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Cadet Munro

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Posts posted by Cadet Munro

  1. C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\My Videos\fleet 1 edit.wmv <---- Copy and paste in the URL section and Windows Media Player Should pop up


    Dircected, Produced and Images by Jon Mayweather,


    "Melissa." by Porno Graffiti from FullMetal Alchemist


    Star Trek, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager, and Star Trek:Enterprise and all related properties are the copyright of Paramount Pictures © 2006 All Rights Reserved.

  2. Joe? Oh firetruck.


    anyway welcome to Blu's lai... uh, forget get that a said that anyway welcome to STSF, please enjoy stay. and watch out for is the T'Venus SFly'Trap. It snaps

  3. and don't forget my personal favorite ....triple chrome plated...kitchen(commercial grade) appliance....::brings out the GRINDER...+starts it up and sets on puree.......

    grrrriiiinnnnnnnnnddddd...all the while playing the TUNE...::...heh,heh... :P :)

    Please Eagle just put THAT away