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Posts posted by Ron_Lunn

  1. Ok, obviously people are gonna hate me for saying this, but I wanted more Occupation stuff. Obviously if you know anything about my character you know that's what I was interrested in. The whole Bajorans, Prophets, Occupation, Emissary, all that stuff rocks, and think of all the awesome scenes between Kira and Sisko because of it, such as the one where she gets trapped under a beam and he has to keep her awake, that scene brings me to tears.


    As a kid I liked Wesley, simply because he was a kid. But as I got older... *stab stab stab!!!*


    If I could change one thing, I'd make the Xindi Incident make Enterprise's rating go through the roof since it rocked amazingly!


    Also, I agree with Polaski over Crusher, plus she was Canadian, she even said Data's name the Canadian way!


    I wanna see some WW3 stuff!


    I would have made Chakotay's character way cooler, he had potential, too bad he sucked so horribly.


    PLEASE! Get rid of that episode where Riker is held captive by aliens and they try to make him insane by CONSTANTLY making him relive that play. Man I hate that episode more than ANY other one.


    That's all I can think of off the top of my head.

  2. Dinner


    Ensign Ron Lunn and Ensign Mithraia Coeur

    Joint Log 3

    USS Agincourt, NCC-81762


    Ron tugged on his shirt as he stood infront of the door and quickly ran his hand through his hair. He reached out and pushed the signal button to the room.


    The beeping of her door startled Mia, as she stirred some of the sauce simmering in the pot. She had wanted to make everything herself, as she was a pretty good cook when she focused on it. She had replicated a small stove and other cooking tools. Gently, she brushes her vibrant hair back from her face and smoothed the white dress she was wearing. It was long and flowy, and she had her new Ensign pip adorning her collar. So far, she hadn't spilled anything on it. Moving to the door, she exhaled a long breath and tried to calm herself, ".. come in!"


    The door slid open and Ron stepped forward, hands behind his back. "Do I get a hug?" He stretched his arms out and hugged Mia. When he back away he raised his head a bit, "Something smells good."


    She smiled and hugged him back, her body feeling more relaxed than she normally would have. Mia nodded at him, ".. it's the sauce. It's still simmering and the chicken is still cooking.. but it shouldn't be too long." Like a polite hostess, she motioned to her 'living area', ".. go ahead and sit down if you want.. I'll get you a drink." Mia blinked when she realized her sofa was covered in stuff.


    "Oh.. wait.. let.... let me clear that.." She quickly moved dozens of PADD's and other stuff from it and put it on the nearby chair. Her quarters was a plethora of random things. Butterflies were displayed in frames, but none hung on the wall. They were neatly stacked in the corner. Various medical journals and other reading materials adorned most the shelves in an askew manner. Clearly, she hadn't really settled down yet.


    Ron searched for something to say as he slowly sat down in the chair, "It's um... cozy... surprise me with the drink."


    She could feel her cheeks blush as she walked over to the kitchenette, picking up a pitcher and pouring him a punch-like concoction, ".. I haven't really .. had a chance to do much with this place yet. Work .. was really overwhelming at first. I also have too many hobbies.. " Taking two glasses over to where he was sitting, she handed him one. It was all tropical, with a small umbrella and a straw. She took a sip of her own drink as she sat next to him, leaving only half a foot of space between them. Her eyes looked at him expectantly, as if taking in all of his features and committing them to memory.


    Ron did a good job of not looking surprised at the drink that was handed to him. It looked a little too... flashy for his tastes. He was sure it tasted fine, but this is the man who used to scoop Klingon blood wine out of a barrel with his academy friends. He raised his eyebrows and smiled at Mia and he took a sip. He liked it, but it felt somewhat out of place in his hand. "Well, I'm guessing you're doing a good job at work, judging by that shiny new pip on your collar."


    She smiled, blushing a little, "I could say the same about you.. looks like we are both on the right track here." Mia almost reached out to touch his pip, but didn't want to be too forward. "You look tired, though.."


    Her expression softened and she tilted her head, with a look of concern and that doctoring instinct. He had obviously tensed up at her question, "Just um... not sleeping well is all. Too many thing on my mind, always have something on the go." He was hiding the true fact as to why he couldn't sleep, hiding the dreams, and now the visions, from everyone.


    Mia nodded slightly, ".. I am the same way.. most of the time." She had a feeling there was more to what he had said, noticing his body language. Something compelled her to press a little more .. but then again, how would she feel if he pushed her to talk about her own sleepless nights? "Just something else we have in common.. " she smiled at him and laced her fingers together and rested her hands on her lap. Deep down, she could feel this strange connection to him. It was something that intrigued her, but scared her a little at the same time.


    He nodded his head and took another sip of the drink. "So how are the people in your department? I'm liking engineering, the Chief is a good guy, and I'm had a few opportunities to talk with Kairi, hopefully have some time to do something leisurely with her because we ah... can relate to each well, the whole alien thing."


    Kairi. Mia's mind brought up the engineers image, and she nodded. She seemed like a nice girl. "My Chief is rather nice. She has .. kind and doesn't get very pushy.. on me. She seem to understand that I am not too open ... easily. I believe she is Betazoid. Though.. the other doctor is a bit strange. But a brilliant medical officer."


    Her eyes watched him carefully. She had never met anyone like him. Every man she had ever ran into had either been all sorts of bad, or so sure of themselves that they were no joy to be around. Leaning back into the softness of the couch, she relaxed more. Occasionally she'd inhale the air and smell the cooking food. It DID smell delicious.


    Ron sat back and relaxed as he listened to Mia talk. He held his drink in one hand and fingered the crucifix around his neck with the other. He wondered why Mia was so shy, he still didn't get it, she was unbelievably attractive. He knew it had something to do with those scars.


    She leaned towards him, eyeing the crucifix that he played with, ".. that is a religious symbol, right? My mother wore one like that as well." Her hand reached out and touched it, holding it gently in her hand and looking it over.


    Ron let his hand lower a bit, "Yeah, it's the symbol of my God," he smiled and raised an eyebrow. "His name was Jesus, and he lived on Earth over 2400 years ago. We have a holy book called the Bible that tells about his life and those who followed him. It's a long story, a little too much for one night," he laughed. It was probably an odd sight to anyone else, a Bajoran sitting and sipping a punch, wearing a crucifix around his neck. But Mia didn't seem to really notice the oddity of the situation.


    Ron liked that, he got bad looks from other Bajorans in Star Fleet, and had a rough time at the Academy with it. But ultimately he was confident enough not to care.


    She smiled, "My mother used to tell me those stories.. I had never heard them before until I was with her.." Mia turned to the side and picked up a picture of her family. Her father, in an engineering uniform and her mother, in medical blues. And Mia, at age 16 or so. She stood beside them with a small smile on her face. Content, but stiff and not looking overly happy.Then again, she never looked overly happy. She held it out to him. "That's my family. You .. you would like my father. He is the Chief Engineer of his ship."


    He looked at the picture and smiled, "Well maybe I'll have to meet him someday." He squinted his eyes and wondered what to say about what he noticed, "Mia, you don't really look much like your father or mother, kind of odd. Everyone tells me I look like my mother, she was a beautiful woman, so I guess I look like a beautiful woman," he laughed as he looked back at Mia.


    Her cheeks flushed and she glanced down slightly. Her fingers fiddled with the hemline of her dress, ".. well, they aren't my real parents." She brought her eyes back up to level with him, "They adopted me when I was 15."


    Ron looked a bit I surprised, "I see. Must have been kind of bad to live in a foster home for most of your life."


    Mia's eyes wandered around the room, as if she was looking for something. Anything. "I .." she paused a moment. She had never casually talked about her past much before. But .. she felt she could trust him, ".. I lived in an orphanage for a few years. And then .. I moved around a lot." Part of her wanted to tell him everything about her. Her past. The horrors she had witnessed and been a part of. But she couldn't. She closed her eyes a moment, remembering her last images of the orphanage she spent her early years in. Crumbled to the ground, burning .. the death of the other children and the soldiers carrying her away. She had only been 5.


    "Well," Ron handed the picture back, "You must have a lot of connections all around the place then, old friends and what not. I never really knew my mother, she died when I was too young to remember her. I've seen pictures though." He laughed a bit, "I used to pray to her when I was a kid, my father always told me she was with the Prophets. I didn't really understand it back then, but I know that she's in Heaven. I'm sure your mother told you all about Heaven. It kind of upsets me that my father fed me that Prophet stuff, but that's what mom believed." He looked a bit nervous, he wasn't used to sharing such emotional details, he put a wall up about those things.


    She took the picture back and placed it onto the small table again, and turned back to look at Ron, ".. you have no memories of her at all? I don't have any either .. of my birth mother, I mean. And yes.. my Mom.. she told me all about Heaven."


    She smiled lightly .. noticing he seemed a bit nervous. That was unusual to see in other people for her. Mia moved closer to him and reached for his hand .. though a bit hesitantly.


    Ron put his hand out and took hers, letting them fall gently unto his knee as he smiled at her. "It's a bit hard to stick to all the religious stuff on a starship anyways, too much stuff to be done really. You think the Bajoran in me would make me a bit more committed, but I guess the human side rubbed off the most," he smiled pleasantly.


    "I try to be spiritual if I can be.. I sometimes feel.. cynical towards it. I respect it because of my mother's feelings about it. So many things in my life .. make me question it all." She looked at him, grateful he took her hand so confidently. The warmth of his skin against her fingers felt wonderful, ".. do you ever wonder about your Bajoran spirituality?"


    She smiled to herself, .. she had only stuttered but a few times since he had come over. Perhaps there was progress to be made in the end. He jumped when she said that but smiled to try and cover it up. "My grandmother tried to make meditate each day when I was on Bajor, but instead I'd run out while she wasn't watching, there was too much other stuff to see on Bajor, better than keeping my eyes closed," he laughed. He looked surprised, "Do I smell burning...?"


    Mia blinked her eyes, "... burning? OH!" She quickly pulled her hand from his and stood up, doing a small dash over to the kitchenette. She gasped as she realized the sauce was simmered down to nothing and the chicken was now ... cajun, ".. I .. I can't believe I .. I just .. got distracted..." She waved her hands to clear the small amount of smoke, "Computer... please clear .. clear the air!"


    She could almost feel tears burning (no pun intended) behind her eyes. Her perfect dinner; ruined. Her hand came to rest on her forehead and she sighed. Ron had jumped up and rushed over behind her. His fingers gently wrapped around her wrist as he pulled it from her forehead and brought her head in against his chest. He had been looking forward to the meal, but Ron always looked on the bright side of things, "Oh, it's ok, Mia. We can just replicate something, we'll have just as much fun with the time we have together anyways. It's my fault you forgot about the food anyways," he pulled her back and looked into her eyes, "I just had to make myself too handsome," he smiled and made a funny face to show he was joking.


    She let out a laugh, ".. that is .. exactly it. You distracted me. Perhaps we can just replicate what I was planning to make. Though I think... dessert is still good. I didn't burn that." She smiled at him, enjoying the closeness. On the counter, unburned, was some chocolate cake she had made.


    Ron smiled, "Sounds perfect."




    Ron threw his napkin on his plate and leaned back in his chair. The meal had gone well, the conversation had flowed smoothly, mostly about ship stuff. "The meal was excellent, the chocolate cake was my favourite part," he smiled.


    She giggled a little, more relaxed than she had ever been on the ship. She was sure Ron could tell, "Well, thank you. At least I didn't ruin the cake."


    Ron shook his head, "It was perfect," he said tenderly. "Um, I should probably be going, its pretty late, I wish I could stay longer but I don't want to keep you up."


    Nodding, "I do have duty fairly early tomorrow. Sleepy doctors are not an especially useful thing." She smiled at him, and stood up .. to talk him to the door.


    He pushed his chair back and stood up, straightening his clothes. He smiled as Mia led him over to the door. He reached down and took both of her hands in his, noticing how rough and used his engineer's hands looked next to her very womanly hands. "So, I guess this is goodnight then."


    Mia nodded, grasping his hands back with a small squeeze, ".. it is indeed. I would like to get together again.. soon. If you wouldn't mind that."


    He sighed and smiled, "I think I'd spend any amount of time with you that you wanted to be with me without an ounce of complaint." He slowly leaned in a bit, bringing himself closer to her and waiting to see her response.


    Feeling him move in closer to her, she could feel her heartbeat go faster. She had a feeling she knew what was coming. It made her nervous. But she anticipated it nonetheless, ".. even .. even if it was for a physical in Sickbay?" Her voice got softer, becoming engrossed in the intimate moment.


    He laughed in his throat and it almost sounded like a hum as he continued to lean, "Especially for a physical, angel," he let his mouth stay opened on the last word and he softly brought his lips to hers and kissed her. It lasted a few seconds, not a peck but nothing too serious, very soft and tender. Her eyes closed when his lips touched hers and she kissed him back softly, her skin developing goosebumps just slightly. Mia enjoyed it, the first time she had ever enjoyed it like this before.


    Ron slowly backed away and let go of her hands as he smiled, "Ok then, I'll see you later, we'll definitely do this again sometime." He pulled away from her and stepped out of her door.


    She felt breathless, and she whispered, ".. okay..." It was all she could muster at the moment, as the door closed behind him.

  3. Reflections


    Ensign Ron Lunn

    Assistant Engineer

    USS Agincourt, NCC-81762


    It was dark in the small quarters. Ron lay in bed asleep. He mumbled under his breath in his sleep, his body jumped and twitched every few seconds as his muscles quickly tensed and relaxed, and his body was covered in a layer of sweat. He suddenly snapped awake, kicking the blankets off him in the process of sitting bolt upright. He took a few deep breaths, his chest heaving up and down. He ran a hand through his damp hair and then whipped some sweat off his forehead with the back of his arm. He pressed his hands down on his mattress as he lowered his head and sighed. It was like this almost every night now, he couldn’t sleep. He’d wake up in this agitated state, sweating and out of breath, and most times he couldn’t even remember the dream, just an overwhelming sense that he there was something very important that he had to do.


    He pushed himself over to the edge of his bed and took his time standing up. His eyes were adjusted to the dark and he could see fine as he stood and made his way to the bathroom. He ran warm water and placed his hands under it as he looked at himself in the mirror. He cupped his hands and they filled with water as he bent and splashed the water over his face, taking a moment to letting the clean feeling comfort him. He turned the water off and stared into his dark reflection in the mirror. Suddenly he became aware of a strange feeling. The room had somehow changed, although it was the same, there was an odd glow. He looked around and saw that the walls shimmered a bit. Then out of the corner of his eye he realized something, his reflection hadn’t changed, it was as if he was still staring into the mirror. He looked into his own eyes in the mirror, but they weren’t his. The person in the mirror looked like him, but as Ron backed away from the sink the reflection remained, still leaning over the sink and staring into the mirror. Ron changed step and walked back towards the sink as he moved in close to the mirror, his nose almost touching it.


    Prophets...” the figure in the mirror hissed. Ron flew backwards, doing a somersault from fright. “The prison must live... The Lost must find himself…” He launched himself back to his feet but the room had returned to normal, and the reflection in the mirror now followed him as normal.


    He took a few deep breaths, “Computer: time?”


    “The time is 0400 hours,” the ship’s computer responded. His shift started in a couple hours, and there was no way he would get to sleep after what had just happened. He figured he might as well get prepared for his shift, he had a dinner date with Mia as well, he just hopped he wouldn’t be too tired during it.


    He continued on as though nothing had happened. He functioned as if he were denying things to himself, denying the dreams and visions, not wanting to believe any of it as real. He showed up early for duty and performed his task with talent. He went back to his quarters at the end of his shift and changed into his casual clothes for the date, then headed off to Mia’s, trying to remind himself that he wasn’t really that tired.


    (Break: See Ron and Mia’s Joint log which should be sent soon)


    3 Days later


    Ron sat by the computer in his quarters, tapping the control panel while he leaned back in his chair in contemplation. He had been having more visions of the same nature, less intense the one three day ago in his bathroom, but still as frightening. The computer signaled, “Incoming message: Prylar Ker.


    “Put it through,” Ron ordered as he sat up in his chair to look at the computer screen.


    A Bajoran man popped up on the screen wearing orange robes. “Mr. Ron Lunn, I’m assuming, son of Narmina Baryl?” The man looked to be of average height, he had dark hair that was worn fairly short, and had bright green eyes. He gave an air of intelligence that said he was a well learned Prylar, probably a theologian. He sat upright with proper posture and looked as if he were striking a pose for a picture, but a smile in the corner of his mouth and a spark in his eye said he wasn’t a stern Prylar.


    “And son of James Lunn,” Ron added. “Did you get the message that I sent to Bajor?”


    Prylar Ker nodded his head, “Yes, I did. They sent it to me here at my temple on the Starbase. I find it… intriguing. Obviously the Prophets are trying to send you some sort of message, you should listen more closely, pay attention for signs to figure out what they’re trying to say.”


    Ron looked confused, “The Prophets? But the wormhole closed, contact with the Prophets was cut off.”


    Prylar Ker smiled and it made him look older than he was, “Just because the Celestial Temple has closed doesn’t mean the Prophets have left us. Echoes of the Prophets still travel throughout the universe. Wherever their hand was laid they leave a mark, an echo. You’re probably picking up one of those echoes, for some reason one of them is purposely coming to you. The Prophets are calling you to action, you must do your duty as a Bajoran.”


    “I’m Human,” Ron quickly shot back. “I don’t believe in the Prophets.”


    The Prylar’s expression didn’t change, he didn’t look shocked at all, “Well then, consider them as ‘Wormhole Aliens’ if you wish, but know that they need you to do something very important. I’m here for counsel whenever you need my help, contact me whenever any…”


    “I don’t think I’ll need you’re help,” Ron cut the Prylar off. He was getting offended, feeling like this Prylar was pushing the Bajoran religion on him. “I’ll deal with it myself, I’m sure a good night’s sleep will do me well.”


    “The Prophets will continue to contact you as long as you don’t listen, they won't provide you any leeway.” When the Prylar finished, Ron reached out and cut the transmission in response.




    Computer: Begin recording personal log, Ensign Ron Lunn. The away mission went without a hitch for the engineering department, we did a good job of giving the Klingon's suggestions, however I don't wish to have to deal with that planet again. It was so run down, almost every system needed an upgrade, not to mention we had to spend some time in a sewage facility.


    When we got back we found out the Marines had been doing some training exercises and left some cleanup jobs around the ship. The Chief had us get on it right away, it was boring but afforded me some time to socialize with the crew, which is what I do best. I wish I could have been running around the ship firing phasers with the Marines rather than doing scans on the faiclities in that Klingon dump. I wonder what my father thinks, he put so much energy into making sure I knew how to handle weapons and understood battle strategies, incase the Cardassians ever invaded Bajor again I'd be able to pitch in.


    Still not sleeping right, nothing is helping, debating wether I should ask Mia about sleeping medication, she's the only person I'd trust with that kind of information... she's the only person I'd trust with a lot of things.


    Besides Mia, I've began to become friends with Ensign Kairi, we have a lot in common and I enjoy her company, at least she has a good sense of humour unlike some people in the engineering department. The worst is when you have to work with those Vulcans, extreme lack of conversation there, makes the job go 10 times slower. But at least I get to work with Kairi often enough, I'm hoping we can become better friends in the future. It's harder than I thought on a ship, you spend a lot of time working, and the rest of it trying to sleep, not a lot of time for socializing, especially on this ship. But engineers need to be able to depend on each other...


    Computer: End log.

  4. In the original Trek episode with the Romulans, the one where they encounter the Bird of Prey, the woman who's fiancee dies goes to pray in the ship's chapel. So we can assume there is religion amongst Terrans.


    I seem to recall a TNG episode where Data gets involved in the Hindu Festival of Lights too.


    Plus there is the TNG episode where they go to the Native planet in Cardassian space to move the settlers.

  5. To Wield A Warrior Sword


    Ensign Ron Lunn

    Assistant Engineer

    USS Agincourt, NCC-81762


    Crack, Ron snapped the power cell into place. The phaser rifle was a bit large for the 12 year old boy, but he could still handle it. Besides, kids his age had fought in the Resistance. He raised the weapon to his shoulder, placing his finger over the trigger by his forward hand. The weapon was painted red, the colour of blood.


    Ron aimed at the target and gently pushed the trigger, he heard the energy snap forward, the phaser rifle gave a slight kick with the release of energy. He could feel the barrel begin to warm and give off heat as he pushed the trigger again, he emptied round after round into the target. The target vanished and another one popped up, he jerked around and aimed at its centre, the energy beams flew through the air and struck target after target untill the power cell was empty.


    "Good job Ron," his Grandmother stepped forward. "You shoot as well as anyone I fought beside in the resistance, now come have some cookies and milk." Ron went and sat beside his Grandmother Narmina on the bench in the yard. "We used to have to practice these drills in dark caves and tunnels when we were hiding from the Cardassians, and now here we are," his grandmother motioned around to the bright blue skies overhead, "Practicing in broad daylight."


    "But Grandma, why do the Bajorans still do the drills, I don't know anybody in the city who does, but everyone out here in the country practices all the time." Ron was a young and curious boy, he didn't fully understand the hatred that was still left over from the Occupation. "I mean its fun and all, but I don't think we'll ever have to worry about the Cardassians again."


    His grandmother's eyes narrowed as she looked directly at him and lifted a finger, "Make no mistake Ron, the Cardassians aren't finished with Bajor. One defeat does not make a people like that give up, in fact they would want to clear their name of the defeat. Cardassia may not be prepared to attack now, but always remember that they will be, there will always be those who want Bajor, and hate the Prophet's people. Continue firing that gun," she pointed at the red phaser rifle that Ron had leaned against the bench, "Fire power cell after power cell, hit target after target, and when the Cardassians do come back," she leaned in closer to Ron, "They shall be faced with a tempest the lucks of which would make the Pagh-Wraith run in fear."

  6. Well, I listen to a lot of Celtic music, being from Nova Scotia it comes with the territory, a pub on every corner with bagpipes and fiddles blaring. But for popular stuff, I'm currently listening to a lot of of:


    Jack Johnson

    Dave Matthews

    David Usher


    and Lifehouse

  7. Times on the Sea


    Ensign Ron Lunn

    Assistant Engineer

    USS Agincourt, NCC-81762


    It was almost agonizing when you stood on the shore like this, just far enough so that the water would lap at your feet. The agonizing part was when the water went out and the darkened, wet rocks and small tidal pools were left behind, it made you so thirsty you felt like you could drink the ocean. Then the next wave rolled in and the thought was washed away as you smiled at this simple pleasure.


    Later on, he headed over to the cove and sat on a dock that extended out into the water and drank tea from the little Peg's Place Cafe. Peg was a friendly old woman that everyone in town knew, no replicators used in her place, it was all made by hand, even the ingrediants were all natural, and her strawberry rhubard pie was heaven.


    He headed off to Star Fleet Academy in San Francisco two weeks from now. He knew the water wouldn't be the same there, not like this cold and unpredictable ocean. He'd miss the cove, on days like this the sun reflecting on the surface made it look like glass. He wondered if he jumped on it would he just slide around its surface, never actually breaking the water.


    ...Simpler times... God what was that smell? He didn't sign up to stand in Klingon waste...

  8. What Lurks in Shadow


    Midshipman Ron Lunn

    Assistant Engineer

    USS Agincourt, NCC-81762


    Ron had been somewhat absent minded during the day, it was just one of those days, however the news of the away mission cheered him up. He grabbed a tricorder and tool kit and followed Kairi to the transporter room where he was given a mask, which he put on. The chief had shown up and the team was all ready for transport. Ron stepped onto the transporter pad and watched as the room slowly slid out of focus, he always hated these things...


    There was a flash of bright white light that made it feel as if his brain was on fire, then darkness, his head rang from the blinding light. He was lying on the floor, he must have fell when he rematerialised. He shook his head and waited for his vision to focus, he was in the dark, and it was cold. Infact, he was in a cave, he wondered if he had rematerialised in the wrong place.


    "Welcome to my humble home, Ron," it was a deep voice that echoed through the cavern.


    Ron shot to his feet and squinted his eyes, he could see a figure in the darkness. "Who's there? Where's my team?"


    "In mid-transport," the figure replied, "Just as you are." Ron looked confused, he really didn't know what to say. "Don't worry," the figure said duplicitously, "I only wanted to speak with you for a while, to see you. How have things been? Sleeping well at night?"


    The last comment angered Ron and his face turned red, "Tell me where I am," he demanded. The figure just stood in the shadows of the cave, Ron ran at the figure and dove but hit nothing but air, he fell to the ground and quickly shot back up. The figure had vanished, and when he stood the figure was now standing where Ron had once been.


    "Ron," the figure sighed, "There's no use in trying to hurt me. Were hurt in your fall?" Ron noticed that he hadn't felt a thing when he hit the ground. "Where are you? Just as I said, in mid-transport, your cells are scattered around space just waiting to rematerialise into you. If, by the question, you mean where is this, well that's hard to say. It's in your mind, in my mind, and a bit of both. So I suppose your next question will be 'who am I?' That can't be easily answered either, at least not yet." The figure stepped forward and Ron could see him better, he couldn't make out any facial details, only that it was a Cardassian. Ron still didn't speak, he didn't quite understand what was going on. "We'll meet someday soon I hope, material face to material face. It depends on when the Prophets guide you here."


    "The worm hole was closed, there are no more wormhole aliens," Ron quickly replied.


    The Cardassian laughed, "Oh Ron, I'm not even Bajoran and I believe in your Prophets more than you do. I find it a bit humourous, don't you?" His tone quickly changed from a humoured one to a very sharp and threatening tone, "We will meet, soon... And then you shall need to choose, and if you choose properly, than the power I have discovered shall sweep across the universe, and your Prophets really will be nothing!"


    Ron saw the planet shimmer into view and his teammates materialise around him just as they had been standing on the transporter pad. He fell to one knee, his head throbbing with intense pain which rapidly dulled to a bearable amount. He jumped up and searched for something to say, "...I'm fine... mabye we'll have to check those transporter, did anything seem off to anyone else? ..."

  9. Familiar Stranger


    Midshipman Ron Lunn

    Assistant Engineer

    USS Agincourt, NCC-81762


    "...and that's why Tribbles hate Kingons." The group of engineers laughed as Ron finished his joke. "Well guys, the chief wants those reports done up, so I have to head out." Ron finished his drink and stood up, everyone bid him farewell and he headed out the mess doors.


    As he walked down the corridor he passed a crewman, they both smiled and nodded and continued on their way. Ron stepped into the transporter lift to head back to his quarters and work on the reports the chief wanted. He hated doing reports, or any paper work for that matter. Ron only functioned properly if he had his hands in something mechanical, he needed to get dirty. He thought about how horrible a desk job would be, he would contemplate throwing himself into a plasma conduit before accepting a desk job.


    Ron was looking at the ground as he was deep in thought, the lift doors slid open and he stepped forward, bumping shoulders with a crewman walking into the lift. The crewman must have been walking quite fast since Ron was knocked so hard he spun around in a circle. "Oh... geez, sorry man," Ron apologized.


    "No problem Ron," the crewman replied as he gave a big smile. He was a Bajoran and wore the earpiece unlike Ron.


    Ron squinted his eyes at the crewman, the look that one gives when trying to place something that is somewhat familiar, "Sorry, have we met?"


    The crewman smiled again and leaned his head from side to side, "You could say we've met."


    Ron looked confused, "Um... ok," was all he could think of to say as he became a bit awkward at the crewman's answer.


    "I've been sent to tell you," the crewman said as he leaned in, "you just have to stay open, everything will unfold the way you need as long as you're open." And with that he took a step back and the lift doors closed, the smiling face disappearing.


    "Wait," Ron quickly tapped the lift controls and the door slid open, but nobody was inside. "...alrighty," he stood there looking perplexed.

  10. And It Was All Unspoken


    Midshipman Ron Lunn and Midshipman Mithraia Coeur Joint Log

    USS Agincourt, NCC-81762


    Ron was led into a private room in sickbay by one of the nurses. He hopped up on the bed and ran his hand across its surface, for some reason thinking about how smooth it was. He hated physicals, it cut out of his time that he could be fooling around on the holodeck, or playing cards with friends, or sitting alone making up songs on his guitar.


    "Doctor Coeur, your next physical is waiting for you in Room 2." The nurse said as she handed a PADD to Mia. She didn't even glance at it as she kept walking past the nurse.


    "Thank you, Nurse," she came up to the door and rounded the corner just a bit, and spied who the patient was: the charming engineer, Ron Lunn. Blinking quickly, she stepped back before she could be seen and hovered next to the door, "Ooh.. okay. Okay. It's fine. It's just a physical. Be .. be professional, Mia."


    Ron looked around the room for something to amuse himself with, he wondered why he always had to wait when he came to sickbay, he was scheduled, they knew he would be there. He saw a hypospray lying on the table but didn't pick it up, remembering the last time he had played with one Mia had warned him it could be filled with a virus. Instead he lifted his head and stared at the ceiling, wondering if sickbay gave him ADD. He wondered if Mia was on duty, he had enjoyed their date, he always felt more nervous around her than he did around other women and he wanted to figure out why that was.


    After taking a deep breath, she rounded the corner once again and stepped into the room. The door slid closed behind her, "Ron .. so, .. so you need a physical? I .. I am surprised you missed .. one when you first boarded."


    She bit her lip slightly and walked over to the biobed, pressing the controls on the side to get all his stats monitoring.


    Ron smiled when Mia entered the room. "Well, I was just waiting for the right woman to come along to give me one," he joked.


    Her skin felt flushed for a moment, and Mia realized her face was probably as red as her hair. She chuckled a bit, trying to be professional, "I .. I suppose that is me then."


    She opened her tricorder and entered a few commands, "Now .. Ron. I'll need you to remove your uniform jacket, if you please. I am going to have to take some blood samples."


    "Sure thing," Ron slipped off his tunic so he was just in his undershirt which in Ron's case was quite revealing since his shirt clung tightly to his body which gave Mia a good idea of Ron without any shirt at all, he held a bit of vanity when it came to showing his form with clothing. He winked at Mia who was turning a bit red. He held his hands out to his sides, "I'm all yours, do your worst."


    She felt a bit frustrated at herself; Mia had always prided herself on her excellent bedside manner. She was a complete professional, yet this man had her stumbling over her words, even blushing, it was crazy. Her eyes grazed Ron's form there in his undershirt, and she exhaled a long breath, "Thank.. thank you. Now .. this blood sample won't hurt at .. at all. I promise."


    "I'm sure your touch is like candy kisses," he smiled and leaned in closer to Mia and in a soft voice said, "I wouldn't place myself in anyone else's hands." Then he leaned back and smiled.


    She smiled at that, continuing the never-ending blush she was in. Taking a small tool, she reached over to his arm and grasped it lightly, running her finger down the inside of his arm, right at the joint, "Just.. hold still a moment. It will be done in a few seconds." She held the tool there and pressed a button and a hissing sound broke the silence.


    He wondered why she always tripped over her words so often, words were Ron's strong point, he considered them a tool, you could create or diffuse any situation with them. He wanted for her to say something to him that he was used to, he was a bit at a loss with Mia because she never returned his comments how he was accustomed to having them returned by women.


    "There.. see, .. that, that wasn't too bad, was it?" She smiled lightly at him, her eyes even having the slightest sparkle in them.


    He shook his head, "Didn't feel a thing."


    She found herself staring for a moment. Ron had a gentle face, at least it seemed that way to her. He wasn't pushy, or arrogant. Confident? Yes, but not overbearing. Mia could find herself enjoying his company every time they were in each other's presence, even when they just passed each other in the corridor.


    Deep down, she almost thought that she could trust him in the future. It was hard for her to build up her trust; but he seemed to be bypassing all her security walls,


    "Ah.. erm, I'm just going to scan your body.. make.. make sure you are in working order. .. but I am sure you are. You.. you look like you are in perfect health."


    Ron paused for a second and distantly stared at her with a smile on his face, he was trying to decide whether her comment was a flirt or just her being a doctor. At a loss for an answer he just said, "Well thank you." He stopped for a moment and watched her do her scans. He debated what to say next, "You know, there is a slight problem..."


    Her eyes refocused on his and she blinked, ".. a problem? What.. what problem?" A ton of things whirled in her mind. Had she said something wrong? Had she done the scan wrong? What? What could be wrong?


    "Come here," he said softly as he slid two of his fingers under her hand and led her towards him. He placed his other hand on her hip and waited to see her reaction. Despite feeling a bit scared, and her heart jumping wildly in her chest, she didn't fight back at all. She almost held her breath for a moment; but did remember to inhale again when she realized this was actually happening. He pulled her in closer so that she was between his legs, with his fingers he lifted her hand and placed it on his chest, putting his hand on top of hers and pushing it into him so she could feel his heart beat.


    He looked into her eyes which were looking down at his chest, he smiled, "I was wondering why my heart rate seems to increase when I'm around you. I've never really had that happen before, it's almost like... I'm nervous or something."


    Mia glanced up at his face, a bit shocked at hearing what she was, "I .. I .. maybe.. maybe it's anticipation.. or ..something.." she found herself trailing off. She hadn't expected this, not at all. But she had to confess something herself, “.. I get that.. that way too." Mia's voice was small; almost a whisper.


    "Look at me," he said it in a soft voice that wasn't commanding at all, he raised his hand that had been on top of hers, up to her chin and pulled her in to look into his eyes. "Don't be afraid of me, Mia. I want to know you, you don't have to be nervous around me, just tell me what it is that pops into that cute red head of yours, ok?" His hand that was on her waist went into her own hand and his thumb gently caressed it.


    She blinked her icy blues at him. She had never heard anyone really say that to her before, at least, not in this kind of situation. Mia nodded slightly and relaxed just a little in his arms, ".. I .. well, okay.. Ron. I'll .. I'll try my best."


    She smiled slightly, it was a big thing for her to say. Though she had to wonder why a man like this would be interested in a meek thing like her. To her, it was a complete mystery. The thing she didn't know was that it was just as much a mystery to him as well. What neither one realized was that while Mia covered up her demons with her shyness, trying to hide from people, Ron covered up his demons with his forwardness, choosing to hide in the open.


    He smiled, "Good..." He lifted her hand up and linked his fingers into hers. He looked at the hands, thinking about how this is the type of picture that made artists famous, when they could capture simple moments like this that held so much. The human condition was really tenderness, he thought. For all the violence and pain that hands could inflict, they could also say more gentle words than any language could, and that overshadowed everything else. This was a picture, he thought, his hand in Mia’s, her hand in his. He painted the image in his mind, better than any great artist.


    Mia's sleeve had slipped back a little, and Ron was so caught in the moment that he hadn't noticed, but it soon caught his attention, he could see the scars on her wrist, but she didn't realize that he had seen them. Her mind was cloudy with so many things. She had nearly forgotten that she was on duty. That he was supposed to be getting a physical. But Mia couldn't help it. It was a moment that seemed to have her captive.


    She thought about saying something about her being on duty, about it being Sickbay, but none of the words could escape her lips. She was oblivious to Ron sighting the physical scars that she tried to hide. His hand left her chin and wrapped gently around her wrist, his touch gave of a warmth that sunk into her skin, then she realized that he had seen it. He looked up at her with a puzzled look.


    It took a moment for Mia to realize that Ron had spied the hidden markings of a haunted past. She stiffened up a bit as he held her wrist. He wasn't hurting her at all, she was just afraid of what he would ask. Her eyes caught his, and she had a fearful look; glistening with tears not yet ready to be shed.


    Ron could read every emotion that she holding in that glance, he was good at that. He didn't understand where the feelings came from, but he did know the feelings. His expression lightened to a look that he would give a newborn child. His hand left her wrist and slowly glided up to brush a strand of Mia's fiery hair behind her ear. Neither one said anything, but Mia was amazed at how Ron seemed to be speaking to her without ever parting his lips. His eyes that were filled with confusion for a moment, were now filled with a softness that said, "It's ok."


    Then his hand went to the back of her head and he pulled her in so they were cheek to cheek. Slowly, his head turned a bit, she could feel his nose ridges against her skin, and then he tilted his head back and placed his warm lips on her cheek, bringing back the colour that had been flushed by fear.


    The stiffness in Mia's body released in one soft exhale as she felt his kiss to her cheek. She couldn't understand it, she couldn’t explain it. Being this close to someone, it wasn't her. She couldn't handle it normally, yet she couldn't think of one thing to make her pull away at this moment. Ron felt comforting to her, like a warm blanket on an icy day. She pulled back so she could look into his eyes. She couldn't say anything, but she also felt she didn't need to, not right now anyways. They had both said what they needed to say. And it was all unspoken.

  11. Visions


    Midshipman Ron Lunn

    Assistant Engineer

    USS Agincourt, NCC-81762


    The arched roof towered high over head, almost giving a sense of vertigo if one looked directly up at it. It was covered in scenes of angels and saints and bibilcal stories. The cross hung over the altar and cast a shadow over the pews where the congregation would sit. The only light within this massive church came from the hundreds of candles scattered throughout the structure. And crouched on his knees on the left side of the pews was a man in a Starfleet uniform, hands clasped, his forehead resting against his hands as his eyes gazed down into the darkness.


    Tok tok tok, the priest's steps echoed throughout the church as he stopped infront of the man. "My child, may I help you with something." The priest took a seat in the pew infront of the crouched figure.


    "Forgive me Father for I have sinned, and for my sins I feel I may have been cursed."


    "Cursed?" The priest was a bit surprised.


    "Yes Father, I am plagued by dreams, dark dreams. At first I thought they were merely nightmares, stress of being assigned a new post, but then I started to have visions, the same dark things, only this time when I was just walking down a corridor, or doing my work in engineering." The man's voice was quiet and broken.


    "It sounds troubling, my child. Will you pray with me."


    And together they both repeated, "Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven, give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil." The last line lingered on in the church like smoke from an extinguished flame.


    The man stood, "Computer, end program." The church shimmered and the walls of the holodeck appeared in the blink of an eye, the doors slid open and Ron walked out of them and back onto the deck of the USS Agincourt.


    "Daddy, I want to find pigeons," Ron said to his father as they finished throwing the last of the bread at the ducks.


    "Pigeons," his father sounded surprised. "But you have ducks here, don't you like ducks more?"


    "Not nearly as much," Ron said as he shook his head. "Pigeons are much prettier, and they go 'hoo coo, hoo coo', and that sounds much better than 'quack!' which in my opinion isn't nice at all, what would someone do if I quaked at them!"


    James laughed, "Ok son, I see your point, but we're all out of bread. Tell you what, we'll come back tomorrow with more bread, and this time we'll look for pigeons instead, ok?" Ron looked quite pleased as his father stood and took his hand, leading him home.




    He lay face down in the damp dirt and moss. Ron opened his eyes and wondered how long he had been lying there. The ground started to shake, then the sound hit his ears, a massive explosion. The ground shook again and the next explosion made his ears ring. He jumped up and looked around, there were explosions happening all over, fighter crafts screamed through the air dropping bombs or blasting lasers into wooded areas. He could see that someone on the ground was returning fire, whoever it was, he stood a better chance with them. He started to run, one of the fighters went screaming overhead and everything slowed down, he could see the bomb descend, he tried to come to a halt and run in the other direction but it was too late. The bomb sunk into the soft earth and sat there for a moment, then all of Ron's senses were flooded with light and sound.


    "Are you ok?" The crewman had his hand on Ron's shoulder.


    "Huh? Yeah... yeah I'm fine, just a headache." Ron went back to his work scanning flow intact valves on the deflector array. He could almost cry, he had just felt himself die, he knew he had died, the bomb had landed right in front of him. What was happening? Maybe he needed to see the ship's counselor, but then things always have a way of getting around a ship, and he hated his personal information being on record, even if it wasn't one to be shared. He figured the best thing to do was to not think about it, but to pray even more, only God could get rid of the visions, he figured.

  12. Company and Loneliness


    Midshipman Ron Lunn

    Assistant Engineer

    USS Agincourt, NCC-81762



    At five years old his mind was beginning to think about deeper things. "Daddy, where's mommy at?"


    James cast the line into the lake again, they never caught much of anything, but he enjoyed being here with his son. "She's with the prophets, Ron."


    "Does she like it there?" The young boy didn't quite understand the idea of being dead, yet.


    James thought for a moment of how to answer the question, "Why don't you ask her yourself?"


    Ron looked confused, "How do I do that?"


    "Ask her in your prayers..."


    "Hey there Mr. Starfleet," the woman's voice was smooth and soothing, Ron had learned early to beware of those ones.


    He sat at the bar on Starbase 234, sipping a glass of whiskey. "Hello," he answered simply.


    "Mind if I take a seat?" The woman sat down without waiting for an answer, obviously she didn't care what the answer was, this one was aggressive.


    "No, not at all," Ron answered with a small hint of sarcasm in his voice.


    "So you just stopping at the Starbase? How long have you been away? My name is Janice." The woman placed a hand on Ron's arm, he didn't pay any attention to it, just kept sipping his drink.


    He knew she didn't care about how long he had been away, or what ship he was on, she probably didn't care what his name was. She looked like freighter crew, probably not used to the polished Starfleet kind in her line of work.


    "You looking for some company?" The woman was attractive, she expected a yes.


    Ron sat his drink down and looked into her eyes, "I already had some company today." He got up and walked away, leaving a hurt looking woman behind, but that was quickly washed away as she moved on to the next young Starfleet man. Ron had been referring to his date with Mia, he thought it went pretty well, and there was something about her that he really liked. Perhaps, if he hadn't went on that date with Mia he would have taken the woman up on her offer, but Mia was on his mind now and the thoughts of what would happen on a second date preoccupied him. They were both so different but yet he somehow felt she was familiar, something that both of them held was connecting, was similar...


    "Ron, I baked some cookies for you," Grandmother Baryl swung the bedroom door open, her Bajoran ear piece swinging a bit as she stopped. Ron was sitting on the edge of the bed, "Who were you talking to," his grandmother asked, "I heard you speaking to someone."


    Ron smiled, the eight year old boy was more than happy that his grandmother had made him Bajoran chocolate chip cookies, nobody made chocolate like the Bajorans. "I was talking to the man that was in here, he's very nice."


    "Ron," Grandmother Baryl's voice lowered, "Aren't you a little old to have imaginary friends?"


    "He's not imaginary," Ron looked a bit angry and he grabbed a cookie from the tray his grandmother was holding, "I talk to him a lot, he says he knows mommy."


    The tray of cookies fell to the ground, scattering broken cookies and crumbs everywhere. Grandmother Baryl put a hand to her mouth and walked out of the room. Ron never said anything about the man again...


    Ron had went back to the Agincourt and heard that they had recieved new orders. He was happy and excited, he didn't like sitting around not doing anything. Even in school, if they had time off he had to have something to work on, if they didn't have an assignment then he'd make something up, just to keep himself busy.


    He found himself trying to think of excuses of getting to medical, it hadn't been long since the date but he already wanted to see her again. He hopped that a power cuppling would need adjusting or a replicator would break in sickbay, then he'd at least get to see her for a little while.


    Ron was panting as he ran and ran, what was he running from? He didn't even know, it was an odd sensation. A laser blast struck a tree beside him and he ducked down behind a rock. He had a phaser rifle in his hands and fired back in the direction the shot had come from. He jumped up from behind the rock and ran behind a tree, he could hardly see in this thick fog. He peeked out around the large tree, he could see three figures moving in the distance, they drifted in and out of vision as the fog swirled and changed position. Flank them...


    He ran with all the speed he could muster, keeping behind cover as much as he could. His feet spent more time in the air than they did on the groud, nothing here was level and he leaped from mound to mound, root to root. He stopped, the aggressors hadn't seen him. He aimed, they were much easier to see, he fired, one figure fell down. Before the other two had time to figure out what had happened and where the shot had come from Ron charged out from the behind the tree. He thought his lungs were going to collapse, how had he been running so long? He swung his rifle like a club and struck one of the agressors in the temple, he crumpled to the ground as his weapon wildly shot off into the fog. The other one saw Ron and raised his weapon to fire, he shot but missed, Ron dropped his weapon and was on top of him like an animal as he twisted the person's head, snapping their neck. He raised the lifeless body to see who it was... Cardassian.


    This wasn't something that had happened to him, where did this memory come from, it seemed like it had actually happened to him, not just a fantasy he had concocted on his walk to engineering. Maybe it was one of those strange dreams he had been having lately and he was just remembering it, it seemed like the same place in those other dreams. But this seemed more like a memory, as real as any other memory...

  13. Saw it and loved it, no complaints whatsoever. After the mediocre first two, the third one is a gift. I just saw it last night and I'm going to see it again in the hour. I even tried to Force-Persuade a kid to give me his popcorn, he was a bit scared ;)


    They did a great job with turning Anakin, everyone knew it was gonna happen but it was still good. I was actually disturbed at one point, and I'm sure anybody who has seen the movie knows which scene I'm talking about. He was actually pretty freaky. Only person's acting that I had a problem with was Nathalie Portman's, but it really didn't matter since I'm gonna marry her anyways ;)

  14. I find it easiest if you try to read as much as you can, but if you start falling behind just cut out some of the actions of the other departments, usually it doesn't directly relate to you anyways. Wait till you hit the advanced sims, you have to learn to type without looking at the keyboard ;)

  15. The Dream


    Midshipman Ron Lunn

    Assistant Engineer

    USS Agincourt, NCC-81762


    The ship was overgrown with vines and weeds of unknown sorts, it almost looked like the ship had become a part of the earth itself. It was a small ship, an attack ship, built for maybe a crew of five. He didn’t know if it was night or day but there was very little light and he had to struggle to see anything. The trees that grew up out of this marshland looked as if they could be the home of creatures he didn’t want to meet face to face.


    A twig snapped! He looked around for where it had come from, there, in the corner of his eye… movement, a dark figure. He yelled, “Hey! Who’s there?” He walked towards where the figure had been, the fog swirling around his limbs as he stirred it with his movements. “Hello?” He had reached the spot where the figure had been but he saw nothing.


    “…Rooonnn…” It was as if the breeze had just whispered his name. He spun around in circles looking for the source. Then on the third turn he stopped dead, he was staring directly into a face, but he couldn’t make anything out, the hood the figure wore blocked out what little light was present. He could feel the figure’s warm breath cutting through the cold atmosphere and brushing his face, his heart was pounding as if it was going to jump out of his chest, “Don’t forget…”


    Ron shot up in his bed, he was sweating as if he had just run a marathon. He shook his head to regain his senses and wondered what had just happened to him. It was so real, as if he was actually there, wherever there was, he could still feel the chill of the air on his skin, still feel the heavy fog brushing against him. It was the most vivid dream he had ever had… and lately he had been having a lot of strange dreams…


    He pushed back his covers and got out of bed, he was meeting with that Coeur girl from medical who he had asked out, he had to focus on that, the dream gave him an uneasy, cold feeling if he tried to focus on it.

  16. A Spark in Sickbay

    USS Agincourt, NCC-81762

    Midshipman Ron Lunn and Midshipman Mithraia Coeur Joint Log


    Midshipman Lunn sat on the bed in main sickbay with a cloth wrapped around his left hand. He sat there looking bored and became distracted by a hypospray by the side of the bed, he picked it up with his right hand and started fiddling with it, wondering when the doctor would be coming.


    Mia enjoyed her work immensely. It was one of the most comfortable places for her to be, working in Sickbay, tending to patients and being completely focused on her work. All in all, her time on the Agincourt had been constant. She worked, she went to her quarters, slept and started it all over again. It was exactly how she liked it: nice and orderly. As she approached her next patient she looked him over briefly, noting his distraction by a hypospray. She smiled gently and walked over and in her quiet, timid voice, she said, "I wouldn't play with that if I were you…" After a brief pause, "You never know what might be in it."


    Ron was startled and snapped out of his wayward thinking. He looked up and saw Mia standing infront of him, a redhead on the ship and he had never noticed her! He sat the hypospray down, "I never thought about that, wouldn't want to leave sicker than I came. I'm Ron by the way, Ron Lunn," he sat down the hypospray and extended his right hand while keeping his clothed left hand close to him.


    She reached out hesitantly, Mia seemed unsure, her bottom lip being bitten ever-so-slightly in thought. It only lasted a moment and she grasped his right hand and shook it lightly, "Doctor Mithraia Coeur. I would say it is a pleasure to meet you, but who wants to meet under these certain circumstances." Her eyes motioned around them, at the now quieter Sickbay. She pulled her hand away and picked up a PADD, tapping a few controls, "Ron Lunn... okay, I have your file here." Her icy blue eyes came back to gaze on him, "What seems to be the trouble today, Mister Lunn?" Her voice remained quiet, it was just how she seemed to talk.


    He put on his smile that he often did when he was trying to look charming, his voice also got smoother but it was subtle. "Ron, just Ron will do." He held up his left hand, "Damn plasma relays. I was working on a shuttle and didn't flush it long enough before I started working on it, put my hand inside, pulled it out and had my self a nice little burn. Came straight here to you, doc."


    Placing the PADD down on the bed beside him, she came closer and reached for his wrapped hand. Her small fingers carefully unwrapped it and she leaned in to look at the wound closely, "You indeed have yourself a pretty good burn. It would be wiser in the future to .. to be more careful." While still holding the hand in hers, she reached over to her tools and grabbed a dermal regenerator and began to run it's healing lasers over his burn, "This shouldn't .. this shouldn't take too long. I will have you fixed up in no time, Mist-..errm, Ron.." She squinted and made a brief face, slightly irritated at herself for stuttering. Mia knew that people made her nervous, but she hated stumbling over her words like that.


    Ron watched as Mia went about healing his hand. "So um, when did Starfleet start assigning the good-looking women to medical? If we had someone like you down in engineering I don't think I'd be able to focus on pulse converters and flow regulators." He looked at the side of her face with his dark brown eyes, hoping that when she looked up he'd be able to look at her eyes.


    Mia couldn't help but spurt out a chuckle. This man was definitely a charmer and it made her both nervous and excited. After being on the Agincourt from it's launch she had barely interacted with anyone. But with her, conversation never came very easily. She glanced at him, her eyes meeting his for a brief moment, "As far .. as far I know .. they have been doing it for years. My .. my mother is a doctor and is a very attractive woman.." She smiled to herself, seeing her adoptive mother's face in her mind. Katrina Coeur has a kind, beautiful face, and it had immediately soothed her anytime she looked at it or thought about it. Realizing she was still making eye contact with him, she looked away quickly .. just as she finished up with his wound.


    Ron rubbed his left hand feeling the regenerated skin, "It still stings a bit, guess that will go away." He jumped up off of the medical bed and stood up, quite taller than Mia. "So, ah, Miss Coeur, what are you planning on doing when we get to Starbase 234? It sounds like we'll be getting a bit of free time."


    Mia looked up at him, stepping back a few steps and picking up the PADD and holding it against her chest almost protectively, ".. I .. erm, I was just going to stay here. In my, my quarters." She looked at him curiously, ".. why?"


    Ron noticed that she was getting a bit protective and gave a big smile to help comfort her. She was certainly a shy girl, but something about her really attracted him, besides her good looks. There was something that she was hiding, some part of herself, just like Ron himself was doing. Whenever he had some time in the holodeck he always make his appearance be without his nose ridges, even though he couldn't see them it comforted him a bit to know they weren't there. "Well, staying in your quarters doesn't sound like much fun. After staring down a Romulan ship I think you should relax a bit. I was thinking maybe some dinner... perhaps," he gave a funny smirk that often made women smile.


    Mia's mind felt like it was going a mile a minute. A million thoughts, worries, fears, feelings raced around. She found herself smiling at him, excited at the idea that someone wanted to spend time with her. But, at the same time, scared to death to put herself out there. She took in a deep breath, ".. erm, well ... I suppose it isn't much .. much fun ... dinner seems like a good .. a good idea.. I mean, .. I need to eat..." Mia squinted again, at her lack of good communication skills. (I need to eat? What kind of a response was that, Mia?) She thought to herself, looking at him and nodding, "I mean .. s-sure. That sounds .. okay."


    Ron looked a bit confused at the jumble of words that Mia was saying, she was much different than his usual type. He often dated women who were aggressive and outgoing, he almost considered dating a sport since he often had to work to impress the woman. Mia was new, and Ron liked that newness, her shyness that he was unfamiliar with, he wondered why she was so shy. "It’s a date then!" Ron couldn't wait to reach Starbase 234 and found himself wondering how much he'd actually learn about Mia on their first date.

  17. I didn't really care for what happened to Trip. It seemed pointless. If they wanted to prove he was loyal to Archer, they could have found a better way to do it. Maybe they wanted to make a connection between Trip and Spock and Data...all willing to sacrifice themselves for their Captains and crews. If that's what it was, they should have come up with a better storyline.

    I don't think Trip's death was pointless at all, or that they were trying to make that connection. The pivotal point to understanding why Trip sacrificed himself is the conversation with Riker in the kitchen. He talks about being able to count on one hand how many people he trusts, and that whole speech about trusting them not ass in they won't steal your money, but trusting beyond everything. It's a concept that you can't put words too, I mean if you sit down and think about it, do you have a friend who you'd do that for, I have friends I care about but I think I'd hesitate to do something like that. It shows what an amazing person Trip was, and more on my original points it shows why Troi recommended Riker take part in that holodeck program, he could learn more from Trip than Troi than ever make him understand.


    It's at that moment in the kitchen, I think, that Riker realises that he feels the same way about Picard, it just took someone asking him that for him to understand. And then seeing the extreme that Trip went to he realised that his decision was rather trivial, and his loyalty to Picard was a lot more important.

  18. I really loved the finale, I thought it was awesome. I don't understand why everyone is so tiffed at the Tucker death scene, this was probably one of my favorite scenes of the whole Enterprise run. I think that more of Trip's character was revealed in that episode than any other one, we really got to see how loyal he was to Archer, loyal to the point of ready to be disloyal if it meant Archer's safety, it really speaks volumes as to who he was. So sure, his wounds weren't realistic, we watch Star Trek for the stories people, if you want good effects go watch The Matrix or something.


    The whole point of this episode was focusing on loyalty and the relationship between crew members, that was the point of having Riker's indecision in the episode. I think that Riker's storyline was excellent at showing us the effect the NX-01 crew had. People now-a-days read about historical figures such as Ghandi, or watch movies like Braveheart and use the moral questions and action that is raised in those to make better decisions in their lives, this episode showed that not only do people in the future do the same thing, but that their great heroes are the crew of the NX-01.


    I would have liked to have heard the speech too, but for people who aren't die hard Trek fans, who don't come online at least once a week and pretend to be a Star Trek character themselves, they would have quickly changed the channel rather than listen to Archer drone on about something they don't care about. Not too mention in the previous episode Archer had a big speech about the importance of the alliance, who would want to sit through another one, other than us.


    I thought this whole episode was great. I mean, they had to wrap up the show, think of all the plans they had in mind for the next 3 years or so that were suddenly cut short, they had to jam as much of that as possible into this episode. And for what it was, I think it was great. So sure, there were other better Trek finales, but those Treks had 3 more years to tell their stories, they didn't have to skip a time frame and fill you in with all that information as fast as possible. I think they did a great job on this, regardless of the minor things you can nitpick about. Its Trek, take the moral lesson and walk away, don't examine it like a zealous Vulcan, look at it for its human qualities, which is what Star Trek is ultimately about.

  19. "I want those flow regulators functioning at regular capacity," Midshipman Ron Lunn yelled over the sounds of exploding electronics. His first day on the Alpha Shift and he had been called to his battle station, handed tasks that he had never had to face before in a stressfull situation, first day and the ship was being shot at by Romulans. Now he had to dish out some orders to the crewmen, this certainly wasn't the academy anymore, if you were standing by a power conduit that exploded when the ship got shot at then you would be seriously injured, or worse...


    He pointed to a crewman, "What can you do about that damaged sensor array that was hit?"


    "I'll get on it," the stressed crewman replied. "I'll need a hand though."


    "You got it," Ron said as he rushed over to the crewman and the two started climbing a ladder up to the second level. The two started punching away at command panels, "See this," Ron pointed out where the damage was on his viewsreen. "The sensor array was hit right here, it's minimizing aft sensors."


    "I can reroute power from the cargo bay," the crewman replied, "That will stabilize it untill we can patch it up."


    "Excellent, do that. I wouldn't wanna take the rap for losing us aft sensors on my first day."


    Ron slid down the ladder and back to the engineering controls. He stopped for a second, he had to take a breath, he was beginning to panic. He ran a hand through his hair and noticed how sweaty he had become, he wished he knew more about what was going on rather than seeing all the incoming damage and having to deal with it, with no clue of how it had happened. But that was the job of an engineer, just make it work right, that was top priority. However, there was something calming in that, he found. If you were called to a job to fix a replicator in the mess, when you were finished you could use it and it would work right, you got to see the direct results of your work. He didn't know of any other department where that was true, even a little tweak to the engines would give you better output results, it was there in front of your face, no denying the good you'd done.


    "The flow regulators are back up to maximum capacity," said a crewman.


    The crewman had apprached him without Ron even realising, it snapped him back to reality. "That's good, it seems we've been given a break, no more shots are hitting us... yet."

  20. Name: Ronald Lunn

    Nickname: Ron, Ronnie

    Species: Human/Bajoran

    Gender: Male

    Hair: Brown

    Eyes: Brown

    Skin: White

    Features: Slight nose ridges

    Height: 6'0

    Weight: 185lbs

    Age: 24 (Nov.30, 2372)

    POB: Bajor

    Father: James Lunn (Human, 2347-2388)

    Mother: Baryl Narmina (Bajoran, born 2350-2374)

    Marital Status: Single


    Service Info

    Rank: Midshipman

    Position: Assistant engineer

    Assignment: U.S.S Agincourt



    Ron's history begins before he was even born. His mother, Baryl Narmina was a resistance fighter on Bajor during the Cardassian occupation. His father, James Lunn was an idealistic merchant man who risked his life to smuggle supplies to Bajor during the Occupation. Through his dealings there he met Narmina and the two instantly connected. James gave up his life as a merchant and lived amoungst the Bajoran resistance so that he could be closer to Narmina. With neither one holding any love for the Federation due to their non-interference policies during the Occupation, James decided to stay on Bajor when it ended.


    In 2372 Narmina became pregnant with Ron and gave birth on the Earth date of Nov. 30, a place he would become more familiar with than Bajor. At the time of his birth both James and Narmina had been recruited into the Maquis. Here they were prized insurgents who took on many daring missions. However, in 2374, with few remaining revolutionaries, Narmina was sent on a highly dangerous assault on Cardassian supply lines. The assault was ambushed by Cardassian attack cruisers and Narmina was killed.


    At the end of the Dominion War James returned to Earth, he was granted amnesty and raised Ron as best he could. They would still return to Bajor to visit family and friends, and Ron became versed in weapons and warfare. Back on Earth he spent much time with his uncle who had served with his father during their smuggling days of the Occupation. His uncle, Finnegan Lunn was well versed in not only engines, but in technology as a whole, and he passed these skills on to Ron. He became much more familiar with his Earth heritage than that of his Bajoran one, and didn't wear the traditional Bajoran earpiece to the disappointment of his Bajoran family. He did participate loosely in the Bajoran faith, but upheld his own Human Christian beliefs.


    As a teenager Ron excelled in sports. He took up boxing and wrestling and won awards for his prowess. His father continued to teach him about weapons, and Ron took a hobby in using his technological knowledge to modify his father's old weapons, which he had kept illegally. Ron never did great in school, especially in math or science classes, but he always managed to pass due to his outstanding projects. Ron hated doing the classroom work, but when he could get his hands dirty he always excelled, even in areas where he failed on paper. He had a couple very serious girlfriends when he was in school and was known as a charmer.


    In 2388, James returned to Bajor on his own for unknown reasons. He never returned from the trip. An investigation was made by Bajoran officials and eventually James' body turned up, but nothing was released about the cause of death and no furthur investigation was made.


    In 2393, Ron joined Starfleet Academy and put the knowledge that his uncle had taught him to good use, he joined the Corps of Engineers. He had originally intended to join the Marines, he felt it was what his father would want him to do, but wanting to make his uncle proud, who had since become his surrogate father, Ron chose engineering. Upon graduation in 2397 he was assigned to the USS Agincourt as Assistant Engineer.



    Ron enjoys sports and music, he often spars in the holodeck or plays guitar in his quarters. He considers himself a socialite and loves to be around people, especially females, flirting got him in trouble quite a few times at the Academy since he often didn't wait for the appropriate place to make flirtatious gestures. Although his Bajoran ancestry is not a big deal to him he does have an interrest in the Occupation and holds it very close to him. He may not practice Bajoran customs and beliefs, but he is VERY proud to be Bajoran, since he views them as not only an enlightened and graceful people, but also as a very strong and warrior-like people.

  21. I'm a nerd in disguise, lol. I like scifi and fantasy and tons of nerdy stuff like that, I was a nerd as a kid for sure. But not now, its nerd on the inside and all coolness on the outside, lol. I play guitar, sing and songwrite, work out, get a decent amount of dates, throw some awesome parties, but I still have to geek out once in awhile. No matter how un-nerdy I get I'll never loose Star Trek, it was the biggest part of my childhood and really played a large role in shaping me into who I am today.


    By the time I was about 16 I was one of those guys who could go between in group, I could just as easily hang out with the nerds in the computer lab and talk about Star Trek, as I could hang out with the jocks and cheerleaders, or hang out with the punks and goths. That's the way I like having it, I like being able to talk to and hang out with whoever I please because I've learned that every single group has their pros and cons. My main group of friends is an odd assortment, we all grew up together from childhood but developed in different ways, we have a professional musician, a woman who's almost a nun, a punk, a hippy, an anime geek, two jocks, a lawyer, and me who's becoming a teacher. We all get along and are really tight but we're all so different.


    So what I'm saying is that I think Star Trek attracts people from all different walks of life. I've met really scary biker guys who love Star Trek, and I've met nerdy barely-100lbs pocket protector geeks who like Star Trek, and I've been on dates with blond-haired sterotypically hot women who love Star Trek (which by the way I date women like I hang with people, all different types), and they're all cool in my eyes.

  22. Cadet Ron Lunn reporting here. Over the last two days I've joined in 3 sims and gotten good reports from each one. Having a lot of fun and meeting lots of people but I'm looking forward to graduating to the advanced sims. I have many years of online RPing under my belt, and am part way through an English degree, so writting about character interaction and development is literally my life.


    Everyone here is really good at making you feel welcome, people give friendly advice and like seeing new faces, it really make you want to stay here, the people make all the difference in online communities, and from my experience this is a great one.


    So I hope to see everyone around and hopefully get a chance to sim with you.