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Posts posted by Marsovac

  1. Hello to all,

                    I just wanted to say hello to all of you,last time when I was here...well it was 4 month before...long time a?How are you guys,is everything ok on the Academy...?Who nows me,he will remember that I tryed to join the Academy..and you know what?!NO...I didn't..can you believe that,a that was...never mine. Well,se you guys,I have to go...Bridge duty.Bye guys...and just to tell you,I'M BACK... :P

  2. -Hey...

     ...how are you guys,what's going at the Academy?!You know something...I'm a bad luck!!!Now I'm on the holliday,well school is finished and we heav two week repose.BUT I...I was sick one week!That is bad luck,and it wasn't the first time!


    All of you know that was accident one week before Yes,yes it is STS-107[space Shuttle Columbia] I just want to say,my sympathies to familys of dad astronauts.And...that will be that,bye guys,til' next time...


             [T]USS Marsovac

  3. Liike everybody sad...WELCOME ABOARD.Bolive me,if you heav something to don't understood.....just ake them and soon you will know.from my experience!Guys I heav some sad news!!!I want to join the USS Bismarck-sovering class,but I wasn't exepted!!!  :o    :D

  4. Hi too all


    like I say,I just want to see how are you guys,what's going,and how is ti at the Academy???I was watching[few minutes ago]Enterprise-the series,and it wasn't so good like I toth it will be!You watch Enterprise,I mine series?Of course you are,stupid question[are you]?But there was one part which was....interesting.Spock was"kissing"with Romulan commander[woman],on they way!You know something...I must try that way of"kissing"with my girl!!!Must go now.See you...


                Marsovac :o

  5. I agre with Xiang,it is hard,to hard.I will try to join at Sunday!!!I hope that I will,and I hope that you-Xiang will join the Academy too,and thet we will training together!!!See you on the Academy,I hope.Or see you in space,all of you guys.  :)    ;)    :D