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Section 31 Classified records

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- 2338 B.C.: Juhdia born, to rabbinical family

- 2313 B.C.; Juhdia was murdered while traveling to neighboring village by Sumerian marauders. Word made it back to his village, but when he returned a week later he was driven out. Over then next few months Juhdia went insane and returned to his village and slaughtered everyone including his wife and eight children. He becomes known to be the Great Destroyer.

- 2309 B.C.; Juhdia meets his first other immortal, Methos. Methos trains Juhdia and asks him to replace one of the ‘Four Horsemen’, Death. Juhdia accepts and spends the next one hundred and sixty years as one of the Four Horsemen.

- 2148 B.C.; Juhdia leaves the Four Horsemen and becomes a wandering sword for hire.

It was during this time Juhdia was known as Comas Terriban, the Sell Sword, a fierce Sumerian fighter/assassin. This was the first time Juhdia took an alternate identity.

- 2110 B.C.; Juhdia rejoins Methos as the two Immortals form a secret society, to watch and record Immortals. It was during this time Juhdia took his first trainee, then when the training was finished, Juhdia took the head of his student. He would do this for the next 200 years.

- 1976 B.C.; Juhdia, now known as Sepah, leads Pharaoh Sesostis the First’s forces into Nubia. There here becomes known as Sepah the ‘Deathwalker’.

- 1800 B.C.; Juhdia, now known as Heilo, aids the Amorites as they take over the city of Babylon. There he takes the heads of two Immortals in battle, Junel and Gresh. Both were high ranking Babylonian Generals.

- 1493 B.C.; Juhdia, known as Nehsi, leads the naval search for Punt as ordered by Queen Hatshepsut. Nehsi locates Punt, but sets up a secret trade where he controls the riches being brought back to Egypt. In Punt he meets another Immortal, Naduia. The two battle for three days straight until they call it a draw. Nehsi makes a pact with Naduia to keep Egypt out of Punt, for a small fee.

- 1220 B.C.; Juhdia, now known as Heputut, leads Pharaoh’s army after the Jewish slaves during ‘Exodus’. But turns tail and runs after watching the Red Sea part and the twister of Fire sent forth by God. At this point, Juhdia begins to develop a hatred against his own people, the Jews.

- 1050 B.C.; Juhdia leads the Philistines as they conquer Israeli. This is his most heinous act as he orders a select few Jews to be executed by beheading. Juhdia did this himself in secret, killing four Immortals this way.

-705 to –681 B.C; Juhdia now known as Sennacherib, king of Assyria rules Niveveh with an iron fist, his rule became to be known as one of histories darkest symbol of tyranny and bloody suppression, culminating with the Assyrians destroying Babylon in – 701 B.C. During his time as Sennacherib, Juhdia took the heads of twenty-one Immortals.

- 480 B.C.; Now known as Tempus, Juhdia leads a small band, 300 in all, of Spartans in to battle with the invading Persians at Thermopylae. A year later Juhdia, posing as Pausanias, leads the Greeks to victory over the Persians at Plataea, near Athens.

- 462 to – 40 B.C.; Juhdia wanders to Asia Minor, there learning about a new Immortal that shows much promise, it is during this time Juhdia takes Kurgan as his trainee, but Juhdia does not take Kurgan’s head after the training is finished, as Juhdia sees a lot of himself in Kurgan.

-40 B.C.; Juhdia returns to Rome to find it in turmoil, he quickly sides with Octavian using the name Marcus Cato, Marcus serves Octavian loyally.

- 31 B.C.; As Marcus Cato, Juhdia leads Octavian’s forces to defeat Mark Anthony and Cleopatra, there by claiming Egypt in the name of Octavian, who later changes his name to Augustus, ruler of the Roman Empire and Egypt.

- 9 B.C.; Marcus Cato killed in battle for Germania.

25 A.D.; Juhdia reappears as Augustus Cato, son of Marcus Cato. He becomes Tiberius’ greatest Centurion and under Tiberius forms the ‘Order of the Blade’, which later becomes ‘The Knights Templar’.

30 A.D.; Augustus Cato pierces the side of Christ with his spear, which later becomes known to be ‘The Spear of Destiny’.

51 A.D.; Augustus Cato captures and kills Caractus, ending Britain’s resistance to Roman rule. During this time Juhdia encounters a Spaniard among the dead and waits for him to come back to life. For the next 60 years Juhdia teaches Ramirez. The two travel the globe training.

111 A.D.; Ramirez and Juhdia part ways in Japan, Juhdia does not take Ramirez’s head because he respects him too much. But Juhdia tells Ramirez that if it comes down to just the two of them in the end, he will not hesitate to take Ramirez’s head. “Remember Ramirez, there can be only one.”

112 to 452 A.D; Juhdia travels the Earth, looking for new Immortals, training them, then taking their heads once they have finished his training. Juhdia kills over one hundred and fifty Immortals during this time.

454 A.D.; Juhdia, now known as Galahad, joins the court of King Riothamus, who is later known in history as King Arthur. With his tales, Galahad inspires the court of Camelot to search for the Holy Grail. Even though centuries ago Juhdia hid the Grail, in Asia Minor, but told them to search in the Middle East. Thus causing the future Crusades, among other battles of Northern Europe and the Middle East.

537 A.D.; Juhdia follows Riothamus and retrieves Riothamus’s sword from the lake he casts it into. Giving Juhdia two of the greatest and most famous weapons in history, ‘The Spear of Destiny’ and ‘Excalibur.’

1097 to 1099 A.D.; Juhdia, now known as Godfrey of Bouillon, leads the march of the Crusades to Jerusalem, defeating the Turks as he goes. He finally captures the Holy Land in the name of Pope Urban the II, but before he can be rewarded, Juhdia slips away.

1128 A.D.; Juhdia makes a pact with the Vatican, that recognizes ‘The Knights of Templar’ as the defenders of the faith, giving great power to Juhdia, now known as Richard Martel. Juhdia hides the Spear of Destiny, Excalibur, the Arc of the Covent and the Holy Grail in the catacombs of Vatican City, each artifact hidden in the tomb of one of his former identities. Wanting more power, Juhdia begins his plot to become Pope.

1483 A.D.; Juhdia, now known as Tomas de Torquemada, is appointed as Grand Inquisitor of the Spanish Inquisition. Juhdia finds a personal joy in killing Jews as they were his own people who turned their backs on him in his time of need. This is the first time Juhdia used his power to make the Jews suffer. But during this time Juhdia became dishearten over the power of the Catholic Church and began plans to destroy the church.

1517 A.D.; Juhdia, now known as Martin Luther, posts his 95 theses on the door of the Palast Church in Wittenberg, beginning the Protestant reform. This was Juhdia’s greatest act against the Holy Roman Catholic Church.

1526 A.D.; Juhdia hangs himself in his cell, allowing him to escape imprisonment. He travels to Japan and hides from the Roman Catholic Church there.

1685 A.D.; Juhdia meets and trains with Miyamoto Musashi, inspiring the Sword Saint to write down his teachings for future generations, Musashi does so, but does so in letters to a monk he knew. Later with the help of Juhdia these letters are joined together to make the book, ‘Book of Five Rings.’

1762 A.D.; At this time Juhdia lead two lives at once, one was Comte de Saint Germain and Donatien Alphonse Francois Sade. This allowed him to challenge the Catholic Church in his writings as de Sade and to keep the political environment of Europe in upheaval. As Saint Germain, Juhdia formed the Freemasons and brought back the Knights Templar. Juhdia leaves a double to be executed as de Sade. It was at this point Juhdia met the mortal Kristopher Thomas J’cin and came across the Immortal Marie Du' J’cin. Though the two did not fight, Marie had given up on the Gathering. She separated from Juhdia when she was publicly executed.

1775 A.D.; Juhdia now known as Richard Augustus, leads Manchurian forces against the White Lotus Society, Augustus kills over eight thousand suspected conspirators and under his orders twelve thousand more are killed. It was during this time Juhdia first met Conner McLeod. The two Immortals fought on different sides. They met after Juhdia had just taken the head of another Immortal and was recovering from the Quickening. Conner on a sense of honor let Juhdia live, but vowed to take his head one day.

1793 A.D.; Juhdia returns to France and aids the French government, until the Holy Roman Empire declares war on France. Then Juhdia switches sides and aids the rebellion, leading to mass executions under his command in France a year later. During this time Juhdia came across the now Immortal Kristopher Thomas J’cin.

1809 A.D.; Juhdia now known as Commander Louis Dumont of Napoleon’s Army, leads a regiment into Rome and takes Pope Pius VII prisoner. Juhdia later fakes his death as Dumont before Napoleon orders him to take Prussia.

1812 to 1925 A.D.; During this time Juhdia travels the world, in 1836 Juhdia, now know as Timothy Rusit, joins Sam Huston, Daniel Boone and Jim Bowie at a fort in the newly formed state of Texas. Later he leaves for India and meets up with a young writer. There Juhdia, now known as Fenton Martel, meets and lives with Rudyard Kipling. Martel adopted a mongoose that had saved the two from a cobra. Martel named the mongoose ‘Rin-tin-tikki.” A few years later Juhdia buys a copy of one of Kipling’s books and is enraged that his good friend is making money off of his pet. “The bastard never liked Rin. Expletive, expletive, expletive.” Later Juhdia travels to America where he joins the US Calvary as James Richards. Richards is promoted to the rank of Captain and placed as secondary commander in charge of ‘C’ troop of the Seventh Calvary, under Captain Benson. In 1876 ‘C’ troop provides cover for the other five troops of the Seventh Calvary at the Battle of Little Big Horn. There were no survivors of ‘C’ troop. Juhdia spends the next few days hiding from Sioux and the US Calvary, where he makes his way to Europe and hides. In 1889 he lived with a Freemason ally in the White chapel distract of London.

1925 to 1942 A.D.; Juhdia now known as Reihard Heydrich. Moves to Germany and meets up with the leader of a rising political party, Adolph Hitler of the National Socialist Party. The two men became fast friends as there both shared a vision for Jews. Later Heydrich was promoted to SS Lieutenant General, head of the Reich Security, which included the Gestapo. He organized the Einsatzgruppen and led the Wannsee Conference of January 1942, where the coordination of the "final solution" was discussed. Fearing that the Reich would lose the war once England and America persuaded Stalin to join the Allied Forces. So he gathered his fellow Immortals and they all planned their own deaths. Juhdia was the first to go. Members of the Czech resistance shot him on May 27, 1942, near Prague. He later came back and took the heads of his fellow Nazi Immortals, ten in all.

1942 to 1949 A.D.; Juhdia hides out with the Knights Templar, but comes out of hiding using the name Hiram Juhdia, Nazi Hunter for the Nuremberg Courts. Using his knowledge of the Nazi Forces, he captures thirty of his fellow Nazis.

1981 A.D.; Now known as Richard Reihard a geneticist student at MIT, he works with a group of programmers under the lead of William Gates. The group design an Apple based program, which runs on IBM clones, they call it Windows 1. Gates buys Reihard’s rights to the program, Reihard accepts stock, 200,000 shares, in exchange for Reihard’s rights to the program.

1987 A.D.; Graduates from MIT with a PhD. in Physiology and Diseases and a Masters Degree in Computer Programming.

1991 A.D.; begins working for the World Health Organization, WHO.

1998 A.D.; propositions the UN to act on the ‘Eugenics Question’, after much debate Reihard is appointed as leader of the WHO and plans out the solution to the ‘Eugenics Question.’ He uses his notes and plans from the Wannsee Conference. With in months every nation except for Israeli, is mass producing cyanide gas, with in days death camps are erected all over the world. Reihard has the UN make it illegal for anyone to hide Eugenics as Treason to the world. Soon it is law that even those suspected of helping Eugenics be executed. While in Lebanon, Juhdia comes across Marie again, but she started using the Briana, Juhdia makes it clear that he cannot save her if she tries to rescue any of the Eugenics as he did during WWII when she would save people from the concentration camps. It is during this time he meets an Immortal named Zanna. He watched her go to the gas chamber and die. When her body was carried out, Juhdia took it to his private cabin in Washington. He watched and waited for her to come back to life. Once she did, he found out about her, how she came from a rich but sickly family, everyone in her family suffers from Diabetes and Cancer. Her parents wanted her to be better and had her placed in an Eugenics program. Zanna was born healthy, but a few years later the Eugenics War started and her family turned their backs on her. Juhdia saw her as the most perfect Immortal ever, He wanted to keep her, to train her and to love her. But Zanna only wanted to die. Juhdia did as Zanna wished, but only because he loved her.

2017 A.D.; Juhdia now known as Eli Juhdia, leader of the ‘Savior is Risen Church.’ Dies after he is crucified. Then three days later Juhdia leaves his tomb and proclaims himself the new messiah. And on his command his followers kill themselves, over 600,000 in all. It is after this that Juhdia goes through a time of self-renewal and with the help of Duncan McLeod, changes his ways. It is at this time Juhdia turns his back on the Gathering and refuses to fight any more.

2063 A.D.; Juhdia now known as Russell Gibson of Australia, works with Zefram Cochrane and John Eaves on the first Earth made Warp capable ship, the Phoenix.

2096 A.D.; leaves Earth on the first Warp 2 capable ship, looking for parts unknown.

2162 A.D.; returns to Earth to fight in the Romulan War.

2180 A.D.; now known as Captain Arcamedis Dumont, fights in the battle of Cheron, his vessel, the USS New York, scores seventy kills under his command. Further use of the ‘Dumont Maneuver’ forbidden by Earth Command as it damages the ship more than it out maneuvers the enemy.

2187 A.D; Again Juhdia travel the galaxy, this time using a five-man crew ship that is Warp 3.4 capable.

2189 A.D.; Crash lands on the Breen home world after and attack by Nausican pirates. All of his crew dies and he is left stranded on the Breen Home world.

The Breen find Juhdia and kill him, but he comes back to like, the Breen try five more times, but they cannot kill Juhdia. The Breen Northern Prefect declares Juhdia a God and under Juhdia’s rule the Breen Home world learns to live in peace.

2198 A.D.; Juhdia fixes his ship and leaves the Breen Home world. Over the next seventy years Juhdia’s Dogma is perverted and the Breen become a warrior race again and once they discover Warp technology, the begin to conquer neighboring Star Systems.

2199 to 2261 A.D.; Juhdia returns to Earth and changes the Watchers to an elite Intelligence organization known as Section 31.

2264 A.D.; travels with a group of colonist to a planet just past the rim of the Beta Quadrant, called Ariel IV.

2265 to 2368 A.D.; Lives in exile of his own choosing, until civil war begins on Ariel IV. With the aid of a few Starfleet Officers Juhdia overthrows the current Colony President and travels back to Earth, using the name Crispin Xavier.

2371 A.D; enters Starfleet Academy’s six year program under a double major, double minor program. During this time Cadet Xavier works with Starfleet Intelligence deciphering Breen messages during the Dominion War. While in the Academy Juhdia comes across Briana yet again, the two were on friendly terms then from their last encounter.

2377 A.D; Graduates Starfleet academy, promoted to rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade and assigned to the USS Lincoln, as secondary Chief of Security.

2379 A.D.; During a Search and Rescue mission on Delovia VII, to rescue Federation Ambassador Hart, all but Xavier, the Ambassador, and three of the Security Officers were killed. The Lincoln’s Chief of Security was killed by the Breen attackers. Xavier used his knowledge of the Breen language and his ranking of a God to make the Breen surrender. He was given a field promotion to Lieutenant Senior Grade and appointed Chief of Security of the Lincoln. Five months later Starfleet Command officially recognizes promotion of Mr. Xavier.

2380; Reassigned to Defiant class vessel USS Dumont, named after the hero of the Romulan War, Captain Arcamedis Dumont, as Chief of Security and promoted to rank of Lieutenant Commander. Juhdia finds it funny that he now serves on a ship dedicated to him. While serving on the USS Dumont he lead a team of Security officers on an attack on a research facility on Denubian IV. There he rescues a Ferret which was used for drug testing and acquires his Denubian Neuralizor, which becomes Juhdia’s favorite weapon, but to conform with Starfleet regulations, it is set for stun only.

2381; Demoted to rank of Lieutenant Senior Grade after the death of an ambassador, under his watch. It turned out that the two Ambassadors were Immortals, one was Duncan McLeod and the other was a former student of Juhdia. When Clovis challenged Duncan to a duel, Xavier could not interfere. He ordered his men out of the main hall and closed the doors, so Clovis and Duncan could fight. Xavier was later brought up on charges and demoted. Eight months later Starfleet Intelligence transfers Mr. Xavier to Command HQ, Mr. Xavier placed under inactive status.

2383 A.D.; Status reactivated and Mr. Xavier assigned to the USS Excalibur, Engineering department. Mr. Xavier is demoted to rank of Ensign according to Starfleet regulation 49-A section 12, paragraph C. Which states, ‘that any Officer transferring department and ship will be demoted in rank, to appropriate rank of a new Officer of the

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good but wierd bio

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Wow! I think this is the oldest character I know of in STSF. Interesting combination of Highlander, history, mythology, and Star Trek.


- 2338 B.C.: Juhdia born, to rabbinical family

^^^^^^^ Time travel? There were no rabbis until close to the dawn of the common era.


England and America persuaded Stalin to join the Allied Forces


America was the last of the three to declare war on Germany.


> Now known as Richard Reihard a geneticist student at MIT, he works with a group of programmers > under the lead of William Gates. The group design an Apple based program, which runs on IBM


Bill Gates never went to MIT. He was a Harvard dropout, and he was done there by '81. Apple didn't release the Macintosh until 1984, meaning there's nothing to copy until then. Windows 1.0 was released in 1985, and was a complete failure.

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