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Posts posted by Vernix

  1. i am new to this site but am very excited to be here, i am however completely unsure of what to expect in the chat rooms and have no idea of what to really expect at all. it is hard to fathom how the simming is actually going to work. why is there a section for attachments what is it for i know what it does, but to what end? in addition i assume the optional icons are there to give a visual representation of the mood one is in at the time they are posting? what is the quick access box for?

  2. why do i find this site so hard to use am i stupid or am i missing something? i am very exited about what is offered here and i want to join in i just fee like i have no idea how this all works in fact i'm not sure this is where i should be typing this. so any help tips hints would be much appreciated.