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Jordan Black

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Posts posted by Jordan Black

  1. Loosing Track


    Jordan followed in silence as the local intern took them to where crew

    #1 was working, she had lost track of what each crew did and was

    starting to realize they weren’t going to learn much on this trip.

    That if they truly were going to learn anything it would take years,

    since no one person working here had a clue how everything worked. It

    was frustrating to get half the information on the process and then

    have to travel to the other side of the facility to get the rest, and

    once you got there – you couldn’t remember what you were talking



    Jordan glanced at LoAmi, their intern guide and then

    Alces; she couldn’t understand how they were all so calm, as if this

    was normal. She then reflected on the conversation she had with Alces’

    moments ago, would it really help to have to focus on only one

    function of Engineering and not have to worry about the whole. She

    couldn’t image not having to thinking about all of it, there would

    always have to be one person who knew all of the aspects of the Job,

    with a large gap of uneducated people it was asking for trouble. She

    was impressed with the substation but knew that there was no way this

    place could last very long; it will be an engineering nightmare, and

    it’s just waiting to happen. Because who knew where the real engineers

    were, if they were on the station at all or on the planet. If they

    weren’t here (which she was sure they weren’t) how long would it take

    for them to get here, and when they did everything would be beyond the

    breaking point… She hoped that they would be no where near here when

    it finally happened.

  2. Jordan stood in the airlock and suited up, the trip outside was going to be a long, slow process. She opened the anti-matter canister and left it in her tool bag, the EVA gloves were going to be awkward, she thought it would be best have to fumble out there as little as possible. She closed her bag and slipped her gloves on, punched a few buttons on her suit and then the airlock. First locking herself in, and then decompressing the room.


    Once the airlock door opened Jordan thought about the long walk ahead of her, it didn’t seem so far in her head. But the reality of it was a good mile walk… She took a step out and started her journey. She felt as though each step took five minute, she wanted to run but knew that it imposable to do. So she kept her pace and tried to move along the ship as quickly as she could. She wasn’t sure what was worse the long walk or the silence she would have to endure the whole time, the only thing she could hear was the sound of her own breathing to comfort her.


    An hour later


    Jordan could see her goal ahead of her; the crystals were near an access port where the umbilicals would attack. Is was a small unnoticeable stop not many would think to look in unless they were doing repairs or attaching to a station. Jordan placed her bag down, feeling its magnetic bottom cling to the hull, it was hard for her to not pull her gloves off to grab the crystals quickly and stuff them into the container within the bag. She sighed with frustration and slowly moved the crystals into the container, fumbling a few times, “bloody marvelous” she grumbled as she struggled with closing the container. After a few minutes she saw the green light glow indicating it was sealed tight.


    With a satisfactory grin she shoved it back in the bag and clipped it shut. Jordan exhaled and stood up; all she had to do now was make the journey back to the airlock. “I’ll go for a walk to get it.” She mocked herself as she started walking back. “Brilliant” she sighed.




    SUBJECT: Biography of Jordan Black

    Name: Jordan Black

    Race: Human

    Birthplace: Brigland, Wales - England , Earth

    Gender: Female

    Age: 27

    Marital Status: Single

    Height: 5'7

    Eye Color: Blue

    Hair: Pink

    Rank: Ensign

    Current Post: USS Arcadia EDUCATION AND TRAINING:


    Graduated, Starfleet Academy

    Graduated, Zefram Cochrane Institute of Engineering

    Graduated, Starfleet Eng. Mechanics School


    Internships & Special Studies:

    -The Zefram Cochrane-Propulsion Research and Development Center (PRDC).

    -Propulsion Physics Program

    -Bio-neural Gel Pack programming



    Undergraduate degrees in Warp Theory and Warp Mechanics with a Master's level degree in Theoretical Propulsion Engineering.



    Father: Parker Black

    Mother: Stella (Kennedy) Black

    Siblings: None

    HISTORY: Jordan stuffed a few more shirts in her bag then zipped it up and tossed it over by her bedroom door, "All packed?" Aaron asked from the doorway, Jordan glanced back at her father and nodded "I think so. One more shift and I gone." He stepped into the room and smiled at her, "You don't have to go you know..." She smirked at him and turned around, "You want me to stay in London my whole life working in Gram's bar?" she said as she crossed her arms. "I'm sure she will leave you the bar once she passed on" He said with a deadpan face. "I'm just saying that you don't have to Budge up to space to get away from here. I know it hasn't always been easy here. but I thought it was a brilliant move coming here after your mum passed on..." He looked down into his tea cup, then at her. Jordan walked over to him, "It has nothing to do with living here or owt else, I just fancy a change is all." She grabbed her apron and pulled it on. "Now clear off, I need to get down stairs before she gets her knickers in a twist." She walked passed him once he moved, then paused at the top of the stairs, "I never blamed you for what happened to Mum.. and moving here was." She glanced up looking for the right word, "Necessary.. we needed her and she shouldn't be alone." She climbed down the stairs and entered the bar, she tired not to feel guilty about leaving. “All right?” her Grandmum asked once she came around the bar. “Never better” Jordan replied with a sigh, and started unloading the glasses from the washer, then glanced up when her Grandmum walked over to her. “He just going ter miss ya is all, as am I.” she smiled and fixed Jordan’s hair (again), “You going to do something about this… this..Pink mess?” Jordan bit her lip and went back to work, She had changed her hair to pink to annoy her Grandmum.. and it worked! But now she annoyed her about it everyday. “I come to like it, it fits.” “Makes ya look like a twit I say.” “Thanks” “You think people on that tub of yers are going to take a fancy to that?” “I donno… if they make me change then I will. I won’t get gutted but it.” Jordan walked from behind the bar and over to the window, she knew she wasn't going to miss London, but she needed a change, even if it was for just a little while. She knew that her family would think once she finished the Academy she would be finished with this but in her heart she knew she wasn't...