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Posts posted by Rex_Smith

  1. Have you noticed that Space Sci-Fi seems to be disappearing?


    This is especially the case for Television. Networks seem to just not believe in it, and the product they have put out recently hasn't lasted long, or hasn't even seen the light of day.


    Movie wise, it seems most Space Science Fiction films are written with FX in mind rather than a story . And while FX is a necessity in Space Science Fiction it should not be the driving force behind a movie; that is for writing and characters . A Storyline behind all those bangs and booms is what is necessary for success for TV and film. Unfortunately, Big Production studios have not grasped this for Space Science Fiction, and rely on FX to draw people in.


    There is hope on the horizon. A group of very talented Television and Movie writers and artists have decided to take a different route to getting a Space Science Fiction back on screen. Many of these names are familiar to you. Familiar Actors have also joined this movement.


    That movement is called simply Space Command.


    Space Command is a movement to take Science Fiction back to it's early roots on TV and Film. The Look, feel and atmosphere (pardon the pun) will be that of a 1950's Science Fiction Television or Film. Most importantly, in my opinion will be the writing.


    Space Command is currently a project involving four movies. However I am not the best to tell Space Command story. To learn more simply visit a YouTubeChannel called SpaceCommandMovie. And watch the introductory video, it is about 8 minutes long. You might notice that there are a lot of those "FX" in this preview. Simply put, these FX are the easiest and quickest way to give a feel. Of what Space Command ships might look like. I don't want to give everything away about this project, You'll be surprised who has already committed to Space Command. I think if you do watch the video, the last 30 seconds spell out why Space Science Fiction seems to be "disintegrating."


    {Link removed}

  2. CV-6 United States World War 2 Aircraft Carrier earned 20 Battle Stars, more than any U.S. Navy Vessel. The Japanese claimed she was sunk three times during the war. Launched in 1936, Her knack for survival earned her the title "Big-E." She was not at Pearl Harbor when the Japanese bombed it, She sailed with the USS Hornet when that vessel carried B-25 bombers in the "Doolittle Raid" to particpated in the massive battle of Leyte Gulf, and supported attacks against Japan herself. She was damaged near the end of the war by A Kamikaze on her forward elevator lift. While undergoing repairs the atom bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagaski. After VJ day, she ferried troops home from the Europe.


    This is but a snippet of an incredible story of a Warship. It did not have a good ending, as she was scrapped in 1958 despite efforts then to save this incredible Naval Vessel. The Navy KNEW they had to honor her, despite this inglorious ending..Naming CVN-65, the world's first Nuclear Aircraft Carrier with her name Enterprise.


    I don' know where the quote originated but the article I read claimed " Some have labeled her the most glorious and honored ship in the history of the United States Navy, rivaled only perhaps by the 18th century frigate USS Constitiution." A.K.A old Ironsides.


    CV-6 WILL be remembered again as another Aircraft Carrier with the name Enterprise. The successor to the Nimitz class Aircraft Carrier is still being designed, she will probably be one of this class. The History of CV-6 is an incredible read, it's no wonder her name eventually was linked up with Star Trek.

  3. Name : Rex Smith


    Race: Human


    Age: 22


    Sex: Male


    Height: 5'10"


    Weight: 190lb


    Hair: Brown


    Distinguishing Features: Early Hair loss


    Other Character Traits: Obsessed with the Plumbing of a Starship. How power gets from here to there. EPS power grid obsession. Shoots for maximum efficiency. Grumbles at other work.


    Starfleet Academy Notes:


    Starfleet Academy Health Office


    Mr. Rex Smith's dietary habits are disturbing. He appears to suffer from "Hood Syndrome;" The unsual attraction of sweets and coffee. We recommend his Chief Medical Officer upon graduation, give Ensign Smith a firm introduction to better dietary health.


    Dr. Albert Bean

    Starfleet Academy Physician


    Starfleet Academy Office of Psychology


    Mr. Smith has been known to have some signs of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. He insists in solving problems the most direct way possible without considerations to others and hardware. An example was shown on his Engineering thesis on Starship Energy Transfer suggesting Turbolift access be eliminated in battle in order to reroute EPS systems through well established Turbolift corridors on Starships.


    Everything is Point A to Point B.


    It is in my opinion however this is a youthful behavioral deviance that will correct itself upon longterm assignment on a Starship or Starbase.


    Dr. Axius Terok

    Starfleet Academy Psychological Office



    Additional Academic Notes


    Ensign Rex Smith has voiced a displeasure with Future Gel-Pack Technology. While recognizing the benefits of Gel-Pack Technology, Mr. Smith feels these systems are vulnerable to biohazards, despite not having any education to support the argument.


    Professor Duke Von Plank

    School of Starfleet Engineering


    Ensign Rex Smith has displayed some rather humorous suggestions to reroute Power Systems in Event of a Grid Failure. To Suggest an ODN grid be replaced with a secondary Tricorder based system to accomidate EPS tap lines is rather absurd.


    Dr. Win Cheng

    School of Starfleet Engineering


    Ensign Rex Smith idolizes Chief Montgomery Scott as many cadets do. However his attempt to use the "exaggerated time to repair" over and over again despite Starfleet Academic Staff knowledge of such an engineer tact is tiresome. Nonetheless he does show some promise.


    Professor Ani Chanz

    Dean of Engineering

    Starfleet Academy