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Posts posted by CBDesailly

  1. An authentic cheesehead. Which I got early! But its still technically a Christmas gift. Its just that, living in Southern California, I don't get to see my Packers that much. They're in San Diego tommorrow (the 14th) so my ever so gracious grandmother, who has treated me like a prince for every one of my 21 years, gave it to me this week to wear to the game.


    I love my grandma

  2. I was ten and 5 months when the Arc started. I wasn't interested in Star Trek at the time either. I didn't become interested until an old friend of mine introduced me to simming in. . . .'96 I believe it was. With so much of an unpredictable schedule I wasn't able to join myself, only able to sit and watch over my friend's shoulder. The sim I started watching was the USS Arcadia. I enjoyed watching so much that I later got myself into simming. That friend of mine was a player the old Arcadians knew as JJ (96'-98' I believe. My memory is probably as bad as the Moose though). I talked to him earlier in the day and told him about the party, and the existence of this forum. He apologizes for not being able to make it to the party, for he's gotta work that evening. But he says that he hopes to get back into simming real soon. And he says hi to any and all Arcadians left over from his time period.

  3. Carlos Desailly sat in the middle of the waiting area, awaiting his rendezvous with the USS Arcadia. He wasn’t able to talk to his parents, particularly his dad, about his new assignment. He had heard about the Arcadia and some of the stories of its travels. It was one of the more famous ships in the fleet. He’d heard of Captain Moose as well, but not too much about him. Carlos new that he resigned his commission for a while to become an ambassador, then was reinstated. He wondered if his father knew his new Captain, or any one of the crewmen, for that fact.


    He was genuinely excited, coming onto a ship of the caliber and pedigree of the Arcadia. She was a ship with more history in its 11 years then the Stam’ had in its almost 30 years, and the Stamford Bridge is a ship with plenty of its share of history. It was the flagship of the strike group which mapped and explored the lands coreward of Sector 001, helping to extend the reach and influence of the UFP. It boasted three highly decorated CO’s in its history, Fleet Captain Owen, Fleet Captain Beckham, and most recently, Fleet Captain Desailly, his father. Carlos had something big to live up to.


    . . .And here he was, starting off the same way both of his parents did, as a doctor. He could only dream about becoming half the officer his father had. Although he loved him dearly, Carlos hated it when his academy instructors would call him the ‘spitting image’ of his father. He knew they meant it as a complement, but he wanted to carve out his own image. He wasn’t his father, nor did he want to be. . .Nor did his father want him to be, for that matter. He was Carlos, not Marcel, but in an organization steeped in so much tradition as Starfleet was, it was sometimes hard to get away from the your own name if it had any sort of prestige attached to it. Carlos was determined to break away from it. . . Somehow. . .


    He checked the time, less than an hour before the Arcadia was supposed to arrive. It was almost time for Carlos to begin to carve out his own identity in Starfleet. With his graduation from the Academy and Starfleet Medical, yet another chapter of his life had been closed, allowing another one to open. The inherent intrigue and suspense of the unknown brought a smirk to his face. . .


    . . .This was going to be fun. . .

  4. -=Warning=-

    -=Contains Information at TS level=-

    -=Authorized Viewing Only=-






    Full Name: Carlos Benoit Desailly

    Age: 24

    Race: Human/Betazoid

    Height: 5’10

    Weight: 175

    Build: Average

    Hair: Black

    Eyes: Brown

    Skin Tone: White


    Father: Fleet Captain Marcel Desailly (CO - USS Stamford Bridge NCC-1810-:ph34r:

    Mother: Commander Mia Desailly (CMO – USS Stamford Bridge NCC-1810-:D

    Siblings: None


    Personal History


    Carlos Benoit Desailly was born 7907.15 to then Lieutenant Marcel Desailly and Ensign Mia Desailly, both of whom were medical officers on board the USS Stamford Bridge. During this timeframe, the Stam’ was a part of an exploration/mapping strike group that charted new and uninhabited lands coreward of UFP boundaries. As a young boy, he spent a majority of his off-school time wandering the ship via the jefferies tubes, crawling to vents above various offices and stations throughout the ship and soaking up as much information as he can to prepare for his imminent application and appointment into Starfleet Academy. Naturally, his snooping was met with some discipline, but since it was in the pursuit of knowledge, his parents and the command staff took it easy on punishing him.


    On or near 9101.00, the USS Stamford Bridge and its strike force made first contact with an unknown race who identified themselves as the Hlivians. These humanoid beings had no spoken language, but instead spoke through an expansive and highly powerful empathic network throughout their ship. This empathic network was powerful enough for every empathic being in the Federation strike force to feel and tap into. The Hlivian viewed every other empathic being as threatening and felt that their intrusion into their empathic hive network was a threat to their well-being. Subsequently, the Hlivian fleet attacked and boarded the Stam’s strike force. The Hlivian did not believe in inflicting death on other beings via physical means. So instead, using superior stun weaponry and protective armor, they rounded up every empathic being and transported them back to the main Hlivian vessel. There, they were all subjected to a massic psonic surge which sent them all into an empathic shock. This devastating psonic attack left 80% of all the empathic beings dead, including 100% of the Vulcan crewmembers and civilians as well as 75% of the Betazoid crewmembers and civilians. Carlos and his mother were two of the survivors.


    On 9103.00, the Stam’ was ordered to stand down for refit. For its extensive service and valor in its exploration of the coreward frontier, the crew of the Stamford Bridge was extensively rewarded. The Desailly family spent their down time in Marcel’s hometown of London. By 9112.00, The newly refitted Stamford Bridge was ready to set sail once again. The newly refitted Stam’ was outfitted as a colony vessel, ready to help colonize and consolidate the newly mapped lands it helped to discover. With newly promoted Fleet Captain Desailly at the command, the Stam’ left Utopia Planetia shipyards and sailed coreward along with its complement of civilian transports, cargo ships, and defense vessels.


    This assignment for the Stamford Bridge was meant as a relief for its almost 15 years of frontline service. But it soon became a passion for the crew of the Stam’. Instead of returning to front line mapping and exploration, after its 5 year stint as the flagship of the coreward consolidation effort, the Stam’, by popular vote of the crew, voted to remain in the role it had played over the past 5 years. A role that it still takes on to this day.


    It was not long after that vote that young Carlos entered the academy. It was an experience that he had been waiting for his entire life. This was what was expected of him. His academy experience was a successful one highly productive one. He graduated 10th in his class and remained in Sector 001 to attend Starfleet Medical School, just as his parents had. Upon graduation from medical school, Carlos was assigned to the USS Arcadia as an assistant medical officer. Academic records are included below.


    Medical profile


    Physical Profile


    Physically, Carlos is in excellent shape. He has no physical limitations that will impair his ability to do his work. His appearance is not characterized by any scars or noticeable birth marks.


    Dr. Floyd Hasselbaink, Starfleet Medical


    Mental Profile


    The encounter with the Hlivian’s has left Carlos and the rest of those affected by the empathic attack unable to apply their empathic abilities. Its not that they have lost the ability to use them, its is that they have been blocked and that part of their brain is in a state of localized shock. Attempts to stimulate the paracortex on full-blooded Betazoid subjects have been unsuccessful. An attempt on a half-blooded Betazoid is unadvisable and therefore has never been tried. With the Hlivians not having no official record of first contact, no attempt has been made to contact them for an explanation. Empath attempts to find an explanation have been unsuccessful. Those who try and access that part of the subjects mind are forcibly driven back.


    Dr. Hernan Crespo, Starfleet Medical


    Carlos has a very pleasant personality. He tends to remain very laid back, handling pressure well. He has a streak of dry wit and sarcasm that can be viewed as either charming or annoying, depending on the person and circumstance. He is emotionally well-adjusted, and while no major neurotic behaviors have been noted, he is somewhat of a ‘neat freak’. He prefers his quarters and his work area orderly, and his penchant for straightening up can get irritating to some. Other than that little nuance, there are no major behavioral issues with Carlos. He is fit for duty


    Dr. Emmanuel Petit, Starfleet Medical


    *All information that has been italicized in this report is considered Top Secret and will not be included in any access with lower than Top Secret authorization code.