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Posts posted by Igor

  1. I'm kinda late but...


    It was a sad thing and tragedy...


    But you have to admit that...


    ... the U.S. had done a great mistake by grouping all of the ships and airplanes (P-40), hence making them an easy target.


    ... the attack was a great plan and it was a creation of genius. The preparation, the modifying the torpedos etc...


    ... the good thing was that the carriers were on training (carriers were the main target).


    * * *


    "Tora! Tora! Tora!" is a great movie about Pearl Harbor...



    Those are my 2 cents...

  2. This is when I put 12% for other species>


    Your ecological footprint is estimated to be 5.5 hectares (13.6 acres).

    If everyone in the World lived lived like you we would need 2.9 Planets to support global consumption.




    This is when I put 25% for other species>


    Your ecological footprint is estimated to be 5.5 hectares (13.6 acres).

    If everyone in the World lived lived like you we would need 3.4 Planets to support global consumption.




    But they didn't ask about your caring of the enviroment outside of your home... he he

  3. You are now putting a disk from a tape recorder…


    And remember this is all recorded on a disk…





    Midshipman Igor, Mission log SD 0411.19,


    The ion storm has shown it’s greatness and we had some power failures and fluctuations.

    The main shield generator had a tiny flux in the power input but we fixed it. We have turned off the main gravity control in un-uccupied areas.


    Low battery, what?! Come on ! …


    =/\= RECORDING ENDED =/\=



    Now you open a paper sheet which was scotch taped onto the disk..


    You continue to read the log…



    Now to continue;


    The power is fluctuating every now and then. And we need to divert power to the shields to keep them against the storm. We have lost the main generator and all the back-up ones. The power is gone. Shields, life support systems, gravity control systems, one word – everything, has gone off-line. I don’t know how are we going to fix all this in the dark; but I sure hope that something will come up.


    This message will be recorded into the main computer after we get power.


    P.S. I am writing this on the red light that is flashing, but most of it is written in the dark without seeing the text. I didn’t write a personal log because I’m out of paper.


    --Signed, Midshipman Igor