    Pher -> @ None, Byblos. I'll want to talk to you in a while if we get the chance. Got to bring Joe up to date, first.

    Joe Manning -> ::Glances in Shane's direction and watches him holding the coffee cup. Mutes the comm:: ... what exactly are we fixing right now, Shane?

    Shane -> ::takes a seat heavily at the tactical station with a sigh:: Nothing, we need a new computer core before I can do anything of significance.

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ Yah. That's the inner circle. One thing, instead of blasting him, we might want to consider telling the rest of the folk on Capricorn what is coming down.

    Byblos -> @ Yes Sir. ::heads for the lift speedily and designates:: "industrial showers" The doors close Byblos now heading for a bath

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::Byblos:: Wait, wait... Let me walk in front.

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ He seems to me to have gone nuts. We might be able to win a propaganda war.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::followed Byblos::

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ Just an option.

    Byblos -> (backtrack)

    Byblos -> @Sure...

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ I'm not even sure what -is- coming down. Ain't formulated much of a plan yet and I'm wide open to suggestions. ... what about the Bajoran fellow over there? Tomar? Do you know if he's still alive?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> (m) Doesn't smell as bad in front... I think.

    Pher -> @ :: Looks up to Troy ::

    Troy Parson -> @::looks back at Pher and shrugs::

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Shane:: What about warp drive?

    Byblos -> @Sorry about the ...stuff with your guy Markus...I was not...thinking amicably.

    Byblos -> @::to Alex::

    Byblos -> @:: in lift ? ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::grunts dismissively as the TL moves:: I didn't know either. Markus is a p'tak traiter.

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ Last I knew, Maxwell had him locked in the brig. Alex, Tomar and I had the situation mostly under control until Maxwell beamed over. I don't think he wanted us together. Tomar might have got control of Capricorn's original crew.

    Shane -> ::thinks a bit:: There's nothing wrong with the engines, but we can't do much but straight runs without some prep.

    Byblos -> @::looks to Alex suprised:: What? He's on Capricorn!?

    STSF_Nickles -> How much Prep Shane??

    Joe Manning -> Hell. Might be enough at least to chase them wherever they're going. In the meantime, what about impulse? Can you get that back up?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> Yeah. I guess he's Max's right-hand man instead of me. 'Splains why he didn't want me to kill Grotte.

    Shane -> ::looks to Chris:: Several hours. Warp drive is complicated.

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ Him in the brig complicates matters if we can't get someone to bust him out. ... a thought occurs to me that you might not like, Pher. Way I reckon it, we got -two- engineers on that ship who might help us.

    Byblos -> @::looks down exhales then returns his glance to Alex:: Sorry I did not shoot him.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> Me, too.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::exits TL::

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ Another tangential problem. Ethan beamed down with another Verbistul crew member, and is down on the planet. Without Capricorn's transporters, it will be a pain getting him back up, but I wouldn't really care to leave him behind.

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ And as far as I know, we've still got that shuttle lurking below.

    Byblos -> @Okay, ::exits Lift follows Alex::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> Crew showers this way. ::points::

    Shane -> ::at the mention of Ethan, mumbles:: Saves us trouble...

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ Why in the hell did he beam down to the planet?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::leads toward showers::

    Byblos -> @Heh..listen..your man Ethan...

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::stiffens:: What 'bout 'em?

    Pher -> +Joe+ I have no clue. He has some sort of private agenda. Wouldn't tell me. Wouldn't tell Maxwell. I suspect he knows of something of value down there.

    Byblos -> @ The guy is good....not the best impersonator of a Vulcan...but he's got some military experience on his dataPADD doesnt he?

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ Or he considers it a convenient hiding place ...

    Pher -> +Joe+ He was also being chased all the way back on Tranquility, and while we were down the drones were specifically going after him.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::narrowly eyes Byblos over her shoulder and then turns back front:: Yup.

    Pher -> +Joe+ Possible, but I doubt it. It's dangerous down there, and he is sticking his neck way out. Got to be a reason.

    Byblos -> @ I don't know where he is..but don't give up on him...The Boss....doesnt leave people behind from what I gather.

    Shane -> ::to the Bridge crew:: I say we EV over to the Capricorn and gather crew for takin it back.

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ Our computer is fried, so retrieving our scans of the surface could be tricky. The good copies of the scans are over on Capricorn. We'll try it. But in the meantime, I want you to try to contact him.

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ But I can't see running an Ethan Op and a Capricorn Op at the same time. We'll have to pick one to go first.

    Byblos -> @Don't give up on him...I have a guy on capricorn I cant give up on either..

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> Good, 'cause I ain't gonna leave 'em behind either.

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ Will do.

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Shane:: If they stop, maybe ...

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::enters the showers:: There, pick one.

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ Verbistul's scanners are still good.

    Shane -> Have the Verb make 'em stop. We only need a few minutes.

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ Transporters would make any op on the surface infinitely easier and faster.

    Byblos -> @ The Boss won't once he's finished with Maxwell....::enters shower area..and realizes something:: Uh...You taking one too?

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Shane:: Maybe.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> Pfffff, no.

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ Yah. I'm ready to argue for Capricorn first, assuming you guys can get in shape for it.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> But it's not like I gots anythin' better ta do right now than escort people who need a bath.

    Byblos -> @Hah! Had me fooled...uh...::enter shower with bag:: By the way....

    Pher -> @ +Ethan+ Ethan? Do you read, Ethan?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> What?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Mm, I'm gonna be feelin' that later.))

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ I might call on you to open negotiations with Maxwell. Try to get our people back in exchange for ... something, I don't know. Would buy us time, maybe even stop Capricorn, so we can work some magic.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::hopes we can get in shape enough also in time::

    Byblos -> @The case is no bomb...It has someone's head in it. That's all.

    Byblos -> @::Tosses ugly clothes aside as shower closes::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::blinks at Byblos over the head thing::

    Byblos -> @ Someone that Markus reminds me of pushed me a bit to far when he tried to take this ship.

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at Shane:: No matter what, we have to catch up to them first. You've got to get the impulse engine back in working order.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex ::has a grotesque curiosity:: Who?

    rosetto -> ::looks at SHane nd then Manning::

    Pher -> @ +Joe+ I'd be willing to try. I'd like a bit of time to come up with a story.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex>^

    Byblos -> @ One of my personal belongings someone brought on this mission that I would not of done...Diklyt...I severed that Pe `TaQs head.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> What?! No way! Let me see!

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ You'll get it. We ain't movin anywhere right now anyway. All we got is sensors and maneuverin thrusters.

    Pher -> @ Troy? Would you mind if I told Maxwell that you've been stunned and your bomb dismantled? We're looking for a way to get William and the doctors back.

    Troy Parson -> @ ::yawns:: To be honest, I don't care what you tell him, so long as it's not true.

    Byblos -> @Uh let me get cleaned off here...you'll need something to remove gamma welding on the box...

    Joe Manning -> @Simmons> ::Returns to the command center and moves immediately over to the workstation, a set of data rods in his hand::

    Byblos -> @Honestly that is what it is.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> Okay. ::considers where she can get something to break through that weld::

    Pher -> @ Oh, come on now. Inserting little bits of truth that can be confirmed is considered an artful touch in some places.

    Byblos -> @You really want to see my trophy?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::forcefully:: Yeah!

    Shane -> ::stands back up, with his arm hissing and whirring:: That'll be a few minutes. I'll just need to move some stuff off the secondary core. ::starts towards the double doors::

    Pher -> @ :: Looks to simmons ::

    Troy Parson -> @::notices that Simmons has returned::

    Byblos -> @Okay bear with me...got layers to clean off here....

    rosetto -> ::Looks to Manning::Want me to help him? ::nods toward Shane::

    Byblos -> @Gamma weld prevents the smell of decaying flesh...to get lose

    Joe Manning -> @Simmons> ::Begins inserting the rods into data ports at the terminal station. Glances over at Pher and Troy:: Should have access to the Captain's private database in a minute. Assuming he didn't wipe it ... but then I think Xorax colony accounts for that possibility as well.

    STSF_Nickles -> I just hope we get all our crew back soon especially Pher. I didnt know how much I woud miss her,

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> Okay. ::looks around for some place to sit; climbs on to the counter across from the showers::

    Byblos -> @::arms extend above shower door into air:: Oh that feels good....

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods at Sal:: Nowhere to fly just this minute anyway.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::looks excited for a bit and then realizes she's still sitting here doing nothing::

    Pher -> @ We're in touch with Joe. He's making repairs, but is in good enough shape to daydream about chasing down Capricorn.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> ::growls loudly and slams head back into mirror::

    rosetto -> ::gets up and follows Shane through the double doors::

    Joe Manning -> PAUSE SIM

  4. The Zoalus IV horizon drifted slowly down the viewscreen as Sal pulled the nose of the Bird of Prey upward. The ship continued to tremble as the impulse engine, controlled manually by Shane and Nickles, strained against the planet's gravity and the friction of the atmosphere. The chill of the ship's fading life support was being fought off by the heat bleeding through the hull. The crew would need to worry that they might cook alive inside the Klingon ship, if not for the danger of the engines failing and the ship falling to the surface after its failed attempt to break orbit. And that was not even the primary concern.


    Another torpedo streaked past the viewscreen. The shots from above were getting closer. Qob's cloaking drive masked both the ship and the burn of its ascent, but the engine trail was distinct enough to reveal the ship's presence and its general location. As Qob pitched upward, the trail would match the ship's position even more closely. The guesswork precision of the unknown assailant above would become more accurate. Qob might have been blasted out of the sky before its engines had the chance to fail.


    Despite the emptiness of his bourbon flask, Joe found himself handling his imminent death well. It seemed that with each ill-fated mission, his acceptance of his coming demise was more and more firm. Brushing with death repeatedly could have that effect. Knowing how much closer each passing day brought a natural death was equally desensitizing. As Joe gripped the armrests of his chair -- more to stabilize his body than to ease tension -- he found that his chief emotion was pity for his pilot, struggling against all hope to save the crew. Sal was too young to die.


    Sal gripped the yoke of Qob as the atmosphere pounded against their efforts. The ground was inevitably getting closer and Sal was forced to think on his feet. Any action that he took now would have to be driven by pure instinct. There was simply no time for any chain of command. The last thing on his mind was death, as it should be with any well trained pilot in any man’s service.


    He thought about skipping stones as a child, off the surface of a lake and imagined that the current situation was similar. With the correct velocity and pitch combination, even the force of gravity could be averted. The atmosphere of Zoalus IV was much denser than Mars, denser than Earth by a factor of 12%. It had made their breathing on the surface slightly labored as he recalled. This was now an advantage of which Sal used.


    Joe coughed, perhaps not loudly enough to be heard. He felt liquid in his throat and a faint coppery tinge on his tongue. At least his death would be quick.


    Then, so gradually that it could barely be noticed, yet so quickly that it caught Joe by surprise, Qob slipped out of the atmosphere and broke free of the planet's gravitational pull. Only the stars were visible on the viewscreen then. Only the impulse engine died, Qob escaping as the old movie scripts always dictated -- just in time. The ship was now being hurtled by its own momentum through the welcoming infinite void.


    The torpedoes stopped falling. Joe's rage started growing.


    "Good work, Sal." Joe said, and he was as sincere as could be. He rubbed his lower lip with the back of his hand; it was dry. His ODRI arm still raised, he tapped the device's comm control. "Engineering, we made it out in one piece. Nicely done. Assuming you can't get our sensors back online, I want to move on to directional thrusts. We'll need to collect some good old-fashioned visual data, from the front viewer up here and the nearest viewports down there."


    Sal took a brief moment to acknowledge his captain’s relief, “That’s what you pay me for, sir.” He chuckled but wasn’t being smug. Sal often let his comic demure lead in tense situation.


    The bright Zoalus sun poured onto the bridge. The billowing clouds against the light green-blue sky indicated that it was a pleasant day below. This picture soon changed as Qob entered the cloud bank and rose above it. The sky slowly became darker and darker as they slipped higher until finally it turned back to the inky black of normal space. Now, they were no longer fighting against the heavy blanket and there was a slight and often unfelt release. Sal felt it though. He also knew that the boys down in engineering felt it too.


    Back in the Engineering hull, the small access hatch to the impulse engines slid open to allow Shane to stomp out on his way to Main Engineering. With his good hand, he wiped some of the sweat and grime out of his scowling eyes and tapped the comm activation key on his ODRI. As they had broken orbit, the impulse reaction chamber shielding had begun to fail without proper automated monitoring and Shane had been forced to cut off all the engine systems manually. The close call had left him even more irritated then before. That red-eyed engineer had better not show up around the cyborg again, if he wanted to keep his face intact. "Manuverin' thrusters will be back on in a few minutes. I can try to get ya partial short range sensors, but no promises."


    The tension had eased on the bridge and Sal wondered if the same was true below. They had averted only one danger though, Sal thought to himself. He still had little to no visibility with the exterior sensors off line, no maneuvering control with the thrusters on the blink and he could tell that Qob was in a dead lateral spin as the fixed star pattern slowly rotated. There was nothing he could do right now to resolve this.


    For the moment, it had seemed that the missiles had also been avoided but there was no real way of knowing the truth of this. Their view was simply too limited. They still had no control of the ship's attitude. Applying any impulse thrust at this point would merely increase the velocity of their spin. Sal was thankful that the engineers below at least realized this.


    Their hands were tied. It was all up to Shane to slowly get the other systems up and running one at a time. Sal could sort of perceive this work progress as his board lit here and there but it was erratic and often blinked and flickered on and back off. He didn't dare touch anything presently.






    The two ships were locked in place on Qob's front viewer as the Bird of Prey glided on a perfect straight line toward a point directly between them, such was the precision of Sal's maneuvering with thrusters alone. The Gular science ship was tucked under the saucer of the considerably larger Constellation class vessel, looking as exposed and vulnerable as it had when the raiders launched their failed hijacking attempt. The two ships were still, a comfortable gap between them providing ample room for Qob to slip in.


    It had taken almost a minute of spinning around in place, trying to locate either the Capricorn, the Verbistul, or signs that either ship had been destroyed. Maxwell had executed a takeover, that much was clear; Lazarus' escape could not have been pulled off without control of Capricorn's transporters, and Gular science ships were not armed with torpedoes. But what had been happening since? Was Capricorn's crew resisting? Was Verbistul's crew being kept in the dark? Were the Verbistul crew on Capricorn controlling the transporters and torpedoes, or was Grotte's tampering still being exploited? Qob's blindness was the most frustrating symptom of her computer's mangled state.


    "Shane," Joe spoke into his ODRI. "I want you to try to restore enough control of the sensors that we can intercept communications. If we manage to grab any audio, I want it piped either up here to the Bridge speakers or to my ODRI. Looks like it's about ten minutes before we're in position.


    "Work on the disruptors too if you can spare the time."


    He would not even give priority to life support. With such a small crew complement there was time enough for that. Weapons could be needed at a moment's notice.


    After a few minutes the bridge's audio suddenly sounded with Shane's deep growl, "I've got enough sensor control for short range audio reception, I'll pipe it through in a sec. Automated targetin' systems for the disruptors are a no go if we want the keep what control we have left. Doesn't mean the Qob still ain't got a nasty bite. I've managed to activate the manual targetin' system in the ol' targetin' scope above your head, Cap'n, just lower it with the switch on your chair. Hope you're a good shot."

  5. Joe Manning -> BEGIN SIM

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::leading group toward command center on Verbistul::

    Joe Manning -> @Grotte> ::Working furiously at an engineering station, trying to make sure the tactical systems do not fail::

    STSF_Nickles -> **work

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Hey, Chris.))

    Pher -> :: Trying to hang near Alex while looking casual rather than dangerous. ::

    William Chocox -> ((Where are the @ people?))

    Joe Manning -> (( Capricorn's main engineering ))

    William Chocox -> ((Thanks))

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::smirks at Pher in an arrogant way::

    Byblos -> ::quietly listens as voices depart....his hands gripping the phaser rifle set on stun since his own people are nearby::

    Pher -> :: tries not to visibily sigh ::

    Byblos -> ::Tucked inside the airduct::

    William Chocox -> @::across main engineering from Grotte making sure power stays on::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::enters command center::

    Pher -> :: tries to find an out of the way place where she and Alex can see each other. ::

    Troy Parson -> ::following Pher and Alex, waving for Byblos to come out of the air duct::

    Joe Manning -> Simmons> ::Standing in front of the chair at the center of the completely circular command center, surrounded by stations and looking at one large viewscreen::

    Troy Parson -> ::following at the maximum possible distance without losing track of them, that is::

    Byblos -> ::determines it is safe and drops down out of the airshaft with a THUD landing on his feet Phaser Rifle in hand bag over the opposite shoulder::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::bluntly:: Simmons.

    Byblos -> ::follows Troy as stealthlly as he can::

    Pher -> :: Yields center stage to Alex for the moment. ::

    Joe Manning -> Simmons> ::Quickly turns and looks at Alex with a rather pale expression:: ... Alex. I was notified you were coming to ... ::Looks over Pher, Troy, and Byblos::

    Troy Parson -> ::waves to Simmons::

    Joe Manning -> @Markus> ::His security sweep of main engineering brings him close to William. Pauses a moment to look over the engineer's shoulder and spy on his work::

    Pher -> :: Smiles harmlessly, trying not to look overly sexy. ::

    Byblos -> (oops tooo close)

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::looks in the same direction as Simmons - at Pher, Troy, and Byblos::::gives Byblos a strange look for trying to sneak by::

    STSF_Nickles -> Petticord) I was under that same impression

    William Chocox -> @::while working:: Problem sir?

    Byblos -> ::Byblos looks at Alex then to Pher then to Troy and repeats the cycle wondering if she's going to open up, he has his rifle in a neutral position::

    Joe Manning -> Simmons> These are the men on the security feed. Why did you bring them here?

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> We were sent here to get Troy and Byblos under control. We did that. Now we've gotta 'nother problem.

    Joe Manning -> @Markus> Just making sure's everything going okay over here ...

    Byblos -> ::thinks:: Me Under Control? This lady doesnt know me.

    Joe Manning -> @Markus> Makin' sure the Captain's orders are being carried out and all. Any problems?

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::briefly eyes Petticord::

    Pher -> :: Glances at Byblos, gives a hands down jesture which is generally accompanied with a request to stand down. ::

    STSF_Nickles -> Petticord ::Standing behind Pher and troy and Byblos.::

    Joe Manning -> Simmons> ::Blinks rapidly and shakes his head slightly:: Alright, what problem?

    Byblos -> ::stands down per Pher...looking with his eyes at Troy Parson wondering if they are on the same wavelength::

    Pher -> :: Looks for a cue from Alex that she ought to speak up, but giving Alex the first attempt. ::

    William Chocox -> @None so far.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::doesn't notice Pher at first:: Maxwell don' wanna stop fightin'.

    Byblos -> ::Notes Petticord behind him by a slight turn of the head over his shoulder with Shane's bag then looks back foreward::

    Troy Parson -> ::sees Byblos look at him and shrugs slightly::

    Joe Manning -> @Grotte> ::Gets a comm message from the Bridge::

    STSF_Nickles -> Petticord::to Pher:: Good way to keep that thing under control. ::nodding over to Byblos::

    Byblos -> ::realizes the #1 on the mission is not necessarily in control...not sure who is...same old...well fodder:::

    Joe Manning -> Simmons> I ... was not under the impression that the Captain had started fighting. He has not exactly been keeping me in the loop on all of his recent actions ...

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> That's part'a the problem, too.

    Joe Manning -> Simmons> Just recently, he began firing at the planet.

    Joe Manning -> @Grotte> ::Looks over his shoulder toward William:: Qob guy ... we're powering down weapons.

    STSF_Nickles -> Petticord HE has seemed a little odd as of late to ,e also.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> He ain't right in the head. He... ::wavers; looks at Pher:: You do all the good talkin'.

    Pher -> :: Smiles at Petticord, speaks very quietly :: Be nice. Last time someone set him off I had to block his rifle barrle with my breast. Not my favorite technique.

    William Chocox -> @::looks over at Grotte:: Very well. Any particular reason why?

    STSF_Nickles -> Petticord) ::smiles arching a brow:: Hummmm

    Joe Manning -> @Grotte> You don't need to know why. Just like you don't need to know why we powered weapons up. Just help me. ::Tapping at his station::

    Joe Manning -> @Markus> ::Looks down at William::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::irritated:: Would ya quit playin' kissy face and tell the man what you wanna tell 'em, Pher?

    Pher -> OK :: turns to Simmons :: Maxwell told me to negotiate a settlement. The common proposal is everyone goes home, everyone gets paid, and no more killing and destruction. This sound acceptable?

    Byblos -> ;;remains neutral position but ready to swing that rifle into Petticords gut if things get out of hand again::

    Joe Manning -> Simmons> ::Looks at Pher for a moment and shrugs:: I thought that was the plan from the start of this expedition. Maxwell's too.

    Joe Manning -> Simmons> What exactly are his intentions with the raider ship? Do you know? ::Looks at them all::

    William Chocox -> @::walks over:: What do you need me to do?

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::looks clueless on the raider ship::

    Byblos -> ::thinks:: Don't look at me I am the muscle ....ask the brains

    Pher -> He has claimed it as some sort of prize. If he controls it, maybe he doesn't need to pay any mercinaries.

    Joe Manning -> @Grotte> Same process in reverse. With the computer systems still on the fritz, we need to secure manual access. Fortunately, the systems were damaged by the strain.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> Well, he ain't usin' it for peace, that's for sure.

    Pher -> You see, the only one who isn't accepting the deal right now is Maxwell.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::gestures at Pher:: She's got it.

    William Chocox -> @How is that fortunate?

    Joe Manning -> Simmons> ... that ship violates about every restriction the Federation's slapped us with. Xorax colony backs those restrictions up, so they certainly won't let him take the ship back with him ... unless it's to hand it over to be disassembled.

    Pher -> He's refusing pay, arranged for the Hand and Qob to fight each other, sabotaged the Qob, and in the process put a bunch of hands of both the Qob and Verbistule at grave risk.

    Troy Parson -> ::chimes in:: And may well have sabotaged the Capricorn, also.

    Pher -> I'm trying to arrange some sort of persuasive arrangement where he goes along with the kinder gentler approach.

    Joe Manning -> Simmons> ::Furrows his brow:: ... arranged for -- ? ::Cut off by a comm from Maxwell::

    Byblos -> ::awaiting the little crewman of Vestibul to show up saying somebody whacked four of our guys in the landing bay and things go to Tranquility in a basket::

    Pher -> :: goes quiet ::

    Joe Manning -> Simmons> ::Holds a finger up and turns away to answer the comm::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::blinks; whispers at Pher:: What d'ya mean he arranged their fight?

    Joe Manning -> Simmons> Yes sir. I can confirm ... they're here. ... and they have the prisoners.

    Pher -> :: makes sure she is out of the line of vision of the camera. Hopes other Qob hands have taken precautions. ::

    Byblos -> ::Ponders why Troy Parson isn't speaking...has Pher been given command ? Is Joe and Qob still...alive? ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::waves at camera::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::thumbs up::

    Joe Manning -> @Grotte> ::Looks at William:: It's fortunate in that damaged systems wouldn't serve us very well, now would it? You sure ask a lot of questions.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::hopes Simmons plays this 'right'::

    Joe Manning -> Simmons> Understood sir.

    Troy Parson -> ::slides over next to Byblos:: (w) Mind if I see that bag for a second?

    Byblos -> ::Backs out of view into Petticord by mistake..::.oops sorry...I tend to break things ..best be back away from that mechanical eyeball

    Joe Manning -> Simmons> ::Turns to look at the group with a small frown:: ... he wants the prisoners. He sounds urgent about it.

    Pher -> :: quietly to Alex :: He made a few boasts on the Capricorn's bridge before you got there. I don't know the details, but the gist is that he told the two captains conflicting lies.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> Great. Just great.

    William Chocox -> @::starts working:: Maybe I do. ::pause:: Why do I need to be over here to do this?

    STSF_Nickles -> Petticord ::pushes Bybklos back forward:: WATCH it big Ox.

    Joe Manning -> (( I'll let it pass through since you'll probably learn it soon anyway, Pher, but that's not actually true ))

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::Pher:: Now what...?

    Byblos -> Uh yeah Shane's bag... ::to Troy Parson :: Said it was dangerous handle with care!

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::sees Petticord:: {redacted}, Petticord, stop acting like an iggit.

    Joe Manning -> (( The Qob folks learned it, but haven't passed it along to anyone yet ))

    Troy Parson -> ::takes bag as if it were an everyday occurrence:: Cheers.

    Pher -> He appraently was impressed by Joe. He put the sabateur on the Qob, assuming she would win the fight... unless he had sabateurs on both ships.

    Byblos -> Okay....sir. ::to Troy Parson::

    Joe Manning -> Simmons> Look ... I don't know what you're planning to do. But I know you can't do much good on this ship. We've got nothing except advanced sensor packages ...

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::shakes head at Pher:: Now you're givin' me a headache.

    Byblos -> ::to Petticord :: listen can we play nice. My boss wants me to be nice.

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at Simmons:: And a bomb!

    Pher -> Sorry. I've been running on headache for a while.

    Joe Manning -> Simmons> I'd advise you to transport back to Capricorn while you have the chance. And before Maxwell decides to treat us as hostiles.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::nods at Pher:: Simmons is right. Maxwell ain't gonna give up without a fight. What's your next brilliant plan?

    STSF_Nickles -> Petticord ::listening to Alex ans Pher and Simmons speaking Not paying byblos or Troy any mind::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Bad timing...))

    Byblos -> :: Looks at Troy Parson in disbelief ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> Wait, if we beam over there, Troy 'n' Byblos are gonna be locked up...or killed.

    Pher -> What's the situation in space? Capricorn spotted Qob a while ago. Have you got her too? Is he moving for rescue or for attack?

    William Chocox -> ((sorry))

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at Alex:: Quite likely. And I'd really rather not be killed.

    Joe Manning -> Simmons> We haven't spotted any ships. Just an ion trail in the planet's atmosphere ... which Capricorn began firing at.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::nods at Troy as sympathetic as she can be::

    Joe Manning -> Simmons> They stopped just before you arrived on the Bridge.

    Byblos -> ::looks at Petticord:: I swear I had no Idea...and I have no Idea what is going on. ::suprised Troy's bomb statement flopped so fast ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> If Maxwell's firin' near that ion trail, he prolly ain't tryin' to rescue the Qob.

    Joe Manning -> Simmons> ::Looks at Alex:: Depends on how you play it. Though transporting over with a live explosive would be a quick ticket to that.

    Pher -> OK. I'd think that a large party ought to head for the Capricorn's bridge and 'persuade' Maxwell to play nice. I'd like to get there giving them the smalest amount of lead time possible.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::blinks at Simmons and then grins::

    STSF_Nickles -> Petticord) Give it up It wont work

    Joe Manning -> @Grotte> ::Glances at William:: Because it's the engineering station that controls these systems. ::Clutches his side and winces::

    STSF_Nickles -> Petticord ::to byblos::

    Pher -> I'd prefer a surplus of non-lethal weapons, but that's a matter of style. I could be talked into belt and suspenders real easy, but I don't want more damage unless we have to.

    Pher -> Lots of ships have lots of damage. We don't want to make things worse if we can help it.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> What if we could, ya know, cut off the head of the snake?

    Byblos -> Petticord , I haven't figured out what the hell is going on....I am clearly out of the loop. I just serve a boss and get paid same as you. Except I am at a loss whom I am serving at the moment.

    William Chocox -> @::looks at Grotte:: You ok there?

    Joe Manning -> Simmons> ::Sighs and crosses his arms:: You realize that I have yet to be given -any- actual evidence that Maxwell has been doing anything wrong.

    Pher -> Several heads. Maxwell. Grotte. I think there is an engineer called Lazerous?

    Joe Manning -> @Grotte> Don't worry your head over it. Just a gunshot wound in all the chaos over here.

    Pher -> As far as I can tell, that's the core of the inner circle. Most of the Verbistul people I have no problem with.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::groans:: This is why I hate talkin' about this stuff.

    Joe Manning -> Simmons> ::Frowns:: The Captain did take Grotte over to Capricorn with him ... despite his being hurt and a prisoner. Lazarus was killed when Qob went down as far as I know ...

    Byblos -> Hey, ::to Petticord:: Does this vessel have any changes of clothes for vertically gifted people?

    Pher -> But we might want to move fast if they are shooting at the Qob. I want us all on the same page, but you've got crew and I've got crew on the Qob.

    Joe Manning -> Simmons> ::Shakes head:: This is over my head. Do what you have to do. ::Looks at Alex:: I trust your judgement.

    Pher -> :: looks to Alex ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::flops into an empty chair:: Pfff, my judgment? Rather just go over there and fix it the easy way.

    Troy Parson -> I like easy ways!

    STSF_Nickles -> Petticord) Why are you wanting to know

    Pher -> Could you give a quick description of 'the easy way?'

    Joe Manning -> Simmons> The 'easy way' could get innocent people killed ...

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::makes gun with her fingers and pretends to shoot:: Shoot to kill. ::blows off pretend smoke::

    Byblos -> Have you noticed...I haven't had a change a clothes in.....days.

    Joe Manning -> Simmons> I'm still waiting for word from the men who were ambushed in the shuttle bay. ::Looks at Byblos:: But it did not look good.

    William Chocox -> @Very well. ::continues powering down systems::

    Troy Parson -> ::casually, to Simmons:: In our defense, it was awfully rude of them to point those weapons at us.

    Pher -> I'd rather shoot to stun. We're getting real short on crew. Still, if you dont tell me how to set my weapon, I won't push how you set yours.

    STSF_Nickles -> Petticord A good dip in a creek will take care of that. we can just beam you to the planet

    Joe Manning -> Simmons> ::Looks at Troy and raises his voice for the first time:: They were ordered to detain two shuttle arrivals. They were following our usual procedure.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> So they can wake up and shoot you in the back? ::shakes her head and waves away thought:: If we could just get control of Maxwell somehow... and maybe Lazarus, which, yes, is still alive.

    Byblos -> ::to Petticord:: Hah hah you lilttle twrip if you had a transporter on this science vessel which you don't!

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> Troy, did you say there's a bomb here?

    Joe Manning -> Simmons> ::Shakes his head abruptly:: You

    William Chocox -> ((brb))

    Joe Manning -> Simmons> 'd better get ready to move now. Maxwell isn't going to wait long.

    Pher -> :: Nods at Simmons' comment ::

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at Alex and Simmons both paying attention to him all of a sudden:: (w) Oh, my.

    Troy Parson -> ::to Alex:: Yes, there is, indeed, a bomb. I think.

    Byblos -> ::turns to Simmons :: Oh Jyke me.

    Troy Parson -> Sounds like a bomb, by the way they've been talking about it, anyway.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> Can ya strap it to your chest?

    Shane -> ((sorry for being late, I was having connection issues))

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::frowns that it might be a bomb, but disregards fact::

    Troy Parson -> ::pretends to think about it for a second:: No, I think not. It's a bit too large for that.

    William Chocox -> ((back. Hey Shane!))

    Troy Parson -> ::takes it out of the duffel bag:: More of a luggage-type bomb, maybe even a shuttle bomb.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> Va.

    Byblos -> Uh Troy Parson, Shane said it needed to be handled with extreme care...

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> +Alex+ ::Sounding impatient and even a bit nervous:: What is the situation, Alex? Are you and the prisoners ready for transport?

    Joe Manning -> @

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> I was thinkin' maybe we could take a page from the raiders. Threaten ta blow up the Capricorn...

    Troy Parson -> ::grins at Byblos:: (w) I'm sure if it goes off, it'll all be over too quickly for us to care, anyway.

    STSF_Nickles -> Petticord) ::watching Troy carefully::

    Byblos -> ::looks at the Tin and recognizes it and Tries his best to keep a Poker Face while anger broils at whoever lifted it from his quarters::

    Ethan Neufeld -> +Maxwell+ ::thinking quickly:: Yeah, just give us a minute. They said they planted a bomb on here and they won't tell us where.

    STSF_Nickles -> Petticord) Alex ::points to Troy, He says he has a live bomb.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::blinks at Petticord:: What?

    Byblos -> ::the Nausicaan does noticably tense up...despite trying to hide it he regrets it..he may of failed Pher again ::

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> +Alex+ There is no way they could have planted a bomb that quickly ...

    STSF_Nickles -> Petticord ::points:: Thats what he just said.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::looks at Troy:: Is that a bomb?

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::points at Shane's bag::

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> +Alex+ Alex, I want you to take the prisoners ... as well as Mr. Holstrum ... and get them both over here now.

    Troy Parson -> No, that's an empty duffel bag. This ::hefts the device slightly:: is a bomb.

    Pher -> :: Small smile ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> +Maxwell+ ::jaw drops:: I'm looking at the bomb right now...

    STSF_Nickles -> Petticord) ::tp Alex:: I told you Maxwell was acting odd. Wabting to beam a bomb and prisoners over there??

    Troy Parson -> You should tell him that if anyone moves, I'll detonate it.

    Joe Manning -> @Maxwell> +Alex+ Just forget the bomb! Get the prisoners and Holstrum over here!

    Byblos -> ::thinks who lifted it from his quarters on Qob...think brains.....Troy....William...Shane....Joe....

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::nods:: +Maxwell+ He says if we move, he'll detonate it.

    Troy Parson -> And then kaboom! Nobody wants that, right?

    Byblos -> ::getting angry while seemingly not oving a muscle::

    Pher -> :: Winces. She wants to be on the same ship as Maxwell ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> +Maxwell+ What the jykin' qo is wrong with you? What if it is a real bomb?

    Troy Parson -> Of course it's a real bomb! Have you ever seen a can of tunafish this big?

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> +Alex+ Then kill him. Treat both of the prisoners as hostiles.

    Ethan Neufeld -> +Maxwell+ ::fast thought:: I can't... he... has a deadman switch...

    Byblos -> ::thinks:: Who would of known what wasw inside......only Pher...not Shane.....::thinks::

    Troy Parson -> ::chimes in:: If I drop it, or move suddenly, it explodes.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex>^

    STSF_Nickles -> Petticord ::raises his small weapon towards then hearing Maxwell::

    Joe Manning -> @Maxwell> +Alex+ Go to him then, and give him a comm channel to me.

    Troy Parson -> Oh, and if there's any change in my biometric signature, it blows up, too. Got a nice little sensor in there...at least, it would if I designed it.

    Joe Manning -> Simmons> ::Narrows his eyes watching the group::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> +Maxwell+ Okay... ::hands comm to Troy::

    Byblos -> ::Thinks ignoring Troy:: Shane...handed to him. the Cyborg...but only Pher knows what was inside that tin...that specific gamma welded tin ::

    Troy Parson -> +Maxwell+ Hiya, Captain!

    Joe Manning -> @Maxwell> +Troy+ What is it that you want?

    Pher -> :: Recognizes the bag. Resists urge to face palm ::

    Pher -> To go home with pay.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::sees recognition in Pher's face; wonders what's really going on::

    Troy Parson -> ::takes a chance:: +Maxwell+ To go home, all of us, and get paid.

    Pher -> :: talking to Troy ::

    Troy Parson -> +Maxwell+ It'd be nice if you admitted to being behind the attacks on Capricorn, too.

    STSF_Nickles -> Petticord) ::looks to Alex for orders::

    Troy Parson -> ::kind of guessing with the last one, but willing to try it for the sake of the possible result::

    Joe Manning -> @Maxwell> +Troy+ You want money, then? Fine, that can be arranged.

    Byblos -> :: thinks...okay Shane or Pher.....had to of been Shane..but he did not know what was inside..it is still sealed shut.....Tricorder...ODRI::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::sees Petticord and gives finger to lips; wait a bit and see what happens::

    Joe Manning -> @Maxwell> +Troy+ I will admit to nothing. There is much to be gained and little point in dwelling on the events which took place here.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> (m) Gained? What'd we gain...?

    Troy Parson -> +Maxwell+ I see, I see. Spoken like a man with everything to lose from the truth, but no matter.

    Pher -> (m) Dead friends.

    STSF_Nickles -> Petticord:: remains standing there with small weapon trained on them::

    Troy Parson -> +Maxwell+ By the way, have you ever seen what happens when a starship is blown up by an antimatter charge?

    Joe Manning -> @Maxwell> +Troy+ Disable any explosives you have armed and turn yourself in properly. I assure you that you will be treated well and will be paid in time.

    Byblos -> ::thinks how long....until someone does a scan and realizes Dikylt's severed head is in that tin...not a bomb.::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::facepalms::

    Troy Parson -> +Maxwell+ That sounds like a great idea! Except...no, I think not.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::Pher:: (w) We shoulda gone over there before he pulled out the bomb.

    Troy Parson -> +Maxwell+ Tell ya what, though...

    Byblos -> ::decides to lean against hallway wondering what the heck...just what the heck is going to go wrong next...::

    Joe Manning -> @Maxwell> +Troy+ You have absolutely no reason to turn down my offer. You would kill yourself and a number of innocent people on board Verbistul rather than accept payment for extortion?

    Joe Manning -> @Maxwell> +Troy+ What reason could you possibly have for this?

    Pher -> (w) Agreed. I would have avoided the bomb idea, but right now Maxwell is getting close to The Deal. The question is making sure everyone sticks with it.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> (m) Extortion...

    Troy Parson -> +Maxwell+ Oh no, it's not that. It's just that when I disarm this bomb, you'll have no reason not to just kill us all.

    Troy Parson -> +Maxwell+ How about this, though...

    Troy Parson -> +Maxwell+ I'm willing to make a show of good faith.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> (w) Locking your friends up is close to the deal?

    Troy Parson -> +Maxwell+ I'll stay here with the bomb, but my associate, who came here with me, will be taken back to Capricorn by a mixed QoB/Verbistul party. ::nods to Alex and Pher::

    Byblos -> :: Blast you Shane we are going to have another chat when or If I get off this tub...and some serious realignment of bones is going to take place...::

    Pher -> (W W) No, but I've wondered at times which set of bozos needs to be locked up more.

    STSF_Nickles -> Petticord:: now wondering who to trust::

    Troy Parson -> +Maxwell+ That way, you'll have a bit of leverage of your own...just to show that we're willing to talk.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::looks at Troy::

    Joe Manning -> @Maxwell> +Troy+ Given that your associate brutally attacked a number of my men, I will have to demand that he be taken back in restraints.

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at Byblos:: +Maxwell+ He won't like it, but I'll see to it that it happens.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::looks at Byblos::

    William Chocox -> @::finishes powering everything down:: ::walks back to his previous station::

    Byblos -> Okay listen....Pher....uh...you ::looks at the lady security guard:: And a You....Simons? is it? Can I go to the brig...I really have this ...desire to spend some peaceful time alone right now.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::is bothered by something::

    Byblos -> ::fuming mad at Shane::

    Joe Manning -> @Maxwell> +Troy+ Very well. I want Alex leading the team back here.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::reluctant to voice it with a comm still open::

    Troy Parson -> +Maxwell+ So be it. They'll see you soon! ::cuts the comm::

    Byblos -> Pher..I volunteer to be put in a celll to make things....peaceful...ah hint hint.

    STSF_Nickles -> Petticord) Dont want to stay and see all the fun Funny man?

    STSF_Nickles -> Petticord::to Byblos::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::tsks at Petticord and approaches Byblos:: Sorry, but you'll have to wait until we get to the Capricorn ta get in a cell.

    Pher -> It would be helpful, Byblos, that is if we're not planning an confrontation? :: Looks to Alex ::

    Joe Manning -> Simmons> ::Looks at the group, focusing on Troy:: Do you really intend to destroy this ship if things go south?

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::shrugs at Pher:: I ain't plannin' nothin'... (m) yet.

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at Simmons, suddenly seeming much more serious than usual, and shrugs:: Not like I got that much to lose.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::produces restraints for Byblos::

    Pher -> OK.

    Byblos -> ::looks at Petticord:: I don't see what is in that bag as being funny... Pher...what's in that bag is making me mad... Uh you Alex.....whatever...wherever...::places hands forward::

    Joe Manning -> Simmons> Your life? The lives of this crew? This is purely reckless destriveness against people who do not deserve it.

    STSF_Nickles -> Petticord :: Hands Alex his retraints:: Here these should fit him.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::cuffs Byblos in Petticord's restraints::

    Pher -> I don't think it funny, either.

    Byblos -> ::is cuffed::

    Pher -> :: Is sorry her pink fur cuffs were taken from her. ::

    Troy Parson -> ::wiggles the bomb at Simmons:: You're not going to talk me down like that.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> Troy, if this works... ::wavers:: What's gonna keep Maxwell from killing us all later?

    Joe Manning -> @Maxwell> +Alex+ Where are the prisoners?

    Byblos -> Pher...take my weapon. No sword anymore. Broke that.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> He ain't gonna tell the truth, but we all know what he's done...

    Troy Parson -> ::to Alex:: (w) Simple. Because once you get to that ship, you'll do something about him.

    Pher -> :: Accepts weapon... looks to Alex to make sure she doesn't object to Pher being armed. ::

    STSF_Nickles -> Petticord:: steps away from Byblos after he is restraned and steps towards Troy::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::sighs at Troy and then keys comm:: +Maxwell+ Ready for transport.

    Byblos -> I will not resist. ::said to Alex::

    Joe Manning -> @Maxwell> +Alex+ Where ... are ... the prisoners? What section of the ship?

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> +Maxwell+ We're on the bridge.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> (m) ::Byblos:: Thanks; that'll help.

    Joe Manning -> @Maxwell> +Alex+ What systems does Parson control?

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::doesn't object to Pher::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> +Maxwell+ The command center.

    Byblos -> ::thinks:: No I am saving my energy for you shane..you quarters breaking in cyborg starfleet decapitating punk.

    Joe Manning -> @Maxwell> +Alex+ Not the kind of specific answer I was looking for ...

    Joe Manning -> @Maxwell> +Alex+ Stand by for the transport. It may take a moment.

    STSF_Nickles -> Petticord) Alex what shall I do with this one? ::pointing at Shane.

    Pher -> :: Confirms power is set stun, safeties engaged. ::

    Joe Manning -> @Maxwell> +Engineering+ Grotte, I want the transporter room sealed off on my order.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> +Maxwell+ Yeah, yeah.

    Joe Manning -> @Maxwell> +Engineering+ We will be engaging transporters momentarily.

    Troy Parson -> (w) Good luck with your "easy way"!

    Byblos -> ::remains calm for Alex:: Everything okay?

    Joe Manning -> @Grotte> ::Looks at William:: You heard the man. Ready to power transporters.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::glares at Troy::

    William Chocox -> @::gets ready:: Ready when you are.

    Pher -> :: lines up as part of the transport formation ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::Byblos:: (m) No. Can't figure why Maxwell wanted a differen' answer.

    Joe Manning -> Simmons> ::Shakes his head:: So if you receive any indication that things are not going well over there, you'll set off that explosive?

    Joe Manning -> @Grotte> Transporters initiating now.

    Byblos -> ::probably Troy Parson thinks he chickened out on him...so be it....better getting in a fight later than get others involved that should not be involved::

    Troy Parson -> ::to Simmons:: I mean, I'd prefer not to...in fact, I'd prefer not to be here at all. But, if it came down to it, yes, I would.

    Byblos -> ::to Alex:: Bosses can be challenging to figure out.

    Joe Manning -> Station Crewman> ::Looks toward Simmons:: Someone has just transported here from Capricorn, sir.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::looks at crewman:: What?

    Byblos -> ::turns his head instinctively with Alex::

    Joe Manning -> Station Crewman> Two signatures ... in to the Deck C storage room ... where the raider prisoners are being held.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> Simmons... Shields!

    Joe Manning -> Simmons> ::Turns to the crewman, then looks over his shoulder at Alex:: We don't have shields!

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> Va. I forgot.

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at them:: You've got sensors, right?

    Pher -> Maxwell was being too cooperative. Do we want to fight them? I'm assuming this is under Maxwell's orders.

    Troy Parson -> If you have them emit wildly on all frequencies, you can create a lot of interference...

    Joe Manning -> Simmons> Of course. We wouldn't have detected the signal otherwise.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> He wanted Holstrum. Why?

    Joe Manning -> Station Crewman> They're transporting back to Capricorn sir. With one of the prisoners ...

    Troy Parson -> Suppose it could make it harder for them to...::sighs:: Do that.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> Did we just lose part of our barganin' chip?

    Joe Manning -> @Maxwell> +Grotte+ Seal the transporter room. ... and tell Markus to take custody of the Qob engineer.

    Pher -> OK. One person, not a jailbraek.

    Ethan Neufeld -> bargainin'^

    Byblos -> The bombmaker right?

    Joe Manning -> @Maxwell> +Troy+ Blow up the ship, Mr. Parson. I need nothing more from you or the rest of your mercenary bottom-feeding friends.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::curses::

    STSF_Nickles -> Petticord::pointing hi weapon at Troy :: Why not give up now and make it easier on your freinds.

    Troy Parson -> +Maxwell+ ::sounds disappointed:: It's no fun to blow it up when you have that kind of attitude...

    Byblos -> Sorry.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> Give it up, Petticord. Maxwell just kicked you to the curb with everyone else.

    Joe Manning -> Station Crewman> They're moving, sir.

    Byblos -> ::looks to Pher while cuffed:: Things get wilder and wilder.

    Troy Parson -> ::turns and glares at Petticord:: Really?

    Joe Manning -> @Markus> ::Grips his rifle and moves in William's direction::

    Pher -> Got too fancy with the wheelin and dealin.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::hears crewman:: Pher, isn't one of your guys still over there?

    Pher -> Where are they moving? Outbound or to the planet.

    Pher -> Affirmative.

    Joe Manning -> Station Crewman> Outbound

    Byblos -> William...

    Joe Manning -> PAUSE SIM

  6. Zoalus IV's sensor grid lit up as a number of photon torpedoes streaked toward the planet's surface. Defensive turrets emerged from their concealed alcoves to lock on to the perceived threat, but they were too slow to catch the first two projectiles. The torpedoes slammed nearly into the center of a vast forest, rocking the earth with terrible explosions that set the alien vegetation ablaze. The turrets were simply not designed to intercept targets traveling at such high speeds from space. Drones swarmed from the nearest cities to extinguish the fire, scan for hostiles, and recover any in tact pieces of the offending weapons. With the sensor grid now alert and the turrets active, torpedo three was shot out of the sky ... then torpedo four ... then torpedo five ...


    Two thousand miles away and over one hundred feet beneath the surface, monitors were flashing inside an expansive chamber of ancient design. The readouts that scrolled across the screens contained Zoalan symbols from an alphabet incomprehensible to all but a handful of individuals living in the galaxy. The message conveyed was clear, however, universal to anyone who had ever seen similar computer displays -- WARNING! THREAT! DANGER!


    Overhead maps of the continent and the distant forest revealed radiating yellow dots which occupied the positions of the falling torpedoes. Broad, flashing overlays showed the two blasts and the ensuing blaze. Swarms of smaller blue dots were converging on the blaze, mechanical damage controllers set to their emergency tasks. Several monitors displayed the altitudes of the falling torpedoes complete with the laser fire that was halting their descent. Several revealed the gamma wave scans that were being conducted by the drones closest to the forest.


    Zoalus IV had turned into quite the busy planet over the last 48 hours.


    And in this Zoalan control room there was an audience. An audience that was alive, a concept virtually unheard of on the planet's surface. Three of them were human. One of them was a Klingon. The fifth was an Andorian.


    Only they were not. In shape and form they were quite recognizable, down to the antennae atop the Andorian's head and the pronounced ridges above the Klingon's eyes. But there was a sickly greyness to their skin and a disturbing transparency to their flesh. Veins were barely visible beneath, but they pumped no blood that a physician would recognize. Rather, a thick black substance coursed there, causing arteries to slowly throb in places. Their eyes were similarly unnatural -- featureless white pools.


    'Alive,' perhaps, was an exaggeration.


    While the frenzy that was falling upon the majority of the room's monitors had drawn some attention, these five intruders into ancient history were focused upon a single video display which showed a cave, as still as the forest was tumultuous. The only movement was from the pool of inky black liquid, still undulating where two bodies had fallen in. Concealed surveillance equipment had begun watching the pair from the moment they entered the structure in the port city and had followed their progress through the subterranean tunnels to the point where one had tackled the other.


    Nothing unexpected.


    The Human man sitting at the monitor, bald save for a few decrepit wiry hairs that clung for dear life to flesh that it did not belong to, looked up with milky eyes at the towering Klingon. "Retrieve them."


    The Klingon nodded once. He stood still for a moment as countless tendrils of blackness sprouted from his visible veins, and his flesh shifted slowly to an opaque rock-like dark grey. The oily vessels now concealed and his skin hard and shielded against the elements, the Klingon shuffled with an awkward gait through a tunnel opening that had been carved out of one of the room's walls.


    "What about his ship?" the Human woman standing behind the leader asked. "They seem to be aware of our presence and attacking."


    The bald man's head tilted slightly to the side. "That is not certain. The ship attacks a great distance away and with little discernible purpose. The team we observed earlier did not appear to share the goals of Ethan Neufeld. He disguised himself among them. Undoubtedly, he disguises his allegiances."


    "So what is the ship's intent?" the Andorian man asked. "And what will we do if they prove a threat?"


    "For now, we can do nothing," the bald man answered. "This facility's capabilities are limited to the surface and the atmosphere. But we will soon learn more of their identities and purposes. And if more come ... "


    He looked to the side, where a younger Human man was seated at an adjacent terminal. The young man raised his arm and tapped at the attached ODRI, relaying precisely constructed Zoalan computer commands to the terminal. Its display showed a map of the port city -- an empty ruin, totally devoid of even the ever-present machine sentries that were Zoalus IV's hallmark. With a command from the ODRI, that changed abruptly. Blue dots appeared all over the city as deactivated drones were brought back to mock-life and instructed to patrol. The dots streamed through the streets of the city, into its watch towers, and out to its edges. Strings of Zoalan symbols flashed across the map in yellow, bearing a familiar message.




    The bald man looked again at the footage of the cave and its now occupied pool. "They will not find this facility so easy to infiltrate."

  7. Joe Manning -> BEGIN SIM

    rosetto -> @::looks down at his controls::So are we really gonna try this manually, sir?

    Byblos -> ::quickly grabs bag and sprints wherever Troy is going::

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> ::Looks at Pher:: You know the way to the transporter room, I gather?

    Troy Parson -> #::skids to a halt as a bulkhead seals shut in front of him:: Agh!

    Joe Manning -> @::Reading the sensor data on his ODRI with an oddly distant expression on his face:: ... if we have to.

    STSF_Nickles -> @ Going to have to Let go

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::waits at the TL::

    Pher -> I've been there a few times. I'm sure Alex will keep an eye on me.

    Byblos -> ::nearly plows into Troy Parson , who is spared the collision ::

    rosetto -> @::taps feverously at helm::I'll keep her together as long as possible...

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> You bet your jyking {redacted}.

    Pher -> :: Smiles ::

    Byblos -> Uh oh. This did not happen last time we were on this ship. ::noting the doors::

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> Now, you two are going to get along. ::Looks pointedly in Alex' direction:: Aren't you?

    Pher -> Some day, maybe we really will be on opposite sides, Alex.

    Joe Manning -> @::Mutters as he reads the ODRI:: Lying little son of a bitch

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::scowles at Pher:: ::Maxwell:: You're the Cap'n. If you say I will, I will.

    Troy Parson -> # I guessed as much. Your rifle isn't strong enough to cut through that, is it?

    Byblos -> ::Byblos shoulders "Shane's bag" his other hand has the type 3::

    STSF_Nickles -> @Thats all we can ask of you

    STSF_Nickles -> ::looks to Joe:: Something Wrong Joe?

    STSF_Nickles -> @Your mumbling

    rosetto -> @::wants to look back but choses wisely not to::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::enters TL::

    Joe Manning -> @::Focuses on the ODRI for a second more before glancing up:: Huh ... ? Oh, that wasn't meant for you two ...

    Pher -> :: With Alex ::

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> ::Nods Alex off then proceeds on his way back to the command chair::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::mutters at Pher as TL closes:: Looking forward to it.

    Joe Manning -> @Shane managed to get me the activity logs for the station our friend from Verbistul was operating at.

    rosetto -> @+Shane:: Could you give me a bit more thruster control?

    Pher -> You do know an Verbistul team was on board Qob when we lost contact with her?

    Joe Manning -> @I explicitly instructed him to inform me of any communications between ships. He not only failed to inform me of quite a few, but he was taking part in the conversations. ::Looks at Nickles::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::looks at Pher from the corner of her eye:: Yeah, what of it?

    Byblos -> Okay...Let me think...this tin can probably has decent blast doors....do you have a tricorder? Nah...can't beam cut through...take for days.

    STSF_Nickles -> Pur Shane?

    STSF_Nickles -> *Our

    Pher -> Later. I suspect you may be a couple steps behind things. After we've beamed.

    Joe Manning -> @::Shrugs:: He's a good engineer. Computer ain't working right, but select data is still recoverable with some work.

    rosetto -> @whispers to Chris::yeah, so out-of-character, huh?

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::blinks at Pher and looks like she's hesitating over a thought::

    Shane -> @+Shane+ Not much, unless you want to lose gravity.

    Pher -> :: Nods at Alex ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::tsks irritably at Pher's nod:: Whatever.

    Byblos -> Got to be atmospherics in here Troy Parson they could knock us out or...we could...::tries to spy a duct::

    Shane -> *+Rosetto+

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::exits TL::

    Pher -> You do take that security chief thing seriously?

    rosetto -> @+Shane+Ah, I doubt the captain would appreciate coffee in his vision...

    Pher -> :: Still moving with Alex ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::quickly:: Do you?

    Troy Parson -> #::looks around:: If there's a duct, based on the shape of the corridor, the entrance should be...around here...::rounds a corner::

    Pher -> Oh, yes. Not that Qob is exactly know for teamwork and discipline.

    Shane -> @+Shane+ What are you lookin' to do? ::glances at Crewman Kelly as she pours a cup of coffee::

    rosetto -> @+Shane+I'll make do with what's here... thanks...

    Joe Manning -> @::Shakes head at the ODRI:: We're not getting rescued ...

    Joe Manning -> @In fact, I could wager a guess that the rest of the crew needs our rescue more than we need theirs.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::smirks:: Yeah, good work.

    Byblos -> ::follows Troy:: Uh sorry this would be my fault for the doors. But with four of them Sir..I had to do it..plus the fact these guys are behind everything...

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::enters TR::

    Pher -> (known)

    STSF_Nickles -> @ ::sighs:: our own men working against us?

    Troy Parson -> #::sees a grate located in the ceiling:: No sense worrying about what's past...we need to get out of here before they decide to vent the entire compartment.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::pauses at TR controls:: For your information, yeah, I take it seriously.

    Troy Parson -> #::looks at the grate, then at Byblos:: Think you could fit into there?

    Joe Manning -> @::Looks at Nickles:: Maxwell. ... he was behind everything.

    Pher -> :: Nods :: And members of both our crews are dead.

    STSF_Nickles -> Damn

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::face darkens and she stops entering coordinates:: What's that supposed to mean?

    Byblos -> ::Spots what Troy Parson notes...okay do you have any..tricorder or anything I sure don't...here hold this bag and don't lose it. Shane said there is something very important in side::

    STSF_Nickles -> *@ Damn

    Joe Manning -> @He was chatting with the Captain of the Lucky Hand while our people were on Capricorn. Trying to convince LeMort that we we'd agreed to sign on with the raiders. Trying to turn her against us.

    Pher -> Energize. We're in a bit of a hurry, I suspect.

    rosetto -> @+Shane if we pull these minor systems off-line::sends him a quick list of redundant systems::

    Troy Parson -> #::fishes around in his pockets:: Sorry, I must have left mine somewhere...

    Byblos -> ::Byblos drops his rifle to the floor does a small jump and starts hanging from the grate ..growls ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::frowns at Pher:: Don't give me orders.

    Joe Manning -> @She tried to hail us about this ... but Mr. Lazarus did not inform me of her attempts.

    TKAR -> hi just watching

    rosetto -> *+Shane+ What*

    Troy Parson -> #::takes a peek into the bag while Byblos is wrestling with the grate::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> +Maxwell+ Captain, we're energizing now. ::pushes delay button::

    Joe Manning -> @She must have interpreted our silence as acknowledgement of whatever lies Maxwell was spewing.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::climbs onto TR pad::

    Pher -> :: Settles in on a pad ::

    Byblos -> #Cumon...you jyking...

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> +Alex+ Acknowledged. Good luck, Crewman.

    STSF_Nickles -> @Damn

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::does the shimmer::

    Troy Parson -> #::sees Byblos struggling with the grate, and adds his own, less formidable strength to the effort::

    Pher -> :: Shimmers as well ::

    Shane -> @+Rosetto+ ::a bit annoyed:: I'll look it over in a sec, I'm takin' a break.

    Byblos -> #::grate dislodges sending Byblos ontop off Troy Parson:: Whoopsie....hah!

    Joe Manning -> @When I hailed Lucky Hand, they tried to respond ... and Lazarus told me they were powering up weapons. He orchestrated a mock battle that I took part in for real. ::Scowls at Nickles::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::(hopefully) materializes in a corridor outside of where Troy and Byblos are trapped::

    Pher -> It's just that The Hand didn't kill Qob, she was sabotaged. Qob was quite alive when the planet defenses blew away Qob. You should be able to confirm that if you access Capricorn's records.

    Troy Parson -> #Ugh! ::staggers back from the impact of Byblos::

    Ethan Neufeld -> #^

    rosetto -> @::thinks to himself, "We're gonna die!"::

    Byblos -> #::gets up:: Sorry!

    Pher -> Also, just before we lost contact with Qob, someone was beamed from Qob to the Capricorn. That too can be confirmed.

    Pher -> And just after that Maxwell beamed over. Part of the same operation.

    Joe Manning -> #Crewman Petticord> ::Standing with two Verbistul security guards near a sealed bulkhead, just in front of Alex and Pher::

    Pher -> Timing was just too tight to be otherwise.

    Byblos -> #::grabs rifle and offers hand to Troy Parson::

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> ::sighs:: Okay, spill it. What's the jyking point?

    Troy Parson -> #::dusts himself off, then accepts Byblos's hand:: Thanks.

    STSF_Nickles -> @So It made us look as we were firing o them?

    STSF_Nickles -> *on

    Pher -> Maxwell is responsible for the death of several of your people, and several of mine.

    rosetto -> @::audibly sighs and looks at Chris::

    Joe Manning -> @::Shakes head at the ODRI:: Grotte, the Capricorn saboteur, was acting on Maxwell's orders ...

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Alex> I get that. What're you gonna do about it?

    Joe Manning -> @He put some kind of device on the transporter ... twice, apparently, after it was discovered the first time. Must have been how Lazarus escaped.

    Troy Parson -> #::looks up at the now-opened grate:: Well, here goes...

    Byblos -> #I think..youll need to go in first and judge if I can move in there. Most likely I am targ fodder out of lock

    Joe Manning -> @There's no telling what Maxwell and his two cronies are up to now.

    Pher -> See if you take you job seriously at some point. You're buying into the murders?

    Joe Manning -> #Petticord> ::Alex:: Uh ... ma'am?

    Shane -> @::heads towards the Qob bridge, stomping down the neck corridor::

    Troy Parson -> #::grabs the edge of the vent outlet and pulls himself up::

    Byblos -> #::holds rifle gets bag...and looks at Troy Parson going up ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::face growing a bit red with anger:: No.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::snaps at Petticord:: What?

    Ethan Neufeld -> #^ #^

    rosetto -> ((BRB))

    Pher -> OK. Then I ask you keep your ears open.

    Joe Manning -> #Petticord> ::Flinches slightly:: ... w-we were waiting for you, ma'am.

    Pher -> +Troy+ Pher to troy. Acknowledge, please.

    Joe Manning -> @::Taps the ODRI:: +Shane+ Shane, this is Manning.

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> ::Petticord:: I know. Just gimme a jyking second.

    Byblos -> What the Your COMM Still works sir!

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> ::watches Pher::

    rosetto -> ((back))

    STSF_Nickles -> @::looks to Joe listening::

    Joe Manning -> #Petticord> But ... ::Glances back at the bulkhead, and sighs quietly to himself. Steps back a bit and quietly answers:: Aye, ma'am.

    Shane -> @::stomps through the double doors as Joe opens the comm:: Yeah?

    Byblos -> ::Byblos gets in a covering position it might not be Pher...but it could be ::

    Troy Parson -> #::holding up a loose thread from his coat to see which direction the air is flowing through the duct:: +Pher+ Hi there.

    Joe Manning -> @::Glances over his shoulder:: We're going to have to push up your plan. Maxwell and at least some of Verbistul's crew have turned against us.

    Troy Parson -> #::motions for Byblos to come up into the duct...there's enough room, if only just::

    rosetto -> @::shakes his head::

    Pher -> # +Troy+ Would you care to describe what the heck you are doing? I'm still trying to stop the fighting. Why is more important than what at the moment.

    Shane -> @::mumbles to himself as he walks up to Rosetto and the helm:: Coulda seen that comin'

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> ::glances at Petticord as if to say 'see? just wait'::

    Troy Parson -> #+Pher+ This ship's captain now has two ships, whereas we have zero. Does that seem fair to you?

    Byblos -> #::climbs up vent rifle holstered around shoulder:: Arrrghhh....

    STSF_Nickles -> @And yet you didnt Shane?

    Joe Manning -> @::Slightly agitated as he responds:: Well you didn't, Shane. None of us did ...

    Byblos -> #Is that Pher ::hopefully asked to Troy Parson::

    Joe Manning -> @::Sighs as he closes the display on his ODRI::

    Shane -> @::leans over and tapps on the controls, bringing up a course:: I'm just a lowly engineer, half the crew think everything I say ain't true anyways.

    Pher -> # +Troy+ I'm less concerned with fair that with the better people on all ships being on top of the worserer people an all ships.

    Troy Parson -> #::to Byblos:: Sounds like her, at any rate.

    rosetto -> @::points to the aux control::Have a seat 'Big Guy'...

    Joe Manning -> #Petticord> ::Shrinks back a bit more and folds his arms around his back, waiting::

    Byblos -> #::mutters:: Maxwell's goons didn't kill her..she must of escaped!

    Troy Parson -> #+Pher+ Funny that you should mention that, since my gut has been telling me that the worst people of all are in danger of coming out on top.

    Pher -> # +Troy+ I made an offer to Maxwell. Everybody goes back to Verbistul's home port. Everybody gets paid. No more shooting. He turned it down. Would you?

    Joe Manning -> @::Looks toward the sensor station with a sour expression on his face::

    Troy Parson -> #+Pher+ I'd take that offer in a second. Did he give you a reason for turning it down?

    Byblos -> #::shuts up and wonders what the #1 on the mission is arguing with Pher about...sounds like good vs. evil the Nausicaan surmises::

    Shane -> @::to Rosetto as he sits:: Crewman Kelly and I came up an orientation you need to get the Qob to in order to break orbit with a half impulse thrust.

    Pher -> # +Troy+ He claims he doesn't believe you would accept it.

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> ::Pher:: Wait. Do Eth--- Selek and the Qob fit into your plan?

    Joe Manning -> @::Reaches into his vest pocket to remind himself that his flask of bourbon is empty as he lets out a cough::

    Troy Parson -> #+Pher+ My dear, just because someone claims something, doesn't mean it's true.

    rosetto -> @Okay, where did she put the parameters?

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> ::suddenly wonders if she's in a bad spot::

    Joe Manning -> #Petticord> ::Glancing between Alex and Pher, listening intently to the comm conversation::

    Shane -> @::points at a portion of the screen:: There. Make sure you have in the exact position. Once I bring the impulse engine online, you won't have manuverin' thrusters.

    Pher -> # Assuming we can resolve things within Ethan's two our window, yes.

    Shane -> engines*

    Troy Parson -> #+Pher+ Besides, surely the rational thing do to in his position would be to accept the deal, then work to make it happen, whether I agree or not.

    Pher -> # That puts a bit of a time limit on things.

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> ::nods, thinking::

    rosetto -> @::nods and executes the maneuver::

    Byblos -> #::sir...extended comm traffic will give our position away...maybe you should ask pher where she is? ::

    Byblos -> (asked to Troy Parson )

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> +Troy+ Captain Maxwell--- ::trails off::

    Pher -> # +Troy+ I'm not sure Maxwell wants to return to his own base. That's just conjecture, though.

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> ::glances at Pher:: +Troy+ He's not exactly thinkin' rationally.

    Pher -> # Alex, do you think everyone going home and getting paid is a good ide?

    rosetto -> @All set, Shane... We'll go when you say...

    Pher -> (idea)

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> That's a dumb question. Of course I do.

    Joe Manning -> @You need help with the impulse engine, Shane? ::Looks over at him::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::listens to Shane and Rosetto:: He has a plan

    Troy Parson -> #::to Byblos:: I'm setting my ODRI to scatter broadcast...they'll still be able to track it eventually, but it should slow them down. ::presses a couple of buttons on the unit::

    Shane -> @::stands up and heads towards the double doors to exit:: Nah, I have the program ready to execute. I'll comm once I'm ready.

    Pher -> # Short of coecrcion, or with it, any idea how to make it happen? I might even be able to offer you Qob support. If the plan sounds good, you can give me orders.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Spread Spectrum FTW))

    Byblos -> #::listens to the negotiations with Pher wondering why the two are discussing things so long...same crew right ::

    Joe Manning -> @::Nods and looks at Nickles:: Chris, give him a hand.

    Shane -> @::exits and heads for the ENG room down the stairs at the end of the neck cooridor::

    rosetto -> @::shakes head again::ooo-kie fine, then...

    Byblos -> heh Troy..::whsipers:: Can you ask Pher if William is Okay?

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> ::balks:: I dunno. So Ethan was right? The Qob survived?

    Troy Parson -> #::turns a corner in the duct, whispering back at Byblos:: Can do...

    Troy Parson -> #+Pher+ By the way...where are you? Are the others all right?

    Pher -> How'd he know? Well, let's just put it this way... there was no debries trail. I was on tac.

    STSF_Nickles -> @::nds and moves away with Shane::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::following Shane::

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> ::shrugs; she has no clue how Ethan knew either:: Okay. ::stares intently at Petticord::

    Joe Manning -> @::Leans forward in the chair and looks at Sal:: You realize that if this fails ... it'll be a mad scramble just to keep our orbit stable with maneuvering thrusters. And we'll burn them fast.

    Pher -> # +Troy+ I'm with Alex on Verbistul. I'm supposed to be negotiating a stand down. I'm actually trying to get together enough people to force that deal on Maxwell.

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> ::Petticord:: You just heard this entire chat. Can we trust you?

    Pher -> # +Troy+ If I have something going, are you in?

    Byblos -> ::anxiously awaits a reply and notes his back is starting to hurt in this ventillation shaft. He will have to get in a fight with Shane again to have it fixed. Hmmm...that would be fun ::

    rosetto -> @YEah... I mean, yes sir... I realize that this BETTER work...

    Troy Parson -> #::comes up to a forcefield across the duct, and takes three forks out of his coat, each made of a different kind of metal:: This won't stop me for long...

    Pher -> # :: looks to Alex ::

    Shane -> @::to Nickles as he enters the doors to MENG:: I'll have you on the aux console there, keep an eye on the structural integrity as we go. Let me know once we get into the extreme stress levels.

    STSF_Nickles -> @What can I do to help you shane.

    Joe Manning -> #Petticord> ::Opens his mouth, then quickly shuts it and thinks for a moment, a tentative expression on his face:: ... ma'am, I don't know who to trust. A lot of the crew have been talking. The Captain ... he's been acting strange since he went over to the mercenary ship ...

    Troy Parson -> #+Pher+ If you really think you can pull something like that off, let me know.

    Joe Manning -> #Petticord> He's been in the brig room an awful lot ... talking to Holstrum.

    STSF_Nickles -> @Aye

    Troy Parson -> #+Pher+ In the meantime, something to think about...What's Maxwell's take on the attacks on Capricorn?

    Shane -> @::steps over to the main console:: +Bridge+ Rosetto, you in position?

    STSF_Nickles -> @::sits ans the Aux Console::

    Pher -> # +Troy+ Stand by. In the meantime, don't do anything ugly without letting me know. This negotiation thing could be dreailed real easy.

    Byblos -> #Sir...did she say she was aboard Vestibul ??? ::hopes rise ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> ::Petticord:: We're doing this for everybody's good, even Maxwell.

    rosetto -> +ME+Yes... waiting for you..

    Joe Manning -> @::Nods:: With our thrusters burning, we might have bigger problems with the defenses. But ... it also might send out a flare ... hopefully to the right people.

    Troy Parson -> #+Pher+ I won't kill anyone if I don't have to. ::doesn't say anything about Byblos::

    Shane -> @::tapps on his console::+Bridge+ Cutting manuverin' thrusters...now.

    Pher -> # +Troy+ I think the doctors are still in Capricorn's sick bay, and William in Capricorn's engineering, but I've been out of touch.

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> ::Petticord:: Ya see Pher there? She wants to end this without a bunch of killing. That's a good thing, ain't it?

    Joe Manning -> #Petticord> ::An abrupt sigh:: I'm just going to keep following orders. The Captain ordered me to do what you tell me.

    rosetto -> @I'm more concerned about the dplanetary defense systems coming back on line, sir...

    Shane -> @::brings the impulse engine components online::+Bridge+ Initiating half impulse thrust.

    Pher -> # +Troy+ And if you have large company with you, pass on the word, please, could you?

    rosetto -> +ME+AYe, iitiating...::pulls into 1/2 impulse

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> ::shrugs:: Good 'nuff. ::slaps Pher on the shoulder:: Okay, I'm in, whatever it is you're gonna do.

    Joe Manning -> @So far they haven't fired unless something approached the planet. If we keep our orbit stable for some time, that's time we'd be bought. Maybe prospective rescuers don't know we're still kickin

    Troy Parson -> #+Pher+ Will do.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> Err, we. Whatever it is we're gonna do.

    Ethan Neufeld -> #^

    rosetto -> @Sir, with these coords we're going to be skipping off the atmo...

    Byblos -> # ::it finally sinks in the chain of command of the crew is not in sync.::

    Troy Parson -> # +Pher+ Incidentally, isn't it a bit odd that, after all of the sneak attacks and manipulation, the apparent culprits on the other mercenary ship should go down so quickly, and the Verbistul be left standing?

    Pher -> # :: Alex :: I'd like you to talk to your security people, and I'll get as many as my people as you'd like to have, and put you in nominal charge of the expedition, and enforce the everyone home and paid rule.

    rosetto -> @+ME+Okay, now what? Steady up here...

    Shane -> @::glances back at Nickles:: How we doing?

    STSF_Nickles -> @ ::watches for the rise in the hull integrety:: With the QoB in the shape she is... Lets hope its later more than sooner

    Pher -> # You haven't seemed ready to follow my orders, so I'm not insisting on being in charge, and you have the right contacts and more numbers than I have anyway.

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> ::blinks:: Okay.

    Byblos -> # ::follows Troy in the vents...his back is going to need a " Shane " treatment ::

    Joe Manning -> @::Frowns over at Sal's station. Doesn't remember giving the order to bring impulse online:: ... I really wish I had someone up here to run down to the hold for a bottle.

    Shane -> @+Rosetto+ We break orbit, thats what.

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> ::Petticord:: Who's in charge of the ship?

    Pher -> # I'd recommend you inform as many people as you think you can get away with, and use surprise. Do you want Troy and Byblos? They are good people, but unpredictable.

    Troy Parson -> #::takes two of the forks, connects the backs of them with a piece of what looks like picture wire, and pushes them into the foreefield at two places:: All right...now I've just got to invert the field matrix...

    STSF_Nickles -> @Shane Joe hasnt ordered that!

    rosetto -> @We're increasing speed sir...

    Joe Manning -> #Petticord> Simmons. He doesn't seem to know what's been up with the Captain. He just deflects any questions.

    Shane -> @+Bridge+ I thought I had the green light! We're going now regardless!

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> ::shrugs:: They're you're people, right? We're gonna need 'em if we're gonna convince Maxwell to agree to this deal.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::to Pher::^

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: turns to look at Shane::

    Pher -> # Good enough.

    Troy Parson -> #::sighs in satisfaction as the field snaps out of existence:: Hah! i've always told people that fields like this are far too easy to collapse.

    rosetto -> @::holds tight on his controls::

    Joe Manning -> #Petticord> Honestly, ma'am, the people Maxwell's been talking to the most are all on other ships. Except Holstrum. But he's a prisoner.

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> Right. Okay, Petticord. Let's go talk to Simmons.

    Pher -> #+Troy+ Troy? We're intending to force the deal on Maxwell. Will you two come in from the cold an assist?

    rosetto -> @This is gonna get a bit choppy, sir.. hold on...

    Byblos -> #Well uh...well ::shuts up on the COMM ::

    Pher -> # +Troy+ I think this is a security question. If Qob chain of command means anything to you, make it an order.

    Joe Manning -> @::Nods and grabs the armrests of his chair::

    Shane -> @+Bridge+ How's it lookin' bridge? I'm blind here...

    STSF_Nickles -> @Joe said get ready +joe+ Joe does Shane have your permission to keep going?

    Troy Parson -> #+Pher+ Just one question...who's "we"?

    Byblos -> #:: Byblos looks to Troy Parson ::

    Joe Manning -> @+Shane+ Still waiting for results.

    Joe Manning -> @+Nickles+ We're going Chris. It's under the bridge.

    rosetto -> @+Shane+How we doing down there? Let me know when to break away...

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> ::makes way for bridge::

    Joe Manning -> #Petticord> ::Nods to Alex, then to the guards, and moves up the corridor::

    Pher -> # +Troy+ Alex, her people, and Us for the moment, but I bet we could get Taj and his people as well if we wanted.

    Troy Parson -> #::comes to a grate in the floor, looking at his ODRI's signal reception log for directional info::

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> +Alex+ What's the situation, Alex?

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: sighs watching the console::

    Shane -> @+Rosetto+ We don't have sensors, look out the front screen and tell me!

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> ::pauses a few meters down the corridor::

    Pher -> :: shuts up :: Quiets Audrey ::

    Troy Parson -> #::opens the grate and drops from the ceiling a couple of feet behind Pher:: Well, it beats doing it on my own, that's for sure.

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: Sal's console flickers

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> +Maxwell+ Workin' on it, Cap'n. I think Pher's talking them down.

    rosetto -> @+Shane+Right... When we hit 3/4 Impulse I'm pulling back...

    Byblos -> #Byblos is suprised that Shane's bag has not exploded yet...that is good...sees Troy do something odd with grate....talking to....

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> +Alex+ There has been a rather curious development ...

    rosetto -> @::taps at his controls::

    STSF_Nickles -> @Hull integrety starting to rise.

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: Flight control fails and Qob's engines sputter

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> +Maxwell+ Um, curious?

    Byblos -> #Crawls to grate but does not exit shaft::

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> +Alex+ An engine trail ... in orbit of Zoalus. It is curiously not attached to anything.

    Shane -> @::looks about:: Son of a qoh...

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> ::looks at Pher:: +Maxwell+ Maybe it's a drone or somethin'?

    Joe Manning -> @::Feels the ship tremble suddenly and has to hold on to keep in his seat::

    rosetto -> @We're losing control, sir...

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: The face of an old Klingon appears on the viewscreen

    rosetto -> @What The!

    Joe Manning -> @::About to tap his ODRI when the face appears::

    Byblos -> #::hides::

    rosetto -> @+SHane+Shane, get me some more power up here, now!

    STSF_Nickles -> @ Shane its getting bad We can not hold together to long at this rate

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> +Alex+ High up in the atmosphere? And quite a strong signature? Like what one might encounter on an impulse engine.

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> +Maxwell+ ::tsks:: Well, I ain't a jykin' engineer.

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: holding onto the console::

    Byblos -> # :: awaits Troy Parson to say it's clear for him to drop down from the vent ::

    Joe Manning -> @Klingon> ::Image flickering and broken by static. Speaking Klingon:: A'moQ qo' ma -- sta'qo Sargh et'uq Mench --

    Shane -> @::feeds more power to impulse:: to Nickles:: Keep watchin'

    rosetto -> @::looks at his velocity indicator::

    Pher -> # I assure you, the rumors of Qob's cloak are only slightly exagerated. Tell him Pher would appreciate a rescue attempt.

    Joe Manning -> @::Glances down at Sal and taps the ODRI:: +Shane+ Shane, I think the computer is failing us.

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> ::stares at Pher like she's got a horn growing out of her head::

    Joe Manning -> @Klingon> ::Continues speaking in Klingon, a keen expression on his aged face, repeating the words 'Sargh' and 'Mench' repeatedly::

    rosetto -> @We're at 0.6 Impulse... still increasing slowly...

    Shane -> @Jykin' qoh...+Bridge+ I'm pullin' the impulse engines offline, we can't afford to lose the computer.

    Joe Manning -> @::Shakes his head:: +Shane+ Before the maneuver is completed, I imagine?

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> ::mutes comm:: ::to Pher:: Are you jykin' crazy? You think Maxwell's gonna want ta save the Qob?

    rosetto -> @+Shane+Shane, you can't now... we need to pull out of this even if we only regain orbit...

    Pher -> It will make a nice distraction. We'll have to hurry on our end.

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> ::beat:: Oh.

    Shane -> @+Bridge+Unless you want to go all the way and risk the secondary core.

    Pher -> # Your call, though.

    rosetto -> @::looks at the captain::Your call sir...

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> ::hestitates and then grows irritated::

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> +Alex+ ... Alex ... given the circumstances that are developing here, I think it would be extremely prudent to get those two intruders under control sooner than later.

    Byblos -> # ::wonders what is going on with Troy Parson , he is not going to reveal himself until he gives the all clear...then again the often noted smell he has by his fellow crew may give him away...::

    Joe Manning -> @::Rubs his chin and glances upward::

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex ::unmutes:: +Maxwell+ Um, yeah, I'm workin' on it And, um, Pher says that the Qob might have a cloak and wants ya to rescue 'em.

    Pher -> # +Troy+ If you are going to surrender, surrender Now! (Expletive delted)

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> +Alex+ ... a cloak ...

    Joe Manning -> @+Shane+ It's our only shot, Shane. Keep burning it.

    rosetto -> @0.635 sir..

    Pher -> # +Troy+ (quietly) Otherwise you'll miss the party.

    Shane -> @+Bridge+ Rosetto, punch it to full impulse,you've got the power available.

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> +Maxwell+ Yeah, a cloak. I'm sure ah didn' stuttah.

    Byblos -> ( Troy you with us at the moment )

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> +Alex+ ... acknowledged. Proceed as ordered.

    Troy Parson -> ((Aye, I'm here))

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> ::Cuts the comm::

    Shane -> @::to Nickles:: Chris, bring the SI systems to full power.

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> Yessar... ::realizes the comm was cut::

    rosetto -> @Okay, hold onto your butts...::jerks back the helm and pushes power to full::

    Pher -> # I don't know if we can wait for Troy.

    Troy Parson -> #::from slightly behind Pher and Alex:: Do you have to call it surrender?

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> Well, that can't be good. ::nods at Pher:: No going back now.

    STSF_Nickles -> @ Shane the hull may not be able the handle

    Byblos -> ( guy is behind you pher )

    Joe Manning -> #Petticord> ::Looking back at Pher and Alex. Figures that's the cue to continue moving toward the Command Center::

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> ::jumps at Troy:: WTF?

    Shane -> @::shrugs a little:: Let's see what this old bird can do then.

    Pher -> # Call it anything you like.

    Joe Manning -> #Petticord> ::Stops and turns, looking at Troy and Byblos::

    Pher -> # And please be nice to our new friends, same as our old freinds.

    Troy Parson -> #::grins at Alex jumping:: Aren't ventilation ducts and signal traces a wonderful combination?

    STSF_Nickles -> @Im not liking this :: goes to full power::

    Byblos -> (Byblos is still in the duct )

    rosetto -> @We're pulling away... velocity is still increasing...

    Joe Manning -> @::Gets up and staggers over to Sal's station, trying to maintain his balance:: How are we doing?

    Pher -> # But, Alex, I'd reccomend you move.

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> ::at Troy, irritably:: Don't do that.

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> Right. ::gestures for Petticord to keep moving::

    Pher -> # You might or might not mention that you are beaming back with... prisoners? Guests?

    rosetto -> @Sir, you should remain seated... I cannot control this turbulence...

    Joe Manning -> #Petticord> ::Motions for the two guards to stand down. Glances at Alex, then continues::

    STSF_Nickles -> @+Joe+ Joe Hull integrety i deteriating. We will not be able to hold it together for long

    Joe Manning -> @Damn that. ::Grabs onto Sal's chair and looks over his shoulder::

    Byblos -> # ::thinks he better just ask Troy if he can come out now....::

    Joe Manning -> @+Chris+ If this fails, we won't be around long, Chris.

    Troy Parson -> #::not entirely confident enough to tell Byblos to come out yet, but almost there...::

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> ::Pher:: Beam back?

    STSF_Nickles -> @+Joe+ Doing everything we can Joe

    Pher -> # Troy, Maxwell knows about Qob. He found her. We're in a hurry.

    Joe Manning -> @+Chris+ Keep it up ...

    rosetto -> @::hands tight on the controls:: Our velocity is still increasing... this is good...

    Pher -> # I think we need the speed that badly.

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> ::realization::

    Byblos -> # ::checks rifle to stun::

    Joe Manning -> @::Attention drawn to the viewscreen, which is no longer showing an old Klingon ... but is now showing the Zoalus horizon, shaking ahead, with what appears to be a torpedo streaking past from above::

    Joe Manning -> @What in the hell?

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> +Maxwell+ Captain. We've got Troy and Byblos... ::lies while staring at Pher:: in custody.

    Pher -> # :: smiles at the wording ::

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> +Alex+ Good. Make sure they are secured. Stand by for further orders.

    Troy Parson -> #::whispers at Pher:: What did you say about QoB?

    Joe Manning -> @We're taking fire. ::Watches another torpedo streak past, closer this time::

    rosetto -> @Who is firing on us?!?

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> +Maxwell+ Okay. ::beat:: What about the Qob?

    Byblos -> :: Like heck I am in custody...thinks...grasps rifle::

    Pher -> # Maxwell found her. Joe has the impulse engines working, and Maxwell picked up the ion trail.

    Joe Manning -> @They can spot our trail as long as we're touching atmo. We've got to get the hell out of here.

    Troy Parson -> #::to Pher:: Wait, you mean the ship is still out there?

    Pher -> ( also quietly)

    rosetto -> @::pitches QoB even steaper::

    Pher -> # (Quietly) Yes.

    Joe Manning -> PAUSE SIM

  8. Joe Manning -> BEGIN SIM

    Joe Manning -> #::Sitting in the emergency lit Bridge, gazing at the horizon at it rolls along on the viewscreen::

    Troy Parson -> @::looking out the window as the shuttle heads towards Verbistul:: Erm...so I don't mean to be negative or anything...

    Pher -> :: Briefly returning her attention to the tac console, and noting there is a small craft in the area. ::

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> ::Conferring with Lazarus near the science station::

    STSF_Nickles -> #:: sitting on the bridge of the QoB:: Well? They arent shooting at us any more.

    Troy Parson -> @ But...I don't see QoB anywhere, do you?

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::setting up guard shifts for the brig::

    Byblos -> @::focused on controls hears Troy:: Yes...

    Joe Manning -> #::Nods without looking at Nickles:: That -would- be bad.

    Shane -> #::enters the bridge through the hissing double doors, his arm whirring as stomps over to the captains seat::

    Joe Manning -> #Or it could be good. Save us the trouble of waiting for death. ::Shrugs::

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> ::Looks over at Pher::

    Shane -> #::Joe, Nickles:: The main core's had it. Nothin' I can do.

    STSF_Nickles -> #OK Capt any ideas on how we are going to get out of the atmosphere?

    Byblos -> @ Sir, I am flying a shuttle for the first time in my life, I havent had time to familiarize myself with her scanners. But , arrrgh...there was a firefight...she couldn't of gone down.

    STSF_Nickles -> #I was afraid you were going to say that Shane

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::reviewing sensor data courtesy of Maxwell and Lazarus::

    Joe Manning -> #::Looks up at Shane, then at Nickles:: Well, that rules out a few of my ideas.

    Troy Parson -> @ Nonetheless, the fact remains...as far as we can tell, it's not here anymore, agreed?

    STSF_Nickles -> # Do we have any shuttles left??

    Pher -> :: Returns Maxwell's glance ::

    Pher -> :: tries to identify the shuttle ::

    Byblos -> @She could of blown an attacker away with those big guns ::it is obvious Byblos is trying hard to fly the shuttle to Troy Parson ::

    Shane -> #We never had any to begin with.

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> ::Walks over to the tac station:: My shuttle has just been taken off the ship, with none of my people aboard it. Must be either Capricorn crew or your crew.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::but not on the bridge::

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> How many people do you have on board this ship?

    Joe Manning -> #It would be quite a feat to fit one in the cargo hold.

    Pher -> :: Shrugs :: No clue. Could be either. We could ask.

    Joe Manning -> #What systems can you get me, Shane?

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> ::Nods:: Give me a channel.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::leaves brig, scowling a bit::

    STSF_Nickles -> # ::sighs softly::

    Byblos -> @ Uh Sir..you realize I have never landed one of these things before? Are you sure you don't have a death wish in you somewhere? ::keeps the shuttle level as it flies to Vestibul::

    Shane -> #::scratches his head as he peers at the screen:: Pretty much what we have right now, manuverin' thrusters and some internal power. Life support is partially runnin' on manual control.

    Pher -> :: Sets up a hail to the shuttle, open mike on the bridge :: +Shuttle+ Verbistul calling shuttle.

    Troy Parson -> @ Oh, I'm sure I do. ::grins wildly:: But it's not going to come true today, if I have anything to say about it.

    Shane -> #I have an idea for gettin' us out of orbit though...

    Joe Manning -> #::Nods at Shane:: Life support doesn't feel urgent. ::Points at the sensor station:: Can you restore control and data access to that station?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::packs up and heads toward TR::

    Troy Parson -> @+Pher+ Hi there, you've reached Shuttle Pizza; what can we do for you today?

    STSF_Nickles -> # ::wonders what Shanes idea is::

    Troy Parson -> @::mutes the channel for a second and turns to Byblos:: Bring us around the top of their hull...

    Shane -> ::glances at the staion and nods:: I can, but we'll lose manuverin' thrusters.

    Pher -> Hello, Troy. (Softly) One of ours.

    Shane -> #

    Pher -> :: Glances to Maxwell to let him speak. ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Kelin> ::outside TR, waiting; not sure what he's been volunteered for::

    Byblos -> @ I hope you are right sir. If Qob is out there the Boss is going to be pissed.....::quiets as Troy Parson talks:: Okay..sir. Bringing her arount top. Odd she isn't doing anything about us.

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> ::Crosses his arms and looks down at the tactical display:: +Troy+ You are one of the Qob crew according to my new ally here.

    STSF_Nickles -> #what will we gain other than that station?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::arrives at TR::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::arrives at TR shortly after Ethan::

    Troy Parson -> @::dialing one of the shuttle's transmitters to the frequency used by the probe during the first boarding attempt, in the hopes of being able to reactivate it when close enough::

    Joe Manning -> #::Shane:: Just try to get me a dump of activity logs over the past eight hours. I want to find out what that little bastard was up to.

    Joe Manning -> #Now, what's your idea?

    Troy Parson -> @+Maxwell+ If you say so.

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> +Troy+ For what purpose have you departed the ship? And what do you plan to do with that shuttle?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::begins briefing Kelin::

    Byblos -> @:: Byblos decides to keep the Boss being pissed about Troy ditching some of his crew on Cap to himself..for all he knows the boss planned it all ::

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> ::Mutes the channel and looks at Pher:: You realize that his actions may constitute being uncooperative.

    Shane -> #Well, for the orbit problem, I think we can take a Pre-warp concept and use it. I suggest we get the Qob in position with the thruster, then fire the impulse engine at full manually.

    Byblos -> @::really starts to focus on piloting as Vestibu fills the viewport::

    Troy Parson -> @+Maxwell+ Oh, we're just doing some sight-seeing. How about you?

    Pher -> Yep.

    Troy Parson -> @::mutes channel, looking out the shuttle's window:: There! Bring us across that angle. ::points towards the probe::

    Pher -> +Shuttle+ Troy. I've been trying to differentiate between cooperative and uncooperative. Too many people from crew X are going up against crew Y.

    Byblos -> @::swears something in Nausicaan accidently while Troy is on the comm::

    Shane -> It'll be a little complicated, but managable.

    Pher -> +Shuttle+ You are coming up on the uncooperative side.

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> +Troy+ That ship belongs to the Verbistul. I am going to have to insist that you either return it to this ship's shuttle bay or dock it with Verbistul.

    Joe Manning -> #How long would it take to rig something for manual control?

    Troy Parson -> @+Maxwell+ I hear Verbistul is nice this time of year. Will you have them let us on board?

    Byblos -> @Oh jyking heck....::pilots the shuttle wobbilly to where Troy Parson wants it....no doubt people on the Capricorn are surmising the pilot is intoxicated or something::

    Shane -> #Fifteen minutes if Rosetto was out of my hair.

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> +Troy+ I will notify them to do so. You will have a security team waiting to disarm you.

    Joe Manning -> #And what are the risks?

    Troy Parson -> @::presses some buttons on the console to transmit a low-power reactivation signal to the probe::

    Troy Parson -> @+Maxwell+ No worries, I don't carry weapons, anyway.

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> +Troy+ Is there anyone else on the shuttle with you?

    Byblos -> @::assumes Troy Parson knows that landing comes first of course, they could use the tractor beam..::

    Troy Parson -> @+Maxwell+ In a shuttle this size? I'm alone, of course.

    Troy Parson -> @+Maxwell+ You really ought to get a bigger shuttle.

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> +Troy+ Stand by.

    Byblos -> @Uh sir...listen...I am being honest...I haven't landed one of these before..dont shuttles get tractored in? Can't you arrange that with whomever you are talking to Troy Parson?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::setting radio frequencies with Alex::

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> ::Signals to Lazarus to contact Verbistul::

    Shane -> #::numbering them with his real hand:: We won't have any manuvering because I'll need the memory in the secondary core to rig the impulse engines, burning up in the atmosphere, runnin' into something or death and explosions.

    Troy Parson -> @::transmitting signals to the probe to tell it to have its sonic emitter transmit an overload pulse on a future signal from his ODRI:: They'll be letting us in in a second.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::enters the TR::

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> ::Looks at Pher:: You said it yourself. The more smoothly our crews can work together, the greater our chances of avoiding further bloodshed ...

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> What is this man doing out there with the shuttle?

    Ethan Neufeld -> Kelin> ::follows Ethan in; apparently accepted whatever it was he was volunteered for::

    STSF_Nickles -> #Im not sure I like those alturnative.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::brings up the rear into TR::

    Troy Parson -> @ When they do, lie low until I can create a distraction.

    Shane -> #::looks at Nickles:: Stayin' here is about the same actually.

    Byblos -> @ What Tractor Beam..please say Tractor Beam...

    Troy Parson -> @ We've got a sonic probe on the hull of this ship...I've just told it to overload on my next signal.

    Ethan Neufeld -> +Bridge+ Captain Maxwell, Ethan. Ready for transport to Zoalus surface.

    Joe Manning -> #So if we screw up, we could end up falling to the planet even faster ...

    Troy Parson -> @ ::pulling out some stuffing from his jacket and putting it into his ears.:: By the way, you might want to block your ears.

    Byblos -> @I'm likely to crash and you are talking lying low....I thought I was the insane one on this crew...

    Shane -> #Yeah, basically.

    Joe Manning -> #::Shakes head:: Get started on it. But I want some idea of whether or not we can expect a rescue first. This is a last resort option.

    Pher -> Captain, I don't know. Grotte was using the shuttle's communications to sabotage this ship. I left Troy trying to shut down that stuff. I said nothing about taking it out, and neither did our XO to our knowledge.

    Byblos -> @What how can I Fly no Hands!! ::Byblos looks like an animated wookie to Troy Parson ::

    Joe Manning -> #And get me that data from the sensor station. There's no telling if our Verbistul engineer planted any more surprises.

    Troy Parson -> @::sees Byblos struggling:: Oh and, don't kill anyone if you can help it.

    Byblos -> @ Kill anyone.....qoh we're going to get killed get them to tractor us in! ::puts ear thingies in::

    Troy Parson -> @+Maxwell+ We're commencing our final approach...by the way, I'm not a terribly good pilot, so you might want to have them tractor us in.

    Pher -> Half our our crew runs their own agendas to the same degree that your Ethan does.

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> When you listed people to watch out for, you didn't mention a 'Troy.' Breaking the chain of command for a rash action like does not seem in such character. So he must be planning something, yes?

    Shane -> #Aye cap'n. ::turns to leave the bridge::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::mutes comm; speaks to Alex:: Keep it together up here. And see if you can't put a bug in Maxwell's ear about maybe rescuing the Qob?

    Pher -> Yes.

    STSF_Nickles -> # Joe what if we just tried restoring enough power to maintain this orbit... That might by us a little more time.

    Byblos -> @ ::thinks He's trying to hide me??? This is getting better by the moment ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> The Qob? You think they're alive?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::shrugs:: Just a guess.

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> Talk to him. Make it clear to him what we discussed earlier.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> Why do you care?

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> +Troy+ Stand by. We are in contact with Verbistul.

    Troy Parson -> @::pulling some wires out of the ceiling to put on top of Byblos for camouflage::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::half-smile; doesn't answer::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::gets on TR pad::

    Joe Manning -> #Power isn't the problem, Chris. It's that our main computer core is fried. And our backup core is limited. There's only such me can control these systems without exerting manual control ... which is what Shane is working on.

    Pher -> +Troy+ Troy. Could you expedite that movement to Verbistul, please.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Kelin> ::waiting on TR pad::

    Troy Parson -> @+Pher+ I've just been told to stand by...they seem to be making docking preparations.

    Byblos -> @What the!!!! Troy Parson I haven't gotten locked on yet by Vestibul....You are trying to fry me??? Argh!

    Troy Parson -> @::to Byblos:: You'll live. Probably.

    STSF_Nickles -> l# Anything I can do to help out?

    Byblos -> @::feels a gentle bump:: That might of been a tractor I can't see now with all this wiring... I hope it was a tractor beam..

    Pher -> +Troy+ OK. Well. From what my sensors read you are more lurking by Capricorn than lining up for docking.

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> +Ethan+ Selek, send the coordinates for your detination to the science station up here.

    Shane -> #::reaches ENG and stomps over to the main console, bringing up programming sections::

    Troy Parson -> @+Pher+ We're commencing our final approach now.

    Pher -> +Troy+ Would you care to come up with some sort of story about what you think you're doing?

    Ethan Neufeld -> +Maxwell+ Roger, sending coordinates.

    Troy Parson -> @+Pher+ Honestly?

    Joe Manning -> #Give Shane a hand in engineering. We're short as it is with more than half our crew on Capricorn ... affecting our rescue, if they ain't all been killed.

    Troy Parson -> @+Pher+ I was getting tired of that old, breaking, pirate-infested ship.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((::magic edits earlier comm to say 'Selek'; not paying attention: :))

    Troy Parson -> @+Pher+ Figured my chances would likely be better somewhere else.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::types coordinates into TR control; sends to bridge::

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> ::Looks at Lazarus:: Enter the transport coordinates and ready the transporters. Use Mr. Grotte's device if you need to.

    Shane -> #::sifts through systems programmed to the secondary core, finds Troy's coffe maker taking up 8% of the space:: What the...

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((::chuckles: :))

    Joe Manning -> Lazarus> +Alex+ Transporter room, this is the Bridge. You are cleared for departure.

    Byblos -> @ Insanity. I thought I left it on Tranquility. ::burried by electornics (Star Trek equivilant) and wires and stuff.::

    Pher -> +Troy+ Not irrational. Just try not to stir up yet another round of trouble.

    STSF_Nickles -> # Aye

    Troy Parson -> @+Pher+ Oh, you know me...I'd never do anything to stir up trouble, right?

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> +Lazarus+ Copy that. Energizing. ::sends two signals to Zoalus::

    STSF_Nickles -> # :: stands and walks to the stairs and starts desendingL::

    Pher -> +Troy+ Easy on the irony, there guy.

    Byblos -> @ ::the twisted pile of wiring moves towards Troy Parson briefly with that last comment he made..then retreats::

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> ::Walks back to the tactical station and watches Pher::

    Shane -> #::cuts it off and assigns the space to the sensor station on the bridge:: +Joe+ Cap'n, this is Shane. Try the sensor station now.

    Troy Parson -> @::feels the shuttle shake a little with each transmission, because the volume is turned all the way up to make up for cotton in the ears::

    Pher -> :: To Maxwell :: Too many double crosses. Nobody trusts anybody.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::watches Kelin and Ethan demateralize::

    Joe Manning -> #+Shane+ Copy that ... ::Gets up from the command chair with a groan::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::irritably steps away from TR control and exits; knows what she needs to do, but really wanted to go::

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> I have an armed team ready to receive him in the shuttle bay. Once he's been searched, he'll be readied for transport back here.

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> ::Signals to Lazarus::

    Byblos -> @Troy Parson..you have to hide my Phaser Rifle and my broken sword....and hope they don't scan the ship. I will kill in self defense.

    Pher -> :: Shrugs :: Makes as much sense as anything.

    Troy Parson -> @Actually, I was more worried about the failsafe device than either of those...

    Byblos -> @::contemplates how he could kill anyone tangled in wires::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::returns to organizing security on the Capricorn::

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> +Troy+ Verbistul Two, the shuttle bay doors will be opening momentarily. Your Orion crewmate has assured me that trust is hard to come by among your crew. Be advised, however, that many lives could depend on no one causing further ruckus.

    Troy Parson -> @::tucks the rifle and the sword into the bundle of wires, hoping that he isn't stabbing Byblos to death in doing so::

    Shane -> #+Nickles+ Chris, this is Shane. You busy?

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: Verbistul's SB door slides open slowly

    Troy Parson -> @+Maxwell+ Hey, no need for the scary stuff...we're coming peacefully.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((::is hearing the Imperial March again: :))

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> ::Looks at Pher:: +Troy+ Good. Nothing for any of us to worry about then. Capricorn out. ::Closes the comm::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::enters ME::

    Byblos -> @ Just tell me when to shut up lie low...How the Pe`TaQ's won't detect me will be miraculous

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::Markus:: He giving you any trouble? ::points at Will::

    Pher -> :: Hopes Maxwell didn't note Troy said 'we' when he's supposed to be alone... ::

    Joe Manning -> Markus> ::Looks at Alex, then glances at Chocox:: Nah. They're working together just fine.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::not hiding her personal irritation very well:: Fine, fine. Just let me know if he acts up. I'll be busy.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::moves toward exit::

    Joe Manning -> Markus> ::Nods:: You got it, ma'am

    Byblos -> @ Bundle of wires as Big as a Nausicaan> ::shifts around some retrieving something then stops moving::

    Joe Manning -> Grotte> ::Rounds the other side of a bank of terminals and glances at Alex::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::exits and sighs loudly:: Boooring. Va.

    Shane -> +Nickles+ I need you to head for the helm controls and start calculating the angles needed to escape orbit at three-quarter's impulse. Got that?

    Troy Parson -> @ou'll hear a loud noise even through the cotton...it should be fairly disorienting. That's the signal, okay?

    Troy Parson -> @^*You'll

    Byblos -> @Signal to play dead...okay....

    Pher -> Captain? This ship's weapons systems went down about the time Qob and the Hand started shooting at each other. I am guessing somebody has a trojan in the computer. Was that your people?

    Troy Parson -> @No, that's the signal to STOP playing dead!

    Shane -> #*

    Troy Parson -> #When you hear that, burst out and do your crazy huge person fighting stuff.

    Troy Parson -> @^

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> ::Handed a report from engineering by Lazarus. Glances up at Pher before looking down to read out::

    Byblos -> @ Bundle of wires as Big as a Nausicaan> ::gets up:: You TOOK MY WEAPONS YOU QOH!!!!!

    Troy Parson -> @I put them in the wires with you!

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::satisfied that security is set up; makes her way to bridge::

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> There is a lot to sort out, Ms. Pher. ... you mentioned one of the Capricorn's engineers, Ford?

    Byblos -> @ Bundle of wires as Big as a Nausicaan> ::starts moving around very oddly:: Oh....okay.

    Troy Parson -> @::sees the interior of the Verbistul getting close:: There's no time to argue about this...when you hear the loud noise, attack.

    Byblos -> @All are hostile?

    Pher -> Yep. Grotte from the Hand is on my suspect list, and possibly even Shane from the Qob. Lots of folks were mucking with the systems.

    Troy Parson -> @Yep.

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> ::Glances up at her again::

    Troy Parson -> @Until they can give me a satisfactory explanation as to what happened to our ship, they're to be presumed hostile.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::gets in a TL::

    Byblos -> @ Bundle of wires as Big as a Nausicaan> Well maybe this new look for me will scare them to death ..Hah!

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> Well ... this Ford bears keeping a close eye on. If reports I've read from my teams are accurate, he was behind many of the attacks on both our crews.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Nice Halloween costume, Byblos.))

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> I will be speaking to my security chief soon about him.

    Shane -> #::begins preparing the move of impulse systems to the secondary core::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::exits TL::

    Byblos -> @::feels the trigger selector of the phaser...slides it to kill..::

    Joe Manning -> #ACTION: A rather slight woman in a Verbistul uniform enters the area where Shane is working and approaches him slowly and shyly. She's one of the two remaining crewmen Verbistul loaned Qob

    Pher -> Yep. Shane was fighting Ford. Alex fought Ford and Grotte. I got Shane back to the Qob. Last I knew Alex had Ford in custody. Not sure about Grotte.

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> Mm ... ::Looks at Alex as the turbolift arrives:: Ah, speaking of the devil.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> I'm standing right here, ya know. ::sour::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> Devil? ::doesn't get the figure of speech::

    Byblos -> @ Bundle of wires as Big as a Nausicaan> ::stops moving:: Ready sir.

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> Alex, based on the events you presided over on this ship, it's safe to say that this engineer ... this Ford ... was behind all of the problems on this ship, correct?

    Joe Manning -> #Kelly> ::Shane:: Ah ... excuse me ...

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::pauses and eyes narrow a bit:: Yes, Captain, that's right.

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> Where is he now?

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> Pfffff, if he's still alive, he's in sickbay under guard.

    Troy Parson -> @::seeing the hangar start to swallow the shuttle:: Good, good.

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> Under your guard?

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> Yeah, I just placed a guard there myself.

    Troy Parson -> @::opens a new channel as the shuttle is entering Verbistul::

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: Four Verbistul security crew wait in the shuttle bay with rifles

    Shane -> #::turns to look over his shoulder, narrows his eyes and turns to face her:: What?

    Byblos -> @ Bundle of wires as Big as a Nausicaan> ::believes he can fire and believes he has his boot shank with his other hand::

    Troy Parson -> @::programs his ODRI to transmit the signal to the probe on his command::

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> ::Nods:: Good. I think given the danger this man presents ... and the fact that the rest of the crew could rally around him and seek to free him ... I will want that guard doubled. I'd prefer if you kept watch on him yourself, in fact.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::tsks:: Why don't I just put 'em in the brig?

    Joe Manning -> #Kelly> Ah ... Crewman Kelly ... from the Verbistul. ::Waves slightly::

    Troy Parson -> @::to Byblos:: Oh, by the way...if I miscalculated and the sonic wave from the probe overload destroys this ship, you have my most sincere apologies.

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> If the man needs medical attention ... ::Looks at Pher:: We will not deny him that. We will wish to question him later.

    Byblos -> @ Bundle of wires as Big as a Nausicaan> And They thought I was crazy..

    Pher -> :: nods slightly ::

    Troy Parson -> @ Heh. You have no idea...

    Shane -> #::glances from side to side, supicious:: Yeah, I can see that. What do you want?

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::sighs:: Fine. I'll go watch 'em.

    Troy Parson -> @::waves to the guards:: All right, showtime...

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> Not just yet ...

    Pher -> (( BOWABAAN? Sounds like a demonic name... ))

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::stops:: Wha? Okay...

    Joe Manning -> #Kelly> Well, I was just sent here by Sirus, our security guard. He wanted me to let you know that neither of us know why Lazarus did what he did.

    Pher -> :: To Alex :: We'd like to figure out who sabaotaged what, and if they will help get things working again.

    Shane -> #::looks at her for a moment:: Why are you telling me this?

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::screws face up:: Duh.

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> Yes. ::Quickly nods:: Ford may be able to help us with that.

    Byblos -> @ Bundle of wires as Big as a Nausicaan>:: in costume::

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> I also want an accounting of everyone on the Capricorn's crew ... and whoever is remaining from Qob's crew. ::Looks at pher::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> Well, how many were on the Capricorn?

    Pher -> Choatox and Byblos should be down in engineering. Troy is in the shuttle. We've a couple of doctors aboard, who should be in Sickbay. Everyone else was back on the Qob...

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> According to logs we've accessed, just over ninety hands on board. And just under fifty receiving or giving treatment in their triage center.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::perks:: Who's Byblos?

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> Difficult to say how Ford's sabotage thinned their numbers.

    Troy Parson -> @::feels the shuttle land, and gets up to open the shuttle door:: Quiet now...it's time.

    Pher -> The big guy I argued with as we were taking down Grotte. Strongly scented.

    Joe Manning -> #Kelly> Well ... because we don't want you to be suspicious of us. And we're ready to help if you need it.

    Pher -> He didn't like one of your people.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::darkly; looking at Maxwell:: He's not in engineering.

    Troy Parson -> @::opens the door of the shuttle and steps out casually:: 'Ello everyone!

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> ::Looks at Alex:: Who is not?

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> That Byblos guy she mentioned. I was just there. He's not there.

    Joe Manning -> @Guards> ::Point their rifles at Troy::

    Joe Manning -> @Crewman Young> Slowly now. Hands raised at your sides.

    Troy Parson -> @::puts his hands up:: Oh, right, sorry, security protocols.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Hmm, shoulda wrote 'bubblos'. ::kicks staircase wit: :))

    Joe Manning -> @Crewman Young> ::Motions one of the guards over with his rifle::

    Troy Parson -> @::to Young:: Boy, am I glad to be off that deathtraop.

    Joe Manning -> @Guard> ::Slowly approaches Troy::

    Shane -> #::pauses, thinking it over:: Alright then. ::turns back to his console:: Can you program?

    Troy Parson -> @You have no idea how lucky you are not to have had to go over there.

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> ::Looks at Pher:: Byblos. ... I want you to get in touch with all of the people you mentioned. Starting with him.

    Troy Parson -> @I wouldn't be at all surprised if the entire ship simply disintegrated at any moment.

    Pher -> Hmm... Can I borrow Audrey? Capricorn's systems don't have his codes.

    Troy Parson -> @Your ship here is so much more...solid.

    Joe Manning -> #Kelly> Depends on the operating system. But at a basic level, yes. I'm picking up the Klingon as I go along.

    Joe Manning -> @Guard> ::Circles around Troy and begins patting him down::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::tenses:: It's a trick.

    Joe Manning -> @Young> I've been told that you're to be sent to the Capricorn after we've finished searching you and the shuttle.

    Troy Parson -> @::has a plastic toy dog concealed somewhere where the guard will find it::

    Troy Parson -> @::to Young:: No! Don't send me back there!

    Pher -> :: Shrugs :: Last I knew, Capricorn's comm system was down. Has that been rebooted?

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> ::Shrugs at Alex:: If that becomes clear, shoot her.

    Troy Parson -> @It's horrible!

    Troy Parson -> @There isn't any coffee!

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> ::Nods to one of the guards to return Pher's ODRI::

    Shane -> #::points to the secondary ENG console:: Start calculating the trajectory needed to escape to orbit at half-impulse.

    Troy Parson -> @I was over there for all of...

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::smug:: I can do that.

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> ::Nods at Pher:: We've given priority to defense systems so far, and ensuring that both the Bridge and Main Engineering are secure. Once that's finished, we'll restore comm.

    Troy Parson -> @::looks up at his arms, but can't see his ODRI at the angle that his arms are to check the time::

    Troy Parson -> @For all of...

    Joe Manning -> @Young> ::Shakes head:: Captain's orders.

    Joe Manning -> @Young> It's not negotiable.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::thumbs break on weapon, just itching for Pher to give her a reason to use it::

    Troy Parson -> @::reaches across with his other hand as if to adjust the ODRI so that he can see the time readout, and presses the button to transmit the signal to the probe::

    Joe Manning -> @Young> ::Raises the rifle a bit more:: Hey! Easy!

    Pher -> :: Nods... Accepts Audrey, straps it on, speaks to it. :: Confirm user is Pher.

    Joe Manning -> @Guards> ::Double over clutching their ears::

    Byblos -> @ Bundle of wires as Big as a Nausicaan>::Rises and Opens fire on guards full automatic with the type 3 Phaser Rifle:: Trick or Treat Pe`TaQs!!!!

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> ::Motions to Alex to step away with him::

    Troy Parson -> @::elbows the nearest guard in the back of the head while he's bent over::

    Pher -> +Byblos+ Situation report, please.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::gives Maxwell a puzzled look and then moves::

    Pher -> ( Timing... Timing... )

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Heh heh, Byblos.))

    Byblos -> @ Bundle of wires as Big as a Nausicaan>::moves and targets making certain they are down::

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> ::Looks at Alex:: Once we move on to comm, I'm going to make an announcement to the crew explaining the situation. That is when we will need to be cautious ...

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> What d'ya want me ta do?

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> When I feel we've secured things here, we're going to leave the system to complete critical repairs elsewhere. Then we will return to the Hyades Cluster.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::wonders where 'elsewhere' is::

    Byblos -> @ Bundle of wires as Big as a Nausicaan>::moves out of shuttle shedding wiring revealing himself::

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> As I said, Ford received priority. The rest of your men will focus on keeping the Bridge and Engineering secure.

    Troy Parson -> @::takes a weapon from one of the downed guards, taking out his ear protection as he does so, and turns to Byblos, motioning that he should also remove his ear protection::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> Okay.

    Shane -> #::continues getting systems ready for the move to the secondary core, nears completion:+Joe+ I'm a minute or two away from being ready for our orbital attempt. Crewman Kelly will send the trjectory need to get out of the planets reach in a few minutes.

    Byblos -> @::Takes ear plugs out and wire plugs and everything else::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::looks at Pher:: Why isn't your friend responding?

    Pher -> +Byblos+ Big guy? Situation report, please? Captain Maxwell wants to know.

    Troy Parson -> @::to Byblos:: Grab the failsafe device. Do you still remember the assault routes for this ship? We need to get to the bridge.

    Pher -> Negative.

    Joe Manning -> #+Shane+ You may want to grab a drink with Crewman Kelly. Or move on to other systems. I ain't ready to fire our impulse engine just yet.

    Troy Parson -> @Let me answer her.

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> ::Looks toward Pher::

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: Klaxons sound throughout Verbistul

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> : :angry:: Negative? Why isn't he answering?

    Byblos -> @okay no doubt they detected that weapons fire....and Yes I know how to get to the Bridge on this b0at!

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: Emergency bulkheads begin dropping

    Troy Parson -> @::runs for the nearest door out of the shuttlebay:: Let's move!

    Shane -> #::glances at Kelly, who isn't all that bad looking:: +Joe+ Sounds good. Let me know when you need me.

    Byblos -> @::looks to Troy Parson and runs::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::looks at Maxwell::

    Joe Manning -> Lazarus> ::Swings his chair around:: Captain ... there is a situation aboard Verbistul.

    Byblos -> @::follows Troy on the next adventure::

    Joe Manning -> PAUSE SIM

  9. The twisted remains of Lucky Hand's hull were scattered across the scorched grasslands of Zoalus IV's largest continent. Smoke rose from the fragments across an area that spanned miles, blotting the sun enough to cast an eery shadow over the activities of the drones below. Hundreds of the machines had emerged from their patrol routes in the cities and from the subterranean receptacles of various science outposts. They were darting and weaving between the pieces of what had once been a Gular Consortium Privateer -- a ship design that was not wholly unfamiliar to them. A few of the drones scanned the scattered wreckage for signs of ongoing danger, but the majority were picking up pieces and dragging them back to their underground facilities.


    Overhead there was a disturbance in the air. It was higher even than the fading peaks of the smoke plumes. It did not evade the notice of the planet's sensors, but it did evade their attention. The readings did not match the parameters of a common air current, but there was nothing to indicate danger. There was no visible evidence of the disturbance, no readings that suggested a buildup of harmful energy, and no indication of an alarming approach to the surface. The defense grid had its tightly defined parameters for identifying threats to be neutralized, and the disturbance matched none of them.


    This was among a number of fortunate turns for the cloaked Qob and her crew, the first being that the cloak was active at all. The attack on the computer core had shut down most of the ship's systems, a byproduct of their reliance on ongoing central control. The cloaking device, however, relied on no such control; computer control was needed to switch it between its inactive state and its active state, but it could maintain either state on its own with sufficient power. That warp power generation and flow were also independent of computer control was another fortunate turn.


    The saboteur, the treacherous Verbistul engineer Lazarus, had struck at Qob's achilles heel, her old and barely functional computer core. But targetting the computer rather than the power grid was a choice that had left Qob with the just the right systems functional for the time being. But that time was fading with Qob's orbit.


    That Sal had managed to pull Qob out of its descent before Lazarus triggered his EMP attack was yet another fortunate turn. He had propelled Qob into orbit and kept the ship from plummeting to the Zoalus IV surface for at least a time. Without proper impulse engine control, however, escaping Zoalus IV's gravity was presently impossible. Shane was rerouting control to the secondary computer core, but given its role in disguising the cloaking device, its capabilities were limited. He'd managed to establish control of the ship's directional thrusters, giving Sal some ability to slow the ship's descent. But the orbit was still gradually decaying.


    As was life support. The system was heavily reliant on central computer control, and there was no telling if the secondary core could provide both thruster control and livable atmosphere. Fortunately, there were only six people on the ship; what air there was would likely be capable of sustaining the crew at least until the orbit decayed entirely. But it would get cold and the air would get thin and what faculties the crew needed to get through this could very well be compromised.


    Sitting in his chair regarding the Zoalus IV horizon on the viewscreen, Joe felt -- or thought he felt -- the start of the temperature drop. He was considering how Qob had arrived at this point. He was considering how he had missed the destructive intentions of a man who had been working at a station on his Bridge, and how there were hidden threads woven through this expedition that he still could not pinpoint. Without uncovering what the red-eyed Verbistul engineer had been up to during his time on Qob or what the motivations of the Capricorn saboteur Grotte had been, Joe could not be certain of where the blame needed to be directed. One thing he knew, and found quite interesting, was that two Verbistul engineers provided by Captain Maxwell had proven treacherous.


    Were Captain LeMort and the Lucky Hand behind all of this?


    Joe looked at the flight station and Nickles. "We're not gonna make it outta this without help ... "


    Pher had not made contact in some time, though Joe's ODRI was maintaining a link with hers. There was no telling what was happening aboard Capricorn while Qob and Lucky Hand were diving into Zoalus IV's atmosphere. It was clear that Capricorn's assistance would once again be pivotal. Without their transporters, their tractor beam, or another fortunate turn, Qob would eventually be another scattering of wreckage for Zoalus IV's drones to pick at.

  10. Joe Manning -> BEGIN SIM

    rosetto -> #:looks over his nav console:

    STSF_Nickles -> #:: on the QoB Bridge::

    Pher -> :: Thought it would be nice to have stable high tech Fed stuff instead of old Klingon gear... ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::at ENG station on the Capricorn's bridge::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Key word would be

    Joe Manning -> #::Seated in the command chair looking at the Lucky Hand on the viewscreen:: This old ship ain't exactly the best of matches for an almost-new Gular-made privateer.

    Ethan Neufeld -> (('stable'.))

    STSF_Nickles -> # Maybe not but her crew can be

    Troy Parson -> ::prods the Capricorn's science station with the tip of one finger:: Well, that's just lovely.

    rosetto -> Well, sir... We are more maneiverable...

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Moves over to Ethan and the engineering station:: Can we figure out what exactly just happened?

    Byblos -> ::Byblos notes his nice stack of light fixtures requested by Troy Parson just got knocked over by something:: Arrrgh!!! What the jyke is going on!

    Joe Manning -> #The Gular ships ain't exactly snails themselves, Sal. And she's got far better angles of fire. But keep ducking and weaving.

    Pher -> I'd assume Grotte left a trojan in the system, somewhere.

    rosetto -> ::holds his position relative to the Lucky Hand::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Will would know more, but I'd say we blew a few EPS relays.

    Joe Manning -> #+Pher+ Madam Pheromone, I'm assuming there's an explanation for the withdrawal?

    rosetto -> ::nods in response:: Yeah, duck and run...

    Pher -> +Joe+ Combat systems just went out. I'm assuming a Trojan.

    STSF_Nickles -> # :: continues firing when has good target::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Nods:: Let him know that you are the man to keep apprised.

    Byblos -> ::slips on one fo the lightbulb units and falls flat on his back..his COMM pops up and lands inbetween his tusks::

    Joe Manning -> #+Pher+ That's unfortunate, Pher, because we could use your help against this one.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Roger.

    Pher -> +Joe+ We're working it, but no promises.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::pings the cardboard cutout known as Will::

    rosetto -> ::looks for options to make themselves available::

    Joe Manning -> #ACTION: The Lucky Hand continues darting out of the line of Qob's disruptor fire, while returning fire with her pulse blasters

    Byblos -> ::removes COMM unit from mouth and hopes it still works:: +Troy Parson+ So, are your light bulbs the needed to stop the ship from rocking? What the jyke is going on?

    rosetto -> ::banks HARD to port::

    rosetto -> That was close...

    STSF_Nickles -> # DANGIT!! They are fast

    Joe Manning -> Will> +Ethan+ This is Chocox. It looks like the computer core was hit with some kind of EMP device. It's going to take at least a few minutes to restore.

    Troy Parson -> +Byblos+ Ah, no, I'm afraid it's just a bit of a battle.

    Joe Manning -> #ACTION: Qob's shields are dropping faster than the Lucky Hand's

    Byblos -> + Troy Parson + Well let me know if you need me to kill someone. Otherwise I will remain here as ordered with your bulbs.

    rosetto -> #Shields dropping, sir... less than 60% now

    Ethan Neufeld -> +Will+ Roger.

    Troy Parson -> +Byblos+ Many thanks. Hopefully we'll be alive long enough for them to be of some use.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::Tomar:: Engineering reports the computer core was hit with EMP; will take a few minutes to restore.

    Troy Parson -> ::thinks for a second::

    Troy Parson -> +Byblos+ By the way...

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Sighs, hearing the comm to Ethan. Looks over in Pher's direction:: A surprise left by our man Grotte, or is there perhaps the chance of a saboteur remaining on board. Has Mr. Chocox gotten internal sensors back up yet?

    STSF_Nickles -> # Joe We cant take much more without some help

    Joe Manning -> #::Narrows his eyes::

    Byblos -> ::looks over at the old shuttle then decides to pillage, his father taught him Feddie ships always had emergency equipment lockers strewn about..might as well pick up some gear.::

    rosetto -> #::attempts to come up behind Lucky Hand::

    Pher -> :: tries internal sensors ::

    Troy Parson -> +Byblos+ That nice, locked-up shuttle down there...

    STSF_Nickles -> # Im only getting a hit every other firing.

    Joe Manning -> #I need to give her a compelling reason to follow us.

    Pher -> Jangled, Captain. Looks like anything that works through the computer core is responding poorly.

    Byblos -> ::bonks his head on deckplate:: + Troy Parson + Jyking helmsman...errr...Sorry sir. Yes sir?

    rosetto -> #Sorry, Chris...

    Troy Parson -> +Byblos+ You wouldn't be able to pry the door open, would you?

    STSF_Nickles -> #Not your fault Sal Shes just fast than we are

    rosetto -> #Gotta keep moving...

    STSF_Nickles -> *faster

    Joe Manning -> #We need to either give Capricorn time to make repairs, or we've got to expose Lucky Hand's backside.

    Byblos -> + Troy Parson + On it...

    Joe Manning -> #Up for a little bait and hook, Sal?

    Troy Parson -> +Byblos+ Let me know. Parson out.

    STSF_Nickles -> #What are you talking about Joe

    rosetto -> #Sure, Sir... Sounds like a plan!::pulls QoB HARD::

    Byblos -> ::walks over to the nicer shuttle, deciding to pillage later....studies the rear hatch::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::briefly wonders, if it is sabotage, will anyone notify 'security'?::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> Then we are going to have to wait, unless anyone can suggest ways that we can help Qob.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Glances around the Bridge and looks at Ethan:: Where are your friends from Verbistul, by the way?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::shakes head:: Dunno. Left them at the TR.

    Joe Manning -> #::Glances at Nickles and looks at Sal:: Ready a new flight path, Sal ...

    Joe Manning -> #Directly toward the planet.

    rosetto -> #::looks back for signals::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Frowns:: You can vouch for their trustworthiness?

    rosetto -> #Aye Sir... Here we go!::Tips QoB nose first into dive::

    Pher -> :: Wonders if he'll given an honest answer. ::

    Byblos -> ::looks at shuttle:: Gular...okay. ::Checks door hits the open button::

    Joe Manning -> #Chris, hail the Lucky Hand. Let's see if they're ready to respond.

    rosetto -> #::pulls wings up::

    Pher -> Captain? Looks like the Qob is heading to the planet.

    STSF_Nickles -> # Aye

    rosetto -> #Atmo in 15 seconds, sir...

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Looks over Pher's shoulder at the tactical readout::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::furrows brow:: I can vouch that they won't try anything unless provoked. I can't tell you they won't use lethal force protecting your ship.

    STSF_Nickles -> #+Luckyhand+ QoB to the Lucky Hand Acknowledge....

    Byblos -> Okay...Bolian design, compact...::looking at lock mechanism for the aft hatch:: Okay tool kit..+ Troy Parson + Give me 5 minutes. One if you want me just to shoot the thing open.

    Pher -> Joe does crazy stuff when he has to. Looks like he has to.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> As long as our shields are down, we cannot get within firing range. But keep us just outside.

    Pher -> Acknowledged.

    Troy Parson -> +Byblos+ I'd rather have it able to fly, but it doesn't have to look pretty after you're done.

    Pher -> (( Was someone on Capricorn helm? ))

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((NPC))

    Joe Manning -> #Rose LeMort> ::Her angry, bald, eye-patched head appears on Qob's viewer:: Looks like you've taken on more than you can handle, Qob.

    Byblos -> ::runs grabbing a tool kit that was in the older beat up thing parked next to it :: Argh....Thank you Vargros for teaching me some tricks......

    rosetto -> #::growls to himself::

    Joe Manning -> #ACTION: Lucky Hand pursues Qob, continuing to fire

    Pher -> :: Tracking the battle on passive sensors ::

    STSF_Nickles -> # :: wants to say something but leaves to Joe.::

    Byblos -> ::Begins to pry open the swtichboard plate::

    Joe Manning -> #Rose LeMort> If you trying to beg for mercy now, you're giving me too much credit for my compassionate side.

    rosetto -> #Coming up on Atmo, sir...

    Joe Manning -> #ACTION: Qob's shields are on the verge of failing

    rosetto -> #Shields down to 15%...

    Byblos -> Bolians...use everything the same way...same thing...different places....the guy was right. ::thinking of his old buddy Vargros:: And...gotcha..

    Pher -> Qob is in trouble.

    STSF_Nickles -> # ::then does it anyway:: YOU Have no compassionate Side ... Looks like you have taken a bit of damamge yourself!!

    STSF_Nickles -> # Chase us if you dare.

    Joe Manning -> #You'll find my ship has a few tricks up her sleeve. And I'm damn sure not about to let you take it. Quite a little stunt you pulled here, princess.

    Byblos -> ::swtich light turns green and the ramp opens:: + Troy Parson + Okay I am in!

    Pher -> :: Tries to come up with a crazy plan of her own. ::

    Joe Manning -> #Lazarus> +Nickles+ Bridge this is engineering

    Troy Parson -> +Byblos+ Wonderful. Can you get into its systems?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::quietly watching status on computer core::

    Pher -> :: Wonders if Joe might stay between the Hand and the planet, convince the planet to get involved. ::

    rosetto -> #::pulls up hard as QoB enters Atmosphere::

    Troy Parson -> ::steps away from the fried science terminal and heads over to Pher's station:: Well, this is a mess, eh?

    STSF_Nickles -> #+ Engineering+ go ahead

    Pher -> OK. I think Joe is trying to enlist the planet's defenses on his side. Tricky, but Joe all over.

    Byblos -> ::looks around shuttle:: +Troy Parsons + I need you to be more specific Flight, her computer core, weapons? this thing has weapons?

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Sighs and looks back at Ethan:: Mr. Selek, I will get someone else to man the engineering station. Please find your friends and Mr. Byblos and make sure engineering is safe.

    Joe Manning -> #::Grins:: Don't pull us up, Sal. Take us in.

    Troy Parson -> +Byblos+ Flight! Make it fly! We'll worry about the rest later.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Roger. ::immediately swivles chair and stands::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::quickly exits bridge::

    rosetto -> #Aye, sir... I'm certain the planetary defences have us on their sensors...

    Joe Manning -> #Lazarus> +Nickles+ Shields are about one shot away from firing. What in the hells are you people doing up there?

    Pher -> :: is tempted to ask Engineering how they are doing, but figures they don't need to be nagged just now. ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> +Alex+ Alex, Ethan. Meet me at ME.

    rosetto -> #::continues to lose altitude::

    Byblos -> Oh...+ Troy Parsons + Oh Stealling a shuttle are we...Hah! errr...sorry borrowing sir in the haste of an emergency. Ill do my best. Preping prefilight.

    STSF_Nickles -> #+Lazarus+ A little manuever Joe thought up. Do what you can and give us everything you can.

    Joe Manning -> #LeMort> Funny that you call me out, Manning, for defending myself against your little alliance. Funny. Maxwell warned me that you and those filthy raiders were working together ... but it seems they've now betrayed you when you needed them most.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> +Ethan+ Roger that. ::pause:: Oh, and I totally told 'em so.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::ignores comment::

    Joe Manning -> #::Feels the rumble of the ship as Qob enters the atmosphere. Furrows his brow up at the screen:: You've been speaking to Maxwell?

    Ethan Neufeld -> +Byblos+ Byblos, Ethan. What's your 20?

    rosetto -> #::sees planet coming up quickly::

    Byblos -> ::Byblos tries to get in the front seat and realizes his large frame just will not fit in the shuttle cockpit...he curses swears...and stretches to reach some preflight controls.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Hey, Shane.))

    Joe Manning -> #ACTION: Qob's shields fail and the hull begins burning up

    Joe Manning -> #LeMort> It would appear your time is almost finished, Manning. This conversation is as well. ::Cuts the comm::

    Byblos -> + Ethan + Troy Parson has me borrowing a shuttle in the bay...rather forcefully. I've started pre-flight on this Bolian bucket!!!

    rosetto -> #Shields failing sir... We need to slow down or burn up....

    STSF_Nickles -> # Joe Shields failed

    Joe Manning -> #::Looks at Sal:: Keep taking us in. Ready to pull up, but do not do it yet.

    Pher -> OK. We may have Joe all over in another sense...

    rosetto -> #::Nods::

    Joe Manning -> #Target one of the continents.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Frowns at Pher:: Is it possible their systems have failed as well?

    Ethan Neufeld -> +Byblos+ Roger. Disregard further. Ethan, out.

    Byblos -> ::mutters:: Just like Daddy taught you Byby.....both nacelles...look good...cabin door open light on.

    Pher -> I'm not reading anything out of their shields, but they still have some power.

    rosetto -> #No prob..::turns QoB slightly starboard::

    STSF_Nickles -> # Joe we are going to take on even more damage. Will she hold together??

    Troy Parson -> ::leaning on the bridge railing:: I guess we'd better do something about it, hm?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::moves toward ME::

    Joe Manning -> #Just keep up evasives. Won't be too long now. ::Gives Nickles a grim look, sweat starting to bead on his face::

    Joe Manning -> #+Shane+ Engineering ... prep the cloaking drive.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((edit: Nothing^ futher))

    Shane -> #::tapping all over his console, bolstering SI systems where he, trying to keep Qob from flying apart:: +Bridge+ Nothing too fancy Rosetto, I'm barely keepin' her together!

    Byblos -> + Troy Parson + Sir. She'll be ready in 2 minutes But I need those doors open in front of me. And of course I need to know what the jyke you have up your sleeve with a shuttle and a space battle!!!!

    Pher -> I think he's trying to convince the planet to fire on space ships. You might want to be ready to get out of here if they get around to us.

    Joe Manning -> #ACTION: Zoalus' sensors begin sweeping the area around Qob's descent. It doesn't take them long to lock on to the ship

    Shane -> +Bridge+ The cl...roger that Cap'n.

    rosetto -> #We've got a lock!

    Pher -> Planet is coming active on sensors.

    Joe Manning -> #Lazarus> ::Glances over at Shane from his station in engineering:: Cloak?

    Troy Parson -> +Byblos+ Naturally, naturally. I'll be there in a minute.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::arrives at ME with team::

    Troy Parson -> ::to the others on the Bridge:: Anyone fancy a bit of a shuttle ride?

    Troy Parson -> I'll warn you, it might get rather bumpy.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Looks at Troy:: What did you have in mind, Mr. Parson?

    rosetto -> #::looks at his monitors and grimaces::

    Shane -> #::looks over at Lazarus, growls:: Power distribution Delta713, now!

    Joe Manning -> #ACTION: Weapon turrets begin emergine from their ports on the planet

    Byblos -> ::mutters:: Think Bolian...Think Bolian...::find switches, other buttons..getting ready..several red lights indicate lack of cabin pressure due to the rear hatch being open::

    Joe Manning -> #Lazarus> ::Redistributes the power and nods::

    Pher -> Planetary weapons coming up and active.

    Joe Manning -> #+Shane+ Now is the time, Shane.

    STSF_Nickles -> # We have been locked on Joe. +ship wide+ PREPARE FOR INCOMING FIRE!!

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::enters ME::

    Shane -> #+Bridge+ We're ready when you are Cap'n.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Looks at helm:: Slow our approach.

    rosetto -> #::prepares for the worse::

    Shane -> (scratch last line)

    Joe Manning -> #+Shane+ Engage the cloak.

    Troy Parson -> ::to Raj:: Actually, to be honest, I'm making this up as I go along. But that's usually the best way anyhow, eh?

    Joe Manning -> #Sal, pull us up.

    rosetto -> #::pulls up HARD::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The Verbistul rounds Zoalus and is on approach to Capricorn

    Shane -> #+Bridge+ Engaging cloak...::punches the switch::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::secures ME::

    STSF_Nickles -> #this is going to be close.

    Pher -> Verbistul is coming in.

    Joe Manning -> #ACTION: As the laser turrets power up, the sensor beams lose their lock on Qob

    Byblos -> ::notes a picture hanging from above the viewport....a picture of a human baby and woman....:: How...touching.

    Troy Parson -> ::to Raj:: By the way, do you have any torpedoes?

    rosetto -> #::Strains at his controls::She's gonna buckle!

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::approaches ME::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::About to answer Troy, then looks at Pher:: What do they want?

    Shane -> #::looks about as the lights dim and the ship groans from the power strain::

    Pher -> No clue.

    Joe Manning -> #ACTION: The sensors quickly aquire a new target, the Lucky Hand, which has just begun pulling up as well

    Byblos -> ::swears some in Nausicaan and steps outside the shuttle breifly to repair what he "sliced"::

    Joe Manning -> #Lazarus> ::Reaches into his Verbistul uniform and pulls out a small remote::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((The same thing Grotte did. A good pension.))

    Pher -> I'm losing sensor lock on Qob.

    rosetto -> #::accelerates upward::Lock established on Lucky Hand, sir... Bait is set!

    Joe Manning -> #ACTION: The laser turrets all fire, cutting the Lucky Hand to shreds and vaporizing her core

    STSF_Nickles -> # Come on baby hold together

    Byblos -> (and there goes the FX budget!)

    Shane -> #::sees the movement and turns, pulling out his Gauss pistol, pointing it at Lazarus:: Drop it qou.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::enters ME::

    Pher -> Boom. There goes the Hand. Captain, I'd get the heck out of here.

    Joe Manning -> #Lazarus> ::Triggers the remote::

    Joe Manning -> #ACTION: Everything goes dark on Qob

    Shane -> #::fires his weapon, aimed at Lazarus's head::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ME's secure. What's the stich?

    STSF_Nickles -> # WHat in the.....

    rosetto -> #That's it, sir!

    Pher -> +Verbbistul+ Stay clear of the planet! Planetary weapons are active!

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Nods to helm:: Do it. Try to get in contact with Qob. They may need assistance.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Possible sabotage. Have you seen Will?

    STSF_Nickles -> #What happened to the power.

    Joe Manning -> #ACTION: Shane hears a voice in engineering: "Lazarus. It's done"

    rosetto -> #::hoping they have enough forward velocity to achieve orbit::

    STSF_Nickles -> #+Engineering+ Shane come in what happened??

    Byblos -> Jyking brains....I cannot believe I am stealing a shuttle....+Troy Parson+ Okay goodnews and bad news for you.

    Joe Manning -> #ACTION: Comm is not working

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Capricorn's transporters activate, beaming someone off Qob

    Troy Parson -> +Byblos+ Let's hear the good news first; maybe the bad news will fix itself by the time you're done.

    Pher -> +Qob+ If you need support, let us know.

    rosetto -> #We're flying blind, sir...

    Shane -> #Jykin' pe'taQ...::turns on a light from his ODRI and shines it, searching for Lazarus::

    Joe Manning -> #ACTION: Secondary power fires up, turning emergency lights on

    STSF_Nickles -> # Blind is not the word for it.

    STSF_Nickles -> #Finally

    Shane -> #::pistol still held at ready::

    Joe Manning -> #Chris, what do we have available?

    STSF_Nickles -> #Not much

    rosetto -> #::taps on his console as EM power is restored::

    Joe Manning -> #ACTION: There is a transport shimmer in engineering

    STSF_Nickles -> # miniumal power no sheilds

    Byblos -> + Troy Parson + Good News I think she can fly, once you get the doors open. Bad news. I cannot fit in the cockpit seat to fly.

    Pher -> I'm picking up some sort of transport energy.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::answers somehow::

    STSF_Nickles -> # Miniumal Weapondry

    rosetto -> #I believe we have enough forward momentum to achieve orbit though, sir...

    Troy Parson -> +Byblos+ Can you rip the seat out and pilot from the floor?

    STSF_Nickles -> # Not sure if we still have Cloak or not

    Troy Parson -> +Byblos+ I'd really rather not fly it myself...the last time I tried flying a shuttle, I nearly wound up in the sun...heh heh.

    Byblos -> ::mutters like I can fly this thing...Bolian...think...Bolian...Probably just like a Jyking Tranquility Bessie!

    Shane -> #::curses as he sees the shimmer:, turns back to the main console::

    Joe Manning -> #ACTION: Lazarus is no longer in engineering

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((::grabs more pizza and a Coke::))

    rosetto -> #::taps feverishly at console::If I could only get this view screen up and working...

    Byblos -> +Troy Parson+ I'll remove the seat...sir.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Looks at Pher:: Transport? Can you pinpoint?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::holds ME secure::

    Pher -> +Alex+ We may have an intruder.

    STSF_Nickles -> # ::checks coms again:: +Shane+ Nickles to Shane Come in

    Pher -> Internal sensors are confused still.

    Ethan Neufeld -> +Pher+ Tell me something I don't know, Orion.

    Pher -> :: attempts to pinpoint. ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex>^

    rosetto -> #Chris, I think you're gonna have to do it the old fashion way... walk down to Engineering...

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> +Pher+ Where's your engineer?

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Looks back at his command chair. Goes over to it to retrieve his rifle::

    Shane -> #::pops the panel off from underneath and begins a hard link to the Qobs main computer core::opens a link to Joe's ODRI on the bridge::+Joe+ Cap'n, you all alive?

    Byblos -> ::Byblos looks at the seat and notes something unfortunate...a bit of gamma welding:: Oh Jyke Me! ::pulls out sword from behind him and begins to use it as a lever to pry the small bit of welding ::

    Pher -> +Alex+ I sent Shane back to the Qob.

    Joe Manning -> #+Joe+ Alive. Though I can't imagine the ship is in good shape.

    Troy Parson -> ::looks to the others on the bridge:: I'm, erm...just going to go get something. Back in a second!

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> +Pher+ I meant the other one, p'tak. Will or something.

    Joe Manning -> #ACTION: Qob's main computer core has been fried by an EMP blast

    STSF_Nickles -> # Dont have time for that Sal

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Four more transport signals on Capricorn, this time from Verbistul

    Troy Parson -> ::heads for the nearest ladder off the bridge, destination: shuttlebay::

    rosetto -> #Nav console is useless... @$%#!

    Pher -> He's about. Where do you want him?

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> +Pher+ I just wanna know where he is; I secured ME and I don' see 'em.

    Pher -> +Alex+ Try comming him as William Chocox.

    Joe Manning -> #Can we at least make the front viewer transparent? Determine if we're sinking to the planet again?

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> +Pher+ ::grumbles:: Thanks.

    Pher -> Transport incoming vrom Verbistul.

    STSF_Nickles -> # sal do what you can to keep us in the air

    rosetto -> #::gets up to try and reroute power::

    Shane -> ::fiddling with his ODRI::+Joe+ One of the Verbistul ENG activated something that killed our power. He transported out before I could get him. I'd mis-trust and Verbs you got up there.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> +Will+ Hey, William Chocox. Where you at?

    Pher -> +Alex+ Some people from your ship are beaming in.

    Joe Manning -> #::Looks over at the vacant sensor station::

    rosetto -> #Chris, which way is UP? We are literally blind.... sir....

    Joe Manning -> #+Shane+ Was it the little bastard with the red eyes by any chance?

    Byblos -> ::BRANK...SHREIK.....BLING....SLANG ..The Seat pops loose and Byblos' Blade breaks in Two::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> +Pher+ Beaming? ::thinks that sounds weird, but not sure why:: Well, I dunno who it is.

    Byblos -> No!!!!!!!!

    Shane -> ::disconnects his ODRI and head for the old TR::+Joe+ Yeah...I'm checking on the main core right now.

    Joe Manning -> #ACTION: The viewer is easy enough to disengage, rendering it transparent. Zoalus' horizon is visible across the screen, Qob clearly skirting it in low orbit

    Ethan Neufeld -> +Pher+ Pher, Ethan. Did you say someone from the Verbistul's transported to the Capricorn?

    Byblos -> ::numerous expletives:: + Troy Parson + If we live to collect...my fee just went up.

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Four more transport to Capricorn from Verbistul

    rosetto -> #There! Success! Viewer power restored, sir...

    Troy Parson -> +Byblos+ Roger that. ::running down a Capricorn corridor::

    Pher -> +Ethan+ I think so. Sensors are acting funny, though.

    rosetto -> #::climbs back into his seat at helm::

    Ethan Neufeld -> +Pher+ Are they using the Capricorn's transporter?

    Joe Manning -> #::Lifts his ODRI arm and tries to boost its comm capabilities as much as he can::

    Pher -> +Ethan+ And no clue whether what they'll be fighting for.

    Byblos -> ::Tosses seat to the back of the shuttle...in anger::

    STSF_Nickles -> #Cap if we dont get some kind of power or a tractor on us to pull us we will get hit by thier planetary system defences.

    Shane -> ::reaches the core, tapps on its console, finding it blank::+Joe+ The main core is fried. Looks like an EMP blast.

    Joe Manning -> #::Shakes head:: The cloak must still be active.

    Pher -> +Ethan+ Capricorn's transporter was recently active, but if I've got it right Verstibule is also transporting.

    STSF_Nickles -> (( ::hands Shane a # :: ))

    rosetto -> #Low orbit established... We're sitting ducks though...::frowns::

    Shane -> ((yeah, I keep forgeting...))

    Joe Manning -> #+Shane+ I figured as much, Shane. This is a computer problem, not a power problem. Our cloak is still up.

    Pher -> +Ethan+ Is it possible that the Hand took over the Vestibule?

    STSF_Nickles -> # Thank God for small favors.

    Byblos -> Gamma weld....Qoh. ::walks up to pilots....place:: My sword, lost to a Gamma weld on some stinkin' Gular Shuttle!!! ::does a scream/roar in anger since noone will hear it::

    Troy Parson -> ::arrives, panting and sweaty, at the shuttlebay, shouting to Byblos:: Quick, get the lightbulbs on board!

    Ethan Neufeld -> +Pher+ Can't say. But I'm willing to bet the Verbistul's using the transporter here. If you can shut it down, it might stop them for a bit.

    Joe Manning -> #::Uses his ODRI comm to open a wide channel:: +Pher+ This is a longshot, but Pher, can you read this comm?

    Pher -> +Chotox+ Could you shut down transporters again?

    Pher -> +Joe+ I read you 5 by 0.283. Speak up.

    Byblos -> ::hears Troy:: This is not a good day....::gets bulbs:: Troy Parson when A Nausicaan's blade is broke do you know what that means?

    Pher -> I have Joe.

    rosetto -> #::attempts to increase velocity but there just isn't enough power available::

    Shane -> #+Joe+I'm gonna try and get us some manuvering from the secondary core, but it'll take some time.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::Alex:: Let's see if we can find the Verbistul's boarding party.

    Byblos -> (broken )

    Troy Parson -> ::thinks for a second:: Impending pregnancy? ::starts pushing lightbulbs into the shuttle::

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ We survived the Lucky Hand, Pher. But we've got a massive problem. One of our Verbistul hands proved treacherous and shut down our computer. We're orbitting the planet low, cloak still active, but everything else down.

    Joe Manning -> #

    Joe Manning -> #Sal, based on what you're seeing, how steady is our orbit?

    Pher -> +Ethan+ Verstibul people allegedly sabotaged Qob.

    Byblos -> NO...Impending death you Qoh!!!! ::deposits lightbulbs into shuttle:: Sorry sir..personal...stuff..Listen one other thing....the Bag.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::nods at Ethan:: Markus, with me. Kelin stay here and keep ME secure.

    Joe Manning -> (( No Markus, Ethan. Remember, Alex sent him back with Grotte ))

    Troy Parson -> ::pushing more lightbulbs in:: The bag?

    Pher -> Captain? Qob is cloaked and in low planetary orbit. We might need give them a tow.

    rosetto -> #Not steady at all, sir... We could lose it at any time... We need power control re-established...

    STSF_Nickles -> #+Shane+ Get to hit We dont have Much time left

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((::magic edits out Markus:: Thanks.))

    Byblos -> The one Shane had me carry onboard this stinkin' ship....You still need it?

    Shane -> #+Nickles+ Right.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> Can we approach that near without setting off the planet's defenses?

    Pher -> :: Checks to see if tractors are active ::

    Troy Parson -> ::thinks:: What's in it?

    Ethan Neufeld -> +Pher+ ::glad he uses an earpiece; hopes she didn't transmit openly:: Roger that.

    Pher -> If we catch them over one of the big oceans, we'll likely be ok.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Nods:: Good. How much time do we have to retrieve them and how long will it take to time it?

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::exits ME::

    STSF_Nickles -> # Do what you can Shane

    Byblos -> Oh something that goes.....Boom! I'm no engineer...but My Father told me never to play with anti-matter.

    Pher -> +Joe+ Can you give us orbit data?

    STSF_Nickles -> *+SHane+

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::exits ME behind Alex::

    Troy Parson -> Ah. Is it nearby? Something that booms might prove useful.

    Pher -> :: Tries to get a direction on the communications ::

    Joe Manning -> #+Pher+ Limited as our stations are down. Sal's not painting a pretty picture. But we at least got horizon on our viewer.

    rosetto -> ((not good time to bail, dude! LOL))

    Byblos -> ::walks to shuttle pilot spot:: Ready for take off..and the bag is behind you.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::finds a niche::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Hold up, Alex.

    Byblos -> (wb shane)

    Pher -> +Joe+ Talk to me as much as you think safe. I'll try to home on your signal.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::sighs and turns around, entering niche:: What?

    Pher -> Everybody? I'm on personal comm with the Qob. Try to vector in on the other side of this conversation.

    Joe Manning -> #Markus> ::Enters engineering with two other Verbistul security guards::

    Joe Manning -> #Markus> ::Grins:: Kellin!

    Ethan Neufeld -> Kelin> ::confused:: Markus?

    Pher -> AFK a bit.

    Shane -> #::connects his ODRI to the smaller secondary core and pulls a panel from the floor, sorting through large data cables and disconnecting some::

    Byblos -> We Nausicaans are not totally a loss to the universe. ::engages systems:: Anyone else coming aboard Troy Parson ? Like Pher?

    Joe Manning -> #Markus> Stand down, buddy. Everything's good.

    Joe Manning -> #Grotte> ::Enters behind the security guards, clutching his side::

    Troy Parson -> ::shrugs:: They didn't seem terribly interested.

    Joe Manning -> (( Whoops. Habits die hard. No #'s there ))

    Ethan Neufeld -> Kelin> ::sees Grotte:: What's going on?

    Joe Manning -> Markus> We're taking over the ship.

    rosetto -> #Sir, I think we can gain some velocity if we decloak... Not positive, though...

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex, do you know what's happening here?

    Pher -> BAK

    Byblos -> ::turns to Troy Parson:: Just do what you have to do..I have to do something. ::grabs his blade broken in two::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Kelin> We---are?

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The turbolift opens on the Bridge. Three Verbistul security guards emerge, with Captain Maxwell behind them

    STSF_Nickles -> # Sal we cant afford to Decloak thats the only thing keeping up alive at the moment

    Troy Parson -> Good. Get the engines ready to go...I'm going to see about getting the door open.

    Joe Manning -> #::Raises an eyebrow at Sal:: If we can pull it off quickly enough. The weapons -do- have a warmup period.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::half growls:: What kind of jyking question is that?

    Pher -> :: Turns to Maxwell :: I don't suppose you could slow down and talk.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Kelin> When did this start?

    Troy Parson -> ::takes a piece of wiring out of one of the lightbulbs and heads for the shuttlebay doors:: Oh and...

    Joe Manning -> Markus> ::Orders the other guards to secure the entrances and points at the stations near William:: Get to work, Grotte

    Troy Parson -> If anyone comes down looking to bother us, feel free to run them over with the shuttle.

    Ethan Neufeld -> It's one you know I have to ask, Alex.

    Byblos -> ::hears Troy Parson but does not respond as he cuts himself ...ritually with his broken blade...life to death..death to life...so begins another.....life. Father...I failed you.

    Shane -> #::checks his ODRI as he connects data cables::+Bridge+ Impulse manuvering should be back online, but nothing else...

    rosetto -> #::attempts to decloak but system just looks dead. Cloak does not disengage::

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> ::Looks between Pher and Tomar Raj:: Of course we could, my dear. ::The guards raise their rifles and point them at the pair and the Bridge guards::

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> Not much to say, however. I'll be assuming command from here.

    Byblos -> ::blinks:: Okay....I'll shoot them Troy Parson...except our own.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Turns and frowns in Maxwell's direction::

    Pher -> :: Looks to Taj ::

    rosetto -> #Nothing's happening sir. I think we're STUCK in this mode for the time beng...::frowns::

    Joe Manning -> #Give impulse a try, Sal.

    Pher -> :: Makes no move to her weapons. ::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> What is the meaning of this?

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> This is some kind of jyking joke...

    rosetto -> #::attempts impulse controls...::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex---

    Shane -> #::continues re-assigning main systems to the secondary core, which is reaching it's limit::

    Ethan Neufeld -> You're a part of their crew.

    Troy Parson -> ::working on hotwiring the shuttlebay door panel, slightly electrocuting himself in the process:: Aagh...why didn't I just become a chef, again?

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> ::Smirks and moves around the command chair:: Eye for an eye and all that. While our mercenary friends play with each other over Zoalus, I'll be taking this ship like you tried to take mine.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> And I don't know what the jyking qo is going on, you {redacted}. I can't believe you think I'd be involved.

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> If you both want to live, I suggest you play nicely.

    Byblos -> Troy Parson...anyone on that bridge will detect our shuttle power up and certainly the door! But...I trust your BRAINS! Sir! ::wipes the blood from his forearms in the pilot seat::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Kelin> So, uh, Markus; ::hesitant:: what's the plan?

    Joe Manning -> Lazarus> ::Arrives on the Bridge via the lift::

    Troy Parson -> ::steps back as the shuttlebay door controls crackle and fizz:: That should do it!

    rosetto -> #Hey, I think we got something... ::controls fail again:: Nope... ::sighs::

    Troy Parson -> ::running for the shuttle::

    Pher -> :: rolls eyes ::

    STSF_Nickles -> #Damn

    Troy Parson -> +Pher+ Sorry to take so long on this little errand...hope all is well up there on the bridge.

    STSF_Nickles -> # Still no power to my station

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> ::Looks over at Pher::

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> Of course all is well. Kindly let him know.

    Pher -> Mind if I answer that and get everyone standing down.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::quiet sigh:: It's nothing personal, Alex.

    rosetto -> #Mine is intermittent at best, Chris...

    Joe Manning -> #Sal, why don't you give Shane a hand in engineering?

    Byblos -> Okay....everythiig looks green Bolian style...Gular Consortium Vargros I owe you my life wherever you are my friend....everything they build is compatable..amazing.

    Shane -> #+Joe, Nickles, Sal+ You should have impulse, weapons systems and shields at 5%, everything else has to be controlled at the source...

    rosetto -> #::taps harder on console::

    Pher -> :: Nods :: Um. + Troy+ Captain Maxwell has decided to take direct control of Capricorn.

    Troy Parson -> ::ducks into the shuttle, barely squeezing in between the lightbulbs and Byblos:: You might have to give the doors a bit of a nudge with the shuttle's nose to get them started, but they will open.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::clearly angry:: Yeah, whatever. Not like I haven't had your back enough times. ::starts to walk off:: I should just leave you here on your own.

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> ::Shakes his head at Pher's answer::

    rosetto -> #Ah, here we go... Impulse control restore...

    Troy Parson -> +Pher+ Oh, wonderful. Do let him know, though, that I called dibs on that position when I got here.

    Troy Parson -> +Pher+ Also, I lied about going to get something...Troy out.

    Troy Parson -> ::to Byblos:: Go!

    Joe Manning -> #::Pats Sal on the shoulder:: We can give the commands from here when systems are back to normal. I want as many hands as possible working on this in engineering

    Ethan Neufeld -> Whoa, Alex, ::grabs her arm:: where're you going in a hurry?

    rosetto -> #Do you still want me to go help SHane? Or fly the ship?

    Byblos -> :;to Troy Parson :: Copy. ::sitting "indian style" where the seat was he gently engages the shuttle's thrusters. And Pher, Ethan and William?

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> ::Holds his hand out:: Alright, give me the communicator. And any weapons you're willing to hand over -before- a thorough search.

    Pher -> Captain Maxwell... Last I knew Joe was still accepting direction from you. I shall continue to do so.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> I'm gonna prove you're wrong.

    rosetto -> #Aye, sir..::gets up and leaves bridge::

    Troy Parson -> Guests of the new commander of this ship. Unwilling guests, by the sound of things.

    Byblos -> ::looks to Troy Parson:: Pher? Ethan? William? Where are they?....::turns forward as contact is made wwith the door::

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> Good. So accept those directions. And hand over the goods. I suggest you do the same ... -Captain-. ::Looks at Tomar::

    Ethan Neufeld -> You're not going to fight off the Verbistul one-handed, Alex.

    Joe Manning -> Maxwell> Lazarus, take the helm. Let Verbistul know we've got things under control

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> What makes you think I can't?

    rosetto -> #::walks down main corridor and enters ME::

    Shane -> #::heads back to ENG, tapping away at his ODRI:: Of all the jyking Qohs we had to have on this ship....

    STSF_Nickles -> # Joe This isnt looking good.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Just a hunch; I think we're outnumbered.

    Joe Manning -> #::Looks at Nickles:: We've gotten out of worse. Stay on the helm controls, Chris, and keep trying to fly us out.

    Pher -> :: Briefly considers starting a brawl, then hands over weapons. ::

    Byblos -> Oh those Pe `TaQ's I will kill them when ordered sir. By the way....the door....is it moving ? ::to Troy Parson::

    STSF_Nickles -> # Aye

    rosetto -> #::meets Shane in corridor::Hey, Joe sent me back here to lend a hand...

    STSF_Nickles -> # Ill do what I can you know that

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at the door:: Keep nudging it...if I calculated right, the doors should open before the shuttle breaks.

    Troy Parson -> ...Probably.

    Joe Manning -> #We're lucky the cloak doesn't rely on constant computer linkup. Must mean fate is on our side this time

    STSF_Nickles -> #:: takes over Helm controls::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Glances at Pher, then nods to his guards while holding his rifle out to Maxwell's men::

    STSF_Nickles -> #I hope so

    Byblos -> okay copy:: Follows Troy Parson's commands::

    Shane -> #::pushes past him lookin' down in at his ODRI:: Grab a kit on the shelf there!

    Byblos -> Course? ::to Troy Parson:::

    rosetto -> #::grabs tool kit and follows::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> You're not gonna just give up.

    Troy Parson -> ::thinks for a second:: Can you see Verbistul? If so, take us there.

    Pher -> You might want to give me back the communicator at some point. There are others aboard who haven't got the stand down idea yet.

    Joe Manning -> PAUSE SIM

  11. Joe Manning -> BEGIN SIM

    Pher -> :: With Byblos, in the corridor, just out of earshot of the group near the TR. ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::is insisting they move Grotte to the Verbistul via transporter::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> Markus, get 'em up on the transporter pad.

    Byblos -> Allright I will behave.....Give me the jyking rifle back Pher....what are your orders?

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Just now arriving at the transporter room from main engineering::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::further down the passageway, more or less providing security::

    Pher -> :: Hands the rifle back. :: Humm. Could you find Sal, figure out what he was up to, and support him if he feels he needs it?

    rosetto -> ::looks into the shuttle windows... lights are all out::

    William Chocox -> ::in engineering working on the sensors.

    Pher -> I'd best rejoin the TR crowd.

    Joe Manning -> Markus> Err ... ::Hesitantly moves over to Grotte, glancing at the doctors:: I know they said back in marine training not to move someone who's injured. You two better spot me here.

    Byblos -> ::looks to Pher's Audrey:: Can you give me an idea of his location pher?

    Troy Parson -> ::turns to Rosetto while leaning on the shuttle, glad that the atmosphere is coming back:: Looks like noone's home...

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Enters the transporter room and frowns at Grotte's unconscious form::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::sighs:: If he's okay to move, Markus.

    Pher -> :: Looks :: Ugh. Still a lot of static. Lots of jammers still active. If you and Sal haven't got anything more urgent to do, you might clear the jammers.

    rosetto -> ::sighs::Where would they be?

    Pher -> Meanwhile, you might try comm.

    Joe Manning -> Markus> ::Shrugs at Alex:: I'm not the doctor. ::Kneels beside the Grotte to help the doctors move him::

    Byblos -> Oh....duh ...hahah...Qob com.....

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::quiet; eyes out::

    Pher -> :: smiles ::

    Troy Parson -> ::shrugs:: One way to find out.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::To know one in particular:: I remember seeing this man when the team came off the first shuttle. What motive might he have had for doing this?

    Troy Parson -> +Pher+ Pher, this is Troy, over.

    rosetto -> ::pulls out his PADD and bangs on its side. it screams at him::

    Byblos -> +Sal+ Byblos..your position please. the ship is secure..the..offending human is....in custody.

    Pher -> +Troy+ Pher here. I think we have the last rogue secured.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::eyes Tomar:: If he tells me, I'll think about telling you.

    Troy Parson -> +Pher+ Oh, that's wonderful news. By the way, a quick question...

    Pher -> :: listens ::

    Pher -> :: Starts walking towards the TR ::

    Byblos -> Uh Pher just ask if Sal is there...if you a ..wouldnt mind.

    Troy Parson -> +Pher+ Where is everyone? Mr. Rosetto and I are at the shuttle...

    rosetto -> +Byblos+We're in the shuttlebay... Where are you guys? I thought you'd be here... The shuttle has AIR!

    Troy Parson -> +Pher+ And, to be honest, the Capricorn shuttlebay is a little creepy when it's this deserted.

    Pher -> :: to Byblos :: Sal is with Troy at the shuttle.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Fixes Alex with a stern glare:: I would hope the irony of this is not lost on you. Though one of my crew acted irrationally and will be treated appropriately, it was one of yours who was responsible for all the deaths among my crew.

    Byblos -> +Sal+ I need fresh air. I am on my way to your location per Pher's orders..just in case.

    rosetto -> +Byblos+Bring the KEYS!

    Joe Manning -> ( The air should be starting to get more breathable )

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> Don't think I don't see that, p'tak.

    Pher -> +Troy+ Most everyone is near the transporter room. Grotte, the main trouble maker, tried to make a beam for it. He's down, and everybody is doing the what's next talk thing.

    Joe Manning -> ( As Shane pointed out last week, he was about finished fixing up the environmentals )

    William Chocox -> ::starts working on the atmospheric controls to make the air breathable again::

    Joe Manning -> Markus> ::Helps the doctors carefully slide Grotte onto a transporter pad::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::grumbles and steps up behind transporter console:: (m) Pick up the pace...

    Byblos -> ::nods to Pher and departs for stuttlebay:: Thanks Pher....::exits the scene::

    Pher -> +Troy+ Shane is in engineering. Chris is near the transporter room. I'm sending Byblos to support you guys.

    Pher -> :: Gives Byblos a thumbs up. ::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Blinks and shakes his head. Looks around for Qob crew, notices that Pher is busily talking and Byblos is exiting::

    rosetto -> ::looks around the shuttle bay for anything of interest::

    Byblos -> (N I CK LES)

    Troy Parson -> +Pher+ Ah, roger that. By the way, just out of curiousity...who was this 'troublemaker' you just caught?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::thinks about suggesting they get the entry codes from Alex for the shuttle and then thinks better of it::

    STSF_Nickles -> (( Hi all traffic back up sorry))

    William Chocox -> ((Hey Nickles.))

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Sees Nickles up against one wall:: Where, precisely, is he to be taken? ::Nods his head toward Grotte and the Verbistul crew::

    Pher -> :: approaching Raj slowly, but she wants to finish her talk with Troy first ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> (Hey, Chris.)

    Byblos -> ::decides to run again...why he doesn't know..he's been running for over two years..it must be natural::

    rosetto -> ::looks in some random cabinets::

    William Chocox -> ::finishes up with the atmospheric controls and goes back to the sensors::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((::is the shrunken head in a random cabinet: :))

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Verbistul is nearly within transporter range, as it rounds Zoalus from the far side

    Pher -> +Troy+ The troublemaker was called Grotte. He was with the Verbistul crew, but I heard one rumor he might have connections with the Lucky Hand.

    Byblos -> ::Nearly knocks over some dazed innocent Capricorn crew:: Uh sorry....bill me later.

    Pher -> +Troy+ Joe may know more, but doesn't want to talk about it on open air.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> +Verbistul+ Verbistul, this is Alex. Two beaming over; Grotte and Markus.

    Troy Parson -> +Pher+ Hm, I see. Did the Captain say anything about what he wants done with him?

    rosetto -> Hey Troy? You need some extra phase comparitors?

    Joe Manning -> Markus> ::Stands on a free pad::

    Pher -> +Troy+ But he appraently was the one behind getting the two chief engineers suspicious of one another.

    Troy Parson -> ::turns to Rosetto:: Phase comparitors? I'll take as many as you can get, plus five more.

    Joe Manning -> #Maxwell> +Alex+ This is Verbistul, we will be within range in 30 seconds.

    STSF_Nickles -> :: steps towards Tomar::

    Byblos -> ::in an amazing time for a run by Nausicaan standards..Byblos arrives at the shuttlebay, his stench no doubt preceeds him::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> +Maxwell+ Roger. (w) Might want to pick it up before these qo's change their mind about letting 'em go.

    rosetto -> ::chuckles::I was just kidding, but if you're serious... ::smiles::

    Pher -> +Troy+ Grotte also scattered some sensor jammers around the area. It a medium low priority, these ought to be shut down.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::sharply:: Markus; you question 'em good. Real good. I want to know what color was when he was born.

    Troy Parson -> +Pher+ Sensor jammers...I see.

    Ethan Neufeld -> he was^

    Joe Manning -> Markus> ::Nods:: Don't worry. He may be one of ours, but me and the boys'll grill 'im good when the docs are done with him.

    Pher -> +Troy+ I think he was just trying to cover his escape from the shuttle.

    rosetto -> ::grabs a handful of comparitors and closes cabinet... opens next one::

    Byblos -> ::To Troy Parson and rosetto :: Hi guys ...errr...::looks to Troy :: Uh sir. reporting as ordered. I am at your...:: looks at Sal Rosetto then back to Troy Rosetto :: disposal ?

    Troy Parson -> +Pher+ Well, do be careful what you do with him...I'm not convinced we can rule out his having accomplices just yet.

    Joe Manning -> #Maxwell> +Alex+ We are within range, Verbistul. ::Joe's voice can be heard in the background, arguing:: You may proceed.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::looks to Pher and then back to Tomar::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> +Maxwell+ Roger. Engergizing. ::works the TR console::

    William Chocox -> +Pher+ Hey Pher? Anything you need me to do, or should I stay here in engineering?

    Pher -> +Pher+ Agreed. We're talking about who gets to chat with him now. If we're done, I'd like to deal with that.

    Troy Parson -> ::turns to Byblos:: Ah, hello there.

    rosetto -> ::To Byblos::So, what's the plan? WHen are we getting back to QoB?

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Looks between the transporter station and the pads and sighs::

    STSF_Nickles -> Something wrong Tomar?

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::watches Grotte and Markus demateralize::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Glances at Pher:: It would seem that the decision has gone beyond talking about it.

    Ethan Neufeld -> dematerialize^

    Pher -> +Chocox+ There are a number of communicators reprogrammed as jammers scattered about between shuttle bay and the transporter room. You might join the Troy / Byblos / Sal team and help clear them, or whatever else they think needs doing. Security emergency seems over for the moment.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::glances up at Raj, looking a bit smug::

    Pher -> :: Shrugs an appology to Chris and Tomar ::

    Byblos -> To Rosetto as he visually scans the bay ..security wise :: Dunno actually I think You commanding types need to have a conference or something...before we depart this ship. Just my thoughts

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Looks at Nickles:: A great number of things are wrong. I learned not more than five minutes ago that all of my people on the Bridge were wiped out. Their oxygen was depleted faster than ours.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::moves away from the TR console::

    Pher -> :: blinks with concern at what Tomar says ::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> Between that and the losses in engineering, I have barely enough people to operate the ship.

    rosetto -> ::points to self and laughs::command type? me? Ha!

    Byblos -> ::looks at rosetto:: Hey whatcha got there? ::the Nausicaan is curious::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::unsympathetic:: Spilled milk.

    rosetto -> ::pulls out some items from cabinet::I don't know? What do you think they are?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::still quietly standing a short distance away::

    Byblos -> ::looks back to Troy :: Troy Parson yeah I think you need to all talk and decide if this ship is secure.

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at Byblos:: To be honest, I'm strating to think this ship will never be "secure."

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ Pher, the dog could use a shave over here. How confident are you that the Capricorn won't do something to screw us all right now.

    Troy Parson -> It does have some lovely radiance-panel lighting, though...

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::tomar:: You ain't gonna get out of this if you give up cause you don't have enough peple.

    William Chocox -> +Pher+ Very well. +Troy+ Hey Troy? Need any engineering help?

    Ethan Neufeld -> people^

    Pher -> +Troy+ Capricorn lost a bunch of engineers and bridge crew. Very short handed.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Frowns at Alex:: I suggested no such things, believe me.

    Byblos -> ::looks back to Sal:: Hey are you like....acquiring items for the "mission"?

    rosetto -> ::smiles at Troy's comment::

    Troy Parson -> ::looks up at the top of Byblos's head to gauge his height:: Do you think you might be able to erm...grab me one of those lights up there? ::points::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::scoffs and moves off::

    rosetto -> You might say that... ::chuckles::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: stands there listening to Pher and Tomar::

    Byblos -> ::blinks:: Troy Parson you need a light? ::looks up in the shuttle bay::

    Troy Parson -> +William Chocox+ Troy here...I don't, but the Capricorn probably does...mind checking their main engineering for me?

    rosetto -> ::opens next cabinet::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::turns around:: So what're we standing around for? Waiting for the next p'tak to jump outta the walls and bite us in the jyking butts?

    Pher -> +Joe+ Medium confident, but not totally. I don't know that any ship in this party has entirely responsible crews following chain of command clearly. Right now, though, they are really low on bridge crew and engineers, and I have a reasonable trust of Captain Raj.

    Troy Parson -> ::sighs at all the comm messages:: +Pher+ Roger. I'm sending Chocox to their MENG to help out...how many did they lose on the bridge?

    William Chocox -> +Troy+ I'm already there. ::continues on his work with the sensors.

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ Prepare some of the crew for transport. I'm going to risk dropping the shields. I'll need engineers and a bridge crew.

    Troy Parson -> ::turns to Byblos:: Yes, a light. Or two. Or three, if you think they wouldn't mind a darkish shuttlepay. They probably won't...darkness suits their situation, after all. If they ask, just call it power efficiency improvements.

    Pher -> +Troy+ The entire standing watch during the life support emergency. Haven't got numbers, but Taj says they can barely operate the ship.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Looks at Alex:: Do you have reason to believe that saboteurs remain on board the ship?

    Byblos -> Yeah...I can....::hey Rosetto...if you find a tricorder..I could use one for a "scientific survey" of Capricorn for the mission.

    Troy Parson -> +Chocox+ Roger. Let me know if any of the locals show up...

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at Rosetto for a second:: +Pher+ Does he need someone to fly the ship?

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::stares at Tomar:: Ya know what assuming makes you, right?

    Pher -> +Joe+ Our people to the Qob, then? We're pretty desperate for tech people over here too.

    rosetto -> ::picks up some items:: Like THIS one?

    Pher -> :: steps closer to Taj and Chris so they can hear clearly ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> As that guy ::thumbs behind her at Ethan:: beat into my brain once: always check.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> Assuming there are saboteurs without evidence makes me paranoid. Believe me, however, that I have people on watch.

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ Split it how you can, but the dog's getting really shaggy.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::clearly amused:: Paranoid. Hah. No. Just smart.

    rosetto -> ::attemps to turn it on... its DEAD::Well, maybe not... ::smiles::

    Pher -> I dont like paranoia either, but recent evidence doesn't leave me feeling extra trusting, Captain.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> Dog? What's this about a dog?

    STSF_Nickles -> figure of speach Alex.

    rosetto -> ::tosses it back into cabinet::

    Byblos -> Yes. Thank you Rosetto. I can conduct excellent scientific research with...awhhhh.....Okay Troy I'll get up the deck ladder and work on your lights.

    STSF_Nickles -> **SPEECH

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((::magic erases out 'this': :))

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::shrugs:: Whatever.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Nods at Pher:: We have Ford in lockup. None of his accomplices in engineering remain alive, though I could not say for sure who throughout the ship is loyal to him. Word of his capture has gone out, however, and we are keeping a watch.

    Pher -> Chris? Joe wants at least a few bridge crew and engineers back on the Qob. I'd nominate you, Shane and Sal?

    Byblos -> ::Byblos nods to Troy Parsons then chuckles at what Sal Rosetto is doing and gets going for Troy::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::nods:: That will work fine,

    Pher -> OK. You know your people better than I.

    Pher -> Could you make it happen, luv?

    STSF_Nickles -> sure Doll.

    rosetto -> Troy? Did I hear Joe on that box of yours?

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::mouth half hangs open at the exchange between Pher and Chris; then she snickers::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Furrows his brow at Pher:: Are you expecting trouble on your ship?

    Byblos -> ::holsters Phaser rifle over shoulder and climbs ::

    Troy Parson -> ::turns to Rosetto:: I try not to listen in on other peoples' conversations.

    Pher -> :: bats eyes at Alex ::

    STSF_Nickles -> +Sal Shane+ Nickles to Sal and Shane Be ready to transfer to the QoB...

    Shane -> ((Sorry I'm late, work ran over))

    Troy Parson -> By the way, you haven't seen any diffracting tachyonizers around, have you?

    Byblos -> ( welcome Shane )

    William Chocox -> ((Hey Shane))

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::makes 'kissy' faces at Pher::

    rosetto -> +Nickles+Okay! More than ready here!

    rosetto -> It looks like I've got a ticket home, Troy...

    Ethan Neufeld -> (Hey, Shane)

    STSF_Nickles -> +Rosetto, Shane+ Report to the transporter room.

    Troy Parson -> ::turns to Rosetto:: Lucky you.

    Troy Parson -> I'll keep an eye out for that arm for you...will call if I find it.

    Byblos -> ::mutters as he climbs up to level two in the bay:: hehe...if Rosetto is looting..hehe...I suppose I can get something off this wreck.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::definitely doesn't have any thing to add to the conversation now::

    rosetto -> +Nickles+err, Transporter Room? WHere's that?

    Pher -> Taj? We've got several tech crew still staying. We've several down in Engineering. What else do you need?

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::sighs again; getting irritated with standing around::

    Shane -> ::sighs, closing his console in MENG:: Never a moments rest. +Nickles+Aye, movin' down.

    Troy Parson -> ::looks up the shuttlebay wall to see what progress Byblos is making:: ::to himself:: Hm...I guess that guy isn't quite as tall as I thought...

    Pher -> :: notices Ethan... and makes a note to speak with him next. ::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Sighs:: Everyone who was on the Bridge is gone. We do have an off-duty pilot, and there are others who can stand in and do a substandard, though passable job at other Bridge roles. But if you have anyone more capable, it would be a great help.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::remains eyes out, though he's been listening::

    STSF_Nickles -> +Rosetto+ transporter padd ... near the cargo bays.

    Shane -> ::exits the TL onto the TR deck, makes his way stomping down the corridor::

    Troy Parson -> ::suddenly not particularly keen on being somewhere where he might have a Nausicaan fall on him:: +Pher+ Pher, Troy here...Captain Raj doesn't happen to need a scientist, does he?

    Pher -> I might count as another substandard though passible bridge crew. I've learned to handle Klingon boards, but I've never done fed.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::makes his way to the transporter padd::

    Byblos -> ::Byblos looks at a catwalk above the deck and within reach of the lights yelling down to Troy Parson:: OKAY SIR...I'M GOING TO GRAB SOME LIGHT EMITTERS FOR YOU!

    Pher -> Ethan? You up to bridge duty?

    Troy Parson -> ::shouts up to Byblos nervously:: Ermm...thanks!

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::glances at Pher; then Tomar:: What positions are you looking to fill, Captain?

    rosetto -> +Nickles+Ah! Where I came in! Silly me! See you in a bit... I'm in the shuttle bay..

    Pher -> +Troy+ He needs bridge and engineers more. Can you fake those?

    William Chocox -> ::starting to get frustrated with the sensors bangs his tool against the panel::

    rosetto -> ::exits shuttle bay and begins walking toward MENG::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Glances between Pher and Ethan:: The usual. Someone to man our tactical station. Our science station. Our engineering station.

    Byblos -> Uh gosh...this is tougher than it looked....::stretches and pops a panel open::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::growls lowly and becoming restless::

    Troy Parson -> +Pher+ I can fake almost anything, so long as fake is all right. Tell him I'll meet him on his bridge?

    Pher -> +Troy+ Could you report to the bridge science station? That's one need.

    Shane -> +Will+ I'm heading back to the Qob, keep this ship from fallin' apart, will ya?

    STSF_Nickles -> ;: enters the cargobay and nears the transporter padds:::

    Troy Parson -> +Pher+ Oh hey, that one I can actually do. I'm on my way.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::looks at Pher:: I'm guessing you'd like Tactical.

    rosetto -> ::thinks to himself,'Why would the designer of this vessel put the cargo bays opposite the shuttle bay'::

    Troy Parson -> ::calls up to Byblos:: I'm just going to step out for a second...thanks for getting those lights!

    Pher -> I have been handling Qob's weapon stations. I can try that. Ethan, you willing to try helm?

    Byblos -> ::to Troy Parson:: OKAY GOT ONE...WHERE DO YOU WANT EM?

    Ethan Neufeld -> Yes.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> I do have a quite capable pilot available to me, though I suppose he could assist with the engines.

    Shane -> ::turns a corner, meeting up with Rosetto:: You look lost.

    William Chocox -> +Shane+ I'll try. I make no promises though. I honestly believe that the Qob might be in better shape than this.

    Pher -> Alex? What am I missing security wise? Do you have any problems with these arrangements?

    Troy Parson -> ::to Byblos:: Put 'em near the shuttle; we'll pick them up later...

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::nods at Tomar:: Roger.

    STSF_Nickles -> +Joe+ Nickles to Joe, Myself, Sal and Shane are on the way back to the QoB Be ready for transport

    Byblos -> COPY SIR...

    rosetto -> Hey! Big Guy! How'd you guess? ::chuckles::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> Peh. Whatever, but I ain't taking orders from you.

    Troy Parson -> ::shouting to Byblos:: Be right back!

    Joe Manning -> +Nickles+ Notify me the moment you're ready.

    Troy Parson -> ::leaves the shuttlebay::

    Shane -> +Will+ Thats sayin' something. The ducktape's in supply bin A3.

    STSF_Nickles -> +Joe+ aye

    Troy Parson -> ::heading for the bridge::

    Pher -> :: to Taj :: I am concerned about chain of command. If you could get the captains on the same page, it would make me feel better.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Nods to Pher:: I will assess the situation on the Bridge then. See you shortly. ::Exits the transporter room::

    rosetto -> Duct tape? Pulling out the high-tech stuff, eh?

    Byblos -> ::mutters:: Well at least I cannot possibly harm any one from up here...and Markus is not around....

    Shane -> ::arm hissing and whirring as he stomps:: You keep lookin' for signs. ::enters the TR::

    William Chocox -> ::looks around:: +Shane+ Found it!

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Stops and looks back at Pher:: You mean the Captain of the Verbistul?

    rosetto -> ::follows Shane::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> My understanding from Captain Manning was that he was not being cooperative. I could certainly make contact and try.

    STSF_Nickles -> :: waiting for the other 2::

    Pher -> Yep. And perhaps the Lucky Hand as well.

    rosetto -> ::mumbles to self, 'smart p'tak'::

    William Chocox -> ::walks over to A3 and grabs the duct tape:: ::starts heading back to the sensor panel::

    Pher -> This last scramble... no body was trusting anybody.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Nods::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::catches sight of Sal; makes a mental note for later::

    Shane -> ::moves over to the control panel and beg8ins entering commands with his real hand:: Its what's keepin' your pilots chair together at the moment.

    Byblos -> ::Stetches....stretches for the next light emitter.......::

    rosetto -> ::sees Chris::We're here!

    STSF_Nickles -> Good get up on the padds Joes waiting on us.

    Pher -> :: Glances again at Alex and Shane, but will move with Taj as he heads to the bridge. ::

    William Chocox -> ::makes it back to the panel and slaps a metric crap-tonne of duct tape on it::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Moves out of the transporter room with the others::

    rosetto -> ::walks over to one pad looking over his prizes::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::begins to move to follow to the bridge::

    Pher -> :: moves with Raj ::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::waits for the other to step up then contacts Joe::: +Joe+ We are ready for transport Capt.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::grabs Ethan's arm and stops him:: (w) Talk. Later.

    Troy Parson -> ::makes it to the Capricorn TL and steps in:: Bridge!

    Shane -> ::hits the transport command and hurries over to his pad::

    Pher -> +Byblos+ I'll be on the bridge.

    Byblos -> ::pops a panel and a Vole pops out:: What the? Heh! ..::splat::

    Joe Manning -> +Nickles+ Dropping shields. And ... you are go.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::nods and moves on::

    Shane -> ::shimmers::

    rosetto -> ::fizzle-fizzle pop-pop::

    Pher -> :: To Ethan :: I'm not sure who looks more frustrated, you or Alex.

    William Chocox -> ::after admiring his work moves on to the warp core to run a diagnostic::

    Joe Manning -> ( Qob crew, kindly grab @'s )

    Pher -> (( Meaning those actually aboard Qob, I assume? ))

    Joe Manning -> ( Yep )

    Shane -> @::shimmers into the Qob's top neck corridor::

    rosetto -> @::fizzle-fizzle::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::glances at Pher; minimally:: I'm not frustrated.

    STSF_Nickles -> @ ::shimmers back on the QoB:: Good to be home

    Pher -> Is there a better word?

    Joe Manning -> @::Sitting in the command chair on the bridge, surrounded by Verbistul crew who are temporarily manning the bridge stations::

    rosetto -> You can say that again...

    Shane -> @::starts off to the bridge:: Except for the smell.

    rosetto -> (oops! @^)

    William Chocox -> ::starts the diagnostic::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::speaking calmly and evenly; considers:: Vigilant?

    Pher -> That's a good word.

    Shane -> @::enters through the double doors and starts at the Verbistul staff everywhere::

    Joe Manning -> @::Glances over his shoulder::

    rosetto -> @::follows Shane::GUess it's time to get to work...

    STSF_Nickles -> @ EVen the smeel is delightfull this time. ::moves towards the bridge::

    Byblos -> ::continues grabbing lights..encountering a few more dead voles...but mostly lights:: Byblos the Exterminator...ehehe...::chuckles to himself as he accumulates lights for Troy Parson::

    Joe Manning -> @Red-Eyed Engineer Lazarus> ::Looks at the Qob crew from the sensor station::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::leaves it at that, clearly not interested in speaking for Alex::

    Pher -> Thanks for quietly doing what you could through the last mess. Sorry I couldn't use you better.

    rosetto -> @CHris, who the heck are all of these people?

    Joe Manning -> @::Looks back at the image of the Capricorn and the Lucky Hand beyond it on the viewscreen::

    STSF_Nickles -> Not 100% sure but Im going to find out,

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::unrevealing:: You did what you had to do; can't ask for more.

    Joe Manning -> @Just a few hands that Captain Maxwell lent us while you were playing around on Capricorn.

    Troy Parson -> ::whistles a slightly depressing tune while the turbolift goes::

    Joe Manning -> @We've got a serious problem.

    Shane -> @::stomps up next to Joe in his chair, snorts at "playing"::

    rosetto -> @::enters bridge and takes station::

    Shane -> ::staring at the screen with the two ships::

    STSF_Nickles -> Playing around?? Joe Trust me we WERE NOT playing around ::as he enters the bridge::

    Shane -> @*

    STSF_Nickles -> @

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Arrives with the others on the bridge, where two medics are looking over the bodies of bridge crew that have been dragged over to one side::

    Joe Manning -> @Verbistul Crewman> ::Gets up to free the seat for Sal::

    Pher -> :: not pleased at the bodies ::

    rosetto -> @::nods at crewman::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::sees medics and approaches from TL:: Need any help?

    Troy Parson -> ::arrives on the bridge shortly after Raj, poking one of the bodies with the tip of a toe before stepping over:: Agh...what a mess.

    Byblos -> ::looks at the empty bay from the floor level with several lights and dead voles on the shuttle deck:: Decent infestation..guess you critters got caught in the cross fire. ::A Nausicaan is talking to a half dozen dead voles...good thing noone is around at the moment::

    Joe Manning -> @::Looks up at Nickles:: There was a transmission between Capricorn and Lucky Hand ... presumably from the saboteur you just caught. Now Lucky Hand is not answering our hails.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Frowns at Troy:: Indeed ...

    rosetto -> @::reconfigures his station to suit his preference and then sighs::

    William Chocox -> ((DUN DUN DUN!))

    Shane -> @Jykin' qohs...Think they're plannin' somethin'?

    Joe Manning -> @Lazarus> The other mercenary ship has just powered weapons.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::working on clearing lower decks with Kelin::

    Shane -> ::glances down at Joe and Chris::

    Joe Manning -> @::Looks toward the red-eyed engineer::

    Joe Manning -> @Chris, would you mind taking over at the combat station?

    STSF_Nickles -> DAMN.... We grab the wrong one??

    Shane -> @::turns back to the bridge exit:: I'll be in ENG.

    rosetto -> @::looks to Joe...:: Shields, sir?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((::magic edits to 'Need a hand?': :))

    Joe Manning -> @::Looks at Sal:: Raised right after you got on board. ::Looks at Chris:: Power up weapons. ::Looks at Lazarus:: Keep hailing.

    Pher -> :: Settles in at the tactics station... tries to figure out if there is a beginner's mode. ::

    Byblos -> ::Starts to climb ladder and aquire more lights for Troy Parson ..wondering what in Klingon heck he is going to do with them ::

    Joe Manning -> @::Nods at Shane::

    Joe Manning -> @Lazarus> ::Dryly:: Of course ... ::Taps the station::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ ::moves to Combat:

    rosetto -> @::checks his status board:: SOrry, sir... Everything's a mess here... I'll get it ship-shape straight away...

    Shane -> @::moves down the neck Corridor, then stomps up the stairs:: Gonna miss those TL....

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::crosses by TAC; glances at Pher and then points at console:: Phasers; Torps; Targetting; Manual Override.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Looks around at the Qob crew:: Ah ... how well do you folks know your way around this type of Bridge setup?

    Pher -> :: Nods ::

    Joe Manning -> @Lazarus> ::Raises his eyebrow:: Still no answer.

    Troy Parson -> ::notes the position of the science station before finding a nice railing near the captain's chair to lean on:: I've never used this equipment before, but they say science is a universal language...

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::walks on from TAC toward ENG as Medics indicated they didn't need a hand::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Capricorn's sensors show Lucky Hand and Qob both have shields raised and weapons powered. Lucky Hand's weapons have locked on to Qob

    Shane -> ::enters the sliding doors to see two Verbistul engineers:: Alright you qohs, there better be nothin' wrong with my engines...

    rosetto -> @Weapons Lock, Sir!

    Pher -> OK. :: Fiddles with the sensor / targeting for a while, making sure she has clear icons on the other three ships so she can instantly identify them on the display. ::

    Byblos -> ::looks around and takes the N S gangplank....reaches for some more emitters..more dead voles drop...small ones...more lights aquired::

    Joe Manning -> @::Scowls:: Give me a channel to Capricorn

    Pher -> Captain? Lucky Hand and Qob are shields up weapons up, staring at each other hard. We might want to shield too.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::Tomar:: I know a bit about this setup.

    Joe Manning -> @Engineers> ::Scurry away from their stations to let Shane work::

    rosetto -> @::taps at his console::Channel three, Joe...

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> By my last systems checkup, before Ford proceeded to go off the handle, our shields were only at 20% capacity.

    Troy Parson -> ::looking at the ships facing off on the Capricorn's main screen.:: Well, looks like everyone is getting along just wonderfully...

    Pher -> Noted.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> Raise what we have in any event and inform engineering that equipment failures are far more likely with shields raised.

    Shane -> ::moves over the the main console by the Warp Core, yells over his shoulder:: Dirtbag 1, get a kit ready for repairs. Dirtbag 2, get to aux station and monitor life support and SI.

    Pher -> :: Starts checking weapons status. ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::looking over ENG console, identifying power allocations::

    Joe Manning -> @+Capricorn+ This is Manning to Capricorn. We have a situation developing here as you may have noticed. What is the status of your defense systems?

    Pher -> :: raises shields ::

    Byblos -> ::wonders if he'll find a body in a light bay...::

    STSF_Nickles -> ((phone call BRB))

    William Chocox -> ::gets the diagnostic:: This ship really is in bad shape.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Looks over at Pher:: You should have the latest status on those systems, if you wouldn't mind relaying?

    rosetto -> @::continues to straighten his station::

    Troy Parson -> ::to Raj, quietly:: I hate to say this, but QoB hasn't exactly been in the best shape lately...

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::unaware of what's going on 'outside', and will probably be upset to be the last to find out::

    Joe Manning -> @::Looks at Sal:: If they're not going to lock on Capricorn, we won't. Redirect weapons lock to Lucky Hand, but do not fire.

    Pher -> +Engineering+ We have a tense possible space battle situation developing. If you could switch priorities to rebooting shields, this might be nice.

    rosetto -> @Aye, Sir...

    Shane -> ::starts switching the Qob to 'combat mode', strengthening shield reserves and weapons systems:: +Bridge+ Cap'n, I'm ready here as I'll ever be.

    Shane -> @*

    Joe Manning -> @::Stares at the Lucky Hand on the viewscreen::

    rosetto -> @::taps away and redirects weapons::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::notes the Capricorn doesn't have much power to shuffle around::

    Byblos -> ::mutters:: I'm A Nausicaan and I'm Okay I work all night and I kill all day....

    Pher -> Shields are at 24%. Phasers are operational, though I wouldn't count on rapid recharge. Torpedo systems seem to be on safe.

    rosetto -> @Coming about, sir... 132 mark 07...

    Joe Manning -> @+Tomar, Pher+ We have a two on one advantage. That'll count for a lot if we can pull off proper maneuvering.

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: Sitting at the combat station:: Ready here.

    Joe Manning -> @+Tomar, Pher+ Stand by for flanking maneuver, but do not fire until they open fire. I'd like to know what the hell they're at.

    Joe Manning -> @+Sal+ Whip us around the Lucky Hand, Sal. Let's see how they react.

    William Chocox -> +Pher+ Very well. ::Other engineers:: HEY! LET'S GET THIS SHIP READY TO TAKE A HIT! ::starts working on getting shields more power::

    rosetto -> @No problem, sir::Whips QoB around skillfully::

    Pher -> :: Glances briefly at Taj, but doesn't say much. Starts targeting the Hand, but does not go active with targeting sensors yet. Figures she doesn't really need to at this range. ::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Moves over to a free comm station:: +Alex, William+ Verbistul team and engineering ... there is a standoff insuing with the Lucky Hand. If they have any saboteurs on board, vital systems may be targetted soon.

    Byblos -> ::climbs down ladder and looks at shuttle bay deck:: Okay..shuttles, yeah...lights for Troy Parson yeah evidence of a past vole infestation yeah wonder how they got aboard. ::looks back at the shuttle and chooses to investigate it::

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: Lucky Hand follows Qob's progress, keeping weapons pointed at her

    rosetto -> @At 228 mark 83..

    Shane -> @::filters the bridge chatter through to the ENG speaker system, looks back to his frightened engineers:: Keep your drawers dry and do what I say! We ain't gonna die. ::turns back to his console, noticing a couple of glitches:: Jykin' computer core...

    William Chocox -> Other engineers> ::they hear the command and start working on the Torpedoes and Phasers::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: As the Lucky Hand picks up on Capricorn's weapon targetting, she withdraws from the flanking ships and begins opening fire on Qob

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> +Tomar+ Told you.

    William Chocox -> +Tomar+ Roger that. ::sets up alert for vital systems.

    rosetto -> @She's following us, sir...

    Pher -> Active fire! Hand on Qob!

    Byblos -> ::Byblos climbs into shuttle....phaser rifle at the ready...noting it's age.:: What a piece of jyking crap...but. Crap can have rewards...

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::organizes Kelin and whomever else is at her disposal into battlestations::

    Troy Parson -> ::to Tomar:: Here we go...

    Joe Manning -> @::Frown deepens as Lucky Hand opens fire::

    Pher -> :: Fully activates targeting sensors ::

    rosetto -> @Dang! She's firing on us!

    Joe Manning -> @::Looks at Nickles:: Return fire.

    Joe Manning -> @Evasive maneuvers.

    rosetto -> @::performs evasive maneuvers per SOP::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ Aye returning fire...

    STSF_Nickles -> @::fires::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Looks at Ethan and Pher:: Let us continue attempting Captain Manning's flanking efforts. Open with what batteries we can.

    rosetto -> @::spins Qob violently::

    Byblos -> ::looks around panels and notes the UFP symbolage:: United Federation of Pe `TaQs

    Pher -> :: opens fire ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::allocates what power he can to support the flanking efforts and Pher's actions::

    Pher -> :: Is pleased that Federation phaser system can fire in many directions, that one doesn't have to point one's bow at the enemy ::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: As Capricorn's weapons fire, several power nodes overload, disrupting power throughout the ship and knocking out both shields and weapons

    Shane -> @::grabs his console as the intertial dampeners try to keep up, hearing the ship groan::

    Pher -> Lost power to weapons. We're vulnerable!

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The lights go out on Capricorn's Bridge and alarms begin whining

    Ethan Neufeld -> Shields are also down.

    Joe Manning -> @::Narrows eyes at the Lucky Hand::

    Byblos -> ::notes shuddering then lights flickering outside the from the shuttle's cockpit windows:: What the ..

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Blinks and looks between Pher and Ethan:: Retreat beyond weapons range! What happened?!

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::pulls out the small flashlight on his person and turns it on::

    rosetto -> @::pulls QoB up behind Lucky Hand::

    William Chocox -> ::alarm goes off:: ::other engineers:: Let's get everything back! +Pher+ Whatever you did, can we not do that again?

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at Raj:: Multiple simultaneous system failure, by the looks of things.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Your EPS relays couldn't handle the load.

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: watching the screen::

    Joe Manning -> @Lazarus> ::Tapping away at the sensor station:: Capricorn is retreating from the field. Their shields and weapons are down.

    Pher -> Lots of people have been playing with this ship's systems. Not sure who mucked up what.

    William Chocox -> ::continues working on the shields::

    Troy Parson -> ::looks over at the science station, which is blank:: You're probably going to need a new science console, by the way.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Sighs deeply and looks at Pher:: Please have your engineer look into it.

    Byblos -> +Troy Parson+ Do I need to run for a lifeboat sir..I don't know what's going on but it cannot be good. Oh and tell the Captain he had a vole infestation in his shuttlebay. I think the toxic gas got them.

    Joe Manning -> PAUSE SIM

  12. Joe Manning -> BEGIN SIM

    STSF_Nickles -> Dropping me for him Doll?

    rosetto -> ::looks around to see just what's going on now::

    Pher -> Think I'm needed in shuttle bay. Looking for action, Chris?

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Stepping around (rather than over bodies), still clutching his rifle, as he maneuvers his way through engineering::

    Byblos -> ::over Ford's body:: I do not understand...all he has is COMM unit...and the COMM does not work on this ship!

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::making way to shuttlebay; smooth, steady::

    Troy Parson -> ::searches Ford's body::

    STSF_Nickles -> Over here ::moves towards PHer what is it

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::following Neufeld, glances back to Markus at six::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Looks at Byblos:: Which may explain why we were not able to contact him after environments were shut down.

    Byblos -> ::looks to Troy:: to few of us to guard him...options?

    Joe Manning -> Markus> ::Bringing up the rear, alert for and quite ready to deal with even the slightest sign of trouble from Capricorn's crew::

    Byblos -> So someone else tried to kill me...not this guy?

    Pher -> Byblos? Tech puzzles can be worked out later. Might have someone to shoot in shuttle bay.

    Troy Parson -> ::looks over at Byblos:: So it would appear.

    Joe Manning -> Ford> ::Aside from the biosuit, the communicator is indeed all he has on him::

    Pher -> :: Moving with Ethan's party with a follow me to Byblos ::

    Byblos -> Troy...Pher needs me..been under your command this mission...but she's Security Chief..

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Moves to a bank of terminals near Shane::

    Troy Parson -> ::nods to Byblos:: Go.

    Pher -> :: Starts scanning ahead with Audrey, thinking the headache move would be for whomever is in the shuttle to abandon it and get lost. ::

    Byblos -> Good Luck Troy Parson...

    Byblos -> ::runs and catches up to Pher ::

    rosetto -> Troy, what do you need me to do?

    rosetto -> ::feels pretty useless::

    Pher -> :: Likely not caught up with Markus yet, between working Audrey and talking with those behind. ::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Looks at Shane:: The sooner you can undo whatever is hampering ship communications, the sooner I can calm anyone else on the crew who has been joining in this madness.

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at Rosetto and sighs:: Well, the negociation plan is out, the security types are off to kill stuff, the engineers are fighting over the computers...

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((TL up?))

    Byblos -> ::still has his Phaser Rifle ..set at stun..catches up with Pher ::

    Joe Manning -> (( You'll have to notify Shane that you need it ))

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Roger.))

    STSF_Nickles -> ::moving along with Pher :: Speak up doll seeing anything?

    Troy Parson -> ::half-grin to Rosetto:: Ever wonder what we scientists are doing getting into these kinds of situations?

    Joe Manning -> (( Or take another route if you feel you can't afford to wait ))

    rosetto -> Yeah, and I'd just like some time to pore of this data...

    Pher -> Not yet. Range is a bit long yet. Worried that whomever is there will run, either into space or getting lost in the ship.

    Ethan Neufeld -> +Shane+ ::keys radio:: Shane, Neufeld. Stat. on TLs?

    Troy Parson -> ::tilts head slightly:: Just wondering...where, exactly, is the data from the surface being stored right now?

    Pher -> I figure, get contain on the shuttle, then talk, but not sure how many people think they are in charge.

    Byblos -> ::hears STSF_Nickles comment to Pher :: Doll?

    Joe Manning -> Shane> +Ethan+ Not a priority. Too busy tryin' to keep our hacker from killin' us all.

    Ethan Neufeld -> +Shane+ Roger. Neufeld, out.

    Pher -> :: Winks at Byblos. :: His code name for me.

    rosetto -> ::checks his back-pak::Right here, just where it ought to be...

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::motions Alex to nearby maintenance hatch::

    Joe Manning -> (( Though, remember, the drone arm is still sitting in that science lab ))

    STSF_Nickles -> ::turns quickly with a phaser at Byblos:: Dont sneak up on folks for Gods sake.

    rosetto -> ((thanks Joe, I had forgotten))

    Pher -> :: Counts life forms in the shuttle. ::

    Byblos -> Pher , Nickles...let me get this straight..the suspects we now think behind this mess are from the vestibule? ::stops:: Sorry sir..thought you'd smell me approaching

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: There is one life form in the shuttle

    Pher -> We think so, Byblos. One life form in the shuttle.

    rosetto -> Oh yeah, that drone arm is still back in the lab... Not much data, perse', but interesting construction...

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::moves up; works with Ethan to clear maintenance shaft::

    Byblos -> Okay...Hold up...one moment please..guys...uh sirs..

    Pher -> :: Looks forward hoping Ethan heard that. ::

    Byblos -> A thing to consider...

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::pauses::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::taps Alex to wait::

    Troy Parson -> ::thinks for a second:: Well, I'm feeling just as useless as you are at the moment, so...

    Byblos -> The Boss is on Qob alone with Vestibul crew. Does this concern anyone?

    Troy Parson -> ::looks to the engineers and Raj:: Will you lot be all right for a few minutes?

    Byblos -> ::looks to his superiors Pher and Nickles::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar> ::Looks up from the terminal at Troy:: My men are here. We should be alright.

    Pher -> Somewhat, but I think we are first things first mode.

    rosetto -> ::whispers to Troy::What are you thinking?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::doesn't remark, given Byblos's attention is on Pher and Nickles::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar> Right now I am more worried about keeping the ship in tact. We were understaffed to begin with.

    Troy Parson -> ::slight crazy gleam in eye:: I'm thinking we should at least come out of all of this with a souvenier from the surface.

    Byblos -> Okay...that's what you get paid for thinking...I just kill things..Just had that stray thought. Sorry to interrupt.

    Pher -> I've a few extra bodies. I'm not eager to assault the shuttle, but we might not have a choice. What are you thinking, Ethan?

    Byblos -> ::looks to the Non-Logical Vulcan impersonator Ethan::

    rosetto -> ::looks disappointed and shugs shoulders::Okay, follow me... The lab is down this corridor...

    Ethan Neufeld -> Right now, perimeter. We'll see what option's we're given after that.

    Ethan Neufeld -> options^

    Pher -> :: nods agreement ::

    Troy Parson -> Great. ::to Tomar and Shane:: Back in a flash!

    Byblos -> I just got weapons...I can only do line of sight.

    Pher -> How many entrances to the bay?

    Troy Parson -> ::to Rosetto:: Let's do this.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::looks at Alex::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> Just one.

    rosetto -> ::walks down corridor and pauses at a juncture::hmm, this way, as I recall...

    Pher -> That makes the perimeter easy. Are we worried about him taking it back out into space?

    Troy Parson -> ::following Rosetto:: All right.

    Troy Parson -> To be honest...

    rosetto -> ::nods::

    Troy Parson -> At the moment, I'm rather glad to be getting away from all of the violence.

    Troy Parson -> And...all of the people to command.

    rosetto -> Agreed...

    Joe Manning -> Grotte> +Alex+ Ma'am ... the shuttle bay door just closed behind the forcefield. And the lights went out momentarily. I think the shuttle is being sealed in.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> If you're engineer is good for anything, he'll lock it down. That shuttle doesn't have phasers to shoot its way out.

    rosetto -> What I wouldn't do for a nice hot cup o...::stops, looks lost::

    Troy Parson -> ::stops with Rosetto:: Hm?

    rosetto -> I'm sure it was just down this...

    Pher -> OK. Then I think we have our perimeter. Who wants to try talking?

    rosetto -> ...way.

    Byblos -> ::hears Alex (female):: No...all anyone has to do is just open the bay doors..right?

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::antsy:: Y'know the longer y'all sit here talking about this, the easier it'll be for 'em to get lost.

    Troy Parson -> Ah, I see.

    rosetto -> ::pulls out his PADD for assitance::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::looks at Pher; her call who gets to talk::

    rosetto -> ::points to the read out::See! It's just over there.::point left::

    Byblos -> Sorry Sirs ::to Pher and Nickles:: this is not cowardice..but I do not want to be in a shuttlebay without some in control of the forceshields, door..gravity.

    Byblos -> Don't Feddie shipe act like ship carriers have a control tower for their bays?

    Troy Parson -> Well, when you're confused, right feels like left, which means that left is right, and if it's not, at least you'll have an excuse... ::heads in the direction that Rosetto pointed::

    Pher -> Chris? You might want to try trading status with Joe. I'll try the shuttle fellow. Ethan? If you can figure out who is in there, that might be nice.

    STSF_Nickles -> You go for it Doll

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::finally hits radio:: +Grotte+ I know; fix it! We're on our way back; that crazy qo Ford is trying to kill us!

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::didn't bother to ask if talking to Grotte is okay with Pher; doesn't care::

    rosetto -> Yeah, and I wasn't exactly strolling along when I left the lab...

    Pher -> +Shuttle+ Shuttle? Who is in there, if you could?

    Joe Manning -> Grotte> +Alex+ ::Hesitates a moment:: Yes, ma'am.

    Byblos -> ::looks around:: Ugh...Okay I will just shoot anything that moves! ::smells his armpit::

    rosetto -> ::stops at doorway::This should be it, Troy.

    STSF_Nickles -> +joe+ Nickles to Manning. there is a life form in the shuttle.

    Joe Manning -> Grotte> +Pher+ This is Grotte, Verbistul engineer. Who is this?

    Byblos -> ::looks along the corridors near...the bay entrance...he l ooks for a schematic...any sort of schematic for the shuttlebay::

    rosetto -> I wonder how much oxygen we got left? ::finds himself gasping::

    Ethan Neufeld -> I think that's your answer, Pher.

    Joe Manning -> #+Nickles+ Ah ... I read you Chris. The Verbistul shuttle?

    Pher -> +Shuttle+ Pher, secuity babe from the Qob. I'm with a mixed bag of folk trying to stop the shooting and get people listening to each other again.

    Troy Parson -> ::shrugs:: Well, we're still conscious, at least as far as I can tell.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((We assuming we've set up a perimeter already?))

    STSF_Nickles -> +Joe+ Aye Phers trying to talk to it now

    Byblos -> ::walks over to Nickles not seeing any any ship map that he could find useful::

    Pher -> (( I thought so. Only one door and we are there. ))

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Right. Magix. Gotcha.))

    Joe Manning -> Grotte> +Pher+ That's ... good to hear. Might be hard after the raiders killed Gable, though, wouldn't it?

    rosetto -> The drone arm should be through this doorway. I'm gonna take some environmental readings...::changes the mode on his PADD::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Static suddenly washes over Pher's sensor display

    Byblos -> ::taps Nickles on the shoulder::

    rosetto -> ((BRB))

    Byblos -> The Boss is he secure? Given what we now know?

    Pher -> +Grotte+ Right now, you're the only one not part of the consensus. What is your objective?

    STSF_Nickles -> ::turns to Byblos with fist balled up ready to swing then pulls it when he notices who it is:: Are you trying to get yourself Killed man?

    Joe Manning -> Grotte> Securing the shuttle. As ordered.

    Pher -> :: Asks Audrey to isolate a possible source of jamming. ::

    Byblos -> No...trying to keep the Boss alive...tell him we think a Vestibul guy is behind all this mess.

    Pher -> +Grotte+ Securing from whom, might I ask?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::glances at Chris - little jumpy?::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Several comm transmitters in the corridors near Pher are broadcasting sensor noise

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::getting more anxious::

    rosetto -> ((BACK))

    Pher -> Everyone. Bunch of comms are jaming sensors. Might want to shut em down.

    Troy Parson -> ::looking on as Rosetto's scans::

    Joe Manning -> Grotte> +Pher+ From Capricorn's crew. Who have been trying to kill us.

    Troy Parson -> *at

    Byblos -> ::towering over Nickles:: did you just call me a man? ::slightly insulted:: ugh...Okay Ill just cover the rear.

    STSF_Nickles -> Hes talking to me.

    rosetto -> ::reviews the atmoshperic readings and frowns::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::moves to disable comms::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::on door::

    Byblos -> ::kneels :: Well tell him I...errr...well don't trust his Vestibul people. Not that he trusts anyone anyways!

    STSF_Nickles -> ::nods::

    Troy Parson -> ::frowns back at Rosetto:: Well?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::pulls bulkhead access and looks inside::

    STSF_Nickles -> Lets turn off this stuff for Pher

    STSF_Nickles -> ::starts turning off consoles::

    Pher -> +Grotte+ Ah. And you, them, I gather. Look. The raider ship has working transporters. Our job becomes much easier if we salvage the ship working. We had just about worked out the details when everybody started shooting everybody else.

    Pher -> Is there anyone authorized to talk this through?

    Byblos -> ::kneels facing the rear corridor:: Effectively covering the approach from the rear for Pher, Ehtan Neufeld, STSF_Nickles with his phaser rifle ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::considers; does he remember how to pull the eps from the comm system?::

    rosetto -> Yeah, it isn't much... 15 minutes and we'll wish we booked ahead...

    Joe Manning -> Grotte> +Pher+ Why are you talking to me about this? I was just left here to watch over the shuttle. I haven't been trying to kill anyone.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::reaches inside access and grips a cable::

    rosetto -> ::opens doorway and enters lab::

    Troy Parson -> We'd better move fast, then. ::following Rosetto::

    Byblos -> ::spots Ethan Neufeld and whispers:: Doing some slicing?

    rosetto -> ::looks around for the arm::

    Pher -> +Grotte+ We've got some sort of comm link allegedly coming from the shuttle that is messing up the raider ship. Life support is being messed up. Your AT was at risk for a time.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::glances at Byblos; pulls connection::

    Byblos -> ::returns view to rear so noone else suprises him...wait where is that Markus Pe`TaQ?

    Pher -> +Grotte+ We're all interested in breathing, so we're thinking it necessary to talk to whomever is in the shuttle.

    Joe Manning -> Grotte> +Pher+ If I understand right, the crew of this ship is messing up life support. The same people who killed Gable. Maybe you should be going after them!

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::glances at Pher to see if the jamming is resolved::

    rosetto -> ::pushes some junk around::They must have come back after I left...

    Byblos -> ::figures Ethan Neufeld probably has messed with Feddie systems before::

    Troy Parson -> ::takes a moment to check the lab computer to see if it has a log of recent accesses:: Is it still here?

    Pher -> +Grotte+ We worked with your AT and have the rogue members of the raider crew in custody.

    Pher -> Chris? Do you remember the name of the Vestibule AT lead?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::taps Pher on shoulder; signals: ODRI clear?::

    rosetto -> I don't see it, Troy... It's kinda hard to misplace...::frowns::

    Pher -> :: Checks Audrey, ready to guide anyone to any more jammers if necessary. ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::Pher:: You mean me?

    rosetto -> ::pushes some more junk around... obviously upset::

    STSF_Nickles -> No sure dont.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::turns to Alex:

    Troy Parson -> ::thinks for a moment:: Why would someone have moved it? Did you hear anyone talking about wanting to use different equipment on it?

    Joe Manning -> Grotte> Then there's no problem. ::Now walking at a fairly brisk pace past the science lab entrance:: Not on the shuttle, anyway. Not on my watch.

    Pher -> :: Looks to Alex :: Yep, you. Could you talk to Grotte and convince him to stand down. He claims his orders are to keep the shuttle secure.

    rosetto -> And we don't have time to turn this place upsde down...

    Joe Manning -> Grotte> +Pher+

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> They are.

    Byblos -> ::looks again behind him...that would be toward the group and sees that Markus Pe`taQ , Bylos turns back to cover the rear of the group adjusting his rifle to "Kill" setting ::

    Byblos -> ::exhales and waits::

    rosetto -> The only one's I saw were guards. They seemed none to interested...

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::sighs:: +Grotte+ This is Alex. Stand down, Grotte.

    Troy Parson -> But apparently someone else *was* interested.

    rosetto -> Oh, and that Capricorn Scientist...::thinks::What WAS his name?

    Joe Manning -> Grotte> +Alex+ I hope you're not going to let the Qob people take over our operations too, ma'am. But orders understood.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((We clear of the jamming?))

    Byblos -> ::does not trust Markus he didn't sound like someone Maxwell would have under his command..but he has no evidence of anything he has to WAIT ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> +Grotte+ Don't be jyking stupid, Grotte. No one tells me what to do; you know that.

    Pher -> I'm not interested in taking over operations, but I'd like to get us all working together again. (To Alex)

    rosetto -> I think it was Sheepskin or something...

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: As soon as Pher checks, a small area of the shuttle bay is now free of interference. There appears to be no life form aboard the shuttle

    Troy Parson -> ::frowns:: Somehow, I doubt that was it.

    Pher -> OK. No life form on the shuttle. He used the jamming to move clear.

    STSF_Nickles -> OK If she cant I can ...step oveshe asksr to Alex:: I suggest you do what

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::makes a smart face to Pher::

    rosetto -> ::pushes more stuff::Leg of LAMB! It was Lamb!

    Pher -> :: Scans the area looking for the odd life form ::

    Byblos -> ::Byblos hears Pher..wondering...is she right or is she wrong :: Markus.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> Ugh! I told you talking was a waste of time!

    Joe Manning -> Grotte> +Alex+ Those people were on the ship a while, ma'am. I was here with them. They were getting awfully buddy buddy with that Bajoran Captain.

    Troy Parson -> He didn't, by any chance, tell you where you might find him, did he?

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Interference from still active transmitters blocks most of Pher's scans

    Pher -> Alex? Do we have to consider Grotte rogue?

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> +Grotte+ Grotte, shut your stupid mouth. Where the jyking hell...

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::cuts off Alex with a hand::

    rosetto -> He wasn't liked by the guards either... He didn't have much to say.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::lowly:: Good bet.

    rosetto -> We should check on the others. Ya think?

    Byblos -> ::does not like what he hears behind him...especially from Ethan...but he still has his weapon covering the rear...not facing them::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::removes Ethan's hand:: Don't do that!

    Pher -> +Troy+ Troy! We have one rogue from Vestibule loose, called Grotte. Expect the unexpected.

    rosetto -> ::gives up on moving the junk around::

    Troy Parson -> ::sighs:: It seems we've run into a dead end here...so we should probably meet up with the others.

    Troy Parson -> +Pher+ Acknowledged. I'll keep my eyes open.

    Pher -> +Joe+ Pilot of the shuttle is loose in the Capricorn.

    rosetto -> ::sighs::Great! Now what!

    Byblos -> ::One....can they be sure it is one....::

    Troy Parson -> ::grimaces:: Verbistulites on the rampage.

    Joe Manning -> #+Pher+ Refresh my memory, Pher, but aren't the people on that shuttle supposed to be on our side? Or have things totally broken down?

    Pher -> Alex? Is there anyone who can talk to this guy and get him to stand down?

    rosetto -> Well, let's go see if we can run into the 'bad guy'...

    Byblos -> ::lowers his head a bit::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> If he ain't listening to me, what jyking qo is gonna get through?

    Troy Parson -> Right.

    rosetto -> ::puts his PADD away and pulls out his weapon, sets it to stun::

    Pher -> +Joe+ No one seems to have explained to the Vestibule that the Capricon surrenered and made peace. They are still treating the 'raiders' as hostile.

    Troy Parson -> Interesting that in the middle of all this, someone bothered to go for the arm, isn't it?

    Troy Parson -> ::holding a spork that he took from the dining hall in one hand, in case they run into enemies::

    Byblos -> ::turns back and looks at Markus againg making certain he is not up to anything::

    Pher -> +Joe+ You might try talking to the expedition lead and get that explained and made clear to their personnel.

    rosetto -> Like I said, it really didn't contain any data... just a mechanism... sensors...

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::frowns at Alex::

    Troy Parson -> Someone wanted it, though.

    Joe Manning -> Markus> ::Again notices Byblos' gaze turning to him. Looks over at the Nausicaan:: What are you looking at, meatstick?

    rosetto -> ::leaes lab and enters corridor::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::tries to punch Ethan in the arm, still mad that he cut her off::

    rosetto -> *leaves

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::blocks::

    Troy Parson -> ::going with Rosetto:: When we get out of this, remind me to ask you if there was anything in the arm that might reveal it on a scan...

    Troy Parson -> I'd be interested to know where it wound up.

    Pher -> +Joe+ Right now everyone but the shuttle pilot seems to be on the same page.

    rosetto -> Yeah, me too...

    Joe Manning -> #+Pher+ Damnit. I'll get in touch with him. He wasn't too reasonable about our treatment of the raiders last time we spoke, though. Made it clear he's cutting me out of his loop.

    rosetto -> ::looks left and goes right::

    Byblos -> Someone who has worked somewhere else before joining a science vessel....wondering who would jyke with a Nausicaan instead of asking...execuse me?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::overhearing Joe:: If that's true, we can't discount that Grotte might be acting under orders.

    Joe Manning -> Shane> +Ethan+ Hey, pointy ears. The signal's been movin'. It's in the transporter room now.

    Pher -> +Pher+ Noted. Well, point out that working transporters would make this mission a lot easier.

    Ethan Neufeld -> +Shane+ Roger that.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Shane says Grotte's signal's moved to the TR.

    Pher -> Chris? Alex? What is the priority here?

    rosetto -> ::waves arm back and forth... taking point and walking carefully::

    Joe Manning -> Shane> +Ethan+ Got most of it locked out though. Air gen almost back online.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> Peh. Get Grotte, duh.

    Ethan Neufeld -> +Shane+ Roger. What about TRs?

    Pher -> +Joe+ Grotte is in the TR. He has no point to point ability. What ships are in transport range?

    Pher -> +Joe+ If you are, you might want to raise shields.

    Byblos -> Listen you big headed human piece of Crap..you pull anything on my team You are as good as dead..You hear that...::flashes his rifle at Markus::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::doesn't think Grotte's trying to get to a ship::

    Pher -> Byblos, cool it please.

    Joe Manning -> #+Pher+ Us and the Lucky Hand. And both our shields are up. There's the planet too.

    Pher -> +Joe+ Then get scanners up and see where he might be beaming to.

    Byblos -> I smell garbage Pher..sorry...I don't care for garbage.

    rosetto -> ((our long lost engineer))

    Pher -> +Shane+ Can you kill power to transporters?

    Byblos -> (Hi Shane now get to work! lol )

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((AFK))

    Shane -> +Pher+ Gimme a sec! ::tapps furiously on his console in MENG

    Shane -> ::

    rosetto -> ::hears commotion but still sees no one::

    Byblos -> ::still looking at Markus::

    Troy Parson -> ::takes out his lighter and flicks it on a couple of times to see how much of an atmosphere is left::

    Pher -> We might want to move towards the TR, or to Shane's position.

    Pher -> +shane+ Expedite if you could.

    Joe Manning -> Markus> I'm still waiting for you to try. Get the hell out of my smelling range before I shoot you just to kill the stench. Air's already bad enough around here.

    rosetto -> ::looks back at Troy's action::Yeah, I think we should move toward the shuttle...

    Byblos -> Pher, I want my rifle at this guys back ::gestures to Markus:: He's a Merc in a cute Vestibul outfit.

    Troy Parson -> If we can...

    Shane -> +Pher+ Power's cut. Where's the qoh?

    Pher -> Byblos, back down please. Alex? If you could get your man to back off too? We've enough going on...

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::growls:: Talk, talk, talk. All you jyking iggits do is talk. We'll I'm gonna do something! Markus stop fighting with that brick head and let's go!

    Troy Parson -> +Pher+ Pher, Troy here...how's the shuttle coming along?

    rosetto -> ::enters Engineering corridor::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::moves out before she can be stopped::

    Pher -> +Troy+ Shuttle pilot abandoned the shuttle. Last seen at the TR. I just had Shane cut power to the TR.

    Joe Manning -> #+Pher+ Pher, I'm being informed of something extremely disturbing. Don't want to say over an open channel. Grab this guy.

    Joe Manning -> Markus> ::Grunts and moves to follow Alex::

    Pher -> :: Moves with Alex ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Kelin> ::moves out sheepishly::

    Byblos -> Again waits and takes the rear...so Markus is ahead of him ...well everyone is ::

    rosetto -> ::talks over his shoulder::Tell her we're on our way there...

    Troy Parson -> +Pher+ All right...we're inbound.

    Troy Parson -> +Pher+ ETA...soonish. Probably.

    Shane -> ::scans the TR for the intruder with the internal sensors::

    Pher -> Chris! Byblos! Joe wants Grotte grabbed. Let's support Alex, here.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::faintly shakes head and follows, bringing up rear with Byblos::

    Byblos -> I've got OUR backs Sir.

    rosetto -> ::veers off down side corridor toward shuttle bay::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::practically running down the passageway::

    Joe Manning -> #+Pher+ Jamming the area with what we can to hinder transport ability.

    Byblos -> ::begins catching up::

    Pher -> :: moving slower, trying to use Audrey to lock in on Grotte ::

    rosetto -> ::begins to get winded::

    Pher -> +Joe+ Shain claims to have cut power to the TR.

    Joe Manning -> Grotte> ::Leaning over the TR station, hitting the terminal::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::takes a corner and sprints toward TR::

    Troy Parson -> ::deep breath:: Haven't felt air this thin since the last time I had to buy a lung regeneration.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::not being as careful about her corners as some::

    Byblos -> ::amazed at the human's speed....the Alex woman is fast::

    Shane -> ::seals off the doors to the TR, hoping to trap the Grotte inside::+Pher, Troy+ I've sealed the doors to the TR. The petaQ's still in there.

    Pher -> +Shane+ We're almost there. We might ask you to unseal the doors real soon now.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::makes it to TR doors and finds they're sealed::

    rosetto -> ::stops momentarily::yeah, I know what you means... The Martian atmosphere isn't exactly thick... but it has THIS beat! ::smiles::

    Byblos -> ::at the rear of the group::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::yells and kicks door:: Open the jyking door, Grotte!

    Shane -> +Pher+ Well, I figured that Orion.

    Pher -> :: Comes up into sight of Alex ::

    rosetto -> ::starts again toward shuttle bay::

    Byblos -> ::running pondering who is going to slice the door to the TR ::

    Pher -> +Shane+ OK. Make that now or sooner, then. :: Said lightly ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::pacing; sees Pher:: Who locked the jyking door?

    Shane -> ::hits the command::+Pher+ There ya go.

    Pher -> My guy in engineering didn't want anyone getting away. Just asked him to open it. Eyes front!

    Joe Manning -> Grotte> ::Yelling:: Lucky Hand, come in. I repeat ... Lucky Hand why aren't you -- ::Looks toward the open door::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::moving calmly, takes up a covering position at rear near Byblos::

    rosetto -> ::turns a corner and enters shuttle bay.... gasping::

    Pher -> :: Getting situation from Audrey ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::sees Grotte through open door:: About time! ::fires at Grotte::

    Joe Manning -> Grotte> ::Quickly picks up the PADD he has lying on top of the terminal, then drops it when he's hit::

    Troy Parson -> ::follows Rosetto into the shuttle bay::

    Pher -> :: wistfully hopes she is using stun setting. Would kind of like to talk to the guy. ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::moves in, weapon high ready::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::doesn't use stun::

    Pher -> :: Ah. So sad, being wistful all the time. ::

    rosetto -> ::gets to shuttle and starts pounding on door::Open this freaking door....

    Byblos -> Ethan Neufeld....Markus was or is still a Merc....watch him ::said at the rear of the group::

    Joe Manning -> Markus> Would someone shut that big oaf up already? ::Follows Alex into the TR::

    rosetto -> ::can't yell. what's heard is but a whisper::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::briefly glances at Byblos; focused on providing cover::

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at Rosetto, and then at the shuttle:: (w) I don't think it will respond to that...

    Joe Manning -> Grotte> ::Lying in the corner behind the terminal, bleeding from the wound in his side::

    Troy Parson -> ::looking for external controls on the shuttle to open the door::

    Byblos -> Oh that is strike three...

    Pher -> :: Notes lack of continuing fire, and moves.... to Byblos ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::comes around terminal and sees Grotte, weapon ready:: Grotte, toss your firearms.


    Byblos -> Nausicaan pulls his weapon aiming at Markus' head::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::lets Pher deal with Byblos::

    Joe Manning -> Grotte> ::Looks up at Alex with a pained grimace. Slowly reaches for his sidearm::

    Pher -> :: Puts herself between Byblos and Markus ::

    Pher -> :: facing Byblos ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::sees weapon pulled, shifts to put Byblos in his sights if he has to::

    rosetto -> ::shakes his head and looks at Troy::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> Slowly, or I'll blow a new universe into your head.

    Joe Manning -> Grotte> ::Slowly removes the phaser pistol and tosses it in Alex' direction::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: notes Grotte movment:: waht out Behind you Dolll :;to Pher::

    Byblos -> I know who you are you jyking piece of trash..these guys may not....I will finish you if you make any move on anyone....::lowers his weapon:: I love taking heads...

    Joe Manning -> Markus> ... ma'am ... take it easy. He's still one of ours.

    Pher -> :: focused on byblos ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::lightly kicks weapon behind her:: Markus; get a doctor. ::said with obvious distaste::

    Troy Parson -> ::looking around to see if there are any other shuttles stashed away nearby::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> No traitor is one of ours.

    Pher -> :: Long phaser in hand but not raised or aimed ::

    Joe Manning -> Markus> We don't got any of those on the team. Maybe we should take him back to Verbistul

    Shane -> ::watching the whole ordeal on the security feeds::

    rosetto -> ::looks around with Troy, wondering if there could be more shuttles in here::

    Byblos -> ::Byblos said that towering over Pher he looks down:: Sorry Ma`am but he smells like Tranquility's finest.

    Byblos -> ::hands Pher his rifle::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> What're you saying Markus? ::clearly aggitated::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: There's only the one shuttle present

    Ethan Neufeld -> agitated^

    Pher -> Yah. Lots and lots of that going around.

    Joe Manning -> Markus> You don't trust any of the doctors on this ship, do you?

    rosetto -> This has GOT to be it, Troy. This place isn't big enough for more...

    Pher -> :: accepts rifle ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::pauses and then sighs:: Yeah, you're right. I don't. Let's get him to the shuttle.

    Pher -> OK. I think things are secure.

    Troy Parson -> ::sighs:: And here I was hoping they'd have a nice pod hidden behind a tool cart or something.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> Wait; can we use this TR?

    rosetto -> ::returns to his banging::Open up!

    Pher -> +Doctors+ Medic to Capricorn TR1!

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::relaxes::

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at Rosetto:: Is there even anyone in there?

    Byblos -> ::looks to Pher :: sorry..

    Joe Manning -> PAUSE SIM

  13. Joe Manning -> BEGIN SIM

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at Ethan, then to Shane:: Mr. Shane...so let me see if I have this right.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Standing with his two guards near Troy in the mess hall::

    rosetto -> ::places up a cardboard figure of PHER and stand beside her::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::listens quietly::

    Byblos -> ::looks at the Phaser Rifle courtesy of Shane , he ponders ...

    STSF_Nickles -> ::sitting back listening to everyone holding off his thoughts just yet::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Hey, Pher.))

    Shane -> ::coughs a bit at the low atmosphere and looks to Troy::

    Pher -> :: Looks about ::

    Troy Parson -> You had hardware-level access to their system, and were asked to use that to gain us contingency access to their security functions, as well as to put us in a position to monitor enemy interference...right?

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Clears his throat:: Might I suggest we talk on the way toward the group that has boarded the ship?

    Pher -> :: nods sagreement ::

    rosetto -> ((::pushes down cardboard ephigy::))::looks at Pher in question::

    Troy Parson -> ::nods for Raj to lead the way while they talk::

    Shane -> ::glances from Raj to Troy, not sure where this is going:: Yeah...

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Nods to Troy, then to the two guards and moves toward the mess hall door::

    Troy Parson -> Right, so...am I correct in saying that we, in fact, do not have such access, and that despite your efforts, the enemy was able to subvert your routines without our being informed?

    Shane -> ::follows stomping with his arm whiring and whining::

    Byblos -> ::Stands up and looks at Pher :: Uh Pher?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::brow rises::

    Pher -> :: To Byblos :: Yes?

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Looks at Ethan:: I get the sense that you know these people best. I will head in the direction of the shuttle bay, but what would be your best guess as to where they will go?

    Byblos -> Did you kiss me earlier ?

    Shane -> I'd like to submit that he subverted me while I was unconcious in my quarters.

    rosetto -> ::to Byblos::Not likely dude... ::laughs to self::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: chuckles a bit at Byblos's question::

    Pher -> Just slightly. I didn't seem to do much good?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::Tomar:: Best guess: here; then search for Ford.

    Shane -> ::looks back at Byblos question, eyebrow raised::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> You think they will try to meet up with you then? Then I will lead us on a direct route. ::Slows a bit to let one of the guards take point::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::moves over to the rest of the group::

    Troy Parson -> Which never would have happened if you'd set up a proper alerting system, but it does seem a bit cold of me to be critical of things that you allowed to happen while sleeping.

    Byblos -> Uh, you amaze me..uh sir. Most women won't touch a Nausicaan's face.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::nods at Tomar, attention more on their surroundings::

    Shane -> ::glares at Troy:: They stun blasted me you qoh.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Keeps his voice low as he moves:: As a show of faith, I will move ahead alone and surrender to them. Do you believe that would be safe?

    Byblos -> ::Byblos walks up to Pher::

    Pher -> :: smiles slightly :: I've touched worse things.

    Troy Parson -> ::fires back at Shane's glare with a somewhat malevolent grin:: Not my problem.

    rosetto -> ::starts fiddling with his PADD::

    Shane -> ::mumbles under his breath as his continues walking::

    Pher -> You have your act together at the moment?

    Shane -> he continues*

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::The guard leads the group to a maintenance hatch that leads down::

    Byblos -> Uh...thanks (PM Pher)

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::Tomar:: No, better if you let me talk to her first.

    Troy Parson -> So, as a result of all of this, we are now in a rather awkward situation.

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at Ethan:: Mr. Pointy!

    Pher -> :: Smiles ::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> Very well. ::Slings the rifle over his shoulder and kneels down to climb::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::glances at Troy:: Sir?

    rosetto -> ::walks into a bulkhead looking as his PADD::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::pauses beside hatch, eyes out and waiting for Troy::

    Troy Parson -> Plan A, thanks to our cybernetic friend here, has failed miserably. Therefore, we will have no choice but to go with plan B...with which, thankfully, you have provided us.

    William Chocox -> ::is following the group::

    Byblos -> Uh yes. Hey all can I have my tools back....Errr William Chocox...err whoever has that disruptor of mine...and well looksy here...a new phaser rifle thank you for the present Shane.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Gets off two decks down and waits for the others::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::nods:: Roger that.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Points at William as he gets off the ladder:: Chocox, correct?

    William Chocox -> ((brb))

    Shane -> ::waiting to go down the jefferies tube:: Yeah, sure.

    Pher -> :: moving with the group, staying with Byblos for the moment. ::

    rosetto -> ::rubbing head and following as close as possible::

    Troy Parson -> Here's what I need for this plan to have a chance of working...

    Byblos -> If you ask me...Pher I think we ought to lure the Pe `taq out. We are playing on his field..we need him in the open.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::indicates he's listening::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::walking behind Byblos and Pher listening::

    Byblos -> ::Byblos quiets his voice to talk to Pher::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar> ::Looks at Rosetto and Pher:: Does anyone have a scanner active? I think it prudent that we do not all meet this group at once.

    Pher -> I won't argue, but at the moment Taj seems to have us moving in roughly the right direction.

    Troy Parson -> Ford sounds reasonable, by which I mean, were I in his position, I might have chosen to act similarly. But "sounds" and "is" are two different things.

    rosetto -> ::starts listening to Troy::

    Shane -> ::sqeezes down the tube and climbs the two levels down, moving a ways down the corridor past Raj::

    Joe Manning -> (( Make that Pher and Byblos ))

    Troy Parson -> For all we know, his whole offended thing is just as act, a pretense, if you will.

    Pher -> I don't want to insert any extra suggestions when we're all more or less together.

    Byblos -> Let's take his power from him..hehe. I think Capricorn should take a dump! And Ford will come out for that! heheh..

    William Chocox -> ((back))

    Pher -> :: Notes Sal doesn't seem to be armed. Gestures for him to move near her, while pulling out a blaster pistol. ::

    William Chocox -> Tomar:: Yes.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Could be.

    Troy Parson -> And furthermore, even if he is what he appears to be, we don't know what further actions our enemy, as yet unidentified, might choose to take while we negociate.

    rosetto -> ::move in behind Pher as instructed::

    Byblos -> Err sorry sir...Ma`am ...Pher Ill shut up.

    William Chocox -> ((That's an answer to the previous question.))

    Joe Manning -> Tomar> ::William:: I am in the difficult position of having no trustworthy engineers at my disposal. And your chief is about to be placed in restraints ... either real or fake.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar> How well do you know this type of vessel?

    William Chocox -> A little bit. Mostly because I studied engineering history on my free time at the academy.

    Pher -> No problem, Byblos. A good suggestion. If there is a lack of ideas, I'll get it in the mix.

    Troy Parson -> So we need a way of negociating with him that, at the same time, gives us...options.

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The sounds of disruptor fire echo through the corridor from around a corner ahead

    Pher -> Sal? Would this come in useful? :: Holds up a blaster pistol. ::

    rosetto -> ::ducks::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::ducks:: sound like we are about to have complany

    Shane -> ::looks back at the others:: Trouble.

    STSF_Nickles -> *company

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Nothing is visible up ahead

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((That down on your level, Joe? I don't think we've all climbed down yet.))

    Byblos -> Wow you got my joke ..hehe Pher. The fact feddie starships can drop a turd of such power in space is ......::reeadies his weapon::

    rosetto -> ::sees pistol and grabs it::Certainly... thanks..

    Joe Manning -> (( Aye, down on Tomar's level ))

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::hears fire from below:: Maybe we should finish discussing this later?

    Pher -> :: Assesses situation. ::

    Joe Manning -> (( Does that mean using Audrey, Pher? ))

    Troy Parson -> ::shrugs:: Fair enough. But what I'm getting at is...I'm not willing to give up fighting for control of their computer core just yet.

    rosetto -> ::looks at weapon and makes sure that the safety is in the O.F.F. position::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar> ::Raises his rifle and points it down the corridor::

    William Chocox -> ::upon hearing sounds of combat gently places hand on Phaser::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::climbs into hatch:: You're the boss. But I'd use discretion.

    Pher -> :: Was using her eyes first, Joe, but, yes, will try to home in on the source of energy fire. ::

    Byblos -> ::notes there isnt really a place for him to duck hide or disappear in a corridor::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::slides two levels down ladder::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: A flurry of weapons fire continues from around the corner

    Shane -> ::bent down, wishing he hadn't given away his rifle so quickly::

    Pher -> :: Verifies her weapon is tight beam heavy stunn ::

    rosetto -> ::is not looking forward to a confrontation at this time::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Scans show that three individuals just finished fighting off a pair of individuals

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::weapon ready:: What's going on?

    Pher -> Three on two fight. Looks like the three are winning.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar> ::Holds a hand up to his guards as the weapons fire dies down::

    Pher -> :: Looking up from Audrey ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Any ID?

    Joe Manning -> Tomar> ::Whispers:: My people fighting each other? ... or ... ::Looks at Ethan::

    Troy Parson -> ::looks over at Pher's ODRI:: Any chance we might intervene, stop anyone from getting killed?

    Shane -> ::whispers back at Ethan:: Hey! Vulcan! Get up here in case it your people!

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::shakes head at Tomar - he doesn't know::

    Shane -> ::is currently in point::

    rosetto -> ::takes a peak around the corner::

    Pher -> Sounds like a good idea, Troy. Might best be Tomar's show, though.

    Troy Parson -> Sorry, but he's not expendable quite yet.

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Two men in Capricorn biosuits lie on the ground where Sal is looking

    STSF_Nickles -> I agree with Pher

    Troy Parson -> ::looks to see if Byblos is somewhere to be found::

    Pher -> If no one else wants to start talking to the winners, I will.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar> ::Looks back at Troy and Pher, then whispers to Ethan:: Let's take a look ...

    rosetto -> I think those Capricorn dudes are gonna miss dinner.

    Byblos -> Pher, ::whispers:: Jyke the computer..how do you get this ship to take a dump...Uh...okay that didnt sound right....Have the power source of the ship ejected...heheh...Ford will come to stop that...

    STSF_Nickles -> Go for it doll we will be right behind yo

    Joe Manning -> Tomar> ::Moves up the corridor::

    STSF_Nickles -> you

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::nods at Tomar and follows::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Another man, in a Verbistul security uniform, comes into view and crouches next to one of the bodies

    Shane -> ::lets a few of the others go first, then follows::

    Byblos -> ::a smell behind Troy Parson catches his obvious attention how Pher can stand it..is mysterious ::

    William Chocox -> ::continues following Tomar::

    Pher -> :: Moves up with Tomar :: Hello? This is a mixed Qob - Capriconrn party.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar> ::Moves beside Sal and looks around the corner, indicating that Sal should step back::

    rosetto -> ::still fiddling with his newly acquired weapon and fails to notice to groups' departure::

    Joe Manning -> Markus> ::Darts his head up and toward Pher's voice::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::follows Tomar's lead, weapon at low ready::

    Byblos -> ::follows Pher and slowly walks by Troy Parsons giving him an opportunity ...::

    Joe Manning -> Markus> ::Raises his rifle in that direction and signals to the others::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::recognizes Markus:: Stand down. Where's Alex?

    Pher -> What's happening here?

    Pher -> :: Weapon at ready but not pointing at anyone. ::

    Joe Manning -> Markus> ... Selek. ::Frowns and nods out of sight:: Back here.

    rosetto -> ::gets up and comes around the corner slowly::

    Pher -> :: Stepping slowly into Markus's line of sight. ::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar> ::Motions to his guards to stay out of sight::

    Joe Manning -> Markus> ::Points the rifle at Pher:: Who the hell is that?

    Shane -> ::stands, but stays around the corner with Tomar and his guards::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::glances at Tomar and then moves around to glance in Alex's direction from cover::

    Pher -> I'm Pher of the Qob. Captain Tomar is with us.

    Joe Manning -> Markus> ::Brow furrows:: Tomar? The raider Captain?!

    Byblos -> ::looks at Troy :: uh...sir...this ships has many more decks than any ship I have been on. If this is the way its going to be to our objective. I hope the Boss doesnt have a time table.

    Pher -> Affirmative.

    Shane -> (Edit: Stays with Tomar's guards)

    Joe Manning -> Markus> ::Steps back, rifle still raised, waiting for Alex to move up::

    Troy Parson -> ::glances at Byblos:: It'll take as long as it takes.

    Pher -> We've been trying to find Ford, and trying to convince people to stop shooting one another.

    rosetto -> ::looks over MArkus with a long stare::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::moves toward Alex:: Alex.

    William Chocox -> ::stands next to Shane::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> Hey! You got free? We were coming to break you out!

    STSF_Nickles -> ::moves up to the downed man::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::glances at Markus:: Tomar freed us.

    Shane -> ::to Will:: I ain't movin' till they're done shootin'

    Shane -> .

    Joe Manning -> Markus> Ford? ::Simply shrugs his shoulders:: Not one of ours either. You telling me that Qob is working with these raiders?!

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::gestures to Tomar:: Alex, Captain Tomar. Tomar, Security Chief Alex.

    Joe Manning -> Markus> ::Frown deepens, but falls silent::

    Byblos -> Yes sir. Sir. Uh An engineer values his engines right? ::does his sales pitch:: Take them away from him, that will flush him out. hehe..Eject his power source like these feddie ships can.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar> ::Signals to his guards to stay put and rounds the corner, weapon lowered at his side::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> You don't expect me to shake his hand...

    Pher -> The raiders aren't exactly all in agreement, but, yes, we had a tenatie agreement to work together.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar> ::Nods:: Given the circumstances, I would expect nothing but suspicion, in fact. But I believe we will both need to work together to retake control of this ship from my errant chief engineer.

    Pher -> Ford is their chief engineer. He didn't like the agreement.

    Byblos -> ::sales pitch complete Byblos shuts up and points his rifle to the rear of the group in order to secure it ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::frowns and nods to Tomar's statement:: Situation's changed. I expect you to adapt.

    Joe Manning -> Markus> ::Grips his rifle tightly and glances up and down the corridor. Frowns in Tomar's direction::

    STSF_Nickles -> :;whispers to Pher:: he has freinds Doll, he just motionrd to someone

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::grumbles:: Whatever. So we gonna clean up this ship or is this some sort of tea party?

    rosetto -> ::overhears NIckles and looks around::

    William Chocox -> ::to Shane:: I'm inclined to agree with you.

    Byblos -> ::Byblos slowly makes his way to the rear of the group to provide cover, just in case::

    Pher -> I think the only one left who needs cleaning is Ford himself?

    Joe Manning -> Markus> ::Growls in Alex' direction:: This is insane, ma'am. We're losing breathable air fast and these mercs are with the raiders? I don't like it.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> Shut it, Markus.

    Shane -> ::grunts and stomps around the corner, coming up beside the main group::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> Ethan, what are we standing around for?

    Joe Manning -> Markus> ::Narrows his eyes and takes a slight step back, still gripping his rifle, sulking::

    Byblos -> ::notes something a little light headiness as he covers the rear in a kneeling stance::

    rosetto -> ::speaks out of turn::If I may be so bold, there is plenty of air...elsewhere...

    William Chocox -> ::joins the main group::

    Pher -> +Ford+ Ford? You out there still?

    STSF_Nickles -> ::looks to see whos joining them::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar> ::Looks back at Sal:: What do you have in mind?

    Joe Manning -> Ford> ::Does not answer::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::looks at Troy:: I'm not in command, Alex.

    Shane -> ::to the group:: Are we headin' to MENG or not?

    Pher -> :: Looks to Tomar :: No reply. You might want to try.

    Troy Parson -> Ah, yes, that'd be my job. ::steps out slowly from around the corner::

    Byblos -> ::mutters:: Not again..::looks for an emergency kit for O2::

    Shane -> ::something clicks:: Have we considered the fact that Ford might have kicked the bucket?

    Pher -> :: Starts Audrey searching for humoid life forms not with the combined group. ::

    rosetto -> ::to Tomar::The shuttle, man... let's take the shuttle.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::eyes Troy skeptically:: Really?

    Joe Manning -> Tomar> ::Glances back at Shane:: I could not say for sure if this party has encountered Ford. And I doubt they could either.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar> We will know more when we reach engineering.

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: There are no other life signs nearby

    Troy Parson -> Believe it or not, yes. Anyhow, we were going to Main Engineering...care to join us?

    Byblos -> ::Byblos moves further away from to group's rear searching for emergency O2 while sweeping left and right::

    Shane -> ::looks to Tomar:: Not these guys, what about that murderer we never caught?

    Pher -> If engineering controls life support, I'd agree with heading there.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::looks at her men:: What we gonna do at engineering?

    Joe Manning -> Tomar> ::Looks at Sal:: Only so many could fit aboard, but it is a good last resort if someone needs to be kept alive. Did you have another use in mind for the shuttle?

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> You're not touching my shuttle.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar> ::Steps back a bit to instruct his guards to join him and to look for William::

    Troy Parson -> Oh, just get things back under control, one way or another.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> Grotte has orders to shoot anybody who doesn't have my permission.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar> ::Frowns at Alex:: I had no intention of attempting to commandeer it. But if using it could prove beneficial ...

    Byblos -> Jking Ford...I'll have his head..three times..trying to kill me.....::talking to himslef as he is about 5 meters away from the main groups' rear ::

    Troy Parson -> Either the current leader of this little mutiny is there, in which case we can talk to him, or he's not, in which case, we can take control of the ship's central systems.

    rosetto -> Well, I guess the shuttle idea is up to Alex...::motions to Troy::What do you think?

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> I say we take control.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar> Engineering is this way. ::Motions up an adjoining corridor and nods to one of the guards::

    Troy Parson -> ::nods:: If we don't resolve this situation one way or another, a lot of people are most likely going to die. So the shuttle option is out, for now.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Either way, we can't afford to delay here much longer.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::notes Tomar's direction::

    William Chocox -> ::starts following Tomar::

    Troy Parson -> So...to engineering! ::does his best to put on a "leader face" and follows Tomar.

    Pher -> :: Moves forward, letting Tomar's guard take point, but readdy to support. ::

    Byblos -> ::spots a Emergency hatch and opens it...suprisingly there is an O2 mask and very small tank.:: Ford I will kill you you son of a ....

    Shane -> ::turns and follows Tomar's guard down the corridor, grumbling and muttering to himself::

    Pher -> :: Using Audrey to keep an idea of what is in front of the group. ::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::moves up with Pher::

    rosetto -> ::shrugs his shoulders and moves onward with the group::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar> ::Quietly to Ethan:: The time to split up will be soon. One of my guards can take Mr. Chocox and another armed man or two into the maintenance ducts.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::shrugs and then points for Markus and the others to follow and take the six::

    Byblos -> ::sets up his O2 then moves back to the group covering their rear with the phaser rifle::

    Pher -> :: Shares Byblos's inclination, but thinks he might have to wait in line. ::

    Joe Manning -> Markus> ::Shakes his head and waits for everyone to move on::

    rosetto -> ::looks to Alex::So, is she armed?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::nods at Tomar::::to Troy:: On earlier; need to use discretion on the computer. If Ford detects it, it could escalate him.

    Troy Parson -> ::shrugs:: I think he's already escalated, and even if he isn't, our main worry isn't actually him, but whoever's behind him.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> What? The shuttle?

    rosetto -> ::whispers::Yeah, the shuttle...

    Byblos -> ::Byblos sees ...Vestibul security with weapons drawn approaching him. :: Hi guys..do I look like a Ford. No Too big and beautiful watching the rear here...

    Shane -> ::back to Troy and Ethan:: Yeah, there's an unaccounted third party aboard this ship.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::nods:: Your call.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::laughs::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::nods to Byblos::

    Joe Manning -> Markus> ::Scowls at Byblos:: Why don't you stuff it, merc? I'm not in the mood.

    Troy Parson -> I'm not ready to give up the possibility of being able to end this fighting...directly, as it were.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar> ::Stops at a junction and looks back at Ethan:: Main entrance is just up ahead. The backup team can enter the maintenance shafts here. ::Points up at a hatch in the bulkhead::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Don't think we should discount any contigency yet.

    Shane -> I still think we just need to transport Ford's sorry arse out into space.

    Ethan Neufeld -> contingency^

    rosetto -> ::takes Alex's laughter to mean 'NO' on the weapons on the shuttle::

    Pher -> :: Uses Audrey to probe the engineering spaces ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::to Shane:: Negotiating could give us the time we need to set that up.

    Byblos -> ::looks to Markus:: You know what I am not in the mood either...I want to kill a guy named Ford do not force me to create a list.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar> ::Looks at Shane:: Relying on any of the ship's systems first and foremost would be a gamble.

    Byblos -> ::spits on the deck::

    Shane -> ::looks to Ethan:: Then you need me there and not in cuffs here!

    Troy Parson -> ::glares at Shane:: You've had your chance, engineer.

    Joe Manning -> Markus> ::Waves his rifle back and forth:: Just try it you big oaf.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::no comment to Shane, but gathers he doesn't trust William to do the job::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> Hey, Markus! What gives?

    Joe Manning -> Tomar> ::Looks at Troy:: Shall I have my other guard escort some of your people to the transporter room?

    rosetto -> ::looks down the maintenance shaft::Troy? I'm going this way... Perhaps I'll find some controls if you guys have trouble at the door

    Shane -> ((I didn't say that ethan :P)

    Joe Manning -> Markus> Just mercs, ma'am. Just mercs.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Implications.))

    STSF_Nickles -> ::steps between byblos and Markus:: Lets cool it.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> Well tell 'em to shut up!

    Pher -> :: Still trying to scan the engineering spaces ::

    Troy Parson -> ::nods to Tomar:: Take...::is interrupted by the squabbling::

    Joe Manning -> Markus> ::Looks away from Nickles and drones sarcastically:: Yeah, I'm cool.

    Byblos -> ::waves his rifle in a circle and points it at Markus:: Listen you piece Targ Fodder...I am not afraid to pull the trigger right now. I am pissed..I want Ford dead. You I could give a Vole's Ass about. ::looking down at Markus ::

    Joe Manning -> Guard Tom> ::Moves over to the maintenance hatch and lowers it and the ladder::

    Byblos -> Shut up and soldier boy...

    STSF_Nickles -> ::grabs Biblos rifle:: COOL it

    rosetto -> ::follows Guard Tom::

    Pher -> I haven't been able to pick up life signs in engineering.

    Joe Manning -> Markus> ::Smirks at Byblos' reaction:: Like to reiterate that I think working with mercs is a bad idea, ma'am.

    Pher -> :: Tries to analyze the atmosphere in engineering ::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The atmosphere is flooded with plasma coolant

    Troy Parson -> ::nervous smile at Markus and Byblos:: Gentlemen, gentlemen, please...

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex. ::warning::

    Byblos -> Aye Sir..::obeys Nickles with another spit in his direction ::

    Byblos -> (Markus)

    Pher -> Whoa. Everyone freeze.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::frowns:: Markus. Get up here and take point.

    Pher -> Engineering is flooded with coolant!

    Joe Manning -> Markus> ::Spits on the deck and moves up to join Alex::

    STSF_Nickles -> Then it loolks like we arent going ther

    Troy Parson -> So much for that plan.

    William Chocox -> ::to Shane:: Just for the record I am fully qualified engineer.

    Shane -> ::annoyed, then glances at Pher:: What the jykin'...::moves to look over Phers shoulder::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Is that ENG or just a maintenance hatch?))

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((NVM, missed a line.))

    Joe Manning -> (( Main engineering is flooded ))

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at Shane and William:: So, how close were you two to being able to retake their system?

    Pher -> :: Tries to judge the amount of area contaminated. ::

    Byblos -> That's more like it boy...::to Markus:: Uh Sir...::to Nickles:: I hate ship cops.

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Three lifesigns enter main engineering from an auxiliary area. The coolant is sealed inside main engineering

    rosetto -> ::hears the conversation from the hatch and taps Tom on shoudler::Dude, this is a bust...

    Shane -> ::glares up Will:: It's a two man job Will. ::looks to Troy:: It'd be fast if we had access to the main computer.

    Pher -> I have three life signs insign main engineering. They must be suited...

    Joe Manning -> Tomar> ::Looks at Guard Tom:: Find out if these shafts are clear and how far out you can move.

    STSF_Nickles -> Knock it off. Fighting amoubst ourselves isnt going to help anything

    rosetto -> ::To Tom::Main Engineering is flooded with coolant...

    Troy Parson -> I don't know if I can get you guys that computer access, so do what you can in the meantime.

    Pher -> Captain, you might want to seal the door to main engineering.

    Byblos -> Chris...need some O2?

    Joe Manning -> Tom> ::looks at Sal:: Captain's orders. Wants to find out how much of these ducts is clear. C'mon.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::to Ethan:: (w) Seriously, what's going on?

    rosetto -> ::shrugs and follows::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar> ::Looks at Pher:: If we're going to enter engineering, we're going to need protection of our own. ::Looks at Byblos:: He's covered ...

    Byblos -> ::hears something about more engineering coolant in engineering being flooded::

    Ethan Neufeld -> We're going to try and talk Ford down...

    Pher -> Agreed. Hey, do your transporter systems handle internal point to point?

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::loudly:: What?!

    Shane -> ::grabs his ODRI from Troy, and motions Will to follow him:: Come on.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar> ::Shakes head:: I'm afraid not. We can only transport off ship.

    Byblos -> I just have a mask...that stuff doesn't it corrode organic flesh?

    rosetto -> Hey Tom! What's this?::looks at a panel on one of the walls with RED indicators::

    William Chocox -> ::follows::

    Pher -> OK. Do you have a supply of suits available, then?

    Troy Parson -> ::steps up next to Ethan:: I'm afraid it looks like that plan is off.

    Joe Manning -> Tom> It's nothing. ::Crawling:: Maintenance stuff. I ... think ... ::Looks back toward William:: We headed in the right direction?

    Troy Parson -> If only because...well, look at the plasma readings. There's no Ford here to talk to.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar> ::Nods to guard Jerry:: We may need only two or three. Get a few from the nearest locker.

    Pher -> :: Dissapointed. Was actually hoping that one of Shane's ideas was good. ::

    Byblos -> Son of a Vole is a slicer...

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::Troy:: Good! Then we can stop talking and get something done!

    Byblos -> as well as an engineer.

    rosetto -> ::looks at WIlliam::Looks like an environmental control circuit to me?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::glances at Alex; then Troy:: I wouldn't say that just yet, sir.

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: One of the lifesigns approaches the door

    Pher -> :: Focuses attention on the location of the three in engineering and how far the party in the tubes is getting. ::

    Troy Parson -> ::sees the lifesign moving on his own ODRI:: Incoming!

    Pher -> OK. Someone is coming to the door. Without suits... we might want to back off and seal some doors.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar> ::Frowns and takes a few steps back::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::steps back a bit from the door::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar> The coolant on this ship is not as toxic as you may be used to. But breathing too much of it would be a problem.

    Joe Manning -> Tom> ::Looks at Sal:: You think you could do something with it?

    William Chocox -> ((Just for clarity and and my sanity. I believe I am with Shane.))

    Byblos -> Awaiting orders.....::Byblos says to whoever is his team leader at the moment ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::readies::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: A plasma torch begins cutting through the seam of the sliding double doors

    Pher -> To punch through that suit, I may have to set this thing to lethal. :: to Tomar ::

    STSF_Nickles -> Tomar how much of a problem

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((We're right outside ME?))

    Troy Parson -> ::takes a couple of steps back::

    Joe Manning -> (( Aye, William is with Shane, not with Sal and Tom ))

    William Chocox -> ((Ok. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't mistaken.))

    Shane -> ::pulls a panel off the cooridor, then stops and looks back at the sounds of "incoming":: Quickly. Link up your hack program to the data junction there.

    Joe Manning -> (( Sal and Tom are in the maintenance shaft, everyone else is outside ME ))

    rosetto -> ::To Tom::Perhaps... Let me look this panel over a bit. You go on ahead...

    Pher -> +Ford+ Are you one of the suited three in engineering?

    William Chocox -> ::starts the link:: Starting.

    Ethan Neufeld -> I'd suggest that we find cover.

    Joe Manning -> Ford> ::Still no answer::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::already moving toward junction further down::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar> ::Follows Alex and Markus, glancing back at the door::

    Pher -> :: Looks for a good place to cover the main door to engineering. ::

    Troy Parson -> ::stepping back further:: Byblos! You're masked, cover the door!

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::taking cover::

    Shane -> ::moves down a few meters and pulls off another panel:: Access the atmospheric program for this section locally and get us a force field set up!

    Byblos -> Aye!

    Pher -> +Ford+ If so, you are doing nothing to improve your popularity.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::moves back with the others::

    rosetto -> ::taps away at panel and attempts to gain access::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Plasma coolant seaps through the seal as it's broken

    William Chocox -> ::starts accessing:: Where do you want this forcefield set up?

    Byblos -> ::The Nausicaan quickly moves forward kneels into a firing position at the door::

    Shane -> Block off MENG from us!

    Joe Manning -> Ford> Got it! Open it!

    Pher -> +Sal+ Sal? Have you heard that engineering is flooded with coolant?

    Byblos -> Orders sir! Kill at will?

    William Chocox -> Will do.

    Troy Parson -> Don't kill if you don't have to...they could probably forgive a lost leg or two given the circumstances, though ::to Byblos::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The doors slide open, revealing three figures in Capricorn biosuits

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: A number of dead bodies are barely visible behind them

    rosetto -> +Pher+Yeah... heard you guys before we got this far. I'm currently attempting to gain access to Engineering through this maintenance port..

    William Chocox -> Almost there, got it! ::enters the command for the force field::

    Pher -> +Sal+ We've got three people coming out of the main door now.

    Byblos -> Stop And on Your Knees NOw You Three!!!!

    Troy Parson -> ::glances around the corner, sees the bodies:: Oh, this isn'

    Pher -> :: Covering the three ::

    Troy Parson -> t good.

    Byblos -> ::Sets rifle for spread::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Two of the figures in front reach for their disruptor rifles

    rosetto -> +Pher+Okay... I'll get Tom... He went on ahead...

    Joe Manning -> Ford> ::Behind the other two, unarmed::

    Byblos -> ::fires on spread setting::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::grim look::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::opens fire from cover on furtive movement of Ford's guards::

    Joe Manning -> Ford> ::Retreats a bit and doubles over, clutching his stomach as the two guards are taken down::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::was too far down the passageway to safely fire::

    Shane -> ::setting up a hard link himself, looks back to the MENG door:: Will, start clearing the atmosphere of the cooolant.

    rosetto -> Hey Tom! Our tour is over... We should get back to the others... They have access to Engineering...

    Joe Manning -> Ford> ::Braces himself against the wall, sliding down it::

    Byblos -> Jyke!!!

    Troy Parson -> ::looks around the corner, sees that the guards are down:: Cease fire!

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Another entry into the hack program begins reversing William's changes

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex, take your guys and clear this section.

    Byblos -> Aye....the door...you want it secured open Troy Parson ?

    William Chocox -> On it. ::starts the vent system::

    William Chocox -> ((scratch that))

    Troy Parson -> ::to Byblos:: For now...cover me.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> You got it! Markus, Kelin! (And Ben, if he's there.)

    Troy Parson -> ::steps out from aroudn the corner and starts moving warily towards Ford::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar> ::Moves ahead with his guard and Troy::

    Shane -> ::sees the entry and begins a tracing program::

    Pher -> :: Still covering from a distance ::

    William Chocox -> ::looking at his ODRI:: What the heck?!? Shane! Someone seems to be reverse hacking us!

    William Chocox -> ::attempts to start the vents in MENG::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: remains back with Pher::

    rosetto -> Tom? Can you hear me? ::starts further down accessway::

    Joe Manning -> Ford> ::Looks up as Tomar approaches:: Captain ... ?! ... he flooded engineering. Everyone is dead!

    Byblos -> ::Uses his bulk to do as Troy asks and covers Troy Parson :: Guys I used the mutlibeam on stun...with those suits they may not...be fully down...Pher did you hear that!

    Shane -> I'm runnin' a trace! Get as much of the coolant vented as you can!

    William Chocox -> Working on it!

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> ::moves out to secure section; prevent the group from being taken by surprise::

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at Ford:: Who?!

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Shane's trace pinpoints a focused signal being directed at Capricorn's computer core

    STSF_Nickles -> Pher need to get them out of that corridor even if they are... bad guys.

    Joe Manning -> Ford> ::Snaps his head in Troy's direction:: ... your engineer! Your damned program!

    Pher -> I hear.

    Troy Parson -> ::shakes his head sadly:: Your captain has been with us this whole time...we didn't do anything.

    William Chocox -> ::finally gets the vents working:: I've started the vents.

    Troy Parson -> ::looks for Tomar to back him up::

    Pher -> Agreed. :Moves forward :: Lets get everyone clear from the gas.

    Byblos -> ::covers Troy Parson ...rifle aimed at Ford::

    Joe Manning -> Markus> ::Follows Alex, rifle pointed at Ford:: Just give the order, ma'am.

    William Chocox -> ((!* not .))

    rosetto -> ::looks down the accessway and doesn't see Tom at all::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> Markus, we're securing this section. You can shoot 'em later.

    Shane -> ::finds the source:: Jykin' qohs... ::begins setting up a series of firewalls from the main computer to the venting systems::

    Joe Manning -> Tom> ::Rounds a corner ahead, coughing:: Coolant up ahead. Turn back.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::joining Pher, helps move bodies::

    Joe Manning -> Markus> ::Blinks and frowns at Alex. Sighs and returns his attention to Ford::

    Pher -> :: Moving bodies ::

    rosetto -> There you are! We should get back... They have the doors open!

    Shane -> +Ethan+ Vulcan! This is Shane. Its your jyking buddies shuttle thats doing this.

    Pher -> Can anyone think of a way to clear the gas?

    STSF_Nickles -> MOves them back to here at least.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> Come on! ::waves down toward cooridor::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar> ::Looks over at Ethan::

    Byblos -> ::looking at Ford:: You are one clever slicer you son of a B*tch. ::covering Troy Parson ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::looks up at Shane; brief consideration:: Roger. ::jogs off toward Alex::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: helps pull a few back:: Get Medical over here,

    rosetto -> ::crawls passed the maintenance panel again::

    Joe Manning -> #+Troy+ Qob team, can you read?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::catches up:: Alex, your shuttle, ASAP.

    Joe Manning -> Ford> ::Finally collapses to the deck::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> What? I thought we were securing...

    Troy Parson -> #+Joe+ We're still here...what's the news?

    Ethan Neufeld -> The hacker is in your shuttle. Move!

    Ethan Neufeld -> Alex> Jyking... Markus, Kelin. Shuttlebay, now!

    Joe Manning -> #+Troy+ Comm's been jammed for a good half hour. What's the situation?

    Byblos -> ::Advances towards Ford....checking to see if he is armed ::

    Joe Manning -> Ford> ::Not carrying any weapons::

    Pher -> :: Sighs :: Byblos. Don't assume a clever enemy when there is the possiblity of it being an idiot friend.

    Troy Parson -> #+Joe+ There's been another gas attack...their main engineering section was wiped out.

    rosetto -> ::peaks out of the hatch::How's tricks?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::heads toward shuttlebay with Alex's team::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: grabs a med kit and starts working on wounded with medical::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The plasma coolant begins retreating from the main engineering doors

    Troy Parson -> +Joe+ We found their mutinous engineer...he's out of it.

    Shane -> ::looks back at Will:: Dislink! Head into MENG and secure the shuttle doors remotely, I'm blocking the hacker for now.

    Troy Parson -> +Joe+ The team from Verbistul is here, too.

    Byblos -> Odd Pher.... Pher how could he pull all these stunts without a functional comm system?

    rosetto -> ::rolls onto floor and then upright::

    Joe Manning -> PAUSE SIM

  14. Joe Manning -> BEGIN SIM

    pher -> :: Using Audrey to get a good idea of the structure of the door, in case she feels like doing something. ::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: wakes up in a corner of the mess hall and stretches::

    Joe Manning -> (( PM if there are any more questions ))

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::casually leaning against sideboard with arms loosely folded::

    STSF_Nickles -> :;stands and walks over to Pher: Whats going on Doll

    Troy Parson -> ::standing next to the communications panel of the door::

    pher -> Rise and shine, Chris. Mr. Ford seems to be getting rowdy.

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The door is pretty standard 23rd century Starfleet tech (use your own discretion)

    STSF_Nickles -> Rowdy? Lets go have a talk to him shall we??

    pher -> You'll have to get through the locked door first.

    Shane -> ::wakes up with a snort on his cot, which barely withstands his weight::

    Byblos -> ::sitting by the...cleaner option of the kitchen in the mess, not happy at all getting caught so easily, fighting waves of depression that beat him down sometimes::

    Troy Parson -> ::chimes in:: If you wanna call him, though, he's all yours. ::backs away from the comm panel::

    pher -> Ethan? Would you mind trying to reach everyone on the Qob who isn't here? Let them know the situation?

    rosetto -> test

    Troy Parson -> (( pass ))

    William Chocox -> ::in the mess hall::

    pher -> That would be Shane and Sal?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::brow rises; stares at Pher and then points at himself::

    rosetto -> ::looks around the room again::

    Ethan Neufeld -> I thought you called.

    Byblos -> ::looks to his right where the sizable dent he put into the metal reclamation unit in frustration::

    pher -> I talked to Joe briefly, but I'd like to know Sal's and Shane's situation.

    Byblos -> Hey William Chocox I need a favor.

    William Chocox -> ::walks over:: What do you need?

    Joe Manning -> Sal Guard 1> ::Listens to his headset for a moment, then looks toward the other guard and Lamb:: There's some kind of a problem. Keep an eye on the scientists.

    pher -> :: counts doctors... thinks Sal and Shane are the two unaccounted for.... ::

    STSF_Nickles -> Ford locked the doors?? Any idea on what hes up to?

    Ethan Neufeld -> Is that a good idea; does Ford want us doing that?

    rosetto -> ::watches guard 1 leave::

    Shane -> ::looks around, not knowing where he is at first with a massive headache and a dull ache on his backside:: What the jyking qoh...

    STSF_Nickles -> Check in with them Ethan

    Byblos -> Can you reprise your role as a Guardian officer and read me my rights as it has seemed I have been captured rather stupidly on my part. Heck got cuffs?

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> ::repeating:: Capricorn, this is Verbistul-02, requesting clearance for final.

    pher -> He doesn't like us. He seems to think he has a tactical advantage. Heck, he was part of the raider scene. I figure this is how he thinks.

    rosetto -> Lamb (w)> What's this all about?

    pher -> He may be listening in on this conversation, so you might consider what you say.

    STSF_Nickles -> I see ::hears Byblos:: Whats wrong with him? ::nods over to Byblos::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::inclines head skeptically at Chris; makes a show of pulling out his radio (for Ford, if he's watching)::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> +Alex+ I cannot grant you clearance to board, Verbistul 2. There is a ... situation with one of my officers. I currently have no control over the shuttle bay door mechanism.

    Shane -> ::stands up with a groan and slowly rising anger::m:: I'm gonna break some jykin spine when I find out....

    Joe Manning -> Guard 2> ::Glances back at Sal as he continues tapping at the computer terminal::

    pher -> Byblos... is feeling a bit frustrated and angry. I understand the feeling. It's likely just as well you're in charge rather than me.

    Ethan Neufeld -> +Rosetto+ Rosetto, Ethan. Sitrep. Over.

    William Chocox -> Lost my cuffs when I was stupidly captured as well.

    Shane -> ::stomps over to the door and stops short when it doesn't open::

    STSF_Nickles -> You work on the door, Ill go talk to him

    Byblos -> ::mentions something very obscene in Nausicaan:: Great...Just ....Great...

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::talking on his radio like an old walkie talkie::

    William Chocox -> Months ago.

    Joe Manning -> Ford> +Shane+ Whatever you are doing, I suggest you cut it out now. If you do not relinquish your control of our ship's systems, I will not disciminate between you and the rest of your crew when I have you taken out.

    pher -> :: Shows him her phaser rifle / grenade launcher. :: Door isn't a problem, but it might be just as well to talk first.

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> +Capricorn+ Well, you'd better get control if you know what's good for you.

    Byblos -> So much for roleplay hehe...::smashes his elbow into the kitchen cabinet again making the dent larger..producing an unwanted noise::

    STSF_Nickles -> Do what you need to Doll. This is getting complicated.

    STSF_Nickles -> :: walks over to Byblos and William:: HEY HEY Dont break everything at least not just yet.

    Ethan Neufeld -> +Rosetto+ ::doesn't get a reply from Sal; repeats:: Rosetto, Ethan. Radio Check. Over.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> +Alex+ I know full well, Verbistul 2, how good for me or not good for me this situation is. Your veiled threats are neither welcome nor needed. I am having my people attempt to retake engineering.

    Shane -> :::with a growl, slams his bionic claws into the door, denting it outwards:: +Ford+ Ford, you jyking pe'taQ! Open this jykin' door!

    pher -> You don't want me doing what I want to do. Really, you don't. If you think Byblos is out of control.... you really don't want to give me my head.

    Byblos -> Looks up. How utterly stupid....uttterly stupid...for me to get caught like this...FRAK!

    Troy Parson -> ::takes out his box of cigarettes and stares at the inside, as if he might find one hiding in the shadows in the corners of the empty carton:: ::mutters:: Well, this is unfortunate.

    William Chocox -> ((BRB))

    Byblos -> ::buries his head inside his folded arms sitting on the floor::

    Joe Manning -> +Ford+ You will stay right there until you relinquish control of the program you've put in our computer.

    pher -> Byblos? If I give you a target, you'll be content?

    STSF_Nickles -> Look at us all Byblos we are ALL Caught! We all fell for it.

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> +Capricorn+ This is my situation, Captain. My people are being held hostage by one of yours. I'm willing to bet you understand where I'm coming from.

    Joe Manning -> * Ford> +Shane+

    STSF_Nickles -> ::offers his hand:: Come on get back up here We need your help.

    rosetto -> ::looks down at his belt and sees his PADD flashing. Handcuffed, he cannot reach it::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::Pher:: No contact with, Rosetto, ma'am.

    Byblos -> ::not lifting his head:: I led Nausicaans in battle against Guardians..catching them off guard...not the other way around...this is ....unacceptable.

    Shane -> ::menacing::+Ford+ Just try and keep me here. ::cuts the link and looks around for his ODRI::

    William Chocox -> ((Back))

    pher -> :: To Shane :: Is there a way to home in on his communicator position?

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> +Alex+ And if you are not willing to exercise patience, there is little I can say to curtail you. But understand that you will not be able to board this ship until we have control of the bay from the Bridge.

    Byblos -> Pher, someone...Take the disruptor from my holster please....

    William Chocox -> Think how I feel Byblos. This is the second time this year I've been captured in a less than flattering way.

    Shane -> ((pher, I'm not in the mess hall))

    STSF_Nickles -> Byblos snap out of it. Stand up here thats an order.

    pher -> (( Sorry, that request should have gone to Ethan ))

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> +Capricorn+ ::sighs loudly:: Fine, whatever. Just give me a ring when your peeps have their heads screwed on.

    Byblos -> ::looks over to Will :: Take my disruptor from me please..

    rosetto -> ::wonders why Lamb is silent::

    STSF_Nickles -> (( ::nods:: ))

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::Pher:: With your ODRI and if he has a comm.

    Joe Manning -> Lamb> ::Mostly just terrified by what's unfolding around him. Not a man that's comfortable around guns::

    pher -> :: Walks slowly over to Byblos, acquires his disruptor, gives him the lightest of kisses as she stands up ::

    Shane -> ::holds the ODRI in his bionic and brings the Capricorn main computer::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::takes his hand and smacks bublos upside the head from the side. :: HEY DUDE!!

    Joe Manning -> #ACTION: The shuttle bay doors open

    Shane -> computer online*

    William Chocox -> ((BRB))

    pher -> :: Considers the relative merits of disruptors and phasers when attacking doors ::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Shane is locked out of the main computer

    Byblos -> ::springs upward rapidly::

    Byblos -> ::unsheathes his sword::

    rosetto -> ::trying not to attract attention, scootches over to Lamb and whispers::Can you reach my PADD?

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> ::sees shuttlebay doors open and leans forward; slaps Kelin on the shoulder:: Gun it; we ain't waiting.

    Byblos -> ::points the sword at STSF_Nickles ::

    pher -> :: To Ethan :: OK. I'll work that in a bit.

    Joe Manning -> Guard 2> ::Gets a comm from Ford:: "Damn it ... get down to the cyborg's quarters. I'm losing control of systems!"

    Byblos -> Take it....before I do something stupid.

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Kelin> ::nods::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: Standing in front of him :: I thought that would get you up.

    Shane -> ::narrows his eyes at the device and begins a link to the sensors near his quarters directly::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::eying activities in the mess; wonders if they've really given up on talking to Ford::

    pher -> :: Is surprised he hasn't already done something stupid ::

    Shane -> ::...doing this by ripping off the door control panel and linking a hard line to the Capricorn's network::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: There is one guard outside Shane's quarters. He appears to be getting ready to defend the door

    pher -> Ford? You think we have your computer buggered?

    Troy Parson -> ::watching everyone else in the mess, hoping the others will figure something out without him having to take action in his current state::

    William Chocox -> ((Back))

    Byblos -> I'r rather not slit my throat....take it Nickles!::

    Ethan Neufeld -> +Shane+ Shane, Ethan. Sitrep. Over.

    Joe Manning -> Ford> +Pher+ The one with the freak arm does! And he's about to cause even more problems for us.

    STSF_Nickles -> Im not taking anything, Your better not, I dont want to clean up the mess.

    rosetto -> <to Lamb, whispering>Just tap the RED indicator...

    Joe Manning -> Ford> +Pher+ I can't afford to figure which one of you is working with him or not.

    pher -> OK. Mind if one of us, at least, goes and talks to him? If he is the one that has the system buggered, we can't help you locked in here.

    Byblos -> William....take my blade....I want to bury it inside something....and right now it's me...just take it William Chocox

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> ::keeping eye out as shuttle rapidly approaches opening shuttle bay; looking for signs of possible resistence inside::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::turns to Pher:: working with Who??

    Shane -> ::working with the speed of someone who's done this sort of thing before, brings up the lighting control of the cooridor outside::growls::+Ethan+ What do you want Vulcan?

    William Chocox -> ::takes it:: Fine.

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> Keep those sensors active.

    Joe Manning -> Ford> +Pher+ You have communications. Talk to him. I can assure you has his ODRI.

    Joe Manning -> Ford> +Pher+ I would not expect reason to go very far.

    Ethan Neufeld -> +Shane+ Shane; not me. Pher wants your sitrep.

    Byblos -> Thank you. ::stands and exhales::

    Byblos -> ::sees Nickles:: Sorry...I should of told the Boss and you about this before you hired me.

    Joe Manning -> #ACTION: The shuttle bay is empty at the moment

    pher -> +Pher+ Well, all I can try over the comm is reason, but I'll give it a shot.

    STSF_Nickles -> About What?

    pher -> +Shane+ If you could, please, Shane.

    Joe Manning -> Lamb> ::Waits for the other guard to get clear away from the lab before he leans over and taps Sal's PADD::

    Shane -> ::sets up a link through the wireless communications to his ODRI::+Ethan+ I'm trying to get an upperhand here, you jyke.

    Joe Manning -> Lamb> I'm going to get thrown out the airlock for this

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> ::addressing VSEC:: Okay, you know the drill. Moment we touch down, we're going in. Check your corners and watch your intervals.

    Byblos -> I will not tolerate another failure in my life....I have two big ones...I only am willing to give myself three...and its over.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::glances at Pher; assuming she heard Shane's answer::

    Ethan Neufeld -> +Shane+ Roger that. Ethan, out.

    Troy Parson -> ::looks over at Byblos:: Really? Three strikes and you're out, is that how it works?

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Two more guards arrive in the corridor outside Shane's quarters

    Shane -> ::disconnects from the hardline and stopmps over to grab a small desk lamp::

    rosetto -> [to Lamb, whispering] What's it say?

    pher -> +Ethan+ How are you attempting to get the upper hand?

    Byblos -> ::looks around:: You are right...there are people here....ex Feddies like yourself that can get us out of this. ::looks to Troy Parson :: After Tranquility I made that vow to myslef.

    Joe Manning -> Lamb> ::Cranes his neck around:: Incoming comm. Silent.

    rosetto -> ::grimaces::

    pher -> (( Sorry. That was to shane.))

    Joe Manning -> Lamb> ::Shakes his head:: I don't like the look of these guys. Something is definitely not right here.

    Joe Manning -> Lamb> ::Reaches around to tap at the controls of Sal's shackles::

    Troy Parson -> ::thinks:: Well, in that case, let's try this. Teleport yourself out of this room and into the corridor. You've got two seconds. Go!

    Troy Parson -> ::counting:: One...two...time's up!

    Byblos -> I am serious Parsons...

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> ::at rear of shuttle on hatch controls::

    Byblos -> ::starts to get PO'd::

    Shane -> ::tosses it away and picks up the table, bringing it over to the door and propping it up to block it::+Pher+ You do realize this line is most likely unsecure.

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Kelin> Touchdown.

    Joe Manning -> #ACTION: Four guards trot through the shuttle bay entrance, rifles at their chests

    Troy Parson -> So, are you going to do it now, because you didn't teleport?

    Troy Parson -> End it all, I mean.

    pher -> +Shane+ Of course.

    Joe Manning -> Lamb> ::Activates the release mechanism and the shackles fall to the deck::

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Kelin> Chief! Four tangos, bay entrance!

    Joe Manning -> Lamb> If I were you, I'd try to hook up with the rest of your people.

    rosetto -> ::As the shackles fall, falls with them::

    Joe Manning -> #ACTION: The guards take position behind cargo crates stacked near the entrance::

    rosetto -> ::is sitting on shackles::

    pher -> + Shane + I would prefer to get you and Ford on the same side again, and neither of you are helping very much. Do you indeed have hooks in the computer system?

    Byblos -> ::walks over to Parsons:: Two crews I lost....not a third...and I am not going to leave myself the sole survivor Again!! ::sprays a bit in poor Troy Parons Face :::

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> ::growls:: +Capricorn+ Capricorn. What is this, Captain?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::puts radio away and quietly allows the others to handle the situation::

    Byblos -> (oops..given the height..the spray would rain down on Troy)

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> +Alex+ My men are trying to breach main engineering. It is completely sealed. I cannot fathom why Ford gave you landing clearance.

    Troy Parson -> ::takes out his handkerchief and cleans himself off:: What do you care? You think something like that actually matters?

    STSF_Nickles -> BYBLOS!!!

    Shane -> ::rips out a long line of power cables, the ends sparking::+This line ain't secure Orion. Whats Parson askin?

    STSF_Nickles -> Whata are you doing!!

    rosetto -> ::Grabs his PADD::+Ethan+This is Sal, what's up?

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> +Capricorn+ Who is Ford? You saying these are his men?

    Joe Manning -> #Markus> ::Finishing his equipment check, joins the others at the hatch::

    Byblos -> Jyking Humans! ::walks away from Troy stops when he Hears Nickles::

    Troy Parson -> ::softly, more to himsel:: In a thousand years or ten thousand or a hundred thousand, whether we die right now or in our beds of old age won't have made a bit of difference, you know...

    pher -> :: Wills herself not to try to out tantrum Byblos. She tries to be Calm. Reasonable. Sexy. ::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> +Alex+ I do not know which of my people are working for Ford or where any of them are.

    Shane -> ::taps a bit on his ODRI, messing with the cooridor controls::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::hears Sal in his earpiece; pulls radio out of pouch:: +Rosetto+ Rosetto, Ethan. That's what we're trying to find out. What's your sitrep? Over.

    Byblos -> ::approaches Nickles:: I don't like being talked down like that.....

    Joe Manning -> #Markus> ::Alex:: We need to take control of his situation, and we need to take control of it now. Clearly this 'Captain' has none.

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> What kind of jyking ship is this...? +Capricorn+ Well, I can solve half of that for you by taking some of them out.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::stands in front of him:: Your bringing it on yourself! :: reaching up putting his finger into Bylos chest::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The lights outside Shane's quarters go out, leaving three readied guards in the dim lighting of emergency lights

    rosetto -> ::looks up and shakes head::+Ethan+Two guards came into the lab here and shackled us. They're now gone...

    Byblos -> ::looks down at Nickles noting the finger pointing:: SIr-I

    Ethan Neufeld -> +Rosetto+ Rosetto; are you still cuffed? Over.

    pher -> +Ford+ Please? Mr. Ford sir? Could you let me out into the corridor? My ship mates are so busy blustering at each other than I can't think.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> +Alex+ I -strongly- urge you to reconsider any unprovoked hostile acts, Verbistul 2. I cannot say for sure if all these people are aware they are not answering to my authority.

    Shane -> :links to the door directly and forces it open, standing behind the table::

    rosetto -> +Ethan+No...

    pher -> +Shane+ Repeat. Are you fighting Ford and company through the computers?

    STSF_Nickles -> SIR WHAT?! ::trying to get him going enough to prove he IS needed on this team::

    rosetto -> +Ethan+What's your situation?

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> +Capricorn+ ::snaps:: What...? That's not my problem!

    Joe Manning -> Ford> +Pher+ ::Sounding half crazed now:: You've brought a shuttle full of soldiers here and your engineer continues targetting our systems. I will not have you all running around my ship!


    Byblos -> Sir....Troy is smart....why isn't he slicing his way out of here? I can punch my way out..but it......

    Shane -> ::punches his claw into the metal table and bursts out into the hallway towards the guards, holding it like a shield::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::poking him in the chest::

    STSF_Nickles -> BUT WHAT!!! BUT NOTHING !!!

    Byblos -> ::notes the poke but with the volume it's like a sword::

    Joe Manning -> Guards> ::One is toppled and the other leap out of the way of the door::

    Ethan Neufeld -> +Rosetto+ Rosetto; currently trapped in mess; Ford locked the door. Negotiations are---failing.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::frowns at mention of shuttle; if only Alex had listened::

    pher -> +Ford+ I well believe Shane is pulling a stunt. That's what he does. That's what we all do. You are making the mistake of believing we are a coherent team. Can you tell me what he is doing? He isn't responding to me.

    Shane -> ::throws the small desk lamp he was holding in his real hand at the remaining guard::

    rosetto -> +Ethan+Who's in charge there?

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> +Alex+ It will be your problem if you precipitate hostility that is uncalled for. I am asking you to show restraint. We do not need any further violence on this ship!


    Joe Manning -> Guard 2> ::Stumbles back as he's hit by the lamp::

    Joe Manning -> Guard 3> ::On the other side of the door, swings his weapon and starts shooting at Shane::

    Ethan Neufeld -> +Rosetto+ Rosetto; good question. Pher's talking to Ford. The rest is a cluster. Over.

    Troy Parson -> ::sighs at Byblos and Nickles:: Really? We're going to do this *that* way?

    rosetto -> +Ethan+Great! I hear weapons fire!

    Byblos -> ::looks down at Nickles...never being having been told off like a human before like that...is stunned slightly then.....goes to the door::

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> +Capricorn+ Why should I listen to you?! How do I know you're not secretly behind this? You tried to hijack MY SHIP!

    STSF_Nickles -> ::turns to Troy:: YOU HAVE A BETTER IDEA SPEAK UP!!

    Shane -> ::swings around and rushes guard three with a growl, smashing it against him::

    Joe Manning -> Ford> +Pher+ His program relayed the leaked plasma coolant to our triage center. He is attempting to override my lockdown. And he opened the shuttle bay doors to allow your soldiers to board the ship.

    Ethan Neufeld -> +Rosetto+ Roger that. Location? Over

    Troy Parson -> ::sighs:: So much aggression, eh? But if you really want to get out of here, I suppose I could hotwire the door.

    Joe Manning -> Guard 3> ::Falls back::

    Joe Manning -> Guard 2> ::Having recovered, lifts his rifle and fires toward Shane's exposed back side::

    rosetto -> +Ethan+Heck, I don't know... Outside in the corridor... Not too far away...

    William Chocox -> ::looks at Nickles:: I THINK WE ALL NEED TO CALM DOWN!

    pher -> +Pher+ I was not aware of an assault. Untill ten minutes ago, I didn't know of a reason for an assult. Do you have names on the assaultants?

    Shane -> ::rears back and swings the table like a bat, swating guard three::

    Byblos -> ::hears Pher....:: Chris..

    pher -> (( Sorry, should have been Ford. ))

    Joe Manning -> Ford> +Pher+ I don't know the names of your damned people! They're threatening violence and they've been allowed onto the ship.

    STSF_Nickles -> WHAT! :;to Byblos then lowers his tone:: What?

    Shane -> ::gets hit on the shoulder and roars in anger, blocking other shots with his table shield::

    Ethan Neufeld -> +Rosetto+ Roger. Pher's busy. Keep cover and await further instructions. Ethan, out.

    Byblos -> ::the Nausicaan looks at the vents supplying air to the room::

    Shane -> bionic should*

    Shane -> shoulder*

    Joe Manning -> #Markus> To hell with this, Alex. Let's take the Bridge -and- Engineering and we won't have any more problems with these people.

    Joe Manning -> Guard 2> Get on your knees! ::Closes in, still firing at the table::

    rosetto -> [to Lamb]Well, you heard it... Best thing I can do is stay here...

    Byblos -> The bastard can gas us again..if he can gas a bay...he can gas a mess hall....we need to block the vents or something...seal them shut!

    pher -> +Ford+ OK. One of us here is our XO, who is supposed to be in charge of the Qob contingent. I'm his security gal. Neither of us ordered the assault. Are you sure they are not Vestibule people, not Qob? We don't have enough people not in this mess hall to do an assault.

    Byblos -> ::looks to Troy:: Think of that sir?

    pher -> +Ford+ If it is Vestibule people, we can't really order them to stand down. They hired us.

    Shane -> Like hell I will! ::grabs guard threes phaser and fires a couple of blasts back::

    Joe Manning -> Ford> +Pher+ I can ill afford to differentiate. You're practically an armed platoon in your own right, and I'm not going to allow you to reinforce the others.

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> ::smirks::::Markus:: I never knew how to negotiate real good anyway. Kelin; you and Markus take right. Ben with me. Mr. Grotte, you keep this shuttle secure.

    STSF_Nickles -> Do it Byblos

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at Byblos:: Of course!

    Troy Parson -> What do you think I am, some kind of outer fringe mecenary thug without two neurons to knock together?

    Troy Parson -> But I was really hoping to do this *without* violence...

    Joe Manning -> #Grotte> ::Hovering over his computer terminal, nods half-heartedly toward Alex:: You bet.

    pher -> +Ford+ OK. We're pretty busy fighting ourselves, anyway. I'll keep trying to get Shane to respond. Try not to get too lethal if you can help it? The win win is if we work together, as unlikely as this sounds at the moment.

    Byblos -> Frak.....this isnt violence...this is Defence Parsons...

    rosetto -> [to Lamb] But if they come back::thinks... crap:: I guess I'm gonna take my chances elsewhere... Try to reach my crewmates...

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::Ford:: Ford, have you considered the fact that their reaction was preciptated by your actions? They'll stand down if you show them good faith.

    Joe Manning -> Guard 2> ::Impacted with the disruptor blast from his colleague's rifle, falls back::

    pher -> +Shane+ Report, (Several expletives deleted)!

    Byblos -> Dang....need...a tool kit...

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::Ford:: I know the assaulting team's leader. I can promise she'll stand down.

    Byblos -> :::starts running around the mess looking like an idiot trying to find a tool kit::

    rosetto -> ::hears weapons fire as he enters corridor. goes in opposite direction::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::Ford:: But you have to let us go first. Keep Shane captive for now, if it makes you feel safe. But let the rest of us go. Most of us were on the planet's surface when this happened.

    Joe Manning -> Ford> +Pher+ If I ... if I allow -one- of you ... to try to take this psycho out ...

    Shane -> ((is the mess hall on the same level as the temp quarters?))

    Joe Manning -> Ford> +Pher+ No one else leaves, though! If anyone else leaves, I order you all taken out.

    pher -> Ethan? If you can get a status report from her, it would be nice.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::Pher:: I'll try.

    rosetto -> +Ethan+Where's the mess hall again?

    Joe Manning -> #Markus> ::Rolls his head around, stretching his neck as he grips his rifle::

    pher -> Ethan, I'll take it. I've known him a bit longer

    Byblos -> I Need a PLASMA TORCH!....

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> ::looks over unit:: All right. Let's move out. ::emergency drops the hatch::

    Joe Manning -> Ford> +Pher+ He's already killed one of my men. Possibly one or two more.

    STSF_Nickles -> What are you going to do Doll? ::to Pher::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::Pher:: Roger.

    pher -> Ethan. Hold the door. Keep everyone here until and unless sanity returns. I'd like to talk this down.

    Troy Parson -> ::to Pher:: When you find him, be sure to give him a good thrashing for failing to *actually* take control of their computer system.

    pher -> :: Moves to the door ::

    rosetto -> ::continues down corridor to an open area::

    William Chocox -> ::rummages in his bag:: Here's one. ::Throws torch to Byblos::

    Joe Manning -> #Guard Leader> ::Peeking around a crate, yells out:: Stay where you are!

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::nods to Pher; moves near door::

    pher -> +Ford+ Make the door opening quick. Negligable sanity here.

    Shane -> ::tosses the table aside and walks up to the first gaurd on the ground, heaving breath and looking down on him::

    pher -> :: Gets ready to jump through ::

    Byblos -> ::Catches tool thrown by the ex-guardarian:: Thanks William! Now panels....

    Joe Manning -> Ford> +Pher+ Give me a minute. And if you have the ability to call these soldiers off, they've landed.

    STSF_Nickles -> Pher!? ::moves towards the door::

    Byblos -> ::looks at cabinet panels::

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> Like hell! ::moves left around shuttle and fires at guard leader peeking around crate::

    rosetto -> ::turns down another corridor... frustrated..:::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::attempts to contact Alex; no luck::

    rosetto -> ((Hi Jami!))

    Joe Manning -> #Guard Leader> ::Pulls head back and yells to the other:: Open fire.

    STSF Jami -> (Hiya, Qob)

    pher -> If you all can keep yourselves entertained for a while, Chris, Ford will let me try to talk Shane down. Let me try this. Wait here until everyone is under control, at least.

    STSF_Nickles -> (( Hi Jami))

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> ::reaches cover; checks on others::

    Troy Parson -> ::turns to Byblos and Nickles:: See? A better option.

    Byblos -> If that Captain Tomar Raj is on the level ::rips three panels off their hinges:: I will be banned from another ship in the same mission..

    Joe Manning -> #ACTION: The guards in the shuttle bay swing their rifles around the crates and begin shooting at the shuttle

    pher -> Ethan, if you could slow down the 'vestibule' 'assault' it would be nice.

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Kelins> ::dives behind cover::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Kelin^

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The mess hall door opens

    pher -> :: Jumps through ::

    pher -> +Ford+ Through. Close!

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::Pher:: Trying; she's not monitoring.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::moves to leave with PHer::

    Joe Manning -> #Markus> ::Takes position on the other side of the shuttle, firing back::

    Byblos -> ::BYBLOS TAKES TORCH AND STARTS WELDING PANEL DOORS TO VENTS to see the real door open::

    rosetto -> ::sees door open and Pher fall through::

    STSF_Nickles -> Im going with you Doll.

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The door doesn't close at once

    Shane -> ::with a stone face, kick him savagly in the face and walks down the cooridor towards the mess hall with two rifles::

    pher -> If you defile my word, I'm not going anywhere!

    Byblos -> Okay...now I really look like an idiot.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::lightly stops Chris:: Ford's taking this on good faith.

    pher -> Someone has to start honoring agreements!

    Troy Parson -> If it's all the same to the rest of you, I'd really rather do this Pher's way.

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> ::exchanging fire with guards::

    rosetto -> ::listens and catches up with Pher looking really confused::

    Byblos -> ::looks down to William Chocox:: Are we free?

    pher -> He allowed me to come out on the agreement that I came out alone!

    William Chocox -> ::looks up:: Appears so.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::looks to Ethan and then to Pher:: :;sighs:: very well Be careful

    Joe Manning -> #ACTION: Two of the guards circle around the perimeter of the bay, aiming to outflank the shuttle

    Shane -> ::nears the corner to turn to the messhall entrance, peering around the corner::

    Byblos -> Hmm..think I should stop welding? ::to William Chocox ::

    pher -> +Ford+ You were a bit slow on the door. I think I've convinced the others to stay here for the moment.

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Kelin> ::Markus:: Tango's are flanking!

    William Chocox -> Yeah.

    pher -> +Ford+ How do I get to the Cyborg?

    rosetto -> ::looks at Pher::So? What's going on?

    Shane -> ((Is Markus outside the messhall?))

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The door finally closes

    STSF_Nickles -> ::Steps back behind Ethan::

    Joe Manning -> (( He's in the shuttle bay ))

    Ethan Neufeld -> +Ford+ Ford, this is Ethan. I can't get through to the Verbistul's leader on my radio; can you patch me through to your shuttlebay?

    Byblos -> Uh okY....::shuts of plasma torch and hands it to William Chocox :: Careful a bit hot.

    Joe Manning -> Ford> +Pher+ He's left his quarters. I don't know where he is.

    Shane -> ((How many guards are outside there?))

    William Chocox -> ::grabs the torch:: Always am Byblos. Always am.

    pher -> :: To Sal :: to fights in progress. Shane and a group from the shuttle are fighting Ford. I'm trying to stop the fighting.

    Joe Manning -> (( None outside the mess hall. Just Pher and Sal ))

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Kelin> ::twists to target flanking guards::

    Byblos -> William....I need another favor.

    William Chocox -> Yeah?

    pher -> +Ford+ :: Starts scanning with Audrey looking for a mucking big cyborg arm. ::

    Joe Manning -> Ford> +Ethan+ They're already firing on my people!

    rosetto -> ::To Pher::How can I help?

    Joe Manning -> Ford> +Ethan+ Damn this ...

    STSF_Nickles -> ::looks back to Byblos glad hes snapped out of whatever was bothering him at least for the moment::

    pher -> Don't start any more fights just yet.

    Shane -> ::turns round the corner and jogs to Pher and Sal:: Who's dead?

    Ethan Neufeld -> +Ford+ Ford, don't shut down on me. I can get them to stop, but I need your help.

    rosetto -> Dead?

    pher -> None of us yet.

    Byblos -> ::the Nausicaan turns and has his hands behind his back:: If I ever...look like...I am going to....welll......take my life......disarm me...stun me...whatever. Just Problems from Tranquility messed up my head william Chocox

    Joe Manning -> #Flanking Guards> ::Take cover behind nearby crates and open fire::

    Ethan Neufeld -> +Ford+ You're the only one who can do this, Ford.

    pher -> +FOrd+ The cyborg is here. Keep your people away for a while, please. Let us talk to him a bit.

    Shane -> Where is everyone? In here?

    Joe Manning -> #Markus> Brought a little surprise for you, sweethearts. ::Reaches into a small pack around his waist and produces a small explosive::

    Joe Manning -> Ford> ::Not answering Pher::

    pher -> Yep. Everyone is just on either side of this door, shane.

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Kelin> ::nods to Markus::

    William Chocox -> Will do.

    Joe Manning -> #Markus> ::Tosses the grenade up and over the crates at the back of the bay::

    pher -> A vestibule away team is fighting with Ford's bunch, though.

    Shane -> Fine. I'm heading to TR1. Com if you want.

    Shane -> Come*

    pher -> Stay here.

    pher -> You are not a free agent.

    rosetto -> ::listens silently::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The Capricorn rumbles slightly as a blast takes out two guards and their leader in the shuttle bay

    Byblos -> Thanks...::places hand on William's shoulder::

    William Chocox -> ::nearly collapses::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: hears Byblos and takes notes::

    Troy Parson -> ::feels the ship shake slightly:: Oh, dear.

    Ethan Neufeld -> +Ford+ Ford, listen, I'm not a part of this crew and I don't trust them anymore than you do. We're in the same position. Let me help.

    Joe Manning -> #Flanking Guards> ::Nearly fall over trying to protect themselves from the blast::

    pher -> Have you been mucking with the ship's computers?

    Shane -> And negotiate? ::feels the rumble:: That ain't an option now.

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> Holy jyking! ::shields from debris::

    Byblos -> ::feels ship shake:: Hmm...William...best you find out what is making the ship shake...I shall clean up the mess I made.

    pher -> :: Rocks a bit on her feet. ::

    Shane -> ::pher:: Yeah, like Parson ordered. What do you think?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::grimaces at sound/feel of explosion::

    William Chocox -> I'll see what I can do.

    rosetto -> Settle down, big guy... Let's figure this out without violence for once...

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Hustling toward the mess hall with two guards. Holding a rifle in each hand. His guards have rifles readied at the chest::

    Joe Manning -> #Markus> Broke their formation. ::Fires back at the nearest flanking guard::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Lights go out in and around the mess hall and emergency lights pop on

    pher -> I see it as an option, at least if you'll stop flying solo.

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Kelin> Let's get to that door.

    Byblos -> (welcome back William)

    William Chocox -> Woah! Why so dark?

    William Chocox -> ((Thanks))

    Troy Parson -> ::sees the lights go off:: That's probably not good.

    STSF_Nickles -> What the hell?? GET AHOLD OF PHER!!

    Shane -> ::looks up at the lights, turns towards the TL:: I'm going. Come if you want. ::heaves the rifles up and jogs off towards the TL::

    Joe Manning -> #Markus> ::Nods and provides some cover fire::

    rosetto -> ::sighs::Want me to follow him?

    Byblos -> That didn't sound or feel like a torpedo hit...

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Rounds the corner in front of Shane with his guards::

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> ::sees team moving up; signals Ben forward with her::

    STSF_Nickles -> No It didnt

    Ethan Neufeld -> No, it was internal. Probably a grenade.

    Shane -> ::freezes, leveling his rifles::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::sounds as though he's familiar with this::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Stops in his tracks and his guards point their rifles at Shane:: Easy!

    pher -> Chris? Don't go all Byblos on me now. Can everybody please stand down?

    Byblos -> ::looks to Ethan :: who would be stupid enough to.....::thinks::

    pher -> :: Considers stunning everyone who doesn't stand down, but that would sort of defeat the point. ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::working with his radio, cycling frequencies::

    Shane -> ::Raj:: You first, yaq jykin liar!

    Shane -> ya*

    STSF_Nickles -> +PHer+ Whats going on Are you okAy??

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::frowns, apparently knowing who would, but doesn't answer Byblos::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Leans down with the rifle held vertical in front of him. Puts them on the floor and slides them across to Shane:: In case your people need extra weapons.

    pher -> + Chris+ Chinese stand off. Could you order all Qob people to stand down?

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> Stand down, gentlemen. ::Nods to the two guards, who lower their weapons::

    pher -> j+CHris+ Notably ,Shane?

    rosetto -> ::looks down the corridor at SHane's situation and decides to saty where he's at::


    Byblos -> My father stormed Commercial vessels...we were pirates...we used flash bangs...like Guardians use..:: to Ethan Neufeld::

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Kelin> ::reaches shuttle bay door::

    Joe Manning -> #Markus> ::Focuses on covering the others until they can take out the two remaining guards::

    Shane -> ::eases up after a moment, lowering his weapons:: Ford is on his own?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::glances at Byblos::

    STSF_Nickles -> Everyone in here also. Lets keep this calm. Pher has something going We have to trust her.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> I assure you. ::Raises his empty hands:: I came down here to check on your people personally.

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> ::laying down covering fire as she and Ben move up::

    pher -> OK. Who here has the best chance of getting the Vestibule people to stand down?

    STSF_Nickles -> ::trying to convince himself also::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> We still cannot breach engineering. ::Looks around at the dimmer lighting:: I do not know what this is. But it seems to be getting colder in here.

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: It seems to be getting colder in and around the mess hall

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::is calm and has been the entire time::

    rosetto -> ::thinks to himself, 'I need to invest in some kind of weapon...soon!'::

    Joe Manning -> #Markus> ::Gets a clear shot at the flanker and hits him in the elbow:: Ha! One down.

    Byblos -> ::decides to go to a corner and be quiet...best let the people with the Feddie Experience handle this ship's situation::

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Kelin> One left.

    pher -> +Ford+ We more or less almost have the cyborg stood down, or at least Captain Raj does.

    rosetto -> ::pats his shoulders and then to Pher::You getting chilly?

    Byblos -> What the...::raises arm to ceiling vent he did not seal shut::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::notices Byblos:: What is it?

    pher -> +Ford+ If it's you that is doing the cold thing, could you wait on that?

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> Come. I could use the expertise of your people. ::Moves with the guards toward Shane and the others behind him::

    Joe Manning -> Ford> ::Not answering::

    Shane -> The jyke probably cut off Enviromentals. We need off this level. ::points down the cooridor:: I was headin for the TR1 for use against MENG.

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The air is becoming lighter in the mess hall area

    STSF_Nickles -> :: walks over to Byblos:: You okay big guy?

    William Chocox -> We need to get out of here.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::begins to notice air is thinner:: Feels like environmental control is shut off---or was damaged.

    Troy Parson -> ::already feeling funny from the stimulant crash, to the point of not really noticing the worsening environmental conditions::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Guard> ::Gets a status report on his ODRI, looks at Tomar:: Looks like a couple of bodies are headed this way. We may want to move to a clear area.

    pher -> +Ford+ If you aren't going to talk to me, I'm going to have to work with Captain Taj.

    rosetto -> ::breathes heavy::I think we need to do something... quick...

    Joe Manning -> Tomar> ::Taps at the control panel next to the mess hall door::

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> ::fires at last of the guard::

    Byblos -> Okay....Do I need to weld the plates...over the vents ::looks to Ethan and william and Nickles::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar> ::Nods as the door opens:: Command override still working locally. That could be promising when we reach main engineering. ::Looks at Shane:: Though ... you have something else in mind?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::glances at Tomar as door opens::

    Joe Manning -> #ACTION: The last flanking guard is taken out

    pher -> :: Takes a half step back, willing to let Taj and Shane talk. ::

    STSF_Nickles -> +Pher+ :: breathing a little faster:: Hey doll Envirornmental controls arent working in the mess hall Airs getting hard to breath

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> Tango down. Let's open this door.

    pher -> (( Door just opened, Chris ))

    Joe Manning -> #Markus> ::Blows on the end of his rifle:: Where to next, ma'am?

    Shane -> ::shrugs, withstanding the light air a bit better than the others:: I figured on beaming the traitors to a secure area.

    Shane -> Or outer space.

    Ethan Neufeld -> # Alex> ::Markus:: Our people were in the mess. We'll go there.

    Troy Parson -> ::looks out at Raj and Shane:: Hm.

    Byblos -> ::a sudden burst of air blows through the open doors...equalizing the pressure::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar> ::Frowns toward Shane, then looks in at the others::

    pher -> Can this ship do internal transport? :: is mildly impressed ::

    Joe Manning -> PAUSE SIM

  15. Joe Manning -> BEGIN SIM

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::finishing up his report on the surface mission::

    Byblos -> ::in Mess finishing water and awaiting orders if given::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Makes his way to the mess hall::

    Byblos -> Troy...here comes the resident CO.

    Byblos -> ::sets glass of water on table::

    Byblos -> (duct tape)

    Troy Parson -> ::looks up from his empty coffee mug:: Ah, so it is.

    Byblos -> Pher..a word if you would ...::walks over to the Orion::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar> ::Looks at Byblos:: Mr. Byblos. ::Nods and looks at Troy:: Everyone safely back from the planet and in good shape?

    Pher -> :: Stands aside fo Byblos, though pauses when Tomar speaks ::

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at Raj, feeling the weariness as the stimulant effects of the caffeine and smoking begin to wear off:: Aye, looks like we made it out in one piece this time...thanks to your help.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar> ::Looks over at Pher and Byblos and smiles:: Please, do not let me keep you.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::proof-reads report::

    Pher -> :: Hits several poses while looking down at herself. :: I hope my shape is good. :: Slightly crooked smile ::

    Byblos -> ::next to Pher:: Ah, given we have our Doctors Troy had me...keep an eye on them. I wasnt certain if you wished that to change.

    Kaara Soora -> ::working on the autopsy [?]::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar> ::Looks back at Troy:: I was glad to prove, to an extent, that my intentions toward your crew are not harmful. But I come wearing the outfit not of savior but of messenger ...

    Joe Manning -> (( Up to you Kaara ))

    Kaara Soora -> ((Ha, why not?))

    Pher -> :: Nods to Tomar, then steps aside a bit for a few words with Byblos ::

    Troy Parson -> ::thinks, "Great, now what?":: Oh?

    Kerris Kea -> ::eating some slop in the mess hall, quietly observing::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar> Your Captain wanted me to pass along the word that Mr. Grotte will be leaving us with your shuttle. He is to return to Verbistul to ... ::Frown shows a bit:: Pick up more personnel.

    Pher -> :: Considers :: I don't see any need for a change, unless you have another tangent you'd care to chase?

    Pher -> I'm a bit behind on the orbit side of things. Still catching up.

    Troy Parson -> Ah. Well, I suppose that makes sense, though he could just as easily have notified me directly...

    Kerris Kea -> ::chewing on her spoon absently, frowning::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::closes out report; stands and stretches...painfully::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar> ::Shrugs:: We was informing me and asked me to pass it along. I imagine he has quite a lot on his own plate ...

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::exits the goat locker, heading out to find Chris or Pher and turn in his report::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar> But also that he wished for me to confer with you. ::Crosses his arms:: Since this new team is apparently not going to be under your command, but under Verbistul's.

    Troy Parson -> ::yawns:: Fair enough. By the way...did he say this to you directly, or were you given the message from someone else?

    Byblos -> ::to Pher quietly:: I ....we.....had a situation ...a gas attack in the medical area...Nothing I could do...just carry people out. But if the Boss loses a medic he's going to be like a mad targ. I think some effort should be made protecting them even if the ....enemy is smart and muscle may not do the trick.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar> I got this from your Captain just a few moments ago. Mr. Grotte is already boarding the shuttle and I have given him clearance to leave.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::heads for the last place he saw them first - the mess::

    Troy Parson -> ::too tired to be paranoid about the shuttle at the moment:: All right.

    Troy Parson -> By the way, Captain...how are your own people holding up? I know they've been through a lot lately.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((heads first for the last place he saw them^))

    Pher -> Any ideas on who the 'enemy' might be?

    Kaara Soora -> ::sighs and rubs her eyes, trying to hide being tired::

    Byblos -> Probably a close friend to the guy whose head is in my locker on Qob. And he is smart. He almost killed you coming in on transport.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar> Lately and for some time. We have not had a break in quite a while. Most of the wounded have been moved back into the cargo bay, though we now must add the losses from the apparent gas attack to the list. ::Frowns::

    Byblos -> ::looks up upon hearing Gas Attack and frowns as well..more out of frustration::

    Pher -> :: Considers, then comments quietly. :: And here I thought your surgery was in such good taste. I suppose there is room for disagreement. :: Considers some more ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::exits a TL on the mess deck::

    Troy Parson -> ::looks up from his coffee:: You know...we're going to find out who's behind that attack. They did try to take out our people, too, after all.

    Troy Parson -> ::glances back at the coffee, wondering if the shadow at the bottom of the cup might be hiding some last precious drops amidst the cigarette ash::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar> Many of my people are ... not seeing it that way. Some are wondering if one of the Verbistul crew might have been responsible, and your own people were considered acceptable losses. The impending arrival of more Verbistul crew does not comfort me.

    Byblos -> Your choice Sir..I best shut up and listen to Mr. Raj...he seems okay. My perception. But some of the security he has..has the face of Diklyt.

    Pher -> From the type of gas, can we deduce it was made from engineering stores, medical drugs, or specialized purpose built gear?

    Kerris Kea -> ::nods::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar> ::Looks at Pher:: Plasma coolant. The coolant that we were shunting to the exterior vents from engineering.

    Pher -> :: Gives every apperance of listening to Byblos's comments on Raj and Diklyt's associates. ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::enters the mess::

    Byblos -> Stuff nearly killed me . Dr. Kerris and Dr. Koora purged my lungs of the toxins..they would know what it was..although William thought it was an engineering based gas.

    Kerris Kea -> ::looks up as Ethan enters::

    Byblos -> ::nods to Ethan who he still views as looking worse for wear::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar> Mr. Ford, my engineering chief, is convinced that someone deliberately shunted the coolant through the vents to the cargo bay. He cannot pinpoint who was responsible, though only a select few people on this ship have the clearance.

    Pher -> :: Nods :: Still getting a feeling of distrust among the various crews?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::nods to Byblos::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((We assuming Chris is in the mess with the others?))

    Kerris Kea -> Feling any better, Ethan?

    Joe Manning -> Tomar> ::Shakes head:: There is no doubt that some of people suspect members of your team.

    Pher -> :: Also glances at Ethan with a casual smile ::

    Troy Parson -> ::to Pher:: Can you blame them, after all?

    rosetto -> ((hello))

    rosetto -> ((hey hey, I'm Back...))

    Pher -> Not really. (To Troy)

    Joe Manning -> Tomar> Whether one of them was responsible for the death of your Mr. Gable ... ::Sighs:: I have only been Captain of this vessel for a few hours. I cannot say I know the crew as well as Mr. Diklyt knew them.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::smiles faintly at Pher and then Kerris:: ::to Kerris:: Still stiff; it'll get better after I get some sleep.

    Byblos -> You look on board Pher ::whispers:: The security teams look better fed and taken care of than medical..science even engineers. In my opinion. Yes distrust abounds and especially towards us in the Security onboard this ship. Not certain about how they feel about Vestibul crew. ::does not realize a Nausicaan's whisper may travel...::

    Kerris Kea -> ::nods at Ethan:: You should see to that, then.

    rosetto -> ::wanders around searching for the science lab::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Mm. ::agrees::

    Joe Manning -> (( Nice to see your pea green again, Sal ;) ))

    Pher -> Well, that says whose the tail and whose the dog.

    Kaara Soora -> ::covers Gable back up with the dirty sheet and goes to get some coffee with a heavy sigh::

    rosetto -> ((you're just envious...))

    Byblos -> ::Byblos blinks not understanding Pher...an Orion phrase...but it was in basic..::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::approaches Pher and holds out a chip (or something):: Report on the mission.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Never actually decided on what medium Ethan wrote it.))

    Joe Manning -> Tomar> Well, I will leave you to your own devices then. ::Motions to a panel near the door:: Feel free to use any of the communication devices to reach me or any member of my crew. We will assist where we can ...

    Pher -> :: Turns to Ethan :: Appreciated. Would you care to give the two sentence summary?

    rosetto -> ::to no one in particular::hmmm... Laundry Facilities...

    Kerris Kea -> Maybe showers for a few of us. ::eyes Byblos::

    Byblos -> ::looks around and notices a Doctor not present...Kaara Soora::

    Kaara Soora -> ((I'm on my way!))

    Byblos -> Yeah...Dr. Kea uh did you see where Dr. Soora went to?

    rosetto -> ::walks down another corridor::Ah, a locator panel... This should help... ::he hopes::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar> ::Heads out of the mess hall at a bit of a brisk pace, having his own pressing issues piling up on top of him::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::brow furrows and he appears mildly amused:: We came; we saw. And there are strong indications that powered devices fitted with electromagnetic shielding do not emit sufficient electromagnetic signatures in ‘standby’ or ‘passive’, to register on the sensors or threat indicators of modified or unmodified defense drones.

    Troy Parson -> ::watches Tomar leave:: Well, at least *he* doesn't seem to want us dead at the moment.

    Pher -> You had a chance to post mortum the drone parts yet?

    Byblos -> Dr. Soora is not here....Troy Parson I was supposed to watch over the Doctors... darnit... Should I go find her?

    Kaara Soora -> ::enters the TL and heads ...up? to the mess deck::

    Troy Parson -> ::shakes his head:: It shouldn't be necessary at this point.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::amusement fades:: No. Just observations. But I'd bet money that you'll find the modified drones are capable of audio and video or holographic processing.

    rosetto -> ::sees that the lab is only a few steps away::

    Byblos -> Okay..I just feel outsmarted at the moment by the Pe `taQ that has been jyking our mission here.

    Kaara Soora -> ::enters the mess hall, keeping her face blank, and heads over to the coffee, no matter how weak and crappy it is.

    Kaara Soora -> ::

    Troy Parson -> Aye...I wish I at least had some idea what his objective was.

    Pher -> Likely. I'm still thinking, though, that there are strong indications that we have not learned enough about how to avoid the attention of drones. We have to be more careful rather than less, or well be in too much trouble to do serious searching.

    Byblos -> Dr. Soora....thanks .....Ugh...Glad you are here. We need our Docs .

    Kerris Kea -> ::decides the spoon tastes better than the slop::

    Pher -> I'm also wondering.... twice they stunned you and tried to drag you off. The drones seem capable of subterfuge. Any idea why they might want to drag you off rather than anyone else?

    Joe Manning -> Dr. Lamb> ::A chubby fellow leaning over the recovered drone part in Capricorn's lab, poking at it with a probe::

    rosetto -> ::enters lab and looks around. room is quiet and terminals appear off.::

    Byblos -> Troy, both attacks involved personnel from Qob.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::considers for a moment:: There's a fine line between being cautious and endangering the team with hesitation.

    Kaara Soora -> Good to see you as well, Byblos ::looks at Ethan, assessing him::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::face goes blank at Pher's question:: No.

    Kaara Soora -> ::goes back to making coffee::

    Joe Manning -> Dr. Lamb> ::Hears the door open in the main lab and spins around::

    Pher -> The object, in my mind, is to be able to study stuff without getting caught up in firefights every few hours.

    Pher -> If you have a protocol to do that, I'd be most attentive.

    Troy Parson -> Indeed, but...why? Mere dislike isn't exactly a good enough reason for everything that's gone on, especially not to someone rational enough to pull off the attacks we've seen.

    Pher -> Just no? :: Looks at the blank face a bit dubiously ::

    Joe Manning -> Dr. Lamb> ::Enters the main lab and looks over at Rosetto:: Oh, hello ... do I know you?

    Byblos -> Motive. Maybe the guy had a mancrush on Dikylt I don't know. They do know he didn't come back from Vestibule. And we were sent to deal with them. And dealt err....with him.

    rosetto -> Hello, I am one of the science officers from QoB.... Sal Rosetto::extends hand::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Just no. And I'd say the first protocol is not to leave your team defenseless. But, let's be honest; I'm an outsider. I don't have a snowball's chance in hell in changing your mind.

    Kaara Soora -> ::takes her weak cup of coffee and sits down, joining in listening to the conversation::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::speaks in an easygoing manner::

    Troy Parson -> Blecch. To be honest, I'd be a bit disappointed if something as trivial as someone's feelings was behind all of this.

    rosetto -> I was told I could get access to a science terminal???

    Kerris Kea -> Such is human nature, though.

    Byblos -> Troy Parson, I strongly suggest we get Pher and Ethan ...even though he looks like Targ fodder ...on this. They are....well Smarter.

    Byblos -> I just take heads when I emotionally lose it. heh eheh..

    Joe Manning -> Dr. Lamb> Oh, you are Dr. Rosetto? ::Takes his hand:: We, uh ... have the part you wanted sent over here. ::Nods his head back at the drone arm:: Did that thing really come from Zoalus?

    Troy Parson -> ::nods:: Yes, I suppose it will be nice to have actual security people participating in this investigation.

    Pher -> :: Tilts head :: Hey. Last AT, we had three honest approaches working to cross purposes. Sal wanted to play linguist, for good reason. You wanted to play with your tech. I wanted to avoid contact and conflict. There is a point to all three.

    Kaara Soora -> How can I be of assistance?

    Byblos -> Yes Troy Parson. Pher is the Boss's security expert.

    Pher -> I'm just saying the avoid conflict part hasn't been worked out yet, and needs to be if we're going to do any serious research.

    Ethan Neufeld -> Where do you get that idea? I didn't tell you what I wanted to do.

    Pher -> Hopefully, the language side at least can be worked.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::shrugs::

    rosetto -> ::hesitates at bit:: Yea...ssss... And you are?

    Pher -> Why don't you start doing so now, then? What is your investigation protocol? Why do you want to power up stuff? Give me some reasons.

    Troy Parson -> Indeed. ::looks to Kea and Kaara:: Speaking of other departments, how are things looking in medical?

    Byblos -> Oh.....::hears Kaara Soora:: See this guy here.....::points to Ethan Neufeld:: He's hiding an injury. My Biker's used to try to hide injuries when they crashed for fear of humiliation I do not know what his motive is.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((You type fast... Heh.))

    Joe Manning -> Lamb> Oh, Dr. Christopher Lamb. ::Straightens up as much as he can:: Head researcher here on the Capricorn. ... only researcher actually ...

    Byblos -> ::looks to Ethan:: Sorriy Illogicial Non Vulcan Ethan..Ya just learn things..

    Kerris Kea -> ::looks at Soora::

    Joe Manning -> Lamb> Used to have Holstrum, but he went back to the Hyades cluster. Scientists ... aren't too common in the Hydran Expanse. Pirates, slavers, thugs, scum, et cetera ... not scientists.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::glances at Byblos:: ::to Pher:: On only one occasion, I asked to power up my weapons for a dry fire test after they'd been through the mud.

    rosetto -> ::chuckles::I can relate to that...

    Byblos -> ::coughs::

    Kaara Soora -> ::sips her coffee, and hides a face of disgust:: Well, it could be better. COD is same as with the other, far as I could tell. I think it would be logical to conclude it was the same manner and the same murderer. Coward.

    rosetto -> ::walks over to the arm and picks it up::

    Ethan Neufeld -> The protocol, at that point, was to make sure they worked for when and if I needed them.

    Byblos -> ::listens to Dr. Soora :: Hah! That was a nice one Doc!

    Byblos -> (said scum)

    Joe Manning -> Lamb> Ah, feel free to use any of the terminals. I ... really can't be much help to you, myself. Botany is more my area of expertise.

    Troy Parson -> Hm. I suppose that's a reasonable enough conclusion, given the circumstances.

    Joe Manning -> Lamb> Always trying to perfect our hydroponics techniques, I am.

    Kaara Soora -> ::looks at Ethan:: I am wanting some rack myself, and I think everyone could benefit from it, but you more than all.

    Pher -> The protocol, at that point, was weapons powered down. :: Tilts head a bit. :: How can I experiment with finding out what works and what doesn't work if everyone is inventing their own protocol?

    Pher -> :: Sighs ::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The door to the mess hall makes a quick clicking sound

    rosetto -> Ah... then that answers my follow up question, which was "I will need to hook up a diagnostics to this?"

    Pher -> :: Scans the room with a little extra attention to the door ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Hey, I followed your orders... ::glances at door::

    Byblos -> I tell you what Doctor if I pin the coward down for you Kaara Soora...You can beat the crap out of him...that would be nice....! ::oblivious in humor::

    Troy Parson -> ::yawns again, not noticing the sound, but seeing Pher scan:: Hm?

    Kerris Kea -> What was that? ::has sensitive ears::

    rosetto -> ::moves over to the terminal and activates it::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Anyone have a tricorder? ::begins moving into an oblique angle from door::

    Pher -> :: Not sure what sounds are right and wrong in a Fed ship. ::

    Byblos -> What was what...oh I just said Dr. Soora could kick the coward's arse if I ....Uh....Audrey Pher?

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The door sits still and closed, making no more sounds

    Pher -> :: Checks for life signs behind door using Audrey ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> See if it's locked.

    Joe Manning -> Lamb> ::Watches Sal work:: ... do you know your way around our systems?

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: There are no life signs

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Behind the door, that is ...

    Byblos -> If that door is locked...

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: There are many elsewhere in the universe

    Kerris Kea -> ::Eyes Byblos with a smile::

    Ethan Neufeld -> Then we need to get out.

    rosetto -> No completely illiterate but I could definitely use a hand logging in, etcetera...

    rosetto -> ^Not

    Pher -> :: alters the check atmosphere for pheromones program to also work a general scan for all toxins ::

    Byblos -> Could be nothing...but Pher...you got the best Equip....

    Kaara Soora -> ::sniffs coffee, suddenly very paranoid, and then sets it down and stands up::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The air in the mess hall is clean

    Byblos -> ::looks to Pher then to Troy Parson::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::approaches door from oblique angle::

    rosetto -> I'm not cetain of your protocol here...

    Pher -> No one lurking behind the door. Air seems clean. Door did click. Someone might want to try it out.

    Joe Manning -> Lamb> My hands are your hands. ::Quickly takes a seat at the terminal:: And they are very rapid and capable, let me tell you.

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at the others:: So, this is all because...the door clicked?

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The door remains closed

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::hears Pher's report on lifesigns; thumbs break on his pistol anyway::

    Troy Parson -> Suppose we should see if it's locked. ::looks at Byblos::

    Byblos -> Okay I admit I am paranoid...and ....the most expendable here.....shall I open the door Troy Parson?

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Two guards enter the science labs

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::hits the door panel to open it::

    rosetto -> ::watches Lamb's hands move quickly trying to pick up everything he can::

    Pher -> Yep. Paranoia level test. If someone wanted to trap off ship personnel in one place, that would be a good door to lock.

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The door still remains closed

    Ethan Neufeld -> It's locked...

    Kerris Kea -> ::frowns at Byblos, but doesn't comment::

    rosetto -> ::turns toward door and looks at guards::

    Joe Manning -> Guard> ::Raises a disruptor rifle at Rosetto and announces himself:: Sir! I'm going to have to ask you to step away from the terminal

    Pher -> Any techies want to do their thing on the door?

    Byblos -> Jyking Pirate scum.....::Swears more::

    Joe Manning -> Lamb> Huh?! ::Spins his chair around:: Me?

    rosetto -> er, uh... Sure ::raises hands:: no problem here...

    Joe Manning -> Guard> ::Motions downward with the rifle:: Away from the terminal. And down on your knees.

    Byblos -> ::walks over to the sink area and pounds his fist into a cabinet cursing his stupidity for realizing too late that all the baddies were in the same hideout....just like on Tranquilty with his biker gang when the guardians arrived..

    Kaara Soora -> ::looks around, hoping someone else offers up their services::

    rosetto -> ::moves slowly with no sudden jerks and gets down on knees::

    Pher -> Byblos, how much to you trust Tomar Raj?

    Joe Manning -> Guard> ::Motions to his teammate to bind Sal::

    Joe Manning -> Lamb> Uh ... ::Huffs and gets out of the chaiir:: if there's something that we weren't supposed to ...

    Ethan Neufeld -> Can't be a good idea to trust anyone on this ship. ::realizes the irony of that statement::

    Joe Manning -> Guard 2> Shut up, Lamb. ::Moves into the other lab area, next to Sal::

    rosetto -> ::looks at Lamb with a BIG question mark on face::

    Pher -> Nobody? :: Smiles at Ethan ::

    Byblos -> aRRRRRGH!!!! :::pounds fist into panel more...denting it furtherr:: HE SEEMED OKAY.....TROY! YOu are smarter~ tell her!

    Kerris Kea -> ::eyes darken:: I don't trust him.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::glances at Pher, but doesn't smile back::

    Pher -> OK. I don't think I'll call him for help, then.

    Joe Manning -> Guard> ::Taps his communicator:: We got the scientist.

    Troy Parson -> ::sighs:: He did seem fairly trustworthy...for a pirate.

    rosetto -> ::thinks 'if ever there was a time to have his PADD'::

    Troy Parson -> Which, if you think about it, isn't saying very much.

    Joe Manning -> Guard> ::Voice answers:: "Keep him there. And find out what he was up to on that terminal"

    Pher -> If no techies want to open the door, I might try it. :: Unslings her phaser rifle / grenade launcher ::

    Byblos -> Trapped in a Feddie Mess Hall this is ...embarrassing! and....jackpot if someone wants to jyking kill us. Anyone been on a feddie ship...anyway else we can get around?

    Pher -> I'm open to suggestions on where to aim.

    Troy Parson -> ::looks up at Pher:: Are you sure doing that in here is wise?

    rosetto -> ::shakes his head::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::brow rises; he steps back from door::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: The speaker in the mess hall comes alive with a voice any of the relief team would recognize: Ford, the engineer "I would advise against trying to escape"

    Kaara Soora -> I wouldn't suggest shooting a door.

    Pher -> No. It will sound lots of alarms. I'd much rather have someone try a subtle approach.

    Ethan Neufeld -> We haven't tried manual yet.

    Kaara Soora -> ::looks up for source of noise::

    Ethan Neufeld -> the manual release^

    Byblos -> ::Byblos is just Mad as heck slamming his fist into the panel and stops::

    Troy Parson -> ::recognizes Ford's voice:: Oh, it's that engineer of theirs.

    Joe Manning -> Guard 2> ::Crouches and slaps a pair of shackles over Rosetto's wrists, forcing his arms into position::

    Troy Parson -> How about, before we do anything rash, we ask them what they're doing?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::quiets that's, apparently, piping into the mess hall::

    Ethan Neufeld -> at voice^

    Joe Manning -> Ford> +Com+ Yes, the engineer. Who has intruder suppression controls under his hands.

    Troy Parson -> This mess does have communication equipment, after all.

    Kerris Kea -> ::Stands up, ready to subdue Byblos again if needed::

    Pher -> "You would?" :: Spoken to the speaker ::

    Troy Parson -> ...and apparently enough of it that they can hear us.

    rosetto -> I'm sorry, gentlemen... I seem to be at a loss here... I was told that I would have access to a terminal....

    Byblos -> ::stops pounding....exhales over and over again....listening to the guy on the Comm::

    Joe Manning -> Guard> We'll be the judge of what you were doing. Get up and move over to the chair there. ::Motions to a chair against the wall in the main lab::

    Ethan Neufeld -> I'm guessing this isn't actually about an intruder. ::to Ford::

    Pher -> +Qob+ Joe? We have a problem. Capricorn crew is trying to take over the Capricorn.

    Joe Manning -> Ford> +Ethan+ Well, you tell me that ...

    Joe Manning -> # +Pher+ ... heh? Which Capricorn crew? Is the Captain alright?

    rosetto -> No problem guys... you're in charge...::looks t the weapons and then moves over to the chairs::

    Byblos -> ::sits down on deck looking depressed about falling into another trap in his life::

    Joe Manning -> Ford> +Troy+ I've been digging through that little program that you had your engineer put in our computer, Mr. Parson ...

    Joe Manning -> Ford> +Troy+ You know, the one that was intended to take control of our systems at your command?

    Pher -> +Qob+ Haven't settled who is on which side yet, but though you ought to know.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::doesn't answer once Ford turns attention to Troy::

    Joe Manning -> # +Pher+ Damnit ... I haven't heard from Tomar. Should I attempt to make contact? The Verbistul shuttle is nearly here with the backup team.

    Troy Parson -> ::heads over to the wall console:: +Ford+ You mean the one that we've graciously decided not to use when we asked for your help in getting our people off the surface, instead of just taking it?

    Kerris Kea -> ::comes over to Byblos, sitting close beside him:: Relax.

    Pher -> +Tomar Raj+ Captain? Some of your people have locked a lot of folk in the mess hall. We consider this impolite. Have you a comment?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::watches Troy after mention of trojan in the Capricorn's computer::

    Pher -> +Joe+ I'd be careful about inviting them aboard, Joe. Evade.

    Joe Manning -> Ford> +Troy+ Who decided not to use it, Mr. Parson? Because according to what I am seeing, it was your engineer who commanded the plasma coolant to be diverted to the cargo bay, using the program.

    Kaara Soora -> ::walks towards the door, studying it slyly::

    Byblos -> JYKE!! :: pounds fist on panel again:: Not again...not again...

    Joe Manning -> # +Pher+ That's not exactly in my hands, Pher. Captain Maxwell insisted that they ignore my authority ...

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::brow rises::

    Pher -> +Joe+ Warp factor one, Joe, would do it.

    Joe Manning -> Guard> What is that ... thing? ::Motions to the drone arm::

    Troy Parson -> +Ford+ That's impossible! At that point, there were still foreign devices in your system...we didn't have control yet. And still don't, apparently.

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ ::Sounding surprised:: What? Give me a moment to look into it. Are you sure my people locked you in?

    rosetto -> ::looks at the guard, sternly:: Looks like a robotic arm to me...

    Pher -> +Tomar+ Your engineer is advising we take no action to get out.

    Kerris Kea -> ::sighs, and closes here eyes, trying to control her anger so she doesn't change:: We'll get out of this. What's the worse that could happen?

    Joe Manning -> Ford> +Troy+ My own observations say otherwise. The program is operational. It was used to divert the plasma coolant. And none of you are going anywhere until I figure out how many and which of you are responsible.

    Byblos -> ::places head in hands looking utterly depressed and shutting himself off::

    Joe Manning -> PAUSE SIM

  16. The eery quiet of Zoalus was settling back over the region from which the recon team had been plucked at the last minute. The warring drones had ceased their laser barrages, one side or the other having either been neutralized or scattered back into the woods or the port city. The massive weapons platform that had rained additional fire down upon the machines had returned to its hangar beneath the city -- now no longer shielded -- and the ground-to-air turrets had retreated into their concealed niches. The victorious drones remained busy, dragging the lifeless husks of their defeated counterparts away from the battlefield to various nearby structures, there to disappear from any reckoning. Slowly, the field that had hosted this spontaneous battle returned to the mysterious state of stillness that pervaded the entire planet.


    The team had been retrieved, all hands accounted for and undamaged, save for a bruised ego or two. They were aboard the Capricorn, the raiders' transporter having proven as valuable to the mission as Joe had guessed it might. Their situation was less critically dangerous. It was not completely secure, however. Despite the timely rescue, Capricorn's crew had counted among them the very same people who had strapped a bomb to Verbistul's warp core. This was the crew that's Captain had been beheaded by one of Qob's own. Tensions were running high on both sides, and already a murder victim was on the examining table.


    Captain Maxwell's face appeared, with impatient agitation, on Qob's viewscreen. "Captain Manning, what is going on here? I received a message from my engineer aboard the Capricorn."


    "Well, that's funny," Joe said. He had just finished the debriefing with the planet team before jumping into this conversation, one he had not been looking forward to. "Mr. Grotte is currently under the command of my science chief and should have relayed any messages through him. Experiences are telling me that your crew stands surprisingly unsteady on protocol." To that, he added a glance to the red eyed Verbistul engineer sitting at Qob's sensor terminal.


    "One of my crew is dead, Manning!" Maxwell snapped back, his usually settled demeanor slipping. "And I was not informed until Grotte contacted me. What place does 'protocol' have in this conversation?"


    "Now, Captain, my condolences go out to you or to anyone else on Verbistul who was close to Mr. Gable. Now I ask for your understanding in return. The situation on Capricorn is within my jurisdiction, as you know; the men you loaned us and the unfortunate death of one of them are my responsibility. It has been a hectic past hour, and I simply have not had the opportunity to bring you up to speed; but nor did I think it critical to burden you with a matter that it is my place to attend to. In short, leave this to us."


    "Then do I have your assurance," Maxwell replied in a measured tone. "That the retribution that is in order for this heinous act is being planned by your crew?"


    Without immediately answering, Joe reached into the front of his vest to retrieve his all-too-nearly-depleted flask of bourbon. He kept a searching gaze fixed on Maxwell as he removed the cap. "I understand your concerns about these raiders, Captain. I know it was your ship they tried to hijack. But I'm going to ask you nicely not to make such a rash suggestion a third time. I hasten to point out to you that no more than fifteen minutes after Gable's murder, Capricorn's Captain loaned us use of her transporters in a most timely fashion; several of my crew may owe him their lives."


    "So the lives of your crew balance out the death of one of mine?" Maxwell asked coldly. "And you will continue playing nice with these terrorists because it suits you?"


    Joe blinked and sipped at the flask, not showing his surprise at Maxwell's bluntness. "Would you have me hold Capricorn's entire crew accountable for what may be the deed of one individual? I have instructed my crew on the Capricorn -- and it is now nearly the entire crew -- to devote all of their attention to investigating this murder and digging out the culprit. I can give you my assurance that reparations will be made to you and yours, Captain -- whatever reparations might be called for. If this turns out to be the work of a command conspiracy headed by Captain Raj himself, the 'retribution' you're calling for might not be far off."


    "And in such a case, your crew is in a terribly terribly precarious position, such a limited number of them surrounded by an experienced band of raiders on their own ship," Maxwell shook his head quickly. "I am going to instruct Mr. Grotte to bring the shuttle back here. It will return with a security team, headed by my security chief."


    Joe shifted uncomfortably in his chair. "Captain, I'm going to have to urge you to reconsider that. If we're dealing with some nut who's loyal to Capricorn's old Captain, giving him more bodies to target can only make the situation over there more volatile. To say nothing of how bad it will look to Captain Raj or any of his crew who are still undecided about our presence on their ship. My people can handle this, and they don't need the extra responsibility of looking out for more of your crew."


    "I will assume the responsibility for this team, Captain. I am placing it, as well as Doctor Kea and Mr. Grotte, squarely under my security chief's command."


    "Now, Captain, Xorax colony was very clear about the juris--"


    "Over any crises that are related to the Zoalus expedition," Maxwell interrupted. "This relief effort is only tangentially related to the expedition, and is in fact drawing our attention and resources away from it. I'm not sure your jurisdiction is so overriding in this case, Captain. And with one of my crew dead and myself being left out of the loop, I do believe it is time for me to exert command a bit more firmly."


    "Two teams working on the same objectives under separate commands is firm? This will only cause trouble," Joe warned.


    "I think we are beyond the point of trouble being caused, Captain." Maxwell said. "My team will do whatever is necessary to uncover the assailants and to maintain calm aboard the Capricorn. As, I am sure, will yours. Maxwell out."


    Joe sighed and finished off his flask. He briefly considered contacting Troy and instructing him to secure the shuttle against any departure attempt. But he was already maintaining an uneasy stalemate between two ships -- the Capricorn and the Lucky Hand -- whose Captains he could offer only a short supply of trust. Antagonizing Captain Maxwell would leave him in the middle of a four-way standoff with no one to count on for support -- a royal mess, in short.


    Returning the flask to his vest pocket, he glanced over at the red-eyed engineer. "Hey, old man ... "


    The engineer turned his chair, pointing his crooked brow and drawn lips at Joe.


    "It seems to me that a signal being relayed from someone on Capricorn ... aaaaall the way around Zoalus ... to the Verbistul should have been noticed by even our decrepit old sensors. Yet no such anomaly was brought to my attention; go figure."


    "The signal in question," the engineer replied in his vaguely sarcastic and annoyed tone. "Was a report from Mr. Grotte to Captain Maxwell. If you would like me to inform you of every single communique that is transmitted from one person to another in this star system, I would be more than happy to oblige. I warn you that it will make for a dry read and a fairly pointless exercise as most of these transmissions, like Mr. Grotte's, are routine intra-crew correspondence."


    "There's nothing routine about a message between two ships, you little snot." He waved a dismissive hand in the engineer's direction. "Get back to work. And let me know if it happens again."

  17. Joe Manning -> BEGIN SIM

    rosetto -> ::bumps into Ethan::SO where are we supposed to be?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::minimally:: Mess.

    Byblos -> ::arrives in Mess with the same tatttered clothes although...they are CLEAN! he did the laundry a bit::

    rosetto -> Ah::nods and follows the crowd::

    Byblos -> Hah! Cannot believe the plumbing still works in some sections of the ship!

    William Chocox -> ::walking down a hallway towards a turbolift toolkit in hand::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::lets Sal go on ahead and then cringes, flexing shoulders::

    Troy Parson -> ::heading for the mess after circling around to the transporter room to pick up his now-lukewarm coffee::

    rosetto -> ::fiddling with his PADD not really watching where he's going::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::moves on toward mess::

    Byblos -> ::walks into mess and takes a seat, disruptor is plunked on the table within reach::

    Joe Manning -> (( Who, if anyone, has an ODRI? ))

    Byblos -> (Definitely not me))

    Troy Parson -> ((I've probably still got one thanks to always stealing someone else's whenever I need components.))

    William Chocox -> ((I was just recently given one.))

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::enters mess and moves aside from doorway, taking in room layout::

    Joe Manning -> (( Two yesses. Excellent ))

    rosetto -> ((All I have is my PADD))

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Just a radio, which should be on at this point, if that matters.))

    Joe Manning -> (( Is 'yesses' a word, btw? :| ))

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Yes.))

    Byblos -> ::starts to reach for disruptor seeing someone enter and then recognizes the individual:: Heh! It's the illogical non vulcan Ethan! You made it!

    rosetto -> ((NO... Yeses is))

    Troy Parson -> (( Well, what else would the plural be? "Yessi"?))

    William Chocox -> ::makes it to the TL:: Mess hall ::TL starts moving::

    Joe Manning -> (( I'll take those answers as a 'I have no idea' ))

    Troy Parson -> ::quickly drains his coffee on the way to the mess hall, making a face...it's not so good when it's not hot::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((True that, Sal.))

    rosetto -> ::finds mess...surprisingly::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::glances at Byblos, not realizing he's still grimacing a bit:: Hey, Byblos.

    Byblos -> Ethan...Need a favor...Now. Your ODRI work?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::shakes head:: I don't carry an ODRI.

    rosetto -> ::Looks around at the crew members::

    Troy Parson -> ::arrives in the mess hall with his empty coffee mug and heads for the table where everyone is sitting:: 'Ello, gentlemen.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::sits at table near Byblos; holds his right wrist, repeatedly working his right hand into a fist::

    Byblos -> Okay..Uh how is it said by humans....We have a rat onboard capricorn. Be aware of everything...::looks at Troy:: Sir...

    rosetto -> Hey Troy

    William Chocox -> ::steps out of the TL as the doors open and starts walking to the mess hall::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::nods, glancing around mess again:: Roger that.

    Byblos -> ::looks at Ethan again:: Injured?

    rosetto -> ::looks back to his PADD and taps away::

    Troy Parson -> ::glances over at the others, then up at the ceiling to see if there are any smoke detectors::

    Byblos -> I feel better now that a Brain..and a soldier are now here.

    STSF Jami -> (Hey, small change.)

    Byblos -> (welcome Nickles)

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::nods at Troy's greeting:: ::frowns, looking down at arm:: Drones shot me.

    William Chocox -> ::makes it to the Mess hall and walks over to everyone::

    STSF_Nickles -> sorry all got out of work late/

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Nothing that we 21st century folk would recognize as a smoke detector, but certainly some sensor panels

    Joe Manning -> (( Hey Nickles. We've started ))

    Joe Manning -> (( Meeting in Capricorn's mess hall ))

    STSF_Nickles -> ((ok)

    Byblos -> Beam? Slug thrower?

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at Ethan's arm:: Well, I do hope you repaid them in kind for that.

    Troy Parson -> ::takes out a cigarette and his lighter, and lights up::

    Byblos -> ::not certain what Troy is up to but trusts the Scientist's intelligence....and....::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::shakes head again:: Didn't get the chance.

    rosetto -> ::muddering to himself... alien phrases::

    William Chocox -> ::makes it to the table and sits down setting his toolkit on the floor next to him:: Did I miss anything?

    STSF_Nickles -> ::walks into the mess hall after getting a GOOD Shower::

    Joe Manning -> ::In the big chair on Qob's Bridge. Puts some of the planetary sensor readings he'd been reviewing down on the armrest and stands up::

    Byblos -> William...the only Guar...es Guardian i owe my life too.

    Joe Manning -> ::Taps his ODRI, opening a comm channel:: +Troy+ Everyone about there, Troy?

    Ethan Neufeld -> (m) Not yet, at any rate.

    rosetto -> ::looks up at Troy::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: looks around looking for the rest of the team::

    Byblos -> ::to Ethan:: Some Pe`TaQ gassed many crewmembers including myself in a medical bay....havent found the Rat responsible...William helped fix it.

    Troy Parson -> ::puts down the cigarette across the top of his empty mug and presses the button on his ODRI:: +Joe+ We're here.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::pulls earhugger out of ear:: Gassed?

    Joe Manning -> +Troy+ Everyone in the room who's got an ODRI, turn it on and hook it up to mine.

    STSF_Nickles -> :: sees the rest of the team and moves towards them::

    Byblos -> ::looks to Troy:: Are we secure ::looks to the XO and nods in submission::

    rosetto -> ::listens to Joe::

    William Chocox -> ::sets his ODRI to sync up with Joe's::

    Joe Manning -> ::Activates his own ODRI's teleconferencing mode. Its sensors begin initiating a scan of his body::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: hey folks::

    Troy Parson -> ::slides over a little so that Nickles can fit, and links his ODRI to Joe's::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: sits down with the others:

    Joe Manning -> ::Has the linked up ODRI's scan Capricorn's mess hall::

    Byblos -> I take it that means there are no bugs in here...do I need to do Guard duty at the Mess door?

    rosetto -> ::closes his program and looks up::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: A hologram of Joe appears in the middle of the mess hall table, the table cutting right through his waist

    STSF Jami -> (Y'all have a good time. Night.)

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Night.))

    rosetto -> (Nite! Jami!)

    Joe Manning -> ::Brings up holograms of all the assembled crew members, positioned around him as they're seated in the mess hall::

    Troy Parson -> ::sees Joe's hologram bisected by the table:: 'Ello, Captain. Gotten a bit shorter since we last spoke?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::obvious that he won't get much more on what's happened on the Capricorn; pays attention to hologram of Joe::

    Byblos -> ::Byblos looks to Troy..:: Sir you want me to enforce..the mess is closed sign.

    Joe Manning -> ::Takes a seat back in his chair, so that only his head is visible resting on top of the table::

    Troy Parson -> ::to Byblos::(w) Whatever this is, you should hear it. I think the locals know to leave us alone by now.

    rosetto -> ::thinks 'Talking Heads'::

    Joe Manning -> ::The crew members rotate around him so that Troy is in front of him:: Shorter? ::Looks down::

    Byblos -> Alright.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::smirks::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: watches Joe and give a chuckle::

    Joe Manning -> ::The hologram of his head has also rotated to face Troy::

    Byblos -> Glad to see his companions alive and mostly intact.

    Troy Parson -> ::takes a plate from elsewhere on the table and slides it under Joe's head:: There, much better.

    rosetto -> How's the ol' bird holding up, sir?

    Joe Manning -> ::Shakes head, having not bothered to scan anything that wasn't a lifeform:: Anyways ... where is my planet team?

    rosetto -> Here... ::almost raises his hand, but just nods::

    STSF_Nickles -> Here Joe.

    Joe Manning -> ::Uses his ODRI to manually rotate the crew around him:: Not movin', Sal. Which is just as well with you not here to fly her.

    Joe Manning -> That was quite a light show you folks put down there on the planet, though. Did you manage to learn anything terribly useful?

    Byblos -> ::keeps quiet..the Boss is in need of a brief...not his bad sense of humor or other thoughts::

    rosetto -> ::nods proudly::

    rosetto -> ::looks to Chris::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::silent::

    STSF_Nickles -> :: looks to the rest::

    Byblos -> ::has no clue what Rosetto is happy about...but he is a brain like Troy Parson ::

    Joe Manning -> ::His holo-head rotates to look at Nickles::

    Joe Manning -> Got yourself shot at a couple times at the end there, Chris. But it looks you managed to get down to the planet and wander around some undetected.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::brow rises back at Chris::

    Byblos -> ::looks at Ethan's arm wondering if the Docs he trusts can fix it::

    STSF_Nickles -> We learned a few thing about the drones ..welll yaaaaa

    rosetto -> I should say so... learned not to mess with some of them...

    STSF_Nickles -> That wasnt intentional either Sal

    Joe Manning -> ::Rotates toward Sal:: Yeah ... our own scans gave us the impression that there were multiple factions on the planet.

    rosetto -> Sir, yes... Quite unusual... I suspect that there is more to this story...

    Joe Manning -> Obviously. ::Rotates to Troy:: You haven't seen any of the scans yet, Troy, but it seems that the drones are as interested in fighting each other as they are in fighting intruders.

    rosetto -> ::looks across to Troy::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::just listening::

    Troy Parson -> Aye, I caught a glimpse of it on Capricorn's monitor. ::smokes, exhales smoke through hologram:: Any ideas why they're doing that? ::looks at Rosetto::

    Byblos -> ::feels he is to stupid to comment here::

    Joe Manning -> ::Rotates about to listen::

    rosetto -> ::looks back at Troy:: I have many ideas, Troy... We have lots of data that simply needs analized, though..

    Joe Manning -> And the Verbistul crew will want to analyze it and plan the next voyage to the planet. Possibly with the aid of our new transporters. Possibly with a few of their scientists.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::holds back a comment::

    Joe Manning -> Is there anything terribly important you think I should bring to their attention?

    Troy Parson -> Well, erm, yes, about that...

    Joe Manning -> ::Turns to Troy::

    Byblos -> ::curious about the Boss saying "with the aid of our new transporters" but says nothing::

    rosetto -> ::thinks they best not go there on their own::

    Troy Parson -> About "our transporters"...

    Troy Parson -> I wouldn't go so far as to say that this ship is fully secure yet.

    Joe Manning -> Did you have to kill anyone? ::Rotates to Byblos for some reason::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((::chuckles::))

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::brow furrows; still unaware of what happened::

    Byblos -> I will agree there with Mr. Parson sir. Someone killed several injured crewman and nearly myself and our doctors in a gas attack in the converted cargo bay::

    rosetto -> ::whispers to Chris::Should they venture to the planet on their own?

    Byblos -> Some sick Pe`TaQ is on board this ship sir.

    Troy Parson -> ::chimes in:: Nearly brought down the transporters when we were getting our people out, too.

    Byblos -> Uh Boss . ::corrects himself and shuts up::

    Joe Manning -> ::Nods:: I've heard about much of this. Some of your Verbistul people have been in touch with some of my Verbistul people. And with Captain Maxwell himself apparently. I've got him on hold as we speak.

    STSF_Nickles -> I wouldnt suggest that after what all e went through

    STSF_Nickles -> *we

    rosetto -> ::nods::

    rosetto -> ((BRB))

    Joe Manning -> ::Turns toward Sal and Nickles:: Suffice to say, the planet end of things is going to be put on hold for the time being.

    STSF_Nickles -> on Hold?

    Joe Manning -> The Verbistul brains can plan and gather equipment ... but right now I want all you folks focused on the Capricorn end of things.

    Joe Manning -> In case you ain't been told yet ... yes, you are on board the very mother ship of our raider friends from the hijacking attempt.

    rosetto -> ::looks at Joe Surprised!::

    Byblos -> ::feels kinda bummed for the brains of the mission Troy and Rosetto but without a secure base of operations how can they proceed on that dangerous world?::

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at rosetto with half a grin:: Hm, I suppose I should have mentioned that. Ah well.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::minimal reaction::

    Byblos -> ::keeps to himself::

    Joe Manning -> Right now, we're all playing the friends game. Their transporters are to thank for the planet folks getting back up in space in one piece.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::listens::

    rosetto -> ::listens as well::

    Joe Manning -> But we do have one dead Verbistul crewman. And the aforementioned sabotage of the transporters almost cost us you guys as well.

    Byblos -> ::thinks...more than one Pe`TaQ??::

    Joe Manning -> ::Turns to William:: Did you manage to learn anything more about that device yet, by the way?

    STSF_Nickles -> Hows that Joe?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::glances at William::

    rosetto -> ::Device?::

    Joe Manning -> ::Makes a quick turn to Nickles:: Someone planted something on one of the transporter's inner components, prevented their firing. Just in time to keep us from rescuin y'all.

    STSF_Nickles -> I see

    Byblos -> Jyke me...a smart Pe`taQ just great...

    William Chocox -> Best I can figure is that it is just a receiver. ::passes around the device:: It is able to communicate by piggybacking on the internal communication grid.

    rosetto -> ::whispers to Chris again::I think we should be discrete as to the information that we share with the other ships...

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::wonders what motive someone would have to disable the ship they're on::

    Joe Manning -> ::Looks at William:: Which allows someone to shut the transporters off as it suits them. Or turn them back on if it provides a needed escape. ... or inlet of reinforcements.

    Byblos -> ::looks at Device...has not seen that type of relay on Tranquility::

    Joe Manning -> In any event, we got it off.

    Joe Manning -> But after a coolant leak took out a good chunk of the raiders' triage center, we have to figure anything is possible. And both Capricorn crew and our people are being targetted.

    rosetto -> ::just wants to get this meeting over and get busy analyzing::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::to Sal:: If Joe wants to share we have to.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::notes that Joe said Capricorn members are also being targetted::

    rosetto -> ::frowns to Chris::Really?

    Byblos -> ::wants to take the smart Targ's head responsible for trying to take his associates out::

    Joe Manning -> ::Slowly turns around the table:: Our original purpose on Capricorn stands -- providing damage control and relief for their wounded. But I also want you all contributing whatever resources and brainpower you can to figuring out who's trying to off people over there.

    rosetto -> ::of course he would follow orders, but was concerned about the overall situation::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::leans back in chair::

    Troy Parson -> ::finishes off his cigarette, putting it out in the undrinkable dregs of his coffee:: Right then. Stay here, investigate, repair...got it.

    rosetto -> Sir, so you want me to put off the analysis work?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::glances at Sal::

    Joe Manning -> Planet team, with whatever time you can spare, gather together your sensor readings or summaries of your findings and start feeding them over to me.

    William Chocox -> ((::poofs back into existence::)

    Joe Manning -> ::Turns to Sal:: Right now, you're stuck on Capricorn, Sal. I'm not trusting these raiders enough to lower Qob's shields yet.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::refrains from voicing his speculations now::

    STSF_Nickles -> No I think continue what you are working on

    rosetto -> ;;nods in response::Aye, SIr...

    Joe Manning -> If you think you can use some of their facilities to look over data, be my guest. But only if no one needs you to chip in on the other work that needs to be done. Check with Troy.

    Byblos -> ::clears throat that sounds like a large belch:: Uhm Sir. The Vestibule murder, uh that would suggest more than one active pe`taQ right? What if we have two baddies...one on Vestibule, one on Capricorn. Right?

    Joe Manning -> (( There was no murder on Verbistul :) ))

    rosetto -> ::looks to Troy with a cocked head??::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::wonders if it would be better if he kept his speculations to himself::

    Byblos -> (retract)

    Joe Manning -> (( That was a little misunderstanding from the joint log a few weeks ago ))

    Troy Parson -> ((aye, my bad, sorry about that))

    Byblos -> ::coughts up some phlegm and wipes on pants::

    Joe Manning -> Anyone have anything to add before my holo-self ups and vanishes?

    rosetto -> Not at this time, sir...

    Byblos -> That one eyed woman in charge of the other ship?

    STSF_Nickles -> Not here sir

    Byblos -> Is she ...on a leash?

    Joe Manning -> ::Turns to Byblos and smirks:: I've got -two- eyes on her. And her ship. Leave worryin about her to me.

    Byblos -> Yes Boss. ::lowers head in submission::

    rosetto -> ::tries to play ctch-up with shipboard discussings::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::has nothing to add on the situation immediately at hand::

    Joe Manning -> Troy ... ::Turning:: You're still in charge over there. Make sure the newcomers have got all the info they need, and keep me updated. Good luck, folks. ::Pops off the plate::

    Troy Parson -> Aye, sir. We'll be in touch.

    rosetto -> ::sighs::That was interesting...

    Troy Parson -> ::looks over at Rosetto:: So I take it you'd like to make a start on the data from the surface?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::jaw tightens at muscle spasm in back::

    STSF_Nickles -> I dont think Ill ever get used to seeing Joes head on a platter

    rosetto -> If at all possible... Have we secure access ver here? Don't need prying eyes...

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::exhales, stands and walks around the mess to stretch; can't sit any longer::

    rosetto -> ^over

    STSF_Nickles -> Whats wrong Ethan

    Troy Parson -> We've got as much security as Mr. Shane could get us with full access to their computers. If you need more than that, you're out of luck.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::mind elsewhere; didn't catch the whole question:: Mm?

    rosetto -> Okay, we'll work with what we have... I'll only load what's absolutely necessary...

    STSF_Nickles -> Ethan whats wrong,

    Troy Parson -> Actually, about that...could you do me a favor?

    Joe Manning -> (( Last lines ))

    Troy Parson -> I'd like you to upload a small portion of your work in an unencrypted file...

    STSF_Nickles -> :: stands and follows Ethan:: Something bothering you?

    Byblos -> You need your wrist at least checked out. There are two Doctors aboard I trust with my life illogical non vulcan Ethan Neufeld, I will introduce you to them.

    rosetto -> Okay, we'll chat about it...

    Troy Parson -> Call it bait, if you will. I'll provide you with a stealthed monitoring roitine that will see who niblles.

    Troy Parson -> *routine

    William Chocox -> Hey Troy? Do you want me to continue with the device or with the murder?

    rosetto -> ah.... okay...

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::shakes head:: Stun flared up an old injury. Not much they can do.

    Joe Manning -> PAUSE SIM

  18. Joe Manning -> BEGIN SIM

    Joe Manning -> (( @ for planet group please ))

    rosetto -> ::panting::Are we done running?

    rosetto -> (oops sorry) ^@

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at Byblos as the TL approaches Cap's bridge:: Remember, don't kill anyone unless they make us. And if they do make us, don't hesitate.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::bringing up rear; trying to stay out of the creek as much as the banks allow::

    Pher -> @ If no one is chasing.

    STSF_Nickles -> @ :: with the rest of the team at the creek::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Standing in front of the command chair with his arms folded behind his back, watching images of what's taking place on the planet on the viewscreen::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ No luck. I think we're being followed.

    STSF_Nickles -> @ Anyone see any of the drones?

    Kerris Kea -> ::looks around, watching the robot of Shane with the corpse:: Where we taking him?

    rosetto -> @::looks back::Nope...

    Byblos -> Yes sir. :::manuevers his blade from a hack to a pointing style...like to give orders...but keeps the disruptor ready::

    Troy Parson -> ::takes a deep breath as the TL arrives:: Here we go...

    Byblos -> :: gives Troy Parson some room because he is going to speak ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::eyes on six::

    Joe Manning -> Sec Escort> ::Looks back at Kerris:: To the Sickbay and whatever space we can clear out; it's pretty crowded down there. Did you have something else in mind?

    Pher -> @ :: Not liking Sal's breathing, slows the pace a little bit. ::

    Troy Parson -> ::steps out as the TL doors open, looking for Tomas:: Captain Raj!

    rosetto -> @::looks back up at Pher::Thanks...

    Kaara Soora -> ::bites lip and sneaks over to the console for the equipment, logging in::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Turns to look back at Troy with the same puzzled expression he was pointing at the viewscreen::

    Byblos -> ::Nausicaan steps out of the lift::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ Lets stop and rest a moment Sal are you ok?

    Byblos -> ( S H A N E !)

    Kerris Kea -> ::looks at Escort:: Its really... interesting down there right now. Any suggestions Shane?

    Shane -> (BYBLOS)

    Pher -> @ :: Finds cover, a place for a break ::

    Troy Parson -> ::sees what is on the Capricorn's viewscreen:: Captain, we don't have much time, so I'll be quick. We've got people down there...in, well...that. ::gestures to the viewscreen::

    rosetto -> @Yeah, just a bit winded... 40 something isn't what it used to be...::breathes heavy::

    William Chocox -> ::steps out of the TL and starts dragging the biosuit towards the group::

    Shane -> ::looks up from tinkering with his new ODRI:: Uh, for what?

    Troy Parson -> We've helped you stay alive and started to repair your ship, and I'm afraid it's time for me to ask for something in return.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Blinks rapidly and glances over his shoulder:: You have people ... ::Points back at the viewscreen:: People on the surface of Zoalus? Of all places?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::unheard; stops with the others, keeping a long interval as he keeps watch on their six::

    Kerris Kea -> ::frowns::

    Byblos -> ::Sword pointed to the viewer but sweeps the bridge with his eyes looking for anyone reaches for something::

    Troy Parson -> ::grimaces:: Against my better judgement, yes, we do.

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: The pursuing group of drones comes into view up the creek bed

    Troy Parson -> And it looks like we're going to have to get them off in a hurry.

    Pher -> @ I should get you in the cargo bay dancing.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Contact, rear.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::tried to warn them earlier::

    Pher -> @ :: glances at Nickles ::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> I have never heard of anything like this occuring on this planet. ::Shakes his head:: What are your people doing down there?

    STSF_Nickles -> @ hide under that bush ... Pher how long can we hold

    rosetto -> @Perhaps later, Pher my dear... We have dance partners coming in now...

    Pher -> @ :: Looks to see if any of them are modified ::

    Kaara Soora -> ::successfully logs on, and starts looking over records::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Guards on the Bridge move to stand beside Tomar, their eyes on Byblos

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::quiets and waits in cover::

    Shane -> ::growls with annoyance:: Suggestions fer what, Doc?

    Troy Parson -> Archaeology. We were on a science mission, when you lot decided to have a try at us.

    Byblos -> ::gives Troy more room to still sweeping visually for threats::

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: Four of the dozen drones are modified

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::counts drones::

    Pher -> @ :: Looks to get well into cover, but if their sensors are good enough to be this close, they are had. ::

    rosetto -> @::dives into brush::

    Kerris Kea -> ::frowns more:: to start the investigation.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> Not exactly my question; I was aware of the purpose of your expedition. ::Sighs and frowns:: What is it that you are asking of me, Mr. Parson?

    Kerris Kea -> To look over the body and keep it safe.

    Byblos -> Easy boys...Let my superior speak....:::drops the sword down to a pointing at the deck position::

    Pher -> @ Chris? Can I try 'take me to your leader?'

    rosetto -> @::keeps silent and eyes drones::

    Pher -> @ I think we are out gunned and sensed.

    William Chocox -> ::walks up to the group with Shane and Kerris:: I'm here.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::considers powering up weapon; making his shoot or don't shoot decision::

    Kerris Kea -> ::looks William over, and nods::

    Joe Manning -> Guard> ::Glares over at Byblos, waving his rifle:: We don't take orders from you, ape.

    Troy Parson -> ::sighs:: Well, as you can see, it's all gone a bit sideways down there. We were able to get through the initial layer of defenses, but the robotic surface units have proven surprisingly formidable.

    STSF_Nickles -> @ ::looks back seeing the drones :: damn

    Shane -> Right. we need to look into the Capricorns security logs and find who was on this deck around the time of the Verbistul's death.

    Byblos -> ::Byblos does a head COUNT of the GUARDS on BRIDGE::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ Think we can make it to the coast?

    Troy Parson -> So...it looks like we might need to borrow your transporters.

    rosetto -> @::looks at Pher and whispers::Perhaps we could play back some of what we recorded?

    Pher -> @ No.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Waves his guard back, before looking back at Troy:: I see ...

    Shane -> Then cross-examine their fingerprints to the ones I found on the ODRI we recovered.

    Kerris Kea -> ::nods to Shane:: Right. Perhaps... ::looks at William:: You could be of assistance>

    Pher -> @ I don't want to power up anything. I don't want the non-modified guys here.

    Byblos -> Ape? What is an Ape? ::honestly said::

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: The drones spread apart, the modified drones heading to the tops of the creek's banks while the unmodified drones continue toward the team

    Pher -> @ :: said to Sal ::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ Its your call doll face. If you think it will work.

    William Chocox -> What do you need assistance with?

    Shane -> ::looks to Will: We got volunteered fer investigations. EVA work will have to wait.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> So if I understand correctly, Mr. Parson, the lives of your people are now in the hands of my crew?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::keeps eyes on the modified drones if he can::

    rosetto -> @::nods to Pher::

    Pher -> @ OK. If they start using lethal stuff, die gloriously, ok?

    Kerris Kea -> ::nods:: Apologies.

    Troy Parson -> ::doesn't entirely like the sound of that:: You could say that.

    Byblos -> ::looks to Troy briefly then notes the Guards backing off a bit::

    rosetto -> @::Die?::

    Kaara Soora -> ::looks around, wondering if anyone has noticed her yet::

    Troy Parson -> ::glances over at Byblos::

    Pher -> @ :: Picks the nearest modified drone, gets out of cover, and starts walking very slowly towards it. ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::ponders Pher's idea of talking to the drones::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ Pher what about setting the ordi and tossing it. Think they will fall for that old trick?

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> Might I be overly blunt in suggesting that if I render aid, your stated intention to raid equipment or supplies from my ship might be reconsidered?

    William Chocox -> Aw man. I was really hoping to use the suit.

    Byblos -> (q) :: to Troy Parson :: Uh nevermind. Just do your stuff.

    Kerris Kea -> Well, in any case, lets find an unused room or something, hopefully with a console already inside it.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::watches Pher leave cover; moves to provide covering fire::

    Shane -> But first things first. ::indicates the body still thrown over his shoulder::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ Ethan be ready in case.

    Pher -> @ That's been our standard response.

    Joe Manning -> Sec Escort> I can find a room for you, ma'am, where you can have privacy

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::nods::

    rosetto -> @::watches in a slight panic::

    Troy Parson -> ::gives Raj a long look:: I suppose, in the interests of mutual cooperation, I could find it in me to let you off with your gear intact this time.

    Joe Manning -> @Modified Drone> ::Points its sensor tentacle at Pher::

    Troy Parson -> And your supplies, of course. We don't really have much use for those anyway.

    Kerris Kea -> ::eyes escort:: I would appreciate it... we would all appreciate it.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ (w) Talking might work. ::doesn't explain thought further::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ :: hopes She knows what shes doing::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Nods once:: Very well then. ::Turns to one of the terminals at the front of the Bridge:: Mr. Cauer, Mr. Parson will assist you in transporting his people to the ship.

    Pher -> @ Do you guys watch B movies? If you want us somewhere, show us where. You haven't given us enough language for our translators to work. I'll try giving you enough for yours.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Nods back at Troy:: You may do as you will, Mr. Parson. Our transporters are at your disposal.

    Byblos -> ::ponders his stench hitting the bridge and how the heck Troy Parson can take it. Is it smoking that dried up plant Humans do?::

    Troy Parson -> Thank you, Captain.

    Shane -> ::deftly passes the dead Verbistul to a couple of the Sec escorts:: Here, take the dead guy to the shuttle bay.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::fingers ready on power button of rifle::

    Ethan Neufeld -> finger^

    Pher -> @ You've gone through a lot of trouble starting this mess. I'm hoping you have a reason for it.

    Joe Manning -> @Modified Drone> ::Waves the sensor tentacle up and down Pher::

    Pher -> @ Do you have audio capability at all?

    Kerris Kea -> ::exclaims:: What for!

    Troy Parson -> ::has smelled far worse than Byblos over the course of many chemistry experiments gone very wrong::

    rosetto -> @::thinking on his feet and then cries out::"De Nok, Ragoo T'malid!

    Byblos -> (lol)

    Joe Manning -> @Modified Drone> ::Audio emerges from one of its tentacles:: Follow. ::Moves away from the creek alone::

    Pher -> @ :: holding long phaser / grenade launch in her hand, pointing towards the ground, powered down ::

    Troy Parson -> ::heads over to Cauer's station:: You control the transporters from here?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::cringes at Rosetto; didn't think the recordings would have worked either::

    Shane -> ::to Kerris:: So we can take it back to your ship, why esle?!

    Pher -> @ I will follow.

    Shane -> else?!*

    Pher -> @ :: starts following ::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ :: pulls sal down:: What are you doing!!

    Joe Manning -> Cauer> ::Nods up at Troy:: Just need to lock on to the signatures of your team members. ::Shrugs:: I don't know who or what that would be.

    Kerris Kea -> Did you get everything you need ::in a quiet voice::

    rosetto -> @::whispers to Chris::trying to shut it down...

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ (w) Don't think they understand you, Sal.

    Joe Manning -> @Modified Drone> ::Quickens its pace, moving further away from the creek and the rest of the drones, which continue on toward the rest of the team::

    Pher -> @ Chris. They have audio. I've got told to follow. Could you get Sal to play it gentle? No glory games, if you could?

    Troy Parson -> Look for a cluster of humanoids...organic good, machine bad. See them yet?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::frowns at what's developing::

    Pher -> @ :: moves slow and easy after the one who spoke ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::was hoping it wouldn't go down this way::

    rosetto -> @::hear Pher just fine and nds to Chris::

    Byblos -> ::notes he has the best arc of fire from his current position on the bridge, his sword still...unsheathed pointed at the deck and quietly mutters:: Ape...What the heck is an ape?

    Joe Manning -> Cauer> All of the organic then? Searching ... ::Taps the station's controls::

    Shane -> ::nods lightly to Kerris as he turns to the SEC escort:: Will and I have been doing repairs all day on the scrap heap, we know our way around. We'll find a place to carry on our investigation. That'll be all.

    Kerris Kea -> ::looks at Grotte:: Go with him to the shuttle bay, aye?

    STSF_Nickles -> @ ::nods:: remain calm lets see whats going to happen

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: The drones are about to surround the position of th rest of the team

    Troy Parson -> Hopefully, they've stayed close together.

    Pher -> @ I don't suppose you'd be willing to say what is going on? ( Said to the drone )

    Joe Manning -> @Modified Drone> Follow. ::Continues hovering away from the creek::

    Troy Parson -> +Joe Manning+ Captain, the Capricorn's crew has allowed us the use of their transporters. We're trying to get a lock currently.

    STSF_Nickles -> @ ::sees the remaining drones:: damnit ....

    Pher -> @ Chris. They've got the world 'follow' down, but their language profile doesn't seem complete.

    rosetto -> @::cringes then whispers::shouldn't we follow too??

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: The modified drones are waving their sensors around at the team

    Ethan Neufeld -> (What'd I miss?))

    Shane -> ::walks down the cooridor leaving the escort behind::Kerris and Will:: Come on you two, we don't have all day!

    STSF_Nickles -> @Hold your fire do not power anything up

    Kerris Kea -> ::smiles and follows::

    Byblos -> (hands Ethan duct tape)

    Pher -> @ I'd suggest you follow if you don't want to be stunned and dragged, and if they stun they'll pull in a lot of hostile company.

    William Chocox -> ::starts following Shane::

    Joe Manning -> Cauer> Got a lock on one of them ... but I'm having difficulty initiating transport.

    Kaara Soora -> ::starts hacking into the computer access record, trying to minimise the time she spends looking around::

    Joe Manning -> Cauer> ::Looks up at Troy:: I think the engineers need to take a look. We haven

    rosetto -> @::rises slowly and moves toward Pher's location::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Pher the only one going with the drones so far?))

    Joe Manning -> 't made transporters a priority.

    STSF_Nickles -> @ ::team:: do not raise your hands or weapons lets follow Phe

    STSF_Nickles -> Pher

    Byblos -> ::looks to the individual who called him an ape:: Seriously, I am curious what is an ape?

    Pher -> @ :: Glances back to the group :: Follow

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Roger.

    Troy Parson -> ::in the name of harmony, interrupts before the person who was talking to Byblos can speak:: It's a Naausican-like Earth creature.

    Troy Parson -> ::turns back to Cauer:: Can you show me the problem?

    Byblos -> Oh..thanks sir.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Waves his guards to the back of the Bridge:: It's alright. ::Looks at Troy:: I'll contact my engineering staff.

    Troy Parson -> +Shane+ Mr. Shane! How are things looking down there?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::stands; lets weapon hang on sling and showing hands to indicate he won't fire on the drones::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ ::slowy comes out from under the cover and follows::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::follows Pher::

    Joe Manning -> Cauer> ::Throws up his hands, looking at Troy:: I'm getting a lock just fine. The sensors are having no problem. I just can't get the transporters to dematerialize.

    rosetto -> @::'Honey, I'll be late for dinner' enters mind::

    Shane -> ::enters the TL::Kerris:: I figure we can enlist Kaara and use your and her's medical status to examine fingerprints with less suspicion.

    STSF_Nickles -> @ Ethan dont raise your hands let them hang

    Shane -> Computer, Cargo bay 1.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Not raised, just off weapon.))

    Joe Manning -> @Modified Drone 2> Follow. ::Pointing its sensor tentacle at Ethan from the other bank::

    Pher -> @ :: Adds a little extra hip movement to induce following ::

    Byblos -> ::notes the repositioning of crew and adjusts as well moving closer to Troy Parson::

    Kerris Kea -> ::nods to Shane:: Makes sense. Think its in their database?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::glances at Chris::

    Shane -> +Troy+ We're followin one lead at the moment, but not much. Any luck with the transporters?

    STSF_Nickles -> @ :: loves being behind this gal::

    William Chocox -> ::standing with Shane in the TL::

    rosetto -> @::smirks and continues::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::follows as drone 2 instructs::

    Troy Parson -> +Shane+ There seems to be something preventing them from energizing. Can you get anything about the problem from our access to their computers?

    Joe Manning -> @Drone 2> ::Moves away from the creek, the opposite direction from Pher's drone::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ Well at least we are still upright

    Shane -> ::Kerris:: I doubt it. Whoever did this will most likely have wiped it with the green ODRI. Physcical searches will be our best bet.

    Kaara Soora -> ::bites on the end of her pen as she starts going meticulously through each one and then switching screens, looking up people by name and rank.::

    Shane -> Physical*

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::moves with drone 2; briefly glancing as Pher's taken in the opposite direction::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ whoa wait a moment Its going the other way.

    rosetto -> @::nods and then begins to think about what he thought he had said::

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: stops looking between the two::

    Troy Parson -> +Shane+ I want to be sure that this isn't the result of somoene blocking command access to the transporters electronically...after what happened in the cargo bay, it couldn't hurt to check.

    Byblos -> ::Byblos notes some modifications to the bridge..that is some obvious weld work from past repairs and console seats that don't quite match::

    Pher -> @ :: Starts thinking a little bit about the direction we're being led... hopefully not towards the city center ::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::smirks to himself, finding it ironic that he'd been considering the idea of eventually talking to the mod drones himself::

    Kerris Kea -> ::frowns:: You mean like... get people's fingerprints...?

    Shane -> ::as lift arrives, indicates Kerris to get out:: Get Kaara in triage and keep this investigation going. Will and I will look at the TRs.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Looks at Troy:: My engineers are looking into it, Mr. Parson. Considering what has been going on, you are prudent to have your people inquire as well.

    Byblos -> ::did not like hearing what Troy said but does not betray his face.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::Chris:: Just go where they tell you.

    Shane -> +Troy+ Will and I are on our way to TR1.

    Troy Parson -> ::nods to Tomar:: Can't hurt, anyway.

    STSF_Nickles -> @ Pher This one is heading the other way :::calls out::

    Kerris Kea -> ::nods and gets out, taps comm with purpose::

    rosetto -> @::Thinks about the modified drone... How did it understand English?::

    Shane -> Computer, TR1.

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: still standing looking between the 2 directions::

    Pher -> @ Sal, it might be creating further diversion.

    Kerris Kea -> ::starts towards Triage::

    Joe Manning -> @Drone 2> ::Stops and waves a tentacle at Ethan::

    Shane -> ::tosses the green wiped ODRI to Will:: Want this?

    rosetto -> @Well, I'm following you, okay?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::pauses as drone 2 does::

    Pher -> @ In their tactical situation, if the intruders don't need to be forced in a given direction, they might well want to divert opposing forces.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> Is there anything else that we can do in the meantime?

    Pher -> @ Act like you are cooperating.

    rosetto -> @I am cooperating... ::smiles::

    Kaara Soora -> ::sighs and starts getting impatient::

    Joe Manning -> @Drone 3> ::On Ethan's side of the bank. Raises a tentacle to his back and fires a stun shot::

    Troy Parson -> ::thinks:: What systems have we gotten back? Weapons? Shields?

    Joe Manning -> @Drone 1> ::Quickly raises a tentacle to Pher and fires a stun shot::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::goes down, again::

    Byblos -> ::keeps an eye on Troy Parson . Being closer to him now he is easier to defend him should anything happen. The Boss obviously cannot replace someone like Troy as easily as himself. His job is at stake ::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ :;looks between the two:: ETHAN PHER!!

    Pher -> @ :: Goes down ::

    rosetto -> @::shuts up and dives into brush::

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: All of the drones begin firing, the modified drones firing semi-accurate stun shots, the unmodified drones firing wildly and burning the brush

    William Chocox -> ::catches the ODRI:: Sure, thanks. ::puts on the ODRI::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ ::freezes::

    rosetto -> @::crawls over to Pher and whispers::you okay?

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Shakes head:: Shields and weapons were very badly damaged and we have not been giving them priority, but ... ::Looks at the screen::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ ::drops to the ground as if hit ::

    Shane -> ::I'm uploading the same data configurations to your unit right now. You'll have the same access to all the ships controls that I do in case I'm dad or something.

    Pher -> @ :: Not moving, not speaking ::

    Kerris Kea -> ::arrives at Triage, and lets herself get distracted::

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: Two drones immediately swoop toward Ethan. They are the only two not firing

    William Chocox -> Ok.

    Shane -> ::taps on the holoscreen of his ODRI::

    rosetto -> @::looks at Pher's condition... she seems unconscious::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> It would appear that there is new weapons firing appearing ... next to your people?

    STSF_Nickles -> @ Sal stay with Pher

    rosetto -> @No prob...

    Byblos -> ::wonders if the Doctors are okay that was his origninal assignment...plus they saved his ass. Now Shane must be keeping an eye on them while his new assignment goes on..::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ ::slowly inches his way to Ethan::

    Kaara Soora -> ::looks around, eyes spot Kerris, working on some patient, and raises an eyebrow::

    Shane -> ::exits the TL as it arrives on deck, headed for the TR1:: Contact Kerris or Kaara and give them a personel list of everyone on the Death Deck when the Verbistul kicked the bucket.

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at the screen:: Looks like.

    Shane -> You should find it in the security logs.

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: The two drones latch hooks onto Ethan's gear and lift him up, carrying him away from the creek

    Byblos -> ::looks at viewscreen:: None of those planetary batteries are active are they? :: to No One In Paritcular ::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ :: stands to try to follow the drones carring Ethan::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Looks at Troy:: One of the torpedo tubes is still semi-functional if you think it might prove some help

    Kerris Kea -> ::changes bandages on a patient, getting lost in the work::

    Shane -> ::enters the TR1 to find Capricorn ENG personel already working::

    William Chocox -> ::starts compiling the list:: Will do that.

    Troy Parson -> ::thinks:: Torpedoes, hm? I suppose...::thinks::

    rosetto -> @::never studied medicine and is at a loss... looks at Pher again and tries to shake her.::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ :: staying low to the ground following Ethans set oof drones::

    Troy Parson -> ::thinking out loud:: We did manage to get a probe through to the surface after some modifications, and a torpedo isn't much difference.

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: From above, disruptor blasts rain down near the team's position, striking the grounda good 50 yards or so away

    Pher -> @ (Softly) Not now, love. Sleepy.

    Byblos -> ::to Troy Parson:: Sorry sir. Never blasted a planet before. Just..uh....the wrong..err...nevermind.

    rosetto -> @(w)Thank God...

    Troy Parson -> Unfortunately, at the kind of yield that a torpedo delivers even on minimum power, we'd be likely to blast our own team to bits.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Nods over to the tactical station:: Prepare a torpedo in the active bay. ::Looks at Troy:: Tell me what you wish and I will see it done.

    Kaara Soora -> ::logs off quickly, a list of suspicious characters in her head, and makes her way over to Kerris::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ ::: following Ethan ducking the raining fire::

    Troy Parson -> So we're going to have to change the contents a little.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((If only we'd had our radios for the 'danger close'.))

    Pher -> @ :: Considers. Sleep? Make love? One can always sleep. Was that an explosion? ::

    Joe Manning -> TR Operator> ::Looks at Shane:: You the mercenary help? Can't figure out why the transporters aren't responding. They're getting adequate power.

    Shane -> ::stomps up to one of the engineers:: What have you found so far?

    William Chocox -> ::walks into the TR waiting for someone to call him over::

    Shane -> (scratch last line)

    rosetto -> @::looks at Pher again::(w)Things are heating up here....

    Pher -> @ :: Maybe sleep is a bad option. ::

    Byblos -> Uh Wait gentlemen..are we in that robot planet's firing range? I hope not given the first surveys..

    Joe Manning -> TR Operator> Only thing left is to crack open the assembly itself, but it did not sustain much damage in the battles.

    STSF_Nickles -> @ :: moving with Ethan barely able to keep him in his sight::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((BRB))

    Troy Parson -> ::fishing around in his pockets, comes up with a slightly incomplete version of the special hat thing...Well, it's not ideal, but it will do.::

    Shane -> ::TR operater:: We'll take a look. Wheres the buffer and scanner access panels?

    Kaara Soora -> ::Stands right behind Kerris, waiting for her to notice her presence.::

    Pher -> @ Not feeling very hot...

    rosetto -> @Understood... Being stunned is never much fun...

    Pher -> @ :: Shakes head, somewhat, confused. Starts to recognize her usual after the stun burst tingles ::

    Byblos -> ::looks to Troy wondering what the heck is the Braintrust thinking of doing::

    Joe Manning -> TR Operator> ::Nods over to the transport pad:: Just beside the pad nearest the door.

    Troy Parson -> ::to Raj:: Captain, do you feel any particular need for, erm...::points to one of the lights on the bridge's ceiling:: this?

    Kerris Kea -> ::looks up to move to the next patient over, and jumps as she sees Soora standing there:: Holy Badiyah!

    Pher -> @ I don't suppose going back to sleep is an option?

    STSF_Nickles -> @ where the heck are they taking him

    rosetto -> @Chris is following the one that took Ethan...

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> The lights? We could do little good stumbling around in the dark, Mr. Parson.

    Pher -> @ :: Opens eyes and starts looking around ::

    Kaara Soora -> ::smirks softly:: Hello there Kerris. How did it go?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Back.))

    Shane -> ::turns to Will:: start lookin' around the focusing panels for anything out of place. I assume you've worked with transporters before?

    Troy Parson -> No, not all of them, just that one. ::points::

    Pher -> @ OK. Did anyone do anything stupid?

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: The drones begin pulling away from the creek, following Ethan and his 'escort', and firing warning shots back at the team

    Byblos -> ::puzzled as the Brains get going and his does not::

    William Chocox -> Yes I have. ::walks over to the panels and starts opening them::

    rosetto -> @I didn't...::cringes::

    Pher -> @ :: Looks for a modified drone ::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Glances up at the light and blinks at Troy:: I don't suppose that we do ... ::Shrugs::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ :: so far able to duck the shots trying to keep up with the drones carring Ethan::

    Shane -> ::kneels down in front of the side access panel, popping it off and tossing it aside with a clatter::

    Pher -> @ Does anyone seem to be expecting us to follow?

    Byblos -> ::to Tomar Raj :: How old do you think that light unit is. Given the age of this ship?

    Pher -> @ :: Mind starting to work. ::

    Troy Parson -> Thanks! ::heads over to the light and starts disassembling it, removing a small piece of wiring from the middle:: Just needed this.

    rosetto -> @Nope... But we're gonna lose Chris and Ethan if we wait here::points in their direction::

    Byblos -> ::looks on::

    Troy Parson -> ::turns to Byblos:: Mr. Byblos, do me a favor?

    Pher -> @ Humph. They have bad taste, it seems. They like Ethan better than me.

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: From the horizon, a much larger group of drones is approaching the team's position, apparently from the direction of the now fading battle

    Byblos -> Yes sir? ::to Troy Parson::

    Kerris Kea -> ::shrugs, and goes to next patient, looking busy:: Could have gone better. ::lowers voice:: Will and Shane are going to work on the investigation, and have asked us to look at fingerprints... so ::pauses and pulls out her PADD, porting her over some info: Hand me that syringe will ya?

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Or potentially get shot if you try to follow.))

    rosetto -> @Crap... more drones...

    Pher -> @ OK. I'm going to assume that new group is less friendly.

    STSF_Nickles -> ((Chris is TRYING but loosing you))

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: Thankfully, the large craft is heading back to the port city

    Troy Parson -> From this ship's mess, I need five glasses, two forks, some gum, and a cup of coffee. Can you get those for me?

    Pher -> @ I suggest you and I play dead. Do you see any modified guys in the new group?

    Kaara Soora -> ::hands Kerris the syringe, feels her own PADD buzz, and ponders:: I'll crosscheck them with the list I have already acquired.

    Pher -> @ If I'm reading this right, they should be beta blind.

    Shane -> ::searching through the conduits, trying not to cross anything::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Watching the display on the screen:: Coffee and gum are not items we have in great supply, Mr. Parson.

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Can't fault you for trying.))

    Kerris Kea -> ::frowns:: What list?

    Pher -> @ If we try to free Ethan, we'll likely just lead the heavies towards his position.

    STSF_Nickles -> @ :: ducks an incoming shot ::

    Troy Parson -> ::shrugs:: I need a low-powered adhesive, and if he's going to the mess anyway...

    William Chocox -> ::continues to poke around:: Hey boss? ::starts pulling an object out:: I think I found something.

    Troy Parson -> I suppose tape will do instead of the gum, though.

    Byblos -> Uh....Crap....Grabs his sword pokes himself and starts writing on a simple bridge panel then removes the panel with the list written in his blood::

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: The drones are putting distance between themselves and Nickles, moving too quickly for him to pursue

    Byblos -> Okay..::smears his blood a bit and makes correction::

    Troy Parson -> As for the coffee...you really don't have much?

    Shane -> ::turns and steps over to Will:: Hmm...

    Troy Parson -> You folks really *are* badly off, aren't you?

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> Coffee would be a luxury on our ship. At this point, Mr. Parson, might you wish to take your chances with a low yield torpedo? Or some other payload?

    STSF_Nickles -> @ :: ducks a few more shots ... recovers and looks for Ethan having lost him:: DAMN!

    Troy Parson -> I mean, I could understand not having any food...but no coffee? That's terrible.

    Byblos -> ::looks at Tomar Raj :: Uh sorry I'll bring it back..consider it my autograph.

    Shane -> ::fingers the device, looking it over:: Looks like the same tech as the other piece we found.

    Kaara Soora -> Of people who have accessed the computers recently, and did some shifty things. I figured they had to know what they were doing, but perhaps I could have gotten some residuals... lets hope so. ::takes out PADD:: I'll crosscheck, and then what... send to Shane?

    Byblos -> ::has panel with blood list on it::

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at Raj:: A low-powered torpedo might take out a few drones, but it won't stop the others from killing my people.

    Joe Manning -> TR Operator> ::Attempts another transport::

    Troy Parson -> What I'm going to do is reverse the polarity on my radiation-absorption net here...::waves the incomplete hat-thing at Raj::...

    rosetto -> ((back?))

    Kerris Kea -> ::eyes Soora, wondering if she is well.:: Either one, though I would like the list as well. You eaten recently?

    William Chocox -> Really? That's odd.

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: Nickles dematerializes

    Pher -> @ I tried to follow. Maybe they don't like wiggling hips. Bad programming.

    Troy Parson -> Power it off the torpedo's AM warhead for a second before it overloads, while scattering the radiation all over with mirror fragments.

    Byblos -> Okay Troy Parson I am on my way to the mess!

    rosetto -> @::watches Chris disappear::

    Pher -> @ Woah.

    Joe Manning -> Cauer> ::Looks up at Tomar and Troy:: Transporters are functional.

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: looks around as being transported but to where:::

    Troy Parson -> Think of it as being like a blinding light for drone eyes...

    Joe Manning -> Cauer> We've retrieved one of your people.

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Nickles materializes on the transport pad

    Byblos -> Are you going to be fine? ::stops before he heads to the lift::

    Pher -> @ That is going to attract attention. Was that a disintegrate shot or... that looked like it might have been a transporter.

    rosetto -> @(w)did you see that?

    Shane -> Well I gue....::hears the TR activate and has Nickle appear next to him::TR Operater:: Jyking qoh, you idiot! Wait till we're clear!

    Pher -> @ I wish I was sure of what I saw.

    Troy Parson -> +Capricorn's Transporter Room+ Parson to Transporter Room. Identify!

    STSF_Nickles -> ::looks around:: Where the hell am I

    rosetto -> @I'd say transporter....

    Joe Manning -> TR Operator> ::Shrugs at Shane:: I was told this was urgent. Looks like whatever you did worked ...

    Byblos -> ::runs to mess::

    Pher -> @ :: Looks to see if the drones have changed course ::

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: The drones continue carrying Ethan off toward the nearby woods

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at Cauer:: That's one...any luck finding the rest?

    William Chocox -> ::jumps back having nearly been hit by Nickles:: My goodness!

    Shane -> ::glares death at the TR operater:: Nickles:: You're on the Capricorn Doc Nickles.

    rosetto -> @I don't think they noticed...

    Joe Manning -> Cauer> Attempting to establish locks ...

    Byblos -> ::lift door closes:: Crap if they do turncoat and take Troy Parson Hostage..The Boss will fire me for sure..

    Pher -> @ :: Keeps her stuff close at hand, just in case someone wants to beam her somewhere too. ::

    Kaara Soora -> ::absorbed in the information:: What? Oh... ::thinks:: No, I don't believe I have. I'll grab an apple. ::walks back to console::

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: Pher, Rosetto, and Zaphod are transported up to the Capricorn

    Joe Manning -> TR Operator> Heads up.

    Pher -> @ If I had more energy, I'd consider doing something.

    STSF_Nickles -> Who authorized a transport!!

    Troy Parson -> ::working on weaving the bit of lamp into the already improvised radiation hat::

    rosetto -> @WT!

    Kerris Kea -> ::frowns after Soora, and returns to her work, filling the syringe with practised ease, sighing::

    Shane -> ::steps off the padd with Will and Chris::+Troy+ Parson, we got Nickles aboard and are workin' on the others.

    Joe Manning -> Cauer> That's three more. ::Looks up at Troy:: There's another one a good distance away. Seems to be with the mechanicals.

    rosetto -> ::finds himself on a transport pad::

    Shane -> ::Nickles:: Parson did. On orders from the Cap'n.

    Byblos -> :: The Nausican runs down the hallway of the old Connie' making thumping sounds as he runs...dodging repair crews and very curious eyes::

    rosetto -> ::looks around at Pher and Zap::

    Troy Parson -> Grab him if you can. If you can't, use that transporter beam of yours to rip as many parts as you can out of those drones...maybe it'll buy him some time.

    Pher -> @ :: Looks about, hearing some pointed discussion, hoping no one needs to be shot. ::

    Pher -> @ :: Doesn't feel too much like moving just yet. ::

    STSF_Nickles -> Well get the rest of them!!

    Byblos -> (Of Course Byblos would never of thought of the Ready Room ..which no doubt has everything Troy Needed..)

    Kaara Soora -> ::logs back onto the console and runs some of the data through, making sure to cover her trail::

    Joe Manning -> Cauer> ::Glances over at Tomar as well:: I'd send some guards down to the transporter room to be sure. If it was me. ::Taps the controls::

    Shane -> ::to Zap, Rosetta and Pher:: You're on the Capricorn! Relax!

    Pher -> @ :: Crawls off the transporter pad, though ::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Crosses his arms:: How many people did you have on the planet, Mr. Parson?

    Troy Parson -> ((And Troy, never having served on a Federation ship, wouldn't have thorught of it either))

    rosetto -> ::looks over at Chris taking charge and then moves toward Pher::You alright, sweeite?

    Troy Parson -> ::to Raj:: Too many, by the look of things.

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Ethan materializes on the transporter pad, still unconscious

    Pher -> @ OK pretty much, or will be in a half hour.

    Byblos -> ::Enters the Mess too find......::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::is, apparently, still unconscious::

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((::erases that @::))

    Troy Parson -> ::to Cauer:: Did you get him?

    STSF_Nickles -> ::sees Ethan and rushes over to him::

    Joe Manning -> Cauer> I ... think that's everyone. ::Nods up at Troy and Tomar::

    rosetto -> ::helps Pher::

    Pher -> @ Can I pretend to be dizzy, tingly and disoriented for a while? Maybe get out of work for a little bit?

    Troy Parson -> ::nods:: Thanks.

    STSF_Nickles -> DO you at least have a medic on this ship? If not someone grab me a medkit!!

    Shane -> +Troy+ Parson, the TRs were being inhibited by another green device similiar to the one we found on the main computer core. Looks like it was installed recently to me.

    Troy Parson -> +Byblos+ Mr. Byblos, it looks like we won't need that gear after all.

    rosetto -> ::helps Pher to her feet::I think we're on the Capricorn...

    Troy Parson -> +Shane+ All right. Put a protective field around it, just in case...if the installer touched it., I want any evidence to be preserved.

    Kerris Kea -> ::finishes up with that patient and makes her way slowly over to Soora, trying to be unconspicious::

    Pher -> @ OK. Any idea who is in charge here? Chris?

    Byblos -> ::enters MESS Huffing and Puffing and grabs COMM:: Understood...ah....status Sir?

    rosetto -> No idea, but CHris is just over there tending to Ethan...

    Joe Manning -> #+Troy+ Nice work over there, Parson. Bit last minute of you, but we got everyone but Macen. He should still be safe and sound in the shuttle.

    Pher -> @ :: Doesn't want a medic. Would rather have Chris. Decides it might not be the right time to express her preferences. ::

    Shane -> ::looks around for a protective field...and sticks the device in his pocket::

    Troy Parson -> +Byblos+ Looks like they got the transporter working after all

    STSF_Nickles -> :: checking Ethan:; Someone grab a medkit!!

    Ethan Neufeld -> ::might wake eventually::

    Troy Parson -> +Shane+ Make sure not to do anything that might smear fingerprints or wipe off DNA traces!

    rosetto -> ::turns to Zap but he seems to be fine::

    Shane -> ::stepping over the the AT::+Troy+ Right, right.

    Kaara Soora -> +Shane+ Some suspicious characters, that's for sure. I'll send them over to you. How things there?

    Byblos -> +Troy+ Good sir. I'm returning to your position..tell them the "ape" is returning..so the security team does not blast me to bits.

    STSF_Nickles -> Pher? Sal You guys okay?

    Pher -> @ Chair. Does the Capricorn have chairs? Beds? A bed would be good.

    Shane -> +Kaara+ Doc, we've got an unconcious guy here in TR, you might want to send someone down.

    Pher -> @ A hug would be nice, but isn't absolutely necessary. A chair would almost do.

    rosetto -> Yeah, I'm okay... Pher seems a bit shaken::looks for a chair::

    Troy Parson -> +Joe+ Thanks, sir. Hopefully Macen will have the sense to bring the shuttle back...

    Byblos -> ::sprints to the TL....Troy in his mind if vulnerable and some rat is still on this ship He's got the guard the Brains::

    Kaara Soora -> ::considers;: +Shane+ Want me or Kerris?

    Shane -> ::pulls the device back out and performs a scan of it with his ODRI::

    rosetto -> Here, Pher... Sit here...::finds chair::

    Shane -> +Kaara+ I prefer you, but I don't think the "Vulcan" cares.

    Pher -> @ :: If is not offered a hug, accepts the chair. ::

    Kaara Soora -> ::stands, looking around for Kerris, so she can hopefully take over::

    STSF_Nickles -> Someone contact Joe and tell him we are here!

    Joe Manning -> #+Troy+ Actually, I think that shuttle leaving the water would be pretty unsensible right now, Troy.

    Joe Manning -> #+Troy+ We'll keep him down underneath the laser field for the time being.

    Byblos -> ::nearly runs over a tellarite orderly:: Uh sorry ......::and stumbles into lift:: Bridge! ::exhausted...::

    Shane -> ::Chris:: Parson's got it covered up on the bridge. Relax a little.

    Kaara Soora -> +Shane+ I don't pretend that I don't care. I'll come. ::taps to Kerris on her PADD and heards to the TL::

    Troy Parson -> +Joe+ Got it. Say..

    Pher -> @ :: Notices she still has an asterisk attached to her vocal chords. Wonders in a vague sort of dizzy way whether she ought to have an asterisk. Is it important? ::

    Troy Parson -> +Joe+ Mind doing me a favor and placing a cup of coffee on part of the bridge decking away from other objects?

    Kerris Kea -> ::feels her PADD buzz, and pulls it out, looking up just in time to see Soora out the door::

    Joe Manning -> #+Troy+ Your coffee is already a good distance away from any of the crew ...

    Pher -> @ Chairs are good.

    rosetto -> Hey Big Guy! Do the replicators work here?

    STSF_Nickles -> :: scans Ethan with a tricorder::

    Joe Manning -> #+Troy+ I'll make a cup for the invisible man who lives behind the combat station.

    Troy Parson -> +Joe+ Wonderful, thanks.

    STSF_Nickles -> Ethan ?

    Shane -> ::Rosetta:: No, the ship barely has oxygen.

    Troy Parson -> ::depleted the coffee he brought with him long ago, of course::

    Joe Manning -> ACTION: Ethan's alive and well but deeply sedated

    rosetto -> Great!...

    Byblos -> ::TL arrives at Bridge....Byblos with Panel in tow walks on bridge winded....all smiles ....and replaces the panel:: Oh Kay....:::wipes sweat from his brow::

    STSF_Nickles -> Shane who is Parsons

    Ethan Neufeld -> ((Well, that answers my question... ::smirks::))

    Kaara Soora -> ::In TL:: Transporter Rom

    Pher -> Chairs are good. Great? Not so sure about great...

    Kaara Soora -> ((ROOM lol))

    Shane -> ::Nickles:: Troy, who else?

    STSF_Nickles -> damn His vitals are all low. I want him in sickbay!

    Kaara Soora -> ::steps out, holding her bag firmly on her shoulder, searching around for the wounded one::

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at Cauer:: All right, we've just got one more job for you...::gives him the coordinates of the area behind QoB's combat station:: There's a small container of liquid at these coordinates. If possible, beam it directly here.

    STSF_Nickles -> ::to Shane why didint you say so

    rosetto -> Shane, How about a sick bay? Or maybe just a couple of bunks?

    Kaara Soora -> ::eyes land on Ethan, and rushes over::

    Joe Manning -> TR Operator> ::Steps around the transport station and looks around at everyone:: Well, now that everyone's accounted for, I'm going back to my crosswords. ::Leaves the transporter room::

    Byblos -> ::to Tomar Raj :: See right back where it was before. Hah!

    Pher -> :: Notes a vulcan doctor. Tries to look healthy. ::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::nods to Kaara:: His vitals are all extrememly low.

    Kaara Soora -> ::to Rosetto:: Unless you want to share a bunk with a dead or dying man, no such luck::

    Shane -> ::growling under his breathe at the TR operater:: Jyking petaQ...

    Kaara Soora -> ::looks Chris over, assessing him::

    Joe Manning -> Cauer> ::Raises an eyebrow at Troy and locks on to the coordinates:: I'll send it to the transporter room.

    Kaara Soora -> ::turns attention to Ethan, pulls out her PADD and scans him, frowning::

    STSF_Nickles -> ::pushes her away:: IM fine Hes not!!

    Troy Parson -> ::sighs:: That will have to do.

    rosetto -> ::eyes Kaara::hmmm... not likely...

    Joe Manning -> TR Operator> ::Groans as his communicator's alarm beeps again. Turns back to retrieve Troy's coffee::

    Kaara Soora -> ((I wasn't touching you, just looking, silly))

    Byblos -> ::looks to Troy Parson:: We still have a missing piece to this..puzzle...Sir.

    Joe Manning -> PAUSE SIM

  19. "What the jyke is happening on this planet?" Joe wondered aloud. Before him, a display of the activity on Zoalus IV's surface was shown on Qob's viewscreen. It was a small-scale depiction of a large-scale battle between frenzied drones -- a war of the machines. He looked over his shoulder at the red-eyed engineer manning the sensor station. "Are we recording all of this?"


    "We are recording it," the engineer answered lazily.


    All hell had broken loose on Zoalus, and it was hard to tell if the ground team had had anything to do with it. A small army of drones within the nearby port city suddenly stopped their patrol routines and advanced on the team's position outside the city, firing wildly on the small structure they'd taken refuge within. In obvious response, a larger army of drones from various surrounding areas closed in to begin firing on the first group of drones.


    The events that followed were total surprises, having never been described in any records of previous expeditions or raids on Zoalus. Massive energy fields were erected in domes around the port city and two other cities within twenty miles. The laser turrets in the region erupted from their alcoves, and sensor beams began furiously sweeping over the continent, focusing especially on the coast. Then the weapons platform emerged; a massive hatch in the center of the port city slid open, and from the hangar beneath, a gravity defying flat slab of alloyed metal arose, its surface covered with weapons not too unlike those carried by the drones. Predictably enough, the craft moved toward the scene of the battle. It glided through the energy field like it was a sheet of water, though Joe was certain that no external weapons fire could penetrate that barrier.


    What was powering all of this?


    The ground team wisely made a break for it when the fighting started. Their escape was a temporary respite, however. From the initial group of drones, a smaller detachment numbering some two dozen broke away to pursue the team. They were not interested in the fighting taking place all around them; they were interested only in the team. Even when the hovering weapons platform began unloading its batteries on the surrounded drones, that smaller group continued into the ravine that was sheltering the team.


    It was two distinctly separate scenes that Joe observed on the viewscreen. One, a furious battle between drones around a small structure outside the port city. Two, a small group of drones discreetly slipping away to pursue a band of explorers, all doing nothing to draw a great deal of attention. The drone army that had initially opened fire on the team had seemed like overkill for whatever purpose they were pursuing. Now the purpose was becoming clearer to Joe -- smoke the team out of the building, then leave behind a skirmish to keep the planetary defenders occupied.


    The battle was a distraction.


    There was an intelligent design to all of this that disturbed Joe. Why were the drones even fighting each other? And what guiding hand (or wiry mechanical appendage) was shrewd and resourceful enough to exploit the conflict to its advantage? There was more going on here than ancient machines defending their planet against some unknown invaders. It was not lost on Joe that Qob had not once been targeted or even so much as scanned by any of the planet's defenses; all of the activity was on or close to the surface.


    It might be time to change that, Joe thought. He opened a comm channel to Troy, who was riding a turbolift to Capricorn's Bridge. "Time is short, Troy. If you can't get me transporters quickly, I might have to do something desperate ... "

  20. Joe Manning -> BEGIN SIM

    Joe Manning -> (( @'s for planet team, please ))

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::standing near (but back from) window he's keeping watch through::

    Shane -> ((Is it ODRI? I can never remember...))

    rosetto -> @::looks at the tenacle in his hand::

    Joe Manning -> (( It is ))

    Joe Manning -> (( Easy enough to remember if you sound it out ... ))

    Pher -> @ :: At the door, hopefully covering the opposite angle from Ethan ::

    William Chocox -> ((BRB))

    Ethan Neufeld -> (Hence, audrey)

    Shane -> ((Ah yes))

    Byblos -> ::giving thumbs up symbols to the Doctors::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::cleaned the mud off/out of his gear, carrier and thigh holster; finishing clean up of carbine and checking water-tight seals::

    Kerris Kea -> ::takes the mask from Byblos's face, the cleanser being depleted::

    Troy Parson -> ::looks to Shane:: So, do you think you can get me that additional access?

    rosetto -> @So, what's the deal with passive scans?

    Byblos -> You Doctors are good.

    Kaara Soora -> That's what the training is for.

    Shane -> ::nods to the device in Troy's hand:: I'm one step ahead of ya. I've copied the programming off of that green thingy-ma-jigger onto my tricorder and left it at the core.

    Pher -> @ If there is a real nead and no drone in the area, I won't grumble about it, at least until a drone shows up on an all passive run.

    Kerris Kea -> ::grins, and cleans the equipment::

    Byblos -> Any guess how many the Pe`taQ responsible for this killed?

    rosetto -> ((Hey Random!))

    Joe Manning -> Tomar Raj> ::Making his way back to the cargo bay, having had a discussion with one of his security crew::

    Pher -> *need

    Random Perfect -> ((helloo))

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::glances at Pher, hearing about passive scans:: Pher, you mind if I do a function test? ::indicates weapon::quickly adds:: Dry fire function test. Quick power up; no discharges or transmissions.

    Shane -> The tricorder is still sending out a false frequency to let the green thing owner think its stil functioning.

    Troy Parson -> And the lockdown subroutines? We might need those if these all goes south.

    William Chocox -> ((back))

    STSF_Nickles -> @ ::With the others :: Trying to lure them to us Ethan? O see if they are paying attention?

    William Chocox -> ::waiting for the boss man to let him know what he's needed to do::

    Byblos -> ::looks up at both doctors not certain if they wish to disclose that then looks at his clothes...corridor wall is instantly smacked with the back of Byblos' Arm::

    Joe Manning -> (( Remember, the Capricorn engineers are aware of those ... ))

    rosetto -> @--Because I'd like to do some scans in that inner chamber...

    Joe Manning -> (( You might have missed that last week, Shane ))

    Pher -> @ :: Sighs :: If there is a real reason to power something up, I might agree, but baiting targ for the sake of baiting targ? What do you think to learn?

    Shane -> The tri is sendin' full ship access to this ODRI I borrowed off one of the dead Capricorn guys. ::holds up a red ODRI::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::shrugs:: After going through the mud, just want to make sure it works for when I need it.

    Pher -> @ :: looks to Chris ::

    Kaara Soora -> I think the stench adds to your... intimidation factor.

    Shane -> ((EDIT: ::holds up his bionic with a deep red ODRI strapped to it::

    Shane -> ))

    Troy Parson -> ::nods:: Good. See what you can do to figure out who this thing answers to. ::holds up the green thingy::

    Pher -> @ Maybe when we're ready to move? I don't want to draw any more attention to this place until Sal has got what he can out.

    Kerris Kea -> ::to Troy:: Where do you need my help?

    rosetto -> @::to Chris::Chris, you think you could lend me a hand scanning those symbols?

    Pher -> @ Let's wait on that until we're ready to move.

    Shane -> ((Yes I remember Joe. We're hoping to shove the blame to the green thing owner and let them think its fixed.))

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::minimally:: Roger.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar> ::Walks up to Troy:: Mr. Parson ...

    Byblos -> What are the Jyking odds of someone on this ship of having a crewman my size...

    Troy Parson -> ::holds up a hand to Kea, and turns to Tomar:: What can I do for you, Mr. Raj?

    Byblos -> ::stands up::

    Joe Manning -> (( Just remember, you're attempting to establish complete control over a starship right under the noses of its engineers ))

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::turns attention back to rifle; runs through shouldering it, aiming at wall::

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: moves over to Rosetto:: Scanning isnt going to draw them in is it?

    Pher -> @ Chris? Would you support Sal? I'd like as much writing as you can get.

    Byblos -> ::is not doing a good job showing how pissed off he is::

    Kaara Soora -> ::takes the oxygen tanks from Kerris and takes them back into triage, knowing her part, and getting started on it::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::slings rifle; looks up at Chris's question about scanning::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar> I was going to ask the same of you. ::Shakes his head slowly:: I apologize for what has happened to your people, Mr. Parson. My security team is on its way down to move the body to a safe location for autopsy. Unless you wanted this handled differently?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::thinks 'as long as it's passive', but doesn't say anything::

    rosetto -> @I don't think so, dude... It won't take long...

    Shane -> ::brow raises slightly at the mention of a body::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ :: ::nods tp Pher and begins scanning with Sal::

    Kerris Kea -> ::watches Soora go, turns attention to Tomar::

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at Tomar:: I think, given the circumstances, it would be best for one of my people to handle it.

    Byblos -> ::realizes the Doctors are getting active again...his responsibillty lies protecting them...yet he wants to beat the crap out of somebody very badly::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::practices drawing sidearm, aiming through window at nothing::

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: scanning the writing making sure to get every symbol::

    Troy Parson -> ::turns to Kea:: Dr. Kea, you were shipmates with the deceased. I think it would be most appropriate if that job fell to you.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar> ::Nods:: You may accompany the security people if you wish. They will be on hand to assist you. And you may, of course, oversee the autopsy. I also place all of this ship and crew's resources at your disposal toward the end of determining who is responsible for this.

    Pher -> @ Itchy hands, Ethan?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::doesn't look at Pher:: Know any martial arts?

    Shane -> ::starts to fiddle with the ODRI absently as they discuss, ignoring how absurd the little device looks on his huge metal contraption::

    rosetto -> @::walks down the corridor looking for the right cluster of symbols that lead to the Mandala Room::

    Byblos -> PARSON! Orders sir!

    Kerris Kea -> ::tries to look not surprised, and nods:: Of course. ::looks at Troy::

    Pher -> @ :: Snorts :: I've worked an exotic style, yes. Or perhaps erotic is the better word.

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at Byblos:: In a moment.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ And you practice, right?

    rosetto -> @Do you remember the way, Chris?

    William Chocox -> ::to Shane:: What can I do at the moment to be helpful?

    Troy Parson -> ::to Kea:: Thank you.

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: Moves with Sal to get the most of the symbols and writting

    Pher -> @ As I can, yes.

    Byblos -> ::looks at Shane fiddling with an ODRI which is an amusing site..but he just is not in the mood even for a chortle::

    Kerris Kea -> Besides determining the means of death...

    STSF_Nickles -> @No ill follow you.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::tests sidearm's tether, making sure it's clear of mud:: Same concept. I'm exercising muscle memory.

    Shane -> ::glances to side at Will:: Shutup for now. We'll head out in a sec.

    Pher -> @ Put on a show when there's room in the cargo bay.

    William Chocox -> Gotcha.

    Troy Parson -> ::still to Kea:: Besides that, I want to know whatever you can find out about his death. Who was with him? Who saw him?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Yeah, I heard. ::holsters sidearm::

    rosetto -> @Okay, I think it's this way::touches a small cluster which opens into another room::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ I had forgotten about those.

    Shane -> ::angles the ODRI at Will:: Where do ya access the base programming on this?

    rosetto -> @::Looks back at Chris::Yeah, this is the way...

    Kerris Kea -> After the autopsy, and perhaps during, I will interrogate the officers and anyone else I feel needs it...

    Troy Parson -> Very good. And keep your eyes open; the bodies we have are more than enough bother for one day.

    William Chocox -> ::looks at the ODRI:: I believe the big button brings up the base menu.

    Kerris Kea -> ::looks down, eyebrows furrowed for a second, before looking up again, and nods to Troy:: Aye, sir.

    Byblos -> ::folds his arms awaiting Troy muscle always last..makes sense..::

    rosetto -> @::walks down another shorter corridor to a cluster of symbol waist high::

    Pher -> @ Course, slave styles are generally considered a bit twisted... for reason.

    Shane -> ::glares at Will:: Yeah, no duh genius. I meant the line by line code.

    Joe Manning -> Tomar> ::Nods at Troy:: I can agree entirely with that. ::Looks at Kerris:: The other man ... the engineer ... 'Grotte' I believe? He is still down on Deck 12 with the body.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::brings rifle back around and quickly pulls up from a low ready:: ::speaking with cheek on stock:: Wouldn't know.

    Kaara Soora -> ::helping out where she can, listening to any conversations going on::

    STSF_Nickles -> @:: following Sal watching carefully::

    Shane -> ::perks up at the mention of an engineer near the body::

    rosetto -> @::stops::Okay, this is it, Chris. As I said, it's a one-way thing... One of us has to remain in the doorway while the other scans the room....

    Pher -> @ I'd noticed. :: Sighs :: People who've been free all their lives... think they can afford pride.

    William Chocox -> Press all of the side buttons at the same time.

    Kerris Kea -> ::to Tomar:: Alright. I'll head down there now. ::to Troy:: Anything else?

    STSF_Nickles -> @ Which do you want to do?

    Troy Parson -> That's all for now. Report back to me when you're done.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::lowers weapon and furrows brow; not sure how to take that::

    Byblos -> ::decides to unsheath his sword and look at the blade....worked on after Dikylt's death...but still old..he admires it's age and is eager to put it to use again::

    rosetto -> @I think I should probably do the scanning... more familiar with the symbols and all... What do you think?

    Joe Manning -> Tomar> Do be careful. That section is very close to one of the ... ::Glances in Troy's direction and hesitates:: ... hull breaches that we sustained in battle.

    Shane -> ::grunts as his suggestion works and begins modifying seemingly random lines::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar> There have been a number of equipment malfunctions near the breaches.

    STSF_Nickles -> @ Worka for me. And standing in the doorway will keep it open for you?

    STSF_Nickles -> *Works

    Kerris Kea -> ::nods, and starts heading out, before pausing and looking at Tomar:: Then that is worth looking into as well. ::nods again and heads to head to Deck 12::

    Pher -> @ Me. Have never been able to fight unless I can win, and you can seldom win.

    Troy Parson -> ::looks at Tomar:: She's plenty competent; I'm sure there won't be any equipment failures that might be bad for your...important guests, right?

    Pher -> @ So I do patience. Don't seem to fit in with the free world.

    rosetto -> @It did when you found me... I can only assume it will work again... I just don't know if we'll be able to hear the voices...

    Byblos -> ::spts Dr. Kerris departing...notes Dr. Soora here..although he knows she CAN take care of herself::

    Joe Manning -> Tomar> Mr. Parson, the malfunctions are owing to the sorry state of the ship in that area, on account of the several large holes that your weapons punched through it ...

    STSF_Nickles -> @ :: stays in the doorway;;

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::stops practicing and smirks, mostly to himself:: Self-fulfilling prophecy?

    Joe Manning -> Tomar> It is hard to say what could be the effect of battle damage and what could be sabotage. But I have as many people as I can commit looking into it.

    rosetto -> @::enters the Mandala Room slowly trying to hear the voices::

    Troy Parson -> ::sighs at Tomar:: I'm sure, for all our sakes, you'll do the best you can.

    Pher -> @ Perhaps. In your unarmed style, if you know one, what is the opening position for a sparring session?

    STSF_Nickles -> @ :: remains quiet to see if he can hear anything;;

    rosetto -> @::pulls out his tricorder and starts scanning room::

    Byblos -> ::looks at Shane :: I need to slice something bad ...and I have the team I am to protect fragmenting over the ship...I really want to shoot someone.

    Troy Parson -> ::turns away from Tomar, looking for Kaara Soora:: Dr. Soora?

    Joe Manning -> Tomar> On that note, there are seeminly a hundred other matters I must attend to. If you will excuse me. I will keep you updated. ::Nods and moves away::

    Kaara Soora -> ((In the triage room))

    Troy Parson -> (( oh, thanks))

    Troy Parson -> ::pokes his head around the corner into the triage room:: Dr. Soora?

    rosetto -> @::scans the large mandala and then heads down toward altar section of room::

    Kaara Soora -> ::looks up from a patient:: Here, Troy.

    Shane -> ::looks to Byblos:: Just don't shoot me or Will here. I kinda need him at the moment.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::brow rises briefly:: Feet shoulder-width apart, knees bent, arms loose. ::beat:: Why?

    Troy Parson -> ::heads over to Kaara, making sure to keep track of where Byblos is waiting:: How are things looking in here?

    Kerris Kea -> ::reaches Deck 12, hand slips inside her bag on her phaser for reassurance. Starts looking around for Gable, knowing it shouldn't be oo hard to spot::

    Kerris Kea -> ((too))

    Shane -> I'll keep an eye on the Half-breed, Will and I will be working close to there anyhow.

    STSF_Nickles -> @ :doesnt hear anything:: Sal I dont hear any voices, Are you sure you heard voices?

    Pher -> @ We train to start from missionary position. Fight is supposed to be over before it starts.

    William Chocox -> It feels good to be needed.

    Joe Manning -> Grotte> ::Leaning against the wall in the corridor near Gable's body::

    Pher -> @ It's just we train for different problems.

    rosetto -> @ACTION::Voices begin a low chant...

    Byblos -> ::Byblos is right behind Troy Parson blade deployed looking very upset...and...stinks::

    rosetto -> ((hi Jami!))

    STSF_Nickles -> ((Hi Jamie ::hugs:: ))

    Cmdr JFarrington -> (Evening, all)

    Shane -> ::to Will as he turns to leave:: Don't get used to it. Come on, I want to start looking at patches for those breaches.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::considers and then smirks, shaking his head::

    Kaara Soora -> It could be better ::turns back to her patient:: Not a lot survived that.

    rosetto -> @There they are, Chris... We need to record the entire sequence...

    Pher -> @ Just a different perspective, that's all. I don't know that I could fight you even in a fair fight. Unarmed, I don't do fair fights.

    William Chocox -> ::starts following Shane:: Wasn't planning on it.

    Kerris Kea -> ::spots Grotte and comes over to him, eyeing the body and taking in the situation::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ I dont hear... :stops barely hearing something:: Those are voice?

    rosetto -> @::scans the figures supporting the altar::

    Joe Manning -> Grotte> ::Staring down at Gable's body, his arms crossed, fingers rapidly rapping::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Fair fights get you killed.

    Shane -> ::steps into a TL, taking up most of the cramped space inside:: Deck 12.

    Troy Parson -> True, I'd imagine not. I take it that all but the most borderline cases have resolved one way or another by now?

    Pher -> @ Often enough. They again, any fight can get you killed.

    rosetto -> @Yes, they are voices... They sound adolenscent...

    William Chocox -> ::steps into the TL and feels squished::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ That's why I don't fight fair either. ::smirks::

    Kaara Soora -> I just arrived, but it would seem so. ::looks around, then back to Troy, whispering:: This is depressing.

    STSF_Nickles -> @ ::stands there listening wanting to step inside to get the better sound::

    Shane -> ::Will:: Did you bring an EV suit?

    Kerris Kea -> Grotte... how you doing buddy?

    Byblos -> Parson...I have docs here in the triage and one Doc or shape shifting lizard whatever...going see someone on another deck. We have a killer on board who has earned my desire to take his head. Now WHERE YOU WANT ME TO GO!

    Pher -> @ What sort of unfair do you specialize in?

    Troy Parson -> ::to Kaara:: One second.

    William Chocox -> Let me go get one and I will meet you down there. There is not enough room if we both go.

    rosetto -> @::begins scanning the columns of symbols along the walls... Sees Chris move:: Chris, don't step away from the door... We'll never get out of here!

    William Chocox -> ::goes to get and EV suit::

    Joe Manning -> Grotte> ::Quickly pushes himself off the wall and looks at Kerris:: Dr. Kea ... ::Glances down at the body:: I ... I guess you're here to look at Gable?

    Pher -> @ :: Still spending far more time looking out than at Ethan ::

    Troy Parson -> ::to Byblos:: How are your lungs, crewman Byblos?

    Kaara Soora -> ::looks up at Byblos with a blank expression, understanding::

    Shane -> ::shouts at him as he leaves:: Meet me in the Shuttle Bay!

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::finally looks at Pher; considers answer and rubs lower face, realizing he needs a shave:: The most unfair kind.

    rosetto -> @::starts to feel light-headed::

    Kerris Kea -> And to find out what happened. Do you know anything?

    Pher -> @ :: glances back :: Oh?

    William Chocox -> ::shouts back:: Will do!

    Byblos -> Thanks to the Vulcan and the Shifter Doctor...I think I might be able to even run......and take someone's head after the sprint.

    Joe Manning -> +Troy+ Troy ... we have got a -major- problem.

    Shane -> ::rides the TL down, fiddling with the ODRI again::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::gradually grins:: Yeah. ::looks back out window::

    Troy Parson -> ::holds up a finger to Byblos::

    rosetto -> @::scans another column as the chanting continues::

    Troy Parson -> +Joe+ You and everyone else. So what's your catastrophe?

    rosetto -> @Almost done... Four more columns to go...

    Shane -> ::exits the TL , stomping down the cooridor to wards Grotte and Kerris::

    Shane -> towards*

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::grinned a sober grin::

    Kerris Kea -> ::jumps and looks around, hearing something noisy approaching::

    Joe Manning -> ::Hovering over a sensor station on the bridge:: +Troy+ There is -massive- movement on the planet. Right on the edges of the city that our team is camped outside of. Dozens of defense drones, and they appear to be headed in the team's direction.

    Pher -> @ Me. I'd rather specialize in no fights than unfair fights.

    rosetto -> @::loses his balance while spinning to scan another column::

    Byblos -> ::turns around from the finger and slams his forearm on the bulkhead again causing a loud noise::

    Shane -> ::comes up to the body and company, looking at it absently:: This him?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ You'd make Sun Tzu proud.

    rosetto -> @Ah!

    Pher -> @ Who?

    Troy Parson -> +Joe+ Oh my, that sounds bad. Please hold.

    Kerris Kea -> It is.

    Joe Manning -> Grotte> ::Opens his mouth to answer, then hestitates when Kerris turns:: ... uh ... I just found him like this. Shot right in the back ...

    Joe Manning -> +Troy+ This isn't a 'please hold' situation, Troy. It's an 'I need a way to get my people off that planet' situation.

    Kerris Kea -> ::to Grotte:: Cowardly. Killed by a coward.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Chinese General from ancient Earth history.

    Joe Manning -> +Troy+ All bets are off. Do what it takes.

    Byblos -> ::looks to Kaara Soora Do you have a means of purging other beings emotions aside from your own?!::

    Pher -> @ Ah.

    rosetto -> @I'm okay... Chris... Almost done hear.... Dang, this is harder than I thought it would be...

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Wrote a military treatise on how to fight a war. But he said the supreme excellence was in subduing the enemy without fighting at all.

    William Chocox -> ::grabs an EV suit and starts walking back to the TL::

    rosetto -> ^here

    Troy Parson -> +Joe+ Okay, will do.

    Joe Manning -> Grotte> ::Rubs his hands:: It's a disruptor wound, no mistaking it. Same kind of weapon they ::Nods around vageuly:: were using when they 'jacked the Verb.

    Troy Parson -> ::mutters an expletive under his breath::

    Kaara Soora -> No, I'm not particularly too good at purging my own.

    Pher -> @ :: Slight smile :: Yep. But. Well, was part of his treatese to always keep the enemy happy?

    Troy Parson -> ::turns to Byblos:: So, you want something to do with your anger?

    Joe Manning -> +Pher+ This is Manning to surface team ...

    Shane -> ::narrows his eyes at Grotte:: Whos they? Diklyts followers"

    Pher -> @ :: communicator powered off ::

    Shane -> *?

    rosetto -> @::scans last column and heads toward doorway::

    Kerris Kea -> ::frowns, turning and kneeling besides Gable::

    Byblos -> Orders sir?::approaches Troy Parson after nodding to Kaara Soora ::

    Joe Manning -> Grotte> ::Nods at Shane:: Isn't that what all of these people are? ::Looks around the corridor::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::exhales a partial laugh:: If it won the war, yeah.

    rosetto -> ((lost my door-stop! LOL))

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::radio off::

    Joe Manning -> ::Rubs his chin not getting a response::

    Shane -> ((Is Grotte Verbistul crew?))

    Joe Manning -> (( He is ))

    Pher -> @ :: Slight sigh :: Well, it's like starting a fight on your back. You can't start the war until you're sure the war is over. Did Sun Tu try that?

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: A large number of approaching drones starts to become visible on the horizon, in the direction of the port city

    Troy Parson -> ::to Byblos:: Well, this should be simple enough. I was going to have you watch over our reptilian doctor friend, but it seems I may have a better use for you. We're going to pay a visit to the Bridge.

    Pher -> @ Heads up. INcoming drones.

    rosetto -> @::pulls himself out of the chamber; sweat on his brow; grabs 'cardboard' Chris and turns off his tricorder::

    Troy Parson -> Oh and...nothing is going to stop us. Got it?

    Pher -> @ Get the other two out her soonest.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::sees the drones:: Yeah.

    Shane -> ::grunts and looks at the corpse, suddenly noticing a green ODRI on his arm::

    Pher -> @ :: Watching closely ::

    Pher -> @ And have em power down everything, no matter how passive.

    Byblos -> Understood. You want me in front to whack the weeds as humans say?

    Shane -> ::Kerris:: Hand me that ODRI. ::pointing with his bionic claw::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Roger. ::moves from window and leaves cardboard Zap in his place::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::moves toward inner room where Chris and Rosetto are::

    rosetto -> @::Heads back down the corridor with Chris::

    Troy Parson -> ::nods:: Just so.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::Sal/Chris:: We've got incoming. Power down.

    Troy Parson -> Unfortuantely, we don't have much time. Let's go! ::starts heading in the direction that feels most bridge-ly::

    Kerris Kea -> You think you can use it? ::takes it off carefully, turning it over in her hands before giving it to Shane::

    rosetto -> @::sees Ethan entering corridor::We are finished here.. powered down...

    Joe Manning -> (( That would be up, Troy :) ))

    Byblos -> Aye, ::nods to Troy and runs following him::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::nods; moves back out to lobby and takes another window::

    Joe Manning -> Grotte> ::Watches Kerris hand the ODRI off to Shane::

    Pher -> @ I'm moving out, into cover, intending to move back to the stream. You're rearguard.

    Shane -> ::takes the device in his claw with surprising gentleness:: No...::opens up the menu and looks up the incoming frequencies to the device::

    rosetto -> @By incoming you mean Drones, right? What group?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::wishes he'd been able to dry fire his weapon; no use worrying about it now and hopes they'll work if he needs them::

    William Chocox -> ::makes it back to the TL:: Deck 12

    Troy Parson -> +Shane+ Mr. Shane, what is your status?

    Pher -> @ :: Slips out and into cover near the stream, looking for a good coverful route. ::

    Kaara Soora -> ::smiles slightly, shaking head, and returns to her work, wishing she could join in their mission::

    Byblos -> ::upon running he realizes that her reallly owes Dr Kaara Soora and Dr Kerris Kea a drink...if he lives and gets payed::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Roger. ::sal:: Yes, drones. Don't know group yet.

    rosetto -> @::nods::Okay...

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::finds a good place to guard their six::

    rosetto -> @::makes it back to lobby::

    Joe Manning -> Grotte> ::Continues rubbing his hands and looking around:: This is insane. We should not be on this ship. What are we doing here?

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: You can see the whites of the drone's glowing panels

    Shane -> ::grunts as he finds all data wiped from the device, glances up at Grotte with suspiscion in his eyes::

    Pher -> @ :: FInds cover and goes immobile ::

    Byblos -> ::unholsters his disrupter with his free hand....sets it to MAX ::

    rosetto -> @::looks for Pher to get a status update::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::stays still; thinks they got here quickly::

    Kerris Kea -> ::to Grotte:: Well... to help them. I wonder who did this. Help me roll him over, will you?

    Shane -> ::activates the comm on his "new" ODRI::+Troy+ I'm with Kerris on deck 12, examinin' the body.

    Troy Parson -> ::still heading towards the bridge, Byblos in tow:: +Shane+ Good, so you're with our doctor friend. Keep an eye on her, would you? Just in case, and all.

    Shane -> +Troy+ Will do. Shane out.

    Troy Parson -> +Shane+ Oh, also, there's a slight chance I may have to commandeer this vessel due to an emergency on the surface. If the need arises, be ready.

    Joe Manning -> Grotte> ::Blinks quickly:: I-I'm not a doctor, but ... ::Kneels beside Gable to help::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::tries to identify drone type from cover::

    Byblos -> Jyking feddie ships always have a bridge linked to a lift....I ponder if it still works. :: said to Troy Parson :: Then again there the tubes these things are suposed to have.

    Cmdr JFarrington -> (::pouncetackle Nickles::)

    STSF_Nickles -> ((sorry folks computer issue ))

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::thinks he sees a modified drone or two in the mix, but he doesn't have a radio to tell the others::

    Shane -> +Troy+ Gotcha.

    Byblos -> (wb Nickles)

    Joe Manning -> Capricorn Sec Guys> ::Round a corner down the corridor from Shane and Kerris, approaching the group::

    Kerris Kea -> It's not hard. Just grab here ::points at his pants:: and lets roll him towards us.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::suddenly wishes he'd thought to look at that modified drone's arm, find clues about what it's capable of::

    Troy Parson -> ::to Byblos:: Lifts are vulnerable, but we haven't the time for a ladder. I'm going to hope Shane is right about our having computer control.

    Joe Manning -> Grotte> ::Nods and does as he's told::

    STSF_Nickles -> ((Thanks))

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::keeps as low as possible::

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: All of the drones begin firing haphazardly in the direction of the structure

    STSF_Nickles -> @ :: keeps low and quiet:

    Troy Parson -> ::spots a TL door and heads for it, looking over at Byblos:: Fingers crossed, eh? ::presses the TL call button::

    rosetto -> @::point to some shelves along the outside wall::We should take cover there, eh?

    Shane -> ::glances up at the security group and quickly scans the oil stains on the dead mans ODRI with his device::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::hears the shots pound into the building from the inside::

    rosetto -> @::hears the weapons fire and ducks::

    Byblos -> ::to Troy:: Hopefully their internal sensors are down....myself being the only Nausicaan on board could give us away...

    Pher -> @ :: Readies weapon, but does not power up. ::

    Kerris Kea -> ::frowns, and sees that he is indeed just shot in the back, clear as day, and glances up at the security group::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::wonders if they'll be able to sit this one out::

    William Chocox -> ::TL stops at Deck 12 and Will steps out and heads to the shuttle bay::

    Shane -> ::steps up next to Grotte, towering over the man and speaking gruffly::Grotte:: Give me your hand.

    Joe Manning -> Sec Guy> ::Leading the group:: Tomar sent us down to help?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::wonders what set them off; was he wrong?::

    Pher -> @ :: Counts drones judges density of fire trying to judge whether making a break for it would be prudent ::

    rosetto -> @::wants to cry out in pain as he slams into wall::

    Troy Parson -> ::hears the TL chime as it arrives:: Let's hope.

    Joe Manning -> Grotte> ::Groans as he gets the body over with Kerris. Looks up at Shane:: Huh? ::Lifts his hand to Shane::

    Kerris Kea -> ::rolls him back over and stands:: Good. Let's get this body to a secure location.

    Troy Parson -> ::lets Byblos get into the lift first, just in case::

    Joe Manning -> Sec Guy> Out of this section would be a good start. We'll take care of it. ::Nods to the others::

    Shane -> ::grabs it with his bionic claw and scans the handprint::

    Byblos -> ::checks Disruptor:: It is set to Kill sir. No time as I understand things are going ::raises sword as the lift doors are about to open....::

    rosetto -> @::tries to see Chris and Ethan::

    Kerris Kea -> No, you won't. Grotte and I are going with you.

    Byblos -> ::sees doors open....:::

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: The building begins to shake slightly as the laser fire digs into the sturdy, but not unbreakable, walls

    Byblos -> Clear.

    Byblos -> ::enters lift::

    Troy Parson -> ::follows into the lift:: ::to TL:: Bridge.

    STSF_Nickles -> @ :: moves over to Sal:: You Okay?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::exhales:: ::Sal and Chris:: We need to get out. This place isn't going to hold up.

    Pher -> @ Doesn't see the stay or run trade off as obvious. Leaves Chris to make the call.

    Joe Manning -> Sec Guy> ::Lifts a hand and nods:: No objection, doc. I just meant we'll take care of lifting him.

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::moves from window toward door, keeping low::

    rosetto -> @::feels the building rumble::I think you're right Ethan... Yeah, I'm alright Chris...

    Kerris Kea -> ::nods:: Just want to make sure that we're clear ::glances at Grotte:: Where are we taking him?

    Byblos -> Mr. Parson any way of Shane finding out how many on the bridge...this is going to be ugly.

    STSF_Nickles -> @Pher Oppinions?

    Pher -> @ :: Considers repeating the usual move of turning something on in order to gather attention away from the party. ::

    Cmdr JFarrington -> (Enjoy, Qob.)

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: A massive glowing dome of energy slowly rises over the port city

    Pher -> @ (( Pher not in building ))

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::hits door; sees glowing dome:: What. Is. That?

    Troy Parson -> ::to Byblos:: It doesn't matter. We're going there if there are five or fifty of them.

    STSF_Nickles -> @ ::turns to Ethan Whats what?

    rosetto -> @::to EThan::What? What do you see?

    Joe Manning -> Grotte> ::Handprint doesn't match anything::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::shakes head:: Some kind of glowing dome over the city.

    Byblos -> Aye...sorry never talked to you much before.....been good working with you.....::readies sword in an unusual position with disruptor pointed forward::

    STSF_Nickles -> @ ::moves to Ethan: Wheres Pher?

    Shane -> ::lets go of Grottes hand and grunts:: Hm...

    rosetto -> @Can we make a break for the outside?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Outside. I don't have eyes.

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: More drones are closing in from all direction. Some have already begun firing on the drones firing on the structure. Some of those drones are now firing back. In general, chaos.

    Kerris Kea -> ::looks at Shane meaningfully::

    Pher -> @ :: In cover in the direction of the streatm ::

    Troy Parson -> Likewise. ::doesn't sound entirely like he means it, but whatever:: Let's do this.

    Shane -> ::looks back at Kerris:: What?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ Hold on. ::breaks out IR strobe; turns it on and tosses it as hard as he can in the opposite direction of the stream::

    rosetto -> ((ate all of the ice cream, girlfriend is disappointed... :)))

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: The laser turrets in and around the port city begin to emerge. The ground shudders, though whether this is because the building is collapsing or because of an earthquake is hard to say

    STSF_Nickles -> @ Theres a lot of firing going on Im not sut.re we can make it without being caugh

    Kerris Kea -> ::wishes she could talk to him mentally:: Coming with us, or do others duties call you?

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ...........

    Byblos -> (ruh roh Joe aint going to like that site on Qob's visual)

    Troy Parson -> ::hears the TL chime as they arrive on the bridge:: Here we go. ::waits for the doors to open::

    STSF_Nickles -> @No choice now... MOVE OUT!!!

    Byblos -> ::stands in front of Troy to take a hit first...::

    Pher -> @ :: Not sure hanging near is going to help anyone. ::

    rosetto -> @::moves out::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::moves on Chris's order, hoping the strobe took some attention from them::

    Pher -> @ :: Retreats to the stream as she sees the others moving ::

    Shane -> ::clearly doesn't like the idea of standing around with ENG duties to do, but thinks of Troy's orders:: I'll be with you.

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: Most of the drones are fighting each other. A smaller portion of the original group is continuing to swoop toward the structure, with four modified drones among them

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::takes cover outside:: (NIP) ::looking at rising dome:: Is that... a ship?

    STSF_Nickles -> @ Theres Pher follow her!

    Kerris Kea -> ::raises eyebrows:: You sure?

    rosetto -> @::hears Chris and then sees Pher... Follows::

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ ::takes up rear as the others retreat toward the stream::

    Pher -> @ :: Stops at cover at stream to look back and figure out what is happening. ::

    Shane -> ::Sec Guys:: I've got this. ::grabs the body with his bionic and easily slings it over his shoulder:: Kerris:: Yeah I'm sure.

    Joe Manning -> @ACTION: As the shuddering subsides, a giant craft emerges from within the port city -- a hovering weapons platform about half the size of Qob

    Pher -> @ :: Looks to find a rise to put between the team and the city. Does not like the big guns coming up. ::

    STSF_Nickles -> @We have company coming, :points to the drones:: Take cover.

    rosetto -> @It sure is, Ethan! Wow!

    Ethan Neufeld -> @ That can't be good.

    Kerris Kea -> ::grins wildly at Shane, then looks at Grotte:: Alright then.

    Joe Manning -> PAUSE SIM

  21. Joe was halfway into a yawn when the face of Rose LeMort appeared on Qob's forward viewer. He hadn't intended such a precisely timed yawn, but he didn't regret it either. The Captain of the Lucky Hand was a fairly young woman with a leathery complexion, a shaved head decorated with a tattoo of a barbed chain, and one eye covered with a black patch. Her appearance practically shouted 'merc' if not 'pirate,' and if the scowl was not chiseled into her face, it was fair indication that she was angry at Joe.


    "What the hell are we doing here, Manning?" the woman barked in her gravelly voice (Joe wondered if she was faking it).


    "A good morning to you too, my dear," Joe answered, pouring a cup of coffee from Troy's makeshift machine. "Care to come over for coffee and a chat?"


    "I am not in the mood for games from you or your crew," LeMort snapped back. "I have been waiting eight hours for an explanation from you. We have had these filthy pirates in our sights, completely at our mercy, and instead of taking their ship we are fixing it? Healing their wounded? I stayed my hand because I assumed you had other plans for these pirates, or that Maxwell ordered it. Now I'm beginning to suspect that you're aiming to screw us all."


    "Maybe one of those things is true," Joe shrugged and took his seat at the center of the Bridge. "Don't see why I should tell you. You haven't exactly been on board with any of my plans since this mission started. And I felt the first doubts that you gave a damn about Maxwell or the mission when you ran off on us in the middle of a battle."


    "'Ran off?!'" LeMort shouted, her hands gripping the armrests of her command chair. "I was covering all your asses. My crew kept those fighters off your backs while you protected the Verbistul. We hunted down the flagship to ensure that they wouldn't come back to jeopardize the mission. We were the ones who put it on the line and engaged in one-on-one battle, despite their superior firepower. And now you and your crew are helping them get back to battle readiness? Tell me why I shouldn't believe that you're on their side, Manning ... or we might just start treating you as if you are."


    "Careful, Captain," Joe replied in a tone of warning. "You wouldn't be the first bald woman to cross me this month. Things didn't end too well for her. Fortunately I'm on the same side as you ... if you're on the side of seeing this Zoalus job through. To that end, the Capricorn and her crew might serve some use. If they're fixin' to stab us in the backs, instead, I've got that covered. Just play along; one way or another, this'll work out best for all of us."


    "For you, I don't doubt," LeMort replied bitterly. "If there is something you are aiming to get out of all of this, I'd like to know when my crew is going to be brought into the loop."


    "When you show more of a desire to cooperate," Joe answered. He sensed someone hovering over his chair and realized that the 718 year old red-eyed engineer on loan from Verbistul was standing beside it. "Afraid I have to go, darling. Give some thought to what I said and we'll talk more later."


    Before LeMort could respond, he cut the comm. He looked up at the engineer who blinked slowly back at him while he took a sip of the coffee. " ... yes?"


    "There was an ... incident ... on the planet," the engineer answered, his voice as bored and disinterested as it could possibly sound.


    Joe immediately stood. "What's happened?"


    "The team was attacked by three drones. It appeared that the drones attempted to capture and carry off one of the team members. Before they could accomplish anything, a further five drones arrived on the scene and, surprisingly, opened fire on the other three drones." Joe had put his coffee down and was scrambling for his ODRI controls to contact Troy's team. The engineer continued, "No lasting damage appears to have been done and the team evaded any further detection. They have taken refuge in one of the structures on the planet and --"


    "Whoa whoa, son," Joe interrupted. "Slow down. When was the team attacked?"


    The engineer looked at his ODRI when an annoyed sigh. "... thirteen minutes ago. Nearly fourteen."


    "Thirteen?!" Joe's eyes bulged. "Why in the hell wasn't I told?!"


    "You were in your quarters." The engineer folded his arms behind his back, looking completely unfazed by Joe's fury. "Sleeping. The situation was resolved quickly."


    "I was wide awake in my quarters!" Joe jabbed a finger into the engineer's chest. "This is unacceptable." He waved the finger around the Bridge at the other Verbistul crew. "I want at least two pairs of eyes on the team at all times. And the second they get into anything even resembling trouble, you better damn well make sure I'm informed of it. Without delay. Are you understanding me, son?"


    The engineer stared back for a long moment with his red eyes and his blank expression. With a single nod, he answered, "Of course, Captain."