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Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell

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Posts posted by Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell

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    Name: Jerry Curtis Maxwell

    Species: Human

    Gender: Male

    Age: 25 Earth Years

    POB: Victoria, British Columbia, Earth

    Hometown: El Paso, Texas, Earth

    Height: 1.9 m

    Weight: 76.2 kg

    Eye Color: Brown

    Hair Color: Brown

    Marital Status: Single

    Mother: Meredith Scott Beaches

    Father: Timothy James Maxwell

    Department: Security

    Rank: Ensign




    Jerry Curtis Maxwell was born in Victoria, British Columbia, Earth on July 29, 2344. He spent much of his childhood riding horses on his family's farm several miles northeast of El Paso, Texas, Earth. He was home schooled until the age of 13 at which point he was enrolled at the KIPP Academy in Houston, Texas. During his time at the KIPP Academy he actively participated on the school's football and archery programs. Following his first year he earned a place as the school's starting quarterback and led his team to the regional championship where they were defeated by Carl Albert High School 24-31. Mr. Maxwell would avenge this upset the following two years as KIPP Academy would dominate their opponents averaging sixty-three points per game.


    At the age of 17, Mr. Maxwell completed the necessary credits to graduate and accepted a football scholarship to the University of Texas at Austin. As a student Mr. Maxwell completed 4 years with a GPA of 3.1 and earned a degree in Geosystems Engineering and Hydrogeology. However, it was his amazing extracurricular feats which earned him national recognition. In his sophomore year he organized a humanitarian mission to a Federation colony which had suffered from a radioactive disaster. Although Mr. Maxwell did not personally have a full comprehension of what had occurred he was eager to become involved with helping those effected by the incident. In doing so he was forced to complete much of his general education credits off planet. Thanks to numerous volunteers the colony would find itself years ahead of construction on necessary facilities.


    Furthermore, Mr. Maxwell lead the University of Texas football team, Longhorns, to consecutive Rose Bowl victories and a 34-6 record during his time playing. It was in Mr. Maxwell's junior year at the University of Texas when he first earned the nickname "Skip." Although many individuals believe it was because of his ability to skip classes yet demonstrate thorough understanding of course material that is, in fact, false. He received his nickname from the University of Texas' offensive coordinator Edmond Akers after Mr. Maxwell audibled out of Coach Aker's first 16 play calls in what would be a 30-10 trouncing of the number one ranked University of Oklahoma Sooners. During the post-game conference Coach Aker's was quoted as saying "I don't know why we establish a game plan if he's just gonna skip the plays and call his own." The name caught favor among his teammates and soon after he adopted it.


    Graduating at the age of 21 Mr. Maxwell debated the numerous opportunities which presented themselves. It was his stubbornness and personal drive which won out and he decided to pursue the most challenging course he could. Upon completion of his first two entrance exams it did not appear Mr. Maxwell would successfully qualify for the academy; however, his exceptional performance in the psyche test proved him a more than capable cadet and was enrolled in the Starfleet Academy Preparatory Program shortly thereafter. Upon acceptance into Starfleet Academy Mr. Maxwell attended courses in Advanced Hand-to-Hand Combat, Intraspecies Protocol, Intrasystem Peacekeeping Operations, Tactical Analysis, and Advanced Tactical Training. For his final year at Starfleet Academy he enrolled in the youth mentorship program aboard the U.S.S. Republic where, upon completion of his last practical examination, he assumed the role of an Assistant Security Officer.


    Physical Profile:


    Do to Mr. Maxwell's previously established personal training regimen he is in exception physical condition. Moreover, due to his choice in physically active academy courses he appears to be adapting his regimen to provide a more efficient workout with noticeably improved results. I would go on to note that he seems to be one of few Starfleet officers who enjoy taking a physical test. Although he is quite healthy, occasionally he nurses his right shoulder. When confronted in regard to this behavior he claims ignorance.


    Mental Profile:


    Having years of conditioning Mr. Maxwell has excellent decision making abilities. However, under severe pressure from peers he has been known to waiver in favor of satisfying the group dynamic. Overall his ability to endure mental stress is remarkable for an officer of his level and inexperience. During his psyche test he was visibly unaffected by the challenge presented to him and executed it as though it were an everyday activity. Without hesitation he risked his own well being to save those whom he had no association with.


    Mental strength aside, Mr. Maxwell does demonstrate an innate inability to reject orders which conflict with his own moral/ethical stances. This could become an issue during missions which introduce controversial issues. In all Mr. Maxwell is a strong minded officer simply in need of experience. It should be noted that Mr. Maxwell appears to have developed an immense fear of Chalnoths while attending the academy. Further pursuits to determine the origin of this fear have been unsuccessful thus far.


    Further Notes:


    Investigation into Mr. Maxwell's family has revealed a relation to a former Starfleet officer. Mr. Maxwell appears to be the nephew of former Starfleet Captain Benjamin Maxwell. At this point it is unknown how close Mr. Maxwell is with his uncle or what role his uncle may have played in his joining Starfleet.

  2. Thank you everyone.


    I will try to work to establish a more thorough bio which I can post when I graduate from the academy I was just hoping to give y'all a bit of an introduction to who I am. I look forward to role playing with you all. I will certainly try to keep up and keep an open mind when role playing in the different scenarios.



  3. Just wanted to stop by and say "hello" to everyone. I look forward to roleplaying with each of you in due time. Below I've posted a slightly edited version of my biography. Don't want to give away all my characters personality quirks, that'd be no fun. :huh:



    Name: Jerry Curtis Maxwell

    Nickname: Jerry, Skip

    Age: 22

    Birthplace: Victoria, British Columbia, Earth

    Mother: Meredith Beaches

    Father: Timothy Maxwell


    Born to Meredith and Timothy Maxwell in the city of Victoria, British Columbia, Earth. The Maxwell family was forced to relocate to El Paso due to family issues. Jerry Maxwell was home schooled by his mother while in El Paso, because of this it is our professional opinion that he ***********************************************************. Additionally, *****************************************************, *******************, **************************. Shortly after his encounter with **************************** he enrolled in Starfleet Academy. Unfortunately, not much is known in regards to his relations with ********************************************************************************

    ************************. Further investigation and psy************************************. Overall, Mr. Maxwell demonstrates excellent decision making abilities under pressure. As such we expect great things despite our doubts regarding his ****************.