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Augustus Quintus

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Posts posted by Augustus Quintus

  1. General Information


    Full Name: Augustus Julius Quintus


    Current Starfleet Rank: Yeoman, first class


    Current Starfleet Position: Security Enlistee


    Current Vessel of Posting: USS Excalibur-C


    Personal Information


    Species: Neo-Roman/Morian hybrid


    Gender: Male


    Age: 22


    Birthdate: November 04, 2361


    Place of Birth: 892-IV (Neo-Roma)


    Maritial Status: Single


    Height: 5'5"


    Weight: 155 lbs.


    Hair Color: Honey Brown


    Eye Color: Silver



    Medical History


    Allergies: None


    Blood Type: Y+


    Scars/Other Distinguishing Marks: None.





    Starfleet Academy Preparatory Institute, Betazed

    Starfleet Enlisted Six-Month Training Program, Mars Colony


    Career History

    Assigned to U.S.S. Excalibur, 2383.