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Posts posted by Anne

  1. Welcome aboard Anne,lets just say that we here::looking around the room::

    are not really crazy,uumm...just a wee bit eccentric...and please dont worry

    about the grinder,elgor is still in his apprentiship phase in the true practice of

    the art of grinding....::looks at elgor::,although he is making great progress

    Any way welcome aboard,and good luck in your career in the fleet... ;)

    Whooo... How did I miss that! Grinder? what's a grinder? And why do you even have a grinder?

  2. Aquarius charming, exciting and unpredictable, yet somehow strangely detached from the proceedings, you are one of the zodiac's most eccentric personalities. Your powerful intellect propels you into original thought and desire to take things to the limit in all manner of offbeat directions. You definitely look for the unusual and challenging, while at the same time seeking romance, tenderness and understanding in your relationships.


    Born the year of the Rat. Rats are best known for their charm and intelligence, which often wins admiration wherever they go. Blessed with a sharp wit, they possess a marvelous sense of humor, which makes them stimulating and amusing company to have around. Generally extroverted, they may well be described as opportunists for they prefer to live off their wits rather than labor long and hard to earn their daily bread.


    Elenent = Wood - Imagination, creativity, idealism, compassion.


    Aspect = Yang (+)

  3. ::sighs:: Okay you what this calls for Lepage, genealogy time! Let's see here hmmm....Sorry Lepage you're no longer novelty. Oh by the way I'm 20% Scottish so....Stay off me land ye Irish Leperchaun ::starts playing some bagpipes:: ;)

    Would this be a threat? Honestely, I havn't been around for more then a day, and I have already been threatened!


    also, I am no Leperachaun! If anything I am just another mischevious Fairy!

  4. I happened to brease into the chat room, and watched part of an Advanced sim, after it was over, I spoke with Atragon 9 and he advised me to join. so hear I am. I have started reading the tips from Moose, and any other advice I can get would be wonderfull. Thank you.