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Posts posted by Katherine_Swan

  1. This log took place just before last weeks sim. Both Sam and I were to busy to get it editted and out to the string and on the boards. Hope you enjoy it.



    Sam Semaj walks into sickbay and toward where he sees Swan standing, "You needed me for something Dr.?"


    Katherine looks up as Sam walks in the door. " I do. I have a question want to ask you Hypothetical of coarse. If you have a patient that is having an issue that you think needs to be brought out, but the patient does not want it disclosed. Where do my loyalties lay? With Star Fleet to tell them that said patient may be dangerous? Or the Patient with the Hippocratic oath? I want your opinion." Katherine has a very upset on her face as she awaits his answer to her.


    Sam Semaj was a little taken aback by the question, "Well, for now I'll skip past the part where you said hypothetical, because I can tell it's clearly not. There are some pretty well-defined guidelines for these things. Some come from SF protocol, some are based on patient practice, and that includes the non-medical care I provide. For all non-department heads, officers and non-coms, the department head gets notified of any medical or psychological condition that will affect job performance or will cause risk to the individual or those around him.

    So a disruptive psychological disorder, a communicable disease, a suicide attempt or threat, though that one is exceptionally rare, these things get reported to department heads and if the situation provides risk outside the department, command staff gets notified, usually suicide or anything involving harm to others goes to the CO anyway Department heads can elect to have things kept private from their team members command staff can sometimes have things kept private from the rest of the senior staff, but a lot of times situations effect that group and it's wise to have everyone in the know beyond those situations that can have adverse effects on the people around an individual or themselves, confidentiality is strongly adhered to. So that's at least the guidelines, but situations are often grey, can you provide me with anymore details?"


    Katherine takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. "Well I not sure how far I can go. What if its a person higher in rank or possibly higher in command than you? What are the statues on those instances?" Kat wanted to tell him but she was afraid to do to the replications from higher up.


    "Well listen, I'm held to confidentiality, and can make decisions on whether to take something higher than me, and there are only three higher ranks on this ship than I have, so it can't explode or anything like that...why don't you show me just the medical data or describe the situation without using names and then maybe I can help you think about how to proceed?" Sam says as he stands there in front of her.


    Kat thinks for a moment, then trys to think of a way to phrase it so it can still be annonoumus. "OK Here it goes. I had a patient come in and disclose to me that they were joined." Kat then cringes as she remembered there are not many trills on the ship to begin with. " This wont get to anyone else except you and I correct?"


    The counselor replies, "Well...that depends on the situation, but I think you're safer doing this consult than letting something hazardous happen to the crew."


    Kat looked at him and motioned for them to move to the office "OKay, Well a problem came up with the simbiont, and the person almost lost their live. I was able to come up with a treatment but had to use some creative work to do so. They didn't want the drug needed to be replicated as it would register and make things known. Anyway, they are doing ok now but have to return here for treatment every day until completely recovered." Kat shakes her head as she figures Sam knows who she's talking about now.


    Sam leans against a console thinking, "So...joining is something we keep on record, are you saying you had recorded that this person was not joined and they confided that they actually were?


    Kat gets a worried look on her face. "Well, I..." she stops for a moment and continues. "It was logged before I came into this. But I guess you can say yes, I now know that they are joined. I guess that's why they didn't want it known."


    "Sorry, I'm confused. Didn't want it known that they were joined, even though it was in their file?


    "That's just it. Its not in their file. Their file was in the system long before I got here. That's why I ... I'm asking you this now. I learned the Rules , regulations and proticals when I took my doctrine. But that was what, less than 6 months ago. I guess HQ figured you would come up on things as you go alone, but I don't think they would figure something like this."


    Sam shook his head. "I'm just trying to be clear, you're stepping around trying to not reveal to much, but you're confusing me in the process. This crew member lied about being joined, has a symbiot but did not report that in their medical file and somehow avoided it getting discovered?"


    Kat looks straight into Sams eyes and nods. "yes"


    Sam finally getting that cleared up, then continues. "Ok, that was my first question, here's my second. If you didn't replicate medication to cure this persons...problem, what did you do?


    Kat turned away and walked over to a desk and sat down. Now she could possibly get another person in trouble as well. Eagle had helped her, him and the twins. She took a deep breath and began again trying not to give away too much. The Counselor follows her to the desk and grabs another chair, feeling this may take a while and has a seat himself. "Well The symbiot would have know how to create the drug so I had a Vulcan well Half Vulcan come in and melded with the Symbiot to get the ingredients and tell me how to make the drug. It worked, I was able to get what I needed without using the replicator."


    Sam leans down and puts his head on the desk and sighs, then sits back up:: Ok...you're not in trouble or anything, this is just a....complex situation. So what is it you are worried about, the precarious condition of the patient? Does he need to get regular medication to maintain his condition?" Sam stops thinking for a second and then continues. "Well, you could be in trouble, but lets keep talking."


    Kat sighs, "Being in trouble is nothing new to me Sir. I mean look how I came to be here in the first place and the condition should right itself in a few weeks of treatment. But if this happens again theres a possibility that things could happen much different and more be at stake. That's why Im wondering if I should disclose to whomever I need to whats going on or continue with my patient doctor confidentiality."


    Sam sighs again. "Well...here is a list of things you can't do. You can't lie about something like joining on your medical records. You can't falsify medical records to keep off some thing like symbiot presence, you can't use lab materials to synthesize a medication without logging the reasoning for it. And telepathic interactions like mind melds must be supervised by command staff or CMO, and though you are currently the most active attending physician, you are not the department head on paper. As far as answering specifically about your patient's issue...I need to know the condition exactly and the risks and dangers involved even if you don't answer to who it is." With what he has heard so far from Kat he has an inkling that an oddly behaving trill he witnessed earlier could be explained by this situation...but realizes the seriousness of that and doesn't want to get to that part of the situation yet.


    "SO what you are saying is that at the moment If this goes any further, I will be in the brig along with my patient. As I said that's not new for me but my Patient Im not sure of. If I go to the Department head," now shes trying to cover even more as to the identity of the patient. "I will not only get them in trouble but myself as well. Correct? For I have done all of the above." Kat was ok telling on herself but not on others.


    Sam Semaj looked at her squarely, " Brig might be a little over the top thus far. But listen, I need to know what the medical issue is, or all I know is that there is a secret trill symbiot running around and that you are lying to protect it. It's possible that only 5 people have to know any of this happened, and that no serious repercussions will come of it, but for that to happen, someone needs to start being up front.


    Kat looks to the floor. She wasn't sure fessing up at this point would be a good idea. "Sam? what if I didn't tell you, What would you do? Or what action would you have to take with me telling you this much."

  2. UPDATE:


    Katherine Swan was taken under the wing of Dr Porter and Dr Avery for her medical training. She was trained in every aspect of the field and all of the equipment in the Arcadia's Sickbay. Once she had shown she knew what she was doing and began to start taking initiative of doing it on her own, the two Doctors decided it was time she take the battery of tests to get her MD title.


    Katherine took her time with her studies and took the tests as each was presented to her. Once she completed the last test, it was told to her what was going to happen to it. It was to be sent to HQ along with her history on the ship. Everything would be placed on the table. Her treasonous acts to the Arc crew and the ship itself as well as the help she gave to the captain and crew to right the situation. Even though she suffered resistance in the beginning, she trudged along.


    The medical team sent off the tests and have been awaiting the results to return from HQ as to her title. Only Time will tell.

  3. Katherine left the office of Mr Semaj's. She felt a bit better after talking to him and thought to herself that more meetings could have an even more positive effect. As she walked down the corridor, she remembered what Avery had told her. She was to first talk to the Counselor and then take an extra long rest period. She had been hard at work with her testing, and hadn't had the rest between shifts that she needed.


    She continued her way to her quarters, her mind once again going back to the test that she had completed a few hours ago. She just hoped she wouldn't have to wait to long to get the results. A small smile crossed her face as she thought about finally being able to treat patients without having another doctor watching over her. The smile then straightened out as she thought about the possibility of them not coming to her to allow her to even try. She hoped that this would not be the case but she knew it would be a possibility.


    Swan entered her quarters and sat on her couch. She called up the holo image to be broadcast on the screen of a fish tank. She sat there and watched as the fish swam around effortlessly. This was one thing that Katherine found had the most calming effect on her. She leaned back and closed her eyes for what she though would only be a moment and fell fast asleep.



    NOTE: I will not be at the Sim this week. I have an engagement that I can not get out of.

  4. Katherine sat at her console once again to complete her finals for the Doctrine. She still couldn't believe she had gotten this far. She took a last look at all of the answers on this past page of the test. She took a deep breath and with a nervously shaking hand, she pressed the conclude button.


    "There! It's done. I just hope I did well enough not to have to retake it." She stood up and stretched. She had been sitting there for the past 5 hours completing the test. This was the hardest thing she had even done. She sat back down thinking of how this even got started. First it was Dr Knwtchr. She saw something in her that made her want to try to make Katherine into something. Then the other Doctors stepped in and began really getting Katherine involved with the ins and outs of Sickbay.


    As she sat there Avery came into Sickbay from his break. He was wondering how Katherine was doing on her exam. He saw her sitting in front of the monitor. Not sure if she was finished or not, he stood there for a few moments watching. After he had watched a few moments and saw no activity he decided to go check on the progress. He approached her, making a bit of a louder sound as he walked so he wouldn't startle her to badly. "Katherine? How are you coming with the Exam?"


    Katherine heard him approaching and turned around to meet his gaze. She smiled when he asked his question. "It's completed sir. I have sent it to Star Fleet medical. I guess we just get to sit and wait for the results?"


    He had a bit of an off look come across his face. "Katherine What have I told you about the Sir thing. You do not have to call me Sir unless we have a patient or if we are in front of the Captain or Commander. Am I understood?"


    Katherine cringes a bit at having to be told once again of his wishes. She just nods and thinks to herself. This was a habit she had. In the Imperial fleet if you did not use the word sir, you were beaten horribly so you wouldn't forget again. She started having flashbacks of how she came to be on the Arcadia to begin with.


    "Katherine? Are you all right?" Avery asks as he notices her looking at him but in a daze of sorts. "KATHERINE!"


    Katherine jumps a bit at the yelling of her name. "Oh oh sorry Ss, I mean Avery. I was just remembering how I came to be here in the first place." She then lowers her head, remembering injuring the one crewman from Engineering that had to leave her post afterwards from the stress.


    "Does that still bother you? The entire incidence of the destruction of the project and all?" Avery pulled up a chair and sat next to her.


    "I didn't just loose my respect but I also lost my family. I lost everything I have ever worked for. Worst of all I had lost the love of my folks." She placed her elbows on her knees and buried her face in her hands.


    "Katherine look. That's all in the past. The Captain cleared you of all charges. If you would still had those pending you would not be able to even apply to be a medic much less be taking the finals for getting your Doctrine. Tell you what, You might want to go have a talk with the Counselor. He may be able to help you get past all of this. When your test results come in, I want you ready to go and to be able to work on patients without me being here. I'm afraid you will not be able to do that if you have all of this in the back of your head. Go have a talk with Mr. Sema'j. Also take some time off. I know how hard you had been studying for the exam. You need some down time. I'll contact you when the results come in."


    "Thank you Avery. I'll add my name to the list Mr. Sema'j has. Maybe I do need some down time." She stood offering her hand. "Thank you for your vote of confidence, Its much appreciated."


    "No problem Dr. Swan," he says as he takes her hand in a firm grip. "And I have no doubt that title will fit in a few days."


    Kat smiled, "Thank you Sir."


    Avery comes back at her sharply, "ACK! What did I say about the Sir?" He then lets a big smile cross his face.


    "Sorry, hard habit." Katherine says as she turns to make her way to Mr. Sema'js visit schedule on his door.


    Avery lets out a slight chuckle at her and turns to go back into his office.

  5. Eagle assisted the older man to his feet to take him to where he was to show the team some data they may find interesting.


    The man lightened up somewhat in his demeanor. "Thank ya bud. It's hard to beleive that they don't like

    listening to their people. If they did, it would never have gotten that bad."


    Looking over at Kat, Eagle asked the old man if he would please allow her give him a medical scan. "She is one of our doctors sir. Please allow her to look at you."


    The old man snapped back at Eagle as he looked between he and Kat. "Look sonny, I'm just fine. I don't need a young whippersnapper like you telling me what I need to do or have done. If you want to see what Is here, then stop pestering me to be treated by this little kid and her freind." The man points to Kat and towards the door where Samantha had left a few minutes earlier. "Now are we going to go or not?"


    Looking at the old man, Eagle then asked the old man "What do you prefer to be called sir??. We would like to call you by name instead of Sir."


    The old man looked oddly at Eagle and then decided that giving him a name, any name would do. If he gave him his real name they may tell someone where he was. He didn't want anyone to know his real name to track him down. "Sonny, you can call me Ken. I'll answer to that."


    "Very well Ken. As was stated before I am Eagle, Or you may call me James. This is my team member Katherine." He stated as he pointed to Swan. "Shall we go?" he asks pointing to the door opening.


    "Yes, we can go." The old man starts moving towards the door.


    Katherine just stands there and listens, not sure how to work with this type of circumstances.


    Eagle looks at Kat, "Do you have any of that water left?" He asks grinning, smiling and closely watching Ken walk to the door.


    Kat looks to Eagle oddly and then answers. "Yes Sir I do. I have a small flask in my med bag." She opens her kit and pulls out the small flask and hands it to him. "There you go."


    Eagle took the bottle of water offered as he followed Ken, and spoke to the old man after he had taken a sip. "Water Ken?"


    The old man looked back to Eagle and Katherine in the doorway. "No I am fine. If you want answers, stop doddeling and follow me. I will not have you holding me up so I will be captu.. I mean I

    dont want them knowing where I am. Now let's move." He then exits the door and rounds a corner.


    Rounding the corner with Ken, Eagle and Katherine stayed close to him. "Ken I was not wasting time to see you captured old soldier or should I say Sargent. All is well you have nothing to fear from us. We will be joined shortly by the rest of our team so please do not blow a fuse ok?"


    Ken turns around suddenly, almost being pushed by the two that were following. "Look sonny, I was higher than a Sargent in my field and as far as blowing a fuse, I can hold my tempter. Lets hope you can as

    well." The old man had an angry look on his face to be called anything lower than the rank he had worked so hard to make before all happened, landing him here.


    Kat stops almost as suddenly as Ken did just barely keeping from running into the old man.


    Chuckling to himself as he followed and looking at Kat. I thought that might get a rise from him. He is military or at least was, probably some kind of underground or some type of resistance fighter, I would estimate. We could learn reams of knowledge from him that a tricorder and a month wouldn't find."


    Ken moves towards the back of the building they were all in and moves up to a wall that looks to be solid. He then places his hand on a figure and a door moves enough to barely allow him and the others to pass

    by. The door closes behind the group and the old man turns, "I was military yes, but there's a lot more to this than it looks sonny. As far as getting a rise out of me, How would you like being called a rank way below the one you had taken 30 years to gain. I think you might also have a problem with that. NOW If you want to see what I have, I advise you to show a bit more respect or you will be shown nothing."

  6. Malik Pilot is still sitting on the biobed 4, holding his arm with cotton in place.


    Katherine takes the sample back to the analyzer for processing. "Is this your first assignment?"


    Malik looks at her. "Why yes it is. Fresh out of the Academy. Is this your first assignment as well?"


    Katherine thinks a moment before she continues. No sense making trouble for herself. Then she hears his question back to her. "Umm I guess you could say it is my first assignment in Star Fleet yes," she turns and approaches him once more.


    Malik ponders for a moment. "What were your other positions if you don't mind me asking?"


    Katherine gets a slightly shocked look on her face. Here this is, a new Ens, He does not know her past on the ship. Does she really want to allow him to? Since he's in Security he might take offense to what had happened in the past. She didn't want to jeopardize that trust in the medical department. "Lets just say I was not in the capacity I am now and leave it at that. Shall we?"


    Malik can sense a sort of pause her thoughts that were floating like a waterfall when he walked in, after that question was asked the pause came. "You don't have to Doctor." Malik smiled slightly.


    She lets out a sigh of relief, "Thank you Mr. Pilot. Its a long story that I'd rather not go into at this time." She smiles at him and takes his arm, unbending it. She takes the cotton off the draw sight checking it for any sign of trouble. "You clot nicely Ens."


    Malik smiles. "Thank you I guess. I work out to keep up with the criminals." He laughs a slight chuckle trying to ease the tension in room.


    She steps back slightly at the word criminals. Did he know about her past here? Was this a funny joke to him? Now she was worried at how much he really knew and wasn't speaking of. The laugh didn't help either. Was he hiding the fact he knew of her time in the brig? No no she had to remain calm. "Ens Your free to go, If I find anything on the blood work I will send you a message to return and we will speak of it then. No news is good news they say."


    Malik sensed an uneasiness with Katherine after his comment and laugh. "Did I say something wrong?" Malik didn't in tend on offending the good doctor.


    "Um, no no not at all. I'm just, just still new at all this myself. That's all. Um I better let you get back to your duties, I'll have Dr. Porter go over your file when she returns and if there's anything wrong or she needs anything else we will contact you." Katherine turns quickly to go back to the lab area and act as if she's checking on something.


    "Aye. Nice meeting you." Malik thought to himself she seemed uneasy when I mentioned staying in shape to catch criminals, I will investigate this later.


    Katherine turns towards him. "Thank you for being so prompt in reporting in. Most make us come hunting for them. Have a good day."


    Malik got up and moved out of the sickbay then caught the nearest Turbo Lift to his quarters.

  7. Katherine nodded as Dr. Porter rushed over to Sam. Since she was the CMO, Katherine backed away and allowed her to take over Sam's case. She was kind of glad that she returned. Katherine was still green behind the ears so to say and really didn't mind just sitting back and watching.


    When Sam and Miranda started talking more like friends instead of Patient / Doctor, Katherine decided that this was her time to make her exit. Dr Porter didn't need her help and Sam was definitely more comfortable with Miranda treating him. This what she was going to have to get used to and she knew it.


    Katherine backed away and checked in on the few others she had treated. She knew when she was first asked to start learning medicine, she was going to have crew that would not allow her to work on them. Mostly because of what she had done to them. She couldn't really blame them either. She was surprised that some would still speak to her. She looked back over to Sam and Miranda still speaking. He hadn't said anything to her about not wanting her to treat him but she could see he was a lot more at ease with Dr Porter.


    Katherine made a few adjustments to the patients bandages and handed the nurse the padds to have Dr Porter sign for release. She then moved over to her console and once again put her nose into the books. She thought she was ready, but she had so many second thoughts about different treatments that she wanted to double and triple check herself. Dr Porter would be giving her that first Exam in a few days. She just hoped she would be ready. But how would it be. Would it be in the form of a computers test with questions and answers. Would it be a verbal test? Would it be a Holodeck simulation? Katherine shivered at that thought. She was pretty sure of one thing. She doubted it would be on actual living beings, or any of the crew. That she was pretty sure about.

  8. Former Biography, <Federation falsified Records>

    Character bio

    Name: Katherine Swan

    Race:Human / Native American


    Weight:125 lb

    Age: 21 Earth Years

    Eye color: brown

    Hair: Black worn in pigtails low on back of head, braided


    (father) Chris Flying Deer Swan

    (mother) Cassandra Morning Sparrow Swan



    Katherine was born and raised on a Reservation on Earth. She was always interested in the stars and what was out there. A friend told her of the Star Fleet Marine corps and a security division looking for more hands. With her parents permission she went in and became the first in her family to join SF.


    Marine Training.

    Graduated with High honors in Marksmanship and stealthiness.



    Medical Background

    No Illnesses, in perfect health.


    TRUE Biography


    Katherine Swan

    Race: humanoid

    Ht. 5'

    Wt.:125 Lbs.

    Age:25 yrs. Terran

    Eye Color: brown

    Hair color: Black


    Immediate Family: Father, Mother & Brother

    Fathers Name: Christopher Swan

    Mothers Name: Cassandra Swan

    Brother's name: Simon Swan <deceased>


    Place of birth: Alternate Time line/Universe, on a planet known as

    Tantooine, located in the outer planets, remote from the central hub

    of the known galaxy.


    Note: In this time line/alternate reality universe. The galaxy is/was

    primarily under the dominion control of a galactic empire, subject to

    a lone emperor and his lords and regional governors. This is the type

    of atmosphere she had grown to adulthood in.


    The family was presented as moisture farmers and spice traders. Her father and mother could therefore travel to the larger cities and planets, pretty much at free will in their business ventures. Unbeknown to the empire, they in fact were a part of the Rebel Alliance. She was born out of the old republic that had been neutralized shortly after her birth.

    Her father and mother gathered intelligence for the Republic and did

    manage to gather enough to report and derail some of the empires

    plans as well as deployments to entrap and find the rebels various bases.

    They managed to stay just one step ahead of the empire. Her parents were fiercely loyal to the alliance and brought her into the work of the alliance as soon as she was old enough.

    Her formative years were pretty normal considering her place of birth and the

    multi-raced planet. The planet, overall, is a large desert and mountainous planet, secluded from many of the more trafficked planets. The system is a binary type.

    She enjoyed the trips to the larger settlements and cities such as Anchor head and Moss Isley Spaceport. She enjoyed them with the exception of when she had to come in close contact with some of her fathers customers. Those customers such as the Jawas and Sand People. Both are disgusting vile creatures. She hated the hut also. Especially Jaba the Hut. Nothing but a group of smugglers, pirates, bounty hunters, and of course the thieves. Even so they had their place here. If you were one

    not looking to have many empirical entanglements, you went to them, or to the space port if you needed to be off planet, discreetly. They would manage to get you smuggled out on a space transport, at double the standard rate of course. But right under the noses of the storm troops that patrolled the city regularly.


    As she became of age she learned by assisting her father and mother to adapt to the different life forms they dealt with on a normal basis. She was doing very well when she heard her family had been arrested and taken into empire custody, as traitors to the empire. Her brother was little and had nothing to do with any of this but he was taken as well.

    She had only been away 1 day when they did a surprise raid and found the evidence they were looking for. Normally they didn't even need evidence. This was the empire after all. They did this time. The word on the grape vine was that they were searching for her as well. She went to the Hut and asked how they had been found out and by whom. Jaba did a Hut Intel gathering, and found they had been betrayed by a bothan spy who was loyal to the empire.

    She had no sooner left the company of the Hut to find that bothan and kill him,

    when she was grabbed by a squad of storm troopers and taken to the station. While in route, the troopers had stopped by Jabba's lair and paid him the bounty they had put on her head. As they led her away, she heard the hut say, "Nothing personal my dear, just business."

    She turned her head towards him and spat at him. She then swore to him that she would kill him. She was rewarded by a strike to the back of the head, with the buttend of a troopers weapon.

    When she awoke, she was manacled and lying on a bed in a cell. A figure came into her clearing vision. The figure was dressed in a long black robe. What did he

    want with her? Where were her parents? What indeed did the future hold for her? How was she to be involved with this figure of a man?

    The man began giving her information on a ship that had been able to move threw time. He wanted her help to get this technology and bring it back to the Empire. It was something that would turn the balance of the war to their side.

    When she denied helping in anyway, She was instructed to watch a viewer. As soon as it was turned on she saw a trooper standing there with her little brother a few yards in front of him. The trooper had his weapon pointed at him and then fired.

    Her brother dropped to the ground and lied motionless. The trooper stepped up next to the lifeless body and nudged it with his foot, then looked up and nodded, then turned and walked away.

    Katherine screamed as she saw her brother killed. Right there in from of her. She moved to the viewer and touched it with her hand, crying. The man then stepped forward and spoke once more. "If you do not want the remaining family killed you WILL do as I say. We have already planted and operative on this ship and need you to go over and keep him from getting caught. You will be infiltrated into the Marine area of this ship. Your bio is already in the ships systems. IF our operative get found out or caught, you are to get the blamed moved away from him at all costs. IF you are unsuccessful in doing this and HE does not return, then the rest of your family will suffer the same fate as your brother just did."

    Katherine knelt on the floor crying but felt she had no choice. She nodded her head yes, but did not look up.

    The Man, looking pleased with himself smiled. "Good then I will leave you here until I can get a transport to take you to meet our operative. At that time I will turn you over to him. If you do not follow the orders he has been given permission to destroy you and will send a message to us. We will then in turn kill the remainder of your family. It would be wise of you to cooperate to the fullest extent."

    Katherine simply nodded and remained were she was, looking at the image of her now deceased brother. The man then walked out and allowed her to sit and ponder the result of her first denial.

    Katherine did as told and ended up turning on the operative after committing several severe crimes against the federation crew. Once it was all said and done, and she came clean to the Captain and the Executive officer, she told them why she did what she did. She told them of her family and her parents still being held. They took her word for it and helped her find and rescue her parents.

    She explained to her parents what had happened and how she came to be on a Federation Vessel. Once they found out she was working for the Empire they disowned her. They literaly turn their backs to her and would not speak to her.

    The Captain of the ship gave her two choices. One Go back to her own time with her parents, or stay and take was consequences she had coming to her from Star Fleet. With her parents disowning her she figured she would take her chances with the federation.

    Since she was being held on the Federation vessel the Captain had seen how she helped out while she was in Sickbay. She and the CMO saw potentual that this young woman just might have something to offer. They gave her a chance to prove herself. They put her into training to be a medcial officer. When they got back to federation headquarters she would still have to answer to her crimes, but hopefully she could win sympathy and Favore by doing work on the ship.